Raising a boy up to three years. Raising a three year old. Fact. Boys have emotions too

So that the process of raising a child of 1-3 years does not turn into a system of prohibitions and restrictions, all the basics of correct behavior should be laid through the game. Only in this way will the baby be able to understand how to behave with other children. The task of parents is to skillfully extinguish all outbreaks of aggression and teach the child proper communication in children's team. Well, if the baby was offended, it is in the mother's power to "resolve" the situation and find the right way out of it.

Let's start with one year olds. First of all, you need to understand that a baby at this age is a researcher, he is exploring the world, which turned out to be much larger than the “huge” spaces of his home or apartment. New objects around, and even with their own properties - sand, for example. It turns out that you can touch it with your palms, it slips so interestingly between your fingers to the ground ... You can dig a hole in it with a scoop ... You can throw sand up or to the side with all your might ... “Ay! Ah-ah-ah!" When raising children younger age remember that any kid - this is a tireless explorer - got a bucket in the forehead from a kid who was covered with sand in his hair and eyes ... It's a shame? And how! After all, he did not even notice that there was someone next to him! From the age of one to about two or three years, the child is practically occupied only with his own momentary interests.

What's this? Aggression? Of course not. A kid who is not yet able to communicate “according to the rules” may well unceremoniously upset another crumb, push, grab someone else’s toy and, as a result, get hit in the forehead with a scoop or be bitten.

How to raise a girl and a boy 1-3 years old

In order to raise a child of 1-3 years old correctly, as child psychologists advise, it is important to skillfully extinguish children's conflicts. What to do if your child is offended by peers?

  • First, do not panic and calm down, comfort the upset baby. At the same time, do not calm down with hysteria in your voice, they say, what a horror! And calmly, with sympathy, benevolently: “It happens, baby. The boy must have wanted to play with you, but didn't know how to say it." Indeed, in reality, no one has offended anyone, but it hurts and hurts even when baby will fall, hurt himself on the door frame or prick his finger.
  • Secondly, not getting angry and not lecturing a one-year-old "offender" is useless. At this age, children cannot empathize and feel “someone else's” pain, they cannot perceive “bans on fighting”.
  • Therefore, briefly and calmly say: “My child must not be beaten. Marusya (Vitya, Kostya, Lyudochka ...) hurts, ”for now this is enough. And your baby will be sure: mom is there and will always protect.
  • You should just be constantly nearby and, if possible, ensure the safety of the kids - for example, in time to intercept a hand with a spatula, brought above your child's head.
  • Talk to other parents, try to work together to help toddlers make “exchanges” of toys when they are in the sandbox.

When raising young children preschool age remember that it depends on adults what first communication lessons kids will receive.

Psychology of raising a child at 1, 2 and 3 years

In the course of raising a child from 1 year old, it is important to teach him with other children. The youngest visitors to the sandbox do not yet know how to play with each other. This is how you teach your child. There are some tips on how you can not only organize a “conflict-free”, but also a developing environment, involving kids in common activities. These games will also help distract the kids if a quarrel is suddenly brewing or someone accidentally offended someone.

“Use the most accessible “tool” - your hands. Teach your baby to make prints with fingers and palms on wet sand, “run” with your fingers along the path, leaving holes, decorate the prints with small twigs or pebbles. It not only develops fine motor skills but also sparks the imagination.

Draw people and animals, decorate drawings with improvised materials. Attract other kids, create joint "art galleries".

Look for "treasures" - bury several objects that are different to the touch (rough, smooth, ribbed). It can be pebbles, cones, acorns, toys. Let the kid, having found the “treasure”, try to tell what he found. Such exercises help develop the sensitivity of the fingers.

Build towers and cities, dig "underground passages" - the meeting of the fingers of the baby and mother "under the ground" will cause genuine delight!

Settle in "cities", let them go, visit each other and treat themselves to shortbread pies - in such games it is easy to teach elementary rules of behavior, "polite words".

Take two bottles of water with you for a walk. One will be needed in order to give the baby a drink if necessary, and the other in order to moisten some of the sand. A wonderful lesson is to compare what prints are made on dry and wet sand, how “cakes are molded”, how much heavier wet sand has become, etc. The first lessons of analysis? Why not?

And, of course, Easter cakes are a sacred occupation in the sandbox. However, Easter cakes can be sculpted not only with molds, but also with other objects. Take unnecessary cups and jars with you for a walk - from yogurt, sour cream, salad, shampoo. Any plastic containers, washed from the remnants of the contents, will do. You can cut plastic bottles, making molds, funnels, scoops out of them (you just need to process the edges). Don't forget the lids different colors and sizes. With such "improvised means" you can leave unusual prints, use them for "housing" dolls or toys from kinder surprises. And if a jar with a lid turns out to be a container of a “treasure” - bury it and look for it! You can also pour the sand from the "shampoo" bottle into a salad tray or a jar of yogurt - how much will fit? Here are the lessons of comprehending volume, and most importantly, the kids have long forgotten who offended whom, and enthusiastically “work” side by side.

How to raise a child in 1.5-3 years

One of the most common conflicts at playgrounds, and especially in the sandbox, is the inability of one-year-old or one and a half year old children to distinguish “mine” from “someone else's”. The concept of property is yet to be learned by the kids, but for now they consider all the toys “their own”. How to raise a boy or girl 1-3 years old in order to avoid possible conflicts due to the appropriation of someone else's "property"? The best option- an agreement between the parents of "regular" visitors to the sandbox to bring inexpensive toys that everyone can play with, and before leaving home, everyone takes what they brought in "their" package.

The psychology of raising children of 2-3 years old is different from raising children of the same age. At this age, the baby is already able to understand what “mine” and “alien” are, how to behave in this or that situation, when you want to take someone else’s toy or yours is taken away from you.

Let's talk about how to save the baby from such "toy", but in fact quite serious insults.

Taking into account the peculiarities of raising children of primary preschool age, proceed as follows:

  • If the kids managed to grapple because of the toy, immediately separate them.
  • Be sure to support your child - the toy was taken away from him! Out loud (and not just to the offended baby), say: “I understand you want to keep the toy?”
  • Do not ignore the offender. Continuing the conversation with your child, say: “The boy (girl) also liked your toy. Let's let him (her) play for a while? »
  • If they try to take away the toy in front of your eyes, just stop the “raider” and say: “Did you ask permission from Sasha (Masha, Petya, Valera - the name of your baby)? » Usually this is enough to start "diplomatic negotiations" about the fate of the toy. And, by the way, if the children are lost, they cannot immediately understand what to do, help, speak as if for them. For example, referring to own child: “Sasha, can a boy (girl) take your motorcyclist to play?”
  • If the abuser has taken the toy and rushed to the other side of the playground before you arrive, first reassure your crying baby: “Do you want to play with your toy? Okay, calm down and let's explain this to the boy (girl). You yourself will ask to return the toy. If you don’t succeed, I will help you, and another time you can handle it yourself ”- and go to the“ kidnapper ”together. Without aggression, without screaming and nerves, calmly but firmly say to the offender: “This is Sasha's toy (Masha, Petit, Valery - the name of your baby). He wants to play with her himself, give it back, please.”
  • You can offer to exchange toys for a while. If an exchange is possible, in order not to aggravate the situation and not provoke a new round of conflict, draw your child's attention to someone else's toy: “Look, what an interesting car! We don’t have one at home, you’ve never played one like this.”
  • To bring up a child of 1-3 years old correctly, you need to accustom him to a collective game as early as possible: “Come on, you will be a truck driver and bring sand to a construction site, and Seryozha will build a tower from sand. And then Kostya will bring “guests” on a typewriter, and we will “bake” pies for them.”
  • But it happens that the baby does not agree to any exchanges and “play for a while”. Don't insist! Your child has every right to play with his own, and not someone else's toy. Just warn the "offender" that today he will not be able to play with your typewriter, since the owner of the toy himself wants to play.
  • In the course of raising children 1-3 years old, keep in mind that your baby can also act as an "offender", because there are so many wonderful other people's toys around. First of all, talk to your child that you can't take other people's things without permission. If he wants to play, for example, with Igor's robot, then he must come up and ask for permission, and when they ask him to give the toy, he must return it to the owner and thank him. “I understand you liked this wonderful robot, but it is not yours. Perhaps you just forgot to ask permission to play with someone else's toy? Do you see how upset Igor is? Please return the robot to him and apologize.”
  • If the conflict cannot be resolved, remember about " Golden Rule raising children 1, 2.3 years old "- distract the kids. You can offer some kind of active game or one of the activities that were mentioned in the section "Playing with mom - learning to play with children." Speak magic words: “Let's ...” (we will build a two-story garage, dig a deep pond, draw a picture with twigs, measure the length of the bench ...)

