Congrats on your appointment as chief. Congratulations on your new position at work

Congratulations on your promotion
The most correct decision.
Let things go great
And success will become a habit.
Let there be no place for sadness
Happiness, joy will be together.
Let your career continue to grow
Bring prosperity to your home!

Congratulations on your promotion
With you Cola and cookies.
Just don't turn up your nose
And help your colleagues.
Be persistent, be careful
Pleasant in heart and face,
And then, not even the hour,
You will become the main one with us!

With promotion, colleague!
Don't let this happen often.
For you, this post is like a reward,
After all, he did not work in vain.
Everyone congratulates you today
From the bottom of my heart I wish you good luck
Earn the respect of your superiors
And a big salary to boot.

Congratulations on the promotion
Fair appointment.
Let luck await in business
And the task is always on the shoulder.
Your work will be a joy
And burden will not touch the heart.
May peace and comfort surround you.
And may you always be welcome at home!

From the bottom of my heart, friend, congratulations,
With a promotion in your service!
And I wish you success in your work,
To make a career soon!
May your health be strong
Let ideas be bold
And the business approach will be tenacious,
Come true so that your plans!

Your work is appreciated -
Congratulations on your promotion!
So that you do not know problems at work
And in everything to succeed!
To further appreciate you
For your work and success in work,
And so that this step is yours
Was not the last in your rise!

The title is given only to the best.
You are already among the lucky ones.
Congratulations on this! Improve your life
Got a chance. We are happy for you in our hearts!
With elevation comes seriousness
And responsibility for their actions.
Let a colleague not miss happiness
Let him work in a team in love.

You've been promoted, congratulations!
May your career take off.
And we wish to rise to the top
Not for ten years, but for a maximum of a year.
Today is a holiday, that's for sure!
Colleagues at work congratulate and friends.
Manners have become somewhat sedate,
And many things are no longer possible.
The path to prosperity will be easy.
We wish you to pass freely
Be wise, charming and persistent,
Finding a place under the sun is a must.

Let's congratulate today
Who gets the title
Who became a lieutenant colonel, and because
Today the sun is shining.
Now young, that young major
Became a position higher, larger.

Our dear mother!
You are very stubborn with us.
If you decide something
Always stand on your own.
Congratulations on your promotion!
Strength to you! Sea of ​​patience!
Do not scold subordinates
Don't forget about family.
Well, we always, than we can,
We will help you, Mom.
In general, always be stubborn,
Our dear mother!

What happened was the purpose of life
You are leaving us for a promotion
And we wish you all the best
So that the fire of aspiration does not go out.

Did you get a promotion for great merit?
For a simple attitude, for love for a great cause,
For the greatness of nature, and simple respect,
For aspiration and honesty, beauty and meekness of disposition, -
That's why you got this super promotion!

We are glad to congratulate you
With a big rise
All deserve awards
We are only in a hurry to wish
To continue to be so strong,
Grow above yourself in everything,
Don't be embarrassed by success
And always go forward!
So that successful moments
Were good at work
To upset competitors!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

We hasten to congratulate our colleague,
With your promotion!
We wish you great work
We will support you, of course, at the beginning!
And let the world play with bright colors,
Let the soul sing with happiness.
And we wish you further increases,
Grow in your career every year!

We congratulate you on your promotion
Today we were in a hurry.
With this kind of attitude
You definitely got yours!
You worked hard and honestly,
And forgot the restful sleep.
But life is interesting
That you deserve an award.
And here we are with career growth
Congratulations today.
Heights to you new with a new toast
With all our hearts, we wish!

Career growth is important for life
And so today we
Congratulating you on your promotion,
We wish you a new height!
We also remind you, our friend,
So that friends are not forgotten
Let a lot of people around
Only with them is not afraid of sadness.

Our military - support, protection!
And your ranks are formidable to the enemy.
To you - the unyielding parts of the monolith
Let's trust Russia and life always!

Congratulations to the one who, having passed the test,
He showed himself to be an excellent soldier.
Let's congratulate him on his title!
He is the best example for the "green" guys.

