Contractions how to understand that they are real. Symptoms of false contractions during pregnancy in the last weeks. Latent stage - sensations

The main issue for a pregnant woman in the second half of pregnancy is the date of the upcoming birth. And especially in this regard, expectant mothers who will give birth for the first time are worried. Young women are afraid that they will not be able to determine the onset of labor in time.

Gynecologists-obstetricians advise young women who are worried about the date of the onset of labor to worry less and in the last weeks of gestation to become more attentive to the changes taking place in their own body, its sensations.

It will be useful to know that the body of the expectant mother begins active preparation for future childbirth from about the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy. During this period, the first signs (harbingers) of future childbirth appear and a woman can experience the first, training muscle contractions.

Contractions of this type will be irregular and fast-passing: it will be enough to change the position of the body or lie down to rest.

The onset of training contractions in primiparous is usually observed 7-5 days before the onset of labor. You do not need to worry about the appearance of such uterine contractions, just know that it is time to get ready for the hospital. Tell your family and friends about your feelings, as well as the doctor leading the pregnancy.

Attention! You should immediately seek medical help at the first sign of leakage or outpouring of fetal waters. This symptom eloquently indicates the onset of preterm labor.

If a woman learns to determine the sensations of her body during training uterine contractions, she will definitely not confuse the moment at which the true contractions begin. Their main feature is rhythm and periodicity. For example, the contraction itself lasts about 20-25 seconds, then a time interval of twenty minutes passes and the muscle spasm repeats. Please note that the time pause during true contractions is practically unchanged. With the onset of such contractions, the expectant mother urgently needs to seek medical help, because she may start giving birth at any time.

Now you know when to expect the onset of labor and how to distinguish true contractions from training contractions, but what signs can indicate to a woman that contractions will start soon? We will discuss this in detail in the next section of the article.

Signs that may indicate an early onset of uterine contractions

Let's make a reservation right away: the forerunners of the onset of labor listed below in primiparous mothers will begin much earlier (about 7-8 days) than in women who are about to have a second birth. In women giving birth for the second time, precursors appear immediately before childbirth.

Symptoms of the onset of labor may be as follows:

  • A phenomenon that doctors call "flexion" will occur. It is characterized by a softening of the lower part of the uterus and its expansion and occurs when the head of the fetus sinks lower into the pelvic region, preparing for birth. You can notice that the body has gone through the "flexion" stage by its own sensations: for example, you may feel that heartburn has ceased to bother you, or that it has become much easier for you to breathe. "Flexion" occurs about three to four weeks before the baby is born, but if the baby is in a second or third birth, there may be
    immediately before the onset of labor;
  • One of the sensations that accompanies the early onset of contractions may be pain syndrome, which will be observed in the pubic area and back. The syndrome manifests itself because the baby's head is low in the pelvic region. In this case, a woman may experience not only painful sensations, but also frequent urge to urinate, swelling of the lower extremities. Special exercises for pregnant women can relieve symptoms;
  • Changes in vaginal discharge can be a harbinger of the approaching date of birth: their number increases, the discharge can change color.

Note: If the vaginal discharge changes color to a pale pinkish, there is nothing to worry about. But if you observe that the discharge is yellow or with abundant foam, immediately consult a doctor. Such discharge is most often a sign of an infection introduced into the body.

Training contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions that appear before childbirth can mislead and scare a woman. In fact, these contractions are normal and help the uterus to stretch the muscles to the right extent so that the fetus can turn around and prepare for its birth. Also, due to these muscle contractions, the uterine neck softens and opens.

Changes in the woman's behavior, chills and even diarrhea can talk about the approach of childbirth. But the main sign of the imminent onset of labor is true contractions.

True fights

The main symptom of true prenatal contractions is the dilatation of the cervix, which before childbirth becomes a permanent process, as well as constant compression-unclenching of the uterus. At first, such movements of the uterus are irregular (Braxton-Hicks contractions), later they become more and more prolonged and intense.

Young expectant mothers expect that pain during contractions will appear exclusively in the lower abdomen, but grasping sensations can also be observed in the back. If you are worried about severe attacks of back pain and the interval at the beginning of such unusual contractions is no more than five minutes, call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

When you need to urgently go to the hospital

You need to know that the initial grasping period can last for many hours. If, with these manifestations of uterine contraction, you feel normal, the pain is barely perceptible, you can stay at home and calmly collect "Generic suitcase".

