Infant development at 11 months. Sensory abilities and coordination of movements. Physical development of the child

For every parent of a little man, the main thing is that he be healthy, cheerful and cheerful. And yet, you should have information about the indicators that characterize the normal development of the baby at a particular age. We will talk in our article about what success an eleven-month-old baby should achieve in development in such a short life, what parents should pay attention to, and what should alert them.

The last month of the very first year of a baby's life is a period of improvement of movements, intensive mental and speech development, the period of the beginning of his socialization.

Conditionally, the development of an eleven-month-old child is determined by the following points:

  • physical parameters (weight, height, chest girth and head circumference);
  • motor development (transition from horizontal to vertical position);
  • speech development (speech, although still passive, begins to become a means of communication);
  • mental differentiation (showing preference, protest, envy, anger, jealousy).

Parents should be alerted if their 11-month-old cannot sit without the support of their elders, does not try to stand, holding on to any support, does not seek to support a cup when he is given a drink.

An eleven-month-old girl usually surpasses her peer of the stronger sex in her development in many respects. The only exceptions are physical parameters.

How much should a child weigh at 11 months

The weight and height program for each baby is individual. And yet, there are statistics that allow you to navigate these parameters at a particular age, their optimal ratio. It should be borne in mind that these indicators differ somewhat for girls and boys. To know how much a child should weigh at 11 months, you can use the table, which indicates the approximate height and weight of babies by month.

So, the approximate weight of an eleven-month-old boy is 10 kg with a height of 74.3 cm. A girl at this age weighs 9.2 kg, and her height is 72.6 cm. side by 6-7% is considered the norm. If the deviation rate is 12-14%, this is the basis to talk about the baby's tendency to underweight or overweight.

If the child is lighter or heavier than the average by more than 12-14%, then there is a slight degree of underweight or overweight. In case of deviation from the average norm by more than a quarter, you should think about nutritional correction, which is carried out only after consulting a pediatrician.

The weight of every tenth baby is beyond the proposed indicators, but for them this is the norm.

11 months old baby: no teeth

Normally, the first teeth appear in a baby at the age of six to eight months. A one-year-old toddler usually has eight teeth. Is it worth worrying if the eleven-month-old baby has no teeth yet? There is no need to panic, because the appearance of the first milk tooth with a delay of up to six months is not a pathology.

This could be due to:

  • the individual characteristics of the baby's body,
  • the nature of its nutrition and the quality of drinking water,
  • prematurity
  • climatic conditions,
  • mom's health during gestation,
  • heredity.
Teeth usually erupt earlier in hot climates, although this statement is not an axiom.

But in order to exclude a violation of the timing of the appearance of teeth due to rickets, it is better to consult a pediatrician. The baby may need calcium supplements or vitamins.

Hello dear readers! We will talk today about what an 11-month-old baby should eat. During this period, the baby makes its first steps, even if it is still holding on to the crossbar or someone's hand. But these are already such achievements in the life of a little man! The child spends much more energy than before, so there should be more food in his diet, and the portions should increase. In the article you can find answers to such questions: what to give the little one to eat, how much to feed the baby at 11 months, what the baby's menu can be.

Basic nutritional rules

If you have a small child in your house, then you need to know and follow all sorts of rules for the upbringing and development of the baby. And here I will also introduce you not insignificant rules for feeding children:

  1. The baby must have five meals a day, which includes two usual feedings (breast milk or an adapted formula).
  2. Fried foods should still not be given to a child. Particular preference should be given to steamed food. This is the best way to keep all the nutrients in the product.
  3. Reduce sweets to a minimum, there should be practically no salt in the diet of the toddler, and all sorts of seasonings, even more so.
  4. The presence of a homogeneous mass in dishes is no longer necessary, but rather even superfluous. The child should already get used to harder foods. It is best to knead the food with a fork. The kid must learn to chew and develop the jaw.
  5. It is important that the child's diet includes: cereals, fruits, meat, vegetables, cottage cheese, fish and bread.
  6. Never force anything into your baby's mouth that he just gave up. Don't get angry or shout. Most likely, it just didn't suit your taste. I am sure that you also have such products to which you are indifferent or treat with disgust.
  7. It is still not worth giving products from the so-called risk zone for developing allergies: red fruits and vegetables, exotic representatives, citrus fruits, chocolate, nuts, honey.
  8. Remember that milk should be diluted with water for a toddler. At this age, you can 1: 1.
  9. Do not forget that when we introduce new foods into a child's diet, we should do it slowly and gradually. You need to start with half a teaspoon. And only with a normal reaction of the body, to bring it up to age norms.
  10. And don't forget about drinking. The kid needs to replenish his fluid reserves every day. Juices, decoctions, compotes, herbal teas, jelly are well suited for crumbs. And, of course, don't forget about the water itself.

