May lunar calendar for Gemini. ✓ Family: pleasant chores

Until October 10, Jupiter in the growing trine from the fifth astropolis gives new opportunities in creativity, in personal life and career. This period can bring important acquaintances, it contributes to good luck in novels. For Gemini of creative professions, concert activities, exhibitions, premieres can be successfully held. Any kind of activity where you present yourself and your creativity can be successful. Family Gemini can be pleased with the success of children. If you are planning to have a child, this year you have a good chance to fulfill your intentions.

Until December 20, Saturn's opposition from the field of marriage and partnership will still create tension and problems in relationships that are important to you, cooperation, marriage, and the topic of definition in relationships will remain one of the most important. Some circumstances, controversial issues that have been between you and your partners in the last two years may come to certainty and completion. This period requires a serious and mature approach to relationships. If there was uncertainty in the relationship, they can no longer be in "suspension". You will have to make commitments, formalize them, but an unreliable partnership and a fragile marriage can come to an end.

The good news is that this year you are coming out of a difficult period of the past two years and will be able to begin some of the transformations you need. But the period until May will be still quite difficult.

February 26 in the field of career, status and goals can give a crisis in work, in business, associated with the negative impact of economic factors. Some of the Gemini will have to reconsider their approaches to the issues of their implementation and choose the direction in which you will move on.For some of you, this could be a time for a job change or a layoff. But eIf in recent years you have been responsible, paid attention to improving your skills and made constant efforts to succeed, this period may provide a new chance or recognition of your previous achievements. This is also a good time to review your long-term projects to make sure they are in line with your goals.

February 11 and August 07 and August 21 focus on the areas of contacts with the closest environment, the topics of education, near and foreign relations and travel. Throughout the year, your contacts, people in your social circle, as well as your intellectual interests and travel circumstances will play an important role in business. The ability to process information and develop ideas will play an important role in the work. Favorable period to start a course of study. The desire to improve your skills, introduce new methods of work will favorably affect your professional capabilities and reputation. This is a good time for in-depth study of subjects, research activities, academic work, for writing and defending a dissertation. An important role will also be played by relations with relatives, the solution of domestic and family issues. The general theme of these eclipses is implemented throughout the year.

From the beginning of the year until the beginning of May, the tau-square Uranus-Jupiter-Pluto creates unfavorable conditions for business expansion. Firstly, because of unstable financial and economic conditions, and secondly, because you will have a predisposition to miscalculation, you can take on projects or enterprises that require more resources than you can afford. From the end of February to the beginning of May, in the first half of July and the first ten days of August 2017, you need to be extremely careful about financial speculation or loans. Investments are not recommended from late February to early May.

Starting October 10, Jupiter's transition into the sixth astropolis puts the emphasis on your day-to-day responsibilities, bringing a revitalization to your work relationships and professional tasks. You may have new opportunities at work, part-time work or improved working conditions. Businessmen will be able to rally a team of subordinates and increase productivity at work. You have to put things in order, make your working rhythm optimal. Do not neglect your health, any excess will have a bad effect on the body. You can improve your health through a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. If during this period you engage in recovery, you will bring yourself into good shape, and this energy will last for a long time.

More about some aspects of the year.

In January, work issues may require more energy than expected, but your position at work in the future will depend on your diligence, so do not waste energy on secondary tasks. Try to resolve disagreements, do not fall for emotional provocations. You will have the opportunity to advance your business through personal likes and charm. If there are difficulties in marriage and partnership, be patient and look for a compromise. At the end of January, do not go on potentially dangerous trips.

From February to early May, your social connections, relationships with friends will play an important role in your personal affairs. In the period around February 11, new information, contacts in the immediate environment or with foreign countries can cause changes in your outlook on familiar things, bring new important ideas and undertakings. Be open to new information. This is a good period of the day for new acquaintances, contacts, trips, to start learning.

Since the end of February, your friends or partners in a joint project in business may surprise you, and perhaps not in the most pleasant way. In this regard, you need to pay attention to the period around February 26, the last decade of March, the first half of April and the beginning of May. This is also the time when you will need to take an active part in the affairs of children, helping and supporting them.

