Bride repurchase script. Classic bride repurchase Scenario Classic Bestup Scenario: Groom Dance

The redemption of the bride is always the most memorable part of the wedding celebration, when the bridegroom comes for his beloved in the house to her parents. Since the ancient times, the redemption of the bride was an integral part of the wedding and, giving a tribute to the family of the bride, the groom was to generously thank the testa and mother-in-law of valuable gifts. So he redeemed his future wife and tried his dear gifts to please the parents of the future spouse. After all, he took away from the house not only a charming girl, but also an excellent hostess, a favorite assistant.

Now, few people relate to the redemption of the bride seriously, it is rather a comic event where the seduker and the intelligence of the groom is checked. Witnesses of newlyweds, as well as invited guests take part in the redemption of the bride. The more interesting and the script of the redemption of the bride will be thought out more detail, the brighter and more fun will be a traditional redemption.

The ransom script can be diverse, but a particular interest is the scenario in verses. So that your redemption has passed on the "Hurray!", Relax.By offers several fun redemption options in poetic form! The main thing is not to skip the jokes and smiles!

Option 1:

The redemption of the bride conducts a witness with girlfriends or parents (mothers, aunts) of the bride.

Groom meeting with a witness:
Oh, you, guests, gentlemen,
Where are you from and where?
And why would it
Are you at a parade today?
Or is you today
We randomly wandered,
Or are you in the Svetlice of our
Here brides found yourself?
There is one here,
Yes, she hurts Mila,
Fire and water should you pass,
To bring to your bride!
When there happened a moment beautiful,
When did you see (name) ours?

(If the answer is correct, then the groom is allowed to go through a distance. If incorrect - the payment of ransom).

How much of our (name) years,
So give us candies so much.
So that the testing from the mother-in-law sweetener
It is necessary to give apples.
To go next step -
We must skill it.

Almost you have the goal, but there is a task,
We wish you a luck smiled.
Before you are three filled bowls,
And your lips are almost already yours.
Look and if you know, then
You will get the key from her teremka,
And if you suddenly make a mistake, then
You have to drink all this to the bottom.

(The groom should choose a glass, drink drink and remove the key if he guess).

For nice smile
Give us chocolate tile.
For nonsense Mordshika
Give a green paper.
For beautiful legs -
Each girlfriend in triste.
For thin brings -
Bunch of carrots.
For (name) eyes clear
Give poems beautiful. (The groom reads poems)
For (name) Good heart
Sing the song. (The groom sings the song, you can with a witness and friends)

You sing you a nice guy,
But do you dance okay?
You are walked to us fun
Dance of crumb swarses!
To get a bride
Must you, like goose, ride.
Yes friends of his ask
So that with you went together!

(The groom with friends under its own accompaniment performs the dance of small swans.)

On the tray again 3 bowls and this time empty. The witness addresses the bridegroom: "Make so that in one glass burst, in another ranked, and in the third mbr."

Before letting the bride into the bride's room, the witness turns back to the bridegroom:

Yes, now she is yours!
Only shoes for me.
Or give me a redemption,
Or Bosu in the registry office you lead.

(The groom pays for shoes and gets the bride.)

Option 2:


Oh you are guests-gentlemen
Where are you from and where?
And what would it be for the sake
Are you at a parade today?
What are you, guests, bargaining?
And why go here?
You bow, the people are honest.
The wind listed you what?
You feed you
Ile wander without a case?
Can you want to steal?
Isn't my girlfriend?
Do not hope and do not wait
I will not miss you
- After all, the beauty-maiden,
On all the hands of the master.
Cooks, sews and embroiders,
And about everything in the world knows.
Young, slim, beautiful,
Belolitz everyone on Divo.
To achieve her hands,
You need to work hard.
You, groom, with all the people
Show what you are doing.


What are you, cute girlfriend,
Do you think about us?!
Trade goes no wonder
Unspecified goods.
In the terme, the bride is,
It is impossible to hide eye.
Day the light of God eclipses,
At night illuminates the land.
Bless you are us
Go to the way now.


Are you groom?
Are you a witness?
So you are for everything in response.
Must a friend to help
Answer questions.
Let us rather answer:
Due to what
Did you decide to marry?
Eye accuracy
Here can be useful.

A large target hangs on the wall, each field of which denotes the cause of marriage:

10 - in the call of the heart
9 - by love
8 - by calculation
7 - on maternal
6 - on the task of the party
5 - on the advice of friends
4 - by need
3 - out of curiosity
2 - by stupidity
1 - "Damn Top!"

