Tower with the eye of the lord of the rings. Eye of Sauron (All-Seeing Eye). Was there a boy

Also known as the All-Seeing Eye, it was a symbol used on armor, shields, etc. for the Orcs of Mordor. Sauron uses it as a metaphor to show how he "sees everything". The All-Seeing Eye of Sauron was tied to the Ring of Omnipotence, so when someone wears the ring, the All-Seeing Eye will look at them. In Tolkien's novels, the Eye of Sauron (as a giant flaming eyeball) was not a form of Sauron. Sauron has or had the physical appearance of a human.

History of the All-Seeing Eye of Sauron

After the release of the film "The Lord of the Rings", the opinion became stronger that Sauron was the All-Seeing Eye. However, a study of the texts tells us that the material shell was present in Sauron.

If you pay close attention to those moments when Sauron is called the Eye, then you can see that this is done either from the lips of those who are generally afraid to pronounce his name (for example, the orcs who call Saruman the White Hand), or at those moments when it comes about looking through the palantir (for example, when Frodo and Sam see a red ray in Mordor directed towards the Morannon).

One moment is especially worth highlighting - when Frodo looks into the Mirror of Galadriel.

The Eye of Sauron, surrounded by fire, glassy and yellow like a cat's, alert and focused, and the black hole of its pupil was like a window into nothingness. FoTR, Book II, ch.7 "Mirror of Galadriel" p.472

The word "glazed" although it can be used to express the nature of the look, but in this case is clearly an allusion to the palantir.

However, once Sauron is associated with the All-Seeing Eye directly:

The Dark Lord suddenly saw Frodo. The Eye of Sauron pierced all the shadows and his anger was like a flashing flame, and his fear was like a black mist. The Eye of Sauron knew of mortal danger and of the thin thread on which his fate hung at the moment. And his thoughts with extraordinary force rushed to the Mountain. RotK, Book V, ch.3 "Mount Doom", p.269

In the first edition of the book, the word "his" was designated as "its", that is, it corresponded to an inanimate object - the All-Seeing Eye. Christopher Tolkien, however, says that this was only an artistic device. In the second edition of the book, "its" was replaced by "his".

The text of the Silmarillion mentions the All-Seeing Eye:

Few men and elves could withstand the gaze of the Eye of Sauron.

This phrase refers to the time period before the War of the Last Alliance. That is, the wording "Eye of Sauron" existed even before Isildur deprived Sauron of his body.

Other facts.

Gollum says that he saw Sauron have a black hand with four fingers.

In letter #246, Tolkien discusses what would have happened if the Ring had not been destroyed on Mount Doom. It is said that eight Nazgûl would falsely greet him and try to lure him away from the Crack of Doom, for example, under the pretense of inspecting their new possessions. And then:

"Sauron himself would come."<...>"None of the mortals could resist him - not even Aragorn. In the duel for the Palantir, Aragorn had ownership. And, in addition, he passed at a distance, and in a story that allows the incarnation of great spirits into physical form, the destructive impact of their power greatly increased by their physical presence. Sauron must have been a terrible figure. He took the form of a tall man, but not a giant. In previous incarnations, he was able to hide his power (like Gandalf) and appeared as a commanding figure of great physical strength and in the highest degree of regal appearance and appearance.

  • Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator published a crudely drawn Sauron from the War of the Ring (fig. 181). Based on this sketch, it can also be noted that Sauron wore the Ring on his left hand.
  • An indirect sign is the fact that Gandalf went to Dol Guldur precisely because the Bright Council began to worry that Sauron had acquired a material form.
  • Gandalf (who saw Sauron in Dol Guldur) at the Black Gate calls the Dark Lord to go to battle.
  • All these facts prove that at the time of the War of the Ring Sauron had a material incarnation.

1. "Monument to the war of 1812 near Vyazma. A medal is driven into the monument: the eye in the triangle has pimples around the skin, leaves no doubt - the eye of a lizard. Medal of 1818:" NOT TO US NOT TO US, BUT TO YOUR NAME "- your name is "YHWH" - the inscription on the back of the medal. And this is the answer to the question: in whose interests was the war of 1812. In the interests of YHWH-LIZARD. YHVE ("YHVE") in the Refectory Church of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra at the altar to the right, and to the left of the altar in the triangle is the word "OFEOS - serpent". "Only small secrets need to be guarded. Big secrets are kept by the disbelief of the crowd." "(stat. Eye of Sauron or Eye of the Lizard")

VOLHA: YHVE- transcription of the reading of the name of the god of the Jews YHWH. from VA - the principle of changing everything and everything \u003d "the principle of water" Mary - Mother Ra in the Ra pantheon). YHWEVA - Yaha. god. Still, in the Temple of Amon Ra (Temple of the World of the Dead) there was a department-cult of the moon god Ahu, in which the templar-priest Moses, the founder of the teachings of "TORA", served from childhood, where there is volume No. 2 - "BIBLE" .Moses, on the other hand, created a secret LUNAR DEATH CULT Yahweh, for which he was expelled from Egypt by the pharaoh. Holy Spirit" in Christ. TRINITY. YHVE - "The path of the changing (changing appearances-faces) of the Spirit." Hence Yahweh is a derivative of Yahweh.
only the messiah, but not God at the same time, i.e. a man with his own mission).
"The eye is precisely the lizard: the skin around it is in pimples, the eye itself with a membrane is not human." It is clear whose: the eye of a REPTA-reptiloid.

OFEOS- Serpent. .the coast of Asia Minor. It was located southwest of Smyrna (modern Izmir, Turkey). Currently, it is a historical monument-ruins. the sea is part of the Mediterranean Sea). The bible came from Ionica. IONA (male name-character of the "Bible") - "dove" (Hebrew), a prophet who was from Gafhefer in the north of Galilee, 2 hours from Nazareth , in which, after about 8 centuries, J. Christ lived. The book of the prophet Jonah, which is part of the Old Testament, contains prophecies about the fate of the Israeli people. J. Christ, in a conversation with the scribes and Pharisees, who demanded a sign from Him, said that other sign, except for the sign of Jonah the prophet (Matthew 12:40), that is, 3-day death and the subsequent Resurrection of the Lord.
(recognition of REPTOV as their gods), but then the Temple of Christ was called, I remember, the cult of Death Ahu-AKU (where the main gods - Death were SHARK (a fish is a sign of I. Christ!) and AKKAD (later AK GAD) - Serpent, nag ..And you, the reader, are being told that the Temple of Christ was born in Israel, as the Jewish religion, the department of CHRISTIANITY (Judaism is only for Jews; for non-Jews, Christianity) ..shortly after the death and resurrection of J. Christ.

