Uva radiation. Everything you need to know about sunscreens, SPF, sun UVA and UVB rays, free radicals and skin photoaging. How Do I Pick a Good Sunscreen? Natural or synthetic

07 May 2017

Elena Stepanova, Expert of the site SweetZagar

Hardly a child has heard about the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, with the arrival of sunny days, every woman who is accustomed to taking care of herself stocks up on sunscreens and lotions. But such foresight does not always help to avoid the sad consequences of long exposure to the sun. In order to choose the right cosmetic product with, it is not enough to look at its indicator - it is best to evaluate the composition yourself, knowing which components are needed in a particular situation.

Such multifaceted ultraviolet

Depending on the wavelength and biological activity, it is customary to distinguish three types of ultraviolet rays:

  • UVA(320-400 nm) are long-wavelength rays and make up 95% of all ultraviolet radiation.
  • UVB have an average wavelength of 290 - 320 nm.
  • UVC too short to penetrate the atmosphere, and therefore absolutely not dangerous to humans.

And although ultraviolet B rays make up only 5% of the total that reaches the Earth's surface, they are the most aggressive. The most sensitive to UVB rays are:

  • light-skinned owners and appearance;
  • small children in whom the natural synthesis of melanin is not yet fully formed;
  • sunbathers, whose body is decorated with a large number of moles and age spots;
  • sunbathers who are undergoing antibiotic therapy with drugs that cause photosensitization (for example, doxycycline, tetracycline and their derivatives);
  • patients who did not have time to recover after plastic surgery and some cosmetic procedures (chemical skin whitening, deep peeling, laser resurfacing, etc.).

Part of the energy of UVB rays is filtered by clouds and ordinary window glass, but on a cloudless sunny day, their effect is maximized. The highest activity of the B-spectrum is observed from 10:00 to 16:00- it is at this time that the tan lays down most intensely, but the risk of getting sunburn increases significantly.

The benefits and harms of UVB rays

It is the B-spectrum of ultraviolet radiation that is responsible for obtaining the desired bronze tan. These rays act on the surface layers of the epidermis, stimulating hyperpigmentation in the cells. In addition, UVB stimulates the natural production of vitamin D to a greater extent, which is vital for every body. However, these positive properties of ultraviolet radiation are associated with a negative effect that it has on humans.

The harmful effects of ultraviolet B spectrum are hard to miss. In just a few minutes (the duration may vary depending on the skin phototype, but in most cases it does not exceed half an hour), the unprotected skin begins to gradually redden and become inflamed. If you stop irradiation by going into the shade, after 2-3 days the redness will disappear, but the aggravation of sunburn is fraught with serious consequences. Painful blisters caused by UVB heal for a very long time, and the skin is completely restored in the best case in a few months. Therefore, going outside without sunscreen on a fine day is not only reckless, but also very dangerous!

Cosmetic UVB filters

Modern cosmetics designed to protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, while maintaining the positive effect of its effects, contain special substances that block up to 99% of aggressive UVB rays. Mineral filters, which are commonly called physical in cosmetology, reflect medium wavelengths of light, thereby preventing sunburn and inflammation. Substances in this group include:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • zinc oxide.

Each of these components is absolutely safe for the skin, which is why many cosmetic brands prefer them. True, there is a small "but": titanium dioxide can whiten the skin a little, so a large amount of it is contraindicated for people who are naturally dark or who have already significantly sunburned. For them, the best choice would be sunscreen products containing zinc oxide - it does not leave any marks on the skin.

In addition, chemical filters can partially neutralize UVB rays - they penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and convert harmful ultraviolet light into heat energy. Each of them is effective in its range:

  1. Benzoate-4 methylbenzylidene camphor (Parsol 5000) neutralizes UVB rays with a length of 290-300 nm;
  2. Benzophenone-3 (Oxybenzone) is effective against rays up to 350 nm;
  3. Benzophenone-4 (Sulisobenzone) acts on ultraviolet light with a length of 260375 nm;
  4. Benzophenone-8 targets 250-390 nm beams;
  5. Ethylhexyl triazone protects against UV spectrum 290-320 nm;
  6. Mexoryl XL combats 290-400 nm radiation;
  7. Para-aminobenzoic acid acts on UVB with a length of 290-313 nm;
  8. Ocinoxate effectively destroys the entire B-spectrum.

