Sports entertainment in the second junior group of the kindergarten. Sports leisure in the second junior group: "Snow, snow, the whole street is white!"

Tasks: improve walking and running skills, exercise in high jump; continue to acquaint children with the world around them; teach to solve riddles; give children a sense of joy.

Equipment: skittles (6 pcs.); track (width 20 cm); gymnastic sticks (6 pcs.); rope stretched between two posts; four rings tied to a rope at different heights, a stump (height 20 cm) for a reference point.

Leisure course

Children enter the gym to music and form in a circle in the middle of the hall.

Instructor. Once upon a time there lived in the forest ... and who lived, you will find out if you guess the riddle:

Long ear, lump of fluff.

He jumps dexterously, loves carrots.

That's right, it's a bunny. Today we will turn into bunnies with you. Do you agree? Close your eyes. One, two, three - we became bunnies! Open your eyes. You are bunnies now. The bunnies got tired of pinching grass and leaves, and they decided to go to the village, to visit the garden and eat cabbage.


1. "Cautiously, the bunnies are walking, they are laying on the sides."

Gentle walking one after another with the head turning to the right, left.

2. "They are looking for a familiar path in the grass."

Walking with inclines.

3. “They heard some noise, got scared, and ran.”

Running "snake" between the pins.

4. "Finally, they found footprints on a narrow path."

Running on a narrow path (width - 20 cm).

5. "The noise subsided, the bunnies calmed down and ran to the village."

Jumping on two legs with advancement to the landmark.

6. "They jump over dry branches."

Jumping over six gymnastic sticks lying on the floor.

7. “We ran into the village to the garden, and they had already removed all the cabbage and hung it high on a pole. How to get it? The hares decided to practice. They kicked off the ground well, jumped up and got a head of cabbage. "

Jumping in place, touching the hanging rings with your hands.

8. “And suddenly the hares saw a watchman sneaking up on them. It's time to run away! "

Running one after another.

9. "Here at last there are bunnies in their native forest."

Running turns into accelerated walking, then into normal walking.

Instructor... These are the bunnies that are great! And now it's time to turn into guys again.

Close your eyes. One, two, three - we are guys again. And you became children again. Time to go home!

Children leave the hall to the music.

Physical culture leisure in the second junior group "On a visit to the Zaychishka".

Creation of a favorable emotional state in children through the activation of motor activity.
1. Continue teaching children how to exercise with objects.
2. Strengthen the skills of walking, running, jumping.
3. To develop dexterity, balance, an eye, the ability to navigate in space.
4. to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards forest dwellers.

Equipment: two rattles for each child, plush hare and bear, cones, basket, log, bear mask, musical accompaniment, tape recorder.

The teacher with the children enters the hall to the music and puts the children on high chairs

The teacher holds a plush hare under the diaper in his hands and makes a riddle
Jumps deftly
Eating carrots!
Who is this?
Children: Bunny.
Educator: That's right, this is a bunny (shows). Want to play with Bunny? But to get to him, you need to complete several tasks.

The game "On a level track"
Children walk in a circle one after another and pronounce the words, “our legs are walking on a flat path,” and repeat after the teacher.
Educator: Now you have to go along the bridge. You are not afraid of difficulties, are you?
Children walk along the log.

Educator: Well done boys! You crossed the bridge well. Now let's show the Bunny how dexterous and skillful you are. Let him watch you exercise.
Playful charging with rattles.

The children took the rattles
They walked quickly with them.
Children follow the leader, waving rattles, 20-30 sec.
They began to run and jump,
Play with rattles.
Children run, ringing rattles, 20-30 sec.
We must now become everything in a circle,
Show rattles.
Everyone is in a circle.
Raise rattles
And then lower them,
Raise and lower!
Raise and lower!
Raise and lower!
Children raise and lower rattles.
The children began to squat
To knock with rattles.
Knock - and straight!
Knock - and straight!
Knock, knock, knock!

Children squat, knocking rattles, get up, repeat these movements twice, in words
"Knock, knock, knock" quickly knock the handles of the rattles on the ground three times, then rise.