Let's have a happy holiday.
Be "At ease!" command is more audible.
And the insignia so we "wash",
That our native country will not forget us.

Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
With a raise - you deserve it!
You have worked very hard
And put in a lot of effort!
You are an example for all of us,
Here - accept the gift,
Let there be more bright days
And luck will be near!

You diligently worked hard.
We missed this time
After all, you did not often walk with friends.
Bottom line: he deserves a raise.
We want to gain momentum
Climb even higher in your career.
And enthusiasm at work
Yours is getting stronger!

Congratulations on your appointment
With a long-awaited promotion,
And we wish that a career
Served as an example for everyone!
For employees to love
Everyone praised for the work,
So that there is order in the family,
You lived in love, contentment!

You have become a little more important
One iota more serious, maybe,
A little more experienced means smarter,
We wish you continue to grow!

Let your successes repeat
With triple strength many, many times,
Envious people let them get angry in vain,
Let others rejoice now!

We wish your basket
Did not become undeservedly empty,
Let your role be irreplaceable,
And the porridge on your table is thick!

We want to deal with everything with ease,
The same as now, and continue to be,
Well, that is, we want not to be arrogant,
When you start to walk in the chiefs!

Our colleague, we are all very happy
What promoted you.
You deserve this award
We would like to congratulate you now!
Good luck to you in the new field,
And there are fewer obstacles along the way.
Always be exemplary
There is no one better than you!

You are my dear colleague,
With your promotion!
Even though sometimes we fought
Know that I am loving.

Congratulations, may victory
It won't be the last one here.
Let those close to you be proud
Let comfort reign in the house.

You are an ace, everyone knows it
Easy way for you.
May all troubles and hardships
You can easily pass.

It's always nice to be promoted
Although it adds responsibility.
Dealing with urgent matters
The bosses misses, notices mistakes.
We wish you to move up the hill in your career.
Let it not be difficult for you at all.
Do not climb out of your skin and strain,
Even if it's impossible.

You are now a step up
You have achieved what you were going for.
Don't rush, walk a little slower
Enjoy success to the fullest!
You've already reached the top
Not everyone can achieve it
Leave the rest for the man
You are a woman! This must be preserved!

Chef, congratulations
With your new appointment.
So that on the career ladder
There were many promotions.
Motivation always
To be true.
May good luck always come
Accompanies you along the way.
Love, enthusiasm, spark,
And your life will be easy!

Day and night you're in business
For just one lofty goal:
Take your career up...
And finally came the success!
Titanic labor noticed
Support guaranteed!
Please accept our congratulations
And also a warning:
Career is a curved ladder
You get up without yawning.
Don't turn up your nose in front of us
And then you stumble, so you know!

I am happy and glad with your promotion,
I wish you success, recognition, awards.
I wish you a career almost to heaven,
So that you carry with dignity, this difficult cross!

I wish you health, good luck, good,
Let this mountain also submit,
So that you always reach new heights,
Don't forget about your former colleagues!

And we love you, you come to us,
Let our paths not diverge
And if trouble happens to you,
Know that we will help you anywhere and anytime!

Well, my friend, let me congratulate
Me with the promotion of you.
Now you have become a big boss.
Accept a gift from me:
I wish you don't relax
And he was always himself
Stayed the same kind
Let happiness shine over fate.
So that the career ladder is straight
Led you up and up.
Hope, faith, definitely
And to expect success in everything.

Career growth is important
In life and work.
Therefore we will say
On a high note

What we are very proud of
We are your merit.
Your calculation was correct
You took the right angle.

Get honest
Goals and dreams.
Follow, don't give up.
You can! We believe.

Dear, diligent colleague!
We all appreciate your great work.
Congratulations on your promotion! Victory
Let your long journey illuminate.

There are failures in life
But you can easily deal with them.
On a different career ladder
Earn money, get points.

Let everything turn out in the best possible way,
And the new work brings success!
Will you be in the position of that leader
No drop and no big hitches.

Years flew by, the work was not in vain,
And I would like to congratulate you on your promotion.
Now you are our boss
Serious, fair,
The whole team is our chosen one,
Courteous, sweet and obstinate.
I congratulate you with all my heart,
And I want to wish
Be happy, we respect you
Try to act according to your conscience in business.