One of the features of raising young children is to make sure that your child does not turn into a "mean beef" as early as possible. To do this, you can do the following:

At the age of three, a baby cannot confidently defend himself, he always hopes for the support of his relatives, especially his mother. Based on the basics of the psychology of raising children 1, 2, 3 years old, be able to stand up for your child:

  • If your child is pushed or hit by another toddler and your treasure is lost, act quickly and confidently. Hug, take pity, ask: “Are you hurt? “And not aggressively, but strictly address the offender: “You can’t beat my child! You can't fight, but if you want to play, say: "Let's play." The main thing is that your baby feels your firm intention to protect him, then he himself will gradually gain confidence. (Variants of the phrase “You can’t beat my child!”: “I don’t allow to offend him!”; “I don’t allow anyone to beat my son (my daughter)!”; “Don’t beat my child, I don’t allow it!”)
  • If the children already understand the explanations, and the naughty mother did not react to what happened (unfortunately, this happens), you can talk with the offender. Something like this: “You can’t beat Sasha, it hurts him. Good people don't hurt, and you're a good boy. You are the future a real man and a real man doesn't hit people unless he's given a toy. You can exchange toys, you can politely ask to let the car play with you, but you can’t beat. If you offended someone, you must apologize.
  • Another development of the situation: your baby, in response to a blow or push, hit back. Here, in the course of raising a child of 2-3 years old, you need to turn to both: “You can’t fight!” The phrase is short and strict, the tone is indisputable, confident. And, of course, an explanation follows, for example: “We must play together. If a dispute arises, it is necessary to agree with words. Fists only interfere with the game. And already at home, talk with the baby.

The peculiarities of raising a child of 2-3 years old are such that sometimes you have to teach your baby to hit back in order to defend himself. But first you need to warn the "enemy" that you will answer the same way. Be sure to explain to the baby that you can’t beat hard, surrender is “a strict warning that you can also defend yourself.” And the key word here is protection. Teach your child to stand up for himself, and for this, develop self-confidence, including by your own example. Remember? You confidently protect the child, and he "gains" confidence from you. For example, I will give two letters from the "mommy" forums and the opinion of a psychologist.

Features of raising boys and girls 1-3 years old

Each of us had to be angry himself, and experience the anger of others. In the course of raising a child of 2-3 years old, it is imperative to explain that negative emotions everyone experiences, because both adults and children are sometimes offended, angry, envious, jealous. It’s just that someone knows how to control their emotions and “gets angry correctly,” while someone almost throws himself at people with his fists. Of course, it is much easier to kick or push the offender, rudely call him names, and even commit some kind of cruel act in relation to the “irritant”. This is exactly how small children behave: without hesitation, without holding back, they rush to “splash out the negative” - they scream, stomp, bite. From the violent manifestation of emotions, both the kids themselves and those around them can suffer. Therefore, one of the features of raising children of 2-3 years old is teaching them the ability to "speak out", to express their feelings and emotions in words. If you notice that the baby is angry or upset, ask him questions (“What are you upset about?”; “What happened?”). Be sure to give the baby the opportunity to "free" from the negative, talk, read a book or watch a cartoon together that has a similar situation. Books, cartoons, games will help the child learn to find a way out of "stressful" states. The ability to verbally express what you experience, feel, is a wonderful defense, because in life the baby will have to face the reactions of different people, even cruel ones.

And yet it happens that a little man can not always cope with his emotions. Sometimes he needs to scream, get angry, or, conversely, make peace if he quarreled with a friend. When raising girls and boys 1-3 years old, use the simplest and surprisingly effective attributes to relieve emotional stress.

Pillow for whipping. In Japan office workers they can go into a special room, where there is a soft mannequin with a "chief's face", and beat, shout, express their attitude towards him. It is enough for the baby to "beat" soft pillow, imagining that it is the abuser. Only it should be a special pillow for whipping, and not any soft toy.

"Screaming" pipe. Plain cardboard tube from under a paper kitchen towel. It can be pasted over with bright paper and told to the child: “If you want to shout offensive words loudly or you are angry and a scream breaks from inside you, you can shout into a special“ screaming ”trumpet. Your anger will fly away with loud noises. Just please make sure no one is around. Suddenly your anger will go to the one who is nearby? Or will you stun him? »

Rug "anger". Such a rug can be sewn from thick fabric or agree with the child that “anger comes out through the rug in the corridor. You can trample on it, jump on it, wipe your feet on it, threaten it with your fist - and the anger will go away. my little son, for example, such an "vent" was the old homespun track on the porch (we lived in a private house). Hearing the stomping and jumping, I already knew that my treasure had come angry and offended and was “shaking off” anger in front of the threshold.

"Snake-bits". When raising a child at 1.5-2 years old, it is important to teach the baby to drive away resentment, stop getting angry, and relieve tension. It can be done in a simple way. Give your baby an old newspaper or any other unnecessary paper and let him tear it into small “bites”. You can tear and sentence:

  • I will tear the offense to shreds,
  • Rip apart the anger.
  • And I'll throw up the pieces
  • Then I'll take out the trash.

Together with the baby, spin in the “fall of leaves”, “snowfall” or “fall of flowers” ​​(depending on the time of year) and “turn into” ... for example, into a “snake-shred-vacuum cleaner”. The main thing is that there should not be a single "snarl-shred" left!

"Quiet" chair (or bench). Those who are offended, or quarreled, or want to be with themselves come to this chair or bench (they can be painted with paints, decorated). Here you can just sit, or you can play with "quiet" toys, think, dream or "withdraw into yourself." However, this is not necessarily a chair or bench. “Quiet” may well be a soft rug, an old baby blanket in a corner on the floor, fluffy plaid it. d.

"Mirilochka". Do not forget about one more feature of raising a child of 1-3 years old - timely instilling in the baby the ability to put up. The simplest "mirilochka" is a sleeve with two holes into which they can different parties stick out the hands of the “subjects of the conflict”. And there, in the depths, clasp your hands, make peace. Or maybe it's a "sun with handles" that you can shake. Or maybe any soft toy with furry paws, chosen to play the role of "conciliator". And, of course, one must say the old, old words that reconciled the children of many generations:

Make peace, make peace, make peace

  • And fight no more.
  • And if you fight
  • I will bite.
  • And nothing to bite
  • I will fight with a brick.
  • And the brick will break
  • Friendship begins!

