What is the thyroid gland? Thyroid or loose nerves?

Thyroid (usually called simply "thyroid") - this is one of the most important components endocrine system human body... She represents the gland internal secretion, which synthesizes hormones necessary for stable homeostasis of the body.

If health problems arise, it is imperative, since it is she who is often the cause of many ailments.

Large doses can be used to destroy cancerous tissue. - External radiation: high energy beams are used to destroy cancer cells thyroid gland. - Synthetic thyroid hormone pills: this is a daily treatment to compensate for the deficiency in the production of thyroid hormones for the treatment of hypothyroidism.

The thyroid gland produces important hormones that affect the body's metabolism as well as blood pressure... When the gland is overactive, hormone production increases, which can trigger an accelerated metabolism and symptoms such as palpitations, high blood pressure, weight loss, nervousness, etc. with little production of hormones in the gland, the metabolism slows down. The effects are cold sensitivity, slow heartbeat and lower, but in some cases even higher than normal blood pressure.

What is the thyroid gland and what is its structure?

This gland is a symmetrical organ, which consists of an isthmus, as well as two combined lobes adjacent directly to the trachea (while the isthmus is located on the anterior surface this body). It is worth considering that some authors of works on medicine distinguish the pyramidal lobe in the thyroid gland, as a separate part of it.

Inflammation can increase blood pressure. For high blood pressure there may be other reasons - inflammatory processes in the body. Doctors at the University Hospital in Mainz studied specific immune cells - monocytes. The activation of these cells leads to inflammation. According to new medical views, they are also involved in animal experiments, it was found that those in which the monocytes were removed did not develop blood. As soon as the monocytes were returned to the body, the blood immediately rose.

Many scientists view the increase in blood as very early stage atherosclerosis. Something like the first stage inflammatory process in the cardiovascular system. Therefore, anti-inflammatory therapy can simultaneously affect both diseases - inflammation and blood. Currently, patients with high blood at the same time receive more drugs that activate or suppress certain hormones such as renin, angiotensin and aldosterone.

The weight of the thyroid gland ranges from 20 to 65 grams, and its size varies within a fairly wide range and depends on many characteristics, such as age and gender, etc. IN old age the thyroid gland decreases, and, on the contrary, increases during puberty. In addition, it should be borne in mind that during pregnancy, its size also increases, but over time (usually 6 to 12 months after birth), it decreases.

Many people today "struggle" with extra kilogram, but few of them "win" the battle, they manage to find a way to eat and play sports. And what happens to those who are limited to everything for years, but instead nothing? They are most often a symptom of decreased production of thyroid hormones.

The thyroid gland is a small endodontic cervical gland - it produces two main hormones: about 93% inactive T4 and about 7% active T3. The hormone's primary role is to stimulate and influence nearly every function in the body. He interacts or has "cross-talk" with everyone else, including insulin and sex hormones. The secretion and release of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland is regulated by the system feedback in the brain - by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which respectively produce TLC and TPH.

What is the thyroid gland responsible for?

The hormones produced inside the thyroid gland act as the main governing elements of homeostasis throughout the human body. It is thanks to them that the maintenance constant temperature human body and energy production. They regulate the amount of oxygen consumed by the tissues of the body, and also control the process of neutralizing and creating free radicals.

If everything works correctly, you will create what you need. You can say with confidence that there is no process in the human body in which these hormones are not taken active participation... Brain activity is our intelligence in to a large extent associated with the thyroid gland; nervous system; A heart; Lung function - participates in the management of the respiratory centers in the brain; Muscle sensitivity; appetite; Metabolism - including ensuring proper distribution of calcium and phosphorus; Thermoregulation - adaptation to temperature changes. As you can see, they are indispensable for keeping us alive.

With the participation of hormones from the thyroid gland, the formation of new cells is carried out, metabolic processes in organs and apoptosis are carried out (the genetic program of the death of old cells). During the entire life period, the thyroid gland secretes hormones that indirectly affect the physical and mental development organism, as well mental condition person.