The groom should demonstrate its accuracy and get into 10 or 9. For each promach, the groom pays redemption.


What are you, groom, not cheerful,
Brush my head hung?
And now the second contribution
Put for a tray.

Well, now the question is.
Do not rush, the groom, wait:
Remember where the bride met,
What is wearing, as noted?

The next question is
It is more difficult than other:

What is your bride,
You tell me about it,
Write her name.

The groom should post the full name of the bride with bills. The task is accompanied by jokes of the type: "Write is larger! Do not regret money! ".


Generously money you paid
And about love did not speak.
So that no one doubted
You are in love with your admission.
Krickni loudly, not melting:
"(Name of the bride), I love you!"

Bride girlfriends:

We are not a girlfriend,
Pull up the mug.
Well, and so that there were softer
To strictly did not judge
Let go live
Cook-coolnak trees.

How many days have you been together?
Did you look into the bride?
And now you tell us,
The color of those eye to us is called.

Red sponge, you know them,
Certainly guess -
Those that the bride.
You will not come out otherwise from the place.
Error - so be
You will pay money.

The bridegroom is placed poster with numerous lip prints, both female and male. Young must learn among them your lips narrowed. Under each print of the lips, you can write any amount - the redemption that the groom should pay in case of an incorrect response.

Advertisement ahead:
You tear off,
The letter is lower read
And the bride is called.

On the wall hangs the announcement on which it is written "Call me, love!". The bottom of the ad is cut into numerous stripes. On just one letter is written on each strip. The groom should tear off the strips one after another and loudly call the bride with such affectionate words that began with written letters. If the next letter causes difficulty in the groom, he can seek help to his faithful friends. If they won't be able to come up with a gentle word, then the groom pays ransom. The test continues until all strips are torn off.

Bridesmaid girlfriends - Groom:

Bridegroom, you need a bride?
Paying us in full
For maiden krasu
For nonsense Spit.
In the essence, our dear:
Kohl was with a scythe
Even more with you were sorted by b,
That was not given at all b!

How much are our (name of the bride) years
So give us candies so much.

For nice smile
Give us chocolate tile.

For nonsense Mordshika
Give a green paper.

For beautiful legs
Give each trip.

For thin brings -
Bunch of carrots.

And for Kosh Rus
Give us beads.

For (the name of the bride) eyes clear
Give love lovers.

Bride girlfriends:

Dinner ribbon to onenka -
Ettage pressed your own.
If you stretch out
Pay us on the ruble.
Or marry that
What you will pull over.

The groom pulls for any ribbon, to choose from. If he is mistaken and stretches not the bride, then he is asked to pay redemption or marry the one he chose. The test continues until the bridegroom exces the bride's ribbon.


Yes, now she is yours!
Only shoes for me.
Or buy you give
Or boss in the registry office!

The groom take out several boxes from under shoes. Only in one of them is the tuflka of the bride, in the rest - torn sneakers, children's calories, bathing slippers, boots and the like shoe nonsense. For each incorrectly aggregated box of the groom pays ransom. The test continues until the bridegroom finds the bride's shoe.


The test passed.
Before the bride you came.
And so now
You bring the bride to the registry office!

Order in Kazan by phone.


Sources: PrazdNuem.Ru,

Photo sources:,,

Hello, well done!
What do you quiet like a rainy day?
Where have you been and what I found
And why came here?

The groom replies: "For the bride."

For the bride, say?
Well, what will you give us?
Get ready to give a redemption
To pick up a bride!
Hoodly, good brought?
Answer my question:
Who are you called, who are you?
What did you suggest to us?

The groom replies.

First girlfriend:
We do not know the bridegroom
And everyone knows everything about him.
Let a friend - a witness slowly,
Let us list the merit of the groom.
If a friend does not call ten qualities,
There will be a complete turn from the threshold to the gate.

The witness calls the qualities of the groom.

First girlfriend:
And you, friends, what are silent?
Well, a friend praise!
Friends praise the groom.

Second girlfriend:
But the mother-in-law shoes
Daughter does not allow the house.
We persuade her,
Horn to her champagne!

Third girlfriend:
Oh, neighbors how root
Happy and night tears pour.
But they love sweets -
For candy will give!

First girlfriend:
And girlfriends as suffer:
Neither sleep, no rest know.
Horn to drink to drink,
Then, come, persuade.

