Psychologist's advice on how to behave with a lover in different cases: married and single, stages of a relationship. Women's tricks and men's pranks: how to behave with a lover in order to control him

All girls in childhood dream of becoming someone. Well, there is an actress, a ballerina, a teacher. Who has richer imagination - a veterinarian or a milling cutter. At the same time, none of us dreams of becoming a mistress. But it so happens in life that only a few grow up as Miami Plisetskikhs, and almost every second one walks (we will not point fingers) as mistresses. Perhaps the reason is that all girls from childhood are hammered into one harmful thought: "You deserve the best." True, in the course of the very first encounter with the harsh reality, it suddenly turns out that there are many of us who are worthy, but the best is quite the opposite, that is, there is not enough for everyone.

In fairness, I note that this most harsh reality usually appears to us in the form of an ideal man, in whom there is only one visible flaw - his marriage. It is then that we have a complete collapse of all illusions, when it really is just right to go to the milling machine. I am at a loss to guess why the thresholds of steel institutes are not flooded with crowds of restless girls, because there has never been a university of mistresses or at least a school of ignoble girls.

I admit that you, my dear friend, are reading and are timidly perplexed: what have you got to do with it? And what has it to do with it: you need mistresses.
Wait, you refuse! Not now, then they will probably be needed later.

Suppose you are married. And there is nothing to be ashamed of, it could happen to everyone. Of course, you had your own respectable reasons for triggering the ring-tossing plan. Poor-quality contraceptives, he blurted out in the heat of the moment, and you, as a decent person, were taken and caught at your word. Well, when a girl's dad has oil wells and does not have a decent son-in-law, so in general God himself commanded (if you are still convinced that everything happened for love, rather turn the page, otherwise something might not work out). Believe me, we understand everything and do not grumble. By the way, even against your desire to have, in addition to one legitimate woman, one more, say, not entirely legitimate, we also have nothing. Another question is how exactly you will have these optional persons - cruelly poaching or with the grace of a hereditary gourmet.

So, you might think that all that is required of you is to regularly shake your ringed hand and avoid loud confessions, so that your mistresses do not pester you with requests to live happily ever after with them. It would seem nonsense, even the first time married will cope. Alas, it’s not that simple. The ways of female logic are inscrutable, and the brains of girls-lovers sometimes give out such tricks that even at the University of Massachusetts they shrug their shoulders in amazement. A girl can easily interpret your unwillingness to pack in a condom as an intention to strengthen your union with a son and a sweetheart-daughter, and the postcoital phrase “I never felt so good” - as “Let's run to the registry office soon! Let me just quickly divorce my grymza. " Actually, this is why the mistresses are so inconsistent in their desires: either give them coral beads, then a trip to Gagra, or even get married. And you thought why the "third halves" are all like a selection of seizure psychopaths who themselves do not know what they want. No, dear reader, they are not out of harm, but from a lack of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Here we are with you now and take care of their upbringing.

So what do we have? You, who wants to have a high-quality mistress who will function without interruptions in the program.

Her, wanting to have:

1) you;
2) licensed software, so as not to glitch and freeze (pathetically speaking, a clear understanding of your place in your life).

Six simple rules guaranteeing your harmonious coexistence.

Have sex with her
The first couple of months are generally better only for them. Regularly and thoroughly. I understand that this is tiring, some of them even lose weight from such loads, but nothing can be done. It is not even necessary for you as much as for us. After all, we are talking about such an important thing as self-identification. So, three times a week, a girl beloved in the best traditions of the Kamasutra will sooner or later be visited by a pleasant guess: what if this is her purpose? If not on the scale of her entire life, then at least for this period, which she spends in the position of "feet shoulder-width apart." That is to say, a karmic task for the current trimester (I myself do not know why, but we shiver like this magic phrase). In short, the program for the first few months is simple: no cultural and leisure activities, sheer sexual excesses.

Do not forget about "and talk"
In between sexes, talk to her, but also mainly about sex. Start with a discussion of the work just done, and then smoothly move on to the erotic experiences of childhood, adolescence, and further with all the stops. Cheer up the girl by announcing your own track record. Yes, and do not skimp on the details: the reliability of the information is unlikely to be verified, so, be so kind, creatively approach your gender biography. Firstly, I assure you, it will be fun and informative, and secondly, the obvious benefits for the cause. If a girl has read at least one women's magazine in her entire life, she knows how such conversations are detrimental to the reputation (her) and the trepidation of the relationship (yours). So now a whole support group will be in bed with you: the first, the former, the occasional and even the redhead from whom you never had time to ask the name. This is how you get intimacy without unnecessary intimacy.

Always leave at the same time
Whatever bed battles unfold, exactly at 21.00 (you, by the way, do not know why all exemplary family men remember their marital debts at this particular time, as if their finger suddenly began to itch under the ring?) You have to get out of the sheets and begin to decisively work their way to the exit. At first, the young lady will be offended and instead of "bye" tragically say goodbye through her teeth. Then he will take the manner of lying down across the threshold and, grabbing you by the laces, beg: "Vereshchagin, do not start the launch!" But don't give up, bend your line, because in the end the girl decides that she doesn't care. You will see, over time, she will develop a reflex more abruptly than that of Pavlov's dog: at 20.55 she will violently orgasm and with a grateful look accompany you into the shower. By the way, a shower is obligatory: it is useless for a family man to drag excess odors and secretions into the house. You understand this, and she must learn.