We hasten to congratulate
With a new upgrade
We will praise you
Let's continue drinking.

There is a difficult
Men rule
The thing here is
What a rank - rank.

Career growth is important
Everyone wants it
Otherwise, how can we prove
That the years don't fly.

Wasted and aimless
Like a storehouse for losses.
And here everything is so extreme -
You are the boss now.

Let everything be nice
Quiet, no problem.
Remember the main thing
There are no replacements for you!

You worked hard day and night!
Overtime work you took endlessly!
And now, now, a well-deserved result!
In honor of raising you our rhyme!
Colleagues die of envy
Congratulations true friends
Finally, for once
Your boss appreciated you!

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

I am confident that your professional experience, business and personal qualities will help you work effectively for the benefit of the region, do everything necessary to realize its socio-economic potential, maintain interethnic and interfaith harmony, and improve the quality of life of people. I wish you success and all the best.

President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

I congratulate you on the official assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic. Your assets include significant professional achievements, solid experience of responsible work, primarily in the Government of Chuvashia. I hope that, relying on the high confidence placed in you, you will consistently solve problems aimed at the dynamic development of the region, increasing its investment attractiveness, and strengthening the well-being of fellow countrymen. I wish you success and all the best.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

Dear Mikhail Vasilievich,

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic of the Russian Federation.

I am convinced that your knowledge and determination will serve to further expand mutually beneficial cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Chuvash Republic.

I sincerely wish you, dear Mikhail Vasilyevich, successful work in your responsible post, achievement of all your goals, good health, happiness and prosperity.

Sincerely, President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

I congratulate you on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic.

Working in responsible positions in Chuvashia, you proved to be a skilled manager. Our party "United Russia" recommended you for the position of the highest official of the Chuvash Republic. President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev approved your candidacy, which then received wide support in the State Council of the Chuvash Republic. Now you have to not only maintain the dynamics of the modern development of the Chuvash Republic, but also raise the region's modernization programs to a new level.

I wish you great success in your activities as the President of the Chuvash Republic for the benefit of the multinational Chuvashia and all of Russia.

Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia" B.V. Gryzlov

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

I congratulate you on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic. I am convinced that your business qualities, experience in state activity, deep knowledge of the problems of the region and responsibility in solving the tasks set will contribute to fruitful work aimed at the socio-economic development of Chuvashia, improving the well-being of its inhabitants. I wish you health, well-being, the implementation of all your plans and ideas.

Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Sergei Mironov

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

On behalf of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy and on my behalf, please accept sincere congratulations on the occasion of taking office as President of the Chuvash Republic.

Your experience in a responsible position, business and personal qualities largely predetermined the decision of the President of Russia, deputies of the legislative power of the republic, who have shown you high confidence.

I am convinced that professionalism, competence, organizational talent and energy will continue to contribute to the effective solution of the socio-economic problems of the region and the improvement of the well-being of its inhabitants.

I wish you good health, new successes in the implementation of your plans, happiness to you and your loved ones.

Sincerely yours, Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Federation Affairs and Regional Policy V.V. Usachov

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic.

Your appointment to this position has become a true assessment of your work for the benefit of Chuvashia and testifies to the recognition of your experience, ability to find compromises and achieve your goals.

Your high professionalism, great capacity for work, inexhaustible energy and, most importantly, your sincere love for your work are the key to the effectiveness of your work in this high position. I am sure that your rich life experience and wisdom are of great importance for the strengthening and development of the Chuvash Republic and Russia.

With all my heart I wish you good health, well-being, happiness and further success in solving the responsible tasks facing you.

Sincerely, Deputy of the State Duma Semenov P.V.

Dear Mikhail Vasilievich,

I cordially congratulate you on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic.

I am sure that your rich experience in senior positions in the executive authorities of the republic, your high professionalism, your inherent energy and determination will contribute to finding effective solutions to the problems of modernizing the economy and social sphere of Chuvashia, improving the well-being and quality of life of its inhabitants.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs highly appreciates close constructive cooperation with the Chuvash Republic in the development and improvement of its international and foreign economic relations on the basis of the country's unified foreign policy, and is ready to further increase cooperation.

