Signs of pregnancy 10 days after conception. Painful sensations in the lower abdomen as a sign of pregnancy. How a woman's body changes

For any woman, pregnancy is an important event. Some have been waiting for this happy moment for years and listen to any changes in their body in the hope of giving birth to a long-awaited baby, others are afraid to learn this news because of insecurity in their partner, accidental unprotected contacts, etc. Life situations can be different, but one point unites everyone: it is important for every woman to catch the first signs of pregnancy as soon as possible and understand that an interesting situation has come.

The first symptoms of pregnancy, which appear before menstruation is delayed, are called subjective. The pregnancy itself after conception occurs within 7-10 days, so much time is needed to move the fertilized egg to the uterus.

From the moment the ovum is fixed, various changes in the body begin to be observed, signs appear that may indicate the likelihood of an interesting situation.

A single manifestation of one of the earliest signs of pregnancy does not give confidence in conception, but if a combination of two or more symptoms is observed, then it is already possible to tune in to expecting a baby.

Sleep disturbance

Recently, more and more doctors are inclined to consider sleep disturbance as one of the signs of pregnancy. Insomnia occurs in every second woman waiting for replenishment in the family, and is usually associated with hormonal changes in the body. There are also possible psychological and pathological reasons for this condition.


One of the earliest, most basic and most common symptoms is nausea. Aversion to food can occur only in the morning or throughout the day, it can alternate with a desire to eat something unusual or not eat at all.

Often, nausea is accompanied by vomiting, in this case, a woman must make up for the loss of fluid and drink more clean water.

If nausea manifests itself more than 20 times a day, it is advisable to seek medical help, it may be necessary to further monitor the state of health in the hospital.

Soreness in the lower abdomen

A few days after fertilization, some women may complain of pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which disappear without a trace after 2-3 days. Sometimes pain can be accompanied by scanty bloody discharge, the duration of which is no more than 2 days. Such signs indicate the adaptation of the organism to the presence of the embryo.

Soreness in the lower back

The occurrence of periodic pulling pain in the lumbar region is usually complained about by women who are preparing for childbirth for the first time. The soreness is explained by the increase in the size of the uterus to accommodate the growing embryo and is observed throughout pregnancy.


The largest number of migraine complaints occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, and this is due to an increase in blood volume and a sharp change in hormonal levels. An attack can start suddenly from any stimulus or stress.

Change in appetite

Often, the appearance and course of pregnancy is accompanied by a radical change in taste preferences. Once familiar food suddenly seems completely unsuitable and even disgusting, and products that have never previously been consumed in an ordinary diet are becoming more in demand.

Some may experience constant hunger from the first days of pregnancy.

Emotionality, irritability

Hormonal changes in a woman against the background of other signs of pregnancy, of course, affect the emotional sphere: continuous mood changes, anxiety, rage, irritability - all this is most clearly manifested in the first days and months of pregnancy.

These conditions are natural and temporary.

Sensitivity to odors

Almost all women pay attention to an increase in their sensitivity to odors in the early stages of pregnancy. It is believed that it is this factor that causes nausea and vomiting. The perception of smells in everyone develops and proceeds in different ways: some react sharply to the aromas of perfumes, others - to products.

Change in sex drive

Hormonal changes in the body with the onset of pregnancy can both increase sexual desire and cause rejection of intimacy.

In the second case, it can be triggered by the presence of additional signs of pregnancy, such as nausea, insomnia, fatigue.

Other signs of pregnancy

These include an increase in breast sensitivity, fever and chills, which change several times a day. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may appear that has not happened before.

External symptoms and signs

Swelling of the face and limbs

There should be no swelling in the first months. If, nevertheless, this phenomenon begins to appear before a period of 20 weeks, then this often indicates a kidney or cardiovascular disease, which pregnancy led to the development.

In any case, if such signs occur, a doctor's consultation is required.

There is a belief that if a girl has acne during pregnancy, this is a sure sign of a girl's appearance, and if the skin remains clean, we are waiting for a boy. Believe it or not, it's up to you to decide.

One thing can be stated with obvious certainty: the appearance of acne on the face is one of the first signs of pregnancy, and it is associated with active changes in the hormonal background of the expectant mother.


Flatulence, or bloating, is another sign of pregnancy and can appear 7-14 days after conception. But this sign of a woman is rarely called, it begins to manifest itself especially brightly later - with the development of the fetus and deterioration of the bowel function.

