Development - Early? Or correct? Optimal pillow size for different age groups

The newborn baby sleeps most of the time, because only so a child can restore the strength and replenish energy reserves. Pediatricians and traumatists do not cease to repeat that the mattress must necessarily be rigid, bed linen is made only from natural tissues that do not cause allergies. From a properly equipped bedroom of the child depends on its health and harmonious development. But one question often puts young parents in a dead end: when can I buy a pillow for the baby? What do doctors say about this and how to act Mama and Dad?

From what age is the baby you need a pillow

The pillow is not recommended to use children up to two years. Some parents believe that the child is uncomfortable without this attribute. Many young mothers blame in a restless dream of the kid is the lack of a pillow. Experts consider such an opinion absolutely wrong. Moreover, the pillow can be dangerous for the child, especially in the first year of life:

  • the use of the pillow in the first three to four months of the life of the baby increases the risk of sudden childhood syndrome: a child can turn over in a dream and close the nasal strokes with a pillow. Small children can still not control the neck muscles, so they will not be able to turn their heads in the side. Also, the newborn baby does not regulate the breath: if the lying face in the pillow he will not be able to breathe, the crocha may suffocate;
  • the vertebrae of the cervical department is still very fragile, so they are easy to damage. If the baby is sleeping on the pillow, it is fraught with the deformation of the vertebrae;
  • doctors insist on the importance of the location of the head and the body of the child on the same line, especially during sleep. The pillow knocks this balance;
  • models with natural fillers are often the cause of an allergic reaction. In some cases, sleep on such a product can provoke difficulty breathing, which threatens the life of the baby.

Dr. Komarovsky explains that the proportions of the child's body differ from adults: the head of the kids is greater, in relation to the body. Therefore, the child does not need a pillow for normal sleep. After two years, the doctor recommends selecting a product with hypoallergenic and dense filler. The thickness of the pillow must be no more than two centimeters (the distance from the ear to the shoulder of the child).

Some children do not want to sleep on the pillow and after two years. Parents should not worry and force a child. This is quite normal and does not hurt the baby's health. FROM three years It is allowed to use adult pillows, but experts still recommend not to buy soft periods to children, but continue to use a tight pillow.

From what age you need to start laying a child on the pillow - video

In what cases is needed newborn or infant

  • if the baby is diagnosed in congenital krivoshi. In this case, a special orthopedic pillow is simply necessary to adjust this condition in the first months of life. Sometimes the doctor can assign the use of such a pillow model for the prevention of krivoshei in the baby, in case the child often sleeps only on one side;
  • the bones of the skulls of the crumbs are still soft, so they can deform in the case when a child sleeps from birth only in one position. To fix this situation, specialists are recommended to purchase a special pillow with a notch. Then the baby will keep his head smoothly during sleep;
  • the pillow with a slope can be put under the head of the child when he often joins. In this case, this will protect the baby from the falling masses in the respiratory tract;
  • with a congenital hyper-or hypotonus, the doctor can recommend using an orthopedic pillow as one of the methods of auxiliary treatment. The product helps to relax or, on the contrary, strengthen cervical muscles Depending on the diagnosis of crumbs.

Orthopedic pillows are used only by testimony and recommendations of a specialist.

Some parents buy orthopedic pillows without consulting a doctor. This categorically impossible to do not harm the health of the child. There are anatomical pillows on sale, which are designed for the correct position of the baby's head during sleep. But before using such a model, it is also better to consult a doctor.

Using a pillow with a deepening, parents must take into account the fact, whether he often jumps up the baby during sleep. If the baby is bothering frequent jeepingTo sleep on such a model, he is contraindicated: the head is lying directly and the vomites can get into the respiratory tract, the baby can choke.

Pillows for children of the first year of life: when you need - video

What to pay attention to when choosing

To choose a high-quality pillow, you need to focus on several criteria. Doctors warn that the incorrectly selected model can provoke the tension of the neck muscles, cause a restless sleep, as well as headaches at the kid. Therefore, approaching the purchase of this attribute of sleeping facilities is due to the responsibility. Before buying, it is necessary to listen to the advice of the specialist: if the pillow needs newborn or children of the first year of life, the doctor himself will tell his parents, what kind of product parameters will fit their baby.

Pillow size for children of different ages

The shape of the pillow must be rectangular: such a model is placed in the crib and the child is comfortable to sleep on it, even if it is spinning and turns over the middle of the night a large number of times. Length may vary from 30 cm to 45 cm, the width depends on the bed parameter: on average 40 - 60 cm. But the main criterion of the product size is the height that depends on the age of the child:

  • for newborns and children up to two years, it must be no more than 1 - 2 cm;
  • for a child aged 2 - 3 years, height is 6 - 8 cm;
  • baby 3 - 7 years will suit the product with a height of 9 - 10 cm.