Restrain your economic impulses
No matter how distressed her car is and no matter how deathly the toilet bowl with the refrigerator may wheeze, God forbid you to grab the pliers. How did she cope with her everyday needs before? This means that now there will be found a reliable Mister Muscle, who will fix her primus stove and clean the nozzles. Let me remind you: you are not here for this, but for sex. Take a philosophical attitude towards breakdowns that have occurred directly with your participation. In a fit of passion, they ruined the sofa - selflessly continue to love her on the floor or promise to give her a folding bed. By the way, it may well be that this is a provocation and the girl herself sawed off the legs by the bed in order to play on your economic instinct. Be vigilant! Stay away from wobbly structures and questionable electrical appliances! In her erotic fantasies, a young lady must imagine you with a single functional tool - yes, by that very thing, and not with some kind of "Friendship" saw.

Give the right gifts
Something defiantly tasteless and deliberately useless - for example, a diamond the size of a soccer ball or a named island in the Adriatic. Although a meter-long plush Pokemon, a bucket of chrysanthemums or the complete works of Jack London will do. The trend of gift gigantism will convince her of two important things: 1) your guilt is great and obvious (and not only to her); 2) you are not some kind of insensitive brute, but you will compensate for her half-hearted female happiness in this way, and not with a promise to marry.

Meet trusted friends
By verified, I mean those who tend not to miss a single skirt. Make sure that your companion is in a skirt, and let your friends do not hesitate in expressing their sympathies. The girl should feel like an object of universal desire (the prospect of group sex is not excluded, but this, as you understand, is optional). Of course, having received a friendly pat on the buttocks, she will begin to get nervous and shy out of habit, but your reaction is important here. "Calm, only calm" - should be read in your gaze. (Agree, if she were your wife or an official girlfriend, you would have chopped everyone into cabbage long ago, but that’s a matter of everyday life.) Yes, and don’t worry that she might be slightly offended, feeling like an employee of the escort service: thoughts of her irresistibility, before which even such a stronghold as male friendship trembled, her inner feng shui will instantly be restored.

P. S. I want to warn you right away. A visible result will follow no earlier than a couple of months after the launch of the program. But, believe me, you will not miss this wonderful moment! As soon as a girl mutates from “one-that-was-destined-to-fly-with-one-wing” to the state of a high-quality lover, your harmony and discipline will go, just hold on! Only, you know, this is the case here ... Reverse upgrade is hardly possible.

Translate mistress on the rate of an official friend or, what the devil is not joking, a life partner will not be easy. First of all, it will be difficult for you. We quickly get used to good things (sex, material contentment and sleep, when we can lie down even across the bed and not deafen from the rumble of male snoring).

You figure out how you will have to strain to keep the brand, and at the same time the girl who might easily want to go back to mistresses ?

In order to understand how to behave with a boyfriend, friend, or just a man who has a wife, you need to face the truth. The relationship between a man and a woman can be just friendly, but all the same, sooner or later, potential lovers begin to look at each other.

No matter how trite it sounds, there is no friendship between a man and a woman. And if everything comes to an intimate relationship, it will hardly be possible without tears and disappointment. The fact is that a married man, after long years of life in routine and caring for a family, begins to want something new, but, as a rule, he does not want to ruin his family at all. And then trips to restaurants, cafes, bars and places where you can spend time with a single woman, giving her a one-time evening, begin.

You can just become a toy that is designed to keep the man from getting bored, and later, most likely, will recede into the background.

Of course, there are situations when a woman does not plan a long relationship, and only wants to take sex from dating a married man. But it is so in nature that a girl, somewhere in the depths of her soul, dreams of beautiful children and her beloved husband. And even if the evening is at the highest level, and everything will be fine, the incomprehensible emptiness after the partner leaves will most likely make you think about the future. Soon she will begin to think about how to break off the relationship with her lover.

Without a doubt, it also happens that a man just stopped loving his other half and wants to give love, but not to her. Love comes and goes, but children remain. So you should consider whether or not to move from friendships to intimate ones. A man who has decided to leave his wife can appoint you as his future wife, and then you will have to put up with his children and ex-wife. And it should be said that once having fallen out of love, he can stop loving again, such is the psychology, you can't get away from this.

If you do decide to become the lover of a married man, remember that when communicating with him you do not need to touch on the topic of his family, children and other things that are personal. Do not touch his innermost, because you yourself have chosen the role of a mistress, therefore, many topics in communication with him are forbidden for you.

It's not all bad

But in no case do not be afraid, if you sincerely love, and your feelings are mutual, start acting. Love works wonders and no one can stop it. Moreover, when a husband and wife live without love, they cannot avoid frequent scandals, and as you know, children suffer from this.

Therefore, in this case, you can become a savior for everyone. Having left for you, he will stop quarreling with his wife, thereby preserving the psyche of the children.

If you happen to be the wife of a man who has already been married, most likely you will have a better relationship, since this man has already seen all the standard problems in relationships and probably knows how to avoid some conflicts.

Despite all the advantages, relationships with married men are still better to be friendly and not cross the line. But you should also not put the question bluntly, they say, never and never with a married person, since your life is very diverse, and everything in it is possible.

Lover has several definitions. If you interpret the meaning of this word from the point of view of love, then this is a close, beloved person.

Another definition is based on intimate relationships. To be more precise, a lover is someone with whom you have sex and do not have any special obligations to each other.

