A fun finger game for all kids. Finger games for preschool children

Finger games for preschool children

Mikhalenok Ekaterina Nikolaevna
Position: educator
Place of work: NDOU kindergarten No. 68 JSC "Russian Railways", Bryansk
Material description: I present to your attention a selection of finger games for preschool children. This material will be useful for educators, speech therapists as well as parents.
Target: Development of children's logo-rhythmic abilities.

What are finger games for?

The famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: "The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers." Today, all mothers and fathers, without exception, know that finger games develop the child's brain, stimulate the development of speech, creativity, and the baby's imagination. Simple movements help to remove tension not only from the arms themselves, but also to relax the muscles of the whole body. They can improve the pronunciation of many sounds. In general, the better the fingers and the whole hand work, the better the child will speak. To determine the level of speech development, speech therapists have long developed the following method: the child is asked to show one finger, two fingers and three. Children who succeed in isolated finger movements are talking children. If the movements are tense, the fingers bend and unbend only together and cannot move separately from each other, then these are children with problems in the development of speech.

The fact is that the hand has the largest "representation" in the cerebral cortex, therefore it is the development of the hand that plays an important role in the formation of the brain and the development of speech. And that is why the child's verbal speech begins when the movements of his fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The hands of the child, as it were, prepare the ground for the subsequent development of speech. In addition, the purpose of the dexterity and accuracy training in the fingers is to develop the relationship between the cerebral hemispheres and synchronize their work. The fact is that in the right hemisphere of the brain we have various images of objects and phenomena, and in the left they are verbalized, that is, they find a verbal expression, and this process takes place thanks to the "bridge" between the right and left hemispheres. The stronger this bridge, the faster and more often nerve impulses go along it, the more active the thought processes, more precisely the attention, the higher the ability.

If you want your child to speak well, learn quickly and easily, deftly perform any, the most delicate work, - from an early age, start developing his hands: fingers and hands.

Exercises with stone and metal balls are common in China. Regular exercises with them improve memory, the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, eliminate emotional stress, develop coordination of movements, strength and dexterity of hands, maintain vitality. And in Japan, exercises for the palms and fingers with walnuts are widely used. Rolling a hexagonal pencil between the palms has an excellent effect.

Finger games have been widespread among various peoples for a long time. So, from an early age, children were taught to play "Ladushki", "White-sided Magpie", "Horned Goat". Today experts are reviving old games and inventing new ones.
I present to your attention the finger games I use in practice.

Autumn leaves.
Silence in the forest stands
Smooth hand movements.
Barely audible the forest rustles
Bring your finger to your lips.
Sh-Sh-Sh ...
The wind will blow harder
Hand movements left-right
The leaf will rustle more boldly Sh-Sh-Sh ... Louder.
The wind will blow again, The leaf will fly off the branch:
Raise your arms above your head and gently lower downward, rotating your hands
Will dance, sing
And fall to the ground.
Put your hands on the table.


Hello, golden sun!
Hello, the sky is blue!
Alternately touch each other with your fingertips, starting with your thumb.
Hello, free breeze! Hello little oak tree!
We live in the same land, I greet you all.
Close your fingers in the lock, unclench and squeeze your fingers.


The tap was opened: chik-chik,
Rotational movements with a brush.
Hands washed: chic-chic.
Rub your palms together.

Let the water run
Smooth movements of the palms.
We will wash our face.
, Wash your face ''.
Soap we rub our palms,
Simulate hand washing.
Let's get wet with a towel.

Lightly patting each other's palms.

Here are clean palms,
Show palms.
We'll clap a little!


The mice came out once
, Walking 'fingers across the table.
See what time it is.
Tapping index
with the finger of your right hand on the back of the palm of your left hand.
One two three four
Bend the fingers on the right hand alternately.
The mice pulled the weights.
Clench both hands into a fist, and lower.
Then there was a terrible ringing -

Run your mouse out!
Fingers run away ''.


If only we want
Compress and unclench the cams.
We will make everything from the snow! Kolya sculpts a bun, , Sculpt 'cakes.
Tanya sculpts teremok,
Fold your palms into a house.
Sculpts the Light of different fish,
Press your palms together
make undulating movements.

Sasha sculpts a porcini mushroom.
Squeeze one hand into a fist, cover it with the palm of the other hand.


The first drops fell
Tap one fingers on the palm of the other.
The spiders were scared.
Fingers run away ''.
The rain pounded harder
Light claps.
The birds disappeared among the branches.
Wave your hands.
The rain poured, as if from a bucket,
Loud claps.
The kids scattered.
Lightning flashes in the sky
NS lend a lightning bolt with your hand.
Thunder breaks the sky
Knock your fists on the table.
And then from a cloud the sun
Raise your hands up, lower and wiggle your fingers at the same time.
Looks at us in the window again.

Magic palms.

Raise your palms higher
Raise your hands up and close
a house above your head.

And close it over your head.
What happened? The roof came out
And under it we are with you. Raise your palms higher
Put your hands in front of your chest,
squeeze your fingers.

