Fun with your girlfriend. How to entertain a girl. Let's make a strange girl laugh

Reading time: 2 minutes

How to cheer up a girl? It has long been noted that women's sympathy goes to the one who can make them smile, and not to handsome men or rich men. There are many ways you can cheer up a girl, which are specific depending on your situation. But there are also standard ones that operate both in real communication and online; when she is already in a good mood or when she is really sad. Compliments do not leave indifferent any girl, but try to observe the measure and not overwhelm her with only sweet phrases, otherwise it can become sugary and disgusting. Compliments should be original and reflect some individual characteristic of a particular girl (standard and general phrases do not catch on and are not even remembered), add humor and surprise to your eulogies.

The law of emotional attachments is such that the more emotions a person evokes, the more significant he becomes, and humor includes several different types at once, plus it gives the effect of surprise, which lifts your mood and imprints your image in the picture of the girl's world.

To make it easier to cheer up the girl, you should first work on your own emotional state and cheer up. Stretched jokes through a stone face betray pretense, but a person in a good mood commenting on a simple gray asphalt can bring a smile, because is in the correct emotional state. Mirror neurons are involved in capturing emotions, so when you smile at someone, there is a genuine chance that the person will smile back at you. Train yourself to improve your own mood and the ability to find fun moments in everyday life, because it's hard to cheer someone up if you don't know how to cheer yourself up.

Do not be afraid to seem strange or lose your image and authority, a person who gives pleasant emotions, in any case, rises in the eyes of the girl, but the excessive one can fetter you, take improvisation, without which fun is not possible and turn into a dull one. Even if the joke did not work out, and the prepared joke caused an offense, do not be discouraged and continue, beat the failed joke with your absurdity, try to make the situation easier with the help of other jokes. You will be forgiven a lot if you show perseverance and gallantry, and the ability to laugh at yourself has warm feelings and security from the fact that not only others are a reason for jokes.

How to cheer a girl on VK?

What is relevant for a date and how to cheer up a girl in correspondence methods differ in their essence and design. In a personal meeting, you can convey the context by intonation, facial expressions, atmosphere and speed of reaction, in correspondence your voice will not be heard, a girl may not be surrounded by a joyful landscape, and she can read your comment in a couple of hours, which will make the context disappear. Many beautiful jokes were ruined and the relationship was in crisis due to misreading the message. But refusing to communicate in VK, as well as trying to cheer someone up by correspondence, is pointless, because almost everyone has an account on the network, moreover, it is easier for people to communicate there. There are more and more people who do not answer phone calls, but carry on online correspondence, and this is due to the convenience from many sides (both the ability to answer at a convenient time, and the preservation of written information, and also no need to go out to get rid of extra ears in a conversation) ...

But there are several ways out when you can get around such difficulties of communication in VK. First of all, compliments, but do not give them immediately in an open form, first write about something abstract (“I felt happy”, “I saw a toy similar to you” will do), your task is to arouse the girl's interest and question about what was written, here the next step should be followed by a compliment ("you wrote", "just as cute"). Use a sense of humor not only in relation to the comments of others, but also in relation to the girl. While the rest of the guys write sweet texts about the fact that she is a beauty and wish her good morning, you will achieve her great mood by making fun of her. If the girl is not impressionable and with a sense of humor, then jokes about her (but do not go too far with vulgarity) will awaken interest in the conversation, leading your duel of humor further and further. When she gets hooked and starts joking back, know that you managed to cheer her up.

In addition to text messages, VK social network expands the possibilities to almost limitless. Add emoticons and stickers to your text, some manage to lay out whole messages from them, reminiscent of rock paintings. Do not feel sorry for such stickers, girls are emotional creatures, namely, emoji will help you convey a message in the correct emotional color, while a simple dot at the end of a sentence gives the dialogue seriousness and importance.

Find a funny song or video - send it to the chosen girl, but when choosing, focus on the context of the situation and her tastes, a video related to your yesterday's gatherings with friends, in which she did not participate, is unlikely to make you laugh, but rather leaves you at a loss. If you also have minimal directorial inclinations, then you can shoot a video specifically for her, and you don't have to come up with a complex plot and heavy scenery, sometimes in order to cheer up your face in the frame, made faces and wishes not to be bored will be enough.

Another option for cheering a girl in a VK correspondence is to change the photo by adding something to it (there is such a function in the options). If you know that she is not in the mood because of a particular person, then a great option would be to make fun of his photo and send her - black humor and gloating cheer up perfectly.

And a separate fun can be joint trolling in some crazy, from your general point of view, group (it is highly recommended to double-check the girl's attitude to the chosen topic a thousand times, so as not to run into a scandal).

