How many weeks into pregnancy does heartburn start? What to do if you have very severe heartburn during pregnancy. What to do, how to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy

— every second pregnant woman has to deal with it. Most often it appears after the 20th week of pregnancy and remains until the birth of the child. One of the risk factors is the quantity and quality of food eaten. Therefore, the New Year holidays with parties at work and feasts at home may well provoke heartburn. What can you do to prevent or alleviate these sensations?

What is heartburn? Why does it occur in pregnant women?

Heartburn- a feeling of warmth or burning behind the sternum that occurs some time after eating. Most often, heartburn appears in the evening. According to popular belief, it bothers the expectant mother when the baby's hair grows. In fact Heartburn occurs due to the reflux of acidic stomach contents into the lower parts of the esophagus. This happens because during pregnancy, the muscular sphincter located between the esophagus and the stomach relaxes under the influence of the hormone progesterone. Another cause of heartburn is that the enlarged uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs: the stomach, intestines. As a result, the volume of the stomach decreases, and even the usual amount of food can lead to its overflow and reflux of food back into the esophagus.

Preventing heartburn during pregnancy

  • Eliminate or reduce fatty, fried foods and chocolate in your diet, as these foods provoke additional relaxation of the esophageal sphincter.
  • Eat small meals: 5-6 times a day at intervals of 1.5-2 hours and in small portions. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly.
  • Heartburn usually occurs in the first two hours after eating, so try not to lie down immediately after eating.
  • Try sleeping on a bed with your head elevated (you can add another pillow).

Despite the fact that heartburn is quite unpleasant for the mother, it does not have any negative effect on the baby. Start your fight against heartburn with proper nutrition, and you may not need medications.

Home remedies for heartburn in pregnant women

You can also try using folk remedies for heartburn, the only important thing is that they are safe. For example, Milk helps with heartburn, just a few sips - and the unpleasant burning sensation goes away. Has the same effect grapefruit and carrot juice. You can get rid of heartburn with the help of various nuts(walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds), but they rather prevent heartburn than eliminate the one that has already appeared. Ordinary products help someone cope with heartburn. seeds, but here, as with nuts, one must observe moderation. A few nuts or grains are great, but you shouldn’t eat kilos of them, they contain a lot of fat and are very high in calories.

Use with caution

It is advisable for the expectant mother, if possible, do not take antispasmodics unless necessary(drugs that relieve spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs), for example, No-shpu, Papaverine, as they relax the esophageal sphincter and thus contribute to heartburn. Some herbs, such as mint, have the same effect.

Baking soda is often used for heartburn. It really helps to relieve the unpleasant burning sensation very quickly, but at the same time it does not last long. In addition, when soda interacts with gastric juice, carbon dioxide is formed, which has a strong soda effect - as a result, new portions of hydrochloric acid are produced, and heartburn resumes. It should be borne in mind that the sodium contained in baking soda is absorbed in the intestines and can lead to the appearance of diarrhea, and this is completely undesirable for expectant mothers.

What can pregnant women do for heartburn? Safe medications

During pregnancy you can use the so-called antacids. These medicines contain salts and aluminum. They neutralize the acid that is part of the gastric juice, form a protective film on the wall of the stomach, and increase the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter. Nowadays the most commonly used Maalox, Almagel, Rennie, Gaviscon. A side effect of some antacids is constipation (due to calcium or aluminum salts), and magnesium, on the contrary, has a laxative effect. Therefore, you should not use these drugs for a long time. When taking antacids, be aware that they may interfere with other medications. Therefore, some time should pass between taking antacids and other drugs.

Heartburn during pregnancy is a common occurrence. When it begins, the woman experiences unpleasant sensations that darken the joy of upcoming motherhood. This can occur at any stage of gestation, due to various reasons.

The mechanism of heartburn during pregnancy

When heartburn occurs during pregnancy, it is caused by stomach acid backing up into the esophagus. In a healthy person, the sphincter in the upper part is closed, and food does not return back. Under the influence of hormones, the muscle layer relaxes and it does not close completely.

The esophageal mucosa has no protection from hydrochloric acid. Therefore, when the liquid escapes, irritation and burns of the surface occur. For a woman, it does not pose a threat and is not accompanied by changes in the structure of the mucous membrane.

When a burning sensation occurs in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it will go away by the end of it. If discomfort appears after the 2nd trimester, it is associated with the pressure of the growing fetus on the digestive organs.

What is heartburn?

Provoking factors

At what stage of pregnancy discomfort begins depends on whether the woman is affected by provoking factors:

  • poor nutrition;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • smoking;
  • taking medications that increase stomach acidity;
  • hiatal hernia in the diaphragmatic region;
  • stress.

Most often this is an unhealthy diet: excess fatty foods, going to bed immediately after eating, overeating. If chronic sources of infection were not sanitized before pregnancy, then the likelihood of exacerbation against the background of a hormonal storm increases.

Some drugs increase the acidity of gastric juice and affect the motility of the digestive tract. A woman may not yet be aware of her situation when taking them. Therefore, from what month does heartburn begin in pregnant women depends on how well the woman correctly follows the recommendations for nutrition and lifestyle.