And close them with an arc.
What happened? Geese came out:
Here's one, and here's the other.
Squeeze and unclench your fingers.
Raise your palms higher
Put your hands in front of your chest, Touch each other with the tips of straight fingers.
And close in front of you.
What happened? The bridge came out, the bridge is strong and large.


Here's what a cat
Put your hands in front of your chest,
lowering the brushes down, shake your head.

Round face.
And on each foot
Draw your palm around your face.
Scratching claws.
Compress and unclench the cams.
The cat sharpens its claws
Scratch your fingers across the table.
They are very sharp.
And then he plays -
Fingers running '' on the table.
The ball is catching up.

My family.

I know that I have
Compress and unclench the cams.
A friendly family at home:
This is mom, this is me
Bend your fingers alternately.
This is my grandmother,
This is dad, this is grandfather,
And we have no discord.
Close your hands in the lock.


Under the fungus is a hut-house,
Fold your palms with a house in front of you.
A cheerful gnome lives there.
We will knock softly
Tap the palm of the other with the fist of one hand.
We'll ring the bell.
Shake with a clenched fist.
The gnome will open the door for us,
Will invite a house to the hut.
Hand gripping movements.
There is a plank floor in the house,
Press your palms together.
And on it is an oak table,
Squeeze one hand into a fist, cover with the palm of the other hand.
Next to a high-backed chair
Make a fist with your other hand
put your palm to it.

On the table is a plate with a fork
Show the palm of one hand,
push your fingers apart on the second.

And the pancakes are like a mountain -
Show the mountain.
Treats for the guys.
Put your hands in front of you
palms up.


Needle, needle
Children turn the index finger left and right.
You are sharp and thin.
Don't stick a finger on me
Threaten your finger.
Shay sarafan.
Simulate sewing movements
Needle, needle, Shay, don't be lazy! Masha, Masha,
Threaten your finger.
Look, do not prick!

We decorate the Christmas tree.

We hung toys
From stand to crown!
Raise your arms from the bottom up.
Colored balls,
Rotate with cams.
Gold fish,
Wave-like movements of the hands.
Golden cockerels
Put your hands to your head like a comb.
Multi-colored flags.
Squeeze four fingers together, put your thumb perpendicular.
The firecracker banged loudly -
Clap your hands. Bang! All the toys rang:
Rotation of brushes.


I chop wood with an ax,
Movements of the palms from top to bottom.
And then I saw a saw
Movement of the palms back and forth.
I'll take them to grandma
Fingers running '' on the table.
To bake pancakes.
, Bake '' pancakes.


Softly cat look
Squeeze and unclench your hands into fists.
Opens claws
And squeezes them lightly
She scares the mouse so much.
Fingers running across the table.


Can you count your fingers?
Bend the fingers on the right hand alternately.
On the other hand again -

One, two, three, four, five.
Ten fingers is a pair of hands
Squeeze and unclench your hands into the lock.
Here is your wealth, friend!

We are building a house.

All day long - tuk-da-tuk
Banging your fists against each other.
There is a loud knock.
Building a house, a big house
Fold your arms in a house, raise them above your head.
And with a porch and a chimney.
Put your palms in front of you
horizontally, close, return to vertical position

We will decorate the house
Simulate brush movements.
We'll nail the flag upstairs,
Pound your fist on your palm.
We will bring flowers
Spread your arms to the sides.
New house, welcome the tenants!
Place your hands on your chest, lightly
lean forward.

They will live in the house:
Bunny, with a bear and an elephant.
Alternately: put your hands to the head, spread apart, make the ears of the elephant.

Helping mom.

One two three four,
Alternately bend your fingers on
right hand.

We washed the dishes: kettle, cup, ladle, spoon
Bend the fingers on the left hand alternately.
And a big ladle.
We washed the dishes
Simulate washing movements.
We only broke the cup.
Alternately touch each other with your fingertips.
The ladle fell apart too,
The teapot's nose broke off, we broke the spoon too -
This is how we helped mom.
Compress and unclench the cams.


Woodpeckers are knocking louder,
Pounding with one hand on
another palm.

The titmouses began to sing.
Pinch your fingers, squeeze and unclench.
The sun rises early
Raise your hands up, put your hands down
across the sides.

To warm our earth,
Streams run downhill
Perform wave-like movements with your hands.
All the snow has melted
And from under the old weed
Fold your palms into a cup
The flower is already looking. The bell opened
Open slowly, cup ''.
In the shade, where the pine is,
Ding-ding, ringing softly,
Move your fingers.
Ding ding, spring has come.

The hostess.

I will cook porridge with a doll,
Simulate the stirring movements of porridge.
Pour milk into a bowl
I'll put cereals there,
Rub your fingers together.
And I'll put it on the stove.
Expand your hands, palms up,
stretch forward.

The porridge will be good
Eat, doll, slowly!
Threaten your finger.

Pediatricians have already buzzed the ears of all mothers about how to develop fine motor skills in children. The best way is finger games. There are a great variety of them, there are finger games for children 1, 2, 3 years old, separate finger gymnastics complexes for toddlers up to one year old, a number of such nursery rhymes for children 1 year old.