The third definition is similar to the previous one. Being married, a relationship on the side starts with a mistress or lover. Again, this relationship is intimate. There may not be love between partners. These relationships can be based on passion, sexual attraction, sympathy.

Let's discuss today how to behave correctly with your lover.

Free flight birds

Unmarried people who love each other used to be called lovers. If your lover is a dear and close person, you dream of a happy life together, a big family and you are thinking about a wedding, then you need to follow some rules in communicating with a man:

  • do not put pressure on him under any circumstances. The initiative for marriage must come from the man. You can only bring him to this in every possible way, using all the feminine tricks and tricks;
  • be sincere. Love and enjoy every moment spent together. Don't get hung up on a stamp in your passport. The more you show calmness, and even indifference to marriage, the sooner your half will want to lead you down the aisle;
  • be feminine. Do not forget about yourself for a minute. Strive for perfection, both externally and spiritually. Go to the gym, watch your diet, be always in shape. As the saying goes, in a healthy body there is a healthy mind;
  • develop and always remain an interesting conversationalist. Have hobbies, activities for the soul and intellect. Be interested in what you don't already know, try to be “greedy” for life.
Enchanted, ringed

Many are interested in the question of how to behave with a lover, being married. To say that treason is mean and baseless is meaningless. Everyone does what he wants, this is everyone's personal business. And according to merit, everyone will certainly be rewarded as well. If you find someone “on the side” to whom you are experiencing cravings, attraction, it is important to keep him at a distance. You do not want to destroy the marriage - this is your choice. It means that you need to make every effort so that your lover does not have the opportunity to "interfere" with your family life.

How should a lover behave in this case?

First, he must be happy with the conditions within which your relationship exists. If he expects more, for example, that you leave your husband, you will be hard with him. Provided, of course, that you do not plan to do so in the near future.

Secondly, a man should not raise the cause of suspicion on the part of your husband. No night sms and calls. All this should take place at a strictly agreed time.

Thirdly, he must be good in bed and give gifts. Both partners receive from such a relationship what what they want: he is sex, she is attention and a feeling of desire. It is the latter that is the reason for female infidelity. It is not so much sex that married girls want, as attention and romance, which is lacking in family life. After unsuccessful attempts to add passion to a relationship with a spouse, many women try to find what they lack in the arms of their lover. A whirlwind of feelings and emotions that are so necessary for everyone can sometimes be obtained only on the side. Sadly, but true.

Adultery is something that in most cases comes with a very generous price tag. Take care of the family and the love that created it.

In order to conquer a man and be able to keep him near her, a woman must take into account several important points. First of all, she must take care of herself. You should regularly visit the hairdresser, do manicure, pedicure, monitor the condition of your skin and hair, and regularly update your wardrobe. For many men, the inner world of a girl, her intellectual abilities are of great importance. An important point for the development of strong relationships is a woman's sexual liberation, her behavior in bed. However, she doesn't have to be just a seductive beauty. Many men value in their mistresses the ability to listen, support, suggest good advice in difficult times. Common activities, hobbies and hobbies perfectly bring people in love together.

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    Secrets of the Perfect Lover

    Sometimes a situation occurs in life when a woman has a lover. Every man has his own ideas about the ideal. However, a woman at such a moment asks herself many questions about how to communicate with a man correctly, how she should look and perform actions so that her lover is drawn to her and is afraid of losing. There are several things that are very important in maintaining a relationship:

    1. 1. First of all, a woman should pay attention to her appearance. A man should not be ashamed of his mistress. She must watch her hairstyle, dress with taste, monitor the condition of nails and skin, do hair removal, use perfume.
    2. 2. In every movement, gesture, voice of a woman, there must be sexuality. Beautiful lingerie, stockings, stiletto heels will help to complement your image of a seductive temptress.
    3. 3. A lover should be irresistible in bed. Many men make connections on the side precisely because their sexual relations have become insipid and boring. Therefore, a woman should give her lover what he lacks in the family. Intimate relationships should be passionate, full of pleasant surprises. To win the heart of a lover, you can learn to dance a striptease, do an erotic massage. A man will appreciate passion, relaxedness, different positions and types of sex. One should unobtrusively learn about the sexual fantasies of the lover.
    4. 4. Every man is pleased when he is admired, compliments are made. Next to the woman he loves, he should feel that he is loved, sexy and unique. During intercourse, a man should sincerely talk about how good it is with him, how he simply drives his partner crazy, that he is the best.
    5. 5. A woman must be mysterious. If there is some secret in her that needs to be solved, then the beloved man will appreciate it.
    6. 6. One of the main secrets of a successful lover is not only physical, but also spiritual intimacy.

      A woman needs to become the best friend for her lover, who will always understand, listen and support in difficult times.

      How to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you

      Polygamy of men what is it

      How to deal with a married lover?

      The psychology of men is such that most of them are polygamous and treat their affairs on the side as something completely normal and ordinary. If a woman decides to start, then she should remember that, first of all, a man needs passionate and varied sex. You should not give up intimacy, referring to being very busy or feeling unwell. If a woman dreams of a long and ardent relationship, then she should become a passionate lover. You must always look charming and change your images.

      But it should be remembered that in order to keep a man close to you, sex alone will not be enough. If a couple's relationship is based only on intimacy, then over time they will definitely fade away. A man will return to his wife or find new love on the side. The ideal lover should share the interests of the man. He should feel a spiritual kinship with a woman. In this case, he will not leave her.