Baby's diet

The child retains five meals a day. He still needs breastfeeding (fermented milk or an adapted formula) from the very morning and before bedtime.

The breaks between meals can fluctuate in the region of three to four hours. You are already individually adjusting to the requirements of the child and to what time he gets up and when he goes to bed. My son had four hour breaks. He ate at 6, 10, 14, 18 and 22 hours.

To calculate how much your baby should eat per day - just make calculations based on its weight. This figure in grams must be divided by nine. The answer will be the amount of food consumed. So, for example, my son already weighed 10 kg and 800 grams (10800), which means that he had to eat at least 1200 grams per day. Further, you can divide the received answer into 5 meals and find out how much the child needs to eat in one feeding. In my case, this indicator was 240 grams.

What can you feed your baby at 11 months

The baby should have a balanced diet, enriched with all the substances necessary for a growing body. And what exactly is included in his diet:

  1. Fruits and vegetables, berries. They are irreplaceable sources of vitamins, fiber and pectins. The kid should receive these products in full, corresponding to his age standards. You can already prepare different dishes from them: mashed potatoes, mousses, compotes, juices, jelly, puddings. And it is even allowed to eat grated fruits raw, but in small quantities.

But do not forget that the baby's menu should not contain red fruits, citruses and exotic representatives.

  1. Porridge is a must-have daily product. The most useful is considered to be oatmeal (but better not in the form of flakes). If the baby does not have celiac disease. It is better to cook such porridge in water, and in the prepared product you just need to season it with butter. However, cooking in milk is also allowed, but do not forget that the baby should not be given whole milk, dilute it 1: 2 with water. It is better to change porridge every day. Today is buckwheat, tomorrow is oatmeal, the day after tomorrow is rice, etc.
  2. Of course, meat dishes are an important component of a child's table. It can already be meatballs, steamed cutlets, mousses, puddings. Try to give the meat in such a form that the little one tries to chew it on his own. Give preference to rabbit, turkey, chicken, veal, young lean pork. Until a year old I gave my son only rabbit and veal.
  3. Fish should also be in the diet of the crumbs. The toddler should still avoid oily varieties and red species.
  4. Cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir are essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system. You can cook these foods yourself. Do not hesitate to serve dishes not only in their pure form, but also with the addition of already well-known fruits.
  5. Also, the baby can eat eggs, pasta, diet cookies, wheat bread, it is allowed to add small amounts of butter to ready-made meals (both vegetable and butter), and the amount of salt and sugar should also be minimal.

Reduce the use of sweets to almost nothing. The baby is just getting the first teeth, and you should not disturb their development. And, of course, a child's diet should not yet contain chocolate, citrus fruits and other allergenic foods.


How can a baby's daily diet be presented? A fairly large number of products are already available to the crumb. And what exactly can be an indicative menu for children on GW and IV? You can read about this below.

Children on breast milk

  1. The kid wakes up at 6 in the morning and first of all reaches out to his mother. He's already hungry. The first feed is still maternal milk (approx. 200 ml). It is still a very important source of nutrients for the development of the baby.
  2. By 10 o'clock the child was already hungry. At this time, give the toddler porridge (it is possible both in milk and in water) - 200 grams, no more. You can add 5 grams of oil to it. Also give your baby half of the yolk. For dessert, offer the crumbs 50 grams of fruit puree. You can drink everything with compote or juice (50 ml).
  3. Lunch at the crumbs comes at 14:00. This feeding should be the most satisfying. It can consist of the following dishes: 200 grams of vegetable puree with the addition of oil (5 grams), 80 grams of puree, a slice of bread (wheat flour, 10 grams). You can drink it with juice in a volume of 60 ml.
  4. At 18:00 - dinner at the toddler's. Give him 60 grams of fruit puree, 50 grams of cottage cheese, two biscuits. Give the child 200 ml of kefir to drink.
  5. The last feeding occurs before bedtime, at 10 o'clock in the morning. And it's still breast milk. The baby will drink the volume necessary for full saturation.

