9th week of pregnancy obstetric sensations of a woman. Feelings of the expectant mother at nine weeks of pregnancy. Medical recommendations and advice on the lifestyle of the expectant mother at this time

The beginning of the third month is the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy. In the body of a woman is in full swing hormonal changes, and the fetus is rapidly developing and growing. Its nutrition is already carried out through the placenta, and not through the wall of the uterus. In the third month, the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced.

What happens at 9 weeks

What happens at 9 weeks pregnant? The body of a pregnant woman during this period is actively preparing for the upcoming period of gestation, as well as for childbirth and feeding. The bones of the pelvis gradually expand, the mammary glands increase, which is associated with the growth of the milk ducts, and the chest becomes more and more sensitive and even painful to touch. This is due to the onset of prolactin production.

Between the baby and mother is established close connection. Scientists have found that the fetus can send signals about which nutrients and trace elements it lacks. This explains the unusual addictions and taste desires pregnant.

Volume amniotic fluid, in which the baby swims, at this stage is approximately 100 ml.

Changes in a woman's body

The ninth obstetric week is characterized by weight gain, which can vary from 500 g to several kilograms. This is mainly due to the growth of the uterus, as well as an increase in the volume of blood and lymph fluid in the body, which are necessary to supply the actively growing fetus with nutrition and oxygen.

Also, in the body of a woman, the processes of accumulation of fat are launched, which are necessary so that later the mother can feed her child. In this regard, the figure begins to noticeably change. Therefore, from the third month, a woman needs to limit the use of sweets and starchy foods in order to avoid gaining excess weight.

Since there is an increase in blood and plasma volume during pregnancy, a woman may become anemic. It is related to the fact that spinal cord does not have time to produce red blood cells so quickly.

Therefore, when identifying low level hemoglobin in the blood the doctor prescribes to a woman special food and special supportive care.

The uterus in the ninth week increases in size even more and becomes like a small melon or a very large grapefruit. But she still has enough space in the small pelvis, so the stomach is still invisible. Only in women of thin body type with narrow pelvis a small bulging belly may appear at 9 weeks of gestation.

Depending on individual characteristics, the skin of a pregnant woman may lose its attractive appearance or vice versa to become more tender and velvety.

In the body of a pregnant woman, there is an active production of the hormone relaxin, which provides relaxation of the ligaments and bones of the pelvis. In this regard, on early dates there may be a change in gait. And also the action of this hormone can provoke pain in the pelvic region.

Signs of pregnancy at 9 weeks

In the ninth week of pregnancy, restructuring continues hormonal background women.

That is why she has the following symptoms:

  • pain in the abdomen, due to an increase in the uterus and stretching of the ligaments that hold it;
  • bloating and;
  • frequent urination;
  • mood swings;
  • irritability and irascibility;
  • fatigue, etc.

And also the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy can manifest itself in a significant increase in the mammary glands. This is due to the fact that the woman's body is preparing for breastfeeding. In some women, the breasts become larger by one size, so during this period it is advisable to purchase special creams to prevent stretch marks.

It's time to forget about tight bras, because a pregnant woman, so, does not have enough air, and if chest also pull it off, it can cover a pre-fainting state. Therefore, if the breast has greatly increased in volume, you should change all your underwear for a more comfortable one. In this case, it is preferable to choose bras made from natural fabrics.

The normal temperature of a pregnant woman is considered to be thermometer readings up to 37.1-37.2 degrees. If there is an increase in it, then this is the reason for going to the doctor. Self-administer antipyretics and other medicines dangerous for the unborn baby.

To outward signs pregnancy and changes in the body include:

  • the appearance of a blue venous mesh on the chest;
  • hyperpigmentation of the areola and nipples;
  • scanty discharge from the mammary glands yellowish color. Usually colostrum appears at a later date, but in rare cases it can be disturbing as early as the 9th week of pregnancy. When colostrum is excreted, it is recommended to purchase and wear special gaskets for breasts;
  • puffiness lower extremities and external genitalia.

Feelings of a woman

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the woman has symptoms of toxicosis, which subside only after 12 weeks. A pregnant woman may suffer from headaches, tiredness and fatigue, nausea and vomiting during the day, intolerance to odors and certain foods, as well as dizziness. The condition of the hair worsens and nail plates. Dryness of the skin may be felt, which is caused by a lack of water in the body, because most of it goes to the proper functioning and development of the fetus.

During multiple pregnancy the uterus increases significantly in size, therefore, starting from the ninth week, the woman has pain in the lower back and back. This is due to the sharp growth of the uterus, pressure on internal organs and significant sprain in the pelvis.

A woman may be disturbed by constant nasal congestion. If, in addition to this symptom, there are no other signs of a cold, then this is a physiological norm, which is called the runny nose of pregnant women.

Discharge from the genital tract

Milky and white discharge normal consistency and without sharp bad smell are at this stage of pregnancy a variant of the norm. Secretions of mucus or leucorrhoea are also not a cause for concern, since they are due to an increase in the activity of the gonads.

Brown discharge, as well as the appearance of pus in them, requires immediate consultation with a doctor, since these signs may indicate the presence in the body dangerous infection or placental abruption. And also such discharge may indicate the presence of erosion of the cervix in a woman. This disease does not threaten the life of the baby, but it requires a doctor's consultation. Erosion treatment is carried out after childbirth.