CONCLUSIONS Volhi: Judaism and Christianity are based on the cult of Death for humanity (the purpose of the existence of this religion) and the worship of reptilian gods (which includes nagas-snakes). The cult has many millennia and it is much older than the Temple of Christ says about itself .It has a HUMAN-HATED BASIS.
As well as the capture of Berlin by Elizaveta Petrovna in 1762-63 is also nothing. Elizaveta Petrovna also has a medal with an eye in a triangle. Elizaveta Petrovna, by the way, also after great successes and the capture of Berlin in the Seven Years' War, judging by the clinic, successfully poisoned, after which Peter the 3rd and Catherine the 2nd, brought from Germany (a defeated country!) Withdrew the troops. About the mysterious "Seven Years' War", which was not at all covered in the fatherland. now find one more eye in the triangle: a medal for the coronation of Nicholas 1st. That is, these are all events supervised by English-speaking lizards. different things that you won’t dream about even in a nightmare. That’s why the Protestant theologian Darwin was so replicated with his theory of biology: all people descended from one vegetarian monkey. THE ROMANOV DYNASTY in Russia.

VOLHA: The author of the article adheres to the theory of coexistence in human civilization of lizard-human hybrids introduced there (1% of DNA - from a person responsible for appearance; otsat-lizard), including the last Romanovs in Russia. Well, he is not alone: ​​David Hayk ( journalist) considers the royal dynasty in the UK, the Rothschilds in the USA, etc. THE INTRODUCTION of secret (lizards) into our planetary society in order to "erasure" humanity from the face of the planet and the triumph of the settlement of lizards on it. .On Earth, the society of MASONS (who owns the sign "lizard's eye", it is also on any DOLLAR bill) contributes to this: the society of hybrids.

3. "After the Russian troops, having defeated Napoleon in 1814, entered Paris, England's attitude towards Russia changed dramatically. England no longer needed Russia at its borders." The Moor did his job, the Moor may die ". The sudden death of Alexander in Taganrog with symptoms of poisoning. It is amazing that this was done by the personal doctor of Alexander the 1st, an English Jew, a "personal friend." The fact that documents about the sinister role of England in the fate of Russia have not yet been made public , says only that she still holds control over Russia. Medal for the Coronation of Catherine the 2nd 1762, medal for the coronation of Nicholas 1, St. George's Hall of the Kremlin, where the President of Russia was inaugurated; on the medal of Catherine 2 th 1766 - we already know a truncated pyramid, like on a dollar, only instead of an eye in a triangle - "Crown" - do not forget that this is a golden "CROWN OF THE TORAH"! On the other hand, the monogram of Catherine the 2nd. Pyramids with the Crown of the Torah instead of the usual Lizard Eye! The symbolism is all quite clear and unambiguous; you just have to see then look." (v. "Eye of Sauron or Eye of the Lizard")
VOLHA: So, the Romanov dynasty is lizard-headed hybrid REPTS. England secretly controls Russia until now (through, I think, a secret order of freemasonry) ..

4. "Medal of Nicholas 1st 1849" For the Pacification of Hungary and Transylvania ": the eye of the Lizard in the Triangle; The Crown of the Torah as a symbol of the Jews. And who is on top? And this medal clearly shows the hierarchy of existence - THE EYE OF LIZARDS IN THE TRIANGLE ABOVE, THAN THE CROWN OF THE TORAH! That is, HIGHER THAN THE JEWS! Absolutely unambiguous meaning! So, the lizards on Earth have not become extinct? It turns out that all this is a little different, as we can visually imagine. ", is clearly in the hierarchy above the Crown of the Jewish Torah! Colossal significance for understanding. Someone is hard pushing us to the core with a version of death, death, death, death .. lizards from some catastrophe, catastrophe, catastrophe .. - about 66 million years ago. And this is understandable, because those gigantic lizards do not exist on Earth. But maybe there is no need to look for giant lizards now? Why then the Eye of the Lizard OVER the Jewish Torah? Why do the epics of all nations feature the fight against Dragons? "(v. Eye of Sauron or Eye of the Lizard")

VOLHA: I think this part of the text does not need my analysis. I will refrain from my own opinion for the time being.

5. "You know, during this loss of time - a" black hole "in the history of the Earth 66 million years between the disappearance of the lizards and the appearance of man, the lizards could not die, as we are assured by some very, very suspicious "PEOPLE" in this regard. Lizards had a lot of time (66 million years) against 6,000 years that human civilization exists: 10 million times (!) more time than humanity; more than enough to, let's say, develop into higher intelligent beings, in general teleport to another dimension and from there observe us with your own eye: for some reason, the eye must be "in a triangle", if it has any specific physical meaning, a triangle? This is symbolism, coding! Located below the Eye of the Lizard and below the Torah is the imperial vulture two-headed mutant: a symbol of the Habsburgs. Question: who should be understood and who should be obeyed? god." (v. "Eye of Sauron or Eye of the Lizard")

