Sports script for Easter day for children. The script of the holiday of great Easter. Easter performance for schoolchildren

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of this blog! Today's article will be devoted to Easter scenarios, because very soon April 28 is the Easter holiday. Traditionally, in kindergartens and schools, performances are held for this Bright holiday with the direct participation of children. In this regard, I want to propose ideas for the performances and I will be very glad if you like them ...

And according to tradition, all celebrations end with eating and all kinds of other treats. All together, cheerfully and amicably at the same table, meet the Bright Resurrection of Christ, which symbolizes the victory over death!

Scenario for Easter 2019 in kindergarten

The Resurrection of Christ is the most important and special holiday for all Christians and for little ones as well. Therefore, in order to introduce them to Russian traditions and customs, I offer you a script for the Easter holiday in a playful way to create a joyful festive mood.

Children enter the hall to music.

1 Leading: Dear Guys! Today we are celebrating a wonderful holiday, a holiday of spring, fun and kindness. A holiday when everyone forgives each other, rejoices and welcomes spring. A holiday for all Christians - Easter! Happy Holidays!

1 child:

We call all the kids
Girls and boys
To drink teas
Sing and dance!

2 leading: Easter is considered one of the most important holidays among Christians, on this day it is customary to congratulate each other on Christ's Sunday and exchange eggs, before that, paint them with bright colors.

2 child:

Spring wakes up
Dress up the meadows
The sun shines and plays
Christ is Risen!

Everyone sits down at the table. On the table is a samovar and eggs.

1 presenter: One of the most wonderful Easter games is egg breaking. The rules are simple: two testicles bump against each other, whoever has the whole egg wins. But the loser should not be upset either, because the broken shell symbolizes all the sorrows and hardships that go along with the shell.

Children break eggs and eat. Everyone who won is given a candy.

2 leading: wait, wait. Something is missing on the table.

2 leading, having examined the table: Oh oh oh, how did we forget. There are no Easter cakes on the table! What is Easter without them?

The Cunning Grandfather appears on the scene with a basket of Easter cakes.


I passed mulberries by
I heard your problem
Here I brought you Easter cake
But I won't give it for nothing!

1 presenter: And what do you want, Grandpa?


I ask two riddles
Difficult, wow, you can't guess!
Well, if you understand
There will be a prettier table.

2 leading: Come on, make a guess. Our kids are smart, they know everything, they will guess everything.

Grandfather the Cunning:

Uu, look.
I went to the light
To me in the morning friend Fedot
I told him "Christ is Risen"
Well, he told me: ... ..

Children in chorus "Truly is Risen".

Grandfather the Cunning:

What are smart
Do you want to eat baked from the stove
Delicious, sweet, like ruddy from the sun
Easter symbol, beautiful ...

Children in choir "Kulich".

Grandfather the Cunning:

Well, kids, well done
Grandfather outwitted
So be it, I'll give you sweetness
But grandfather needs to rest
Sing a song please
Then we'll talk.

1 presenter: Well, guys, let's show grandpa how we can sing songs?

Children start singing a song about Easter.

Ding-dong (song for Easter)

Grandfather the Cunning:

Thank you, children, have made us happy
Here are your Easter cakes
Well, now I have to go
Goodbye kids!

2 leading: Oh, grandpa, where are you going? Stay with us, let's eat Easter cakes, drink delicious tea. Such a holiday is all today.

Grandfather the Cunning:

Are you inviting? Well, thank you
Maybe I'll really sit
Indeed, on such a wonderful holiday
It's a sin for me to be alone

The Cunning Grandfather sits down at the table with the children, taking candy out of his pocket. The tea party begins.

Easter performance for schoolchildren

This celebration in Russia was called in different ways: Bright Sunday, Great day, Christ's Sunday. The holiday was long-awaited and the most joyful for the children. On this day, there were the first round dances, swinging, funny Easter games, the kids walked around the courtyards, which were similar to Christmas carols, they were often called so: green Christmastide. To fill the holiday for schoolchildren, advance work of teachers and parents is needed. Tell about history and traditions, prepare thematic gifts and souvenirs with your own hands, bake cakes and paint eggs, as well as prepare everything you need for games, and the scenario below will help you with this ...

Child (1):

Like a bright coloring

Appeared at school Easter!

I brought it in my basket,

Eggs, buns, tortillas,

Pies, pancakes and tea.

Have a fun Easter!

Host (1): Dear friends! On this wonderful sunny day we were united by a great Christian holiday. Every spring, Christians around the world celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, the brightest triumph.

Host (2): How much do you know about Easter? Let's go through the basic facts.

Host (2): Easter is the most important Christian celebration lasting forty days. Currently, the date of Easter in each specific year is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar, which makes Easter a rolling holiday.

Host (1): This year, the official date is April 8th.

Host (2): From Hebrew, the name of the holiday is translated as "crossing". Most of all, I bet you enjoy dyeing eggs. Here eggs symbolize rebirth. According to legend, Saint Mary Magdalene presented the first Easter egg to the emperor of Rome, the egg turned bright red, confirming the good news. The color of the blood of Christ is red.

Host (1): Christ is risen!

Host (2): Truly Risen!

Host (1): Exchanging testicles and congratulating each other on Easter with the words: "Christ is Risen!" - and receiving in response: "Truly Risen" - Christians profess faith in the resurrection. If the resurrection did not occur, the new faith would have no foundation and would be in vain. But Christ was resurrected and thereby revealed Divine grace.

Child (2):

The sun sparkles in the puddles

The willow blossomed in peace,

"Alive, live!" - birds chirp

And the bells are singing.

On the table is a fragrant cake,

A slide of colored eggs.

You will not see frowning faces!

Host (2): Do you love Easter? Which custom do you like the most? I will ask you a poetic riddle. Your task is to finish the rhyme for me.

Hostesses baked for the holiday in the oven

Lush, ruddy miracle - ...

(ANSWER: Easter cakes)

Host (1): Kulich is my favorite Easter treat - the most delicious Easter tradition, and a very ancient one at that! I know he is a fast food. Throughout a full year, bread is part of meals, meals, and only once during this time it becomes festive, Easter. Neither a wedding nor a birthday loaf can compare with it in its status: the Easter cake not only serves to break the fast, but is also a symbol of a great day, it is illuminated in a holy place, a church.