Breast augmentation

From the first weeks, women may notice breast enlargement, complain of pain or tingling in the mammary glands. This is easily explained by the proliferation of glandular tissue in the breast and milk ducts, which is caused by an increase in estrogen and progesterone.

Often women pay attention to this physical sign earlier than others.

Darkening of the skin around the nipples

Simultaneously with breast augmentation, there may be a change in the color of the nipples, areola, the appearance of bumps around the nipples (Montgomery glands). The nipples themselves can be sensitive to touch, women can feel pain and burning.

Redness of the face

As a result of intense blood circulation, a blush may appear on the face, more often it can be observed in the evening.

Other external signs

Additional signs of the emergence of a new life may be an increase in the venous pattern on the chest, in the lower abdomen, a change in the color of the conditional line going down from the center of the navel is possible - it becomes pigmented and gradually darkens.

Physiological and laboratory changes

In addition to subjective symptoms, the presence or absence of pregnancy will help determine physiological signs and laboratory tests.

The main sign by which a woman most often determines that she is pregnant is a delay in menstruation. An insignificant delay does not indicate the presence of a position, but if previously hormonal disorders were not observed and in the recent past there were no psychoemotional disorders, then, together with other signs, this can confirm the presence of a fetus.

Increased basal temperature

If at a certain time menstruation does not occur, it makes sense to measure the internal (or basal) body temperature when the thermometer is inserted into the rectum for 5 minutes.

In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules, if not observed, you can get incorrect results.

  • It is necessary to carry out the procedure in the morning, without getting out of bed, to keep as still as possible.
  • To obtain accurate data on the state of the body, the temperature is measured over several days at the same time.

If the body temperature exceeds 37 degrees, it is worth contacting a gynecologist. The likelihood of pregnancy is high.

With the onset of pregnancy, a special hormone begins to be produced in the female body - human chorionic gonadotropin, which is formed by the tissues of the fetus. This hormone preserves the fetus and affects the course of pregnancy.

Chorionic gonadotropin begins to form by the cells of the embryo 7-10 days after fertilization of the egg at the time of the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. One of the objective signs of pregnancy is precisely the increase in chorionic gonadotropin, which can be determined in the blood already on the 6-8th day from the intended conception.

The presence of hCG in the blood over 25 mU / ml indicates the presence of pregnancy, if this indicator is slightly lower, a second analysis is needed. It is possible to speak unequivocally about the absence of a fetus at rates less than 5 mU / ml. The increase in hCG rates lasts up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, then gradually decreases.

HCG analysis is the most accurate method for determining pregnancy, timing and possible pathologies. To obtain correct analysis results, it is important to observe several rules: it is better to carry out the analysis on the 3-5th day after a delay in menstruation or on the 12-14th day after the approximate date of conception; it is advisable not to eat 4-6 hours before the analysis.

Symptoms of conception by children of different sex

More or less reliable data on the sex of the child can be obtained using medical methods.

  • Ultrasound is a routine examination that is carried out no more than 3 times in 9 months of pregnancy (100% accuracy of the result).
  • Amiocentesis - the analysis is associated with the piercing of the fetal bladder, is prescribed in case of fear of a genetic disease, can have unpleasant consequences for the mother and baby (it is not used only to determine the sex of the child).
  • DNA test. Surprisingly, but with the help of a DNA test, it is possible to determine the sex of the child from the mother's blood starting from the 40th day of pregnancy (100% certainty).
  • Gender test. The sex of the child is determined in the same way as the determination of pregnancy occurs - using a test at home. It turns out that the sex hormones of the unborn baby are present in the urine of a pregnant woman. When urine is combined with a reagent, if the strip turns out to be green, we are waiting for a boy, and orange - for a girl (data accuracy - 90%).

In addition to the above methods for determining the sex of a child, for centuries people have tried to guess the sex of the unborn child on their own, invented signs that have been passed down from generation to generation. Some of them have survived to this day and are still used in sex determination.

The earliest signs of pregnancy in a boy

It is possible to expect a boy by the following signs:

  • if a woman has a sharp belly, the waist is preserved behind;
  • the child kicks violently and often in the belly;
  • constant desire to eat salty;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • clean, smooth facial skin;
  • the first months of pregnancy are easy.

The first signs of pregnancy by a girl in the early stages

The following signs are relevant:

  • deterioration in appearance, problems with the skin of the face;
  • if the abdomen is encircling, there is no waist from the back;
  • darkening of the areola of the nipples;
  • the first months of pregnancy are difficult.


