3 week of life what happens. week of pregnancy - possible dangers. Why pregnancy may not occur

Often, signs in the third week of pregnancy go unnoticed for a woman, since in most cases they are perceived as premenstrual syndrome. In fact, a small life has already begun and is actively developing. In the article, we will consider what happens to the fetus at this time, as well as the feelings of the expectant mother.

Many women know that when determining the term of pregnancy, the medical and scientific term is used, that is, obstetric and embryonic. According to obstetric, 3 weeks are counted from the first day of the last menstruation. The embryonic period is calculated from the date of conception itself, but it is rather difficult to determine it. In this regard, doctors use obstetric weeks. The difference between them is 13-15 days. It depends on the length of the woman's menstrual cycle. Therefore, it turns out that the third obstetric week is the first week of fetal term.

According to the obstetric period, in the third week, the fertilization of the egg takes place. In this case, a zygote is formed, which is only one cell. After 12 hours, the zygote divides into 2 cells, then into 4. Further development of the embryo continues exponentially. If a fertilized cell divides into not one, but 2 cells, the development of identical twins begins.

About 72 hours after the union of the female and male cells, a small living organism is formed, outwardly very reminiscent of a blackberry berry. The further fate of the embryo is the passage through the fallopian tubes. This process takes approximately 4 days. After this, the cell is implanted into the wall of the uterus. At this stage, many women notice bloody discharge. This is due to the implantation of the cell.

In turn, the embryo continues to actively divide and an embryo appears inside it. He feeds and receives oxygen from his mother.

At the 3rd embryonic week of pregnancy, the formation of a small organism becomes possible thanks to several types of cells. Let's take a look at them:

  • endoderm - the rudiment of the digestive system, mucous membranes, respiratory system, liver;
  • ectoderm - the rudiment of the skin, hair, ears, eyes and nervous system of the unborn child;
  • mesoderm - the rudiment of the spine, muscles, blood vessels, lymphatic system, gonads and blood.

The size of the embryo is still very small, but active and complex processes are already taking place. At 3 weeks, the tiny organism has its own genetic material. The gender of the future baby has already been determined. A small organism has the rudiments of a neural tube and heart. The formation process has begun and will continue to actively continue until the very birth of the baby.

If you are still running one lane on the dough, our article on how to help you become happy parents.

The first signs of pregnancy at 3 weeks

At the 3rd week of pregnancy, many women are unaware of their interesting situation. This is due to the fact that signs at this time may be very weak or completely absent. This is not always the case. In some mothers, especially in multiparous, the hCG hormone (chorionic gonadotropin) rises quite high.

As a result, the girl can observe the following symptoms:

  • Many complain that their lower abdomen is pulling. This is a symptom of embryo implantation and enlargement of the genital organ.
  • Basal temperature does not fall, but remains elevated. This can be determined by women who monitor their performance. On the days of ovulation, the temperature rises and then decreases. If it remains elevated for more than 15 days, one can suspect the onset of conception.
  • Sometimes the number of trips to the toilet may increase. This is due to an increase in the size of the uterus.
  • Some mothers notice a heightened sense of smell. There are several explanations for this symptom. Some teachings believe that this helps the female body to better sense male pheromones during ovulation, which increases the chances of a successful pregnancy. Others believe that this symptom is due to an increase in the concentration of estrogen in the blood.
  • Change in taste preferences. On this basis, the onset of pregnancy was determined by our grandmothers. This is where the expression came from - "I was drawn to salty".
  • Slight spotting. As already mentioned, this occurs when the embryo is introduced into the uterine wall.
  • Sometimes a woman can feel sick. This can happen if the term is incorrectly calculated (if it is more than 3 weeks) or, if mom is expecting twins, triplets. Multiple pregnancies often occur with IVF. In most cases, toxicosis at this stage is absent.
  • Increased sensitivity and enlargement of the mammary glands.
  • Drowsiness and fatigue. Although a woman does not notice this, her body spends tremendous energy during the development of the embryo. In this regard, the expectant mother may feel such a sign as fatigue and drowsiness.

The most obvious sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. Of course, girls with irregular or long periods may not notice this. But women with a short and regular cycle understand that a small life has already begun.

Modern pregnancy tests have a fairly good sensitivity to hCG. It is known that it is this hormone that rises in the blood during pregnancy. The manufacturers of such tests claim that they can be performed from the first days of missed periods.

At 3 weeks at home, the onset of conception can be determined in this way. The concentration of hCG rises significantly already in the second obstetric week. Therefore, the test will easily determine the woman's interesting position.

  • checking is best done in the morning. During this period, the concentration of hCG is highest;
  • hands should be washed well before the procedure;
  • the dishes for collecting urine must also be clean;
  • after contact of the test with urine, you should wait at least three minutes.

If the test is negative, it should be repeated after a few days. Perhaps hCG in the blood is still too small.

What tests are needed

In the early stages, a woman is not prescribed any special tests. If the onset of conception is diagnosed, an analysis for chorionic gonadotropin may be prescribed. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine whether the embryo is developing correctly, as well as to suspect a pathology.

The number of embryos affects the hCG level. For example, with twins, the hormone doubles.

In addition to hCG, a woman may be prescribed an analysis for the female hormone progesterone. Usually, such a study is carried out if abnormalities in the development of the embryo are suspected. In addition, with the help of these tests, the gynecologist may suspect an ectopic pregnancy.

Is ultrasound performed

When the first signs of pregnancy appear at 3 weeks, a woman can undergo an ultrasound scan of her own free will to confirm conception or as directed by a doctor if a pathology is suspected. The study is carried out at this stage using a special transvaginal sensor. With the help of ultrasound at this stage, it is possible to determine the place of attachment of the fertilized egg and the state of the muscle tissue of the genital organ. It is quite rare that pregnancy is detected at such an early stage. Usually at this time a woman is expecting the next menstruation and is not even aware of her situation. In the photo you can see what the embryo looks like in the ultrasound picture.

Discharge from the vaginal tract

Some women at 3 weeks may notice a symptom such as increased vaginal discharge. They are usually light or yellowish in nature, sometimes brownish in color. You don't need to worry. Most likely, such discharge is a symptom of the attachment of the ovum to the wall of the uterus.

You need to worry if the discharge is intense, accompanied by signs such as pain, nausea, and pulling sensations in the back. This often indicates placental abruption and requires immediate medical attention.

Periods at 3 weeks

In medicine, there are concepts such as color pregnancy or ablution of the fetus. This is a condition in which conception occurs, but menstruation is still observed. This happens, as a rule, in the early stages.

The reason for this feature often lies in the excessive proliferation of blood vessels on the walls of the uterus. If bleeding is observed for this reason, it does not pose a threat to the fetus.

A threat to pregnancy is carried by such a phenomenon as detachment of the placenta or ovum. In this case, a woman may experience minor smearing discharge. If conception has already been diagnosed, the expectant mother is advised to immediately consult a doctor. Such signs are a signal of a possible miscarriage.

