Comedy battle new resident. A man worthy of respect - "Sergeich". Illness is not a death sentence

February 17, 2014, 12:30

"Sergeich. A man with special effects" This is how Sergey Kutergin from Ufa, aka Sergeyich, says about himself. The phenomenal success of this humorist gives hope to many people who find it difficult to live with their illness.
The fact is that the most popular captain of the KVN team "Sergeichi", a finalist of the "Comedy Battle" program, a radio DJ and an Internet star, has cerebral palsy.

“Those who watch me on the Internet at first think that the Internet slows them down,” Sergei ironically over his speech. This guy is highly respected. He does not demand pity or indulgence for himself. And this despite the fact that in childhood the doctors diagnosed Sergey as "hopeless". And yet, he received a higher education, fulfilled his dream - to perform on stage. To do this, he had to work very hard on his speech.
An amazing sense of humor, healthy and adequate self-irony attract viewers to Sergey Kutergin like a magnet. Sergey leads weddings, appears on television and radio, and even began to lecture on motivation and strengthening of life position.

So many people with disabilities overcome their illnesses every day and fill their lives with goodness and light. But most of them remain unknown to us heroes. Their huge inner feat and work is hidden from prying eyes. Sergeich is a public person. With his creativity, he destroys boundaries and prejudices - after all, sick people in our society are still treated with apprehension and disgust. This is true, no matter how we turn a blind eye to such injustice. For us, healthy, they - sick - are not interesting, to put it mildly. Yes, and newfangled "feng shui" and psychological practices do not recommend communicating with unsuccessful people, so as not to pick up failure from them.

And Sergeich did a good job, he stepped over himself, his illness, through the neighbor boys who threw bricks at him!

As soon as Sergey was shown on TNT, huge popularity came to him. People began to add him as a friend on social networks, take pictures with him on the streets and express words of support.

“To be honest, I have already begun to get tired of all this,” Sergey admits. Every day I receive hundreds of messages from people I don't know. Moreover, half of them have approximately the same content - “Hello, how are you, what are you doing?”. Well, how should I answer this? Now I'm sitting at the computer, then I'll go to the store, buy xl :), and then I'll wash the dishes?! And in half an hour they will write to me “And now?”

True, in the majority, adequate people still write, for example, mothers whose children are ill with cerebral palsy. They thank me for giving them the hope of a fulfilling life in society for their children by performing at Comedy Battle.

"Comedy Battle" brought Sergeyich to the wedding!

By the way, thanks to "Comedy Battle" Sergei found his love and got married! Yes, yes, 32-year-old Sergei, six months ago and not dreaming of a family, tied the knot with 21-year-old student Diana. By the way, the guys met only 4 months ago!

- Many meet for 5-6 years, but still do not dare to register their relationship, - Sergey explains his so quick decision to marry, - but I think, if everything is clear right away, then why delay? Some people think that we are in a hurry because Diana is in a position, but this is not so. We got married on January 18th. First we walked in Ufa, and then in Sochi. The fact is that many of my friends were in Sochi at that time, they could not come to Ufa. Among the invitees are Garik Martirosyan, Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov, Semyon Slepakov, Sergey Svetlakov and Pasha Volya. I can’t say that we are friends - do not spill water, we do not call each other every evening and do not wish each other good night, but we have developed a very good relationship. It was evident how they all worried and cheered for me during the filming of Comedy Battle.

Sergei is not averse to laughing at himself and does not consider his diagnosis of cerebral palsy an obstacle to fame. It’s hard to believe, but even ten years ago he couldn’t pronounce long phrases at all!

“I used to stutter a lot,” Sergey says. - I was frightened that I could not express my thoughts normally. I was thinking, but I couldn't speak. People didn't think I was very smart. Then I decided to work on myself and only by the age of 25-26 could I speak freely.

Now Sergey is sure that he has a great future ahead of him.

“In general, I am a very ambitious type,” Kutergin assures. - I dream of my own show, which would come out 1-2 times a month, not more often. The main thing is not to “overfeed” the viewer with yourself. I don't want to be like Galkin or Baskov - there are too many of them on television. While I don’t know what exactly I want to do, there are a lot of thoughts, I need to work them out. At TNT, they made me understand that they would be happy to work with me, but no one is going to invent anything for me, I myself have to offer something. And I will, just give me time!

Sergei Kutergin began performing in the institute's KVN team "County Town". The next step was the victory at the Comedy Battle. Now Sergey is a Comedy Сlab resident.