      This does not mean that a woman should constantly listen to her lover's complaints about life. The ability to support with good advice in difficult times is important, however, in order to create stronger relationships, it is necessary to carefully examine the interests and hobbies of a man. The couple should share a common hobby. This will give you the opportunity to spend a lot of time together.

      If the wife is caught by surprise

      If the lover's wife is a woman's acquaintance, then you should in every possible way avoid talking about the man. In such a situation, you can accidentally utter a phrase or let it slip.

      In a situation when a wife saw a woman with her husband in a cafe or park, then you should not abruptly pack up and leave. It is better to talk for a while and then calmly and calmly go about your business.

      If the wife is unfamiliar with her husband's mistress and accidentally found a couple at the meeting, then you need to quickly come up with some kind of legend in your defense. The main rule is to stay calm. If a woman is nervous, it will only aggravate the situation. The husband will consider this behavior of his mistress as ideal, because he will know that he can always rely on his beloved woman, and she will not betray.

      The most common mistakes

      Many women are interested in how to behave with a married man. However, few people think about what mistakes should be avoided in a relationship:

    1. 1. You should not ask a man about his wife, children, and even more insist on his divorce from his wife.
    2. 2. If the relationship of the couple is secret, then they should remain so. Otherwise, the woman runs the risk of being abandoned.
    3. 3. No need to ask a man for money or help in something. If he considers it necessary to give some expensive present, he will do it himself. Otherwise, the man will think that his beloved woman continues a relationship with him only for the sake of profit.
    4. 4. You can’t make scandals because your loved one didn’t call, didn’t write or couldn’t come to the meeting. A man is looking for a mistress in order to take a break from conflicts, and not sort things out. In addition, he cannot fully control his time, since he depends on his family.

    Features of behavior with a young lover

    Modern ladies quite often prefer to have intimate relationships with men who are much younger than them. In order to keep him close to him, he should not feel any discomfort or embarrassment due to the age difference.

    The main secret to achieving your goal is the good appearance of a woman. To avoid conflicts on this basis, it must always look spectacular and gorgeous. You should pay great attention to your appearance, regularly visit beauty salons, and undergo pleasant anti-aging procedures.

    If the meeting of a couple in love takes place not only in an apartment, but also at a party, a restaurant, then it is necessary to adhere to the same wardrobe style as a man. If he loves an active lifestyle and he likes youth clothing, then a woman should adhere to the same style. In the event that he likes the classics, then his chosen one should also look elegant.

    Meeting with a former lover

    If the relationship with a man ended long ago, then the most prudent option in this situation is the absence of any communication. In case of a casual meeting, you should get by with an unobtrusive greeting.

    After breaking up, you don't need to call your man. Thus, a woman can substitute her former lover, because the spouse can find traces of his communication with another. If the relationship has already exhausted itself, then there is no point in continuing it. If a former lover insists on renewing the relationship, it is unlikely to end with something good.

    How to conquer a lover in bed according to his zodiac sign?

    To know how to behave with a lover and conquer him, you need to take into account his zodiac sign. This will help you better understand his addictions in bed and help keep him close to you.

    CapricornTo know exactly how Capricorn is, you need to take into account his age. In his youth, he is quite restrained in sex, as he is busy with studies and choosing a profession. In middle age, Capricorn likes to experiment in bed. He can often change partners. To keep this man close to you, you should be interesting and different. He does not know how to create a romantic atmosphere. After 40 years, Capricorn begins to lead a wild lifestyle. His sexual preferences change frequently, so satisfying his sexual appetite in bed will not be easy.
    AquariusFor an Aquarius man, the environment is very important. It should be light and romantic. He will love lighted candles, scented lamps. It is better that his partner is dressed in a light transparent outfit that will not hide her shape. A woman should be active. If she herself hints to Aquarius that she wants to have sex with him, then he will simply lose his head. Such self-confident behavior of the partner will give the man strength. You should openly and sincerely talk about your desires and preferences in sex, do not be shy about your emotions and feelings. You can whisper gently in your ear about how a woman feels good with this man. He will appreciate it. You should be relaxed and passionate in bed. After intimacy, you can gently touch the man, have a casual conversation. In this case, Aquarius will be subdued for a long time.
    FishesSatisfying the romantic nature of Pisces is not easy. The chosen one of this zodiac sign must correspond to his idea of ​​an ideal lover. Otherwise, he will become bored, and he will go in search of new happiness. He is very empathetic, sweet, affectionate, gentle and attentive to his partner in bed, he has a good command of the love technique. For him, not only physical pleasure is important, but also spiritual closeness. He worships his woman, trying to give her unearthly pleasure. Pisces likes mysterious women. With a lover of the sign of Pisces, you should show your imagination and become a mystery to him. He really likes to listen to the words of love in his ear. He loves role-playing games, experiments in sex, however, he is afraid to say about it. In no case should you criticize Pisces or give a hint about possible betrayal. In this case, a woman will lose a man forever.
    AriesThey are temperamental, straightforward and open-minded men. If a woman decides to start a relationship with Aries, then she needs to be prepared for the fact that the representatives of this zodiac sign are real hot macho. They are restless in sexual pleasures. For Aries, it is considered quite normal. Aries' beloved girl should always be well-groomed, beautifully dressed, watch her figure. This man gets aroused very quickly. For this, just a few gentle touches of his partner are enough. He enjoys spontaneous and extreme sex. He is ready for intimate relationships anytime, anywhere. He likes experiments, role-playing games, he has a penchant for BDSM. Shows some aggression during sex. Aries likes to feel like a leader not only in everyday life, but also in bed. He will not tolerate any prompts. You just need to accept it and have fun. Keeping a man near you - Aries is possible only by constantly stirring up passion
    TaurusRepresentatives of this zodiac sign are tireless in bed. They get great pleasure from the process itself. However, Taurus is in no hurry to move on to intimate relationships. They are biding their time. Sex with Taurus will be sensitive and gentle. He will never allow himself to be rude or vulgar. The man of this zodiac sign is a little old-fashioned, conservative and romantic. Don't fall for Taurus' tricks to have sex on the first date. Taurus will do everything possible to please his mistress, but expects the same attitude from her. The coldness of a woman will scare off a Taurus man. The main thing is not to rush him in bed. Gradually studying the woman he loves, Taurus is able to make a real sensation in bed. He likes role-playing games, experiments.
    TwinsFor a Gemini man, it is important that a woman's outer beauty is complemented by a rich inner world. You need to be prepared for the fact that often they themselves do not know what they want in a relationship. In bed for Gemini, grace and aesthetics are important. Sex should be not just a physiological need, but a dance of souls. A woman needs to constantly improve in intimate relationships, otherwise a man will lose interest in her. Gemini love to have sex often. They are ready to do it anywhere. If a Gemini man goes for treason, then this suggests that he lacks variety in sex. In order to keep such a man near you, you do not have to be modest, but indulge in pleasures with him as often as possible. Abstinence in sex for Gemini is absolutely unacceptable. You should not deny the man of this zodiac sign in the fulfillment of his sexual fantasies. Boredom and monotony will kill the most passionate feelings
    CancerCancers love to dominate sex. They want to be the best in bed in order to gain maximum power over their partner. They are fluent in the art of seduction. Cancers are very jealous, so you shouldn't go into details about your intimate relationships with other men. In sex, they are interested in their own satisfaction. They indulge in love pleasures according to their mood. If your partner is not in the mood for love games, then you should not insist on this.