If, during the uterine contractions, you feel severe pain or they are observed every five minutes, and the grasping attack itself lasts about a minute, labor will begin soon and it is advisable for you to be under the supervision of doctors as soon as possible.

How to recognize contractions - this question is asked by all women expecting their first child. And multiparous, having forgotten the details of the generic process, also ask, fearing to miss the crucial moment. But, as it turns out in reality, it is simply impossible to miss the beginning of contractions. Although, on the other hand, it is realistic to confuse them with false, so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions. Let's try to figure out what these contractions are.

It should be noted right away that the body of every woman is individual. It is impossible to clearly convey all the sensations that a woman will experience at the moment of the onset of labor. Some experience sharp pain and feel the muscles tighten. The second feel the aching pain in the lower abdomen, which either increases or subsides. Still others have severe pain in the lower back. In addition, it should be remembered that before real contractions, training sessions are almost always held, which prepare the female body for the upcoming birth and help to get used to the pain.

What are contractions

A contraction is a contraction of the muscle tissue of the pelvic organs. They are necessary in order to promote softening and reduction in the length of the cervix, as well as the opening of the uterus itself.

The appearance of sudden and short-term sharp pain in the abdomen or lower back can be contractions. It is impossible to confuse it with any other pain. In intensity, it is somewhat reminiscent of very strong painful discomfort during menstruation.

The approximate time for the continuation of the contraction before childbirth (in their first period) is about 30 seconds. The interval is about 15-20 minutes. Over time, the interval should decrease, and the duration should increase.

How to identify training cramps

Everyone who is preparing for the upcoming birth should have information on how to recognize false contractions for sure. The fact is that 80% of women in labor have these contractions. Only a few have the good fortune to give birth quickly and without any preparation-training (although such rapid childbirth does not always have a happy ending, both for mom and baby).

So, Braxton-Hicks contractions (they are also false) have nothing to do with those that notify about the onset of labor. Rather, it is a training for a woman for the upcoming events. They are practically painless and do not have a cyclical nature. The time interval between such contractions is different. Why might they appear? There are plenty of reasons. This is the stress of a pregnant woman, a light experience and a surge of emotions, fatigue. These imaginary contractions pass as suddenly as they appeared. It is enough for a woman to either change position, or stand up and walk, or bend over and take a few deep breaths to feel relief.

The beginning of labor

It is not worth focusing on how to recognize training contractions. It is better to prepare yourself for how to survive the real beginning of the first birth period. After all, it is known that not only the outcome and course of the birth itself depends on the mood of the woman in labor, but also how painful the birth of a child will be for the mother herself. It is very important not to panic and strictly follow the instructions of the doctors.

If you notice that contractions are regular, the pain that occurs during this increases and becomes longer, and the rest time is getting shorter, you should know that you are in the first stage of labor. Now it is very important to notice, by the second, how long the contractions last and the break time between contractions. As soon as the break is less than 4 - 5 minutes, and the painful contractions are more than a minute, we can safely say that the baby will be born very soon. Here's how to spot real labor pains without a doctor's help. Mom needs to stock up on strength and patience so that, having done everything right, give birth to a healthy child.

It's hard to explain in words what contractions are like. But if you carefully listen to your feelings, then you can determine when and how the contractions begin before childbirth is within the power of everyone.

Most of all women are afraid of pain, they say it can seem unbearable. But it's important to remember that the stronger the fear, the more painful the contractions will feel. On the contrary, a positive attitude and the expectation of an early meeting with the baby will make it easier to get through the first stage of labor.

The nature of contractions

Every pregnant woman, especially a primiparous woman, wants to open the veil of secrecy and find out what awaits her during childbirth. Nature arranged everything so that a pregnant woman is prepared for the upcoming test - they manifest themselves for half the term.

It is difficult to compare false contractions with real ones - they are painless, irregular, and the intensity and duration do not increase over time.

Many women, even with training contractions, feel painful sensations, partly reminiscent of those that then appear in childbirth. But it is almost impossible to confuse them.