Well, thanks, pass,
But neither jump nor crawl
You are not allowed! And no scissors ...
So think how to go!

The ribbon is blocking the ribbon, which he must overheat. Unless guessed - fine.

The groom in the stairwell meets the husband's girlfriend. On the walls posters:
"Petrov (surname Groom)! Stop! Goodwire.
"Meet, all future children are yours. Neighbour".
"Now the collar will be put on you. Jack (Dog Name Bride). "
The girlfriend's husband draws the attention of the groom on the posters and dissuade him. Reach the door to the apartment of the bride.

Well, the surname of the groom), you did not succumb
And marry all gathered.
So that no one doubted
You are in love with your adoption!
Krickni loudly, not melting:
"(Name of the Bride) I love you!"

The groom should shout so that he heard the bride.

First girlfriend:
Something bad he screams
Maybe the neck hurts.
And if so, then pay -
The name you put her!

A tray is given and it needs money to fold the name of the bride. Suitable for the second door, 3 hearts are attached on it.

You're standing at the door,
How to open them soon?
Here are the hearts,
In them the keys
To get them to pay!
Pay and choose -
The key is faithful.

When the key finds, enter the corridor. There are 3 glasses on the table. In one salty water, in another sweet, in the third acid.

Second girlfriend:
Here are glasses! Choose.
And drink the driver!
With some face you drink it,
So life You are with (the name of the bride) will live!

Drink. For each next pays.

Third girlfriend:
To be sweet life -
Make it so that
Water flowed!

Almost a full glass is given. The groom should guess to leave the coin there. After that, they skip the groom into the room.

Fourth girlfriend:
Please get the groom on the stool,
Now let's see how dressed.
Yes, dressed - vouch in fashion,
And the jacket is not a balachon,
As if in the "new fashion" sewn -
Just charm as sitting.
White shirt, eye fire,
And there is a mobile with it,
In general, we can be calm:
The kind of groom is quite worthy.

Or maybe you are not the
Who are called?
With evil intent, the bride is achieving.
So that the right to prove
You must describe the bride.

The groom describes the bride.

Yes, and we are in this very place
Let's swear that the bride
Merry, Slim, Mila
And the mind, and took everything.
We are worthwhile
Just do not give it away!

First girlfriend:
And the bride is far away
It is not easy to get to her.
To achieve her hands,
We must work to work well!

Each of the girlfriends asks money for the advantage of the bride:
For nonsense a ringing laughter -
Give candies of you at all!
For nice smile
Chocolate give us a tile!
For nonsense the face -
Give a green paper.
For beautiful legs -
Give each girlfriend on Treshka.
Odari for us with copper money,
To see we, that you are not poor!
For nonsense gait -
Submire a bottle of vodka!
For Clear Eye Machines -
Give poems beautiful.

Third girlfriend:
Poems read nice,
But do you dance okay?
You are walked to us fun
Dance of small swans!
To deliver a bride
Must you, like goose, ride.
Yes friends of his ask
So that with you went together!

The groom with friends under its own accompaniment performs the dance of small swans.

Fourth girlfriend:
And the bride is the beauty today
You will like her dress.
So for a nonsense dress elegant -
Give us grape wine!

The groom serves wine.

First girlfriend:
Yes, the wine is not huhry-flies.
Must you advise to convene,
Eight marks of wine call!

The groom calls wines.

Second girlfriend:
How do you know so much?
Can you use yourself?
We don't need drunkards
Deboshira, Alkashi.
Go back, Ile Song, sing,
Selection, okay, leave for you.
Only the topic here is one -
About love and all things.

The groom sings a song.

Well, (the name of the groom), well done
Present you singer!
Take a song to us,
Well, let's go further together.
Suck us a song about love:
Where there is love, there is a kisses.
You and the bride kissed
The minute enjoyed.
You look here now
The desired kiss find!

Sheets with love prints are taken out, and the bridegroom chooses a little kiss.

First girlfriend:
Are you not an artist accidentally?
Since today you are a hero -
Draw your hand
Portrait of a cute, dear!

The sheet and the groom is made (you can with closed eyes) draws a portrait of the bride.

Second girlfriend:
Everything, the bride is waiting for you.
Collationsavitsa she.
You painted portrait
And I was depicted.
We found her -
Take away and in the registry office!

