Protection conspiracies for a family home. Strong defensive spells and trade spells. Protection from angry people at work

Everyone knows the phrase "my home is my fortress." However, any fortress needs good protection. You can protect your household from troubles, ill-wishers and negative energy using an ancient proven method - effective protective conspiracies.

In ancient times, the house was considered almost a sacred place. They attached great importance to the family nest, because our ancestors well understood that the native walls are the main source of strength for everyone living in it. If there is peace and harmony in the house, then affairs will argue; if the family is in trouble, then you should not expect good luck in other areas either. That is why they tried to protect the house from troubles with the help of special conspiracies - strong energy messages, thanks to which the home and households became reliably protected from the evil eye, quarrels and troubles.

Such protection is no less relevant today. Despite the fact that people now spend much less time within the home than before, the home is still the main source of energy. The luck of all household members largely depends on the atmosphere that reigns in it. For the house to truly be your "fortress", you need to do your best to improve the home atmosphere and protect your home from negative energy. Strong conspiracies will help with this.

Conspiracy to protect the house from unkind people

Surely many have come across situations when, after visiting some guests, the house gets worse. Moreover, these are not always people who wish you harm: such, of course, are rarely allowed on the doorstep. Even good acquaintances can hurt, experiencing a momentary envy or resentment. If the energy of a person is strong enough, then this is quite enough to damage the home atmosphere and provoke the appearance of trouble. So that no one can harm you, you should speak to the house from ill-wishers. Take a pinch of salt and pour it right on your doorstep, saying:

I sprinkle salt on the threshold, I expose the barrier from evil. The evil eye will not touch my house, the unkind thought will turn back. If the enemy pretends to be a friend, he wishes for evil and enters the house - he will take all the evil with him. My word is strong, protection is strong. Amen.

And to prevent unwanted guests from visiting, you can use an effective conspiracy from Nadezhda Shevchenko.

A conspiracy to protect the house from conflicts and quarrels

Conflicts and quarrels take a heavy toll on the home energy, which negatively affects everyone living in the house. The state of affairs at work and in other areas automatically deteriorates, because the house turns from a place of rest into a battlefield, and therefore, ceases to provide energy recharging. In order for peace and harmony to reign in your native walls, you can use a conspiracy to protect yourself from quarrels. To do this, you need to dissolve a small amount of sugar in a container of water, and then sprinkle all the corners in the house, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

As sugar and water have mixed, so we will be one. Just as water and sugar cannot be separated, so quarrels will not separate us. The bitterness will go away, the sweetness will remain. Truly!

Particular attention should be paid to the corners in those rooms where quarrels occur most often. If there is a certain "hotbed" of conflicts at home, households always swear in the same place, and without any serious reason, sort out the things that are stored there: maybe there are objects with negative energy among them that attract misfortunes.


A conspiracy to protect against trouble and failure

This conspiracy is aimed at protecting the house and those living in it from troubles, problems and troubles. It helps cleanse the space of negative energy and attract positive and well-being into it. The ceremony should be performed in the evening. Light a candle and go around all the rooms, reading the conspiracy:

The life-giving fire will burn evil, it will call for good, it will disperse the darkness, fill the house with happiness. The misfortune of those living here will not touch. Amen.

Any candle can be used for the ritual. Keep in mind that certain colors of candles can attract love, money, and prosperity.

The house is safe, the family is protected, the neighbors are kind - three main components of a happy life. When someone is doing well, it always makes someone feel bad. People who cannot look at someone else's happy life with indifference begin to envy. With their negative energy, they are able to disrupt family peace, bring the evil eye or damage to the home and family.

You can lose everything overnight if you allow the negative influence on your life. A conspiracy to protect the home, family, good relations in the team, and can be carried out by any hostess who values ​​her family peace and well-being.

Read also ritual conspiracies from the evil eye and damage from ours.

Magic as a means of prevention

As they say, it is better to carry out preventive measures than to treat the consequences of the disease later. Prayer amulets serve as a shield for the home, and conspiracies can prevent negative influences from the outside. Collectively, the defensive actions serve as a magical dome. A person who is under such protection is reliably protected from negativity and unfriendly people.

As a rule, many deny the existence of magic, until incomprehensible things begin to happen in their lives. At work, the relationship with the team deteriorated sharply. At home, constant conflicts and quarrels are manifestations of negativity, which was created artificially by an unfriendly person. Wedge, wedge knock out - they say in such cases. Conspiracies and rituals will help to cope with the current situation and return everything "to square one."

Conspiracies to protect from bad people

This ceremony will help to protect yourself from envious people who are everywhere - colleagues, neighbors, friends, and even complete strangers. To carry out the ritual, which is held within the walls of the temple, you will need:

  • Candles - 12 pieces;
  • Consecrated water;
  • Prosvirka - bread, distributed at Sunday service. Indicates the body of Christ.

Buy candles in the temple and put them on:

  • Mother of God;
  • Jesus Christ;
  • The Holy Trinity;
  • Nicola the Wonderworker;
  • Archangel Michael;
  • John the Baptist.

