An adult question of a small person, or How do children appear? The phase of chromosome movement according to the Chinese calendar. Why do children appear

You and your lover have decided that you are ready to try to have a baby. Now what? Abandon business and spend a week in bed? No, unless you really want to. And if you want, then why not? But constant sex does not yet give a 100% guarantee that you will become pregnant, although sometimes it happens. I tell beginners: you need sperm, eggs and, in most cases, a wagon and a small cart of patience.

Know the Basics

Before you go to bed, both of you should be in first-class shape. This means that you need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is important for a woman to have regular periods, as this means that ovulation occurs and the fallopian tubes are open (and this is a key moment when you are trying to conceive a child).

If you're older, it's important to be aware of your health and fertility, even if it's not a priority for you. Barry Witt, professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology at New York University of Medicine, says conception may not be as easy as you think. According to him, many women believe that they should wait until the age of 30 or 40 and then start trying, because a career is more important. In fact, the number and quality of eggs begins to decline as early as 30. So, if your career is on this stage life is more important than children, I advise you to regularly check women's health.

For men, the quality of spermatozoa is, of course, important (you already know this, why say so), but constancy only improves quality. Frequent intercourse is necessary, Witt argues, in order to be sure that spermatozoa are present in the female reproductive system during ovulation.

How ovulation actually works

In his book The Journey of Parents: From high heels and parties to highchairs and potties,” Jenna McCarthy writes that one lucky and strong sperm cell has a chance of reaching and fertilizing an egg (assuming you have viable eggs) two days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation. A day after ovulation, even the fastest swimmer has zero chances. That is, if you miss the “golden window”, everything will return to normal, which means 4-5 weeks of waiting until the next suitable time (although, of course, you can try in the middle of the cycle).

So, when does ovulation actually occur? In most women, it occurs between the 11th and 21st day of the cycle or 12-16 days before the next period. Are you still not sure when you ovulate? Use a special ovulation calculator.

Sex as a duty

Having sex all the time, it will seem that this is no longer fun, but a duty. But if you really want to get pregnant, it's worth it. McCarthy says that "sex that engenders new life, is purposeful," even if it doesn't make it sexier. She adds that most of her adult life she and her partner behaved like "a pair of lustful hedonists, doing with each other what pleases and wants, pursuing a sense of pleasure for themselves." However, that all changed when they decided to get pregnant. Now in sex, the main element was the conception of a child.

Witt adds that only 20-25% of couples get pregnant in the first month. But don't lose hope, because at least 90% conceive in the first year.

Witt says the first question parents-to-be ask is whether or not they should have sex at a specific time each day. And this, of course, removes the romantic component. So be spontaneous and bold. by the most best advice will have sex every day immediately after the end of the period and continue until the first day of ovulation, since, as Witt says, there is no need to "store" sperm.

Think of conception like a marathon, not like the first time at prom. You are adults, you know how your bodies work, and you know that you need to get pregnant. But here we need a good physical training, so enjoy what you have - sometimes you can even laugh at yourself. Good feeling humor and adventurous mood will help you to be positive. Because (and let's be direct), the more stress, the more it affects fertility, and not at all positive. As McCarthy writes in his book, “Trying to conceive is an intimate adventure: after my husband finishes the job, he turns me over, puts a pillow under my back and lifts my legs. He says that in this way he helps the "guys" to reach the finish line.

Get ready for surprises

Oh yes, there are surprises along the way. desired pregnancy, for example, your husband will be ready to throw everything " folk remedies because they don't help at all. In addition, you know your body better than anyone, so if in doubt, just listen to yourself. During the period of ovulation, your sense of smell should become aggravated, so warn your husband so that he does not pour too much perfume on himself.

Another surprise? During ovulation, you are sexy as never before. So be playful with your lover, look together romantic comedy Or go to a restaurant for dinner. Who knows, maybe this time will be decisive?

Hello dear readers!

