Sister bride husband who. The names of future relatives: who someone comes from after the wedding

Hello, Victoria! From your question it becomes clear that you need to know who the brothers' wife fall towards each other. So, for such relatives there is not one, but at once a few names. So, familiar to us such names like a daughter-in-law, and Snow - in some sources, they are interpreted only as: Snow - the wife's wife for his mother. The daughter-in-law is the wife of the Son for his father. Although, along with this, there is a fairly big confusion with these names in other sources. So, for example, in Wikipedia, and in many other sources, the daughter-in-law also call a woman in relation to the family of her husband at all: to his mother (mother-in-law), to the brothers (devices) and to the sisters (sidelines), to the wives of the brothers (Yatrovka, Snotters) and to the husbands of the sisters (chance). In other sources, the wife's brother's husband is also called Snowy.

A much less familiar name for our ear - Yatrov (Yatrovka). Snow-tree - Lellery's wife. That is, yatters, snotters are women whose husbands are brothers, in relation to each other. Also in Wikipedia, such women are also indicated by another name - Bratova, with an emphasis on the first syllable. Honestly, I have never heard of my life so that someone's relatives use such names like Yatrovka, Snow-tree or Bratov. But maybe in the old days, people called each other.

It seems to me that these unusual names are just faithful than sleeping and daughter-in-law. But I believe that because they for some reason did not enter our daily use, then they got along and became hearing, such words as daughter-in-law and a snow.

Although, in any case, the wife of two brothers can not be for each other relatives in the full sense of the word, since there is no direct blood between them. And the relatives they are only on the basis of the fact that they married two brothers. As far as I understand, such a relationship is called a property.

Since our country is still (and, thank God, in my opinion) refers to those countries where the traditional family management of relations remains the norm, then in this regard, we constantly have questions about who who and who else has to. And people often think that absolutely for all levels of related relationships are invented by the names long before our appearance. But, in fact, it is still not entirely so, and for many people who are consisting of relations, clear and well-known names are not. Moreover, I think they are not at all necessary to invent. Agree, there is no big need to call some specific word of people who have become relatives for one or another reason. After all, we can always call them by name, or by name, or simply allegorically. Most importantly, mutual understanding, trust and love reign in a large family.

Related relations are a very interesting topic, which after the wedding rite becomes especially relevant. Whoever comes after the wedding of the bride and the bride - the question of exciting and serious, especially for new relatives. In the old days, know its progenitors and all relatives, blood and not blood, was considered an honorable and important stage of the beginning of a joint life.

In the modern world, young people often do not know how they are called some kind of relatives and who someone has to after the wedding. If a child appears in the family, he does not care for understanding who moms, dad, grandparents, sister or brother. But with other related relations, if not confusion, then just elementary ignorance.

How did relationship arose?

Approximately two hundred years ago, blood relatives traditionally lived together: in the same manor, yard or a big house. It was also accepted if the son was born in the family, building him a house next to the parent, where she after the wedding could bring his wife. It happened that one street in the village consisted only from the homes of relatives. Then the concept of kinship was something ordinary, and everyone knew who someone had to in the family after the wedding.

In the old days, related relationships, even distant, were considered very strong, and mutual assistance and support did not apply to leasing. Save the genus to survive and continue it - the main goal of all close people of past centuries, which are in one way or another.

Modern society is far from the old ideas about the family. Unfortunately, now even parents and children living near each other are seen very rarely, not to mention distant relatives. Blood bond is not supported by staging, gratuitous material assistance, common family structure, so related relations, especially distant, are under threat and gradually die away.

Porn blood

Even if in a young family there is no tradition to know all his relatives, anyway arises of interest who someone else has after the wedding. Related ties, regardless of whether they are strong or not, have a certain degree of importance, especially if they are blood.

The first degree of related relationship concerns children and parents, blood sisters and brothers who have a common father and mother. One who has one father and different mothers are one who has one father and various mothers, and in one-utilous, on the contrary, are one, and the fathers are different.

The second native degree belongs to grandparents, grandchildren. This level of related relationships is also important, as the first, because the grandmother and grandfather is equally, as from the parents, the external similarities, diseases, other physical and psychological features are transmitted.