This list is far from complete - the substances have dozens of modifications, and every month leading dermatologists present new, more and more safe and perfect components that can protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

How to protect yourself on a sunny day?

To a greater extent, the SPF index indicated on each tube of sunscreen cosmetics reflects the degree of protection from UVB. However, this does not mean that special A-spectrum filters can be neglected - the harmful effects of UVA rays also affect the condition of the skin.

Only professional cosmetics, harmoniously combining universal filtering components, can provide the skin with maximum care and care on a sunny day. Armed with one of the world's leading brands of sunscreens in the field of cosmetology -, etc. - you can be sure: sunburn, dry skin and its premature aging will not threaten you!

We will tell you as much as possible about UVB radiation. About the dangers of UVB rays. About correct protection.

It is no coincidence that man rejoices in the sun and dawn. In addition to heat and energy, the sun's rays provide natural synthesis of vitamin D and "happiness hormones" endorphins in the skin.

But the sun is also the main source of ultraviolet radiation. Excessive exposure is not only the main cause of photoaging and wrinkle formation.

Among all environmental factors on Earth, it is ultraviolet for 2019 that is considered the leading correlating risk factor for the most common types of skin cancer - basal cell, squamous cell and malignant melanoma - therefore it is classified as a mutagen and carcinogen. (Note a correlating factor does not mean causation.)

When solar radiation passes through the earth's atmosphere, ultraviolet rays of two spectra reach our skin: UVA and UVB.

Both types damage unprotected skin, but the mechanism and nature of the damage is different.

With prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin must be protected from both UVA and UVB rays. And that's why.

1. UVA

About 95% of the ultraviolet light that hits the skin is in the spectrum A with a wavelength of 315 - 400 nm.

UVA rays are present all day and all year round, even when it is cloudy and the sun is not visible in the sky. If there is daylight, then there are UVA rays.

That is why they are considered "silent killers" - you will not feel or notice their effect, unlike the scalding UVB rays.

UVA rays penetrate the skin much deeper than UVB rays, destroying collagen and elastin fibers and damaging the DNA of keratinocytes and melanocytes - this is the main reason for loss of turgor, the appearance of wrinkles, inflammation at the site of DNA oxidation and the risk of cancer cell mutations.

It is UVA rays that cause primary tanning. Although in popular culture since the mid-20th century, thanks to Coco Chanel, dark skin is considered fashionable and "healthy", in fact, darkening of the epidermis is a sign of damage to the deep layers of the skin and oxidation of existing melanin.

By the way, before Coco Chanel returned from vacation charred, and thanks to her status made a fashion trend out of dark skin for a hundred years to come, tanning was considered a characteristic feature of the poor classes, hard workers and peasants who are forced to spend most of their lives on the street or in field (hence the rough name "mob").

Sunburn is damage to the deep layers of the skin.

Another difference: UVA rays penetrate glass without obstruction, but UVB rays do not. And unless the windows near your workplace or in your car are treated with a special filter to reflect UV light, your skin is constantly exposed to UVA rays.

2. UVB

UVB rays have a much shorter wavelength: 280 - 315 nm. Therefore, these waves do not penetrate deep into the skin, but they are much more powerful. UVB rays are directly responsible for sunburn, redness, inflammation and persistent "chocolate" browning.

The direct reaction of the body to UVB radiation is melanogenesis - an increase in the production of melanin (which gradually oxidizes and darkens). Delayed sunburn as a result of increased melanogenesis appears two or three days after exposure and lasts for several weeks or months.

Unlike UVA rays, the intensity of UVB rays is highly dependent on geographic location, time of day and time of year. Accordingly, in our latitudes, UVB rays are much higher in summer.

UVB light reflects off sand, water, and snow. UVB is more harmful at high altitudes, which is why skiers and climbers need sunscreen for their face too. UVB radiation also plays a role in skin cancers.

3. SPF

SPF (sun protection factor) is the protection factor only from UVB rays that a sunscreen product provides when it is adequately applied to the skin. An adequate amount means following the manufacturer's recommendations, and depends on the texture and composition of the product.