How to cheer up a girl in a text message if she is sad?

There is one recipe for how you can cheer up a girl who does not exist sadly, because the mood of the young ladies jumps at high speed and is unpredictable depending on various factors. And if these are problems at work, then you can ridicule the situation, and if a protracted illness, then you will need support. It is not always possible to be around, but it is quite possible to cheer up with the help of various messengers, the main desire is to make the life of an important person better. You should not refuse this option, even if you are sitting in neighboring rooms - to receive a message in such a situation will be at least unexpected, as much as it will cause a feeling of joy, and in a couple of seconds the girl will be next to you and sparkle with a smile.

You should immediately exclude the situation when you yourself are the cause of the negativity and start with an apology, if you have something for that, and only then proceed to improve your mood, otherwise all efforts are pointless. Share the news, tell us what happened with you (funny comments from people in the minibus to work or funny events of yesterday evening are suitable) or about the planned or recent opening of an interesting place, the release of an impressive film - talk about the events of the outside world, new opportunities that appear in it , distracts from current problems, and also creates a prospect for the future, which automatically instills optimism. And now the girl no longer sits with a displeased face in front of the screen, but laughs at your absurdity or happily plans a trip to the proposed event.

Send her funny photos taken along the way, perfectly cheer up selfies, with funny faces. Or make a gluing from your usual photo and yourself in some funny costume, with the task to find ten differences. You can take stickers and postcards that can be sent in almost every communication service in quantity (about fifty with the same probability can both make a girl laugh and anger, which will end up sending you to a ban). Funny videos and gifs work great for raising the mood, and even if they have a bias towards the touching (well, it's not funny for girls from videos about how they park crookedly).

In a situation of correspondence, you have an undeniable trump card before a face-to-face conversation - in printed text, looking at the screen, a person can open up more and not be embarrassed by your direct gaze, there is an opportunity to think over the answer, and not blurt out in a painful and unacceptable formulation. When a girl talks about her sadness in a passive way (there is no desire to act, communicate), then you can start your support by allowing her these desires. Suggest ideas with a cozy movie, share a recipe for delicious tea and let her know that the world will not collapse in the evening of her absence. Often, such legalization of desires gives a lot of joy from the possibility of their realization. And when the girl is sad about the need for change, offer her options for change. You can arrange a rearrangement together - she will send a photo, and you share your opinion on how it can be changed. By the same principle, together you can change your appearance, wardrobe, occupation, with such support, the girl will have the courage to achieve what she wants, and sadness will be replaced by excitement and activity, which is then quite easy to turn into joy with the help of funny comments and jokes.

You can provoke her, if you know how to do it correctly, instigate and argue that she will not do anything. With girls of a certain type, the "you feel bad" strategy works very well, then they get up and begin to successfully improve their moods in order to win this argument against you.

Your attention and presence in a complacent mood and key will already have a positive impact, and determine a narrower direction of efforts based on the girl's desires and the situation that has arisen. You can even ask directly what you can do to raise her mood, maybe they will even answer or hint to you.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

A sense of humor is a well-known weapon for attracting attention. Many of us so want to escape from the routine, from everyday problems and troubles. Humor is ideal for meeting the opposite sex. Many guys have wondered more than once - how to cheer up a girl?

At the beginning of a relationship, a guy and a girl are not yet familiar enough, so they may feel quite awkward on first dates. Humor, jokes and anecdotes will allow them to defuse the situation a little and give them the opportunity to feel a little freer, to free themselves from some constriction and complexes.


According to the unspoken law of emotional attachments - the more pleasant and positive emotions a person evokes in us, the more significant he will be for us. What is humor? This is receiving a huge amount of emotions that can appear both unexpectedly and planned by one of the parties. Unexpected positive emotions are guaranteed to cheer up a girl or a woman.

If the guy does not personally know the girl, and they are still only acquaintances by correspondence, he can try to get to know her better, for a more ideal personal meeting. For example, a young man can find out about a girl's preferences and interests from her pages on social networks. Today, many guys and girls do not hide their hobbies, hobbies, travel and post all the information on their personal pages on social networks.

After the end of the date, you can leave an even more pleasant impression about yourself and send the girl a cute message on the social network or a video with animals or kids. This is considered a universal way to give a smile to a girl you like.

The best options for solving questions

To cheer up a woman, you need to work on your own emotional state in advance. Any girl will immediately understand if a guy starts joking with her through a stone face, pretending to be. Imagine a guy with a good, positive mood trying to comment on the simple asphalt under his feet. Have you presented? Such a comment can make even the gloomiest girl smile!