The third degree of relationships already with the prefix - gRA: great-grandfather and great-grandmothers. For grandchildren, these are parents of their grandparents. This category also includes uncle, aunt, nephews, that is, brothers and sisters of parents.

Family ties

There are three types of related links:

  • Blood relationship (relatives).
  • Rabbit for marriage (delicacies).
  • Communication unrequisites.

Any family having children, one way or another in the future acquires a new relative, which will not refer to the blood category of relatives - it is also called "prison". Each representative of this category has its name and, accordingly, a certain meaning.

Relatives of the groom

After the legal entry into marriage acquire a special value of the information who someone comes from after the wedding. Relatives from the bridegroom for the bride will be referred to as follows: Father - Beetor, mother - mother-in-law, brother - Lelin, sister - Zolovka, Brother's husband's wife - daughter-in-law, and his husband's husband is son-in-law. The parents of the bride and groom after the wedding call each other matchmakers.

Rodin Bride

For the groom notation of the newly minted relatives other. Who else comes after the wedding? Relatives from the bride also should not be forgotten. So, the mother of his wife becomes the mother-in-law for him, the father - the test, sister - the scene, brother - Shurin, his wife - a daughter-in-law, and her husband sisters.

If in one family there are native brothers, and they have wives, then they fall for each other, and the husbands of blood sisters are quiet.

Fountable blood relatives

At the present time, he gradually began to fade interest who someone comes from after the wedding. With the birth of a new family, which will slowly acquire with their children, much significance of distant relatives will not have, given the way of modern life. In order to give tribute to tradition, you need to have a lot of free time, which is limited to the twenty-first century.

If you are interested to know who else after the wedding, you can create a generic tree, considering that the category of blood relatives includes his side branches. Usually, at the beginning of the genus, general proceeds are indicated that are remote relatives. It is from them that begins counting.

The fourth degree of blood relatives is cousins \u200b\u200band brothers, grandparents, grandchildren's nephews (grandchildren of their sisters and brothers).

The fifth degree of kinship is cousins \u200b\u200band uncle, nephews.

The sixth, the most distant, - the rich sisters and brothers, that is, children of cousins \u200b\u200bof parents.

The remaining degrees of blood relations are considered very distant and not tracked by many.

Relatives are not blood

Very useful and curious information who someone comes from after the wedding, if the relationship is not blood. You can read about the bride and the bride above, but there are many others that are interconnected by unblovy bonds. So, if the groom has a child from another marriage, then for the future wife he will be a stepmother or a padchier. The wife is considered for the blood son or her daughter's husband a stepmother, and a non-rigid father - stepfather. The godfather and father (kingdom of friends) among themselves Kumany.

Depth of kind

The genus and its duration depends on the number of generations of children who have a blood relationship among themselves. It is they who determine the scale of the generic tree. Usually branches and crowns, schematically depicted, are children's families. Due to the complexity of tracking weddings, deaths and other events that influenced their genus, special chronicles were conducted in ancient aristocratic families.

Now the tracking of the family family is deeper than the fourth generation is considered complexity, it is difficult to understand in this situation who someone comes from after the wedding. Rodin of young (non-bar) often has no significant meaning if there is no close spiritual or friendly communication between these people.

The child born in the family of nephews is called - the niece (niece grandson or granddaughter, great-grandfather or greatness and further in depth of birth). The grandson of his brother or sister makes grandfather and grandfather from aunt and uncle, and such children are called grandchildren.

Cousin and its depth

If the bride and groom have cousins \u200b\u200band sisters, they are also called cousins, then for young children they will also be cousins, but already aunts and uncles. These categories are considered blood relationship, but far. Know your pedigree and track all branches of two hundred or three hundred years ago was considered the privilege of aristocrats and was a confirmation of a high position in society. The same thing concerned just rich people, landowners and merchants.

In some European countries, the tradition has so far been preserved, honoring their ancestors and make a pedigree, which, as usual, is conducted from the Father to the Son. That is why in the royal and rich families the birth of the heir was of paramount importance for the kind.

It is no secret that modern society is far from the ideal relationship between relatives, even blood. Conflicts on the soil of family troubles, gossip, material and housing problems are increasingly leading to real wars, where there is no place of love and reverence. And even the fact of creating a new family, which is so important to know who anyone else after the wedding, the rod of the groom (or, on the contrary, the bride) can not always take on a variety of reasons.