Host (2): Do you know that Kulich is the younger brother of Artos? This is the name of the sacred bread, which is placed on the lectern on the first day of Resurrection for the entire Bright Week, having been previously illuminated. They are even similar in shape. Artos is “leavened bread”. Kulich is also a metaphor for the bread that Christ shared with his disciples after His Resurrection.

Child (3):

See what a miracle

Did mom put it in the dish?

Here is an egg, but not a simple one:

Gold painted,

Like a bright toy!

There are stripes, curls,

Many little rings

Stars, circles and hearts.

What are all these colors for?

Like a good old fairy tale?

Mom gave everyone the answers:

- Easter is the brightest holiday!

And the egg, I know,

A symbol of life on earth!

Host (1): Surely, you guessed what tradition will be discussed now! We have known this custom since childhood, we love it, because in such trifles as decoration, painting, painting of eggs, creativity can develop quite unexpectedly! How great it is to prepare for the holiday with the whole family in the evening, and then, in the early morning, arrange funny games on Easter themes and eat ruddy cakes!

Host (2): Surely, you know such a funny tradition as "beating eggs". When we collide two testicles in a short battle, it is a kind of test of strength. The winner is the one whose egg is not cracked.

Host (1): My favorite Easter pastime! Do you like to play? Now I will ask the most courageous to rise from their seats! I need two volunteers.

The essence of the game: two eggs are laid on a hard, smooth surface. After the “start” command, the children simultaneously begin to unwind the eggs. The one whose egg lasts the longest gets the sweet prize.

Host (1): Did you know that eggs painted in one color were called dyes; and if on a colored background it was possible to make out dashes, strokes, specks - speckled.

Host (2): There were also Easter eggs - eggs, hand-painted with plot or ornamental patterns, at that time very mysterious. The best craftsmen of the village prepared wooden Easter eggs for Easter. Chocolate and sugar eggs were sold in pastry shops. Yummy! Well-known jewelry firms created works of art from porcelain and crystal, gold and silver, from colored and transparent glass, from bone and stone ...

Host (1): What are you all about eggs and about eggs, because besides them, there are such beautiful traditions. Do you know that, in ancient times, during the first Easter week, everyone could practice bell ringing? It's hard to imagine such a thing in our time.

Host (2): But the most important and bright tradition of Easter is helping one's neighbor. Mercy for poor people, lonely people, for abandoned people. Charity is important, it is and will be an integral part of the holiday!

Host (1): Here I agree with you. How many good deeds have you guys done? Remember that all good things will be recreated for you from above, and the holiday is just an additional reason to become better, to help out your comrade. A tradition worth thinking about for everyone.

Child (1):

The sun sparkles in the puddles

The willow blossomed in peace,

"Alive, live!" - birds chirp

And the bells are singing.

Child (2):

On the table is a fragrant cake,

A slide of colored eggs.

This holiday is bright, clean

You will not see frowning faces.

Child (3):

They say: "Christ is Risen!"

"Yes, indeed he has risen!"

Tearing the veil of darkness

He came down to people from heaven.

Child (4):

Christ is alive, and people believe:

If we part with evil

Life will go on. Will be eternal

Peace with love and kindness!

Host (1): And on this festive note we say goodbye! Time to drink tea!

Children go to the laid tables with Easter cakes and other delicacies.

Christian Scene for Sunday School Children

Easter is the main and most beloved Orthodox holiday among people. Often, you want to spend this day with joy, in a warm family circle.
The school director opens the festive event, who gives the floor to congratulate the priest.

Lead 1: Good afternoon, dear guests! Christ is Risen!
On this wonderful, festive day, there is joy and warmth in my heart, and I want to share it with each other! On these Easter, joyful days, the Lord called us to common happiness!

Lead 2: The oldest Christian author wrote about this bright day as follows: “Our entire Universe today, as one family, can turn to Christ. We will not see travelers in the steppe, sailors in the sea. The common people quit their job and took out patterned outfits ... all life's worries were replaced by quiet family happiness. "

Lead 1: Everyone knows that Easter in Russia is considered not only one of the most important holidays, but also the most fun and beloved. Preparation for it began much earlier than the celebration itself. Let us now take a look into the past and see the preparation of the people for Easter.

The princess's chambers. The nanny comes.

Nanny: It's time for the princess to get up, morning is outside the window. The last day of Maslenitsa celebration is Forgiveness Sunday.

The Princess comes.
Let the nanny ask each other for forgiveness, so that we can enter Great Lent with a pure heart.

Nanny: Look, forty days will fly by - Easter will come.
Come in Tsarevich

Tsarevich: Hello nanny! Good morning my sister!

Nanny: God bless the Great Fast!

Tsarevich: The pre-Easter time has come for us!

Nanny: Oh, my children, remember fasting the smart is not a burden, but a great joy.

Princess: Babysitter, tell us about the Blogging celebration?

Nanny: Of course I will. We must remember how the Archangel Gabriel came to earth and brought the good news to the Virgin Mary. Yes, he said that she would become the Mother of the Son of God. There is also a good tradition to release birds into the sky on this day.

Children come out, holding toy birds in their hands. The music "bird chirping" is playing (the birds are supposedly released).

The nanny reappears on the scene with a willow twig.
Nanny: The post ends already. We will soon celebrate Palm Sunday.

Children carry out decorated willow branches.
Nanny: look, princess, what a beautiful willow we have! All decorated with ribbons and flowers.

Princess: Oh, what a beauty! What you just won't find on it: apples, nuts, ribbons.

Tsarevich: You should have seen a willow on our square, lovely sight!

Princess: I go to the window, from there you can see the procession.
Bell ringing music.

Princess: All the same, the palace craftswomen and craftsmen did their best. Not for more than a week the willow was done.

Tsarevich: Oh, oh look! The Patriarch has left the Cathedral! I took a branch from the willow and went back to the cathedral. Why?

Nanny: He will consecrate the willow and then send the people to the houses of the village. Children, here we are at the very top of Lent. Here, Here is the final week before Easter.

Song of the happy bell ringing.

Easter song "Christ is Risen"

Everywhere the gospel is abuzz;
From all the churches the people are knocking down;
Dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The snow cover has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Here is the earth waking up
And the fields are dressing ...
Spring is coming, full of miracles!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The recording sounds a bell ringing, the presenters come out

Lead 4- The bright holiday of Easter descends on earth,

More wonderful than any earthly wonders:

Christ is risen!

Truly resurrected!

Lead 1- Easter bells, and eggs and Easter cakes.