It is recommended that guys train in the ability to improve their mood, as well as develop the ability to find pleasant and fun moments in everyday life and in the simplest situations. Agree, it is very difficult to cheer someone up if you yourself do not know how to find something pleasant around you.

How to cheer up a girl on the phone? In a telephone conversation, you can also use jokes and anecdotes to make you laugh, if you need to cheer up or make the fair sex smile. The voice of a young man will play a very important role, because facial expressions and gestures in this case are not visible to a woman. It is recommended to conduct a conversation with a lively and expressive intonation. If your fantasy is not very good at the time of the conversation, you can read a joke for girls, funny stories from the Internet. The young man should monitor his voice so that it does not sound monotonous, and the girl does not fall asleep during a telephone conversation.

If you have problems getting through to your girlfriend, you can try leaving her a nice and funny voice message. Be sure she will appreciate it and as soon as she listens to it, she will immediately smile.

Options for cheering a girl:

  1. Funny photos, videos or demotivators. Usually on such sites, moderators try to post decent content and the freshest. Thus, the guy does not risk sending the girl an old and worn-out picture.
  2. A man can try another way to cheer up a woman - use a home video that can be posted on the Internet and send a link to the girl he likes to watch. The safest option is a video with pets.
  3. Anecdotes, as best as possible, are suitable for raising the mood of a girl. The guy should try to choose neutral topics that she can definitely laugh at. Old, well-worn stories with vulgar connotations are not quite the option that a man needs.
  4. If the girl has a birthday soon, you can send her a nice and cute postcard with congratulations. You can record a voice message and congratulate her with words. Believe me, she will definitely smile when she receives such a postcard.

If a guy wants to cheer up a girl on a date, he can use the following recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to try to hug the girl unobtrusively. Perhaps the reason is in her bad mood - someone was rude in the morning on public transport. It is very important for a woman to feel the support of the man who is nearby. If the couple is not familiar enough for a hug yet, you can just take the girl by the hand and say pleasant words to her. Then you can try to joke and thus cheer up the woman.
  2. Give her a nice and sweet present. You can please the girl with a chocolate or a piece of sweet cake. Scientists have proven that sweets can improve a person's mood, as they contain the hormone of happiness.
  3. Compliment. Women love with their ears - surely every man has heard this phrase. If a girl is upset about her appearance, the guy can always give her a nice compliment and say how good she looks. The main condition is that the man must be sincere enough, otherwise this attempt will fail and the girl will become even more despondent.
  4. A romantic evening is a sure-fire option to cheer up a girl. It is good to combine with going to the cinema to watch some kind of comedy movie.
  5. Drawing. If a girl has a sense of humor, she will definitely appreciate a small but pleasant prank. You can try to make her laugh with a balloon filled with helium. The girl will definitely smile if the guy tries to speak to her in a thin voice. To change your voice, you need to inhale a little helium from the balloon.

In the modern world, there are many options for cheering a girl: a guy should not be shy and stand aside. For active spending time - you can invite for a bike ride through beautiful places, along the way you can tell a variety of jokes and funny stories from life. If the guy has a dog, you can purchase a funny costume for the pet in advance and go with him to the girl for a walk in the park. You can arrange a fun competition - to eat ice cream for speed. The one who wins can make some kind of wish.

If the reason for the girl's bad mood is the negative emotions that she was charged with before meeting the guy, you can offer to go to the shooting gallery. Thus, try to throw out all the negativity on the target. You can end your date by going to a comedy movie.

Other options

A man needs to remember that something that might be relevant for a date on a walk may not be suitable for communicating by correspondence. For example, in a personal meeting, when you see a person in front of you, you can easily convey the entire context of an anecdote or a joke using intonation and facial expressions. You can monitor the girl's reaction and, if necessary, correct the behavior. In correspondence (it does not matter, in electronic, via SMS or in the old way - on paper) the guy's voice will not be heard, his intonation will not be known to the girl. Here the woman’s mood will depend only on what surrounds her at the time of reading the message, what her mood is.

During a walk together, you can try to cheer your beloved girl with jokes using body language, facial expressions and gestures. A pleasant atmosphere can also be created by talking with positive intonations. It is not recommended to conduct a conversation through force - it immediately catches the eye, looks unnatural. You need to be relaxed, uninhibited so that the girl feels comfortable and can smile.

There are a lot of funny things in our everyday life that can be noticed and shown to a girl. For example, crooked and uneven asphalt can be beautifully and playfully avoided. It is better to do this with an easy theatrical game, gradually involving the girl. Be confident in yourself and your actions, do not be afraid to involve the girl in the game and comic conversations.