Timing of occurrence and causes

Heartburn can occur at any stage of pregnancy

The answer to the question at what stage does heartburn occur in pregnant women is simple. It appears in every trimester and is associated with different reasons. At the beginning of gestation - with changes in hormonal levels, at 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, progesterone increases 1000 times. Three out of 4 women face this problem.

The hormone relaxes muscle tissue to allow the uterus to expand as the fetus grows. But it does not act selectively, but on the muscles of the whole body, also affecting the stomach. The work of the pylorus is disrupted, so some of the hydrochloric acid comes back with food.

The reason for the burning sensation behind the sternum is a reduction in the function of digesting food. During this period, the ratio of not only progesterone, but also other hormones changes. Therefore, the intensity of muscle contractions underlying the motor activity of the stomach decreases. Prolonged digestion of a bolus of food provokes indigestion, one of the symptoms of which is a burning sensation in the chest.

If a person has a hiatal hernia, then in the area of ​​the sphincter it is dilated. Because of this, the muscle valve cannot close completely, and some of the fluid flows back.

When heartburn in pregnant women ends depends on the period when it appeared. The amount of progesterone decreases by 10-12 weeks of gestation. The appearance at 25-30 weeks will end after childbirth, when the pressure of the uterus decreases.

Heartburn as a sign of pregnancy

Information at what stage of pregnancy heartburn begins can be a hint for a woman with a short delay. As a rule, she learns about conception when the fetus has been developing for 2-3 weeks.

When heartburn begins during pregnancy in the early stages, the woman is not yet accustomed to her position, she may eat in a hurry and maintain her usual diet. The burning sensation appears more often after eating, after 30-40 minutes, does not last long, and goes away on its own.

How many weeks pregnant heartburn begins depends on how well the woman eats. Dietary guidelines advise that:

  • you need to eat in small portions;
  • do not eat 3 hours before bedtime;
  • the basis of the diet is lean meat, vegetables, dairy products;
  • do not abuse coffee;
  • It is better to use a steam cooking method;
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of water;
  • give up carbonated drinks.

Mid term

Starting from week 24, other discomfort factors begin to work. The fruit has already grown, but does not yet put significant pressure on the stomach. At this stage, the most common cause of heartburn is overeating. The woman eats the same amount as usual, but for a compressed stomach this is too much. Growing weight prompts a woman to rest more, lie down, and the amount of physical activity decreases.

By this time, a woman should already change her diet, eating fractionally, in small portions, but often. Gradually, the amount of fatty foods should be reduced to a minimum.

Third trimester and before birth

The last three months of pregnancy are usually difficult for a woman. The fetus is already large, the rate of weight gain increases as it approaches childbirth, amounting to 200-500 g weekly. In addition, the usual diet causes difficulties: the uterus puts pressure on the stomach, and even between meals causes discomfort.

The fetus turns into a cephalic presentation after the 30th week of pregnancy. Until this point, the baby's head puts pressure on the stomach, causing discomfort in the lying position. To avoid heartburn, a pregnant woman should choose a position on her left side. You can reduce the likelihood of burning if you lie on a high pillow, not allowing your head to be lower than your body.

Harm from heartburn during pregnancy

If a woman does not have heartburn during pregnancy, then this is normal and means that the mother is eating properly and following the doctor’s recommendations. But if a woman encounters it, she worries whether the appearance of a burning sensation is harmful for her and the child.

Heartburn causes discomfort to the mother, but does not affect the development of the fetus. For her, heartburn is dangerous if it is accompanied by an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, gastritis, duodenitis. Esophagitis can also be a concern after childbirth if burning occurs frequently during pregnancy.

Heartburn may be a symptom of a serious illness

During pregnancy, many new and sometimes not very pleasant sensations may arise associated with the development of pregnancy and the growth of the fetus. One of the most unpleasant among them is heartburn.

Heartburn can occur in pregnant women even if the woman has never experienced it before. According to statistics, three out of four pregnant women experience heartburn, and for some it is so strong and intrusive, so unpleasant that the woman is ready to take any measures just to get rid of this feeling at least for a while. However, not all methods of getting rid of heartburn are acceptable during pregnancy, as they can affect the health and development of the baby. Therefore, in matters of treating heartburn, you should definitely consult a doctor, even if you plan to use traditional medicine, herbs, and seemingly harmless improvised methods of struggle.

Myths about heartburn

There are myths about heartburn during pregnancy, one of which says: “if a woman has constant heartburn, it means that the baby is growing curls and will be born very hairy.” This is, of course, a joke, and hair growth does not in any way affect the development of heartburn and its severity. None of the baby’s hairs irritate the esophagus - the uterus, as thick as a finger, reliably protects the baby from the esophagus, and 99% of babies lie head down.

They also talk about heartburn in connection with marigolds - “if there is severe heartburn, it’s the baby’s marigolds growing,” and he touches and irritates the esophagus with them. Based on the previous explanation, you yourself already understood that this is also nothing more than a myth, a fairy tale to calm the nerves of suspicious pregnant women. In fact, the “fire” in the area of ​​the sternum and esophagus has a completely physiological cause, also related to the baby and his growth, but in no way related to his fingers or hair. Accordingly, knowing the true nature of heartburn, you can understand how to deal with heartburn during pregnancy most effectively.

