What eyebrow shape is suitable for an oval face? Ideal eyebrow shapes for an oval face What eyebrows suit an oval face

Well-groomed eyebrows add extra attractiveness and irresistibility to any woman’s face. They are the central element whose care allows you to correct your facial features.

Features of eyebrow care

There are several fundamental rules that should be followed when caring for your eyebrows. They determine the procedure for care, and also set some restrictions (what should not be done under any circumstances). Each of the points of these rules in more detail:

Eyebrow care

  • To give the eyebrows the desired shape, it is necessary to use the entire arsenal of existing techniques, including thinning with tweezers, trimming, tinting, and the like.
  • When caring for your eyebrows, you should choose their shape in accordance with the features of your face contour (depending on its oval shape and size).
  • It is also important to choose a good grooming brush that is suitable for any hair type.
  • When carrying out this procedure, you should use a special eyebrow gel.

Note! All these requirements are valid both for everyday situations (at home), and for the case of visiting a beauty salon.

When caring for your eyebrows on your own, thinning them should only be done if you have some experience in performing these operations. At first, it is better for novice craftswomen to take the help of a professional.

Before going to him, you should definitely consult a skin specialist about allergies to the procedure itself and to the compositions used in the treatment. Both at home and at the cosmetologist, you should remember that eyebrows drawn with a pencil have not been fashionable for a long time. They were replaced by natural alignment techniques and a completely new tattoo (drawing style).

According to modern makeup artists, for touch-up it is best to use palettes that include several pigments at once. When mixed, it is possible to obtain a shade close to the natural color.

Expert advice. Sculpting mascara is well suited for caring for wide but not very thick eyebrows. This cosmetic product comes in a wide range of brown and black tones. They give the eyebrows the required density and thickness, while maintaining their naturalness.

In the case when the eyebrows are very thin, before tinting them, it is advisable to comb all the hairs with a special brush and fix them with wax for reliability. After this, they will look quite voluminous even without aids.

Eyebrow shapes and types

The ability to choose the right shape and type of eyebrow lines is important for a woman for a number of reasons. It largely determines the ability to influence the nature of the perception of her face by other people. For faces of different structure (elongated, oval, etc.), appropriate eyebrows are selected, which, according to their shape, are divided into the following types:

Eyebrow shapes and types

  • Oval (round or arched curve).
  • Straight or horizontal eyebrows.
  • Broken or scattered.
  • A little house.
  • Wavy.

In 2018, the arched shape was very popular. The catchy and sharp break that gives a woman’s face a surprised and slightly indignant expression is a thing of the past. Wanting to look more stylish, young women and girls tried to highlight their eyebrows very strongly (with a pencil, for example). This led to a loss of naturalness, which any man adores so much.

That is why, by the end of the year, the surprisingly dramatic bend in the eyebrows was replaced by a more delicate and soft oval. Naturalness is coming back into fashion as part of the attribute discussed here.

In accordance with the thickness and saturation of the eyebrows, they are usually divided into the following types:

  • Thin or narrow.
  • Wide oval.
  • Eyebrows of moderate thickness.

Note! Refined eyebrows also fell into oblivion. They were replaced by curved and straight ones with a break (necessarily wide). In order to follow fashion exactly, experts advise minimal correction. According to this requirement, only those hairs that violate the selected contour line (its bend) should be removed.

Eyebrows for oval faces

Eyebrows for oval faces

The optimal eyebrow shape for an oval face is usually selected from the following list:

  • Direct.
  • Eyebrows scatter.
  • Arc-shaped.

Straight eyebrows additionally emphasize the character of the face, especially highlighting its roundness. It is very important to design them in such a way as not to reduce them to the bridge of the nose, which immediately gives the face an unfriendly and slightly angry look. In the process of communication, it is best to raise such eyebrows a little upward (this technique gives the appearance softness and friendliness).

Additional Information. The main condition for guaranteed success of straight eyebrows is their strict symmetry.

Eyebrows for oval faces with a kink are a classic design for the brow ridges, which for many is considered a model or standard. They are ideal for romantic natures, whose gaze, thanks to a break, acquires openness; their owner looks noticeably younger. The correct approach to eyebrow shaping requires maintaining a sense of proportion in this case. If it is violated, the opposite effect is possible when, instead of openness, the face acquires an astonished or even predatory expression.