HCG is a chorionic gonadotropin, a special hormone produced in a woman's body when fertilization occurs. Many believe that it is only needed to determine pregnancy, but this is not entirely true. HCG is used to control the growth of the embryo, helping to determine if the fetus is developing normally.

Note that each laboratory has its own norm, so it is impossible to name exactly what concentration of this hormone should be in the blood at the 3rd week of pregnancy. The interpretation of the results obtained should only be dealt with by a doctor.

Progesterone rate

The production of progesterone by the corpus luteum at 3 weeks gestation occurs until the placenta is fully formed. The role of this hormone is as follows:

  • thickening of the endometrium of the uterus for the successful attachment of the ovum;
  • obstacle to spontaneous abortion;
  • stimulation of uterine enlargement;
  • accumulation of skin and fatty tissue for fetal nutrition;
  • a decrease in the functions of immunity to maintain pregnancy in the early stages;
  • participation in the formation of some tissues of the child.

How much progesterone should be normal? The average progesterone rate is 15 Nmol / l. It is recommended to take the test in the morning on an empty stomach. In addition, it is important to exclude intense physical activity and the emotional factor.

What is a miscarriage and why does it happen

A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion. There are several types of involuntary termination of pregnancy:

  • Miscarriage - more often observed in the period from the first to the twentieth week. This condition is considered reversible and with timely medical care it is possible to prevent the death of the embryo.
  • The incipient abortion is diagnosed with detachment of the ovum. At the same time, the girl feels acute pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding and a general deterioration in well-being are noted. At the same time, it is possible to save pregnancy only with timely treatment and competent treatment.
  • Inevitable abortion - at 3 weeks gestation, leads to fetal death. Signs of this condition are severe pain, intense bleeding, fever.

In addition, abortion is divided into complete (the output of all formed tissues) and incomplete (partial output of the elements of conception).

The causes of miscarriage include hormonal disorders in a woman's body. Often the imbalance of hormones is hidden and begins to manifest itself only during the onset of conception. To prevent this situation, it is recommended to plan a pregnancy and, before the birth of a new life, it is imperative to pass an analysis for hormones.

Having sex

Having sex is not a direct contraindication for conception. If a woman has no problems at 3 weeks, she may well have sexual intercourse with a partner. If there are contraindications, it is better to postpone sex. It is forbidden to have sexual intercourse in the following situations:

  • With an increased tone of the uterus. Often, a woman at the same time feels a pulling pain, the uterus seems to become stony, slight light brown discharge appears. At any time, having sex in the presence of such signs is contraindicated.
  • History of miscarriage or premature birth. The doctor can completely prohibit or limit sex.
  • If your partner has sexually transmitted diseases.
  • When a placenta previa is detected. Sexual intercourse provokes an aggravation of the situation.

A specialist can also prohibit contact with some pathologies of the reproductive organs in a woman. In any case, a woman is advised to consult a doctor before having sex during the 3rd week of pregnancy.

Women who regularly measure their basal temperature may notice that its readings are slightly overestimated at the 3rd week of pregnancy. Don't worry, this is normal. This is a kind of reaction of the body to changes occurring during this period.

It's another matter when a girl has a strong increase in thermometer readings (38-39 С 0). This could be indicative of a cold or flu. Here doctors recommend trying to do without taking medication. Medicines can adversely affect the health of the fetus.

To normalize the temperature indicators, you need to drink a lot of fluids, do rubdowns, eat fruits with a high content of vitamin C. If the marks do not decrease, you should go to the hospital. The prolonged course of this condition is dangerous for a small organism in the womb.

Nutrition for mom 3 weeks after conception

After the birth of a new life, the expectant mother should think about the fact that now she is responsible not only for her health, but also for the life of her baby.

Compliance with a diet will help to avoid not only developmental pathologies in the fetus. It is also necessary to control the weight of the pregnant woman.

The first thing a woman needs to do at the 3rd week of pregnancy, after learning about her situation, is to register with an antenatal clinic, to undergo the first screening. Antenatal care helps prevent many unwanted complications during this stressful period.

In addition, when detecting the first signs, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • Healthy eating. The mom-to-be's menu should be healthy and balanced. The basis of the diet should be composed of vegetables, fruits, cereals, fermented milk products. It is better to exclude spicy, smoked, too fatty and salty dishes.
  • Taking folic acid. This component is very important for the proper formation of the fetal neural tube.
  • Sufficient physical activity. Walking in the fresh air and gymnastics will help prevent oxygen starvation of the internal organs of the mother, and will also have a positive effect on the health of the fetus.
  • Rejection of bad habits. If a girl had bad habits before pregnancy, they should be abandoned immediately. Cigarettes and alcohol have a bad effect on the health of a tiny organism, and can provoke various malformations.
  • Limiting caffeinated drinks. Some experts believe that consuming large amounts of caffeine can lead to an increase in uterine tone and the birth of a baby with some deviations.
  • Get plenty of rest. The female body at 3 weeks undergoes many changes and needs strength for normal development and the formation of a new life. A symptom such as drowsiness and fatigue is quite normal for this period.

A positive emotional attitude is also necessary for the healthy development of the baby during pregnancy.

You need to try to set yourself up in a positive way, think about the good, limit stressful situations at home and at work. All this will help give birth to a healthy and strong toddler.

Video: what happens during this period

This video will help you learn more about fetal development at 3 weeks of gestation.

Pregnancy is a process in which a baby develops from two tiny parental cells. The development of the fetus by weeks of pregnancy is a fascinating story about what exactly happens at each week of pregnancy, how the weight and height of the fetus changes, what sensations a mother experiences as the gestation period increases. In the article, we will tell you about what interests every expectant mother: when the baby begins to hear her speech, when and how the weight of the fetus changes, when you can take a photo of the fetus with an ultrasound scan, what causes the mother's feelings during pregnancy and much more.

First and second weeks of pregnancy: baby? Which child?

photo: 1 week of pregnancy

At the time of the appearance of the embryo, the gestation period is already 2 weeks. Why? Let's decide from what we will count the term. There are concepts of embryonic and obstetric term. The embryonic gestational age is the true period from the moment of conception. Obstetric term - from the first day of the last menstruation. The obstetric period is on average 2 weeks longer than the embryonic one. During an ultrasound scan, in the card of a pregnant woman, in the sick-list, the obstetric period will always be indicated by the date of the last menstruation. But from the third week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus actually begins. Below you will find a description of each week of pregnancy: how the fetus develops, what happens to the uterus, how the feelings of the expectant mother change.

3rd week of pregnancy: meeting of parents

photo: 3 weeks pregnant

At the end of the second and the beginning of the third week (on average, on the 14th day of the cycle), ovulation occurs. At this moment, the woman's egg leaves the ovary into the fallopian tube and where it meets with the sperm in the next day. Of the 75-900 million sperm that enter the vagina, less than a thousand reach the cervical canal. And only one will penetrate the egg.