A product with a higher SPF protects the skin from more sun damage, but this level of protection does not increase exponentially as the SPF rating rises. That is:

  • SPF 15 protects skin from 93% sun UVB rays
  • SPF 30 - from 97%
  • SPF 50 - from 98%

Therefore, there is no particular point in looking specifically for a cream with SPF 50. It is better to choose the optimal SPF 30, but with a composition suitable for your skin type and a wide range of protection against UVA and UVB rays.

● what does SPF mark mean?

SPF marking is an indication that how long you may be in direct sunlight before your skin starts to redden (remember that it is the sun's UVB rays that cause redness and burns).

Let's say, going out to the beach in the very heat (which, by the way, is better never to do), you start getting sunburned after 10 minutes. Then multiply the SPF of your sunscreen by 10 minutes: if your sunscreen is SPF 15, you are protected from sunburn for 150 minutes, which is only 2.5 hours.

But this is only true if you apply the manufacturer's specified amount of sunscreen in an even layer 15 minutes before sun exposure. If you somehow put some cream on your shoulders right on the beach, then you will most likely burn much faster.

Remember that even the thickest sunscreen will not protect against thermal overheating and moisture loss. Therefore, even if you are not yet reddening, but the skin is already "burning" from the heat, it means that it desperately needs urgent hydration and cooling.

To provide adequate UV protection, look for or labeled "broad spectrum" (or better - SPF 30).

4. Natural or synthetic?

Sunscreen is something that either reflects ultraviolet light or absorbs it, keeping UV rays away from and into the skin.

Antioxidants (vitamins E, C, flavonoids, quercetin,) protect the body from free radicals formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and are able to reduce the damage caused by them (redness, burns, dryness, loss of tone, age spots, etc.) - that is, they are already useful for eliminating the effects of radiation. This is the first thing to distinguish.

What sunscreen should you choose?

● natural oils

There are some exceptions - for example, the essential oil of calendula flowers - SPF 14, but this was tested in vitro, and not on human skin.

Therefore, natural oils are great additional protection in your favorite cosmetics, especially if they are in the composition of lip balms or body butters - something that is applied in a generous thick layer. Carrot seed oil has one of the highest SPF values.

But don't expect oils to have the same effect as a full-fledged sunscreen.

● mineral

Complete "natural" Sanskrins are mineral inorganic connections (they are also sometimes called "physical"). Therefore, do not be fooled by the name "organic sunscreen" - if this remedy is effective and really does not allow the skin to burn, there are other sunscreen factors in the composition besides "organic".

So far, there are only two well-studied and tested minerals of Sanskrin: titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. The former protects better against UVB rays, while the latter blocks UVA and UVB, therefore it is considered more effective due to its broad spectrum UV protection.

Mineral Sanskrins remain on the surface of the skin, therefore they are non-comedogenic and cause minimal irritation (usually they do not irritate the skin at all). But do not ignore the other ingredients of the product, because of which, after a couple of hours, the skin will sprinkle with acne.

They start working immediately after application - they reflect rays from the skin surface like a mirror.

But there is one feature that makes them unsuitable for some: depending on the formula and quality of cosmetics with mineral sanskrins, they can leave a white mark on the skin, which is especially noticeable on dark-skinned shades.

Another option (still at the stage of scientific development) for protection against UVB rays is silver nanoparticles. Presumably, they are not only more effective in protecting against ultraviolet radiation, but also able to protect DNA from damage by free radicals, while titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, on the contrary, increased the formation of reactive oxygen species.

● synthetic

Synthetic Sanskrins are just organic chemical compounds. There are about 30 of these substances that absorb UV waves of different wavelengths.

All of them are absorbed into the upper layer of the epidermis, creating a protective film on the skin, which either reflects ultraviolet light (like mineral), or neutralizes it, transforming the rays into heat.

Since these sunscreens must be absorbed for maximum protection, they must be apply 10-20 minutes before leaving in the sun - depending on the texture of the product and the speed of its absorption.

Also, don't forget a layer of sunscreen. renew every 3-4 hours and after bathing.

This also applies to "waterproof" creams. Although there are products that are really resistant to moisture (by the way, they usually contain a lot of beeswax or paraffin, which is not suitable for everyone), their waterproof effect usually lasts no longer than 40 minutes. At the same time, profuse sweating will also wash it off easily. Don't trust sunscreens that say they last all day swimming and sweating at the beach.