I wish you good health, prosperity, success in your work for the good of your homeland.

Minister of Foreign Affairs S. Lavrov

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

Congratulations on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic!

With all my heart I wish you good health, successful implementation of all your plans, inexhaustible energy, creative forces, goodness and well-being. We look forward to fruitful cooperation in the preservation and development of Russia's multinational culture.

Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation A.A. Avdeev

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

I cordially congratulate you on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic. I am sure that as the head of the republic you will consistently pursue a policy of increasing the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex and solving the social problems of the countryside. I wish you, dear Mikhail Vasilyevich, well-being and new labor successes for the benefit of great Russia!

Sincerely, Minister of Agriculture Skrynnik E.

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

I congratulate you on the official assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic!

Thanks to your significant contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex of Chuvashia, your managerial experience and business qualities, you have earned deep respect from the population. I am sure that in your new high post, your policy will be aimed at further socio-economic and spiritual development. x ovno-cultural development of the republic, raising the standard of living of people.

I wish you good health, success in your responsible activities for the benefit of the Chuvash Republic and all of Russia!

Sincerely, President of the Republic of Bashkortostan R. Khamitov

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

I heartily congratulate you on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic! There is no doubt that your activities in this high and responsible post will serve the further social and economic development of Chuvashia, the growth of the well-being of its population. Accept wishes of good health and well-being, success in your activities.

President of the Republic of Dagestan M. Magomedov

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic!

I am convinced that your striving for creation, the highest professionalism, extensive knowledge, political experience and energy will effectively contribute to the further successful solution of urgent tasks of strengthening the socio-economic potential of the republic and improving the well-being of its inhabitants.

On this solemn day, I sincerely wish you good health, well-being, happiness, fruitful activity for the benefit and prosperity of the Chuvash Republic!

Governor of the Penza Region V.K. Bochkarev

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

On behalf of the multinational people of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on your assumption of the post of President of the Chuvash Republic.

You have been successfully working in the management team of the region for a long time, so your appointment to the position

President of the Chuvash Republic - the continuation of the chosen political and socio-economic course, the implementation of which you will continue together with the multinational people of Chuvashia.

I am sure that professional experience, business and personal qualities, with the support and trust of the inhabitants of the Chuvash Republic, will help you work effectively for the benefit of the development of the region in the implementation of socio-economic programs, improving the quality of life of people, maintaining harmony in interethnic and interfaith relations.

I wish you health, well-being, success in the implementation of your plans for the benefit of the inhabitants of the region you lead and our Fatherland.

Sincerely, President of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic B.S. Ebzeev

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

I am grateful to you for the invitation to take part in the official ceremony of your inauguration as the President of the Chuvash Republic. Unfortunately, urgent official business does not allow me to take part in the solemn event. On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Mari El and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on the empowerment and assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic. I wish you fruitful work in this high responsible post, good health, creative success, prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Sincerely, President of the Republic of Mari El L. Markelov

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

On the day of your inauguration as the President of the Chuvash Republic, accept

warmest congratulations. You have done a lot to ensure the food security of the republic, for the comprehensive development of the countryside and have achieved truly impressive results. Today, a new field of activity is opening before you, worthy of your high business and personal qualities.

I am convinced that your professionalism, authority and inexhaustible creative energy will allow you to implement the planned programs for the development of the region, help to unite government, business and society to solve large-scale tasks related to the modernization of all spheres of life.

Unfortunately, the urgent problems of the Kirov region do not allow me to attend your inauguration.

I am sincerely glad for you and I am sure that in your person the republic has found a worthy President.

I wish you successful implementation of your plans, good health, inexhaustible energy, happiness and prosperity.