Babies on mixes

  1. Breakfast comes at 6 o'clock. First feeding - milk mixture (200 ml).
  2. Reception write between breakfast and lunch falls at 10 am. Feed the little one any porridge, cooked in any form. The kid needs 200 grams. Add 5 grams of butter. For dessert, 50 grams of fruit puree is well suited. Also offer your child half of an egg yolk. You can drink 50 ml of juice with food.
  3. Meat soup (200 grams) is good for lunchtime meals, which start at 14:00. In addition, you can give the child 80 grams of vegetable puree, 10 grams of wheat bread. You can drink it with compote (60 ml).
  4. For dinner (18:00), give the baby 60 grams of puree (fruit) and 50 grams of cottage cheese. For a snack, give two crackers or biscuit biscuits. A child can drink a meal with kefir (200 ml).
  5. And finally, for an hour at 22:00, be sure to feed the little one with an adapted mixture (200 ml).

So we figured out what your child's diet should now be. The toddler grows, and food preferences develop with it. Pamper your little one with a variety of dishes. Make sure that he does not get bored, and he does not lose interest in some food. And, of course, you should not give the same thing every day, for example, oatmeal and any other cereal every day. This product will quickly become boring, and the baby will begin to spit on it. Therefore, plan the baby's diet correctly, taking into account all the preferences of the baby. Try to make the menu varied and unique. And may your child grow up healthy!

Your baby is becoming more mature every day, the first birthday is not far off. The kid, learned so much and learned a lot during this time, but how much more interesting is ahead.

Your baby already knows how to ...


8.3-12.3 kg.
44.3-50.0 cm.
44.8-56.3 cm.
68.8-79.4 cm.
8.2-11.4 kg.
43.2-49.6 cm.
45.0-42.7 cm.

Physical development at 11 months of life

For the eleventh month of life, the baby should gain 400 - 450 grams.

The child's body length increases during this month by 1-1.5 cm. The circumference of the chest and head is 0.5 cm.

Teeth continue to erupt. By the eleventh month, there may already be eight. As a rule, these are 2 lower middle incisors (they erupt at 6-7 months); 2 upper middle incisors (at 8-9 months) and 2 upper lateral incisors (at 9-10 months) and 2 lower lateral incisors (at 11-12 months).

Neuropsychic development of a child at 11 months

Your baby is already so big, he understands your requests and prohibitions, and of course he does not forget to show his “I” from time to time, because he is already a big personality.

Motor skills at 11 months

At eleven months, a child can:

  • Sit down and get up on your own;
  • Climb and descend from it;
  • Overcome various obstacles;
  • Can move quickly and over long distances on all fours;
  • The kid can drink from a cup or sippy cup, while he knows how to hold it on his own;
  • Tries to eat on her own with a spoon;
  • Squats freely;
  • Depicts some semblance of dance to the music;
  • He begins to walk better without assistance. Most toddlers walk holding an adult's hand or balancing with their arms. While walking, the baby sways, tilts the body forward, spreads his legs, grabs the support.

Cognitive development

A baby at 11 months old can play simple story games (feed dolls, put them to sleep, bathe, and so on). Knows well and shows body parts on himself and other people.

Many kids know how to build a tower from several cubes, distinguish colors, string rings on a pyramid.

At the request of an adult, he finds and gives the necessary toy.

Children at this age really like to copy the actions of adults. Therefore, adults should carefully monitor their actions, as the baby can very quickly adopt bad habits.

Closer to the year, babies begin to be actively interested in communicating with other people, especially with children.

The taste and touch of the baby is actively developing. The child tries new food, he is interested in touching different surfaces. It is very useful at this age, for the development of the child, to let him walk barefoot on the sand, grass, rough surface. Give wet toys to touch, dip its handle into a jar of beans and jelly.

Speech development

By the age of 11 months, a child begins to imitate simple sounds well, such as the noise of a car engine, the running of a clock, how water is dripping, as animals and others say.

Try to encourage your child to talk as often as possible. Ask more questions, at this age the child understands 5-6 times more than he can pronounce.

The child watches with great interest how adults speak, their lips. Begins to use simplified words (aw-aw, boo, b-bi and others). By 11 months, the baby's vocabulary has about 4-5 such simplified words. Some crumbs have special words that they invented themselves to designate certain objects. For example, a kid can call a fish "tank", tights "oty" and others.