The texture of synthetic sunscreens is much more varied: from thick creams to liquid sprays. Basically the most popular are body milk and light fluids that spread easily and leave the skin silky and soft. Be especially careful with sprays - they often contain a lot of alcohol. But if the composition is good, then the spray is a godsend if you need to reach all parts of the back yourself.

Unlike mineral products, synthetic products can cause irritation, allergies, and comedones. Therefore, you need to choose them according to the type of skin and approach the issue carefully and individually. A sunscreen thickening cream that works for dry skin of a mature lady is more likely to cover a teenager's face with acne.

5. The main myths about tanning

● it is safe to sunbathe in the solarium

Despite the fact that solarium lamps do not emit scalding UVB rays and in a tanning salon you cannot get burned to burns, UVA rays still penetrate deep into the skin and destroy its structure.

● you need to "prepare" for the vacation in the solarium

Yes, tanning is essentially the skin's defense mechanism to prevent burns and further damage. But the factor of this protection is small - only 3 SPF. That is, this means that tanned skin will withstand exposure to ultraviolet radiation 3 times longer than pale skin. At the same time, UVA rays penetrate without obstacles into the deep layers of the dermis of tanned skin with the same success as in light skin.

Tanned skin needs UV protection as much as pale skin.

This also applies to owners of naturally dark skin. Even dark-skinned people have skin cancer and premature photoaging due to regular radiation exposure.

● does not bake yet - it's okay

Since burns are the most troublesome, it is believed that if there is no burn, then the skin has not suffered.

In fact, any excessive radiation exposure not only ages the skin, but also destroys the DNA of the cells.

No, this does not mean at all that sunbathers will necessarily have cancer. But any cellular disturbance is the risk of chronic diseases, inflammation and mutations. And cancers are most often localized precisely in the area with chronic inflammation and disruption of the cellular structure due to oxidative stress.

Remember this.

It is better to be pale and healthy than with a "healthy" tan and sore skin from the inside.

● ultraviolet light = cancer

Despite the panic about skin cancer due to ultraviolet radiation, especially in the United States, not everything is so unequivocally proven.

Cancer does not occur due to exposure to the sun as such, but in the area that is inflamed due to a burn or injury.

There are many factors for the development of cancer in this area of ​​inflammation: from genetic predisposition, medical history and immune status to poor nutrition and bad habits.

In the end, the world's population survived into the 21st century without sunscreen and did not die out due to skin cancer. And in Africa, by the way, where the sun is hot all year round, people are much more likely to die from viral infections than from melanoma.

In addition, vitamin D, which is produced in the skin by exposure to sunlight, is responsible for normal calcium metabolism, bone health, immunity and is involved in so many biological processes in the body that even experts do not yet fully understand its role in our lives.

But vitamin D deficiency significantly increases the risk of cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, depression, cardiovascular, autoimmune and neurological disorders, etc.

Another interesting phenomenon: residents of warm countries are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, the closer they are to the equator. This is, of course, figurative. But according to WHO epidemiological data, the risk of getting a heart attack is higher among residents of cold regions with short cloudy summers.

6. Results

While scientists are arguing about whether there is more benefit or harm from sunlight, you still don't want to get sunburned and wrinkle prematurely, and you don't want to risk mutations and neoplasms either. So choose a broad spectrum UVA + UVB sunscreen that suits and cares for your skin type.

The key to beautiful skin is not a dark tan color, but a healthy diet with antioxidants, an active lifestyle and the absence of chronic inflammation in the body.

Lying all day on the beach or completely smearing yourself with sansrin without even leaving your home are equally unhealthy extremes. Everything is good in moderation. Jogging or walking in the early summer morning without sunscreen will be enough for your skin to catch the gentle rays of the sun and produce as much vitamin D as it needs. And the mood from such a procedure will only improve.

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Each representative of the fair sex on one of the tubes of cream at least once noticed the mysterious 3 letters SPF with some kind of digital designation. Many women understand that this is SPF. But not everyone knows what function it performs and how long it protects the skin.

What is SPF Factor?

The sun's rays have an extremely negative effect on human skin. Many may disagree with this. Indeed, thanks to the sun, our body gets a bronze tan and the necessary vitamin D.