You can listen to the subjective reasons for pregnancy and assume its presence, but only physiological changes and medical tests can reliably report this. If you notice the first symptoms of pregnancy, contact a specialist right away.

Every woman should understand that certain changes have occurred in her condition - pregnancy has begun. This is very important, because then you need to adjust your work schedule, go to bed earlier, give up bad habits, alcohol, junk food, and even wear heels less. From the very beginning, it is important to save energy, because they will still be needed in the next 9 months.

Features of the conception process

Almost all women planning children know that the likelihood of conception increases during ovulation. Ovulation occurs on the 14th day from the beginning of the months(you can determine the beginning of this process using a thermometer). At this time, the mature egg begins to move towards the uterus. During this movement, fertilization occurs. Further, the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus. After about 7 days, it is fixed and the embryo begins to develop. From this moment, the gestation process begins.

Methods for determining early pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy in the early days are not pronounced. But there are several ways to spot a "point of interest" early on. The choice of one of them depends on the desire of the woman, the urgency and importance of obtaining the most reliable information.

Visit to a gynecologist

After a gynecological examination, the doctor diagnoses conception by the condition of the cervix and uterus and determines the approximate period. The doctor can diagnose a seven-day pregnancy, with one hundred percent probability he will determine a ten-day pregnancy.


The most accurate diagnostic method... With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to diagnose the fact of conception after 7 days (that is, in fact, at the time of the fixation of the fertilized egg on the uterus and the beginning of the formation of the embryo).

Test - strips

It is also a very accurate determination method. But you need to know how to use the test strip correctly. It reacts to a specific hormone that the placenta begins to produce after fertilization - hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Its concentration in the blood increases gradually (the percentage of hCG increases by an order of magnitude every second day) and reaches the peak required for the test, by the 14th day of pregnancy... Therefore, if the pregnancy is planned, then you should not do the test earlier than the second week. Up to this point, the result can be negative only because the concentration of hCG in the blood is too low.

Symptothermal method for determining the day of conception

We can say that this is an ultra-precise method for determining the "interesting position". You can establish the fact of conception as early as 2-3 days. But this requires constant and systematic monitoring of the "behavior" of your reproductive system.

The essence of the method is that it is necessary to monitor the basal temperature and the condition of the cervix. Enter the observation results into a special table. A drop in temperature can mean both ovulation and pregnancy. Thus, a decrease and then an increase in body temperature can be a sign of pregnancy in the first days after conception.

To summarize the above. You can determine early pregnancy by choosing one of the following methods:

The main symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception (5-7 days)

Certain pregnancy symptoms can be felt as early as 2-3 days after conception. This is due to the fact that even before the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cavity, the embryo is formed, the genetic code of the unborn child is "assembled", and active division of blastomere cells occurs.

At this time, it can be observed:

  • a slight increase in body temperature (as with a mild cold);
  • small bloody discharge (appears after the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterus, slightly damaging the blood vessels).

The first signs of pregnancy after conception (7-10 days)

A woman who is planning pregnancy (and any other woman) can understand that she is pregnant without any tests and ultrasound as early as 7-14 days after fertilization. Depending on the characteristics of the organism, women may experience these symptoms, how:

Mood swings, drowsiness, temperature drops, dizziness

All these symptoms indicate that hormonal changes are taking place in the body; it is preparing for 9 months of bearing a baby. During menstruation, similar symptoms may also appear. But if there is a delay, then they are eloquent evidence that pregnancy has occurred.

Interestingly, all these symptoms disappear 5–6 days after conception, when the body is finally rebuilt. A woman may simply not pay attention to them.

Breast changes

Women can observe certain changes in the mammary glands during menstruation. But with the onset of pregnancy, these changes are much more pronounced. The breast increases in size, swells, becomes tight. There is a tingling sensation, the nipples become as sensitive as possible.

Change in the appearance of the abdomen

Naturally, the belly does not begin to grow from the first days of pregnancy, but since the uterus reacts to the embryo in it and increases in size, the belly rises slightly. This symptom is especially pronounced in thin women with a flat tummy. In the old days it was said that the stomach "rose" like dough. This symptom usually appears 8-10 days after pregnancy.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge

Lower abdominal pain is not uncommon during menstruation. After conception, they begin at the "wrong" time. They usually last for several days. The pain is not very strong, and you can tolerate it. After their termination, it is necessary to intensively observe yourself, their repetition can become a "wake-up call" for the expectant mother.

