Is it possible to get pregnant during thrush or not? Is it possible to get pregnant during thrush? How does thrush affect the conception of a child

Can you get pregnant with thrush?

After listening to the opinion of doctors, we came to the conclusion that if future mothers adhere to certain recommendations, reproductive functions will not lose their ability to conceive. The girl will be able to give birth to a healthy, strong baby.

Vaginal candidiasis is the result of the overgrowth of Candida yeast. The vaginal mucosa is covered with a curd coating, after which abundant discharge appears, an unpleasant odor, pain, burning or even itching is felt. The cause of a violation of the vaginal environment can be a viral infection, refusal to treat the sexual partner, diseases of the genitourinary system, sexually transmitted diagnoses, a change in the pH of the secretion, antibiotic therapy, and a decrease in mucosal protection. Violation of the natural microflora leads to a deterioration in local immunity.

Causes of the onset and development of the disease:

  • non-observance of elementary rules of hygiene, especially during the period of hormonal failure;
  • change in climatic conditions of residence;
  • unbalanced diet, abuse of fatty, salty, specific foods;
  • infections and other gynecological diseases;
  • sexual intercourse without condoms if the partner is a carrier of the Candida fungus;
  • weakened immunity;
  • contact with contaminated medical instruments in the gynecologist's office;
  • when taking antibiotics without appropriate control.

Does thrush affect conception

It is quite possible to get pregnant during this disease. But, as practice shows, the chronic course of the disease significantly reduces the chances of becoming a mother. And this may be due to the excessive excitement of the girl, since reproductive functions do not suffer with such a diagnosis. The tubes continue to maintain good patency, the eggs mature as before, the menstrual cycle is not affected in any way, and the uterus does not intend to reject the future fetus.

Completely different factors can prevent you from getting pregnant:

  1. Painful sensations during sexual intercourse often force one to refuse sexual intercourse. The mucous membrane of the genital organs becomes more sensitive, which leads to severe discomfort and forces the girl to limit her intimate life.
  2. The disturbed environment in the vagina can have a negative impact on spermatozoa, which often leads to their death. In conditions of high acidity, they simply do not have time to get to the egg and die.

Pregnancy planning: thrush and conception

If a woman who wants to become pregnant has chronic vaginal candidiasis, she needs to follow certain recommendations:

  1. Consult with your gynecologist. He must prescribe an examination that will help identify the presence of other diseases, establish the stage of the course of the disease.
  2. Refuse to take alcoholic beverages, smoking, etc.
  3. Before pregnancy, you need to cure all existing diseases. Taking medications can also disrupt the microflora of the vagina, and during the period of bearing a child, many of them are simply prohibited. If a woman has thrush from contraceptives, you should consult a gynecologist and use other contraceptives.
  4. During treatment, as well as in the first days after completion of the course, it is recommended to use contraceptives. This is necessary to create a healthy environment where the birth and formation of a new life will take place.
  5. Once pregnant, continue to treat thrush. In conditions of weakened immunity, the disease can progress.

Pregnancy with candidiasis

Most women do not use protection during thrush. They mistakenly think that fertilization is simply not possible in their case. It also happens that the disease occurs in a mild, inconspicuous form and is established after conception. In this or that case, it is necessary to urgently contact your doctor and describe the picture of what is happening.

If thrush was diagnosed before pregnancy, the woman will be informed about possible complications. In addition to the body of the expectant mother, the fetus is also at risk. If fungal growths have entered the uterus, the baby can become infected through the amniotic fluid, the placenta, or during childbirth. Unfortunately, the consequences can be the most deplorable, ranging from damage to internal organs, and ending with the death of the fetus.

Consequences of infection of the fetus with thrush

In the first trimester of pregnancy, infection of the embryo is considered the most dangerous. Infection can lead to miscarriage, impaired respiratory system, congenital pathologies, or weakened immunity of the born child. In a baby, the disease manifests itself in the form of candidal stomatitis with damage to the oral mucosa, which leads to a chronic course of the diagnosis and causes frequent viral diseases.

Before getting pregnant, you need to undergo a complete examination, cure all gynecological diseases and endure a certain period during which the remnants of drugs are removed from the female body, and your own immunity is strengthened.