But the sun's rays are not always useful. Scientists have proven that our body benefits from the first 15 minutes of exposure to the sun (sometimes this figure can go up to 5 minutes). Further stay threatens at least burns. This is especially true for people with fair skin.

But this does not mean that you need to constantly hide from the sun. It is easy enough to use cosmetics and creams that contain the SPF factor.

SPF factor (Sun Protection Factor)is a sunscreen that is found in cosmetics. It minimizes the negative effects of sunlight on human skin .

The factor content in the cream is calculated as 2 mg per 1 cm² of skin. Therefore, in order for the product to be effective, it must be applied in a greasy layer and rubbed thoroughly.

Not all SPF factors work the same way. Some have more powerful protection, others are less effective. Distinguishing one factor from another is easy enough. You need to look at the numbers next to the letters SPF.

They can range from 2 to 50. The lower the number, the lower the level of protection.

All about the sun's rays UVA and UVB

In order to understand which remedy is right for you, you need to understand a little about the nature of the sun's rays.

The radiation that comes from the sun comes in 3 spectra. These are A (UVA), B (UVB) and C (UVC) rays. Each of them is dangerous in its own way. Only A and B rays affect our body. UVC radiation does not pass through the ozone layer.

Now let's consider what negative consequences each radiation has:

AAre the safest rays. Thanks to them, we get such a coveted bronze tan. Nevertheless, when UVA rays affect the skin, they dry it out greatly, as a result of which wrinkles, freckles appear, and the aging process of the skin starts. Sometimes this radiation causes sun allergies.

V- carries an average level of threat to the human body. These rays trigger the production of melanin, which protects the skin from burns. Excessive sun exposure can cause burns, itchy skin, blistering, and cancer cell formation.

WITH- the most dangerous radiation. It becomes the cause of cancer.

Before buying cosmetics, pay attention to the labeling. Prefer products labeled UVA / UVB. This means that the selected cream, lotion, spray, etc. will protect your skin from A and B radiation.

Different sunscreens have different properties. It is thanks to these qualities that they are divided into the following types.

SPF factors with physical impact

The cosmetics contain titanium oxide and zinc dioxide, which reflect sun particles. They act as a kind of screen that prevents the rays from penetrating the skin.

Cosmetics with such a factor have a low level of protection, almost never cause allergic reactions, but they are not waterproof.

SPF factors with chemical exposure

These are products containing components that block the rays by reacting with them.

Creams and other products with a factor of this action are highly effective, since they contain a high degree of SPF. But they have a significant drawback - frequent allergic reactions to components.

Natural SPF filters

These are components of plant origin that are used to make cosmetics for children.

This factor acts only as an addition to factors with physical or chemical effects. They are able to improve the performance of other components.

SPF factor and cosmetics

Before sunbathing, you purchase some kind of sunscreen. To do this, go to the store and stand in front of the windows for a long time, not daring to make the final choice.

· Suntan lotion - has a liquid consistency, after application there is a sticky feeling. It is not waterproof and has a low level of protection.

· Suntan cream- has a thick, pleasant consistency, is well absorbed. Depending on the type of cosmetic, it can be water-resistant or water-unstable.

· Tanning spray - easy to apply, has a liquid consistency. But choosing this product, you will never be sure of the amount of the product applied to the skin.

· After sun oil - used after sunbathing. Helps to create an even, uniform tan.

· After-sun cosmetics - have a cooling effect, fix the resulting tan.

Many women believe that SPF is only found in sunscreens. And you only need to protect your skin from UV rays on the beach or in a solarium. But this is a misconception.

Throughout the year, our face and hands are exposed to powerful influences. If you do not protect the skin in these areas, then signs of aging will appear very soon.

Taking this factor into account, cosmetics manufacturers produce decorative cosmetics and day creams with an SPF factor.

Take a look in your makeup bag. Surely your powder, foundation, day cream and even lipstick have a sun protection factor. They are the ones that prolong the youthfulness of your skin.

When buying sunscreen, pay attention to the type of SPF filter. If you go to the sea or to a solarium, then choose a factor blocker (with a chemical effect). It will block and neutralize radiation.

When choosing everyday cosmetics, opt for screen factors (with physical impact). They will reflect rays and protect your skin.

How do I apply an SPF product?

