Gala evening for the day of the medical worker. Medical Worker Day Celebration Scenario

The script of the festive concert dedicated to the day of the medical worker - 2009

Before the start of the event, songs of a medical theme are played.

The beginning of the event sounds _________ song ____"People in white coats"

Speech by the Director of the Health Department - Svetlana Viktorovna Vasilkova ____________________________________________

Music sounds for the exit of Tamara Vasilievna Minkina _____________

Awards ceremony ____________________________________________

Speech by Svetlana Viktorovna

Awards ceremony __________________________________________

Music sounds on the presenter's exit ________________________________

Veda - Good afternoon, dear, dear heroes of the occasion! Happy Holidays! Happy medical worker's day!

Today, our pupils and teachers of the State Drama Theater have a very exciting and responsible performance, because each participant in the concert has been in your skillful and kind hands. We would like to thank you people who give and extend the most precious thing a person has - life!

And if tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow not work, or at home you will have one more smile, if, returning home today, you remember some song or joke heard at the concert, we will be very pleased. It means that we did our best not in vain. Accept congratulations from the city House of Children's Art.

Room ______________ "Apple tree", "Crescendo" ____________

Sounds ____________________ "Turn on the exit" _____________________

1 - Everything is in order there is no tail!

All - We cut off the tails!

2 - Let's start then!

3 - Agents, settle in order!

3 - agent X

4 - Agent xx

5 - Agent 3 x

6 - Agent xy

3 - Where is the intern?

All - Trainee ?!

Trainee - Trainee Yamek!

1 - Take off your hat!

2 - Take off your hat!

Together - Take off your hat!

3 - We have arrived to complete a mission

Together - Harm!

3 - Why are you shouting, you can hear everything here, quiet, necessary, quiet….

Igrek - And for the doctors, everything is, on the contrary, for them - do no harm!

Andrey - From the very birth a person falls into the hands of these people in white coats! So what?

Everything, that?!

Andrey - And what they start to do ... these are like theirs, the language does not dare to say ....

All - Vaccinations!

Andrey - They are the most ... And we, as you know, are against vaccination, there is no need to inject people with all sorts of nonsense!

Gamer - Commander, what have you got ?!

Andrey - Yes, so, the dog has bitten! What's wrong?

Everything - Nothing!

1 - Is everything all right with your health? Temperatures, by any chance?

2 - Does the cramp bother you?

3 - Do you not notice the mesh in front of your eyes?

Andrey - What are you doing ?!

5 - Why are you spitting so suspiciously ?!

1 - Maybe you can drink some water ?!

Andrey - No!

Igrek - Everything is clear, we need an anti-rabies vaccine!

Andrey - I don't need any vaccine, you want to fail the task ?!

2- Are you fatal ?!

Andrey - I have never flown, and you will not force me to!

2 - Agents, commander, in my opinion does not understand ?! Let's explain!

All - We'll have to!

2 - Well, in general, soon you will discard your hooves ....

4 - Glue the fins!

5 - Move the horses!

Andrey - What?

1 - What is what, khan to you, that's what!

Andrey - How is it khan, I just started living, bought a hat, sewn a cool raincoat to order, gathered you, agents, and that's it, life is over !?

2 - It turns out so!

Andrey - what to do?

3 - We told you, the rabies vaccine is urgently needed!

Andrey - Is that again injections ?!

All - if you don't want it, don't!

Andrey - Did you tell the truth about the volatile outcome ?!

4 - Firstly, not volatile, but lethal ...

5 - And secondly, they didn’t know, they didn’t say!

Andrey - And what do you suggest ?!

1 - Remove ambition, and present some surprise as an excuse!

Andrey - Will the dessert go ?!

2 - Well, it's not for us to judge!

Andrey - And to whom?

Together - to the Spectator!

Andrey - So, today we are going to cook an amazing dish!

Together - "Medical dessert!"

Anya - For this we need to take 2 kg of youth and activity, the leader of the leader, the deputy of the Shakhty City Duma Andrei Anatolyevich Ryabov

Olya - 2 tablespoons of the vast experience of the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, surgeon Nikolai Ivanovich Kopytko,

Alina - A glass of responsibility, seriousness and new ideas of Galina Ivanovna Chuvashova.

Vika - Add the charm and excellent leadership of Natalia Semyonovna Pansurkina.

Andrey - At the tip of the knife of youth, prospects, responsibility to everything Igor Alekseevich Legkov,

Denis - A handful of beginnings of Inna Viktorovna Shevchenko.

Anya - Mix everything with the intelligence and commitment of Georgy Grigorievich Golubnichy,

Olya - And thanks from the women and children of Olga Alexandrovna Shevchenko

Alina - As a surprise, put the efficiency and activity of Galina Eduardovna Belinskaya.

Vika - Warm up on the success of Tatyana Anatolyevna Bunk

Andrey - Bake in the diligence and reliability of Vladimir Mikhailovich Attacks.

Denis - And in successful leadership, advanced technologies and forms of work of Sergei Vladimirovich Khlynin

Olya - To decorate all this with the sense of humor and calmness of Anatoly Pavlovich Litvinenko and the excellent organizational skills, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Valery Petrovich Zhinkin.

Anya - Sprinkle with kindness, responsiveness, responsibility, and love for the children of the chief pediatrician of the city, Nina Andreevna Shilina!