What causes heartburn?

Heartburn, or acid reflux, acid dyspepsia, is a subjectively unpleasant sensation of burning and heat directly behind the sternum, in the epigastric region or along the esophagus. This feeling is unpleasant, causes discomfort to the expectant mother and can disrupt her appetite and mood, causing anxiety and a desire to urgently take something to alleviate the condition. Most often, this can occur due to the reflux of gastric contents with aggressive gastric juice into the cavity of the esophagus, where the mucous membrane is not suitable for contact with acid. The esophagus has a thin and delicate mucous and neutral environment, the sharply acidic contents of the stomach cause irritation and inflammation, and pain receptors give a feeling of heat and pain.

However, the reflux of acid into the esophagus itself does not just happen if there are no predisposing factors or diseases. During pregnancy, the reflux of aggressive gastric juice provokes compression of the internal organs by the growing uterus, with an increase in body weight and with active bending of the body and an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. During pregnancy, the growing uterus puts more and more pressure on the stomach, bringing it into a more and more vertical position, due to which acid from it can be more actively thrown into the esophagus. In addition, during pregnancy, due to the action of estrogen hormones, smooth muscles relax, causing the lower esophageal sphincter to relax somewhat, which facilitates the reflux of contents. Therefore, it is with increasing pregnancy that women experience heartburn more and more often. In the early stages of pregnancy, in women who do not suffer from stomach diseases, heartburn practically does not occur or it is a variant of the course of toxicosis.

Heartburn can occasionally occur during periods of active movement of a woman from about 25-26 weeks, when the uterus begins to actively grow, but mainly occurs after bending over, straining or overeating. But closer to 32-36 weeks of pregnancy, heartburn can be provoked by even minor errors in eating, bending over to put on shoes, or even lying on the bed.

Among other things, high levels of certain hormones during pregnancy can significantly affect digestion, slowing it down and weakening the tone of the smooth muscles of the digestive tube. This lengthens the time required to evacuate food from the stomach, which results in increased acidity of gastric juice and an increase in its aggressive effect on the esophagus. As a result, this reduces the peristaltic movements of the esophagus from top to bottom, which normally prevent the contents from the stomach from being thrown into the esophagus along with hydrochloric acid.

The occurrence and course of heartburn

Usually, heartburn begins some time after eating, especially if it was a heavy breakfast or lunch, and the woman ate fatty, spicy or salty, fried foods flavored with spices, drank sour fruit juices or tomato juice, ate dry food, or drank coffee. Typically, heartburn lasts from a few minutes to several hours, sometimes until the next meal or medication. However, the duration and intensity of heartburn can be very variable, depending on the individual sensitivity of the woman and concomitant digestive diseases. For many women, heartburn does not last long, is easily eliminated using simple methods and does not interfere with their ability to lead their normal lives. But there are many for whom heartburn can become a very difficult symptom, subjectively difficult to bear and simply tormenting the expectant mother. Sometimes heartburn can be so severe that a woman cannot drink or eat normally; in addition, heartburn often disturbs a woman’s sleep, as it worsens in a lying position, which is why expectant mothers sleep half-sitting, which is quite uncomfortable.

How can you treat heartburn during pregnancy?

Excessively painful heartburn or very annoying attacks that occur during pregnancy can be eliminated by using a special type of medication. These drugs belong to the group of non-absorbable antacids. They have the ability to neutralize and sometimes also absorb hydrochloric acid, which is secreted by the walls of the stomach. In addition, these drugs envelop the walls of the stomach, due to which relief comes quickly, literally in a few minutes. With all their active action, antacids of this group do not enter the bloodstream at all, which means they cannot harm the baby.

These drugs include a group of antacids that contain aluminum, calcium or magnesium. This group of drugs includes such modern drugs as Maalox, Almagel, Rennie, Talcid, Gastal, Gaviscon. And everything would be fine with these drugs, if not for one “but”, in addition to hydrochloric acid of the stomach, they are able to absorb and bind many other useful substances in the digestive tube. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to combine the use of antacids with other drugs prescribed to pregnant women. In addition, these drugs are classified as medications with their own indications and contraindications, therefore, their use must first be discussed with your doctor.

In addition, one of the unpleasant side effects of many antacid drugs, especially relevant for pregnancy, is the provocation of severe constipation by these drugs. Manufacturers are trying to deprive their drugs of this negative side effect, but so far only Rennie is relatively free from it. The drug contains calcium and magnesium carbonate, and magnesium in the drug has some laxative effect. In addition, the drug stimulates the secretion of protective mucus in the stomach, which helps to better suppress the activity of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. However, there is evidence that excess magnesium can negatively affect the development of the fetus; gynecologists recommend, if possible, avoiding the systematic use of these drugs.

There is another group of drugs containing bismuth nitrate - these are Vikalin or its analogues. They also fight heartburn quite effectively, but there is no information about the safety of taking them during pregnancy, and therefore it is better to avoid drugs from this group while pregnant, unless the doctor himself decides to prescribe them for you.