Bloody discharge, small, not abundant, is also a normal symptom of pregnancy. Although it is extremely rare. Discharge occurs due to the fact that small vessels burst in the uterus due to the beginning of the growth of the embryo.

Increased basal temperature

In the first 10 days after conception, the temperature is steadily kept at around +37. This indicates that pregnancy has come (unless, of course, there is an intestinal infection).

Lack of menstruation

For some women, a little delay is normal. But, if there are suspicions or a planned pregnancy, then the absence of menstruation 14 days after ovulation is the main sign that pregnancy has occurred.

The course of pregnancy in the first 2-4 weeks after conception

If pregnancy has occurred, then the woman will expect certain changes and manifestations (which, by the way, can become additional symptoms for those who are not sure that conception has taken place). In the first month of pregnancy, a woman is expected:

Interestingly, not all of the changes described above can occur, and symptoms appear in the early days of pregnancy. Some women, for example, do not gain weight at all or even lose it. This is due to stress, workload and other reasons. In some, early toxicosis is not observed in the first days of pregnancy, which, however, can still manifest itself in the second and third trimester.

Carrying a baby is not an easy process, especially in the early days of pregnancy. Much depends on the individual characteristics and the general condition of the body. Some women at this time change their taste preferences, others become intolerant of certain smells, and still others complain of muscle cramps. Do not ignore these symptoms, you should definitely consult your doctor. The fact is that they can talk, for example, about a lack of any trace elements and vitamins in a woman's body.

During pregnancy (especially in the early stages) you need to adjust the daily routine, reduce physical activity, change the diet, protect yourself from drafts and hypothermia. A woman during this period is very vulnerable, since many medications (even banal analgin and citramone) are prohibited. That is why it is so important to focus on the first signs of pregnancy after conception.


Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

The first symptoms that indicate pregnancy can be recognized by the following signs:

  1. Lack of menstruation.
  2. Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. Change in taste preferences.
  5. Fatigue and sleepiness.
  6. Nausea.

Every little girl, playing with dolls, dreams of becoming a mother. This is laid down by nature at the level of instinct. After a while, the girl

grows blind, turns into a beautiful woman who still vividly remembers her childhood dream and feels her vocation. One fine day, a woman asks herself the question of when the first signs of pregnancy appear, what symptoms accompany the first month of an interesting situation, and how to understand that such a long-awaited moment for the birth of a new life has come.

First month of pregnancy (symptoms and sensations)

Pregnancy is the most touching and enjoyable period in a woman's life. It is very important to learn about its onset as early as possible, because the laying of the main organs and systems of the baby occurs precisely in the first trimester. Knowing the obvious signs of pregnancy in the early stages will help protect the health of the unborn child (for example, from the negative effects of medications taken or from an X-ray taken).

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the first symptoms of pregnancy may appear immediately after ovulation and fertilization of the egg, starting to bother a woman from the first month of pregnancy.

What you should pay attention to

Signs of the onset of pregnancy can be:

  • hypersensitivity to odors;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • increased basal body temperature;
  • breast changes;
  • nausea and feeling unwell in the morning;
  • changes in taste;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • mood swings;
  • constipation;
  • an increase in natural secretions;
  • the appearance of acne.

Don't worry if you haven't noticed any of the above signs. This does not mean that there is no pregnancy. Every woman is different. For some, these symptoms may appear from the first days after implantation, while others may not feel them at all. It is worth remembering that only a doctor can confirm or deny the fact of pregnancy on the basis of an ultrasound examination and a blood test for the level of a specific hormone.

So how many days do the first signs of pregnancy appear?

They can occur as early as 5-10 days after conception. Although there are cases when pregnant women experienced dizziness and malaise 2-3 days after fertilization, and symptoms of toxicosis (nausea and vomiting) began to bother as early as 3-5 days after intercourse.

But, in most cases, at such an early term, pregnancy can proceed without any special signs. As a rule, a woman begins to worry about her situation when, on a certain day of the calendar, she notes a delay in menstruation.

How many days of delay says about pregnancy?

All women know that a delay in menstruation can signal pregnancy. It should be noted that this applies only to those who have a stable and regular menstrual cycle. Therefore, if the next menstruation did not come within the expected period, then this does not mean the development of pregnancy. If your period is delayed by 1-2 days or more, you can use a pregnancy test.