Sperm and ovum carry half the set of chromosomes of the future human. As a result of their fusion, the first cell of a new organism with a full-fledged chromosome set is formed - a zygote. Chromosomes determine the baby's gender, eye color, and even character. The zygote begins to divide and move to the uterine cavity. The journey to the uterus will take about 5 days; by this age, the embryo will consist of about 100 cells. The next stage is implantation - the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus.

4th week of pregnancy

photo: 4 weeks pregnant

The ball of cells is officially called the embryo. The size of the fruit at this time is like a poppy seed, about 1.5 mm.

At the end of this week, the mom-to-be notices that the expected period is not starting. At this time, a woman may feel drowsiness, weakness, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, mood swings. A pregnancy test shows a positive result. The test detects the hCG hormone, which begins to be produced after implantation.

The embryonic period lasts up to 12 weeks. The axial organs and tissues of the baby are laid. A yolk sac with a supply of nutrients, an amniotic bladder, is formed, from these extraembryonic organs the fetal membranes and chorion subsequently develop - the future placenta. Below we will analyze what happens in the embryonic period every week, how the height and weight of the fetus changes, and what sensations a woman will experience.

5th week of pregnancy

photo: 5 week of pregnancy

The embryo consists of three layers - the outer ectoderm, from which the ears, eyes, inner ear, connective tissue are formed; endoderm, from which the intestines, bladder and lungs will develop; and mesoderm - the basis for the cardiovascular system, bones, muscles, kidneys, reproductive organs.

In the embryo, the anterior and posterior poles are determined - the future head and legs. The body of the embryo is laid along the axis of symmetry - the chord. All organs will be symmetrical. Some are paired, for example, the kidneys. Others grow from symmetrical primordia, such as the heart and liver.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, with a hCG level of 500-1000 IU / L, it is possible to determine a fertilized egg with a size of 2 mm, it is like a sesame seed in size. Each woman experiences this period in different ways, but most develop nausea, drowsiness, odor intolerance - signs of toxicosis.

6th week of pregnancy

photo: 6 weeks pregnant

Now the baby is no larger than a lentil, at the beginning of the week 3 mm, and by the end - 6-7 mm. The embryo is somewhat similar to a fish and so far little resembles a person. The rudiments of arms and legs appear. When the brushes appear, the legs will still be in the form of primordia. The cerebral hemispheres are being formed. The small heart pulsates, it is divided into sections.

The future placenta is laid from the chorionic villi, blood vessels are actively growing through which blood is exchanged, and, accordingly, everything necessary for the unborn child between mother and baby.

At this time, the phenomenon of toxicosis may increase, severe weakness and vomiting may appear. Adequate drinking is important during these weeks of pregnancy.

7th week of pregnancy

photo: 7 week of pregnancy

The embryo is about the size of a blueberry, height 8-11 mm, weight up to 1 g. Hints of a future nose, eyes, ears and mouth appear. A fantastic rate of brain growth is noted - 100,000 cells per minute! Interdigital gaps have already appeared on the handles, but the fingers have not yet been separated. The umbilical cord and the uteroplacental blood circulation system are formed: the baby's breathing and nutrition comes from the mother's blood.

It is during this period that many expectant mothers often come to the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy. At 7-8 weeks with a CTE (coccygeal-parietal size) 10-15 mm. An ultrasound scan determines a heartbeat with a frequency of 100 to 190 beats per minute, which is significantly higher than that of an adult. At this time, the first photo of the gallery of fetal development is taken by week. Without the instructions of a doctor and do not understand where to look. It will be clearer later, especially on a three-dimensional ultrasound.

So far, the mother does not notice an increase in the abdomen, and the gynecologist can already say about the increase in the uterus. The woman has an increased frequency of urination, which is associated with an increase in the volume of fluid in the body.

8th week of pregnancy

photo: 8 week of pregnancy

The kid is about the size of a bean, from 15 to 40 mm, and weighs about 5 grams. Over the past two weeks, it has quadrupled! The outlines of the face continue to develop, they become more graceful, the upper lip, the tip of the nose stand out, the formation of the eyelids begins.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, ossification of the bones begins - arms, legs, skull. The structuring of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, and bladder is being completed.

Somewhere at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, the baby begins to move, but the mother will not feel these movements in the coming months. Mom's condition practically does not change. It may become easier due to adaptation to the state and awareness of their new role.

9th week of pregnancy

photo: 9 week of pregnancy

The little man is only about the size of a grape - its length is 35-45 mm, and its weight reaches 10 grams. The reproductive system is laid down, and the adrenal glands are already producing hormones, including adrenaline.

The brain is developing intensively, including the cerebellum, which is responsible for the coordination of movements. Movements become more controlled. The digestive system is actively developing. The liver starts making new blood cells. The head takes up half of the entire body length. The tiny fingers grow longer.

The amount of circulating DNA of the embryo in the mother's blood is sufficient for a non-invasive prenatal test.

Mom still has symptoms of toxicosis. Usually at this time she turns to a gynecologist to register.

10th week of pregnancy

photo: 10 week of pregnancy

Do you know such a fruit - kumquat? That's about the size of a baby now. This week it will officially be called a fetus, but for now we call it an embryo. This period is considered the end of the first critical period. Now the dangerous effect of drugs, leading to malformations, is not so significant.

A lot of events are happening these days. The webbing between the toes disappears and the toes separate. Bones harden. The kidneys begin to work, performing their main function - the production of urine. The brain produces 250,000 neurons every minute. A diaphragm is formed between the abdominal and chest cavities.

The mother is experiencing toxicosis. Due to changes in nutrition, metabolism, muscle tone and hormonal surges, the figure and body movements can change. The uterus is about the size of a grapefruit, but the pregnancy is not yet visible to others.

11th week of pregnancy

photo: 11 week of pregnancy

From 11 to 13 weeks, the baby undergoes a serious medical examination - ultrasound screening. Determine the thickness of the collar space, nasal bones, conduct a study of blood vessels, exclude gross changes in the structure of the body. Examine the internal organs, the structure of the face, the brain, arms and legs, the spine. Your baby is only about the size of a fig, and the doctor paints the fetal anatomy with such details! The head is still large in relation to the body, but the proportions continue to change: the head is large, the body is small, the upper limbs are long, and the lower limbs are short and bent at the knees. The rudiments of nails and teeth appear.

With the results of the ultrasound, the mother undergoes a biochemical blood test for chromosomal abnormalities and the risk of developing complications of pregnancy.

The symptoms of toxicosis are replaced by new sensations: heartburn, bloating, and there may be constipation. A woman should pay more attention to her diet and fluid intake.

12th week of pregnancy

photo: 12 week of pregnancy

Your baby is about the size of a lime. Until 11-12 weeks, there are no reliable ultrasound differences between boys and girls. The probability of correctly determining the sex of the fetus is already above 50%. The weight of the fruit is about 20 grams, and the length is about 9 cm.

At this time, the baby begins to actively move his arms and legs, hands, fingers. Due to the active growth, the intestine ceases to fit in the tummy and begins to fold into loops. During this period, the intestines are trained: the amniotic fluid passes through it, which is swallowed by the fetus. White blood cells appear in the blood - leukocytes, which carry the function of protecting against infections.

