Education fairy tale - just! Experiments in fairy tales. Why this method works

The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it - a hint, the kind well done lesson. A.S. Pushkin

Tales always occupied an important place in the folk work of any country. They were transmitted from generation to generation and worn not only entertainment, but also informative, and educational. In many centuries before the first concept about child psychology appeared, the obstellers hanging animals and objects of human qualities, putting them in various situations, tried to influence the child's consciousness, to teach not looking for that well, and what is bad to avoid, on What to pay attention and how to behave in one way or another. Not fussing the popularity of fairy tales throughout so many centuries speaks of their effectiveness.

The heroes of fairy tales are endowed, as a rule, a number of invaluable virtues, such as kindness, honesty, courage, compassion. Having identified himself with them, the child gradually begins to develop its own system of moral values. We, parents, it is very important to understand what influence can have fairy tales for the child's psyche and how we can use them for educational purposes.

Talking one or another fairy tale you need to think about what she teaches, what hints have invested the mouth of the people. Remember at least a few of the most popular Russian fairy tales who tells your child almost every parent and analyze them. Suppose "Rack" teaches the fact that even the most difficult thing can be mastered if everyone together to take him together, "Kolobok" - how badly boasting and the fact that it is not always necessary to believe flattering sweet speeches, "Tinch-Havroshchka" to the fact that Good wins evil. And this is just a few of the most simple fairy tales that we tell the smallest children. Choosing a fairy tale for his child, it would be nice to think about what we want to give him through this fairy tale. You may realize that from some fairy tales should be refrained, at least in the younger age. What about whether the child should explain the essence of a fairy tale or not? Psychologists say that the causal explanations are not clear to the baby, the understanding of the child is largely different from an adult understanding, it is much brighter and deeper. It is better to allow the child to perceive the fairy tale as it is more convenient to him, at the subconscious level, an understanding of its essence will come with age. But at the same time it is very important to answer the questions that the child asks you along the narration. With the children of school age, you can begin to analyze fairy tales, discuss the behavior and actions of one or another hero.

It should not be forgotten that in the education of a child, great importance also has mine fairytale. Mom, like no other, knows what her child needs and can solve even the most difficult age and psychological problems of their baby through his own fairy tale. Not so long ago, in children's psychology, such a concept appeared as, which is increasingly and more often brings fruits. Not only professional psychologists, but also loving parents are quite successfully used therapeutic fairy tales To resolve all sorts of situations in the life of a child. I think that I will have the opportunity to talk on this topic in one of the following articles.

Finally, I would like to once again notice that sometimes our parents do not need to break their heads over how to solve this or that problem of our child, how to facilitate the educational process and convince him to do what is required of it. We just need to contact the method tested for many centuries, to open a book or just take the baby to your knees and tell him a fairy tale. After all, raising a fairy tale is one of the most natural forms of upbringing.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Kids are beginning to be interested in a fairy tale to two years. In the traditional culture, this was preceded by a period of infancy, when they were treated first - with a lullaby, then with the sandbags, then with additives. Supports, in fact, are the bridge for which the baby passes to the fairy tale.

How the winch swan is floating

Above BEREGING The head carries

White wing amazed,

On the flowers of the driver shakes.

Our man will grow up, will grow up

Along the street winchka go,

Gain water in Krinice,

Will get drunk.

Is it not true, something like a small fairy tale? .. Supports, like fairy tales, melodious, rhythmic, shaped, informative ... These signs will help us find both in the tales collections plots addressed to the smallest listeners.

One of the characteristic techniques, with the help of which the action is often built in a fairy tale, is a chain of repetitions. This technique is well known to us in such fairy tales as "Rack", "Teremok" and others. A similar organization of the speech of the "Saucer" helps a small child to be more stronger in a fabulous narration.

Psychologists note that for a better understanding of the kids, it is necessary to rely not only on the verbal description, but also on the image . The visual image serves as a basic support for tracking events. Such supports can be like well-illustrated children's books, and the action played by the parents on a fairy tale with the help of dolls.

It is important to remember that with your appearance drawn or puppet characters, people and animals, should not be caricature, but are like their real relatives - of course, except for the size. If the principle of visibility is important for young and middle-aged children, the principle of visibility for the best perception of the fairy tale is important, then for the elders, it is especially significant to develop attention to the word, the ability to understand and experience the verbal action.

"What fairy tales need preschoolers?"

"The fairy tale wakes up and captivates the dream. She gives the child the first sense of heroic, she teaches him courage and loyalty; she teaches him to contemplate human fate, the complexity of the world, the difference" Truth from Cryvda. "

I. A. Ilyin

When reading and playing fairy tales with children of 3x-4x years, the plots are used in particular success in which there is a speech of mutual, restoration of justice (as, for example, in the tales "Zaikina Hug", "Cat and Cockerel"), the truth of truth over deception (" Chanterelle with a rogue "," goat and seven kids "etc.), about the danger of the zazalov and the desire for" light bread "(" Hare Miscelock "," lightweight bread "," twist and spin ") ... Acting tests that fell on The share of the hero (or heroine) is especially important for older children.

The fundamental importance here has what this hero is. We are witnesses to how people-spiders, monsters robots living in sewage (!), Ninja Turtle, Triumphantly satisfy the need for children in heroic.

The heroes of the magic fairy tales are endowed, as a rule, a number of invaluable virtues. Having identified himself with them, the child is unnoticed in the system of moral values \u200b\u200bborn by the spiritual tradition of his people. Unlike the "heroes of" mass culture, revenge, let's say, is not the impulse that leads to the feats of the heroes of Russian fairy tales. For example, in order to persuade, finally, Nikita Kozhemyaki fight with the snake, the king has to resort to special "tricks": it leads to the window of the leather of two children who served the serpent. Looking at their tears, Nikita, "and sacrificed himself."

The tale teaches that it is not a thirst for revenge, but the ability to compassion can give a person such a force that is able to make it a real hero and lead to victory in unequal battle. Well, by defeating the snake, "making a holy case," Nikita did not take any award, again the skin began to go.

Magic fairy tales and heroic epos (epics) can respond to a natural, nascent child, thirst for the feat. And if, in addition, there will be a place for the "heroic vests" and puppet characters to the epics, then with their help the child will be able to independently invent the plots to their games. Similar plot role-playing games are a beautiful and fascinating alternative to the onslaught of monsters-transformers.

"How to deal with what a particular fairy tale takes?"

"It is remembered and transmitted from the generation to generation only that somehow a d o r o g about humanity. The most stability of the fabulous legend proves that the fairy tale concludes something for all nations and for all times an important and necessary, and therefore Unforgettable. "

E. N. Trubetskoy

From childhood, Pushkin words are well memorable about the fact that the fairy tale is a lie, yes in it - a hint, the kind well done lesson. But here is no hope - few adults can boast today a clear understanding of what the tale hints on. How not to make a mistake?

The fact that by reading the fairy tale, we took her "hints" correctly, may indicate the fact of the presence of similar those in other genres of Russian folklore. Significant topics do not remain within the world of fairy tales. We will definitely find their echoes in songs, cubes, additives and, of course, in proverbs and sayings.

Try by reading the fairy tale and praising over it, express the result of such a reflection by the Russian proverb. To do this, we turn to any collection in which proverbs are selected by thematic sections. Russian proverbs will help us clearer "highlight" hints of folk wisdom hidden in a fairy tale, looking at her in a new way. So try together:


    "What they praise, on that and fall"

    "In the language of the Medok, yes on the heart - the ice site"


    "I do not brave ax, no housing will not cut down"

    "Easy to be taken, easy and lost"


    "Of many small one big goes out"

    "Drop on a drop and stone is hammering"

    "Fox and Zhuravl"

    "As it will appear, it will respond."

    "What is hello, so is the answer"

    "Chicken, mouse and tether"

    "Want to eat Kalachi - do not lie on the furnace"

    "Fox with a rill"

    "Tom Huda is not to leave, who is accustomed to the wrong live"

    "Light bread"

    "Bread hump up"

    "Without difficult not to catch and fish from the pond"


    "Whoever lives, he will be faithful"

    "Whoever does good, that God blesses"

    "Tsarevna Nesmeyana"

    "Not all that gold, which shines"

    "The body - space, soul - tesnota"


    "Work - you will be fed, pray - save, terpi - wrap up"

    "No humility no salvation"

    "Masha and the Bear"

    "Grief is burning, yes, I speak by hands"

    "Winter beasts"

    "The wolf's consonant flock does not take"

    "Zayushkina Hut"

    "Don't cry on someone else's loaf"

    "Get up early, yes your own"

    "And there will be a shielding"

Try now to independently continue this list ...

We will remember that the preliminary reflections of an adult over the text of the fairy tale will subsequently will subsequently correct to expand the semantic accents in the speech of the "Saucer". Then the word of fairy tales really becomes fell and incurred by the listener of the lessons of folk wisdom.

"Is all fairy tales?"

Tale Tale - Return ... What is surprisingly composed, sometimes, the collections of fairy tales! So it seems that their compilers are not sent to the child, but an experienced adult traveler on the fabulous world, in which everything is not always flawless. Next to one of the deepest and wise fairy tales about the power of maternal love - which long-suffer and merciful, not looking for his own and everything tolerates, which never ends (the fairy tale "Bezlechahka") - neighboring "Seven Simeons", from where we learn that the most useful A person in the state may be a thief - him and the mercy of the royal in gratitude for the "craft".

It is understood by the perplexity of a thoughtful reader looking for in a fairy tale of the moral law. The presence in a number of Russian fairy tales of the motives of admirement by rods and even blasphemy is not surprising. After all, the fairy tale is the phenomenon of culture, in which the woven is high and low, exemplary and ugly, moral and immoral. An adult person is peculiar, facing those or other manifestations, to take them or reject - in accordance with those values \u200b\u200bthat were laid in childhood, with life position.

Regarding the child who has a value system only formed, parents need a meaningful electoral approach to the choice of classes, toys and readings that are offered to the baby.

Reflecting on the riddles of the Russian fairy tale, one of her researchers, Prince Yevgeny Nikolayevich Trubetskoy, allocated three levels of livelihood reflected in the fairy tale - as it were, the three of its floor: the lower, the middle and the highest.

The heroes of the "lower floors of the fairy tales" are characterized by vulgar life ideals. The most elementary manifestation of E. N. Trubetskoy calls the dream of a "light bread" - the desire to eat oily, sweetly drink and gently sleep. Theft and plutum seems to be one of the simple ways to gain the desired life ideal. Modern, isn't it? ..

The heroes of the "middle" and "highest floor" fairy tales are characterized by special inspiration, hindered wisdom. The squat ideal of everyday well-being is not for them. Their "other kingdom" entails them, the mysterious limit, where the ordinary and wonderful, where the beauty beloved lives, according to which the human soul is worn. Here, on these "floors", and lives the "genuine soul of a fairy tale." (E.N. Trubetskaya Three essays about the Russian icon. "Other kingdom" and his seekers in a Russian fairy tale. - M.: Lepta 2000.)

So, when choosing a lot of reading fairy tales, we will beware of such plots, which captured romantization of theft, tricks, sales (for example, when dealing with a feature or sorcerer) and other ways of production of "light bread", as well as those fairy tales in which sounds blasphemous laughter over decency, simplicity and shrine .

Laughter of this kind can be found in those fairy tales where dexteries are triumphars - deceivers (heeh-hi! The batty is lucky lucky!), As well as in a number of plots, where devils and devils are acting, where we meet with clergy and church service.

How, when choosing a fairy tale for reading children, do not get caught "on the fishing rod" exciting plot and not to be at the same time with the heroes of this sense? To do this, it is necessary, reflecting on the fairy tale, to understand for yourself: on whose side "Speaker" - he, from whose words a fairy tale is folded? Who does he sympathize? Do you laugh at whom? Does his life position coincide with ours?

Many folk fairy tales warn about the danger of the desire for easy bread, enriching any way, spiritual indisputability, an unrighteous conspiracy. So, with the silent consent of one pottery (the tale of "Potter"), established in his workshop production himself unclean with the drains. And it turned out to be a profitable thing: in just three nights, forty thousand new potters were ready stood. And they sold their pottesta very profitable - the full bag of money home brought. Yes, only after that life is his whole awry way: Pots people stopped buying pots ("We know your pots, old fucking! I look at the casteau, but you will sing the waters - now and break out!"), And the pot has become "on the banks".

"Does children explain a fairy tale?"

"The fairy tale puts and helps to solve moral problems. In it, all heroes have a clear moral orientation. They are either completely good or completely bad. It is very important to determine the sympathy of the child, to delimit the good and evil, to streamline its complex and ambivalent feelings. Child identifies itself with a positive hero. "

L. F. Obukhov

There is a natural question: is it necessary to explain to the child a fairy tale, her "lessons", analyze the content? Let's try to figure out.

From contact with a fairy tale in a child's own impression is born. The younger child, the stronger it is different from the vision of an adult. It is not possible to logically think the child yet, and the tale does not teach him directly. Fabulous images, style, language inform the baby vital information is urgent. The best way to destroy her assimilation is to go into endless adult explanations and explanations.

Marina Tsvetaeva, remembering his early baby impressions of the read poems, writes: "When the mother did not ask - I understood perfectly, that is, to understand and did not think, but I just saw it. But, fortunately, the mother did not always ask, and some poems remained understood . " Danish psychologist and psychiatrist B. Betelheim celebrates a paradoxical thing: realistic stories inform the child, but do not enrich it as a fairy tale; The larger the causal explanations in them, the more not clear, they are psychologically plausible they are for the kid. Of course, the "understanding" of the child is very different from the adult. But his impressions are brighter and more than adult vision. Only over time there is a meaningful compression of the depth of the fabulous narration.

Attempts to jointly with the child of his analysis is a matter of school age. Before the experienced grandmothers could remember the fabulous conflicts what is called "by the way": where are you, exactly a bunker, rolled? Look, no matter how I found "Fox" ..., etc. You need to answer on the questions that the child will ask you yourself on the "affiliation" of the fairy tale. Good mind is not covered with ...

"Do you need a tale granny?"

"In some kingdom, in some state, namely, in which we live. It was in the uncle, in the kingdom at a flat place. This is not a fairy tale, but only a surcharge from Bryansk to Vitebsk, but I will tell a fairy tale tomorrow after dinner, Soch meat and bread, so, lived in that kingdom ... "

A fairy tale, as you know, is preceded by a surcharge. She brings the bridge from our world to the world fabulous. He prepares the consciousness of the listener to travel to the surreal, in which, nevertheless, it turns out to be familiar to us by our own experience. We are miraculously transferred to the unknown thirtieth kingdom, which is fabulously far and fabulously close - here where we live.