Well-groomed arched eyebrows are optimal for an oval face, as they give it serenity and a noticeably pronounced femininity. However, this form requires careful elaboration and the observance of exact proportions between the length, thickness of the arches and the height of the arch.

Horizontal eyebrows (step by step guide)

Many women are interested in the question: how to make their eyebrows horizontal, while wanting to learn how to shape them themselves. The step-by-step plan below will provide them with some support in this:

Horizontal eyebrows

  1. Step 1. First of all, you need to decide on the place where your eyebrows should begin, for which you should use your nose as a guide. To do this, one end of the pencil is alternately applied to his wings, the second is raised to the inner edge of the eyes. This point will be considered the beginning of the eyebrows.
  1. Step 2. After this, you should move the upper tip of the pencil to the outer corner of the eye hole. The indicated place should be considered the end of the eyebrows.
  1. Step 3. Next you need to decide on their bend. To do this, you need to position the end of the pencil so that it crosses the pupil exactly in the center. At this point, a curve of the eyebrow is made above it.

Note! In order to fix the position of the measured points, it is advisable to immediately mark them with a cosmetic pencil.

  1. Step 4. At this stage, you should decide on the width of the eyebrow, on which the facial expression largely depends.

For those with particularly refined features, eyebrows that are not very thick will suit them. To increase their volume, you may need paint, powder or pencil. It is important to ensure that the shade of the eyebrows fully matches the tone of the skin.

Note! For girls who have thin eyebrows and a low forehead, the beginning of the arch should be highlighted with a light pencil, the very tip should be made a little darker. The same technique is used in cases where long bangs are lowered onto the forehead.

If the distance between the eyes is small, you will need to expand the gap between the eyebrows to about 2 centimeters.

If you want to choose the right eyebrow shape, experienced cosmetologists advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Before adjusting them yourself, it is advisable to draw the planned line with a pencil.
  • Sometimes a special eyebrow stencil is used for this.
  • Correction should always be carried out only in sufficiently effective lighting (optimally daylight).
  • Before thinning your eyebrows with tweezers, you definitely need to think about their expected shape.
  • With very large features, which are especially emphasized by a high forehead, they should be made more expressive.

When shaping eyebrows for an oval face, it is recommended to use special conditioning gels. They will also benefit from biological supplements that enhance hair growth.

There are no unimportant details on the face, but some elements can set the tone for the entire makeup and image as a whole. One of them is eyebrows. Recently, they have received a lot of attention, since the correctly selected eyebrow shape for an oval face, a photo of which can be viewed online, often helps to hide some flaws and emphasize advantages.

It is very important to consider that there is no universal formula for perfect eyebrows; it is selected in accordance with certain facial features.

Ideal eyebrows for an oval face

Someone might say that choosing eyebrows for an oval-shaped face is as easy as shelling pears and would be deeply wrong.

Although the oval is the most common face shape, for selection it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the main facial features, the size of the lips, nose, and the distance between the eyes.

Most makeup artists consider the oval face to be the easiest to work with, as it has almost perfect proportions. However, the choice of eyebrows for each individual lady remains a subject of discussion, since it is this detail that sets the tone and mood for the entire image.

There are three main forms, which may vary:

  • straight;
  • curved;
  • pointed.

The biggest problem for most girls is determining their own face shape, since oval can often be confused with round or elongated.

So, simple measurements will help you distinguish an oval from a circle. Both are devoid of angles and sharp lines, which gives the face the maximum degree of femininity, but the round one has equal length and width. Oval is still less wide. Also, a round face has the same width at the top and bottom, while an oval face is slightly narrower in the chin area.

The elongated type differs from the oval face by a high forehead, less pronounced cheeks and a sharper chin. After determining your face type, you can proceed to selecting your shape.

How to find your eyebrow shape?

For an oval face, any shape is organically suitable, except for the arched one, as it visually lengthens the face.

When choosing a shape for yourself or a client, it is important to take into account the girl’s character, since it is the eyebrows that fully correspond to it, namely:

How to finally decide on the form?

In this matter, the services of a qualified eyebrow stylist will be indispensable, who can accurately determine which fashionable shape will suit your face.

