Detailed calendar of pregnancy and woman's feelings by week. Elevated basal temperature. Discharge from the chest

All women planning a pregnancy are interested to know what sensations arise in the early stages of pregnancy. How can you understand that pregnancy has begun, for example, when there is no delay yet and the test is not yet able to confirm the fact of pregnancy?

It should be noted that the first sensations of pregnancy are different for everyone. Even for a particular woman in each new pregnancy, everything can be different.

Today we will consider the physiological changes in a woman's body in the first days and weeks of pregnancy and, based on this, we will stipulate the most probable and typical feelings of a future mother.

Changes in hormonal levels after conception

The gestation period is considered to be from the first day of the last "critical days", when fertilization itself cannot yet occur. Only in the middle of the female cycle, a female reproductive cell - an egg cell - is released from the mature follicle of the ovary.

In the future, it moves along the fallopian tubes, where a meeting with the male reproductive cell - the sperm cell - can occur. After the fusion of two cells, a fertilized egg is formed - a zygote. The zygote moves to the reproductive organ of the uterus in order to gain a foothold in the wall of the uterus. Implantation into the wall of the uterus (fixation) occurs 7-10 days after conception.

At the site of the release of the egg in the ovary, a corpus luteum is formed, which produces a hormone that preserves pregnancy - progesterone.

Prior to this, estrogens played a dominant role among the sex hormones of women. With the onset of pregnancy, estrogens cede the main role to progesterone.


  • prepares the endometrium (tissue of the uterine wall) for embryo implantation,
  • maintains the normal tone of the uterus for a safe bearing,
  • contributes to the preparation of the mammary glands and genital tract for childbirth and the subsequent period after the birth of the child.

Now let's look at the sensations that can arise if a woman becomes pregnant.

Pulling pains

Around the middle of each menstrual cycle, a woman may feel a slight pulling pain on the right or left. These pains are associated with the release of the egg from the ovary. Its exit is accompanied by rupture of the ovarian follicle membrane, that is, a kind of microtrauma.

The very meeting of two reproductive cells, their fusion, then the movement of the zygote through the fallopian tubes pass for a woman imperceptibly and without any manifestations.

Only at the time of embryo implantation, especially sensitive representatives of the weaker sex can feel a slight tingling or distention in the lower abdomen. This may be due to the fact that when it is introduced into the wall of the uterus, the embryo, as it were, drills a place for itself in the loose uterine layer for good fixation.

At this point, a woman may even have scanty discharge of a caramel color or slightly darker, since the perforation of the uterine wall itself takes place with damage to the surface vessels and capillaries.

Many women can perceive these spotting discharge as a harbinger of the coming menstruation, which is no longer destined to occur with the successful development of pregnancy. But most often, implantation occurs imperceptibly for a woman.

Why do many expectant mothers experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen in the early stages, or, as they themselves put it, “feel the uterus”? The reason is the growth of this genital organ, as well as a slight change in the position of the uterus due to an increase in its size.


Another manifestation may indicate the onset of pregnancy - increased secretion of vaginal secretions. More often this fact goes unnoticed. In practice, the majority of women, having learned about pregnancy, already post the fact that “yes, it happened”. This change is triggered by a change in hormonal levels.

Now, when pregnancy has come, the body wants to prevent infection from entering the genital tract, and therefore produces a secret, from which a mucous plug is then formed. During pregnancy, this mucous barrier protects the entrance to the genital tract and prevents infection from penetrating ascending through the uterine pharynx into the uterine cavity.

Sensitive breasts

One of the early manifestations of pregnancy is the preparation of the mammary gland, its milk ducts, for milk production.

It all starts with an increase in breast size. It kind of swells, especially the areola. The nipple itself becomes more sensitive, sometimes even painful.

The darkening of the areola area, due to the increase in the content of melanin pigment in this area, occurs a little later, closer to the second trimester of pregnancy.

Consequently, increased pigmentation of some parts of the body, including the areola of the breast, cannot be called an early manifestation of pregnancy.

Sleepiness, disorganization

At first, after the birth of a new life, a woman's body turns on the "energy saving mode". This is due to a change in the hormonal background, which contributes to the fact that all forces are "thrown" on the preservation and development of the ovum. Even prolonged sleep cannot help to cope with this condition. This "sleepy" period is short, so bear with it))


In the early stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience a slight malaise, the manifestations of which may be different. A variety of symptoms can be perceived by a woman as a mild ARVI. There may be nasal congestion, sore throat, headache, feeling of weakness.

Feeling of heat in pregnant women can be replaced by cold due to a decrease in blood pressure and a slight increase in temperature in the first weeks. Due to low blood pressure, some women feel bad in stuffy rooms, in hot baths.

In the early stages of pregnancy, a herpes infection on the lips may even pop up in those who are already familiar with this virus. Personally, I did this twice in the early stages of my two pregnancies.

All this is due to the temporary spontaneous suppression of immunity during pregnancy. A decrease in the body's defenses during this period is necessary. So the body tries to preserve the fetus, which is perceived by the immune system as an antigen (a dangerous foreign agent), since it has the genetic material of the father foreign to the mother's body.

Basal temperature

Women planning a pregnancy can find out the date of ovulation by measuring the basal temperature. Continuing to measure the temperature in the vagina, these women can even find out the date of fertilization by increasing the basal temperature above 37.1-37.4 ° C.

Usually, some time before the release of the egg from the ovary, the basal temperature decreases by 0.2-0.4 ° C, and then, when ovulation occurs, it rises sharply by 0.4-0.6 degrees.

If you continue to measure the basal temperature, you can notice, after the temperature has returned to normal, another rise in temperature, already above 37 ° C. This is a sure sign of pregnancy. Of course, if your false-positive result of a rise in basal temperature is not due to an acute infection with a general rise in body temperature.

Small swelling

Newly pregnant women usually notice slight swelling of the face or fingers. They suddenly notice that the ring, which fits, leaves a mark (indentation) on the swollen finger.

It's all the fault of progesterone again. This pregnancy-preserving hormone promotes fluid retention in the pregnant woman's body so that the fetus does not need it.

Early toxicosis is, one might say, a classic of the genre. This symptom occurs in varying degrees of severity in almost every pregnant woman. The onset of such sensations, as a rule, falls on a period of 2-8 weeks of an interesting position of a woman.

In this paragraph, I will describe all the possible manifestations that can be labeled as toxicosis, although in the classic version, any of the following is not considered toxicosis from the point of view of medicine.

A well-known sign of the onset of pregnancy is nausea. It usually appears in the morning, before meals, and sometimes immediately after meals.

Nausea is usually accompanied by increased salivation. The severity and duration of nausea usually differs from woman to woman. Moreover, even with different pregnancies of the same woman, the manifestations of toxicosis, including the severity of nausea, will differ.

Vomiting is also a common sign of short term pregnancy. You need to understand that vomiting, even in case of pregnancy, is always a protective mechanism. In this case, with the help of vomiting, the mother's body is protected from poisoning by the products of the child's metabolism, since so far all the metabolic products of the baby enter the mother's blood.

These unpleasant symptoms continue on average until the beginning of the functioning of the main metabolic organ - the placenta, that is, until 12-15 weeks of pregnancy.

In expectant mothers in the early stages, only taste and appetite can change, without signs of nausea. Can be turned away from any products.

Also, taste preferences or ideas about tasty or not tasty, about acceptable combinations of products can change. Perhaps you noticed on yourself or on friends that many women in a position want to combine salty and sweet foods at the same time (for example, pickled cucumbers with chocolate).

With smells, everything is also individual. Someone has an exacerbated sense of smell, someone has loved ones (even if they seem strange to others), or, conversely, sickening odors. For example, women often like the smell of rubber or paint for short periods.

Urge to urinate

During pregnancy, the blood supply to the pelvic organs, including the bladder, increases. Therefore, women may notice an increase in the urge to urinate.

Constipation, flatulence

During pregnancy, the action of progesterone provides relaxation not only of the muscles of the uterus, but also of other muscles of the internal organs. So, for example, the muscle tone of the intestines also decreases, which is why so often pregnant women suffer from constipation. In later periods, this manifestation occurs more often, since mechanical compression of the intestine by an enlarged uterus also joins the reduced tone of the intestinal wall.

More often than constipation, in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman is worried about flatulence. Atonic, relaxed intestinal walls do not do well in their function of moving gases. As a result - an inflated stomach and an uncomfortable feeling of a full intestine.

Delayed menses

Finally, there is a delay in critical days. This is one of the main signs of pregnancy. Like all of the above manifestations, the delay does not speak for one hundred percent of pregnancy, but there are much fewer possible other reasons for this fact than for all other signs.

Medicine is moving forward. To determine the fact of pregnancy, many methods have already been invented, even when there is still no delay as such.

You can use a pregnancy test. There are tests that have different sensitivity to the content of the hormone in the urine. You can pick up a sensitive test and find out about pregnancy literally in the first days.

You can find out about pregnancy for sure - donate blood from a vein for the hormone chorionic gonadotropin. This is a very accurate method.

There is a choice. Of course, it is imperative to listen to your body, to analyze the sensations. But if we are talking about confirming your suspicions about the onset of pregnancy with the help of subjective sensations and inaccurate signs, then perhaps it is better not to guess, but to find out exactly about such a significant event as pregnancy using simple, accessible and accurate methods. which modern medicine provides us.

Summary table of symptoms, their description and time of onset

SymptomDescriptionTime of appearance
Slight tingling in the uterus and scanty caramel-colored discharge.At the time of implantation of the ovum, especially sensitive women may experience painful sensations. Since the fixation of the embryo in the uterine wall is accompanied by damage to the superficial capillaries, sometimes caramel-colored vaginal discharge occurs.7-12 days after ovulation.
Mild drawing pain in the lower abdomen.Due to increased blood supply and an increase in the size of the uterus, its location and adjacent organs change.2-8 weeks.
The rise in basal temperature.Normally, before menstruation, the basal temperature should decrease by 0.2-0.4 ° C, with the onset of pregnancy, the temperature does not decrease, but continues to stay above 37 ° C until 12-14 weeks of gestation. Nobody calls to measure it for so long. It is just important to know that this natural increase in basal temperature is evidence of the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum of the ovary, which functions before this named period.12-15 days after ovulation.
Enhanced production of vaginal secretions.This is due to the formation of a protective mucous plug, which will prevent the penetration of infection into the uterus until the very birth. This is a well-known mucous plug, which departs on the eve of childbirth in a woman in labor.It begins to form 24 hours after fertilization, this period ends by 4 weeks of pregnancy.
Sensitive breasts.
Breast augmentation.
Breast sensitivity increases, and sometimes women even notice soreness. Reason: a change in the structure of the mammary gland in response to a change in hormonal levels.Sensitivity increases from 7-10 days after conception. Lasts 3-4 weeks. Breast enlargement continues throughout the pregnancy.
Sleepiness, incoherence.Women note that there is no strength, no energy. This is due to the action of hormones, which contribute to the fact that all the forces of the body are directed to the preservation and development of the ovum.This symptom may continue throughout the first trimester in some women.
Slight malaise.The suppression of the immune system occurs for the successful consolidation and growth of the embryo for the entire period of pregnancy. But it is during the very period of implantation and a couple of days after that a woman may feel unwell, a feeling of weakness as with ARVI.10-14 days after conception.
Small swelling.Newly pregnant women usually notice slight swelling of the face or fingers (ring mark on the swollen finger). For the development of a child, water is needed and the body stores it.1-3 weeks of pregnancy.
Nausea, vomiting, increased salivation can vary in severity in pregnant women. The timing of the onset of these symptoms in pregnant women varies greatly.2-8 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes these symptoms last up to 12-15 weeks.
Change in taste preferences and exacerbation of the sense of smell.Pregnant women often want to eat something specific or something from the food they are disgusted with. The sense of smell is sharpened. Favorite or, conversely, sickening odors appear.4-8 weeks of pregnancy.
Flatulence, constipation.The hormonal background helps to relax the walls. As a result, the intestines do a poor job of promoting intestinal contents and gases.2-8 weeks of pregnancy. Constipation in late pregnancy is more often associated with mechanical compression of the intestine by an enlarged uterus.
Delayed menses.With the successful development of pregnancy, menstruation does not occur.At the time of the delay in menstruation, the gestation period is 4 weeks.

Pregnancy is not the easiest period in a woman's life. No matter how much they talk about the wonderful expectation, no one cancels nausea and dizziness at the very beginning, pain in the back in the abdomen, edema and constant heaviness in all parts of the body. Sometimes these sensations remain a slight discomfort, which is not able to destroy the joy of expectation of new happiness, but there are times when unpleasant sensations begin to inspire fear.

We will look at a few very common situations and how you need to deal with them correctly. And also we will try to figure out which sensations are the norm, and which should be the reason for going to the doctor.

Painful uterine contractions

For almost the entire pregnancy, the uterus can periodically contract or tighten. Very often this happens unnoticed and does not cause any discomfort, especially in the first half of pregnancy. But over time, the uterus grows and contractions become more noticeable. In most cases, minor cramps or even pain in the lower abdomen is not something threatening, but if they are accompanied by the appearance of bleeding from the vagina, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Many of us have heard of false contractions. Doctors call them Braxton Hicks contractions. They are usually irregular and almost painless. Such contractions can often be felt by simply putting your hand on your stomach, but they are not a sign of a close birth, and can occur at any time.

T Women also often complain of tingling sensations in the pelvic area which may be accompanied by minor contractions of the uterus. This sensation is usually due to the baby moving down the birth canal and the increased pressure on the pelvic area. This, although unpleasant, is absolutely normal.... Usually, the discomfort goes away if you lie on your left side for a while. This position will slightly ease the pressure on the nerves, veins, and arteries, which are abundant in the pelvic area.

Having vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy usually increases significantly. This is most often associated with increased blood flow to the skin, mucous membranes and muscles surrounding the vagina. Much less often they are associated with the activity of some opportunistic microorganisms. Normally, the discharge is white or yellowish, thick enough and without a pronounced odor.

If the discharge has an unpleasant odor, a greenish color, or is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, for example, itching, then you should consult a gynecologist. But remember, in most cases, such symptoms do not indicate a serious infection, it is just that during pregnancy, all vaginal abodes become more active and the results of their activity become more noticeable. Most often, the smear shows an absolutely normal microflora, just the number of inhabitants increases slightly. In such cases, special ointments or suppositories are often recommended. But they do not give a long-term effect, and infections most often go away on their own after childbirth.

How to reduce the amount of discharge? Practically nothing, this is a feature of the body, but you can reduce the discomfort from them. It is necessary to use high quality breathable pads, without fragrances, etc. You also need to choose underwear and tights made from natural fabrics, preferably cotton. In addition, you can wash yourself more often and, in the absence of contraindications, use wet wipes for intimate hygiene.

But what exactly can not be done under any circumstances is to douche. Douching is not only completely ineffective, it can also cause infection, bleeding and even rupture of the membranes. It also increases the likelihood of an air embolism. Of course, it is extremely rare, but you should not underestimate the danger either.