Mom's weight gain by 12 weeks of gestation is about 1-2 kg. Doctors recommend doing gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming is shown.

13th week of pregnancy

photo: 13 week of pregnancy

Pea pod - this is how you can describe the size of the baby in household measurements. Or 7-10 cm, 20-30 grams. From the 13th week, the second trimester of pregnancy begins. All the main organs and systems have already been formed, the rest of the time before the birth, the organs will grow and develop.

The face becomes more and more like a human. The ears move closer and closer to their place from the neck, and the eyes from the side to the center of the face. The first hairs appear. 20 milk teeth were formed.

The head is still disproportionately large, but the body will now grow faster. Hands continue to grow, the baby can already reach the face. Often, during an ultrasound scan, doctors show parents how the baby puts a finger in his mouth.

At this time, the shape of the abdomen changes, the old clothes become tight. People around her can notice a new emotional mood of a woman, she becomes more calm and relaxed.

14th week of pregnancy

photo: 14 week of pregnancy

At 14 weeks, the fetus grows to 13 cm and 45 grams. In boys, the prostate forms, and the ovaries in girls descend into the pelvis. The palate is already fully formed, active reflex sucking begins. The baby imitates breathing movements in order to effectively take the first breath after birth.

The formed pancreas begins to produce the most important hormone of carbohydrate metabolism - insulin. And in the depths of the brain, the pituitary gland begins to work - the head of all organs of the endocrine system, it is he who subsequently controls all the glands of the body.

The uterus is 10-15 cm above the pubis, the woman herself can feel its upper part. The use of special cosmetics for the skin of the abdomen is recommended.

15th week of pregnancy

photo: 15 week of pregnancy

The size of the fruit is about the size of an apple, and the weight is about 70 grams. The whole baby is covered with small fluffy hair - they are on the back, shoulders, ears, on the forehead. These hairs help keep warm. Then, when the baby has accumulated enough adipose tissue, the hairs will fall off. The child makes various grimaces, frown, frown, squint, but this does not reflect his mood at all. He constantly changes his position, actively moving. But the baby is still too small and does not hit the walls of the uterus. There is a unique pattern of skin on the fingertips and special proteins on the red blood cells that determine the blood type.

The mother may have pigmentation on the abdomen.

16th week of pregnancy

photo: 16 week of pregnancy

The baby's size resembles an avocado. The skeletal bones become harder but flexible enough for the baby to pass through the birth canal. The umbilical cord contains one vein and two arteries, surrounded by a gelatinous substance that protects the vessels from pinching and makes the umbilical cord slippery to move. Girls these days are forming sex cells - your future grandchildren.

Weight gain by this week of pregnancy is 2-3 kg.

17th week of pregnancy

photo: 17 week of pregnancy

The size of the baby is 12-13 cm and the weight is up to 150 g, the size of a turnip. Arms and legs are commensurate with the size of the body and head. Fat begins to accumulate under the skin, sweat glands develop. The placenta provides the baby with vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and oxygen by removing waste products.

Due to the increase in the volume of circulating blood, the mother may experience a rapid heartbeat. In this case, pay the doctor's attention to this in order to figure out if everything is in order.

18th week of pregnancy

photo: 18 week of pregnancy

Your child is the size of a bell pepper and weighs 250 grams and is ready to chat. Yes, now the baby can hear, and a loud sound can scare him. He gets used to the voice of his parents, and will soon be able to recognize it from other sounds.

The endocrine system of the fetus is actively developing and functioning. There are so many "baby" hormones that the baby can even supply the mother's body.

Mom this week may feel the fetus moving for the first time. While they are weak and infrequent, don't worry if you don't hear your baby too often.

19th week of pregnancy

photo: 19 week of pregnancy

The growth of the fetus is 25 cm, and the weight is already 250-300 grams.

The creamy lube coats your baby's skin and helps regulate body temperature. The molars are laid, they are located under the rudiments of the milk teeth. The head does not grow so quickly, but the limbs and body continue to grow, so the baby becomes more symmetrical.

The uterus is located 1-2 cm below the navel. Due to its intensive growth, painful sensations associated with stretching of the ligaments of the uterus may occur.

20th week of pregnancy

photo: 20th week of pregnancy

A satisfied child weighing 240 grams. Especially well at this time, he is given flexion and extension of the arms and legs. He is becoming more and more like his parents.

Week 20 is the equator of pregnancy. The growing uterus compresses the internal organs, so the mother is faced with shortness of breath, frequent urination.

During these weeks, my mother is attending another scheduled ultrasound scan, and Doppler is being performed. This is a good time for an ultrasound scan on video and another photo of the heir.

21st week of pregnancy

photo: 21 weeks pregnant

The growth of the fetus is 25 cm, and the weight is 400 g. Most of the nutrients come from the placenta. If amniotic fluid is swallowed, the stomach is already equipped to digest it and receive nutrients. The kid begins to feel the taste.

The mother gains more weight as the baby grows intensively.

22nd week of pregnancy

photo: 22 week of pregnancy

By the end of the week, the baby will be about 500 grams. The skin ceases to be translucent, but remains red and wrinkled and covered with grease. Nerve endings mature and the baby becomes sensitive to touch. From 21 to 25 weeks, the brain increases 5 times - from 20 to 100 grams!

23rd week of pregnancy

photo: 23 week of pregnancy

Billions of brain cells will develop over the next few weeks. Their job is to control all of your baby's movements, senses, and basic life functions such as breathing.

The lungs begin to produce a substance that allows the lungs to swell and fill with air after birth, and the fetus begins to "breathe". The respiratory rate is 50-60 per minute.

The height of the fundus of the uterus is 4 cm above the navel. The uterus grows, which can cause discomfort in the spine, joints, so a special bandage may be required.

24th week of pregnancy

photo: 24 week of pregnancy

The kid is still small, his weight is 600 g, and his height is about 33 cm. The child actively responds to the appeal to him. The inner ear is already fully formed (vestibular apparatus), he began to understand where is the top and where is the bottom, movements in the uterine cavity become more meaningful.

Mom adds about 500 grams per week. Swelling of the feet can occur, so it is important to choose comfortable shoes and rest your feet.

25th week of pregnancy

photo: 25 week of pregnancy

The growth of the fetus is 30-32 cm, weight 750 grams. In the large intestine, meconium forms - the first stool of the baby, which will completely pass within a few days after birth. The osteoarticular system is actively developing, bones are strengthened.

Mom may feel signs of anemia (anemia) due to iron deficiency. Fatigue, pallor, fatigue and tachycardia are a reason to consult a therapist and take blood tests for anemia.

26th week of pregnancy

photo: 26 week of pregnancy

Height 34 cm, weight 900 grams.

The lungs are actively developing, they are filled with a special substance that will not allow the lungs to stick together after the first breath.

The child has distinct periods of sleep and wakefulness. Mom senses his activity by moving in the abdomen. If you are lucky, you and your baby will have the same sleep and activity periods.