At the ninth week of pregnancy, ultrasound is indicated to detect fetal pathologies and determine exact date. Scheduled this examination is not required, but the woman can do it if she wishes.

During ultrasound scanning the doctor can see a significant increase in the uterus and the presence in it amniotic sac. On screen when zoomed in future child looks like a little man, but at this time the specialist still cannot determine it gender. The sensor also records the fetal heart rate of 130 beats per minute.

Fetal development at 9 weeks

The size of the fetus at the 9th week of pregnancy is approximately 22-33 mm. In size, the size resembles a cherry, and the weight of the baby reaches 4 g. The fruit is beginning to look like little man, his tail begins to disappear and very soon it will turn into a coccyx, limbs lengthen, facial features become more distinct. Fluff begins to appear on the skin of the crumbs.

Changes in the future baby:

  • Starting from the 9th week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus actively takes place in its brain. The baby's head is still disproportionately large, but the hemispheres of the brain are actively developing in it. This week, one of its departments is laid - the cerebellum, which will subsequently coordinate the movements of the fetus, as well as the department that is responsible for the production of adrenaline.
  • The eyes are already fully formed on the face, but they are still covered by a thin fold of eyelid skin, and you can also see the baby's lips. well visualized auricles, which are on the same level with the eyes. And also the nose and neck continue to form.
  • Continue their active development at the 9th week of pregnancy and the limb of the unborn child. They lengthen, and between the fingers the membranes disappear. The feet and hands also grow noticeably, and the rudiments of milk teeth appear in the jaw.
  • Surprisingly, at 9 weeks of gestation, the fetus already knows how to swallow, and its kidneys produce urine. However, the entire load during this period and before the birth of the child falls on the mother's kidneys.
  • In boys, the testicles are already formed, but they are still in the abdominal cavity, so it is still impossible to assume the sex of the child on ultrasound.
  • There is a laying of nerve and lymph nodes.

The fetus is already actively moving this week, it can move its arms and legs, and also roll over. The placenta is responsible for its nutrition, which supplies the actively growing body with oxygen and nutrients.

Possible problems

At the ninth week of pregnancy, the risk of its termination is quite low, since the fetus is already well established in the uterine wall, and progesterone and hCG in the blood reach high concentration. These factors contribute to the preservation of the viability of the fetus. But other problems may arise that characterize the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy as a dangerous period not only for the unborn child, but also for the woman.

Possible issues during this period include:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy (very rarely detected at this time);
  • traumatic damage to the uterus;
  • improper attachment of the embryo;
  • complications of fetal development.

And also a problem at this time may be the occurrence severe forms toxicosis with repeated vomiting, weight loss and hemoglobin levels in the blood. In this case, a woman should consult a doctor to alleviate her condition.

Another problem for this period stool retention is considered. Constipation comes from exposure to pregnancy hormones combined with the hormone relaxin. This unpleasant state brings a lot of problems and is even fraught with danger. Firstly, strong straining is dangerous for the baby, because they can provoke uterine contractions. Second, constipation can lead to hemorrhoids.

To prevent this from happening, you need to include low-fat foods in your diet. dairy products, vegetables, except for cabbage, fruits with the exception of pears, meat and fish of low-fat varieties. Rice, cocoa, fresh pastries, which can provoke stool retention, should be excluded. You can eat dried fruits that have a laxative effect, such as prunes. But you should not get carried away with such a delicacy, because dried fruits are quite high in calories and can contribute even more. speed dial weight.

In the event that the diet does not help, the doctor will help to cope with stool retention by prescribing a laxative allowed during pregnancy.

For a warning possible problems a woman needs to be registered in a timely manner and go through all necessary examinations. It is important to limit harmful occupational factors (contact with chemicals and radioactive radiation), stop x-rays, alcohol and smoking, as well as taking any medications.

What to look out for

  • If there is no threat of termination of pregnancy, the woman can carry on with her usual sexual life, but active sex should be avoided as it can lead to uterine bleeding and placental abruption.
  • The ninth week of pregnancy for the fetus is no less important in its development than the previous ones, so nutrition must be balanced. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals should be included. It is worth giving up pastries, pasta and sweets, as they can provoke a sharp increase in weight. It is recommended to eat 6-7 times a day in small portions, this will help to avoid an attack of nausea and vomiting.
  • Weight lifting should be limited to avoid placental abruption and uterine bleeding.
  • Recommended to visit more often fresh air.
  • Places to be avoided large cluster people and contact with animals. These measures are taken to reduce the risk of colds and infectious diseases.
  • It's time to abandon the tight and uncomfortable clothes and high heels.
  • Physical activity and intensity of sports at the 9th week of pregnancy should be reduced to 60-80% of the previous level. If there is no threat of termination of pregnancy, there is no need to refuse them.
  • Pregnant woman should do breathing exercises, which will help increase the flow of oxygen to the fetus.

If a woman has not been to a gynecologist before this period, then the 9th week of pregnancy should begin with a visit to the doctor. The expectant mother should be sure to register and pass everything necessary tests because they can identify problems that threaten childbearing.

How many months at 9 weeks pregnant

Doctors usually consider the gestational age not from the moment of conception, but from the first day of the last menstrual cycle(on obstetric method). One obstetric month includes 4 weeks, so 9 weeks is the beginning of 3 months of pregnancy, or rather 2 months and 1 week of pregnancy. The embryo at this stage is approximately 7 weeks old.