Here's what Ivan Ilyin philosopher wrote about the promotion: "The task of the promotion is to prepare the soul of the listener, to cause a fabulous fabulous installation in it. The surcharge must confuse a mighty meaning, blew a candle of sober, prosaic consciousness and reveal the spiritual hearing for a fairy tale, for her Artistically - inserted, symbolic-mythical meaning. She causes a listener from his everyday thinking, knocks him with a pantalyk and overturns him to a nonsense or confusion, confused and bewilderment; and only he will only bring the light and the meaning of the real fairy tale. "

Here is a surcharge for the smallest listeners:

As not in the sea-ocean,

Not on the island of Buyan

Standing terchers,

On the doors hanging the castle.

We will cast the castle from the fire - a fairy tale to visit the visit!

Listen quietly and look ... Tale, come to visit!

For those who are older, others can sound:

Oh, Luli, Tara-Ra!

Mountain stands mountain

And on that grief oak,

On the oak of the funnels,

Raven in red boots,

In gilded earrings,

The raven sits on the oak - he plays a pipe: Ta-Ra-Ra, Tu-Ru-ru he plays a pipe!

Day-day in the pipe of the pipe,

By night - tales says!

And the birds fly away, and the beasts run away ...

So you came

The promotion was heard! Tu-ru-ru! The pipe is calling, that's the fairy tale goes to us!

Try and you compose a promsion to your favorite guy fairy tale - or offer him to dream together. And then, perhaps, try to invite guests - to tea drinking and a fairy tale, played with dolls ...

"How to keep the identity of the tale language when it is retelling a child?"

"The fairy tale is a cradle of thoughts, Say to raise the child's upbringing so that he keeps the exciting memories for all his life. The beauty of a native word is his emotional paints and shades - comes to a child, he touches him, awakens a sense of self-esteem when the heart concerns Hearts, mind - mind. The poetic sound of a native word becomes music for a child when he himself takes a tool himself, creates music himself, sees, feels like his music affects other people "


So, finally came, it's time to note that for the other advantages of the fairy tales, which was discussed in previous articles, is added to the fact that she opens in front of the listener to the poetics of his native speech. Modern parents who are accustomed to the revolutions of the household and newspaper, sometimes it is difficult to maintain the harmonious Russian speech when "affection" fairy tales. A to avoid this will help a small preliminary work with the text of the fairy tale. We argue with a pencil and highlight at least some features of the fabulous speech right in the text in order to, turning on them, then not lose when retelling.

So, we will find in a fairy tale and emphasize:

stainless ("In some kingdom, in some state ...", etc.)

The uncertainty of the place and time, on the one hand, gives rise to the listener, the feeling of the irradiation of the narrative, and on the other, allows him to submit him to his participant ...

rhymed Formula Characteristics Characters ("Mouse - Narushka", etc.),

of time ("Li, short", etc.),

features of the place and circumstances of the action ("Forests dense, animals", "above the forests of standing, below the cloud of walking", etc.);

epitts ("White Chambers", "Sugar Fuck", etc.);

cumulative techniques (repetitions of structural parts),

ending ("... began to live-wait, yes to find good," "... And they staged a feast to the whole world, and I was there, honey, drinking ...")

Let's see which marks could leave our pencil in the text of the fairy tale on the example of small passages:

... sat on the horses, went to the clean field. That non-clear falcons fly on a flock of pigeon, the strong boys are hung at the enemy's troops! ("Ivan Tsarevich and white polarin") ...

Oh, you, my deubs, goats! What unpainted, we got angry, the evil wolf went? He was singing you, and me, goat, with a great stupid, left with Krichoy! ("Goat and Seven Cats")

... I took the Dosad Fox, I thought I would like for a whole week, and I went home as unsolon bread! As it was awesome, I responded! ("Fox and Crane")

We will remember that the fairy tale is a genre of oral folk art. She did not read on the book, her genuine life was found in the word, in the speech of an experienced storyteller. Today, due to the well-known circumstances of modern life, no one can quench the eternal desire of a children's soul to mystical depth and spiritual elevation of fabulous narration.

Parental word on the wind does not pall ...

"How to make dolls to fairy tales?"

Dolls are stitched, rag are especially good because, after showing fairy tales to children, they can take a place among their toys. Fabulous conflicts, heroes and antigeroons will continue to live in plot-role games, independently invented by the child. For a puppet play on a fairy tale, of course, the usual, and traditional wooden, clay and even conquered from plasticine toys can be approached. However, in contrast to stitched dolls, such toys will carry only decorative features in children's children.

The rag doll is one of the most common and favorite toys. The technological feature of the doll to show the fairy tale is its steadiness on the surface of the table. The height of the dolls is a little longer than the length of the palm. The narrowing version of such a doll can be performed as follows:


We use a light one-photon x / b fabric (you can knit from the old children's T-shirt). Crow and sew, tightly stuffing with wool or thick, fluffy syntheps, torso - in the form of a cone. The bottom is round, it can be closed with a circle of dense tissue. We check the cone-shaped "Tulovo" for stability.


Option a) Roll 2 strips of fabrics, cut down the length of the hands, to the volume of sleeves you need, one edge is sewn to the body, the other is bandaged, slightly retreating, strong thread - "palm";

Embodiment b) Crow 2 rectangles, the length of which corresponds to the length of the handle, sew each in a thin cylinder, stuff with a cotton, sew to the body, tie the lower edges ("palms").


Option a) Thinking up the top of the cone by a strong thread, retreating from its end 1/5 part ("head");

Option b) roll out of the wool a very dense ball of the desired volume, we put it into a piece of the old knitted tire, we turn it out, weching the bottom of the thread ("neck"), tightly sew the resulting head to the top of the cone, cut off too much.

Hair and headdress

A number of colored woolen threads are sewn on the head (along the probor), form a hairstyle: braid or 2 braids, a bundle, make a haircut (if the "male" doll is assumed). Take a handkerchief or tape from the braid. You can share a headdress on the edge of beads, silk ribbons, galnyah.


With a big diligence, we dress up a doll: we are loosely wrapped with a colorful saint "Tulovo", fix on the straps ("sundress"), on top - embroidered an apron (mooring), on the edge of the sundress you can put a braid or leaf. Next - the work of fantasy. If the doll is a male character, then we make a long "shirt", we are tapping it with a "belt" - a segment of the braid.


Traditional rag dolls are very expressive, despite the fact that they do not draw face features. You can learn to slightly chained the stitches of the eyes or flash the cross along the eye and nose. But it is necessary to do it with great attention and effort. Slightly overdo it - and the doll loses its charm.

The fairy tale with rag dolls can become like a decoration of a family holiday, and daily history before bedtime. It is clear that the fairytale for the holiday is a little more laborious than the daily: and the dolls for it will need new, and the details of the interior enlargement. The evening fairy tale can be told at least a week in a row - a loved story of the kids asked to repeat again and again; For her and "scenery" may not be required - enough pairs of dolls and the most necessary on the action of details.

In a fairy tale, talented or shown before bedtime, terrible characters like Baba Yaga or Kashchev, the story must be an emphasic and understandable child.

"What can be a homemade puppet play on a fairy tale?"

Now that the dolls to the chosen fairy tale are chosen or specially sewn, it's time to decide what our "home theater will be". Share with readers the easiest types of fairy tales showing ...

Showing on the "Tale Table" with the help of shovets, or wooden or clay dolls made by yourself or specially selected

Take a small journal or ordinary table. We establish it so that 1 -2 person controlling dolls can fit behind him, and the place remains for the audience. We will cover the table with a cloth, the color of which corresponds to the estimated calendar time of the fairy tale (white canvas or synthesis - for winter, green - for summer, etc.) I will build on the table with a fairy tale interior - peculiar simplest sceneries in which the puppet tale is played.

Such "scenery" can easily be made with the help of combining undergraduates: different tissue color covering a table of fairy tale; "Relief": creating elevations, deepening, smooth surface with the help of objects lined under fabrics on the table; natural materials: branches of trees, strengthened plasticine on the supports or in the moss layer, small cores, wooden strokes; Specially made necessary for the action of details: "Hut", "Palace", household items and households (well, furnace, table and chairs, cradle, pot, etc.) Production of these interior items does not require special skills. All parts are reproduced with a large part of the convention.

For example: at home and palaces - unscreased cardboard boxes without one side, in which the windows with curtains with curtains are cut, the conditioned roof serves on top of the matter (white - for the "winter" interior), inside the male "mat"; Ordinary children's wooden cubes or round sleeves of different diameters and heights inside such a "house" indicate the table and chairs, bed or bench can be covered with scented flap wooden shelter or cardboard box from under raffinad, 1-2 small clay or plasticine pot "serve" dishes, etc. etc.

Do not forget about expressiveness that the skillful use of light sources add to the action: the candle on the stand can be both "bone", and fire in the furnace, and a lamp, and a special sign that is biting, for example, the emergence of particularly significant, wonderful characters - with the same The benefit can be used by the beam of the diaprotector ...

The interior on the "Tale Table" is prepared in advance before the start of the "performance" is covered with a light cloth that will hide cooked from the premature curiosity of children. The "Speaker" remains to take a place for the "table of fairy tales" and move puppet characters in the built-in interior depending on the events occurring. This type of showing fairy tales is one of the easiest technical solution and convenient for display and perception of preschoolers.

Showing for "Shirma" with "glove" dolls

Shirma for a puppet play is a tensile fabric stretched in the doorway outmend. For small listeners, the height of the screen is important: it is better if it does not completely hide the narrator, but give them the opportunity to communicate with the viewer ("Listful Shirma").

"Glove dolls" are controlled due to 2-3 people. The simplest "gloves" dolls can be made based on a conventional glove, in which the top of the index finger is tightly naked - the head of the doll, and the thumb and the medium-connected together, the index and the little finger form the doll handles. For this purpose, men's large-sized gloves will be better.

Fairy tales played in this way, usually funny, satirical in nature.

Show in the "Fairy Tale Domicy Window"

Here again we need Shirma. However, this time above the material of matter for her will have to work hard. The fabric is better to choose a monophonic and dense - best of all flax or canvas. In the extreme case, the usual sheet will fit - only it needs to be starch. But in size, we will focus on the bed-header. We will pick up the width of the canvas two sweatshops. A little by the end and we will wear the edge of the fabric (also in width). Insert the specks inside from opposite edges. With one of the parties, we attach two loops of durable braid. Now for these hinges, the screen can be suspended - for example, traveled to them and secure between the lockers, the usual stick from the mop. Now it remains to "cut down" in the window of the window to the audience.

Cut the rectangle about the levels of the adult breast. The width of the window should allow to show a fairy tale behind the last two puppetes, and the height is sufficient to seem to appear to the viewer. On the perimeter "Window" from the alleged viewer to our "platbands" from lace or sewing tape.

Everything, now in such a "fabulous house" you can show any story.

The advantage of showing a fairy tale in the window of such a house is that it is convenient to manage practically any characters: both rag, and ordinary dolls (holding them in hand), and gloves, and puppets, and even drawn, carved from cardboard (holding them on Long stick).

In order for the fairy tale to sparkle today in all its beauty in the home reading and the theater, served as a fertile source of plots for role-playing children more than Disney and other cartoons, it is necessary to obviously look for "access" to a folk fairy tale.

After all, the understanding of what a tale hints is at the basis of the ability to properly convey its meaning to listeners in the process of a story or showing with dolls.

Why to bring up children through a fairy tale just?

Fairy tales Constantly popular in children of all time. This is exactly the way to communicate who easily understand and perceive children. Fabulous stories attract todders fantastic images, fascinating adventures, colorfulness and brightness of their world. The child is immersed in what is happening and at the same time can imagine himself with any of the characters, survive all the plot of the plot.

The role of a fairy tale in raising children

The training and educational moment of the fairy tale is incredibly strong. Unfortunately, the possibility parenting with fairy tales often underestimated by parents. But you can easily and just make fairy tales with your best assistants. How?

  • In fairy tale Important concepts for children are given figuratively and therefore well absorbed, and at the subconscious level.
  • Story Pre-prepares the child to difficult situations in which he may be, suggests ways to solve complex everyday tasks.
  • Via fairy tale The child knows his place in this world, receives the first ideas about the good and evil, courage and cowardice, about friendship and betrayal. It is fairy tales available and simply explain to the baby, which is good, and that bad, instill moral and social values. The fairy tale forms character, raises the soul.
  • Fairy tales Develop imagination and fantasy.
  • Feel the intimacy of communicating with native people, feel their love, understanding and attention to his problems. Joint reading - The ability to become another to your child, attentive and not indifferent to his problems.
  • Education through a fairy tale - This is an excellent opportunity to keep close, trusting relationships with a child, without boring instructions that cause a child only negative emotions. Story - This is an entertaining lesson of morality.
  • In practical psychology, the method is widely used fairy tale therapywhich literally transforms children. Therapeutic fairy tales are aimed at solving a specific problem, helping to overcome hysterics and whims, poor behavior.

Education is often associated with moraling. But in our power, dear parents, make this process fascinating. Definitely for children upbringing through a fairy tale will bring more benefit than the usual and therefore the ineffective parent "can't!".

How to read the child's fairy tale

1. Fairy tale Better than exactly narrateand not read. Then you will notice the reaction of the child in time, and you can focus on important points.

2. During the acquaintance with a fairy tale, try not to be distracted. After all, this is not just a pleasant leisure, but a kind of lesson. Share his emotions with the baby, empathize, tell us emotionally, and your passion will necessarily capture and crumb.

3. After reading, discuss with the child of heroes, their actions. Offer the child to think about how he would do in a particular situation. Public conversations should be short. Focus on the mood of the child. Try not to impose a morality to the child, let him make conclusions.

4. Perform a creative task, for example, draw a scene from a fairy tale or lose it in a puppet theater. Characters can be toys, cardboard figures or shadow on the wall. Let first an adult manifest initiative, and very soon the child willingly join.

5. Do not be angry if the child is asked to tell the same fairy tale every day. So, he is experiencing difficulties, to solve which the tale helps. This is the essence of upbringing through fairy tale and talentherapy.

6. With details and illustrations sometimes you have to be careful! The action in fairy tales is concisely precisely so that the crouch does not receive extra information that could be frightened.

Education through a fairy tale No boundaries. For this purpose, it is perfectly suitable like folk, so I. author's fairy tales. Excellent reception - compose a fairy tale with the child. In this case, the educational effect will be stronger, because it will be directed to a specific child, taking into account its nature and the problem that needs to be solved. And fantasy developing, and education It will be not boring edification, but fascinating and, importantly, the effective process!

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"Through a fairy tale, fantasy, the game, through the unique children's creativity - the right road to the heart of the child. The fairy tale, fantasy is the key with which you can open these origins, and they will score with the living worships "- so wrote V. Sukhomlinsky. Dear parents, who of you did not like a fairy tale in childhood? It is difficult to imagine your childhood without fairy tales and favorite children's books! After all, the fairy tale enters the life of a child from the very early age, accompanies throughout the whole childhood and remains with him for life. But the most important thing is that fairy tales are needed not only for entertainment, but also for the development and learning of the child.