VOLHA: The text is similar to panic. TRIANGLE - symbolism from Hermes Trismegister:
"the name of a syncretic deity that combines the features of the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and writing Thoth and the ancient Greek god Hermes. In the Christian tradition, the author of theosophical teachings (hermetism). The oldest mention of Hermes Trismegistus (Mercury) is contained in Cicero's treatise "On Nature of the gods", where it is reported that there were actually 5 Mercurys, and the one "worshipped by the Fenets (the city of Phenea in Arcadia), is said to have killed Argus, fled to Egypt and informed the Egyptians of laws and writing. The Egyptians call this Thoth, and they also call the first month of the year according to the lunar calendar, corresponding to the beginning of the flood of the Nile "(encyclopedia)" Thoth (Teut, Tut, Tuut, Tout, Tehuti, Dzhehuti) - the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, knowledge, the Moon, the state and world order .It is believed that Maat was the female complement of Thoth. The staff of Thoth with a knob: the head of an alasaurus or a pterodactyl. During the cult of Thoth in Hermopolis, of all the sacred animals (baboon, snakes and 8 frog deities), they continued to revere only the baboon as the embodiment of Thoth. " (encyclopedias)

THAT - "T" (Darkness, mystery) + "OT" (distortion from At, the main god-Creator of Atlantis, Ancient Egypt).
TOT - "The Secret of ATA". At - "grandfather" Ra and "father" Pta. - The dynasty of the sun gods of Ancient Egypt. by dialect! The Egyptian god THAT is Tit-TITAN! (Ancient Greece, Titanomachia ..). BABOAN - "P" (ancestral) + "AVI" (distortion from Abel - human first sacrifice in the Temple of Christ: the myth "Cain killed his brother Abel in the name of J. Christ") + "AN" (he). BABOAN - "Ancestor of Abel he" (priests of the Temple of Christ). of the city of Hermes) they chose the totem of Thoth, as it should be, the SNAKE! The serpent Ap-Apop and .. the god Apollo are one and the same person. -th disk of the SETTING sun, and Pta - a red-orange disk of the RISING sun (resurrected Ra) and .. RA - YELLOW disk of the daytime sun. There was also Am-AMON - THE WHITE DISC OF THE NIGHT sun in the World of the Dead ("deceased Ra"). .AND EVERYWHERE THAT-AP! Before us is the cult of the Serpent (see text above). power over the life-death of a HUMAN!

MAAT- "MA At" (Mother Ata): "the one that gave birth to ATA." he is also in Dr. India YAMA) or Amon Ra (the main god of the World of the Dead). everything came together: At became AM. Here is the "female incarnation of ATA", gentlemen Egyptologists. There is a wonderful word APOCRYPHUS; it is in them that the "originals" of many doctrine-trin-positions with their explanations of Christianity and the Torah are written.
Apocrypha - from RA) + "F" (there is no such letter in the parent language, the interchange is "F-S-T"). ). Is the author of the article and D. Ike really "crazy"?! In Titanomachy, the Olympian gods DEFEATED them, I remember .. Is that so ?! What, the reader, calmed down and became serious? ..

6. "Medal of the Crimean War, one side of the medal with an eye in a triangle; on the Russian medal of the Japanese War of 1905, also" Eye in the Triangle ". You yourself can find it in numismatics on the Internet. Medal of the Turkish War of 1877-78." “It’s not visible, but golden rays are burning because of the Orthodox cross and again the same appeal:“ Not to us, not to us, but to your name. behind the whole world. "The Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle" in the Winter Palace of the Austrian Habsburgs in Vienna; the Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg .. Why would it be through, supposedly, the "Russian" government, with all authorities from the royal to the democratic., Keep in in the very main hall of Russia - the Georgievsky Hall of the Kremlin An eye in a triangle? And why the Main Hall of Russia named after "Zhory"? Dobrynya Nikitich? - As with St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. don’t ask about anything. How and by whom it was built is none of your business. The Orthodox Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg: the chic "Eye in the Triangular ike "inside. And this is the eye of the" Lizard in the Triangle "over the Orthodox icon in the cathedral, of course, of Isaac in St. Petersburg: the Orthodox got into lizard affairs up to their ears, of course, as victims." (Art. "Eye of Sauron or the Eye of the Lizard" )

VOLHA: but it’s worth thinking in general: why are the names George, Yegor and Zhora “just a different sound of ONE name”? ..

GEORGE - GEORGE - GEORGE ("E" - a favorite insertion into the word of the Temple of Christ during the action of Kabbalah) - GORG - "G" (path) + "OR (primate-island near the North Geographical Pole of the Earth, the world of TITANS-TITS, allegedly the great-ancestors of the "Slavs", AROV-Aryans for sure!) + "G" (path). GEORGE - "All ways to OR." Recall the analogue: "All paths lead to ROME." The word GORG is the basis of the Medusa Gorgon from the myths of Dr. .Greece (the gorgon was a whole people, by the way) - also NAGI (chimeras are snake-people with heads, where snakes are also instead of hair).
EGOR- "EG" ("E"-insert according to Kabbalah, therefore simply G-Way) + "OR". EGOR- "The path to OR". ZHORA- "F" (interchange "ZH-Z-D"; D- ancient) + "OR" + "A" (end). ZHORA- "Ancient OR2, or" OR of the ancients ". That's why all 3 names are and the same": they all have the same purpose - "to lead to the OR." I will say right away: all 3 names were invented for the glory of the name-word by the Temple of Christ, its supreme PRIEST. And the word PRIEST? EAT - eat "like an animal": mouth-mouth).
ZHOR- ZHRO- PRIEST (insert CE reversed, -THIS, ROC). PRIEST- "Tse J (O) R! So WHAT does the PRIEST really do? - Energy vampirism = DEVORING the bioenergy of a living person. , terrible rumors about you, the reader are known: devouring the blood-flesh of babies, etc.
GRAIL- "G" (path) + "RA" (read in reverse as AR-sun god OR) + "AL" (ALA- scarlet blood of Ars). GRAIL- "The path of RA (k) scarlet blood of Ars". GRAAL and I know that he is not "WHAT", but "WHO": a man from the Ars.
BLOOD - "K" + "RO" (reverse OR, so the Jews read) + "B" (power of penetration-penetration into the DNA of the object). BLOOD - "By virtue of the OR".
BODY- "T" (darkness, mystery) + "ELO" (El-Eli; god from the pantheon of the Family, god BOR- World of the Sun (OLa) on the Kola Peninsula, on which in Lake Imandra (after the death of OR) Mother Ra ( MARA) gave birth to the sun god Ra from his father Pta-Ptah-Per-Pir .. Perun, finally. By the way, KOL is the proper name of God under the nickname Rod.