Many people know that sunscreen is vital for their skin. But not everyone knows how to use them correctly.And the rules for using such cosmetics are quite simple.

1. It is necessary to apply the cream with massage movements in a thick, even layer.

2. Apply cream 20-30 minutes before sun exposure.

3. In the solarium, the cream should be applied immediately before the procedure.

4. On the beach, reapply the product every 2 hours.

5. Sunscreens need to be rinsed off (after they have completed their function).

6. If you apply 2 layers of cream, then the SPF filters are not cumulative.

How do you find the right product for you?

An ideal sunscreen should:

1. Suitable for your age.

2. Suitable for skin type.

3. Match your phototype.

4. Suitable for the place of stay: solarium, beach.

Now let's take a look at each point in more detail.

  1. Sunscreen cosmetics are divided into products separately for children and separately for adults. Baby creams will have a higher degree of protection. If you smear your child with your product (in order to save money), then there is a high probability that he will get burned.
  2. Many manufacturers produce creams for different skin types. But there are also universal remedies that will suit everyone. But if you are the owner of oily skin, and are going to apply a face protection designed for dry skin, then as a result you will get a number of aggravated skin problems.
  3. Everyone is different and their skin reacts differently to the sun's rays. Considering this factor, people were divided into 6 phototypes. In our latitudes, the first 4 types are most common.

· First or Kel type- people with fair skin, red hair and freckles. Their skin turns red very quickly. Therefore, the factor with protection degree 30-50 .

· Second, Nordic or Scandinavian type - people with fair skin, brown eyes, light blond hair. For them, a tool with SPF 15-35.

· Third or European type- people with fair skin, brown eyes and light brown hair. This is the most common phototype in our region. A person falling under this characteristic should choose a remedy with protection 8-15.

· Fourth or Mediterranean type - people who have dark skin, brown eyes and dark skin. They rarely burn, so their funds should have SPF factor of 8.

Throughout the summer, you need to use funds with a different factor. At the beginning of the season, opt for cosmetics with more powerful protection. When the skin gets a long-lasting tan, a weaker factor can be used.

  1. You need to choose a sunscreen depending on the place where you will be sunbathing. If you go to the coast of the sea, ocean or other body of water, then the protective agent must be selected with a high SPF filter.

Being in the city, a powerful UV filter is unnecessary, so you can choose cosmetics with an indicator of up to 15-20.

In the summer, the sun is most active, so a long stay under its scorching rays can be harmful to health. It's all about invisible radiation, which is made up of UVA and UVB rays. What is it and their effect on the body can be useful?

UVA rays

95% of all ultraviolet radiation is UVA rays. Although they are not as powerful as UVB rays, they do just as much harm. The rays pass through clouds and glass, deep penetration into the skin reaches the cells of the dermis. Under their action, a tan appears, but the synthesis of free radicals also increases, due to which the skin undergoes photoaging: loss of elasticity and premature wrinkles. The so-called sun allergy appears, which means hypersensitivity. Its symptoms are itching, redness, age spots, summer solar dermatitis. The rays can disrupt cell production, leading to cancer.

UVB rays

The remaining 5% of ultraviolet radiation is UVB rays. They are partially blocked by the ozone layer, clouds and glass. The maximum activity of UVB rays is from 10:00 to 16:00. They contain a large amount of energy, so they can bring enough problems. Excessive exposure to them causes serious damage to the skin. The result appears immediately in the form of redness of the skin, which disappears after a few days. Severe sunburn causes painful blisters and white patches. When renewed, the skin becomes defenseless to subsequent exposure to ultraviolet radiation. These rays are able to penetrate the epidermis and cause tissue damage. Even the cells that survived the irradiation do not perform their functions in full. A tissue mutation appears, and as a result, skin cancer is possible. The severe consequences of ozone holes are known, which are attributed to the global problems of mankind.

What else are the sun's rays dangerous?

UV exposure suppresses human immunity. The weakening of the protective function of the body opens up access to many infections and viruses. Therefore, it is not surprising that you can catch a cold on a sunny day. The herpes virus is often activated. With reduced immunity and excessive overheating, herpes is activated and gains strength.