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Approaching the end of the second period prenatal development baby - the period of organogenesis. Very soon, a small embryo will become a fetus. At 9 obstetric week he has already laid down almost all the internal organs, but they still do not function fully. As for the mother, her feelings do not change much. The woman is also worried, weakness, increased emotionality.

9th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby?

The weight of the embryo at week 9 is 2-3 g, height - 30-35 mm(if we talk about the distance from the crown to the buttocks, then it is 20-25 mm).

Outwardly, the baby is becoming more and more like a person. The embryonic tail disappears, the head becomes rounded, facial features become more distinct, eyelids appear, and the neck begins to stand out. On the handles, the membranes between the fingers disappear. The body of the embryo straightens a little, but the head remains still tightly pressed to the chest.

During the course, the doctor can see the involuntary movements of the baby's limbs - this is a sign that the muscles and joints are already starting to function.

The internal organs of the embryo also develop rapidly:

  • The cerebellum appears - the most important structure of the brain responsible for coordination.
  • The formation of the visual apparatus ends, however, the eyes will remain tightly closed for centuries until the 27th week of pregnancy (the functioning of the visual analyzer will begin only after birth).
  • The development of a tiny heart continues. It already has 4 cameras. The heart contracts about 150 times per minute and actively pumps blood through circulatory system embryo.
  • The adrenal glands are developing intensively.
  • The formation of bone and cartilage tissue continues.

Extra-embryonic structures play an important role in the development of the embryo and the preservation of pregnancy:

At 9 weeks it starts very milestone in the development of the blood circulation of the fetus - a vascular connection is formed between the chorion and the embryo. Thanks to these changes, there is the possibility of a wider transport of nutrients and oxygen from mother to baby. In parallel, the formation of the placenta from the chorion continues. The placenta gradually takes over the synthesis of progesterone (originally it was a function of the corpus luteum of the ovaries). The preservation of the life of the baby depends on how correctly these processes occur.

Mom's feelings at 9 weeks pregnant

At this time, expectant mothers continue to worry. For some it is more pronounced, for others it is less. If all manifestations of toxicosis are limited to mild morning, hypersensitivity to smells and change taste preferences, no need to worry. In such situations, it is desirable to find those foods and dishes to which the body reacts normally, and also not to overload the stomach, try to eat often and in small portions. If toxicosis is accompanied by intolerance to any food, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. Such a disorder very soon leads to dehydration and exhaustion of the body, and these conditions are especially unfavorable for a pregnant woman.

As before, at the 9th week, expectant mothers "get it" increased drowsiness and fatigue. It's quite normal. In this way female body responds to hormonal surges and increased metabolism. Often the cause of an irresistible desire to sleep during the day in pregnant women is bad, which in the early stages can be associated with psycho-emotional problems. About it is necessary to inform your gynecologist. Do not take any drugs without his recommendation.

To get rid of problems with night sleep, doctors recommend expectant mothers:

In addition, to relax and improve falling asleep, you can ask your spouse for a light massage.

Complications and problems of 9 weeks of pregnancy

There is still a risk of miscarriage and cessation of fetal development therefore, at the 9th week of pregnancy, expectant mothers should not relax and forget about their position. All restrictions on excessive physical activity, heavy homework taking many medications and bad habits remain.

Yes, quite often a woman cannot influence the course of events - after all, it is impossible to stop the development severe pathologies and genetic mutations that lead to the death of the embryo. However, it is worth remembering that A miscarriage can be caused by:

  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • injuries, falls;
  • overstrain - both physical and emotional;
  • malnutrition;
  • influence of physical and chemical factors.

Another pretty common problem 9 weeks pregnant is chronic . Expectant mothers should understand that if at this time it is not possible to normalize the stool, then it will be even harder to do it further. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor right now and adjust your diet.

Due to the physiological decrease in immunity in pregnant women at week 9, many expectant mothers may encounter(vaginal candidiasis). This pathology is accompanied severe itching, discomfort and curdled discharge from the genital tract. It is not possible to treat thrush during pregnancy with all anti-candidiasis drugs, you can not douche and use any other methods that are usually used in gynecology. Therefore, if the described symptoms appear, you should definitely consult with a gynecologist.

What does ultrasound show at 9 weeks pregnant?

at this time allows you to identify pregnancy and clarify its duration, set localization gestational sac(it should be in the uterus), determine if there is an embryo and whether it has a heartbeat, assess the state of extraembryonic structures (the location and size of the chorion, yolk sac). The gestational age during an ultrasound examination is calculated according to the size of the fetal egg and embryo (in a computer ultrasonic device an amendment has already been made for two weeks, that is, it is automatically determined obstetric term pregnancy).

The main size of the ovum, which is measured by the doctor ultrasound diagnostics, is the mean inner diameter (MID). At 9 weeks, it is 33-35 mm. As for the size of the embryo, all that the doctor can determine at this time is KTP - the coccygeal-parietal size. Normal at 9 full weeks it is in the range of 22-25 mm. It is believed that in the first trimester (that is, up to 12 weeks), the determination of the gestational age by ultrasound data is the most accurate. Subsequently, heredity, mother's nutrition, as well as individual characteristics the course of pregnancy (for example, there may be hypotrophy of the baby due to a violation of the uteroplacental blood flow, respectively, the period for ultrasound will not coincide with the period for the last menstruation).