The birches stood up like white candles.

And the gospel is carried over the earth:

Christ is risen!

Truly resurrected!

Lead 2- And a willow in honor of the Holy Resurrection

Spring put on jewelry ...

And like a temple, the forest is filled with singing:

Christ is risen!

Truly resurrected !!!

Lead 3- Sunday of Christ!

Everyone is full of love and affection.

We have come here now,

To celebrate Easter!

1 - The earth is waking up,

And the fields dress

Spring is coming, full of miracles!

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

2 - There is a fragrant cake on the table,

A pile of colored eggs

On this holiday, bright clean

You will not see frowning faces.

Lead 1 - The Holiday of Holidays has come to us! Best!

Lead 2 - The most important, beloved, melodious,

Lead 3- Triumph, people, all together,

Lead 4 - Receive this news:

Today Christ is Risen! This is not a fairy tale

Here it is - the long-awaited ...

Together - Easter!


3 - The birds sang joyfully,

Spring again - red is coming!

Before Easter, in a week,

The first verbushka blooms.

4 - The world is filled with fun,

The sun is warming, warm.

Easter Sunday

How light it is outside! (E. Shalamanova)

Girls(holding willow twigs in their hands).

5 - We meet everyone with willow on Easter,

We kindly invite you to visit!

Come in soon

Sing more fun!

6 - Willow, the willow is beautiful,

Come in the spring, the sun is clear!

Bring warmth

Backwater fun!

Dance "Palm Sunday"

3 - Dozing bell

Woke up the fields

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

Quiet valley

Dispels sleep

And beyond the blue forest

The ringing stops!

Children's orchestra "Spring Day"

4 - the earth is waking up,

Dress up the fields

Spring is coming, full of miracles.

- Christ is risen!

Everything- Truly resurrected!

5 - People are having fun -

Easter at the gate!

Drops dripping loudly

Near our window.

The birds sang merrily:

"Easter! Easter!

She came to us! "

6 - Loud laughter is heard everywhere,

The birds chirp loudly

That the holiday has come

For every child.

7 - Birds settled in their nests, the snow melted like a candle.

The air of a golden cake smells of sweet spirit.

And, kissing me, my mother says: “Christ is risen! "

Sunny rain wept on this day of holy miracles.

Dance with umbrellas

(suddenly crying is heard. Two Easter rabbits are sitting in the meadow and wiping their tears with a handkerchief)

Leading- What happened, dear rabbits, why are you crying? Today is such a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, everyone around is celebrating a great event - the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Easter bunnies:

1 When we were in a hurry to celebrate here,

We have a big trouble.

2 - Mom sent us to your kindergarten,

To congratulate the guys on Easter.

1 - Easter eggs lost on the way.

Probably, the wolves stole them.

Leading - Well, don't be discouraged!

We must pray and trust in God!

How he sends food to a heavenly bird -

So you, you see, the Lord will send an egg.

Chicken enters

Hen - Not golden, but simple

I blew your testicles.

And make them beautiful

I brought the guys.

Run to me, helpers,

Help decorate the eggs.

8 - It smelled like butter roll at our doorstep.

I'll help myself to the cottage cheese Easter, I'll try a little.

9 - I will take a brush, gouache and work wonderfully well,

I will paint the eggs in different colors to make Easter shine.

Game "Color the egg"

(two teams. Two easels with attached white paper eggs are brought out to the middle of the hall. Various figures of adhesive paper are laid out on the table. Children in turn run up to the table, take any figure and stick it on the egg)

Easter bunnies:

1 - As good as the picture.

2 - Almost the same as in our basket!

Leading- Dear rabbits, do not be so sad. Today is not an easy day, but a magical one. I believe that your basket will definitely be found. And now our guys will cheer you up and sing an Easter song.

10 - Wonderful day, the soul shines,

And the heart glorifies God.

The spring forest is ringing in the distance,

And the song sounds: “Christ is risen! "

All children: Truly resurrected!

The song "Christ is Risen!"

1 - Easter has come to our house.

I brought it in my basket,

Pies, pancakes and tea

Eggs, buns, cakes,

Have a fun Easter! (I. Evdokimova)

2 - Let's meet Easter well,

Fun and light:

Cheese, butter and egg

Yes with a ruddy cake,

A good treat

Song, dance and fun!

Dance "Cornflower"

Leading- Rabbits, how are you?


1 - We are very friendly, fun

We sing and dance with you.

We rabbits like

At the holiday, be yours.

2 - It's a pity that we didn't find the basket.

In this basket, gifts were carried.

Leading - What was it like, your basket?

Help us, rabbits:

Let's create a picture together.

Game "Collect Easter Basket"

Leading- This picture contains a hint!

The basket is somewhere in a fairy tale.

Do not worry!

We will definitely find it.

Now we are in this fairy tale,

Hope we get there!

11 - Drops dripping loudly

Near our window.

The birds sang merrily:

"Easter! Easter!

She came to us! "

12 - We found a snowdrop yesterday

On a thaw in the forest.

Delicate blue flower

Met Easter and spring.

Song "Spring"

Spring- Larks hover under the sun,

Sing: "Christ is Risen!"

All over the robin bushes

Sing: "Christ is Risen!"

Swallows in all the windows

They shout: "Christ is Risen!"

After all, I called everyone

And I bring warmth to everyone.

So who is in charge here, if not me,

So who's more reddened than me?

Leading- Rose came out in a red dress

To say that she is not more beautiful.

the Rose- I do not argue: you, Spring is Red,

You awaken everyone from sleep:

But my fairest flower

God made it fragrant, red.

And that's why you are redder

I will be known among the people!

Leading- And then the robin flew off the branch

I wanted to show off my outfit.

Robin- No, I - blush! No, I'm blushing!

That I am definitely dearer to God!

Leading- And this is what lies in the grass

And also red in appearance?

Child- Red, like a drop of blood on the cross,

Endless and endless - round everywhere!

Symbol of eternal life, red egg

Like a flower from paradise bloomed on your hand!

Easter egg- Yes, I am Easter Egg,

I call on the distant road:

Learn my story

And who created me that way.

The throne appears on the stage to the music the emperor enters.

Lead 4 - After Christ was resurrected, his disciples dispersed around the world with the news of the miracle of the Resurrection. Mary Magdalene also walked with the news of the Resurrection of Christ. She came to the city of Rome. At the entrance to the palace there were guards, and noble guests, with rich gifts, hurried to the emperor to bow.