Any problems with the thyroid gland inevitably lead to a violation of its secretory function. Metabolism and mitochondria do not receive accurate signals, you gain weight and suffer from higher symptoms. And some get more inflammation, develop other problems like insulin levels, and it's difficult to process blood sugar. This production of certain hormones is called hypothyroidism. But it is difficult to diagnose when it is subclinical. Currently, there are very few endocrinologists who will understand exactly what the patient is suffering.

Doctors learn to look for the "real disease", so less subtle and chronic symptoms often ignored. Probably many of you have come to your doctor with a complaint about: muscle pain, problems with menstruation, problems with weight loss, constipation. You may have been prescribed an antidepressant and told you you are getting older or, worse, eating less.

Due to a deficiency of hormones produced by this organ, bone tissue diseases can develop, growth retardation and problems with immunity appear. With thyroid problems, the body stops fighting the infection due to the lack of stimulation of T cells.

What does the thyroid gland do?

The thyroid tissue is able to store the amino acid tyrosine. It is used by the body to synthesize thyroid hormones and is stored as a special protein called thyroglobulin. Inside this gland, two types of hormones containing iodine are also synthesized - triiodothyronine (known as T3) and thyroxine (known as T4), as well as calcitonin, which is a peptide hormone.

Removing thyroid problems has great importance for a healthy metabolism. It's about helping, reducing stress and anxiety, and sometimes removing certain products and cleaning from heavy metals and pesticides. Here are some steps to help your gland.

Soy foods and vegetables from the broccoli family are believed to interfere with thyroid function, but also have beneficial effect to health. According to the study, mice that ate a lot of soy had iron problems. also contraindicated, and some also have an allergen. Sauna or steam bath well cleanse the body of pesticides, helping to restore it.

  • It requires you physical exercise in your lifestyle.
  • Sport stimulates secretion in the gland.
Here are some of the products we can get.

It is worth considering that the synthesis of hormones T3 and T4 occurs in the presence of molecular iodine, as well as a special enzyme called TPO (thyroid peroxidase). This process takes place in the apical part of the thyroid gland.

What does the thyroid gland affect and what diseases can affect it?

If we turn to the statistics of the WHO (World Health Organization), then we can see that thyroid diseases rank second among all disorders of the endocrine system, yielding primacy diabetes mellitus... Over 665 million people suffer from various thyroid diseases and pathologies.

Avoid foods that interfere with glandular function. Excessive soy protein - overeating has been shown to have negative influence on people with hypothyroidism and uses artificial hormones... Gluten is a protein found in rye, barley, and wheat crops. ... Environment, stress and lifestyle also have a big impact. So take care of yourself very carefully.

Don't heat up for hours on the beach; Avoid situations and stress that may make you anxious; Get enough sleep, at least 7-8; Do not overwork; Pay special attention on positive emotions... Do not overheat or get cold. ... Many people hope to find the answer to the pound problem in a "slow metabolism" or in a lazy thyroid gland. It is important to deal with factors that are negatively influencing. Improve your diet, take vitamins and do the right research and, if necessary, take the proper treatment.

It is very common to find nodes in the thyroid gland - these are small rounded formations that consist of lymphatic tissues and create a feeling of a "lump in the throat" in a person. They most often occur in people over 50 years old and can be the result of both poor ecology and many other external factors.

From AIT (autoimmune thyroiditis) and nodes are necessary only from qualified specialists who can accurately diagnose and choose a treatment.

It may indeed be the answer to your health and weight concerns, or at least improve thyroid function. The article uses sources. Stress, viral infectionssmoking is one of the main causes of thyroid disease, and timely diagnosis is one of the most important things.

Many Bulgarians have health problems related to the thyroid gland. Stress, viral infections, smoking are some of the main causes of disease in the gland. The thyroid gland affects the entire body: brain, growth, mental alertness, pregnancy, cycle in women, bones, muscles, general tone.

The normal functioning of the endocrine system is like a symphony - the more harmonious its sound, the more correct the body will work.