Now that you have found out whether thrush prevents you from getting pregnant, you need to understand that it only reduces the chances of doing so. It is not dangerous to an adult body, but in the body of a baby it can cause serious consequences.

So is it possible to conceive with thrush?

Many women are too lazy to visit medical institutions, ask their friends for advice and independently prescribe treatment for themselves, having studied the reviews on the Internet. Most likely, you will get rid of only the symptoms, but not the disease itself. After some time, candidiasis will return and, with renewed vigor, will deal an even stronger blow to the fragile body of the fetus.

Unfortunately, today few people understand that each organism has its own strengths and weaknesses, each girl has her own gene pool and a package of sores. Treatment must be individualized. Only in this way will a woman be able to become pregnant, endure and give birth to a healthy baby.


In conclusion, we can say that we have given an exhaustive answer to the question "is it possible to get pregnant with thrush." In modern medicine, almost everything is possible. The main thing is not to self-medicate, consult a doctor at the time and follow all his recommendations.

Is it possible to get pregnant with candidiasis? Does this disease affect the fetus, and how to get rid of thrush quickly? These questions can be answered by understanding what thrush is in general, and whether it should be treated.

Every second woman must have met with thrush at least once in her life.

Thrush when planning pregnancy: possible risks

Candidiasis in itself does not cause disturbances in the work of the reproductive system of a woman. If a woman does not have other chronic diseases, then she can.

An obstacle for spermatozoa can be an acidic environment, which is detrimental to them. Spermatozoa are dehydrated and destroyed before reaching the uterus.

Therefore, to restore the microflora of the vagina, it will be necessary to identify the disease that provokes thrush.

Does it interfere with ovulation?

Vaginal candidiasis does not affect the regularity of ovulation in a healthy woman. Thrush does not affect the ovaries, fallopian tubes and does not cause adhesions.

Impact on the microflora

The fungus has a destructive effect on the microflora of the vagina and, if left untreated, leads to serious deviations. However, some women live with such a diagnosis for years and are not even aware of it. Erosions and cracks occur on the vaginal mucosa.

Thrush reduces the local immunity of the vagina, which leads to the addition of other inflammatory processes.

Effect on sperm

Violation of the microflora of the vagina has a negative impact. When the vagina is dry, it is harder for sperm to penetrate the egg, they experience dehydration and destruction.

When does it interfere with conception?

Violation of the microflora of the mucosa can prevent conception in a chronic course, so it is important to achieve remission of the disease. To do this, the doctor prescribes the necessary course of treatment so that there are no foci of candidiasis during the bearing of the child.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a chronic form?

Most fears about pregnancy occur in women with chronic thrush. For the onset of pregnancy, the disease should be transferred to the stage of remission. This is necessary so that the fungus does not affect the sensitivity of the vagina during intercourse. And also in the future for bearing a child, especially in the first trimester. During pregnancy, a woman will take smears for a fungus so that during childbirth the child does not become infected when she passes through the birth canal.

Pregnant women also suffer from chronic candidiasis. This problem throughout the entire period of gestation can haunt them, since immunity is lowered and a certain imbalance of microflora is already occurring in the vaginal mucosa.

Is it possible to get pregnant during thrush?

This disease does not affect a woman's ability in any way. However, if a fungus is found in a woman during the first visit to the doctor, treatment is prescribed.

Since candidiasis has a boomerang effect, tests in this case will be taken on a regular basis. In order not to be treated for candidiasis immediately before pregnancy, you must follow the recommendations:

  • l do not wear synthetic underwear and clothes that are too tight and crushing. It is necessary to give preference to cotton things;
  • l change your underwear more often, wash it thoroughly in hot water only.
  • l Ironing clothes will kill all fungi and bacteria.

Consequences for gestation

Thrush is dangerous for bearing in early pregnancy. Since bacteria and elevated white blood cells can enter the uterine cavity along with the sperm.

Because of this, inflammation can begin in the uterus, which will lead to the rejection of the fetal egg at an early stage. In the second and third trimesters, the fetus is protected by the placenta, so the penetration of the fungus there is unlikely. Moreover, most women suffer from an imbalance of microflora just at a later date. Gynecologists prescribe suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis based on the gestational age:

  • Livarol.
  • Zalain.
  • Pimafucin.
  • Clotrimazole.