The remaining six should be placed on any saints' faces you like. Then defend the Sunday liturgy, acquire a prosphora, eat a half in silence and reverently, cross and head towards the house. On the street, drink three sips of blessed water.

Upon arrival home, stand near the iconostasis and read the prayer of thanksgiving "Our Father" three times. After each reading of the prayer, impose a cross on oneself and bow down. Complete the protective ritual by reading the conspiracy:

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Grant me, through the means of my prayers, your servant (name), the cleansing of the soul from the sins known and unknown. May the holy gifts strengthen the power of faith in your wonderful works. May my soul always be open to you and pure as a tear. May my body be healthy, my heart hot, and my mind sober. Protect my house, my family and me, from the evil thoughts of people, a black evil eye and an evil glance. God will forever be grateful to you. May your name be glorified. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Eat the second half of the prosphora before bedtime and drink three sips of water. At the dawn of the next day, once again read the prayer-spell from the enemies.

Create protective amulets

Ritual with a nail

To strengthen the rituals for fencing the home and family from evil people, they also make separate amulets and protection at the front doors. It is through the doorway that an unfriendly person with his negative energy gets into the house.

For the first rite, you need nails. Iron has the power of a talisman and will reliably protect the house from evil. Buy three nails in the store, it is better when the moon is in the rising phase. Make a purchase with a pre-prepared banknote, with which no change is required. If it does not work out without change, then leave it to the seller.

Upon arrival home, you need to drive nails, from the side of the street, into the doorframe. Drive in so that a triangle is formed, one at the top in the middle and two at the bottom in the corners. Go home, close the door and plot a conspiracy:

“Three nails-heroes, my house will be protected from the evil eye and the enemy. One will slaughter evil, the other will drive out ill-wishers, and the third will take away all unclean things. My words turn to deed, but nails turn into love spells. "

As long as the doorframe is in place, the charm conspiracy will have its power.

Rite of passage with gypsy needles

For the second rite, you need to buy two gypsy needles. Do not take change, the moon is in the growth phase. Fold the needles together crosswise and tie with white thread. Read the conspiracy protection over them:

“Needles cross, enemies prone. He who came with good will easily pass; he who comes with evil will fall under the cross. "

Hang the amulet over the doors from the inside of the house. Every three months the amulet is removed, the needles are washed in alcohol, and the thread is burned. Then the ceremony is carried out anew, for the constant protection of the house from evil.

Speak protection clothes

The conspiracy that is superimposed on a wardrobe item has tremendous power. Which is able to protect its owner from trouble. If at work there is a situation of ill will on the part of colleagues. Or the boss tortured him with his constant nagging, which means it's time to protect himself from all the troubles. The conspiracy is imposed on any part of the personal wardrobe, it can be both underwear and outerwear.

In the evening, all alone, light a church candle, pick up a thing and say the words of protection:

“I speak my thing, I put up protection from evil and abuse. Let it protect me from enemies with a dome and become a reliable protection for me. I baptize with the cross, I reinforce it with prayer. "

Protection from angry people at work

When they began to feel that the situation in the work collective was aggravating. We are sure that your colleagues envy you and can do any dirty trick that can harm your career or the results of work already done. Then boldly carry out a ceremony to protect your workplace from envious colleagues.

As a rule, after the ceremony, they simply begin to ignore you and completely forget about their evil deeds. Well, this method also affects the bosses, who do not allow them to calmly do the work, with their comments and discontent.

When no one is in the office, draw black crosses around your work area in pencil. And say:

“I put on crosses, I am saved from evil. I defend myself with the cross, I will receive righteous strength. The guardian angel will stand behind me and protect me with his wings from intrigues and malice. Amen".

Cross yourself and cross the workplace three times. Perform the ceremony every time you feel that the situation in the team is heating up.

Full moon conspiracy

If a period has come in the family when you don't want to see each other. At the same time, there are constantly scandals and swearing, which means that the negative has made its way into the walls of the house and destroys a happy life. For a ceremony that will help establish good and good relations in the family, you need to go to the temple and buy 13 candles. At the exit from the temple, you must read the words:

“On the threshold of the church, I leave the family discord, I call peace and joy into the house. Amen".

Wait until the moon is full, stay alone with yourself, light all the candles from the match and read the family conspiracy:

“I light candles and burn all my anger with fire. As the candles just burn out, so peace and joy will create. Peace and happiness will return to the house, let it be so, and not otherwise. "

The conspiracy is constantly repeated until peace and grace come in the house.

Rite of passage to protect the house

The threshold of your house from adversity and uninvited guests must be protected by performing the following rite. Hang a mirror on the opposite of the front door, it will reflect all third-party negative. It must be constantly wiped from dust and accumulated negativity, then the house will always be under reliable protection.

The threshold of the house must be washed and cleaned of accumulated dirt. Take blessed water, add Thursday salt to it, wipe the door handles and jamb with this solution. From now on, always keep the threshold in an impeccable frequency, then good will boldly pass through it, and evil will linger in front of it. When you wipe the threshold, read the conspiracy to the house:

“I sweep away, I cleanse my house from damage and evil eye, and the evil eye. I wet it with clean water, soaked it with salt, so that on the threshold of illness and ailment, cramps and spoilage would not stick. As salt does not rot, so nothing sticks to the threshold. The threshold is blasted. Soaked in salt. Blessed by God. Amen".

