Aquamarine properties to whom suits the sign of the zodiac. An overview of the amazing properties of aquamarine stone. Where is the mineral mined?

Precious, romantic, mysterious aquamarine is a stone of mermaids, sailors and travelers.

Today on the pages of the online magazine "" we will tell you everything about this stone: the history and properties, who suits and how to wear aquamarine correctly. So, are you ready?

Main characteristic

Aquamarine is a transparent bluish-green variety of beryl that is a gemstone. Translated from Latin as "sea water". It is called so not by chance, since the colors of the wave are mixed in the mineral: blue and green.

History and meaning of the stone

Aquamarine is considered the guardian of friendly relations. This mineral has a number of features - it does not tolerate deceit, relieves bouts of laziness. It also helps with pain in the stomach and liver. It can also strengthen marital relations.

Aquamarine has an unusual property - it fades in sunlight. The peculiarity of this stone is that when the viewing angle changes, the color of the mineral changes.

Sailors in the Middle Ages revered aquamarine. For them, he was an assistant in naval battles and a protector from seasickness. Today it is especially popular with travelers and tourists.

Aquamarine deposits are numerous. In Russia, it is most often found in the Ural Mountains and Transbaikalia. It is believed that aquamarine of excellent quality and color is mined in Brazil.

The mineral is also found in the USA, India, China, South African countries, Norway, etc. The geography of distribution of the stone is huge. In India, even now, aquamarine is revered, it is believed that it strengthens the spirit and helps to expose deceit.

What varieties of aquamarine exist

Aquamarine is also called "noble beryl". Among the varieties can be distinguished:

  • Blue
  • Blue
  • blue-green mineral

These types of stone do not have special names, but it should be noted that minerals with dark blue color, and with a green tint are valued much lower.

The only type of mineral that should be distinguished is maxis-aquamarine. It received its name from the Brazilian mine of the same name, where the mineral was mined. It had a unique sapphire blue color.

The healing properties of aquamarine

The value of aquamarine today in alternative medicine is simply enormous. It is used for diseases:

  • liver,
  • kidney,
  • spleen,
  • to boost immunity.

This mysterious mineral helps in the fight against bad habits. Aquamarine promotes mental balance and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

It is believed that if you look at this blue mineral for a long time, it relieves eye strain and improves vision.

As noted earlier, aquamarine favors sailors, but it should be noted that it is also used as a remedy for seasickness.

The magical properties of aquamarine

The mysterious aquamarine is considered the stone of the deity of the seas. Sorcerers and magicians often use this mineral to make strong amulets and amulets.

The magical properties of aquamarine help to understand the world around us, to develop inner flair. This gem contributes to the development of intellectual and scientific activity.

The energy of the stone eliminates bad thoughts. Aquamarine "understands" its owner very well. If a person is calm and easy at heart, then the stone has a blue tint.

But if it is painful for the owner of the mineral, then the stone acquires a greenish tint.

Which zodiac signs are suitable for aquamarine

If you choose the right stone, then it can become not only an ornament, but also a strong amulet. Who is aquamarine for?


To Taurus, the sign of the Earth, this blue beryl may seem "foreign." But, it should be noted that it is perfect for those Taurus who are prone to frequent depression.
For a Taurus woman, this mineral can help find her love and calm the passionate ardor inherent in this sign a little.


For Gemini, this stone is dual. On the one hand, it helps to understand the world around us, on the other hand, it makes it difficult to concentrate on really important things.

Aquamarine zodiac sign Cancer can become a real talisman. It will help you gain peace of mind and self-confidence.

Lions almost do not pay attention to aquamarine. But in vain! It is to this sign that the mineral will help to become more reasonable and calmer.


For Libra, aquamarine is considered the best acquisition. It helps to get rid of eternal fluctuations, and direct all energy in the right direction to achieve specific goals.
Aquarius will give inspiration to Aquarius. The mineral helps to find a really right decision, teaches how to properly manage money and smoothes out negative character traits.


And finally, Pisces blue beryl will help relieve irritability and anxiety.