Some suppositories need to be used only once, others - systematically. The price of all drugs is different, you also need to remember that the partner may also have a fungus. Therefore, for a man, you need to purchase Candide ointment.

If candidiasis occurs during pregnancy, you can not be treated with folk remedies.

When planning a pregnancy, every woman passes e in advance, the list of tests includes a smear for Candida fungus.

If violations of the microflora of the vaginal mucosa are detected, the woman and her partner are prescribed, and the disease passes quite quickly and without consequences for conception.

The main thing is to quickly identify the pathology and begin treatment. In medicine, many drugs are used that are safe even for a pregnant woman. Therefore, if candidiasis is detected in the patient in the early stages, do not despair, you can get rid of the disease in a week.

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Every woman knows firsthand what a thrush is. The disease is unpleasant and it is not always customary to talk about it out loud. However, most women have experienced this problem at least once in their lives, but more often than not, thrush can occur several times. Thrush or candidiasis is accompanied by not entirely pleasant sensations, one might even say that the disease greatly interferes with a woman’s usual way of life, literally “forcing” to draw attention to herself. Itching, discomfort and light, abundant, dense discharge from the genital tract, which looks like cottage cheese - these are the main symptoms of thrush. Those women who often encounter a similar gynecological disease are interested in whether it is possible to become pregnant during thrush.

Thrush appears due to the pathological reproduction of the Candida fungus. In the body of a healthy person, this fungus is present in many organs, but in small quantities. Under certain circumstances, fungi can begin to multiply rapidly. The reasons may be different, in short - this is the creation of favorable conditions for reproduction.

It is rare to find a middle-aged woman who has not experienced this disease. In women's circles, the topic of thrush is actively discussed, many ladies for years could not get rid of an unpleasant disease and, having tried various methods of treatment (medication, folk remedies), left the disease untreated. According to doctors, this is very bad, since it becomes more and more difficult for the body to fight the enemy every time.

Currently, in many countries, the problem of thrush has become so urgent that the average age of the “victim” has decreased significantly. Thrush can be found even in young girls, children and men. Let's look at the main causes of thrush to find out the answer to the question of concern to many women - is it possible to get pregnant with thrush.

Causes of thrush

For women's health, a normal acid-base balance in the vagina means a lot. The amount of lactic acid bacteria in the norm (in a healthy woman) occupies approximately 90% of the vaginal environment. They are responsible for the production of substances that prevent the development of infectious bacteria. If such beneficial bacteria are not enough, then the rapid growth of harmful bacteria begins. Due to a violation of the normal acid-base balance in the vagina, thrush develops. It can proceed in different ways - with itching and discharge of an unpleasant odor or without any symptoms. In the second case, a woman may not suspect anything and learn about thrush from the words of a gynecologist at a routine examination.

What are the symptoms of thrush:

  • profuse white discharge from the vagina with an unpleasant sour smell. Sometimes there can be so many of them that a woman does not have time to carry out hygiene of the genital tract on time;
  • a feeling of severe itching causes discomfort;
  • the walls inside the vagina become inflamed and irritated;
  • there is a feeling of swelling in the whole body.

What can cause this unpleasant disease? Often women blame themselves for many things, from poor hygiene, visiting public baths and pools, and swimming in ponds. This list goes on.

There can be many causes of thrush, although according to medical professionals, it is a misconception that thrush can be contracted. This is a non-communicable disease, just due to certain circumstances, immunity decreases and the chances of the fungus multiplying increase.

Under what circumstances can the disease develop:

  1. If you do not follow the basic rules of hygiene. This is especially true of those periods when hormonal changes occur in the female body.
  2. Poor and unbalanced diet. Eating large amounts of fatty foods, as well as salty, spicy and fried foods.
  3. Unsuitable climate.
  4. Weakened immunity.
  5. Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, as well as unauthorized prescription of drugs without observing the correct dosage. For example, if, according to the instructions, an antibiotic must be taken for 5 days, and the woman herself decided that 3 days would be enough for her and stopped taking the medicine.
  6. Harmful working conditions.
  7. Diseases of the genital organs.
  8. Excessive love for synthetic underwear and wearing thongs.
  9. Anal sex.
  10. Sex without a condom.
  11. Contact with objects infected with the Candida fungus.
  12. Frequent change of sexual partners or when a regular partner is infected with these microorganisms.