CONCLUSIONS Volkha: So, all the WAYS along the Temple of Christ lead to the sunken OR (Arkt-Arktida of Dr. Greece, its alleged Hyperborea, which is "behind the wind Boreas", and in my opinion behind BOR-OL - the World of the Sun of the Kola Peninsula ( where is the real Hyperborea of ​​the Greeks) .. And there lived TITS-TOTS-TITANS, who were defeated in Titanomachy by the gods of Olympus, led by Zeus (ZEV-open in the word of speech ROT-ROD! .. And the Temple of Christ, conquering the "crusades" slowly moved further to the North with his "serpentine efforts of the repts" ("WITH THE JEWS UP" - to EP = north) .. closer and closer to the OR and its peoples who were saved during the global Flood 12.8 thousand years ago on the northern shores of Europe, in the World of the Sun BOR .. to the ARAM-Aryans, along the way DESTROYING them in every possible way. The Temple of Christ LIES: if the Ora (titans) titans were REPTA-nagas, then WHY is it to kill them .. the descendants of the people they created ?! I doubt that repty. The temple is LIE, because it itself is REPTILOID AND IS. Non-white races also hedgehog .. DO NOT STOP, do not appease with any victims .. PRIESTS from the Nagas are merciless. ) a symbol of POWER over the USA, Russia once .. until 1917. Modern. Russia has been occupied by the Temple of Christ for a whole 1000 years or so .. Everything is not so fantastic, reader, if by REPTS we mean not intelligent animals-nyh- reptiles, and .. the peoples of the Serpent (totem Serpents). Read more yourself. Do not believe, like a child, in repts, understand by them "HUMANS" who hate the rest of humanity. You will learn the rest from my other articles ..

7. "There is an Orthodox icon" The All-Seeing Eye": so if the Orthodox flock, due to their dullness and stupidity, are not in the know, then the shepherds are quite and perfectly aware. "The Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle" on the Orthodox Chesme Church in St. Petersburg - also like packs of cherubs. And this is the “Eye in the Triangle” at the base of the Alexander Pillar sung by Pushkin on Palace Square in St. Petersburg; “The Eye of the Lizard in the Triangle” on the well-known Smolny Cathedral in St. Petersburg and Samsonievskiy; its namesake is the Cathedral of Isaac in St. Petersburg. The Sklifosovsky Institute in Moscow, the former Sheremetevsky House - the Sheremetyevs, too, judging by the coat of arms, are not goyim; Trinity Church in Serebrenniki. Moscow; a triangle in the courtyard of the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma, from where they brought to the reign of the boy Mikhail Romanov .. A photo from Kostroma demonstrates another information about the connection between "Eyes in the Triangle" with England: "Kostroma is the starting point of the Romanov dynasty. All the kings visited our city and the Ipatiev Monastery for this reason. In Kostroma there is a very curious Church of the Resurrection on the Debre. A curious legend is connected with the Church of the Resurrection: Kostroma merchants were actively trading with the West. And then one day, in a batch of paints sent from England in exchange for linen goods, the clerks of the merchant Kirill Isakov found a barrel of gold coins An honest merchant reported the find to London, from there they answered: let the gold go "for charitable deeds." Then Isakov in 1652 built a church near his Volga pier, on the outskirts of the city. So, apparently, it was no coincidence that on the portal of the gate of the fence churches next to the Owl and the SIRIN bird are placed heraldic. LION and UNICORN from the English royal coat of arms. "Even in Soviet times, every new British ambassador to the USSR came to Kostroma and visited this temple. Lev and Sirin still exist - I saw I don’t remember the unicorn myself. In general, the temple stands out for its non-standard architecture and decoration. We don’t have these anymore. "You see that the dark forces are protecting her and taking care of her. These are satanic dens. The Mining Institute in St. Petersburg. - and inside the Eye is another symbol - a golden thorn - charm, and with taste: a fountain, an obelisk - a rod - a golden thorn - the Eye. The Cathedral in Aachen, Germany. There are similar ones in Moscow! It seems that the authorities are competing in front of the Invisible The Collective Lizard, whose "Eye of the Lizard" is bigger and spares no expense in this matter. Why do we need such a life under the Lizards? Everything is already clear. Here, our "comrade-in-arms" took, on my order, a photo of "Names in Triangles", which are located in front of the altar of the Refectory Church (in which lizards apparently eat in human form). There is a large hall in front of the altar for laying tables and, apparently, the ritual eating of human flesh by "sarcophagi". Here on the right is the altar of the Refectory Church of the Lavra in the triangle, mind you, in Hebrew, the collective name of the Lizards "YHWH" is written. And this is the "Triangle" in the Catholic Church, a triangle with the name " YHWH" is located inside the iris of the "EYE" itself. In the same "Trotsky-Sergius Lavra" - this terrarium, in the center there is an obelisk with a golden triangle: "The Eye of the Lizard in the triangle" on the Masonic apron of the President of the United States, who dropped nuclear bombs .. That's why one of the "chosen ones" - Dante Alighieri wrote the work "The Divine Comedy" - in the sense, a human tragedy. The official coat of arms of the Grand Lodge of Russia. But in addition, the emblem of the Ministry of Emergencies, their structure .. ")
VOLKHA: The author has a clear bias in a kind of fear-paranoia, but .. I saw his photo of buildings in the article - that's right.