From February 25 to March 06, your ruler Mercury is in conjunction with. At this time, prejudices, prejudices and false information can lead to detachment from reality and projecting. This period is unfavorable for making important decisions, including financial ones, as you will not be sufficiently informed about the current state of affairs. Be vigilant - delusions, deceit, losses, fraud, communication with unreliable or dishonest people are possible.

March 4-April 15 Venus will be retrograde moving from astropolis 11 to 10. At this time, you may have to change your attitude towards the professional group or social organization in which you take part, make a decision to leave this relationship, or some of your joint projects will need to be changed radically. You should be careful when it comes to the financial side of projects, managing and disposing of funds, especially when it comes to general finance. This is especially important before the beginning of May. At this time, you should not risk money, play the stock market or participate in other financial adventures or risky steps based on luck.

In April, Venus will be in a long square Saturn in your field of marriage and partnership, and then her retro period will coincide with from 09 April to 03 May. April is an unfavorable period for new relationships, and in old relationships it can be a time of discord and crisis. There may be disputes between you and partners, there is a possibility of a break in relations. For some of you, love from the past may have an impact on your personal life, but such a return is unlikely to bring joy and satisfaction. If you are single, it is best to avoid starting a new relationship during this time, as such relationships may be short-term or based on a misconception about the other person.

From May 04 to the beginning of August, a good time for new beginnings, implementation of plans, trips, commercial activities, business activities, negotiations, start learning. This is one of the most constructive periods of this year. But consider the recommendations for this time in the first part of the forecast. From June 28 to July 11, forced expenses are likely, caution is needed in planned spending, financial issues can cause disputes, cause difficulties or problems.

August 07 at 15° 25" Aquarius in the ninth astropolis. In the period around this eclipse, you can receive important information that will highlight the prospects in a new way. This time may be associated with the need to complete training or start a new course, perhaps the completion of some project , topics or situations in the family, started at the end of winter.These days there may be unpleasant news, quarrels with relatives, problems with neighbors, a breakdown in transport.You will need to make a decision about some old problem.

August 21 at 28 ° 52 "Leo in the third astropolis and from August 13 to September 05 in the fourth and third field bring to the fore relations with relatives, household chores, issues of moving, repairing, renting, buying or selling real estate. Moving can be associated with education, with travel as a result of changes in family relations.At the same time, the second half of August can bring good news, admission to a university, a job offer, interesting commercial offers, give impetus to new business initiatives.But if you need to buy real estate, or signing new important agreements, it is better to choose a day after September 06.

From September 07 until the end of November, you can develop existing projects or start new ones, implement plans. This is a good time for solving creative problems, starting creative projects, important trips, travels, important deals and undertakings, new acquaintances. However, there are times that you need to pay attention to.

September 23 - October 01, difficulties are likely in matters of rent, real estate, in relationships with children and loved ones. These days it is better not to make important decisions, there is a possibility of delusions, miscalculations, you need to be careful with new people. At the same time, this is a time of interesting and promising ideas, interesting proposals, favorable opportunities in long-term business started earlier thanks to friends, public relations, like-minded people.

On October 05-12, conflicts are likely in marriage, in relationships with children or business partnerships, this is a difficult time for important agreements and negotiations, it is better to postpone important decisions and purchases, new acquaintances and cooperation are unfavorable.

The second half of October is the time of romantic acquaintances, mutual understanding and harmony can be achieved in relationships, a good time to build relationships and start cooperation.

December 03-23 ​​in your astropolis of marriage and partnership. The previous agreements will require revision, repeated negotiations, but now it will be possible to come to an understanding. Operates only legally. If you have a need to sign current contracts and there is no way to postpone it until the end of the Mercury retro period, read the fine print and write the terms so that changes can be made later if necessary. In personal relationships, possible disagreements or conflicts will be a signal to reconsider your position. During this period, you will have to change certain patterns of behavior, taking into account the requirements of a partner in marriage or business. If there was a conflict in a marriage or business between you and your partner or the relationship has become obsolete, this is the end period when you can come to an agreement on the dissolution of the marriage or leaving the partnership.December 23 is a good time to sign important agreements, purchases, start well-prepared projects.

Now some clarifications on the deans.