Groom with guests are introduced into the kitchen. In the chair, a girlfriend's husband, disguised in the bride. The groom says that such a "bride" does not suit him.

Third girlfriend:
Does not fit?
How so?
Well, oh well, pay,
We will try to find!
But first we will tell us
How are you all about (the name of the bride) you know.

Fourth girlfriend:
What do all these figures mean?
Well, quickly answer!
For errors - Issue money.

Poster is made. There are various numbers on it. The groom guess what they mean. It may be the date of birth of the bride, her apartment number, foot size, passport number, date of dating, etc.

With numbers figured out
For questions began!

Approximate questions:
Favorite vegetables.
Station where the cottage is located (the name of the bride).
Favorite bridesque flowers.
Favorite non-alcoholic drink of the bride.
Favorite color of the bride? etc.

First girlfriend:
And in infancy you know what kind of beauty was?
We must quickly guess and portrait to kiss!

Under the ceiling in the room hangs a rope on it on clothespins 5 photos of kids, one of which is a bride in infancy. The groom should first guess his cute, and then dare and kiss her photo. If not, then friends are sitting in the groom so that it takes out to the photo. Each unsuccessful attempt is also fined.

Second girlfriend:
Here is another task
Money to us - Kohl fail.

In a hat a lot of notes with different names. Among them is the name of the bride. Need, not looking, finding a leaf with her name. For each wrong - fine.

Third girlfriend:
Well, everyone pleased, it seems ...
We declare with the people -
We have such a virgin.
Go straight here to the left.
Here she is her Svetlitsa,
Here, the bride is languishing.
The pelvis is made.

Fourth girlfriend:
Here you see this pelvis.
Put in it now
No goat, nor lamb,
Not a thin pig.
For the bride, put
What she needs for the soul.

The groom should lie in the pelvis himself.

Evidence (through the door of the bride).
Promises your bridegroom - it will be gentle, there will be quiet.
This day he will not forget
He will wear money bags.
Everyone will give, please
From worries will not run away.
He took everything as they say.
How do you like the bridegroom?

It is good!

The groom enters the bride. They joyfully hug-kiss. And here it is found that the bride is in one shoe!

First girlfriend:
Lost the bride's shuffle.
And girlfriends punished
So that you saved her,
I found the shoes to the wedding -
Three packages before you.
Choose yourself anyone.

Three packages are taken out. In one - slipper, in the other - a man's shoe, in the third - nonsense of a shoe.

Second girlfriend (When choosing a sneaker).
We did not think, did not guess
What a shuffle you were looking for this.
Thoughts are secret, of course
We know yours, heart!
But, because in the sneakers finally
Do not go under the crown!
You're cute, calculated
For another package is enough.

Third girlfriend (When choosing men's shoes).
Oh, what a grief is -
This is Moses Borya
Tuffs presented to us.
What kind of girlfriend did you search?
No, I will not suffer out -
The output itself seems to know.
You give us money,
Choose another bag.

The groom, when I found the desired shuffle, can wear a bride on the leg.

And now the road is pare -
Let only happiness in life waiting.
Well, and we are here with all Gurt
A friendly Agech of Nallem.

Repurchase scenario in verse


Hello, well done!
What do you quiet like a rainy day?
Where have you been and what I found
And why came here?

The groom replies: "For the bride"

For the bride, say?
Well, what will you give us?
Get ready to give a redemption
To pick up a bride!
Hoodly, good brought?
Answer my question:
Who are you called, who are you?
What did you suggest to us?

The groom replies.

First girlfriend.
We do not know the bridegroom
And everyone knows everything about him.
Let a friend - a witness slowly,
Let us list the merit of the groom.
If a friend does not call ten qualities,
There will be a complete turn from the threshold to the gate.

The witness calls the qualities of the groom.

First girlfriend.
And you, friends, what are silent?
Well, a friend praise!

Friends praise the groom.

Second girlfriend.
But the mother-in-law shoes
Daughter does not allow the house.
We persuade her,
Horn to her champagne!
Third girlfriend.
Oh, neighbors how root
Happy and night tears pour.
But they love sweets -
For candy will give!
First girlfriend.
And girlfriends as suffer:
Neither sleep, no rest know.
Horn to drink to drink,
Then come to persuade

Well, thanks, pass,
But neither jump nor crawl
You are not allowed! And no scissors ...
So think how to go!

The ribbon is blocking the ribbon, which he must overheat. Unless guessed - fine.