As the child grows, the pillow needs to be changed on a higher

Difference in form

  1. With inclination: These are high pillows about 10 cm, and the slope is approximately 15 - 30 degrees. Experts pay attention that such a pillow should be not only under his head, but also under the back of the baby. It can be recommended for muscle hyperthnot so that the neck muscles relax. Also, the pillow with a slope is good for children who often jerk so that the vomits do not get into the respiratory tract.
  2. Porous: The model is specifically designed to reduce the risk of sudden child death syndrome. If a child falls face in a pillow, he can breathe, because it passes the air.
  3. Anatomical: The model is made in such a way that the head of the baby is fixed in the position on the side and the child can not turn it.
  4. Orthopedic: models of such products in short than a classic pillow. On the sides there are special rollers with a height of no more than 4 cm, which do not give the crumb to turn the head. It has a deepening to specially keep your head and neck baby. In this position, the muscles are not only relaxing, but also improved blood circulation. In children with congenital injuries, a dream on such a pillow contributes to the removal pain sensations In the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck and headaches.

Types of baby pillows for sleep

Orthopedic pillow is one of the methods of treatment of Krivoshei, as well as relaxes the muscles of the cervical
Anatomical pillow fixes the baby's head in the position on the side Porous pillow made of a special material transmitting air Pillow with a slope is put on not only under the head, but under the back of the baby

Orthopedic pillows enjoy the greatest popularity. But it is not recommended to use their healthy children. Some children are allowed to use pillows not earlier. three months oldAnd others prescribe these products in a few weeks after birth. The time of use per day also defines the attending physician: one kids are enough 5-8 hours, another is recommended sleep on an orthopedic cushion constantly.

According to the reviews of doctors and moms, children who have identified problems, the use of orthopedic pillows gives positive results. They contribute to a calmer way of a child, correcting the curvosie and deformation of the bones of the skull, and also well help with muscle hyperthnot. You can use the pillows of such a model until the baby becomes two years. After that age, you can buy a flat and hard pillow with a child, which is more reminded by an adult.

Orthopedic pillows help with many congenital problems with cervical department Spine in newborns children

How to use an orthopedic pillow - video

When choosing a pillow and filler, you should remember the main rule - the pillowcase must be made only from natural materials. Ideal for newborns and older children is cotton.

There are also pillows with special straps that are easy to fix in bed. Even if the crumb is spinning all night, he will not be able to move the pillow from the scene.

Before you buy a pillow, you need to carefully examine the composition. If low-quality materials were used for the manufacture of the model, it is better not to risk and choose another pillow

Whether in the stroller

Doctors insist that for walking in a stroller, the baby does not need a pillow. Modern strollers are equipped with a backlord lifting function, so if necessary, it can be lifted for several centimeters. But it concerns the winter period more. It is during the cold season that the child is dressed in a warm jumpsuit. In this case, the legs of the child can be raised higher than the head.

Incorrectly chosen pillow can provoke many spinal problems in the future. Therefore, in this issue it is recommended to adhere to the opinions of doctors and buy only those models that the doctor appointed. This is especially true of newborns, infants and children up to two or three years. If the child is healthy, then it does not need to use the pillow, it will be best for him just on the mattress. However, if the kid diagnosed some problems with the cervical department, it is worth listening to a specialist, because the use of the pillow helps in the treatment of many situations.

The pillow is an indispensable attribute of a sweet sleep, without which the bulk of people do not cost. For young children, this personality plays a special role and is chosen taking into account the anatomical features of the body. That your baby not only enjoyed dreams, but his bed would represented cozy nest, come to the selection of pillows with extreme caution. It is necessary to take into account all the subtleties that will be able to render on the further formation of the children's spine. Incorrectly selected subsequently can cause development serious diseases.

First of all, you need to figure out, from what age the child needs a pillow. Physiological features Babies up to 1 year allow you to go well without it. For children of this age, it is natural to be during sleep on a flat surface.

In order to approach the question of how old the baby pillow needs, it is necessary to address this question to professionals - pediatricians and orthopeds. The answer of the physicians is unequivocal: the pillow even the smallest size can have negative impact On the health of a little man. It turns out that the use of the pillow during sleep in children under 1 can lead to more serious consequences than we can assume. The main threat is the likelihood of scoliosis of cervical and breast DepartmentSo each mom should know how old the child needs a pillow.

But there are exceptions. If your newborn has such pathology as congenital muscular krivoshi, the pillow is needed to use, but not ordinary, but orthopedic and only such a sample, as the doctor recommends.