Your decan does not get any aspects of the slow planets, although the destabilizing influence of Neptune's square can still be felt by those of you who were born in late May. And one more factor important for your decan is the last eclipse in this cycle in the mutable cross, after which you will be able to take a deep breath. The circumstances of January may affect how events will develop in February, so it is important to observe discipline and subordination in work. In relationships and affairs, realism is needed. Refrain from arguing with your superiors, with those on whom you depend, especially on January 17-21, now this is fraught with problems. February 26 at 08°12" Pisces on Neptune, squares your dean and February can be a difficult period, you will need to overcome problems associated with previous miscalculations or illusions. If your position at work is unstable and your superiors have had claims against you before problems, demotion or dismissal can be expected at this time.However, this time may be the end of a situation or problem in family relationships or domestic circumstances that appeared in March, late August or early September 2016. The good news is that that at the end of this spring you are coming out of a difficult period of recent years May 04-15, July 04-14 is a favorable time for romantic acquaintances, establishing business contacts, and trips.

Gemini born on 06/01-06/11 (Sun 11°-20°, II decan of Gemini)

Your dean gets conflicting influences, but by turning on your rationality, you can avoid the turmoil that Neptune's square brings and use the odds of Jupiter's trine. Neptune in your field of career, social status and goals creates instability in this area, brings destabilization to life, changing the perception of reality. Even if earlier you thought that you clearly know what you are doing and why, now circumstances may make you doubt it. At this time, it is worth listening to the point of view and advice of those who are more experienced and whom you have long trusted - advice from the outside may be valuable to you. This is the time when your protective barriers become thinner, you begin to discern nuances that were previously beyond your perception, this is the time of inspiration and romanticism. This is a time of falling in love, but also of illusions, delusions, when the object of adoration may have little to do with how you imagine it. Therefore, in the period from the beginning of March to May 03, it is better not to enter into a new relationship. Do not rush things - yours will not leave you, but will be unnecessarily eliminated.At this time, an unexpected or long-awaited pregnancy is likely, which will force you to reconsider your long-term projects and reconfigure plans for the future.The square of Neptune will most affect those born on June 1-4.

Jupiter will trine your decan from March 17 to August 26. This is a time of new opportunities, you can get support, get new information in time to overcome the difficulties that arise, If one door closes in front of you, another may open next to you.The most fruitful period will be from May 4 to early August. You can expand your circle of acquaintances, start a new course of study, this time is favorable for changing jobs, developing business projects, new romantic relationships, long trips.

Gemini born on 06/12-06/21 (Sun 21°-30°, III decan of Gemini)

From the beginning of the year to March 24 and from August 20 to October 14, your decan is trine Jupiter. These are favorable periods when you can make the necessary changes, get support for your initiatives, and if difficulties and problems arise, resolve them to your advantage. This is a time of interesting trips, expanding the circle of acquaintances, new business and career opportunities. But the warnings I gave above regarding spring must be heeded. Throughout the year, the opposition of Saturn will create tension in important relationships for you, this aspect directly affects your dean, so read the paragraph associated with it in the general part of the forecasts. I will only add that the most important and difficult in relations will be the end of January, April, July 23-25, October 05-12, November 01-04. These are also periods when there may be forced expenses, financial miscalculations, losses, these are unfavorable days for financial decisions and purchases.

From May 04 until the end of November, Uranus will be in sextile to your decan and in trine to Saturn, creating circumstances that will allow you to find non-standard solutions to problems, new opportunities in your work. This is a good time to use new technologies, innovations, for those of you who work with the latest technologies in the IT field, are engaged in the introduction of scientific developments into production and business. This is a good time for business development, participation in joint projects. Friendly ties can have a beneficial effect, the scope of your contacts and business relations will expand. In disagreements with partners in marriage and business or legal disputes, an agreement can be reached during this period, the dialogue will become more constructive, and new circumstances will contribute to the accommodating of the parties.

From August 16 to September 17, Jupiter sextile your decan and its trine Saturn provides an auspicious period for thoughtful expansion in business, for solving difficult issues through connections. Personal relationships will play an important role in business matters, helping to advance your initiatives. Willthe ability to resolve disagreements in relationships and reach the necessary agreements.Children can rejoice in success. This is a good period for family planning, pregnancy. This is the time when you can get a job or business offer. But it is better to postpone important undertakings, major purchases and signing of new contracts for the period after September 06.