It is from the fairy tale that the child begins to get acquainted with the world of human relationships and with the world around the world as a whole. Through a fairy tale, the baby knows his place in this world, receives the first ideas about good and evil, friendship and betrayal, courage and cowardice. It is fairy tales in an affordable form explain to the baby, what is good and bad, lay moral and social values. Without exaggeration, it can be said that the reading of fairy tales to the baby is primarily the education of the heart, the touch of human nobility towards the innermost corners of the children's soul.

Reading fairy tales- One of the most important pedagogical, educational moments. You, parents, often underestimate the developing and educational role of fairy tales, forgetting that the fairy tale is centuries-old folk wisdom.

For those parents who even doubt the effectiveness of the child's education techniques in a fairy tale, let's say that this is a unique opportunity to preserve close, trusting relationships, not overshadized with tedious lectures, which cause only negative emotions.

You know well that every tale is taking something to the baby. The fairy tale makes the baby cry and laugh, worry and hope, in one word - feel. But a subtle-feeling person himself is capable of creativity. And therefore, fairy tales need not just to read the kids, and with it to comprehend read, to educate and develop certain qualities in it.

To successfully address issues of upbringing and developing a fairy tale after each fairy tale, you need to learn how to put a number of questions about reading and creative tasks, together with the child to try to analyze the fairy tale, think about honesty, goodwill or, on the contrary, about the meanness of her heroes.

Tasks, questions to fairy tales encourage the child and adult to joint reflection on life experience, relations with others; Help to solve their pressing problems of communicating with peers, understanding of the family; form a positive self-esteem. Thus, there is a closer dialog between you and the child, which brings you closer and helps the process of upbringing, development. The main point in this technique is the need to develop in the child the desire and ability to creatively think, an abstract around the world, study yourself from the standpoint of good, justice, love.

In fairy tales, you, parents, you can find a material that will help your children become more confident, patient, learn to listen and hear others, take the inconsistency and diversity of the world, because fairy tales - food for the subconscious. Words are forgotten - sensations remain.

And this is not just sensations, but experiences that are firmly connected with a certain way of behavior of the heroes of a fairy tale in the relevant situation. The fairy tale does not leave the child indifferent educated, but makes it an active participant of what is happening, experienced with the heroes every failure and every victory.

A child with a fairy tale you can raise:

♦ The will is a complex and multifaceted personality quality.

♦ faith in yourself - the ability to confront failures.

♦ courage - self-control, fearlessness, the ability to behave adequately in critical situations.

♦ Diligence is unwillingness to sit without a case, the desire for useful work.

♦ perseverance - patience and exposure when reaching the goal.

♦ Compelling - the ability to keep the word.

♦ Optimism - faith in success, passion, mental lift.

♦ purposefulness - the ability to determine the goal and persistently achieve its achievement.

♦ kindness and honesty.

The tale teachers a lesson of morality, teaches good human qualities, but does it without boring instructions, simply shows that it can happen if a person does badly, not conscientiously.

With the help of a fairy tale you, parents, you can develop a child:

The ability to listen;

Ability to know;

The ability to compare, compare;

The ability to think in words;

Connected speech;

Interest in study;




Facial and gestures;

Aesthetic feelings;

Sense of humor.

But this effect is possible only in the case when the kid is interested and passionate, so choose fabulous themes suitable for a certain age.

To do this, we will discuss in more detail on the question - what fairy tales and at what age read.

The first year of the child's life- This is the period when the Maternal folklore addressed him is the greatest importance for the development of his thinking: Lullabous songs in which the motive of the baby's desiredness sounds, its inclusiveness in the world, and cubs, sweepers, verses calling for games with various objects, to movement , development and awareness of their own body, its position in space.

Between year and two The child develops the ability to keep their own domestic activities with objects and the simplest actions of fabulous characters. Rebbe Nok can "think" about what he felt, I saw, did and remember. This is the age when children really like household fairy tales about animals, as they are close to the child emotionally on the worldship: the world of adults, with its complex laws, rules and restrictions, while little is available for children's understanding.

Between two and five years The ability to develop the ability of the child to be developed to be developed in mind and fantasize. In other words, by 2-3 years old the brain is ready for the perception of magical fairy tales. Since the child's fantasy of this age has no clear vector and it is easy to direct both in positive and negative for the development of the baby, it is important to start reading magic fairy tales from works with a simple story when a successful outcome occurs as a result of consistent developing events. The perception of the fairy tale should contribute to an increase in self-confidence in its future, and not frighten it. It is better to pick up fairy tales with an open plot where you are, parents, and a child can make your own because of the action, which will help the child in figuratively express their needs.

Thus, aged 2 to 5 years, the main thing is that the fairy tale makes sense for a child, and not by itself, that is, it should enrich his life, and not to scare the baby and limit his development. In addition, the fairy tale can help find ways to resolve and not fully conscious family problems.

Between five and seven years Children can read any fairy tales, the plot of which captives the attention of the child, excites his curiosity, develops intelligence and, most importantly, helps to understand himself, his desires and emotions. That is, this work should hurt all sides of the child's personality: thinking, imagination, emotions, behavior. At this age, the child continues to search in a fairy tale the solution of his urgent problems. Now he can "contemplate" about what is not really, having belonging to the desired reality in his fantasies.

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Fairy tales, as well as many artworks, are not fully used in the family and in the system of public pre-school education for the development of children. Offered to your attention a manual L.B. Fesyukova is devoted to a comprehensive consideration of the issue of raising through a fairy tale.

Methods of working with a fairy tale

A special universal scheme aimed at raising a fairy tale looks like this:

Target name.

1. Moral lesson.
2. Raising good feelings.
3. Speech charging.
4. Development of thinking and imagination.
5. Tale and mathematics.
6. Fairy tale and ecology.
7. The fairy tale is developing hands.

It is quite clear that the seven sections that we proposed in this scheme are selected conditionally and do not claim for the completeness of the use of fabulous and artistic works. They may be less, maybe more. The author seemed important to affect these seven problems. Moreover, it is undoubtedly the fact that each proposed text of the fairy tale on its content nominates on the first one, the main plan is only one - two of the problems set, and the rest remain secondary, concomitant. That is, parents and educators can independently choose from the scheme those tasks and questions that will seem important to them, interesting and useful for a particular child or a specific age group of children.

Adults can make their own scheme by the proposed pattern, reflecting the specifics of the tasks they are going to decide with their children.

Not necessarily every fairy tale in the procrusteo bed of the specified seven sections. Let it be confused if there is no material in some fairy tale for the "Ecology" or "Mathematics" section. It is important that the one who uses our technique can easily be rebuilt, creatively reworing a fairy tale, on any important direction for him. And it may be a geographical journey, and return to the historical past, and raising attention, feelings of justice, patriotism, etc. etc. Directions can be formed an infinite set.

Thus, our scheme is only a model, a sample, which implements the mechanism of independent creative work of the educator (parents) with a fairy tale, in order to harmonize children.

We pay special attention to the content of each scheme. And that's why. For the most part, we used to traditionally relate to fabulous material. For many decades, stereotypes have arisen in this regard: Lisa is always a tricky, sorry kolobka, but what can you do, fetch and Pushkin old woman, does not hurt with our heart and from what fox and crane used. One of the main tasks facing adults is to introduce a child with a fairy tale content, at best, to talk about what lies on the surface of the text, beat, dramatize, to draw ... This is the so-called traditional direction of work with a fairy tale.

It is unconventional - it means to teach children original, unusual, in its own way not only to perceive the content, but also creatively converting the course of the narrative, invent different endings, enter unforeseen situations, mix a few plots into one, etc.

In this regard, it seems important to consider the methodology for performing the most frequently repeated tasks and issues.

First, it is important for the reader to know what the "moral lesson" is needed. And the right, he would be completely superfluous with a traditional approach to the texts. And with our approach, he takes a load to give a little unusual explanation: what is the moral lesson, the main meaning of the fairy tale, for which she aims a small listener, the reader, which moral installations is laid in his soul, in his mind. No wonder there is a saying: "The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint of good young lesson." This is not always directly formulated by the "hint", clarify its essence, give myself a lesson - here's the main task.

It is important to emphasize that by virtue of tradition, the fairy tale often carries many cherished aspirations of clogged, small, poor, exacerbated by the daily hard labor of people. Do not mind their dream: "Lying on a warm oven, yes there are Kalachi," so that everything "by itself" was done that in the bag always lay a "tablecloth-self-banner", etc. But we will not argue because of this that laziness is good that "I will not deceive - I will live", "etc.

The non-traditional approach gives the educator, and the child is able to understand that in a fairy tale or in a hero is good, and what is bad, to create a new situation, where the hero has corrected, good truthfully, evil was punished, but not cruelly and inhuman. Healthy for its basis, a constructive idea: everything can be improved, to improve, change for the benefit of people - should become a creative motto for a child. Such is our main installation.

A few examples.

In the fairy tale "Cat in boots" we offer in this category to consider the proverbs "there are a good fear of stupid". First of all, because the cat cannot serve as an example for imitation. Is it possible to imitate the one who is often so ugly behaves who for the sake of achieving the goal easily deceives in any noble heroes of the fairy tale?

Or fairy tale "Princess on the pea". Moral lesson - "The wizard is a princess ..."

Indeed, whether there is no better talk to a conversation with a child in such a bed. After all, the content of fairy tales to preschoolers familiar to the preschoolers (and read, and on TV are shown). It is important not to be late with the main thing - to teach kids to evaluate your favorite heroes from an ethical position.

In the fairy tale "Mitten" moral lesson We also offer to disclose with the following saying: "In Tenship, yes, not in disadvantage." Yes, not in disadvantage, but after all, to the detriment of someone. This is where the contradictions begin.

Understand them on an affordable preschooler level and creatively solve contradictions - one of the most important issues in the general education system of children of this period. So, what about the contradiction in this fairy tale, which children do not notice and, as a rule, are adults by. All the attention of adults and children is riveted to the mittens and its guests. Everyone forgot about the grandfather, who in the winter was left without mittens. And how important it is to consider the various sides of this case. For whom it is good that it happened, and for whom is bad. Or maybe not so bad for the grandfather (the woman will connect new mittens). We only note that readers have the right to disagree with the comments offered and make their own.

Consider now the next one of the seven sections is "upbringing good feelings." There is no need to convince the importance of the problem: everything we understand that the kindness has become the most deficient phenomenon in the environment. But remember that this concept is quite capacious. What we imagine a good person - accommodating, loving to help others who know how to sympathize, empathize, etc. In the whole system of methods and means of raising good feelings, fairy tales play not the latter role. For many reasons:

children love heroes, they become native, close, and therefore, can and should become examples of imitation. It is only important to tactfully to direct the thoughts and feelings of kids in the right direction.

Before giving specific advice, I would like to give statements about the kindness of an outstanding teacher of our time S. A. Amonashvili: "There is another important personal quality that the national, and universal property carries in itself. This is a feeling of kindness. No need to crush the content of the upbringing. That is rushing to upbringing friendship and partnership, then - to upbringing respect for the elders. Personality is holing. The feeling of kindness, in my opinion, is the basis of the moral integrity of the person. The kindness has a national shade, but she is universal. "Hurry to do the good" - in this Latin appeal, it was the general life of a feeling of kindness ... A kind person cannot but love deeper. In good person, no compassion, sympathy, do not arise. A kind person cannot but show the generosity of the soul. A kind person cannot not respect people. It can not be envious, rude, rude. He cannot but be decent, caring. A kind person can show courage, dedication ... In general, the feeling of kindness is the root of all noble qualities. "

Returning to the fairy tale, noted that in each particular case, its plot draws attention only to separate components from the whole range of good feelings: or on dedication, or at accuracy, or empathy. In this regard, attention should be paid to the moments meaningful in moral terms, namely what:

- teaches children to compare, compare;
- forms habit to prove that this is somehow or otherwise;
- puts the child to the place of a positive or negative hero, thereby giving the baby the possibility of choosing his own position;
- I exercises children in synchronous expression of feelings and gestures, providing significantly deeper empathy of the actions and actions of heroes.

For instance:

"Prove that Alenka is best";

"Who are you sorry for this fairy tale";

"How would you enroll in place ...";

"How moves to praise a cockerel."

Often, the Tryzaya game "Good - bad" is used here. Divide on the sides of good and bad actions, phenomena - it means to take another step in the formation of kindness, even if at the level of representations.

Periodically, the author seems to show his attitude towards one or another hero, thereby forming a more conscious attitude to good and evil: "I don't really like Ivasik - Telecom. Guess why? " That is, the specific content of each fairy tale can suggest parents and their ways to raise good feelings. It is only important not to forget about them.

The right, it is difficult to deny the role of fairy tales and artworks in raising the right oral speech. If we speak traditionally, the texts are expanding the vocabulary, help correctly build dialogues, affect the development of a connected, logical speech. But besides all these, albeit nodal, tasks are equally important to make our oral, written speech emotional, figurative, beautiful. The third section of our scheme is sent to solve these problems - "Speech Charging". We will try at least briefly explain what methods and techniques will contribute to the upbringing of beautiful speech.

This, first, the ability to ask questions, since, according to authoritative domestic and foreign psychologists (A. Zaporozhets, L. Wenger, A. Fromm, D. Dobson, etc.), the ability in context to reasonably formulate the question is one of Indicators of successful development of preschoolers. Of course, during the day, the child is situationally sets a lot of issues. But believe me, it will be much more difficult for him to put a comic question to the heroes, for example, a tale about the chicken row (grandfather, a babe, a church or a mouse). Try!

Further, in addition to the spontaneous formation of the foundations of oral speech, special training is required. In this regard, words, phrases and suggestions are quite important. Together with the children you need:

- come up with several single words (forests - fishing rods, loving);

- Diffinct two words (blacksmith - delets), and then you can and you need to move to the rhymed chain and two-perceivers as precursors of the word ";

- Make a rather long, common offer in the game "From everyone - on the word" - "Kolobok" - "Kolobok rolls" - "Kolobok rolls on the track" - "Kolobok rolls on the green path", etc.

It is also well known that elements of linguistic education are laid from the earliest years. In this regard, it is extremely important not only to teach the child to write orally, but also to show him new opportunities opening in the genre of written communication with each other. The simplest types of such communication are notes, telegrams, short letters. And it is undoubted that the favorite characters of fairy tales, artworks are the first objects of such communication. We take, for example, a fairy tale "Red Cap" and solve with children, who better send a note to whom the letter, and to whom the telegram (and even urgent). And together with them, we begin to compose (the child says, the adult writes, then we read together and discuss what is written, adjusting and improving it in content and style). Note that the child sensibly catches the features of oral and written speech, especially with such constant own participation. In addition, the telegram (like a note, letter) can be different in their emotional mood and express admiration, thanks ... It means that there is a connection and interconnection of speech and moral principles that are formed in parallel.