Guard - Emperor Tiberius,

Overseas merchant there.

Has been standing at the door for a long time.

There is a big chest in your hands!

The music sounds, the merchant comes out with a gift.

Merchant- Great emperor and master of the world

Accept the necklace

Pearls, rubies and sapphires.

Tiberius - I will accept your gift.

Guard - Ambassador of the Egyptian country.

And the chests are full of gold.

The music sounds the ambassador comes out with a chest of gold.

Ambassador - Tiberius! Our great king!

Take this chest from us.

Let the power strengthen this gold

Let the state become rich!

Tiberius - A worthy gift.

Music sounds, a nobleman comes out.

Nobleman - Emperor Tiberius,

I brought a beautiful diamond.

He is worthy to shine in the royal crown.

Tiberius. And I will accept this gift.

Go in peace.

Who else is there?

Guard - Mary Magdalene.

Maria - Mary I am from the city of Magdala

I used to be in the yard often.

Once upon a time I was rich too

And she brought valuable gifts.

Today I brought a modest gift.

And I came with very important news.

Earth and sun

Fields and forest

Everyone praises God:

Christ is risen!

In the smile of the blue

Living heaven

All the same joy:

Christ is risen!

The emperor- I do not argue: your message is beautiful,

But this is just a miracle of miracles.

Hurry, this egg will turn red,

Than I will believe that Christ is risen.

Lead 1- And suddenly an egg in his hand

And, in fact, it turned red.

And the fact that Jesus was resurrected

At the same moment it became clear.

The emperor- In truth, Christ is Risen!

The enmity is gone

And the fear disappeared

No more malice

Christ is risen!

How wonderful the sounds

Holy words

In which you can hear:

Christ is risen!

Easter egg- You see, the answer is ready!

There is no redder me in the world!

Spring- And here it is! And here it is!

She is with us today, here:

Redder than Easter only Blood

Christ's, God's love.

the Rose- Easter! Easter is red!

I agree with the news.

The red sun has risen

Light embraced the earth.

Robin- People are having fun -

Easter at the gate!

Song "Easter Spring"

13 - The celebration of celebrations has come,

The heart is joyful, light,

Can you hear the singing from heaven?

Jesus Christ is Risen!

14 - Many sounds, many songs, -

But most of all from heaven

The holy message is distributed,

Song-message - "Christ is Risen! .."

Dance "Heaven"

Leading- Well, what are the rabbits, how are you in the mood?


1 - We spent this day with pleasure.

2 - They even forgot why they came.

It is a pity that we did not find the basket.

Leading- Rabbits, do you know what day it is?


1 - The bright holiday of Easter descends on earth,

More magical than any fairy tale

More wonderful than any earthly wonders:

Angel 15- Right. On this day, real miracles happen.

(T. Lavrova)

See what a miracle

This basket contains a dish.

Here is an egg, but not a simple one:

Gold painted,

16 - Like a bright toy!

There are stripes, curls

Many little rings

Stars, circles and hearts.

17 - What are all these colors for?

Like a good old fairy tale?

Mom gave everyone the answers:

Easter is the brightest holiday!

And the egg, I know,

A symbol of life on earth!

This basket was looking for you.

Rabbits- A miracle happened! She was found!

2 - Nature is full of tender trepidation,

And birds hover in the blue of the sky.

The silence is broken today:

Christ is risen! Truly resurrected!

Leading- And triumphs again and again

Holy light love!

Crystal waltz

Lead 4- Let the soul become winged again,

Resistant to flattery and evil, to silver,

Noble, big, enlightened

And open towards good!

Lead 1 - May the sun shine on you on Easter day,

Azure triumphs in the sky!

Everyone you meet will answer with a smile

Glaze glistens on Easter cakes!

Lead 2 - Let the bells ring

The soul will be clear, light!

Poplar and maples are blooming

It will be warm like spring!

Lead 3 - May Easter days

Will be clear, serene,

Bread-salted, sincere,

Not similar to others!

Lead 4 - Happy Easter to all of you

And again in the spring!

Let the bright mosaic of colors

The holy holiday will delight!

Easter gifts for all of you

And congratulations from us!

Let the holiday be bright, bright

And every hour dear to my heart!

Leading 1 - Clear and sunny on Bright Easter!

Krashenki red, songs and dances.

Light in the soul, as from a bright candle.

(to children)- And cakes are already waiting for you on the table.

Easter ringing sings to us a song about eternal life

Yarovaya Lyubov Borisovna


primary school teacher

Target: to acquaint children with events related to the holiday

Great Easter.


    Easter posters;

    audio cassettes with musical recordings (Easter Blagovest, church chants);

    Easter table: Easter cakes, colored eggs;

    scenery and costumes for a scene and a fairy tale.

1 reader:

Oh, you, guests, gentlemen,
How many of you came here?

2 reader:

It seems like they were going by!
And something was delayed?

3 reader:

Apparently the tale has reached you
About life with us.

1 reader:

There are many rituals in Russia,
And today is God's holiday!

2 reader:

Easter is God's Sunday,
Whose second birthday?

3 reader:

Who will answer the question?
His son ...

Everything: Jesus Christ!

(Next three children)

1 reader:

Everywhere the Blagovest is buzzing,
From all the churches the people are knocking down,
Dawn is already looking from heaven ...

Everything: Christ is risen! (2 times)

2 reader:

The snow cover has already been removed from the fields,
And hands are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green ...

Everything: Christ is risen! (2 times)

3 reader:

Here is the earth waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming, full of miracles ...

Everything: Christ is risen! (2 times)


Hello dear guests! Be healthy and happy! And let our meeting be cheerful and joyful, because it is dedicated to the Orthodox holiday - Easter.


Dozing bell
Woke up the fields
Smiled at the sun
Sleepy land
The blows came
To blue skies.
It rings loudly
Voice through the woods.
Hid behind the river
White moon.
She ran loudly
Frisky wave.
Quiet valley
Drives away sleep
Somewhere beyond the road
The ringing stops.

Leading: Easter - "King of days", "Holidays, holiday and celebration of celebrations" - this is the name of this day. In our country, it is celebrated brighter, more magnificent than the most important holiday of the Christian world - Christmas. To triumph after terrible torments and trials is probably more befitting of the Russian character, which is what the saying: "What Easter is wider than Christmas." Not a single holiday is celebrated by the Orthodox Church with such extraordinary light and solemnity as the day of Christ's Bright Sunday. On the eve of the church, the Easter Vigil is celebrated, at midnight there is a procession of the cross, and Easter Matins and Liturgy are served. And for a week, all these celebrations were preceded by Palm Sunday - the feast of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem.