For children after a year, when the spine is already faster, you can use small pads, but it is necessary to do it correctly. Be sure to watch the position of the head during sleep. It is impossible to allow the shoulders and head so that a large angle is formed between them. The child needs to be laid so that the head and the top third of the body turned out to be on the pillow. With this position, the baby pillow will not be subjected gentle child excess load.

Another important point is not chosen too soft and high pillow. There is a chance that the baby can break his nose into it and due to the inability to actively turn over may suffocate.

Considering the question, from what age the child needs a pillow, it is desirable to pay attention to another, no less important - what it should be. Previously, many moms preferred to use a folded flannel diaper folded several times. Now the children's linen market offers comfortable and safe bedding, which are tested and certified. If the budget does not allow you to purchase a branded product, then the pillow for children can safely be replaced by a terrain towel several times. Position it so that the angle between the head and shoulders of the child is no more than 30 degrees.

Currently, among the goods for children, new items are constantly appear. For example, an anatomical cushion for a baby. It has such a feature as a pitch in the middle, which allows you to conveniently put the baby's head. This invention is based on the knowledge of the anatomy, based on which scientists calculated the optimal height of the pillow. It is 3 cm, and the height of the side is 4.5 cm.

Also, a baby pillow may be in the form of a supporting roller, which consists of hypoallergenic fillers. This kind is considered absolutely safe and very convenient for children.

At what age, the child needs a pillow of a dream day, you already know, but this item will be needed not only to put a baby to sleep. The pillow is indispensable, but in this case, she has another role - to keep the back of the baby so that he can feel comfortable in an unusual situation.

For some parents, their baby is a matter of life. They are ready to learn it from birth to read, write. Some even albums with the works of great artists with babies leaf. To "work out". Do I need?

"Our first in the life of" Development ", - a photo with such a signature, my friend Julia posted in the social network. At the picture, her nine-month siest and six more carainduzes under the age of the year. And around the cubes with letters, mats with numbers and other "educational" toys. Smoking to hell. And some more surprisingly.

What for? - Sincerely wonders in conversation with me, our common friend. She adheres to the rule: to learn the child will always have. And fundamentally against early development. Like, too early to load the baby with knowledge of anything. Maybe she is right?

Our expert, family psychologist, founder of the FamilyBuilding project Daria Groshev:

There is nothing that is to offer a small child to get acquainted with letters, numbers. It's like perceive at this age. For him, this is just images. And the image, say, the machines and the image of the letter are the same. But there is a difference: to acquaint in the form of the game, carefully tracking his interests and needs, or demand: "Here is the letter" A ", this is the letter" A "! Why didn't you remember the letter "A"? " The first is useful, the second is harmful. Modern systems Early development is based on playing principles. At the same time, of course, everything should be uniform: there should be no physical development in the direction of studying the same letters to the detriment of physical development.

The day of the five-year-old Masha is scheduled for the clock. Twice a week pool, two times singing and dancing. On Saturday gymnastics. On Sunday, Mom plans to drive a daughter on "Another sport maybe. Jiu-Jitsu ", and next year, courses for school preparation will be added. Masha like all her classes, honestly. Maybe because she is not used to another rhythm of life. Between the classes still managed to go with parents to the theater, to the cinema, go to visit. True, with health there are problems - sometimes the girl's body produces a completely unmotivated temperature. Then the child finally goes just to relax ...

This is a purely Russian trend: it is accepted that the child must be developed. If the baby is all happy, on health! But if you can see that the baby does not cope, if this occupation or classes, in principle, for some reason cause rejection from him, do not put pressure on it. Stop, think: why do you want the child to attend the circle at such a young age, section. Take time? Or is these parental ambitions - you have to be able to know everything since childhood? Start sharing your and his desires. Try to look at the world with my eyes, maybe. His look is radically different from yours.

I will not go anywhere else with him, "the mother of a two-year-old Arkashi complains. - All children are sitting, something is drawing there, they are trying to sculpt. And he walks on the ceiling. I tried to sit down by force, it is useless. And the teacher does not pay attention in general, says: "Does not want - let him not sit, it's fine." Why only pay money?

Up to three years, nothing cannot be demanded from the child. Just like making him to surround all the occupation. All do, and your child runs around the room? Let be! The brain must switch. Do you feel sorry for money spent for the occupation? And what is more important to you - money or calm child?