The article discusses the 9th week of pregnancy. You will find out what changes happen to the expectant mother and her baby. We will tell you what you need to know about this period of gestation, how you should behave now and what you should be afraid of.

At the 9th week of pregnancy, a small tummy is already visible

The 9th week of pregnancy is accompanied by a number of symptoms that a woman has experienced in previous weeks:

  • nausea, vomiting in the morning;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, abrupt change sentiments;
  • breast and abdomen enlargement.

All this is due to hormonal changes in the mother's body, its restructuring and preparation for bearing the fetus and future childbirth.

Changes in the mother's body at 9 weeks of gestation

The belly at the 9th week of pregnancy may increase slightly, but not because the fetus and uterus are growing. This is due to fluid retention in the tissues. Also, the body of a pregnant woman actively accumulates adipose tissue. Another factor influencing the appearance of a small tummy is increased constipation.

The uterus at the 9th week of pregnancy reaches a size of 10-15 centimeters and continues to grow actively.

Breasts at the 9th week of pregnancy are getting bigger. Although this is not true for all women. The size of the mammary glands in the future will not affect lactation in any way. Now stretch marks, a venous network may appear. There are many ointments, creams that strengthen the muscles of the mammary glands, which are available in every pharmacy.

Now there may be abundant discharge from the breast - this is how the breast begins to prepare for future feeding.

Hair future mother become dull and dry. Facial skin, on the contrary, acquires more fresh look, spots, blackheads and redness disappear.

Feelings in the ninth week of pregnancy

Most women during this period suffer from mood swings. Now I can feel more nauseous, especially in the morning. This is the result of the influence of progesterone.

The hormone relaxin promotes relaxation of the ligaments of the pubic joint and pelvic bones. This will make childbirth easier in the future. In the meantime, it can lead to pain in the pelvic area and impaired gait. Also, many pregnant women complain that their lower back hurts at the 9th week of pregnancy.

Discomfort in the chest area is the norm at this time. Some have pain in the nipples, burning, itching. The mammary glands become very sensitive. Gynecologists recommend buying bras without seams during this period, with wide straps and made from natural fabrics.

Of course, not all expectant mothers show all these symptoms. Some women go through this period without any discomfort.

What happens to the embryo at 9 weeks pregnant

Ends by the end of week 8 embryonic period and fetal begins. The embryo at the 9th week of pregnancy, doctors officially begin to call the fetus.

Now the fetus is already completely similar to a person in a reduced state, only with a large head. He is starting to put on weight.

By the beginning of the 9th week of gestation, the child no longer has a tail. The genital organs are well developed, the eyes and eyelids are formed. Earlobes, mouth, nose, nostrils and neck can be distinguished. By this period, the baby has formed all the main joints. The membranes between the fingers disappeared. The length of the foot has increased.

The arms are now even longer than the legs. The child is already moving them. The arms are in a bent state, the head is pressed to the chest.

The formation of the brain continues. The cerebellum is laid down. There is already a bronchial tree, but lung tissue will form later.

Fetal ultrasound at 9 weeks pregnant

At the 9th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan (photo below) is possible as prescribed by a doctor. The study will help assess the condition of the child, the uterus, identify possible pathologies in the mother or unborn child.

Ultrasound at 9 weeks pregnant

The length of the fetus reaches a little more than 4 centimeters. It weighs about 3 grams. At this time, it is not yet possible to determine the sex of the child.

An ultrasound will show how the baby's heart beats and help evaluate motor activity child. The heartbeat at the 9th week of pregnancy reaches 180 beats per minute.

What you need to know about the ninth week of pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a disease. You don't need to drastically change your lifestyle. But still it is necessary to reconsider some habits and nutrition system. Now a woman needs to think for two: for herself and her unborn child.

During this period, stop taking medications. The strictest ban bad habits - alcohol, smoking.

Lifestyle in the ninth week of pregnancy

There is still a high chance of miscarriage. Do not abuse physical activity and extreme sports. Replace them with less active exercises. For example, running can be replaced by walking. Good for swimming and yoga. Also take advantage of various gymnastic programs for women who are carrying a child.

Take more walks in the fresh air, especially if the weather is sunny. sunlight- a source of vitamin D, which plays important role in the formation nervous system child.

Be sure to follow the daily routine. The duration of sleep should be at least 9 hours. It is advisable to take a short break for daytime sleep.

Nutrition at 9 weeks pregnant

Toxicosis at the 9th week of pregnancy continues, this imposes certain rules on the diet of a woman. To alleviate your own condition, you will have to give up some of your favorite foods. On the other hand, the taste may be perverted: eating salty and sweet mixed for most women at this stage of pregnancy is a common thing.

Toxicosis may indicate a lack of vitamins in the unborn child. Buy at the pharmacy multivitamin complexes or adjust the diet so that both nausea is reduced and the child receives all the necessary vitamins.

Watch your diet, it is better to make it fractional. Try to diversify your menu. Weight loss diets are contraindicated. Now your nutrition should be, first of all, aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of the child. Also beware of overeating.

Be sure to enter in your daily diet milk and dairy products. Good fit fish lean varieties. Eat citrus fruits, black currants, peeled rose hips, cherries, etc. Do not get carried away with the exotic, buy only proven fruits and berries.

From cereals, be sure to choose buckwheat and wheat. Peas, lentils, sprouted cereals are good. During this period, it is better to cook porridge on the water.