Headache during pregnancy

Approximately 80% of women suffer from recurrent headaches, and this happens much more often during pregnancy. Most often, headaches are associated with a change in hormonal levels, improper posture, increased stress on the cardiovascular system, refusal from caffeine or other not entirely healthy habits, and a change in weather. In addition, for those who suffered from migraines before pregnancy, in a new position, they may disappear or worsen. Complicating the situation is the impossibility of using painkillers.

Quite often, tension headaches occur in the first and second trimesters. Usually it occurs during emotional overload, and pregnancy requires a lot of energy, so the occurrence of such pain is quite logical. It is harmless and usually goes away on its own.

In addition, headaches can be caused by various heads, neuralgias, increased pressure and even hemorrhages.
Fear should be inspired by very severe pain or prolonged headache, if this has not happened before. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice.

To avoid the appearance of a headache, it is necessary to exclude stress and too strong emotional stress, to rest more and walk in the fresh air. It is very important to eat properly and regularly, as hunger or unbalanced nutrition, especially during pregnancy, can cause headaches. If the problem is in the spine, then gentle massage can help relieve pain. During bouts of pain, you need to lie down in a well-ventilated area, close the windows and lie down for a while, you can use a cold compress on your temples.

Discomfort in the urinary system

Frequently, the first sign of pregnancy is increased urination. During the entire pregnancy, this problem may come or subside, but it will go away completely only after childbirth. Especially difficult with this in the third trimester, when the baby is already growing and presses on the bladder harder every day.

The likelihood of developing various urinary tract infections during pregnancy is greatly increased. For many women, it becomes an integral companion of all pregnancies. Inflammation of the bladder is also common. The main symptoms of such infections are burning during and after urination, pain during urination, frequent urge to urinate, and the presence of blood in the urine. If there are too many symptoms or they differ in intensity, it is better to consult a doctor about the choice of treatment tactics.

Unfortunately, the arsenal of drugs for treating these conditions during pregnancy is very limited. But avoiding urinary tract infections during pregnancy is possible... To do this, you must adhere to all the rules of hygiene and common sense. And, in addition, to empty the bladder on time and drink more fluids. Cranberry juice works well and reduces the likelihood of infection by oxidizing the urine and thus killing bacteria.

Swelling during pregnancy

Swelling of the extremities is absolutely normal during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimester. It is usually accompanied by symptoms such as swelling and numbness of the hands and fingers, heaviness in the legs, and swelling of the feet. The skin in places of edema becomes paler and unnaturally smooth. The place of edema feels hot to the touch and hurts, and when pressed, there are notches that do not disappear for a long time.

In most cases, swelling is not at all a cause for panic and does not require any treatment.... They are associated with the fact that the grown uterus presses on the vessels of the internal organs. Anxiety is caused only by situations when, against the background of edema, breathing difficulties, surges in blood pressure, protein in the urine appear. Also, you should consult a doctor if the swelling does not disappear after rest.

Most modern doctors agree that the treatment of edema is not necessary. Treatment is only done if the swelling is a symptom of eclampsia or another serious medical condition. By itself, edema is not a danger and brings exceptionally slight discomfort.

The advice to use diuretic medications or fees to combat edema should be taken with more than skepticism, since most of them are contraindicated in pregnancy. But rest with limbs raised upward or feasible harm will not cause and can help in solving the problem of edema.

Low back pain during pregnancy (Video)

Low back pain is an almost invariable attribute of pregnancy. They usually appear already in the second trimester, as they are associated with a shift in the center of gravity due to the growth of the abdomen. But sometimes back pain appears already in the first trimester. By the eighth month, the pain usually intensifies, as the baby's head begins to put additional pressure on the mother's lower back.

The main cause of back pain is the increased load on the spine. If a woman at the same time has weak muscles of the pelvis and lower back or suffers from scoliosis or osteochondrosis, then the pain can increase significantly. In addition, during pregnancy, it is common for the hip-sacral ligaments to relax and the woman has to bend her shoulders and neck back to maintain balance, which puts more stress on the lower back. The pain can be given in and have different intensity, but in most cases it is absolutely harmless and goes away after childbirth.

Sometimes, neurological pathologies such as sciatica or dislocation of the intervertebral discs lead to back pain. Their treatment during pregnancy is limited to bed rest or wearing special bandages. Pain relievers can be taken if absolutely necessary.

Sometimes your back can hurt due to kidney inflammation. In this case, the pain is very strong and radiates to the groin along the ureter. In parallel, the temperature may rise and blood may appear in the urine. In such a situation, you definitely cannot do without the help of doctors. The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound and an appropriate treatment is selected, which most often includes antibiotics and antispasmodics.

In some cases, even pancreatitis can cause back pain. In general, pain with such a diagnosis is concentrated in the epigastric region, but can radiate to the shoulder or lower back. Other symptoms are nausea, diarrhea, uncontrollable vomiting, and bloating. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital.

Feeling in the stomach in early pregnancy can be an important clue for a woman. According to some signs, even before the delay, one can suspect the emergence of a new life. To do this, you need to constantly listen to yourself. The best time to observe the "behavior" of the abdomen is morning and evening. During the day, the expectant mother is busy with work, household chores and daily hustle and bustle. At this rate, it will be very difficult to notice minor changes.

The planning woman can feel whether she is pregnant or not after she has attempted to conceive. One can suspect a new position on the basis of unusual signs. After conception, the nature of the discharge may change. Characteristic changes may appear if the girl was leading him. At the same time, the expectant mother notes what feelings she is experiencing now. All this can be a hint for the most impatient.

However, it is possible to reliably determine early pregnancy only by a blood test (). Laboratory analysis not only provides an answer to an exciting question, but also helps to roughly calculate when fertilization occurred.

Go short in a couple of minutes and get an answer - are you pregnant or not.

Feelings in the abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy, before the delay, practically do not change. A woman may notice minor pulling pains, tingling sensations. However, this symptom can also inform about the approaching menstruation. The first signs of a new situation include minor bleeding. It occurs when a fertilized egg is implanted. This symptom occurs about 3-7 days after conception.

The fact that the stomach hurts after conception is to blame for progesterone, which affects the uterus and intestines. This may be a sign of imminent menstruation, or it may be that the fertilization of the egg has taken place. Weakness and drowsiness, fever and signs of acute respiratory viral infections are noted in every third pregnant woman. All these symptoms can become an indirect indication that the decree is coming soon.

Feeling in the abdomen during ovulation and conception

Depending on the sensitivity threshold, the sensations before ovulation and during fertilization in women may be different. A pulling pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle suggests that the egg will be released soon. The discomfort lasts for 1 to 2 days and is a pressing pain.

The woman has the feeling that there is something big in one side of the abdomen. This is how the growth of the dominant follicle manifests itself. During the day before ovulation, it reaches its maximum size. It happens that two follicles grow in one ovary at once. In such a situation, the bursting sensations are brighter. The release of the egg may be accompanied by slight pain. However, not every woman can experience ovulation; many do not experience absolutely nothing unusual in the middle of the cycle.

During fertilization, no sensations can arise even in the most sensitive women. The size of the egg and sperm is so small that it is impossible to feel their fusion.

Feelings in the stomach during early pregnancy can be very different. Often they turn out to be far-fetched, because a woman is trying to look for pregnancy symptoms. The fact that conception has occurred (or rather,) may be indicated by a slight stabbing pain in the uterus. The attachment of the egg is accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane. The embryo "digs" itself a hole in the endometrial layer. It also causes damage to small blood vessels and the appearance of brown discharge (but this is not always the case).

When conception occurs and a woman has a stomach ache during sexual intercourse, this may indicate an inflammatory process in the small pelvis or other diseases. Regularly recurring discomfort should alert and become a reason for contacting a gynecologist. The lower abdomen after conception may pull slightly and hurt, as the uterus is toned. This condition is triggered by various factors:

  • embryo implantation;
  • bowel problems;
  • progesterone deficiency;

Acute pain after conception, localized in the lower abdomen, should not normally be. If such anxiety arises even before the onset of menstruation, then you need to consult your doctor. Perhaps we are talking about a symptom of a pathological process. All women who are looking for signs of pregnancy in themselves should know that during conception the stomach cannot hurt much. Slight discomfort, pulling or pressing sensations, tingling sensations do not cause much concern and go away on their own within a few days. Any acute, unbearable pain that disrupts the usual rhythm of life is a reason for examination.

How the belly changes after conception

Some women recognize the new position by their belly. After conception, a barely noticeable dark strip appears in the area between the pubis and the navel. Such pigmentation does occur during pregnancy, but usually at a later date, after a delay. In addition, the formation of a darkened area cannot be a reliable sign of a new position, this is only indirect evidence.

After conception, the uterus becomes larger. When compared with the beginning of the menstrual cycle and the size after menstruation, the genital organ grows about one and a half times. Growth will continue over time. The uterus after conception is comparable in size to a fist. She is tense to the touch (during a pelvic examination). At the same time, the neck remains soft and acquires a bluish tint. The change in the color of the mucous membrane is associated with increased blood circulation in the pelvic cavity.

The abdomen during early pregnancy does not change its size. However, it seems to some women that it is increasing. This is because slight tissue edema may occur. It arises from the restructuring of the hormonal background. For the same reason, during pregnancy, stool may change before the delay.

Active synthesis of progesterone is necessary to maintain the appropriate tone of the uterus. This hormone is designed to relax the reproductive organ in order to prevent the rejection of the ovum. It also has a relaxing effect on the intestines. As a result, peristalsis is inhibited. The retention of feces causes fermentation, and therefore flatulence increases. The expectant mother can celebrate new sensations: gurgling, rumbling, increased flatulence (in a simple way, gases). During this period, women have the feeling that they do not fit into everyday clothes due to the increased growth of the abdomen. In fact, discomfort is not associated with a rapid increase in the uterus, but is just a consequence of intestinal rebellion.

Symptoms that can be attributed to indirect signs of pregnancy:

  • pulls the lower abdomen;
  • a barely noticeable pigment strip is formed in the cross section;
  • bloating occurs, accompanied by flatulence;
  • the stomach swells and does not fit into the usual clothes;
  • the uterus becomes tense, gradually increases in size;
  • the cervix remains calm (remains soft and relaxed).

Why does the stomach hurt in early pregnancy?

Even before the delay, a woman may notice that strange processes are taking place in the stomach. The expectant mother can associate them with the new position and find the complete symptoms of the conception that took place. After the delay, her suspicions are justified with a home test, blood test or ultrasound scan.

Both before the exact establishment of pregnancy, and after it, a woman may have a stomach ache. The nature of the unpleasant sensations is pulling, pressing, bursting, sharp, cutting. Manifestations occur temporarily (depending on the influence of external factors) or are constantly present.

If the stomach pulls after conception, then for your own reassurance you need to consult a gynecologist. Having excluded possible problems and having determined that the pregnancy is uterine, the patient will receive a list of approved drugs to relieve discomfort. Every second expectant mother who seeks medical help due to abdominal pain in the early stages has a pathology. The sooner it is eliminated, the more chances there will be for a favorable prognosis.

Aching pains like menstruation

Pulling pains in the lower abdomen after conception indicate an increased uterine tone. Temporary sensations, not accompanied by the release of blood, may occur due to physical exertion, fatigue, nervous tension. Almost all expectant mothers face such manifestations.

It is worse when, after conception, the stomach hurts constantly. Additionally, the patient complains of lower back pain and spotting. These symptoms indicate hypertonicity and require mandatory ultrasound monitoring. During the scan, the sonologist detects a hematoma formed between the ovum and the wall of the uterus. When it opens, it comes out in the form of brown bloody discharge. The appearance of scarlet blood is an even more dangerous sign.

Pulling the lower abdomen due to hypertonicity can be due to insufficient synthesis of progesterone. This condition can be determined using a blood test to determine the level of this hormone. If pain occurs, as with menstruation, then the patient is prescribed conserving therapy. Treatment involves eliminating the cause of hypertonia and replenishing the deficiency of the corpus luteum hormone. Such abdominal pain cannot be taken as a sign of pregnancy. The disturbing symptom is dangerous and can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Sharp pain in the groin folds

Cramping abdominal pain can be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. Such a condition is dangerous for a woman's life, therefore it does not tolerate delay. An ectopic pregnancy is characterized by embryo attachment in an inappropriate place. Most of these cases are found in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes. Less commonly, the ovum is attached to the ovary or in the peritoneum.

It is necessary to understand that it will not be possible to maintain such a pregnancy. The growth of the ovum will continue until 5-8 weeks, after which it will stop. In this case, a rupture of the fallopian tube or ovary can occur, which is fraught with complete removal of the genital organs and even death. If there is severe pain in one or the other side of the abdomen, you need to consult a gynecologist in order to exclude a pathological condition.

Acute abdominal pain can be a sign of inflammation of the appendix. Statistics show that about 10% of expectant mothers face this condition. Pathology is accompanied by fever, nausea, and stool disorder. To exclude, it is necessary to consult with a surgeon, take a blood and urine test.

Feeling of pressure and fullness in the perineum

The stomach may hurt after conception due to sprains. The rapid growth of the uterus makes the pelvic floor muscles work. The ligaments holding the genital organ are stretched, which causes lumbago and a feeling of pressure in the perineum. This often happens during long periods of pregnancy, when the uterus extends beyond the pelvic floor.

Pressure and distention can be triggered by bowel movements. As you know, progesterone affects the functioning of the digestive tract. Consuming a large number of incompatible foods (which is not uncommon in the early stages) causes a bursting sensation in the stomach.

It is not always possible to differentiate one's feelings and distinguish physiological discomfort from pathological one independently. To dispel doubts and get rid of worries, you need to consult with a gynecologist.

Here's how to deal with all of these signs and symptoms, which can be both uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Stomach ache

Lower abdominal pain during the first and second trimesters is often the result of normal changes that occur during pregnancy. As the uterus enlarges, the ligaments and muscles that support it stretch. It can cause cramping, stabbing or pulling pains on one or both sides of the abdomen. The pain is felt more strongly when you cough, sneeze, or change body position.

An example of a discomfort in the abdomen or groin in mid-pregnancy is a sprain of the round ligament, a rope-like muscle that supports the uterus. Such sensations can last for several minutes, then pass.

If you have had abdominal surgery, you may feel pain when the adhesions, bands of scar tissue adhered to the abdominal wall or other organs are stretched. The enlargement of the abdomen causes these bands to stretch or even come off, which can be painful.

If the discomfort is insignificant and occurs and disappears irregularly, most likely there is nothing to worry about. If they become regular, it is possible that you are starting to labor, even if the term is still far away.

How to prevent and overcome. If you have abdominal pain, you may feel better if you sit down or lie down. A warm bath or relaxing exercise can also help.