Another option is to try to humorously talk about everyday things or about serious things. For example, you can try to talk about your unsuccessful attempt to cook a dish. There is no need to be afraid to connect your imagination - the goal of the guy is to cheer up the woman in any way.

Self-irony works well. The feeling of being able to laugh at yourself is very important - it will add a little charm to the young man. However, it is not recommended to go very far - in everything it is necessary to observe the measure.

What and how not to do

If a guy and a girl don't know very well, before telling a joke or a funny story that seems funny to a guy, he should think about whether the girl will appreciate the joke, whether she will be able to understand it. Platitudes, anecdotes and stories about stupid blondes, women with flaws, ugly people are prohibited.

If a guy wants to continue his relationship with a girl, he shouldn't joke about:

  • The figure of a girl;
  • It is a big mistake for people close to her and her friends to laugh at those close to her. Some girls are very jealous of ridicule;
  • Scoff at her opinion;
  • Disabled, sick and frail - such jokes can characterize a man as callous and cruel;
  • Accidental mistakes;
  • It is not recommended to cheer up a woman or a girl with the help of alcoholic beverages. It is necessary to understand that all drinks containing alcohol can only aggravate the manifestations of depression, and can also further worsen the emotional mood of a woman;
  • It is forbidden to use slang words, jargon. It is not advisable to tell vulgar jokes. Such jokes and ridicule will only be appropriate if the guy and the girl have known each other for a long time.

If suddenly all the efforts of a young man to make a girl laugh are in vain, he should find out the reason why she is so serious. It is possible that someone else ruined her mood earlier, she is upset about something. Perhaps she just doesn't understand the young man's jokes? Or someone from them has a rather specific humor and its perception. Maybe she lacks a sense of humor? This is a rather rare occurrence, but it may well be encountered by someone on the path of life.

If all attempts to make the girl laugh are unsuccessful, the guy may try to turn the conversation to another topic. It would be appropriate to talk about study, work, hobbies, perhaps discuss interesting theatrical performances and films.

There is no need to be afraid to seem eccentric, strange, or to be afraid of losing your credibility. A person who is able to give positive emotions to another person immediately rises in his eyes. The fear of appearing too ridiculous to be ridiculed makes you feel constrained. In this case, it will be difficult for a man to improvise, fantasize. This is the path to becoming a bore.

Do not be afraid if the joke fails or the girl decided to take offense at the previously prepared rally. Continue your actions (only if this is not an evil joke or a mockery of the girl). You can try to play up the situation using other jokes. A smart girl will forgive the guy for his absurdity or failure if the man is gallant and persistent. The ability to laugh at oneself always disposes to the manifestation of warm feelings and a sense of security.

A young man, if he wants to cheer up a girl, will try to do everything as best and pleasant as possible. It is necessary with imagination to approach any business that a guy does, to have a sense of tact and have a sense of humor. Any girl will be happy to be close to a reliable guy who can always cheer her up.

Video on the topic:

It's no secret that girls are quite emotional creatures who quickly get upset or depressed. But it's easy to cheer them up and cheer them up even in correspondence, SMS and social networks. In this matter, the internal mood of the interlocutor is important, therefore, being upset yourself, it will not be possible to resolve the situation. You also need to be natural and friendly, attentive. Together we will learn how to cheer up a girl in correspondence, by SMS, even if she is not a lady of the heart, but only a friend.

How to cheer up a pen girl?

Before thinking about how to entertain a girl on VK, remember a few basic nuances:

  • Do not get down to business if you are in a bad mood, because every word of her will annoy;
  • Be attentive, listen and be a vest to cry on;
  • Do not be ironic or aggravate the situation, humor cheers you up, but only in a good way;
  • Try to distract her from the problematic topic;
  • Give positive examples.

It is even easier to cheer up a girl in SMS than in person. Since there is time to think over the answer, to catch the mood and say a lot of pleasant things that are scary to say in person.

How to cheer up a girl in contact?

VKontakte is one of the most famous and visited social networks where most people communicate. Therefore, the problem of how to cheer up a girl in contact arises for many guys. You can start by uploading a song, a funny video, or a funny photo. If we are talking about your beloved, then throw off her joint pictures and clips, this will definitely lift her spirits and show your support.

If you have been communicating not so long ago, then persistent calls may be unnecessary, but we will tell you how to make a pen-girl laugh. It is important not to write huge messages, and remember that most ladies do not like:

  • Jokes on girls;
  • Black humor;
  • Lots of obscene expressions;
  • Dirty phrases.