At 11 months, a child understands well when he is praised and when he is scolded.

Caring for a baby at 11 months

Regime and daily routine by 11 months remains the same. Children at this age, as a rule, sleep twice a day, eat 4-5 times.

Many babies wean themselves from night feeds by 11 months.

By the age of 11 months, babies begin to walk, so you need to pay attention to the baby's shoes. It should be of a suitable size, with a sufficiently stiff sole, with a firm heel counter, bend well and made of safe materials.

At this age, you can start or continue (if you have already started) potty training. Do not forget to praise your baby, even if he just sat on the pot, this is very important!

Pay attention to oral hygiene, especially if your baby's teeth have already erupted.

The rest of the baby care remains the same. Washing, bathing, walking in the fresh air, massage, gymnastics.

Nutrition for a child at 11 months

For many children, by the time they are one year old, their appetite decreases, most often this is due to teething, while others show their character in this way. Be patient to feed your baby, resort to different tricks. Food in the form of a game, feed him and his favorite toy at the same time, decorate the dishes, give something tasty.

As a rule, by 11 months, basic foods have already been introduced into the baby's diet. This is a variety of cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish dishes, dairy products, baked goods.

For a baby of this age, dishes of a homogeneous consistency, chopped, with small pieces, stewed, steamed or boiled, are suitable.

By the age of 11 months, the baby can eat many adult dishes, the only difference is that no spices are added to the children's dish and give it the appropriate consistency. For example, a stew with meat and vegetables can be prepared for the whole family. Using non-fatty beef or chicken for this. Adults add spices to their plates, and the child's portion is simply kneaded with a fork into small pieces or to a puree-like consistency. If desired, the meat for the baby can be crushed with a blender, or divided into small fibers and mixed with vegetables.

Fruit juices - 90-100 ml;

Fruit puree - 90-100 grams;

Cottage cheese - 50 grams;

Yolk - 1/2

Vegetable puree - 200 grams;

Milk porridge - 200 ml;

Minced meat - 60-70 grams;

Fish puree - 60-70 grams;

Liver mince - 30 grams;

Kefir - 200 ml;

Crackers, cookies - 10-15 grams;

Bread - 10 grams;

Vegetable oil - 5 - 6 grams;

Butter 5-6 grams.

Approximate diet for a child at 11 months

6:00 - Breast milk or adapted milk formula - 200 ml

10:00 - Porridge (170 grams), 1/2 yolk fruit puree (30 grams), bread (10 grams);

14:00 - Vegetable soup, pureed 50 ml; Vegetable puree 150 grams; Meat puree (or fish 1-2 times a week) - 60 grams; Bread 10 grams, Fruit juice 50 ml.

18:00 -Adapted kefir - 150 ml; cottage cheese (50 grams); cookies (5-10 grams);

22:00 - Breast milk or adapted milk formula - 200 ml.

If the mother has milk, then it is considered ideal for the normal development of the child to feed him with breast milk, at least 1-2 times a day up to a year, and after the first year of life (as long as the mother has milk).

Required examinations at 11 months

At 11 months, you need to go to the pediatrician to assess the physical and neuropsychic development of the child. The doctor will weigh and measure the child, ask about what he can do. The obtained data will be entered into the history of the child's development.

How to play with your 11 month old baby?

At 11 months old, the child is good at finding objects, so he will really like it if you forgive him to choose from a heap of toys and give you a specific toy. Be sure to praise him, because he tries so hard.

Also, the baby is very much occupied with parts of the body, which he already knows and shows well. Ask him “Where is his (or your) mouth? Where are the eyes? "

The kid already knows how to play simple story games, help him with this - feed the dolls, put them to bed.

Consider books with bright pictures with the baby, give him the opportunity to turn the pages.

The kid at this age is very active, so he loves to play noisy, active games. Rocking, tossing, whirling, lowering upside down evoke a special delight. Dads are especially good at these games, as they are physically stronger and reliably insure the baby.

What toys are suitable for this age?

Closer to the year, babies increasingly like to play not with toys, but with adult objects. Do not drown out his interest, because it is quite possible for the baby to be given a saucepan, an old watch or a phone. Let him bother with them, study.

The same toys quickly get bored by the baby, so try to change them, just as you should not offer too many toys at the same time. This can tire the child quickly.

At this age, the baby is very active, you should not restrain him, try to talk to him more, tell and show him. Play with him, and through the game teach independence, sociability, teach him to work.