Governor of the Kirov region N.Yu. White

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

On behalf of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, I heartily congratulate you on your assumption of the post of President of the Chuvash Republic! Your entire life path is an example of worthy fulfillment of the duty of a citizen, selfless service to your native land and fatherland. A bright, truly creative personality, you have a rare gift to show your multifaceted talent in any trusted business, consistently and competently work to strengthen the Russian statehood of the civilian world, the unity and power of your native state. Your experience as an effective leader and professional who can take responsibility for the fulfillment of tasks, careful attitude towards people will serve as a solid basis for the implementation of the most ambitious plans for the development of the Chuvash Republic. Please accept my sincere wishes for health, happiness, family well-being, new achievements and success in the name of the prosperity of our beloved homeland.

Sincerely, Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region V.P. Shantsev

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic. I wish you good health, success in all your undertakings, new strength and energy in serving the state cause for the benefit of the people of the republic.

Sincerely, Governor of the Omsk Region L.K. Polezhaev

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your appointment as President of the Chuvash Republic! I am convinced that the trust of the leadership of the country and the republic will give you strength in solving the problems of reforming the economy of Chuvashia and raising the living standards of its citizens. I look forward to fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation between our regions in all spheres of life, and further development of friendly ties. I wish you good health, happiness and great success in your high state post. Thank you for the invitation to the solemn ceremony of taking office, I regret that I cannot take part in it due to the heavy workload.

Sincerely, Governor of the Orenburg Region Yu.A. Berg

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

I congratulate you on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic. The high trust placed in you is a huge incentive for further effective work for the benefit of the socio-economic development of the region. I wish you health, happiness and success in all your endeavors.

Head of Administration (Governor) of the Rostov Region V.Yu. Golubev

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

I congratulate you on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic. The high confidence placed in you by the President of the Russian Federation and the deputies of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic indicates that it is with your name that the leadership of the country and the regional parliament pin their hopes for the further socio-economic development of the region.

I am sure that under your leadership the republic will continue its progressive movement towards new achievements in the economy and social sphere. I sincerely wish you good health, optimism, prosperity and success in the noble cause of serving Russia.

Governor of the Samarka region V.V. Artyakov

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic. The trust placed in you by the President of the Russian Federation is a high and well-deserved appreciation of your many years of work for the benefit of the republic. Your experience in state activity, work as the Minister of Agriculture of Chuvashia, managerial talent and the highest professionalism will serve the further development and prosperity of Chuvashia. I highly appreciate the friendly relations that have developed between our regions, I am convinced that with your appointment as President of the Republic, they will continue fruitful and multifaceted cooperation. I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, success in all your affairs and undertakings.

Sincerely, Governor of the Saratov region Ipatov P.L.

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

On behalf of the Government of Moscow and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on your assumption of the post of President of the Chuvash Republic! I attach great importance to the strengthening of friendship and cooperation between Moscow and the Chuvash Republic. I am convinced of the importance and good prospects for work in the interests of the socio-economic development of our regions.

I wish you health, great accomplishments and achievements as President of the Chuvash Republic.

Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

On behalf of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia and on my own behalf, let me warmly and cordially congratulate you on the significant day of taking office as the President of the Republic of Chuvashia!

You, one of the brightest professionals of the young galaxy of the Russian state and political elite, who has done a lot for the practical implementation of the complex tasks of the progressive socio-economic development and prosperity of the Republic of Chuvashia, are rightfully entrusted with the highest post of head of the largest constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

On this significant day, on behalf of all faithful compatriots, I would like to wish you success in the upcoming noble work aimed at the consistent strengthening and prosperity of the Republic of Chuvashia, upholding the democratic principles of state building and affirming the enduring spiritual values ​​sent down by the Almighty!

Taking this opportunity, I want to testify to you my sincere respect and high respect, and also wish you inexhaustible strength for the implementation of your high mission, and also assure you, Mikhail Vasilyevich, of our unwavering support for your charitable deeds.

I wish you good health, further success in the field of service for the benefit of the multinational people of the Republic of Chuvashia and our entire great Fatherland - Russia!


Talgat Safa Tajuddin

Grand Mufti

Chairman of the Central Spiritual Board of Russia

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

On behalf of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your assumption of the post of President of the Republic of Chuvashia! I wish you that your activities in this high position contribute to strengthening the socio-economic potential of the republic, improving the well-being of its inhabitants. I wish you health, well-being in life, prosperity, constructive work and success in the noble service to the fatherland!