Both the expecting firstborn and the multiparous mother almost immediately understand what is happening. A walk or a warm bath helps to completely dispel doubts, in such conditions the body calms down.

Often the birth process begins at night. By the time the contractions begin, you will wake up anyway. An inner voice will immediately tell you that the long-awaited moment is near. Shortly before the onset of labor, you may be bothered by other signs of impending labor:

  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen
  • long "silence" in the tummy - the child hardly moves
  • painful pulling sensations in the lower back
  • bloody discharge

We are observing

Contractions are usually called involuntary regular contractions of the uterus, which, together with attempts, lead to the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.

Most often, childbirth begins with contractions, and not the outpouring of water, marking the beginning of the first period of labor. Due to painful contractions, the cervix opens completely (we are talking about 10-12 cm).

In this state, the neck is ready for the baby to pass through it. The contractions will stop after the appearance of the baby, and at the second stage of childbirth, attempts will also be added to them.

It is important to record the time when you felt the first contractions, especially if labor began with them, and not with the outpouring of amniotic fluid.

Immediately arm yourself with a pen and paper and note the time and duration of each contraction. Contractions, ideally, should gradually lengthen and intensify, but the time intervals between them should be shortened.

Primiparas should not neglect data capture. Writing and analyzing will help you concentrate and distract yourself from pain, sometimes severe even in the first period.

And the doctor, with the help of notes, will understand at what stage the birth is and whether there are reasons that can interfere with the normal course of the birth process.

There are three stages in the period of contractions:

  1. Initial or hidden stage.
    • Duration on average eight hours, the interval between contractions 5-10 minutes.
    • Disclosure up to three centimeters.
  2. Active phase.
    • Duration from three to five hours, the interval between contractions is 2-4 minutes.
    • Disclosure up to seven centimeters. During this period, the duration of the contraction increases to a minute.
  3. Transient stage or phase of deceleration.
    • The shortest stage, from 30 minutes to one and a half hours, the interval between contractions up to a minute.
    • Continues until full disclosure.

In the second and subsequent births, the time for each stage is likely to be shorter.

Irregularity is a sign of pathology

The duration of contractions can vary, and the "distance" between them is often the same. At the beginning of labor, contractions are mostly short, no more than 30 seconds, and occur once every half hour - a sign that enough time will pass before the baby is born.

For primiparous women, the best solution is to spend some time at home. Contraindications: bleeding will not join the process, you are not pregnant with twins and there are no different kinds of pathologies.

When the difference between contractions reaches 10 minutes, it is better to be in the hospital. Do not wait to the last - in the hospital you will have to fill out a number of documents, undergo preparation for childbirth (hygienic shower and enema, examination by a gynecologist on a chair).

It is better to undergo procedures while in a sane state, which will definitely not contribute to severe pain.

Keep in mind that if contractions are very different in intensity and come at different intervals, it is possible that labor has not yet begun, but you just felt the contractions of the Braxton-Hicks.

Another reason for the absence of any regularities is that labor activity is slowed down, and thus the first symptoms of pathology appear. Moreover, weakness often manifests itself in primiparas - then mandatory stimulation will be required.

Otherwise, in such situations, childbirth does not occur soon. While waiting, you can spend up to three days - the painful sensations will wear down the woman and she simply will not have enough strength to push.

Discomfort first, then pain

Let's try to understand how a woman feels during contractions. Many mothers talk about their first sensations of contractions that have just begun - they cannot even be called pain.

Contractions are more like a strong tension of the abdominal muscles with periodic pulsation - gradually the tension increases, and then everything subsides. Sometimes you just feel a kind of discomfort, which gradually develops into something painful.

The foci in which the first pains occur are different parts of the body. Some begin with lower back pain, others primiparous or multiparous pains are felt first in the abdomen.

At this stage, almost all women easily tolerate these signs of the onset of labor. Most mothers, describing pain during contractions, compare them with pain during menstruation, increased tenfold.

But time passes - the contractions intensify and become more frequent. Now the pain arises in the upper abdomen, covering the lower back, and at the peak it can even "reach" the tips of the toes, passing along the legs.