Why all this is needed and how to play such games correctly, we will now figure it out.

The benefits of finger games for children

Finger games for children under one year old have special functions:

  • develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  • take a whimpering baby;
  • calm the child down;
  • to please the baby.

Little children get a lot of pleasure from the fact that an adult is engaged with them, pays attention, touches their hands and tells funny rhymes. Pediatricians recommend such gymnastics from the 6th month of a baby's life, starting with a simple massage of each finger, palm and both hands for 2-3 minutes every day.

Finger games for toddlers from 1 year old are designed for the following purposes:

  • develop memory;
  • develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  • develop gross motor skills;
  • take the baby;
  • give your child a smile.

Children with whom they regularly engage in such exercises calm down faster after tantrums and tears, learn to coordinate their movements, control them, remember under which rhyme what to do with their pens, so that mom or dad will praise them.
The child is growing, now he is already 2 or 3 years old, but finger gymnastics does not give up its positions, it is still important.

At this age, the baby is already able to perform more complex movements with his fingers and hands, which again:

  • improves coordination;
  • develops fine and gross motor skills of the hands;
  • stimulates memory;
  • brings a lot of joy.

The relevance of finger games remains even — for children 3-4 years old — and its elements are introduced into ordinary gymnastics and physical exercises.
What are we all about fine motor skills? The fact is that the center of fine motor skills is directly related to the center of speech in the cerebral cortex.

By developing the first, you are developing the second. Kids, to whom moms and dads pay a lot of attention, playing finger games, learn to speak faster, pronounce individual words better, and are able to make sentences out of them faster. And the ability to speak is one of the few qualities that distinguish us from animals.

Review of finger games for children

There are a great many such games, you can't count all of them. We will give only a small fraction of what exists in the modern world, for convenience, we have divided the games by age.

Games for children under one year old

Little man

Take the child's hands and put his fingers in turn to the eyes, eyebrows, ears, cheeks, nose and lips, put the handles together, touch the legs.

You can name the parts of the face and body to which you put your fingers, or you can tell a nursery rhyme:
Eyes, eyebrows, ears, cheeks,
Spout, mouth, turnover.
Fingers, legs, cucumber.
So the little man came out.


Perform all actions with the handles of the child.
Wall, wall (pat on the cheeks)
Ceiling (pat your forehead).
Two steps (touch the lips).
Tink - call (press the nose).


Clap your hands in time to the words.
The mother bird flew
For kids to look for beetles.
And the chicks are sitting in the nest,
Mom's been called all day.

Games for one year old toddlers


Everyone knows how to play it. And here is the rhyme:
The white-sided magpie stoked the stove.
Magpie white-sided cooked porridge.
The white-sided magpie fed the children:
- To this I will give, and to this I will give,
And to this I will give, and to that I will give.
But I won't give it to this one.
He did not chop wood,
And did not heat the stove,
And he did not bring water,
And he will get a gulkin's nose.


You can do this with the baby's hands or invite him to repeat after you.
Strike, strike the boot (tap the palm with your fist).
Give me a hammer, mom (change hands).
Don't give me a hammer (change again).
I don’t fit a boot (we change the handles again).


Clasp your fingers together. The kid should repeat after you.
We have a lock on the door (shake the lock from your hands).
Who could open it? (Shrug. The kid is unlikely to repeat, but he will have fun.)
They knocked (knock palm on palm, without unclenching fingers).
Twisted (twist with your hands).
They stretched and opened (the word “opened” must be highlighted, uncoupled hands and spread them as wide as possible to the sides).

Such exercises can be done for fun, later the child himself will repeat them with pleasure, telling a poem about a bear:

Games for kids 2-3 years old

These games involve more than just fingers. The wrist, elbow and shoulder joints are involved. Do the exercises with your baby - and he is pleased, and you will stretch. We have selected finger games for children in pictures.

Owl-owl, cap

When performing the "Owl" exercise, the arms, shoulders and neck are involved. The "cap" further develops coordination, you can ask the baby to do this simple exercise with his eyes closed for greater benefit.

Tsarev's yard

Explain each movement to the baby as shown in the picture. So he will understand what and why he is doing, and the exercise will become more fun. Shoulder, elbow, wrist joints are trained.


Try the exercise with your child using one hand first. Then do it with both, in sync. Stimulates coordination, develops attentiveness.

There are many such finger games. But for the full development of hand motility in children 2-4 years old, this is not enough. Invite your baby to help you with the kitchen. When making cookies, dough molding is extremely useful for the baby, and he needs to get used to helping mom. Later you can go to, which will further develop perseverance, attentiveness and imagination. It will not be superfluous to —to teach the child to draw—, this promotes creative thinking and all the same fine motor skills of the hands.

It is of great importance not that you spend finger games with your baby, but how you do it. And you need to do this as follows:

  • enthusiastically;
  • with interest;
  • with a smile on his face.

Why should a child like what you don't like? Not that age, dear mothers. Enjoy the process of playing, your joy will be passed on to the baby.