They refer to the category of close blood relations, and sometimes they can even replace children aunts and children who do not have their own. Nephews are siblings of single siblings and sisters. They are also cousins \u200b\u200band sisters to children of native aunt and uncle.

Unfortunately, it happens that cousins \u200b\u200bor nephews enter into marriage. This leads to various genetic pathologies and degeneration. In this case, it is best to know who who comes from after the wedding. The relatives of the bride and the groom establishes that who cannot be turned into marriage unions of blood. In the meantime, in many European and other countries, such marriages are not welcome officially, but not prosecuted.

Standing relatives

This kinship is more in-depth, and it affects brothers and sisters of different branches of the genealogical tree. For example, when children of sisters or brothers grow and get their families, they begin a new branch. Therefore, the greater in such marriages there will be children, the crown looks more magnificent and branches. However, the level of kinship in all families is determined only at the depth of the roots.

Decipher the values \u200b\u200band meaning of the naming of all delicacies and blood close by blood can only be studied by the family life of a particular person. In order to understand who is a grand-nephew, trace the relatives of a woman who has a blood brother or sister. For example, her children will be considered nephews for coastal close. Over time, growing up, nephews are married or married, they have their children who will be called grandchildren. In the future, the depth of the kind is determined by the niece grandchildren, great-grandchildren and further with the prefix -Prapra.

In addition to all the names of close relatives and delicacies, there are a huge multitude of secondary and third-party relatives, which can be referred to as familiar or go beyond the scope of related relationships. Modern families are increasingly preferred, or it comes out on objective reasons, do not track the depth of kinship, and the family legacy is transmitted, regardless of the floor and the number of children.

Natalia Erofeevskaya May 31, 2018.

In life it rarely happens that someone does not have relatives at all - as a rule, any person has the closest people (Mom and Dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents) or distant (uncle and aunt, cousins \u200b\u200band cousins, cousins , TRUE, etc.). Wedding is the case when circle of relatives can significantly expand. And let the relatives of the future husband and the future wife are not a blood, these are those people who are not only now relatives, but later they can become sincere friends and reliable support.

Who someone and who comes in the family after the wedding

The tradition denotes relatives with certain concepts came from Tsarist Rus - kinship after the wedding expanded at times. As a rule, family-related families lived in one settlement, and since the children were born a lot, and then they married or married, the total number of all kinds of relatives often was not even dozens. Add here the uncomplicated, repeatedly repeated from the generation into generation names, and now do not figure it out: what aunt Marya for a cereal to run - to the one who has a bearded husband, or to the one who has recently hotels?

The correct name of this or that relative in Russia significantly facilitated life and made less confusion.

Of course, now it does not touch anyone to call and say: "Hello, sly! How are you?" And the father of the spouse is called the sweetener, except in conversations with friends. There is no practical value in such information, but at least for general development right names of all related links It is worth knowing.

Everyone knows the referral "posts" - the father-in-law and mother-in-law, mother-in-law and beetor. More advanced will be able to more or less confidently clarify who woven and Kumany, as well as Cola or Shurin. But if you touch the slytakov, nods, devices - then the impenetrable darkness of the kindred relations is already beginning ... Once and for all to deal with who who and who comes in the family after the wedding will help this article.

Rodin from the bride

Let's start with the female half of the family, more precisely, with the relatives of his wife, which automatically and, regardless of their own wishes, acquires the groom at the time of uttering the wedding oath.

Relatives of the bride and groom

So, dad bride. One of the most important and, as a rule, respected relatives from the future wife. And here we are faced with the fact that the same person for different people will be referred to in different ways - it all depends on related links:

  • for the groom, the father of the bride is a father-in-law;
  • for the Father and Mother of the Groom - Swat.

Who is such a swat? According to his family, these are parents of the bride and groom in relation to each other - and this name is easy to remember on the one-name humorous series "Svat". For example, daughter-in-time father for her husband's parents - Swat. But the mother of the groom and the mother of the bride among themselves and for spouses the opposite side are tortured.