In conclusion, one more piece of advice on how to raise boys and girls 1-3 years old: teach children to quickly get rid of experiences.

Bag of "experiences". It can be a small linen bag with strings. On one side, stick (or draw or embroider) a smile pictogram or a smiling face. On the other side is a gloomy, angry expression. Agree with the baby that if he is in trouble or in a bad mood, he can turn the bag towards him with an “evil” side, open and whisper his “adversities” into it. Then tie, close and shake the bag well so that all troubles disappear. (“It will grind - there will be flour,” remember?) And then turn the bag towards you with a “smile”, untie it again and “get” what the child wants: joy, laughter, kindness, fun, good mood. If "Two-Face" confuses you, make two bags: one "evil", the other "good". However, not necessarily a bag, both a box and a bag are quite suitable for this role. plastic bottle, and any other "capacity".

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It often happens that parents want to have a girl or a boy. But how often do they think about the differences in the educational process, which depend on the gender of the child? But how to grow a real man out of him is a complex and multifaceted question.

Here is the baby born

When a son is born, one of the first tasks is to give him a real male name. At the same time, psychologists do not recommend giving such as Eugene, Valentin or Julius. The blue color in clothes does not play a serious role in the formation of masculinity. This, most likely, is a necessity for parents, thereby, as it were, signaling to others that a real man is growing in the family.

First year of life

Approximately by the end of the first year of life, parents who have thought about the question of how to raise a boy correctly will notice that their baby loves to scandal. Thus, he shows his "I", shows his independence. Specialists called these manifestations the “crisis of the first year”. During this period, not only the character of the son is actively formed, but also his determination, independence and even self-esteem. How should parents behave in such a situation? You need to try to be as calm as possible about these manifestations. No need to try to break in communication with him, patience and kindness will help. At this age, boys need affection and tenderness not at all. fewer girls, respectively, a kiss or hugs will not hurt in the development of the future man. It is not for nothing that the upbringing of children in Islam does not distinguish them at this age by gender: here boys and girls are equal. However, it is not worth little boy allow ropes to be twisted: parental authority should reinforce your love and care. But even here it is better to know when to stop, because the baby needs self-affirmation, so ignoring his desires and requests in the future can play a bad joke on you.

Psychologists recommend that parents who are wondering how to raise a boy correctly do not use asexual “baby”, “lapula” when referring to their son ... The best option will come up with appeals emphasizing his gender, for example, "my protector", "son", "hero" and so on.

Boys over the age of three

At about three years old, parents will notice that the baby has become independent. At this age, the baby studies the interaction between people, learns to understand what is bad and what is good. It is during this time period that the boy has a desire to communicate more with men, to be just as brave, strong and courageous. Right now, the most correct thing for parents who are wondering "how to raise a boy" will be to give the right guidelines, to show the most typical male behaviors (certainly positive). A mother seeking to raise a “knight” must see in him, first of all, little man choosing for themselves the position of the weaker sex. It will be useful for the boy's self-esteem to consult with him, as well as to allow him to be strong (for example, to show that without his help you would certainly fall). And remember that spiritual education children begins at the moment when parents give them the opportunity to understand that they are full members of the family.

It is difficult to answer unambiguously how to properly raise a child, because there is no ideal strategy for educating the future generation. All babies are unique from birth. Young princesses and little gentlemen are all different. Some crumbs are thoughtful and calm, others are funny and curious, others are naughty fidgets, and others are closed-minded silent people. Therefore, the tactics of the educational process cannot be the same. Only the mother knows the nature of the baby. And therefore, it is she who must choose the methods that are ideal for her baby. Psychologists can only outline a general strategy and recommend how it is not necessary to act in order to protect the fragile young psyche from traumatic factors.

How to raise children - psychology

In order for the baby to grow and form correctly, parents need to organize for this suitable conditions. First of all, the kid for a comprehensive harmonious development parental love and caring attitude is needed. When a baby feels indifference from a significant adult, fertile ground is created for the emergence of a huge number of problems. It's not just about behavioral issues. It is also real and the occurrence of health problems.

Sometimes it happens that significant adults love a child, but the baby does not feel it. Therefore, it is necessary to show love to the crumbs by any available means, hug them, talk about your own feelings, kiss them. The child must feel unconditional parental love, to understand that parents will love him in spite of everything and will always help.

Most parents are interested in how to raise a child correctly, because the future existence of their child depends on this.

First of all, your little one should be taken completely, despite the apparent shortcomings. Many parents make the almost irreparable mistake of trying to fit the baby to their own ideal of the human subject. And when they fail to do so, they feel disappointed. The child always feels parental disapproval, understands that they do not believe in him, that he could not justify parental expectations. As a result, crumbs suffer, which gives rise to many problems.

Your child, whether a three-year-old child or a teenager, needs to be supported when he needs it. Children must understand that in any difficult situation they can always rely on their parents. It is the parents who instill a sense of security in their own children.

It is not recommended to scare children with various popular horror stories. For example, when in educational purposes significant adults scare the baby that if he behaves badly, a babayka will come and take him away, the child understands what was said literally. He thinks that some scary man enters the dwelling, and the parents will allow the babayka to take him away. From here there is a feeling of insecurity, the authority of parents falls. The baby no longer feels safe.

You should be more interested in the life of the child, talk on various topics with him, especially those that interest the baby himself, spend more time together, doing pleasant activities for both. Joint pastime, filled with bright positive emotions, contributes to the emergence of friendly interaction between adults and kids.

You need to respect your own child, you should not dismiss the words of the crumbs, from his opinion. Phrases like: “don’t be smart”, “it’s still small to give advice” are unacceptable. It is necessary to praise the offspring even for the slightest success.

In order to teach something to a child, one childish feature must be taken into account - kids brilliantly remember everything that interests them. Therefore, there is no reason to hammer knowledge into a child, it is better to make classes interesting for him, and also that they include game moments.

Notations should not be overused. After all, they are boring and completely uninteresting to the baby. It is better to demonstrate the desired behavior by your own actions. Children always take the actions of their parents as a model.

How to properly raise a child from birth

It is better to start the educational process from the first decades of a baby's life. Active development of crumbs occurs just in the first year of their existence. At the described stage, they adapt to the environment and acquire the first valuable experience. After all, in just 12 months, the baby needs to learn how to coo, smile, respond to parental voices, mood, and distinguish intonations.

Often, parents of babies pay more attention to following the daily routine and diet, proper care, rather than the educational process. Exactly up to one year old the main habits of the offspring are laid on the subconscious tier, inclinations and personality traits are formed. Further maturation of the crumbs is mainly due to the educational process in infancy.

Conventionally, the annual stage of educational work is usually divided into 4 stages in accordance with trimesters.

The stage under consideration involves the formation of "true" habits in babies and the prevention of the emergence of harmful ones. In addition, here parents should properly organize the nutrition of the crumbs. This is very important for adequate weight gain, getting used to the regimen.

In this trimester, the crumbs should form habits such as:

- without a dummy to dive into the kingdom of Morpheus on the street;

- spend some time in bed, having fun on your own;

- hold your head

– show displeasure when changing a diaper;

- fall asleep without motion sickness.