Here are some more tips:

  • If the child does not want to play, do not force him or her. Over time, the baby himself will want to clap in his palms, bend his fingers, show the lock from his hands. Catch the right moment and start your activity.
  • Take the time and learn these nursery rhymes! Without them, the child is not interested in playing. Don't read them, kids love to be told from memory.
  • Pronounce the text of the nursery rhyme with expression, pronouncing each word very clearly - after all, the child will begin to repeat after you. Form the right speech in your baby from the very beginning.
  • Work with your child for no more than 3-5 minutes at a time. Otherwise, he will perceive them not as a game, but as a tedious obligatory activity, and will begin to avoid them. Spend these "fun minutes" a couple of times a day - that's enough.
  • Always praise your baby. It turned out to clap your palms - well done! He folded a clasp or a snail from his fingers - clever girl! Encourage the child, then he himself will want to play finger games.

Finger games for children - video

This video clearly demonstrates various finger gymnastics exercises for children 1-3 years old. It is shown how the baby repeats after her mother how to play the moments from the rhymes correctly so that the child is interested.

Finger games, or finger gymnastics, is an exciting activity for mom and baby. Fine motor skills of the hands develops, the speech apparatus is stimulated, the baby watches how the mother pronounces the words, and learns to repeat them. If you also engage in modeling, drawing and other games in which little hands are involved with your child, you will not be afraid of going to a speech therapist!

For parents who are interested in early development methods, it will not be superfluous to read about the methods:, or.

What finger games do you play with your toddler? Is the child happy when you start telling and showing the nursery rhyme? If you know interesting exercises for finger gymnastics, share them with us in the comments!

A good exercise for developing fine motor skills is finger games for toddlers. Mom wants her child to learn to read, draw, play the violin at the age of 2-3. Do not rush, the baby's nervous system is still very weak, it cannot bear heavy loads. If desired and with great perseverance, you can teach a one and a half-year-old baby to count to a hundred or memorize long poems, only such violence will go to the detriment of general development. At this age, you need to play with the child, and the movement of the fingers will help the brain to form and prepare for learning.

Ten trainers for the nervous system

The muscles of the hands of a newborn are very well developed. He can grab his mother's fingers and hang, supporting his body weight without much effort. Nature has fulfilled its anatomical function, now your task is to teach your fingers to perform dexterous precise movements. This skill is needed not only for preparing hands for writing, sculpting and drawing. Fine motor skills are essential for the development of the entire nervous system. When working with children, one should not rush, run ahead. Everything should go sequentially: first, the necessary muscles and ligaments are formed, then you can start exercising.

The kid lies in the crib, his mother sings songs to him, reads fairy tales, and considers it superfluous to stroke his fingers, to let the balls on the string go through. Parents are surprised why the child is lagging behind in development, does not utter a single word, but they constantly talk to him. The fact is that in the cerebral cortex a significant part is occupied by the area responsible for hand movements. The hemispheres still do not interact well with each other, but dexterous movements of the hands send nerve impulses that contribute to the development of communication between them.

Neuropathologists have long noticed the connection between the brain and fine motor skills. During rehabilitation after a stroke or head injury, they recommend that patients knit, sew, sort out small objects, massage their palms and hands. It is noticed that in patients who listen to these advice, the restoration of all body functions is faster.

When the baby is actively fingering his fingers, grabs and throws small objects, he has positive changes:

  • relieves tension of all muscles of the body;
  • thinking is activated;
  • creativity and imagination are formed;
  • attention develops;
  • the ability for certain types of activity is born.

Fingers will help the development of speech

The right side of the brain recognizes objects, and the left side is responsible for the development of speech. When the work of the hemispheres is not coordinated, the baby sees the mother, hears this word, the mouth is ready to pronounce the necessary sounds, but it is not possible to combine the work of all organs. Before teaching a child to speak, you need to carry out preparatory work: to establish the interaction of all parts of the brain, to form a coordinated connection between the hemispheres.

Speech therapists often use the test to find the cause of the lag in speech development. The child is asked to alternately bend and straighten each finger separately, then 2 or 3 together. If the hand obeys commands well, each finger can move both independently and with others, the brain centers and conducting nerves work normally. In this case, poor pronunciation can be caused by the anatomical features of the lips, tongue, throat. When a baby only knows how to clench and unclench a fist, but to point a finger at an object, he cannot make "horns", the reasons lie in the poor functioning of the nervous system.

It is necessary to develop the speech of an infant from birth. Hang bright toys over him that he can grab and release, bring your fingers to his hands so that the baby clings to them. The more often the newborn squeezes and unclenches the arms, the faster his mental development will go. It is advisable to purchase toys with sound or light effects so that the child wants to take and shake them again and again. If an infant under one year old does not even pronounce syllables, but only emits incomprehensible sounds, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Finger gymnastics for babies

Up to six months, the child develops the entire hand: he clenches and unclenches his fists, grabs, transfers from hand to hand and throws toys with a comfortable handle. It's too early to train his fingers - the muscles, ligaments and tendons should get stronger. When the baby is 6 months old, start a brush massage. Take each finger in turn, bend and straighten, rub from tip to palm to wrist. You can play "Ladushki".