Until recently, it was believed that preschoolers were difficult to understand the portable meaning of phraseologism and proverbs. However, Research F. Sokhin and other authors showed the failure of this thesis. To help children understand the idea of \u200b\u200ba fairy tale and the figurative meaning of the forms of small folklore, the author almost to each work offers specially selected phraseologists and proverbs. Some of them are accurately correlated with the basic sense of fairy tales, others are less suitable. After analyzing them with the baby and discussing the meaning of each of them, we help the child to memorize sayings, learn to apply them to the place, to more clearly understand the inner content of the fairy tales. For example, such a proverb as "not all Cotu Maslenitsa" gives a reason for the conversation about the ancient Slavic holiday of Maslenitsa as a celebration of "Wire Wires", Spring meetings, with birkers, burning stuffed "winter", folk festards, rites and feasts. Doesn't you and the joy of a cat - to be a full holiday? But the holidays are not every day, and therefore: not always and carlanior cat. So, by analyzing the content and finding out the origin of this or that proverb, we expand the horizons of the baby, its idea of \u200b\u200bfolk traditions and rites.

Now that the meaning of the proverb is clear for the child, it is easy to captivate the game of inventing such situations for which this proverb, or fairy tales, whose heroes could be attributed to the full basis.

To develop the speech of children, the author advises more often to resort to the tested method - inventing other, new names of famous fairy tales, not distorting the ideas of the work. Let's look at this on the example of the fairy tale "Mitten". The author offers the following new names - "friendly house", "Grandfather, Mitten and Beasts", "New House for Beasts", "How grandfather lost a mitten", etc.

We have already understood that work goes with fairy tales in an unconventional vein. This largely contributes to the introduction instead of the usual main character of a well-thought-out new character. It is necessary to maintain interest in the fairy tale and in order to break the usual stereotypes, and in finally, to turn the plot of fairy tales in a new course. The solution to these tasks is directed by the method that is called conditionally "the introduction of a particle" not "" (not the turnip rose in the garden, and ... Not Red hat, and ..., Not Ivan-Tsarevich, a ...).

To make a novelty, complicate the perception of a long-familiar fairy tale, finally, create an element of surprise, mysteriousness, the author resorts to a rather rarely used reception - "All verbs or nouns, or parts of the words are extracted from the fairy tale. Of course, we do not introduce so complex terminology for children (verbs, nouns). We offer children a game situation: "Some words were offended by us and ran out of a fairy tale. Let's try and to guess without them, what a fairy tale is. For example: "Libe - de - Ba - would have a ku - ku - ku - etc - etc."

- find affectionate, beautiful, fabulous, sad words;

- compose the long and at the same time a funny word (for example, about the fox - "long-tailed", "fluffy-drying");

- Disassemble words with the same writing, but in various meaningful values. This contributes to the correct stress (flour - flour), and sometimes a different context (dog tail - dog character);

- explain the etymology of the word (that is, its origin). In fairy tales there are many words, the etymology of which lies on the surface (zakolek ...);

- Pronounce without vowels any word and offer the child to know it. For example, try to say the word "princess".

Now we draw your attention to the importance of the relationship of speech and mental activity. In this regard, the tasks of the type "Determine Excessive Word" are proposed. The child must generally summarize and select the desired (domestic only or only wild) on the principle of the system approach. For example, from a number of words: Fox, hare, hut, dog, rooster - a preschooler determines as the unnecessary word "hut". It is quite clear that any systematization on generalized features forms logical thinking.

The fairy tale must contribute to communication. To do this, it is proposed to use the "Interview" game. For greater reliability, we advise you to take the "Microphone" (the substitute - the handle from the rope). And who takes an interview who gives it, for what reason - all these concrete moments are dictated by the plots of fairy tales.

The next significant moment in our scheme is the rubric "Development of thinking and imagination." We pay attention to the development of a child to this level of imagination, which helps him distinguish between real life and fantasy. The imagination is very useful and important for the preschooler: it makes his life individually creative, unique, non-standard. Here it is offered to the kids for the first time to move away from the usual stereotypes and invent a new fairy tale or some kind of her episode. A significant part of the proposed trizsis methods is described quite in detail below. We will pay attention to the additional tasks of this category. And let's start with "Kidneping". A new word that is increasingly appearing on adults. It's about kidnapping children. There is a problem - it means you need to decide. Including with a jump, because they are also often there is a kidnapping element. Therefore, we introduce children to inventing passwords that would prevent all sorts of abductions. Initially, they come up with passwords of the cockerel and other heroes of the fairy tales, who need it so much, and then you can use such a password in the life of any family. After all, it does not prevent at all if any password will act in your family, familiar only to its members.

Very good when there is a "magic wand" in the house. At first, we, adults, operate in various situations (help the kolobku become invisible or, on the contrary, a giant, etc.). And then, trained by the "magic wand", the preschooler himself begins to act, thus arising from the heroes from the trouble. The so-called feedback arises: the child itself actively works good, fantasies, develops his own imagination.

Another method we offer in connection with the development of thinking, imagination and speech - to combine two short stories or fairy tales into one with a new plot. Immediately make a reservation that it is difficult and for us, adults. Judge himself: you need to log in new heroes in the plot of the first story and come up with a new content. In this case, speech, and the imagination of the child play an active role. In this work, adults are undoubtedly leaders and organizers.

Each person - the treasure of fantasy. We are convinced that your children have enough ingenuity. In general, invention relates to developing learning. This activity has a positive effect on the activation of the reserve capabilities of the personality. In this case, the preschooler invents, that is, it comes up with something new not in the literal sense of the word, but in thoughts. And it is possible to invent and need difference:

- invent old objects in new versions (the alarm clock is enough sleeping for the ears, breakfast melodies, hygienic procedures, etc.);

- turn yourself and members of your family, friends to other animated, and sometimes inanimate items (mother - flower, I - Ivan-Tsarevich, Dad - Tuchka, etc.);

- draw up fantastic fairy tales about yourself.

The following method in the overall system of development of thinking and imagination is "Problem Statement". Children traditionally ask a lot of questions about fairy tales. They are often formulated at the state level (where did the red hat going? What ended the fairy tale "Morozko"?). But much more useful questions of search nature (why, why, how, and if, always). For instance:

- And if the cannibal did not turn into a mouse, how would the cat in the boots turned out to be the winner? -They begin to look for their own options, that is, to solve the problem set;

- Is there always bad when in the dirt climbed and glad that the muddy of the shirt? - Maybe the karapuz climbed into the puddle to cut off the dog or get a toy ...

Pedagogics has a rich arsenal of accurate means of exposure to children with a specific educational orientation. In this regard, it is impossible not to note the "method of analogy". This method helps to form associative thinking, which is very necessary for the future schoolboy, and for an adult person.

For example, your child looks at the TV so that loved today's cartoon series "Tom and Jerry". At the end of the view, it is useful to ask: "And in what fairy tales there are also mice and cats?". The child begins to remember and spend parallels. Another example. After reading the fairy tale "Cinderella", children are called the same kind, hardworking, beautiful heroines from other fairy tales. It can be a red hat, and a tiny-havel, and sister Alenushka, etc.

Another method - the cipher method we give to as possible in this category. Encrypt the name of the fairy tales, the names of their heroes or individual words from the works - it means to develop a smelter, intelligence, humor. And these are satellites of thinking and imagination. You can encrypt differently:

- turn over the word from left to right ("confusion" - "acinuta");

- portray up the legs of only two letters ("confusion" - "Cuanitsa");

- encrypt the word or phrase using flag letters;

- Encrypt the short text of the fairy tale using the Morse alphabet, etc.

Now about the connection of fairy tales and mathematics.

It is not by chance even K. Ushinsky noted that a good teacher a lesson of mathematics is a lesson of agriculture or home economy. Moreover, when we are talking about a preschooler, we should keep in mind that mathematics is recommended to tie to the surrounding life. And for a child, fairy tales is his life. Moreover, in many fairy tales, the mathematical start is on the surface itself ("two greedy bear", "wolf and seven kids", "Flower-seven-fiction", etc.). Standard mathematical questions and tasks (account, solving conventional tasks) are outside this book. In the same category - "Fairy Tale and Mathematics" - finds the place of unusual mathematical tasks, requiring a child of seamless, the ability to establish relationships and interdependence. Now specifically about mathematical issues. The most common of them "what is similar than different". It is clear that it is logic to find similarities and differences, but there is no mathematics without logic. Further, schoolboy is very important to give such a thing: "Number, shape and magnitude does not depend on the color, location, material ..." That is why children will be useful to practice in responses to questions like: "What are the differences like a simple and golden egg?" .

When a child of four years and older will get acquainted with geometric shapes, it is useful to encrypt with them, simulate familiar fairy tales, that is, hide the heroes in the figures that can be easily guessing in shape and magnitude.

You, for example, guessed that the following model (one large and seven small triangles) resembles a fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats", and two shaded mugs are a fairy tale "Two greedy bear".

Working in this direction, adults gradually lead the guys from specifics and specific images to abstraction, that is, ultimately prepare children to mathematical activities, only with signs and numbers.

A significant place in this heading is allocated, as always, converting operation: based on a fairy tale, a task or a counting is invented, or a task with numbers, or a rhythic line about the figure.

Currently, domestic and foreign pedagogy is more and more attention and time to form the formation of the kinesthetic abilities that are laid inside us - the abilities to perceive the time, feel weight, to remember tactically, etc. Therefore, a baric feeling (weight), as well as the right time perception takes place in tasks, one way or another associated with a fairy tale:

How much does the Bulava weigh?
How long will the fox run 10 meters?
12 days flew Bulava - how many days?
How many needles at the hedgehog - how can you answer this question?

One of the most important tasks today on the agenda is the formation of the environmental culture of children, starting from early age. Moreover, the good basis is the knowledge of preschoolers about the nature of us. Studies in this area are convinced that most of their ideas about nature are superficial and fragmentary - they clearly do not contribute to conscious environmental activities. The fairy tale itself suggests the question or task to give children under the heading "Tale and Ecology". So, speaking of nature, it is important not to miss the explanation of the evolution, the dynamics of the development of the subject or phenomenon. Take, for example, the apple seed and together with the child will be traced its dynamics: seed - a tree - a flowering tree - fruits - jam, etc. It is no less important to learn the path from the final result to the beginning (that is, from jam in this case to the seed). For us, it seems extremely clear, and children helps to approach the understanding that everything in nature is interrelated and everything is in development.

Let us dwell in more detail on interdependencies in this regard. All around us adapts: the hare changes the color, the lisus tail helps to take tracks, the long neck of the giraffe helps him fed, etc. This understanding of the interdependencies is desirable to transfer to fairy tales, helping your favorite heroes in their troubles (the ball is better to change the color to green, then it will not be visible on the grass).

A more conscious understanding of the children of nature, natural phenomena and environmental activity helps the game "and if", which puts the child to the researcher's position:

And if Spring did not come?
And if the wind disappeared?
And if the sun went out? etc.

It is clear that such complex, problematic issues are solved together with adults. Nature, like everything around us and in ourselves, contradictory. So it is often necessary to use the familiar game "Good - bad" (analogy "harm - benefit"). So, the swamp is bad: you can get bogged down, many mosquitoes, it smells not good, wearing ugly. But the swamp is good: peat gets out of it, the swamp feeds nearby rivers, the frogs live well in it, etc. So, with the help of games during the fairy tale we are familiar with the children with nature in all its diversity.

Finally, the last heading "Tale develops hands" does not need a little comments. It is not by chance that "when I listen to - I find out when I do it - I remember." Children are invited to do something: cut, glue, portray a fairy tale schematically or by pictographic, show the episode of text with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The utility of such classes has already been mentioned above. In addition, it is very often offered to portray something or someone from the fairy tale, but non-standard. Since such a direction is described in detail in detail in the book "From three to seven" (the chapter "We teach children to depict"), in this case only one line will remind some techniques, most often repeatable:

volumetric Applique - the appliquancy paper is distinguished, slightly straightened, the contour of the object is cut out, slightly pastes, then, if necessary, is drawn;

finger painting - The drawing is performed using paints with fingers or cams;

drawing on wet paper - Washing a piece of watts or foam rubber, then with their help moisture is smoothly applied on paper. Draws the object of thick paint;

magic drawing - Initially, the drawing is applied in contour, with the help of a wax candle, and then top covered in paint: the contours seems to be manifested;

monotopia - The drawing is applied with a brush and paint onto cellophane, then the cellophan turns over and presses to the paper;

"Live" drop - A large drop of paint along with paper leans on different sides. The resulting drawing is as necessary or drawn;
collage - The figure uses several of the above methods, plus postcards, fabrics, natural materials.

Before proceeding to developments on a universal scheme, we advise you to study creative methods of working with fairy tales, forms of small folklore. Their description will help more widely and diverse to use texts to children.

Familiar characters in new circumstances.

Collage of fairy tales.

Fairy tale from a funny poem.

Tale from counting.

Tale from the riddle.

Tale from grammatical arithmetic.

Fale from phraseologism.

Tale from the task.

From a fairy tale - a challenge.

Rescue situations in fairy tales.

Tales of garbage.

Fairy tales from MFA (method of morphological analysis).

Fairy tales from strange stories.

Fairy tales from just risks.

Fairy tales from flops, cries and other forms of small folklore.

Fairy tales from fantastic phenomena.

Casual fairy tales.

Tales of household subjects.

Fairy tales from "living" drops and kleks.

Fairy tales about messengers.

Fairy tales of mixed images.

The fairy tale continues.

Changing the situation in familiar fairy tales.

Transfering fairy tales.

Tale, but in a new way.

Binin fantasy.

Experiments in fairy tales.

Colored fairy tales.

Family fairy tale.

The series in a fairy tale.

Decision contradictions in a fairy tale.

Fairy tales of fantastic countries.

Fairy tales from comic questions.

Fairy tales about favorite toys.

Traighfies about travel. Tales from transformations.

Brief stories.

Fairy tales from one word.

Fairy tales about the years, odors, sounds.

Tale by analogy with known.

Fairy tales on comic drawings.

Tales on veiled pictures.

Modeling fairy tales.

Fairy tales with a new end.

Fairy tale from the middle.

The "not" particle and the new fairy tale.

From the fairy tale fled all verbs (nouns).

Fairy tales for magic drawings.

In the footsteps to the fairy tale.

From the points to fairy tales.

Fairy tale from the proverb.

Fairy tales about yourself.