What has become of our city?
You really don't recognize him at all!
The curtain of fog has been pulled down from the sky,
There is shine across the sky, triumph on earth.
Crowds follow crowds with willows.
Noise, carriages ranks, variegation,
Small children waving flowers
Faces shine, lips laugh.
Exactly which winner comes in
To the city - and everything woke up from sleep ...
Yes, the winner! And here are the birds for him
As if they had already burst out: "Hello, spring!"

Leading: Why do you think people chose the willow as a harbinger of the holiday? When Jesus Christ raised Lazarus, many saw this miracle. Christ, who rode into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey and was surrounded by his disciples, was greeted by crowds of people, people threw green palm branches at his feet, and covered the road with their clothes. Such honors in ancient times in Israel were given only to conquerors and kings. After all, Jesus Christ conquered death itself. In Russia, palm trees do not grow, but with the first spring rays, willow branches are already covered with a light green fluff. The willow branch serves as a sign of the victory of Jesus Christ over death.


Spring has not sewn yet

To forests, meadows of shirts,

Only the willow fluffed

Curly lambs.

Lamb gold

Running along thin branches

Cheerful, lively,

How little kids!


There are no green palm trees in Russia,

Only birch trees and maples,

Let it float above the water

Pussy willow with a golden branch.

The willow gives us branches

Let's take them to God's temple

And under the bell ringing

We will put them near the icons.

Leading: On Palm Sunday, they jokingly whipped their loved ones with willow, saying:

Whipping pussy willow, beat to tears,
The willow is blue, it does not hit hard,
The willow is red, it beats in vain,
The willow is white, it beats to tears,
We beat them to be healthy.


Boys and girls!
Candles and willows
They brought it home.
The lights are glowing
Passers-by are baptized
And it smells like spring.
The breeze is distant,
Rain, little rain
Don't blow out the fire!
Sunday Palm
I'll get up first tomorrow
For the Holy Day!

Leading: Everyone was looking forward to the joyous holiday of Easter. But it was preceded by Holy Week, which began on the Monday after Palm Sunday. It was installed in memory of the suffering of Jesus Christ, it ends with it Great Lent. Every day of this week is very significant. On Great Monday in Russia, preparations for Easter should have begun - to put things in order in the house, wash, clean. Great "Clean" Thursday - remembrance of the Last Supper. On this day, they cleaned the house, yard, garden from the "evil spirits" lurking in the corners.


I remember how before Easter,

Sleeves rolled up to the elbow

The house was scraped, washed off the soot,

The windowsills smelled of paint.

I remember the sweet smell of vanilla

In front of the image is the flame of a candle.

In the evening dawn went

Hallow Easter cakes in a bright church.

Good Friday is the most mournful day, because it was on this day that the crucifixion and death of the Savior on the Cross took place.

Great Saturday - Christ rests in the tomb. Another Saturday was called “dyeing Saturday” - on this day they painted eggs, which were called “dyed eggs”, that is. simply painted in any color, or, "Easter eggs" - eggs, painted with patterns. The painted egg is an inseparable, beautiful and joyful symbol of the Easter holiday. Why is it the egg that is the symbol of Easter?

According to legend, after the resurrection of Jesus, Mary Magdalena went to Rome and brought a simple egg to the emperor Tiberius, saying “Christ is risen!”. The emperor did not believe and said that it was as difficult to believe in it as it was that this white egg could turn red. While he was saying this, before the eyes of the astonished people, the white egg turned bright red.


The valley was melting in the dawn haze

The Cross was golden above the clouds.

Mary Magdalene came to the king,

The message brought: "Jesus Christ is risen!"

No, woman, I won't believe you!

Fantasies and fiction are the measure, -

The thought revived the domineering face.

How can I not believe that a white egg,

You brought me as a gift,

Suddenly turns red

It will flare up like wildfire!

The king fell silent, but with these words

The candle spilled over their heads,

Breathing was shy and slowed down,

It seemed that somewhere the music sounds.

The eggs were touched by warm rays

It lit up in the rays, fluttered

And, like the Blood of Christ, it became scarlet!


Since ancient times, Easter has been celebrated in our country not only by believers, but also by people far from God. Easter rituals and customs leave no one indifferent. Exactly at midnight before Easter Day, Matins are served in decorated and brightly lit churches. The priests are dressed in the most beautiful clothes. This service is a solemn incessant hymn, the victory of life over death, the reconciliation of God with man and man with God.


The news that people began to torment God
Rooks brought us to the north ...
Darkened coniferous slums
The quiet keys began to cry ...
On the hillocks, stones were laid bare
Bald spots covered in frost
And tears began to drip on the stones
Angry winter of peeled birches.
And other news, bitter than the first,
They brought the starlings into the wilderness;
Crucified on the cross, forgiving everyone,
God died, the savior of our souls,
From such news, clouds thickened,
The air began to rustle like rain ...
Rise, rivers have become seas,
And the first thunder woke up in the mountains.
The third message was extraordinary:
God is risen and death is defeated!
This victorious message rushed
Spring resurrected by God.
And all around the forests turned green,
And the chest of the earth breathed warmly,
And, listening to the trills of the nightingale,
Lilies of the valley and roses bloomed ...


Throughout Easter week, Orthodox people live with God, with angels, with thoughts of deceased relatives and friends. This is where a person has a tendency to visit a cemetery at this time, graves dear to him. And in churches there are services. Playing musical instruments during church singing is not permitted. Therefore, church chant is the art of the voice.

(Hearing church chant)

Guys, what Easter customs do you know?

Children: On this day, old people combed their hair with the wishes that they would have as many grandchildren as hair on their heads. They washed themselves with gold, silver and a red testicle in the hope of getting rich. Young boys and girls climbed onto the roofs of houses to better see how the red sun would “play” and “have fun”. In Russia, there was a belief that the sun “plays” on Easter, and people tried to watch for this moment.

Leading: Another very old custom. We all christen on Easter, exchange eggs, kiss each other and say: "Christ is risen!" - "Truly Risen!"