Don't forget the importance of protein. Your diet must include nuts, eggs, white meat.

To avoid moisture deficiency in the body, drink more water, green tea, fresh juice, compote, etc. Coffee is strictly prohibited.

Avoid foods containing dyes and preservatives.

What can go wrong at 9 weeks pregnant

This gestation period may be accompanied by various painful sensations. For the most part, this is the norm. But if the symptoms do not go away within a few days, contact your gynecologist to avoid worsening own health and baby.

Dangerous symptoms that may occur at the 9th week of pregnancy:

  • severe nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • bloody issues at 9 weeks pregnant.

At this time, the risk of urinary tract infections is high.

I have a stomachache

What to do if the stomach hurts at the 9th week of pregnancy? This feeling may mean that your uterus is still growing. If the pain is cramping in nature, consult a doctor to rule out a missed pregnancy at week 9. Pain in the lower abdomen is a symptom high tone uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.

Got a fever and a cold

A cold at the 9th week of pregnancy can negatively affect the development of the baby and lead to complications in the expectant mother. But no one is immune from this disease. Many medications have contraindications and side effects which may affect the course of pregnancy.

If you still get sick, you need to know the rules for treating a cold in early pregnancy and be sure to coordinate the treatment methods with your doctor:

  1. Never take aspirin or drugs based on it. Better replace it with paracetamol.
  2. Antibiotics are strictly prohibited. They are prescribed only if there is a threat of serious complications for the health of the mother.
  3. To bring down the temperature at the 9th week of pregnancy, drink more warm drinks, herbal teas, berry fruit drinks. Tea with honey, raspberries or lemon, juices, compotes and rosehip broth are well suited. However a large number of liquids can lead to edema.
  4. Folk remedies are also not suitable for everyone. Many of them can lead to miscarriage or other complications.
  5. Never take hot baths. Even warm foot baths can be fraught with miscarriage.
  6. Most drops for the treatment of the common cold have a vasoconstrictive effect. The maximum duration of treatment is 3 days. Replace them with nasal lavage saline solution, herbal decoctions. Warm up your sinuses with a boiled egg, warm sawdust, or salt.
  7. Also gargle safe methods. Salt or iodine solutions are well suited, herbal infusions or decoctions.
  8. Inhalations from eucalyptus, chamomile or rosehip oil will also be effective.

Nausea and toxicosis

The expectant mother often feels sick at the 9th week of pregnancy. Most often this happens in the morning. First of all, in order to get rid of toxicosis, you need to properly approach your own diet. Do not overload your stomach with heavy food. Do not eat fatty, smoked, sweet, salty. You can alleviate your own condition by choosing healthy, simple foods. Focus on fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish.

Vomiting can cause dehydration, so be sure to required quantity liquids. Forget about carbonated drinks during this period. choose mineral water without gas, juice, compote and fruit drink from fresh berries.

To relieve nausea, many women resort to ginger tea and mint candy or chewing gum.

Discharge - yellow, brown, bloody

Allocations in this gestation period are quite normal condition. If you have transparent or slightly whitish discharge no smell, no worries. They are associated with high level progesterone and are considered normal.

If the discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy is brown or yellow color, or with an admixture of blood, contact a medical facility immediately.

Brown discharge indicates that an infection is present in the mother's body. All this can harm the child, up to the threat of miscarriage. In rare cases, such discharge does not pose a danger to the mother and fetus. For example, in some women, even at this stage of pregnancy, menstruation may occur. In any case, an urgent examination by a doctor is necessary.

yellow discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy can also be interpreted in different ways. If there is an unpleasant smell, or you feel discomfort in the body, then do not delay going to the doctor. Yellow discharge indicates the development of an infection or an ongoing acute form inflammatory process. Usually they are accompanied by itching and burning of the genitals.

One of the reasons for the appearance of dark yellow discharge during pregnancy can be gonococci, staphylococci, coli. In this case dark yellow discharge are nothing but pus.

Bright yellow discharge during pregnancy may be a sign of ovarian inflammation or fallopian tubes, vaginal bacterial infection. The expectant mother could acquire this infection even before the onset of pregnancy. It's just that the disease has not manifested itself before. And now when the immune system women are weakened, the infection progresses.

Bloody discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy is a dangerous sign. They may indicate a threatened miscarriage, detachment of the fetal egg, fetal fading, or serious illness the woman herself.

Detachment of the fetal egg

Doctors call this condition "retrochorial hematoma", meaning partial or complete detachment of a fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus.

Causes of detachment of the ovum at the 9th week of pregnancy:

  • a fertilized egg has attached itself to the area of ​​the uterine fibroids, an area of ​​the inner surface affected by endometriosis, or close to the cervix;
  • in the body of a woman a large number of male sex hormones;
  • lack of progesterone or dysfunction of the corpus luteum;
  • chromosomal mutations of the fetus or its lag behind development;
  • gynecological and infectious diseases;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • stressful situations.

Detachment of the ovum is accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen, bloody discharge. If the expectant mother applied for medical care, she will be admitted to the hospital. Now there is complete peace. The gynecologist will prescribe a series of studies and necessary treatment. With a quick response to the problem, most often the pregnancy can be saved.


The ninth week of pregnancy is considered the most critical in bearing a child. When a woman has a miscarriage, her lower abdomen and lower back hurt, and bleeding appears.