Sometimes there will be a certainty that the moment the contraction reaches its peak, the whole body hurts. During this time, most women in labor require medications to relieve pain.

How to relieve pain

Remember, it is best not to take medications as long as you can manage without pain relievers.

After all, childbirth is a natural process, the body secretes its own painkillers.

Yes, and it was not so long to endure - the long-awaited child will soon appear. Remember, most government hospitals simply won't give you pain relievers. An anesthesiologist is put in place only when they are going to have a cesarean section.

There are several ways to reduce pain.

  • Look for positions that can ease the pain of contractions.
  • Sometimes pregnant women are given IVs before giving birth - then you will not be able to take full advantage of this advice.
  • If you have the opportunity to move freely around the birthplace, try to tilt the body forward at the time of the contraction and lean on the wall - it helps a lot.
  • Try to breathe according to the methods of preparation for childbirth - this method is one of the most effective. A loved one or doula can massage your lower back.
  • For many, a bath or at least a shower helps to relieve pain; they began to be installed in modern maternity wards.

When the pushing begins, the pain will move closer to the perineum, as the baby moves directly through the birth canal. All these signs indicate the imminent birth of a baby - no more than 40 minutes are left.

Most women have long been in a special chair surrounded by doctors. It will seem that there is no strength - in this case, try to use the intervals between attempts for maximum relaxation.

Childbirth: the baby also works

The duration of the periods of childbirth in primiparous women starts from several hours and reaches three days. For those who are expecting a second baby, childbirth is usually quick, since the body acts according to a well-known scheme.

And only in the third stage of the process you will not feel the contractions.

Childbirth by that time is already taking place, now the placenta and other parts of the "house" in which the child lived for nine months will have to appear. Perhaps this moment in childbirth is one of the most calm.

The woman is resting after the work done, and the crumb, tired from vigorous activity, may have fallen asleep. During childbirth, the baby also has a difficult time - he does serious work helping his mother.

At each contraction, the child rests his head on the pelvic floor - he does this thanks to the repulsion reflex he has from the support. It will remain with him even after childbirth for some time - put your palm to the small heels and you can easily feel how the baby pushed off from it.

Another reflex required by the baby during childbirth is called the posotonic reflex. It enables the baby to turn the body following the turn of the head or the pelvic end.

This skill is very important precisely in the process of childbirth, since the child, passing through the birth canal, which has an irregular shape, is forced to turn around several times.

As a rule, during childbirth, mommy does not feel how the baby is moving. Firstly, the movements overlap the sensations from contractions, and secondly, the baby also rests during the moments of “calm”.

If you feel that he is actively moving during or between contractions, then there are signs of fetal hypoxia. Be sure to tell your doctor about your feelings.

Women who are re-bearing a child are already more prepared for the upcoming process. But it is not always possible to recognize contractions during the second childbirth, perceiving true moments as false.

The muscles of the uterus contract throughout pregnancy, but some women begin to feel this closer to the 9th month. These contractions are called prenatal contractions and train the body for the upcoming delivery. The purpose of false contractions is to prepare the uterus and cervix for the baby's birth, the position of the baby in the mother's womb is being adjusted.

The intensity and absence of pain symptoms suggests that training contractions have begun before the second birth. Spasms last no more than 60 seconds, they are irregular, they only cause inconvenience. At these moments, the pregnant woman can practice breathing technique and mastering pain-relieving postures.

Signs of real contractions are also observed during training contractions, if the mucous plug departs ahead of time. It is triggered by either a vaginal examination or intercourse. With false spasms, the plug has a brown tint with no signs of blood.

At the climax of the preparatory muscle contractions, the pain is concentrated only in the lower abdomen. When it begins to spread to the back, this is the beginning of true contractions. Spasms occur at any time of the day, but more often labor activity begins closer to the night, when the body produces oxytocin.

If the duration of contractions does not increase, and the interval between contractions does not decrease, these are false signs. At this stage, the spasm is irregular. When the woman starts to move, the training tension will weaken or stop altogether.


How to understand that contractions have begun during the second birth? The main indicator of birth contractions is their frequency. The spasms are already more frequent, rather painful and last for several hours.
An experienced woman can easily understand the sensations of a second pregnancy. The very sign that it has become easier for the expectant mother to breathe is evidence of a drooping of the abdomen, which previously pressed on the diaphragm. This is the baby's head sank into the upper pelvis.