Sincerely, Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use A.A. Ledovskikh

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

On behalf of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, I congratulate you on the official assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic! Of course, this is a new stage in your career, recognition of your personal merits and the results of your activities. I am sure that your professionalism, competence, ability to make decisions and be responsible for them, many years of experience in responsible positions in public authorities will lead you to new successes. With all my heart I wish you good health, true friends and like-minded people for the implementation of everything planned, successful work for the benefit of Russia and the Chuvash Republic!

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg V.A. tulips

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

I congratulate you on your assumption of the office of the President of the Chuvash Republic.

Your appointment to this state post testifies to the high level of trust on the part of the President of the Russian Federation and the people of the region.

I am sure that under your leadership the mutually beneficial cooperation between the city of Moscow and the Chuvash Republic will be further developed.

I wish you success in your laborious state activity, health, happiness and prosperity.

Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow S.L. Baidakov

Dear Mikhail Vasilyevich!

On behalf of the Management Board of Open Joint Stock Company Gazprom and on my own behalf, I heartily congratulate you on your assumption of the post of President of the Chuvash Republic. I am confident that business cooperation between the Chuvash Republic and OAO Gazprom will develop successfully. Please accept our sincere wishes for good health, happiness, prosperity and success in your activities.

Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee A.B. Miller

Promotion often promises big changes in life. But with pleasant bonuses and privileges come new responsibilities. The closest people, relatives, friends and colleagues understand and appreciate the promotion in a career best of all. If someone in your environment has received a new position or promotion, then by all means pick up for this person a beautiful congratulation in verse or prose (to a loved one, girl), as well as thematic pictures to support him in a new role and wish him even greater achievements. heights at work.

Universal congratulations on promotion for men and women in prose

(Formal letter or verbal congratulations) A promotion at work is not just a new open door to a better life. This is the discovery of new opportunities, stricter requirements for oneself, other boundaries and completely new concepts. These are changes that often serve as a test of character, the desire to win and the ability to change yourself. We wish you to find the strength in yourself for new changes and overcoming any difficulties.

There is no net benefit in a new position. Any money plus is divided by a minus of free time, a plus in status by a minus in responsibility. But there is one indisputable plus - self-development. The new stage gives an incentive to develop skills, to comprehend knowledge and overcome difficulties. Such experience will be the most valuable acquisition, and I wish you to easily cope with your new job responsibilities and quickly settle into a new place.

They say movement is life. Moving up the career ladder is, perhaps, one of its most pleasant manifestations. Everything you have achieved in your work is the result of hard work, perseverance and self-confidence. We wish you prosperity, an easy way up without unnecessary and wrong turns, as well as good luck in your personal life - without it there will be no incentive to work.

Best congratulations on promotion to the boss in verse and pictures

Congratulations boss!
Rise to mercy
Good luck, success
Deserved, did not fall.
Long work, responsibility,
fatigue, perseverance,
Directness and honesty
Without lies and pretense.
All this is character
Leader from God
Let it be yours
Easy road!

With a promotion, chief,
Smart, understanding
Difficult decisions
Faithfully accepting.
For your flair and strength
We respect you so much
Plans all and all forecasts
We are ahead of you.
Let them open
Horizons and latitudes
In the new armchair interesting
We want work!

Promotion, our boss!
May good luck and income
Will bring you into a new
Position transition.
Let work interesting
Become an adventure
A bit of a serious matter
More fun.
Let it be easy top
Each one is given
Being a boss is successful
Lho succeeds!

Sincere congratulations on the promotion of a woman in prose

Contrary to all myths and prejudices, a female boss is the ideal leader. Economic nature, the desire to do everything right and on time, attention to detail and amazing female intuition - all this reinforces your unique leadership qualities and makes you special, the most intelligent leader. With promotion! Let only new heights await you beyond the horizon!

A new position for a woman promises not only an improvement in well-being. This is a sure sign for you that you have mastered one stage of your career and moved to a new level. You are properly appreciated and noticed, which means that you are doing everything right. Let new pleasant acquaintances, good events and good changes come into your life with a new position!