In this forecast, I describe only the general trends of the year relative to the solar sign, without taking into account other planets in your natal chart. It cannot replace, for which the exact date, time and place of birth of a person is needed.

In February 2017, successes will follow one after another - the Gemini will even be confused by the abundance of opportunities, your head will just spin from such excessive care of Mrs. Fortune. At the beginning of spring, you will be known as a winner in life, and you will wear this title not only in the service. Personal life will be rich in love meetings and amazing dates, but in order not to become the second Don Juan, try to control yourself - do not be afraid, fans will not cry from your coldness, and fans will not tear your photos in a fit of anger.

In April 2017, and in May too, it is advisable for Gemini to relax more often, no matter what you will arrange - fantastic gothic parties, or quiet candlelit dinners. The main thing is to gather only relatives and loved ones nearby, and you can forget about communication with the “necessary” people, leaving courtesy visits for the summer. In June, the wards of Mercury should gather their strength - although the Cockerel has conjured you good luck and pulled out a feather for good luck, you should not relax. Financial affairs at the beginning of the month will go uphill, the main thing is not to get out of breath in pursuit of your capital, and then not to drop a heavy bag. Yes, yes, you heard right, there will be really a lot of money, so be at the helm and keep everything under your personal control.

July 2017 is suitable for negotiations and deals - all the most important bumps of the city have already gathered at your house and are discussing who you will choose as business partners. It is no wonder that influential people show such interest in you - you simply conquered them with your non-standard approach to any business, and especially you surprised those around you with intuition, which in the middle of summer will be at its best with Gemini. All these professional successes and career ups will distract you from household chores, so at the end of the summer, households can set a condition for the Gemini: either an urgent vacation with the whole family, or relatives are going to rest without you, and you hunchback on your beloved boss. Do not upset yourself and your family - take the kids in an armful and run to the airport. The manager of the hotel in the Seychelles has already looked through all the eyes, sitting at the window, and waiting for your visit, because for you the Cockerel has long made friends with him and bought tickets at a reasonable price. On vacation, it is advisable for Gemini not to deny themselves anything, and to relax to the fullest, since in the fall you have a lot of work aimed at future well-being - in general, gain strength.

In September, the Rooster, the ruler of 2017, will decide to test the Gemini for quick wit and throw you some interesting and equally profitable offers. Be on the lookout, warns the horoscope for the year of the Rooster, the owner of the year at the beginning of autumn is not joking, he really gave you a test. Turn on your intuition, seek help from trusted lawyers - all means will lead to excellent results, most importantly, act within the law and avoid adventures. At the end of autumn, Gemini can be visited by relatives, whose visit will somewhat destroy your established life - do not try to panic and sit out with friends. If you are embarrassed by a second cousin from your husband’s side, just be silent and smile happily, even if her curlers are scattered throughout the apartment and sometimes come across in a saucepan with borscht. Relatives will appreciate your patience and, leaving, will leave you many gifts as a keepsake, including quite large ones, if you value them financially.

In December 2017, the Fiery Cockerel will get tired of throwing endless surprises, and will simply give the Gemini a good position that does not tolerate fuss and running around. You will calculate your income for the year, and believe the stars - you will be satisfied!

Love horoscope for Gemini for 2017

Love can lie in wait for you anywhere, so always be fully equipped to meet Cupid with dignity.

Gemini 1 decade (21.05-30.05). The personal life of Gemini in 2017 will be as bright as you yourself want it to be. If you decide to disperse all your loyal fans and endless suitors - it's up to you, and if you express a desire to create a happy and friendly family - the Cockerel will vote for it with all its colorful wings! But first try to understand yourself, maybe you haven’t walked up to the end yet?

In the year of the Rooster, there is no need to dramatize relationships too much, it is better to take everything easier, especially the whims of your precious half. If you are free, then the Rooster will help you find a chosen one, however, when choosing, try to be guided not only by external characteristics - look for an equal partner, with the same high level of intelligence as yours, so that in a month you will not get bored.