It is also recommended to pay serious attention to the hygiene of the crumbs. The morning of the little ones should begin with a mother's friendly smile, hygiene procedures, which include washing the baby's hands and face, washing, changing the diaper. These daily activities in offspring will develop the habit of keeping themselves clean.

To develop the habit of holding the head in the crumbs, it is necessary to lay it on the tummy. Gradually, the baby will get used to the described action, the muscles of the neck and back will get stronger.

In order for the child to start humming, you should play with him more often. It is also good if the baby hears nursery rhymes and children's songs. Any action directly related to the child needs to be commented, told, for example, how to put on sliders, change a diaper. When talking with a baby, it is recommended to smile, because this is the way the culture of communicative interaction is laid.

AT next trimester visual, sensory and auditory perception of the world develops. The stage under consideration includes the preparation of the offspring for speech. It is recommended to include musical melodies of various genres here. At the same time, it is better that they be harmonious and light: classics, children's tunes, modern motifs. In order for the child to hum, to begin to babble, his attention must be directed to other sounds. He should be introduced to surrounding reality, drawing his interest in the chirping of birds, the sound of running water, the rattling of a tractor.

The mental formation of the crumbs at the described stage should debut with a communicative interaction. Parents need to play with the child, shaping his perception. It is recommended to start practicing when you are awake, when nothing bothers the offspring and he is cheerful. Such activities should bring pleasure to the baby, so you should not play with the baby when he wants to eat or is naughty. At the stage under consideration, the laying of the moral and aesthetic foundations of education takes place, which the child receives as a result of communication with relatives.

Love and joyful emotions, donated to the baby, will become the starting point for forging a moral and aesthetic behavioral model. In addition to the above, daily exercises and massage should also be present in the routine. At this stage, the exercises should already be more varied, since their goal is to prepare the baby for crawling.

The stage of the third trimester is marked by the restlessness of the offspring and his curiosity. Activity in babies at the described stage increases significantly. Since the child has already learned to crawl and sit down, and some babies are trying to get up, it is time for physical training.

First of all, the baby must be given freedom of movement around the home. Therefore, it is necessary to secure the possible route of his travel as much as possible. AT this trimester babies are increasingly interested in the contents of drawers and lockers, so it is recommended to remove any items that can harm the baby.

At this stage, it is already possible to make the first attempts to accustom the child to the potty. It is necessary to put the baby on the potty after feeding, walking, sleeping. After some time, the baby will become clear for what purpose he is put on the potty. At about seven months of age, you can begin to teach your baby how to wash their hands. Thus, the concept of cleanliness is formed.

Putting on baby bibs before feeding, changing soiled clothes immediately after they get dirty, mothers instill accuracy in their children. At the same time, adults need to comment on each action and explain it.

For children, play is important, regardless of the age stage. Through it they get to know the world. At the age of seven to eight months, you can show the crumbs simple toys and manipulations with them, for example, to show how the ball is rolling, the wheels of the machine are spinning. Also at the described stage, you can already show individual parts of the head: nose, eyes, ears. It is necessary to deal with babies in the third trimester daily. Here you should also acquaint the offspring with the words-prohibitions: "it is impossible." For example, when a baby fights with gaming activity, it is necessary to say “it is impossible”, explaining the reasons (it’s unpleasant for me, it hurts).

In the fourth trimester, raising a child covers absolutely all areas of his activity. Here, the baby actively interacts with the adult environment and tries to walk independently. When the baby stands on knives on his own, he should be encouraged. First, you need to help the little one, drive him, holding two handles, then one. After a while, the baby will be able to linger, standing on his feet, for a few seconds.

The mental formation of an infant is based on instilling in him the skill of manipulating objects. Complete educational process includes close communicative interaction with the offspring. You should constantly talk with the little one, but it is not recommended to copy children's speech or lisp. This can give rise to the formation of a speech defect.

How to raise a child in 1 year

The human personality, according to psychological research, is formed on early stage existence. Therefore, it is very important in the course of the educational process that a one-year-old baby acquire the experience necessary for the future life, which will become the foundation of the attitude to the environment and the environment.

At the stage under consideration, the game process is the prevailing type of activity. However, due to age, the baby cannot independently organize their own leisure time. Therefore, it falls on the parents' shoulders. It is necessary to show the offspring possible manipulations with toys, for example, how a doll walks, a frog jumps, a car transports. Also important role-playing games, you can treat a sick bear together with a little one or cook dinner for a bunny. However, the plots of the games must be primitive so that the child understands them well.

Meanwhile, in the process gaming leisure it is necessary to carefully monitor the offspring. The game will reflect children's performance about existing family relationships, world, people. Observation will allow parents to correct negative ideas or destructive attitudes in a timely manner.

The one-year-old understands exclusively visual-figurative appeal. Therefore, in order to convey some information to the crumbs, it is necessary to model the situation based on fairy tales and taking your favorite heroes as examples.

You also need to constantly explain to the little one how to behave, what is good, what actions are bad. In addition, parents should always remain positive example because toddlers always imitate adult surroundings. At the stage of upbringing under consideration, parents should regularly clean up, put things in the places intended for them, show by their own actions the observance of the daily regimen, hygiene rules.

How to raise a child at 2 years old

In the period under review, the educational process should differ in relation to boys and young ladies.

The upbringing of a boy should include, above all, the expression of love in different form: hugs, kisses, conversations, joint games. It is forbidden to beat the baby and offend, as he may grow up insecure, aggressive, angry or distrustful. The boy must be brought up within strict boundaries, without excessive lisping, but also without imperious habits.

You should not limit the physical capabilities of the boy and his activity. It is normal if the baby often walks with broken knees, because the future defender of the family and the Fatherland is growing.

When addressing a baby, it is better to use his name, or call him “son”, and it is better not to use such diminutive forms as “honey”, “bunny”. The child must be aware of early years that he grows up as a man and in the future will become the breadwinner and protector of the family.

The upbringing of young ladies must be directed towards the development of creative potential. Girls in comparison with their "antipodes" are more balanced, assiduous, calm. Monotonous manipulations are easier for them. They have developed imagination and a sense of beauty.

Daughters should be encouraged to express their own feelings, to young princesses compliments, give her praise, tenderness. Girls should grow up confident, self-sufficient, able to recognize false feelings.

Kids should be given the opportunity to choose their own game. From childhood, little ladies need to be explained that they can achieve a lot in life. You can show them photos of successful ladies - doctors, politicians, actresses, explaining to them along the way that when they grow up, they can become just as successful and respected aunts.

How to raise a child at 3 years old

The three-year-old is a rather serious test of strength for parents. After all, the baby has already noticeably grown up, began to talk. The kid already has an active position in expressing his own aspirations. At a certain point, the behavioral response of the crumbs and his actions began to change dramatically. The previously obedient toddler turns into an obnoxious "bandit". This is how the three-year crisis manifests itself.

The most important thing here is the stock of patience on the part of significant adults. Any situation of disobedience of the offspring that has arisen should be assessed extremely soberly. It is necessary to understand the feelings of babies and skillfully use children's whims against them. For example, when a toddler refuses to fold toys, but rather scatters them, then you should ask the child never to collect them.

In the described period, various requirements, prohibitions are ineffective. It is better to try to switch the attention of the child to actions that are more exciting for him.

