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Today, June 6, most Muslims of the world will begin to fast in honor of the holy month of Ramadan, which will last 30 days. From the onset of dawn until sunset, the faithful cannot eat, drink, or indulge in entertainment. They must also refrain from swearing, slander, and slander.

Below we have collected all the necessary information about the holy month of Ramadan, which will help believers fast properly.

When uraza in 2016?

On the night of June 5-6, the Muslim holy month of Ramadan (Ramadan) begins, which will last 29 days in 2016 and end on July 4. Muslims around the world are required to refrain from eating and drinking, smoking and intimacy during the daytime. This post is called uraza.

What should be done in Ramadan?

Fasting Muslims should spend time in worship, reading the Koran, refrain from sinful acts, the use of obscene expressions and alcohol, do good deeds, and help the poor. In addition to the usual five prayers, every night, individually or collectively, an additional prayer, called “tarawih”, provided for only during Ramadan, is performed.

Who can not fast during Ramadan?

Travelers, nursing mothers who are afraid for their health or their child, women during menstruation, as well as those who are sick, can not keep an eye out. However, they need to “make up” the missed days at other times after the end of Ramadan. People with severe and chronic illnesses can feed one poor person for every day they miss.

Is it possible to hold an uraza if you do not read namaz?

Yes, fasting will be accepted even if the Muslim does not pray.

Is fasting counted if, due to forgetfulness, I drank water or ate?

Yes, it counts. Eating and drinking out of forgetfulness does not break the fast. As soon as you remember that you are fasting, you should immediately stop eating and drinking and continue to fast.

Can you smoke while fasting?

In the daytime, when fasting is in effect, it is impossible. After breaking the fast, it is possible, but not approved.

Can I shower/bath during the daytime?

You can, but be careful not to swallow the water. It is also allowed to rinse the mouth and nose, but in such a way that water does not get inside.

How to protect yourself from dehydration on hot summer days?

Dehydration is when the body loses a lot of water. If a fasting person works hard on hot days, they may develop a high fever, diarrhea, dizziness, nausea, headaches, and other signs of dehydration. In order to protect your body, you need to stop using artificial drinks such as tea, coffee, soda. Most of them contain chemicals and caffeine that remove fluid from the body. Still water, green or herbal teas are best for quenching your thirst. Before dawn, while eating and drinking, you can add a pinch of salt to the water, as it helps to retain water in the body.

What foods should be consumed to reduce stress on the fasting body?

In the morning, before fasting, you should not eat fried, fatty, salty, spicy and overly sweet dishes, as they irritate the intestinal mucosa, are difficult to digest and can cause thirst during the day. Porridge is very well absorbed, it has useful fiber that will give energy for the whole day. Eating raw or boiled vegetables has a beneficial effect on the body. Dairy products also improve bowel function. It is better to start the evening conversation with dates, as they contain a huge amount of useful microelements and fructose, which will quickly restore the body, you can drink them with water. And then start eating.

What is fitr-sadaqah?

Fitr-sadaqah is a small amount of money collected from Muslims only in the month of Ramadan. The proceeds from the fitr-sadaq go to help the elderly, people with disabilities, families without breadwinners, orphans and the poor.

What are the important dates during and after Ramadan that should not be missed?

During Ramadan there is a special "Night of Destiny". It should be held in worship of God, since it is believed that on this night all angels descend from heaven, and all sins are forgiven to the one who prays. It is believed that this night comes on one of the last 10 days before the end of the month of Ramadan. According to the general agreement of the clergy, it was decided that the "Night of Predestination" in 2016 will be from July 1 to 2. July 5 begins Eid al-Adha. Also known as the Feast of Conversation and Eid al-Fitr. It is celebrated on the occasion of the end of the fast. It lasts three days, at which time people go to visit each other, generous tables are laid everywhere. Muslims need to visit relatives, spend these days with family and loved ones. After the end of the month of Ramadan, the month of Shawwal comes, where believers can fast for an additional 6 days, and this is counted as if a person had fasted the whole year.

In many modern countries, hookah smoking is now widely popular. Such notorious oriental exotic especially attracts young people. A hookah is a special device that allows tobacco smoke to pass through water or other liquid.

Regardless of age, every company now periodically arranges get-togethers. They do not do without hookah smoking. This hobby has been around for a long time. People want to relax, temporarily forget about problems and everyday life. Many have a hookah at home as a beautiful souvenir from Eastern countries. But how often can you "pamper" yourself with such a pastime? After all, scientists have not fully figured out how harmful hookah smoking is.

Benefits of hookah smoking

When smoking a hookah, the smoke has a pleasant aftertaste. It differs significantly from ordinary cigarettes. Hookah smoke comes in a variety of flavors and flavors. Tobacco smoking through water will reduce the content of harmful substances in the smoke. The amount of phenols will be reduced by 90%, and various aromatic hydrocarbons and solid fine parts by 50%. When hookah smoking, less nicotine enters the bloodstream. Tobacco does not burn with this type of smoking. He dries up. Therefore, there are no carcinogens in the smoke.