I don't want to get sick in the summer. All health problems occur against the background of a weakened immune system, therefore, to prevent diseases, it is worth increasing the protective properties of the body.
Cosmetics are designed to prevent the harmful effects of UV radiation on the skin. Sunscreens come with SPF filters against the harmful effects of UVB rays and with IPD and PPD protection against UVA rays. Unfortunately, many products protect against one type of ray.
Do not forget about the benefits of sunbathing: the tone, the level of immunity increases, the secretion of certain hormones increases. Under the influence of rays, the permeability of the vessels of the skin, gas exchange and oxygen consumption increase, and metabolism is normalized. The sun is important in the formation of vitamin D. It's all about moderation, you should not both neglect and abuse sun tanning.

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Hello Makeup Lovers. In this article we will talk about a hot topic during the holiday season - sun protection. It seems like everyone knows and understands that it is reckless to sunbathe is harmful to health, that the sun's rays can provoke terrible diseases, that every time you go out into the open sun, you need to use a cream with protection against ultraviolet rays, but they still treat it somehow negligently ...

So let's go in order.

What is tanning?

Sunburn is a change in the pigmentation of our skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays due to the formation and accumulation of melanin pigment in the lower layers of the skin when exposed to the sun.

What is the beneficial effect of ultraviolet light on our body?

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the formation of vitamin D is activated, which is necessary for the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are "responsible" for strengthening muscles and bones and for healing wounds.

Ultraviolet rays activate most of the processes occurring in the body - respiration, metabolism, blood circulation and the activity of the endocrine system.

Also, ultraviolet rays help to strengthen the skeletal system of the body.

Why is ultraviolet light dangerous for us? What are UVA and UVB?

Separate ultraviolet rays of two ranges, from which we should be protected: UVA (alpha rays) and UVB (beta rays).

UVB radiation leads to burns, while UVA radiation leads to damage to DNA structure and photoaging.

Group A ultraviolet rays:

  • active regardless of the season;
  • present everywhere, regardless of altitude or weather;
  • penetrate glass, plastic and clothing. Only white clothes are capable of reflecting ultraviolet rays of group A.

What is SPF?

SPF or Sun Protection Factor in English means sun protection factor.

There are products with different UV protection factors. Basically, there are factors 15, 20, 30, 50.

The protection factor does not mean the degree of protection of your skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation, but the protection time that a product with a specified factor provides you.

  • SPF 15 provides approximately 93.5% protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • SPF factor 20 - by 95%;
  • SPF 30 - by 96.7%;
  • SPF 50 - by 98% (this level of protection can only be achieved by adding chemical filters to the product with the specified protection factor).

How do you choose the protection factor you need?

In our climate, with almost a 100% guarantee, we can say that we all burn out after 10 minutes of exposure to the sun without protection, so the formula for calculating the protection time is very simple and straightforward. See for yourself.

Protection time = SPF level * number of minutes in which you burn in the sun without protection

  • That is, the SPF level of 15 gives us protection for 150 minutes, with a burning time in the sun without protection, which is 10 minutes;
  • SPF level 30 - 300 minutes;
  • SPF level 40 - 400 minutes;
  • and an SPF level of 50 - 500 minutes.

After the specified time, the product with protection should be reapplied.

However, although SPF 50 in our example provides more than 8 hours of sun protection, it is recommended to reapply the product every 2-3 hours with continuous sun exposure.

And finally, I would like to talk a little about products that provide protection against ultraviolet rays.

Now on sale there is a huge number of products of various cosmetic brands from the mass market to luxury brands. Some products have similar compositions, some promise innovative ingredients. Some products are completely mineral, some smell like strawberries and are felt on the skin as whipped cream due to the presence of chemical elements in their composition.

However, there is one natural mineral (not chemistry or organic matter), the presence of which in cosmetic products with a sun protection factor is highly desirable - titanium dioxide. Particles of titanium dioxide reflect alpha and beta rays (UVA and UVB radiation) as a mirror. In the Russian Federation, this mineral is used, among other things, for coloring food products. Look for this mineral in a sunscreen product. However, remember that the composition of the product is always listed in descending order. That is, if titanium dioxide appears at the end of the list, its amount in the product is insignificant.


We talked about how ultraviolet rays affect our skin, found out that it is absolutely necessary to protect ourselves from their effects, and also found out what is the difference between the same numbers on jars with sunburn, and even talked a little about the composition of the funds. It remains only to choose your own.