Simple steps to perfect skin. How to achieve perfect skin

To begin with, understand a fairly simple and obvious pattern: what you see in the mirror is directly from what is on your desk every day. Improper nutrition is a direct path to bad, dull skin. Why? Our skin is not only a kind of "shell", it is also the largest respiratory and excretory organ. Disruptions in digestion lead to the accumulation of toxins and harmful substances that are also excreted by the skin, including settling on it with inflammation, pimples, clogged pores and an earthy color.

Supplement your menu with sour-milk, warm, high-carbohydrate breakfasts (oatmeal, for example), which set up the digestive system, protein foods (an essential building material!) And fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. Give up frying - firstly, steamed or stewed food retains more nutrients, and secondly, you will save the body from toxic carcinogens produced even by the most useful when heated.

If you are young, but with an unpleasant surprise you have already found a few wrinkles on your skin, do not panic - maybe she just does not have enough water. Check it out in a simple way - just pinch a piece of skin a little and see how smooth it is. If the trace is not immediately - there is dehydration! So remember: at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day (depending on your weight and). Always carry a bottle of non-carbonated clean water with you, and start the morning with a glass of warm water, which should be drunk in small sips half an hour before breakfast. It will also improve digestion! Green weak and unsweetened tea is also an excellent helper in the fight against dull and problematic skin, it is an excellent antioxidant that has been proven for centuries.

Avoid stress and get at least 8-10 hours of sleep. Only during this time has to recover. As for stress, you can kill two birds with one stone by setting aside weekly time for long walks or - even better - active activities. Running or cycling in a beautiful park is a great source of endorphins and a remedy that improves blood circulation and oxygenation of the skin!

Of course, it is necessary to act not only from the inside, but also to support and please the skin in every possible way with the help of daily care. The first thing to do is determine your skin type. What is it like for you - dry, oily, mixed or, if you are very lucky, normal? Depending on the choice of daily care, which is presented in stores with whole programs for each type. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing - these are the three steps required for any skin - from normal to oily. Remember that exfoliating procedures are necessary even for dry skin, as dead particles form on it too. Once or twice a day, make restoring vitamin masks - and your skin will shine!

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Smooth and delicate, natural and healthy complexion is the dream of every woman. In search of a magical remedy, you can try many newfangled bottles. But to get the perfect skin you can, just by observing the simplest rules of care, but you need to do this regularly.


Eat right. Acne, inflammation, clogged pores are the result of malnutrition. Eliminate fast food, carbonated drinks, sweets, spicy and salty foods. Give preference to dairy products, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of water, green tea, juices and compotes. Prepare healthy food - boil in water, steam, bake.

Clean periodically. Stagnation and toxins in the intestines lead to a deterioration skin. Get rid of constipation, improve digestion, eliminate manifestations of dysbacteriosis.

Cleanse your skin. Daily cleaning skin is an important part of caring for her. Cleaning must be correct - depending on the type skin choose with a gentle effect. Basic rules: withdrawal

Korean blogger and makeup artist Ellie Choi told what means she uses in order to achieve radiant “mirror” skin without decorative cosmetics.

To the delight of subscribers, the blogger shares his step-by-step beauty routine that helps her achieve such a natural glow. The skin looks as if a ton of liquid highlighter was applied to it - only this effect is achieved with the help of care, not decorative cosmetics.

On his Twitter, the blogger talks about the tools that help her keep her skin in perfect condition, and Instagram posts screenshots of tweets.

At the same time, the blogger emphasizes that she has oily skin in the T-zone and dry skin on her cheeks. That is why the first stage of her beauty routine is cleansing.