Alina - Serve with many years of organizational experience, persistence, reliability and loyalty of Mikhail Leonidovich Gorlovetsky ……………

Anya - With decency, diligence, and love of the children of your region, Lyubov Ivanovna Turichenko!

Andrey - Oh, and yummy turned out!

Alina - Of course, because only the cream of medicine works in our city

Glory, glory

Together - to the doctors,
Nurses, paramedics,
To all nurses, ophthalmologists,
Obstetricians, prosthetists,
Dentists and ENTs.

We all sing glory in chorus.
Even if someone is healthy
After all, he began his life with doctors!

Their caring hands
Eased mothers' torments;
So that we can be born.

God forbid we catch a cold
Catching bronchitis or flu -
We will immediately remember them!

Everyone will tell you about them,
How skillful and courageous;

How they will be shrouded in attention
To improve your condition;

How, fighting for the lives of people,
Forget about their own.

They took the Hippocratic oath,
They are faithful to her in her work.

Glory, glory to the doctors!
We bow low to you.

Together - Happy Holidays!

Number_ Dance "classical" _______ "Chinese" ________________

Sounds ________________________________________________________

Veda - Birth and death is a great and trembling mystery, the cover of which no one has yet dared to break. Each person comes to life as a guest, grows, creates, becomes the master of fate, but old age comes imperceptibly, the result of a life lived. They say: "that old, that small" - both are defenseless, they are often sick, bored, offended, more than we need joy, they yearn for an affectionate word, and the directors of Nursing Homes know this like no one else: Anatoly Borisovich Boguslavsky, Kilina Galina Gennadievna, Sinyavtseva Inna Aleksandrovna. The most difficult task of caring for elderly people fell on their shoulders. They do not skimp on spiritual generosity, mercy and compassion. Optimism and faith in the future allows them to cope with any tasks. I wish you strong health, family well-being and warmth!

Congratulations _______________________________________________________

Number_ Song ______ "Chimney sweep" _______________________________

Ved - There are five specialized regional dispensaries in our city, which work in close contact with municipal medical institutions on the provision of medical care to the population. And you always find mutual understanding and support among yourself. It is these specialists that I would like to see in the structure of municipal medical institutions. And on this friendly note, we continue our festive concert.

Number _______ Dance ____ "Pa + Pa" ______________________________

Ved - the Shakhty branch of ROFOMS and the Department of Health - the employees of these institutions confidently keep their finger on the pulse - funding. Excellent organizers, quickly, clearly, harmoniously solve all the tasks assigned to them, of course, under the strict guidance of beautiful women Svetlana Viktorovna Vasilkova and Elena Nikolaevna Lopatkina. Isn't it happiness when you are understood and supported! We wish you to continue walking hand in hand, maintaining a warm relationship. Happy holiday, dear friends, by right - with your holiday, the day of the medical worker!

And I invite Svetlana Viktorovna Vasilkova, Director of the Healthcare Department, to the stage for the awards ceremony

Sounds _________________________ Exit ________________________

Sounds ___ Awards ceremony _________________________________

Presenter - And again, accept congratulations from the City House of Children's Art

Number ______________ "Classic" __________________________________

Vedas - Let me, from the staff of the State Duma, congratulate you once again on the holiday. I see a lot of women in the hall and I think men will not be offended if I start congratulating the beautiful half of humanity:

What does a woman want? We all seem to know

And yet, friends, we sincerely wish:

Good luck in job! Pleasant weather!

Love - pure, tender and repeated!

Children of different sexes! Fit coat!

Male compliments

Silky hair! White teeth!

Wealthy and very gentle husbands!

Scorching love, like in the TV series.

Five TV shows on each channel.

Perfume from Dior. Flowers daily

Desires fulfilled instantly!

Wealthy husbands (as they say,

If you really want it, it's not a sin to repeat yourself!)

Trips - not to the garden, but to the sea.

Delicious pastries, but no calories.

Exhausting passions! The difficulties are short!

There are no less than forty carats of diamonds!

And so that in the morning you will not be woken up by an alarm clock

And coffee or tea and your favorite protector!

We wish men on this day:

Successful career, good figure

And just wonderful muscles!

Foreign cars, but the steering wheel is to the left.

Salon from leather and redwood!

Resort novels. Gusts of insane.

But everything that would have been - prudent!

Scientific papers, dissertations without pain.

Of course, great masculine willpower!

Quiet, beautiful and very family wives!

Hot and daily dinners!

Different intentions, but better than serious ones.

Five-room and five-star dwellings!

The salary is good, well, just great

To proudly say: "It's not proper to speak!"

And it seems ... something else we forgot ...

Oh ok! Love! And dust-free sideboards!

However, we haven’t said one thing yet.

More luck, less sadness!

And so that patients do not grieve

And only "Healthy!" you have always been answered!

Happy Holidays!

Number ________ "Semyon" ________________________________________

Screenplay by E.Yu. Sergeev.

June 2009

On the third Sunday in June (2019 - June 16), we will celebrate the Day of the Medical Worker. Conferences, seminars, lectures, exhibitions of medical equipment, preventive examinations are timed to this holiday.

The management rewards the best specialists, colleagues and friends congratulate doctors and nurses on the holiday. Employees of the collectives of medical institutions get together to hold a corporate event on the Day of the Medical Worker.