If it is not possible to contact such a specialist, then a simple stencil can help with the choice. They are presented in a wide range in stores and beauty product catalogs and are quite low in cost. Armed with several samples, you can easily choose the appropriate shape.

The stencil must be applied to the eyebrow and completely filled in with a regular correction pencil. Then the stencil is removed and the result can be assessed. For greater confidence, you can consult friends or relatives who will help you determine what looks more natural and emphasizes all your advantages.

Having selected the necessary eyebrow shape for an oval face, they can be corrected with tweezers or a special thread. Or use the services of a master in the salon.

After this, you need to maintain the shape, and take care of the hairs themselves using various oils; argan or burdock oils are perfect. This is especially necessary if your eyebrows are constantly exposed to dyes or cosmetics.

Most women are dissatisfied with their natural eyebrow shape; moreover, with age they droop a little and make the look frown and angry. You can give a beautiful expression to your face and achieve a rejuvenation effect just by choosing the right eyebrow shape. In this article we will look at how eyebrows change the face, as well as ways to care for the problem area.

Eyebrow shapes

The most common eyebrow shapes are:

  • Horizontal. The beginning and end of the eyebrow arch are at the same level.
  • Rising. The inner part of the eyebrow is located below the tip.
  • Falling. In this case, the tip is located below the base of the eyebrow.
  • Smooth eyebrow shape. It is considered the most preferable.
  • Round eyebrows. Most often, the shape is chosen by oriental women; the arc in this case is clearly pronounced.
  • Broken. The shape makes the look more open.
  • A little house. Visually lifts the upper eyelid.
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    Photos of eyebrow shapes for different face types can be found in the sections below.

    Round and oval face

    If you don’t know how eyebrows change your face, and you choose their shape based on your face type, know: first of all, you need to hide the flaws in your appearance and highlight your advantages.

  • For example, to correct a round face, you should never make rounded eyebrows; they will only enhance its spherical shape. Here, the ideal option would be a broken shape with a short end; an elongated end, again, visually expands the circle. Thanks to this option, the focus shifts to the kink, which in addition lengthens the face.
  • The preferred shape for an oval face is horizontal eyebrows. They soften the elongation of the oval and slightly round it. The smooth shape of the eyebrows also looks good; it slightly softens the boundaries of the oval. However, special attention should be paid to correcting the hairline; it should not be too wide or thin; in addition, it is good if the arch is not too raised.
  • Square and rectangular face

    Rounded eyebrows will help soften the angularity of the lines of a square and rectangle. At the same time, its base should be wide, gradually turning into an almost straight line. There is a curve above the middle of the eye, and then the eyebrow drops down again. The corners should be slightly pointed. When choosing a shape for a rectangular or square face, it is worth remembering that thin and short eyebrows should be avoided. How eyebrows change the angular shape of a face can be seen in the picture below.

    Heart and rhombus shape

    If we talk about the shape of a heart or a triangle, then the forehead especially stands out here; it makes the upper part of the face heavier due to the narrow and pointed chin. The correct shape of the eyebrows will visually balance the proportions of the face. The horizontal shape should be immediately excluded; the eyebrows should have a rounded or ascending line with a raised tip. If the tails of the eyebrows are lowered, the face will take on a tired look. In principle, you can clearly see how the shape of the eyebrows changes the face in the photos presented in the article.

    Professional makeup artists often call a diamond-shaped face a diamond because of its similar contours. This shape is characterized by angular lines and wide cheekbones, so eyebrows should soften the features, making them less harsh. Pronounced kinks and horizontal lines should be avoided; only a slight bend at the highest point of eyebrow lift is acceptable. The best option would be a clearly defined, rounded and smooth hairline.

    Eyebrow shape depending on eye shape

    When choosing the curve of the hairline, you need to take into account that eyebrows change the face so as not to look ridiculous. The shape of the eyes is of no small importance here.

    So, it is advisable for owners of small eyes to abandon wide eyebrows. The best option would be thin or medium-thick lines. If we talk about shape, then it is better to give preference to rounded arches, however, such eyebrows are contraindicated for chubby girls. But large eyes, on the contrary, look harmonious framed by wide eyebrows, while a thin shape conceals their beauty.

    If the eyes on the face are located wide, eyebrows, the base of which is modeled closer to the bridge of the nose, will help to visually bring them closer. In the case when the eyes are set close to each other, the eyebrows, on the contrary, need to be slightly spaced, moving them away from the bridge of the nose.