It is not recommended to react excessively violently to hysterical seizures. However, indulging all sorts of children's whims is also not necessary. The three-year-old checks the boundaries of what is permitted. How much can his parents afford. If at the slightest give the little one what he wants, then he will have a habit of starting to hysteria for the slightest reason. It is necessary to try to distract the offspring from the provoking factor, to another interesting thing.

The educational process at 3 years should be based on consistency. If the mother forbade the baby to do something, then the father should not allow him to do it. This rule should be especially clearly conveyed to compassionate grandmothers and kind grandfathers.

And most importantly, to educate the little ones should be in love. It is necessary to take care of the offspring, train them, show the desired behavior with your own positive example.

How to raise a choleric child

A choleric baby is by nature tireless. Nature endowed such a crumb with a powerful energy potential. Already with early age the baby shows his unbearable temperament, and relatives say in bewilderment: “well, and character!” The task of the adult environment in a particular case is to help the baby grow moderately flexible, restrained and compromise.

The little owner of this temperament is endlessly in movements, which are characterized by impetuosity, sharpness, as if someone is chasing him. Such a baby cannot stand long expectations, and therefore is not able to sit idle in one place for a long time. The child's conversation is emotional, the words sound abrupt and fast. He does not speak, but chatters, swallowing words and syllables. Sometimes he gets so carried away with monologues that he is unable to hear anyone.

Often loses control over himself, starting to shout loudly and argue. It is not easy to raise a choleric child of 3-4 years old. This kid loves adventure and risk. At the same time, the baby's susceptibility to sudden mood changes plunges the close environment into bewilderment.

The kid can easily change his mind at the last minute. You never know what to expect from him. He can behave outside the box in any situation. The kid himself often does not understand what is happening to him due to his impulsiveness. A child with a choleric temperament makes decisions instantly, his ideas are spontaneous, but often interesting. Everything new baby is rapidly captivating, but it is also easy for him to forget about it in short term. During training, he shows abilities if the child is interested at the moment.

A little choleric falls asleep with difficulty and for a very long time. Sleep is restless, depending on the impressions of the day.

The choleric has a mass positive qualities: fearlessness, riskiness, courage, determination, self-confidence, perseverance. At the same time, a tendency to stubbornness, restlessness, cockiness, conflict, impatience, playfulness, which gives parents certain difficulties in raising a choleric child.

Given that choleric children are emotionally unstable, their parents need to master the ability to control own emotions. Before you speak to a child in a fit or annoyance, you need to stop, take a few deep breaths or count to ten and just think about whether notations and screams aimed at the baby will help in your situation.

An energetic choleric child must be involved in doing useful things, for example, at home. The kid must see the ultimate goal and the result of his work. Teach your child to say the steps of the work out loud, then silently, and steadily stick to his plan.

For choleric people, it is very important to engage in outdoor sports. This will allow you to release your energy, and training will teach you how to calculate your strength. Such a baby simply needs living space, so you should go for walks with him as often as possible.

Designing, needlework, drawing, manual labor. It is important for parents not to show on the crumbs if he is distracted, and each time to encourage the manifestation of patience and diligence. It is important to teach the baby to pre-think about their decisions, assessing the reserves of their forces, and only then proceed to action. Politeness should be taught in any situation, since the immediacy of a choleric often offends people's pride.

It is especially necessary to pay attention to the ability to build relationships in the children's team, since parents will not be able to be around all the time. The choleric person has a problem with imposing leadership on other children. The second problem of a choleric baby is the desire for diversity, so constant friends do not linger nearby. AT this case it is required to encourage the baby to analyze his behavior, deal with conflict situations with him, discuss films and books. It is necessary to teach the baby to control his emotions, taking into account the interests of other people.

In the fight against bad mood humor will help a choleric child. Show your baby a way to release accumulated emotions: you can beat a toy, throw and hit a pillow. It will be better than taking out your anger on parents and children in kindergarten. Self-control can help breathing exercises. With an increase in the emotional stress of the baby, you can use distracting techniques, for example, to interest in something else and switch to this activity. Sometimes just hugging and comforting is enough. Adults need to observe the behavioral manifestations of their crumbs as much as possible and act even before he gets angry or bursts into tears. It is strictly forbidden to tease a little choleric.

When a child grows up, he goes through several stages of his development, characterized by psychological and physical characteristics.

To learn how to raise a man, read the advice of psychologists that we shared with you.

How to raise a child-boy in one and two years

In the first 2 years of life, the child turns from a completely helpless baby into little man who already has character traits.

Children aged 1-2 years have a high physical activity. As soon as they start walking, the sons begin to explore the space around them with great interest. First the room, then the whole apartment and the street.

During this period it is necessary:

  • Create conditions for an active lifestyle. This means that you need to walk more, allow you to run, climb, jump. Do not limit the child too much, and if his actions are dangerous, then switch his attention to another activity. Try to climb stairs with your child, do not carry him in your arms when he wants to walk. Buy some balls different size, learn to throw them at the target and catch. Many people like to climb on chairs and sofas. Allow everything that contributes to the physical development of the baby. There is also a large psychological component to this - the child learns to overcome difficulties, fight fear and turn on ingenuity, for example, to climb somewhere.
  • Encourage independence. Mom will have to be patient to wait for her son to take off his clothes, or with mom to reach the apartment. In such situations, you can help a little, but in no case should you do the job for the child. If, for example, you assemble a pyramid for him, over which he sat for half an hour, then you will completely kill all the desire to do anything on your own.
  • Encourage the pursuit of domestic work. Toddlers over 1.5 years old are very fond of repeating after adults and helping them do some things. Some like to carry a rag on the floor, others like to rattle pots, and others like to rub carrots like a mother. Let your child try to do the same as you, and it does not matter that there is a puddle of water and grated carrots on the floor. AT childhood such activities contribute to the development of both physical skills and character education.

By the age of two, it becomes necessary to develop some prohibitions, since sometimes the baby’s desires can be harmful to health and life. In addition, from the age of 2, it is necessary to gradually instill norms of behavior and introduce a system of restrictions and punishments.

At this stage of upbringing, one should not envelop the child with excessive care, limit him motor activity and curiosity, except in cases of danger.

If the baby has not yet begun to talk, then do not put pressure on him, do not force him to speak and do not show displeasure. Keep in mind that compared to girls, boys start talking later.

The main task of raising a baby up to 2 years old is the development of motor skills, physical qualities and curiosity.

The main occupation of the little one at this age is the games that he loves. If the child prefers active classes- running, ball or climbing, and does not like to collect blocks and draw, then you do not need to force him. Offer it to him periodically, but don't force it.

Raising a three year old

By the age of three, babies are already consciously performing simple operations, talking and communicating with their peers. At this time, there is a clear differentiation by gender, that is, the child is aware of a boy or a girl. For the son, the main person is still the mother.