We use a pregnancy test

At home, you can confirm or deny your doubts using the usual pregnancy test, which is sold in every pharmacy. For the reliability and correctness of the result, this test should be carried out 5-10 days after the delay. Of course, you can do it earlier, but, as a rule, only after 10 days from the day of the delay, the test will show the real picture. Now let's try to explain why.

The essence of the test is based on measuring the level of a specific hormone that is released after embryo implantation. This hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). In the first weeks of pregnancy, the hCG level rises and tends to double every 2 days.

When is the best time to do the test?

Many manufacturers on the packaging indicate that the test can determine the presence of pregnancy 7 days after conception. It should be noted that this does not happen in all cases. To get the most truthful result, it is advised to carry out the test in the morning in the first days of the delay. Why in the morning? The fact is that it is in the morning urine that the concentration of this hormone is sufficient for an accurate result.

Remember that a variety of factors can affect the test result (for example, taking certain medications, not following instructions when performing the test, storage conditions of the test and its expiration date). If in doubt, the test can be repeated. And even if several tests have shown a positive result, you should not delay your visit to the doctor. This is necessary to exclude an ectopic pregnancy, as well as to receive the necessary recommendations while confirming the fact that you will soon become a happy mother.

Do I need to measure the temperature?

Another sign of early pregnancy is an increase in body temperature to 37-37.4 ºC. This phenomenon can be explained by the release of a hormone (progesterone), which is also responsible for thermoregulation. Very often, women confuse a rise in temperature with a cold, because at the same time as the appearance of high values ​​on the thermometer, a woman may notice concomitant symptoms, such as nasal congestion and malaise. Here you should be especially careful with yourself so as not to confuse these conditions, and not to start self-medication, which can be dangerous for the normal course of pregnancy. Therefore, if you have any doubts about your condition or if the temperature is accompanied by intoxication and pain, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Women who are planning a pregnancy and regularly measure basal (rectal) temperature can accurately understand the changes that are taking place. Basal temperature is recommended to be measured in the morning while lying down. At the beginning of the cycle, the value of this indicator is in the range of 36.5-36.8 ºC. During the maturation of the oocyte, the basal temperature rises to 37.2-37.3ºC and before the onset of critical days again drops to its original value. If the temperature remains above 37 ºC, the chances of pregnancy are very high.

Pregnancy during menstruation

Is pregnancy possible during menstruation? At first glance, this is a rather strange question. After all, even from school, everyone remembers that the opportunity to get pregnant is highest during ovulation. With an average regular cycle (28-30 days), ovulation occurs on the 14-16th day of the cycle, respectively, and the likelihood of pregnancy at this time reaches its peak.

But there are always a few buts. Every healthy woman is susceptible to factors that can affect her hormonal balance and shift the onset of ovulation. These factors include colds, climate change, daily stress and anxiety, the presence of hormonal disruptions. Therefore, provided that ovulation occurred a couple of days before the onset of critical days, fertilization can occur at the time of menstruation.

Thus, it is very difficult to give an unambiguous answer to such a delicate question. Statistically, the onset of pregnancy during menstruation still has a small percentage in women of childbearing age.

The body will tell

What other symptoms will tell a woman about the changes taking place? First of all, you should pay attention to changes in the nature of the chair. Many pregnant women note that both frustration and constipation can appear in the early stages. Again, this is due to the peculiarities of hormonal changes and eating habits. Some women also report increased gas production.

After 1-2 weeks after fertilization, a woman may notice characteristic changes in her breasts. The mammary glands swell slightly, become very sensitive, the skin around the nipples darkens, and a venous pattern can be seen.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, many people note an increased amount of mucous secretions. Progesterone, or rather the rapid increase in its concentration, is considered to be the culprit. Normally, these secretions should be odorless, transparent in color. If the discharge is yellow or green in color and has a characteristic unpleasant odor, then you should immediately consult with a specialist.

Morning tiredness, dizziness, drowsiness, frequent urge to urinate are associated symptoms of the first months of pregnancy. A woman may notice an increased sensitivity to odors. For example, such a favorite perfume can suddenly be disgusting. A similar situation occurs with food addictions. Pregnant women report cravings for a specific product, which is due to a possible lack of relevant substances.

The skin also reacts to hormonal changes in the body. Acne and pigmentation may appear on it, and its type may change.

There are already legends about the emotional state of pregnant women. Therefore, do not be afraid if you suddenly want to cry, and after a few minutes you will feel a surge of joy and happiness. In this case, the main thing is to warn others about your condition, so that they are sympathetic to your condition.