Familiar characters in new circumstances

This method develops fantasy, breaks the usual stereotypes of the guys, creates conditions under which the main characters remain, but fall into completely different circumstances. Circumstances can be purely fantastic, incredible (fox and hare instead of their ice and luban huts inhabit the flying plates), and may be close to children's life (fox, hare and rooster with a magic wand turned out to be in the same cage of the city zoo, and maybe they stuck in the elevator of a multi-storey house).

Collage of fairy tales

If fairy tales are familiar, you can do without illustrations. We offer children to come up with a plot of a new fairy tale, in which Baba Yaga met the kolobka in the forest and they went to visit the fox in the Lubyan hut. Options and interlacing situations from different fairy tales can be many, it is only not to forget about the main, initial heroes - and it will be "collage from fairy tales." The children of preschool age is better to present this method in the gaming situation. Like that.

You probably have a thick book with fairy tales in your house. This is what once happened to this book. All pages were confused in it. The first was the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog". Only Ivan-Tsarevich was gathered on the path of Vasilisa beautiful in the kingdom of the immortal, as he fell into a completely different fairy tale. There is no faithful assistant from Tsarevich: hare, bear, duck. How now to free Vasilisa beautiful? There is nothing to do: Ivan-Tsarevich went on the pages of other fairy tales. I did not have time to step up the page as ... How did the heroes of other fairy tales helped him?

Let us give another possible example of a collage of fairy tales:

Pinocchio, a red hat and a kolobok evil wizard turned into mice. They grieved, they grieved and decided to seek salvation. Missed Old Man Hottabach, and he forgot the spell. Then the creative joint work of the guys and the educator begins.

And the next picture is unusual. Only the tails of different animals will help come up with a new, mixed version of the fairy tale.

Tale from a funny poem

Funny poems are usually short, help children to compose incredible fairy tales. First, they help develop a sense of humor in children, and secondly, the text of the poem serves as a child with a starting point for writing. We read the rhymes with a smile and offer fairy tale strings.
For example, here, as they continue to move from such cars to fairy tales, teachers of the Children's Garden "Decartes" Tokar L. I., Dubrava O. G.


Balloon air, playful,
Naughty and plump
Together with the wind ran away.
And where - we did not say.

Start a fairy tale:

Our balloon spawn flew
Where the NUF-NUF lives, the pig.
He looked at the ball
Dutch barrel.
I did not forget to go
And grandfather with a woman
Well, and there to sill
With chicken rim.


Once, two, three, four, five - I start repeating,
A bud in the stove is baked, and a loaf will be put in a loop,
Bidone crawls on the grass, milk flows into concrete,
And the construction site is Python,
No not like this! No, ns so!
Tell me how?
Observe yourself
Where bud, and where is the Baton,
Where is the bidon, and where is Python,
Well, where is concrete?

Start a fairy tale:

In the forest of the reserve lived Wise Python,
He loved the nature and roses bud.
He eaten for breakfast the freshest Baton.
Once at that forest, the Bidon boils,
And it was the construction of the steady concrete.
Poured concrete road in the forest
And killed the nature of the beauty.
Out of Cogniza Python Our NA was able
He was very upset and Zalemog.
Gathered all the animals and took out
A huge bidon and removed concrete.
Cleaned the forest, planted flowers,
Python everyone "Thank you!" Said for the works.

But, for example, successful for the transition to the fairy tales of the poems E .. Stephanovich:

Washing - why the shoelace boots? If directly, so that it does not have a language very much.

Beginning one day at night, when the shoelaces rested, the language has passed ...

The poem is not a sign, not a witch, not a lot, but about everything that in a bowl knows a spoon.

Start early in the morning, a spoon from ordinary turned into a magical and became invisible.

Tale from counting

The belonging is laconic, as a rule, the rhyme is easier. And most importantly, the plot is close and clear to children of preschool age. And the mechanism of transition from counting to writing is about the same - we are learning to take the count, you beat it several times in rolling games, and then we offer a mysterious beginning, coming from its content, for example:


Chizhik sat in the cage,
Chizhik loud song sang,
GU-GU-GU, Chu-Chu-Chu,
I will fly to the will.
Started once grandmother, feeding Chizhik, for was closed the cage ...

The belch rolled the apple by the garden, past the garden, past the hail, who will raise, he will come out.

The beginning but the apple was magical, good people it turned into .... And evil in ...

Tale of riddles

The mystery as an element of a small folklore is interesting to everyone, but especially preschoolers: in it in the veiled form, often rhymed, the subject or 'phenomenon is presented. And it is in itself interesting. Understand the metaphors, hyperbolas, comparisons, epithets - it means to be sensitive to the native language. But if we offer a riddle to go to writing, we create the opportunity to use a mystery in new fabulous circumstances, which in itself is a foundation for educational training.

First, we usually work with a mystery: we expressively read, we pay attention to all language funds, in case it is difficult to guess together, and then we offer the so-called bridge crossbird from the riddles to the beginning of the fairy tale:


Than wool below, the rain is closer. (Clouds or clouds)
Wings molten, the sun is stuck. (Cloud)
First - shine, for the brilliance - crackle, behind the crash - splash. (Zipper, thunder, rain)
Pea scattered at seventy roads, no one will gather him: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the Red Maiden. (Hail)
Waited, called, but it seemed to be offended. (Rain)

The beginning of Wat descended all lower and lower, and there was no rain. And so…
Try to start the start of fairy tales to all other mysteries.

Fairy Tale from grammatical arithmetic

Initially, we explain that "grammatical arithmetic" is agency, which is presented in the form of two terms. The first term, as a rule, is part of the word, the second term is an encrypted explanation of the second part of this word. As a result, a common explanation of a whole word is given. You need to guess:

Ba + freshwater animal with ticks \u003d temporary dwelling. (Barak)

But "Barak" - the word is not quite interesting for the beginning of the fairy tale. Let's come up with another. From the words "Larisa" take part of the word "Isa" and add part of the word "finger" - "Chik" \u003d "Lark". And here is the beginning of the fairy tale: "One girl for his birthday was gave a larch. For a long time she did not decide to open it. "
Soch the fairy tales from such options for grammatical arithmetic!

C + hidden values \u200b\u200b\u003d? (warehouse)

C + thin thread \u003d? (octopus)

Fale from phraseologism

Persistent words and phrases, sometimes taken from fairy tales and everyday situations, quite often serve as a successful starting point for creating fairy tale plots. On the one hand, a successful, to the site, the use of phraseologisoms helps children to understand their figurative meaning deeper. And on the other, it stimulates verbal creativity. Starting somewhere from 5 to 6 years, we introduce children with such phrases that are often found in stories and fairy tales. And then we help the kids understand their real meaning. And only then start writing together:

Frameology Balbes

Start fairy tales

He lived in the light of the Balbes. He did not love everyone and everyone did not love him ...

Phraseology of crocodile tears

Beginning every morning, capricious boy lil crocodile tears. It's all terribly tired ...

Phraseologist lacquer piece

The beginning goes two comrades and suddenly they see a tight piece on the path - a chocolate egg with a toy inside.

Tale of a task

There are traditional tasks, and there are non-standard, aimed at developing elements of logical thinking. So they are called upon to serve the good service in the development of the speech creativity of preschoolers. The text itself of such unusual tasks is of interest and the desire to decide. After the decision, the adult offers from such a task to come up with a fairy tale. The model began a fairy tale at first can be given and parents. But after learning, adults are better to abandon frequent samples.

In this capacity it is better to use comic, poetic tasks.

The task of Barsuchikha-grandmother baked pancakes. Having treated two grandchildren, two fucking bursucas. And the grandchita was not founded, with the roar saucers knock. Well, how many bursucas are waiting for additives and silent?

Becoming once bursucked once, they decided to escape from the grandmother and look for happiness on the white light ...

The task bought mom ten eggs and carried them in the basket in the winter. And the bottom fell, (and the bottom - one-mode of words). How many eggs remains?

The beginning of all nine eggs broke, and one is not. When mom took him in his hands, for some reason, it was attached ...

From the fairy tale - a problem

No less important work: on the basis of familiar fairy tales to make interesting tasks. The gracious material (fairy tales) is available. It's about how to teach children to converter craft. For preschoolers, this is done not so much by explaining how much with the help of the sample:

Fairy Tale Wolf and Seven Cats

The task if one goat ran after his mother, two others behind him, and two more left without permission to swim, how many kids would find a wolf in the hut?

Tale Three bear

The task if the girl behaved around, then how many heroes would have worried about her for her?

Fairy tale Kolobok Tacket Come up with the option of task.

Rescue situations in fairy tales

Adults using this method, specially invent extreme situations requiring various options for "rescue" solutions. Undoubtedly, such a method is a prerequisite for the composition of all sorts of plots and ending. In addition to the ability to compose, the child learns to find a way out of sometimes difficult, unforeseen circumstances.

Extreme situation:

"Once a bunny decided to swim. He pinched quite far from the shore. Suddenly the storm began, and he began to sink ... "

Offer your options for saving bunks. It will be the beginning of new fairy tales.

Rescuers have:

saucer, bucket, wooden wand, balloon, sheet of paper. Rescuers decided first to throw a bunny wand, but she could not stand it. Bunny began to shout: "Oh, tone-y-y". Then…

Task: Come up with a difficult situation and rescue options, and then a fairy tale, and the picture will help you.

Tales of garbage

Not toys and not even objects, but simply the garbage - it's not the necessary waste sometimes serve as an excellent find to create fabulous scenes. In this regard, it is impossible not to note the usefulness of the use of waste: it turns out, you can "give" the second life to them. So, everything must be treated economically and ingeniously. Of course, at first we, adults, show and tell the first "trash" fairy tales.

Trash Empty boxes, paper bags, pieces of color chalks, chips from wood, plastic bags with holes, plastic boxes from under jam, etc.

The beginning of this case occurred in winter. Related garbage. Coldly, hungry and boring it was lying on a landfill. And they decided the inhabitants of the landfill each other to help themselves:

- Empty boxes turned into the theater,

- Colored crayons in the little men,

- chips helped men to gain hair,

- Polyethylene packages have become beautiful napkins,

- Plastic boxes by animals. The day began to the whole world ...

Fairy tales from MFA

(Morphological analysis method)

For mastering this method, we use the sign in which some features of those new objects, images (live and non-living, real and fantastic) are entered, which we would like to come up with. And we come up with them by connecting various parameters. Suppose we want to invent a new pencil. To do this, we will make yourself in helping the sign, where the verticals will indicate the materials from which it can be made, and the horizontals will indicate the options for its possible shape (round, ribbed, etc.). At the intersection of selected parameters and will be found a version of the new pencil invented by us.

We came up with a plasticine pencil in the form of a pointer, and he turned out to be magical and immediately ... Here is an approximate start of the fairy tale.

And you are offered by a similar scheme to build a house for animals:

Using the proposed scheme, come up with such a house for animals, which will help you to write a fairy tale.

Tales from strange stories

The topics of strange stories are offered to your attention, in which the fairy tale is already enclosed, and its development depends on the creation of adults and children. You decide which of them it is better to use in the form of free continuations and translating:

How quarreled a cup with a spoon.

Travel to Curell country.

Tale of a capricious button.

Tale of the left shoe.

About king disorder and queen Sensivice.

Why it is worth the darkness to be afraid.

Here are some examples of the beginning of fairy tales from strange stories.

Once the girl woke up, and the moms are not. She started crying so bitterly that the tears poured her dress, the bed and through the door were poured onto the staircase ...

Lived - there were glass toys: dad, mom, son and daughter. They knew how to laugh, run, jump, ride, ring, put on the head. And they were always afraid to break. Once…

There was one family. Somehow at night a magnet got into them. He stole ... Comes dad, sees a loss, takes a magnifying glass and goes to the balcony ...

But a picture from the same series of strange stories (about two differentty mats). Soch the fairy tale along with children.

Fairy tales from just poems

There are many short poems, where it is asking for a continuation. So why not make it fabulous? Here are two examples on poems A. Barto.


A bunny threw the hostess,
In the rain there was a bunny,
From the bench could not be sent -
All before turning the wet.

The beginning "The host awake at night ..." Or "the dog ran past ...", "One passerby suddenly saw on a bench

lump ... "


Our Tanya cries loudly,
Dropped a ball into the river
Quieter, tanya, do not cry:
Does not drown in the river ball.

The beginning of "Tanya is not in vain crying, as the ball was not rubber, but a magical ..."

Below we will give an example from the experience of the educator of the Children's Garden School "Descartes" Golchadnskaya O.N. To begin with, she remembered the text of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", and since the case was in the spring, then came up with a bridge to the composition of the fairy tale. He turned out to be:

Spring-Beauty came,
Melted snow around
And on the green christmas tree
The watermelon rose suddenly.

We see that the song known to all about the New Year Christmas tree served as the starting point for creating an unusual situation. Now the six-cards under the leadership of the teacher were a fairy tale not only from the confusion (which in itself serves as a test for the strength of children's knowledge), but also about how the bunny, bear, hedgehog ... Remove (not breaking) the watermelon. There is a creative speech activity. Remember your successful poem and fabulous continuation ...

Fairy Tales from Plees, Candars and other forms of small folklore

In addition to fun and crochets, teasers, horror rods, folklore confuses can be used as a starting point:


- Well, you, hedgehog, such a spiny?
- This is me just in case:
Do you know who my neighbors?
Fox, wolves and bears!

Start: In one forest there was a hedgehog, whose in spring, for some reason all needles disappeared. He looked around ...


In the forest one funny bird
Sings all day: "Ku-ku! Ku-ku! "
Can not learn
Sing like a rooster: "ka-ka-re-ku!"

Start: Once in the summer, cuckoo and rooster met and began to talk each in their own language ...

Fairy tales from fantastic phenomena

It is clear that fantastic phenomena (that is, what happens in real life) will serve as an important starting point for the composition of the fairy tales. At the same time, only one should not forget about the two rules: let it understand the children that they will now fantasize; Suggest them with a variety of fantastic phenomena. We recommend starting something like this:

Imagine that you can decrease to the sizes of the ant:

What would you have a favorite occupation?

What did you fear?

Would you wanted to become the same? etc.

Imagine that:

- Mandaris juice fired from the crane in the kitchen,

- From the clouds instead of rain began to fall raisins;

- People came up with tablets from sleep.

Gradually, the range of such phenomena expands:

- The newcomer came to visit us ...
-Well over our village UFO with a wizard on board. And the wizard was kind, but very strange. He threw gifts: five hats, three boots, two beautiful crystal magic shoes, single Cindy doll. Who would you give all these gifts'? And what about the third boot? Come up to continue
- Mom with dad bought a carpet. But no one knew that this carpet from the country of composure, a magic carpet-plane. One year saved a carpet-airplane on the wall, the other. And on the third year it became bored, and he decided ...

Tell us about the various adventures of the carpet aircraft.