The tasks of education three year old baby the following:

  • Instill self love and belonging male gender. It is important to let the child understand that it is good to be a man. Reinforce this verbally: you are brave, strong, dexterous, and so on. You can't call your son a coward or a weakling. Such a message encourages the child to pay more attention to his father and try to imitate him. Young children who are raised in this way admire their dads, tend to spend more time with them. When the child reaches the age of three, the father should devote more time to raising his son and be patient. At this stage, relationships between them are laid, and how they begin will largely determine the character of the baby and his qualities. If dad shows excessive harshness and irritability towards his son, evades classes with him, the child will seek attention from his mother and reach out to her.
  • Continue to improve physical development and ensure active image life. Expand your baby's space. For normal physical and psychological development a boy needs enough space, a certain freedom. The accumulated energy needs to be released, and The best way- active games. Another thing is when the baby is hyperactive. In this case, the approach to education changes a little. Such children are not assiduous, impulsive, cannot complete a task to the end and are engaged in one or the other. Hyperactive babies require special attention, they lack self-regulation skills, so you should protect them from overwork. With such a child, it is better to draw, sculpt, build more. This must be done jointly.
  • Encourage research interest. Here main principle- everything is possible that is not dangerous. You can disassemble toys, even if after that they break. Do not scold for torn pants, broken cars and broken plates. Interest must be satisfied if it is not dangerous. Otherwise, you risk growing an indifferent and indifferent person.

Raising a 4 year old

By the age of four, children begin to develop emotionality.

Education at this age is as follows:

  • Show love and affection to your child. Numerous studies have shown that four-year-old boys are praised 4 times less than girls, and punished much more often. Therefore, do not forget that at the age of 4 your son is still a child who has fears and worries, and he cannot yet cope with them. Therefore, be patient with the baby, show that you love him. Do not think that in this case it will grow a mattress.
  • Learn to express emotions correctly. Do not demand restrained behavior from the child. Features of psychological development at this age do not allow him to control emotions all the time.
  • Expand your space. The child grows, and for further physical development he needs more space. Get your son a sports corner, drive to sports grounds more often, ride a bike together. It is better for dad to do all these activities, or organize them with the whole family.

At the age of four, the formation of an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bone's own personality as a representative of the male sex ends. At 4 years old, the baby already clearly understands that he is a boy, and considers himself to be a man.

Principles of raising a child 5-6 years old

At this age, the child has already become accustomed to kindergarten, if he attends it, and has developed the skills of behavior and communication with peers. Coming preparation period for school.

To the continuation of physical development, new tasks of education are added:

  • Psychological preparation for the start learning activities. It is necessary to form a desire to go to school. Then the adaptation will be faster and easier. Talk only in a positive way, avoid pessimistic conversations with your spouse in the presence of a child about upcoming difficulties, because children hear and perceive everything.
  • Strengthening the role of the father in education. How to properly raise a father from a boy to a real man, what psychology says? Find joint hobby, which you will do at home, for example, burning, sculpting, wood carving and so on. Don't forget about outdoor games. Some children at this age are already enrolled in sport sections, but this is individual and depends on the nature and readiness of the child.
  • Purchase useful toys. Get your son toy tools, constructors with nuts and wrenches.
  • Skill building housework. Invite your son to help around the house. It is better if it will help the father in men's affairs- repair the crane, hang a shelf, disassemble something.

Principles of raising a teenager

Adolescence is a turning point and a difficult moment not only for parents, but also for the child. But not all children are having a hard time at the age of 13-14, for some transition period goes almost unnoticed.

The upbringing of a teenager is based on several principles:

  • "No" to total bans. In childhood, it was enough to say “no” and briefly explain the reason for the ban. For a teenager it serious occasion for conflict. Therefore, total bans should be avoided. It is necessary to build a dialogue with the child, but it must also be correct. The dialogue should not turn into a notation. Argument your position, give reasonable arguments. It is better if dad conducts the conversation, since in adolescence the dialogue of two men will be more fruitful. Young men already feel like men, so they often do not want to listen to their mother and obey, just because she is a woman.
  • Communication. Despite the fact that your son is already quite mature and independent, do not neglect communication with him. Chat on different topics, be interested in his affairs, friends, support good ideas and encourage good practice.
  • Equality. Be on an equal footing with the child, perhaps the age when you were a teacher has already passed, and the period of partnership has come. Ask for help in what your son is better at. For example, help with a computer, printing documents, and so on. Those guys who have been involved in sports, music or other activities since childhood may want to quit. The reasons may be different, but often it is laziness, unwillingness to go, loss of interest, substitution by games and a computer. Here it is important for parents to show firmness and convince them to continue classes.

In adolescence, a young man tries to show his independence and significance, so accept him as an equal.

A mother plays an important role in a child's life. During the first few years, his mother is the whole world for him. The child depends on her not only physically, but also psychologically. In the process of growing up, the importance of the mother and how the child perceives her changes.

In order for your son to perceive you correctly, we will give some advice.

  • Stay a woman. Even if you are very fond of cars, designers and are fond of sports, in the eyes of your son you must be a woman. Through you, he forms the perception of the female sex and attitude towards it. Ask for help with bags, open doors, look feminine.
  • Be a friend. Involve your son in helping around the house, and then you will always have time to make crafts with your son, chat with him and learn about his affairs.
  • Never speak contemptuously of men. No problems, family discord or even divorce should make you speak ill of men in front of your son. He is also a representative of the male sex, and it is very insulting to him. In adolescence, this can lead to internal conflict in the child.

To sum up: what we learned about raising sons

The main principles of education at all age stages are the encouragement of activity, curiosity and the desire to work. In childhood, only what is dangerous and beyond the scope of behavior in society is prohibited.

Actively involve your husband in raising your son. This will help him gain important practical skills, communication and masculine behavior.

Do not be afraid that you will spoil the boy with a manifestation of love and he will grow up as a sissy. It has been proven that children, to whom parents showed love and affection, grow up as confident and self-sufficient people.

World of emotions little man open to us, we can observe all the movements of his soul. A small child is in a constant stream of new experiences, everything surprises him, amazes him, and his emotional life is unusually rich. He moves from one to another without trying to understand what is happening to him, and acts solely under the influence of emotions. The whole world is new to him, brand new, and he is open to stunning diversity and vivid impressions.

But the emotional palette of a 1-2 year old child is limited: if he is dissatisfied or tired, he starts screaming and crying. If he is satisfied, he likes the game - he laughs loudly. The kid is completely absorbed in the present moment and immediately reacts to what is happening. Sometimes emotions "jump" one on top of the other, creating mental chaos, often turning into noise and screams. By calming, comforting, or distracting your child, you not only help him cope with a storm of feelings, but also participate in the process, during which the child gradually learns to control his emotions. By moving from laughter to tears, the child encourages parents to respond, set limits, and of course, explain what is happening to him. We are often upset because our adorable, smiling baby a minute ago is now screaming and stamping his feet.

Tip 1
In those moments when you are upset or angry, do something for yourself that will give you pleasure and help you calm down. Try to anticipate possible troubles that can upset you and cause anger.
For example, you should not let your child play with things that you value. Try to learn to recognize the harbingers of your own emotional breakdown and find the right tool for you to deal with it.

In another projection

A common adult mistake similar situation is that they project their own feelings onto the child. Don't try to put yourself in his place. At his age, discontent and tears in most cases do not mean pain and suffering. This is just a way for the baby to express annoyance, disappointment or anger, because he still cannot explain all this in words. Up to 1.5-2 years, it is quite easy to cope with such emotional storms, you just need to distract him and switch his attention to something else. True, you should not immediately rush to entertain the baby at the slightest sign of discontent. Thus, you let him know that his "bad" feelings have no right to exist. The child may feel that you are confused by manifestations of anger or resentment, and, accordingly, they cannot be expressed freely, but must be hidden and even suppressed. Emotionally reacting to any situation, Small child is looking forward to your response. Only your attitude, behavior, words will help him navigate what is happening to him. You set boundaries for him, within which he can freely express his emotions without fear of them. destructive power. As your baby matures, the limits you set, which he sometimes resisted, will become part of his beliefs and serve as the basis for building boundaries for his personality. There is no reason to think that the child will learn to control himself on his own, just as it is a mistake to try at all costs to follow the crumbs, to follow his emotional impulses.