How and with what to wear aquamarine

The stone feels good in settings made of silver, white gold and platinum. Daily wear is not recommended, as aquamarine is a strong energy mineral.

Be sure to pay attention to the owner's zodiac sign, as the mineral can suppress a person, deprive him of vital energy.

It must be stored separately from other types of stones, strictly in the dark so that it does not lose its color.

Finally, an important tip: be careful when buying, as there are often fakes!

Among precious stones, aquamarine is considered one of the most noble and aristocratic minerals. Its pure sky blue hue captivates even the most sophisticated connoisseurs. The color of the stone can vary from bright blue to blue-green, similar to sea waves in calm and calm weather or in the midst of a storm.

Aquamarine is often credited with healing and. In the history of mankind, the owners of the most striking and remarkable representatives of this stone were royal and privileged persons.


The name of the mineral is translated from Latin as sea water, which is directly related to its appearance. Aquamarine is one of the varieties of the natural mineral beryl. Its closest relatives are such precious stones as emerald, ruby ​​or sapphire.

Mostly this stone is loved by the female representatives. It harmonizes perfectly with any skin and eye color, emphasizing their natural natural beauty.. The largest mineral deposits are located in Brazil. In this country, the highest quality and purest stones are mined, which, after proper jewelry processing, are very popular in the market.

Aquamarine has long been considered the stone of sailors., he was taken on a voyage, as, which was supposed to protect against the unpredictability of the elements and make the journey quick and easy. Until the 20th century, this stone symbolized the captain's power on the ship, and it did not matter whether it was a pirate ship or a member of the Royal Navy.

The captain had to carry a ring decorated with aquamarine, which at times he could replace any royal charter or trade permit. Following this tradition, aquamarine jewelry of the time often depicted the sea god Neptune or Poseidon holding a trident.

Photo and meaning for a person

Aquamarine is considered a very durable stone, you need to work hard to leave a scratch on it. Its color can vary from bright blue to completely colorless, depending on the iron content of the mineral. The more this element, the deeper and more saturated the color will be.

Aquamarine has 5 primary colors:

  • Transparent.
  • Light blue.
  • Greenish blue.
  • Dark blue.
  • Blue-green.

Only the depth of color and shades can differ, but the distinctive feature of aquamarine - a slight bluish color, is preserved in each stone. The most valuable in the world jewelry market are aquamarines of rich dark blue color.. They are rarely found in nature and always have a rather impressive size.

Similar specimens can be found in the royal crown of Great Britain, the Louvre houses a bust of Napoleon weighing almost 6 kilograms, made of solid aquamarine, and another notable example is located in the Kremlin Armory, where an aquamarine scepter 30 centimeters long is located, which at one time belonged to the last king of Poland.

Medicinal properties

Quite extensive healing properties are attributed to this stone. In the old days, it was believed that he was able to cure a traveler suffering from seasickness. It was also used to relieve toothaches, in diseases of the pancreas and liver.

Some have argued that this mineral has a restorative effect on human vision. The stone was placed on the eyes of the sleeping person in order to restore their former vigilance.

Aquamarine was recommended for people suffering from various allergic reactions or prone to frequent systemic diseases. It has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism, helps to strengthen the immune system and helps to restore spiritual balance.

Jewelry with this mineral advised to wear to people suffering from mental illness. It is believed that it has a positive effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental state of a person.

magical influence

In addition to healing abilities, strong magical abilities were attributed to the mineral. This is one of the most sought after gems used for crafting and talismans.

  • To a colorless stone attribute the ability to cool too violent passions between lovers, helping them avoid quarrels and open conflicts. The lighter the stone, the more stability and tranquility it will bring to the life of its owner.
  • Aquamarine with a green tint helps a person to concentrate on the tasks at hand, teaches to see the mystical intervention of Providence in everyday life. He is able to direct the energy of the wearer to the fulfillment of his most cherished desires, helps to establish ties with others and make new acquaintances.
  • Blue Gem protects a person from rash acts. Many believe that such a stone is able to recognize lies and negativity from the interlocutor. Next to someone who wants to harm the owner of the jewelry or just fools him, the naturally transparent mineral begins to become cloudy.