In general, any of the drugs taken for heartburn should be discussed with a doctor - the doctor will select both the drug itself and its maximum permissible dosage in order to eliminate or reduce side effects.

Folk remedies for heartburn

Of course, any pregnant woman understands that the fewer medications taken during pregnancy, the better for the fetus. Therefore, expectant mothers refuse medications against heartburn in favor of folk or grandmother’s methods. Usually the first thing used for heartburn is baking soda, but this method is highly not recommended during pregnancy. The thing is that soda, when it begins to interact with gastric juice, forms carbon dioxide, which in itself has an effect that stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. As a result of stomach irritation, the formation of additional portions of acid is stimulated, which is why heartburn returns even stronger and more severe. In addition, soda solution can easily be absorbed into the blood, which can lead to alkalization of the blood and disruption of the acid-base balance of the blood, which leads to serious metabolic disorders. This provokes increased swelling, which often occurs in the second half of pregnancy. In addition, a violation of the acid-base balance provokes toxicosis.

If heartburn occurs frequently and disrupts your usual life, but you don’t want to use medications at all, you can try to resort to traditional medicine methods. However, first discuss methods of getting rid of heartburn using folk remedies with your doctor so that he approves of your choice. These can be tinctures of heather, centaury, calamus rhizomes and many others.

It is important to remember that heartburn itself does not affect the development of the fetus and its general condition in any way. However, enduring an unpleasant burning sensation behind the sternum is not at all useful, and sometimes you simply won’t be able to endure it, since the manifestations are very significant. Of course, if you can do without medications, great. Use simple remedies aimed at reducing acid concentration. Fresh seeds or almonds, a glass of milk, fresh cucumber or carrots, mineral water, mint tea or mint gum usually help. Every woman usually finds one or two effective ways to get rid of heartburn.

There are a number of tips to combat emerging episodes of heartburn and actively prevent its occurrence. These include the following recommendations:

1. You should try not to use antispasmodics, since it is because of them that the esophageal sphincter can relax too much, which can contribute to heartburn. Herbs, such as mint, also have a similar relaxing effect. If you have heartburn, you should avoid drinking herbal teas.

2. You need to know that the higher the weight gained during pregnancy, the greater the risk of heartburn.

3. If you have frequent heartburn, eat small portions, but often, so that there are no long breaks between meals and there is no chance for acid to accumulate in the stomach.

4. Always eat slowly, chewing every bite of food thoroughly.

5. Be sure to include foods that have an alkalizing effect in your diet. These are products such as cream and milk, cottage cheese and sour cream, steam omelet, boiled meat or fish without salt and spices. Vegetable oil, butter, and day-old white bread also work well against heartburn.

6. Vegetable dishes or vegetable side dishes can be consumed without special restrictions if they are boiled or fresh, baked, especially pureed. But with fruits everything is more complicated - if you have severe heartburn, it is better to bake them.

7. Introduce foods such as boiled beets, steamed prunes or dried apricots into your diet. This will help prevent severe constipation, since straining and increased intra-abdominal pressure can also provoke heartburn and interfere with a woman’s well-being.

8. Avoid fatty and heavily fried foods, smoked foods, hot sauces and seasonings. It is worth giving up sour fruits and compotes, vegetables with coarse fiber - cabbage, radishes, radishes, as well as onions and garlic. It is worth severely limiting your diet to hard-to-digest nuts and mushrooms, chocolate and cocoa, black tea and coffee, fizzy drinks and soda.

9. During heartburn, you should give up tomatoes and oranges, vinegar and mustard. Remove lamb, lamb and goose fat from your diet.

10. For dinner, you should choose the lightest dishes without meat, usually omelettes, salads, vegetables, and dairy. And after dinner, try not to eat anything two to three hours before bedtime.

11. You shouldn’t lie down immediately after eating; you need to sit or stand or take a walk for at least half an hour. With the body in an upright position, it is easier for food to leave the stomach quickly.

12. Avoid bending over and exercises that strain the abdominals, watch your posture and straight back. Excessive slouching promotes the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, as pressure on the abdomen increases. Try to always keep your spine straight.

13. To sleep and rest, use an elevated position of your head and upper body, placing more pillows under your shoulders and back.

14. If heartburn begins while lying down or while sleeping when turning your body from one side to the other, you can get up and walk quietly around the room for a while, drink a glass of cold still water or eat biscuits.

15. Check your clothing to make sure it does not constrict your chest and stomach.

16. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of fluid daily; due to the restriction of fluid intake, heartburn may be worse.

Nothing helps!

Sometimes situations may arise when all methods, including drug therapy, have already been tried, but heartburn returns again and again. In this case, there is no point in hoping that heartburn will subside and leave you alone; you should consult a doctor and consult a gastroenterologist. Sometimes this can be a symptom of an exacerbation of digestive diseases that require treatment with more serious medications.

Sometimes you just have to endure heartburn, relieving it a little with improvised means and medications, but after childbirth it usually disappears immediately. Therefore, do not be nervous or worry, heartburn only gets worse from worry.