If you:
Be under the influence of stress and you can easily be thrown off balance.
Try to postpone joint games with your child for a while. In moments of irritation, do not take him in your arms: children are easily "infected" by the emotional state of their parents.
It is better to tell the child about it. "I'm very upset right now, please play by yourself. I need to calm down." Children tend to take a lot of things personally, it is important for a child to hear that you are not angry because of him. In order for the baby to learn to better understand you, and therefore himself, it is important to speak directly to him about your feelings, desires and needs.

Storm of emotions

Up to one and a half to two years, a child needs very few words in order to be understood. He babbles or points to a desired object. If the mother does not understand him or does not consider it possible to provide him with what he wants, he begins to sob, stomp his feet, and express aggression. Some children, not having achieved the desired, are able to quickly switch to something else. Others find themselves so caught up in their emotions that they can't stop and calm down. This is not an easy test for parents who themselves find themselves in the grip of conflicting feelings. Anger at the raging child is mixed with pity for the little "sufferer". And you are torn between the desire to give in to him and firmly stand your ground.

New Horizons

At the age of 1.5-2 years, the child's behavior changes markedly. He enters a period when he wants to show independence. This is the period when the baby can suddenly snatch the handle from your hand on the street and, with an independent look, run forward. He becomes capricious and demanding and violently protests against prohibitions and restrictions. And at the same time, as if frightened by his own courage, he shows his dependence on you more strongly. He needs more than ever to be sure that you love him. Now you need not only to react in one way or another to emotional manifestations child, but also to explain to him the rules of behavior in society: “You can’t climb on the table with your feet” ... You must set the necessary restrictions and explain their reasons: “I see that you don’t like it, but I can’t let you put your hands in a bowl of porridge. It's very ugly and you'll get dirty."

Parents should not change their rules depending on the mood of the child, even if he makes a scene for them in public, otherwise the ultimatums will be repeated again and again. Many parents think that their child suffers when he demands something with tears. Some capitulate, tired of, others are afraid that the child will stop loving them ... And yet you should not be in a situation where the child, with your consent, manipulates you. It is necessary to make him feel the boundaries that he should not cross.

Tip 2
Rules once established should not be changed under any circumstances. They must be observed by all family members: only then will the baby understand that it is useless to manipulate you.

Only calmness

Don't expect parenting strategies to work right away. In order for changes to occur in the emotional sphere of the child, it is necessary certain time. But there will come a time when mental life become more orderly and harmonious.

In this "transitional" age, "little tragedies" occur literally every day. Often parents do not know how to respond to emotional outbursts, or are not sure that they are doing the right thing. Many adults prefer to ignore the raging children, believing that attention will only worsen the situation. Of course, it is not easy to endure a tantrum, but you should not leave a child alone at a time when he cannot cope with himself, with his own feelings. Ignoring is not the best way to express dissatisfaction with the behavior of the child, besides, children learn well parent methods. Many parents are probably familiar with the situation when a child "does not hear" parental requests and appeals, expressing his dissatisfaction in just such a way known to him. If the baby is not yet "wound up" in earnest, you can try to distract him by offering him some exciting activity that will help him immediately forget what upset him. If it is no longer possible to switch his attention, try to take him in your arms and hold him tightly to you until he calms down. Or just be there, letting him know you're available. When he calms down, briefly and simply explain to him what, in your opinion, this reaction is connected with. You can express dissatisfaction with his behavior, but be sure to show him that you understand what is happening to him.

It is also important how much parents know how to control themselves, manage their own anger. It largely depends on whether the child learns to express his feelings adequately to the situation. If you tend to respond to the violent behavior of your child with an angry outburst, then it is likely that the child will learn this form of behavior and will continue to apply it outside the family, in communication with children and adults.


I don't know what to do with my anger, help? it happens to my child 1.4 that the child starts to hysteria and I can’t calm him down, he gets out of his hands and doesn’t let him take it wildly yells, sometimes even beats his head against the wall, floor, curbstone. When I can’t calm him down, I start to lose my temper, start yelling and I can spank the child, then he starts to get even more hysterical and then I start to get hysterical. When he calms down and I realize the situation, I begin to feel wild remorse because I did wrong with the child, yelled and hit that I bad mother and want to be the best mom in the world. Every time I promise myself that this will not happen, that I will keep myself in my hands, but I break down and then I really regret it. Please help, I really want to make a difference!

children's tantrums are mainly due to the fact that the mother somewhere made mistakes in raising and caring for her baby. It must be understood here that the complete emotional intellect the child is formed already in the first year of the life of a little man. Therefore, it is important to self-educate, I constantly read articles about how a child develops up to a year in a child and how to correctly form children's emotional reactions.

behind a lot of words, two really useful tips: 1. a rule once established must be respected by everyone and always
2. The response to the child's negative emotions should not be aggression or ignorance.
So why so many words?

09/06/2007 15:40:24, masya

Xoroshaya statya, ochen pouchitelnaya!

04/22/2007 01:42:25 AM, Ella

what to do? a 2-year-old child is angry and beats his mother

04/08/2007 04:24:29 PM, indri07

inconsistent article. either about children's tantrums, or immediately, without transition, about mother's stresses. but in places there are practical thoughts and useful tricks

Comment on the article emotional child: let's try to configure"

A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of everyday life anything...


Below, English medicine popped up, I'll tell you in more detail. The main difference, it seems to me, is "the presumption of health and normal development." Russian doctors are always looking for defects. Yes, English doctors are sometimes scolded for indifference, but serious problems they see right away. Yes, if you come to tear your hair out in a year that the child does not walk, you will be reassured and sent home. When I came to the doctor with reasonable suspicions of problems, the child was carefully examined by the therapist and sent to the hospital for examination if he also had suspicions.
But let's not talk about medicine, because the issue of child development often does not reach medicine! There are so-called health visitors here, who are like paramedics by education, and for children. They take us once a week, you don’t need to sign up, there are several people at once, you weigh the baby, you can discuss anything you like: the color of poop, feeding, and so on. All your fears and worries. There is a consultant breastfeeding. They take a child up to 5 years. If they suspect a medical problem, they will send you to a doctor.
Sorry for a lot of letters, the most interesting for you. They sent us a questionnaire and invited us to a conversation about development, my daughter was 2 years old. You put the checkboxes, for example, there are such points: connects words into sentences, climbs up the stairs, with two legs on the step. That is, they take your word for it, they don’t stick to the child , and discuss those points where there is no

And my eldest didn’t have any pyramids or cups at all, I just now, after reading your message, remembered this .. Probably, I need a commission :)))

Childish -parental relationship. Child psychology. I have two pairs of children with a short interval of a year and a month and a year and eight, with a big difference between the pairs, 14 years old, so why am I vulnerable with increased anxiety, this is about everyone ...


I have two pairs of children with a short interval of a year and a month and a year and eight, with a big difference between the pairs, 14 years old, and so I am vulnerable with increased anxiety, this is about each of the eldest of the couples. Didn't force me to eat. And there are explosions, with children with a small age difference, it’s not easy!

It seems to me that you have already done half the battle - you have realized your mistakes, and you love the child - that's +. And about long disputes - it’s also good, I would consider them a dialogue on the way to each other. Good luck in your hard work!