In the year of the Red Rooster, you will become unusually attractive, which will help you find your long-awaited soul mate without much difficulty. Try to go out more often, not forgetting to walk your new and beautiful outfits. Although, for many of you it will be enough to show off your intelligence and eloquence - all the fans will immediately fall in piles at your feet.

Business horoscope for Gemini for 2017

In the year of the Fire Rooster, few people dare to compete with Gemini, especially in the field of entrepreneurship - your skills and abilities will be at their best.

B twins of the 1st decade (21.05-30.05). The Rooster will allow you to show your talents and try your hand at business - no need to be afraid of formidable competitors, just trust your instincts and act. It’s better not to leave your main job yet, although there will be enough money, some kind of stability will still warm your soul, and a couple of extra thousand won’t hurt your wallet. The cockerel will make sure that the money is green.

Gemini 2 decades (31.05-10.06). In 2017, you will simply need a change of impressions, so try yourself in different activities and do not be afraid to make a mistake - the Rooster will not let you go bankrupt. The fiery master of the year will show his concern more than once, you will be convinced of this already at the beginning of the year: the authorities will overwhelm you with a diverse and very interesting job, and the pay will be very decent - you will have enough for life and entertainment.

Gemini 3 decades (11.06-21.06). At the beginning of the year, you better have the courage to demand an increase in salary - the authorities will meet you halfway, and will not even work out. Specialists like Gemini, one, two, and counted, so you can even be offered a more impressive position. In their free time, many Gemini should try something new: you can easily turn any hobby into additional income, and the Cockerel will find you sales channels.

Family horoscope for Gemini for 2017

Family in the year of the Rooster should come first, so try to make time to communicate with your loved ones.

The year is perfect for improving living conditions, it’s not bad to get new furniture. Distant relatives on the part of the partner will help you financially, by the way, no one will require you to give money to the Gemini. So do not be ashamed, but take everything that is given. A sparkling apartment is good, but it doesn’t hurt to work on relationships with the family - arrange more often celebrations and gatherings for your relatives.

Gemini 2 decades (31.05-10.06). The cockerel will contribute to the family happiness of the Gemini - you will bathe in the love and adoration of your household. A little effort will also be required from you - try to get rid of selfishness and pamper your beloved and precious relatives. In 2017, it is useful to get out into nature more often: fishing, mushrooms, berries - 90 percent everything depends on your imagination, and only ten percent - on finances.

Gemini 3 decades (11.06-21.06). In the year of the Rooster, Gemini will be capable of the most unexpected things - your artistry and unpredictability will be to the liking of the household. Be active in solving ordinary household chores, and do not refer to your eternal employment and the inability to escape from work - you still have to fix the faucet or lubricate the creaky door, it's just a matter of time.

Health Horoscope for Gemini for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, it is desirable to exclude excessive loads - take care of your joints. It also doesn’t hurt to think about nutrition - try to eat the “right” food.

Gemini 1 decade (21.05-30.05). In 2017, it is advisable for Gemini to take care of their liver - take pity on it and do not abuse alcohol. Even if thousands of friends unanimously shout about the benefits of cognac - run away! You should also be careful with pickles and smoked meats - this, of course, is insanely tasty, but manage in small portions.

Gemini 2 decades (31.05-10.06). In the year of the Fire Rooster, try not to hush up your problems: your nervous system is not made of iron, and sometimes it is useful to scream and stomp your feet. Of course, this will require the right audience - share experiences with close friends, they will not criticize, or laugh at your fears.

Gemini 3 decades (11.06-21.06). This year will be good for saying goodbye to your bad habits. They will not be offended, but it will make you feel better - what year in a row do you promise yourself to quit smoking, it's time to act, and not postpone the day of quitting for an indefinite period. The Red Rooster will help you - he will throw out the ashtrays from the house, and he will find suitable specialists.

Children's horoscope for Gemini for 2017

The curiosity of the Gemini kids in the year of the Rooster knows no bounds - get ready to answer questions and read smart literature, you won’t be able to keep silent.

Children Gemini 1 decade (21.05-30.05). The little Gemini has absolutely no patience - in the year of the Rooster you will see this. You will have to fulfill every desire of your children instantly, otherwise you risk finding out what a loud voice your offspring have. Appeal to the feeling of compassion in your child, you can be offended and cry - it can work.