    For so-called “sad” eyes, when the outer corners are slightly drooping, it is recommended to choose a shape with a high arch or a sharp bend. This trick allows you to visually lift the corners of your eyes. If the eyes have a pronounced round shape, eyebrows with a kink shifted towards the temples help to elongate them a little. An excessively elongated and narrowed incision reveals the shape of the eyebrows with a house with a bend above the pupil.

    Eyebrow proportions

    To choose the right eyebrows for your face shape, you need to take into account their proportions relative to other elements of your appearance.

    Before you start tinting your eyebrows or correcting their shape, it is important to determine the correct proportions. They do this as follows:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the placement of the eyes. If the distance between them is greater than their length, then the eyes are considered to be widely spaced and, conversely, if the distance between them is less than their length, then the eyes are set close.
  • The next stage is to mentally divide the eyebrow into three parts: the base, the arch or highest point and the tip.
  • To correctly determine the proportions, three lines are mentally drawn from the wings of the nose. The first rises vertically upward to the beginning of the eyebrow, the second - from the starting point through the pupil to the bend, the third - through the outer corner of the eye to the tip.
  • Each point can be marked with an eyebrow pencil and the outline of the desired eyebrow shape can be drawn through them. Next, correction is carried out on it or permanent makeup is applied.

    If a girl is interested in how the shape of the eyebrows changes the face, then she can experiment at home, drawing different arcs with a makeup pencil.

    How to draw eyebrows correctly?

  • First of all, they need to be combed upward with a special brush. If you don’t have one at hand, a well-washed brush from an old mascara will do. Thanks to this manipulation, gaps between the hairs that need to be painted are visible.2
  • It is necessary to start drawing the contour with special care. Here it is important to choose the right shade, as close as possible to the natural color, so that the eyebrows look natural.
  • To color the voids between the hairs, as a rule, markers or eyebrow pencils are used. If you need to completely draw the eyebrow, then it is recommended to use matte shadows. The pencil is ideal for drawing a contour; if you fill in your eyebrows completely, they will take on an unnatural shade.
  • The contour is drawn from the bottom of the eyebrow, and then complemented by the top. The lines must be symmetrical. The contour is drawn on both eyebrows and only after that they begin to paint the inside. Fill in the eyebrow with light, abrupt strokes.
  • Finally, the form must be secured. This is done using eyebrow gel; it can be colorless or tinted. The hairs are fixed in the desired direction and retain their shape for the whole day. If there is no gel, you can use your usual hairspray, lightly spray the eyebrow brush with it and smooth the hairs.
  • Eyebrow care

    We looked at how eyebrows change a person's face. But it’s not enough to find out which arch shape is right for you. To maintain your look throughout the day, you need to know how to properly care for your eyebrows.

    After the curve lines have acquired the ideal shape corresponding to the type and proportions of the face, it is necessary to provide them with proper care:

  • In order not to lose and maintain the shape of your eyebrows for a long time, you need to pluck the hairs as they grow. If they are not styled with any cosmetic products, they are at least combed with a brush.
  • You can grow your eyebrows and make them thicker by including foods high in vitamins A, C, and E in your daily diet. In addition, it is recommended to use natural oils, such as castor or burdock, they strengthen the follicles and stimulate hair growth. Rose, lemon and lavender oils have proven themselves well. They are applied as follows: moisten a cotton swab with oil and coat the eyebrows, after 30 minutes it is washed off or soaked with a napkin and left overnight. The procedure is carried out daily until the desired result is obtained. If an allergic reaction occurs, you should stop using the oil and try replacing it with another product.
  • When applying care lines or decorative cosmetics, you should avoid getting the product on your eyebrows. If this happens, it is carefully removed from the hairs, since the composition of products not intended for eyebrows can negatively affect their growth.
  • Another effective way to grow eyebrows is not to carry out correction for several months. Of course, this method is not suitable for every woman, but the result will pleasantly surprise you. At the same time, the woman will see how her eyebrows change her face (photos are presented in the article) and, perhaps, will choose a different shape of the hairline during the next correction.
  • Errors

    The following recommendations will help you avoid mistakes when doing your own eyebrow correction:

  • The optimal width for any type of face and eye shape is considered to be the average size of the hairline. If necessary, it can be easily made thinner or wider in the future.
  • The shape of the eyebrows can also be determined by the lips. So, thin and graceful curves are ideal for thin lips.
  • For those with large facial features, wide eyebrows are more suitable.
  • For fair-haired girls, it is recommended to dye their eyebrows a tone darker, and for dark-haired girls, on the contrary, a tone lighter.
  • The sharp break of the arc in a triangle gives the face seriousness.
  • It is not necessary to have your eyebrows corrected by a specialist; you can do it yourself if you approach the issue thoroughly and understand how eyebrows change the face.