Better to give her a few compliments, insert a couple of jokes, talk about your day and funny situations at work (with friends, at school). Do not forget to insert cute affectionate nicknames like bunny, ray, baby. Although in the question of how to cheer up a VK girl, you need to take into account personal characteristics and character. Some people prefer to express all the painful things to make it easier. In this case, jokes or pet names will be inappropriate, and the above options for making a girl laugh in correspondence may not work.

A couple more ways to entertain a VK girl

It is not so difficult to amuse a girl in SMS or VK correspondence if there is a certain connection between you and you like to communicate. The best way is to tell a funny story from your life, but not one where you looked stupid. Also, remember a couple of jokes, help translate the situation into an ironic one. When a girl can look at the situation from the other side, easier, then her mood will rise, and she will forget about what happened.

How can you cheer up a girl in contact yet? Tell jokes with hidden compliments that everyone will appreciate and will become a new round in the development of your relationship. A good alternative is jokes with meaning, which broadens your horizons and allows you to transfer the conversation to another steppe, to distract.

Regardless of how you decide to pin a girl, there are unacceptable situations:

  • Don't try to be a clown and insert such phrases in every sentence;
  • You don't need to use a lot of slang and incomprehensible words;
  • You should not start the topic of sex and sexual relations;
  • Talking about people with disabilities or past ridiculous situations, otherwise it will aggravate the situation;
  • Talking about past relationships;
  • Do not talk in a drunken state, nothing good will come of it.

If you don't know how to pin up a girl in a correspondence, kindly, but funny, go to her photos or pictures. You can leave funny comments, chat and complement the correspondence of others with pictures. It is enough to turn on your imagination and be creative.

Another way is to talk about simple things, developing the topic to the point of absurdity, coming up with unrealistic development scenarios. It cheers and cheers up both of them. You can even go to community groups where people share funny life events and throw it off to a friend. Try different ways and figure out how to cheer up your pen girl.

If you are at a loss for how to cheer up a girl in contact, go to special humorous publics. A couple of funny pictures or videos will cheer you up effortlessly. Especially creative ones can personally shoot videos with their participation and send them to a friend. This will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to cheer up a VK girl? Individual approach!

You can think of how to cheer up a girl in correspondence if she is sad, but not all methods will work. It all depends on the situation, your relationship, the nature of your friend. If some do not like black humor, then others are ironic about this, they can release such jokes in response. Works exactly for all types of women - creativity, videos and pictures, funny stories from my life. The rest is an individual approach and the ability to “feel” a person.

If you know each other well, you can support, give a good mood and cheer you up even in SMS. And recommendations "how to cheer up a friend in contact" - will not be needed. You don't have to make expensive gifts, rewrite gum jokes, or seem better than you are. Girls have a subtle sense of pretense, falsity and insincerity. Also, do not try to take advantage of the lady's condition to persuade her to a relationship or sex. This approach backfires and ruins the relationship forever. Women love those who can listen to them, support them, make a compliment and insert a funny joke in the place.

1. Classics of the genre. Light candles, make fragrant tea and talk about everything in the world. In the cycle of life, so little time remains for sincere conversations with a loved one.

2. Romantic astronomy. Marvel at the stars with a constellation map or telescope. Imagine creating your own original star combinations.

3. Themed dinner. Try making a dish from French or, and then eat a joint culinary masterpiece with a glass of good wine.

4. An evening for body and soul. Find a spa program for two. Aroma massage with essential oils, body wrap with honey, sauna with vanilla aroma and delicious tea ... What could be better?

5. Photo story. Have a creative home photo shoot. You will need a camera (or a smartphone with a good camera), a tripod, and a creative mood!

6. Back to the past. Review wedding videos and joint photos. These wonderful, bonding moments will remind you how much you love each other and how wonderful it is to be one family.

7. Again the first date. Imagine that you are two strangers who really liked each other and decided to go to a cafe together. Try not to step out of the role for a while. You will be able to rediscover each other.

8. Family portrait. Both pleasant and useful. Such a canvas can prompt the study of genealogy and the compilation of a family history book for future generations.

9. Reincarnation. Every person has a personality that is unfamiliar and unexpected for us. Try to reincarnate into that personality that you have always wanted to try on. Dressing up, changing your demeanor, and even creating a new bio will help you with this.

10. Renewal of feelings. Book a hotel room for the newlyweds, dress festively, hire an elite taxi and spend time like a newly married couple. May only you, love and happiness be in the whole world!

Game lovers

1. Evening in anti-cafe. A great way to change the environment, play enough, have fun and meet interesting people.

2. Night of games. Compete for the title of the best gamer on a game console or form a strong team of two fighters. Passing exciting levels will color the evening with bright emotions.

3. Board games. Start with the classic (chess, checkers, backgammon), and then move on to "Monopoly", "Tower", "Battle of the Sexes" and a hundred more funny, mystical, serious, logical.