Causes of miscarriage at 9 weeks pregnant:

  • Rh factor conflict;
  • genetic abnormalities in a child;
  • previous abortions;
  • severe stress;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • taking medications;
  • bad habits.

Is it possible to have sex at 9 weeks pregnant

In some women, libido increases during this period. Sex at the 9th week of pregnancy is not contraindicated. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, you should not give up intimate life.

For more information about the 9th week of pregnancy, see the video:

What to remember

  1. 9 obstetric week of pregnancy - the most crisis period at an early date. Get your daily routine and nutrition in order. Lead a more relaxed lifestyle, do not get involved in active sports.
  2. At this time, others may still not know about your pregnancy. But in the body of a woman continue hormonal changes aimed at successful gestation and safe delivery.
  3. If you have pain in the abdomen or lower back, yellow or brown discharge, fever, or you catch a cold, contact your doctor immediately. The specialist will examine necessary research and will try to help you bear a healthy baby.

The 9th week of pregnancy is the third obstetric month. If you look at the weeks, then 57-63 days have passed since conception. Colleagues and friends still do not notice any changes in external signs: the stomach is still too small and easy to hide under clothes. Pregnancy can be guessed from early toxicosis, however, many women do not experience any discomfort in the ninth week of pregnancy.

You should not think that since pregnancy is invisible, you can ignore it: you should start preparing for future motherhood right now. It is especially important to register with antenatal clinic and carefully monitor your condition. It is very interesting for all expectant mothers to find out how the child feels even in the very early stages of pregnancy. In addition, you need to pay attention to some symptoms that may indicate that you need to see a doctor urgently. You can find out everything about what happens at the 9th week of pregnancy from this article.

Fetal development at 9 weeks of gestation. What does the fetus look like?

The weight of the fetus (embryo) at the 9th week of pregnancy is only two grams, and its dimensions are comparable to the size of a cherry seed. Surprisingly, at such an early age, the child already has eyes covered with eyelids, tiny ears and a neck. 9th week of pregnancy - the period when the rudiments are laid hair follicles and milk teeth. The fetus is able to move its arms and legs. It's interesting that upper limbs embryos are formed faster than the lower ones, which is associated with a more developed circulatory system.

The heart is already working and pumping blood, making about 120 beats per minute, the cerebellum and peripheral nerves are being formed. The brain is already divided into two hemispheres, the first convolutions have appeared on the cerebral cortex. The bones become more and more hard.
At the 9th week of pregnancy, the embryo begins to remove the products of its metabolism through the umbilical cord into the mother's blood, and therefore the load on the woman's kidneys increases.

Especially active at the 9th week of pregnancy develops digestive system. The tummy becomes convex and rounded. respiratory system make up several small bronchi.

The child gives signals about what nutrients required at this stage of development. In this regard, at the 9th week of pregnancy, many women change taste preferences and there is a desire to eat products that at first glance seem incompatible with each other. This behavior is often the first signal that pregnancy has occurred.

The membranes between the fingers have already disappeared, and the tail that the embryo had at the 8th week of pregnancy is falling off. The coccyx remains in place of the tail.

Tests at 9 weeks pregnant

Thanks to ultrasound at the 9th week of pregnancy, the doctor can determine the condition of the placenta. Unfortunately, the fetus at this time is still too small and it is almost impossible to find out how its organs develop.

Very often, women are registered exactly at the 9th week of pregnancy. When registering, you will need to pass a lot of tests:

  1. general blood analysis
  2. Analysis of urine
  3. blood test for Rh factor, etc.
  4. fecal analysis
  5. smear

Based on the results of all the above tests, additional tests may be prescribed. Thanks to such a comprehensive examination, it will be possible to assess the state of the mother's body and how the baby develops.

Ultrasound photo at 9 weeks pregnant

9th week of pregnancy - What happens to the placenta?

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the full functioning of a new organ begins: the placenta. Thanks to the placenta, a bond is formed between the body of the mother and the child.

The placenta has two surfaces: fetal and maternal. The fetal surface protects the baby from damage: it is completely covered with amnion, that is, a water membrane. In addition, thanks to the placenta, bacteria and harmful microorganisms do not penetrate into the blood of the baby.

At the 9th week of pregnancy, miscarriages may occur due to impaired functioning of the placenta. This is explained by the fact that it began to work at full capacity by the 7th week of pregnancy. corpus luteum produces less and less hormones. If the placenta has not fully matured by week 9, then it will not be able to perform new functions, while the development of the child may be impaired.

What happens at the 9th week of pregnancy with a woman's body?

At the 9th week of pregnancy, notice that the woman is in " interesting position", almost impossible. The belly is still too small. True, many expectant mothers notice that clothes become cramped around the waist. At the 9th week of pregnancy, the stomach stands out strongly enough only if the birth of twins is expected.

The uterus increases in size slightly, its walls are stretched, but it is almost impossible to feel it. However, at the 9th week of pregnancy, it is worth taking care of the prevention of stretch marks: you need to eat as much food as possible containing vitamins A and E, as well as purchase moisturizing oils and body creams.

Weight at the 9th week of pregnancy does not increase: due to toxicosis, it may even decrease. Toxicosis is expressed in nausea and vomiting. Call discomfort can smell, certain types food and even hot water in the shower. After the symptoms of toxicosis disappear, the weight begins to gradually increase. Usually, toxicosis disappears with the beginning of the second trimester.