    The shape of the eyebrows for an oval face cannot be any; some lines can upset the balance and make the face overly elongated. For the first time, it is better to create an eyebrow shape not by yourself, but by turning to a specialist. He has sufficient experience to determine the contour that will suit the type of appearance, highlight its advantages and reliably hide its flaws.

    The best forms

    Eyebrows for an oval face can be very different, but it is best to choose one of three options:

    • horizontal eyebrows ;
    • leaving in flight;
    • arcuate.

    The arch of the eyebrows may vary, but too sharp lines are unacceptable.

    When wondering which eyebrows are suitable for an oval face, you should understand that for a face with a large forehead, too bright, pronounced eyebrows that stand in a “house” are unacceptable; they will give the face an eternally surprised expression, unnecessarily emphasizing imperfections.

    Straight or horizontal

    What shape to choose for an oval face type so that the brow ridges look natural, harmoniously completing the image? Horizontal eyebrow shapes will perfectly emphasize proportions, make the image rounder, and the face a little shorter.

    According to psychologists, the presence of horizontal brow ridges in a woman is an indicator of a strong spirit and independence of character. When a woman is talking, she should slightly raise her eyebrows, showing interest in the interlocutor and her own gentleness. If you bring them to the bridge of the nose, the look will be threatening and angry.

    The beginning of the arc line should not be located too low, and it is better to lengthen the tip by drawing on it with a cosmetic pencil.

    The main secret is symmetry, as well as the use of neutral tones. Tones that are too black will attract a lot of attention, emphasizing existing imperfections.

    With a break or in flight

    What eyebrows are suitable for an oval face? A slight break is required; this is a classic design option that should not be avoided. This method allows you to open your eyes slightly and emphasize the shape of the eyes.

    During the formation of a fracture, you cannot get carried away, otherwise the look may turn out not at all gentle, but predatory, angry.


    When deciding which eyebrow shape suits an oval face, we must not forget about the arched architecture. Such lines will make the look soft and feminine. The main thing is that the form is created with careful elaboration. A balance is required between the thickness and length of the arc, as well as their arch. The height can be anything from low to high.

    How to shape eyebrows correctly

    Only a properly designed eyebrow can give expressiveness to the look; to create it with your own hands, you must follow a number of rules:

    1. Find the starting point, from the inner corner of the eye, the point of contact of the pencil should come to the wing of the nose. This will be the foundation.
    2. Move the cosmetic pencil to the outer corner, this is where the eyebrow will end.
    3. Find the highest point of the bend by placing the pencil on the middle part of the pupil.
    4. Connect each marked point with a nearby one to get a smooth line.
    5. Decide on the width: it is better to prefer medium sizes.
    6. The shade inside the eyebrows can be created using shadows, and the hairs can be smoothed with a special transparent modeling gel, after combing them with a special brush.

    How to adjust the shape

    To adjust their shape, you can use one of the methods listed below.

    1. Pluck with tweezers: the procedure is quick, and if used frequently, it is practically painless. It is great for home care; the main thing is to stop in time and not remove vegetation that is not in the way.
    2. Using wax or wax strips: the method is quite effective, eliminating unwanted hair for a long time. It is painful, it is better to carry out the procedure in the salon. In addition, this method may cause a serious allergic reaction in some people.
    3. Using threads, a method used since ancient times. To use this method, you should visit the salon several times to clearly see the whole process. It is not complicated, allows you to remove hairs with almost no pain with a long-term effect.
    4. Application of skin depilatory cream. This product can also cause allergic reactions; before applying it to the face, an allergy test is performed (in this case, a drop of the composition is applied to the wrist or elbow). If after 48 hours there is no reaction in this area, the product is allowed to be used.