Any changes in the activity of the thyroid gland, which is the basis of the endocrine system, can disrupt the functions of the whole organism.

To understand the significance of this organ and its effect on the reproductive health of a woman, first of all, let us consider its anatomical and physiological characteristics.

Dysfunction of the gland causes changes in mood, appearance, sleep, willpower and concentration. More than 10 years ago, a specialized lipid diagnostic lipogard laboratory was created. The team was selected by competent and motivated doctors and laboratory technicians with many years of experience in the clinical laboratory, lipidology and microbiology.

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The structure and hormones of the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland consists of two lobes, united by an isthmus.

The organ is located in the front of the neck, just in front of the trachea.

The main functional significance of the gland is based on thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

These hormones are a necessary link aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of all systems and every organ in the body.

The laboratory is included in an external quality assessment system and has a contract with the Patient Assistance Foundation. She has a certificate of accreditation from the Ministry of Health. To provide our patients with HEALTH through fast and accurate research for timely accurate diagnosis or risk assessment.

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With their help, the stages of development, maturation and renewal of all cellular structures and human tissues are regulated.

Most important role they are playing

  • in the bookmark of the embryonic organs,
  • development of his brain,
  • formation mental abilities child,
  • skeletal growth,
  • maturation of the genital area,
  • the formation of menstrual function and female fertility, namely, to bear and reproduce a newborn.
  • in her tissues,
  • - or - impairment of general functionality, increased sensitivity to external radiation.

If these changes are present in a pregnant woman, then the likelihood of termination of pregnancy at any gestational age, the birth of a child with developmental defects increases.

Implementation of our solutions through competence, knowledge and action HERE AND NOW. Dr. Nadezhda Doncheva has a clinical laboratory specialty and has over 20 years of experience as a clinical lipidologist. She is waiting for you in the dyslipidemia office in Lipogard, where she sees patients with familial or secondary dyslipidemia. Based on the results laboratory research and clinical examination patients receive a diagnosis, proper nutrition and treating the type of disorder that is tracked over time.

Subsequently, such children may suffer from mental retardation and physical development, including cretinism, in early age they are more likely to suffer from infant mortality syndrome than their peers.

It follows from this that iodine deficiency in the body negatively affects reproductive health women, disrupts the process of embryogenesis, complicates the course of pregnancy, and often leads to infertility.

Lipogard, presented by Dr. Docheva, is definitely the site of research and treatment for PEOPLE WITH HIGHER CHOLESTEROL. Risk groups for fat metabolism disorders include. Diseases of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland. Liver and kidney disease, porphyria, psoriasis, gout, pancreatitis, obesity, etc. high level of psychoemotional stress Men of smoking and alcohol Menopausal women Professionals with stroke, stroke in men under the age of 55 or in women under 60.

People over 3 years of age with dyslipidemia. For people with high level cholesterol! Lipogard Medical Diagnostic Laboratory is a specialized private lipid laboratory and is the best place for research on disorders of fat metabolism, the main cause of atherosclerosis.

Thyroid hormones reproductive system women, expectant mothers penetrate directly to the embryo, and become direct participants in the laying, and their subsequent development.

In particular, it is nerve tissue, the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system.

From about 14 weeks in active work the fetal thyroid gland formed by this stage is turned on, the hormones of which also begin to influence the organs and systems that develop during gestation.

Our most valuable asset is our patients! We strive to treat each of you as if you are the only one for us. The thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly. While many people don't know this, it plays an important role in the health of the body and is responsible for the production of hormones that regulate metabolic processes throughout the body. In the following lines, we'll list six habits that affect the thyroid gland.

The function of this body is very important. It regulates body temperature, heartbeat, mood and metabolic processes, which are responsible for how the body burns calories. In short, the proper functioning of the thyroid gland is directly related to human health. Any change in the operating mode may result in hormonal changesprovoking various diseases and frustration.

Still at this time, iodine is the woman and her unborn child.

In a newborn, the brain continues to develop under the influence of its own thyroid hormones, but it continues to receive iodine from breast milk his mother.