Casual fairy tales

Of course, you are clear to you that funny cases from real life are also important for the development of fantasy in children. It should only be skillfully selected by the age of children, their mood and a number of other factors. When children learn to continue the fabulous development of cases proposed by adults, it is imperative to direct the attention of the guys to use cases from their real or imaginary children's life.

We offer you such cases:

Once a girl fell from a tree and gave the dad to the word Never lagged on the trees. Once the girl saw a little kitten, who could not get driving from the tree and complainedly. How did he come there? I really wanted to help the kitten and at the same time hold back the word given to the dad ...

Walked one day mom-chicken with chicken in the meadow. While the chicken delivered a worm for his chicken, chicken disappeared. Mom rushed to look for her child and sees: her chicken stands on the other coast of the stream. But neither chicken nor his mother can swim. How to return mom's chicken? Let's be fantasized. How did chicken come to the other side? Or maybe at that time it was raining and the streams appeared? So you need to wait until the streams dry. Or maybe the stream was covered with ice, and the sun strapped, and he melted? So you need to wait until it freezes. What do you think?

Dropelly, it was a small rain. At the bus stop under one umbrella there were two girls. Suddenly ... Finish the story.
We stand at the crossroads of three roads near the big stone, and on the stone the inscriptions:
"Right go directly to make your friend." "Go rightly - you will break up with each other." "Go left - you will find a beautiful toy."
What kind of roads do we choose? Why? What good deed can do for your friend?

Tales of household subjects

Preschoolers are not enough for household appliances. That is why the idea of \u200b\u200bconnecting the start of the stories about the technique and automata with a fabulous continuation appeared. Here we offer this:

Real Start (I. Melnikov) Sunshirt

Long ago, when there were no clock, people learned time on the sun. That you know: the sun rose - we are time to get up. And so until the evening. And suddenly a person drew attention to the shadow: she also moves behind the sun. I watched a man how the shadow runs in a circle, and invented the clock: Incase to the land of the pillar, and around the pillar said the circle, divided it into parts. Each part was equal to 1 hour. The sun climbed, and the shadow from the pillar slowly moved in a circle, celebrating an hour over an hour. Thus were invented the first hours. They were called solar. But the person could not always use them. Why?

The fabulous continuation of one boy was late to school, but all the hours suddenly stopped. He remembered the sun and.

The real beginning of the clock-rooster (I. Melnikov)

Learned people time and alive clock. This watch is important to walk around the yard, clap the wings and, take off to the fence, shout: "Ku-Ka-Re-ku!" The sun did not rise, but the cock already shouts, it's a throat ... Soon the morning! Pretty sleep! But on the singing of the rooster it is difficult to determine the exact time. That rooster in a dream with a barbell fell - ahead of time it will raise a cry, the foxes are scared and start screaming.

A fabulous continuation in the courtyard of one house there was a capricious cockerel. If he was given a "kinder-surprise", only then he dug. Once…

Real Start (I. Melnikov) Water Watches

In the high and narrow glass vessel with a hole at the bottom poured water. A drop over the drop she fought out of the hole. Through the walls of the vessel were made of dash-notes, which showed how much time has passed since water was poured into the vessel. Water watches were also uncomfortable, because it was necessary to constantly top up the water into the empty vessel. Sometimes milk poured instead of water. But what joke could dairy with man could play?

The fabulous continuation was a hot summer. Katya decided to find out the time for the dairy clock, put them on the sun and fell asleep ...

Real Start (M. Ilyin, E. Segal) Hourglass

People began to think, how to make the clock better, so that they equally accurately showed time and afternoon, and at night, and in summer, and in winter, and in any weather. And invented. These clock has no arrows, no mug with numbers or gear wheels inside. They are made of glass. Two glass bubbles are connected together. Inside the sand. When the clock works, the sand from the upper bubble rushes into the bottom. Sand was hushed up - it means 3, 5, 10 wrote. The clock is turned over, and the bill of time continues. People use the sand clock and now, for example, doctors in clinics. For hours, patients receive therapeutic procedures. Even the cooks enjoy them to cook the eggs sick or screw.

The fabulous continuation of the grandfather knew decided to come up with his hourglass and taken for this glass glasses ...

Real Start Watch-Flowers (10. Dmitriev)

Long ago, people noticed that some flowers are revealed in the morning, and in the afternoon closed, others are revealed in the evening, others - only at night, and during the day they are always closed. It turns out not when they do, and in "their own time". So the floral clock appeared. But they "go" they only in sunny weather. Early in the morning dandelions raise their heads to meet their heads, and the petals of the carnation field, rosehip, Len, and others are opening. In cloudy weather, NA floral watches "work" at all. Flowers they remain closed. Therefore, people use them only to decorate the flower.

Fabulous continuation: Once dandelions were offended by people for ...

Real Start:

Then back, then go ahead
Stroking the waves steamer.
Stop - Mountain:
Smear the sea. (Iron)

Fabulous continuation:

And I came up with the grandfather know the magic iron - self-switch ...

Real Start:

Hanging without a day, and at night illuminates the house. (Light bulb)

Fabulous continuation:

An unusual light bulb appeared in the same house: she was lit only for good people ...

Real start
If you click Press
And wait a little,
The door is presented,
Mom appears. (Call)

Fabulous continuation:

Instead of Mom, the gyrandenok of Gunka appeared once ...

Real start
She was blocked by meat mouth,
And she chews him,
Chews, chew
And not swallows, it sends to the plate. (Meat grinder)

Fabulous continuation: Your option

But unusually arusted jugs, maybe because they are the same in something, but in something not? Once 10 friendly jugs died ...

Fairy tales from "Living" drops and kleks

Cleaxography. It is to teach children to make blots (black and multicolored). Then even a three-year-old child can, looking at them, see images, items or their separate details.
"What is like yours or my blossom?", "Who or what does she remind you?" - These issues are very useful, as they develop thinking and imagination. After that, without hosting a child, but showing, we recommend proceeding to the next stage - Circuit or Dorivovka Kleks. As a result, a whole plot can be obtained.

And the "live" drops are very simple: drip to the paper paint or ink and quickly tilt it in different directions - then some kind of image will appear. And the plots as a result of klyaxography, and the images from the "living" drops help to write fairy tales. What kind of fairy tales on these pictures did you write?

Fairy tales about mounds

Initially, we come up with children an unusual living thing - messenger - and encourage kids to imagine him and answer the following questions:

- How is it moving? (it crawls, jumps, slides ...);

- Pretend to be monster. How will you be brighcious and wash?

- What sounds are you publishing?

- What does the monster look like? Who looks like?

- Draw him as you imagine it;

- Where does it live? (Nore, on trees, in water);

- What is food? (ice cream, meat, bark of trees);

- How do you meet him if it comes to visit you?

So gradually we sum up children to the ability and wish to create in the fabulous world (such a familiar and such an unknown).

Mixed Factories

First, let's see what is a mixed image. The simplest interpretation: one subject, the image is combined with another, and as a result, it turns out a non-seeing, paradox. We advise you to present children such phenomena in the game situation:

Once Baba Yaga is tired of order to the sea, and on earth, and in the forest, and high in the sky. She decided to confuse all animals, fish, birds. When everyone slept, it was conceived with his evil magic: joined the fish with a turtle, a bear with a hare, a deer with a bull | etc. In this case, where new animals will live, as we call them, what can happen to They are in new circumstances? | Children are interesting to compose about unusual. But it is even more important to give mixed images of another, more appropriate plan and also in the gaming situation:
"One girl did not like milk and therefore often sick. And once the famous Dr. Aibolit decided to help her. He connected a cow and a bee: the milk became sweeter and more useful. The girl began to drink him and recovered. Just where to live "Corpchelka" - so she called a new animal: in people in a barn or ... what a corpcle "will eat, how to move?"

The fairy tale continues

For some reason, we are accustomed to the long-known and logically completed ends of fairy tales. Indeed, everything is logically finished in fairy tales: Rack pulled out, Kolobka ate a fox, a red hat and grandmother remained alive and unharmed, Cinderella and Prince got married, seven kids stayed to live-wander with mom-goat. It would seem that there can still be inventing and fiction. D. Rodari believes that not only possible, but also useful, and offers the method "What then?" (Start after the end). This method is useful and interesting in that:

- We can, changing the end of the fairy tale, direct the child's attention to the right pedagogical channel;

- Develop the imagination of the child, breaking the stereotypes.

Let's think: the Republic was pulled out, and how she was divided - who interfered with them at the same time, who was most worked for this; Kolobka ate a fox - and maybe a bun in the belly of the fox with the help of magical words turned into a giant and began to interfere with the fox; What made rescuers of red hats and grandmothers with a villain wolf; And how Cinderella and Prince live, get married, -Can, they again prevent stepmother with her daughters; And the goat and seven goats, might have built an impregnable fortress, impregnable even for a wolf. As you can see, there are always options, they will be peculiar and in children, depending on the level of their creative imagination.

Changing the situation in familiar fairy tales

We are talking about children a familiar fairy tale and confidentially agree to change something in it.

First, we change it quite a bit and we encourage you to invent a child. For example, we say:

"Cinderella, running away from the prince, has not lost a shoe, but something else. And on this, something else, the prince also found it. " What did Cinderella lost, and how did the prince found it? By reasoning, by samples and errors, we move together to possible answers: it can be a ring, brooch, a lounge from a dress or some part from Cinderella's outfit (bow). Gradually, children learn to change the situations in fairy tales themselves.

Below we offer a number of new situations to famous fairy tales:

Gus-swans on the way of the girl occurs a gray wolf ...

The wolf and seven goat wolf prevents the bear, who calls him on his birthday ...

The fairy tale of fisherman and fish Fish wanted to meet the old woman herself ...

And your possible options in this regard?

Transfering fairy tales

D. Rodari offers all adults another very interesting and fascinating method - transit fairy tales. Of course, the fairy tale must be familiar with children and love them. As an example, talented and the storyteller leads to the tale of the "Red Cap": "There was a girl who called the yellow cap," you start your story. "No, no, not yellow, but red," a child to improve you. "Yes, yes, I forgot, of course, red ... So, a red hat went to visit the tet." - "No, not to the aunt, but to grandmother! You again confused everything (a), "your listener is angry. He, of course, really wants a favorite fairy tale to be told as before. At the same time, children willingly accept the rules of the new game. Isn't it wonderful for preschoolers! And the kids ask mom once again to tell the funny, cheerful fairy tale (so treat children 5 or more). The alone, their interpretation confirms the correctness of the chosen path.

The tale of the fairy tale brings up a sense of humor, the soreness, an understanding of the irony emanating from close. In addition, the conditions for such an approach to famous fairy tales put a child in an active position, forced to focus, correct the programmed adult errors. You only need to reasonably turn the fairy tale, changing the essential in the heroes, actions. Here is another example of the transit of the fairy tale "Kolobok": "rolls, rolls a kolobok, and towards him a tiger (no, not a tiger, and hare, etc.) ...". It is important during the demonstration of this method, if possible, an actor is to surprise its forgetfulness with the help of tones, facial expressions, gestures, as well as admire the resourcefulness and memoriality of their children.

Fairy tales but in a new way

This method helps to look at the familiar plots in a new way.

Does not get used to the children to the fact that Kolobok is kind, fox - a tricky, wolf - evil, Cinderella and a tiny-havel - hardworking, modest. The usual, favorite images, many times heard and visible by the children, have been forming stereotypes since childhood. And how healthy and need to break them. For this purpose, the "Tale, but in a new way" method is proposed. It seems that the fairy tale takes the basis of the old, but the kids are invited to endow the main characters with opposite qualities. Suppose, seven goats become evil and capricious, run away into the forest, and a good wolf helps go to them. Padder is becoming lazy and capricious, and stepmother is caring and hardworking. Lisa is reborn into obedient and modest, and the bunny becomes cunning and evil ...

Any options of the fairytale inside out or a collapse of the fairy tale are fitted.

Havorhrochki-Havroshchka is evil and lazy.

Red happie angry red hat, and kind wolf.

Katikhoroshek lazy and evil cathiogos.

Bin0m fantasy

We offer children consistently view pictures, toys. In this case, please adhere to the rule: take the basis of two objects that are difficult to combine in the fabulous plot. Their connection with your fantasy in a fairy tale is "Binin Fantasy". So, you can show two pictures to children, where the cat and bag are depicted, and offer to compose a fairy tale. Of course, it is easier to compose a fairy tale about the dog and a cat, a dog and a mouse. But we specifically create an environment of elevated complexity. It is tense, thinking, inventing, that is, being in a state of active mental activity, our children develop.

We offer you the following pairs of objects and phenomena to connect them by the "Binoma Fantasy" method:

Elephant couple and pen

Beginning Once the elephant decided to write a letter to his friend Giraf Gutka. But he did not know how to write ...

Pair monkey and glasses

Start a tale Grandma Monkey decided to tie socks with her granddaughter, but I forgot where things are your clubs. And the magic girls of meanwhile ...

Couples Wolf and Skates

The beginning of the fairy tale once the wolf decided to become a skater ...

Couples Orange and TV

(Make rise to the fairy tale)

Experiments in fairy tales

You have already noticed that we try to teach children to be active, break stereotypes of the usual content of fairy tales. And it helps them not only in the development of speech, creative thinking, but also in the development of feelings. After all, we have already seen that a fairy tale learns to respond evil to evil or be indifferent. Let's bolder to conduct experiments in fairy tales, preaching humanism and good, change their content. We will analyze such an example. Fairy tale "Frosty". Here is its brief content:
There were grandfather and Baba, and each of them had her daughter. When the grandfather went to the city, Baba sent Padrelit to the forest behind the rhinth. There she met Morozko. After she fulfilled all his assignments, Morozko gave grandfather a daughter with jewelry, and she returned home safely. I envisted to the babe, and she sends her daughter-Lenivacy into the forest. And her daughter grew frost, and he raised such a blizzard that the snow covered the Lenivity forever. The same happened with a woman. And they began to live together grandfather and his daughter. And when a kind wellman was launched to her daughter, I fired a wedding and healed everything happily. It seems to be all in justice, but why evil for evil? Isn't it sorry for a woman with her daughter-lazyness? And where is it seen that after the death of the wedding immediately coped?

In order to activate children and find out to whom they empathize in a particular episode, we advise you to use cards characters. There are also circles of different colors for this, of course, conditional:

- Red circle - I am glad;

- Blue - I feel sorry for me;

- Yellow - I want to help;

- Green - rightly;

- Brown - unfair.

Initially, we find out with the help of symbols of symbols, how the children are evaluated the actions of the heroes of the fairy tale. And for yourself, choose a yellow circle for yourself, explaining to children: "I want to help the beach and her daughter, it seems to me that Morozko entered them too cruelly." Now we will invite children to come up with a more humane way to re-order the angry stepmother and her lazy daughter.