1. Purification


Ellie doesn't go to bed until she takes off her makeup. To do this, she uses Neutrogena's Makeup Remover Cleansing Wipes. But they alone are not enough. After wipes, Ellie applies one of two cleansers: the more budget-friendly Cetaphil's Daily Facial Cleanser or Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cleanser. The products give approximately the same effect: they do not take moisture from the skin, but they perfectly remove makeup. To remove even very persistent and highly pigmented makeup, the makeup artist advises Blithe Himalayan Pink Salt Cleansing Water. And for sensitive skin, Yuri Pibu Grante Cleansing Foam with green tea is suitable.

2. Tonic


Once the skin is completely cleansed, you can apply a toner. Ellie prefers Clinique Clarifying Lotion 3. It removes dirt and excess sebum well. Using a tonic is an important step in skin care that many people skip because they are afraid of drying out their skin. In fact, on the contrary, it helps to moisturize it.

3. Hydration


After using the tonic, Ellie generously applies one of the moisturizers: Cetaphil's Moisturizing Cream or Wonjin Effects's Water Bomb Cream. If you have oily skin, it is better to use the second one. And if after a sleepless night or a long flight you need a product with a wow effect, then try the Neogen White Truffle Laycure Oil Stick.

4. Extra care


Once every two days, a Korean makeup artist adds another step to her skincare routine. After cleansing, she applies an exfoliating treatment - Skinfood's Black Sugar Strawberry Wash Off Mask. According to her, it is it that helps to achieve natural radiance. Sugar and strawberry effectively and gently exfoliate dead skin cells. Also once or twice a week, Ellie uses a mask from the Korean brand Innisfree. And if you want to get rid of a dull complexion in 20 minutes, she recommends Neogen Pink Cactus Hydramax Knit Mask.

5. Nutrition


Ellie admits that a lot of skin condition depends on nutrition. Fatty foods lead to breakouts, so she drinks a lot of water and eats a lot of fruits and vegetables. But water is not a panacea. The founder of the Capital Laser & Skin Care clinic, dermatologist Elizabeth Tanzi, emphasizes that 6-8 glasses of water have little effect on the moisture balance of the skin. Water is important for the general condition of the body, but the level of skin hydration depends on many factors, and one of the main ones is proper care.

Will you follow Ellie Choi's advice?We look forward to your comments!

Ideal skin is clean pores, no peeling and inflammation, a healthy and even complexion. Even girls who do not care about the latest in fashion or hairdressing want to become happy owners of a beautiful face. This is not surprising, dark circles under the eyes and mimic wrinkles give out the true age, and age spots and pimples spoil the aesthetic appearance. For these reasons, it is important to learn how to take care of the skin on your own, without resorting to the help of cosmetologists.

20 steps to perfect skin

Step #1. Moisturize your skin regularly. To achieve a beautiful pink hue, you need to drink enough liquid per day (at least 2.8 liters). Give preference to freshly squeezed juices with parsley or celery, homemade compotes without sugar, still mineral water, green and herbal tea. Lean on clean water, it removes toxins and rids the body of toxins, giving the face freshness. Moisturizing the skin also contributes to the regular use of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Step #2. Wipe the skin with cosmetic ice. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix 35 gr. linden, 15 gr. geraniums, 30 gr. burdock root and 45 gr. birch bark. After that, pour filtered hot water over the herbs and leave for 3 hours. Strain the mixture, drop 3 ml. thyme or tea tree ether, pour into molds. Send to the freezer, wipe your face 3 times a day for 5 minutes. Do not stay at one point for more than 3 seconds.

Step #3. Choose the right makeup. As for decorative cosmetics, give preference to a professional series with natural additives. Such products enrich the cells with oxygen, preventing premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Reduce the use of foundation and powder, these cosmetics clog pores and make self-cleaning difficult.

Step number 4. Use thermal water. Get in the habit of carrying thermal water in your handbag. It can be used both on clean skin and when updating makeup. It is considered to be a particularly relevant remedy in the summer, since the epidermis suffers from a lack of moisture. If you work in an office, get a compact humidifier, it does the job perfectly and replaces thermal water.