4. Dungeons and Dragons. This is an awesome fantasy board RPG game that you can get lost in for more than one hour. You can look for D&D organizers in your city and just join the team. Playing on your own will require reading the manual, character sheets, and a set of dice with a given number of sides.

5. Game store. This is a gambling paradise. Here you can not only try out many new games that have just appeared on sale, but also replenish your home collection.

6. Puzzles and games on paper. Forgotten but not lost their relevance "Tic-Tac-Toe on an Endless Field", "Labyrinth", "Sea Battle", "Points", "Balda", "Football 8 × 12".

7. Intellectual battles. Discover, for example, a logic game with deep strategic content, one of the five core disciplines of the World Mind Games.

8. Puzzles. Instead of classic jigsaw puzzles with thousands of pieces, you can try to assemble spherical or curly jigsaw puzzles.

9. Entertainment games. Create in advance a selection of fun games suitable for a fun pastime. For example, the popular pantomime game "Crocodile" will charge you with a positive mood for the whole evening.

10. Passing quests. Original plots, entourage, interesting tasks, riddles, puzzles and the opportunity to be anyone. Choose any quest you like.

Active and restless

1. Sports event. Go to any sporting event in your city and cheer heartily for any team you choose.

2. Step forward. Going in for sports is indescribable. Be sure to go to the gym for a trial workout, swim in the pool or try yourself in martial arts.

3. Shopping. As you know, you can walk more than one kilometer through the shopping center. Both useful and pleasant. At the same time, look after gifts for family and friends.

4. Dance lesson. Passionate bachata, classic waltz, fiery salsa, rumba, foxtrot or tango - communicate in body language and have fun.

5. Trying something new. An excellent date option is to attend a class together in a new type of physical activity for you, such as yoga or stretching.

6. Fitness for two. An evening run, a workout machine, stretching exercises and a light dinner together are the perfect plan for an active, rewarding and enjoyable evening.

7. Forward with the wind. Take a bike ride, roller skate or try skateboarding. On the way, you can fly a kite and admire the beautiful scenery. Discover new horizons of possibilities.

8. Dance simulator. If you absolutely do not want to leave the house, then you can plunge into the world of movements with animated dancers to popular music tracks. Move with your partner, learning dance elements and earning points.

9. Alone with nature. Create an interesting city walking route. Visit places you have never been before.

10. Picnic. Arrange a camping trip with a night in a tent under the stars and long conversations around the fire. Let it take only one day, but it will remain in the memory for many years.

For connoisseurs of peace and quiet

1. Rustling pages. Read your favorite books while wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket and making hot berry tea.

2. At the peak of calm. Grab a thermos, sandwiches, warm blankets and spend the evening on the roof of a high-rise building, watching the simmering life far below.

3. Library evening. Spend time in the library with a cup of coffee. You may be able to get into an evening of poetry or bard song.

4. An evening of films. Find out in advance in which cafe the movie evening will be held. This is a great opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle and travel through fictional worlds.

5. A trip out of town. Autumn forest, a secluded house with a fireplace and you two. You can walk, fish, take pictures, warm your feet by the fire and enjoy the slow flow of life.

6. Riding lesson. Communicating with horses is relaxing, stress-relieving and truly happy. No wonder that hippotherapy works wonders.

7. Swimming with dolphins. An evening with these fantastic creatures will give you a real childish joy and an excellent memory.

8. Feeding the birds. Stock up on bird treats and head to a nearby park. And you will take a walk, and breathe in the air, and you will please the birds.

9. Cultural program. An excellent solution for everyone who does not like the hustle and bustle will be a visit to a performance, opera, ballet.

10. Live music. You can book a table at a jazz club or blues club. An unforgettable evening is guaranteed.


1. Lead us, Susanin. Map the attractions of your city or area. Find as much information as possible about them in advance and take a walking tour in the evening, telling each other about what you have learned.

2. Explore the microcosm. Borrow a microscope from friends or acquaintances for the evening. You can make at least fifty discoveries at a time.

3. Be a scientist. Doing chemical experiments or creating your own watercolors at home will be a lot of fun.

4. Handmade gifts. This can include creating your own custom candles or a family recipe for one amazing dessert. And the resulting masterpiece can be presented to your loved ones.

5. Taste. Go to a cafe you've never been to and order a dish from Indian, Japanese, Korean or any other cuisine.

6. Industrial tourism. If you want to learn how real chocolate is made, wine or Coca-Cola drinks are created, visit the corresponding enterprise with a guided tour. It will be really informative and interesting.