Interestingly, men, just like women, can suffer from this unpleasant disease. Even if the carrier of the fungus has good immunity, he can pass on a large “portion” of thrush to his partner, unaware of its presence.

Also, every woman needs to know that even if everything is in order with you, with unprotected sexual contact with a new partner, bacteria are exchanged and a “fresh portion” of the fungus can pass into the vagina. If a woman has strong immunity and no health problems, then she may not get thrush, and if her immunity is weak, then it is quite possible that the active reproduction of Candida fungus microorganisms will begin. So no one has yet canceled sex with a condom, and you need to remember this in case of accidental sexual intercourse.

In continuation of the conversation about the causes of the appearance of thrush, it would be useful to remind readers that it is possible to become infected with thrush even through medical instruments for gynecological examination. If they have not been properly processed, then this is quite possible. In our modern time, this is extremely rare, especially in medical institutions with a good reputation and certificates. But this must be remembered. If you are going to see a gynecologist at a prestigious clinic or district clinic, do not be too lazy to buy a disposable examination kit, it is sold in every pharmacy.

Is it possible to get pregnant during thrush

Many women who often suffer from thrush and cannot get rid of this problem for years are interested in one single question, is it possible to get pregnant with thrush? Gynecologists say that the Candida fungus is not an obstacle to pregnancy. Everything can go on as usual, depending on the severity of the disease.

If we are talking about a chronic form, then a woman can conceive a child, but it is unlikely that in such a state, when a large amount of white curdled discharge accompanied by severe itching is released from the vagina, a woman will want intimacy. Even if you perform thorough hygiene of the genitals, all symptoms will return very soon. By the way, thrush does not affect the functioning of the reproductive organs and the menstrual cycle in any way, and pregnancy can occur. But, a certain environment is created in the vagina, which prevents the passage of spermatozoa through the genital tract. It turns out that thrush prevents a woman from getting pregnant. And is it necessary to do it in such a state? After all, if the spouses dream of a child, then for sure they will plan pregnancy in advance and prepare for the most important day in their life - the birth of a healthy and long-awaited baby. So first you need to prepare for conception and get rid of thrush, and then plan a pregnancy.

How to cure a fungus

Learn right away - it is undesirable to self-medicate with thrush. Even if a friend shared her treatment regimen, which was developed by her doctor, and got rid of the fungus, it can only hurt you. It is necessary to undergo a complete examination so that the doctor can develop an individual treatment regimen. After all, it is much easier to get rid of the symptoms of thrush than to get rid of the fungus itself. It can hide and mutate, and it will be more difficult to fight such a virus.

Approximate treatment plan:

  • taking certain antifungal drugs. Capsules or tablets are taken strictly according to the plan: from 5 days to 2 weeks. The dosage should be prescribed by a gynecologist. Such drugs have an antifungal effect: Nystatin, Ketoconazole, Flucostat. The doctor approaches the choice of the drug with all responsibility, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the amount of fungus;
  • local treatment - the use of vaginal preparations: suppositories, tablets, solutions ("Nystatin", "Candide");
  • douching solutions can be done independently at home. Only in some cases, the doctor will recommend treatment under supervision in a hospital.

Along with taking medications and local treatment, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, take the appropriate drugs. It is important that not only the woman, but also her sexual partner undergoes treatment, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. You can find out if thrush will interfere with getting pregnant only after a course of treatment - you need to be tested for the Candida fungus.

Can you get pregnant with thrush?

Many spouses do not want intimacy during thrush, not only because the discharge interferes and it can be unpleasant and even painful for a woman. Thrush can also prevent pregnancy because, due to a violation of the environment in the vagina, most of the spermatozoa die, and it will be very difficult for the rest to get and fertilize the egg. So it is unlikely that with thrush it will be possible to conceive a child. If you still managed to do this, then do not postpone a visit to the gynecologist - as soon as you find out about your pregnancy, go to the antenatal clinic. The doctor will select the appropriate treatment tactics for your situation so as not to harm the child.