Severe, stubborn pain can be a sign of a serious problem, such as an ectopic pregnancy, or closer to the date of birth, onset of labor or placental abruption. In an ectopic pregnancy, usually in the first trimester, the pain is often sharp and stabbing. The abdominal wall may be painful to touch. Possible vomiting of blood and pain in the lower back. In the second half of pregnancy, abdominal pain accompanied by persistent pain in the lower back can signal a problem. Whatever the reason, you need to see a doctor immediately if:

  • The pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by a fever.
  • You have vaginal bleeding or discharge, upset stomach, dizziness.
  • You have contractions that can feel like tension in your stomach and a sensation similar to menstrual cramps.

Heaviness in the abdomen

Heaviness in the abdomen and pelvis is not a cause for alarm unless it is accompanied by other symptoms. In the first trimester, this is a common sensation. Chances are, you can feel the uterus begin to grow. You may also feel an increase in blood circulation. In the second and third trimesters, the feeling of heaviness is associated with the increased weight of the child. Compression of the bladder and rectum, as well as stretching of the pelvic floor muscles, also cause a feeling of heaviness.

When to seek medical attention. If early pregnancy is accompanied by pain, cramps, or bleeding, see your doctor. These could be signs of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the embryo is attached outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. In later stages, a feeling of heaviness can signal the onset of preterm labor.

See your doctor if the feeling of heaviness persists for more than 4-6 hours and is accompanied by:

  • Pain.
  • Bleeding.
  • Dull back pain that lasts more than four hours.
  • Abdominal cramps.
  • Regular contractions or strains of the uterus.
  • Watery vaginal discharge.

Soreness of the abdominal wall

During pregnancy, the growing uterus stretches the abdominal muscles. Because of this, the two large, parallel genital muscles that close in the middle of the abdominal wall can separate. Due to this discrepancy, called diastasis, a bulge can appear between the muscles.

For most women, this is not painful. Some may develop soreness around the navel. Back pain may also appear.

This may first appear in the second and become more noticeable in the third trimester of pregnancy. After childbirth, everything usually goes away, but some muscle discrepancy may persist. In subsequent pregnancies, the situation may worsen.

Health care. Usually, if the muscles are diverging, medical attention is not required. The doctor can only assess how much the muscles have parted, and advise how to correct the situation after childbirth.


Since pregnancy hormones increase the production of fat in your skin glands, you may develop acne early in your pregnancy. This is usually a temporary nuisance that disappears after childbirth.

In most cases, taking good care of your skin will help. Try the following:

  • Wash your face as usual. Avoid scrubs, masks, and the like, as they irritate the skin and cause more acne. Excessive washing can also irritate the skin.
  • Avoid irritants such as oily cosmetics, hair styling products, or acne masking. Use water-based products that will reduce pore clogging. If acne worsens in the sun, avoid direct sunlight.
  • Watch what touches your face. Keep your hair clean and away from your face. Try not to touch your face with your hands. Tightly tied handkerchiefs or tight hats can also make the situation worse, especially if you sweat a lot. Sweat, dirt and grease all contribute to acne.

Health care. Caution is needed during pregnancy, even when using over-the-counter drugs. Opinions differ regarding products containing benzene peroxide. Little research has been done on their safety during pregnancy. For acne pregnancy, erythromycin and azelaic acid are often used. Both are commonly used as lotions and gels and are available with a prescription.


A stuffy nose during pregnancy is common because pregnancy causes tissue swelling in the nasal cavity. However, many women have allergies, seasonal or persistent, even before pregnancy. Others develop allergy symptoms during pregnancy, although there were no problems before. In addition to a stuffy nose and a runny nose, sneezing appears, the eyes are watery and itchy.

Many medications for these common symptoms - antihistamines, decongestants, and combination medications - are considered unsafe during pregnancy. What is the best way to treat allergies during pregnancy.

When to seek medical attention. If the symptoms are very severe and cannot be corrected on your own, see your doctor.

Fetal hiccups

Starting in mid-pregnancy, you may feel slight twitching or cramping in your abdomen. Perhaps it is the hiccups of the fetus. She appears in the 15th week of pregnancy. Sometimes the child hiccups several times a day, sometimes does not hiccup at all. After birth, most babies have hiccups. This is most common after feeding and regurgitation. It is not known exactly why hiccups occur - in both children and adults - and why children hiccup frequently.

Fetal movements

The first movements of the baby that you can feel are called wiggling. In the first pregnancy, this exciting moment usually occurs around the 20th week, although some women feel it sooner or later by several weeks. These movements can be felt as a gentle tapping or flutter of a butterfly, as some women describe it as. At first, you may think that this is due to gas or hunger.

It is normal if in the second trimester of pregnancy, fetal movements occur as if by accident. Gradually they get stronger and more regular, you can feel them by placing your hand on your lower abdomen. Feeling the baby's movements is a pleasant moment associated with pregnancy.

As your pregnancy progresses, you will understand how and when your baby is moving. Each has its own rhythm of activity and development. The most active period is between the 27th and 32nd weeks. In the last weeks of pregnancy, activity usually decreases. If you notice a significant change in fetal activity after 22 weeks - no or slowed movement for more than 24 hours - see your doctor.

Back pain

Pregnant women are prone to back and lower back pain for a number of reasons. During pregnancy, the joints and ligaments in the pelvic region begin to soften and stretch in preparation for the baby's passage through the pelvic region. As the uterus grows, the abdominal organs shift, body weight is redistributed, and the center of gravity changes. As a result, you begin to change your posture and movement patterns. This compensation often leads to back and lower back pain.

How to prevent and overcome. To feel better:

  • Watch your posture. Pull up your glutes, straighten your shoulders, stand up straight. Watch how you stand, sit and move.
  • Change your position more often, do not stand for a long time.
  • Do not lift heavy objects, do not take children in your arms.
  • Lift correctly. Do not bend at the waist. Sit down, bend your knees and lift up with your legs, not your back.
  • If you have to stand for a long time, lift one leg on a low stool.
  • Wear comfortable, stable, low-heeled shoes.
  • Exercise (swimming, walking, stretching) at least three times a week. It would be worth enrolling in a sports group for pregnant women.
  • Try not to make sudden movements and do not raise your arms high above your head.
  • When sitting, place your feet on a raised platform.
  • Sleep on your side with your knees bent. Place pillows between your knees and under your belly. You will feel relieved by using both the custom and regular pillows.
  • Apply warmth to your back. Try heated towels, hot water bottles, etc. For some, the alternation of heat and cold brings relief.
  • Try a back massage or relaxation technique.
  • Wear underwear with a low support belt or maternity brace.
  • Stretch your lower back. Get on all fours, keeping your head in line with your back. Pull in your stomach, arch your back. Hold the pose for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat five times. Gradually bring the number of repetitions to 10.

When to seek medical attention. If your back hurts badly, tell your doctor. You will be offered a variety of ways, including specific exercises, to relieve pain. Also see your doctor if your back hurts for more than 4-6 hours or if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding.
  • Abdominal cramps or pain.
  • Discharge of tissue particles from the vagina.
  • Regular contractions of the uterus (every 10 minutes or more) that feel like tension in the abdomen.
  • A feeling of heaviness or pressure in the pelvic area or lower abdomen.
  • Watery discharge (colorless, pinkish, or brownish fluid) from the vagina.
  • Menstrual-like cramps that come and go and may be accompanied by diarrhea.

Dark line

A light line descends from the navel to the pubic bone. If you are not pregnant, it is barely visible. It may darken during pregnancy, sometimes referred to as a dark line. Like many other changes during pregnancy, skin darkening is the result of hormones causing the body to produce more pigment. You may notice that other areas of your skin also darken during pregnancy. It is impossible to prevent this, but after childbirth the skin will lighten.

Bleeding gums

Like other parts of your body, your gums receive more blood during pregnancy. This can soften and swell and bleed slightly when you brush your teeth.

How to prevent and overcome. Keep your teeth and gums in mind during pregnancy. It is important to brush your teeth regularly and see your doctor. To strengthen tissues, get the RDA of vitamin C from food or vitamin supplements.

When to seek medical attention. If the bleeding is severe and accompanied by pain, redness, or inflammation, see your dentist to check for an infection.

Blurred vision

Changes in the eyes during pregnancy can cause some blurred vision. Because excess fluid is retained in the body, the outer layer of your eye (cornea) becomes somewhat thicker.

This change may become noticeable by the 10th week of pregnancy and continue until 6 weeks after the baby is born. In addition, the pressure of the fluid in the eyeball (intraocular pressure) decreases during pregnancy. Together, these changes lead to blurred vision. If you wear contact lenses, especially hard ones, these changes may make them uncomfortable.

How to prevent and overcome. If you are uncomfortable wearing contact lenses, you may want to wear glasses more often. You shouldn't get new lenses as your vision will return to normal after giving birth.

When to seek medical attention. If your vision is suddenly blurred, you need to check it. This is especially important if you have diabetes. Talk to your doctor about how to manage diabetes, constantly monitor your blood sugar, and how to deal with visual impairments.

Blurred vision can also be associated with preeclampsia, a condition that causes high blood pressure. See a doctor if your vision deteriorates sharply, your vision is very blurry, or spots appear in front of your eyes.

Discharge from the chest

In the last weeks of pregnancy, you may notice a colorless or yellowish fluid oozing from one or both nipples. This is the colostrum that your breasts produce before milk comes in. Colostrum comes in a variety of colors and consistencies, and that's fine. It may be thick and yellow at first and becomes more watery as the time of labor approaches.

The older you are and the more pregnancies you have, the more likely you are to have breast discharge. But don't worry, if there is no colostrum, this does not mean that you will not have milk.

If you are breastfeeding, colostrum will be produced in the first few days after giving birth.

How to overcome. If you are leaking colostrum, use disposable or reusable pads. It is also helpful to air dry your breasts several times a day and after showering.

When to seek medical attention. See your doctor if nipple discharge is bloody, contains pus, or is painful. This could indicate a breast abscess or other problem.

Breast augmentation

One of the first signs of pregnancy is an increase in breast size. As early as two weeks after conception, the breasts begin to grow and change in preparation for milk production. Stimulated by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, the mammary glands inside the breast become larger and the fatty tissue increases slightly.

By the end of the first trimester, the breasts and nipples are noticeably enlarged and may continue to grow throughout the pregnancy. Breast augmentation accounts for at least 450 grams of weight gain during pregnancy. After giving birth, the breast will remain enlarged for some time.

How to overcome. When your breasts grow, wear a bra that fits well and provides good support to relieve tension on your breasts and back muscles. If your breasts bother you at night, try sleeping in a bra. During pregnancy, you will need to change your bra several times as your breasts change in size.

Breast tenderness

Often one of the first signs of pregnancy is a change in breast tenderness. A few weeks after conception, you may feel tingling, heaviness, and soreness in your breasts. The nipples can become very sensitive.

The main reason for breast enlargement is the increased production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. By the end of the first trimester, the pain usually disappears.

How to prevent and overcome. A well-fitting supportive bra will help reduce breast pain. Try a nursing bra or an oversized sports bra - they are comfortable and comfortable to breathe. It can also be comfortable to sleep in a bra.

Pain in the legs and buttocks

Pain, tingling, or numbness in the buttocks, back, and thighs are called sciatic pain (sciatica, sciatica) because it travels along the sciatic nerve, the main nerve that runs from the lower back down the legs to the feet. Pain is caused by compression of the sciatic nerve by the growing uterus or baby, or by relaxation of the pelvic joints. The pain may worsen when bending over, lifting a load, or even walking.

Although not pleasant, it is not dangerous. When the baby changes position closer to the due date, the pain will recede.

How to prevent and overcome. Warm baths, applying heat, and turning over while sleeping can relieve sciatic pain. You can also relieve pain during the day by changing your body position more often. For example, getting up and moving around every hour. Swimming will also help. In water, the pressure of the uterus on the sciatic nerve decreases.

When to seek medical attention. If you have such pain, tell your doctor. Help is needed if the numbness and pain are such that you stumble on the move or the movements of your legs are severely constrained. Physiotherapy is usually helpful for sciatic pain.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This syndrome is most commonly caused by repetitive hand and wrist movements. It is also common in pregnant women. Hormonal changes, swelling, and weight gain can compress a nerve in the wrist.

The carpal tunnel ligament is a dense membrane that holds the bones of the wrist together. The nerve, called the middle nerve, enters the hand through the tunnel between the bones of the wrist and the ligament. This tunnel is rigid, so that any swelling in this place pinches or squeezes the nerve that provides sensitivity to the thumb, index, middle and half of the ring finger. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include numbness, tingling, weakness, pain, and burning in the hands and forearms. In pregnant women, carpal tunnel syndrome often affects both hands.

How to prevent and overcome. You can reduce the discomfort by rubbing or shaking your hands. The simplest treatment can be a bandage, which must be worn at night and during activities that increase the discomfort - when you are typing, driving a car, or holding a book. Cold or warm wrist compresses may also help.

Health care. After giving birth, the syndrome almost always disappears. In rare cases, if this does not happen or if the pain is very severe, steroid injections are given. It may even require minor surgery.


During pregnancy, it may seem to you that you are all - solid elbows, knees and other protrusions. You stumble, stumble, bump into furniture, drop everything. You are afraid of falling and hurting the child. It is natural to feel awkward during this period. As the uterus grows, the sense of balance lags behind. You move, you stand, you walk differently.

In addition, the hormone relaxin, produced by the placenta, relaxes the ligaments that hold the three pelvic bones together. This allows the pelvis to open wider for the baby's head to pass through. And that also adds to the clumsiness.

Other things that make you feel awkward are fluid retention and awkwardness due to carpal tunnel syndrome. By the end of pregnancy, a large belly makes it difficult to see the steps and various obstacles under your feet. But all this is temporary, and you will bounce back after the baby is born.

If you do fall, remember that your child is well protected and most likely not hurt. For a child to be hurt, you must be seriously injured yourself.

How to prevent and overcome. There is nothing you can do about the physical changes that make you feel like an elephant in a china shop, but you can hedge against falls with some measures:

  • Don't wear high heels and flip flops. Choose shoes with low heels, stable, non-slip soles.
  • Avoid situations where you need to maintain balance - do not climb on ladders and stools.
  • If the business requires frequent changes of position, take more time for it.
  • Walk the stairs more carefully and be careful in other situations where there is a risk of falling, such as on a slippery sidewalk.

When to seek medical attention. If you fall and bruise your stomach, or are simply worried about your child's well-being, see your doctor for a check-up and, if necessary, treatment. If you fall on your stomach late in your pregnancy, your doctor may recommend an ultrasound scan to make sure the placenta is not detached from the uterine wall.

Also see your doctor if you feel contractions after falling or if you have any injuries.


Constipation is one of the most common side effects of pregnancy. To one degree or another, it occurs in almost half of women. It usually causes more trouble for those who were prone to constipation before pregnancy.

During pregnancy, an increase in the hormone progesterone slows down digestion, so that food passes through the gastrointestinal tract more slowly. In the last months of pregnancy, the constantly growing uterus compresses the lower intestines. In addition, during pregnancy, the large intestine absorbs more water, which makes the stool harder and makes it difficult to defecate.