Every parent sooner or later has to answer the question "Dad (mother) and how did I appear?". It will not work to turn on the next Luntik series and explain everything using his example, and his phrase "I was born" sounds somehow unnatural. Explaining the whole process using butterflies as an example, Zhuchek and Murok is also not an option. Hang noodles on your ears own child about cabbage, stork and other magic - an option, but for a while, in the end, the child will rake the noodles and again come to you with this question. And then you will look uuu slightly dishonest in his eyes;)

so modern technologies have not stood still for a long time, if your backbiter has not yet got to the bottom of the truth himself, actively using the Internet, then you can neigh with him over a series of idiotic, but pretty detailed books that will help

Of course, one can have a contradictory attitude towards such reading matter, but I remember that when I became seriously interested in this issue, I learned everything from my father's textbook on obstetrics. The pictures there were more than visual and did not even need to be read.

Digging on the Internet, I found several entertaining books on this topic, the pictures are pretty scary, so in some places I will give links where you can read comments and neigh.

Where do babies come from (in pictures)

1. Chinese book.

I propose to put the question squarely and start our difficult parenting journey with a Chinese book without translation, but with pictures of almost photographic reality, so harsh that everything is clear without further ado. It is now clear why there are so many of them!

An ordinary Chinese hospital where not only small yellow hungweibins are born, but also small yellow ducks.

It all starts off pretty nice, first squeezing on the bench, kisses, hearts! The Chinese are great, they are absolutely right, without love and kids there is nothing to cut.

But don't take too long with kissing, because our goal is a child. Therefore, it is better to immediately undress and show yourself to the world in the nude. Future Chinese parents always peacefully hold hands and mentally prepare themselves for the very act of conception by singing the anthem of the Chinese Communist Party. Here is the time to explain to the child the difference between boys and girls. Although I think he should already know this.

But now the song is sung, you need to make a satisfied face and jump into bed! In bed, the main thing is not to become like animals and remember about hearts. But their position is somehow not the most convenient for conception, it’s not even “on the side”, but some kind of half-side with diagonal hanging. The answer to the question "What are the tadpoles doing there?" contained in the following picture.

These are not tadpoles! These are spermatozoa and in fact they are very small, and under a magnifying glass you will see their horseradish. It was necessary for the Chinese to draw a microscope.

That's exactly how it all happens! Here you can also explain to the child that the strongest wins and this is the law of nature. Like be strong, be first, boy

Fertilization as we see successfully took place. A satisfied Chinese woman at an obstetrician's appointment. Only one question, is medicine really not developed in China and doctors listen to the stomach with a phonendoscope? Where is the ultrasound? Here it will not be superfluous to explain to your children that such backward technologies in modern Russia are no longer used and almost in the first month of pregnancy, women undergo ultrasound. And when such a belly as in the picture on the ultrasound can be seen there should be a boy or a girl there, well, by no means a phonendoscope. And in the first picture, the clinic seemed quite modern.

It shows how the fetus grows and develops in the tummy future mother. This is how a little man turns out from tadpoles and an egg with a cheerful face.

The future dad with a satisfied smile points to the 8th, as if hinting, woman, March 8 this year is not your day, I will fuse you to the hospital and go all out - drinking, walking! Don't expect a gift!

Mom is glad that she will finally get rid of this belly and she doesn’t care about March 8 or another day, the main thing is to hurry!

In general, everyone is happy, children, as we see, bring joy to the family;)

Dad turned out to be a fighting dude, mother is generally the height of self-control and endurance. It is impossible to give birth with a smile on your face, I think women will confirm this. And I will say that I would never subscribe to watch how it all happens, this is a real mental trauma for a man! But actually they are Red Guards, they are cool!

And only the baby does not smile, he is not at all happy that he was born a Chinese, he is now one of a billion.

OK it's all over Now!

In my opinion, quite an excellent book, everything is clear and specific, no snot. Maybe someone will be frightened by the excessive naturalness of childbirth, well, what is natural is not ugly.

This book can be used to explain to the child where babies come from (in pictures).