As an example, the fairy tale of "Fox and Crane" will be indicative (about how they went to each other, treated each other). After all, the fairy tale ending the fact that Lisa and the crane used and stopped walking towards visit each other. As it will appeal, it will respond, "So the idea of \u200b\u200bthis fairy tale. In this case, you can also use cards characters. Change the end of the fairy tale on the plan (how to fix the situation, how to make a fox and crane to remain good friends).

There is such a wonderful English tale "Boy star." The author Oscar Wilde shows the complex world of good and evil. Recall the brief content of this fairy tale:

Once in the winter stepped, two lumberjacks saw how a bright star fell from the sky. In the folds of the raincoat, they found not a star, but a small child. One of the lumberjacks took the child and, despite the poverty and hunger, brought him to his house. The boy grew up very beautiful, but evil, proud and cruel. One day, when a woman came to their village, he threw her stones and did not want to believe that the beggar was his mother. But after the mother-mother went out of the village, the star-star suddenly turned into a monster. Then he realized what he did badly, and he was looking for his mother for three years. He experienced a lot of maliciousness while again did not become beautiful. He met a bench and obeyed her. Suddenly, the beggar turned into a queen. And soon the boy star became the Lord of the city. He was fair, kindly referred to orphans, poor and sick.

The fairy tale is long, but some insignificant details can be omitted and read to children. She, of course, in itself should be a normal child of 5-6 years. But the educator-psychologist during the work with a fairy tale decided to experiment. To do this, she fulfilled 2 portraits: benchmarks and boy stars. Under portraits made pockets. Before reading, he distributed heart cardboard. After she read the guys that the star-star drove his beggar-mother, it was proposed to give her hearts to the hero of the fairy tale, which they liked. Of course, all children put hearts in pockets under the portrait of a bench. And not a single heart was in a pocket of a boy star. Unnoticed for the children, the teacher places 2 plates under two portraits: the bench on the plate is gray triangles, and the boy-star is bright real candy. At the same time, the teacher says: "Guys, the heroes of fairy tales also want to make you gifts. Choose a gift ourselves, but that hero that you really like, the person who is pleasant to you. " The first group of children, the smallest, about five percent of the total, went to the bench and took gray triangles as a gift, the second part is about the same in size - decisively, not doubting anything, went to the boy-star and took from a plate candy. The third is the most numerous subgroup - doubted, looked around and, it was already incomprehensible for what motives, went beyond gray triangles.

The teacher then says: "After all, you gave your hearts with a bench, and why Olya, Natasha, Kolya, Vanya decided to take candy at a cruel boy star?" It was necessary to see the confusion of these children. After all, the temptation is great. It is beautiful to speak beautifully, but to do so always -the. When the tutor read the fairy tale to the end, all the children joyfully sighed because the boy star had changed, became kind and again beautiful.

Colored fairy tales

In order to pay attention to colors, we recommend telling the "fairy tale about magic paints."

Lived in one fabulous paint country. Each paint lived in his fabulous castle. Red paint in the Red Castle (I draw a red stain on the easel), and everything was in it ... what color? Nearby stood the castle is shin paint, and it was all ... what? Slightly fartheart of green paint. Everything was there? And further stood the castle of yellow paint, everything was yellow in it. Paints loved, like all children, walk to each other, and that's what they did. Somehowed the red paint to visit the yellow (we recruit the red color and transfer yellow paint into the castle). What happened? Orange color. And the blue paint went to visit the red. What happened? etc.

After that, we agree with the children that the fairy tale will be color, that is, one color, for example: "Yellow fairy tale", and it means that there should be a lot of yellow items in it: "There was a sun, it was a yellow-preteral and loved All around the same color. Therefore, it made friends with a dandelion. Once they walked along the track and met the girl in a blue dress. She bitterly cried because he wanted to have a yellow dress. And then…"

By analogy, together with children, you can compose red and green fairy tales. It is important only to negotiate and not forget about the rules.

Family fairy tale

And even better to make a constant "family fairy tale", where the main character will be, for example, Kuzya, or Dunno, or Pinocchio-across. An open end of the family fairy tale is even more smoking adults and children - and this is perhaps the most important.

TV series in fairy tale

Life convincingly proved our stable love for the serials. Heroes of multi-sized animation and artistic films become member of our family. We are experiencing for them, sick and suffer with them. Therefore, the thought arose to take the favorite fairy tales as a basis and make a set of so-called series. Moreover, it is important that this method is used in the family cyclical. Let's say, 1-3 weeks we make various tales of Cinderella, then about a kolobkin, a red hat.

For instance:

Tale "Cinderella":

1 series - traditional fairy tale;

2 series - Cinderella becomes a giant;

3 series - Cinderella-invisible;

4 series - my tale of Cinderella (Your, Papin ...);

5 series - We will make a book with Cinderella drawings, etc.

Tale "Kolobok":
  • 1 series - ladder fairy tale;
  • 2 series - how to save the bun;
  • 3 series - the kolobka appears a backpack with a surprise;
  • 4 series - Kolobok changes hats (red, green, white);
  • 5 series - Kolobka appears Pinocchio's nose;
  • 6 series - my tale of a kolobkin.

Decision contradictions in a fairy tale

We themselves constantly surround the contradictions in affairs, phenomena, actions. Of course, saturated with contradictions and fairy tales. Teach to see, understand, solve contradictions - it means to teach children to think and invent, that is, to create original. Tell me, isn't it contradictory what Princess lies all night on the pea. It is necessary to solve this contradiction, which means to invent something that will help the princess get rid of the pea and calmly fall asleep as all the princesses in the world. It breaks all the usual fairy tale content. After all, the pea is for that and need to find out if the princess is true? But the children know this fairy tale, have seen more than once on TV. It is much more important to create a little good, it is much more important to learn how to invent. And the children come up with turn, for example, a pea in a piece of ice, and the ice, as you know, melts under warm pastries or ... Yes, you never know ways to help the princess.

In the fairy tale "Cockerel and leggings" very much wanted to eat a cockerel of grains, but I saw that it was very large for his neck. This is a contradiction - I want, but it is impossible. But it was possible to solve the question safe for the hero: lubricate the neck or crush the grains into small pieces.

Here is a bright example of contradictions in the fairy tale K. Chukovsky "Barmalei": they knew the children that it was impossible to go to Africa himself, but they went ... it was possible to solve this contradiction. But as?

The decision of the contradictions is largely helped by thoughtful questions.

Find and solve such questions need to fairy tales, well acquaintances and beloved children. It is important to think very well to consider the question that won the children to invent, help your favorite heroes to leave a difficult situation, invent several possible versions and choose the most optimal, suitable, convenient. Let's go back to the fairy tale "Cat in Boots". It would be nice to ask this fairy tale the following question: "And if the cannibal did not want or could not turn into a mouse?" How else can you get rid of the cannibal? If we do not help the cat in this, he is late to help his owner (after all, the king's coach drives to the castle). Or another example of the Gus-Swan's fairy tales. Recommended problem question: "And if neither the stove, nor the apple tree began to help the girl - what would she have to do to escape and save the brother?" Maybe she herself will come up with something.

Here are some more examples in this direction. Fairy Tale Rack is a problematic question and if the mouse did not come running?

The fairy tale is a red hat and if it were not for the woodcutters?

Fairy tales of fantastic countries

Undoubtedly, we first invent such countries and help the guys to give them the name: "Tili-Tili-Dampia", "Nonbyvandy", etc. We suggest to tell about these countries for this approximately plan: who lives in this country? What do you go? What do you eat? Who and how do we get? What will we do there, with whom and how to play? What will bring from this country? etc.

The composition of fairy tales is accompanied by the game "Byvyandy - Nonbyvandy". She teaches children to distinguish between real and fabulous phenomena, helps in teaching the composition of fairy tales and stories. drawing fabulous and real plots and objects, etc. It is necessary to discuss in advance with children, to which to send the country to Byvandnia or Nonbyandy, and depending on the topic chosen the topic.

And what items will be needed in such a fabulously. Travel?

Tales from comic questions

Comic questions can tell the children a fairy plot or at least its beginning.

Sometimes the joke is visible immediately. But often a comic question is such because it seems to provoke the asked (or, in the words of S. Amonashvili, "programmed error") is laid in it).

"What is the bear eating in winter?" An intelligent child of five years and older will answer that the bear is sleeping in the winter, and at the same time hectic will smile: how so - adults do not know such a simple truth. Here it is necessary to make a transition to a fairy tale: "And I heard about such an extraordinary bear, which I did not fall asleep in the winter, because I loved to eat ..."

Or more examples:

Comic question What can be seen with closed eyes?

The beginning of a fairy tale is an unusual fantastic candy, which will suddenly call the door and say ..

Comic question: Which call does not ring?

The beginning of the fairy tale is magical, because he plays favorite melodies. Here once ...

Comic question What kind of frog eats in the winter?

The beginning of the fairy tales: I had a girlfriend - an extraordinary frog. She is…

Fairy Tales About Favorite Toys

Favorite toys - this is a pretty good reason to compose tales about them. Here is one of these examples:

Many preschoolers think that the inhabitants of the city of games are the most cheerful. On the light of the people. But sometimes toys are very boring. Listen to told Katya doll:

- I was presented for the birthday of one girl. At first she was delighted and played with me all day. And then they put me in a large-larger box. There were other dolls: small and big, old and new ones. They told that their mistress had a lot of toys and every time she was buying new ones. And then suddenly Katya doll cried: "Maybe she will never play with me? I probably die from boredom. What to do now?"…

Tales of travel

Each trip is a prerequisite for fabulous plots. It is necessary, according to the author, enter a number of rules - take only five items, come up with obstacles and ways to overcome them (the reader understands that the number five conditional: can be more, it is possible less ...). Folding in this way the plot-trip, the child is easier to write a fairy tale. For example, "Travel to Australia" (in a balloon):

Items: Match, knife, tent, rope, first aid kit, custard tea.

In Australia, the shower began - we put the tent;

I wanted to eat - with a knife we \u200b\u200bmake a fishing rod and fish;

Mosquitoes bite - matches help toggle fire;

Custard tea - we collect herbs and prepare the healing drink;

Paced the leg - the first-aid kit helps to make disinfection.

Or a second example, "Traveling with a friend to America" \u200b\u200b(in a balloon):

Items: Compass, Ukrainian souvenirs, magnifier, lighter, rifle.

Obstacles and ways to overcome them:

The compass spoiled, be restabled to the way and therefore we meet with the Indians - give them souvenirs, becoming kind familiar;

The lighter accidentally fell into the sea - magnifier and the sun helps to get fire;

In the reserve it is impossible to shoot animals - give a forest rifle in exchange for products.

The journey is organically connected with the training classes, teaches useful skills (to put a tent, plant a fire, navigate the stars, etc.). These options are undoubtedly useful for the development of fantasy and further writing.

For example, traveling a balloon. A large ball is drawn on a sheet of paper. Children must assemble the necessary things on the road (write their names on the ball).

Depending on the direction of flight (north, south), the place of action (Morse, the mountains, the desert, etc.) there are obstacles (shark, wind, zipper, pirates, river. Mountains, etc.). To overcome them, you need to make a scheme of words, or pick up a word to the finished scheme, or place an emphasis, etc. Schemes and words are written on a blackboard or sheet of paper. You can complicate the journey by including solving the tasks (count and write how many legs from the robbers, decide how many birds sits on a bowl if 5 birds sits on it and 2 in a basket of a bowl. If the decision is wrong - the birds can cover the ball) etc.

Tales from transformations

To be able to turn into anyone or anything - it is already a lot for a child, this is the beginning of fantasy and writing:

I turn into a cat.

The beginning of the fairy tales: it was boring to me all the time to go around the hostess, and I fumbled on the courtyard ...

Start a fairy tale: in a butterfly.

Start a fairy tale: how to fly over the flower and see everything from above. But once…

In a flower. I lived - there were me (chamomile) and cornflowers ...

Brief stories

There is a very walking saying "brevity - sister of talent." Speak briefly - you need to be able to. Tales taught not only to think originally, but also briefly speak. In this context, we give an example of the next method - "inventing short stories." We immediately agree. That stories should be short, but fabulous. And submit a personal example in this. In the fall we bring a beautiful maple leaf. And begin to fantasize:

"Autumn has come. Green maple leaf fired. He did not want to turn yellow. But started. After all, the sun shone less, the days became cooler. And he decided to fly away ... "And where and what happened to him - we compose with the children, but briefly.

Interesting for children to invent stories of pebbles, sticks or squals, resembling someone's image or subject. There may be many reasons. Especially useful everyday observations and the preparation of brief stories to them. For example, we saw the birds flying to the warm edges, or a sad cat, not a reason to compose stories about them.

Fairy tales from one word

D. Rodari recommends drawing fabulous stories, pushing out from one word. The narrator (adult or child) himself comes up with the first word and begins to compose. This first word may be the word: "Hi" (said Lisa Bay ...), or the popular words "lived - were" (in the light of the old man ...), or mysterious word: "Once" (everything in the forest is confused) ...

Here's how it may happen in practice:

Word: Boy. There was a boy in the world, who ..

Word: Three. - Three comrades agreed together: which of them will bring faster, I do not know what, he marries the beautiful princess.

Word: Forest. The beginning of the forest once argued with the river: which of them is more important.

Tales about the days of the year, smells, sounds

You probably have already agreed with us that there may be many reasons for drawing up fairy tales. The inexhaustible source of fabulous scenes is the nature of us: its sounds, odors, seasons. Below are approximate odors and sounds of one time of the year. We recommend that you draw up fairy tales both about each odor or sound and possible and impossible combinations. And then you can move to fairy tales with a more generalized meaning - "Spring Fairy Tale" (Autumn, Summer, Winter):

Spring smells: smells of freshness air, a pleasant fresh earth smells a snowdrop, the first greens smells tasty, the color of apple trees, lilacs sweetly smells.

Spring Sounds: Burfed Brooks, Warm Spring Wind Noise, Rained Drops, Copy Flowers, Gardows, Sing Birds, etc. (Similarly, odors and sounds of other seasons are selected).

And you can move to fairy tales in different ways, for example, the "Fairy Tale of Spring" can begin like this: "There was a spring girl, the name was her spring, she was bright, radiant and always cheerful. Her voice was bored as spring streams. But once…"

Or another example of the beginning of the fairy tales:

"Spring smells and autumn sounds were confused in one kingdom-state ..."

Fairy tales by analogy with famous

To teach children to compose analogies - this is also an undoubted step in the creative development of preschoolers. You can take the basis of any famous fairy tales. But it is better if it is fabulous scenes with a rich positive moral position. For example, we offer the kids fairy tale.