Step number 5. Don't skimp on creams. This is a necessity, not a whim, especially in the summer. Give preference to serums and hydrogels that enrich the skin with moisture. They should contain retinol, liquid protein and medicinal herbs. In cold weather, use protective anti-frost creams, they prevent cracks and inflammation. Always remove makeup before bed, if possible, do this 2-3 hours before going to bed.

Step number 6. Don't touch your face with your hands. Do not constantly try to fix your makeup or remove sweat with your hands. For these purposes, use matting or paper napkins. Wet your face with them as needed, then spray the skin with thermal water. Otherwise, you risk becoming the owner of abscesses that leave purple spots behind.

Step number 7. Observe the regime of work and rest. Sleep at least 7 hours a day, preferably on a low pillow. It should not be too soft or, on the contrary, hard. Choose the optimal height of no more than 10 cm. If you often work at a computer for a long time, wear special glasses designed for this purpose. They can be purchased at an optician's salon or a pharmacy.

Step number 8. Don't pop blackheads. If you are not experienced in performing such procedures, do not try to pop pimples or blackheads. Such actions lead to a violation of the skin, inflammation, redness and unpleasant painful sensations appear. Worse, if the action becomes a habit, you risk permanently losing your perfect skin. Choose for yourself the optimal series of care products or use folk cleansing methods, they are no less effective.

Step number 9. Apply makeup correctly. Before directly using decorative cosmetics, use a serum, gel or primer, they form a protective film. Take a closer look at the VOV company, the cosmetics of this manufacturer are distinguished by their natural and hypoallergenic composition. They also have an excellent make-up base.

Step number 10. Follow your daily diet. Balance the optimal amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. Focus on foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E, do not forget about Omega acids. Completely give up homemade canned food and pickles, do not eat sausages and sausage, do not abuse fast food. Eat fractionally 5-6 times a day, while one serving should not exceed 350 grams. Eat lean fish at least once a week, eat chicken, beef or turkey every day. Cook food in steam or in your own juice, fatty foods accelerate the production of subcutaneous fat and form plugs in the pores.

Step number 11. Protect your skin from UV rays. When visiting a solarium or sunbathing, use a face cream with the maximum degree of protection. If you do not want your complexion to differ from your body tone, sunbathe at safe times when the sun is less active. Wear glasses, cap or wide-brimmed hat, do not wince, so as not to cause premature wrinkles.

Step number 12. Maintain hygiene. Change bedding, in particular pillowcases, at least 2 times a week. Divide bath towels into those meant for the face and body. Make sure that you always have cleansing wipes for hands and face in your handbag.

Step number 13. Go in for sports. Physical activity accelerates metabolic processes, normalizes blood flow, tightens the muscles of the body and face. It is not necessary to sign up for a gym and run for hours on the track; for the first time, regular walking or dancing is enough. Choose your favorite direction and act!

Step number 14. Avoid negative factors. Learn to cope with stress in a short time, do not allow the appearance of prolonged depression or general overwork. Meditate, distract yourself by watching your favorite series or reading an interesting book. As for physical stress, it includes alcohol and tobacco. If you really want to drink, give preference to semi-dry or dry wine. Quit smoking or cut down on cigarettes.

Step number 15. Nourish your skin. For these purposes, a caring mask from the available components is perfect. Pass half a banana through a meat grinder, chop a quarter of a cucumber. Combine the two compositions, add 30 ml to them. olive oil and 25 gr. flaxseed porridge. Stir, make a mask, leave for 1 hour. Apply the composition 3-4 times a week.

Step number 16. Wash your hair regularly. Dirty hair contains the products of the sebaceous glands, which are transferred to the skin upon contact. If you wear bangs, pin them up whenever you can to keep your forehead pores from getting clogged. When carrying out cleansing procedures, pay attention to the area behind the ears and temples, it is in these areas that more acne and inflammation accumulate.