How are contractions in the second childbirth:

  1. the baby begins to move more actively;
  2. the frequency of spasms and relaxation lasts more than 40 minutes;
  3. in the abdomen and back, the woman feels painful squeezing;
  4. contractions begin gently, reach a climax and gradually subside.

Each subsequent contraction of the uterine muscles is more intense than the previous one, which is a sign of cervical dilatation. Muscle tension pushes the child forward. But initially a mucous plug will come out, resembling a pinkish jelly.

It is possible to determine that contractions have begun by the fluid flowing down the legs - this is a ruptured fetal bladder. In parallel, the body begins to cleanse itself, so the pregnant woman has gastrointestinal disorders, accompanied not only by diarrhea, but also by vomiting.

There are also other accompanying sensations before 2 childbirth. Some pregnant women experience fatigue, lose their appetite, and shiver. Others, on the contrary, have a surge of energy and high spirits. On a subconscious level, a woman has a nesting syndrome, she tries to put things in order in the house.

The timing

Is it possible to skip contractions during the second birth? Yes, this is real if the waters did not completely move away due to the bubble that did not burst. Before the second birth, women wait for all the signs to be present, so muscle tension without draining water is perceived as false.

Contractions in a second-bearing mother do not manifest themselves in the same way as when a child first appears. The muscles of the uterus are already more elastic, the organ becomes soft and pliable in a short period, so everything happens quickly.

If the water has completely departed, and there are no signs, the first contractions of the uterus may appear when labor is already progressing. In order not to miss the main moment, they call an ambulance in case of contractions or their absence at the stage when the liquid began to ooze. This will avoid subsequent infections, fetal suffocation.

But if everything goes according to the standard scheme, then the pregnant woman still has time to prepare for delivery. The process of giving birth to a baby is accompanied by periods of contractions. At the first stage, the spasms are not yet so strong, not long-lasting - everything goes dynamically, on the rise. The phase lasts several hours.

How long do contractions last during a second birth? When it was possible to recognize birth cramps, the woman should control their frequency. If contractions occur every hour, and the relaxation period lasts no more than 20 minutes, it is too early to worry, at this stage delivery is slow.

If the time of contractions is reduced to 10 minutes, and the spasms continue for 40-50 seconds, the period of cervical opening is stated. But if contractions are observed after 2 minutes, and each takes 90 seconds, the baby is already able to leave the uterus, since the cervix is ​​completely open.

When to go to the hospital if contractions have begun during the second birth? Too frequent spasms, with a period of less than 10 minutes, is already a reason to call an ambulance or go to the hospital on your own transport. If in primiparous the phase of expulsion takes about an hour, then in women who give birth again, everything happens in a shorter period.

While waiting for transport, there is a possibility of well-being, doing breathing exercises during contractions. In the interval between spasms, it is advisable to relax, rest, waiting for the next wave. Massage is practiced, which is a natural pain reliever.


Sometimes the first phase of labor is delayed for several hours, or even days. If a woman is already ready for the process, you can speed up the birth of a child with stimulations - shower, nipple massage, exercises. But with pathologies of labor, any independent manipulations are prohibited.

Swift. Usually, second-bearing stages occur quickly enough, immediately moving from one phase to another. When the process takes less than 4 hours, it is said that labor was rapid and considered abnormal. This is due to violations of the contractile functions of the muscles of the uterus. Rapid delivery occurs if the pregnancy was abnormal (severe toxicosis, pyelonephritis, inflammation), or there is a genetic predisposition to myocytosis.

With early birth, premature detachment of the placenta occurs, which threatens the baby's life due to lack of oxygen. There are complications in the mother - the rapid advancement of the fetus leads to tissue ruptures in the birth canal. Heavy bleeding is possible, which is not always possible to stop in time.

Breaks. Even a woman giving birth again may have tears not only in the perineum, but also in the muscles inside the vagina. This happens not only with rapid childbirth, but also with the appearance of a large fetus. Deep tears are not always diagnosed, it is very difficult to suture, this leads to infection of the woman. Sloppy seams make the muscles less elastic, which will affect subsequent childbirth, and also cause inconvenience during intercourse.