7. Tricks. Have an evening of miracles and try some unusual magic tricks or math tricks. You can learn the secrets of magic the day before the evening together.

8. Learning together. Finally, start learning the foreign language you like. Doing it together is much more fun and productive.

9. Lecture halls. An excellent find for the curious will be attending open popular science lectures, which are often held in higher educational institutions. This also includes chamber meetings with interesting creative people.

10. Origami. The art of origami is the folding of extraordinary paper figures. For example, on the eve of Halloween, you can try to fold a creepy hand with claws or a gravestone.


1. Making a tattoo. A romantic adventure filled with adrenaline. The tattoo will become your little, original secret.

2. Change of image. Change your style, hairstyle and hair color at the beauty salon. See life in a new way.

3. Rock climbing. The first lesson at the climbing wall can turn into a shared passion, followed by trips to overcome the real rocky terrain.

4. Ghostbusters. Spend the night in a place steeped in scary legends and mystical glory. Try to film otherworldly inhabitants on camera and feel the true nature.

5. Two warriors. Play paintball or laser tag - high-tech games that take place in real time and space. Modern weapons, well-equipped training grounds, scenarios of famous computer games and films will help you to relax and feel like a team.

6. Jailoo tourism. This is a completely new type of tourism, which implies rest in complete isolation from civilization in places where mobile communications do not work and there is no electricity. A good opportunity to test your resourcefulness, endurance and patience.

7. Parkour. Parkour is an urban acrobatics. Try to overcome city obstacles by running, flying over fences and steps, climbing walls and overcoming roofs. If you are not avid tracers, familiarize yourself with the style in advance and be extremely careful.

8. Overexposure for the animal. Borrow a cat or dog by contacting animal support groups. If there is no permanent pet in your house, then for you it will most likely become an extremely spent period, and the animal will be given the opportunity to feel love and care.

9. Ticket anywhere. Buy tickets for the first train you come across and go to a new city for you. Stay in it for at least a few hours, soak up new impressions and come back.

10. Go for it. Spontaneously make the decision to take part in the competition or competition that you have always feared. Get over yourself and get the support of your loved one.

How do you spend your evenings together?

Girls are very emotional beings. They quickly become frustrated and depressed. But there is always a chance to cheer them up and cheer them up, even by correspondence on social networks. It is important here that the interlocutor is tuned in to the conversation.

And in order to solve the problem, you need to know how to cheer up a girl if she is sad, even if she is not a lady of your heart.

The reasons for the lack of mood in girls

There can be many reasons.

Some are minor and others are major problems:

  1. Self-doubt. One of the common reasons why the female sex becomes depressed. The girl thinks that she is not attractive enough, not interesting and boring. Maybe she's insecure about the outfit she's wearing. In such a situation, a sincere compliment will help.
  2. Broke up with a young man. A common reason after which a woman does not want to communicate with anyone and withdraws into herself. She feels as if she is not at ease. If you and your girlfriend are close, she will tell you about the incident herself.
  3. Problems at work, in school. Perhaps your friend is not up to the task. The bosses are dissatisfied with her work and because of this, a conflict arises. Or she has strained relationships with colleagues.
  4. Fatigue... When a girl gets tired, the mood disappears. I don't want to do anything, just lie and stare at the ceiling. Maybe the girl worked a lot, studied or “ran around the city” for several hours. Physically, there is no strength for fun.
  5. Family problems. It is possible that not all is well in the family. And this situation puts pressure on emotionality.
  6. Health... Anything is possible here: a toothache or a headache, an injury, various “female sores”. If so, then you may not know it, because girls do not like to talk about such things.
  7. Your behavior. This happens due to the fact that you do not know how to joke. Your jokes are tactless and rude. In this case, it is worth clarifying the reason for her bad mood. If the fault is in you, then it would be more correct to apologize.
  8. Boredom... This is corny, but true. Such a thing has a very strong effect on the emotional state. When a person is bored and does not know what to do, emptiness begins to press. Nervousness appears from idleness, emotionality decreases.

How to behave a guy if a girl is not in the mood:

How can you cheer on VK by correspondence?

Before you start typing her a message in contact, you need to consider a few tips.

This is necessary in order not to aggravate the situation even more.

  1. The first and important point is not to be ironic. Humor can cheer you up, but only in a good way.
  2. Try to distract from the problematic topic.
  3. If you are in a bad mood, you will not be able to resolve the situation.
  4. The most important thing is mindfulness. Listen, become a vest to cry on.
  5. Don't forget about positive examples. Share various funny situations from your life.
  6. You don't need to use a lot of slang and incomprehensible words.
  7. Don't try to be a clown.