Step number 17. Prepare a homemade face lotion. To properly cleanse the skin, it is necessary to use natural formulations as often as possible. To prepare a tonic at home, you will need 30 ml. vodka, 10 gr. sage, 15 gr. oak bark, 20 gr. chamomile flowers. Brew herbs in 75 ml. boiling water, insist 3 days. After the expiration date, strain, pour in the vodka. Wipe the skin every day in the morning and evening. Store composition in a dark place.

Step number 18. Get rid of age spots. You can whiten your face yourself with lemon or parsley. In the first case, squeeze the juice from the citrus and soak a cosmetic swab in it, then wipe the spots or freckles. To use the second recipe, chop fresh parsley, mix it with sour cream, make a mask and leave for half an hour.

Step number 19. Take care of the area around the eyes. These areas contain a small amount of muscle, collagen and elastin fibers, which is why they are most prone to wrinkles. Purchase a professional product that will saturate the skin with moisture and oxygen. Apply the cream with driving movements along the tangent of the orbital bone, gradually moving to dark circles. Do not smear the upper eyelid, it is not so prone to dehydration and the formation of defects.

Step #20. Get rid of dead skin cells. Use gentle peels or scrubs, both purchased natural products and home-made products are suitable. To prepare the composition, you will need 5 walnuts, 70 ml. freshly brewed coffee, 50 gr. thick, 20 gr. sour cream, 45 gr. gelatin. Grind the nut kernels in a coffee grinder or crush between two spoons, add sour cream and grounds. In a separate bowl, pour gelatin and coffee, wait for swelling. Massage your face for 10 minutes, then leave the mixture for another quarter of an hour. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week.

To achieve perfect skin, you need to make every effort, especially at first. Regularly nourish and moisturize the epidermis, get rid of age spots and dead particles. Go in for sports, watch your diet, relax on a low pillow. Use thermal water and homemade masks, do not squeeze out pimples.

Video: secrets of perfect facial skin

Lineisi Montero

“I mix cane sugar and flower honey, put it on the skin, let it harden a little and roll it with my hands: you can’t think of a better scrub! Immediately after the procedure, I apply a moisturizer - with an excess, so that the skin absorbs as much as it needs. By the way, this is also my secret to recovering after fashion weeks, when you have tons of makeup on your face: just let the skin absorb as much as it wants, applying the cream over and over again until it remains intact on the surface.

Martha Hunt


Fotodom / Rex Features

“I have always envied Japanese women: they all have perfect skin! Therefore, when choosing cosmetics, I first of all looked at Japanese brands. As a result, I settled on sheet masks from SK II: they are brilliant! Made from 100% cotton and infused with the miraculous Pitera extract. There are vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, organic acids and some other secret complex. Works flawlessly!”

Greta Valese

“I am a beauty maniac. I made skin care a special ritual, with many details and tons of products. In the morning I wash my face, then I cleanse my skin with milk, then I use a toner, then a serum, then a moisturizer. Each stage lasts about three minutes, because I want the product to penetrate the skin. In the evening, I remove makeup, wash my face with mousse or foam, then tonic, then nourishing cream. Once a week I steam my face over hot water to open the pores, then I apply peeling for deep cleansing, then a moisturizing mask for 15-30 minutes, always in silence and with good music, after the mask - tonic, serum, moisturizer. Yes, I know I'm overthinking it, but I can't help it."

Willow Hand

“At one time, I was shocked by the idea of ​​the Dermalogica brand to divide the face into zones, assess the condition of the skin in each area and select different products to solve each problem. I regularly go to the salon for this procedure, and they select my individual set of products according to the condition of my forehead, cheekbones, chin, and so on. I can almost guarantee that after Fashion Week it will be all soothing and anti-irritant.”