8. "Let's get acquainted with the original meaning of signs in Judaism. Here are illustrations from Eliphas Levi's book "Dogma and Rite of Higher Magic": A 5-pointed star is placed on the forehead of the monster, as a distinguishing symbol of the one who, according to Masonic tradition, is depicted in this idol, that is, Satan. The Palladium of Freemasonry is this Baphomet. Kabbalist-Masons have the name of this seal - "The Star of Magi, the holy mystical pentagram." .In 1880, a large demonstration was organized in France - a procession of occultists, spiritualists, masons with black and red banners, on which images of the "Baphomet of the Templars", Satan were embroidered, pentagrams and the sign of an eagle with a star were embroidered. This seal is called in the ritual of Jewish worship "Mochin-Dovid", which means "Shield of David". It is placed in a coffin on a corpse on the heart of every Jew, as a guarantee of his afterlife communion with his "god." To put an end to the "mystery of lawlessness "Jewish Kabbalah and Freemasonry, I will present s here is its symbolic formula from the book of the same Kabbalist-Mason and warlock whom I quoted above. The image of this formula, or, as the aforementioned author calls it, is "axioms": in the center is "Solomon's new seal" with the sign] ( wrestling in Kabbalah). In this seal, we see that the triangles are already arranged in the reverse order: the light one turned with its top up, the dark one with its top down. with the sign "p" in the center: "the end and completion of the great creation." K", meaning "the end of the great creation." Considering everything that was revealed above in exposing the Masonic secret, one cannot help but see in this axiom the conclusion of the cross, as it were, in the center of the globe (circle) - in the "lake of fire" and the ascension of the devil on the throne under the name of God. Such is the "axiom" of the black book Freemasonry." (Art. "Eye of Sauron or Eye of the Lizard")
VOLKHA: Judging by the photo in the article, everything is so.

9. "Here's a lot of evidence. So: God the Father = Yahweh = Jehovah = Allah = Tetra-grammaton = Lizard = Baal = Satan = Devil, which is confirmed both by the "sacred" writings of the Abrahamic religions, and the tragic history of peoples , given to him as a sacrifice. Well, and a dollar, of course. If you search the net, you will find many such eyes on different buildings, in different places. They look .. Not unreasonably. And now how it really is. "dark" - thought only for people. But, if you nevertheless make a gradation conditionally, then it can be done like this: there are those who consider humanity as a pasture, food, an arena for games - and there are those who would like to change it all. At one time, the one whom people call the "demiurge", using the support of the "creators" from the Outer World, made changes to the "functioning programs", set up blockages that made it difficult for the forces that were undesirable for him to come here. Now the situation has changed. It cannot be said that everything has become simple and unambiguous, but there are certain positive developments. Igvy - Daniil's description Andreeva "Rose of the World". There is a lot of information on the Internet about reptilians. The distinction is: reptiles, reptilians and reptoids. Reptilians are those who designed humanity. hybrids that have the ability to "wear" human "jackets". They rule this world, but they are no longer its owners, they are only "shepherds." Reptoids are already hybrids at the level of mixing energetically. contours. At present, the elite of the "God's chosen people."

IGVA - "Lord of the Way Va". I think that's enough. I set myself a task here: to make you THINK, reader.
Did it work, only you know.

Sauron ( - the spirit that served the forces Valar.

It all started with Eru- the supreme being, even before the creation of everything else, created countless spirits created from his thoughts.

Initially Sauron- spirit Ainur, but having entered the physical world, he is a lesser spirit called - Maiar. He is a divine person. Although inferior to the older spirits in the physical world Valar. Sauron was much stronger than most Maiar, including spirits that entered Middle-earth in the guise of Gandalf And Saruman.

Sauron was not always an adherent of evil, initially he was good and not corrupted, like all spirits.

Sauron was one of the most prominent Maiar who served Aule Kuznetsu, the great master Valar. As a result Sauron acquired great knowledge of the physical substance of the world, as well as forging and all other types of craftsmanship, becoming a great artisan in his retinue Aule.

original name Sauron It was Myron.

Sauron was corrupted by strength and power Melkor - Valar who aspired to dominate the world. Melkor opposed others Valar who stayed true Eru and tried to realize his plans. Sauron fell victim to corrupt influence Melkor.

Sauron wanted to create his own order, wanted to triple everything according to his will and believed that service Melkor help him achieve his goal. Melkor soon became known as Morgoth - Dark Enemy of the World- And Sauron turned into the most powerful of his servants and did a lot of evil, following orders Morgoth.

some time Sauron apparently successfully pretended to remain a loyal servant Valar, constantly supplying Melkor information about their activities. Thus, when Valar created Almarin, the first place of their physical sojourn in the world, Melkor learned about everything.

Melkor soon destroyed Almarin, And Valar created for themselves a new place of residence in the extreme West of Arda- blessed lands Amana, which have since been called Valinor. Sauron becomes one of the inhabitants of Valinor - the immortal lands. Valar still unaware of his betrayal.

However, soon Sauron left Valinor and went to middle earth. Thereafter Sauron finally broke with the service Valar and openly joined their worst enemy Melkor:

"Because of his admiration for the Force he became a follower of Morgoth and fell with him to the greatest depths of evil"

After joining his new master in Middle-earth, Sauron proved to be a devoted servant and capable student.

When Melkor was captured Sauron fled and hid in middle earth. In the blessed realm Melkor skillfully acted out remorse, but in the end he fled back to middle earth along with the stolen The Silmarils of Feanor. By that time Sauron restored angband and its dark dungeons were already filled with hordes of orcs.

Feanor and others Noldor followed Morgoth, to return Silmarils and started War of the Stones, lasting almost the entire First Age.

When Morgoth left angband to corrupt the newly created people, Sauron left to lead the war with the elves. He conquered the elven island Tol Sirion. Also Sauron destroyed the detachment Barahira, captivated Beren and Finrod, defeating the latter in an arcane duel. After that for help Beren the elf princess arrived Lúthien and dog Juan. Sauron took the form of a huge wolf, but lost the battle Juan.

In the subsequent War with the Elves of Wrath Dark Lord - Morgoth, was defeated and thrown into Outer Void outside the world. Sauron fled from the field of the Great Battle. After the war Sauron afraid of anger Valar came out in a bright guise and renounced his evil deeds before Eonwe. Sauron wanted to ask for forgiveness for what he had done, but, having learned that Valar want him back Valinor, he was indignant and went to middle earth.

After 500 years since the beginning of the Second Age, Sauron reappeared. He believed that Valar left Middle-earth after Wars of Wrath and began to make plans to conquer Middle-earth. Unlike Morgoth, Sauron did not intend to destroy the peoples of Middle-earth, but wanted to rule them, in this regard Sauron was wiser than his master.