It is believed that aquamarine can indicate changes in the weather and a person's mood. Shades from transparent to bright blue indicate goodwill and disposition to communicate with others, and in terms of meteorological terms, clear good weather. And if the stone has changed its color to a more greenish one, the person is angry or upset, and the weather forecast will not be the most rosy.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

  • For Aries Aquamarine is considered an auspicious stone. He will help a man of this sign become an exemplary family man, make him more romantic and caring towards his beloved. And for the Aries woman, the mineral will become an excellent talisman for bringing wealth and monetary luck to life.
  • On passionate and sensual Taurus the stone has a cooling and balancing effect. He helps women curb too violent manifestation of feelings, makes them more reasonable and calm. And for a man, aquamarine will become a reliable amulet against interference in his life by alien negative energy.
  • Aquamarine for Gemini may turn out to be the same double amulet as the zodiac itself. In some cases, it will help them become more open and liberated in communicating with others, and in others, it will make them less impulsive, teach them to correctly assess their life priorities and compare desires with opportunities.
  • For crayfish, whose life is filled with mystical events, this gem will help to come to peace of mind. Cancer women wearing jewelry with this stone will get rid of depression and feelings of fatigue. And for men, it will help stabilize their mood and avoid conflicts in communication with loved ones.
  • lions they do not like aquamarine, and the mineral is not too favorable to them. The stone and the zodiac have completely different energies that do not fit well with each other. The gem will make the Leo even more self-centered, which will hinder their development as a person.
  • But for Libra this stone is strongly recommended by the astrological horoscope. For women who are constantly unable to make a choice, he will help to quickly make the right decision. And it will allow men to avoid unnecessary energy costs, teach them how to correctly calculate their strength.
  • Virgins aquamarine will help to become more self-confident, will feed their energy life balance. For men, an amulet with this gem will contribute to achieving success in work, and women will be kinder to others, help them stop obsessing over other people's shortcomings.
  • In life scorpions the stone will minimize their constant throwing from deaf depression to too bright and impulsive behavior. This crystal will make an excellent love amulet for a Scorpio woman, and a male representative of this sign with this stone will become more circumspect in his relationships with the opposite sex.
  • For Sagittarius aquamarine is neutral. The stone does not have enough energy to influence the character and temperament of the fiery Sagittarius. In rare cases, it can make the representatives of this zodiac softer and more sincere, but everything will depend directly on the person.
  • Capricorn, like Libra, the stone is recommended according to the horoscope. He helps them to succeed in all areas of life, whether it is work, study or love. It will be easier for a Capricorn woman with an aquamarine talisman to come to an understanding with others, and for men, a stone is shown to improve health.
  • For Aquarius aquamarine will become a stone of inspiration. It will strengthen their desire for self-realization in life, will positively affect their creative abilities and help avoid conflicts in relationships with loved ones. For those who do not know how to properly handle money, the stone will help to become more economical and save them from ruin.
  • Fishes Aquamarine love immensely. This mineral is a real medicine for their soul. He helps them in absolutely everything: relieves stress, makes them less irritable, instills a positive attitude towards life. A stone will teach a Pisces woman to listen to intuition, and a man will help in the fulfillment of desires.

The world of gems is an amazing fairy tale that was created in the bowels of the earth. And in this tale, aquamarine plays the role of an unusual hero. You can imagine him as a good fellow who always saves the princess from any adversity.

This stone is a transparent variety of beryl, it has bluish hues and a transparent body. Interestingly, the word "aquamarine" can literally be translated as "sea water", since the gem really resembles a drop of sea water from the Cote d'Azur. Soft bluish tones are a symbol of life itself, because according to science, the first organisms arose in the ocean. Yes, and one of the first acts of the creation of the world by God was the separation of water on earth from water above the earth (that is, clouds).

Therefore, aquamarine probably keeps many secrets and will be useful to a variety of people, regardless of their gender, age and zodiac sign.

7 reasons why you should buy an aquamarine

It is interesting that sailors first spoke about the magical properties of aquamarine. They tried to take this talisman with them and believed that at the moment of danger, he would definitely come to the rescue. Just a gem represents calm, gentle water.