It turns out that despite such a large number of symptoms, it is very difficult to recognize the onset of pregnancy in the early stages (before menstruation is delayed). This is due to the fact that the first signs of an interesting situation are similar to premenstrual syndrome and some colds, so the most reliable way to confirm pregnancy is to visit a doctor. It is not worth delaying with this, because in the event of a pregnancy, it is advisable to register with the antenatal clinic in time and go through all the necessary studies so that the pregnancy goes easily and brings you only positive emotions.

Don't worry if the test result comes as a surprise to you and you absolutely did not plan to top up right now. Think that in a few days your baby's heart will begin to beat, in a few weeks you will be able to feel confident kicks and movements, and after 9 months your baby will be able to disarm the world with her unique toothless smile!

Determine pregnancy immediately after conception- it is not so simple, and expectant mothers in the first two weeks may not know that they are carrying a child. However, ideally, it is necessary to find out about pregnancy after conception, since pregnant women cannot take certain medications, not to mention the fact that fluorography is contraindicated for pregnant women.

A woman should carefully monitor her own health, not catch colds and protect herself from any infections, especially sexually transmitted infections.

Are abdominal pains sometime after conception a symptom of pregnancy?

This phenomenon in women is very common and is especially common during PMS, immediately before critical days. However, if the pain continues, but there is still no period and no, then you should definitely make an appointment with a specialist. Pain can also indicate a threat of miscarriage, although spasms are not associated with the growth of the uterus.

Pregnancy up to the end of the first month may not be accompanied by this kind of pain, since the size of the uterus does not exceed a chicken egg, and if there is no bleeding, then you do not need to worry about the threat to the unborn baby.

Do digestive disorders talk about pregnancy?

Many people know the following signs of pregnancy:

The appearance of a negative reaction to a number of odors;

A change in taste preferences, and often in a dramatic form;

Toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting and nausea;


At the same time, such phenomena begin to appear in about a month. after conception, since the egg, fertilized by the sperm, leaves the fallopian tube only after a while, and before that, nothing happens in the woman's body. The changes are noticeable only when the fertilized egg is on the wall of the uterus.

Mood swings after conception.

This phenomenon is very often observed in pregnant women, since their hormonal background changes very much, constant fluctuations affect their well-being, and the body begins to signal that it lacks something. Many fathers-to-be during this period go to supermarkets even at night, buying the necessary products for their loved ones. An increase in maternal instinct can give a woman sudden feelings of anxiety or sadness, as well as longing and self-pity. The mood is very changeable for almost the entire period of pregnancy, and expectant mothers should be treated with utmost care and not be disturbed once again.

Women who have never given birth are especially worried and restlessly behave, since they have this first experience of pregnancy, and many are simply psychologically unprepared for motherhood.

What happens to the mammary glands after conception?

For most women, especially those preparing to become mothers for the first time, the size and soreness of the mammary glands increases during pregnancy. Moms who used to have small breasts become more rounded just a few weeks after conception. The glands are gradually preparing to feed the baby, although a woman with mastopathy may not even pay attention to this. In the second half of pregnancy, colostrum may already begin to be secreted from the breast, and milk appears only after the birth of the child, although in many women the first days after childbirth it is colostrum that continues to appear.

Frequent urination as a sign of pregnancy after conception.

The abundance of the hormone progesterone in period after conception leads to relaxation of the sphincter of the bladder, and therefore the future begin to go to the toilet frequently. Later, this symptom becomes more and more pronounced, since the heavier uterus presses on the pregnant woman's bladder.

In addition to the fact that women very often begin to get up to use the toilet at night, inflammation of the bladder can also occur. An exacerbation of cystitis can be detected in the early stages by regularly passing a urine test and visiting a gynecologist. The basic signs of cystitis are frequent urination and pain in the lower abdomen, as well as weakness of the whole body and fever.

What does a high temperature after conception say?

In the second half of the cycle, a high temperature indicates that the woman has ovulated, and she is completely ready to conceive. The body temperature can rise to 37 degrees due to the fact that a woman produces a large amount of progesterone during this period, which raises the temperature. At the same time, if you know for sure about conception, and there were no fluctuations in body temperature, then this may be evidence of a lack of progesterone and lead to the loss of the baby.

Also, the temperature may increase after drinking alcoholic beverages, certain types of drugs, in the case of sexual intercourse in the morning and in the presence of a number of chronic diseases. Often women identify pregnancy simply as a cold, although there are no other signs of this ailment.