Other factors that exacerbate the problem are irregular eating habits, stress, changes in the environment, calcium and iron supplements in the diet. Constipation can lead to hemorrhoids.

How to prevent and overcome. The first step in combating constipation is to rethink your diet. Fiber-rich foods and plenty of fluids every day can prevent or relieve constipation. Follow these tips:

  • Choose foods rich in fiber - fresh fruit, raw and cooked vegetables, bran, legumes, whole grain breads, brown rice, and oatmeal. An ancient prune remedy - dried plums - will help, as will plum juice.
  • Eat small meals often, chewing food thoroughly.
  • Aim to drink up to 8 glasses a day. Drink a glass of water before bed.
  • Move more. Slightly lengthening your daily walks or other physical activity can be quite effective.
  • Iron supplements can cause constipation. If you are advised to take these supplements and are constipated, take plum juice tablets. Or, you may need to lower your iron dose slightly.

Health care. If self-help doesn't help, your doctor may recommend a mild laxative, a bulking agent, or a stool softener. Sometimes stronger remedies are required, but they can only be used on the advice of a doctor.

Do not take fish oil as it interferes with the absorption of certain vitamins and nutrients.


When you are about to start labor, you will feel an increase in contractions - tension and relaxation of the muscles of the uterus. During labor, the uterus continues to contract, causing the cervix to thin and open so that the baby can be pushed out. Contractions gradually dilate the cervix just enough for the baby to pass.

In the early stages of labor, contractions are very different from woman to woman. In the beginning, they can last 15-30 seconds, at irregular intervals of 15 to 30 minutes. Or they may start quickly and then slow down. But their duration and frequency will increase as the cervix dilates.

Contractions may be relatively painless in the beginning, but the intensity will increase. Severity, distension, spasms, and back pain may be felt.

How to overcome. If false contractions annoy you, take a warm bath and drink plenty of fluids. If you are in labor and walking is relieving, walk stopping to breathe between contractions, if necessary. Walking will help childbirth. Some women find that swinging in a rocking chair or a warm shower can help relax between contractions as the pain intensifies.

When to seek medical attention. Monitor contractions closely to make sure they:

  • Lasts at least 30 seconds.
  • Occur regularly.
  • Occurs more than 6 times per hour.
  • Don't stop when you move.

If you are in doubt if you are in labor, call your doctor. He will want to know what other symptoms you have, what are the intervals between contractions, if you can talk during contractions. It's time to go to the hospital if:

  • The water has moved away (rupture of the membranes), even if you do not feel the contractions. You may not have contractions even if the waters have receded.
  • Contractions occur every five minutes or more. Frequent labor can be a sign of an imminent labor.
  • You have constant severe pain.
  • You are bleeding.


Abdominal cramps or pains are not uncommon during pregnancy. However, in the early stages of pregnancy, bleeding cramps can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage. In mid to late pregnancy, cramps are usually associated with uterine contractions. Sometimes constipation can be the cause. Sharp and severe abdominal pain may indicate placental abruption. Pain with fever and vaginal discharge is a sign of infection.

When to seek medical attention. See your doctor if cramping or pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by fever, bleeding, or vaginal discharge.

Dizziness and fainting

Are you dizzy? Pregnant women are often prone to fainting. This is due to changes in blood circulation where blood flow to the upper body decreases as the uterus presses on the blood vessels in the back and pelvis. This happens especially often at the beginning of the second trimester, when the vessels have dilated under the influence of pregnancy hormones, and the blood volume has not yet increased enough to fill them.

Dizziness and fainting can also happen in hot weather or from a hot bath or shower. When overheated, the blood vessels in the skin dilate, temporarily reducing the amount of blood returning to the heart.

Low blood sugar, common early in pregnancy (hypoglycemia), and low red blood cell counts (anemia) can also cause dizziness. Finally, stress, hunger, fatigue also lead to dizziness and fainting.

How to prevent and overcome. To prevent dizziness and fainting:

  • From a sitting or lying position, rise slowly.
  • Walk and move slowly. Take frequent rest breaks.
  • Don't stand for long periods.
  • Don't lie on your back. Lie on your side with a pillow.
  • Don't overheat. Avoid crowds, hot places. Dress for the weather. Do not take too hot baths or showers. Keep windows or doors open to keep the room cooler.
  • Eating little and more often is better than limiting yourself to three large meals a day. Fresh or dry fruits, whole grain breads, and low-fat yogurt are preferred.

What do you feel?

  • Stay physically active to improve blood circulation in the lower body. Suitable activities are walking, swimming, yoga for pregnant women.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially early in the day. Sports drinks are effective.
  • Eat iron-rich foods like legumes, red meat, green leafy vegetables, and dried fruits. Also, take iron supplements and prenatal vitamins as recommended by your healthcare professional.

When to seek medical attention. If you experience fainting or dizziness, tell your doctor. If this happens frequently and is accompanied by abdominal pain and bleeding, it could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, when a fertilized egg becomes attached outside the uterus.


You were dragged away by a gorilla ... You are flying over high buildings ... You talk to your child, and he answers you! During pregnancy, vivid dreams and nightmares are frequent. In a dream, the brain processes unconsciously received information. During periods of physical and emotional changes, your dreams may be more vivid and strange. Dreams will be dreamed more often and you will remember them better.

Dreams can be frightening or nightmarish. Don't worry about this. This is just a reflection of your concern about major life changes. To enjoy the world of dreams, you can try recording your dreams. You can reflect on the recordings and relate them to your feelings. If nightmares bother you, you can consult a specialist to find out the cause.

Varicose veins

During pregnancy, veins throughout the body dilate to allow increased blood flow to the fetus. These dilated vessels are visible as reddish or bluish lines under the skin, most commonly on the legs. The same lines often become visible on the chest. They usually disappear after pregnancy. Some women develop varicose veins - protruding, swollen veins, especially in the legs. Veins can also protrude into the genitals, where it is very painful. Varicose veins usually protrude towards the end of pregnancy when the uterus presses heavily on the veins in the legs and lower body.

Increased salivation

In addition to nausea, you may experience increased salivation. This is called ptyalism. This is an odd side effect of pregnancy, but it is not uncommon and can be uncomfortable. However, this is not a sign of any irregularities. The point is not that saliva is produced more than usual, but that because of nausea you do not swallow it.

How to prevent and overcome. Cutting back on starchy foods may help. Usually, when the nausea goes away, the problems with drooling also stop.

When to seek medical attention. Excessive salivation by itself does not require treatment. However, if you find it painful or difficult to swallow, tell your doctor.

Eye problems

Certain changes in the body during pregnancy can affect the eyes and vision. During pregnancy, the outer shell of the eye (cornea) thickens somewhat and the pressure of the fluid inside the eyeball (intraocular pressure) decreases by about 10%. This sometimes leads to some blurred vision. In addition to blurred vision, other changes may appear:

  • Refraction change. Due to changes in hormone levels, you may need to temporarily change the strength of your glasses or contact lenses.
  • Dry eyes. Some women develop dry eyes, which causes tingling, burning, itching, eye irritation and fatigue, and contact lens discomfort.
  • Swelling of the eyelids. Due to fluid retention during pregnancy, the eyes can become swollen. Puffy eyelids can interfere with peripheral vision.
  • Complications of diabetes - diabetic retinopathy that damages the retina - can get worse during pregnancy. If you have diabetes, your eyes should be monitored during pregnancy by a specialist. Women with high blood pressure (hypertension) may also have vision problems.

In this case, it is also necessary to be observed by a specialist.

How to prevent and overcome. To reduce the discomfort of dry eyes, use drops called artificial tears. They are safe to use during pregnancy. If your contact lenses are uncomfortable due to dry and irritated eyes, try rinsing your lenses with an enzyme contact lens cleaner more often. If it's still uncomfortable, don't worry, your eyes will return to normal within a few weeks after giving birth.

When to seek medical attention. See your doctor right away if your vision is blurred or if you have blind spots. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, your vision should be monitored by a specialist at all times.

Darkening of the facial skin

In more than half of pregnant women, the skin of the face darkens slightly. This brownish hue - chloasma or melasma - is commonly referred to as a pregnancy mask. Any pregnant woman can have this, but dark-skinned and dark-haired women are prone to darkening more often. It usually appears on areas more exposed to sunlight: the forehead, temples, cheeks, chin, nose and upper lip. May be symmetrical, but often occurs on only one side of the face.

Often intensified by sunlight or other UV sources. Usually disappears after childbirth, but may not completely disappear and reappear during the next pregnancy or under the influence of the sun.

How to prevent and overcome. Since skin darkening is exacerbated by sun damage, protect your skin from:

  • In any weather, when going outside, use sunscreens with a protection index of at least 15. Ultraviolet rays can act on the skin even in cloudy weather.
  • In the middle of the day, in the very sunshine, it is better not to go outside.
  • Wear a hat with a wide brim that shades your face.

Health care. Do not use bleach. If the darkening is very severe, your doctor will prescribe special medicated creams for you. If the darkening does not go away for a long time after the baby is born, consult a dermatologist. Special creams or peels will be recommended for you.


"I am so tired!" - this is very often said by pregnant women. In the early months of pregnancy, your body works very hard: releasing hormones, producing more blood to carry nutrients to the fetus, speeding up the heart rate to cope with the increased blood flow, and using water, protein, carbohydrates and fats in a different way. In the last two months of pregnancy, it is not easy to carry the extra weight of the baby.

In addition to physical changes, you have a lot of worries and worries that consume your energy and interfere with sleep. Naturally, you have mixed feelings, whether it is your first pregnancy or your fourth, planned or unplanned. Even if you are totally ecstatic, there are some things that may bother you. You are worried about the health of the unborn child, the difficulties of motherhood and the increased costs. If the job demands a lot from you, you worry about how you will handle it during your pregnancy. All of these anxieties are normal and natural.

Sometimes fatigue is associated with physical illness. If you are constantly feeling tired, talk to your doctor about how to prevent and overcome. Fatigue is a signal that the body needs rest. Don't torture yourself. Here's what to do to prevent fatigue from engulfing you:

  • Get some rest. Take it for granted that you need extra rest during those nine months and plan your day accordingly. Sometimes it is helpful to take a nap during the day. At work, take time to sit quietly with your feet on the dais and gather your strength. If you can't sleep during the day, you may be able to do so after work or late afternoon. If you feel like going to bed at seven in the evening, go to bed.
  • Don't take on extra responsibilities. Cut back on all social activities and the like if it tires you.
  • Ask for help if needed. Your partner or other children should help you as much as possible.
  • Stay physically active. Regular exercise will keep you energized. Moderate exercise, such as walking 30 minutes a day, can help you feel more alert.
  • Eat well. A nutritious, balanced diet is more important than ever. You need enough calories, iron, and protein. If your diet lacks iron or protein, you will feel more tired.

Health care. There is no effective and safe cure for fatigue during pregnancy. Stimulants like caffeine should be avoided as they can be harmful in large doses.


You feel hot? It’s not just because you’re overweight or the weather is too warm. During pregnancy, metabolism - the level of energy used by the body at rest - is accelerated. And you may be sweating harder to get rid of the heat generated by your baby. Because of all this, you get hot even in winter.

How to prevent and overcome. It is important to avoid overheating during pregnancy. Follow these tips:

  • Drink plenty of water and other fluids. Carry a water bottle with you.
  • Dress lighter, better in natural fabrics.
  • In the heat, it is better not to go outside. Take a walk before breakfast or late afternoon, or work out in the gym.
  • Try to stay in the sun less.
  • Swim, take a cool shower.
  • In very hot weather, try to be in an air-conditioned room.

Water discharge

When the amniotic fluid leaks or ruptures before labor begins, the fluid surrounding the baby flows out in trickles or streams. This dramatic event is called water discharge or rupture of the membranes. Only 10% of women experience this before childbirth. The membrane usually breaks during labor, usually in the second stage. When this happens, labor begins or intensifies.

If the water has come off, see a doctor. In most cases, your doctor will want to examine you right away to see if there is any danger of infection after a ruptured membrane. In general, unless the baby is too premature, it is best for the baby to be born within 24 hours. According to Russian standards, the water-free interval should not exceed 12 hours. If after the passage of the waters 10-11 hours have passed, and the child is clearly not born within the next hour, they are preparing for a caesarean section. After 12 hours of anhydrous interval, it is dangerous to do a cesarean. Tell your doctor if the liquid is not colorless and has an odor. A greenish, putrid-smelling liquid is a sign of an infection of the uterus.

If you are not sure if amniotic fluid or urine is leaking, your doctor should check. Many women experience urinary incontinence in the late stages of pregnancy. You shouldn't do anything that can bring an infection into the vagina - no sex or tampons.

Aversion to food

Early in your pregnancy, you may develop an aversion to certain foods, such as fried foods or coffee. Even the smell of such food makes you feel sick. In addition, a metallic taste can be felt in the mouth. In most cases, this aversion will subside or subside by the fourth month of pregnancy.

Aversion to food, like many other things that pregnant women complain about, can be attributed to hormonal changes. Most pregnant women feel that their tastes have changed somewhat, especially in the first trimester, when the influence of hormones is strongest. Aversion to food can be accompanied by a heightened sensitivity to odors, and sometimes increased salivation, which further aggravates the situation.

How to prevent and overcome. If you continue to eat healthy foods and get enough nutrients. If you don't like coffee or tea, this is even good, since it will be easier for you to refuse them. But if you are sick of wholesome foods, such as vegetables or fruits, you will have to look for other sources of the nutrients in those foods.

Food addiction

You may not necessarily develop a craving for salty or ice cream, but it is very likely that during pregnancy you may have a strong craving for certain foods. Most expectant mothers have food addictions associated with the action of pregnancy hormones.

You can think of food cravings as a signal from the body that it lacks some substance contained in this product. However, ice cream cravings do not mean that the body needs saturated fats. Likewise, just because you don’t want citrus fruits doesn’t mean you don’t need vitamin C.

Most food cravings disappear or diminish by the fourth month of pregnancy. If they continue, it could be a sign of iron deficiency and concomitant anemia. If food cravings persist in the second trimester, talk to your doctor.

How to prevent and overcome. If you eat well and get all the nutrients you need, changing your dietary habits is not a cause for concern. Sometimes you can give yourself free rein. However, this is not an excuse for overeating. You can satisfy your desires without harming your and your baby's nutritional needs.

Try to satisfy your needs without putting on empty calories. For example, if you crave chocolate, use chocolate yogurt over ice cream or candy. If you want fried potatoes, it's better to eat baked ones. Try to also be distracted: take a walk, read, chat with friends.

When to seek medical attention. Sometimes pregnant women have a craving for strange, inedible and even harmful substances. This can be clay, laundry detergent, earth, soda, ice from the refrigerator, ash, and so on. These unusual cravings are the result of a disorder called perverse appetite. This can be dangerous and is caused by a lack of iron. If you really want to eat something inedible, tell your doctor.