Aquamarine - a stone-talisman of sailors

Aquamarine has long gained popularity as a symbol of transparency, which means honesty. It allows a person to strengthen his moral strength, helps to distinguish lies from the truth, and generally leads to the right, straight roads. But to live honestly and tell the truth is, if you think about it, the need of every person. After all, it is much more difficult to constantly lie and dodge the truth.

That is why, in terms of its magical and healing properties, aquamarine acts as a kind of purifier, and everyone can calm down a little, even if they look at the photo of this stone. And all because it restores both the psychological and physical strength of a person:

  1. First of all, this gem should be paid attention to those who constantly works with people. It’s no secret that sometimes it’s very difficult for us to distinguish lies from the truth. After all, liars can be part-time and excellent artists. And the energy of aquamarine acts as a kind of hypnotist - looking at such a clean, soothing stone, a person with impure thoughts can lose the smooth course of his false thoughts for some time. And then it will not be difficult to expose him.
  2. For the owner himself, this talisman stone can be suitable as an excellent assistant. in meditation and tranquility. Everyone knows that a person can endlessly look at how clean water flows. And of course, this process sets you up for inner silence - a state in which you can not only relax, but even find the answer to a question that has long tormented you.
  3. Newlyweds or spouses for the anniversary of the wedding, you can give exactly aquamarine. The fact is that the gem represents harmony and peace in relationships. It also symbolizes honesty and fidelity, so the husband and wife, whose marriage has developed successfully, will be happy if loved ones emphasize how lucky they are to be together.
  4. In general, the image of water is a natural, natural calm that is not addictive. The contemplation of a pure water stream symbolizes the movement of life itself, the enlightenment of the soul. Everyone knows that amazing, priceless feeling when everything suddenly becomes clear. Moreover, it is surprising that even if something unsightly comes to the surface, it is still much better than remaining in the dark. Aquamarine will help deal with complex problems and find the right solution.
  5. Since the talisman symbolizes purity, transparency, it works well as a cleanser. stone helps restore the liver and other digestive organs, rids the blood of toxins, thereby normalizing pressure.
  6. But this gem works especially well to the nervous system and mental processes. The stone contributes to better memorization, it helps to concentrate on the most important and discard vain unnecessary experiences.
  7. It is also believed that aquamarine is useful to wear in necklaces, because it has a good effect. to the thyroid gland. And with it, the gem has a beneficial effect on the entire hormonal background of the body.

Aquamarine stone (photo)


The stone has a good effect on visual acuity. If a person spends a lot of time at the computer, it is useful for him to take advantage of this particular healing property of aquamarine. You can simply relax your eyes, taking small breaks and peering intently at the surface of the stone. And at the end of a hard day, just sit down, relax, look at your talisman and imagine the vast expanses of the majestic ocean. Restoration of vision and relaxation of the psyche are guaranteed.

Stone according to the sign of the zodiac: who suits aquamarine

Choosing a stone according to a person's horoscope, you can pay attention to the combination of the elements and energy of the stone. Often this is not so easy to do, but in the case of such a talisman stone as aquamarine, the picture is extremely clear: the gem is perfect, first of all, for the water signs of the zodiac. And the general picture of compatibility looks like this:

  1. For, and scorpions, the stone will serve as a kind of psychotherapist: aquamarine, like no other gem, can very quickly stabilize the emotional state. It's no secret that sentimental fish, shy crayfish and overly emotional literally let everything pass through them. These are people about whom they say: with a fine nervous organization. And indeed: others may not notice anything at all, but real passions rage inside them. In addition, representatives of the elements of water tend to more often hide their true attitude to what is happening. And aquamarine will just help in tense moments, when you really want to say everything out loud, but you obviously shouldn’t do this.
  2. For the stone will serve as an indispensable source of inspiration. This sign of the zodiac is distinguished by a special eccentricity - it is sometimes very difficult for others to understand the true intentions of Aquarius, and he himself can also suffer from this. Aquamarine helps to tune in to a certain faceless, philosophical wave, with extremely general views, an impartial analysis of events and a slightly detached attitude to being. In order to tune in to such vibrations, it is better to get yourself a faithful ally who will take on all the negative, irrational energy.
  3. As for the other two air signs of the zodiac - and scales, then we can say that the stone will also bring a lot of benefits to them, you just need to work a little on yourself and tune in correctly. The fact is that the gem disposes people to communicate, sets them on a wave of curiosity, which can turn into a real sea of ​​​​contacts, friends, which in itself is not bad. However, such active signs of the zodiac should not get too carried away with such phenomena - after all, it is much better for both twins to learn to concentrate and make the right decision. It is no secret that these people quite often hesitate, not knowing how best to proceed. The energy of aquamarine will just help you tune in to clarity and bring the long-awaited order to your affairs.
  4. In relation to other signs of the zodiac, it can be said that the stone as a whole has a neutral effect. However, it will be very useful. True, they most often look at brighter gems, but in fact, aquamarine also deserves attention. The stone contributes to the normalization of relations due to the fact that it dispels the thoughts of the lions about themselves, which sometimes take up too much of their time. It's no secret that a lion can take care of himself so much that it even prevents him from relaxing. Aquamarine will become a reliable assistant and relieve stress.

Who better to refrain from buying aquamarine

Strictly speaking, there are no signs of the zodiac who could be negatively affected by aquamarine. However, when wondering who the stone suits according to the horoscope, it is also important to keep in mind that even neutral aquamarine can affect different people differently. For example, for the earthly signs of the zodiac (taurus, capricorn and virgo), this gem may seem too airy, as if unreliable, non-specific.

If they catch themselves thinking like this, or if they just don't like the cool color scheme, it's better to look at other gems. Indeed, aquamarine is more focused on the development of thinking, a philosophical outlook on life, which is distinguished by its abstraction from the hustle and bustle of being. And for practical earthly signs, such energy may not without reason seem alien, because they tend to most often think about specific, useful things. However, if a person feels a lack of spiritual development and is already tired of solving small, insignificant tasks, he should choose this particular talisman.

Stone by name: how to make the right choice

The name is a very important indicator, so when choosing a stone, it is important to clarify not only who it suits according to the zodiac sign, but also how aquamarine correlates with names. In general, a stone can benefit a variety of people, and of course, there are no such names that the gem would categorically not correspond to. However, it will bring the greatest benefit to such representatives:

  • Vera;
  • Lydia
  • Snezhana.

And finally: how to enhance the beneficial effects of the stone

And a few more interesting, practical tips that will help you get the most out of the talisman. It is important to understand that stones interact with each other and external factors in different ways. They, too, can get "tired" and require recharging. In the case of aquamarine, it is better not to forget about such nuances:

  1. Better prevent overheating stone in the sun. In bright, sunny weather, it can be stored in soft velvet, microfiber or velor bags.
  2. There is a whole system of wearing rules aquamarine rings: if you want protection from diseases, it is best to wear it on the little finger, if career growth - on the index finger, and if you want to strengthen relationships with loved ones - then on the ring finger (on any hand).
  3. In the case of insomnia, diseases of the eyes or thyroid gland, it is better to wear a stone closer to the corresponding places - on earrings or necklace.
  4. Finally, there is one more feature: the richer the color of the stone, the stronger its energy. When choosing your talisman, it is best to trust your inner voice - it is he who can best tell you what you need at a particular stage of life.

The symbol of water, the personification of life itself, the stone that you want to look at endlessly - all this is it, crystal clear aquamarine.

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Aquamarine stone is an amazing mineral, a bewitching multifaceted palette gave the name - sea wave. This is one of the types of beryl, color shades are found in pale cornflower blue, bright azure, deep blue, sometimes mistaken for or. The magical properties of aquamarine have been used for centuries, it was believed that the whole element of water is enclosed in an amazing stone.

Sky blue, turquoise aquamarine color was considered the patron saint of sailors, the talisman protected from the violent temper of the sea, helped to successfully complete long trips. Myths and legends are inextricably linked with the water element, this is the gift of Poseidon, which connected the expanse of the sea and the boundlessness of the sky. Duality is the main mystery of the mineral, it changes color depending on the angle of inclination.