Sergey Kutergin - Man with a capital letter. He was able to achieve great success, despite a serious disease of the central nervous system. Looking at him, you stop feeling sorry for yourself, looking at him you understand that everyone has the opportunity for the impossible. Well, now in order.

Sergey Kutergin: from cerebral palsy to a Comedy Club resident

Sergey Kutergin was born on November 30, 1980 in Ufa. In an ordinary working family. He has two younger twin brothers, they are 20 years old. From early childhood, Sergei was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Despite this, Sergey tried to live a full life. After graduating from high school, he entered the institute at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. Received higher education. As a student, Sergei, overcoming embarrassment, began to perform on stage.

Having realized himself as a comedian, he began performing in the KVN institute team. Later he became the author of all the jokes for the County City team. Sergei Kutergin has been awarded various prizes, awards and certificates. But the most important victory for him is the victory on the Comedy Battle project. He became a silver medalist. Received a cash prize, and became a new resident of Comedy Сlab. He is the only one who has gone from a serious physical ailment to a resident. Sergei is not ashamed of himself, but on the contrary, he enjoys joking with himself. Inventing more and more jokes.

In ordinary life, Sergei is a very sociable person, it is not surprising that he has many friends. And now, having become popular throughout the country, and beyond its borders, he began to receive words of gratitude from many strangers to him. Gratitude for giving hope to people like him, people with cerebral palsy. After all, having speech defects and the severity of some movements, he was able to succeed, as it would seem, in an unrealistic television project for him.

Sergey is not only a talented showman, but also a loving spouse, once he met a girl Diana, she lived in the next entrance, without thinking twice, Sergey in love made an offer, a charming couple registered a marriage. Diana is a student, she is 22 years old. They are a wonderful couple. Diana says that she is very lucky with her husband. And soon they will be preparing for replenishment in the family.

Recently, Sergey and Diana were offered to fly into space. And here cerebral palsy did not become a hindrance. Now they are collecting documents, as it turned out, they need a lot.

Illness is not a death sentence

Sergei says that he has no health restrictions, he's just a man with special effects! He is ready for everything new, he lives a full life. Sergei sets a good example for people, proving once again that illness is not a sentence and that in any situation you can live happily, enjoy life, and make others happy, as an actor does when he goes on stage.

Sergey admits that from time to time parents of children suffering from the same diagnosis as the actor write to him on social networks, the children themselves, they give me great gratitude for the fact that I perform in the Comedy show, thus I inspire hope for a full life in modern society. Sergei always answers letters, he shares the feelings of these people, giving hope for happiness!

Hope is near

Looking at how Sergei, I want to live. We sincerely believe and hope that everything will turn out fine for him in the future, and we will rejoice at his new victories.

In the third issue of "Comedy Battle without borders" - a variety of duets that show that the genre of live sketches (OK, miniatures) is still developing. And one stand-up comedian, Denis Romantsov. Denis stutters slightly, and this was his first jokes.

With the same material he performed live. You can compare how much a live natural reaction is cooler than a television one.

Denis from Yekaterinburg, before the Battle, he only studied and worked as a waiter, and he never even played in KVN. Actually casting for comedy battle was his debut. Denis says:

I decided to take up humor, because in my company I was the most not funny. Well, I wanted my company to sort of scratch my ass and say - "But I could, I'm cool." Because I have a lot of fantasies, but there was no realization. Because I stutter and sometimes I just didn’t have time to joke because of this. And I have to try to joke well now, because people are waiting. And I was inspired to go to the Comedy Battle project itself (but I don’t like it when they compare me with it). He opened a window of tolerance with his speech, it was foolish for me not to take advantage of this.

It seems that many learned only from the speech that there are people who are not all right with their health, but they are still people. This can be explained by the fact that in Moscow, for example, you will not see how a disabled person uses a special ramp, elevator or entrance. Not because there are no disabled people - but because the ramps are not made for people. I advise everyone to read a lively, not without humor story about how things really are in this area -

Stuttering, of course, is not such a terrible thing, but it is difficult not to notice it in an oral presentation. And if a stuttering person imagines how humor works, then stuttering becomes the first subject for jokes. Dima Ishchenko performs at Moscow open microphones, who also stutters, and he also had jokes about it: they partly intersect with Denis's jokes, and there is no plagiarism here, the material is in the air and dictates itself.

I read a book about stand-up and realized that I did not understand it. It says that stand-up should be for everyone. But I noticed that when you talk about yourself, it's more fun. If you look at Louis' speeches, then in them he describes what a pervert, sociopath and misanthrope he is. Nobody wants to be like him, but there's often something in his performances that makes you think, “Damn, I'm the same way. But, thank God, he only talks about himself. And I decided that it is necessary to talk about everyone, talking about myself.