Little Gemini 2 decades (31.05-10.06). Your children in 2017 will be extremely active and impressionable. Variety in life is what will save your children from excessive turmoil. Try to fill your offspring's day to the maximum - games, walks, rides. Wait until your little Battery asks for sleep on its own, otherwise you risk telling new tales until the morning.

Baby Gemini 3 decades (11.06-21.06). Your young Gemini will decide in the year of the Rooster that they are kings. In any company, the offspring will be the first, and most importantly, the best. Try not to argue with the kids, it is better to explain that there are rules for kings, and they not only command others. Your clever girls will quickly understand what's what, and put things in order in their kingdom to their taste.

Horoscope for Gemini 2017 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Rat

You will not be able to hide in a mink in the year of the Rooster - after all, the eccentric owner of 2017 has prepared too many surprises for the Gemini-Rats, and it will be a shame to sit on the sidelines. The financial situation will be excellent, and it is not necessary to save money - this year they will pour on you all the time. In communicating with household members, it is advisable to play the role of a small fluffy mouse - your complaisance and affection will definitely be appreciated.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Ox

Restraint and patience are two of your qualities that will please the Fire Rooster. If you are not in a hurry, then the master of the year will definitely help you get mountains of gold and meet the love of your life. 2017 for Gemini Bulls will be rich in exciting travels - load your wagon and go. Just do not take too much, so as not to get tired on the trip, and gain only positive impressions.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Tiger

Your charm in the year of the Rooster will be extremely great - try to remain affectionate tiger cubs all year long, and growl at others less often. Be especially gentle in dealing with business partners, of course, you don’t need to constantly smile at them and scatter in compliments - it’s enough to praise them once for a successful deal and you will be provided with long-term cooperation for years to come.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Cat (Rabbit)

You will become the happiest of all Gemini. The cockerel likes an affectionate cat that will purr and release its claws only when necessary. Your equanimity will allow you to succeed in the most difficult enterprises - after all, business partners will be delighted with a person who, despite a rockfall or flood, stands calmly and smiles. During family disassemblies, activity will save you if a dispute arises: to whom to take out the garbage, be the first - this will surprise the household.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Dragon

In the year of the Fire Rooster, the Twin Dragons will succeed in many areas, and for this it is not at all necessary to prove their case and be fire-breathing and three-headed. To achieve your goals, it will be enough for you to stamp your foot once and expressively look at your interlocutor - the Cockerel will try to make your magnetism at its best in his year. It is advisable to be softer with household members - try to find a compromise more often, you will only win.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Snake

In 2017, the year of the Fiery Red Rooster will have to work hard. But don’t worry, you won’t get too tired, because the Cockerel likes your wise calmness and composure - a profitable part-time job will go into your hands. In personal life, 2017 will please the Twin Snakes with new romantic meetings - there will be crowds of fans, just have time to look.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Horse

Your ability to manage people and influence the situation in the year of the Rooster will be so strong that sometimes you will want to hide in a secluded and quiet corner so as not to command anyone. Subordinates will follow you on your heels, so prepare a wish list - everything will be fulfilled with lightning speed. In communication with household members, this number will not work, your loved ones themselves are not averse to leading.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Goat (Sheep)

It's time to learn a new profession - Petushok has already prepared several resumes for you, which you need to quickly send to all reputable companies where you have been waiting for. Gemini will be lucky in the financial sphere of life - no one but you knows where you can benefit in the year of the Rooster. You will simply feel all the promising deals, you can even play on the stock exchange - the risk in 2017 is only welcome, but, of course, act without excessive fanaticism.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Monkey

Your education in 2017 will play an important role in your career - after all, any smart and self-respecting boss with arms and legs will tear off such a specialist. The main thing is not to be shy and act self-confident, then the whole business world will be at your feet, and all the rich will secretly dream of concluding a contract with the Monkey Twins, and on your terms.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Rooster