Mom of the bride for the groom - mother-in-law. Despite the huge number of sarcastic jokes about the mother-in-law, in fact, a much larger number of conflicts arises at the female half of the family, between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

Mother of the bride - mother-in-law for the groom

The sister of the bride for the groom, as well as the sister of daughter-in-law for mother-in-law or father-in-law. Brother's brother (or brother daughter-in-law for mother-in-law or mother-in-law) - Shurin, and not a sacrifice, as many mistakenly believe. Sistema is the husband of sisters. Spouses, sisy. Bride's sister's bride, although not yet an official relative, can also be referred to at the expense of the near future. And Shurina, and the silent with a sideways of the groom falls by the son-in-law, as well as the parents of the bride.

Rodney from the side of the groom

We begin, traditionally, from the parents: Mom Groom - Mother-in-law, Father Bridegroom - Beetor. Of course, no girl in the eyes towards them is so applied. It is worth saying a few words about the etymology of these related terms: the words "Svekr" and "Sweetov" originate from the ancient Indian "Svacuras" - "all blood", that is, this is a recognized chapter of the genus whose blood flows in all subsequent generations.

But how to call her husband's parents after the wedding - each bride determines itself, in accordance with the traditions of his own family and personal wishes: in some families, the "mother" and "dad" and her husband's parents and their parents are called in respect and recognition by their closest people. But in the modern world and the option by name-patronycia increasingly takes place - it is no less respectful appeal.

The brother of the spouse is a girl, the bride's sister for the bride - Zolovka. The cousin of the bride for the bride or the cousin of the far-related line is possible and have their own names, but in such debursions of the official names of related links should not be deepened. If you need to circulate, you can simply use their names. And for her husband's parents, and for his brothers-sisters his chosen is a daughter-in-law.

Brother Groom - Lelin

General related statuses

Despite the fact that the names of the kindred statuses, which is called, established, changes in all this detailed classification is historically observed. And families are not so numerous now, there is no such related branching and close communication with distant non-governmental relatives are becoming less and less "popular." Many names disappeared Or is it used to be completely distant from civilization of depths.

There are also such related "posts" that denote one or another person regardless of his belonging to the clan of the groom or the bride. For example, brother's wife (no matter, brother's brother or brother's bride) is a daughter-in-law. Completely, the wife or bride brother is called the same way as young in relation to her husband's parents. Brothers' wives for each other - Yat.

For baptism of the baby, the godfather and father and their father are invited and they do not necessarily have blood relatives, and they should not be husband and wife. For the kid, these people will become the godfather, and among themselves Kum and Kuma.

The grandmother of the bride or grandmother of the groom in relation to the young usually no special term is called - the beautiful and kind name of "grandmother" sounds good and naturally, both from the mouth of blood relatives and from the newly acquired. We will not be able to ask, perhaps among the newly acquired relatives, there are established traditions - for example, the grandmother is respectfully called by name, and brothers or sisters of her husband-wife have diminutive, generally accepted names.

Grandma Bride

Separate theme - children from previous marriages. The daughter of her husband from the first marriage, however, as the daughter of his wife, - Padderitsa: a child status known in many fairy tales (while the new wife's father for stepdaughter is a stepmother). The son of her husband from the first marriage is called Pasyanka, the son of his wife from the first marriage is also a stepper. A man for adoptive children - stepfather.

You can try to remember all these names - after all, in binding to a specific, maybe, a very interesting and friendly person it is not difficult. And you can take advantage of the visual tip: the desired genealogical tree or the detailed scheme of relatives with the names after the wedding will help not get confused, especially if a lot of relatives will help.

Who is who at the wedding?

The above information on how to call relatives after the wedding is rather entertaining than some kind of practical nature. You can then in a circle of family or friends shine with erudition, you can also at the wedding to hold an interesting competition or a test among those present - in real life, so to refer to the newly arrived relatives are hardly necessary. The main thing is that the young family life has a happy and complete wealth, and the task of relatives, regardless of their precipitative, sometimes not remembering the names of the "Shurin" or "Changing", - to support and help the family in difficult moments.