How to conceive a child with thrush

If your doctor has allowed you to get pregnant, then he knows exactly what to do and how to help a woman cope with this disease. Since such a woman is at risk, control should be strengthened when pregnancy occurs. It is very important to know that thrush fungus can cross the placenta and infect the fetus. A large amount of the candida fungus can cause damage to internal organs and even lead to the death of the fetus.

Fungi pose a danger to the normal course of pregnancy in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Thrush can cause miscarriage or premature birth in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. If everything went well, then the child is often born weak, with insufficient body weight. Therefore, it is so important for a woman to know that pregnancy and thrush may be incompatible.

What is the danger of thrush during pregnancy:

  1. Candidiasis affects the vaginal mucosa and the protective functions of the body are reduced. It is easy to "pick up" bacterial infections, which are very difficult to treat during pregnancy.
  2. Loose mucous membrane can affect the normal course of labor. This is fraught with ruptures and long-term non-healing sutures.
  3. If the first child was born by caesarean section, then during subsequent pregnancies the walls of the uterus become thinner and the thrush can even provoke a rupture of the uterus along the seam.
  4. During childbirth, the baby is at risk of contracting thrush. The presence of the disease is indicated by the appearance of a white coating in the mouth. If the baby was born weak, then the fungus will also be found in the feces, which means that the thrush has "settled" in the urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Especially severe cases - infection with candidal sepsis, it is fraught even with a fatal outcome.

Pregnancy and thrush. What to do

Even if the gynecologist has approved a great desire to become a mother, a woman must take care of the health of the child in advance. During pregnancy, you can and should fight the fungus. How - tell the attending physician.

  • pass the necessary tests;
  • stop smoking;
  • eat right - more fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • observe the drinking regime;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • Avoid synthetic underwear. Forget thongs;
  • anal sex during pregnancy is possible, but only with a condom;
  • take the medicines prescribed by your doctor. Not all drugs can be taken during pregnancy.

Let's talk about prevention

In order to never meet with such an unpleasant disease as thrush, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. If you are not sure about the health of your sexual partner, you should not have sexual relations with him.
  2. Avoid casual sex.
  3. Use a condom for anal sex as well.
  4. Observe the hygiene of the genitals - keep the washcloth and towel clean, change them to new ones in a timely manner. Each family member should have their own towel.
  5. If you have been prescribed antibiotics, talk to your doctor to help prevent thrush.
  6. If you have itching and discomfort in the vagina, consult a doctor and undergo an appropriate examination.
  7. Lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking, drinking alcohol and junk food.

Rest, a balanced diet and moderate exercise will help strengthen the protective functions of the body and never meet with thrush.

Thrush is a disease caused by a fungus of the Candida type, which mainly affects the genitals of women. The fungus causes a violation of the microflora of the vagina, the level of lactic acid bacteria decreases, which causes dryness in the vagina and various inflammatory processes.

This disease affects women of all ages. And ladies in an interesting position are especially vulnerable to him. In this article, we will analyze in detail whether it is dangerous, and what to do for a woman who is faced with such a diagnosis.

The causes of thrush have long been known, but this does not affect the number of sick women. Here are the main ones:

  • Immunodeficiency. This is the most common cause, especially in pregnant women, whose immunity decreases in the first trimester.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals. In today's world with an active lifestyle, people often forget to fully and properly eat, women love to "sit" on diets, which leads to a lack of vitamins for the full and proper functioning of the body.
  • Change in the acidity of the vagina. This is usually associated with certain medications (such as antibiotics or hormones).
  • Various inflammations in the vagina. They greatly affect the microflora, which contributes to the development of the fungus.

Does thrush affect conception

When vaginal candidiasis occurs, women experience quite unpleasant sensations. He is called by the following symptoms of this disease:

  • "curdled" discharge with a specific unpleasant odor;
  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • inflammation of the inner walls of the vagina;
  • puffiness;

That is why a woman may also feel discomfort during intercourse. It is not uncommon for many to refuse intimacy until a complete cure.

In connection with such abstinence, there is an opinion that thrush and conception are not compatible concepts, and some “experts” when asked whether it is possible to get pregnant with thrush, say an unequivocal “no”.

But after all, this infection does not cause any sensations in other women, and they live sexually as before, which means that conception with thrush may well occur. After all, thrush itself does not in any way affect either the menstrual cycle or the work of the reproductive organs.