Financial takeoff awaits those Roosters who are not used to hacking - the owner of the year will bring you a few gold coins in his beak if you are not lazy. But it is better to refrain from dubious adventures in the year of the Rooster - all sorts of gambling, and other tinsel are not for you now. For lonely Gemini, the Rooster will give a chance to meet love - be careful on the street, there is a chance of colliding with half foreheads.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Dog

In the year of the Rooster, you can easily increase your already rather large capital, the main thing is to act honestly. The rooster will be generous for all sorts of deals and negotiations - you will charm business partners in an instant if you behave naturally. In personal affairs, it is advisable for Gemini Dogs to show worldly wisdom and trust their intuition, which in the year of the Rooster will often suggest the right decisions.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini Pig (Boar)

The cockerel will give you a chance to get a new position - but think before you sit down in the comfortable chair of the boss, because you will have to work oh so much! If you are ready to forget about entertainment and recreation, then the stars are only happy - money, respect and honor are already in your pocket. Only now the household will become a little sad - learn to find time for the family, then in the year of the Fire Rooster everything will turn out fine.

May 2017 for Gemini will be the best period for making important decisions and accomplishing long-awaited events. Therefore, this month will require them to correctly assess the ongoing events and a sober look at the existing relationship. What other events in love should Gemini expect this month? The answer to this and other questions can be found in the exact love horoscope for Gemini for May 2017.

For single representatives of the Gemini sign in May, there is a good opportunity to finally improve their personal lives. People born under this zodiac sign will be especially attractive to the opposite sex in May. Mutual interest can arise quite unexpectedly and soon lead the Gemini to create a strong and happy couple. The love horoscope recommends that Gemini in May not dissolve in violent emotions and at least listen a little to the voice of reason. The advice of older relatives will help to avoid mistakes at the first stage of the relationship.

For Gemini who are in a stable relationship or marriage, May can be both a period of prosperity and the beginning of a break. Representatives of this sign should not succumb to momentary impulses and passions. For them, an important role will be played by the assessment of existing relationships, which can become decisive in later life. Stars in May advise Gemini to listen carefully to their chosen one and try to see their personal life through his eyes. Perhaps after that all grievances and quarrels will disappear, giving way to mutual understanding.

Love horoscope for Gemini women for May 2017

Many free Gemini girls in May will be tuned in to tender feelings, flirting. Some of them will decide that now is the time to choose a life partner, think about the desire to have a child. The choice of new acquaintances for Gemini girls in May should be approached carefully, since at this time there is a high probability of meeting their fate. An accurate love horoscope recommends that Gemini not waste themselves on dates and flirt with each new acquaintance, but be more attentive to the signals of their heart and mind.

For married Gemini women, a frank conversation with a spouse can be a decisive act in their personal lives. It will help women to identify tense moments and better understand each other. This May, the interests of the Gemini should not be more important than the interests of the rest of the family. Breaking up a relationship is only right if both partners are ready and in agreement. Before making a final decision, the Gemini should calmly and carefully evaluate all the pros and cons of their soul mate, and only then act.

Love horoscope for Gemini men for May 2017

Single Geminis in May may feel like they're ready to say goodbye to their single status. And the stars provide representatives of this zodiac sign with an excellent opportunity to build relationships with the opposite sex. In May, Gemini should take a closer look at the girls who are nearby: pleasant neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances of friends. The love horoscope advises Gemini to try to look serious and avoid stupid things at this time. Perhaps the future Gemini girl already has them in mind.

Many married Gemini men in the final month of spring will feel responsible for making decisions regarding the whole family. This may apply to both issues with children and personal relationships in a married couple. May of this year brings for the representatives of the Gemini sign the opportunity to remember their tender feelings, to feel how a favorable atmosphere is being established in the family. However, this same time can reveal all the errors in matters of the heart. The stars remind Gemini men that power is not only rights, but also responsibilities. Therefore, it is not always easy to bear this responsibility for your entire family.

Whom should Gemini be thanked for the bright events of this May? It should be noted that among the heavenly leaders there is only one "volunteer" who decided to visit you with his all-round attention. Saturn will be your ruling planet at the end of this spring, and it is to him that you should be grateful for your many successes. However, Saturn has other things to do besides taking care of you, so don't even think about relaxing! In May 2017, a lot will depend on you, as well as on your hard work and perseverance.