Scenario of a corporate party for the Day of a medical worker

A holiday on the occasion of the Day of a health worker can include reading poetry, singing songs in honor of representatives of this profession. At the corporate party for the Day of the Medical Worker, you can also organize interesting contests and games.

And the celebration will end with a festive feast, which will feature original toasts in honor of the Day of the Medical Worker.

When composing a script for a corporate holiday "Day of a Medical Worker", do not forget to provide the necessary requisite. You will need, in particular, first-aid kits, overalls, medical masks, multicolored felt-tip pens and markers for the participants of the competition program.

Game contests will help create a relaxed atmosphere at the holiday.

Contests and games for the Day of the Medical Worker

Participants in the first competition will need to provide the "sick" with first aid for fractures, burns, frostbite, signs of flu, a foreign body in the ear or nose, injury with bleeding, etc.

In the “Guess” competition, participants are divided into pairs. One of them should depict a scene of an appointment with a doctor using pantomime means, and the other should determine what the patient is sick with and what specialization the doctor is treating. The audience will award a prize to the best couple participating in the competition.

Each blindfolded pair must put on the things that are in the bag: two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. The victory is the pair of surgeons who are the first to prepare for the operation and shout: "Scalpel!"

Participants are given a grapefruit, a plastic knife and a pair of medical gloves. “Surgeons” will need to cut the grapefruit in 1-2 minutes so that they get several slices of equal size. Assistants can advise doctors.

Then the competitors are given medical masks, on which mouths need to be drawn in a few minutes. After that, the doctors put on masks, and the audience chooses the most original one.

And at the end of the holiday, during a collective feast, beautiful toasts will be performed in honor of medical workers in verse and prose.

Toast for Medical Worker's Day

For doctors, for their work and dedication! I drink to the bottom for the health of each of you and wish prosperity to our dear medicine! I would like to wish that she did not stand still, but moved rapidly forward. Happy Medic Day, friends!

Dear doctors and nurses, paramedics and obstetricians, laboratory assistants and orderlies, we sincerely and heartily congratulate you on the Day of the Medical Worker! Please accept my thanks for your high professionalism, patience, kindness and generosity! I wish you good health, excellent mood and success in all your endeavors!

For your life credo -
"Come to the aid of all people!" -
I raise this glass
And I want to make a toast.
A snake and a glass - an ancient symbol
Medicine for centuries.

About your medical assistance
Glory is great among the people!
I wish the wisdom of the serpent,
From the cup greedily drink happiness,
And let the path of life be long
To heal all the sick!

Ambulance in any weather
Quickly rush up, saving lives.
Happiness, health for many years
We wish all doctors this holiday!

Take off your white robes
Spend a portion of your salary
And have fun until you drop:
You need a drink for life today,
For the joy of beating hearts
For medicine, finally.

For nurses and doctors -
For all earthly, native gods,
For those who are in the day, for those who are in the night,
For those who will say to death: "Get out!"
Doctor on duty - he can't ...
Happy Medic Day! For you, friends!

Scalpels, syringes, people in white coats - complete horror? But no, if this is a medical party for a corporate party, on the occasion of a colleague's birthday, doctor's day, graduation from a university or medical school. Original contests, black humor, charming nurses are a gorgeous topic, even when neither the occasion nor the hero of the occasion has anything to do with medical practice!


To create a themed atmosphere, a room designed in white tones is ideal - the main color of a medical-style party. But the design should be bright and colorful, because this is a holiday. Less realism and more styling so guests don't feel like they are at a doctor's appointment.

Auxiliary shades: red + blue, green, turquoise, orange, cherry or purple (or whatever, the color of medical suits). For a corporate event, you can choose the color that prevails in the interior of the clinic for decoration.

The entourage, clothes and the format of the party itself differ dramatically depending on the direction of the topic. Basic:

Mental hospital- decor, attributes, entertainment, costumes and everything else, coupled with the epithet "crazy". Guests in shirts with long sleeves, crazy experimental doctors, treats in bed ships, total chaos, mess and anarchy.

Hospital horrors Is a common theme for Halloween celebrations. It looks like a madhouse, but more chernukha: fake body parts are used in the decoration of the hall / dishes, blood is everywhere, toy scalpels, surgical saws.

Cinema- the atmosphere resembles a film / TV series, guests try on the images of the main characters. Popular: Clinic, Interns, House Doctor, Grey's Anatomy, Ambulance.

« Medical party "- a youth party, usually in a club / private house. A minimum of decor and snacks, a maximum of alcohol, dancing and sexy "nurses". Drawings, spicy contests will fit perfectly, suitable for a modest budget.

The most popular direction for organizing a themed medical party is an associative cocktail. Any attributes are appropriate here - stylish, piquant, humorous, nasty (from the occasion, the level of the event, the mores of the company).

We offer design ideas in a medical style without reference to any conventions:

  • come up with a name for the holiday, make a poster, banner or poster to decorate the entrance: Medical party "Injection of fun", Clinical case, Pill for boredom, Night watch, Ward № "age of the birthday boy";
  • put a large glass-vase with shoe covers at the entrance... Just for the entourage, you don't need to torment your friends by wearing these "shoes";

  • hang up the signs- Taking tests at the toilet door, Disinfection over the sink, Dining room or Dispensing medication on the wall at the table with treats. There will be a treatment room near the bar / table with drinks, and sofas and other recreation areas - numbered chambers;

Organizing a birthday party? Hang a stand with a photo of your friends and a portrait of the birthday boy in the "Best Employee of the Year" center. It is easy to "draw" medical berets / caps to friends in Photoshop.