In 1000 B.E. Sauron entrenched in Mordor and started building Barad-dura. Territory Mordor was surrounded by high mountains on three sides. Inside was a volcano that became known as Mount Doom, And Sauron intended to use his strong heat for the forge.

In 1200, he visited Eriador in a bright guise, posing as a messenger Valar and calling himself Annatar, Master of gifts. High King Gil-galad did not recognize him, but still did not believe him and denied access to Lindon.

Sauron went to Eregion where they lived celebrimbor and elven blacksmiths. Sauron took advantage of their desire to improve their skills and promised to teach them many things. Elven smiths were deceived and welcomed Sauron. Using the skill they learned from Sauron they started forging Rings of Power around 1500

Sauron returned to Mordor, and in Fatal Grief in 1600 of the Second Age forged One Ring to rule the rest. He put great power and will into the Ring so it could control the other Rings of Power. The One Ring helped him to know the thoughts and intentions of those who wore the other Rings.

Sauron did not expect the elves to feel his influence. When Sauron allotment Ring of Omnipotence, the elves saw his real nature, took off their Rings and did not put them on until Sauron possessed the One Ring. Furious Sauron started a war with the elves and conquered most of the lands west of Anduin. In 1695 Sauron at the head of a huge army invaded Eregion. Elrond arrived with an army from Lindon for help Elves of Eregion but the army Sauron far outnumbered them, and Eregion was destroyed. Sauron captured 9 rings and tortured celebrimbora to find out where the 7 rings are, but the three rings were far away, and celebrimbor did not disclose their whereabouts. celebrimbor was killed and Sauron planted his body on a pole, which was carried in front of his troops instead of a banner. Army Elrond retreated north, and the Dwarves hid in their mountain fortress Khazad-dum. armies Sauron flooded Eriador in 1699. Gil-galad resisted this attempt to seize Lindon, and when ships from Numenor in 1700, forces Sauron were suppressed. Myself Sauron fled and returned to Mordor in 1701, accompanied by only one guard.

Sauron gradually regained strength, gathering orcs and other evil creatures.

After a crushing defeat Sauron began to gather allies and began to give them Rings of Power. The nine rings were distributed among the human rulers, who were enslaved and transformed by their inhuman power and turned into Nazgûl- the most powerful and loyal of servants Sauron. The remaining Seven were given to the dwarves. But the Dwarves of Durin's people proved resistant to the will of Sauron and did not go over to his side. IN Mordor Sauron closed the passage in the Mordorian mountain range Black gates of Mordor. These times are known as dark years.

Second Dark Lord was now at the height of his power.

Ruler Numenor Ar-Pharazon offended by claims Sauron to dominion over people, landed in Middle-earth with a large army. Troops Sauron they were afraid of the military might of the Numenoreans and retreated. Sauron deliberately surrendered and by seductive speeches gradually turned from a prisoner into an adviser to the King of Numenore Ar-Pharazona. He persuaded the King and his supporters to a false religion - the worship of Darkness and its Lord, Melkor. kings Numenor already moved away from Elves and Valar and neglected the cult Eru who created them.

Sauron deceived Ar-Pharazona who believed that he would achieve immortality by sailing to the Undying Lands. Ar-Pharazon built a large fleet and sailed in 3319, intending to capture by force aman. But when Ar-Pharazon stepped on the shore Eru ordered the sea to overflow its shores. The fleet sank and Ar-Pharazon was buried underground, and the island Numenor was completely destroyed by a huge wave. Then Eru ordered the sea to calm down and decided that people would never be able to swim to Undying Lands.

Part of the faithful Numenoreans who did not succumb to deceit, escaped the fall Numenor. Their leader was Elendil and his sons Isildur and Anarion. They sailed to Middle-earth and founded states Gondor and Arnor at 3320.

Body Sauron was lost, and he could no longer assume a pleasant appearance. When he created a new look, it was disgusting. The ring was also rescued from the destroyed Numeron.

In 3429, having accumulated military power, Sauron attacked Gondor and captured from the air Minas Itil, knocking out the eldest son Elendil-Isildur. But Anarion succeeded in stopping the attack Mordor while his father Elendil was coming from the north with help - troops Arnor, the Gray Havens, Imladris, Lothlórien, Greenwood, as well as an army of Mori dwarves.

In 3434, in the battle on the plain, the troops Sauron suffered a crushing defeat, the allies went directly to the capital Mordor and stronghold Sauron - Barad-duru. Siege Barad fool lasted seven years until 3441, when Sauron came out of the tower. He fought with Elendil on the slopes Doom Mountain. In this battle Sauron was defeated, but Elendil was also killed. Isildur cut off the One Ring from his hand Sauron broken father's sword Narsil, and the spirit Sauron left his body.

Isildur did not destroy Ring and declared it his own. In the year 2 of the Third Age, he was killed by Orcs in Iris Lowland, And Ring was lost in the water.

A ring that contained great power Sauron survived, which means that his spirit continued to exist. He restored the physical appearance - a man of enormous growth. Sauron Hiding in the desert for 1000 years. Barad-dur was destroyed and Mordor guarded.

In 1050 of the Third Age Sauron recovered to such an extent that he began preparations for a new war. On South Greenwoods, on a hill Amon Lank they built a castle Dol Guldur. Darkness fell on green forest and soon this forest began to be called Darkwood. IN Mirkwood a new force was named Necromancer.

Valar did not arrange a global purge to destroy Sauron, they sent to Middle-earth five Maiar in the form of magicians, the most famous of them were Gandalf and Saruman.

During the second millennium of the Third Age, evil multiplied in Middle-earth. Orcs filled Misty Mountains and woke up in the bowels of the mountains Balrog. Gondor and Arnor were surrounded by enemies and stricken with disease.

Great Plague came from the east and killed the King of Gondor and many of his subjects, weakening the guard Mordor.