At 10 months, it's time to start developing fine motor skills. Give your child small balls, beads, pebbles, and other rounded objects. You can't grab them with a fist, in order to play with interesting new things, you need to work with each finger separately. Show your kid how to build a tower of blocks, put rings on a pyramid. An excellent exercise machine will be a developing mat. Attach a pocket with a large buckle or button on it, put various toys there. It will be interesting for a curious baby to open the clasp to find a new surprise.

If you notice that your child has difficulty picking up or holding toys, tell the pediatrician. The resource site has collected information on the development of speech and found out that often problems with pronunciation occur with poor fine motor skills.

It is still difficult for a child to play "Horned Goat": two fingers do not want to unbend together, but you can show him the "horns" yourself, and the baby will want to repeat his mother's movement. But he will master the "White-sided Magpie" very quickly. These old finger games for toddlers were familiar to their great-grandmothers. They knew nothing about fine motor skills, the connection between finger movements and the brain. Maternal intuition prompted what a son or daughter needed, and our ancestors created poems and games that did not lose popularity among all generations.

Invite your child to play Mushrooms. Let him hold an open palm and bend one finger on each line: from the little finger to the big one. If at first the kid does not succeed, help him.

Younger games

When the baby is one and a half years old, his fingers will be ready for delicate, precise movements. He can be offered the simplest constructors, a large mosaic. Be sure to buy or make yourself a lacing toy: threading the string through the holes trains fine motor skills very well. Give it some clay or play dough, but remember that curious kids all want to taste. Purchase materials for modeling only in specialized shopping centers, see that they are certified and appropriate for the age of the child.

For kids from one year old to 3 years old, you can pick up more complex games. Hand - unlimited scope for imagination. Many of these exercises are good because they can be practiced while traveling in transport, waiting in line at the clinic and in other places where the child is bored.

  • "Zoo". The middle finger can become the trunk of an elephant, the tail of a tiger or a lizard, and all the rest become paws. Your two and two children's hands will make up a whole zoo, where animals run, dance, quietly sneak up on each other.
  • Roots. First, find an old tree and show your child how its thick roots can be intricately intertwined. The arm to the elbow is a powerful trunk, the fingers are the roots. On command, each of the players "plants" his own tree. Who did it more interesting?
  • "Dexterous legs". The thumb and forefinger become the legs of a person who jumps, does karate, and does difficult jogging in figure skating.
  • "Minks". Fingers are animals, and the glove is their common home. Let the animals run quickly and correctly into their burrows.

Invite your child to figure out what else his fingers can become. It is good if the exercises are accompanied by verses, various stories. Many nursery rhymes can be accompanied by the movement of the brushes. For example, you can use your hands to play the tale "The Turnip". The shops sometimes sell funny animal faces or doll heads that you can put on your fingers and put on a real theatrical performance.

Do not forget that when working with children, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • clearly explain to your child what you will be doing;
  • do not be distracted by anything, play with mood, passion;
  • find something to praise your baby for, but never scold for mistakes;
  • if you don't like the game, do not insist on continuing it;
  • do not let the child get tired and bored, finish the lesson on time.

Household skills will be a very good workout for your fingers. Soon the kid will go to the kindergarten, he needs to learn how to fasten buttons, buttons and buckles on his shoes himself. If your child doesn't want to dress up by himself, make this activity an interesting game. He has 10 gnome assistants who run through the clothes and check if everything is in order. Little people tie a hat, straighten a scarf, tighten their socks, make sure that everything is securely closed and buttoned. Finally, have the child look in the mirror and appreciate their work.

Exercises for preschoolers

After 3 years, you can continue to play gnomes, only the tasks will now be more difficult. It's time for the child to remember the names of the fingers. If these words seem boring to the kid, let them be surnames, and the kid will come up with the names of his friends himself. Each assistant has a brother on the other hand, for example, Kolya the Index and Sasha the Index. When a preschooler finds work to be done that is difficult or boring, have 10 of his buddies come to help. With such a large company, they will quickly put away toys, put scattered books on a shelf or assemble a complex figure from a construction set.

Exposure to the hands and fingers is beneficial not only to the brain and nervous system. Oriental medicine believes that in this area there are many points associated with all internal organs. Toys do not have to be completely smooth and even, give the baby rough or pimply objects. Games with a ball covered with rubber spikes are very useful. Invite the child to catch the "hedgehog", stroke it, roll it in the palms.

Don't forget about finger games for toddlers. Buy special dolls that fit over the wrist. At first, the kid will simply move the arms and head of the character, and then he will be able to perform a theatrical performance. In a dark room, direct the light from a desk lamp to the wall, and show what interesting shadows are obtained with different positions of the fingers. If the child cannot remember their name in any way, read the rhyme, and let the child raise the finger that is now in question.

If you notice that the child's fingers still remain naughty, move poorly individually, inform the pediatrician. He will refer you to a neurologist, surgeon, or other specialist who can schedule special gymnastics classes. There are many complexes, but in order to find the right exercises, you need to find out the cause of the problem.