The names of related status do not change in centuries, fashion and time above them are not powerful

Maslenitsa will come very soon, and with her daffle, the custodials are dumbfounded. Carnival can be considered a holiday aimed at strengthening family connections. But in our modern bustle, we lost a lot, and some of us were forgotten how close relatives called each other in Russia. Maybe remember at least some ...

So, who is who in our relative clan:
Much - Mother of his wife.
Text - Father of his wife.
Shurin - brother-in-law.
Svetrov - Mother husband.
Svetoch - Father husband.
Zolovka - husband's sister.
Leller - Brother husband.
Sweat, Svat. - Parents of one of the other parents.
Son-in-law - My husband's husband, sisters, sinks.
Daughter-in-law - Son's wife, brother.
Daughter-in-law - Wives of two brothers in relation to each other.
Pobedaenitsa - My wife's sister.
Sweet - Husband's husband.
Sobety - husbands of two sisters in relation to each other.
Snow - Son's wife in relation to his father.

Now there is a lot of raising fertility. But little to conceive and give birth to a child. To grow truly happy, the baby needs to be born in a strong family, where adults love and respect each other. It is bad or good, but in the strength and durability of the young family, the older generation plays a considerable role, namely the relationship between parents and chosense / chief son or daughter.

How many are the jokes of the anecdot about the teachings and the inventions, how much bitterness and insult sometimes in the life stories of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law! And as often, the quarrels between them lead to the breakdown of a young family ... This problem is old as the world itself. But most often arise in the "Women's Line".

It is quite rare to hear about the bad relationship between the swarm and the daughter-in-law or between the son-in-law and the test. What is the cause? Women's emotionality? Inability or reluctance to take advantage of new circumstances and new people? In theory, a woman should be flexible, softer, the kind men's half. But in practice, for some reason, everything happens on the contrary. Sad, of course.

In the 21st century, the role of a man is far from being that was in the preceding centuries. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, the man was still the head of the house, the main minider and the breadwinner. From his ability to work, mind and "golden hands" depended, the family will survive in general and whether to live decent in particular. Therefore, the husband's authority was in the family in continuous.

But the economic dependence of the woman remained in the past. Now the wife is along with her husband, and sometimes more of him. Yes, and for the role of support, modern men are suitable, alas, little. All this led to the fact that a woman became the head of the family, even if she calls her husband a leader in words, almost everything solves "gray cardinal". The man in the best case demonstrates the virtual crown, like a rooster bright comb. Although, of course, there are both happy families, where the husband unequivocally recognizes equality and behaves in everyday life as an equal partner. And here the most important thing is to create and save the favorable atmosphere in the house.

Well, if the husband and wife have one view of household, spending and accumulation of money, raising children, sexual relations and the form of recreation. If not, then the world will help to keep the world will help wisdom, compliance, compromises - and not only from the wife of his wife, but also from her husband. Psychologists put a lot of effort to investigate the word "must". And now it turns out that no one should anything. Does it go for the benefit? I am afraid it is not.

After all, it turns out that, creating a family, young people should not be responsible for her? Do not take care of children? Respect old people? Make money and create a comfort in the house should not too? Why then family, if everyone is in itself? I think that, entering into marriage, we must understand that without a sense of duty, respect and confidence in any family will not work. Lovely flies quickly, and love lives for a long time if both spouses make efforts to save it.

It is necessary to learn to give up each other, take the habits of your beloved, beloved, even if they do not quite like, to show tenderness, understanding, to support all family members. During a quarrel should not seek to leave the last word. It should be cooled and then quietly discuss the problem, find a solution that would suit both. Indifference, irresponsibility, malice, selfishness, mistrust quickly undermine the foundation of the family focus, and the past is scattered literally in the eyes.

Unfortunately, many of our men are spoiled by mothers and with ease, all concerns shift on women's shoulders. And then the mother-in-law requires her son to pension to pension, like a five-year-old baby. Why is it considered the norm that a man is absolutely helpless in everyday life, sometimes to such an extent that the kitchen can find only along the arrow on the wall? I, of course, exaggerate, but still! Rising sons, does not interfere with teach them to serve themselves, explain that the wife and servants are absolutely different things. After all, once the mother-in-laws themselves were in exactly the same shitzation as their daughter-in-law. And as they suffered from infantality and mismanagement of their husbands. Why turn the Son into a copy of the loser?