Educator: Another guest came to us. Guess who he is.
He is a strict master of the forest,
Likes to sleep in a den in winter.
And all winter long
He dreams of sweet honey!
He may be scary to roar,
Who is he, tell me ...
Children: Bear. (games file)

Game "Bear"(2-3 times).
Mishka got out of the den, walking, waddling from foot to foot
Teddy bear kneads his legs:
On tiptoes he went walking on toes
And on the heels later. walking on heels
I rode on a swing rolling from toes to heels
And he chased the kids. children run away from the bear

Game "You roll, funny ball"(2-3 times)
Children stand in a circle and pass the ball from hand to hand with the words:
You roll, funny ball,
Quickly, quickly from hand to hand.
Who has a funny ball
Gopaka will dance for us.

A child who has a ball goes into a circle and dances to cheerful music.
Educator: The guys visited the bunny, and now they have to go back to the kindergarten.
The game "On a level track"
Children walk in a circle one after another and say the words, "our legs are walking on a flat path."
And the children leave the hall after the teacher.

Purpose of sports leisure: to consolidate the ability of children to act on a signal, to exercise in passing and rolling the ball, to enjoy physical education.

Equipment: balls with a diameter of 6 cm are 2-3 times more in number than children, balls with a diameter of 15 cm in terms of the number of children, one ball with a diameter of 25 cm, a long guideline rope, a clown costume for an adult, sweets.

"Cheerful Clown"

Sports activities:

An instructor dressed as a clown meets children in the gym:
I am cheerful and perky
I came to play with you, friends.
Guess who I am.
Children: Clown!

I'm funny, naughty
Glad to see you in summer and winter
Do you guys want
Go to the circus with me

Children: We want!

To the accompaniment of musical accompaniment, children walk through the hall, forming themselves in a circle.
The clown shows the children a basket with small balls (there are more balls than children), "accidentally" drops it, the balls scatter around the hall.

Clown: Oh oh! Rather help me collect the balls.
Children collect balls in the basket.

Clown: How naughty they are, we will not play with them. He takes a basket with more balls (there are 1 fewer balls than children), behaves awkwardly, and again scatters balls.

Clown: Ouch! And these crumbled! Take the ball as soon as possible.
Children take one ball, one child is missing a ball.

Clown: As it is, the ball is not enough, well, put the balls on the floor, let's try again. We will run around the hall to the music, and when the music is over, we will take the ball again.

Children scatter, but the ball is again missing.

Clown: This cannot be, you probably ran slowly, let's try again.

Children run to the music (one more ball is added imperceptibly), after all children play a ball.

Clown: What is it, all the balls are not obedient, then they crumble, then they hide, you need to teach them to obey. Stand in a circle.

A game exercise is carried out: "Lifting crane"(raise and lower balls with a change of pace)

Clown: What fellows, hold the balls tight, let's play the game "Who is faster" We must quickly line up along the string so that it is not crowded.

At one, two, three, children run to the string (line up)

Clown: Now we need to return the balls to their place, but so that they do not scatter, we will roll them.
A game exercise is carried out "Roll the ball"... Children roll balls from one side of the hall to the other and leave them in the basket.

Clown: Well done, like all the balls are now in place (he is looking around the hall, one ball, 25 cm in diameter, lies on the floor), and this one is where it came from. Probably wants to play with us too. Get up in the circle, we will pass it on to each other.

A game is played to the accompaniment of a musical composition "Pass the ball"(passing the ball on signal).

Clown: Well done, we passed the ball well to each other, and I just want to play with you.

The game is being played "My jolly jingle ball", the game is played 3 times, with the last time the Clown only swings, but does not throw the ball (he discreetly hides the ball from the children)

Clown: Ouch! The ball has gone somewhere! Probably hid. Let's look for him.

Children walk around the hall looking for a ball. Imperceptibly the Clown lays out the ball, a bag of sweets is attached to the ball (round candy wrapped in candy wrappers or "Chupa-Chups")

Everyone is happy, treating themselves to sweets.

From what's good
It was together to play the ball
The holiday passed merrily
But it's time to end it.
To the accompaniment of musical accompaniment, children leave the gym.

State budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten number 18 combined type

Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Sports Leisure Scenario

In the second junior group

"On a visit to the Christmas tree"

Compiled and conducted


O. V. Filippova

Saint Petersburg


Objectives: To enrich the motor experience of children.

Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of children's health.

To develop the emotional and volitional sphere of the child.

Types of children's activities:motor, play, communicative, musical


Equipment: Log (soft module); tunnel; cubes -2 pcs. (soft modules);

Artificial herringbone.

The character: Bear (adult in costume)

Leisure course

Children one after another enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Educator: Hello guys! I know that somewhere far away there is

A magic forest and a magic tree grows there. This tree grows

Magic bumps. I know that this tree is guarded by the guard of the teddy bear.