Fotodom / Rex Features

“I put on moisturizer all the time. Once every two hours, probably, otherwise it starts to seem to me that the wrinkles have already stretched through the forehead and lurked in the corners of the eyes ... Brrr! I always have Aveda's Botanical Kinetics spray, skin moisturizing cream or gel, and cleansing wipes in my purse to wipe my face before applying. What? Makeup? I paint only on the catwalk!"

Renata Zandonadi

“I am a big fan of Bioderma, they have a great cleanser and moisturizer. Fragrance free, no unnecessary extra ingredients. And I always use sunscreen, even on rainy days. For me, putting on an SPF cream is like brushing my teeth, I don’t even think about it.”

Jessica Bartha-Lam

“I wash my face with olive oil in the evenings: it cleanses the skin better than foam, gel, wipes and lotion combined. And after that, you don’t have to think about how much and what kind of harmful substances you applied to your skin. I also have a moisturizer based on olive oil, I order it in a pharmacy, the expiration date is only two days, but I am sure of the quality.”

Julia van Os

“I sleep with a vaseline mask on my face. Yes, I'm not kidding, it is. I apply Vaseline all over my face with a thin layer and go to bed. In the morning, the skin is amazingly smooth and velvety! No other cream does this. And the pillowcase is easy to wash!”

Madison Whittaker

“I guess I don’t have secrets to take care of myself. Except never wear makeup outside of work and never go to bed without cleansing your skin. BUT! And be sure to drink linseed oil in the morning: there are omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which are very important for the skin. I take two tablespoons of it a day. In secret: it's also a great way to detox for the gastrointestinal tract, you know.

Dasha Maletina

“After cleansing the skin, I immediately apply a mask, and only after it - a cream. I don’t pay much attention to brands, the main thing is that vitamin B12 is in the composition - it takes excellent care of the skin. ”

Pauline Horo

“I drink a lot of water, a lot of water, I don’t know, more than 2 liters for sure. I don’t eat anything harmful, fried or canned, and once a month I go to the beautician, who somehow conjures me. At home, apart from moisturizing cream and facial wash, I don’t have any cosmetics.”

Clean, beautiful skin, with imperceptible pores and healthy color is the dream of every girl. To achieve this, you need to know a few simple rules on how to make your face perfect. To do this, it is important to follow certain nutritional principles and take proper care of yourself.

Three rules for perfect skin

The condition of the epidermis depends on the influence of external factors and hormonal changes.

Therefore, in order to achieve the perfect epidermis, it is important to follow three rules:


Clear skin is healthy, this is the first thing to remember on the way to a perfect face.

The cleanser is selected depending on the type of epidermis:

In addition to washing, the cleansing process includes periodic scrubbing of the epidermis. High-quality peeling will help to make the face perfectly clean and smooth, without acne, roughness and other problems. This procedure allows you to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, cleanse the pores, normalize blood circulation and remove the remnants of cosmetic products.

Most store-bought scrubs can be easily made at home. To do this, you need a base oil (you can choose any available, but coconut or shea butter is best) and hard ingredients.

Consider what components can be used for peeling:

  • Sea salt. An ideal home remedy for cleansing the pores of combination and problem skin. Hypoallergenic, but highly abrasive. Helps to get rid of scars and marks after acne, has a slight brightening property;
  • Sugar. It dissolves faster than salt in water, so it is recommended to use it for oily skin so as not to scratch already sensitive areas. Helps to even out the color, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, make the epidermis soft and velvety to the touch;
  • Coffee. Perfectly massages and cleanses problematic and mature epidermis. It has a strong antioxidant effect, leaving a lifting effect after use. Like salt, it is characterized by high abrasiveness and is absolutely insoluble in water. Therefore, for peeling it is better to use finely ground coffee, as for a coffee machine.

To make an affordable and effective scrub, you need to combine 10 grams of any of the listed products and a little oil (at your own discretion). Apply the mixture on a moisturized face, it is better to slightly steam it. Within 5 minutes, you need to actively rub the skin along the massage lines, then rinse the mixture with water. After scrubbing, apply cream. Repeat at least 1 time per week.