Often it happens that mom, having wondered at work and by farm, forgets to give his son the most important thing, namely emotional warmth. It seems to be fed, oat, dressed, wage, but, without having received the required amount of maternal attention, the boy, turning into a man, grows cold, smooth. Having lost in love, he awakens for a while, having collapsed on the elected all the cured.

And here the girl is important to behave correctly - consolidate all the positive manifestations of love, be affectionate, not to hide your joy from his manifestations of love. And not to take over all the lots of life. I still encounter your chosen one, offer him to go together to the market, cook breakfast dinner, climbing the apartment. A young man in love with pleasure will respond to your requests. And in the future will take their participation in everyday life.

Parents of her husband and wife play a considerable role in the preservation of the microclimate, especially the female part. And both should remember their youth and not interfere in the business of a young family. Neither a teaching nor mother-in-law should be rushing to protect their "dieties". Diety grew. He has his own life. Parental power over the child is temporary. But the love of the son or daughter, their respect can be saved only by non-interference policies.

You want your children and grandchildren happy? So let them know their nest, overcome difficulties, correct mistakes and accumulate your own experience of family well-being.

As soon as a person is born into the world, his relatives appear in this same minute. Grandpa, Grandma, Sister, Brother, Dad, Mom - Pretty familiar names of relatives. Most likely, there will be no difficulty with orientation here, so the explanations will be superfluous.

Time is not standing on the spot, and once a small child grows up, then finds a satellite (companion), life, bonds his union by legitimate marriage, and his new relatives appear.

In order to deal with the meanings and names of new relatives, you should contact the dictionaries of the modern Russian literary language. Although, now not all words are used equally. A person understands their without any explanation, although quite rarely uses their correct name.

Consider the main names of new relatives

  • Parents husband - mother-in-law, beet.
  • Husband's sister - Zolovka.
  • Parents of his wife - mother-in-law, father-in-law.
  • Parents of spouses in relation to each other - Swat, to go.
  • Zolovka's husband, husband sisters, husband daughter - son-in-law.
  • A woman in marriage in relation to his husband's native husband, spouses and brothers, mother, father - Snow (daughter-in-law).
  • Brother husband - Lelin.
  • Brother's wife - Shurin.
  • Husbands of sisters - quiet
  • Daughter, son of native aunt and uncle - cousin, brother.
  • Children sisters and brothers are nephews.
  • Children cousins \u200b\u200band brothers are cousins.
  • Grandchildren sister or brother - grandchildren.
  • In relation to his nephews, children sisters or brother - aunt, uncle.
  • The cousin, (brother) of Mother or Father is a cousin (uncle).
  • Aunt, (Uncle) along the mother's mother or Father - a cousin (grandfather).
  • Sister of Wife - Pobedaenitsa
  • Children who do not have blood relationship with spouses - stepper, stepdaughter.
  • A woman who has become his wife's wife, and not having a biological connection with a child becomes his stepmother. A man who became her husband's husband is stepfather.
  • The son-in-law, which lives in the family of his wife - Primak.
  • Most often, the cousins \u200b\u200bor friends who cut down each other in hard times are twin.
  • The godfather and the godfather is among themselves - Kuma, Kum.

Consider more such a name of relatives as mother-in-law. So, with good-natured, warm relations in the family, as well as with good mutual understanding between the son-in-law and the mother-in-law, most often the son-in-law calls her mom. Today in real life it is quite difficult to meet the grumpy and evil mother-in-law, most often this image remains in jokes. Entry of modern families allows one to take over all the responsibilities of the second mother, because it is engaged in the preparation of delicious dinners and dinners, erases and sniffs, helps to raise grandchildren. There are even cases when, after the divorce of spouses, the former mother-in-law continues to maintain warm relationships with the former son-in-law.

In addition to the main names listed, the names of relatives, there are the concept of single-litty and single-utilous relatives. This is when between relatives, sisters and brothers there are no direct blood kinship, i.e. Father they have one, but they were born from different mothers or when different fathers, and children were born from one mother. Summary sisters and brothers are also called persons who do not have any kinship, i.e. They do not have common parents. Dairy is considered sisters and brothers who were fed by the same woman.