You cannot find the keys, you forgot about the meeting, you are distracted from work. If you feel like you've become a mess after getting pregnant, don't worry. During pregnancy, some women become forgetful, distracted, and find it difficult to concentrate. These symptoms, similar to those some women experience before their period, are a temporary effect of hormonal changes. Sometimes forgetfulness persists for some time after childbirth.

How to prevent and overcome. To feel more confident:

  • Consider it normal to be a little distracted during pregnancy. If you strain about it, it will only get worse. You need to apply a sense of humor.
  • Try to cut down on the reasons for worry and stress.
  • Take notes at work and at home so you don't forget anything you need. Some women find it convenient to use an electronic organizer.

Gas and bloating

Gas, bloating, flatulence - these are the pleasures of pregnancy! Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, the digestive system slows down. Food moves more slowly through the digestive tract. This slowdown serves an important purpose: it takes more time for the nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream and reach the fetus. Unfortunately, this also causes bloating and gassing. The worst is during the first trimester, when many women swallow air to overcome their nausea.

How to prevent and overcome. To reduce gas and bloating, follow these tips:

  • Make your bowels work. Constipation is a common cause of bloating and gas. To avoid it, drink plenty of fluids, eat fiber-rich foods, and stay physically active.
  • Eat small and frequent meals without filling your stomach.
  • Eat slowly. When you are in a hurry, you swallow air, which contributes to the formation of gas. Take a few deep breaths to relax before eating.
  • Avoid gassing foods. They are different for everyone, but most often they are legumes, various types of cabbage, onions, carbonated drinks, fried and fatty foods, sauces. Some of these foods are good sources of nutrients, so you shouldn't give them up, but eat less.
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating.

Health care. There are some doubts about using over-the-counter gas and bloating products, so check with your doctor before using them. If you are uncomfortable, and the problem is not just the rules of decency, your doctor will advise you on the right remedies.

Gum disease

The old saying goes, "With every pregnancy, a woman loses one tooth." Although this is a fairy tale from the days when there was no professional dental care, the truth is that during pregnancy you are more susceptible to dental diseases. During pregnancy, the amount of plaque on the teeth increases. Hormonal changes make the gums more sensitive to the harmful effects of this plaque. When the plaque hardens, it turns into tartar. When plaque and calculus build up at the base of a tooth, they irritate the gums and form a pocket between the tooth and the gum where bacteria can be found. This is a type of gum disease called gingivitis. It usually appears in the second trimester.

How to prevent and overcome. Because teeth are more susceptible to the harmful effects of bacteria during pregnancy, dental hygiene is very important. To keep your gums healthy:

  • Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day and after every meal.
  • Rinse your mouth out with water or a fluoride and plaque remover.
  • Use dental floss daily. Dental floss removes plaque from between the teeth and massages the gums. Both waxed and unwaxed threads are good.
  • Even if you don't have problems with your teeth and gums, visit your dentist at least once during your pregnancy. In Russia, a dentist's consultation during pregnancy is mandatory.

Health care. If the gums are in poor condition, they need to be treated. See your doctor if you have symptoms of periodontitis:

  • Swollen or loose gums.
  • Bad taste in the mouth.
  • Smell from the mouth.
  • Loose teeth or bite changes.
  • Discharge of pus from under the tooth.


Many pregnant women experience headaches. At the beginning of pregnancy, they may be caused by increased circulation and hormonal changes. Other possible causes include stress, anxiety, fatigue, nasal congestion, eye strain, and exercise. If you ditch caffeine when you find out you are pregnant, it can also cause headaches for several days.

If you have had a migraine during pregnancy, things can stay the same, improve or worsen. It may get worse in the first trimester, better in the second.

How to prevent and overcome. Headaches can be avoided by identifying what causes them and avoiding them. Causes may include tobacco smoke, stuffiness, eye strain, and certain types of food.

Here are some more tips:

  • Sleep more at night and, if possible, rest during the day.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • You can soothe forehead pain by placing a heated towel over your forehead and face. Stress pain can be relieved by applying cold to the back of the head and neck.
  • Take a warm shower or bath.
  • Massage your neck, shoulders, face, head, or have someone massage you.
  • Use relaxation techniques such as breathing and meditation.
  • Reduce stress in your life. If you can't deal with stress, talk to your doctor.

When to seek medical attention. See your doctor right away if your headache is severe, persistent or frequent, or if it is accompanied by visual disturbances. Also check with your doctor before taking headache medications. If you have migraines, talk with your doctor about how to deal with them during pregnancy. Some medications should not be taken.


More than half of pregnant women experience heartburn for the first time in their lives. It is caused by the throwing of stomach contents back into the esophagus. In this case, gastric juice irritates the lining of the esophagus. As a result, a burning sensation may be felt at about the level of the heart.

Heartburn is common during pregnancy because pregnancy hormones slow down the digestive system. This allows more time for the nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream and reach the fetus, but the stomach does not empty longer either. The result is indigestion and heartburn. In addition, in the last months of pregnancy, the growing uterus constantly pushes the stomach, lifting and squeezing it. This pressure causes stomach acid to rise upward, causing heartburn.

How to prevent and overcome. Heartburn is unpleasant, but you can take steps to prevent or stop it:

  • Eat frequent, small meals. Six small meals a day are better than three large meals.
  • Certain foods are more likely to irritate the stomach and esophagus. Identify what is causing you heartburn and don't eat it. Avoid fried and fatty foods, tea, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, carbonated drinks, very sweet, spicy or acidic foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and red peppers.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
  • Pay attention to your posture while eating. By hunched over, you put more pressure on your stomach.
  • Go to bed no earlier than an hour after eating.
  • Eat no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. An empty stomach produces less acidic juice.
  • Avoid movements and postures that make heartburn worse. When lifting anything, bend your knees, not your waist.
  • For rest or sleep, lie down with your head and shoulders raised by using pillows or raising the head of the bed.

When to Seek Medical Help... If heartburn is bothering you, see your doctor. Do not take any antacids without talking to your doctor. Antacids can contain a lot of salt, which will increase fluid retention in the tissues. Also, do not take heartburn medications that contain aspirin, such as Alka-Seltzer. The exception is rennie, it is absolutely safe during pregnancy, as it reduces the acidity of gastric contents without being absorbed into the blood.


Hemorrhoids in pregnancy are caused by an increase in blood volume and pressure from the uterus on the veins in the rectum. The veins become swollen and hard, inside or outside the rectum. Hemorrhoids may appear during pregnancy for the first time, or the one that already existed may intensify.

Constipation also contributes to the appearance of hemorrhoids, as the tension increases the veins in the rectum. Constipation is common during pregnancy, especially in the last months when the uterus is pressing on the large intestine.

Hemorrhoids can be painful, itching, burning, and bleeding, especially with or after a bowel movement. Hemorrhoids usually go away or get better after childbirth.

How to prevent and overcome. The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is to avoid constipation. To avoid hemorrhoids or relieve discomfort, try the following:

  • Eat fiber-rich foods, vegetables and fruits, and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Try not to strain when you have a bowel movement. Lean on your hands to relieve stress, and do not sit on the toilet for long periods.
  • Keep clean. Wash thoroughly after bowel movements. Herbal pads can help relieve pain and itching. The pads can be kept in the refrigerator, the cold relieves pain better.
  • Try sitz baths. Adding oatmeal or baking soda to the water will help relieve itching.
  • Do not sit for long periods, especially on a hard floor.

Health care. Talk to your doctor about how to deal with hemorrhoids during pregnancy. If home remedies don't work, your doctor may prescribe a cream or ointment to reduce hemorrhoids.

Hip pain

It is not uncommon for pregnancy to experience hip pain, especially if you sleep on your side. In preparation for the birth of your baby, the connective tissues in your body soften and stretch. The ligaments in the thighs are stretched and the joints of the pelvic bones are loosened. Greater flexibility makes it easier for the baby's head to slide between the pelvic bones at birth.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, a heavy uterus will change your posture and can add soreness in your hips. The pain is usually worse on one side because the baby's weight is often shifted to one side. If you already have a small child that you carry on your hip, this can also make the pain worse.

How to prevent and overcome. Pain can be reduced by strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen with specific exercises. Warm baths and back and thigh massage will help. You can raise your hips to your chest for a few minutes.


The feeling of hunger is stronger than usual; in most women, the appetite increases during pregnancy. For some, it happens the other way around - loss of appetite due to nausea. You may be especially attracted to certain foods - fruits, chocolate, mashed potatoes, or cereals. Hormonal changes, especially in the first trimester, can cause appetite changes. The main thing is to eat varied and nutritious food. If you are often hungry, eat small meals throughout the day.


During pregnancy, your heart pumps more blood than normal. This allows the fetus to meet the oxygen and nutrient requirements of the blood through the placenta.

As the heart pumps more blood, it beats more often. As pregnancy progresses, the heart beats more and more often - sometimes it beats right in the chest. By the third trimester, your heart rate will increase by 20% compared to pre-pregnancy.

Health care. Due to the increase in blood volume, some pregnant women develop heart murmurs. This is normal because more blood passes through the heart valves. Sometimes, however, the noise can cause fear in the doctor, and he will order an examination.


You go to bed tired, expecting to fall asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow. But instead, you are awake, counting the minutes that pass. Or you wake up at four in the morning and can't sleep anymore. Insomnia during pregnancy is common for many reasons.
Although most women sleep more in the first trimester than they did before pregnancy, some have difficulty sleeping due to hormonal changes. Because the growing uterus presses on your bladder, the urge to go to the toilet will also prevent you from sleeping at night.

As your baby gets bigger, it becomes more difficult for you to find a comfortable sleeping position. An active child will also interfere with your sleep. Heartburn, leg cramps, and stuffy nose are also common causes of sleep disturbances in the last months of pregnancy. There is also anxiety and anxiety associated with the expectation of a child. You are concerned about the health of the unborn baby and the changes it will bring to your life. These feelings make it difficult for you to relax mentally and physically. Frequent vivid dreams associated with childbirth and baby can also contribute to insomnia.

How to prevent and overcome. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, try the following:

  • Begin to calm down before you go to bed. Take a warm bath, exercise, and have a partner massage you.
  • The bedroom should be quiet, dark, at a comfortable temperature for you.
  • Don't drink a lot of fluids at night.
  • Do not consume foods or drinks that contain caffeine.
  • Exercise regularly, but don't overwork.
  • The best sleeping position during the last weeks of pregnancy is on your side with your knees bent. This relieves pressure from the so-called inferior vena cava, which carries blood from the legs back to the heart. The load on the lower back also decreases. Place a pillow under your belly and another between your knees. You can also place a pillow or rolled up blanket under your side to relieve pressure on the thigh you are lying on.
  • If you can't sleep, get up, read, listen to soothing music, or do something calm and enjoyable.
  • If possible, try to sleep during the day to make up for a sleepless night.

Health care. If insomnia is frequent and makes life difficult for you, talk to your doctor. This is worth doing if you have troubled dreams or nightmares.

Irrational fears

All people have fears, especially those related to the health of their children. You may also have fears about the childbirth process - that you will not make it to the hospital on time or that you will have to urgently have a cesarean section. It's okay if you feel mild anxiety, but if your fears are overwhelming and interfere with your daily life, this already requires attention.

How to prevent and overcome. Sit down and make a list of your fears. Discuss them with your partner or someone close to you. This will help ease an unnecessarily heavy burden of emotions. It may be worth talking to your doctor and other mothers-to-be. The expressed fears will no longer have such an effect on you.

Childbirth School provides a unique opportunity to talk to other couples who may have the same fears. The instructor will also help you overcome your fear.

When to seek medical attention. If your fears prevent you from living normally, talk to your doctor. The doctor will be able to convince you to part with them and take care of yourself and your unborn child.


Some women experience itching, which usually goes away after childbirth. The stomach or the whole body may itch, redness, rash, peeling may appear. Pulling the skin on your belly can cause itching and flaking. The so-called urticaria of pregnant women also often occurs. At the same time, itchy spots or swellings appear on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, hands.

Rarely, itching can be caused by a disorder called bile stasis (cholestasis). In this case, bile does not leave the liver quickly enough, and its components accumulate in the skin, causing severe itching. Because cholestasis is dangerous to the fetus, tell your doctor if you have severe itching.

How to prevent and overcome. Avoid itching to relieve itching. Try other ways:

  • Moisturize your skin with lotions, creams, or oils.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing made from natural fabrics such as cotton.
  • Use oat-infused bath products.
  • Try not to overheat, the itching will intensify from the heat.

When to seek medical attention. If the measures taken do not help, the doctor may prescribe medication or other treatment. If you develop severe itching towards the end of your pregnancy, your doctor may order a blood test to check your liver.

Leg cramps

Leg cramps are common in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. They happen more often at night and interfere with sleep. Although the exact cause is not known, it is possible that they are related to the slowing of blood circulation in the veins of the legs due to the increase in the child's weight.

How to prevent and overcome. What you can do to reduce the discomfort of cramps and sore calves:

  • Try doing exercises to stretch your calf muscles, especially before bed.
  • Stretch the painful muscle. Try to straighten your knee and gently bend your foot up.
  • Walk. It can be frustrating at first, but walking relieves cramps.
  • Wear supportive tights, especially if you have to stand a lot during the day.
  • Don't stand or sit for long periods of time; take breaks.
  • Massage your calves.
  • Relax while lying down with your legs raised on the cushion or armrest of the sofa.
  • Don't wear high-heeled shoes.

When to seek medical attention. If seizures are frequent, tell your doctor. It can be caused by circulatory disorders or a lack of certain micronutrients. If there is swelling, redness, increased pain, if you have blood clots or varicose veins, contact your doctor immediately.

Mood swings

You are simply bursting with happiness, and after a few minutes you are ready to burst into tears. Mood swings are not uncommon, especially in the first trimester. Your emotions can range from excitement and joy to irritability, tearfulness, and depression. If you have a history of premenstrual syndrome, your mood swings are especially severe during pregnancy.

What is the reason? This is partly due to such troubles as nausea, frequent need to urinate, swelling and back pain, since all this interferes with sleep. Fatigue, disturbed sleep, new sensations in the body also affect mood. The body must adapt.

Mood variability is also associated with changes in metabolism and hormonal levels. Just as fluctuations in the levels of progesterone, estrogen, and other hormones are associated with the mood swings that many women experience — before their period or after childbirth, they can also affect mood swings during pregnancy. Plus, pregnancy brings new stress into your life.

How to prevent and overcome. Knowing why your mood is so fluid and knowing that this is temporary will help you get through these emotional storms more easily. Here's what can help you avoid emotional instability:

  • Maintain your health and energy - eat healthy foods, get plenty of sleep, and exercise. Exercise reduces stress, prevents back pain, weakness and constipation.
  • Seek support. You can get it from your partner, family, friends. It will strengthen you emotionally and help you cope with various chores around the house.
  • Take time to relax every day. You can use meditation, imagination control, alternating muscle relaxation. All of this is usually taught in childbirth school.
  • Accept that you cannot do everything you could before pregnancy. Do not do what you can not do - this will reduce stress and inconvenience.