    Eyebrow care is very important; it involves the following manipulations:

    • regular maintenance of shape by removing excessively growing hairs using the chosen method;
    • combing hair every day with a special brush;
    • depilation along the hairline to avoid damage to the hair follicles;
    • using tweezers with rounded tips;
    • carrying out the correction procedure in sufficient lighting, using a magnifying mirror;
    • regularly make caring masks using castor, burdock, almond, and coconut oils;
    • Before carrying out the correction, treat your hands, the affected area and the instrument with an antiseptic composition;
    • try not to stretch the delicate skin to avoid the premature appearance of wrinkles;
    • To remove a hair at once, grab it strictly at the base;
    • to reduce pain from the procedure, pre-steam the skin by applying a compress or running an ice cube over the skin;
    • apply massage movements to the brow ridges to increase blood circulation and accelerate hair growth.

    Do you look with envy at the shape of Cara Delevingne's and Megan Fox's eyebrows, but don't you admire your own? To find the perfect one, you don’t have to go to the salon, and today you will see for yourself!


    Professional makeup artists claim that the shape of the eyebrows can completely change the face, both for the better and vice versa. And he says that if you don’t have enough time for full makeup, you definitely need to make up your eyebrows, they are the ones who give the face character. But how do you find the right shape? We have prepared detailed instructions for you!

    The correct shape and arch of the eyebrows is primarily determined by the shape of your face.

    Eyebrow shape for oval face

    Eva Mendes and Heidi Klum have oval faces

    An oval face shape is considered ideal, and the main task of eyebrows is not to disturb the beautiful natural proportions. If you are the happy owner of the correct oval face, choose horizontal eyebrows. They can be rounded a little, but you don’t need to raise the corner of the eyebrow too high. This will visually lengthen the face.

    The correct eyebrow shape for an oval face

    Eyebrow shape for long faces

    Sarah Jessica Parker and Liv Tyler have long faces

    An elongated face needs to be made visually wider. Absolutely straight eyebrows solve this problem. By the way, this uniform is also considered the most trendy this season. Straight horizontal lines round the face, giving it softness.

    Straight eyebrows for a long face

    Selena Gomez and Kirsten Dunst - actresses with round faces

    The opposite of a long face is a round one. Accordingly, the task is the opposite - to visually elongate the shape of the face and bring it closer to an oval. For those with a round face, eyebrows with a noticeable bend, raised high, with a thin tip and a slightly wider beginning are suitable. Here it is very important not to overdo it and not to make a comma instead of a beautiful eyebrow.

    Angelina Jolie and Olivia Wilde have square face shapes

    A square shaped face has straight, hard lines to the jaw and cheekbones. To soften the transitions, eyebrows should be arched, without a clear break. High, rounded eyebrows will suit you; you can even make them quite wide and noticeable.

    Arched eyebrows for a square face

    Eyebrow Shape for Heart Shaped Face

    Scarlett Johansson and Reese Witherspoon have heart-shaped faces

    The heart-shaped face has sharp angles around the cheekbones and chin. The correct shape of the eyebrows will help soften them and visually even out the width of the face. You want raised eyebrows with a smooth, even arch. This is the classic “winged” eyebrow shape.

    Correct eyebrows for a heart-shaped face

    Taylor Swift and Jennifer Aniston have diamond-shaped faces

    A diamond face is a combination of square and heart shapes. Therefore, the task is the same - to soften the contours and make the cheekbone less wide. The classic eyebrow shape with a soft curve will suit perfectly. Just, unlike the heart-face, shape your eyebrows a little wider than their natural shape.

    Eyebrow Shape for Diamond Face

    Focusing only on photographs or diagrams in pictures, you will not be able to choose the correct eyebrow shape one hundred percent correctly. To do this you need to conduct an experiment. Buy eyebrow stencils or draw and cut out different eyebrows from paper. Sit in front of a mirror in good lighting, remove your hair from your face, remove your makeup and open your neckline. Apply the stencils one at a time and carefully examine your face. A selfie or an outside opinion helps a lot in this matter. When you find the shape that suits you best, draw it directly on your eyebrows with a dark pencil. If your face looks good even in such a comical form, feel free to pluck and tint your eyebrows according to this shape. This is your ideal!