Our expert emphasizes: up to three years old do not need to learn in the school understanding of this word. It should be just loved. At this age, he does not care if he can draw or not. It is important for him to be with her mother, to be loved. And to know that all knowledge is part of the magical discovery, which he performs with mom. Therefore, it is impossible to miss children's work through hard criticism. She and for an adult is a shame, what to say about the Karapuz, for which criticism is like a wreck of the world. "Oh, what kind of Christmas tree did you draw, who draws that," say such three-year old babyAnd he is most likely to never take paint.

In 4-5 years, you can already gradually acquaint a child with a learning format, teach to the seating in place, surrounding the classes. But again everything is in the form of the game. Preschoolers - from five to seven years - the memory is formed, understanding too. Here you can already talk about the doctrity, but still, with a correction for the fact that it is a small child. But if he is not able to sit out a lesson at school - this suggests that something in the development of the child is still missed. But the specialists should already be dealing with: psychologists and neurologists.

Personal experience

I am confident, much of what they give in educational activities, moms, if they have time, can give at home. My son is 5 years old, and he learned the letters earlier than learned to speak. Not kidding and I do not exaggerate - he spoke late, at 2 years 3 months. And exactly two, it was already correctly poked with a finger in one or another letter.

In this case, I did not apply any special methods. We read. Lot. Lots of. One of the favorite books we had an alphabet in verse. We could read it 20 times in a row.

Already later, when the child began to say, I realized that he reads. At the same time, we practically missed the stages of the syllables. Timofey remembered if so you can put it, "images" of words. I saw the word "mother" in the book, then read it anywhere. So we "read" about a year, and then he already learned to perceive strangers. I read right away. And I do not think that something would change "Development".

At the same time, I absolutely do not know how to draw, sculpt, cut and do other creative things. And here I would not be against if his sovembols were taught the teachers. And so, he went in this regard in my footsteps - the creativity is not our bitch.

Mama sorry for babies sleeping on a bare sheet. I want to put something under the head of my native keyboard, create maximum comfort. But at first it is worth understanding, from what age the baby needs a pillow, and what can be used instead of it.

Opinion doctors

The tiny organism is only formed: the spine grows, the bones are dripped. therefore doctors do not advise to lay a child up to 2 years to sleep on the pillowIf it is healthy and normally develops.

  1. Torticollis.
  2. Incorrection of the bones of the skull.
  3. Abundant jumping.
  4. Pronounced hypotonus or heptonus.
  5. Head injuries and neck.

Baby Pillow can hardly harm:

  1. If the baby breaks into the nose pillow, it may not turn over on its own side. In this case, there is a danger of fatal outcome.
  2. Bloodshop brain is broken if the head is in wrong position. This is fraught with violations of the central nervous system.

You can use a carved roller towel. The child is placed on the side and reflect the resulting roller. It does not allow the baby to turn over to the back. Important periodically change little baby To avoid laying out.

When is it time to buy a pillow?

Karapuz is growing, and parents notice that he begins to create a comfort around him. The diet fills the bed, woven the blanket and stacked on the pillow. Thoughtful moms They believe that the child has grown, and sleep on a flat surface is now uncomfortable.

Actually little man Copy the behavior of adults. Therefore, it is worth carefully controlling this moment. No need to allow the spell to fit too high. So the work of the internal organs is disturbed, the spine is twisted, and the body ceases to develop correctly.

How old is the child to put sleeping on the pillow?

If the child has not fulfilled two years, then there is no need to maintain his interest in playroom gaming games. Pediatricians believe that only from two-year-old age Children can be laid on the pillow and raise the head slightly for sleep. But if there is an opportunity, then better wait up to 3 years.

Most likely, the little man wants to sleep just like dad with mom. No need to go about him. Children's bedroom facilities from adults differ significantly.

When can a child sleep on a regular pillow?

At the "adult" cushion of the child can be laid from 6-7 years.

How to choose a pillow for a small child?

Chado usually asks to buy a pillow with a picture of a favorite hero. But such a thing is often decorative, which means that children are not suitable for night rest. It can be purchased for games or decorating a bed.

There are three criteria for which the children's pillow is chosen:

  • it is made of hypoallergenic materials: syntheps, holofiber, ideally - Liocell - soft fiber derived from eucalyptus wood;
  • flat: Use a pillow that greatly raises the children's head;
  • not too soft, stealing enough, it is convenient to sleep on it.

Moms and Pope are fighting for children surrounded natural materials. But accessory for children's sleep better to buy with synthetic filler. Sheep wool or fluff can cause allergies. And not everyone likes buckwheat husk.

Before buying, learn all the information available on the product label. Reliable manufacturers necessarily indicate the material from which the product is made, the type of model: children's orthopedic, just a children's (indicating age) or children's anatomical, as well as washing conditions. It will be useful to identify the smell: the quality product does not have an unpleasant fragrance.