You should not relax, and because some of the planets at the end of spring will not show you the most friendly attitude. From whom should you expect a catch? Your first and main opponent in May will be Mercury. Of course, he will do everything in his power to keep your income at the usual level (or become a little lower if you allow yourself to go against this planet and decide to take a big risk with your capital).

In May, you should not expect much favor from the Moon either. Perhaps the negativity coming at you from the side of the "night luminary" will become the initiator of your main May difficulties. No, the Moon will not hurt you with a “butt” on the head (this behavior is not typical of this planet). But it can easily make you dissatisfied with yourself, depressive moods and other emotions with a minus sign. Moreover, you will not have obvious reasons for discontent (May, which is a long holiday for you, will not be able to provoke anger and irritation). This is the danger coming from the side of the Moon (by yearning for no obvious reason, you will destroy the unique atmosphere that surrounds you).

Both men and girls of the Gemini sign in May count not just on the favor of fate, but on real, complete and ongoing luck in the love sphere. They have big plans for the last month of spring. A love horoscope predicts this reliably. But how will the circumstances turn out and will the Gemini's dreams come true in May 2019? All this has already been told by the stars.

Gemini love horoscope for May 2019

For many Gemini, a completely new life will begin in May, with all the ensuing consequences. A love horoscope predicts an all-consuming feeling for the representatives of this sign, which they will remember for the rest of their lives. During the year, the newly in love Gemini will repeatedly return to the May events in their thoughts, where everything was extremely clear, and the future seemed carefree and happy. That is why in May the stars strongly recommend that girls and boys of this sign keep their minds sober so as not to make irreparable mistakes in a fit of passion.

Those Gemini who have not gone well with the opposite sex for a long time will receive a unique chance for a successful acquaintance in May. Not to use it means to refuse changes in the love sphere for at least another year.

The love horoscope advises family Gemini to solve the problems that arise in May as soon as possible. All month they will appear in the life of the wards of Mercury with enviable constancy.

May will bring good luck to divorced Gemini. For the first time in a long time, they will feel not just free and careless, but truly happy. Not all signs of the Zodiac will have as many chances to please pretty people in May as Gemini will have, who have experienced a difficult breakup over the past year.

Love horoscope for Gemini women for May 2019

Many Gemini girls in May will begin serious work on building personal happiness. Especially intend to try those who passionately want to get married. What steps the lonely, but extremely charming Gemini will not decide to take! The stars also warn: they will succeed in attracting the attention of the opposite sex with varying degrees of success.

In May, it will be very calm for married Gemini girls. Those wives who previously experienced difficulties in relationships with their husbands will finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Such Gemini women are even waiting for a pleasant surprise at the end of May, and the stars do not yet say which one.

Gemini girls who dream of a handsome, self-confident man will be able to meet him in May only if they go to seek happiness away from home. And for those who have more modest needs, it’s enough just to go out to people more often and participate to the maximum in various youth events, of which there will be plenty at the end of spring.

Love horoscope for Gemini men for May 2019

The strong half of Gemini will be at a crossroads in May. Women will force them to take serious steps, decide on important changes. If the Gemini intend to resist this, they will have to forget about the tenderness and passion that arises in a pair with a complete idyll.

Lonely and proud Gemini men in May will find the strength to admit mistakes and do everything to rehabilitate themselves in the eyes of their beloved. Otherwise, the stars will not give them a second chance, and they will have to build relationships with another, currently completely alien woman.

Married Gemini at the end of spring will be very tired of the whims of their chosen ones. Against the background of this feeling, the Gemini will become dull and it will even seem to them that the break is close. The stars urge Gemini not to draw categorical conclusions at this time. Very soon, the black streak will end and mutual understanding will reappear between the spouses.

Well, for those Gemini who are going to get married at the beginning of summer, it will be even more difficult in May. Wards of Mercury will begin to be tormented by doubts, past feelings will be remembered, and one of the pretty fans will make itself felt. The horoscope of love advises Gemini not to leave the chosen path, such a decision will not bring them any happiness. And if the Gemini with dignity stand the test, their union will always be fueled by genuine, tender and eternal feelings.

Love horoscope for Gemini for other months of 2019