He sent us a letter, now I will read it:

To reach the tree

And you will not go astray.

All obstacles are forest

You need to get through.

Complete all tasks

And help each other.

Do you guys want to find a magic tree?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Well, go ahead, let's go on a journey. Get up after me, take

A friend by the hand, and we will go to look for a magic tree.

So that we don't get lost

You need to hold hands.

We go to the forest

Many miracles await us there.

Children: They walk like a snake, holding hands.

Educator: We walk through the snowdrifts,

Raise the legs higher.

We walk through the snowdrifts

And we don't get tired at all!

Children: They walk one after another, raising their knees high, hands on their waist.

Educator: It's cold in the forest in winter,

They all ran after me.

Running will be more fun

Running will be warmer to us.

Children: Running in a column one after another.

Educator: Here is a clearing, here is a forest,

Where is the tree up to heaven?

Children: Rebuild in a circle.

Educator: Guys, in order for us to get to the magic tree, we need to walk along

A log (walking on a soft module), then crawl under a bush

(crawling into the tunnel), step over the snowdrifts (step over

Soft modules)

Children: Exercises one after another. (3 times)

Educator: Well done, guys. So we have completed all the tasks. Let's all together

Let's say: "Magic tree, appear!" a bear appears (adult)

Bear: Hello dear guys! I am very glad to see you. I guess that

You have come to visit me.

Educator: Teddy bear, treadmill, help us find the magic tree.

Bear: Let's play first. I really like to play, and then your tree

Let's look.

Educator: Good bear. We will play with you. I know an interesting game.

The game " Catch the bear "

Children are on one side of the hall, and the presenter is opposite. At the command of the bear, the children run to the host, take the teddy bear from him and return, lifting him up. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Bear: How much fun we played. Goodbye, guys!

Educator: Now the bear says goodbye to us and returns to its den.

Takes out an artificial herringbone.

Educator: Look, guys, what a wonderful Christmas tree.

Paws fluffed up the tree,

She began to show off.

And boys and girls

They began to smile.

We brought bright toys today:

There are candies and balls

Gingerbread cookies, crackers.

Get your toys out,

Decorate the Christmas tree together.

Children: Together with the teacher, they decorate the Christmas tree.

Educator: Who sits under the Christmas tree, the children sat down

And wiggles your ears? palms above the head

We sat down, stood up together, the children stand up

Suddenly they saw a hare. palms above the head

You bunny come out, jumping on two legs in place

Call your friends. invite everyone to the circle

We drive around the Christmas tree, we dance in a circle, walking in a circle, holding hands

The whole forest people are having fun, rejoicing.

Bunnies scattered, bunnies - runaways scattering

They began to jump and spin, jumping on two legs across the hall

We began to have fun together

Hey little bunnies, one-two-three

Run to the tree as soon as possible.

We will start a round dance around the tree, the children walk in a circle, holding hands

Let all the people rejoice. and sing any New Year's song

Children: Perform movements on the text.

Educator: We stayed at the tree,

The Christmas tree was brightly decorated.

Now it's time to go home

Get ready, kids.

Children: Walking in a column behind the teacher to calm music.

They leave the hall one after another.


1. "Physical culture instructor" Scientific and practical journal. No. 2-M.: Sfera shopping center


2. Kartushina M. Yu. Subject physical training in a preschool educational institution.- M .: Publishing house

"Scriptorium" 2003

3. Mullaeva N. B. Lecture notes - scenarios of physical culture lessons for preschoolers:

Educational-methodical manual- SPb.: Childhood-Press, 2005.

Target: Increasing children's interest in physical education.

"Physical culture", "Health", "Socialization", "Music"


v Educational area "Physical culture"

§ To consolidate the skills to perform basic types of movements.

§ To develop dexterity, strength, quickness, endurance, coordination of movements, ingenuity.

§ To form the ability to observe elementary rules, coordinate movements, navigate in space.

§ Form the need for physical activity.

v Educational area "Health"

§ Maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of children.

v Educational area "Socialization"

§ Develop the emotional sphere of children.

§ Develop the ability to imitate the characteristic actions of the characters.

§ Foster friendly relationships.

v Educational area "Music"

§ Develop emotional responsiveness to the mood and character of the music, the ability to understand the mood of the image.