    It should be borne in mind that Cancers are great workaholics. If you need to make a choice between bed and your professional activities, then representatives of this sign will give preference to work. Cancers absolutely should not make comments in bed. They are very vulnerable and touchy. If a man finds out that his partner is not satisfied with something in bed, then he will go in search of new love. Cancers do not like encroachments on their freedom. If a woman begins to hint at him to legitimize the relationship, then he will imperceptibly disappear from her life.

    a lionFor Leo men, sex is much more than just carnal pleasures. In a relationship with Leo, it must be borne in mind that they do not like quick sex. They won't make love several times a day. But in one act, Leo is able to demonstrate everything that he is capable of in bed. He likes to pursue a woman. For a man, the behavior of his partner is very important. He expects her to be delighted with his technique and abilities. Leos love compliments and praise. In response, the man of this sign will give his beloved woman unearthly pleasure. It is very important for him how his partner looks. She should be beautiful, sexy, neat and well-groomed. You should be careful with jokes or remarks, as one innocent word will ruin the whole relationship. Leos devote little time to foreplay. You shouldn't be shy in bed. Leo should feel what vivid emotions he evokes in his partner.
    VirgoVirgo is very picky about choosing a partner. You should not try to deceive him, since the man of this sign prefers a clean and trusting relationship. Virgos are creepy owners. Although, for his part, a man will never give reason for jealousy. The beloved woman will be surrounded by care and attention. Virgos like cleanliness, not only physical, but also moral. Some representatives of this sign enjoy virtual sexual relations. His chosen one must be intellectually developed.

    Virgo men are the most affectionate partners. They are able to bring a partner to orgasm with just one touch. Virgos just love sex. They are turned on by even the most insignificant trifle: a languid look, a skirt length, an extra open button on a blouse. Virgos like praise and flattery. One has only to hint about how a woman likes his dignity, as he immediately drags her into bed. A man likes to learn everything new and interesting in sex. In a relationship with Virgo, it should be borne in mind that they are very vulnerable, so the slightest disappointment can hurt them deep in the heart.

    scalesLibra strives for harmony in everything, so they prefer having sex in a beautiful romantic setting. They enjoy role-playing, spontaneous and varied sex. Libras prefer to give more than receive in return in sex. It is important for a man that his partner openly admire his abilities in bed. Libras love to explore their partner's body and look for erogenous zones on it. Libra likes it when a woman takes the initiative herself. A man will genuinely worry about whether his partner has an orgasm. The representative of this sign will like it if a woman gently strokes his body with her hand before sex. Libras enjoy watching someone have sex. He may want to admire his reflection in the mirror or offer to join someone else.
    ScorpionFor Scorpios, sex is a very important and integral part of life. This serves as a source of inspiration for them. They will not tolerate the phlegmatic and calmness of their partner. A woman should be as passionate and hot as Scorpio himself. The man of this sign is always ready for carnal pleasures. If he is cheating, it means that he lacks vivid feelings and variety in sex. But if Scorpio meets a woman who meets all his requirements, then he will give up flirting and relationships on the side. Scorpios are selfish in intimate relationships. A man will persuade his partner to do what he likes. In return, he will do whatever the partner asks for. Scorpio is exhausting in bed, and after sex with him, many immediately fall asleep due to lack of energy. If a woman fully meets all the requirements in bed, then he will even think about making her an offer
    SagittariusSagittarius needs a woman who will amaze him with her looks, so you should try to diversify your wardrobe. Places of meetings with a representative of this zodiac sign should be changed. Quiet dates in a cozy cafe should alternate with extreme sports outings, theater trips or nightly movie sessions. In order for a Sagittarius to fall in love, you need to be sincerely interested in the life of your man. To avoid cheating, you should make your sex life varied and interesting. Men are prone to fetishism. For example, the Sagittarius darling should be dressed in shoes and stockings. These are good masters of erotic massage. Sagittarians enjoy oral and anal sex. The chosen one of Sagittarius must be faithful to him. He can never forgive treason. You shouldn't even jokingly flirt in front of a Sagittarius with another man.