  • bouquets from colorful containers from shoe covers- make a hole from the bottom with a hot nail, put the box on a skewer. It remains to glue paper petals around the lids and leaves to the stem skewers, put in a vase;
  • red topiary (mini-trees) from insulin syringes - paint the blank ball in the desired color, stick a skewer from below, often poke the base with syringes. Foam blanks are sold in handicraft stores (it is possible through the network, they cost a penny). Wrap a pot for a tree with a bandage or cover it with a bright plaster, throw cotton balls on the "ground";

  • any themed attributes will come in handy for a medical party- dishes, tools, appliances, figurines. At the corporate party, you can grab something from work. Many children have sets for playing the hospital, ask your friends. Or print / draw suitable pictures and glue on a solid base;
  • cardiogram on the wall- glue the red cord or electric garland with red / blue lights with a plaster in a zigzag pattern. The line of the cardiogram can be depicted with acrylic on vases, the rim of white plates, and even on clothes;

  • buy balloons of the colors chosen for the decoration. Decorate some in a medical style - applications made of self-adhesive film: a red cross wrapped around a bowl of snakes, syringes, syringes. If it's a corporate event, order balloons with the company logo;
  • medical gloves - a godsend for an organizer with imagination! Ideas:
    • inflated with helium, they can easily cope with the role of balloons;
    • slightly inflated and tied in a "bundle", they look like funny hedgehogs / suns;
    • mold a palm from plasticine, put on a glove, fold the "hand" in a thumb up, ok or Victoria (V). For compositions, as an independent decor on tables;
    • for the new year in a medical style, collect a Christmas tree from slightly puffed gloves. At the base is a cardboard cone (insert the cuffs into the holes, tie with a knot);
    • against the background of the inscription "Welcome", a good-naturedly smiling face in a surgical cap (glue physics on the already inflated "palm") and two hands (plasticine inside) holding a huge enema.

Gloves are not only white, but also any color of the rainbow. You will probably have to order them online - pharmacies usually sell standard blue / flesh pairs.

  • hang up posters, pictures, posters in the medical style to decorate the walls and create the right atmosphere... There are a lot of ideas:
    • stills from the film, humorous comics, cartoons, demotivators;
    • information posters as in hospitals (first aid for ..., body structure, symptoms of the disease);
    • ordinary X-rays, specific humor - scissors sticking out of the head, keys in the stomach) or the so-called art x-ray (group portraits, with children or animals in their arms, in unusual poses);
    • posters of the USSR, about the dangers of smoking / alcohol, the importance of the profession of a doctor.

  • it remains to decorate the room with garlands of thematic attributes:
    • fill syringes without a needle with colored gouache, collect on a thread, tying the pistons with it;
    • colorful containers from shoe covers assembled on a cord will make colorful "beads". Translucent medicine jars can be attached to garland bulbs;
    • white triangles with a red cross and / or a serpent with a bowl;
    • hanging "to dry" gloves, hats, masks;
    • any attributes on the background of triangles or silhouettes (print in a mirror image, glue directly on a thread).


If you are planning a corporate event, a laconic postcard with a company logo will do. The text is semi-official, but friendly - it's still a holiday, not a call to the carpet. Other ideas:

  • postcard in the form of a thematic attribute or body parts, if the party is specialized (ophthalmologists - an eye, dentists - a tooth);
  • an invitation in the form of a wrapping bandage. Packaging - a stylized sealed envelope that will need to be torn. Inside a rolled sheet of paper with text (you can print a picture with the texture of a bandage);
  • a box or container of vitamins, inside a card + multi-colored dragee;

  • invitation to a medical party in the form of a ticket(guests are both doctors and patients):

Dear Ivan Vasilyevich, in gratitude for the impeccable work, the management gives you a ticket to the sanatorium " Boredom pill"! The wellness program includes life-giving infusions of solution C2H5OH, anti-frown diet, anti-stress entertainment and more!


The dress code depends entirely on the format of the meeting. Even within the framework of a corporate party, options are possible: elegant outfits in a restaurant, comfortable clothes in nature, an informal costume party for the staff. Let's dwell on the last option in more detail:

  • medical costumes for a party - the image of a doctor, orderly, nurse... Clothing can be either modest or very revealing. Rent or decorate with your own hands, for example, a purchased robe: shorten, sew on thematic symbols, put on stockings with garters. Accessories - a cap or beret, a fake thermometer sticking out of your pocket, a dangling stethoscope around your neck, a mask on your face;

Draw funny grimaces on masks, stencil inscriptions on caps. Or hand out badges at the entrance: Doctor Ryumashkin, Nalivaiko, Smeshnetsky, Tostin, Pol-litrologist.

  • patients in pajamas, dressing gowns, sportswear and other comfortable at home clothes... One of the buttocks has a syringe sticking out (a toy one, of course), the other has a bandaged head, the third looks like a mummy;
  • a surgeon in a blood-stained apron, a pathologist with the hand of some poor fellow sticking out of his pocket... Or character costume: Hannibal Lector, Doctor Evil, Queen, Dolittle, Aibolit, Watson, Zhivago, Bormental.