27th week of pregnancy

photo: 27 week of pregnancy

The body weight of the fetus is already about a kilogram, and the height is 34 cm. Growth hormone begins to be produced in the pituitary gland. And the thyroid gland contains hormones that regulate metabolism.

Due to the involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, the mother may feel the baby's hiccup-like movements. In adults, such movements are accompanied by the closure of the vocal cords, so there is a characteristic “hiccup” sound, while in a baby this space is filled with fluid before delivery, so this “hiccup” is silent.

You may experience new sensations in your legs - tingling, goose bumps or even cramps. This is a reason to consult a doctor for an additional examination and prescription of treatment.

28th week of pregnancy

photo: 28 week of pregnancy

Now your baby begins to close and open his eyes, which until this moment were not completely closed. The iris is colored by pigment, although this coloration is not final. Up to a year in children, eye color may change.

At 28 weeks, in case of multiple pregnancies, the mother receives a "sick leave". The weight gain by this time is 7-9 kg. At this time, Rh-negative mothers are injected with immunoglobulin.

29th week of pregnancy

photo: 29 week of pregnancy

The child is 36-37 cm long, weighs about 1300 grams and is getting stronger and more active. We can say that he also shows character. A child reacts differently to different foods, sounds, light.

The woman suffers from heartburn, heaviness after eating. There may be frequent urination or even false urge.

30th pregnancy

photo: 30 week of pregnancy

In the coming weeks, your baby will be actively gaining weight. Adipose tissue, will perform the function of thermoregulation after birth, give energy, protect organs. The baby's movements will become less active, which is associated with an increase in its size. But if you do not feel any shock as usual, be sure to tell your doctor. Pregnant women may feel breast swelling and colostrum secretion.

At this time, a certificate of incapacity for work in case of singleton pregnancy is issued.

From 28-30 weeks of pregnancy, regular CTG (cardiotocography) begins to assess the condition of the fetus. With CTG, fetal heartbeat, uterine tone and physical activity are assessed.

31st week of pregnancy

photo: 31 weeks pregnant

Before birth, the little man will be in the embryo position, because otherwise he will no longer fit in the uterine cavity, his weight is 1600 g, and his height is already 40 cm.

These days, an important event occurs in male fetuses - the testicles on the way to the scrotum. The girls have a practically formed clitoris.

Weekly weight gain - 300-400 grams. At these periods, edema and increased pressure may appear, which may be a symptom of a formidable complication - preeclampsia. Therefore, the expectant mother should be as attentive as possible to any changes in well-being.

At a period of 30-32 weeks, an ultrasound of the third trimester is performed with Doppler analysis - an assessment of blood flow.

32nd week of pregnancy

photo: 32 week of pregnancy

This is an important week, another critical time has passed. Babies born at this time are healthy and fully functional. All major organs are fully functional by this week, except for the lungs, which take a little longer to fully mature.

The expectant mother may experience pain in the joints, pubic articulation. Wearing a bandage, swimming can alleviate these phenomena.

33rd week of pregnancy

photo: 33 weeks pregnant

It is more and more difficult for the baby to move, he is already 44 cm and weighs about 2 kg. Many babies like to live in the rhythm of their mother: sounds, food and walks can affect the child's activity.

The height of the fundus of the uterus is 34 cm from the level of the pubis. It becomes more difficult for mom to walk or exercise a lot, and needs a break.

34th week of pregnancy

photo: 34 weeks pregnant

Within a few weeks, your boy or girls will begin to prepare to meet their parents. The original white lubricant, which covers the skin, begins to thicken, accumulating in the axillary and groin folds, behind the ears. At the time of the newborn's first toilet, the lubricant will be removed. Height 47 cm, weight 2200-2300 g.

Pregnant women begin to feel false contractions - preparing the muscles for the process of childbirth.

35th week of pregnancy

photo: 35 week of pregnancy

The fetus is preparing for birth, finally taking the correct position, upside down. This is how about 97% of children are located. The remaining 3% can take a position with the pelvis down or even transverse. Fetal growth 47-48 cm, weight 2300-2500 g.

Almost all expectant mothers experience shortness of breath during this period.

36th week of pregnancy

photo: 36 weeks pregnant

The baby continues to store fat, which is critical after birth for energy and warmth. The sucking muscles are ready to go: after birth, the baby will be hungry and will ask to be fed for the first time.

The height of the bottom of the uterus is 36 cm. Hormonal changes in the woman's body begin to prepare for childbirth - prostaglandins are also produced.

37th week of pregnancy

photo: 37 week of pregnancy

The movements of the fingers become more coordinated, soon he will be able to grab your finger. The accumulation of subcutaneous fat continues, its volume is approximately 15% of the baby's weight. Height 48-49 cm, weight 2600-2800 g. The vellus hair, covering the body, gradually disappears.

A pregnant woman feels the harbingers of childbirth - a prolapse of the fundus of the uterus, a decrease in the volume of the abdomen, a loosening of the stool, an increase in training contractions, a discharge of the mucous plug.

38-40 weeks of pregnancy

photo: 39 weeks pregnant

In obstetrics textbooks, 38 weeks were the term for full-term pregnancy. If your baby is born right now, it will be a full-term pregnancy, and the baby will not have any risk factors associated with an early birth. All further events are aimed at preparing for childbirth.

Discharge of the mucous plug should be distinguished from leakage of amniotic fluid. If there is too much discharge, see your doctor for a special test.

In most cases, the baby's head sank into the pelvis at 38-39 weeks, this is called cephalic presentation. If the child lies straight with his head down, this is called a longitudinal position, if a little at an angle, then oblique. There is also the concept of fetal position: I position means that the back is turned to the left uterine wall, and II - to the right. About how the fetus is located, they will tell you on an ultrasound scan.

photo: 40 week of pregnancy

At birth, doctors assess the child's condition according to several parameters: activity, muscle tone, heart rate, respiration, skin color, reflex reactions. The more points, the healthier your baby was born.

So we ended our journey after 40 weeks of fetal development during pregnancy. The most important thing is to be attentive to yourself and the words of your doctor, the appointment of tests and ultrasound, pay attention to all the sensations and enjoy pregnancy and future motherhood.

Planning a child is a responsible business. It must be approached with special attention. That is why it is important to know how the fetus develops during all 9 months from the moment of birth. Today we have to find out what 3-4 weeks of pregnancy have prepared. What changes in a woman's body occur at this stage? What phenomena can the expectant mother face? How is the baby developing at this time? All this will be discussed further.

Dangerous period

The first step is to understand that the first trimester of pregnancy itself is extremely important and even a little dangerous. Until the 12th week of an "interesting situation", a woman can interrupt future motherhood, as well as simply face such a phenomenon as a spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, like all the first 3 months of this period, are worthy of special attention.

The body is undergoing changes that play an important role for the unborn baby. There is no way to help or positively influence them - everything goes on as usual. But you can easily harm. Accordingly, it is recommended to give up bad habits shortly before planning a child. This will help maintain pregnancy at any time, not only at the initial stage of the formation of a new life.