    If the lady is married

    There are times in life when a woman meets a man who is very sympathetic to her and they have a relationship despite the fact that the woman herself is married. In this case, it is important to follow some rules of behavior in order not to give yourself away and not hurt loved ones:

    1. 1. In no case should you tell anyone about your relationship, even your best friend. An exception can only be a personal psychologist.
    2. 2. You should be extremely careful. All SMS and traces of telephone conversations must be removed immediately. A woman should forbid her lover to call in the evening. There is no need to bring gifts from him to the house or bring him into the house.
    3. 3. During intimacy should be protected.
    4. 4. The spouse should not find out about the betrayal under any circumstances, even after parting with his lover. Otherwise, the woman runs the risk of being completely alone. The spouse should feel like one.
    5. 5. If the relationship with the lover has outlived its usefulness and began to bring negative emotions, then in such a situation, the best way out would be to part.
    6. 6. Should analyze the reasons that the woman decided to have a lover. When she can realize what she lacks in the family, it will only strengthen the relationship with her spouse.

    The behavior of a woman after a long separation from her beloved

    Sometimes situations occur in life when lovers have to part for a while. Sooner or later, but the day comes when a man returns after a long separation.

    The main task of a woman is to make this day a real holiday. She must show the man with all her appearance that she is very bored and extremely happy to see him. It is necessary to find time and make a beautiful hairstyle, make-up, manicure, and renew your wardrobe.

    It is possible that the separation will cause some alienation. But over time it will pass. The meeting should take place in a warm and gentle atmosphere. All gestures, kisses, a woman's smile should speak of strong feelings for a man. He will be pleased to feel happy and desired.

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing makes a person look older or younger than his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid pilling, radiolifting, laser facelift? Slightly more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself, I chose a different way ...

Sometimes there are situations when a married woman has a lover or she herself enters into a relationship with a married man. Such a connection brings a certain piquancy and drive to life. However, it can lead to problems in the life of both partners. To avoid this, try to build a relationship with your lover correctly, based on what exactly you expect from such a connection.

If you have never had a lover before, and this is the first time you have such a relationship, listen to our recommendations. In the case when you do not plan to marry your lover, create an easy, non-binding relationship:

  • initially tune in to the fact that the connection will last exactly as long as it will suit you personally;
  • talk less about your family and loved ones, do not tell the details of your life outside of a relationship with your lover;
  • do not be shy and do not refuse if your lover wants to please you with an expensive gift;
  • do not tie him too tightly to yourself and try not to become attached yourself, your breakup in the future should be painless and not problematic;
  • don't let your lover tell you how to live, dress, whom to communicate with, etc.
  • do not be jealous and do not put any ultimatums;
  • do not nag the man, your meetings should be mutual pleasure.

If you plan to tie the knot with this person in the future, the relationship strategy should be different:

  • Emphasize in every way that you and your lover have the same life values ​​and priorities. Share his passions and hobbies with him.
  • Plan for a common future. When buying something, consider the tastes and preferences of the man.
  • Create a common social circle in which you will be perceived exclusively as a couple.
  • Don't put pressure on him. A marriage proposal should come only from a gentleman.
  • Create the appearance of indifference to marriage.
  • Enjoy every minute you spend with your man.
  • Take good care of yourself - take care of your face and body, play sports, dress beautifully. In his eyes, you must be perfection itself.
  • Do not make him jealous. Don't portray the frivolous and approachable woman who is not suitable for marriage.

How to deal with a married lover?

Nowadays, according to statistics, about half of married men have a love affair on the side. Becoming the mistress of an unfree person, you must understand that you will have to be an eternal holiday for him, that is, a girl with whom he can relax and be distracted.

If this situation suits you, then adhere to certain rules of the game:

  • Try not to lose your head and fall in love with this man. Remember that you are with him temporarily, and he is just a pleasant page in your life.
  • Meet with him rarely, so as not to get used to much.
  • Do not interfere with his married life, ask less about it. A man comes to you to take a break from his family.
  • Do not try to meet his wife, much less open her eyes. If a man does not leave her, it means that he does not want to.
  • Live your life and take care of yourself. Find a hobby, hang out with friends.
  • Be prepared for the fact that you will spend the weekend and celebrate the holidays without your lover, since on such days he is with his family. Don't make a scene about it.
  • Accept that his wife will always come first to him. Even if the love between them has already faded away, affection and commitment remain.
  • Don't give your man a lot of gifts. Thus, you will not bind him to yourself. So don't waste your money. You yourself are a gift for him.