Photo - photobank Lori

Pregnancy is both a joy and a test in the health of every woman. While expecting a child, a woman does not experience the best feelings in her health.

This may include fatigue, headaches and nausea. Heartburn also occurs during pregnancy. It appears unexpectedly and occurs in 3 out of 4 pregnant women.

You need to know how to eliminate its manifestations, but also try to avoid it.


Why does heartburn occur? Stomach discomfort increases as the baby increases in size.

This is due to the pressure of the fetus on the contents of the stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The release occurs into the esophagus and throat, accompanied by a burning sensation. At the bottom of the esophagus there is a sphincter that closes after food enters.

But for certain reasons, a disruption in the functioning of this muscle occurs.

Can heartburn be harmful during pregnancy? Indirectly, yes. Because of this disorder, the stomach cannot fully digest food and receive the necessary microelements and vitamins.

But if heartburn occurs periodically, then it will not bring particularly discomfort.

Heartburn in early pregnancy

Why does heartburn occur throughout pregnancy? Previously, it was believed that this symptom could appear in the later stages of pregnancy.

In fact, heartburn in the early stages of pregnancy also appears very often. This occurs especially often during the first three months.

The reason lies not in the child, who puts pressure on the internal organs, but in the increased amount of the hormone in the blood. After conception, the amount of progesterone increases thousands of times.

It helps a woman bear a healthy child. If the amount of this hormone in the blood is low, a miscarriage may occur.

How does progesterone affect the gastrointestinal tract? It increases the elasticity of the stomach walls, which weakens the stomach muscles. Additionally, acidity increases.

Often a woman is admitted to the hospital with a digestive system disorder, and thanks to tests and examination by doctors, pregnancy is established.

Vomiting, diarrhea and heartburn may indicate pregnancy.

Heartburn during early pregnancy can occur due to poor nutrition:

  1. Fatty and fried foods.
  2. Various sauces.
  3. Flour products.
  4. Cakes, chocolate.
  5. Black bread.
  6. Carbonated drinks.

Each body is individual, and it is necessary to determine after what specific food heartburn appears. You may need the help of a nutritionist.

When can this sign be ignored? Heartburn in the early stages is not a cause for serious concern. This is considered a natural process during early pregnancy.

A woman will experience heartburn throughout her pregnancy, especially as the baby grows older.

At what stage during pregnancy does heartburn begin? When is it necessary to eliminate and fight for the first time a sign of this disease?

It occurs already in the early stages, even from the first days, and can tell the expectant mother about pregnancy. This is due to increased production of a hormone that helps protect the fetus.

What medications are there for pregnant women? Experts recommend abandoning standard medications for this disease.

They should be replaced with traditional methods of treatment.

This can be a decoction of centaury, fried sunflower seeds and dill. This helps relieve heartburn well.

If no folk recipes help, then you can take a few Rennie tablets. They have minimal side effects.

Recently, a large number of different drugs have appeared that help eliminate the unpleasant symptom, but do not harm the baby.

The most common and frequently used are Almagel, Rennie and Maalox.

  • Almagel. This drug helps normalize acidity and eliminate heartburn;
  • Maalox. It is a good adsorbent. Helps eliminate intoxication from foods eaten. Heartburn goes away within a few hours;
  • Rennie. The main active ingredients are magnesium and calcium carbonate. But it should not be taken in the last three months of pregnancy, as it can harm the baby.

The choice of medications is now huge, but not all are beneficial for the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

Some medications, which even indicate that they are designed for pregnant women, have side effects. For example, antacids can remove beneficial substances from the body.

They cannot be combined with taking vitamins and other medications. Constipation may also be a side effect.

This disorder can occur during early pregnancy without taking medications, and even more so when taking pills. Magnesium, which is included in most heartburn medications, has a negative effect on the baby.

It is better to stop taking medications and use traditional methods to combat heartburn.

Folk recipes

If the heartburn attack is minor, you can drink a glass of water. Eating raw pumpkin seeds also helps.

Heartburn may go away with milk, but you should drink it in small sips throughout the day.

For more intense attacks, it will help if you add a couple of drops of fennel essential oil to the milk. The only limitation of this treatment is individual intolerance to milk.

Pregnant women can take herbal decoctions for heartburn. But it is recommended to consult a doctor first. A specialist can recommend which herbal collection will be best.

  1. Pregnant women are recommended to take oatmeal for breakfast. It helps to coat the walls of the stomach well and eliminates unpleasant symptoms.
  2. Buckwheat should be in stock. It needs to be soaked in water for 30 minutes, then eaten. Can be replaced with peas.
  3. If a woman is at home, then you can make mint tea. You can also take it with you in a thermos. In extreme cases, it is good to replace tea with mint candies.
  4. Carrot or potato juice helps relieve heartburn. It must be taken 20-30 minutes before eating.
  5. Half a teaspoon of calamus root, crushed into powder, should be poured into a glass of water.
  6. It is good to eat papaya and pineapple. They help in food processing.
  7. Ginger root.

How to quickly eliminate an attack

During pregnancy in the early stages, carrots grated on a fine grater or eating walnuts help eliminate heartburn. Nuts need to be well dried and only eaten when they are ripe.