To avoid tears, the obstetrician cuts the perineum, clearing the way for the baby. This is done at the stage when the baby's head is at the exit from the vagina and there is a risk of rupture.

Cesarean section. After waiting for the beginning of the first stage of contractions, the pregnant woman is prepared for the procedure. Sometimes the operation is not planned and becomes the final stage of complex natural childbirth.

The woman after the appearance of the newborn will be weakened, the discomfort from the stitches causes severe pain, which are relieved by medication. To avoid the development of infections after a cesarean section, the mother is prescribed potent antibiotics. Because of this, the baby is not immediately transferred to breastfeeding.

The birth of twins. Multiple pregnancies entail many problems during childbirth. The uterus is overstretched and will not contract as it should. In such a situation, a woman cannot always recognize the true contractions, because the birth of babies occurs earlier than the appointed time. The duration of the process depends on the presentation and the number of amniotic sacs.

At the birth of the first twin, the traditional stages of delivery are observed, but the second child will appear much faster, since the path has already been prepared. But if there are problems with the release of the first baby, then the second develops hypoxia.

Postpartum period

The final stage of labor is the appearance of the newborn, the release of the placenta and membranes. But until this moment, the woman will still have to spend energy on attempts, helping the child move outward.

Birth process with 2 births:

  • the appearance of the crown of the baby from the vagina;
  • after a couple of contractions, the entire head is already outside;
  • first one shoulder comes out, then another;
  • a few attempts - and the baby is finally born.

The woman still feels contractions for some time after the second birth. The uterus continues to contract strongly to expel the placenta from the inner wall. Mom will have to work hard to complete the process, which usually lasts no more than 5 minutes.

If the rejection is prolonged, the woman in labor is given an injection of oxytocin to stimulate active contractions. Mechanical stress is also used. As soon as the afterbirth slips out of the vagina, it is examined to make sure it is intact. Having missed at least one lobule, a control cleaning of the uterus is done to avoid infection.

Incomplete detachment of the placenta leads to blood loss, as the pieces remaining inside prevent blood vessels from closing. This is especially important during the birth of twins, when the uterus is overstretched and muscle tone is weak. An incorrectly fixed placenta changes the position of the uterus, which leads to further problems for the woman. Therefore, the midwife will have to immediately put the uterus back in place by manually correcting it.

For a multiparous, the description of contractions is already familiar, but each subsequent pregnancy is still perceived as the first. Some processes are completely different from others, and can confuse even an experienced woman. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to find out and remember in advance everything about the second childbirth and contractions.


YOUR ALARM that you will miss the onset of contractions is completely unfounded. Although the false contractions that occur in the last weeks of pregnancy can sometimes really be mistaken for the onset of labor, real contractions cannot be confused with anything.


The emergence
Opening slightly, the cervix pushes out the blood-stained mucous plug that clogged it during pregnancy.
What to do This can happen a couple of days before the start of labor, so wait until the pain in your abdomen or back becomes persistent or the amniotic fluid clears before calling the midwife or maternity hospital.

Amniotic fluid discharge
The rupture of the amniotic fluid is possible at any moment. Water can flow away in a stream, but more often it oozes out little by little - they are delayed by the child's head.
What to do Call a midwife or ambulance right away. Hospitalization is safer even if there are no redundancies yet, since infection is possible. For now, lay on a waffle towel to absorb moisture.

Contractions of the uterus
At first they make themselves felt as dull pain in the back or hips. After a while, contractions will begin, similar to the sensations during painful periods.
What to do When contractions are regular, note the intervals between them. If you think your labor has started, call your midwife. While they are not very frequent (up to 5 minutes) or painful, there is no point in rushing to the hospital. The first birth usually lasts a long time, 12-14 hours, and it is better to spend some of this time at home. Walk slowly, stopping to rest. If the waters are still wet, you can take a warm shower or refresh yourself. In the maternity hospital, you may be advised not to come before the contractions intensify and begin to repeat every 5 minutes.