Harm of hookah smoking

But people who think hookah smoking is harmless are mistaken. A person inhales a huge amount of smoke. In this case, carbon monoxide inevitably enters the lungs. When puffed, smoke penetrates deep into the respiratory tract. In addition, smoking hookah by a company is unhygienic. The exchange of saliva increases the risk of contracting hepatitis, herpes and other diseases. But this issue will be solved by the use of individual mouthpieces.

How not to smoke?

If a person consumes alcoholic beverages and smokes cigarettes, then hookah smoking is not recommended at all. It will only increase the negative impact on the human body. The consequences can be the most unexpected. Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from such a combination. After all, the baby suffers first. The same applies to minors. Neither pregnant women nor children should smoke hookah. And this nuance has no exceptions.

If a person smokes often, then you should rinse the bowl, shaft, flask after each use. Otherwise, cleaning the smoke that enters the lungs will become impossible. Flask fillers play an important role. It is better that juice or water act as them. Alcoholic drinks are not allowed. Hookah smoking is practiced exclusively on a full stomach.

Permissible frequency of hookah smoking

Hookah is often compared to smoking cigarettes. Although the damage in each case is different. In any case, it is impossible to abuse hookah smoking. It is optimal to carry out this procedure no more than twice a week. This frequency minimizes the harm of the hookah. The lungs will have time to rest, restore the microflora. If you smoke more often, then there may be some complications. It all depends on the concentration of nicotine and the quality of hookah coal.

There is no unequivocal opinion on the account of the frequency of hookah smoking. Some people smoke several times a day, others say that it is better to smoke less often, no more than a few times a week. In any case, before embarking on such a process, you must first eat tightly. An ordinary hookah (with a clay bowl) is smoked for forty minutes. If the hookah bowl is fruity (pamela, orange) - the duration of smoking can increase up to fifty minutes.

It should be understood that hookah smoking is far from harmless. Every modern person has the right to decide for himself whether to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or give preference to the oriental smoking tradition.

In any case, harmful resins during hookah smoking will settle on the walls of blood vessels and lungs. Let their number be less than with ordinary inhalation of cigarettes, but a hookah smoking session can last several hours. It is not recommended to smoke hookah every day. Whether such a hobby is harmful or not is a rhetorical question. But we must not forget that tobacco is directly involved in this relaxing procedure, and many people know about its harmful effects on the body. So everything is good in moderation.

Is it possible or not

While observing the fast of Ramadan, it is necessary to abstain from food and drink throughout the day. Foods that can harm the body are excluded from the diet before and after sunset. Meaning, sweet, salty, fatty, fast food, strong drinks.

Most Muslims prefer to smoke cigarettes, hookah, special smoking mixtures, some even consider this habit useful for some reason. All this is not allowed during Ramadan during the whole day. The ban is lifted after sunset, but still frowned upon.

During the holy month, if you want to follow all the rules and cleanse yourself spiritually, it is recommended to completely abandon this bad habit.

If a person consciously or unconsciously violated the prohibition, then he will have to commit kaffara, that is, atone for the sin. He will have to start over again.

It turns out that smoking during Ramadan after sunset is possible, but highly undesirable. Cigars, vapes, hookahs, electronic cigarettes and everything else that gives pleasure through smoke are prohibited during the day on fasting, regardless of time and location.

Benefits of fasting for smokers

Fasting Ramadan is a unique process in Islam, thanks to which the human body, soul and mind are cleansed. Abstinence from water, food, caffeine, alcoholic beverages, smoking, any other sins, while doing a daily prayer to Allah, good deeds, helps to restore energy and get on the right path.

In addition, during the observance of Ramadan, a person strengthens his health, tones his mental and physical state, increases mental performance, develops independence, improves self-control and awakens consciousness. During this period, with a great desire, training endurance, willpower, patience and discipline, you can get rid of bad habits: stop smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol.

To whom is fasting prescribed?

Fasting is prescribed for a person who considers himself a Muslim, is reasonable, mature and knows that the time of fasting is coming. A person who is on the road and the patient is not required to fast. He can make up for it later, on other days.

When can you stop posting?

1. Illness. If fasting causes suspension of treatment or aggravation of the disease;

2. A path whose distance is more than 89 kilometers. A person becomes a traveler from the moment of departure from the settlement in which he lived. If a person began to fast and had to go on a journey during the day, then it is strictly forbidden for him to break the fast on this day. A traveler is allowed to fast during the journey if he is confident in himself and this does not bring him any inconvenience. This is indicated by the verse of the Koran: “And who among you is sick or is on the road that number of other days” - Surah “Cow”, 184 verses;

3. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, if there is a threat to the health of the child. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Indeed, Allah Almighty removed the fast from the traveler and shortened the prayer, He also removed the obligation of fasting from pregnant and lactating women” - narrated by Imam Ahmad, “Ashab Sunnan” book Naylul-Avtar 4 \ 230 ;

4. Weakness due to old age, incurable disease, disability. All scholars are unanimous in this statute. Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said about the words of Allah, “And on those who can do it, - ransom by feeding the poor (that is, fidia” - Surah “Cow” 184 verses: “These verses concern old weak people who cannot in return for breaking their fast, they must feed one poor person for each missed day (i.e., give fidiya) This hadeeth is reported by al-Bukhari;

5. Coercion that does not depend on the person himself.

What actions break the fast?