Other information on the topic

  • Child development at 1 year 3 months

  • Baby development at 4 months

  • Child development at 2 years 6 months

The baby's first birthday is approaching. Parents do not cease to be amazed: quite recently, the baby did not know how to practically anything, and now it is an adult child who already knows how to show character. At eleven months, children continue to actively develop both physically and emotionally. Some have already taken the first step, others delight mom and dad with intelligible words and phrases. What success should children achieve at this age? How the daily routine of an almost one-year-old baby changes. Consider the main nuances of a child's development at 11 months.

Changes in the physiological development of children at 11 months

Every month the child learns new skills and abilities. But the main breakthrough in development is the attempt to walk. Most children at this age make their first steps, which makes their parents very happy. The kid can begin to stomp in dashes: from support to support. Then the baby will learn to stand more and more confidently and walk independently.

Pediatricians draw the attention of parents that each child is different, so the pace of development may differ. If a baby at this age is actively crawling, standing at a support and walking with support, do not worry, this situation is a variant of the norm. Dr. Komarovsky insists that crawling, then the ability to stand and walk with support, and only then the first steps are the ideal model for the physical development of an infant. This strengthens the spine enough to withstand the load in an upright position.

But do not worry if the child does not crawl, but immediately starts to get up and then walk. This situation is also considered normal. Some children may skip the crawling step, but this is not good for a fragile spine. Parents are advised to encourage crawling in every possible way, but not to force the baby if he does not want to do it. You cannot scold a child, because he is very sensitive to the emotions of his parents.

But if a baby at this age not only does not crawl, but also does not stand at the support, does not know how to walk by the hand with adults, it is worth consulting a doctor. These signs may indicate damage to the nervous system, muscle hypotonia, or problems with the skeletal system of the baby, for example, rickets.

Weight and height of boys and girls at 11 months - table

Do not forget to visit your pediatrician every month. On examination, the doctor will assess changes in the baby's weight and height. For children of the first year of life, these indicators are the main criteria for the correct development of the child. If the baby is regularly underweight, this may signal iron deficiency anemia, problems in the thyroid gland. A lack of body weight can lead to a delay in physical and psychological development.

Sleep and active pastime

Many children begin to change their daily routine at 11 months. This is primarily due to the fact that the baby began to spend more time awake. But it is too early to completely remove daytime sleep, because the baby spends a lot of energy. The total amount of time that the child spends in sleep is 14 hours. Of these, 10 hours fall on a night's sleep, and four crumbs sleep during the daytime.

Some children who wake up later in the morning can go to one day's sleep, because in the morning they have enough strength for active activities. According to Dr. Komarovsky, if a child develops according to norms, sleeps peacefully at night and has a good appetite, then one sleep a day is enough for him, which can last from two to four hours. In this case, it is not recommended to make the baby sleep a second time in the daytime.

Learning to chew: the number of milk teeth

Most 11-month-olds have already erupted four teeth: two at the bottom and two at the top. Therefore, the baby can be given to taste food in small lumps and pieces. However, some children do not yet have a single milk tooth at this age. Dentists reassure parents: this situation is considered normal. Teething time in most cases depends on heredity: if the parents' teeth grew late, they will also erupt later in the child.

If a baby does not have a single milk tooth in a year, it is worth consulting a pediatric dentist. You may need additional examination and calcium supplementation. But only a doctor can prescribe all the recommendations.

What a baby should be able to do at 11 months - skills and abilities

Although the rate of development for each child may differ, the World Health Organization has developed a list of norms that an infant must meet at 11 months of age. At this age, the baby should be able to:

  • confidently stand at the support, walk by the hand with adults or hold onto the wall. Some babies are already starting to take their first steps;
  • sit down from a standing position. But if the child does it hesitantly and slowly, this is also considered the norm;
  • crawl actively and very quickly, as well as sit independently without back support;
  • point your finger at a toy or object that interests him;
  • hold a spoon and try to collect food, and also hold a sippy, bottle or cup with both hands;
  • trying to collect a pyramid, a tower of cubes. The crumb already confidently takes objects, even the smallest, with two fingers, and does not clench them into a fist, as before;
  • climb onto a sofa or bed and climb;
  • flipping through children's books with dense pages;
  • collect toys in a box or basket.