Weak contractions of the uterus occur throughout pregnancy. In the last few weeks, they have become more frequent and more intense, so they can sometimes be mistaken for the onset of labor pains. Having felt such contractions, stand up, walk around and listen to whether they continue, whether the pauses between them become shorter. Harbingers of labor are usually irregular.

Track the dynamics of contractions over the course of an hour: beginning and end, gain, increase in frequency. When contractions have stabilized, they should last at least 40 seconds.


AT THIS STAGE, the muscles of the uterus contract to open the cervix and allow the fetus to pass. At the first birth, contractions last an average of 10-12 hours. It is possible that at some point you will panic. No matter how well prepared you are, it can be intimidating to feel that something is happening to your body beyond the control of consciousness. Remain calm and try not to interfere with your body, do what it tells you. Right now, you will truly appreciate the presence of your husband or girlfriend nearby, especially if they know what contractions are.

At the beginning and end of the contraction, breathe deeply and evenly, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. When the contraction reaches its peak, use shallow breathing, but now inhale and exhale through the mouth. Don't breathe like this for too long - you may feel dizzy.


At the front desk you will be met by a midwife who will take care of all the formalities and preparatory procedures. The husband at this time can be next to you. If you give birth at home, you will be prepared for childbirth in a similar way.

Midwife questions
The midwife will check the registration records and your exchange card, as well as clarify whether the water has receded and whether a mucous plug has been observed. It also asks a series of questions about contractions: When did they start? how often do they happen? how do you feel? how long are the seizures?

When you change, your blood pressure, temperature and heart rate will be taken. Your doctor will do an internal examination to determine how much your cervix has dilated.

Fetal examination
The midwife will feel your belly to determine the baby's position and listen to the baby's heart with a special stethoscope. It is possible that for about 20 minutes she will record the fetal heartbeat through a microphone - this recording will help establish whether the baby is receiving enough oxygen during uterine contractions.

Other procedures
You will be asked to have a urine sample tested for sugar and protein. If your water is still fresh, you can take a shower. You will be directed to the prenatal ward.

The doctor will conduct internal examinations as necessary, monitoring the position of the fetus and the degree of cervical dilatation. Ask him questions - you should also be aware of what is happening. Usually, the uterus dilation is uneven, as it were. jerks. The examination is carried out in the intervals between contractions, therefore, when you feel the next contraction is approaching, you will need to inform your doctor about this. You will most likely be asked to lie on your back with pillows, but if this position is uncomfortable, you can lie on your side. Try to relax as much as possible.

The cervix is ​​a ring of muscles normally closed around the uterine pharynx. The longitudinal muscles that form the walls of the uterus depart from it. During contractions, they contract, pulling the neck inward, and then stretching it so that the baby's head passes into the uterine pharynx.
1. The cervix relaxes under the influence of hormones.
2. Weak contractions smoothly smooth the cervix.
3. Strong contractions cause the cervix to open.

In the first period, try to try different positions of the body, finding the most comfortable for each stage. These positions must be mastered in advance so that at the right time you can quickly take a suitable pose. It may suddenly seem to you that it is better to lie down. Lie not on your back, but on your side. The head and thigh should rest on the pillows.

Vertical position
In the early stages of contractions, use some kind of support - a wall, a chair, or a hospital bed. You can kneel down if you wish.

Sitting position
Sit facing the back of a chair with a pillow on your back. The head is on the hands, the knees are apart. Another pillow can be placed on the seat.

Leaning on her husband
In the first stage of labor, which you will probably endure on your feet, it’s convenient to put your hands on your husband’s shoulders and lean on during labor. Your husband can help you relax by massaging your back or stroking your shoulders.

Kneeling position
Get on your knees, spread your legs and, having relaxed all muscles, lower your upper body onto the pillows. Keep your back as straight as possible. Sit on your thigh between contractions.

Support on four points
Kneel down on your hands. It is convenient to do this on the mattress. Move your pelvis back and forth. Don't hunch your back. Relax between contractions by dropping forward and resting your head in your hands.

With a cephalic presentation, the baby's head rests on your spine, causing back pain. To make it easier:

  • during contractions, bend forward, transferring the weight to your arms, and make progressive movements with your pelvis; walk in intervals
  • in the intervals between contractions, have your husband massage your back.
Lumbar massage
This treatment will ease back pain and will calm and invigorate you. Have your husband massage the base of your spine, pressing in a circular motion with the protrusion of your hand. Use talcum powder.