The water that washed the threshold. Pour into the street under a bush or tree.

For each person, his home is the safest and most comfortable place. It is not for nothing that they say: "My home is my fortress." But sometimes the walls can begin to crumble from the unkind looks of enemies, aggressive people and, most often, envious people. To protect themselves, their families and their "fortress", in the old days, many used special conspiracies, some of which have come down to us. And today we bring to your attention some of them. The protective conspiracies written below will help discourage unkind people, protect your home from negative energy, witchcraft.

Currently, there are many variations of conspiracies that came to us from ancient ancestors. Their true interpretation can be mastered by any housewife who wishes to ward off danger from herself and her home.

For defense conspiracies to work, you need to know the basic recommendations. Before carrying out the ritual and reading the conspiracy, you need to fully familiarize yourself with the procedure. In addition, it is advisable to know what power this or that text is fraught with. It also doesn’t hurt to find out what items can be used to save oneself from witchcraft and "evil eye".

Remember that any light magic and rituals for the good must be carried out with a pure mind. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol (drugs, tobacco) five to seven days before the ritual to protect your home. At the same time, you should not take other medicines (except for those necessary to maintain health). You should fast for this period of time and cut back on contact with strangers.

Coming home after walking and visiting noisy and crowded places, you must not only wash your hands, but also wash your face. In this case, you can add a few drops of aromatic oil to the water. After the procedure, a window should be opened to ventilate every room in the house. Such rituals should be performed while reading prayers at the same time. It is advisable to perform them daily before you read protective conspiracies.

It also does not hurt to increase concentration by reading prayers before the ceremony. So the protection, for the implementation of which you are using the conspiracy, will be more effective.

Simple protective methods

Defensive plots do not always act strictly in the direction of a clear goal. There are spells that can get rid of the negative energy of evil people. At the same time, such texts will not bring harm to anyone, and protection will act against every person who harbors anger.

Usually, a simple conspiracy "works" to alienate aggressive people from you. If these texts are read at home, then they increase his defenses. As a result, your home will become a cozy fortress, protected from bad weather. In addition, you will not have to worry about your property. Fire, theft and other deliberate damage will simply bypass it. Below is one of the options for such conspiracies.

How to protect your home (easy way)?

Such a conspiracy can be classified as very simple and affordable in terms of execution. To carry out this ceremony, you will need an ordinary wooden stick to protect the house (other living quarters).

Taking a stick, you need to go around with it around the house, outlining a continuous line, closing it opposite the front door. Having received a protective circle, you need to enter the house with the same stick. In the room, you should draw a circle around you with it and pronounce a conspiracy to protect the house:

“There is a house on the edge. Wild forest animals do not run past him. A sage lives in that house, he has an oak staff. The immense power of nature is contained in that staff. As the sage goes beyond the threshold, as the staff strikes the ground, so the animals run to the house.

He will burst out once (hit the floor 1 time with a stick), cowardly hares come running to him. Will burst twice (hit 2 times), cunning foxes come running. It will strike three times (hit with a stick 3 times, etc. on the text), and gray wolves will come running. It will strike four times with a staff, and fierce bears come. It will strike five times in a row, and the most important guardian of the forest - the goblin, will come to the sage.

All this summoned forest power will stand around the house and will not let evil into it. The sage will stand in a circle, raise his staff (raise the stick above your head) and call the vigilant eagle. That eagle will sit on the staff and will guard the house from enemies. I ask for your help, forest sage. Deliver me and my home from dishonest, evil people and enemies. So it was and so it will be! "

When you have spoken the whole conspiracy, at the end of the ceremony, break the stick in half. Otherwise, the protection will not take effect. After the ritual, you will need to bury one half under your doorstep. It is recommended to take the second part of the stick to a deep forest and stick it into the ground. Such a conspiracy to protect home and property from black witchcraft and bad looks will be effective throughout the year.

Rite of passage with clothes and a mirror

You can carry out a ritual not only to protect the house from negative energy. Using a special conspiracy, you can protect yourself from the "evil eye". To do this, you will need not only magic words, but also:

  • new shirt;
  • clean mirror.

At the beginning of the ceremony, you should take a clean new shirt and turn it out. We put it on the mirror with the front side inside. Having put this accessory in a secluded place, you should pronounce a conspiracy over it:

“A mischievous foe, a bad look, a bad enemy, dashingly black, dark sorrow! You will never see my house, you will not trample my land for you. This mirror will become iron, silver will become my anger. They will reflect all dark arrows. I will live well and calmly, I will make money with my family in the comfort of goodness! "

After the ceremony is completed, it is not necessary to remove the shirt from the mirror. It is necessary that in this form the accessory will stand for 7 days and the same number of nights. If, for any reason, you smear the surface of the mirror, the plot will have to be repeated to restore protection.