Psycho-emotional development: the baby shows character

An eleven-month-old baby is already a person, with his own preferences and desires. Emotionally, the child is also taking a big leap forward in development. The baby already knows how to articulate what he wants more clearly. For example, if a baby wants something, he does not just show his desire by crying, but points his finger or speaks simple words. At this age, the baby:

  • begins to talk: can pronounce short words consisting of several syllables, tries to repeat some sounds and phrases after adults;
  • understands the speech addressed to him: he can carry out some commands, for example, bring a toy, show body parts, find an object;
  • rejoices when he is praised and upset if parents address the baby in a stern voice;
  • knows how to manipulate parents: the child realized that as soon as he cries, many of his desires are fulfilled. Therefore, the baby begins to arrange tantrums and whims for any reason, so that adults give in to him;
  • prefers to listen to music: to the sounds of rhythm and funny children's songs, the child can make movements to the beat or just have fun;
  • often repeats the actions of the parents: can swing the doll or feed it. These are signs of the first role-play when the infant tries to put himself in the shoes of an adult.

Child psychologists warn parents who, at the first whim, fulfill the child's requests, not to do this. The kid will constantly manipulate adults if they continue to behave this way. The task of the parents is to establish the limits of what is permissible, and if they say the word "no", then you should not give in to the baby under the onslaught of tears and tantrums.

This situation is considered normal, because the crisis of the first year of life is approaching. At this time, parents should be patient and constantly explain to the baby why this or that action cannot be done. Some children quickly outgrow this period, while in others it lasts up to six months. This behavior of the baby is considered normal and is a sign of the formation of the character of the child.

What did an 11 month old baby learn - video

Caring for a child at this age

Parents must adhere to a certain daily routine and teach their child to it. A kid who is accustomed to doing everything on time will not have problems while visiting kindergarten, and then school. Therefore, adults should accustom the baby to various rituals that will help him get ready for sleep or a walk.

Hygiene and water treatments

Every morning should begin with water procedures, because it is necessary to teach a child to personal hygiene from an early age. In the morning, it is imperative to wash the baby and carry out the toilet of the genitals. Also, the child must brush his teeth: for this procedure, there are special silicone brushes that are worn on an adult's finger and perfectly remove plaque. Such models cannot injure the delicate gums of the crumbs, because the bristles on them are very soft.

In the evening, pediatricians recommend taking a bath and giving the child at least half an hour to play with water and a relaxing hydromassage. The water should not be too hot or cold for the baby to feel comfortable. A bath with cool water sets him up for a restful sleep. Many parents practice infant swimming. And if the baby has no contraindications, neurologists and orthopedists respond positively to such activities in the pool or at home in the bathroom.

Gymnastics and massage: is it necessary to perform such exercises

The answer to this question is yes. The faster and stronger the child's muscles are strengthened, the better the baby will master the necessary skills and abilities. Therefore, in the morning, pediatricians recommend performing gymnastic exercises that will invigorate the baby and set him up for an active pastime during the day. And in the evening, after swimming in cool water, it is better to do a light relaxing massage, which also helps the child fall asleep quickly and restful sleep for several hours in a row.

For massage, you can use a special baby oil, which penetrates the epidermis of the skin, warms up the muscles and has a good effect on the state of the body as a whole.

You can diversify physical activities with exercises on fitball - a large ball that the baby will definitely like. Exercises with fitball help to strengthen the muscles of the whole body, and also train the vestibular apparatus.

Massage for children from Dr. Komarovsky - video

Is it a must to walk on the street

Walking with a child is useful at any age. At 11 months old, the baby can not only ride in a stroller, but also walk alone or by the hand with parents. Pediatricians recommend going outside for at least two hours, and preferably not once, but several times a day. Also, children are very fond of sleeping in the fresh air, therefore, doctors recommend spending one sleep outside.

Do not be afraid of bad weather: rain or frost. You should dress your child warmly and go out with him for at least 30-40 minutes during the cold season. During the frost season, it is allowed to stay at home if the thermometer drops below -15 degrees.

The importance of walking for children - video

A varied menu: nutrition for a baby at 11 months

The number of meals does not change and remains five times a day. But the child eats more and more adult food, breast milk or an adapted formula, the infant receives only in the morning and before bedtime. The rest of the time, mom cooks or stews vegetables, meat and fish dishes, cereals for the baby. And also in the menu of the crumbs, fruit purees and juices are necessarily present. Fermented milk products are important for maintaining immunity and the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Several times a week, the child should eat cottage cheese, drink kefir or yogurt.