Huge pills, syringes, enemas, thermometers, surgical instruments, crutches (draw, cut and glue on a solid base) are useful for decorating the hall and for a photo session. Or toy paraphernalia, if there is something suitable. On a large cardboard you can depict an ambulance car, cut out the windows - you get a tantamaresque.

Menu, serving

It is often written that at a medical party, the menu should be exceptionally healthy. But this is boring! Approach the menu as for any other holiday - the priority is the tastes of the guests and the format of the event. But it is worth considering the presentation in order to fit the treats into the medical style of the hall design. Ideas:

  • decorate the skirt of a snow-white tablecloth and the corners of white napkins with thematic symbols to get away from the banal "surgical" sterility;

  • the dishes are one-color, of the shade that is used in the design. It is desirable that trays, serving dishes, tweezers and other utensils are metal. You can decorate the dining area with silver balloons;
  • pour ketchup and other sauces into liquid soap dispensers (new, of course);
  • print out plates for dishes, labels for alcohol: potion of happiness, antigrustin, vitaminosis, gastroenterologist's nightmare, alcohol 96, tranquilizer, anesthetic "Seventh Heaven";

  • fill up alcoholic beverages in large syringes without a needle, put them in glasses / vases with their nose up - injections of joy;
  • looks cool (and is funny!) multi-colored jelly, cooled in syringes;
  • desserts / drinks can be served in plastic test containers, measuring glasses, flasks, beakers;

  • nuts in yogurt and marshmallows will be cotton swabs, crunchy sticks dipped in white chocolate will turn into ear sticks. Pills "Laughing" - bright dragee in large transparent containers or, conversely, distributed in cups in portions;
  • decorate some menu dishes and cake in a medical style: sprinkles, icing, mastic, toppers with pictures. You can bake cookies, pour chocolate, cut fruits and ham in the shape of hearts, cross, flask, plaster.


As a rule, a medical corporate event is not complete without creative performances by the staff. The network has a huge number of thematic scenes with humor, praise, advertising, etc., there is plenty to choose from. But you should not get carried away - a continuous amateur theater can tire the guests.

It's easier to come up with an informal scenario for a medical party. For example, passing an exam (contests-tests), rest in a sanatorium (procedures), one day in the hospital № the age of the birthday person, medical commission (again tests), according to the plot of the film. The main idea is the same - maximum fun, less monologues from the host. We offer contests suitable for any medical style party scenario.

Comic quiz

Hand out pens and pictures of a girl in a bikini to guests / teams. The presenter reads out the names of body parts, everyone puts numbers where this part is located. Compare with the template from the presenter and determine who is closer to the truth.

  • Umbilicus (navel)
  • Glabella (space between the eyebrows)
  • Filtrum (vertical groove between the upper lip and nose)
  • Tragus (triangular cartilage "in front of" the auricle)
  • Lunula (white crescent moon at the base of the nail)
  • Axilla (armpit)
  • Cilia (eyelash)
  • Mamma (bust)
  • Mandible (lower jaw)

At a medical corporate party, choose contests that will not offend any of the guests. Those. only comic, without a hint of checking the level of professionalism. For example, it is a bad idea to properly bandage your head for speed, but you can bandage it with one hand while blindfolded.

Best laboratory assistant of the month

Relay race for 2 or more teams, race. Start - a can of orange juice, finish - an empty can. The first player takes a glass for analysis, pours juice into it and runs to the finish line, pours the "analysis" into the team's container, runs back, passes the glass to the next player. Who is faster, who has more juice in the "finishing" can.

Targeted injection

With the styrofoam and pattern glued on top (thin paper works best), make a peach-shaped target. In the role of a syringe - a dart. You need to get not to the center, but to where the injections are given. You can put a point marker for clarity.

General Chamber

Two teams, two "queues" and a couple of cardboard thermometers. It is necessary to pass the thermometer from the first to the last in the chain to the player, holding the thermometer under his armpit (without helping himself with his hands, race).

Preventing boredom

Drink a certain drink from a test tube / measuring glass faster than your competitors, pouring it into your mouth with a pipette. The command option is to drink alcohol from a common container in the same way.


Draw red crosses on ping-pong balls, distribute 1 ball + syringe to the guests. You need to drive your "ambulance" to the finish line before others, moving the ball forward with a stream of air (pressing on the pear). You can put out candles with water from a syringe, knock down paper figures.

Inflate your gloves with whomever bursts first. Make mummies out of bandage for speed. Build towers from containers for analysis. Play pantomime or crocodile with honey. terms, attributes. Come up with toasts in a medical style: I wish you stable well-being, acute happiness, recurring success, chronic health, incurable longevity!

On this page of our site, there are funny scenes on a medical theme that will revive any concert for workers of medical and preventive institutions. Such miniatures can also be put on student holidays, included in the program of skits, as well as corporate events for the Medic's Day, which in 2019 is celebrated on June 16, the third Sunday of the month.

Funny scenes for the Medic's Day

A lot of comic scenes about doctors are devoted to the relationship between doctors and patients.

An appointment with a psychiatrist is in progress. The doctor asks the patient:
- What worries you?
A patient:
- Doctor, at night in my apartment behind the wall crocodiles are coughing!
- Well, my friend, this is not for me, but for the veterinarian. Next!