The relationship of creativity and fine motor skills

If you carried out exercises with fingers on time and correctly, the child's creative imagination is already gushing. Just push it in the right direction, and the child will create such masterpieces that you will be surprised. Teach him to use scissors, glue, plasticine. The Christmas tree painted with watercolor paint looks dull, but if you stick on it pieces of tinsel, pieces of candy wrappers, shiny beads, the look will be completely different. Creativity empowers the hands, and precise finger movements stimulate the brain to create new projects.

Take an ordinary plastic bottle, stick it with plasticine with your baby and show how to stick peas, cereals, beads, sparkles. Very soon, you will have a variety of homemade vases in your house. Girls can start to learn weaving from large beads, the simplest macrame techniques. Boys are happy to assemble constructors. Do not stop at one "Lego", buy metal and construction kits, magnets, flexible plastic parts. Every year, the elements of needlework should become smaller, and the movements of the fingers - more precisely.

Sometimes children reject store toys and construction sets and play with strings, pebbles and other things that are not intended for this. If such an activity does not threaten their safety, do not mind: the baby gets both pleasure and double benefits. An irregularly shaped object is difficult to pick up, hold and place in the right place. The fingers get a good workout, and the uneven texture produces a natural massage. The second advantage is the development of fantasy. If a kid sees a snake in a string, a plate in a shell, and a favorite dog in a piece of wood, one can only rejoice for him.

Let the kid draw, try to write something in print, but do not need to teach him calligraphy. A hand under 7 years of age is not yet sufficiently developed to deduce written letters. Before entering school, you can teach your child the simplest embroidery and knitting. Subtle movements will strengthen the hand, and the first grader will have no problem writing.

The industry is constantly improving products for children, stuffing them with electronics, and the baby does not need arms and legs to play with modern toys. One finger is enough to press the buttons. If you fill the children's corner with only such products, the child will atrophy not only the muscles, but also the brain and speech. Don't worry if you leave your toy bag at home when you go for a walk or trip. Why are they, if the baby has 2 hands and 10 fingers? With such an arsenal, you can come up with so many interesting activities that time will fly by.

In children, in the first months of life, the tone in the flexor muscles is increased. Over time, the increased tone disappears. In the meantime, up to 3 months, the baby's arms are bent at all joints, the hands are clenched into a fist. Therefore, before starting finger gymnastics, you need to relax the baby's arms: stroke them from fist to shoulder, rub the fists against each other, tap your fist on your palm. Only when the hand opens and the fingers spread apart in different directions, you can start the game.

Stroking play

Place your baby in front of you. The choice of position should be comfortable for you and the child. For example, you can sit on the floor on a mat so that your back is well supported on something and your legs are bent. Place the baby on your lap in a supine position. Play with each of your baby's hands separately. Gently stroke both sides of the hand (inner and outer) from hand to elbow, in a direction "from the periphery to the center." At the same time, condemn:

Clap mom's hand

Place your baby on the back on the changing table. Rub the fists or palms of the crumbs against each other, and then, in the rhythm of a nursery rhyme, pat his palm on your hand:

Babe (or child's name) he knows how to clap,
He does not spare his pens.
Like this, like this, like this.
He does not spare his pens.

The baby's fists will open, he will spread his fingers.

Hello Ladoshka!

Take your baby in your arms. Play with your child's fingers, pressing the pads of your fingers to the tips of his fingers, stroking and kneading them, kissing them:

Morning has come.
The sun has risen.
Hey, brother Fedya,
Wake up the neighbors!
Get up Big!
Get up, Pointer!
Get up Seredka!
Get up, Orphan!
And Little Mitroshka!
Hello Ladoshka!

You, son, a piece of sugar

Keep the baby's palm open, stroke each finger of the baby. As you read the last two lines of the rhyme, place your thumb on the baby's palm so that the child grabs your finger.

To the stove - a log
For the cow - hay,
The grass is for the calf
Water for the lamb.
And you, son,
A piece of sugar.
(Dagestan song)

Thumb play

The game stimulates the withdrawal of the thumb, hidden in the baby's fist, outward. Good mobility of the finger (and this game is massage at the same time) will be needed to be able to grip objects and toys.

Pat the baby's hands and fingers clenched into fists. Gently take your thumb and bring it up to the top of the cam, lightly massage it. Shake your finger in different directions, tell the kid a rhyme:

This finger is the most important.
He is at (child's name) in order
If asked: "How are you?"
You will answer loudly: "Vo!"

Playing with the mirror

Take the baby in your arms, bring him to the mirror. Emotionally communicating with the baby, draw his attention to the reflection in the mirror. Play with him: show him his reflection in the mirror and, raising the mirror above, say:

- Oh, no baby (child's name).

And again bring it to the mirror, exclaiming:

- Here, here's the baby (name of the child)!

In the second part of the game, grab the child's hands near the elbows and connect his fists, rub them together until they open. Make sure that the hands are adjacent to each other. Place the baby on the side in front of the mirror and place his palms on the mirror. Make a variety of sounds as you do this to maintain emotional contact. If the baby's fingers do not straighten, but are in the cam, stroke them, shake the handle, lightly tap the cam on the mirror, or press your index finger on the back of your hand. Now make sure that your palm is completely adjacent to the mirror. Clap your hand on the mirror while humming:

Clap, clap, clap,
You, palm!
Clap clap
Clap clap
My baby!