The appearance of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and urine.

Chorion is a hormone that is produced by the placenta and is determined during urine and blood tests, as well as using test strips.

Are prophetic dreams true after conception?

It may seem incredible, but the experience of many women suggests that after the birth of a new life, they saw prophetic dreams at night. Of course, this has nothing to do with medicine or health, and relate only to the sphere of everyday experience of thousands of people. Usually women in period after conception they see fish: either live, or hanging on a hook, or floating in the water.

Knowing what the first signs of pregnancy are, for sure, it is interesting for every woman. Someone is looking forward to the time when they find out about the life that has arisen, while someone, on the contrary, wants to postpone this event for later. Be that as it may, the news that a woman will have a baby will somehow affect her life.

Very often women find out about their "interesting position" quite late. The most pronounced signs of pregnancy appear after the second month, and for some even later - when the baby's movements are already felt and the tummy grows.

The causes of early or, conversely, late signs of pregnancy can be different and depend on various factors:

  • general health;
  • the state of individual organs;
  • age;
  • weight;
  • physique;
  • the number of previous pregnancies.

Determine pregnancy - why is it important?

The health of her future baby directly depends on when a woman realizes that she will have a baby. Unaware of her new position, a woman, as a rule, leads a habitual way of life, which can often include:

  • stress and overwork;
  • irregular work schedule;
  • taking antibiotics and other drugs;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • unbalanced diet, etc.

All these factors negatively affect the health of the fetus, if they take place in the life of his mother. The earlier the expectant mother finds out about her pregnancy, the sooner she will be able to exclude everything that can harm her developing baby.

To recognize the earliest gestational age, you need to listen carefully to your body. What to look for first of all? Below is a list of the top 10 signs of early pregnancy.

When the gestation period is several days

Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days can be either very pronounced in some women, or even absent in others. Having noticed at least one of the 10 signs of pregnancy, it is worth making an appointment with a gynecologist, who will determine the presence of a fetal egg in the uterus, or vice versa.

Some signs indicating that pregnancy has begun may appear as early as the first or second day after conception. Among them are the following:

  1. Colorless discharge. This is one of the first signs of pregnancy, which in most women appears within a few days after conception. Normal, in this case, discharge of a uniform consistency and odorless. By 12-13 weeks, they become more liquid, like water.
    If there are bloody streaks, a yellow-green tint, or an uneven (cheesy) consistency in such vaginal discharge, this may be a symptom of various diseases. This fact should not be ignored.
  2. The breasts are plump and more sensitive. Often, women observe this condition of the breast every time before the onset of menstruation. The fact that this is the first sign of pregnancy can be indicated by its unusual soreness.
    By touching the breasts, especially in the nipple area, a woman can notice how sensitive she has become. In this case, the nipples may be larger and darker than usual.
  3. Feelings of depression and malaise. Such signs of pregnancy can occur immediately after conception, but few people pay attention to them. This is understandable, because sometimes every person is in a state of despondency and does not feel well. Some women may confuse these signs, which actually indicate pregnancy, with the onset of a cold.
    However, symptoms such as:
    • headache;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • excessive nervousness;
    • weakness;
    • mood swings;
    • a slight increase in body temperature.

    Of course, if the above symptoms appeared briefly and disappeared, it might just be overwork. But, if this condition does not go away for several days, why not check if these are signs that accompany pregnancy?

What happens in the first weeks?

7-10 days after conception, new signs of pregnancy usually appear. Such symptoms can also indicate health problems, therefore, having noticed them, you need to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

By about the 10th day of pregnancy, a woman can observe the following phenomena I am:

  1. Abundant dark discharge. A completely normal sign of pregnancy at one to two weeks, called implantation bleeding. A woman may even think that her period begins ahead of time. In some pregnant women, this bleeding can be very light, as at the end of menstruation.
    Why does this bleeding appear? A few days after conception, a fertilized egg must be implanted into the walls of the uterus. When this process occurs, some of the vessels that cover the uterus are damaged. Blood from the vessels flows out through the vagina.
    With a normally developing pregnancy, blood from the vagina will flow no more than two days. If the bleeding is longer and worse, see a doctor immediately. These signs indicate that the pregnancy is at risk of miscarriage.
  2. Pulls the lower abdomen in the second half of the cycle. With a normal menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs somewhere between days 14-16. If this time has already passed, before menstruation is still far away, and unpleasant pulling pains in the abdomen, this is also a likely sign of early pregnancy.
    This symptom should not be ignored, because such sensations are not the norm. In the first weeks, the uterus does not stretch as intensely as in later periods. Therefore, pulling pains in the lower abdomen should be considered as a threat of miscarriage and it is better to visit a gynecologist.
  3. Nausea and / or vomiting These are probably the most common pregnancy symptoms in the early days. Most women use these signs to determine pregnancy, even if they have a very short term.
    The causes of these unpleasant symptoms lie in the active production of the hormones progesterone, prolactin and hCG by the body. This sign of pregnancy is especially acute in women with gastrointestinal disturbances.
  4. Weight change. If a woman leads a normal life, eats, does not experience stress, but notices that she has gained dramatic weight or lost weight, these are possibly signs of pregnancy in the early days.
    Weight changes in the early stages of pregnancy are both upward and downward. The reasons are, again, changes in hormonal levels. In order for the baby to have something to eat, even if the mother is starving, the body of the pregnant woman accumulates a small layer of fat.
    If a woman has severe toxicosis, fat does not have time to be deposited, and she loses weight. So a sharp weight loss against the background of vomiting and diarrhea does not necessarily indicate gastrointestinal disorders. These can be signs of early pregnancy.

Usually, two weeks after ovulation, a woman waits for the onset of her period. By this time, the unfertilized egg is ready to leave and a new menstrual cycle begins.

But what happens if a woman gets pregnant? Two weeks after conception, the following signs of pregnancy are observed:

  1. Delayed menstruation. When there are no menstrual periods in the expected period, and even more so there are no symptoms of their approach (for those for whom PMS is a regular occurrence), in most cases these are signs that indicate a pregnancy.
    In the absence of menstruation, you need to do a pregnancy test. It is easy to use and quite effective. Such tests can be used already on the first day of the delay in menstruation.
    If the result turns out to be negative, do not relax. These are not signs that pregnancy has not occurred. It makes sense to repeat the procedure 3-4 days of delayed menstruation.
    The reasons for the test showing one strip may be:
    • poor quality test;
    • insufficient levels of hCG in the body.

    Anyway, don't worry. In the first case, you can simply buy another test. In the second, just wait. Due to the fact that the period is very short, the level of the hCG hormone may not be enough. After a few days of delay, it should increase and you can see a positive result - the cherished two strips.

  2. Increased basal temperature. In order to notice such signs of pregnancy as a change in basal temperature, a woman, by the presence of a delay, must understand that she may be pregnant and take certain actions.
    To do this, on any day of the delay in menstruation, measure the temperature in the rectum with a mercury thermometer. For a more accurate result, you need to do this in the morning, immediately after waking up. After conception, the basal temperature will be at least 37 degrees.
    To make sure that a woman is really pregnant, you can take measurements for several days in a row, for a week or longer. But this is not necessary, because at such times of pregnancy, when there are obvious symptoms of delay, it is better to conduct simpler and more accurate examinations - an ultrasound scan or a blood test for hCG levels.
  3. Enlargement of the uterus. When a woman notices obvious symptoms of a delay in her period, she usually goes to a gynecologist for a consultation to find out the reasons why this is happening.
    In this case, the doctor always invites the woman to undergo a gynecological examination to assess the condition of her genitals. During the examination, the gynecologist may find that the cervix has acquired a bluish tint, and the woman's uterus itself has increased in size. An experienced doctor will immediately determine that these are signs of pregnancy and will refer the patient for examinations that will help to establish the term
    • true (considered from the moment of conception);
    • obstetric (calculated from the date of the last menstruation).

It is important to remember that every organism is different. Some of these 10 signs of pregnancy may be more pronounced, while others may not be present at all. In any case, it is very difficult to establish a clear diagnosis: "Pregnancy", focusing only on these signs in the first weeks, and even more so days, is very difficult, especially before the delay.

Or maybe not pregnancy at all?

Most of the above symptoms may not have anything to do with pregnancy.

These can be alarming messengers of various diseases, including the reproductive system. After all, a healthy, non-pregnant woman should not have a delay in her period. Therefore, in any case, it will not be superfluous to see a doctor.

Well, if a woman turns out to be pregnant, she should know the following:

  • after a long delay in the later weeks of pregnancy, new signs will appear, already indicating how the pregnancy is proceeding;
  • after the onset of a delay, the pregnant woman should no longer have any bleeding from the vagina until the cycle is restored after childbirth. Be sure to report any changes in your condition to your gynecologist.