Another scene also involves a psychiatrist and a patient.
A patient:
- Doctor, a monster comes to me every night!
- And you send it somewhere.
The psychiatrist returns home, goes to bed in the evening. At night, a monster crawls out from behind his bed:
- Excuse me, doctor, but they sent me to you.

The patient complains to the psychiatrist:
- I have a split personality. It seems to me that I am not me, but two of us.
- I don't understand. Repeat one more time. Only, do mercy, do not say both at once and do not interrupt each other.

In another funny scene about doctors, the doctor prescribed medicine to the patient, who asks:
- Write me, please, a certificate that I am an idiot.
- Why is that?
- It seems to me that drops from a cold for 8 thousand without such a certificate should not be issued in pharmacies.

Another miniature takes place in the aircraft cabin. The passenger becomes ill, he loses consciousness.
- Is there a doctor on the plane? Help is urgently needed!
Nobody responds. Finally, one of the passengers walks up to the stewardess and shyly says:
- I'm a doctor, but I'm a dentist.
- Examine the patient anyway.
He examines the body for a long time with no signs of life.
The stewardess asks:
- Doctor, what's wrong with him?
- Well, what can I say for sure? Two caries and one pulpitis.

Another hilarious medical scene takes place in the doctor's office.
A man with a nail in his head comes to the doctor's appointment (the artist puts on a hat from which the nail sticks out).
- What, the nail needs to be pulled out?
- Well, yes…
- From you 10 thousand rubles.
- But I have a policy!
- According to the policy, we can only bend it for you, so as not to interfere.

The doctor indignantly says to the patient:
- You look pretty nasty! I told you: only 10 cigarettes a day!
A patient:
“I remember your words well, doctor. But you must admit, for a person who has never smoked, this is not so little!

At an appointment with Laura, the doctor says to the patient:
- I think you cough easier today.
“Yes, doctor, I've been practicing all night.

The patient informs the doctor.
- Doctor, I snore so much at night that I wake up from my own snoring. What will you advice me?
- Sleep in another room.

Another scene that can be staged on Medic's Day takes place in the office of an allergist.
The doctor hands the patient a box of screws:
- So, patient, we swallow the screws!
A patient:
- Oh ... ay ...
- What, it hurts?
- Agaaaaa ...
- All clear! You are allergic to screws!

An appointment is in progress at the surgeon's office. The doctor asks the patient:
- What worries you?
- You know, doctor, I have a curvature of the septum in my nose.
- Everything is clear, a common thing.
He walks over to the closet, opens the doors. There is a selection of different shoes from slippers to tarpaulin boots. The doctor selects a suitable pair and starts putting it on.
Patient (scared):
"Doctor, are you sure this will help?"
- Sure. Although, let me examine your partition. (Carefully examines the patient's nose). It turns out that it is bent to your right side. Then you will have to wait for Ivan Ivanovich. He is left-handed. Otherwise, I can miss with my left leg and hit your ear.

In the next comic scene about doctors, a bald man comes to the doctor and asks:
- Can you prescribe me a hair restoration product?
- Take this bottle - this is the most effective remedy!
A patient:
- Are you sure?
- Absolutely! See that man with the mustache in the line?
- Yes…
- So, this is my wife! Her mustache grew after she tried to open this bottle with her teeth.

The dentist addresses the patient:
- As soon as I start drilling a tooth for you, shout, please, louder.
A patient:
- Why?!
- You saw that a whole crowd of patients was sitting in the waiting room. And after twenty
minutes the football championship begins.

An old woman comes to the doctor.
- What are you complaining about? What's worried about? What hurts?
- Oh, my dear, my legs do not walk, my arms ache, my back does not unbend, my head splits.
- Well, let's write it down: "The bruise of the whole grandmother."

The patient comes to the doctor:
- Hello, free doctor.
- Hello, terminally ill patient.

The participants in the next funny scenes on a medical theme are a doctor and a blonde.
The blonde at the doctor's appointment asks:
- Doctor, help! I was bitten by a bumblebee!
- Do not worry, now we will apply the ointment.
- But how will you catch him? The bumblebee has already flown far!
- Yes, no, I will smear the place where he bit you.
- A-a-a, I see. So it was in the park on a bench under a tree.
The doctor, rolling his eyes:
- No, I will smear you on the part of the body where the bumblebee bit you, and everything will pass.
“That’s what they would say, doctor! The bumblebee bit my finger.
- Which one?
- How do I know? For me, all bumblebees are the same.

The blonde asks the professor:
- Tell me, what exercises are good for losing weight?
- I recommend that you turn your head from right to left and left to right.
- Yes? How often?
- Every time you are treated to something!

Another cool scene for the Medic's Day takes place in the clinic.
A huge queue lined up for the doctor. A disabled person enters the office on a chair.
- Once God decided to put things in order in Russian medicine. He went down to earth under the guise of a doctor in a polyclinic.
God puts his hand on the disabled person's shoulder and says:
- Get up and go!
He gets up and leaves.
In the corridor, the queue is interested in:
- Well, how is the new doctor?
- Yes, like everyone else. I didn't even measure the pressure.

And in this scene about doctors there is a conversation on the phone.
The patient wants to make an appointment with the doctor.
- Hello, clinic? Can I take a voucher to the doctor?
- You can, but we have a queue for this specialist for a month in advance.
- Fantastic! And how do all these people know what they will be sick with in a month?