Third week - new life

The 3rd week of the menstrual cycle is nothing more than the beginning of childbirth. Conception, one might say. If it did not happen 2 weeks after the start of a new menstrual cycle, then the 3rd is the most favorable period for this.

It is at this moment that the fertilization of the egg takes place, as well as its movement and attachment to the uterus. The first active development of the unborn baby begins. It is determined how many children a woman will have - the egg is dividing.

What happens in the third week

If you look closely, then the studied period is the first 14 days of a baby's life. After the release of the egg, ready for fertilization, only 24 hours are given for conception. If it does not happen, you will have to try to get pregnant again in the next menstrual cycle.

At the very beginning of the week, the zygote is located in the cavity of the fallopian tubes and does not attach to the wall of the uterus. As already mentioned, there is an active movement of the fertilized egg. The embryo at this time feeds on proteins produced by the fallopian tubes. By the end of the 3rd week of pregnancy, implantation occurs - the attachment of the egg to the uterus. From this point on, a strong bond begins to be established between the baby and the mother.

From this it follows that the greatest achievement of the period under study is the very fact of egg fertilization. But this is only when it comes to obstetric terms. It is counted from the first day of the last menstruation.

From the moment of conception

3 weeks pregnant - what happens to the unborn baby? It all depends on the time frame in question. If the life expectancy of the fetus from the moment of conception is taken into account, then you will have to remember that the 5-6 obstetric week of the "interesting situation" is taken into account. This is extremely important.

The thing is that pregnancy 3 weeks (from conception), as a rule, already manifests itself. But more on that later. First, you should pay attention to the development of the unborn child.

If 21 days have passed since conception, then:

  1. In the fetus, the foundations of all body systems are laid.
  2. The formation of the brain takes place. At this stage, it looks like a wide plate.
  3. Palpitations appear. You can see it on an ultrasound scan and even listen to it.

In fact, pregnancy 3 weeks from conception is the period when the fetus can already be called a living person. Often, at this moment, the expectant mother is able to understand that a new life has arisen within her. But more on that later.

Fetus for 3 weeks

First, you have to understand what the future baby looks like during this period. 3-4 obstetric week of pregnancy is, as already mentioned, the beginning of the birth of a new life. The fruit is too small. So far, it is just an ordinary clump of cells, endowed with genetic information.

Despite this, the child's development process is in full swing. By the end of 3 weeks of "interesting position", the fetus will be represented by a small ball with a diameter of about 0.2 millimeters. The number of cells included in its composition will increase to 250.

The embryo at the 3rd week of pregnancy is placed in a water bag with a special liquid. The embryo receives nutrients from there, and not from the mother. The process of hematopoiesis begins.

Sensations at 3 weeks

Symptoms are usually absent at 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. In any case, at the time of the birth of a new life. The fruit is still too small, so it does not manifest itself in any way. The woman's belly does not grow, nothing hurts anywhere.

However, some girls claim that they felt the successful fertilization of the egg. Strange feelings can come from long planning and anticipation of success. In fact, at 3 weeks (obstetric) pregnancy, the expectant mother is not yet aware of her situation.

If the conversation is about the period that has passed since the moment of conception, then the body, most likely, will let the woman know about pregnancy. This is due to the fact that at the very beginning the fetus is perceived as a foreign body. Therefore, the appearance of the following symptoms is possible:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • mood swings.

All this is due to hormonal changes occurring in the body. On ultrasound, you can already see the future baby, listen to his heart.

4 obstetric week

It is clear how the 3rd week of pregnancy manifests itself. What happens at 4? During this period, the embryo is in the process of moving towards its "house" - the place where further development will take place.

4 obstetric week is an extremely dangerous period. This is due to the high risk of ectopic pregnancy. With her, the fetus begins to grow and develop in the fallopian tubes. Often, a healthy woman has a very low risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy. There must be prerequisites for this. Accordingly, the examined woman need not worry.

Manifestation of pregnancy

3-4 weeks of pregnancy are periods in which usually the "interesting position" does not manifest itself in any way. Although a week after successful fertilization, a woman may encounter some "bells" - the harbingers of the birth of a baby.

Some girls have implantation bleeding at the beginning of obstetric week 4. This is a scant spotting bleeding that appears when an egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus. Lasts from a few minutes to a couple of hours. There may be no bleeding. It can be easily confused with the onset of menstruation.

What else has 3-4 weeks of pregnancy prepared? A test 7 days after conception is likely to show successful fertilization. The main sign of pregnancy during these periods is usually a delay in menstruation. If you make an appropriate test, with a probability of 98-99%, it will show a reliable result.

If a woman goes to a gynecologist, the doctor will note changes in the structure and color of the cervix. But he will not give an accurate conclusion about the presence of pregnancy. There is no point in doing an ultrasound scan - the fetus is still very small, it has not reached its goal.

About baby development at 4 weeks

It is important to remember that the unborn baby up to the 4th obstetric week is a small clot of cells. This is a multilayer disc. From this period, he begins to turn into an embryo, and then takes on a human appearance over time.

At 3-4 weeks of gestation, the size of the fetus is no more than 1 millimeter in width and about 0.35-0.36 millimeters in length. The origin of amniotic fluid and placenta occurs.

At this stage, the formation of the head takes place. Several layers are formed - mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm. They have a direct effect on the formation of blood, muscles, pancreas, brain, skeleton, thyroid gland.

By life time from the moment of fertilization

Pregnancy 3 weeks from conception is, as already mentioned, the period in which you can go for an ultrasound scan to see your unborn baby. It is generally accepted that a similar period occurs approximately in the 6th obstetric week.

What characterizes such a period? Mom's belly is not growing yet. But the appearance of pregnancy can already be noticed. For example, toxicosis begins. All of the previously listed symptoms of pregnancy are also manifested in full swing. The test with a 100% probability will indicate the presence of an "interesting situation".

Is the pregnancy 3-4 weeks from the date of the intended conception? Then it's safe to say that:

  1. The child's senses are formed (eyes, inner ear).
  2. The pancreas and digestive system appear.
  3. The reproductive system begins to form. But it is not yet possible to say who will be born.
  4. Extremities, nails, nervous and circulatory systems are formed.
  5. The fetus develops lips and a nasal cavity.

In fact, you won't be able to see a human-like embryo. But a small lump, inside which the heart beats - easily. In the sixth obstetric week, the muscles of the face are formed, the growth and development of the heart is completed. The upper limbs also change - they have the rudiments of fingers and hands. The embryo is about 5 millimeters in size.

Are pains a reason for panic?

Now a little about the pressing issues that interest expectant mothers. There is a pregnancy of 3-4 weeks. Is it normal to have a stomach ache? Or do you have to go to a doctor with complaints?

In fact, you should not be afraid of small pulling pain sensations (as before menstruation) at this stage. From the foregoing, it follows that 3-4 weeks of the "interesting situation" falls on the time of implantation. This is due to the fact that the cells of the uterine epithelium seem to be scraped out, preparing a place for a fertilized egg.

Accordingly, there is no reason for panic or concern. In practice, few people feel a pulling abdominal pain at 3 or 4 weeks of pregnancy. It has already been said that usually during this period there are no harbingers of an "interesting situation".