1. Deliberate eating during fasting;

2. Intentional sexual intercourse during fasting. When a Bedouin had sexual intercourse with his wife, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ordered him to free the slave, and if not, then fast for 60 days continuously, and if he could not feed 60 poor people. Hadith reported by all Muhaddiths, Naylul Avtar 4\214.

If you took food during the osta due to forgetfulness?

If the fasting person took food out of forgetfulness, then his fast is not violated. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Whoever eats or drinks during fasting due to forgetfulness, then let him not break the fast - indeed, Allah fed him and gave him drink.” Hadeeth reported by al-Bukhari no. 1831 and Muslim no. 1155.

What breaking actions in the fast require replenishment only day by day?

There are more than 75 (seventy-five) such violations, but they can be ordered in three rules:

1. Swallow something that is not food or medicine, such as a button;

2. Taking food or medicine according to the above provisions, allowing breaking the fast, as, for example, in case of illness. Erroneous swallowing of water during ablution, making a mistake in the time of breaking the fast (eating, thinking that the sun has set, but it is not), deliberate vomiting;

3. Incomplete sexual intercourse (when the two sexual organs did not touch each other) such as the release of sperm when touching the wife.

There is strength to fast, but there is an opportunity not to fast, what to do?

This question will be legitimate on the part of a traveler, a woman during menstruation or postpartum bleeding. Nowadays, traveling somewhere is not as burdensome as it used to be. Therefore, if the traveler feels that he is able to fast, it is better to fast, although de jure the traveler has the right not to fast even if he has the strength.

A woman during menstruation cannot fast - it is forbidden. Although there are methods to delay the onset of menstruation by taking pills. This option is possible, although it is worth leaving everything as it is, because in this case, without even fasting, the woman fulfills the command of the Almighty, for which she will receive a reward.

A woman can hold an uraza during pregnancy. But if the uraza causes malaise, impotence or malnutrition to the child, and also the nursing woman has a fear of losing milk or strength, then in this case it is rare for them not to fast. Anas ibn Malik al-Kaibi said: “Indeed, Allah delivered travelers from the burden of fasting and half of the prayer, and pregnant and breastfeeding women from the burden of fasting” - narrated by Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawood, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasai and Ibn Maja . But they must make up the fast after the birth of the child, as well as his feeding, day after day of the missed fast. It should also be noted that it is not necessary to follow the sequence in completing the post. This is evidenced by the words of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him: “You can not take into account the sequence in making up the fast, as Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an: “And if someone is sick or is on the road, then let him fast the same number of days at another time” (that is, Allah did not indicate that it is necessary to fast all the days in a row according to the number of days missed for the indicated reasons. Breaks are possible. You can first fast one day, and a week later - another missed day of the month of Ramadan).

Does smoking break the mind?

Smoking, firstly, is prohibited in Islam and, secondly, it undoubtedly violates fasting, since fasting is based on protecting a person’s nasopharynx from getting anything there. Therefore, if a person deliberately “swallows even a button, then his fast is violated. A Muslim during fasting must leave his lust (in this case, smoking) for the sake of Allah.

If a Muslim wakes up in a state of defilement (junub), then is he allowed to fast?

The state of defilement does not break the fast (unless it is menstrual and postpartum discharge). Therefore, it is possible to carry out ghusl (full ablution) at any time, but it must be borne in mind that it is undesirable to walk in a defiled state, and in order to read the Koran and prayer, it is necessary to perform a complete ablution. In Sahih ibn Khuzayma, Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, says: “The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, if he intended to sleep or eat, then he would definitely perform taharat (ablution). The meaning of this hadith is also in Sahih al-Bukhari, hadith 277.

What to do if menstruation began during the uraza, or if menstruation ended in the middle of the day?

If menstruation begins during fasting, then fasting is considered broken. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said; “Shouldn’t she not fast and not pray during menstruation” - is given in the book “Sahih Bukhari” hadith 304.

But because she began the day with the intention of fasting, she should not eat before sunset. She is obliged to interrupt the fast during the period of menstruation and postpartum flows and make up for it on "clean" days. A woman who stops her period in the middle of the day belongs to the category of those people who are obliged to fast, therefore, as a sign of respect for the month of Ramadan, it is advisable for her not to eat before sunset.

Prepared specifically for Info-Islam