In the north Witch King settled in the fortress of Angmar around 1300. In the following centuries Witch-king of Angmar(head of the Nazgûl, acting on behalf of Sauron) constantly attacked the northern kingdom Arnor, starting attacks in 1409 and finally defeating it in 1974.

Same way Witch King entered Mordor and gathered the rest of the Nazgûl there. In 2000, the Nazgul left Mordor and took over the city Minas Itil (Minas Morgul). There they also captured an artifact that proved extremely valuable to Sauron: palantir, one of the seven seeing stones that Elendil and his companions brought from Numenor before his fall.

Sauron stayed in Dol Guldure and his strength grew. Gandalf the Gray began to suspect that Dol Guldur Necromancer and there is Sauron. Mag went to Dol Guldur in 2063, but Sauron fled east. The Watchful Peace came for a time, ending when Sauron returned to Dol Guldur with even greater forces in 2460.

In 2460 Sauron finally proved himself by increasing his strength. At the same time, the lost Ring of Omnipotence was found in the river Anduin hobbit by name Deagol. His relative Sméagol killed Deagola to take the Ring for yourself.

In 2850 Gandalf made a second attempt at reconnaissance of the situation in Dol Guldure. Having secretly made his way into the fortress, he was able to finally confirm the identity of its ruler, later reporting White Council elves and mages Sauron returned.

In 2941 Sauron left Dog Guldur, under pressure Gandalf. In 2942 Sauron returned to Mordor, he began to rebuild the fortress Barad-dur and gather forces for war. He had a large army of Orcs and Trolls. In 2951 Sauron openly declared himself. Mount Doom woke up.

At Sauron was a stone Itil. Using it, he was in contact with other palantiri. Through the stone Sauron lured into a trap Saruman, bending the magician to his side and forcing him to serve his purposes.

Eye of Sauron, in the form of which his attention and willpower were perceived, became a symbol of oppression and fear.

In the same years, the Ring of Omnipotence fell into the hands of a hobbit Bilbo Baggins. In 3001, the ring passed into the hands of Frodo Baggins. In 3017 Sauron found Gollum and from him I learned where his ring was.

June 20, 3018 Sauron released Nazgul of Mordor. Osgiliath was attacked in a place where Gondor there was a guard outpost, near the crossing over Anduin. Goals Sauron: he wanted to test the defense Gondor and at the same time provide protection for the real mission Nazgul- to find Shire and the Ring.

However, the ring bearer Frodo Baggins managed to get away from the Nazgûl. Eye of Sauron haunted the hobbit rivendel. The Nazgûl retreated to Mordor, where Sauron prepared for them new vehicles - terrible winged creatures called Fallen Creatures.

IN rivendele was formed The Fellowship of the Ring, the purpose of which was the destruction of the ring in Fatal Mountain.

Sauron sends a group of Orcs from Mordor to Amon Hen to grab the ring bearer. Here they met a squad Uruk-hai from Isengard who captured two Hobbits - satellites Frodo, Merry and Pippin. But the detachment was destroyed, and the hobbits fled.

Soon Sauron found out that Hobbits were being taken to Isengard but he didn't know what happened to them. When Pippin looked into the stone of the downcast Saruman, Sauron saw him and mistook him for the Ringbearer. At first Sauron thought that Saruman took possession of the Ring and claimed it as his own.

The next morning resisted Sauron, looking into the stone of Orthanc, and revealed that he was the heir Isildur. Aragorn showed Sauron reforged sword with which the finger with the Ring was cut off.

Attention Sauron fell on Gondor to which he went Aragorn with the army Rohan.

Sauron unleashed his armies for the first blow against Gondor. The army left Black Gate took over the island Cair Andros on the Anduin and, passing through the river, invaded Anorien in the north Gondor. At night Sauron sent a flash of red light as a signal Witch King who led a large army from Minas Morgula.

March 12, defenders Gondor were moved to Rammas Echor- the outer wall surrounding Pelennor Fields and Minas Tirith. The wall was breached on March 13, and Pelennor Fields filled with enemies. Troops Sauron besieged Minas Tirith.

March 15 Riders Rohan came to the rescue Gondor in the battle for Pelennor Fields. Eowyn of Rohan And Merry Brandybuck won Witch King and command of forces Sauron moved to Gotmogu. Army Sauron prevailed for a while, but after arriving Aragorn, with the powers of the dead , was broken. The enemies were defeated.

The forces that Sauron lost on Pelennor Fields were only a small part of the entire army. But the remaining troops Rohan and Gondor decided to go to Black Gate.

was captured by the Orcs on March 13 in Mordor and placed in Tower of Cirith Ungol where he was interrogated, and all his belongings were confiscated. But Frodo there was no Ring since he took it Samwise Gamge and believing that Frodo dead.

Sauron did not know the reason for the appearance of the Hobbit in his domain. It still didn't cross his mind that someone would try to destroy the Ring, besides, the Hobbit didn't have the Ring with him. Sauron I thought I could take advantage of this situation. Things Frodo were given to the emissary of Sauron, Mouth of Sauron who presented them Gandalf.

When Gandalf and the troops arrived Black Gate, Mouth of Sauron brought evidence and stated that the prisoner would suffer for many years under torture in Barad-dur Yes, if they don't give up. Mouth of Sauron but presented conditions Sauron: all lands east of Anduin will be possessions Sauron, but Gondor and Rohan will exist under the control Mordor. When Gandalf rejected the offer and called Sauron to fight, the battle began. The enemy was 10 times smaller and Sauron was sure of victory.

When put on the One Ring orodruina(March 25, 3019) Sauron I immediately felt this and understood the full depth of my mistake and the intentions of my enemies. Therefore, he abandoned all his previous plans, and his gaze was directed towards Mount Doom. However, it was too late. The ring has been destroyed.

Nazgul were overwhelmed by the erupting fatal mountain, the troops fled, the material shell Sauron was lost, he did not have enough strength to restore it, and his spirit was left to wander, powerless and homeless.

A huge piece of power Sauron was destroyed along with the Ring, Sauron was finally defeated, and although other evils will still trouble the world, Sauron will never come back again.