Sports leisure

in the second younger group

Outline plan

Topic: "Journey to Luntik"

Target: Increasing children's interest in physical education.

Integration of educational areas:

"Physical culture", "Health", "Socialization", "Music"


  • Educational area "Physical culture"
  • Strengthen the skills to perform the basic types of movements.
  • To develop dexterity, strength, speed, endurance, coordination of movements, ingenuity.
  • To form the ability to observe elementary rules, coordinate movements, navigate in space.
  • Form the need for physical activity.
  • Educational area "Health"
  • Maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of children.
  • Educational area "Socialization"
  • Develop the emotional sphere of children.
  • Develop the ability to imitate the characteristic actions of the characters.
  • Cultivate friendships.
  • Educational area "Music"
  • To develop emotional responsiveness to the mood and character of the music, the ability to understand the mood of the image.

Equipment: cord, stuffed balls, gymnastic benches, measuring cups, cereals, cardboard flowers, toys (Luntik, Kuzya).

Activity progress

(Children enter the fabulously decorated hall)

Educator. Guys, today I suggest you go on a fabulous journey, and to whom, try to guess.

Pink belly

On the top of the head - ears

Children love a cartoon

They know this is ... (Luntik)

Guys, think, what Luntik?

That's right, Luntik is strong, brave and dexterous. Do you want to become like him? Then let's hit the road!

So as not to get bored on the road, we will walk together.

(Walking in a straight line, walking in a snake)

Educator. Guys, look at what a beautiful clearing we got. I wonder who lives here?

Jumps, jumps all day

And he is not too lazy to ride

He is very friendly with sports

Who is this? Grasshopper …(Kuzya)

And here he is. (The teacher takes out a grasshopper toy)

Kuzya told me that he really likes to jump over a stream. Like this (showing jump progress). A do you want to jump like a grasshopper?

(Children stand in a row along the stream and, at the command of the teacher, jump to one side and the other)

Educator. Look, children, someone else lives here. Guess who it is.

Spider wrote poems

And the name of the poet ... (Shnyuk)

Now we will turn into spiders..

Relay game. Children stand along the stretched cord at a height of 40 cm in two columns. They crawl under the cord without touching the floor with their hands)

Well done! We tried, bent down low, did not touch the floor with our hands.


Near the trees and needles

A house was built on a summer day.

He is not visible behind the grass,

And there are a million tenants in it.(anthill and ants)

Guys, do you know that ants are strong, friendly and very hardworking. Are you strong? We will now check it out.

Relay game "Roll the stone".

(Children stand in two columns. The first participant has a large medicine ball. You need to roll the ball in a straight line to the reference point and back, and pass it to the next participant.)

That's how strong and friendly you are! Deftly coped with the task! Listen to another riddle.


From flower to flower flies

He collects nectar for the family.

Hardworking child

Who? Guess? (Little bee)

Let's help the bee collect nectar.Relay game "Collect the nectar".

Children stand in two columns. The first participant takes a measuring cup, runs to the landmark, scoops cereals from the dishes and comes back; pours the cereal into a bowl, passes the glass to the next participant.

The little bee says "thank you" for your help.


The bee has a girlfriend

Very nice girl

In a red dress with polka dots

Who can tell us a name?(ladybug Mila)

Now we will crawl across the bridge like ladybugs.Relay game "Crawl over the bridge".

(Children stand in two columns. The first participant crawls along a bench two meters long and runs back to the end of the column)


They flutter over the flower, dance

A patterned fan is waving.(Butterflies)

Children, now we will turn into butterflies. During the day, butterflies fly, and at night they return to flowers and fall asleep. Be careful.

(Children “fly” to the music, and when the music dies down, they “fly” into the flowers and “fall asleep.” The game is repeated twice.)

Educator. Oh guys, look who is hiding under the flower? Yes, it's Luntik!(the teacher takes out a toy Luntik)

So we met. We walked to you for a very long time, and our path was not easy!

Luntik. Yes, my friends, and Little Bee, and Mila, and butterflies, all told me how smart and friendly you guys are. I am very glad to see you!


We wandered in the meadow

We visited the insects

Soon to go to the group,

What can you give us?

Luntik. Can you dance for me?

Educator. Of course, Luntik, the guys and I have prepared a fun dance for you.

(Children perform dance "Quarreled - made friends")


I have a lot of fun with you

And I love you all.

Let's go together in a group

I'll show you!

(Children, together with the toy Luntik, return to the group).