Rite of passage for the protection of objects of possession

The easiest way to protect property is with holy water. By regularly sprinkling the corners of the house with holy water, you can rid it of adverse energies and protect it from witchcraft. In addition, you can hang a do-it-yourself amulet on the front door. After reading a special conspiracy over such an object, you can stop the effects of black magic and block the path of witchcraft.

For the ritual, you need to make a wreath. It is usually made from:

  • a couple of bunches of viburnum;
  • a few twigs of willow, mistletoe;
  • a dozen oak leaves.

First, they weave a circle of willow twigs, reciting the prayer "Our Father". Further, this circle is braided by the branches of mistletoe. This procedure should be accompanied by the prayer "Hail, Mother of God." The weave must be strong so that even a strong shake cannot damage the wreath. Along with the mistletoe, oak foliage should be woven. She will become a protection against witchcraft and black magic.

Completing the manufacture of the amulet, it is necessary to attach the branches of the viburnum. They need to be hung at the bottom of the wreath on two loops. This amulet to protect the house from evil people is recommended to be hung over the front door, while reading the conspiracy:

“The guardian will protect the house, will keep it from evil. Now, what the enemies send, the witches desire, will not get close to me! Amen".

This conspiracy to protect the home is very effective. By hanging it at the entrance, you will block the path of ill-wishers. And if such a person enters the house, the wreath will immediately fall.

As you can see, in the old days people paid a lot of attention to protecting their homes. And the ways to impose protection on a home that have come down to our time are pretty simple. With their help, anyone will be able to protect their fortress from bad and evil people, their intentions.

Thanks to this charm-conspiracy, you can protect your home from any misfortune. The ritual is performed only once and operates all the time, reliably protecting your home. With the help of the amulet, you can protect yourself from fire, from theft, from scandals and quarrels in the house, from poverty and betrayal. After you have done everything, love and understanding will reign in your house and none of the spouses can even bring anyone from the outside into the house (meaning a lover or mistress). Guests who come to you will be well-disposed, and if someone comes with evil, then the amulet will work and the person will not even be able to enter your doorstep.

In addition, the house after the imposition of the amulet will be reliably protected from black magic. In general, this is one of the most powerful amulets for the home, which protects from almost all ills.

To carry out a charm conspiracy, you will need black bread (ideally, you need to bake bread yourself, this is exactly what our ancestors did, but with bread bought in a store, the conspiracy will also work effectively), a piece of paper (on which you write a protective conspiracy) and a regular pen.


Take a piece of paper (a small square piece, for example 10x10 cm) and write the following text on it:

"I close my house from all troubles, I do not let everything bad into it. Let only peace and love reign in my house, and everything bad will remain aside. With age-old ties I close my house from black, amen."

After you have written the text, fold the piece of paper several times, take a large piece of crumb from the bread, remember it a little so that it becomes similar in consistency to plasticine, and then stick a rolled piece of paper into it and on the resulting piece of crumb with a piece of paper, whisper:

"Words are like a stone, reliably my house will be closed from all troubles, as long as I can keep the amulet."

Say these words three times and hide the crumb securely. It will dry out quietly and will protect your home with the most reliable protective forces. It should not be found by anyone, it should not be damp, it should not be eaten by mice. In general - as long as this bread crumb is stored - everything in your house will be fine. Previously, such amulets were kept for centuries.

The charm conspiracy should be done only during the growing moon, do during the day while the sun is shining.
Especially for www.