They say that a successful woman should be successful in everything. You are an example of such feminine perfection: active, cheerful, purposeful and persistent. All this helps you build your life brick by brick and at the same time feel happy. I wish you every success in your new position and continued growth to new heights!

Funny congratulations to a colleague on promotion in verse

Congratulations our colleague
You with a promotion.
We consider this news
The right decision.
You deserve to take a step
Up the career ladder.
Let the new position become
Happiness is only a harbinger.
Let the paper work
And the reports don't scare
Everyday worries
Let them not stress you.

With your promotion!
This path was not easy
Before a new life whirlwind
Need some rest.
Let's sit in a familiar circle
We forget about work
Discuss these issues
We will not be with colleagues.
We wish you better happiness
Everyone is not afraid of change
And the same true friend
And stay nice!

With promotion, colleague!
How happy I am for you!
Get a new position
Above money and awards.
For you, this is the stage
new, unknown,
And he is only open to that,
Who is dedicated to work!
Let it be easy for you
new thresholds,
Let them pass by
Any worries!

Original congratulations on promotion in prose

How is service different from work? The fact that in the service, in addition to the workload, in the first place is always a sense of duty, an obligation that cannot be refused: work in the police, tax administration or any other state structure. To serve means to live the work that you do professionally. A promotion is a big step forward for you, the result of a lot of hard work and dedication. Let your work continue to be highly appreciated, and it helps you realize your talents and opportunities in life!

The service brings together thousands of people and hundreds of different professions. Only those who do everything right, who give themselves completely to work and are not afraid to take on more responsibility, succeed in getting a promotion. We wish you to continue with the same enthusiasm for work and realize your dreams, both in your career and in your personal life!

Service is the readiness to devote oneself and all one's thoughts to an important profession. This is overtime work, creativity and the ability to find a way out of any situation, the ability to join any team. Only the strongest in spirit, like you, reach new career heights. Let pleasant discoveries await you ahead, and all difficulties turn into easily solved trifles!

Each person, working in some institution for a certain time, hopes that the management will appreciate his work and promote him. Someone manages to move up the career ladder, someone not so much, but in any case, having received the desired position (even if not a managerial one), people rejoice wholeheartedly. A friendly team usually also happily perceives the news about the new appointment of someone from the team, and often arranges even small receptions in honor of this. Accordingly, the team should prepare original and funny congratulations in prose or poetry.

A friendly team is a second family for everyone, because a person spends almost as much time at work as at home. Therefore, it is so important that relations between colleagues are warm, and mutual understanding reigns between superiors and subordinates. Often, having received a new position, a person learns about it not from the director, but from his colleagues in the shop. And if the team is young and cheerful, then they are unlikely to want to report such news calmly. Basically, colleagues prefer to announce the appointment in a playful way, in order to please and amuse the lucky one. If the new appointment is expected, then congratulations on such an event are prepared in advance. It seems possible to say beautiful words in prose, but this is clearly not enough.

How to originally congratulate on the appointment to a new position

Whatever position a colleague gets - head of department, secretary, assistant manager, etc., this cannot be ignored. That is why you need to prepare unconventional funny congratulations. Below we present interesting options.

If the head of the institution in which the pleasant event took place is a person with a good sense of humor, you can proceed as follows. Colleagues should gather in the boss's office. The lucky one, who was promoted, needs to be called what is called "on the carpet." When a colleague enters the office, both the manager and the whole team should be very serious, you can even look upset. The director must first scare the newcomer in some way, demand a work report, etc., and then reveal the secret - announce a new appointment. The team, in turn, should join in and loudly and cheerfully congratulate their colleague in prose or in another form. A person will definitely remember such a congratulation on a new position for a long time. In youth teams, this option will meet with a bang and will cheer everyone up.

You can also use the old version, a telegram, as a congratulation. You can, of course, not use real mail - every PC user is able to make a small old telegram on their own. To do this, you only need a printer, a computer and a sheet of A-4 milky paper. If the telegram is ready, you can play the situation in a fun way. To do this, the telegram must contain the first threatening words. The telegram should approximately have the following meaning:

“Dear (Name)! Something terrible happened today. Hold on. We are always with you in any situation. You can count on us. From now on, you are the director of the department! Congratulations!!! your colleagues."