They are, perhaps, the most common pathology of the endocrine system, this fact especially concerns women, since they are diagnosed with diseases ten times more often than among the male population.

In most cases, they appear already at a fairly young age.

If you do not carry out diagnostic and therapeutic measures, - the probability of violation increases reproductive functions the female body.

Impact of the thyroid gland on reproductive health

A woman's reproductive health is a clear, complex and finely organized system that includes dependent functional and structural links, which, in turn, are subject to a well-coordinated system of regulation.

Any kind of physiological processes

starting with the maturation of the follicle,

  • the work of the corpus luteum,
  • ovulatory stage,
  • fertilization,
  • implantation of a zygote and subsequent development of pregnancy,

- fully interconnected with the activity of the neuro-endocrine system.

Its prominent representatives are the thyroid gland, genitals, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, hypothalamus and the central nervous system, that is, the higher centers of regulation.

If in this most complex chain there is even the slightest change in the functions of one of the above-mentioned links, this becomes the cause of a disorder of the entire female reproductive health.

The relationship of the thyroid gland and the reproductive system on practical examples

Violation of the functionality of the thyroid gland in any volume, for example, according to the principle of hypo- or hyperthyroidism, leads to changes in menstruation, infertility or miscarriage.

IN adolescence against the background of hypothyroidism in girls, the formation of menstrual function is disturbed up to amenorrhea (absence of monthly bleeding), and a lag in sexual development is often noted.

Diseases of the thyroid gland cause dyshormonal disorders of the female reproductive system, which is due to the close relationship of these two systems.

In this case, a woman can be diagnosed with pathologies such as endometriosis, ovarian cyst, multifollicular ovaries, uterine myoma, mastopathy and much more.

Such a disease is associated with infertility and persistent miscarriage.

These patients require specialist support and drug treatment at the planning stage of pregnancy, during the entire gestation period and after the birth of the child.

In the process of carrying a pregnancy in an increased volume - chorionic gonadotropin and estrogens, actively affect the thyroid gland, which leads to various temporary disturbances in the study of the level of thyroid hormones.

In this case, differential diagnosis of changes in the work of the endocrine organ is necessary.

They also affect the condition of the mammary glands, affecting the structural links of the organ.

If the work of the gland is reduced by three times, then the likelihood of developing mastopathy increases sharply.

Approximately half of the patients suffering from infertility are diagnosed with endocrine disorders, which are caused by the thyroid gland.

Symptoms of the disease in women can occur without a visible clinical picture.

At the same time, every second woman with a history of menstrual dysfunction or infertility had disorders in the work of the endocrine system.

Every woman should remember

about her reproductive health and the fact that the health of her future children depends on it.

Therefore, she should know the following points:

  • diseases of the thyroid gland, regardless of their genesis and severity, cannot be absolute contraindication to conception and gestation;
  • if the pathology of the endocrine system is diagnosed during pregnancy, this cannot be a reason for an artificial abortion;
  • in order to prevent the negative impact of diseases of the gland on the course of pregnancy, it is important at the stage of its planning to seek support from an endocrinologist in order to carry out the necessary range of therapeutic and preventive measures;
  • when detecting dyshormonal diseases of the reproductive system, such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy, ovarian cyst, etc., it is important and, if necessary, to simultaneously engage in its treatment and treatment of the underlying disease;
  • every woman in reproductive age, should avoid iodine deficiency, especially if this pathology is characteristic of the area where she lives;
  • on preparatory stage before pregnancy, it is important to start the prophylaxis of iodine deficiency according to individual indications for at least 3 months, and then continue the prophylactic intake of this microelement in an amount of 200 mcg per day throughout the entire gestation period;
  • it is not recommended to engage in self-prescription of iodine-containing drugs, especially during pregnancy - any medicinal and preventive measures must be appointed exclusively by a specialist;
  • thyrotoxicosis, and other diseases associated with enhanced function thyroid glands are an absolute contraindication to the prevention of iodine deficiency in pregnant women.