Video: My daily face care

Nutrition and hydration

At this stage, it is important to understand that before, how to make the skin of the face perfect from the outside, you need to take care of the internal processes that occur in the tissues. To ensure the saturation of cells with useful substances, you need to make nourishing masks and use creams.

Care is selected depending on the type of epidermis. To simplify this process, we have compiled a table for different types of epidermis with suitable procedures.

skin type masks Creams
Oily skin Masks with blue clay and honey will help normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Excellent anti-inflammatory agents, which include tea tree essential oil. After cleansing and caring procedures, a light nourishing cream should be applied to it. It is recommended to buy products with an air structure: foams, fluids.
Dry For intensive nutrition, a mask with natural yogurt and banana is suitable. It will not only improve hydration, but also saturate the cells with vitamins and mineral compounds. For the purpose of its nutrition, it is most convenient to use dense compositions. Priority is given to products containing hyaluronic acid in their ingredients.
Combined It needs special care, so it is recommended to make masks from kaolin, milk or herbal decoctions for it. To reduce secretions, it is recommended to wipe your face with cucumber lotion. For its nutrition, you can use the same fluid creams or mousses as for oily.
problematic Remedies made from honey, clay mixtures, egg whites and yeast will help relieve inflammation and reduce redness. To cleanse the pores, a mask of oatmeal and kefir is recommended. To further strengthen the fibers of the epidermis, as well as nutrition, it is important to use light moisturizing formulations. It can be serums or mousses. It is better not to experiment with dense creams.
Normal This type does not need specialized care, it is important to simply maintain its condition. For this, all kinds of fruit and vegetable products, recipes with clays and other restorative masks are used. Suitable for any cream with a nourishing base. In the warm season, it is better to give preference to moisturizing products with vitamin supplements.

A working way to restore skin in a week:

  1. Regularly wash your face with antibacterial soap, which will eliminate foci of inflammation and relieve redness;
  2. Every other day, in the morning, scrub with soft abrasives (with intense peeling - large ones);
  3. Refuse to use cosmetics - let the skin breathe. Instead of a classic tonalnik, it is better to use a regular cream. Or any available butter;
  4. Rinse off the cream only with the means intended for this. In the morning, it is better to simply wipe the epidermis with micellar water or an ice cube;
  5. Do cleansing masks with nourishing ingredients twice a week. The best option is clay with aloe or honey;
  6. Do not expose your face to aggressive environmental influences. Protect your face from wind, scorching sun and snow;
  7. In nutrition, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, minimize the amount of salty and smoked. It is advisable to completely exclude sweet, fried and fast food from the diet.


If you urgently need to put yourself in order, and clean pores and even color are still far away, then you can use cosmetics.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make the perfect face at home using makeup:

  1. Before applying foundation, it is important to moisturize the epidermis with cream or foundation. This will not only protect the skin, but also greatly simplify the distribution of the product;
  2. For problematic skin, corrector should be applied to all red and inflamed areas. It will hide pimples and dark circles, as well as even out skin color around the nostrils and on the eyelids;
  3. The foundation should be applied with a sponge. Gently dab the skin on your face and neck. This will hide the roughness and dry patches and also ensures the natural distribution of the color. Especially it will help to hide problem skin;
  4. For naturalness, the oval of the face must be decorated with blush and powder. The most preferred are products containing mineral particles - they absorb excess fat and do not clog pores;
  5. Do not, under any circumstances, apply multiple layers of makeup. If you need to fix the tonal - use thermal water in a spray. But you can’t re-spread it - she will instantly react to this appearance of subcutaneous and comedones.

Once again, we draw attention to the fact that this method is an emergency. Reviews claim that only with an integrated approach can real results be achieved in just 7 days. Each use of tinting products moves you away from the dream of becoming the owner of a perfect face.