  • Do not become a second wife or mommy for your lover. No need to iron his shirts, cook pickles. If you do decide to feed him, cook something delicious and have a romantic dinner. No homemade meals! He has this at home.
  • Take an interest in his professional accomplishments. Men are proud of their careers and successes, and in the family there is often no time to talk about it, because in the first place are the affairs of children, wife, etc.
  • Always be in a good mood. A man comes to you first of all to distract himself from his problems, and he does not need yours.
  • Don't let your lover impose his own rules on your home. He can only switch the TV, scatter his belongings, smoke in his room.
  • Don't talk about a future together. Don't ask him to leave his family and marry you.
  • Don't introduce your lover to your relatives. He may decide that you have far-reaching plans for him and part with you. Plus, your parents are unlikely to like the fact that you are dating a married man.
  • Be creative with your intimacy. After all, first of all, in relationships on the side, a man is looking for sex. Therefore, master various techniques to be always desirable and interesting. And forget the words "headache", "let's not today", "something you don't want." You should always be ready for sex with your lover. Because it is for this that he comes to you.
  • Remember that you are a free person and are free to date other men. Make it clear to your lover that after he leaves for your wife, you can walk wherever and with whom you want.
  • Don't advertise the relationship. Do not tell common acquaintances about them, do not try to appear together in public. If your lover wants the relationship to be secret, accept it.
  • Don't be intrusive. Don't bother with phone calls and constant declarations of love. It tires any man.

And also think about whether it is worth spending your life on eternal waiting, secret meetings and holidays alone? Maybe it’s worth letting go of the man and building a relationship with a free man who will not need to be shared with anyone?

How to behave in bed with your lover?

It's no secret that love affairs on the side are based primarily on sexual relationships. Therefore, in bed with your lover, you can relax and not be ashamed of your desires (provided that your partner is also looking for new intimate sensations).

How to behave in bed with your lover so that your relationship brings you both pleasure and lasts as long as you want it?

  • Let your man be in charge of your bed. However, this does not mean that you have to be passive. No, get involved in the process, and sometimes take the initiative yourself.
  • Try to diversify your sex life: suggest new positions, use sex toys. Avoid boredom and intimate routine.
  • Don't be selfish in bed. Learn all of your man's erogenous zones. Seeing how you try to please him, he will appreciate every moment with you.

  • Always look sexy and seductive: beautiful lingerie, stockings, high heels, delicate scent of perfume. Do not be afraid that it will look too provocative and “cinematic”. Men love these things. Ordinary sex is boring.
  • Do not skimp on compliments in bed. Tell your lover that sex with him is simply divine, and he is the best and strongest.
  • Ask your lover about his erotic fantasies and embody them. Let him try with you what he did not dare to tell other women about.

How to deal with your ex-lover?

The relationship between ex-lovers can be different. Some women manage to maintain friendship with their former lover, while others keep resentment or hostility in their souls all their lives.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to give advice on how to behave with a former lover. You need to consider the circumstances under which you broke up. In any case, there are general rules:

  • Do not sort things out and do not stir up the past. Don't show that you are upset, hurt, or regretful.
  • If your relationship gradually came to naught, do not look for the culprit, but accept it as a common occurrence. You should not cling to this connection or seek a meeting with an ex-lover. Do not call him or write to him.
  • Be friendly when you meet. But be natural, don't pretend to be overjoyed.

When friendship has been preserved between the former lovers, and they sometimes intersect, then often one of the meetings can end in intimacy. Psychologists advise against doing this. As a rule, for a man it is only sex, and a woman has new hopes.

Don't be tempted. If, nevertheless, you could not resist and spent a night of love, treat it as a little easy adventure. Do not go back to the old and make this meeting the last.

The situation can be very delicate if the former lover is a work colleague. You might even want to quit your job. However, you should not do this if the job suits you. Overpower yourself. Observe the chain of command both in the team and outside the office. Communicate only on business issues.

  • Do not take revenge, no matter how much you want. Don't gossip about your ex. Revenge never brings positive results and does not paint a woman.
  • When you get married or enter into a new relationship, do not devote your half to the details of the former relationship. Never introduce your current husband to a former lover, even if you broke up a long time ago.
  • If meeting with your former lover is painful or unpleasant for you, stop seeing him. Turn the page and move on.

How to deal with a young lover?

Often, mature ladies start dating men who are much younger than her. Such a novel brings a lot of advantages:

  • hot sex
  • return of lost romance
  • lack of any obligations
  • rejuvenated appearance

However, a woman plunged into such a love whirlwind is often seized by various fears and worries. She is afraid that her young lover can easily find a young peer.

To prevent this from happening, take note of the following:

  • Tune in to the fact that a relationship with a young lover is a rather painstaking work on yourself. You need to be the best for the young man and not pay attention to the gossip behind your back.
  • If you are overcome by complexes about the age difference, do not share with them with your chosen one. He's okay with everything, right? Let it be so. Do not compare yourself to young girls and do not be jealous.
  • Be yourself. After all, he liked you as you are - mature and experienced. Do not try to imitate young girls: in the manner of dress, behavior. An overly youthful lady always looks funny.
  • Admire your young lover constantly. Immature men love praise, as it gives them self-confidence.
  • Try to look good at all times. You may be older, but you are stunning!
  • In cases where you go out with him, then choose a similar style of clothing. If he prefers youth fashion, then you should dress more democratic.
  • Do not become a teacher for him: in sex, in business, in relationships. He can run away from your preachings. On the contrary, let him teach you what you cannot do: surfing, roller skating, computer games, fashionable dancing.
  • Treat him like a mature man. Do not take his judgments condescendingly, do not load up with gifts, do not make him an "errand boy." Give him the opportunity to show his worth.

How to behave for the first time with a lover?

Any woman on her first love date is always worried. First of all, understand that you don't owe anyone anything. Enter into an intimate relationship with your lover when you yourself are ready for this.