How to cheer up a girl is described in the video:

Examples of

If you are worried that your friend is sad, then cheer her up.

You don't need to be a clown for this, because the simplest things can make a lady smile:

  1. Wish you good morning, good day or good night. It helps to charge a person with positive and good mood. If communication takes place by VK correspondence, then be sure to send her a smiley or a sticker.
  2. Forward a funny or cute video. Another best option. Find an interesting video with funny animals and skin the girl. The main thing is to avoid vulgar and stupid videos.
  3. Compliments. The safest option. Any girl loves to receive pleasant words in her address, and this is an indisputable fact.

Reference! For example: "I never cease to be amazed at what a pleasant voice / beautiful eye color you have."... Act as you see fit.


A good joke helps to relieve tension and support further communication.

The female sex appreciates a sense of humor, so you can tell funny stories or anecdotes.

Important! Remember that jokes should not contain obscene words and avoid vulgar phrases (about sex, about an ex, etc.).

Jokes with a hidden compliment are great. For example, you can say that she resembles someone with her voice or character. And it is important - do not overdo it, everything should be in moderation.

Good jokes include those that have elements of comparison with objects or phenomena.

You can also make fun of your occupation or stupidity, nature or paradoxes of life. Clever jokes allow you not only to make a girl laugh, but also to show your broad outlook.

Trying to make me laugh by phone and SMS

Of course, it is quite easy to cheer up a girl live, because you can watch her reaction and stop at the right time. But you can cope with this task both by phone and by correspondence.

If communication is based on messages, then try using funny phrases:“You see, I am writing to you and will sin a little. You are too beautiful, you undermine my faith. "

Play with your imagination and come up with something original and funny, but not vulgar.

Another option is send her a funny gift, a picture and support her with an interesting story... In the morning, you can also send her a funny SMS, and she will definitely smile.

If communication occurs during a telephone conversation, then already the voice plays an important role here:

  • Intonation should be expressive and lively.
  • Read jokes from social media, but watch out for the voice. It doesn't have to be monotonous.
  • And if you know how to parody someone's voice, then use this trick.

Come up with a joke with this character. For example, copy the voice of any famous person (singer, actor, politician, etc.).

How to interest and cheer up a girl via SMS is described in the video:

Jokes if she is sad

Who doesn't love jokes? Everyone likes them, as they cheer up and make you feel cheerful for a long time.

But there is one caveat - not everyone likes jokes with vulgar notes or rude phrases.

  • "If programmers come to power, then entire ministries will be replaced with a small script."
  • "When you clean the dirt off your mouse, you learn new features in your browser."
  • "A hedgehog walked through the forest, farted, landed and went on"

If nothing comes to mind, then go to the internet for help.

What question to ask?

Many men are interested in: what to ask a girl about if she is not in the mood and she is sad? You can ask what caused this mood. If she trusts you, she will open up and talk about her feelings.

Ask questions that will interest both of you. For example, ask about a profession, goals, or dreams. You can also chat about crazy things that have been or will be done in life.

Important! React to your lady's answers. Remember to express emotions.

Any question should be interesting and easy. Do not make the girl think a lot, do not drive her into paint. Communication should be based on mutual emotions.

What to write?


Imagine how nice it would be for a girl to receive a poem.

You can compose it yourself or find it on the Internet.

“What's up, baby? Are you really sad. Where is your smile! Come on, honey, don't be angry. Share with me, I will not offend you "

“I love you even sad,
But do not try to be sad.
After all, it is more beautiful to live with a smile on your face! "

“Smile, my friend and do not dare to be sad,

There is no need for you to be sad.

Look, well I'm trying

Cheer you up a lot. ”

“Don't be sad, look how beautiful the day is

Smiles at you.

Higher nose, wider smile

Everything is about to get better already ”

Funny pictures and jokes

Mood is a thing that is, it is not. Sometimes it’s enough annoying little thing to ruin a good mood.

But this must be fought against. After all, as they say - laughter prolongs life.

The best and easiest option is funny pictures.

On the Internet, you can find pictures for every taste. Girls love the humor associated with pets and other animals. Such cute creatures cause not only affection, but also increase the emotional balance by 100%.

Important! A funny picture should not contain obscene and vulgar expressions. After all, such a joke can offend the girl even more. Better send her a photo with funny cartoon characters, with animals, with bad shots, etc.

Watch a video selection of funny pictures:

Girls are emotional creatures, and it is sometimes difficult to understand when their mood gets spoiled. But the main question is how to raise it.

You can seek help from tips that will point you in the right direction. Try to trust your instincts, analyze the situation and only then try to cheer up the girl.

Remember that every person is different and you only need to find an approach.