The problem arises when a person with such an ailment prepares the next batch of jokes. The second time, hearing about stuttering is no longer so interesting, and it becomes a real obstacle on the way to the audience, and not a feature. Semyon Slepakov did not believe that Romantsov would overcome this obstacle. And chips need to be chosen wisely, as I did, for example:

And Denis is now a participant in the Yekaterinburg project “Standup is alive” (a post will be posted about him soon), a touring comedian (he recently went to the first anniversary of Omsk stand-up, which will also be posted soon), and a semi-finalist of the fourth season comedy battle.

On October 27, the Clouds Center for Contemporary Art once again delighted us with an appetizing novelty, but this time not with a performance or an exhibition, but with a simple guy from Ufa, of course, if you can call a simple person who in a short time could become the vice-champion of the Comedy Battle and a resident comedy club. So, Sergey Kutergin, better known throughout Russia and even beyond its borders as Sergeyich, appeared before his family, friends, and everyone who wanted to talk about the formation of his life path - from a novice KVN-shchik to a participant in the country's most popular humorous show (" Smekhopanorama "does not count).

Sergeyich (Sergey KutergIn) was born on November 30, 1980. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. Despite the diagnosis of "cerebral palsy", he went on stage as a student. Vice-champion of the Comedy Battle project on TNT. He is also a one-man KVN team - "Sergeichi", who won many prizes in KVN games throughout Russia.

It starts at 19:00, but, alas, there is a delay, and not the fault of the artist, which would be expected, the problems are rather in the technical part - the specialist is stubbornly trying to set up the video projector, but he does not succeed. However, it soon turns out that the real specialist in technology is ill, he is replaced by an art critic, and with the help of a friendly audience, he finally manages to set everything up and start the performance. Everyone who wanted to continuously laugh at sparkling humor for 90 minutes was clearly disappointed - Sergey talked about his life, about the decisions that led him to his current place in society, about the beginning of his KVN career. He did not leave aside serious questions - about the difficult attitude towards people with disabilities in our country, for example in Germany, in shopping centers and just on the street every day you can easily meet a person in a wheelchair, and even several at once, but remember how things are in Ufa?

Despite the serious topics, there was a lot of room for humor, Sergey acted out miniatures of his own composition and told about the history of their creation, for example, do you know what happens behind the scenes of the Let's Get Married program? Or, have you ever tried to feel all the delights of a trip from Ufa to Vladivostok by train? But Sergey had something to tell about it.

Toward the end of the evening, the guys from UTV took the star away for an interview, it didn't look quite right, why couldn't they wait until the end of the show? Unclear.

Despite the unforeseen delay, Sergei managed to return and make the audience laugh with another portion of humor, and humor without admixtures of cynicism and sarcasm - this is the kind of laughter that many of us have long lacked.

Author's humble opinion
Despite his illness, Sergey can really make people laugh, his jokes are easy to listen to (despite some hesitations in his speech) and some are really hilarious. Therefore, it is strange that in every speech at the Comedy Club he only jokes about his illness. Maybe not in every speech, maybe not only about his illness, but an attentive person who is familiar with his work, not only on the TNT channel, will easily notice the difference.

For Comedy, there is material in the spirit of “look, I can laugh at myself, and stop pitying me”, and in “Clouds” Sergey demonstrated a different type of humor, in which there is no hint of his illness, in which he simply laughs at what is funny, over funny and interesting cases in your life. Everyone decides for themselves, but personally I like this kind of humor more.

Comedy Battle is a large-scale humorous project that gives everyone a chance to become one of the members of the friendly Comedy Club team! The constant host of the show is Pavel Volya, the judges are the elite of Russian humor - residents of the Comedy Club and famous comedians.

The show consists of two parts: “Comedy Battle. Casting" - a qualifying round where participants show pre-prepared numbers, while they can perform both alone and in a duet. In the second round - “Comedy Battle. Tournament "- it is allowed to joke only solo, most of the tasks are based on the ability of the participants to be improvised on" you ". Not only Russians, but also residents of other countries can participate in the project. For example, the 2013 season was international. Participants from Germany, Luxembourg, Israel, neighboring countries came on the stage.

In 2014, the Comedy Battle started. Super Season” - about 200 participants entered the first round, who managed to pass the preliminary casting. All of them will go on stage in the hope of getting the main prize: an apartment in Moscow and work in the Comedy Club show.