The groom in the stairwell meets the husband's girlfriend. On the walls posters:
"Petrov (surname Groom)! Stop! Goodwire.
"Now the collar will be put on you. Jack (Dog Name Bride). "
The girlfriend's husband draws the attention of the groom on the posters and dissuade him. Reach the door to the apartment of the bride.

Well, the surname of the groom), you did not succumb
And marry all gathered.
So that no one doubted
You are in love with your adoption!
Krickni loudly, not melting:
"(Name of the Bride) I love you!"

The groom should shout so that he heard the bride.

First girlfriend.
Something bad he screams
Maybe the neck hurts.
And if so, then pay -
The name you put her!

A tray is given and it needs money to fold the name of the bride.

Suitable for the second door, 3 hearts are attached on it.

You're standing at the door,
How to open them soon?
Here are the hearts,
In them the keys
To get them to pay!
Pay and choose -
The key is faithful.

When the key finds, enter the corridor. There are 3 glasses on the table. In one salty water, in another sweet, in the third acid.

Second girlfriend.
Here are glasses! Choose.
And drink the driver!
With some face you drink it,
So life You are with (the name of the bride) will live!

Drink. For each next pays.

Third girlfriend.
To be sweet life -
Make it so that
Water flowed!

Almost a full glass is given. The groom should guess to leave the coin there. After that, they skip the groom into the room.

Fourth girlfriend.
Please get the groom on the stool,
Now let's see how dressed.
Yes, dressed - vouch in fashion,
And the jacket is not a balachon,
As if in the "new fashion" sewn -
Just charm as sitting.
White shirt, eye fire,
And there is a mobile with it,
In general, we can be calm:
The kind of groom is quite worthy.
Or maybe you are not the
Who are called?
With evil intent, the bride is achieving.
So that the right to prove
You must describe the bride.

The groom describes the bride.

Yes, and we are in this very place
Let's swear that the bride
Merry, Slim, Mila
And the mind, and took everything.
We are worthwhile
Just do not give it away!
First girlfriend.
And the bride is far away
It is not easy to get to her.
To achieve her hands,
We must work to work well!

Each of the girlfriends asks for money for the advantage of the bride.

For nonsense a ringing laughter -
Give candies of you at all!

For nice smile
Chocolate give us a tile!

For nonsense the face -
Give a green paper.

For beautiful legs -
Give each girlfriend on Treshka.

Odari for us with copper money,
To see we, that you are not poor!

For nonsense gait -
Submire a bottle of vodka!

For machines of eyes are clear -
Give poems beautiful.

Third girlfriend.
Poems read nice,
But do you dance okay?
You are walked to us fun
Dance of small swans!
To deliver a bride
Must you, like goose, ride.
Yes friends of his ask
So that with you went together!

The groom with friends under its own accompaniment performs the dance of small swans.

Fourth girlfriend.
And the bride today is a beauties
You will like her dress.
So for a nonsense dress elegant -
Give us grape wine!

The groom serves wine.

First girlfriend.
Yes, the wine is not huhry-flies.
Must you advise to convene,
Eight marks of wine call!
The groom calls wines.

Second girlfriend.
How do you know so much?
Can you use yourself?
We don't need drunkards
Deboshira, Alkashi.
Go back, Ile Song, sing,
Select okay leave for you.
Only the topic here is one -
About love and all things.

The groom sings a song.

Well, (the name of the groom), well done
Present you singer!
Take a song to us,
Well, let's go further together.
Suck us a song about love:
Where there is love, there is a kisses.
You and the bride kissed
The minute enjoyed.
You look here now
The desired kiss find!

Sheets with love prints are taken out, and the bridegroom chooses a little kiss.

First girlfriend.
Are you not an artist accidentally?
Since today you are a hero -
Draw your hand
Portrait of a cute, dear!

The sheet and the groom is made (you can with closed eyes) draws a portrait of the bride.

Second girlfriend.
Everything, the bride is waiting for you.
Collationsavitsa she.
You painted portrait
And I was depicted.
We found her -
Take away and in the registry office!

Groom with guests are introduced into the kitchen. In the chair, a girlfriend's husband, disguised in the bride. The groom says that such a "bride" does not suit him.

Third girlfriend.
Does not fit?
How so?
Well, oh well, pay,
We will try to find!
But first we will tell us
How are you all about (the name of the bride) you know.
Fourth girlfriend.
What do all these figures mean?
Well, quickly answer!
For errors - Issue money.