The Herald of Sauron (also known as the Voice of Sauron) is a minor character in the Lord of the Rings universe. This once powerful warrior swore allegiance to the lord of darkness, gained immense power and became the commander of the orc troops. Fans of creativity should know all the information about this person.

Character appearance

In the author's books, Herald of Sauron is described as a huge warrior who sat on a horse of incredible size. His face looks like an ugly mask, even though this is his real appearance. The clothes of the commander of the armies of darkness were completely black. In it, he resembles a ghost, but at the same time, he is a living person who swore allegiance to evil forces. At first glance, the character is disgusting, because on the lower part of the face, which is not hidden, a grin with terrifying teeth froze. No one saw the herald of Sauron without a mask, and therefore the upper part of his face remains a secret for all admirers of the fantasy universe.

Origin and further history

The real name of the film character is unknown, and it is not given in Tolkien's books. It is known for sure that once a man belonged to the race of Numenoreans, higher people. For the most part, they all swore allegiance to the lord of darkness, and Herald of Sauron was no exception. He did this immediately after the rebuilding of the Dark Tower. At the time of the events described in the film trilogy, he has been in the service of the forces of evil for 68 years and has achieved a lot during this time. Through his mouth Sauron spoke to his subordinates and enemies. The character himself was so consumed by darkness that he forgot his own name and called himself the ambassador of the will of the lord he worships. Until the moment of the war in Middle-earth, the Herald was the governor of Barad-Dur - the main fortress of the forces of darkness. The all-seeing was located on the upper tower. In his reign, he was noted for incredible cruelty. Even the orcs could not compare with him in the art of torturing living beings. All subordinates were afraid of him, and with the help of fear, he controlled them.

native race

In the universe of The Lord of the Rings, the Herald of Sauron was descended from the Black Numenoreans. These were the heirs of the first people who settled in the world of Arda and were once allies of the Valar. They broke away from the entire community during the fall of the main state of Numenor in the Second Age. They settled in Umbar, but they could not stay there for a long time, because soon they were attacked by King Eärnir. The black Numenoreans were forced to retreat in order to gain strength. Soon they laid siege to Umbar and after a long five-year struggle they returned their home. During this period, they have changed a lot. Nothing remains of the former greatness of the Numenoreans. The main occupation of the people was piracy and constant raids on Gondor. They retained their hatred for this province. The black Numenoreans responded to the call of the lord Sauron for war with the combined forces of Gondor and Rohan, because at that time they faithfully served him.

Events in the film

In the director's version, the authors of the legendary film trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" still did not leave a bright representative of the forces of darkness without attention. The herald of Sauron appeared in one scene, which attracted attention. It happened when the forces of the combined army of Gondor and Rohan decided to advance for the last battle to the Black Gate (Morannon). They were the only entrance to Mordor, where a huge army could prevent Frodo from carrying out his mission. The army under the command of Aragorn came to the gates. An incredible army of orcs came out to meet them, and the Herald rode ahead. He rode on his great horse to the hosts of Gondor and Rohan. The voice suggested that they retreat and allow the lord of darkness to freely conquer Middle-earth. In exchange, he offered the life of Frodo, who is allegedly captured and held in the main tower of Barad-dûr. To confirm the argument, he showed the things of the hobbit, which he lost during the penetration into Mordor through a secret hole. Gandalf immediately exposed the fraud in the speeches of the ambassador and then Aragorn came to the fore. Sauron's representative told him that it was not enough to become king. After that, the heir of Isildur simply cut off his head.

Place in the book and other works

The events connected in the book with the Herald of Sauron were almost exactly reproduced in the film. The only exception is that Aragorn does not kill the ambassador, but is simply denied by Gandalf after being exposed. Then, in a rage, the Voice orders an attack on the army of Gondor and Rohan. This character often appeared in various computer games that were made in the universe of John Tolkien. In the works of the strategy genre, he is the governor of Barad-Dur and leads the army of the forces of evil. It can be controlled in war against humans, elves and dwarves. In other games, he is the boss of a level such as the Black Gate, where he must be defeated to advance. The last appearance of the character in the gaming industry was recorded with the release of the MOBA game Guardians of Middle-earth. You can choose him as a character and test your strength on the battlefield.

from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, will not be installed on the roof of one of the towers of the Moscow City business center. Representatives of the creative group "Glow", which had been preparing the installation for several months, said that this was due to the "negative reaction of the public to the art object."

"The project has no religious or political overtones," the group said in a press release. It also emphasizes that the Glow group did not wish to hurt anyone's feelings by creating this light sculpture. “We want to offer our sincere apologies for the situation,” the press release said.

"Eye of Sauron" was supposed to appear over Moscow on December 11, the day of the premiere of the final part of "The Hobbit". The organizers of the action planned to install the installation as "a tribute to the great saga and its film adaptation, which allowed millions of fans around the world to visit Middle-earth."

Eye of Sauron. Frame from the film "The Lord of the Rings".

Who and why opposes the "Eye of Sauron" over Moscow?

The Eye of Sauron will be dismantled, . This was reported Head of the Moscow Department of Media and Advertising Vladimir Chernikov. According to him, "Oko" may be an unregulated advertisement.

“This structure cannot be placed without my permission. If the object is placed, and we make sure that it is an advertisement, it will be dismantled. Today we have the capacity to carry out the most serious work on dismantling, we have already shown this. We dismantled more than 200 roof advertising structures in the city. We have our own resource for this - GKU Gorinfor," Chernikov said.

The Russian Orthodox Church also opposes the "All-Seeing Eye" over Moscow. According to representative of the Russian Orthodox Church Vsevolod Chaplin, installation in the capital of such an installation is unacceptable.

“Anyway, it’s a demonic symbol. Such a symbol of triumphant evil rises above the city, becoming almost the tallest object in the city. Is it good or bad? I'm afraid it's rather bad. You don’t have to be surprised later if something goes wrong with the city, ”Chaplin explained.

The All-Seeing Eye of Sauron is a symbol of the power of the dark lord Sauron in the works of Tolkien. It is located in the center of Mordor - the kingdom of Darkness, on top of the tower of Barad-dur.