At 9 weeks pregnant, a woman may feel constant fatigue, drowsiness. This is due to the fact that the body uses all its resources to maintain a new life. You should not deny yourself rest, however, lying around the clock is not recommended. Physical exercise at the 9th week of pregnancy are useful, but you should not overstrain.

Photo of tummies. Belly at 9 weeks pregnant

Often, expectant mothers are tormented by dizziness that occurs when the head turns sharply or the position of the body changes. For this reason, you should move carefully enough: this will help to avoid losing consciousness.

Many women at the 9th week of pregnancy note an increase in the mammary glands. By week 12, the breast may even increase by one size, and therefore the first stretch marks may appear on it. To avoid stretch marks, it is recommended to wear a special soft bra that can be worn during a night's sleep. The skin around the nipples may darken: you should not be afraid of this.

The hormonal background changes, which affects the condition of the hair and skin. Women at the 9th week of pregnancy may notice the appearance of acne, loss or excessive fat content hair and other unpleasant cosmetic defects. Do not despair and buy expensive funds care: as soon as the hormonal background normalizes, everything will return to normal.

Changing the hormonal background can change not only the appearance, but also the character. At the 9th week of pregnancy, many expectant mothers complain of frequent mood swings: you want to cry, then laugh, for no apparent reason. Do not take sedatives without consulting your doctor. Bring back peace and good mood help herbal teas and fees, as well as a walk in the fresh air or a warm shower.

Discharge at 9 weeks pregnant

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the nature of the discharge from the genital tract changes. This is due to the formation of the placenta and the development of the embryo.

Often in early pregnancy, traces of blood can be seen on underwear. This should not cause alarm: as a rule, blood indicates that the embryo has implanted in the wall of the uterus. However, if spotting is observed too often, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

Normal are transparent or yellowish discharge, not having pungent odor. White discharge that smells bad may indicate infectious disease. Do not self-medicate: many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy. Only a doctor can prescribe a suitable medicine for a pregnant woman.

If a woman's period resumed, this may indicate the termination of pregnancy. At least, this happens in most cases: sometimes they do not stop while carrying a child, but such cases are rather an exception to the rule.

At heavy bleeding should be called ambulance: a similar symptom requires immediate medical attention. Copious excretion blood may indicate a miscarriage.

Congratulations! You are already in your third month of pregnancy! And you are waiting good news- in the third month, the level of your pregnancy hormones in the blood will reach its maximum and it won't get worse for sure.

In the overwhelming majority of women, by the end of the third month (12 weeks of pregnancy), most of the unpleasant physical sensations completely pass, as well as a feeling of constant.

Although the emotional ups and downs, which are typical for the first two months, will still continue. Pregnancy is still outwardly completely invisible, but you may notice that your favorite jeans have become a little tight, your tummy is growing!

What happens at 9 weeks

The body of a woman is imperceptibly, but surely changing. External changes visible only to the woman herself. The chest is poured and it becomes heavy and beautiful, you may notice the appearance of a blue mesh - these are subcutaneous blood vessels, do not be alarmed. But they should be paid attention to those women who have a predisposition to. themselves nipples I can be darker, this is not only the action of hormones, but also the body's concern for your future baby, so it will be easier for him to see the nipple. Where to eat, so to speak.

Your uterus keeps getting bigger, now it is about the size of a grapefruit, and you can already see a small bulge in the lower abdomen, in women who are already pregnant for the first time, this may become noticeable earlier. The level of hormones is steadily growing and the placenta is actively developing.

At the ninth week, a kind of communication between mother and baby begins - the baby's brain can already send signals to mom that inform her about the needs and needs of the child. That is why a pregnant woman may come suddenly or strange desires in the form of food or drink. Listen to yourself.

Well-being of a woman at 9 weeks

Possible physical sensations

  1. Vomiting, nausea, weakness- all this continues into the ninth obstetric week of pregnancy, as the level of pregnancy hormones continues to rise. Let yourself be comforted by the thought that this will soon be over.
  2. The mammary glands continue to grow - your body is preparing to feed the unborn baby.
  3. Some pelvic discomfort- the pregnancy is not yet noticeable, but you may start to feel that something is happening in your tummy. Perhaps it will be a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, perhaps a slight pain with a sharp change in the position of your body. Take care of yourself, do not forget about your current magical state.
  4. Dizziness- intensive work of the body and toxicosis can cause slight dizziness.
  5. Skin and hair may become drier, but rashes may pass and the head can now be washed less often.
  6. The number of urges to urinate will decrease, but due to slowing down of the intestines, there may appear constipation.
  7. maybe color change vaginal secretions they may become yellowish. Read more about the nature of discharge during pregnancy.
  8. vivid dreams. And again, the pregnancy hormones are to blame for everything, they continue to affect you at night during sleep. Usually dreams become more vivid, more emotional and incredibly realistic. Dreams become more and they are better remembered.

Your dreams change as your pregnancy progresses. In the early stages, symbols of fertility are predominantly seen: the sea, the ocean, fish, seeds, all kinds of plants, fruits.

Later, dreams are filled with images of your unborn child, other children, even baby animals. Very often, dreams reflect our daily fears and worries, then a woman may have nightmares that she is not pregnant at all, that something bad happens to the child, he may be born with deviations or, worse, not be born at all.