Poster is made. On Copyright-BY-Holiday, there are various numbers. The groom guess what they mean. It may be the date of birth of the bride, her apartment number, foot size, passport number, date of dating, etc.

With numbers figured out
For questions began!

Approximate questions:
Favorite vegetables.
Station where the cottage is located (the name of the bride).
Favorite bridesque flowers.
Favorite non-alcoholic drink of the bride.
Favorite color of the bride? etc.

First girlfriend.
And in infancy you know what kind of beauty was?
We must quickly guess and portrait to kiss!

Under the ceiling in the room hangs a rope on it on clothespins 5 photos of kids, one of which is a bride in infancy. The groom should first guess his cute, and then dare and kiss her photo. If not, then friends are sitting in the groom so that it takes out to the photo. Each unsuccessful attempt is also fined.

Second girlfriend.
Here is another task
Money to us - Kohl fail.

In a hat a lot of notes with different names. Among them is the name of the bride. Need, not looking, finding a leaf with her name. For each wrong - fine.

Third girlfriend.
Well, everyone pleased, it seems ...
We declare with the people -
We have such a virgin.
Go straight here to the left.
Here she is her Svetlitsa,
Here, the bride is languishing.

The pelvis is made.

Fourth girlfriend.
Here you see this pelvis.
Put in it now
No goat, nor lamb,
Not a thin pig.
For the bride, put
What she needs for the soul.

The groom should lie in the pelvis himself.

The witness (through the door of the bride).
Promises your bridegroom - it will be gentle, there will be quiet.
This day he will not forget
He will wear money bags.
Everyone will give, please
From worries will not run away.
He took everything as they say.
How do you like the bridegroom?
It is good!

The groom enters the bride. They joyfully hug-kiss. And here it is found that the bride is in one shoe!

First girlfriend.
Lost the bride's shuffle.
And girlfriends punished
So that you saved her,
I found the shoes to the wedding -
Three packages before you.
Choose yourself anyone.

Three packages are taken out. In one - slipper, in the other - a man's shoe, in the third - nonsense of a shoe.

The second girlfriend (when choosing a sneaker).
We did not think, did not guess
What a shuffle you were looking for this.
Thoughts are secret, of course
We know yours, heart!
But, because in the sneakers finally
Do not go under the crown!
You're cute, calculated
For another package is enough.

Third girlfriend (when choosing men's shoes).
Oh, what is the grief
This is Moses Borya
Tuffs presented to us.
What kind of girlfriend did you search?
No, I will not suffer out -
The output itself seems to know.
You give us money,
Choose another bag.

The groom, when I found the desired shuffle, can wear a bride on the leg.

And now the road is pare -
Let only happiness in life waiting.
Well, we are here with all Gurt
A friendly Agech of Nallem.

Who are you, guests - gentlemen?
How long did you go here?
We greeted us with what?
On a visit or coming?
Answer - ka, well done,
What did you finally arrive with?

Groom ............................................. ...


To bride at the window
I did not miss alone
I must her from here you
Shout about your love.

Groom ................................................


But we will not give it so much
Testing you want.
What agrees or not?
Well, then keep the answer!
We are on this very place
Let's tell you about the bride:
Merry, Slim, Mila,
And I took everything and everyone took.
And you, friends, what are you standing?
Well - ka, praise a friend!
Let a friend - a witness slowly
Let us list the merit of the groom.
If a friend does not call ten qualities,
There will be a complete turn from the threshold to the gate.

Witness ......................................................


Yes, the groom is yours - well done.
Our product, and your merchant.
But the bride is far away
It is not easy to get to her.
To achieve her hands
We must work to work well.

Bride girlfriend: (in front of the porch)

To pass us
And the bride is the way to find,
We will give you riddles,
Guess them without regard
And show up
And I do not have it - pay!
"Nasty, neither kroen, but all in the scar;
Without accounts and all without fasteners. "(Kochan cabbage)

Groom ................................................

Evidence: And you have no cabbage?! Give a ruble a hundred times !!!

Groom ................................................

Bride girlfriend:

"And a combo, and nostril,
And gently and lodko,
And all my miles. " (Bread)

Groom ................................................


What? And there is no bread too?
Give copper coins to us!

Groom ................................................