Christ is risen!" - the bells are singing.
And that message is joyful, bright.
A wave rushes over the world
And the world listens to that song.
"Christ is risen!" - the earth sings,
Seas and mountains and fields ...
And they answer from heaven:
"Truly resurrected!"

Host: As on any national holiday, so on Easter there are some folk signs. Which ones?


    On Easter, the sky is clear, the sun is playing - for a good harvest and summer.

    On holy week, the rains are good rye.

    On Holy Week, thunder - for a good harvest.

    If the weather is clear on the 2nd day of Easter, the summer will be rainy, if it is cloudy and dry.

Leading: And how much fun and joy ritual games bring to both children and adults. We invite you to play one of the simplest and funniest "Clinking eggs". Bump your dyes with each other. Whose was it stronger? He won! Each Easter rite, each game had its own meaning: the round dances were performed in a circle, imitating the movement of the sun, swinging on a swing as fast and higher as possible - so that the crops would rise faster and higher. Here's another game: Explain the meaning of old proverbs and sayings.


    Our Fadey will eat a loaf of bread with one egg (as they say about gluttonous eaters).

    Give him a testicle, and even a flaky one (they laugh at greedy and lazy people).

    Although a black hen, it sits on white testicles (they notice the words about harsh-looking people with a kind heart).

    The chicken gave birth to a bull, the piglet laid an egg (they say, seeing a swearing man).


Well done! What else is Easter famous for?

Glorious is Easter and the festive table filled with dishes. In the old days, the table was set at the time of the return of the family from church from Matins. And not only for breaking the fast. The people have always thought that on Easter, Christ with the apostles goes out in beggarly rags to wander the earth, and comes to people's homes in the form of a wanderer or a beggar in order to experience human mercy. Notice how beautiful and joyful our Easter table is. Easter, Easter cake, painted eggs have been and remain traditional Easter. But not all people could and can afford to set such a table for Easter. Here is our fairy tale about them (staging of the fairy tale "Easter bun", author K. Ostrovsky.)


1 presenter: Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman.

2 presenter: They are very poor.

1 presenter: They didn't even have a poached chicken.

2 presenter: Oh, it wasn't!

1 presenter: She didn't lay eggs for them.

Leading together: And they could not bake an Easter cake for the holiday!

2 presenter: Grandfather Baba says ...

Grandfather: How, dear, can we break the fast for Easter?

Woman: Oh, I don’t know, honey. After all, our torment has long since ended.

Grandfather: Come on, baba, let's not lose heart, but let's pray to God and mark the barn, scratch the bottom of the barrel; maybe he'll be enough for a bun ...

1 presenter: And so they did: they swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the barn, kneaded the flour in water, salted it with a tear ...

2 presenter: God was thanked.

1 presenter: They baked a lean bun and put it on the window.

Leading together: Get a cold till morning.

2 presenter: The next morning the sun rose, Kolobok woke up.

Gingerbread man: Something grandparents can't hear. Go and sleep. They got tired with me yesterday, they won't even get up for mass. I’ll roam to church without them, while they sleep, I’ll sprinkle myself with holy water, I’ll be sanctified — at least I’ll console the old people with this.

1 presenter: The bun jumped off the windowsill, jumped to the ground and let's go quickly to the church. Yes, not on the road, but straight through the forest. And towards him a wolf ...


Gingerbread man: That you are a wolf, because I am not yet consecrated. Swept along the barn, scraped along the bottom of the bar, mixed with water, salty with a tear, but not yet consecrated. Wait for me here. I'll be back soon.

2 presenter: The gingerbread man rolled further, and a bear met him.

Bear: Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, I'll eat you.

Gingerbread man: What are you, Bear, because I am not consecrated yet. Swept along the barn, scraped along the bottom of the bar, mixed with water, salty with a tear, but not yet consecrated. Wait for me here.

1 presenter: The Kolobok rolled further, and the Fox met him.

Fox: Happy Holidays, Kolobok! How far are you, my sweetheart, headed?

Gingerbread man: I, Lisa, am in a hurry to church.

Fox: Where, sweetie? I didn't hear something.

Gingerbread man: Sprinkle holy water into the church of God ...

Fox: I have become somewhat deaf. Come closer to me, my lean one.

Gingerbread man: I, Lisonka, am in a hurry to church, to sprinkle holy water at my father's, and you wait for me here.

2 presenter: The Kolobok rolled into the church and immediately to the priest. He sprinkled himself with holy water, and the priest asks him.

Father: Where, Kolobok, is your red testicle, which you brought to consecrate?

Gingerbread man: I don’t have a red testicle, father. My grandparents are poor ...

Father: Take this testicle, Kolobok, take it to grandfather and grandmother.

1 presenter: And here the parishioners gave Kolobok a whole basket of testicles.

2 presenter: The Kolobok is rolling back through the forest, straight, and towards him is a wolf, a bear and a fox.

Beasts: Happy Holidays, Kolobok, Happy Sunday of Christ! We will have something to break our fast to Easter!

Gingerbread man: What you, animals, foolish! After all, I’m lean: swept over the barns, scraped along the bottom of the barrel, mixed with water, salted with a tear. How can you break the fast with me?

Beasts: What are we to do then?

Gingerbread man: Take a red testicle as soon as possible, and you'll break your fast.

Beasts: Well, thank you, Kolobok! Give my regards to grandfather and grandmother!

1 presenter: The Kolobok ran and rolled home.

Grandfather and Baba: Where have you been, Kolobok? We were worried about you!

Gingerbread man: I, grandfather and grandmother, were in church, I sprinkled myself with holy water, and brought you red eggs. Take it, now there will be something to break the fast for Easter!

Leading: Oh, Kolobok, do not forget, please, our guests and participants of the holiday. Treat everyone with a dyed egg. And our meeting has come to an end.

At the end of our holiday, I would like to say a big thank you to the guests and participants for their attention and understanding, and end it with K. Fofanov's poem "Spring is flying to us" (to music)


To the hum of Easter prayers
And to the ringing of bells
Spring flies to us from distant ones,
From the noonday edges.
In a green dress
Dark forests are melting
The sky shines like the sea
The sea is like heaven ...
Pine tree in green velvet,
And scented resin
On scaly columns
It flowed like amber.
And in our garden today
I noticed how surreptitiously
Lily of the valley
With a white-winged moth ohm.