What other features do 3-4 weeks of pregnancy have? "Lower back hurts" - this phrase can be heard from some women planning a child. In fact, this problem is rarely encountered at this stage. But it does take place. Slight pain in the lumbar region, as well as in the lower abdomen, is the norm. Usually such manifestations of "interesting position" are not given importance.

As many girls say, the main thing is that there is no bleeding. Implant bleeding is the only normal cause for fearlessness. Otherwise, any suspicious discharge from the genital tract of the expectant mother should serve as a basis for contacting a gynecologist.

Results and conclusions

Now it is clear what changes occur in a woman's body in the first 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. This period does not require special medical intervention or a sharp change in lifestyle. Nevertheless, it must be treated with extreme caution. After all, unfavorable factors can negatively affect the development of the unborn child.

Often during this period, the girl can only guess about the "interesting situation". Common signs of pregnancy are rare. They only threaten extremely sensitive women. Therefore, one should not hope that it will be possible to speak with confidence about a successful conception in such a short period of time.

The first harbinger of pregnancy is usually a delay in menstruation. If a woman measures basal temperature, her increase is noted. And a pregnancy test will show 2 strips already at the 4th obstetric week of the "interesting position". In any case, it is better to wait a little - literally in 7-14 days it will be possible to speak with confidence about the presence of pregnancy. She will show herself to the fullest.

The embryo, more recently consisting of several tiny cells, gradually begins to grow, although it does not yet differ in large size - on average, at this time, its growth is a little more than a millimeter, and its weight is about one gram, but this is already a formed embryo, in the appearance of which it is possible distinguish between the head, eyes, arms, legs and other organs. With sex, the unborn child was formed at the stage of combining the sperm and the egg, and now the laying of tissues for the genitals begins. The rudiments of the auricles, the nasal and oral slits appear, the liver of the iron develops. Also on the third, the spine and the nervous system of the embryo begin to form: the spinal cord and brain.

For the development of the nervous system in early pregnancy, the baby needs a large amount of folic acid, which is prescribed to many pregnant women in pill form.

At about the fifth obstetric week, the fetus already forms a dependence on the state of health and the mood of the mother. Now it is very important to eat well and healthy, to lead a correct lifestyle.

Woman in the third week after conception

She began to press on the bladder, so the urge to urinate became more frequent.

In the third week after conception, the taste preferences of a pregnant woman change, which are explained by a change in hormonal levels and the body's requirements for certain substances. But sometimes foods that are good for a child are disgusting. Irritability, frequent mood swings, and loss of energy are also observed - this is also the effect of hormones.

By the third week after conception, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone released in large quantities during pregnancy, is already high enough to detect pregnancy with blood tests or tests. Ultrasound can also most likely show an embryo.

The gestation period is three weeks, and for gynecologists it is five obstetric weeks, it is very important. Since it is this week that the main distinguishing feature of an interesting situation appears - the absence of menstruation in its own time. Their expectant mother will not see them for a long time. During your pregnancy and possibly throughout your entire lactation period.

Menstruation is absent due to high progesterone levels. It prevents the endometrium from flaking off. If a woman sees bloody discharge on her underwear, this is bad. There are no periods during pregnancy and cannot be. And this is the threat of termination of pregnancy. But we will talk about this in more detail in one of the subparagraphs. Let's start with the symptoms.

The third week of pregnancy: real signs and calculation of the term

As we have already mentioned, the main thing a woman pays attention to is absent menstruation. Normally, menstruation comes before menopause at approximately equal time intervals. This indicates a calm hormonal background. With various hormonal disorders, the cycle gets lost. For example, with high prolactin. Very frequent interruptions in the cycle, the absence of menstruation for several months is a reason for a thorough examination by a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

That is, not always missing menstruation, even in a woman with a very regular menstrual cycle, speaks of an interesting position. But if at the same time the pregnancy test is also positive, there is no doubt about it. Determining pregnancy in the third week is no longer a difficult task.

It is very important to remember the first day of your last menstrual period, from which the doctor will count the duration of your pregnancy and the date of birth. Yes, from that day, not the day of ovulation or unprotected intercourse. By the way, you can calculate the PDD yourself (the estimated date of birth), most likely you will give birth on this day (plus or minus two weeks). To do this, subtract three months from the first day of the last menstruation and add seven days.

The following signs of pregnancy in the third week are already associated with the woman's well-being. The first symptoms of toxicosis appear. They will manifest themselves in one way or another until the end of the first trimester or a little longer.


Feelings and feelings typical of the third week

Expectant mothers do not feel well in the first trimester of pregnancy. The tummy is still not visible at all, there is no severity, but the general state of health suffers. Unpleasant sensations in the third embryonic week are associated with numerous hormonal changes and low blood pressure.

The feeling of fatigue, drowsiness does not allow to work normally. And although they are not grounds for opening a sick leave at work, you need to go for a trick, perhaps take a vacation to get some rest.

You need to normalize your sleep. Stay up to bed too late. If possible, rest 1-2 hours in the afternoon.

The increased body temperature is very frightening for expectant mothers. It is considered normal, if not higher than 37.5 degrees, that is, subfebrile. The reason for the rise in temperature is the high production of progesterone and a slight violation of the body's thermoregulation, a temporary problem. You should not knock it down with antipyretics. It is enough to stay in the fresh air, ventilate the room, and if it is hot and there is an opportunity, turn on the air conditioner.

Rejection of some tastes, odors can be attributed to manifestations of toxicosis. If you feel unwell when you prepare food, look for options to buy ready-made food. Perhaps this will save you from bouts of nausea and vomiting.

If you really want a particular product or inhale a certain aroma, perhaps your body lacks a certain vitamin or trace element. For example, you want to eat chalk and gnaw at walls when there is a lack of calcium, inhale gasoline and menthol vapors when there is a deficiency of iron. Timely tests will help identify problems, and the doctor will prescribe medications to replenish certain needs of the body, if necessary. For example, a complete blood count can help detect low hemoglobin levels - a lack of iron.

What happens to the fetus in the third week

The development of the embryo is actively continuing. By the tubercles in the embryo, you can already guess where the baby will have a head in the future, and where the limbs and back are. The neural tube is also seen, and around it the future muscles and other structures and tissues.

The health of the child will largely depend on what happens during the third week after conception. Blood vessels begin to form, which in the center of the embryo bind to a piece of tissue - this is the child's future heart, which will very soon begin to pound.

The airways of the embryo, its liver and pancreas are also laid there. Precursors of cells that carry sexual information appear.

The embryo is protected by amniotic fluid. The yolk sac produces blood cells. In general, the size of the embryo with all the membranes by the end of 3 weeks after conception approaches 1 cm.On the day, the ovum grows by about 1 mm.

Is it possible and necessary to do an ultrasound scan in the third week of gestation, what will it show

Many women rush to an ultrasound scan as soon as they find out that they are pregnant. The question is - how much is it needed?