Evidence: (on the porch)

Before rising
We'll have to get together with thoughts.
On the porch you get up
Another riddle is guess.
If the correct answer is
So there is no demand.
If you do not guess,
Will buy us to give
Ile Bride Do not see:
"Light, rustling, talking about many
Without it can not live
To the store, go to the cinema
And get the bride. "(Money)

Groom ................................................


As you managed to guess
So sorts and give us.

Groom ................................................

Evidence: (front door)

Here is the first barrier
Door open this one you need
Day and night will creak
What does it require? (Wines)

Groom ................................................

Evidence: (in the entrance)

On each site
Blocks around the chocolate.

Groom ................................................

Evidence: (on the staircase-1 adjustment)

Here is the ladder cherished
You go on the ladder
The bride is tenderly called
Yes, setting:
* (prepare a wet towel in advance)
"Show your love. TURN TOOTON so tight as hard
You will love your future wife. " ....
"And now the towel blinds so fast
How quickly will your quarrels with my wife stop. " ....

Evidence: (on the stairs-2 steps)

On the step you get up
And the poem read us
So as not to be a bad father
Children's teach poems.
We will ask you guys
Share five pieces in a row.

Bridegroom ................................................ ..

Evidence: (on the stairs-3 steps)

You have a people hung
Joke tell us.

Groom ...............................................................

Evidence: (on stairs-4 steps)

* Prepare a pelvis, putting it on the way at the groom with the words:
"Put here the most valuable gift for your bride."
* The groom is tested until it guess that the most valuable gift is he himself and will not get his feet in the pelvis.

Evidence: (on the staircase)

Want to rise upwards, in richer spook.
But the name of the one, about whom you are so many dreams.
Him, probably, have you already noticed?
Obid on his money with paper,
So that I walked the bridal that I really important.

Groom ......................................................

Evidence: (in front of the door of the apartment)

* There are several inflated balls, inside each ball sheets with an inscription, on one of the "key" leaves, and on the other any ransom)

Sticks! Behind this door
There is a bride, you believe me.
Only the key is here for now.
You get it first.

** The bridegroom must burst the ball behind the ball until the ball is found with the leaflet on which the "key" is written.

Evidence: (in front of the door of the bride)

Opened you heavy gate
In the Svetlitsa Maiden
Well, and now find out try
What is your "thread"?
* The bride, two - three girlfriends and grandmother closed in the room. When the groom comes up to the locked room, he sees a few threads (their number depends on the number of people in the room), which look out from - under the closed door of the room. The other end of these threads are tied to the fingers of people in the room. When the groom pulls behind a string, it turns out to it, to which this thread was tied.

Evidence: take her wife or pay tribute!

Everything continues until the groom guess his bride.

Evidence: (in the bride's room)

Tests of darkness passed. To the main goal you reached!
Well, Maxim, she is yours. Only shill with me.
If you do not find a shuffle, I will not tell Katya to the registry office ...

* When the groom overcomes all the obstacles and finds the bride, it turns out that she has no shoes. He is offered to find it. On the room decompose a few boxes with shoes. The groom should guess the one in which the bride's shoe is. For each incorrectly aggregated box with shoes of the groom pays redemption. The test ends when the bridegroom finds a shoe with its narrowed and elegantly puts her on the leg of her beloved.

** for competition with balls

For you, the beauty of the dance fiance to us on the pelvis,
And you, a witness, not Roby, dance us the dance of swans.
For nonsense, the dress is an elegant - give us wine grape.
For nonsense heel - two thousand in the cam.
For a little smile - chocolate give us a tile.
For nonsense, a ringing laughter - give us all the candies.
For you, the gait - give a bottle of vodka.

* Key! * * Key! * * Key! * * Key! * * Key! *

Song - a part of the young.
(on the motive "song crocodile genes")

1. Will be joy and happiness,
There will be troubles, adversity,
And the year is flying a series,
We will always remember
Bridegroom flaming
And the bride is so young.

If a quarrel due to a pair
Undergraduate boiler
Throw think of cutlets,
Eat vinaigrette.

2. What love is not fun
Of course, you know
Let your love be easy,
About diapers and nipples
Does not prevent you from thinking:
So it was put in the centuries.

Chorus: And girls, and boys,
Like flowers in the Great Garden.
It is a pity that their birth
Only once a year.

3. Let them come to you today
Sincere people
And the keys to the apartment will be awarded!
And your chiefs
I will add salary
No reason will not grumble.

Chorus: We sang our song,
So run quickly to the registry office
And we are all together today
We will drink for you!

Ekaterina Gromova