9 Ways to Protect Your Home from Bad People Home should be the safest place for family members. But often it is on him that unkind people try to do harm. The house can be jinxed by envious people, a quarrelsome neighbor can bring misfortune to the family. Therefore, every housewife must be able to protect her home from evil, know the conspiracy to protect the house from danger. Protecting your home from evil people. Magical protection of the home - starting with windows and doors The door has long attracted the imagination of poets, mystics and magicians. She is symbolic - often appears in dreams and nightmares. What's behind the door? What strange creatures, magical lands, secret dangers? More prosaic windows also have their own magical properties and characteristics. If they are the eyes of the house, then the door is his mouth. Both doors and windows have special power and enjoy universal veneration, for they are designed to prevent the penetration of everything "unclean" into the house. A door is nothing more than an ordinary piece of wood, two handles, three door hinges, several locks. However, doors are the entrance to other dimensions. In shape, they repeat the dolmens * of Stonehenge and other European megalithic * structures: two stones are placed vertically, and the third rests on top, creating a magical threshold. There is an idea that the door and its components (lintel, frame, door frame, threshold, keys) have magical, almost ritual properties. Many of the rituals associated with doors are protective in nature. Pumpkins hung on either side of the street door will protect you from unwanted "evil" forces, as will a piece of bamboo or a wreath of leaves and thorns. A circle drawn in chalk will scare away ghosts, garlic or dill hanging from the front door will prevent those who are sick or harboring evil from entering your house, and a bag of salt or a bell hanging from a doorknob will drive away demons. There are other techniques to protect the house from getting into it "bad" forces: put two needles crosswise under the rug by the door; paint the door blue, which is considered sacred; scatter mustard seeds or bury dragon tree resin under the threshold outside; drive three nails into the door from the outside in the form of a triangle, pointing upwards. Special herbs are grown by the porch to further protect the home. Ferns, lilies, marigolds and junipers are grown in pots. An old sock filled with salt, sage, mullein, tansy, and any other protective herb can be buried under the doorstep to keep ghosts away. A box with "chicken gods" - stones with holes, or a knife under the threshold also have magical properties to protect the house. The door is the best place in the house among those capable of attracting certain types of energy. For example, five shiny pennies * placed under the threshold will bring money and love to households, and a piece of food buried in the same place will "take care" so that you never know what hunger is. Do you want to see a ghost? According to old lore, the door is the perfect place for this. At sunset or midnight, stand in the dark at any door that faces another room. Half-open the door, press your cheek against it. If you are patient, you can see spirits, some strange figures. Why? Because the door is the entrance to other worlds. If you want to get rid of the ghosts, all you have to do is slam the door several times in a row. The ghosts will be trapped between the door and the jamb, they will suffer and will soon leave. But if you like ghosts, don't slam the door! If you are the type of person who forget to close the door behind them, you might want to start doing it. Legend has it that someone who never closes the door behind him will never have his own home. This probably has to do with the belief that if the doors of the house are always left open, all power will go through them. Protecting your home from evil people. Keys have their own magical properties and were extremely important for ancient religious beliefs. Hecate held the keys to the universe; Janus was also often depicted holding keys; both ancient priestesses and priests held the keys to symbolize their strong magical connection with their deities. Keys are a phallic symbol representing the masculine principle, but also wisdom, the attainment of a higher level of consciousness, and magical protection. There are many key spells from where you can choose whatever you like. There are such simple rituals as wearing a small key on your body (worn, not carried) in order to gain wisdom; like keeping an old iron key under a mattress to cure impotence. There are more complicated rituals ... Find as many old keys as you have doors in the house. Slowly moving around the house, repeat, as each key touches its door: Lock the thieves in the night! Lock up the thieves in the night! Lock up the thieves in the night! "Then tie all the keys together with a red ribbon and hang them on the front door as a decoration with magical powers. Remember: visualize! As mentioned, keys can be worn or used for a variety of purposes. The golden key protects from the evil eye; three keys on a chain will bring health, wealth and love; the key on the back is believed to relieve headaches or stop nosebleeds; any key you carry with you brings good luck as long as it matches one of your locks. The key, put in the cradle, "banning" the baby at home, so that it cannot be stolen by the fairies (although this is not such a pressing problem these days). The key, placed upside down next to the bed, will banish nightmares and ensure a peaceful sleep. In order to guard the house of your beloved pets, put a small key next to it. If worn on the body, it will enhance fertility and fertilization. And if you want to reveal a secret, carry the key with you. Protecting your home from evil people. Windows are just doors without keys. In ancient times, openings in the walls served as windows, designed to allow fresh air and ventilation from smoke. The wind whistled through them, and the light from the hearth burning in the house was visible. Not surprisingly, the windows were called "the eye of the wind". As with doors, windows are looked at with hidden fear, believing that they have magical properties. They are protected in every possible way. Until now, pentagrams are carved or drawn with chalk on windows. White curtains hung on the windows close from the sun and from all negative influences. Small white sea pebbles, pieces of glass, seashells are placed on the windowsill, and a large red tomato is also possible. A green glass ball is hung in front of a window to ward off evil forces. When you wash your windows with ammonia or vinegar, you not only make them cleaner, but you invite the wind to bless your home. Stained-glass windows have magical powers, warding off evil spirits, as an intricate stained-glass window | and glass of different colors cause cleaning vibrations. The patterns on these windows must be chosen with great care so that they match the overall style. When the sun shines through colored stained glass, throwing colored beams of light into the room and forming glowing colored puddles on the floor, the magic is really at work! A similar effect is produced by a leaded crystal facing the window so that the sunlight scatters into hundreds of small rainbows. Beloved by architects in Hawaii and the Far East, round windows are considered to bring protection to the home. These are known as "moon windows". If you are moving into a new home, try this ritual (which is also effective when sleeping in a room for the first time): Before going to bed, count the pieces of glass in the room's windows. Then make a wish and go to sleep. Finally, if your luck has turned on you, sprinkle salt on the windowsill, and then take other steps to bring your luck back. Protecting your home from evil people. Preserved the front door. It is imperative to put protection on the front door. Evil comes through the door along with ill-wishers, so protecting the front door is the most important guardian of a home from witchcraft and any evil. Nails will help us with this, since protective conspiracies for iron have great protective power from evil intentions. On the waxing moon, you need to buy three nails without change. If you can't buy exactly three nails, you can buy more. The main thing is not to take change. Drive in one nail at the top of the door and the other two at the bottom. The nails should form an equilateral triangle. After that, enter the room, close the door and say the conspiracy to protect the house from evil people: “Three nails in my door. The first will kill all enemies, the second will drive all non-humans, the third will take away all unkindness. All words in the case turn, All nails in favor of turnover. " As long as the nails are in the door, the conspiracy protection will reliably protect the home from witchcraft, damage and evil thoughts. Protecting your home from evil people. Amulet for gypsy needles. On the waxing moon, buy two gypsy needles without change. Fold them with a cross, point down, tied with white thread, and pronounce a conspiracy-protection to the house and preservation of property from evil people and witchcraft: “Like spears with a cross, so enemies are all prone. Who is with good - he will pass. Whoever is with evil - will hook it with a cross ... ”Hang the needles over the door inside the room or hide them under the upholstery of the door outside. After three months, remove the needles, rinse with running water or heat over a candle flame, and re-read the conspiracy to protect your premises. Burn the thread. Clean threshold of a house How to protect a threshold of a house. The front door and threshold must be reliably protected from the penetration of evil. On the threshold of the house, an unkind person will already lose part of the evil force with which he came. Having entered the threshold, the black power remaining with him will lose its power, reflected in the charmed mirror. Therefore, it is advisable to hang a mirror opposite the front door.