Easter Annunciation: A Book for Teachers and Parents, Shuya, 1996

Holidays holiday Easter. Reading for children and adults. M, 1990

Zabylin M. Russian people. His customs, rituals, traditions, superstitions and poetry. M., 1992

Orthodox culture at school. Publishing house "Pokrov", M., 2004

Ved. Hello dear guests! Welcome! Be healthy and happy, and let our meeting be merry and joyful! After all, it is dedicated to the bright holiday of Easter! Easter is a celebration of the victory of good over evil!

Reb. From a distant country

Swallows fly

Cheerfully chirp

People are told:

“People, wake up!

Spring is coming to you!

And with spring and Easter

It brings you joy! "

Veda: The bells in the churches on this day rang especially solemnly. This ringing was called "Easter Annunciation"

Ringing a bell (Recording)

Reb: The dozing bell

Woke up the fields

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

The blows came

To blue skies

It rings loudly

Children take triangles and bells, become a semicircle.

They are performing the Easter ding-dong chime.

Veda: For a long time, there was a belief that a blossoming tree can give health, strength, beauty to everyone who touches it. The willow was considered such a tree in Russia, because it begins to bloom earlier than other trees. And the little children were playfully lashed with willow twigs and said: “Willow whip, beat them to tears. As the willow grows, so do you grow "

Let's play a game with a willow twig.

Game: "Take a seat"

(Children stand in a circle, choose the driver. Everyone goes in a circle, the driver follows the circle, in the opposite direction)

Ved: With willow, with willow I am following you

I'll touch the willow, run after me!


The driver lightly hits the back of one of the round dance. They run in different directions. The one who runs the circle faster and takes the vacant seat, he gets up in the circle, and the latecomer becomes the driver.

Veda: The first spring round dances began from the Bright Easter week. Spring, spring, come clear!

Spring Announcement:

Spring, spring is red!

Come spring with joy

With great mercy:

With high flax,

With a deep root,

With abundant bread!

(Spring comes out)

Spring: Hello guys!

I am spring - red

Came to visit you

With great juice

With the sky high

With melted water,

With play - fun!

Round dance: "Spring - Red"

Veda: Nature herself rejoices on this day. All life on earth revives and flourishes, and everyone congratulates each other. And our guys want you, Spring, and you, guests, to give"Easter bouquet".

Reb: We are the flowers of the Garden of Eden.

We are all different - a whole bunch.

And we hasten to worship Christ,

Bring our fragrant greetings.

Reb: We were colored by a rainbow,

Not sparing all the colors on us.

Endowed with such beauty

That you can't take your eyes off us.

Stalk: And every stalk believes: after the cold comes salvation.

Spring is coming! Spring is coming! Nature glorifies Sunday!

Bell: Hearing the bell ringing and the bell shook its head

I tuned in to a large bell and began to swing deftly.

Snowdrop : White snowdrop, wonderful primrose

That pearls are scattered in the forests,

As a symbol of Sunday and victories

He warmed up in the sun and fell silent.

Coltsfoot : And in the fields, wherever you look, golden drops of mother and stepmother.

First, they released the color, and the leaves are hidden until summer.

Forget-me-not : Blue forget-me-nots are drops of heaven

They also rejoice at the miracle and sing: “Christ is Risen! "

Daisy: There are many, many daisies, the whole road is strewn,

All nod their heads, Glorify Sunday.

Primrose : I am a flower, I don’t know what. I bloom in the spring.

I heard that Christ is Risen, and brought gifts to him.

Faith, love and patience, obedience and blessing.


Mother came - spring

Open the gate.

The first March has passed

I spent all the children

And after him - April

He opened the window and door.

And how may come,

Walk as much as you want.

Come out, walk, and collect flowers.

Dance of Flowers

Veda: A hen will lay a testicle, and it looks like a pebble, as if it were not alive. And in it - life - a live chicken, which is about to hatch from an egg. The egg is a symbol of a new life, pure, bright, a symbol of hope.During Easter week, it is customary to visit, give each other gifts, send greeting cards. On these bright days, no soul should feel lonely and forgotten.

Guys, let's show our guests a scene"Easter gift".

(staging of the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken")

Presenter: (after the soundtrack "the cry of a rooster" from the series of songs by Razdobrina "Village Songs")

Once upon a time we lived in the same village

An old man with his old woman.

They lived together, did not grieve,

We went to church together on Saturday.

They baked pies together,

Together the economy was carried out.

Grandma :-Grandfather. did you light the stove?

I'll have a feast today!

Easter has arrived!

Grandfather: -I'm already exhausted:

I chopped firewood, applied water,

I melted the stove for you long ago!

Woman:- Ay-yes, assistant! And I did not doze:

I put the dough, crammed the cranberries,

Poured sugar. Tasty pie

I put it in the stove - it will ripen on time.

Sweet fruit drink was poured into a jug.

Grandfather:- Grandma. we forgot to paint the eggs!

Woman : -Well, it's not a problem!

Ryaba Chicken, come here to us!

(Ryaba chicken comes out with a "golden" egg)

Ryaba Chicken: - Hello grandfather! Hello baba!

Ryaba chicken tried!

I laid a testicle for you

Not simple, golden

On the joyous holiday of Christ!

Woman:- Grandfather, the egg burns like heat!

Grandfather : -I thought it was a fire!

Woman : -It's a pity to paint gold.

Let it be worth it!

And you, my little Ukrainian,

I'll pour the grains into the mug!

Grandfather : -Well, and I'll pour water,

I will also praise Ryaba!

(cackling chicken, grandfather and woman leave, a mouse appears)

Leading:- Everything would be fine, but kids,

There was also a mouse in that house.

She ran across the floor and saw the testicle.

Mouse: - What is this weird egg?

It burns like heat!

I'll play a little with him,

Paw the throne, roll it (drops the egg to the floor, the egg breaks)

Mouse : -What will the grandfather and the woman say?

The mouse needs to do the legs (he quickly runs away, the grandfather and the woman enter, they notice the broken egg)

Woman : -That's so grief. what a problem! This is a mouse, Grandfather, she!

Grandfather: What to do, how to be?

Woman:- Let us, old, shed tears.

(includes a chicken with a basket of colorful eggs)

Ryaba chicken : -Don't cry, woman. don't cry, grandfather!

You will have a delicious lunch!

I brought you other testicles - not gold, but colored ones!

Grandfather and woman : -Thank you, crested chicken, Ryabushka chicken!

(to the children) - Get the eggs - meet Easter

Veda : And now I keep the good custom. I give a red egg on the day of Christ.