So that the first sex with a new gentleman does not bring disappointment, follow the advice of sexologists:

  • Think ahead about where your first date will be. If it’s in your apartment, don’t bother with cooking dinner. Better go to a cafe. And at home you may have cognac or wine, sweets, fruits.
  • Do not tune in to the fact that the first sex with your man will be memorable and amazing. Experts say that the third or fourth date goes better.
  • Awkward situations during the first sex are inevitable. Do not be embarrassed by this, accept all the embarrassment with a smile.
  • Don't be complex about your body flaws. At the moment of arousal, a man does not look at cellulite or wrinkles at the waist.

  • Behave naturally. You can ask: "Do you like this?", "How would you like to?" And do not forget to cheer and guide your lover with the words: "you do everything this way", "let's try differently." Remember that for a man the first sex with a new partner is also very responsible and exciting.
  • Don't hold back your emotions if you feel good. Talk about how you like his figure, hair, smell.
  • Do not experiment too much and do not try to impress your lover with difficult poses. Leave that for later dates when you reach a certain level of trust with your partner.
  • Don't fuss after sex. Do not dress quickly and immediately start making phone calls, checking mail, or any other business. Give your lover a massage, soak up your arms.
  • Don't forget about safety. Even if passion has covered you headlong, always remember about contraceptive methods.

How to behave with a married lover?

It so happens that a married woman, being in principle happy with her marriage, experiences attraction or passion for a man on the side. In most cases, ladies are not looking for sexual novelty, but for romance and attention, which they lack in a relationship with their husband.

If your lover is also married, then such a relationship, as a rule, does not bring problems, since both of you are not free and will not arrange scenes for each other and cause inconvenience. It is more difficult when the lover of a married woman is single. In this situation, you need to be careful:

  • Don't let your lover get involved in your family life. Eliminate the possibility of suspicion on the part of your spouse: no night sms and calls, unexpected meetings.
  • Don't share the news of your family life. And never discuss with your spouse's lover.
  • Love dates should not take place in your apartment, even if your husband is away on a business trip. Neighbors can see you

  • Don't let your lover keep your intimate photos. It happens that after the breakup of the relationship, the ex-lover begins to blackmail.
  • Please note that a bachelor lover considers himself completely free and can date other women. Therefore, you will need to pacify your jealousy.
  • Perhaps the man is dating you because he has not yet met his one. And when he meets and marries, be ready to leave his life.

How to deal with a lover boss?

An office romance with a boss has its pros and cons. Therefore, a woman must think over and weigh everything before agreeing to such a relationship. Having decided on such a relationship, be prepared for difficult situations that may arise:

  • Surely colleagues will gossip behind your back, and you will have fewer friends at work. Take it calmly and with restraint. On the other hand, you will be intimidated and not burdened with additional work.
  • Set aside excessive modesty. Don't pass up bonuses or promotions. Usually, everyone agrees to have an affair with their boss for this very reason.
  • Accept the fact that the chef can call you for love pleasures in his office at any time. And the secretary and colleagues will be aware of what is happening.
  • Observe the chain of command, and never call him in front of subordinates by his name or any petting nickname.
  • Get ready for the chef-lover to lead everywhere and in everything. The place of rest, the time of meetings will be chosen only by him.
  • Try to make the most of this relationship. It's not so much about the material benefits that you can get, but about the opportunity to learn professional skills from your lover, the ability to do business, and make the necessary acquaintances.
  • Note that you will not be dating anyone other than your boss. He will come to you at any time he pleases. And you should always be ready for his arrival.

In the event of a breakdown, you may have difficulties at work, especially if your boss is a vindictive person. He can find fault with you, fill up with additional work.

There are several options for how to behave in such a situation:

  • Work impeccably and, if possible, talk to him in front of witnesses
  • Transfer to another unit
  • Complain to higher management
  • If none of the above suits you, change your job.

How to behave with an older lover?

Relationships in which the lover is significantly older than the girl often cause public condemnation. Indeed, as a rule, an adult man greatly pampers his young mistress with gifts or helps financially.

If the connection suits both of you, do not be afraid of gossip and listen to the advice of psychologists:

  • Be aware that you may have different needs and interests due to age differences. He may not like movies and books you like, or he may prefer a quiet evening at home to dancing in a nightclub.
  • Do not talk about age and do not compare your lover with your young gentlemen. He is so worried about the outgoing youth, do not aggravate the situation.
  • Trust him in everything and do not question his judgment. After all, he has much more life experience than you.
  • Consider what qualities the man chose you for, and support this image further.
  • Be a skillful lover, and also get ready for the fact that with you he will strive to realize what he lacked courage in his youth.

  • Ask your lover for advice in many aspects, but you should not pretend to be a silly fool either. It should be interesting with you. But a grown man will be pleased to teach and see how you develop under his leadership.
  • Let yourself be patronized. Don't show your independence. Indeed, often a man in such a relationship wants to show paternal concerns.
  • Do not beg for expensive gifts, otherwise your connection will have the color "money - services". And the attitude towards you will be appropriate.
  • Don't try to remake it. He is already what he is. And it won't change, even for your sake. Respect your lover's experience and wisdom.

Before starting a lover, think carefully and take a look at your life. Is the time spent with another man worth it? If you have a good family, then you shouldn't risk it for a fleeting romance.

Video: " Bioenergy - is it worth having lovers? Relationship or sex? "