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Simple and fun finger games for motor development Your baby. It is known that there is a direct link between the development of fine motor skills and the development of a child's thinking. The more dexterous the fingers, the more flexible the mind. A finger games crumbs help in the development of fine motor skills as well as possible. Have finger games there is another advantage - they help to establish closer contact between parent and child. After all, for a kid there is nothing better than a game, and finger games are very exciting, and children like them. But if the kid does not want to repeat the movements of finger games after you, then just play yourself, sooner or later he will join you.



Finger games

Simple and fun finger games for motor developmentYour baby. It is known that there is a direct link between the development of fine motor skills and the development of a child's thinking. The more dexterous the fingers, the more flexible the mind. Afinger gamescrumbs help in the development of fine motor skills as well as possible. Have finger games there is another advantage - they help to establish closer contact between parent and child. After all, for a kid there is nothing better than a game, and finger games are very exciting, and children like them. But if the kid does not want to repeat the movements of finger games after you, then just play yourself, sooner or later he will join you.

The text of finger games for an adult should be pronounced as clearly and expressively as possible, and the movements are performed parallel to the text. Finger games develop not only fine motor skills of the child's hands, most finger games also carry a learning load. Some finger games are aimed at learning counting, others introduce the baby to the names of body parts and the fingers themselves. In some finger games, the baby must act with two hands - this helps him to better navigate in space, master such concepts as high - low, right - left.


We shared an orange
(left hand in a fist, right grasping it)
There are many of us - and he is one
This slice is for a hedgehog
(with the right hand, alternately unclench the fingers on the left hand)
This slice is for the siskin
This slice is for kittens
This slice is for ducklings
This slice is for beaver
And for the wolf - the peel!
(shake both brushes)


The guests came running to Katya,
(we run our fingers on the table or on the floor)
All shook hands with each other.
Hello Zhora,
(we connect the thumb and forefingers)
Hello Jeanne, (large and medium)
Glad Seryozha, (large and unnamed)
Rad Snezhana (big and pinky)
Would you like a pie? (put palms together)
Maybe a biscuit (show 2 open palms)
Or a horn (we put 2 fists on top of each other)
Here are the pills for your track
(with a finger poking into an open palm)
Take a little
(we bend our palms into fists several times)
Everybody shook off the crumbs quickly
And they clapped their hands!


Lived - were in a house (clench and unclench fists)
Little gnomes:
Toki, Biki, Leakey, Chiki, Mickey.
(bend your fingers, starting with the little finger)
One, two, three, four, five (unbend fingers)
The gnomes began to wash (rub their fists against each other)
Taki - shirts, (bend your fingers, starting with the big one)
Tiki - handkerchiefs
Leakey are panties
Cheeky - socks
Mickey was smart
Everybody wore some water.


Knock-knock-knock, there is a knock somewhere.
Hammers are knocking, building a house for bunnies -
Here with such a roof, (palms above your head)
Here with such walls, (palms near the cheeks)
Here with such windows, (palms in front of the face)
Here with such a door, (one palm in front of the face)
And with such a lock! (handles linked)

Small house

I walk in the yard (clapping hands on my knees alternately with each hand)
I see a house on the mountain (rhythmic clapping)
I will climb the ladder (open your palms in front of you and, touching alternately with your fingertips, fold the ladder, starting with the thumbs)
And I'll knock on the window.
Knock, knock, knock, knock! (alternately knock with the fist of one hand on the palm of the other)

Hedgehog (the baby has a rubber prickly hedgehog in his hands)

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog, where are your needles?
(the kid rolls the hedgehog with his palms)
Squirrel needs to sew a vest
(the baby rolls the hedgehog on the tummy)
Fix the trousers for the naughty hare (we roll on the legs)
The hedgehog snorted - move away and do not cry, do not ask
(roll on the floor)
If I give you needles, the wolves will eat me !!!
(the hedgehog runs into the house, into a place in a box or on a shelf)


There is a lock on the door (hands in the lock)
Who could open it? (we pull our fingers without unclenching)
Pulled, (pulled)
Twisted, (twisted hands)
Knocked (knock with the base of the palms)
And - they opened it! (hands open)


We chop cabbage, chop (chop with palms)
We are cabbage three, three (fists rub each other)
We salt the cabbage, salt (salt with a pinch)
We crumple and crumple cabbage (we squeeze and unclench our fingers)
We put it in a jar and taste it.


A fly flies around the ear, lzhzh (we run our finger around the ear)
Wasps fly around the nose, ssss (we run our finger around the nose)
A mosquito flies, on the forehead - op (we touch our forehead with our finger)
And we clap it (palm to forehead)
And to the ear, zzzz (we clamp the cam, bring it to the ear)
Let's release the mosquito? Let's let go!
(we bring the fist to our mouth and blow on it, unclenching our palm)

Cat (perform actions within the meaning)

The cat washes his paw
Apparently going to visit
I washed the nose.
I washed my mouth.
I washed my ear.
He wiped dry.