Some parents transfer the baby to a common table, but children's gastroenterologists are categorically against this. The infant's gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready to accept fried, smoked or spicy foods. Many products are banned: mushrooms, cow's milk, coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits, some types of fish. Do not endanger your baby's health. Doctors recommend not to rush, but to introduce new products gradually and according to the age of the baby.

The child must learn to chew, so it is not necessary to grind the dishes to the consistency of mashed potatoes, it is better to leave some lumps in the porridge or soup. Special cereals are on sale that stimulate the child's chewing reflex. And you can also try to give your baby a nibbler - a special device with a mesh in which several pieces of food are put. In order to squeeze out the juice, the child will have to make chewing movements with the gums or teeth.

Child development program

Parents have to deal with the baby every day. If for some reason they cannot independently engage in child development, there are many centers for children, where experienced teachers are engaged with children. But the mother's attention is still much more important for a baby of this age.

How to teach to speak correctly

The best and most effective way is to talk to your child more:

  • read fairy tales every day, you can organize such a ritual before bedtime, day or night;
  • consider bright pictures and pronounce the name of objects and images;
  • include children's songs with a fun rhythm and sing along with the baby;
  • while walking, describe trees, people, passing cars and other situations;
  • develop fine motor skills, because a large number of nerve endings are concentrated on the palms and fingertips. Lessons with bodyboards, modeling and finger drawing are effective.

How to help a baby learn to talk - video

Fine motor skills development

Developmental exercises are required at this age. Today there are more author's techniques that are suitable for children at the age of 11 months. Parents can choose one or try to combine several methods. With a child at this age, you can:

  • study with Doman's cards: this way the baby will not only remember new objects, but will also try to repeat some words;
  • play with soft and hard educational boards, rugs and books. These products are complemented by a huge number of interesting details. Playing with a business board, the child develops logic, thinking, patience and memory;
  • to draw: pencils and brushes may not yet please the child, but the baby's finger paints will certainly be appreciated. While drawing, you can explain to the kid what each color is called;
  • play with tactile pads: you can sew them yourself and fill them with different cereals or other small items;
  • sculpt from plasticine or salt dough;
  • to assemble a constructor: models with large parts are suitable for children of this age.

Doctors and child psychologists encourage early childhood development. But classes must necessarily take place in a playful way. You should also take into account the desire of the baby: if the child is capricious and does not want to practice, it is better to leave attempts and postpone the exercises to another time or day.

Games with rump at 11 months - video

Parents should pay more attention to the baby, because they can accelerate the pace of development of the baby. You should communicate more with the child, he already understands a lot and tries to repeat. If the baby wants to help in something: bring a toy, remove some object in place, you should not refuse him. At this age, the baby shows interest in other children. The child can be explained that he needs to share toys, not offend peers and play together. Children grow up so quickly, so parents need to help them learn basic skills and abilities.

The closer the baby's first birthday, the more eventful his life becomes - now he sleeps less, and during wakefulness he actively studies the world around him. On the one hand, mothers feel a little easier, because at last the child got off their hands, on the other hand, there is a need for constant monitoring, because the little researcher strives to naughty every minute. How a child develops at 11 months, what skills and abilities appear, what to expect, is it worth worrying if a child is out of the middle age indicators - these are questions of concern to all parents.

The standards of pediatricians, relatives, curious neighbors are often overstated and form the idea that a one-year-old baby should talk, go to the potty without interruption, be independent and autonomous. Mothers get scared, worried that they missed something, forgetting about the banal truth - all children are different, the pace of development of each is individual. Then what indicators should you focus on when your baby approaches his first age limit?

Physiological changes

The physiological characteristics of 11-month-old boys and girls are expressed by the following main points:

  • The formation of the muscular system determines the ability to stand up, keep straight and move, independently or with support.

Let the baby walk with his legs for a walk, holding his hand, this is a good workout of the muscle corset and the prevention of flat feet, especially in summer, when you can take off your shoes and introduce small feet to different surfaces.

  • Most children have already acquired teeth - upper and lower ones. A variant of the norm is the eruption of the second incisors or the complete absence of teeth.
  • The circumference of the head and chest increases by 5 mm, weight and height gain. District pediatricians are still guided by the outdated standards of the Soviet era weight gain. Modern centile tables, developed based on the results of WHO studies, are more adequate in determining the indicators of height and weight.