And what to do with the threshold of the house, what conspiracy to read for the defense? First of all, the threshold must be cleaned of accumulated dirt: sweep and wash. Make it a rule to keep the threshold, front door handles and the door itself clean. Then you are not afraid of any evil, and luck will often look into such a house. Sweeping the threshold of the house with a broom, read the conspiracy: “I sweep away ailments, diseases, damage and cramps, The evil eyes are brought and superficial. My threshold is blasted, blessed by God. Amen." Protecting your home from evil people. The next method of cleaning the threshold is to do it with salt water. To do this, throw three pinches of salt into a bucket of water and wash the threshold three times, saying the conspiracy: “I added salt, soaked it with water. As salt does not rot, so damage does not stick to the threshold. Roll back, turn away, turn back! Get out there! I didn't call you! " Then the dirty water must be poured out at the pedestrian intersection. Don't worry about what people think of you! They poured it out and went home without looking back. And now, when the threshold has been cleared, it is necessary to put up protection from unkind people and the penetration of evil. To do this, take quaternary salt and sprinkle it on the threshold. In this case, you need to read the conspiracy: “Salt from Maundy Thursday! Drive sickness and pain out of your home! Keep on the threshold all evil, all adversity and dashing! Uncleanness will bypass this house. As I said, this will happen! " You can also hide a new blade under the threshold. It will cut off evil. Protecting your home from evil people. Home protection with three nails. Cross yourself three times and read Our Father. Drive three nails in turn into the threshold of the house (two at the edges and one in the middle), while pronouncing the conspiracy 3 times. "I hammer lips, teeth, eyes. I beat enemies, whoever does what to me, let him take it for himself. From your mouth into your bosom" Note: you cannot do it on holiday, Friday and Sunday. Protecting your home from evil people. Damage nails will be taken away. Drive three small nails into the door from the street side so that they form an ascending equilateral triangle with their heads (one nail at the top, two at the bottom). After that, go into the house, close the door and say:, Three nails in this door. The first nail - to stab all the enemies, the second nail - all the inhumans of lime, the third nail - to ward off all unkindness. All my words - a turn in business, all three nails - in favor of a turn. "This will protect your home from the invasion of evil spirits and reduce the effectiveness of black witchcraft directed at your home. Protecting your home from evil people. Holy water for protection. Holy water is huge. power, especially Epiphany Pour some water into a bowl and add a pinch of Thursday salt, and also put any silver object. Then a prayer is read on the water, Our Father "and a conspiracy of protection from unkind people, witchcraft, to preserve property. Take a church candle, light it in front of the door on both sides, in the air, draw a cross with it. Then sprinkle the door and threshold with holy water, sentencing the conspiracy: "I ask for help: descend to me a servant of God (your name), cherubim and seraphim from heaven to earth. Wash with holy water, cleanse, deliver from all evil. Lessons around the world do not go to the house of the servant of God ( your name) do not enter, henceforth and forever. Amen. " Next, you need to sprinkle the entire room, the front door and the threshold with this water. All protective conspiracies are read on the growing moon, but you can read it any day, if necessary. Protection of the house from evil people. Amulet on pins. * Tailor's pins; * church candle; * icon. In this case, we need tailor's pins to protect the room from the witchcraft of unkind people, but without balls at the end. Purchase pins on the growing moon. There should be enough pins to cover all the windows and the front door (four pieces on the object of protection). Now the pins need to be consecrated. To do this, put the icon on the table and light the church candle. We look at the candle, pins and icon and read the prayer, Our Father "7 times in a row. Now you need to stick pins on the four sides of the windows and the front door (two at the top and two at the bottom). If you can't stick it in, then you can stick it with plasticine or scotch tape. The main thing is that the sharp tip looks down. Defense conspiracies can be omitted. After three months, remove the pins and bury them in the ground, and attach new ones to protect the premises from the witchcraft of ill-wishers. Protecting your home from evil people. You can protect a house or apartment from the action of dark forces (sorcerers who let damage, energy vampires, and other evil spirits) by sticking needles in all the openings of the premises - doors, windows. It is better to do this at the top of the frames and jambs, and you need to stick the needles with an eyelet, not a point. In this case, you must read the conspiracy from evil spirits. Conspiracy. "From the Holy Spirit, the partaker of Christ, the hand of the Savior, the castle of the Mother of God, my angel, my guardian! Save my soul, hold my heart together. Enemy Satan, go away from me! I have three sheets, everything is written Mark and Nikita the Great Martyr: torment my soul for my sins, pray to God for me. Amen. " Having finished this ritual, it is necessary to go around the house (apartment) counterclockwise with a church candle. You need to start from the threshold and in no case miss a single wall or a single corner. Where the flame will crackle or smoke, you should hold the candle flame there longer. Thistle Protective herbs. From time immemorial, knowledge about the mighty power of protective herbs has come down to us. You can read a conspiracy on herbs, or you can ask for protection in your own words. Place wormwood under the rug by the entrance. When you clean up again, throw it away from your home and put in a new one. A bunch of St. John's wort or mint should be hung in the hallway near the mirror or by the hanger. In the summer, stock up on a thistle and keep it in the house all year. St. John's wort, placed under the threshold, will not let a person with malicious intent pass. If you hang buckthorn branches on the windows and the front door, it will break the evil spell. Protecting your home from evil people. Protect yourself and your home with plants. Brew a steep infusion of dill or thistle. Sprinkle this infusion on the front door, windows and window sills with a broom