Day of the medical worker.

(verses sound against the background of the music "Wind of Change")
Most beautiful
In the world an outfit
White cap
White robe
Pharmacists keep
Pharmacists doctors
The world's most valuable keys.
These are the keys to people's health.
Can't you find
Work is more important
Did we find
More reliable than a friend
At the hour when it crushes us
Burden of disease
Faith brings us
Happy look
White cap
White robe
People who work
In white coats
Good knights
In solar armor
Our doctors are coming
First to battle
With a serious illness
With any disease
That's why
The outfit is so beautiful
White cap
White robe.

Leading- Good afternoon, honorable and most respected people
our area.
Good afternoon dear friends.
Today we congratulate you on your professional holiday. Happy medical worker's day!
Medical Worker's Day is one of the most significant and revered professional holidays in our country.
It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work of medical personnel who are fighting for the health and lives of sick people every day.
Dear doctors, nurses and brothers, orderlies and nurses, employees of the administrative apparatus, dear representatives of the service personnel and everyone, everyone, one way or another involved in this noble cause
Today, with all my heart, from the bottom of my heart, we congratulate you on the holiday
We honor and adore you!
We admire your noble, courageous, kind and wise work.
We admire your selflessness.
There are not many professions capable of earning such epithets for themselves.
Moreover, they are fair and even very modest.

Leading- Walk among many
Angels and gods
Give us hope
White clothes!
And they really would
Nimbuses would do.
Us with any wounds
Will be cured in the end.
Happy holiday, angels!
Happy holiday, gods!

Leading- Well, now, when the first beautiful holiday words have already been said, we are happy to give way to more weighty, more significant words.

The word for congratulations is given to the Head of the district ________________________.

Leading- The holiday is in the air!
Medicine notes
The day given to her by law
Among colleagues and friends.
We wish medicine
Make a new vaccine
So that health without labor
It was with us forever.
Your hospital town
It is neither low nor high.
Good people live in it
And it brings health to everyone.
Chief Doctor Aibolit
He keeps order here.
I offer you a riddle ..
Who knows about everything in the village
And for all the soul suffers?
Strict, handsome, stern, clever ...
Have you guessed it? Who is he?

Leading- That's right, this is the chief physician of the hospital, and I am pleased to give the floor to the chief physician of the central district hospital - ____________________________.

Leading- I invite ________________________________ to the stage for the presentation of honorary awards from the District Administration.





Leading- You are representatives of professions,
We send our friendly greetings.
We wish you love and happiness,
May God keep you from troubles,
And your every day will be full,
Discoveries, creative ideas,
Victories, confessions, compliments
And respect for people!

Leading- I invite __________________________ to the stage for the presentation of honorary awards.














For active participation in the work of the Association of paramedical workers of the Novgorod region "Volkhova"


For work in medicine:

For 25 years


30 years.


40 years


Young professionals


Leading- Please accept our congratulations
And also a friendly hello.
Love, health, wishes,
It is not more expensive in the world.
Good luck, tenderness and faith
Smiles, joy, dreams.
And thunderous applause
All, as one, you are worthy!

Leading- Allow me to consider the official part of our holiday closed, but do not rush to disperse. We move on to the second, no less pleasant one. But now you will be in the role of patients, and we will try to cure you of boredom, blues and fatigue. Well, your treatment will not take place using traditional methods - songs, dances and funny stories.

1. The song "______________________________________."
2. The song "______________________________________."

Leading- To become a real doctor, you need a vocation. It is not for nothing that there is such an expression among medical workers: “Shine on others by burning yourself! You are at the service of people's health! "
I wish you all good health and long life!
The longer you live, life givers, the longer your patients live!

We are glad to welcome
All of you sincerely
Glows with smiles
Let this hall
We are sure: will
Nice meeting,
After all, the holiday of the hospital
He gathered us all here.

3. Dance "______________________________________."
4. Song "______________________________________."

Leading- The doctor accompanies a person all his life, from the first cry to the last quiet breath. And he will be very lucky, whom his parents have endowed from birth with enviable health, but this is not always the case. And here you come to the rescue, dear doctors.
Glory, glory to the doctors,
Nurses, paramedics.
To all nurses, ophthalmologists,
Obstetricians, prosthetists,
Dentists and ENTs,
We all sing glory in chorus.
Even if someone is healthy
After all, he began his life with doctors!
Their caring hands.
Eased mothers' torments,
So that we can be born.
God forbid we catch a cold
Catching bronchitis or flu -
We will immediately remember about them!
Everyone will tell you about them,
How skillful and courageous;
How they will be shrouded in attention
To improve your condition;
How, fighting for the lives of people,
Forget about their own.
They took the Hippocratic oath,
They are faithful to her in her work.
Glory, glory to the doctors!
We bow low to you.

5. The song "______________________________________."

Leading- Healer! medic! doctor! Before these people in all ages at all times they worshiped. They were always respected and loved, because it was they who made life easier for people, instilled hope in the future. They free people from pain, and sometimes give the wisdom with which a person can exist in the world.
You can become a real doctor not so much by learning all the terms and concepts, but by feeling love for people, for children, a desire to serve them, help and understand them.
We want to wish with all our hearts:
In business - success, happiness, respect!
So that your children do not upset you
So that sadness bypasses you
So that the eyes of salty tears do not know
A smile would never leave your lips!
So that you always have a charge of cheerfulness
So that you never know sorrow,
So that the holidays are all for many years in a row
You celebrated in your team!