When to seek medical attention. If your emotions run high for more than two weeks, it could be a sign of depression. Mild depression often occurs in pregnant women. Perhaps you are depressed, if you are constantly sad, you want to cry, your sleep and appetite are disturbed, it is difficult for you to concentrate on work, you do not get pleasure from what previously pleased you.

If mood swings are unbearable for you, if you have symptoms of depression, see your doctor. Depression is treated.

Nausea in the morning

Morning nausea is one of the classic signs of pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting often accompany pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

Mucous discharge

As your due date approaches, you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge. During pregnancy, the opening of the cervix is ​​closed with a dense mucous plug, which prevents bacteria and other pathogens from entering the uterus. With the approach of childbirth, the cervix begins to thin and relax, the cork becomes less dense, which makes the discharge more abundant and thicker.
The plug can come out like a lump of thick mucus, sometimes streaked with blood.

How to prevent and overcome. Mucous discharge at the end of pregnancy is normal. Use sanitary towels to absorb. Keep your genitals clean by wearing cotton underwear. Avoid tight and synthetic underwear, do not use deodorants on the genital area.

When to seek medical attention. See your doctor if your discharge is smelling bad, greenish, yellowish, itchy, or burning. These could be signs of infection. If mucous discharge appears before 35 weeks, it may be a harbinger of premature birth. Tell your doctor about it.

Soreness of the navel

An increase in the size of the uterus causes various pains and discomfort, including soreness in the navel area. It can be especially noticeable in the 20th week of pregnancy, then gradually disappears as the abdomen grows. Sitting up straight can be very uncomfortable. In some cases, as the skin around the navel continues to stretch, the area becomes very sensitive, irritated by clothing and touching. Stretching and separating the two large muscle bands along the abdominal wall can also cause pain in the belly button.

How to prevent and overcome. To reduce pain, massage your abdomen in a circle with your fingertips, or have your partner do it. Try cold or warm compresses. A wide bandage will help remove irritation from clothing. If the pain is accompanied by a complete loss of appetite, this may be a more serious problem. See your doctor.

Nesting instinct

As your due date approaches, you may be tempted to put things in order, wash and clean, disassemble cabinets and decorate the nursery. This strong urge to arrange things before the baby is born is called the nesting instinct. It is especially strong shortly before childbirth. This gives you the opportunity to finish all the chores before giving birth and return with your baby to a clean home. This is a rewarding pursuit as it gives you more time to recover from childbirth and to care for your baby. But do not overdo it, you will need a lot of strength for childbirth.

Darkening of the nipples

During pregnancy, the skin on and around the nipples may darken, just like other areas of the body. This is the result of exposure to pregnancy hormones, which cause the body to produce more pigment. The increased amount of pigment does not spread evenly like a tan, but appears as thicker colored areas. Darkening of the nipples and other areas of the skin usually goes away after childbirth. Do not use skin whitening products during pregnancy.


Some women experience nosebleeds during pregnancy, although they have never had them before. As the amount of blood in the body increases, the small blood vessels in the nasal cavity become brittle and break more easily.

How to prevent and overcome. To stop nosebleeds:

  • Sit with your head up. Squeeze the soft tissues of the nose between your thumb and forefinger.
  • Squeeze firmly, but gently, the soft tissues of the nose.
  • Maintain this position for 5 minutes.
  • Lean forward so as not to swallow blood, breathe through your mouth.

To prevent nosebleeds:

  • Blow your nose carefully and do not try to plug gauze into your nostrils.
  • Dry air can contribute to nosebleeds. Use a humidifier in winter.

When to seek medical attention. Call your doctor if the blood cannot be stopped, your blood pressure is high, or bleeding has started after a head injury.

Discomfort in the pelvic region

In the last weeks of pregnancy, you may experience a feeling of heaviness, tightness, and pain in the pelvic region. This is because the baby is compressing the bladder and rectum. It is also possible that it constricts some of the veins, causing blood stasis. The discomfort is aggravated by the fact that the pelvic bones begin to move apart.

Feeling like this before the 37th week can be a sign of premature birth, especially if the pressure is felt around the hips or the baby is pushing downward.

How to prevent and overcome. If you experience pelvic discomfort during the last weeks of pregnancy, lying down with your legs raised will make it easier for you. Kege-la exercises will also bring relief: squeeze the muscles around the vagina tightly, as if stopping the flow of urine, then relax. Repeat 10 times.

When to seek medical attention. If you think you are having a premature birth, call your doctor or go to the hospital. In addition to pressure in the pelvic area, other signs of preterm labor include:

  • Cramps in the lower abdomen. May resemble menstrual periods, continue or go away after a while.
  • Dull girdle pain that does not go away when changing body position.
  • Contractions every 10 minutes or more.
  • Colorless, pink, or brownish vaginal discharge or bleeding. Your doctor may send you to the hospital or tell you to lie on your left side for an hour and see if your symptoms go away.

Pain in the perineum

In the last month of pregnancy, when the baby sank into the pelvic region, there may be a feeling of increasing pressure or pain in the perineum - between the entrance to the vagina and the anus. This lowering of the child, called relief, indicates that the presenting part, usually the head, is located in the upper part of the pelvis. If this is the first pregnancy, the baby descends into the birth canal several weeks before delivery. If you've already had babies, relief usually occurs right before childbirth.

In addition to pain or pressure in the perineum, you may feel sharp pain when the baby's head is pressing against the pelvic floor.

How to prevent and overcome. Kegel exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor can help. To do this, firmly squeeze the muscles around the vagina, as if trying to stop the flow of urine, then relax. Repeat 10 times.

When to seek medical attention. If the pain gets worse and is accompanied by tension or labor, labor may be on the way. See your doctor.


The effects of pregnancy hormones on the sweat glands and the need to get rid of the heat generated by the baby make you sweat harder than usual. Excessive sweating during pregnancy often causes prickly heat. In the later stages of pregnancy, hot summer weather is also difficult to tolerate.

How to overcome and prevent. To sweat less, drink cold drinks and take cool showers to stay cool.

Pubic bone pain

Some pregnant women are concerned about pain in the pubic bone. It can be blunt or harsh, whine, or look like a blow. It is caused by the softening and relaxation of tissues and joints. When the cartilage that connects the two parts of the pubic bone softens, you may feel pain when moving and walking. For some women, this annoys more, others feel pain only at the very end of pregnancy. In a few weeks after giving birth, the pain disappears.

How to prevent and overcome. Try supportive tights to reduce discomfort. Take warm baths. Alternating hot and cold will also reduce pain.

When to seek medical attention. In very rare cases, pubic pain can be caused by joint inflammation. In such a situation, the pain is constant, intensifies and may be accompanied by fever. If symptoms worsen, see your doctor.


The skin reddens and itches - you probably did not imagine the "glow of pregnancy." Some women also develop a rash during pregnancy. Most often it is prickly heat. It appears due to increased sweating caused by pregnancy hormones. Other types of rashes may appear.

  • Diaper rash. They appear due to inflammation caused by a bacterial or fungal infection in the folds of the skin. Usually found in sweaty areas under the breast or groin, these are warm, moist areas of skin where fungi thrive. Diaper rash needs to be treated right away, as the more they develop, the more difficult it is to deal with.
  • Hives in pregnancy affects about one in 150 women. These are severe rashes that merge into red, swollen, itchy patches. Small ones are called papules, larger ones are called plaques. They usually appear first on the abdomen, then spread to the arms and legs. Some women experience extreme itching. Although this condition can be very unpleasant for the mother, it does not threaten the baby. After giving birth, the urticaria will disappear. Although the exact cause is not known, heredity is involved, as hives occur in families. More often it happens during the first pregnancy, rarely in subsequent pregnancies.

Skin rashes usually diminish with careful grooming. Avoid brushing your skin, use mild cleansers and less soap. Baths of oatmeal or baking soda will relieve itching. For prickly heat, it is useful to use starch for dusting after a bath, avoid hot baths and showers, and keep the skin dry and cool.

To prevent diaper rash, wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics, wash and dry the affected area more often - use mild cleansers and fragrance-free soaps, use powders with soda and zinc oxide. You can also blow off damp areas with a fan or hairdryer at low temperatures.

Health care. If home remedies don't work, or the rash gets worse or is accompanied by other symptoms, see your doctor. Occasionally, medicated ointments or pills may be needed.

Rectal bleeding

The situation should be assessed by a doctor. The most common cause is hemorrhoids, which are usually in the last trimester and for several weeks after giving birth. Another possible cause could be cracks in the anus. This is usually the result of constipation, another common pregnancy problem. Anal fissures are very painful, especially when passing hard stools.

In rare cases, bleeding can be associated with a serious bowel disease.

How to prevent and overcome. The best way to avoid constipation is to keep your bowel movements regular.

When to seek medical attention. Be sure to tell your doctor about bleeding. He will determine the reason. Bleeding accompanied by mucous diarrhea and abdominal pain may indicate intestinal inflammation.

Redness of the palms and feet

Two-thirds of pregnant women find that their palms and feet are red. This is more common in white women. Redness usually appears as early as the first trimester and is caused by increased blood flow to the arms and legs. Reddened areas can start to itch, like most skin changes during pregnancy. After giving birth, the redness will disappear.

How to prevent and overcome. If your skin itches, moisturizers can help.

When to seek medical attention. If redness persists after childbirth, talk to your doctor.

Sore ribs

In the last months of pregnancy, the child is already cramped, and he can, straightening, rest his leg between your ribs. It's hard to believe that such a tiny foot can cause such pain.

In addition to the pressure exerted by the baby, your ribcage is reshaped to make room for your lungs, which are supported from below by your diaphragm as your uterus grows. The ribs seem to be pushed to the sides, which can cause pain between them and in the cartilage that connects them to the sternum.

If the position of the child causes pain in the ribs, take a deep breath, placing one hand behind the head, then exhale, lowering it. Repeat this movement several times, changing hands. It is also safe to gently push the baby's leg or back away from the painful area. You can try stretching. Get on all fours with your back relaxed, but not arching. Keep your head straight, neck in line with your spine, and arch your back up. At the same time, lower your head. Gradually straighten your back, raising your head to the starting position. Repeat several times.

When the baby descends into the pelvic region, the pain in the ribs will go away, usually 2-3 weeks before childbirth during the first pregnancy, and during subsequent ones immediately at the beginning of labor.

Round ligament pain

One of several ligaments that hold the uterus in place in the abdominal cavity - the round ligament - before pregnancy resembles a cord about half a centimeter thick. The uterus is about the size of a pear. In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, a round ligament sprain can cause pain in the abdomen, groin, or pelvic area. As the size and weight of the uterus increases, the ligaments that hold it in place become longer, thicker and tighter, stretching like rubber bands. If you make a sudden movement, the round ligament can stretch, causing stabbing pain in the lower abdomen or groin, or cramping in the side.

The pain can be severe, but it usually goes away after a few minutes. You can wake up from such pain at night by turning in your sleep. Physical activity can also cause pain. As the pregnancy progresses, the pain usually diminishes and goes away after childbirth.

How to prevent and overcome. Although round ligament pain is unpleasant, it is normal during pregnancy. How to relieve it:

  • Move carefully. Sit down and stand up slowly and avoid sudden movements.
  • If abdominal pain bothers you, sit or lie down.
  • Take a warm bath or apply a warm compress.

When to seek medical attention. If you are in doubt about the causes of abdominal pain, if the pain is severe and persistent, see your doctor. Call your doctor right away or call an ambulance if the pain is accompanied by fever, chills, bleeding, or painful urination.

Sensitivity to odors

Usually, you liked the smell of fried bacon or coffee, but when you are pregnant, they make you sick. You are sick of the smell of a colleague's perfume, the smell of gasoline at a gas station. Studies confirm that during pregnancy, the sense of smell is exacerbated - women smell smells that they did not notice before, some of those that they liked before now seem disgusting. This exacerbation of the sense of smell is also associated with the nausea and vomiting experienced by many pregnant women. Many odors can cause nausea: food, coffee, perfume, tobacco smoke.

An increased sense of smell during pregnancy may be due in part to an increase in estrogen levels. Like nausea, this symptom indicates rapid growth of the placenta and fetus, and this is a good sign. For many women, this symptom is closely related to nausea, so the situation usually improves by 13-14 weeks.

How to prevent and overcome. To keep your olfactory cells from bothering you at all, identify which smells trigger nausea and try to avoid them. Maybe you better dine in your workplace than in a cafe. Or ask a coworker to stop using perfume or cologne for a while until your nausea stops.


Is it difficult for you to breathe? During the second trimester, many pregnant women experience breathing difficulties. The reason is that the enlarging uterus presses on the diaphragm - the broad flat muscle located under the lungs. During pregnancy, the diaphragm rises a few centimeters. It seems to be a little, but enough so that your lungs can no longer hold as much air as before.

At the same time, your respiratory system adjusts so that the blood can carry more oxygen to the placenta and take up more carbon dioxide. The breathing center in the brain stimulated by the hormone progesterone makes you breathe deeper and faster. The lungs breathe in and out 30-40% more air than before. This may make you feel like you have difficulty breathing and lack of air.

The larger the uterus becomes, the harder it is for you to breathe deeply as the diaphragm is pushing against the baby. A few weeks before delivery, the baby's head may sink into the uterus, relieving pressure on the diaphragm. You will breathe easier. But this may not happen until the very beginning of labor, especially if you are not your first child.

Despite the difficulty in breathing, do not worry that your baby is not getting enough oxygen. Due to the expansion of the respiratory and circulatory systems during pregnancy, the level of oxygen in the blood increases, and the baby gets enough of it.

How to prevent and overcome. If you're feeling short of breath, try the following:

  • Make sure your posture is correct. This will help you breathe better during and after pregnancy. Sit and stand with your back straight, shoulders straight and low.
  • Do aerobics. This will improve breathing and lower your heart rate. But don't overexert yourself. Talk to your doctor about an exercise program suitable for pregnant women.
  • Sleep on your side to relieve pressure on your diaphragm. Use pillows to support your stomach and back.

When to seek medical attention. Slight breathing difficulties are common during pregnancy. But if breathing is very difficult, chest pain appears, which may indicate a serious problem, such as a blood clot in the lung.

Immediate medical attention is required if you:

  • Great difficulty breathing and chest pain.
  • Pain on deep breath.
  • Rapidly rapid pulse or breathing.
  • Lips and nails turned blue.


During pregnancy, you may find growths on the skin under your armpits, on your neck, on your shoulders, or elsewhere. These small, soft growths, called papillomas, are usually painless and harmless. They do not grow or regenerate. What causes them is unclear. They may disappear after childbirth. But they often appear in old age.

Usually, papillomas do not interfere with anything and do not require treatment. If they cause inconvenience or spoil the appearance, they are easy to remove. If a papilloma begins to change its appearance, see your doctor.


Pregnant women snore frequently because their upper airways are narrowed due to persistent swelling in the nasal passages and nasal congestion. While snoring is often the subject of jokes, it can have serious consequences. Snoring is often associated with high blood pressure (hypertension). It can also be a sign of sleep apnea, a sleep disorder in which breathing is interrupted for short periods of time during sleep. The lack of oxygen interferes with the mother's sleep and causes stress in the fetus.