made of multi-colored chicken feathers. Combine five parts coarse salt with three parts dried St. John's wort and one part dried and powdered garlic flowers for a full moon. Stuff an old sock with this mixture. Doing this, say the cherished words: Where you are put, there is no black power, no evil intentions, not a bad word. The salt will take away the blackness, the grass will unfold evil, the color will open bad words, no one will know, no one will pass, no one will wither, no one will die. Three times three turns, three times three turns, three times three from the gate. "Bury this protective amulet under the threshold of the front door of your house, repeating the conspiracy 3 more times. Protecting the house from evil people. In order to protect against negative energy, collect and dry protective herbs and plants : St. John's wort, clover, wormwood, tansy, thistle and sage. Mix them all together, saying: "Grass with grass unites, unites against the black force, fills with clear light, for (names) is determined." Sew a small bag of red cloth and pour the herbal mixture into it. Sew the bag so that the herbs do not spill out. Wear it on a red cord, putting it around your neck. Protecting the house from evil people. Take a red candle in your left hand, and a spruce branch in your right. Stand face to the east and back to the west, light the wick by the candle and pronounce the conspiracy: “There will be an iron tyn around me, a damask fence from east to west, from north to sea, from the ground to the sky, and will protect me from the sorcerer and the witch, from to from the witch, from the black and from the white, from the two-toothed and from the three-toothed, from the one-eyed and red-eyed, from the oblique and from the blind, from every enemy-enemy of mine and from every comrade-friend of mine. Be my words, molded and strong, stronger than strong stone, harder than hard iron from now on, and forever and ever. " After that, tear off three needles from the spruce branch and carry them in your pocket. Protecting your home from evil people. To prevent evil from settling in your home, put mustard seeds under the rug in front of the front door of your house and say: "He who sowed, he will gather, not a single evil will enter this house, turn back, go to another threshold." Protecting your home from evil people. Plant herbs and plants near your home to block negative energy from entering your home. These can be flowers of lilies, marigolds, violets and cyclamens, bushes of juniper, thistle and fern. Watering them for the first time, say: "Green cover, hide people and houses from all evil spirits, from all evil." In addition, hang a mirror in front of the front door: it will reflect the evil that seeks to penetrate your home. Protecting your home from evil people. Mix equal parts dry herbs: rosemary, lavender, basil, clover, mint and laurel. Add to them the same amount of fennel seeds, garlic flowers and marigolds, plantain seeds and violet root and say the conspiracy: “From black strength, from a bad word, from a bad thought, these herbs gathered together. Where they are, all black and bad things should be blocked by land, sea, wind, and fire. All that has been said to turn into deeds, never to be forgotten. " If you cannot find all of the listed herbs, then use only those that will be available to you. Fill a green glass bottle or jar about two-thirds full with the spelled herbal mixture and seal the jar with a stopper or lid. Place the bottle on the kitchen window. Protecting your home from evil people. Collect and dry herbs and plants to protect your home from the anger and envy of your ill-wishers: St. John's wort, clover, wormwood, tansy, marigold, thistle, sage, verbena, fern, juniper, hyssop, mistletoe, lily, violet root, garlic flowers, dill seeds , bay leaves, cloves, marjoram, rosemary, basil and lavender, as well as leaves and sawdust of sandalwood, eucalyptus, patchouli and cypress. Mix them all together and pour the resulting herbal mixture into a small canvas bag. As you do this, recite the conspiracy: “Every herb is strong, every herb is wise, and together they are stronger, but together they are wiser. I gather them together, I conjure them together, to stand against dashing force, to expel evil with wisdom ”. Tie this pouch with red string and hang it in the north corner of your house. Protecting your home from evil people. Preserved the house on a round mirror. You can protect your home from negative energy with a round mirror. To do this, buy a new mirror or clean the old one. Wash the mirror with running water, dry it and light a church candle in front of it. This will be enough to clear unnecessary information. Then place the mirror on the table and place eight church candles on the sides. Light one of them and say: "I define you to ward off evil." Next, light all the others from this candle, repeating the same words. Then look at the reflection of the candles in the mirror and say a conspiracy to protect: “In and around, protect from evil. Create the world from one to eight, from eight incarnate. " Put out the candles with your fingers and hide in a secluded place. Hang the mirror on the wall. From now on, all unkind looks, evil thoughts and words spoken in your home will not harm you or your loved ones. A year later, the conspiracy of protection from unkind people is repeated again after cleaning the mirror with water. Protecting your home from evil people. How to protect your house from damage. On the waxing moon before noon, buy a spool of white thread and new needles. Remember that items for witchcraft cannot be used for domestic purposes. Therefore, put the remaining threads and needles in a separate box and store for other rituals. Thread the needle into the needle (tear it off the spool to the length of the elbow) and tie in three knots. Run the tip of the needle along the jamb of the door and stick it at the top, saying the conspiracy to protect: “You stand guard. Beat all our enemies! " After three months, remove the igloo and bury it in the ground away from your home. Take another needle and repeat the plot of your premises to protect against the witchcraft of unkind people. Protecting your home from evil people. Brownie's help. If a brownie lives in your house, you can ask him to protect the house and property. Before going to bed, do the following. Put a piece of bread and a bracelet on a plate and say the following: “Householder, enter the house, protect my family. Bless us with wealth, keep peace and harmony in the family. I give you soft bread, in return I will ask for help. " Go to bed. Dry the bread in the morning and put the bracelet on your hand.