AT last trimester, as a rule, the closer the day of birth, scary dreams may become more frequent, because the woman's anxiety increases.

Possible emotional experiences

  1. maybe increase in fatigue from the fact that there is no such attention and care you need now, made you suffer, and pregnancy is not yet visible, therefore, relatives and relatives do not show you proper sympathy or do not provide you with the help you need.
  2. Confidence. The fear of miscarriage that haunted you for the first weeks is now slowly but surely weakening. According to doctors - gynecologists, the largest percentage of miscarriages occurs in the first eight weeks of pregnancy. Perhaps you have already gone through this terrible ordeal and now you can breathe a little with relief. It is in the third month that women gain confidence that they will safely give birth to a healthy baby.
  3. Desire to retire. The desire for solitude is absolutely natural for a pregnant woman, especially at the beginning and end of pregnancy, to calm down, sort out the surging feelings, listen to yourself and the new life inside you - this signals that you are ready for your new position and are ready to get to know each other. new life that originated and grows within you. Maybe this is another call - a message from your body: slow down, rest, take a step back and calm your thoughts.
  4. Nervousness. Of course, you have many reasons and reasons to worry and worry during your pregnancy, but you should remember that this only exacerbates the discomfort that you now feel. If before pregnancy you were prone to excessive worries, now this trend will only get worse. The funny thing is that you can worry just because you are too nervous.

Remember one thing - excessive worries provoke the production of stress hormones, and this harms your child and worsens your well-being.

Just think about the fact that millions of women before you have been pregnant, safely carried and given birth to a healthy baby. Your mother, for example.

Reviews of women about 9 weeks

Anastasia: “Toxicosis just got it! When will this all end?! I can’t eat normally, I can’t go somewhere. It exhausts me like that, I have no strength, I come home and lie down, look at the ceiling, even cry. I began to lose weight, the gynecologist was already a little alert. I hope they won’t put me in the hospital, I don’t want to somehow. ”

Sasha: “But it seems to have become easier for me, I’m afraid to rejoice, maybe it seemed. But the tummy is rounded, I walk contentedly. The husband says, do not stick out, there is nothing else to stick out.

Sonya: “Yeah, “class”! You run to the toilet endlessly, and now you sit for hours, never knew what constipation was before, and now even my husband noticed that I began to linger in the toilet. Did she start reading something there, she asks.

margarita: “Oh, girls, but at least I have breasts, that’s joy, I’ll buy at least a normal bra!))) When I’m alone at home, I stand in front of the mirror, I admire!”

Lina: “And I sleep, sleep, sleep ... Just a bear in a den. I can't do anything at home, I can't do anything at home. At home, my mother can still help, but at work I hold on and try my best. Colleagues began to notice that something was wrong with me.

Larisa: “I feel great! Cheerful and fun! The tummy is not yet visible, but the chest - mmm, class! I take the opportunity and flaunt it!”

Fetal development at 9 weeks gestation

Your baby grows and gradually becomes like an adult.

The head is rounded and shaped like an adult's head. There continue to develop parts of the brain and the cerebellum is formed- this is the part of the brain stem that is responsible for the coordination of movements and balance of the body. The cerebellum is located at the back of the skull.

Starts form the pituitary gland(from Latin “process”) is a brain appendage resembling a round formation, it is located in the lower part of the brain in a bone pocket, which is also called the “Turkish saddle”. The pituitary gland is also called the main gland of our body, since it is it that is responsible for the secretion of hormones that stimulate growth, metabolism and reproductive system person;

  • continues to develop nervous system. Nerve knots, cranial and spinal nerves are formed;
  • the back, chest and abdominal cavity add in volume and because of this little heart no longer sticks out in a small tubercle;
  • but heart starts beating and drive blood through the newly formed blood vessels. It makes about 130-160 beats per minute;
  • the kidneys are also included in the work of the tiny organism, which are already able to remove substances unnecessary for the baby;
  • fingers and feet are lengthened, even narrower tiny nails appear, but now they are closer to the palms and feet, and then they will move to the fingers;
  • the face of the child also changes - the oral fissure turns into sponges, the auricles are more clearly formed;
  • so-called "tail" turns into a coccyx.

Photo ultrasound of the fetus

  • How does he sit. You must be 100% comfortable. Immediately when buying a bra, make sure that you are comfortable on the tightest clasp, and that it is freely adjustable, you should not forget that the mammary glands will continue to grow, otherwise you will have to buy underwear several more times. The cup should be loose around the chest, but without wrinkles.
  • Design. It is desirable that it be a bra without wires, as they can squeeze delicate skin and make you uncomfortable. It is better to postpone it and try to put it on two to three months after childbirth, when the breasts get rid of excess fluid. As in the case of panties, it is better to choose cotton fabric, for those reasons that it is more breathable and does not irritate the skin. The lace can scratch and is not as elastic in case of a rush of milk or swelling of the breast.
  • Ribbon. It should confidently, but not much, wrap around your back and chest, without squeezing or puffing anywhere, it should not rise on your back when you change the position of your body.
  • Straps should be wide and soft, easily adjustable, in no case should cut into the shoulders.
  • Night bra. This is a light and elastic bra, usually of a one-piece cut made of natural fabrics, without any fasteners.

Don't forget about vitamin and mineral complexes.

Proper eating and walking in the fresh air is already a classic of the genre for a pregnant woman.

Video about 9 weeks pregnant