You can add a small amount of sugar to carrots. Eating a small piece of ginger also helps.

It must be chewed thoroughly, but not swallowed. It is sold in any supermarket. This way the heartburn will go away in a few minutes.

The most effective way to eliminate heartburn is to take a decoction of flax seeds. They must first be crushed using a blender.

You need to take half a teaspoon of powder and pour a glass of hot water. Leave in a dark, warm place for several hours. Take 2 teaspoons when symptoms appear.

Preventative measures to avoid attacks

  1. Not overeating has a negative impact on a woman’s body during pregnancy. During pregnancy it is necessary to eat often, then in small quantities.
  2. Limit, or better yet eliminate, flour products and chocolate.
  3. Try to take a short walk in the fresh air after eating. But performing intense physical activity during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.
  4. Foods that take a long time to digest should be avoided as much as possible. These are mainly protein foods. For example, mushrooms, meat, chocolate, fish, eggs. Focus on carbohydrates that are quickly digested.
  5. It is necessary to drink plenty of water per day during pregnancy. It is taken before a meal, after which it is advisable not to drink any drinks for two hours.
  6. During pregnancy, you need to sleep on high pillows. In the last months of pregnancy, you will have to fall asleep half sitting.
  7. For dinner, it is recommended to eat a light salad that will not overload the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Clothes should be loose.

Don't worry if you experience heartburn during pregnancy - this is a normal physical process. But measures must be taken to eliminate it.

It is better to take traditional methods so as not to harm either yourself or the child. Medicines help faster, but have side effects that can affect the baby’s health.

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Pregnancy is a time of wonderful transformations and the most unusual state in a woman’s life. However, there are almost always problems. Today we will talk about heartburn.

Heartburn is a clinical manifestation of the reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. Patients complain of a sharp, sour taste in the mouth, burning pain and discomfort behind the sternum (along the esophagus) and in the epigastrium (the area “under the stomach”). These symptoms occur immediately after eating, especially if you take a lying position, and are more common in the second half of pregnancy. The duration of clinical manifestations varies from several minutes to several hours. In the evening, heartburn is more common than in the morning.

These unpleasant sensations bother up to 80% of pregnant women, sometimes leading to eating and sleeping disorders.

Causes of heartburn during pregnancy:

1) Hormonal changes.

Pregnancy always progresses against the background of high (compared to a non-pregnant organism) level of progesterone. Progesterone is a steroid hormone that is produced by the corpus luteum of pregnancy and then by the placenta. It is also called the “Pregnancy Hormone”. Progesterone during pregnancy is needed to keep the smooth muscles of the uterus in a relaxed state. But the effect of the hormone is indiscriminate; the smooth muscles of all organs, including the sphincters of the gastrointestinal tract, also relax.

The sphincter that separates the esophagus from the stomach is a dense ring of smooth muscle. Its work is automatic, it does not obey volitional efforts, and we cannot control it consciously. The pregnancy hormone relaxes the sphincter, so the acidic contents of the stomach can be thrown back into the esophagus, which causes clinical symptoms in the form of burning and pain behind the sternum, sour taste in the mouth and discomfort in the epigastrium. The reflux of acidic stomach contents back into the esophagus is called gastroesophageal reflux.

2) Mechanical compression.

As the pregnant uterus grows, the space for all other organs (lungs, stomach and intestines) decreases. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on all nearby organs from below, which changes their location. In particular, compression of the stomach promotes the return of stomach contents into the esophagus.

3) Weight gain.

Excessive weight gain during pregnancy not only increases stress on the heart and joints, but also creates increased intra-abdominal pressure, which contributes to persistent heartburn.

Dynamics of symptoms during pregnancy

If a woman has frequent heartburn before pregnancy, the symptoms tend to get worse.

In the first trimester, heartburn rarely bothers you (if the pregnant woman does not have chronic GERD), the uterus is still small in size, which does not interfere with the functioning of neighboring organs and does not lead to their displacement. As a rule, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are a concern during this period. But persistent vomiting in the first trimester may predispose to reflux of gastric contents in later stages.

The second trimester, and more specifically from 20 weeks, is the time when heartburn symptoms begin in most patients.

The third trimester until the moment when the stomach “sinks” occurs against the background of heartburn of varying degrees of severity. The uterus is large, displaces the stomach, restricts intestinal motility and the movement of the diaphragm.

The belly “sinks” from about 34 to 36 – 37 weeks, depending on whether this is the first birth or a repeat one. The woman immediately feels relief, heartburn significantly decreases or disappears, and shortness of breath decreases when walking.

How can heartburn affect pregnancy?

Heartburn does not directly affect the course of pregnancy. It does not cause any complications for the child. However, it can influence indirectly.

With frequent attacks of heartburn, a woman stops eating normally, reasoning that if she does not eat fresh vegetables, fruits and fermented milk products, then the acidity in the stomach will decrease. This is true, but fiber from vegetables, vitamins from fruits and easily digestible proteins and calcium from dairy products are needed by both mother and baby.