2. Mom laid a testicle or the Israeli version of the book Where do babies come from (in pictures).

And here is the Israeli version of this necessary book with translation. I can not say whether the translation corresponds to reality, well, judging by the pictures, it does. I must say the book starts quite normally, we can say it is aimed (unlike a serious Chinese one) at a very childish audience. But this is all just the beginning. As soon as you get to the point where it is explained how mom and dad can do this, you understand that your knowledge in the field of kama sutra is zero. A native Israeli, familiar from childhood with such books, will surpass everyone in terms of sex. I won’t be surprised if they do it at all in front of children, not at all embarrassed. Well, in principle, it’s not for us to criticize them;) If there is someone from Israel, please explain if it’s true that everyone is so liberated there?

Okay, let's enjoy the children's fiction!

And this is where hellish porn trash begins;)

These are the Israelis, funny;)

It's educational, even for adults.

3. Where the babies come from(German version).

Well, we got to the Germans! The Germans approached the pictures very tolerantly and in leading role with a German they have a clear Arab. In general, the book is full of details and the whole process is shown in section. Pretty obvious. There is also a translation from German, although the author of the text is unknown.

Do you know how babies are born?

This is mom and dad. Together they decided to have their own child.

This is dad and mom without clothes. Mom's breasts and such an incision in the lower abdomen are visible. This incision is called the vulva (or pussy, or ... in general, they are called differently), and the vulva is the entrance to the vagina - a tubular opening in the lower abdomen. Dad has such a tube and a small bag hanging in the lower abdomen. The tube is called a penis (or a pisyuk, or a pisyuk ...), and a sac with two testicles is called a scrotum.

Dad and mom love each other very much, they kiss tenderly, and when they retire from everyone and want to please each other, dad's penis grows, hardens and sticks out. Then it can enter the vagina through the vulva. This is the highest pleasure for a loving couple.

Mom and dad lie down on the bed and start a love game in which the member moves back and forth in the vagina. This is called making body love or sex. These movements can be very fast and accompanied by various sounds, but mom and dad do not hurt each other. And when both want, such love game can lead to the conception of a child.

In the scrotum of the pope, spermatozoa mature - such tadpoles that, during bodily love, pour out of the penis in the form of liquid. And when the penis is in the vagina, the fluid enters a special cavity behind the vagina, which is called the uterus. There are eggs, which, when a sperm enters them, begin to grow, becoming the embryo of a child.

Many days pass during which the mother's belly grows. This means that a baby is growing inside the belly.

After nine months, the child has grown so much that it may already be born. Mom feels that she will have a baby soon.

Then dad takes mom to maternity hospital for doctors to help the child be born.

When it is already difficult for the mother to restrain the pain, she begins to push, and the head of the child first appears from the vulva.

When the child is completely out of the mother's abdomen, the doctor cuts off the umbilical cord - the tube that connected the child's body to the mother's body. The baby is born!

Mom and baby rest for a few days after that. Then they return to their home, and for many months the mother feeds the child with milk that comes out of her breasts - from the nipples, which are therefore called so.

Here is such an interesting and sometimes funny book will help explain to the child where babies come from (in pictures).

There are two more books posted in the public domain on the Internet, they were published in the distant 90s in Russian. But that's a topic for another discussion ;)

Every child sooner or later thinks about: “Where did I come from?”. But not always the child openly asks this from the parents. Usually parents try to prevent such questions, preparing the ground for such intimate conversation with child.

Moms and dads do this in their own way: who explains everything using the examples of stork and cabbage, and some parents even three year old baby they try to tell the basics of sexology in a completely adult way, telling all the details, up to anatomy lessons. Yes, of course, the worries of parents are not in vain, because they are responsible for revealing to the child the veil of secrecy: where do children come from.

Later, parental opinion on this issue is joined by Kindergarten, school, yard friends, TV, computer. However, parents still have the greatest influence on the upbringing of children. The same applies to sex education. How to start introducing a child to such sensitive questions?

Sexologists believe that parents need to name the genitals without various substitute words (beauty, baby, etc.) and teach this to the child as well. Yes, of course, mom is uncomfortable, blushing to pronounce such words in their proper names. But on the other hand, children will not experience unnecessary embarrassment in the doctor's office.