Overweight women are especially at risk of snoring problems. The study found that women who snored regularly during pregnancy had more weight before pregnancy and gained more weight during pregnancy.

How to prevent and overcome. To reduce the likelihood of snoring:

  • It is better to sleep on your side than on your back. Sleeping on your back causes the tongue and soft palate to descend and block the airways.
  • Watch your weight. Based on your pre-pregnancy weight, do not gain more than recommended.

When to seek medical attention. If your partner notices that your snoring is interrupted by periods of respiratory arrest or you feel excessively sleepy during the day, see your doctor. This could be a sign of sleep apnea.

Stretch marks

In any group of young or expectant mothers, you will definitely hear about stretch marks. These are pink or reddish streaks that usually appear on the belly, chest, shoulders, buttocks, and thighs. They occur in almost half of pregnant women, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

Stretch marks are not a sign of excess weight gain. They are caused by stretching the skin at the same time as increasing levels of the hormone cortisone produced by the adrenal glands. Excess cortisone weakens the elasticity of the skin fibers, causing stretch marks. Heredity also plays an important role in the appearance of stretch marks. Some women have a lot of stretch marks, even if the weight gained during pregnancy is very small. Stretch marks usually do not completely disappear, but after childbirth they gradually fade.

How to prevent and overcome. Despite popular belief, no amount of creams or ointments will prevent stretch marks or make them disappear. Since stretch marks form deep in the connective tissue under the skin, they will not be affected by any external treatments.

Nasal congestion

Nasal congestion is a common problem during pregnancy, even if you don't have a cold or allergy. Congestion and nosebleeds are common due to increased blood flow to the mucous membranes in your body. When the lining of the nasal passages swells, the airway narrows. The tissues of the nose soften and become more prone to bleeding. A stuffy nose during pregnancy is common, but it can be annoying.

How to prevent and overcome. Most pregnant women can tolerate nasal congestion and other similar symptoms without medication. If there are no associated problems, such as colds or allergies, treatment is usually not required. To clear a stuffy nose:

  • Use a humidifier at home to thin your nasal discharge.
  • Cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the steam over a pot of hot water.
  • Sleep on your back with a high headboard.

Health care. Don't use over-the-counter nasal congestion medications. Long-term use can cause problems, and nasal congestion will last the entire pregnancy.


Swelling is common during pregnancy when more fluid accumulates in the body tissues due to dilated blood vessels and increased blood volume. Hot weather can also make things worse.

In the last three months of pregnancy, about half of women notice that their eyelids and face are swollen, especially in the morning. This is due to fluid retention and vasodilation that are common during pregnancy. In the last few weeks of pregnancy, almost all women experience some swelling in their ankles, fingers, or face. Swelling by itself is not a serious complication.

How to prevent and overcome. If you have swelling:

  • Use cold water compresses.
  • Eliminate highly salty foods, but do not completely abandon salt. If there is a lack of salt, the body will retain sodium and water, which will only increase the swelling.
  • To reduce swelling in your legs, you need to lie down for an hour with your legs raised in the middle of the day. While sitting, place your feet on a stool.
  • Swimming or even just standing in the water can bring relief. The water pressure will compress your ankles. And the uterus will even float a little, reducing the pressure on the veins.

When to seek medical attention. If you suddenly experience swelling on your face and hands - especially if you urinate less often than usual - see your doctor right away. Swelling on the face, especially around the eyes, can be a sign of preeclampsia. Be sure to consult a doctor if edema begins with high blood pressure or is accompanied by clouding of urine.

Swelling of the feet

During pregnancy, the legs often swell. Hormonal changes that relax the ligaments and joints in the pelvic area in preparation for childbirth also relax all other ligaments and joints in your body, including those in your legs. While these changes are normal and necessary, they can stretch the arch ligaments under your increased weight. As a result, the arch of the foot loses some of its supporting strength and the foot becomes flatter and wider. The increase can be up to one shoe size.

In addition, the foot may swell due to fluid retention during pregnancy. If your weight has increased significantly, your legs have to carry additional load.

Swelling of the legs should go away soon after childbirth. But it can take up to six months for your legs to recover and return to their normal size and shape. If the arch of the foot is stretched out strongly, the size of the leg will remain larger than before.

How to prevent and overcome. As your feet have grown, wear shoes that are comfortable and stable. Match your shoes to fit. Do not wear tight shoes or high heels. Choose shoes that are wider, with low heels and non-slip soles.

Shoes made of genuine leather or canvas are preferred as they allow the foot to breathe. Quality running shoes are also a good option. If your feet get tired and sore by the end of the day, try orthopedic slippers.

Health care. Certain shoes and orthopedic insoles are specially designed for pregnant women. They create comfort for the feet and reduce pain in the legs and lower back. Ask your doctor for more information. Remember that orthopedic insoles are made individually, to order, for your specific foot, and not in bulk.


You may find that you are more thirsty during pregnancy. It's good. Increased thirst is the way your body forces you to drink more water and other fluids. The body needs more fluid to maintain its increased blood volume. Drinking more fluids also prevents constipation and dry skin and helps the kidneys get rid of waste products from the fetus.

How to prevent and overcome. Drink at least 8 glasses of water and other drinks a day. Drinks containing caffeine stimulate urine production, so this is not the best choice. In addition to plain or soda water, fruit juice / soda mixtures, vegetable juices, soups, and fruit cocktails with skim milk are good. To replenish fluid during pregnancy, there are many suitable drinks. If you experience vomiting or fainting. sports drinks are good.

When to seek medical attention. Although increased thirst is normal during pregnancy, it can be a symptom of diabetes. Diabetes may develop during pregnancy. It can be difficult to distinguish some of the signs of diabetes - weakness, increased thirst, or frequent urination - from those common during pregnancy.

Urinary tract infections

Many of the changes normal for pregnancy can increase the risk of infections of the urinary tract — the bladder, kidneys, and urethra. It is very important to recognize and treat these infections during pregnancy, as they can lead to premature birth. In addition, such infections can be more serious during pregnancy. For example, if a bladder infection is left untreated, it can lead to a kidney infection.

Immediately after childbirth, the susceptibility to such infections increases. For a while after giving birth, you cannot empty your bladder completely. The remaining urine in it creates a breeding ground for bacteria.

If you have this infection, you may feel a burning sensation and pain when urinating. You may have a frequent, almost panicky need to urinate, or immediately after urinating you may feel like you need to again. Other signs and symptoms may include blood in the urine, strong urine odor, fever, and soreness in the bladder area. Pain in the abdomen or lower back can also be a signal of infection.

How to prevent and overcome. There are several ways you can prevent infections and help treat them:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
  • Pee more often - do not tolerate it for a long time. Retention of urine can lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder, which in turn can lead to infection. Frequent urination can also help treat urinary tract infections.
  • Bend forward when urinating to help empty your bladder.
  • Always urinate after sexual intercourse.
  • Wipe from front to back after urinating.

Health care. Urinary tract infections are diagnosed by testing urine for bacteria. Treatment includes antibiotics to kill the infection. If infections have recurred, your doctor may recommend continuing antibiotics to avoid recurrence.

Frequent urination

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the growing uterus presses on the bladder. As a result, you have to go to the toilet much more often than usual. Also, urine may leak slightly when you cough, sneeze, or laugh. By the fourth month, the uterus extends beyond the pelvis and the pressure on the bladder decreases. Then, in the last weeks of pregnancy, you will have to urinate more often again as the baby's head will sink into the pelvic area and press down on the bladder again. Frequent urination almost always goes away after childbirth.

How to prevent and overcome. The following will help:

  • Pee as soon as you feel like it. Retention of urine can lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder, which in turn can lead to a urinary tract infection.
  • Bend forward when urinating to help empty your bladder.
  • Try not to drink a few hours before bed, so you often don't get up at night. Try to get the amount you need at other times of the day.

When to seek medical attention. If you urinate frequently and still feel burning, pain, fever, and the color or odor of your urine changes, you may have a urinary tract infection. See your doctor.

Urinary incontinence

Sometimes women who are pregnant or have recently given birth urinate involuntarily, especially when coughing, straining, or laughing. This happens because the child often sits directly on the bladder, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to hold urine if the child jumps with all his weight on the bladder. Sometimes damage to the pelvic floor muscles and bladder nerves causes incontinence for several weeks after delivery. Fortunately, this problem usually goes away no later than three months after giving birth. Unfortunately, however, she may return closer to old age.

How to prevent and overcome. Research shows that Kegel exercise can help prevent urinary incontinence during pregnancy and after childbirth. These strengthening exercises help build solid support for the bladder, urethra, and other pelvic organs. While doing these exercises, firmly squeeze the muscles around the vagina, as if you wanted to interrupt the flow of urine for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.

If you are incontinent, use pads and other protective equipment.

Vaginal bleeding

Almost half of pregnant women experience bleeding of varying intensity, especially in the first trimester. The causes of bleeding can vary - some are serious, others are not. The severity and causes of bleeding are different in each trimester.

First trimester. Many women have bleeding in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Depending on whether they are significant or not very significant, how long they are, frequent or rare, bleeding can indicate many different points. This can be a wake-up call, or it can be a normal part of pregnancy.

You may notice a small amount of blood at the very beginning of pregnancy, a week or two after conception. This is the so-called implantation bleeding, when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. This type of bleeding is usually short-lived.

First trimester bleeding can also be a sign of miscarriage. Most of these cases occur in the first trimester. During long periods of pregnancy, miscarriages are less common. However, bleeding does not necessarily mean a miscarriage. At least half of the women who bleed in the first trimester delivered the baby safely.

Another cause of bleeding and pain in the early stages of pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy, when the fetus is anchored outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. A rare cause of bleeding in the first trimester can be the so-called cystic drift, when, after fertilization, a shapeless mass forms in the uterus instead of the child.

Second trimester. Although miscarriages are less common in the second trimester, there is still a risk.

Bleeding is a harbinger of miscarriage.

Moderate to heavy bleeding in the second trimester can also mean problems with the placenta. This can be placenta previa, when it is too low in the uterus and partially or completely covers the opening of the cervix, or placental abruption when it begins to separate from the uterine wall before delivery. Both are more common in the third trimester.

Infection, inflammation, or growths in the cervix can also cause bleeding. Bleeding is usually not a danger to the baby, but if it is caused by cervical cancer, it is important that the diagnosis is made as soon as possible. Sometimes bleeding can be a sign of cervical insufficiency, a condition in which the cervix opens up arbitrarily, leading to premature birth. A slight release of blood during sexual intercourse is possible if small vessels on the surface of the neck burst. This does not threaten pregnancy.

Third trimester. Bleeding late in the second or third trimester can be a sign of problems with the placenta. With placental abruption, it begins to separate from the wall of the uterus. In this case, there may be no bleeding at all, it can be very strong or of any intensity.

With placenta previa, the cervix is ​​partially or completely covered by the placenta, which is normally located closer to the bottom of the uterus.

The main symptom of placenta previa is painless bleeding, usually in the late second or early third trimester. Blood from the placenta previa is usually bright red. The bleeding may be light, but more often it is severe enough. It can stop spontaneously. But it almost always starts again after a few days or weeks.

Light bleeding between the 20th and 37th weeks may portend preterm labor. Bleeding in the last weeks of pregnancy means labor is approaching. The mucous plug that closes the entrance to the uterus during pregnancy may come out several weeks before or at the very beginning of labor. The mucus may contain some blood.

When to seek medical attention. Any bleeding during pregnancy is a reason to see a doctor. Even if everything went away within a day, see your doctor. Immediate medical attention is required if:

  • Bleeding occurs in the second or third trimester.
  • The bleeding is moderate to severe.
  • Bleeding is accompanied by pain, cramps, fever, chills, or cramps.

Treatment depends on the cause.

Accompanied by redness, itching and irritation, this is a genital infection. Its most common type is bacterial vaginosis. It causes a grayish-green, pus-smelling discharge and is associated with preterm labor. Two other common types of infection during pregnancy are candidiasis and trichomoniasis. They do not pose a direct threat to the child and can be cured during pregnancy.

Vaginal discharge

Many women experience increased vaginal discharge during pregnancy. This discharge, called leucorrhoea, is thin, whitish, and almost odorless. They are caused by the influence of hormones on the lining of the uterus, which should grow significantly during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the discharge can become very significant. Their high acidity is thought to play a role in suppressing the growth of disease-causing bacteria.

After childbirth, the discharge will also be for some time. These secretions, called lochiae, are caused by hormonal shifts and vary in amount, type, and duration. At first they are bloody, after about four days they become pale or brownish, after about 10 days - white or yellowish. Occasionally, a blood clot may come out. This postpartum discharge can last 2-8 weeks.

A discharge can also be a sign of infection. If they are greenish, yellowish, thick, cheesy, have a strong smell, or are accompanied by redness, itching and irritation, this is a genital infection. Its most common type is bacterial vaginosis. It causes a grayish-green, pus-smelling discharge and is associated with preterm labor. Two other common types of infection during pregnancy are candidiasis and trichomoniasis. They do not pose a direct threat to the child and can be cured during pregnancy.

Constant and significant watery discharge can be a sign of rupture of the membranes - water is leaving. If the discharge is bloody or thick mucus, there may be problems with the cervix.

How to prevent and overcome. Use sanitary pads for normal discharge during pregnancy. To reduce your risk of infection:

  • Do not douche. Douching can disrupt the normal balance of microorganisms in the vagina and lead to an infection called bacterial vaginosis.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Avoid non-breathable fabrics, tight underwear, tight-fitting trousers.

When to seek medical attention. See your doctor if:

  • In addition to the discharge, you have stomach pain or fever.
  • Discharge greenish, yellowish, with a purulent odor, thick, cheesy, with blood.
  • Discharge is accompanied by redness, irritation, burning, or itching.
  • You have a persistent and significant watery discharge.
  • You recently had an amniocentesis and your discharge has increased. This could mean leaking amniotic fluid.

If you have already given birth, contact your doctor if:

  • Within four hours, the pad is soaked in an hour. Do not wait four hours if you are dizzy or have increased blood loss. Call doctors right away.
  • The discharge has a putrid odor.
  • The discharge is accompanied by fever and abdominal pain.
  • Painful abdomen or a lot of blood clots.

Varicose veins

Changes in circulation that support fetal growth during pregnancy can have an unpleasant side effect in the form of varicose veins. Varicose veins often develop during pregnancy. To cope with the increased blood flow during pregnancy, the blood vessels often enlarge. At the same time, blood flow from the legs to the pelvis can slow down. As a result, the valves in the veins of the legs are disrupted, which leads to the expansion and bulging of the veins. The tendency to varicose veins is inherited. Hereditary valve weakness in the veins makes you more susceptible to varicose veins.

Varicose veins can be asymptomatic, but it can cause pain and discomfort, the legs ache, sometimes there is a burning sensation. Veins usually narrow slightly after delivery.