Gynecologists recommend to undergo an ultrasound scan at 12, 20, 32 obstetric weeks. At other times, only according to indications. For example, if a miscarriage or miscarriage is suspected. If mommy is not worried about anything, there is no need to undergo an ultrasound examination.

Some consider it dangerous to the embryo. In fact, there is no evidence that ultrasound can adversely affect a child, cause developmental defects in him. However, the study should not be undertaken simply at will. This is a medical procedure, not a recreational one.

If necessary, consider the following points:

  • the doctor should not look at you for too long (there is nothing, and there is no need to risk it);
  • Ultrasound is performed by vaginal access, otherwise it is not that the embryo, most likely, and the ovum on the monitor will not be noticed, if the yolk sac is visible - this is already very good;
  • before the ultrasound, the bladder does not need to be filled; on the contrary, it must be empty;
  • Most likely, you will not see an embryo this week, it is difficult to do with the size of the ovum less than 10-12 mm, so do not be alarmed, we are not talking about anembryony.

An ultrasound scan can be helpful in that the doctor will tell you an almost exact embryonic date. After all, not all women ovulate on the 14th day of the cycle. Ovulation also happens late, then the ovum will be very tiny, but the date of birth will be correctly moved a few days ahead.

What if the tests show two stripes, a blood test for hCG proves pregnancy, and the doctor sees nothing in the uterus? Several options are possible here. If your blood level of hCG is more than 1000, and there is no ovum, most likely you have an ectopic pregnancy. It is necessary to redo the ultrasound scan on another machine, with another specialist, and with the same result, prepare for diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy.

If the hCG level is not high, and you have a 1-2 day delay, then most likely your ovulation is a little late and in the next 7 days the ovum can still be seen in the uterus. It is recommended to repeat the ultrasound scan in 7-10 days. It is desirable with at least 1000 hCG.

In addition, it is possible to monitor the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. With a frozen pregnancy, it will decrease, or at first it will grow very sluggishly, but then it will still decline. You need to donate blood once every 2 days.

If you've been told that the ovum is deformed, don't worry. This happens with a local tone of the myometrium - the muscular layer of the uterus. Yes, an irregularly shaped ovum is one of the signs of an imminent miscarriage. But it is far from the main and not the only one. Therefore, it is still very early to be upset.

Also, the doctor can determine on ultrasound directly the hypertonicity of one of the walls of the uterus. This information can be ignored, since the danger is such a tone that a woman herself feels when her stomach hurts in the third week of pregnancy. The uterus has a muscle layer, and any muscle in the human body contracts. Do not take this as a threat of miscarriage.

Another controversial diagnosis is insufficiency of the corpus luteum. Set if the corpus luteum is small (less than 18-20 mm) or there is weak blood flow according to Doppler measurements. This temporary endocrine gland in the female body produces the hormone progesterone, which supports pregnancy. Until the placenta takes over this function, that is, up to 10-12 obstetric weeks. After the corpus luteum "dies". If the corpus luteum disappears before the placenta is formed, a miscarriage will occur. However, most experts, supporters of evidence-based medicine, say that the functionality of the corpus luteum cannot be judged by the blood flow in it and its size. And these signs are not a reason for prescribing progesterone support to the expectant mother.

The opposite situation is too large a corpus luteum. Or the so-called corpus luteum cyst. Many are afraid of this phenomenon. But in reality, this almost always turns out to be a variant of the norm. Within a few weeks, the cyst resolves on its own.

When do you need to see a gynecologist in the third week?

We can say that there are only three reasons for such an early visit to the doctor. This is a suspicion of a threat of termination of pregnancy or an inflammatory process in the vagina or uterus.

1. Spotting bloody or brown discharge, bleeding. There can be no menses during pregnancy. If you have spotting, you can try to save the pregnancy. For this purpose, progesterone is necessarily prescribed in a large dosage - orally and vaginally. When treating in a hospital, droppers are made with a hemostatic drug. Now "Tranexam" is used for this. That is, in Russia, they try to save any uterine pregnancy. Abroad, the attitude towards the threat of interruption in the first trimester is different. They do not save pregnancy, since most embryos die for independent reasons, due to chromosomal abnormalities. They are not viable. Although, perhaps such a different attitude towards early pregnancy is explained by the peculiarities of foreign insurance medicine ...

2. Pain in the abdomen or ovary. In this case, an ultrasound scan is prescribed to understand the cause of the pain. It can be not only uterine hypertonicity, as a symptom of the threat of spontaneous miscarriage, but also an ovarian cyst, for example. Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of the pain. If it's just a threat, then progesterone medications and physical rest are helpful.

3. There is an abnormal vaginal discharge: foul-smelling, gray, green, etc. These are the case with vaginal dysbiosis, fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa and various genital infections. All this is very dangerous for the incipient life. If a woman did not get tested for infections immediately before pregnancy, you need to do this now and quickly.
By the way, tests for genital infections are free in almost all regions. If your doctor talks about paid delivery, ask the representative of the insurance company that issued your medical policy.

You can register in a planned manner when the third week ends and the 4th week of pregnancy begins. In this case, your health will be under medical supervision. You need to visit a doctor once every 2-3 weeks, or more often if something is bothering you.

3 week, pregnancy detection (video):

3 week, pregnancy definition

2013-06-05T00: 00: 00

Get a blood pressure monitor, a medicine for measuring blood pressure. Preferably automatic with a cuff on the forearm. It will be useful to you throughout your pregnancy, and even after, it is likely.

If you are not feeling well and your blood pressure is below 110 to 70, take steps to increase it. It is not trite, but the easiest way is to normalize blood pressure with light physical activity. You can walk along the street. Just avoid the heat and stuffiness.
If you are afraid that your head may spin, take your husband, mother, girlfriend, etc. for the company.

The best product for raising the pressure is coffee. Also caffeine is found in tea - black and green, chocolate. Feelings of weakness are often caused by hunger. Loss of appetite due to nausea is common in the first trimester. Try to eat fractionally, at least 5 times a day, avoiding foods that make you gas. It can be some vegetables, if consumed in large quantities, peas and legumes in general, sweet cookies, etc. Intestinal colic in expectant mothers is especially severe and provokes painful tension in the uterus, which is potentially dangerous.

In addition to the intestines, you need to take care of the stomach. A rare expectant mother does not suffer from heartburn. Usually it is provoked by certain foods, for example, apples, jams, exclude them from your diet, or at least do not eat before going to bed. In general, it is advisable to take a horizontal position after a meal at least after an hour, and preferably after two, so as not to provoke an attack of heartburn. If heartburn could not be avoided, you should not suffer. There are drugs approved for use during pregnancy at any time. For example, Rennie. For flatulence, you can take "Espumisan" ("Bobotik") - the active ingredient is simethicone.

To get rid of uterine hypertonicity, it is recommended to take 2 tablets of "No-shpy" or "Droverin" (its analogue) and put a rectal suppository "Papaverine Hydrochloride". This will help relieve pain in the next 10-30 minutes. It helps a lot from a slight tone to lie down or stand for several minutes on all fours with support on the elbows.