Of course, you can find a compromise, using in everyday life the abbreviated forms of the names of the genital organs, for example, "wee-wee" and others. A correct names use only at the doctor's office or in similar necessary situations.


Every child at some point suddenly begins to throw a bunch of questions to their parents, including on an intimate topic. "How did I appear?" - the most basic question of preschool children. In addition, it is girls who really want to hear the answer to this question. Indeed, at the age of three, four years, children already understand that babies appear only in women and that this will inevitably await them in the future. You should not be afraid to answer such questions.

On the contrary, encourage their occurrence, because the more comprehensive information you give your children on this sensitive topic, the less they will be interested in this with peers and other adults.

Agree that it is not known how the stories of other people will affect the psyche and the formation of equal sexual perception in your child. But this is very important. What your baby will comprehend in early age may affect his future sexual education.

You must instill in your child younger age tradition of discussing such intimate matters with parents. Then, in any situation, the child will not be ashamed and will not be afraid to tell his parents his secrets. And this not only favorably affects the personality of the child, but also protects him from physical violence. After all, the child will know what to do and what not to do.

Tell me, Mother…

As mentioned above, parents explain to their children in different ways about the birth of children. But the best option it will be for both the child and the parents to present everything in the form of the story below. “Dad and mom met each other, fell in love and wanted a baby. And in order to get a baby, mother's and father's cells must unite in the mother's tummy. When the genitals of mom and dad are connected, the cell passes to mom. A baby begins to grow from this cell, it lives and grows in the mother's stomach for 9 months. Then the baby comes out of the tummy. In this field, the family already lives with the baby, everyone loves each other and, if desired, can give birth to another baby.

Parents know everything - all kids are sure of this. Mom will be able to explain why leaves fall from trees in autumn, why it’s not cold outside for a dog, why puddles disappear in the sun, but the question of “this” confuses her. How to explain to a child where babies come from?

Today's children are quite smart and quick-witted. They are surrounded by such a flow of information that it is difficult to remain ignorant of any issue. Even intimate topics today they are not so unknown to them: half-naked girls look at the crumbs from billboards, videos about women's products hygiene and contraceptives. Of course, the kid understands only the superficial part of the essence of all these things, he will get to the depths later, but one question still torments him. Where do babies come from?

How to talk about "it" in 3-4 years

This is the age when for the first time in the head of a child is born interest Ask. Adults think that the baby needs the details of conception, so they come up with various excuses: they found it in cabbage, bought it in a store, brought a stork. Do you think no one will feel the lie? It is easier and more correct to note for the crumbs the emotional side of the birth of babies. Say that all babies live in their mother's tummy until they are born, she carries the baby under her heart and gives him warmth. This will be enough for a three-year-old, although there are quite curious kids who may ask, how did the child get into the tummy and why can’t they settle there again? We can say that the babies in the tummies grow from the magic seed that dad gives to mom. This is the truth, only heavily veiled.

At 5-7 years old

In senior preschool age there is already quite a lot of knowledge, perhaps, and the secret of the birth of babies is known to your child, but he cannot explain everything consistently. Who told him? Books and media! In order for the puzzle to form in your head, you need to clarify something. At this age, you can’t get rid of the emotional component, so prepare in advance for this and think about how to tell your child about sex. Various manuals will help you with this: encyclopedias, layouts, possibly educational cartoons. The child perceives visual information, so if only a verbal explanation is used, he will have many questions.

Remember you say natural things, so say no to feeling ashamed. Start with the sexual characteristics of a boy and a girl, touch on the topic of love, relationships between family members. Such conversations are very useful for a child in terms of education: it is better to tell everything yourself than to wait until the son wants to conduct an experiment and see in the kindergarten how a boy differs from a girl. Also touch on the topic that sex is an adult business. The most impressive moment for a child is the moment of immediate birth. It can be omitted and said in general: "Mom has a special place in the lower abdomen, from where children appear." If a son or daughter asks for clarification, say that this is a secret place, and every person has them. The secret is taboo for children.