Also, frequent attacks of heartburn cause psychological discomfort, disrupt the usual routine of life and interfere with normal sleep; such changes can provoke an increase in stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisol) and uterine hypertonicity. Therefore, it is still necessary to treat heartburn.

Treatment of heartburn during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the use of any pharmacological medications must be coordinated with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Treatment of heartburn consists of a combination of non-drug methods and medications. Moreover, the importance of diet and non-drug measures should not be underestimated; sometimes this is enough to stop moderate heartburn.


Eat food slowly and chew thoroughly.

The break between meals is approximately 1.5 - 2 hours, that is, at least 5 - 6 times a day in small portions.

Dinner is preferably without meat dishes and at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Recommended products that have an alkaline reaction: milk, cream, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, baked or steamed omelettes, boiled and baked lean meats and fish, vegetable oils, boiled vegetables, baked fruits and non-acidic compotes.

It is better to replace fresh bread with dried toast and white bread croutons. Gray and rye bread are sour and cause heartburn.

Exclude: fatty and fried foods, animal fats (lamb, goose), chocolate, smoked meats, hot spices and sauces (mustard, chili, vinegar, vegetables with coarse fiber and a strong irritating taste (white cabbage, radishes, radish, onions, garlic ), carbonated drinks.

You should completely give up alcohol, cigarettes (an electronic cigarette is no healthier for a pregnant woman than a regular one) and fast food!

Limit: citrus fruits, coffee and strong tea (they should not be taken on an empty stomach), mushrooms, sour fruit juices and compotes.

- Home remedies for heartburn:

* milk and sweet milk products (non-sour yoghurt, fermented baked milk), ice cream (in reasonable quantities, of course, and if you do not have problems with blood sugar levels). A glass of milk helps to relieve the burning sensation very quickly, especially at night.

* wheat or oat flakes or bran, which are poured with hot water; when they swell, a lot of mucous component is formed, which helps relieve the burning sensation,

* carrot juice (it is advisable to add 1 tablespoon of cream to 1 glass of juice, there will be double benefits: treatment of heartburn and absorption of carotene) or a salad of finely grated carrots,

* various nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews - you should not overuse the quantity, nuts are very high in calories, but a few nuts a day will only bring benefits), raisins and sunflower and pumpkin seeds (unroasted!). Nuts, due to their high vegetable fat content, have an enveloping effect.

* fresh cucumbers, cucumber salad with sour cream,

* mineral water with a small amount of gas (in particular, Borjomi has proven itself well),

* decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort and alder can replace tea,

* jelly (milk, oatmeal and non-sour fruit),

* a piece of raw potato, which must be chewed thoroughly (due to its high starch content, it has an enveloping effect),

* natural honey (if there is no allergy) in small quantities,

* a piece of pineapple or papaya (the effect lies in specific enzymes that slightly reduce the acidity of gastric juice)

* dishes from boiled or baked pumpkin (boiled pumpkin is broken up in a blender, an equal amount of water and sugar are added to taste, the result is a liquid puree, similar to puree for baby food, you can also add low-fat cream).

* you can prevent heartburn after eating in public places if you use chewing gum for 10-15 minutes after meals, no more than 3 times a day.

Prevention of constipation: the diet must include prunes, dried apricots and boiled beets. Constipation in pregnant women is an unpleasant situation in itself, but in addition, frequent straining increases intra-abdominal pressure, which increases the reflux of acidic contents into the esophagus, and also stimulates uterine hypertonicity.

Adequate fluid intake (about 1.5 liters per day, unless fluid restriction is indicated for you for other reasons), but you can only drink water and drinks between meals. YOU SHOULD NOT WASH YOUR FOOD.

Antispasmodics increase the symptoms of heartburn. If for some reason you have to take antispasmodics (nosh-pa, drotaverine), then tell your obstetrician-gynecologist about it. Considering the complaints, it is possible to select other drugs.

Peppermint tea also has a mild antispasmodic effect and increases heartburn, so if you used it to save yourself from nausea in the early stages, you should give it up now.

Positional therapy:

- After eating, you should not lie down for about 1.5 - 2 hours so that the bulk of the food has time to leave the stomach and the concentration of hydrochloric acid drops.

Try to sleep on your left side, this is beneficial for pregnant women for many reasons. In this position, there is less risk of acid reflux into the esophagus, better blood supply to the placental complex and better blood supply to your kidneys. If you are already pregnant, use a pregnancy pillow for comfort.

Do not eat or drink while lying down. If you are put on bed rest, then eat while half-sitting and do not lie down for about 1.5 - 2 hours.

Limit certain types of movement (bending forward and squats), this creates an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which provokes both heartburn and increased tone of the uterus.

You should sleep with your head elevated (if you are comfortable with this position there are no contraindications).

Avoid constricting and tight clothing (especially constricting in the waist area and under the chest).

Drug treatment of heartburn during pregnancy:

Most drugs that are successfully used to treat hyperacid conditions are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Only drugs from the group of non-absorbable antacids are allowed. The essence of the drugs is that they mix with the acidic contents and neutralize it, and also soothe the esophageal mucosa. The action of the drugs is limited to the digestive tract; they are not absorbed into the blood and do not have a systemic effect.