Vedas: For a long time in Russia, on Easter, children and adults danced in round dances, sang songs, played different games. Let's play with the eggs too.

  1. Do not drop the egg (Whose team will run faster around the cube, putting the egg in the spoon, and will not drop it)
  2. Whose egg will scroll longer.
  3. Whose egg will roll further.
  4. Whose egg will be stronger.
  5. Decorate the Easter egg.

Host: Hey boys and girls

Would you like to dance?

Your valiant prowess

Show in Russian dance.

Children perform "Dance with spoons"

How I love Easter!

Get ready for Thursday -

Grandma paints the testicles,

I'll help her too.

On a fragile, thin shell

For people, for beauty

I paint with a brush quietly:

Cross, sun, flowers.

On the bright holiday of Sunday

I will give to my friends

On the testicle, congratulations,

And I will say: “I painted it myself! "

Host: Today we want to wish

Good deeds and good deeds

Every day to meet again with a smile

More sunny and clear holidays.

May good luck be ahead

Gives the world only bright colors

Let nothing stand in the way

On the glorious feast of divine Easter!

Dance with candles.

Veda: May the Resurrection be holy.

Touches with an angel's wing

And it will bring warmth with itself,

And fill the house with light!

Happy holiday to you! Happy Easter!

The hall is decorated with works of children, performed together with the teacher, you can come up and look, thank you.

The celebration of Easter is an ancient tradition of Christian peoples. The holiday has long ceased to be purely a church holiday; every family is waiting for it and preparing for it in advance. Kindergartens also hold Easter matinees, joint celebrations with parents, the scenarios of which are presented in our section.

Easter scripts in kindergartens

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 727.
All sections | Easter. Holidays and entertainment scenarios

Holiday script "Easter has come, brought joy to people!" Holiday scenario in the middle group« Easter has come, brought joy to people " Target: Revival of the spiritual and patriotic heritage of Russia. Tasks: - Introduce children to the customs and traditions of the Russian people; - To form a respectful attitude towards the national heritage; - Enrich ...

Easter script for preparatory groups Easter script for preparatory groups 1 leading: Spring has come, Spring is red, And she calls everyone to walk! The clear sun rises, Calls everyone to the street! Song "Spring" gr. Ship 2 leading: People are having fun - Easter at the gate! 1 leading- holy church ...

Easter. Scenarios for holidays and entertainment - Scenario for the holiday of Bright Easter "Geese-Swans"

Publication "Scenario for the holiday of Easter ..." MBDOU MO city of Krasnodar "Kindergarten No. 33" Holiday of Bright Easter "Geese-swans" Program content: To acquaint children with the mystery of Easter. Instill a sense of respect for folk traditions; to acquaint preschoolers with the peculiarities of celebrating Easter in Russia; enrich the vocabulary ...

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario of the holiday "Easter - Bright Resurrection of Christ" Host: We glorify Easter, we begin the holiday. So Easter has come to us, brought the Bright Holiday. The sun is shining from heaven, The green forest is rustling in the distance And the hymn sounds: "Christ is risen." Children: Truly Risen! There are many wonderful holidays in the spring. Today the entire Orthodox people ...

Entertainment script for senior preschool children "Happy Easter!" Characters: Presenter, storyteller - adults Children: Nastya, Friend, Cockerel, Mouse, Cat, Butterfly The course of entertainment The host and two boys come out 1 boy: We got up very early, We washed our faces with a white towel, We all dressed up beautifully, We are here for you were going to visit ...

Holiday script "The Tale of the Easter Miracle" led. On the eve of Christ's Sunday Miracles will not be complete. And so that it does not happen. The main thing is that Christ is Risen! On the eve of Easter, our tale About kindness and miracles. She was told by a bright angel In my magical childhood dreams. (the grandfather and the woman are sitting at the table in the hut, the granddaughter is stroking the cat) ...

Easter. Scenarios of holidays and entertainment - "We greet Easter". Theatrical production script

OOD for artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group Purpose: to acquaint children with the sacrament of Easter. Instill a sense of respect for folk traditions. Objectives: to acquaint preschoolers with the peculiarities of celebrating Easter in Russia; enrich the vocabulary of children. develop...

Project "Feast of Holy Easter" Project "Holiday of Bright Easter" Project author: Zolina N. V. Project type: cognitive, creative. Duration of the project: from 15.04.2019. until 04/26/2019 Age group: middle group. Participants: children, parents, educators. Form of organization with children: ...

Purpose: To acquaint children with the tradition of celebrating Easter. Expand the understanding of folk culture; draw the attention of children to the history and culture of the Russian people; foster love for folk traditions. Objectives: To enrich the spiritual world of children. To evoke an emotional response and ...

Scenario of the holiday "People are having fun - Easter at the gate" Scenario of the holiday "People are having fun - Easter at the gate!" Purpose: To create a festive atmosphere by introducing children into the everyday and cultural world of the Russian people. Program content: 1. To make us feel the originality of the time of residence and entertainment of our ancestors. 2 ....

Celebrating Easter is not a one-time event in kindergartens. It is preceded by a long preparation, the study of Easter traditions, rituals and customs. Educators conduct conversations, organize exhibitions. Music directors learn Easter hymns and songs, listen to audio recordings of the bell ringing with children. Fine arts teachers teach children to convey emerging thoughts and images using accessible means. One of the most widespread and understandable traditions for children is painting Easter eggs. This type of visual activity is available to children of any age.

Celebrating Easter in kindergartens is not complete without outdoor games. This is a great opportunity to learn Russian folk and games of other nationalities. For competitions in speed and dexterity, educators offer a variety of relay races with Easter eggs, for example, "Carry an egg in a spoon", "Collect an Easter basket" and others.

For older preschoolers, teachers conduct information-rich events about the traditions of the holiday in Russia and other Christian countries. One of the wonderful customs that always resonates in the hearts of children is the release of birds for Easter.

Dramatic performances and puppet shows are invariably present in the scripts of the Easter holidays. For the little ones, educators offer simple, understandable stories, for example, the theme of Easter eggs often develops in the story of "Ryaba Chickens", which laid a golden egg. For older preschoolers, teachers are looking for deeper plots, retelling biblical parables, aimed at understanding the true deep meaning of the holiday by children.

Regardless of the age of your pupils, you will find the ideas and materials you need. The site portal is a real storehouse of realized ideas that teachers share with each other. There may be your scripts here, join.