At 7-10 years old

If the parents correctly explained to the child the basics of anatomy and were not afraid to answer the question of where children come from at an early age, then the child already knows a lot. The period of 7-10 years is the stage of puberty. Soon the girl will begin menstruation, and the boy will learn what wet dreams are. All of this needs to be told similar situations did not come as a surprise to the child. Children 7-10 years old often ask questions about sex to parents, checking whether they are told the truth or not. Psychologists advise not to remain silent and not to send a daughter to her mother, and a son to her father, believing that representatives of the same sex will quickly find mutual language. Baby is coming to the one from whom he wants to hear information, to the one he trusts. Don't be shy and don't move the conversation to another topic.: tell about physiological changes, touch on the topic of first love, relationships between boys and girls. Once again Emphasize that sex and having children is what adults should be thinking about.

At 11-16 years old

The most dangerous period for a teenager. He feels like an adult, he wants to keep up with his peers, and in some matters even get ahead of them. According to statistics, today's children begin sexual life at the age of 14-16 years. If you are still wondering how and when to tell your child about sex, know that already arrived critical moment . A teenager will not ask mom and dad about intimate relationships, he will try to find out everything himself. Your task is not to prohibit, but to convey to the consciousness of the child the idea that early sex It's not cool, it's dangerous. It can lead to serious illnesses and may result in pregnancy. This is a responsibility that falls on both partners. It is about this that one must tell the father to the son, and the mother to the daughter. It is necessary to discuss the moment with the child unwanted pregnancy: what are the types of contraceptives, what are the types of sex and what do they entail. In order to convey all the information to a teenager, it is necessary to choose the right time for the conversation and its style: not intrusively, without reading notations, but, as it were, between times. Perhaps stories about one's own life will have a strong effect.

Never run away from this topic. Each age has its own characteristics of perception of information. Whatever method you choose, know that you cannot remain silent on this subject. Intimate questions difficult, but these are the conversations that bring parents and children closer together.

Everyone is trying to get into the future in their own way: people send messages in a bottle, freeze bodies, write books, plant trees and build houses ... But the easiest way to transmit a “piece of yourself” through time is to create a child using sexual reproduction methods (later also raise its in the spirit traditional values and make sure that grandchildren and genealogical tree continued to bear fruit). What exactly a person passes on to his descendant and how it happens - in the new Genotek material.

The joys of sexual reproduction

Among evolutionary biologists, there is still debate about how evolution came to sexual reproduction, why it can be beneficial for living beings, and how those who do not have sexual reproduction live. Our goal today is not to get involved in disputes, but to find out "what people have there." From an anthropocentric point of view, sexual reproduction is like a contract with the devil. There are representatives of the animal world who turned out to be wiser (or, conversely, not advanced enough). For example, an amoeba: she did not sign a contract with the devil and will not know the joys of sexual reproduction and family planning. In exchange for this, the amoeba gains immortality. After all, each of the cells obtained by dividing the original amoeba is its exact genetic copy.

Mushroom Gender Studies

If we are talking about sexual reproduction, at least two different sexes are required. Man is a convenient example for discussion, but fungi are an inconvenient one because fungi can have up to 36,000 sexes. Truly freedom of self-determination!

The phase of chromosome movement according to the Chinese calendar

The embryo does not have sexual characteristics until 4-5 weeks embryonic development. gonad of such a creature is a sac in which the precursors of germ cells are populated. Only then is one of the selected development programs launched. Let us omit the details of sex selection and pathologies associated with this process. It is important that the choice this case happens not at the will of the parent, and even more so not according to the "calendar" or the conception table - this is a molecular genetic process. The most important thing for understanding sexual reproduction in general: a complete set of chromosomes healthy person includes 23 pairs.