Since the physical activity of a baby at 11 months increases greatly, he may not gain weight at all or have a modest increase of 100-200 grams. If the baby is mobile, inquisitive, cheerful, has a healthy appetite, you should not panic.

Acquired skills

When reading the information about what a child should be able to do at 11 months, remember that strict requirements are very conditional, there are many options for the norm, often children begin to master the skills listed below earlier or, conversely, later. Give your child a chance to develop at his own pace, consider him holistically, taking into account his character, temperament, health characteristics, environment.

  • The main acquisition around one year old is upright walking. Over the past couple of months, the baby has been practicing getting up, leaning on sofas, chairs, shelves and other objects. Many children move briskly along the support, walk by the handle and begin to take their first independent steps. If the impulses to walk without support end in a fall, the baby may abandon further attempts for a while, but after a while, driven by curiosity, he will certainly resume them. Children improve their crawling, squatting, bending skills, learn to climb, climb off the stairs, sofa, bed.

The correct formation of the foot is facilitated by walking with bare feet on uneven surfaces. To do this, you can use a special textured rug, walk on sand, grass, stones of different sizes.

Breast milk for an 11 month old baby is still the main source of beneficial micronutrients. Experts from the World Health Organization recommend continuing breastfeeding for children of this age.

What else can a child at 11 months do:

  • the baby understands when adults talk about him;
  • nods his head in the affirmative, waves - "no";
  • rejoices when he is praised;
  • can wave a pen in greeting or goodbye;
  • on request, brings, gives, takes and puts things;
  • begins to master the pot;
  • imitates adults in intonations, simple actions;
  • recognizes and shows body parts;
  • enjoys looking at pictures, listening to music.

Often, potty training becomes a real war with the parents. Some babies are capable of potty walking at such an early age, especially if mom has been potty practice since birth. If this is not about your child, do not get hung up and panic. The ability to control toilet processes is associated with the development of the child's nervous system, the final maturation of the centers necessary for this skill occurs only by 2 years.

The beginning of the crisis period

Toddlers at the age of 11 months begin to experience their first serious transitional stage - the crisis of the first year of life. This is the time when children test their parents for strength, showing their character, probing the boundaries of permissible behavior, constantly trying to push them apart.

Communication becomes more emotional: often the mother cannot understand what the baby wants, and is ready to give him everything this minute, so that he does not cry. Modern psychologists argue that a child definitely needs rules, specific frameworks, beyond which it is forbidden to go. These restrictions must apply in all circumstances and must be imposed by all family members. Thus, the baby gains support, feels the reliability of the environment, gains confidence and a desire to actively explore the world.

Some toddlers during this period become "tame", shy, others, on the contrary, begin to communicate with pleasure with adults and children. In any case, more contact appears, the ability to interact with people develops, to defend one's interests without encroaching on others. It is very important here the sensitive guidance of the closest adults - mothers and fathers, who by their own example show the ability to peacefully resolve conflicts, be friendly, get to know each other and play together.

Development activities

The main development of the baby occurs during his daily interaction with parents and other significant adults: patterns of behavior are assimilated, new skills are acquired, values ​​are laid. The games and exercises listed below do not require much time, they can be introduced into everyday affairs, diversified by them routine actions.

A little about the daily routine

Pediatricians of the old school quite categorically make recommendations for organizing the baby's day. Strict adherence to the regime, the fear of deviating from the time frame leads to unnecessary fuss, nervousness of the mother and child, the inability to fulfill all the instructions. Modern psychologists operate with the concept of "rhythms" of life, and each family has its own rhythms. Those who already have children know very well that it is almost impossible to influence the spontaneous regime of the crumb, to break it. It is almost always a war in which both sides lose.

Instead, try to feel the evolving rhythms of sleep, eating, moments of highest activity, adapt these nuances to your needs, learn to combine the needs and affairs of all family members in the most suitable way for you. You may have to sacrifice a walk, evening swimming, or, instead of creative activities, give the little one a master class on general cleaning of the apartment.

There are two main points to consider when planning your day:

  • Time relax. Usually, the eleventh month of the child is accompanied by a transition to two daytime naps lasting 1-2 hours. The night's sleep remains long - about 10 hours. Perhaps your baby sleeps once or three times for 30 minutes. Years of birth usually rest at home, the mother can devote this time to herself or to do things that are difficult to combine with a waking child.