Solemn dinner

On the banks of the river stood Castle Kirbashmur. In it lived a brave knight Arthur and his wife is a wonderful ennabel. Each year, on the first Monday of the first month, the brave knights went to Kirbashmur from all over the country to erect forces in the honest knightly tournament.

The first arrived Knight Avengo. The knight of the bartolum rushes behind him. Track came Knights Clifford and Aivor. Finally, the knight called Rudolph. Late in the evening, Arthur and Ennabel sat in comfortable chairs before the blazing fireplace.

- Among the knights there is a disguised robber. How do we find it? - Asked Arthur with anxiety.

- We will learn it before the tournament start! - confidently answered Ennabel.

The next day, the owners of the castle were arranged in honor of the arrivals solemn lunch.

Question for reflection: how beautiful Ennabel learned that the bartoline is not a knight?

Answer: The knight is always a knight, including at the table. He will never break the napkin for the collar, but gently put her on his knees. He will wait for when the hostess begins, and only then he will take over the spoon. The knight will never blow on the soup. It will wait when the soup will cool. Only the robbers bite the meat from the whole piece, and not cut it. Of course, they are unknown to them: the knife is in the right, and the plug is in the left hand. And, of course, the knight will not confuse a napkin with his own clothes.

Task for children:

What kind of fairy tale can you come up with? Maybe about honesty? About modesty? About sensitivity?

Fairy tales on comic drawings

There are a set of comic drawings:

it is coloring, and plots from children's magazines. Good luck, in the view of the author, are illustrations for the book N. Radlova "Book in pictures". Successful because the comic plot is represented in the form of three to five drawings: the development of a comic situation and gaming actions is applied gradually, with increasing tension before the climax. That is, the principle of algorithms in this case fully justifies itself.

In addition, we offer:

Writing and drawing comics on a given topic or at the discretion of each child. For example: "As a rain tucker saved the forest", "as the Bear Gammy came to our garden." Reception is used when the children have mastered the skills of fast and clear drawing and learned to compose fairy tales. Better, if such work is conducted by companies (families or peer groups).

The plot can be represented using geometric shapes (square fairy tale, triangular fairy tale, round, oval, etc.) All characters are drawn using a chosen form.

This certainly causes a smile, as a result there is a funny fairy tale.

Comic drawings can be as follows: "The TV and the cat suddenly came to life."

Tales for veiled pictures

Such pictures primarily attract their mysteriousness. And in order to solve them, it is necessary to carefully look at each picture, to turn it sometimes in different directions:

Pictures with shadows also belong to veiled.

To write fairy tales on such pictures is interesting and exciting.

Modeling fairy tales

Of course, at first it is difficult, looking only for objects, something interesting to compose. But let's help the guys in this complex business. So, "Cup with milk." If you need a story, you can bring children to the thoughts about the sick girl or a hungry kitten. But we are talking about a fairy tale. And then we make a cup of magic. And the milk is also magical. White, tasty, sweet - if it gets to good people. Bantic and black in Baba Yaga. Preschoolers, no doubt, charge our energy, our fiction ...

Even more difficult work is to have children when they are offered only schemes that do not resemble any of the fairy tales. It can be the schemes presented on the next page.

Yes, before children only the schemes (you need to offer only one of them at once). How to compose a fairy tale, looking only for a line or dotted cars? Very hard. Therefore, at first we decide with the guys such a question: "What does it look like ... (wavy line)?" Together with the children we come to the conclusion that this line may be similar to the road, snake, a ribbon ... And then we suggest children: "Or maybe it's about the hedgehog, which rolled along the same wavy track, and then it seemed to him that he was rolling Down on something very soft. And it turned out to be a snake that woke up from helen achesions. And then…"

So, in each case, we help children to write fairy tales by a schematic model.

Continuing the modeling of fairy tales, we teach preschoolers to hide familiar fabulous heroes into conventional geometric shapes.

So we show three identical (largest and color) Mug:

- So it is necessary to assume, these mugs mean the fairy tale "Three Piglets";

or three are the same color, but different in the magnitude of the mug:

- Naturally, they talk about the "Three Bear" fairy tale;

or seven identical triangles: it may be a fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Goat".

maybe children will remember the Gus-Swan's fairy tale.

- And this may be a tale of "repka".

Or we can just show children two sticks of different heights and ask who can it be? Mom and daughter, wolf and hare, Bear and Lisa. And your options?

Tales with a new end

We mean fabulous texts that are given maybe without the ending:

One boy composes fairy tales in which the beginning is terrible, and the end is cheerful. On Sunday, he began to compose such a fairy tale:

"There was a boy, and he had a mother with dad. The boy loved them very much, and they did not really obey him. "The boy brought up them, brought up, and then tired and says:" That's what: Night you are here without me, and I will go where your eyes look. " And left. She was walking, and suddenly ... ".

"There were two frogs. They were girlfriends and lived in one channel. But only one of the frogs was a real forest frog - brave, strong, cheerful. His name was ... And the other was a swamp, neither her: a coward, weak, sonia. His name was ... But still they lived together. And once at night they went out to walk. They go along the forest path and suddenly see ... "

"Everyone is preparing in his own way for Winter. Jumping fidget squirrel. Collects nuts, acorns, picks them up on the dupels, on the woody slits, and if he finds the fungus on Earth, snewing it and hangs dry on the tree - in winter it is very useful. The whole day of the squirrel works and everything looks at the neighbor of hedgehog, which for the autumn is lazy, it became nervy, it runs little in the forest, it does not catch mice, take it in dry leaves and dorm.

- What are you, hedgehog, completely broken? - asks squirrel. - Why isn't you preparing for winter? Do not stock meals? In winter there is nothing to ... "

We give the beginning of the fairy tales, introduce the main characters:

"In one fabulous country, there were Buli. Small, round (children help create the image of heroes). And among them lived Bul Mumul. He was not like everyone else: very small with very large ears. Buli constantly teased Mumul, did not take to play with them. But once…"

It is very helpful to come up with its endings to familiar, logically and complete fairy tales:

Traditional: "Three Bear". Masha ran away from bears.

Possible: Masha came up with bears ...

Traditional: "Cockerel and bean grains". Of course, the rooster helped ...

Possible: Cockerel helped himself ...

Traditional: "Repka". Stretched out a rep.

Possible: removed not repka, and ... treasure ...

Tale from the middle

For the development of creative imagination and logical thinking, we advise you to teach the guys to think about the middle of a fairy tale or story (where, mostly, and develops the plot). And as an assistance, kids are offered intricate start and visible, with the result, the end.

Come up with the title and middle part of the story:

"Once a dad and we hurried from kindergarten. Suddenly we saw ... Now this is my best friend. "

But the ending should be carefully chosen. They should be interesting, shaped, for example, such:

"And again in the rain and in a blizzard, my portfolio walks with me."

"So that there was a cowhide, so that cream Bursnushka gives."

"Maybe these few milk sips saved her life."

Particle "not" and a new fairy tale

The "not" particle is just a wizard, as it helps to create new fairy tale options, wakes baby imagination. According to the rules of this method, the "not" particle is set (used) to noun, verbs, for example, before the names of the heroes of the fairy tale:

Would you bake, grandmother, not a bun ... rolls, does not roll a bunker, and meet a bunny ... etc.

There were no three pigs ...

Gave the girl for the birthday of the NA Red Hat ...

As a result of the frequent use of this particle, we get a fairy tale with all sorts of margins-variations.

From the fairy tale fled all verbs or nouns

Nowadays, children know a lot of fairy tales. Here in the service of them and children's libraries, and mass television and radio broadcasting. Sometimes they are already boring becomes listening.

In order to:

- support interest;

- make elements of humor;

- Focus on the perception of children on a familiar product, we offer from the case to the case telling fairy tales with checkpoints or nouns. To be interested, we advise you to motivate such a phenomenon:

"In one very familiar, you are tired of being tired of some words in the books. They decided to travel. And they left us such a note: "Do you guess this fairy tale without us?" Let's try! For a start, a few examples:

All parts of speech ran out, except for the verbs (Mitten's fairy tale).

What happened to go ... fled ... running ... climbed to live ... jumps ... asked ...

There were only nouns (the same fairy tale "Mitten").

What happened grandfather ... Forest ... Dog ... Grandfather ...

Fairy tales for magic drawings

No need to explain that the magic drawing will help the child to compose the magic fairy tale. Therefore, special requirements are presented to the selection of such drawings. They should be really magical, and therefore we suggest that it was boots-boots. Or a touch-based self-bare, or aldin magic lamp, or a magic wand. Let us dwell on the self-balancing tablecloth. We will show her children and ask: "To whom and when will it be especially needed?" The guys can be represented in different ways, and adults are approached by this plot: "Once people traveled on the ship. During the strong storm, shipwreck occurred, as a result of which everyone was on a uninhabited island. Among the passengers traveled the good fairy, which had a magic wand. With her help on the island arrive a tablecloth-self-backer ... "

In the footsteps to the fairy tale

Traces - it is always a mystery. Teach a child to see and solve traces - it means to raise it attentive and observant. But it is only half of the case. And the second half is no less important - we teach the children, seeing traces of birds, animals, people, to make stories or fairy tales about them.

But at the beginning several tips on the trails.

What can I find out when looking at the next?

What do you think it is possible to learn the growth of the dog in its footsteps?

The heroes of the "small savages" E. Seton-Thompson knew how to do it: "Take the length of the trail of the front leg in inches, Multiply eight, and here's the growth of the dog to the shoulder. Try - and see that this is true. Little dog paw in 2 with a quarter of an inches, growth is about 18 inches; Shepherd with three-link paw in 24 inches; Large courtyard or a dog of another breed with a four-litty paw reaches a growth of 30 to 32 inches. "

Sam doubted the Yana method and recalled that he saw a dog at the exhibition, which would not fit into this measure: "She was long as two of my hands, the paws are big, like a young bear, and the growth was not above the brick ... It seemed As if it was grown under the cabinet. In my opinion, with such short legs, it was necessary to add to her at least a couple of legs in the middle, - then it would be good. "

What did Yang replied: "Yes, I know what kind of dog it is: it's -cakes; But in urodes it is impossible to judge, we must take ordinary dogs. So you can measure the growth of wild animals - wolves and foxes, and maybe others ... "

In the footsteps, it turns out, you can learn the weight of the dog. Yang offered to multiply the length of the front paw trail on its width (in inches), the result is multiplied by 5, it will give an approximate weight of the dog in pounds.

Inches, pounds ... And how can we be?

Well, the growth of the dog still can be measured: take centimeters instead of inches, and everything will work out.

As for the weight, it is necessary to make a correction for centimeters and grams. Recall that 1 inch \u003d 2.54 centimeters, and 1 pound (English) - 453.6 grams. The old cap, on which Jan checked his method, weighed 52 and a half pound, that is, almost 24 kilograms. The length of its front paw was 3 and a half, and the width 3 (10.5 per 5 just gave 52.5). We measure the track of the cabin at centimeters: 8.89 by 7.62 gives approximately 68. If this number we divide by 3, we will receive the weight of the caada, close to what turned out to be in Yana, is about 23 kilograms.

So, our way: the length of the trace is multiplied by its width, the result is divided into three.

How to confuse traces and how to unravel them.

So the tricky chanterelle can confuse the hunter. You go on her trail, suddenly she wraps back and almost crosses herself. But no - the next seems to be simply interrupted. So, chantery somewhere near? But she is not there! What is the matter? And she just went back to his trail. If the hunter guess, he will see where this trail is split, and will continue to pursue. Chanterelle can do such a NA time and not two.

In general, having lost the track, it is worth doing this. Start walking all the wider circles - they will certainly kick back on the trail after a while. This is the advice of an experienced hunter.

Having considered such pictures with children, you can offer them several leading questions:

Whose traces did you see here?

Where do they lead?

What happened to these people, the animals happened then?

From points to fairy tales

It is not by chance that the French mathematician Pani noted that we work too much in the preschool period with a concrete material, we consider balls, bunnies, make up stories on specific, realistic pictures. Thus, he believes, we delay the development of abstract thinking and creative imagination. Pani strongly advised to work simply with points. In connection with fairy tales it may look like this.

We offer children a lot of points:

And now, together with children we connect the points so that fun drawings of funny animals, the story of which can be connected in one fairy tale.

The point is also a cipher, a sign. And in this case, we want to specify the compilation and use of ciphers as a starting moment of drawing up fairy tales. In preschool age (approximately from 5 to 6 years, if the child is already quite well reading) you can use a flag letter.

Fairy tales from the proverb

Brief in terms of volume, the label and capacious content, the proverb can serve as an excellent auxiliary material for an essay. We offer you such examples:

Proverb: For two hares, you will catch a single NA.

Start: Once a boy-hunter saw two bunnies at once. They were so small ...

Proverb: without difficulty caught and fish out of the pond.

Start: lived - there were a lazy bear and a hardworking fish ...

Proverb: Not all Cottle carnival.

Start: In the same house there lived a lazy-relative cat. It reached the fact that the mice fell in love. And then the owners asked him to look for another apartment ...

What are your options?

Name and fairy tale

Often, children's psychiatrists, facing health impairments, especially with the deviations in the psyche, are diagnosed: "The children did not reach in childhood." There is even such an expression - "Game Distrophy". And here in the system of so-called game therapy, we offer to connect the name of the child and a fairy tale. And so that it was easier to create a fairy tale to create a fairy tale, we introduce the following rule: "Name your name (or the name of any person) and on the letter with which this name begins, quickly remember and loudly call the animal, and then writing a fairy tale from these two words." For example:

Marina and Bear: Live, was on the light of the little girl Marina. She loved her very much and was very afraid of bears. And once she had a dream: a bear came to the guests ...

Igor and Turkey: Once Igor came to the village to Grandma. He came out for the gate and sees: It is important for him to march some very terrible animal ...

Fairy tales about himself

This method is useful from various sides. First, because the children love to listen to what happened or could happen to them or their loved ones: Mama, grandmothers. Love to invent about yourself or their brothers, sisters. Secondly, this creative activity helps to understand the writing as an addition to real life, and not as a replacement of the most reality. As a result, finishing to compose, the child does not feel frustration, entering the life itself. In order to interest even more, you can call himself abbreviated yourself, that is, only on the initials. For example, our granddaughter itself composed countless fairy tales about themselves, that is, "K. F. " (Cate Fesyukova). Katina Mom helped her at the same time, introducing new and new points in the fairy tales - The Lovely characters -Lusy, Marusu and Timosh.

There is no limit to directions and methods when writing fairy tales. It is important in time to pay attention to this and not be late.

We can already move directly to developments. It remains only to add that parents and educators have the right to disagree with the position of the author and make adjustments. Well - in a good way! We only remind you that the author sought to select the most educational tasks and issues that positively affect the formation of the personality of children.

The most frequently repeated tasks are selected on the basis of research of psychophysiological capabilities of preschoolers.