Of course, the probability of getting pregnant with thrush is somewhat lower than in the absence of this disease. This is due to the fact that with vaginal candidiasis, the microflora of the vagina changes, and it becomes more difficult for the spermatozoon to survive and fertilize the egg in an alkaline environment. But this in no way excludes the possibility of becoming pregnant.

Thrush does not affect either the menstrual cycle or the functioning of the reproductive organs, and therefore cannot prevent conception.

What is dangerous thrush

Although vaginal candidiasis is not a particularly terrible disease, it is quite capable of harming the female body without proper treatment. It all depends on how long a woman has had thrush, and at what stage she is now.

So why is thrush dangerous?

  • The disease can become chronic.
  • The work of the immune system is significantly reduced.
  • A progressive fungus can affect the urinary tract and kidneys.
  • A woman has various inflammatory processes in the genitals.
  • The appearance of erosion of the cervix.
  • Infertility (in severe neglected forms).

Therefore, as soon as you notice signs of thrush in yourself, you should immediately contact a gynecologist for timely and safe treatment.

Many women planning to conceive are interested in whether it is possible to become pregnant with thrush. For some reason, many ladies consider thrush a harmless unpleasant phenomenon, and few people know that it can lead to serious consequences. Probably, every woman at least once in her life suffered from thrush, which can be cured quite easily. But, some of the fair sex prefer not to attach importance to abundant cheesy secretions, which will cause them many problems with conception. Next, we will look at whether thrush can interfere with pregnancy and how it affects the course of pregnancy.

Does thrush interfere with pregnancy?

To understand why it is problematic to conceive a child with thrush, one should consider the pathophysiological mechanisms of this disease. The success of successful fertilization of the egg depends on the environment in which it occurs, that is, alkaline. And with the reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida, the environment in the vagina changes to acidic. The thing is that normal pH is maintained by lactic acid microorganisms, the vital activity of which deteriorates significantly when the fungal flora multiplies in the vagina. Spermatozoa, on the other hand, retain their mobility and ability to fertilize in an alkaline environment. To get rid of thrush, both spouses should undergo treatment, and for the duration of treatment, give up sexual activity. But, pregnancy can still occur - it depends on the severity of the disease, as well as on the man - if he is in good health and his spermatozoa have excellent mobility.

What to do if thrush interferes with pregnancy?

Candidiasis is not always a consequence of an immoral lifestyle - there can be many reasons. These include chronic stress, malnutrition, professional characteristics (medical workers and chemical industry workers have a predisposition to the disease), metabolic and hormonal disorders. With your problem, you should contact a competent doctor in order to conduct all the necessary examinations and undergo a course of treatment. Unfortunately, women with a chronic form of thrush do not suspect that it is she who is the cause of the failure to conceive a child. From all that has been said, it follows that if a woman wants to become a mother, then candidiasis should be immediately disposed of.

The main components in the treatment of candidiasis

Treatment of thrush should be comprehensive and include the following recommendations:

  1. Prescribing antifungal agents both orally and vaginally.
  2. Simultaneously with the antifungal drug, taking medicines that contain lactic acid bacteria.
  3. A diet that drastically limits the intake of foods that include simple carbohydrates, and is rich in vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
  4. Refusal of bad habits (alcohol and smoking).
  5. Avoidance of stress.
  6. Both sexual partners should be treated at the same time.
  7. During treatment, partners should refrain from sexual intercourse.
Is thrush dangerous for the fetus?

If, nevertheless, a woman suffering from thrush managed to get pregnant, then you should know that this disease is also dangerous for the baby. A large number of Candida spores can enter the uterine cavity, amniotic fluid and placenta, causing infection of the fetus or spontaneous miscarriage. According to statistics, fetal death in early pregnancy, in 30% of cases, is due to pathogens, which provoke bacterial vaginosis.

Thus, having considered the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant with thrush, we see that it significantly reduces the likelihood of conception. And in the event of the onset of pregnancy, this ailment can significantly overshadow the joy of the approach of motherhood and complicate its course. Therefore, I would like to emphasize once again that if you decide to conceive a child, then this event must be carefully planned and all the necessary examinations must be completed, because what seems like a trifle to a woman can turn into a real problem.