Dance for 23 couples

The chromosome is not an abstract concept, but one large folded DNA molecule held together by proteins. At the same time, the chromosomes of each pair, despite the fact that they contain information about the same thing, can carry various options genes (alleles). Human germ cells contain only 23 chromosomes (and the egg also contains mitochondrial DNA, an important little molecule!). This does not mean that gametes (sex cells) are body cells cut in half. Their formation is preceded by a graceful, dance-like cell division, during which the chromosomes of each pair exchange fragments with each other and diverge into different cells. This dance is called meiosis. In fact, any is an analysis of the talents of your chromosomes. Then the gametes will meet and it will turn out perfectly new person, surprisingly similar in some features to their parents. But we are interested in what happens the day before.

ladies first

The formation of eggs in women occurs during the period of embryonic development. This process is called "o (c) genesis" (literally - the formation of an egg). It can be divided into three stages: reproduction, growth, maturation. Once the sex of the embryo is determined to be female, the sac of germ cell precursors becomes the ovary. Progenitor cells begin to actively divide like most cells in our body. So far, they are all the same, and you just need to make as many cells as possible. A woman has the opportunity to increase the number of future eggs only in the course of embryonic development. Then the cells move on to the next stage - growth. During growth, both the nucleus and the cell itself increase significantly in size, accumulating reserves of various molecules that will be needed when fertilization does occur. The final stage of egg development - meiosis - begins in the embryo. Then there is a pause, and the final maturation of the egg occurs in women once a month with puberty before menopause.

The XX

Division during maturation of the egg has the same basic principle, which was indicated above: a "dance of chromosomes" occurs. The oocyte has two characteristics. The first is that after division, not all cells will become eggs and some of them will be used as an auxiliary resource of eggs. Second interesting property: the final maturation of the egg ends only after fertilization. For the most part, cell biology is of interest to cell biologists. For mere mortals, it is important to answer questions along the lines of “How did the attachment to the Jaguar in the 9th grade / work in the chemical industry / 5 years of smoking experience (underline as appropriate) could affect my eggs?” Smoking, alcoholism and stressful situations lead to oxidative stress in the body. In other words, "toxic situations" and bad habits stimulate the production active forms oxygen in the body. Negative influence oxidative stress on reproductive function women prove through the study of the ovaries, cycle, development of the follicle and analysis of cases of miscarriage. You need to protect yourself and your eggs from reactive oxygen species. Simply because there are no others inside you.

Men's health

With men, things are somewhat different. Throughout their lives, they have a pool of stem cells in their testicles that can give rise to seminal fluid cells. WITH puberty cells are ready to divide. It is necessary to divide the puzzle of human genetic material into two halves (counting the number of ways in which this can be done is a separate mathematical problem). After the cells have divided, each of them receives a haploid set of chromosomes. It is necessary to collect a spermatozoon - a compact cell with a flagellum. In addition to the well-known function of delivering genetic material, the sperm must also activate the egg, which "stopped in development."

Sharing is good, but not always

Sperm formation occurs constantly, the full cycle of reserve regeneration is up to 3 months. The formation of gametes (sex cells) of a man differs from the formation of gametes of a woman. Firstly, it is more massive, and secondly, in addition to those cells that will become spermatozoa, there are always precursor stem cells. Despite the fact that future sperm and eggs are protected from external environment, cell division is always big risk. It has been proven that during the formation of spermatozoa, the frequency of occurrence of mutations during division decreases in young mice and increases sharply in old ones. In addition, the risk of a mutation in the gamete is higher in men than in women. Cells with mutations, of course, are less tenacious. Most of them simply do not crawl to the egg.

Human genetic collage

The amazing thing is that a person is a random set of genes, randomly collected from other people who lived in different time. At the same time, our body works properly. Among the genes, however, you can find quite a lot of garbage. There are genes that do not prevent anyone from living yet. They exist in the body in two versions: "broken" and "normal". Thanks to the work of "normal" damage is not noticeable, and a person may not know that he is a carrier of the "cystic fibrosis gene" or "phenylketonutria gene". This is by no means a special gene with a disease - it is a gene variant (allele) that encodes a non-functional protein. Paradoxical irony: people who are ideally compatible with each other in soul, body and life can also have similar mutations in one of the copies of the gene! At the same time, they themselves, not knowing about their own special status, are carriers of very unpleasant disease. The probability of having a sick child in such a couple is 25%. Because of two broken copies of the same gene, inherited from his mother and father, the life of such a child (and his parents) will be many times more difficult.