I walked alone along the path (show one finger)
My two legs walked with me, (shows two fingers)
Suddenly there are three mice to meet, (showing three fingers)
Oh, we saw a kitten! (Claps his cheeks with his palms and, as it were, shakes his head with his palms)
He has four legs, (showing four fingers)
On the paws - sharp scratches, (we scratch the surface of what is at hand with our nails)
One, two, three, four, five, (for each count we show the corresponding number of fingers)
You need to run away quickly! (with two fingers, index and middle, we run away along the surface)


The chicken went out for a walk, nibble fresh grass
(clap hands on the knees)
And behind her, the guys are yellow chickens (let's go with our fingers)
Co-co-co, co-co-co, don't go far! (shaking a finger)
Row with your paws (we rake with handles),
Look for grains (pecking grains with our fingers)
Ate a fat beetle, earthworm
(showing with pens what a fat beetle)
We drank a full trough of water
(showing how we draw water and drink).


Palms up
Hands down
And now them on the side
And squeezed into a fist.


(hands go down from top to bottom, palms turn, depicting falling leaves)
Vshik, vshik, vshik. Vshik, vshik, vshik
(shuffle palm on palm)
Yellow leaves fly and rustle under the legs
Vshik, vshik, vshik. Vshik, vshik, vshik. (we shuffle our feet)
Yellow leaves fly and rustle under the legs
Vshik, vshik, vshik. Vshik, vshik, vshik.
(index fingers shuffle together).


Bunnies came to the meadow,
Bear cubs, badgers,
Froglets and raccoon.
To the green to the meadow
Come and you, my friend! (bend your fingers into a fist in the rhythm of a nursery rhyme, when listing animals, bend fingers on both hands alternately, wave your palms on the last line)

My family

This finger is a grandfather (we unclench our fingers alternately from the cam, starting with the thumb)
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family! (rotate with an unclenched palm)


Dressed up the legs (alternately stroking with one hand with the other)
New boots.
You step, legs, (step your fingers on the table)
Straight along the path.
You step - stomp, (tap your fingers)
Do not splash in puddles, (shake your finger)
Don't go into the mud
Don't tear your boots.


One, two, three, four, five (bend our fingers)
We went for a walk in the yard
(with index and middle fingers we "walk" on the table)
The snow woman was blinded (we roll the "lump" with the handles)
We fed the birds with crumbs ("feed the birds")
Then we rode down the hill
(we move the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)
And also lay in the snow
(we put our palms on the table with one side, then the other)
Everyone came home in the snow (we shake off our palms)
We ate soup ("eat soup"),
went to bed (palms under the cheek).


Here is a beehive (showing fists)
Bees live here.
So they showed up from the house,
(bend fingers alternately)
One, two, three, four, five!
Z-z-z-z-z-z ..... "(tickling the child)

Small fish

The fish lives in the lake
The fish swims in the lake
(palms are connected and make smooth movements)
Suddenly hit with his tail
(separate palms and hit the knees)
And we will hear - splash, splash!
(put your palms together at the base and clap like that)


Simulate the movements of a shoemaker hammering in nails: the fingers of one hand are holding nails, the other is holding a hammer.

Master, master,
Help -
Hammer it hard
Nails -
We will go today
Visit us!


One, two, three, four, (bend your fingers)
You and I made a snowball
(sculpt, changing the position of the palms)
Round, strong, very smooth.
(show a circle, stroke palms together)
Once - toss, ("toss", look up)
Two - we'll catch. ("catch", squat)
Three - drop (get up, "drop")
And ... let's break it! (stomp)


In the morning, the sun rises higher, higher, (hands high up).
At night, the sun will set lower, lower. (hands down).
The sun lives well, well,
(we make flashlights with pens)
And we have fun with the sun
(clap our hands)


One two three four five -
(alternately unclench the fingers from the cam)
Fingers went out for a walk.
One two three four five -
(we clamp our fingers into a fist)
They hid in the house again!


We kneaded the dough (squeeze the hands)
We sculpted a cake (our palms sculpt)
Slap, slap,
Slap, slap
We're making a big pie! (spread our hands)


I will cook porridge with a doll: (stir the porridge)
Pour milk into a bowl (pour milk)
I'll put the cereal there (pour the cereal)
And put it on the stove. (Put it on the stove)
The porridge will be good! (clap)
Eat, doll, slowly. (threaten with your finger)


One, two, three, four, five,
The worms went for a walk (the handles are on the table, palms down, we bend and unbend our fingers)
Suddenly, a crow runs out (fingers "run" on the table)
Croaks: "Here's lunch."
(forefinger and thumb "croak".)
Lo and behold (we spread with handles),
but there are no worms (we squeeze our fingers into fists).


A turtle walked across the field (walk with your fingers)
And all trembled with fear (hands in fists, fists tremble)
Bite, bite, bite! Bite, bite, bite!
(thumb and forefinger "bite")
I'm not afraid of anyone! (negation with index finger)