A good option for congratulating a colleague is the presentation of a comic diploma. You can buy it at the gift shop or at the stationery store. You can also make a comic diploma or diploma with your own hands. The last option is even more interesting, since it can be made original - stick a photo of the hero of the occasion on the diploma, write congratulatory words in prose or poetry.

Whatever option the team chooses to congratulate a colleague on his appointment to a new position, the main thing is that everything be said or done sincerely and from the heart. You can not only say beautiful words, but also reinforce what was said with small gifts. You can give a colleague a beautiful wall calendar, office supplies, an alarm clock, and even a houseplant in a beautiful pot. It is important not to forget about such an important event, to show respect and attention. Then the microclimate in the team will be warm and pleasant.

Most people get promoted because it means an extra raise in pay. This day, as a rule, is accompanied by congratulations of employees and the closest people. A large selection of congratulations on promotion is on our website, and everyone will like it. They will come to the rescue and make congratulations the brightest. Congratulations for an employee who has moved up the career ladder can be presented in different ways, for example, make a general congratulation by designing it in the form of a poster. Congratulations on promotion, located on the site, will help convey congratulations not only with the help of speech, but also in any convenient and unusual way.

Let me congratulate you, dear colleague,
With success in your work.
After all, the increase is a significant and important thing,
Good luck and growth in the future to you.
Let illnesses and ailments go sideways,
Let the work seem like a fabulous dream.
Where all employees love and respect you,
And maybe it will become a reality.

Congratulations on your promotion,
Not everyone deserves these laurels, not everyone.
We worked hard, honestly and together,
The hour has come for you to reap the harvest.
May life continue to be filled with success,
May health never fail.
And feeling the thin envy breeze,
Don't let it break you down or embarrass you.

We sincerely congratulate you on your promotion,
This event is significant.
We wish you continued success and improvement,
Let glory not discredit you, be careful.
As a token of gratitude for faithful service,
For kindness and strong working friendship.
We hug you tightly and wish you good luck,
May your career bring only success and nothing else!

Our dear colleague, comrade and friend,
Congratulations on your promotion.
We wish you success, good luck, true friends circle,
More happiness in life and enjoyment.
You are worthy of the highest praise
You are an example to follow.
Let your life turn into a carnival
May all your dreams come true.

You are a wonderful and loyal colleague,
Kind, sincere and reliable hard worker.
Congratulations on your promotion
And more blessings in your life.
Wish you still worth health,
Steel nerves, patience and strength.
So that your career success does not change,
So that the boss wears you in his arms!

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you,
Today is a big reason.
After all, promotion means a lot to you and to us,
You did a great job, colleague, for a whole year.
We congratulate you and wish you success,
Inspiration and further growth.
More joy, more pure laughter
May all difficulties be easy for you.

Raising is given for a reason,
And it doesn’t fall on your head from the sky.
Congratulations on this event, promotion,
May your career grow and your work improve.
We are happy with your work
And the boss respects you
We wish you good health and due care,
And let the dashing trouble crawl away from you.

Accept congratulations from the whole team,
After all, the increase is a wonderful occasion,
To loudly, strongly, strongly,
Congratulate you, shower you with a bunch of wishes.
We wish you further success,
Career growth, luck, love.
Let your work be smoother, without haste,
And battle fires burn in the heart.

Congratulations, our colleague and comrade,
With promotion.
You deserve all the praise, hundreds of thousands of thanks,
In addition, they are respectful in friendship.
How could we manage without you?
How could you achieve your goal?
You are our light, our pennant, our symbol,
Without which we would not sing.

The management made a decision
(Hungover maybe yesterday?)
And you're on the rise!
We are happy, and – hooray-hooray-hooray!
Colleague! You are no longer a teapot
(Enjoy that thought to your heart's content!)
And let the little one be the boss:
You have been given power, comrade.
Well, well - decide, command, rule,
Without using rudeness, anger,
And we - all in unison - say: "Hello
Our friend, our best guest!”