Home protection, or rather a separate room. Being in the room, just attention, i.e. mentally, but outside, draw lines (they themselves will begin to appear there, you do not need to puff and strain to create them there) as follows: (to find the center of the room) - on each wall, as well as on the floor and ceiling, draw two lines connecting opposing corners, i.e. draw a cross in these rectangles, and also draw lines along the contour of these rectangles, i.e. in the places where the walls join. - now the same thing needs to be done inside, connect each lower corner with the opposite upper one, so the line will pass through the center of the room and the same center will be the intersection point. through the same center, direct the lines formed from the crosses on the walls and ceiling, i.e. connect the points of intersection of the two diagonals between the floor and the ceiling, as well as the Two Pairs of Walls, so YOU ​​will get INSIDE THE ROOM a kind of star, place the energy seed of the spell you need in this center (determine in advance what you need to learn as a result and find this little lump in your VIP - the seed of future enchantments). it is better to be outside the room, because nothing should interfere with the deployment. at this moment you will also be able to observe exactly how the sweep goes along the lines, this enchantment will thus unfold within the room. when all active processes are over, you can enter. as you cross the threshold, track your sensation of entering the spell zone. NOTES: 1) the lines will be bluish, this is not an NP in its pure form, but rather the lines of the mind generated by your mind and carrying the power of the mind, due to which the enchantment will be completely autonomous and will not need to be fed from the outside - the enchantment will have some semblance of reason and maintain its existence independently, drawing strength from a world source, so that there will be no problems with nutrition 2) the enchantment should feel like sparkling water, it will slightly sparkle the skin, like from soda, only softer, this is me to the fact that you do not need to make them murderous, etc., because how do you still live there))) they should create coziness in the room, being generated by a reasonable beginning, they will (initially, i.e. by themselves) destroy everything as if not pure, false (as in music false sounds) energy structures, leaving only pure ones. thus, any negatives will be destroyed surprisingly easily and simply, although it will seem that the defense is very light and "gentle" and will cope with this so easily, well, it just should not, by definition, but in these things the subtle often turns out to be stronger and more effective 3) try to compare your sensations meditating in this room and elsewhere, I think you will find several differences. Protecting the house from evil people. When talking or meeting with an ill-wisher: If you feel an evil force emanating from someone, mentally cross that person. Do this three times and, without opening your mouth, say to yourself: "I cover you with this cross, this fast, so that there is no black thought, no bad deed, no bad look." When communicating with such a person, keep your right hand in your pocket, folding a fig out of your fingers. If they threaten you on the phone with damage, or curse, then without hanging up the phone and especially not listening to what they say, cross yourself and say: "Everything has come down, passed on to you. Get lost, get lost, go away. Amen." And it doesn't matter even if they don't listen to you, the negative program will not linger on you, but it will seriously affect the subscriber. If you are going to go somewhere and want to protect yourself from enemies who can harm you with a word, read this conspiracy standing in front of the threshold. Read 3 times. , I cross the threshold, I crawl out like a viper, I close my mouth to all enemies, I do not go, but I ride like a black ox, so that all my enemies have a stake, Amen, Amen. Amen. "Spit over your left shoulder 3 times. To get rid of negative energy after a quarrel. Tear off a skein of black thread 30 centimeters, light a wax candle (there should be no other light sources), and, winding the thread around the index finger of your right hand, at the same time read conspiracy 7 times:, You go, heartache from me to Peter, and from Peter to Nikita, and from Nikita to this thread. You will be there, and I (name) live peacefully. Word. Key. Language. Castle. " Then burn the twisted thread in a candle flame, and take out the ashes and throw them into the trash. Let the candle burn out.