  • Move more, walk in the intervals between contractions - this will help to cope with pain. Choose a comfortable body position during seizures.
  • Stay as straight as possible: the baby's head will rest against the cervix, the contractions will become stronger and more effective.
  • Concentrate on your breathing to calm yourself down and distract your attention from the contractions.
  • Relax during breaks to conserve energy until the time when you need it most.
  • Sing, even scream, to ease the pain.
  • Look at one point or at an object to distract yourself.
  • React only to this encounter, do not think about the next. Imagine each seizure as a wave that you will “ride” the child.
  • Urine more often - the bladder should not interfere with the movement of the fetus.
  • Praise and encourage your wife in every way. Do not get lost if she is annoyed - your presence is still important.
  • Remind me of the relaxation and breathing technique she learned in the courses.
  • Wipe her face, hold her hand, massage her back, suggest changing the position. What kind of touches and massage she likes, you need to know in advance.
  • Be the mediator between the wife and the medical staff. Keep her side in everything: for example, if she asks for pain reliever.


THE HARDEST time of labor is the end of the first stage. The contractions become strong and long, and the intervals are shortened to a minute. This phase is called transitional. When worn out, you will probably be either depressed or overly aroused and tearful at this stage. You may even lose track of time and fall asleep between contractions. This can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and chills. In the end, you will have a great desire, straining, to push the fruit out. But if you do this ahead of time, you may experience swelling of the cervix. Therefore, ask the midwife to check if the cervix is ​​fully dilated.

If premature attempts begin, take two short breaths and one long exhale: "uh, uh, uh-uh-uh". When the urge to pushing stops, breathe out slowly, evenly.

How to stop pushing
If the cervix has not yet opened, in this position, take a double sigh and a long exhale: "phew, phew, phew-woo" (see above on the right). You may need pain relief. Get on your knees and, bending forward, lower your head into your hands; the pelvic floor should, as it were, hang in the air. This will ease the urge to push and make it harder to push the fetus out.


  • Try to calm your wife down, cheer up, wipe off the sweat; if she doesn't want it, don't insist.
  • Breathe with her during contractions.
  • Wear socks if the chills start.
  • If pushing starts, call your midwife immediately.
The cervix, palpable at a depth of 7 cm, is already sufficiently stretched around the fetal head.
If the cervix is ​​no longer palpable, then its expansion is complete.


As soon as the cervix of the uterus has opened and you are ready for attempts, the second stage of labor begins - the period of expulsion of the fetus. Now you add your own efforts to the involuntary contractions of the uterus, helping to push the fetus out. The contractions have become stronger, but they are less painful. Pushing is hard work, but the midwife will help you find the most comfortable position and guide you when to push. Do not rush things, try to do everything right. With the first birth, the second period usually lasts more than an hour.

When you feel the urge to push, take a deep breath and bend forward to hold your breath. Take deep, soothing breaths in between. Relax slowly as the contraction subsides.

When pushing, try to stay straighter - then gravity will work for you.

This is the ideal position: the lumen of the pelvis opens and the fetus exits due to the force of gravity. But if you have not prepared yourself for this position in advance, you will soon feel tired. Go for a lighter version: if your husband sits on the edge of a chair with your knees apart, you can sit between them, resting your hands on his hips.

On the knees
This position is less tiring, and it also makes it easier to push. Supporting you from both sides will give your body more stability. You can just lean on your hands; the back should be straight.

You can give birth while sitting on the bed with pillows. As soon as the attempts begin, lower your chin down and wrap your arms around your legs. In the intervals between attempts, rest by leaning back.


  • At the time of contraction, strain gradually, smoothly.
  • Try to relax the pelvic floor so that you can feel it sinking.
  • Relax your facial muscles.
  • Don't try to control your bowels and bladder.
  • Rest between contractions, save your strength for pushing.
  • Try to somehow distract your wife between attempts, continue to calm and cheer her up.
  • Tell her what you see, such as the appearance of the head, but do not be surprised if she does not pay attention to you.