Children's age-related psychology: child's behavior, fears, whims, tantrums. The child repeats unpleasant actions .. Whims, tantrums. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household ...

The child is 2 years old - he ALWAYS holds his hands in his mouth. I read somewhere that children simply don’t remember before the age of 7, they naturally have Whims in one ear. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Girls, it's my second day with Pashka...

Go to child psychology. Whims, tantrums. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness The site has thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and schools, articles are published daily and ...

Neuropsychologist?. Development child brain. Child psychology. Institute of Correctional Pedagogy on Frunzenskaya 05.02.2009 10:00:23, zetinson. Child from birth to one year Child from 1 to 3 Child from 7 to 10 Adolescents Adult children (children over 18) Child psychology.


We visited a neuropsychologist in some center on Novokuznetskaya. Only at first to the neuropathologist it is necessary to descend or go. We also have a difficult child. Whims, constant mood swings, unwillingness to do anything (read, draw, sculpt, build), in addition, speech is not very clear and classes with a speech therapist again (with a speech therapist to our Pasha - (4 years) special approach). So, the neuropathologist told us, after listening to me first and examining my child, that the psychologist is not needed for him, but for me, and all the problems are from the inconsistency of the actions of the parents in raising the child. And the general summary was - nothing to drive healthy child by doctors. Then we went to a neuropsychologist. She gave a bunch of tests for memory, logic, etc. Pasha did everything. Half of the tasks were new, which he had never done before, but learned nothing.
I complained about bad memory, inability to learn, not memorizing poetry, etc. The neuropsychologist said that mental development is the norm, there are no lags, and speech development- lags behind, but I myself knew that.
In addition, the neuropsychologist said that we have excessive demands on the child and he understands this, advised him to leave him alone, not to demand from him what is beyond his capabilities.
Yes, about poetry. At home, he does not learn anything at all and stops attempts that someone would tell him something in verse. And in the fall, he gave us the whole program children's matinee in verse. No one taught him anything specifically.

16.03.2004 12:23:49, EKaterina

Neuropsychologist - in three years?
As a rule, this specialist is contacted after five years.
Before that, the conclusion of a neurologist is sufficient.
Write to the participant under the nickname "Mashenka L."
Works at the Institute Correctional Pedagogy. Her address can be found by searching.
If it's not a secret, what did the psychologist pay attention to? Special attention?

Child developmental psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, tantrums. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development Section: Children's fears (children's fears in children under 2 years old). And it is formed in many respects in early childhood.


Do not worry, apparently, age. :) At us, as 2 years knocked, suddenly, fears also began sharply. And here, in the conference, someone conducted a survey in the summer, in my opinion, in the conference from one to three years. Many said that it was at the age of two that children began to be afraid of the dark and something else ...

Many of my friends also have the same parsley. I explained to myself that at the age of two, children sudden jump in development, especially associated with the rapid development of speech, that is, suddenly the child begins to think not only specifically - what I see, I sing about, but also more abstractly, and at first cannot keep his imagination.

It seems to me that it is very important to show that you understand the child, but with all your appearance to show that you are with her, that together you will overcome what she is afraid of. We had such a fear - a shark in the bathroom. Directly jumped out suddenly abruptly from the bathroom (daughter) with cries of "shark!" . Although I haven’t seen any horror stories, I’ve never been scared by anything, I love water, in general, I couldn’t understand at all where the “legs” of this fear came from. She sinned on "Leopold the Cat", even the cartoon where the shark was, stopped showing her. And the shark was "chased away" together - either the cat was called and "fed" to it, or I myself drove it away. The shark still lives in our bathroom, especially when Anya needs a reason to finish bathing;), but she is no longer afraid of her. And sharks in and in the cartoon and in the dock. films looks calmly. Other fears - darkness - not that fear, she can already sleep in a dark room, but she is used to a night light in the room. Thunder often remembers a thunderstorm, then he says that he is afraid, then vice versa. In general, I want to tell you that fear is natural, and if you do not attach increased importance, then they will be reduced to the minimum necessary for life.

In the autumn we flew in Austria in a small three-seater airplane. Anna really wanted to. They sat down, took off, :)) Anya turned to me and said "Straaaashno" so importantly. And then she sat quietly. She really liked it, she still remembers how she flew with her dad, mom and pilot. He loves airplanes. :))

My parents raised two children in the axiom that even siblings are not required to LOVE each other. Love is not a feeling that is brought up. It either exists or it doesn't. And if you don’t oblige brothers-sisters to love each other, don’t hope for it and don’t think about this very love, then everything becomes much simpler, the relationship is more open, and as a result, favorable atmosphere for this very love, if it wants to appear.

This is exactly what happened to my brother and me. My brother is 6 years younger, I helped a little with care, sometimes I sat with him (a frivolous dad left me with a month-old baby, and he went to work at night, or worse, to play basketball, my mother was in the hospital). But these were individual cases, on average, my parents did not expect me to help with the child. During conflicts, divisions, insults, they took it for granted that I can’t stand him (he) and why they gave birth to him at all. But they insisted that parents give birth to children so that there is a family that parents want, and therefore they do not insist on "love", but insist on civilized relations. "I want you to get along with each other and sort things out verbally between yourselves" was just my mom's mantra. She, poor thing, often had to repeat it.

As a result, despite the difference in gender and age, my brother and I developed close, family relationships, and he is the closest to me in the family. But our parents honestly admit that they did not count on it, they consider it as "lucky".

Child developmental psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, tantrums. Child development: when emotions go wild. Your child is 2 years old and his behavior confuses you? Letting your son know that he still has a father is so important, especially for a son!


as far as I understood from your messages, the "biological dad" behaves fundamentally wrong, if it is impossible to agree with him on changing behavior, you need to figure out how to avoid negative impact for a girl. IMHO she is very restless with two dads, as can be seen from her questions.
We also have two dads, although the biological one appears very rarely and behaves - just exemplary. Apparently, such a person.
Small, on the contrary, is proud that everyone has one dad, and he has two. He rarely sees him, but, for example, he often draws drawings for two dads, remembers - even surprisingly. I can count on my fingers how many times they saw each other in the vague 5 years of his life.
Yes, a long time ago, when we were still living together, I read somewhere that you often need to tell the baby about your love, and that many people love him - friends, relatives, we even had such a ritual of going to bed - they listed all those who loved and loved ones. It somehow asserts confidence in its world.
In general, regulate the situation yourself - you know that the girl is better. This is important, not the ambitions of adults to satisfy.

I'll tell you about myself. When our native dad tried to somehow declare his “main” rights, somehow we broke him off, saying that the child lives here, which means that the main ones are those who see him every day, who do homework with him until 2 am, who decide with him tasks, who helps to solve communication problems, who goes to parent meetings and to the clinic, who treats and serves. In a word - LIVES WITH HIM. The son (albeit older, he is 12) also somehow quickly called his second husband dad, and now he calls his own father by his last name. I only recently realized how important it is for a child to constantly remind that we love him, that we will not give him anywhere and to anyone without his desire. in the end, the concept of FAMILY extends to the three of you - dad, mom, daughter, and that "dad" who does not live with you and did not want to see the child for a long time - maybe he is "dad", but not in your family . After all, he may have another family ... birth father, in this situation, in my opinion, it can be just a friend for a girl, but is it possible to decide which friend is more important?