How to prevent and overcome. The following measures can help prevent varicose veins, avoid worsening, and reduce discomfort:

  • Don't stand for long periods.
  • Don't cross your legs. This impairs blood circulation.
  • Always place your feet on a raised platform whenever possible. When sitting, place your feet on another chair or stool. Place a pillow under your feet when lying down.
  • Exercise regularly to improve blood circulation.
  • Wear supportive tights or stockings all day. They will improve blood circulation in the legs. Talk to your doctor about choosing the right model.
  • Wear loose clothing at the waist and hips. It is impossible for the legs to be squeezed in the upper part, this will disrupt the outflow of blood from the legs and worsen the condition of the varicose veins.

Health care. Varicose veins usually do not require treatment. Severe cases require surgery, but surgery is usually only done after childbirth.


Nausea and vomiting are common early in pregnancy and can occur at any time of the day. But sometimes the vomiting is so severe that a pregnant woman cannot eat or drink enough to get the proper amount of nutrients and stay hydrated. This condition is called indomitable vomiting of pregnant women.

Indomitable vomiting is frequent, persistent, and very violent. Dizziness and fainting are also possible. Untreated, indomitable vomiting will prevent you from getting the nutrition and fluids you need, and you may become dehydrated. In rare cases, vomiting is a threat to the fetus.

The exact causes of indomitable vomiting are unknown, but it occurs more often with very high levels of the pregnancy hormone chorionic gonadotropin - with multiple pregnancies or cystic moles. Bubble drift is a rare disorder in which an abnormal mass forms in the uterus instead of the baby. Indomitable vomiting is more common during the first pregnancy, in very young women and in women carrying twins.

How to prevent and overcome... If you don't vomit more than once a day, follow the tips for morning sickness.

When to seek medical attention. See your doctor if:

  • The nausea and vomiting are so intense that you cannot keep food and liquids inside.
  • Vomiting occurs more often 2-3 times a day.
  • Vomiting continues into the second trimester.
  • You have symptoms of dehydration - facial flushing, intense thirst, dizziness, leg cramps, headache, dark yellow urine.


Such infections (candidiasis) are caused by Candida albicans, which is present in small amounts in the vagina in about 25% of women. Increased estrogen levels during pregnancy alter the vaginal environment, disrupting the natural balance and allowing certain microorganisms to grow faster.

Candida may be present without any symptoms, but it can cause infection. Symptoms are thick, white, cheesy discharge, itching, burning and redness, and painful urination.

Although mycosis is unpleasant for you, it is not a threat to the baby and can be successfully treated during pregnancy.

How to prevent and overcome. To prevent infection:

  • Wear cotton-backed underwear and tights that are not tight.
  • Do not stay in wet swimsuits and tracksuits for a long time, wash them after each use.
  • Eat yoghurts that contain acidophilic cultures. This will help maintain the right mix of bacteria in your body.

Health care. Candidiasis is treated during pregnancy with vaginal creams or suppositories containing an antifungal agent. These remedies are available without a prescription, but do not use them without talking to your doctor. Before starting treatment, the diagnosis must be confirmed. Maybe the doctor will recommend some prescription drugs.

If you have mycosis during pregnancy, it can relapse until the very birth, then it usually goes away. You may need to treat the infection several times during pregnancy.

False and true contractions

If you haven't given birth before, you may think that labor is a sure sign of labor. Not necessary. Many mothers-to-be sometimes experience painless labor before actual labor begins. Sometimes this can be quite frustrating.

During the last weeks of pregnancy, the uterus may begin to contract. With your hand on your stomach, you can sometimes feel the uterus tighten and relax. Such weak contractions are called false contractions. The uterus is "warming up" in preparation for the great work ahead.

As the due date approaches, false contractions become stronger, sometimes unpleasant and even painful. It's easy to mistake them for real. The difference between false and true contractions is that during labor, contractions cause the cervix to dilate. False contractions are irregular, but true contractions occur rhythmically, gradually becoming stronger and more frequent.

Timing is a good way to distinguish false contractions from true contractions. Track the duration of the contraction and the interval between two contractions on the clock. As shown in the table in Part 5, this will help determine the rhythm of the contractions if labor has actually begun.

Even after tracking all this, you cannot be sure that labor has really begun. Sometimes the only way to be sure of this is to check if the cervix is ​​dilating, which requires a physical examination. Childbirth starts differently for everyone. For some women, painful contractions last for several days without changes in the neck, others feel only slight tension and pain in the back.

Pregnancy for a woman is one of the natural conditions. And yet this greatly changes the body's perception of not only the surrounding world, but also itself. Sensations are especially important in the early stages of pregnancy. They are so diverse that it is worth knowing in advance what to expect for the future mom. After all, some of them will indicate that there are deviations from the norm and medical intervention is urgently required.

Read in this article

When to expect the first symptoms

The desired appearance of the baby or not, the woman is extremely interested in when the symptoms of pregnancy appear. Its countdown begins from the first day of the previous menstruation. Conception occurs in the middle of the cycle. But you shouldn't expect any sensations at this phase. Only particularly impressionable women talk about them, although they are associated with impatience rather than physiological changes. The only thing that can be detected is an increase in vaginal discharge. Such a reaction of the body is associated with the fact that it more actively produces mucus for the subsequent formation of a protective plug.

After another 6-10 days, the ovum takes its place in the uterus. From this event, you can talk about when the symptoms of pregnancy begin, because some of them are already felt. For example, blood and mild abdominal pain may be mixed with mucus from the genital tract. These signs are usually frightening, as, according to the verbal description, they look threatening. But there is nothing to be afraid of if it does not last more than 2 days. The process of introducing an egg into the lining of the uterus occurs with vascular damage.

However, for the majority, this event has no visible manifestations. And for them, the question of how long it takes to get pregnancy symptoms is still relevant. From the moment of embryo implantation, we can say that conception has occurred. As the fetus develops, the hormonal background of the woman changes, which affects her well-being. Already on a two-week period, you can feel your new state.

Pregnancy manifestations after conception

The surest symptom for many is the absence of menstruation in due time. But this will come to light later. Some women even before menstruation feel the manifestations of the changes that have occurred in the body.

Feelings in the early stages of pregnancy, before delay, are weak, they can be easily confused with signs of a cold or overwork. A woman can experience:

  • runny nose, sore throat;
  • drowsiness, fatigue;
  • increased excitability.

Sometimes all of the above is the body's response to a change in the balance of hormones. But it is worth taking into account that immunity is not active at this time. All forces are subordinated to the needs of the reproductive system, that is, the development of pregnancy. Therefore, it is easy indeed to catch a cold and overwork.

Increased symptoms

After implantation, the cells of the embryo begin active division. The task of the body is to provide safe conditions and comfort for the existence of the ovum. At this time, the volume increases.

The embryo also adds new to the composition of the mother's hormones. It is hCG that helps the gynecologist diagnose. Under no other circumstances can this hormone appear in the female body. How pregnancy begins depends on progesterone and hCG, the symptoms of which become more pronounced every day.

Pregnancy symptoms Manifestation of symptoms in a pregnant woman

Usually, nausea follows in the morning, but it can appear 2-3 times a day. It can be associated with both food intake and without it.

Changes in the temperature inside the vagina (basal temperature)

If a woman has controlled her before, then she will notice that BT is at a value slightly above 37 degrees. This is how the body creates conditions for the development of the embryo.

Cessation of menstruation

The presence of the embryo makes it impossible and unnecessary to replace the upper layer of the uterine lining with a new one.

Appearance changes

At the first stage, the belly does not grow yet, but the skin may become covered with age spots, acne, and the hair may become oily or dry and weak.

Aversion to odors

It's not only about the smell of food, but also about any other. Previously favored or neutral scents cause nausea or, at best, irritation.

Changing tastes in food

A woman is more often drawn to salty or a rejection of meat appears. There may be a need to eat an unsuitable substance.

And yet, when discussing what sensations during early pregnancy, they mean mainly what happened in the woman's reproductive system. The main ones focus on her belly.

The beginning of pregnancy and the uterus

The main organ that performs work during pregnancy is the uterus. It is a shelter for the embryo for a long time. The body most clearly demonstrates all the changes that have been made. Feelings in the uterus in early pregnancy are noticeable from the beginning. It has already been said about what a woman can feel when an embryo is fixed in her, but this is far from all. The organ receives an increased blood supply at an early stage. This makes him especially susceptible. If, in a normal state, not every woman will indicate where the uterus is located, during pregnancy she will easily do this. The tissues of the mucous organ swell, which can lead to a slight heaviness in the abdomen, tingling.

Normal sensations in the early stages of pregnancy do not cause unbearable discomfort, although with its development they will intensify. For the reasons that caused them, these manifestations can be divided into groups.


The feeling of tension in the abdomen is familiar to many in this condition. His fault is a spasm of the muscles of the uterus, called. When feeling the abdomen after 2 months from the beginning of pregnancy, it is easy to find the upper pole of the organ. Such feelings of uterine stone in early pregnancy are due to progesterone deficiency. If it is large, the child will have to be saved with the help of the efforts of doctors and bed rest. But this also happens with a normal pregnancy due to motor load, shaking in transport. If the muscle spasm quickly passes, is not complemented by severe pain and discharge with blood, there is no danger.

Changes associated with the growth of the uterus

Short-term pain in the abdomen in early pregnancy, which appears during increased motor activity, is localized in the groin area. They can often be felt by women with a sharp change in body position, even coughing and sneezing. In the described cases, this is a common occurrence caused by an increase in the load on the ligaments of the uterus. The organ grows, and although it is not so obvious in the early stages, the pressure on its parts increases. Normally, sensations should go away soon after onset.

Influence of the uterus on adjacent organs

The first sensations in early pregnancy can be associated, oddly enough, with the bladder and intestines. The swollen uterus and enlargement will certainly affect the adjacent organs. From here. The uterus is not yet large, but it irritates the walls of the bladder. If a woman tries to reduce visits to the toilet and endure, the urge increases, and hypertonicity may be added to it.

Unpleasant sensations during early pregnancy are presented by the intestines. They are caused by the relaxation of his muscles, like many other abdominal organs. On the one hand, this is nature's concern for the preservation of pregnancy. On the other hand, it can cause flatulence. The vasodilatation in the pelvic region, which is inevitable during pregnancy, often provokes the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Beginning of pregnancy and ovaries

The ovaries during pregnancy, as the tissues of the uterus grow, are pulled up to the upper part of the abdominal cavity. At first, this is still not as noticeable as with its development. Actually, at the moment, these organs have done their job, that is, they have produced a healthy reproductive cell and their functioning is minimal. Sensation in the ovaries in early pregnancy may not go beyond light stretching in this area. But their culprits are mostly the ligaments of the uterus, which have to withstand the growing load.

If, this means that inflammation has begun in them, which pregnancy is not able to prevent. It must be stopped, otherwise a threat is created for the fetus.

And in order to exclude all sorts of negative factors that disrupt the normal course of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. We recommend that you read the article. From it you will learn what you need to take with you to your appointment, what tests you need to take, and also how the first appointment with a specialist will go.

Vagina during pregnancy

The vagina is the path along which the newborn has to make the first movement. This is part of the reproductive system, so the changes will affect him too. Sensations in the vagina in early pregnancy are determined by an increase in the number and diameter of vessels in the small pelvis. The embryo requires oxygen and nutrition, which reach its cells through the bloodstream. Therefore, the woman will feel a bursting in the crotch area. It is caused by stretching of the capillary and venous walls, blood pressure on them. The sensations in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy will be similar.

The vagina and before it produces mucus, which provides the normal microflora of the organ. During pregnancy, its secretory capabilities increase. A woman notes in herself a colorless, odorless discharge. The worst they can bring is a little discomfort. But in general, this is a common occurrence.

Breasts early in pregnancy

The breast is a very sensitive part of the female reproductive system. Hormones have a strong effect on it. That is why the mammary glands are the first to respond to the appearance of an embryo in the body. Nature prepares them for the production of milk for the unborn baby, carrying out this with the help of the hormone prolactin. The glands grow in volume, so even for the first weeks, a woman should stock up on underwear one or two sizes larger than her usual size. As a result, they also become different. She becomes more sensitive to touch, sometimes to the point of soreness. The feeling of fullness is added due to the expansion of the ducts through which milk will flow to the nipples.

The skin of the breast acquires, as it were, transparency, because the vessels are clearly visible on it. The nipples and areoles, on the other hand, become brighter in color, also becoming a little painful.

The border of the manifestations of pregnancy and the danger for her

All processes at the initial stage of pregnancy may not coincide in detail in different women. Moreover, the carrying of the first and second child by the same mother is not the same. It is not always possible to discern where the ordinary manifestations of the condition are, and in which cases there is a danger to the fetus. And yet, there are criteria by which one can suspect something was wrong:

  • The majority of non-sharp pulling sensations in the early stages of pregnancy coincide with the schedule of critical days. When this is observed, and the pain intensifies over time, this may indicate the initial stage of interruption. The early period in this sense is dangerous, so you should rush to the gynecologist right away.
  • Sharp, throbbing pain is noticed during early pregnancy. Accompanied, they can mean. With this development of events, the fetus cannot be saved, but urgent help is still needed. If the pain is localized in the lateral square of the abdomen, does not disappear, it is supplemented there is a possibility that pregnancy does not develop in the uterus, but in the tube or abdominal cavity. This condition also requires urgent intervention. If help arrives early, there is still a chance that the next pregnancy will be successful.
  • If the tests showed that there is a fetus, but the woman does not have any sensations in the early stages of pregnancy. This happens when the embryo stops developing. A frozen fetus means the cessation of cell division, the return of the hormonal background to its previous state. Hence the absence of all the mentioned manifestations of it. A frozen pregnancy sometimes ends in spontaneous rejection of the fetus, but in frequent cases, medical intervention is necessary.

Look at the video about early pregnancy and typical manifestations:

And if there are two of them?

Some women, even in anticipation of a baby, feel great: they are almost not sick, the discomfort, which cannot be done without, is minimal. But this situation practically does not happen if twins are expected (sensations in the early stages of pregnancy can make it feel before ultrasound).

The load that the female body carries in this case increases. What is immediately evident from the study on hCG, it will be twice as much. And the volume of progesterone, which ensures gestation, which is also the cause of not the most pleasant manifestations, is higher. That's why:

  • can be very pronounced;
  • soreness of the mammary glands is more noticeable;
  • weakness is more pronounced due to the double need for iron;
  • the stomach becomes larger by the 11th week due to the rapidly growing uterus, respectively, all the associated inconveniences in the form of hourly trips to the toilet, constipation are more acute;
  • abdominal pain can also be more noticeable due to the increased load on the ligaments, the risk of uterine hypertonicity and miscarriage increases.

Feelings in the early stages of a trouble-free pregnancy can be different. Sometimes they are very difficult to bear, but many women have gone through this, which means that everyone can. It is important not to confuse norm and pathology, and this can be avoided if you regularly visit a doctor, listen to your body and trust both of them.