PROHIBITED: The use of soda is common even now, but this should not be done. When soda comes into contact with acid, it forms a foaming mass. Most housewives are well aware of this effect and use it in cooking. Mix baking soda with vinegar or lemon juice. But if such a reaction makes the dough fluffy and airy, then the formation of a large number of gas bubbles in the stomach contributes to its stretching. Firstly, it injures the gastric mucosa and contributes to deeper damage. Secondly, the stomach stretches, and the sphincter also stretches, that is, the problem of gastroesophageal reflux only gets worse. Temporary relief of symptoms is followed by a rapid return of heartburn with an even more persistent course.

Drugs allowed during pregnancy:

Almagel (almagel) is a liquid dosage form (suspension) in which aluminum and magnesium hydroxide are presented as the active component. During pregnancy, green Almagel and yellow Almagel A are approved for use. Apply 1 to 3 scoops of the suspension when heartburn appears, and then wait 5 to 30 minutes until symptoms alleviate. You should start taking it with 1 spoon; systematic use is not required. Almagel A contains an anesthetic and is used in cases of severe pain and insufficient effect of other drugs.

Phosphalugel. This is a portioned aluminum phosphate gel, which is available in sachets. A single dose requires 1-2 sachets; use in pregnant women is symptomatic. Maximum 3 times a day, 2 sachets. You can take it pure or dilute it in half a glass of clean, cool water.

Rennie. Rennie is a tablet containing calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxycarbonate. Symptomatic intake: 1 - 2 tablets (chew or dissolve), maximum daily dose is 11 tablets.

Gaviscon. Tablets containing sodium alginate, sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate. Tablets are taken for symptoms of heartburn after meals, 2 to 4 tablets per dose, up to 4 times a day. Despite the presence of soda (sodium bicarbonate) in the preparation, its use is safe, since foaming does not occur (it is suppressed by other components of the preparation).

Maalox. Maalox is also a suspension of aluminum and magnesium hydroxide (like green Almagel), so these drugs are interchangeable.

Gastal. Gastal tablets contain aluminum hydroxide-magnesium carbonate gel and magnesium hydroxide. Symptomatic intake: 1 - 2 tablets at a time, no more than 8 tablets per day. The use of this drug is permitted if the benefit to the mother outweighs the possible consequences to the fetus.

Talcid. Talcid is a tablet preparation containing hydrotacite. It is recommended to take 1 tablet for heartburn symptoms, the maximum daily dose is 8 tablets per day.

What all drugs have in common is their situational use, that is, only to relieve symptoms at the moment. Systematic use does not have much advantage, since until the provoking factor is eliminated (in our case, pregnancy), heartburn will not go away completely. In a therapeutic dose there is no threat to the life and health of the mother and baby. For constipation in pregnant women (which is also a very common problem), you should choose medications that contain magnesium, as it has a mild laxative effect. Other antacids will cause constipation.

You should not take other medications at the same time as the listed drugs, as they are absorbed by antacids and their effect is reduced or completely eliminated.

Possible complications of heartburn in pregnant women

Long-term heartburn leads to permanent damage to the delicate mucous membrane of the esophagus by the acidic contents of the stomach. A slightly alkaline environment is physiologically present in the esophagus, that is, the reflux of food mixed with gastric juice (which contains hydrochloric acid) is stress for the mucous membrane of the lower third of the esophagus.

Esophagitis is a general concept. In our case, the disease will be called “gastroesophageal reflux disease” or “reflux esophagitis.” This is an inflammatory lesion of the esophagus, which is provoked by prolonged and persistent heartburn and begins from the mucous layer. And then it spreads to deeper layers.

Peptic ulcer of the esophagus. This is a consequence of untreated reflux - esophagitis, when inflammation spreads deep into the tissues. This is a more serious disease that takes a long time to treat, requires adherence to a strict diet and threatens complications in the form of perforation of the esophagus (perforation) and the development of mediastinitis (inflammation of mediastinal tissue).

Barrett's disease develops with a long course of reflux esophagitis without adequate treatment. Due to constant irritation of tissues by acid, their degeneration (metaplasia) may occur. Barrett's disease is a precancerous condition.

The last two described diseases (complications of heartburn) develop either in the presence of chronic diseases of the esophagus and stomach before pregnancy (the condition worsened against the background of functional heartburn in pregnant women), or with long-term persistence of symptoms after childbirth and lack of treatment.

The effect of heartburn on a child

If the mother eats well, then heartburn does not affect the development of the baby.


The method of delivery will depend on the obstetric situation and other indications. Heartburn will not directly affect the process of childbirth; moreover, by the time of delivery, complaints usually disappear almost completely.


If you actually follow non-drug methods to control heartburn, you will need much less medication. The prognosis for life and health is favorable. But if symptoms persist after childbirth, you should be wary and consult a therapist or gastroenterologist. According to indications, you may need to undergo further examination (FGDS, radiography with a contrast agent).

Heartburn in pregnant women is an extremely common condition; you should not get too upset about it and focus on feeling unwell. Follow our recommendations, discuss the situation with your doctor and, most likely, heartburn will stop bothering you. Take care of yourself and be healthy!