6. "Round dance".

Cybernetics is everywhere today
Yesterday's fiction is a trifle
And in the future, what will be the miracle?
Of course, I will not say for sure
But in the future it will probably be so.

All human diseases have disappeared.
This means that medicines are useless.
And for spiritual joy to the mind
A special store is opened - a pharmacy.

Whatever need we have,
He will respond instantly, ready:
- Tell me, do you have any tenderness today?
- Yes, with the addition of the warmest words!

- And I would be in full swing of happiness!
- What is your month? For years?
- No, I would like to be happy forever!
- There is no such thing, but we are waiting in a month!

- And I ask for fidelity for my husband!
- Male loyalty? It's true, difficult ...
But nothing. I think it is possible.
Do not be upset, I will find you

- And I would like drops, thrill in the blood
I'm a northerner arctic man
- And me - a bottle of burning love
And the floor of the bottle is just platonic.

- Can I have a vitamin against a lie?
- Please, both tasty and active!
- Is there anti-talk for women?
- There is. But so far it is ineffective ...

- Is there an "anti-scandalous" vaccine?
- Included for husband and wife:
An hour before the fight, two injections in the back
Or one in the seated part of the back….

- I have a "languid look" for eyes of any color
- Please. Drop by drop before bedtime ..
-And I would have passion ...
- Passion by recipes!
Passions and poisons do not give out like that!

- And I have those in boxes, at least,
"Declaration of love"! I barely found it!
- What do you like, with a wedding or without a wedding?
- Of course, a confession with a wedding,
Enough without a wedding! I already took it!

- How do you tell me to ease the delivery?
- Here powders and childbirth will be smooth.
And instead of you, your husband will have contractions,
You will give birth, and he will scream.

Let the joke blow the sails!
But today miracles are everywhere in life!
Who knows, what if even in our century
Will such pharmacies open ?!
Leading- Perhaps not a single person on this planet can do without medical assistance. You are saving our lives and helping us to step back into recovery. How often it happens that only a physician is able to instill hope in a person and believe in recovery! So be happy! Happy Holidays!

7. The song "______________________________________."

Leading- Dear doctors, answer me this question. When you see a stranger and his symptoms, can you immediately diagnose? Let's all together diagnose the people who perform these songs. Let's try?
- And love is only what it seems (Hallucinations)
- You will never see me. (Blindness).
- In the warmth I freeze, and in the cold I burn. (Flu).
- Four nights without sleep, the moon looks out of the windows, she looks from the screens. (Insomnia).
“I’m losing my mind or I’m ascending to a high degree of madness.
- That never when a heavy globe of the earth does not float under our feet. (Fainting).
- And you do not know, and you do not hear my sadness .. (Otitis).
- In the same way, in the evening I get tired and sad and sometimes cry.
- I say, you are silent .. (Mute).
- I am not the same today as yesterday. (Hangover).
- And I recognize the darling by the way he walks. (Flat feet).
- My heart stopped, my heart stopped.
(Acute heart failure).
- "Why are you dear looking askance ..." (Squint)

Leading- Well, thanks.
On the Day of the Medical Worker, I would like to wish you only happiness in life. May you never have to doubt the benefits that you bring every minute of your work! Happy Holidays!

8. Dance "______________________________________."

Leading“There are many good, wonderful health workers in our area. A person's life depends on their knowledge, ability to quickly understand a difficult situation, to provide qualified assistance. And to the golden hands there is always it, a golden heart. You need to have great patience, attentiveness, and compassion in order to earn the trust of people.

You are not stokers, you are not carpenters
From us - all ardent greetings
You are healthcare professionals
We can't do without you, no.
We sneezed - you give us a thermometer.
We are ill - you are injected.
After all, there is no higher joy for a doctor,
So that the patient is healthy to leave.

9. Scene “______________________________________.”.
10. Dance "______________________________________."

Leading- The Day of the Medical Worker, a holiday to which not only those working in clinics and hospitals are involved, but also those who come here for help, And for a doctor, the highest award is words of gratitude and gratitude from us, your patients.
White robes
and strong hands,
always skillful
In the fight against disease
you are selfless
and no more useful
calling it.
You are very different
you are all appreciated.
Light to you; celebrate
and live, beloved!

11. Song "Woe is not a problem."
Leading- In each destiny are indicated
major road milestones.
Do not part with your luck
and God help you!
To make illnesses severe
the world was not allowed to disappear,
be superbly healthy.
Happy Holidays!
With joy to you!

Our Meeting ends. May everyone have a good mood as long as possible, may there be peace and happiness in your home, success and patience in your work, calm patients and good health to all of you!

Program of the performance. (After the award).

Musical numbers!

Certificate of honor of the District Administration:


Letters of thanks from the District Administration



Breastplate "Excellence in Health Care"


Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Health


Certificates of honor of the Health Committee of the Novgorod Region


Letters of gratitude from the Health Committee


Certificates of honor from the Ministry of Education "Khvoininskaya Central Regional Hospital


For an active and conscientious attitude to work


For putting on the photo the booth "The area is proud of them"


For active participation in the work of the Association of paramedical workers of the ____________ region "______________"


For work in medicine:
For 25 years


30 years.


40 years


Young professionals