In jewelry art, it was used to create jewelry, as well as figurines; it was this gem that adorned the crowns of rulers. Monarchs appreciated the beauty of the stone at all times, famous masterpieces are the Faberge Easter egg, as well as the parure of the Queen of England, the scepter of the Polish king, and a six-kilogram bust of Napoleon. In addition to aesthetic purposes, it was used as the basis for creating lenses for prototypes of modern glasses.

The most valuable specimens are blue, the extraction of which is concentrated in Brazil. Prices for green and azure are slightly lower, but the minerals found are also widely used for jewelry.

Many medallions with the image of the rulers in this stone have been preserved, it was believed that the prisoner face made the owner immortal.

Physical Properties

What is this "water" stone? This is a transparent mineral, part of a rock, based on a crystalline system, one of the types of the beryl family. Mineral deposits are located all over the planet, in the Urals a gem weighing 82 kg was found, in Brazil there is more than a record holder of 100 kg. The geography of deposits covers the extreme points of the Earth - the USA, Ukraine, India, Australia.

Depending on the location, the color scheme changes, in the south of the Urals green specimens are more often found, in South America - a deep blue hue. In addition to the presence of iron in the composition, unique combinations are due to the content of inclusions of lithium, potassium, vanadium. Rays depart from the axis creating the effect of rain, it is by these needle-shaped cavities that aquamarine can be distinguished from other representatives of the beryl family.

"Aqua" - water, "morin" - the sea, as the name implies. How did it come about? According to legend, the scientist Boethius de Bot from Belgium mistook a piece of stone for a drop of hardened sea water and therefore gave this name in 1609.
"Water of the sea" looks discreet, the color is shallow, blurry. But this is only at first glance. In fact, the crystals are transparent, blue in color with shades from green to blue, like sea water.

Aquamarine raw

Physical characteristic

The mineral is a variety of beryl, has an elongated prismatic form of crystals, the color is blue or bluish-green, transparent or translucent with a vitreous luster, brittle, uneven fracture. Changes hue depending on the angle at which the light falls on it.
Density on the Mohs scale - 7.5-8.0
Density - 2.8 g / cm3

From the history

The radiance of the mineral has been appreciated since ancient times, it has been honored since ancient times, it was revered in ancient Egypt, in the East, in ancient Rome. Among the Sumerians and Egyptians, the gem was a symbol of happiness and eternal youth.
The ancient Romans and Greeks on the aquamarine stone applied images of the gods of the sea - Neptune and Triton.
In the crown of Great Britain, it symbolizes the country's ownership of the seas; it is one of the largest faceted aquamarines, 920 carats. The scepter of the Polish autocrat is completely made of aquamarine and is currently kept in Moscow in the Armory.
Aquamarine weighing 82 kilograms was found in 1796 in Transbaikalia, an even larger one - 110 kg, 48.5 cm long was mined in Brazil, part of the stone is currently in the New York Museum, faceted stones are made from the rest of the mineral excellent quality.
In Faberge's Easter "egg", presented in 1891 to Alexander III, a plate imitating the sea is made of aquamarine, on which a model of a cruiser is fixed.

Color and types of aquamarine

The gem is called "noble beryl", its color, depending on the degree of iron ion content, can be from pale green to dark blue.
From the sun's rays, the mineral turns pale.
The gem resembles beryls (they acquire a persistent blue color when heated from four hundred to five hundred degrees Celsius), and it is also difficult to distinguish it from natural blue topaz and synthetic quartz.
It is not customary to synthesize a mineral for jewelry purposes, although such a technology exists, it is simply unprofitable.

There are quite a lot of deposits of this gem all over the world. Gems mined in the Urals and Transbaikal are famous - they have blue hues, and in Brazil they have unusual sapphire-blue colors (maxix-aquamarines named after the Maxix mine).

The magical properties of aquamarine stone

First of all, the stone gives protection from all the troubles that are possible at sea. This is a talisman for everyone whose activities are related to water and the fleet. The gem has long been a symbol of sailors and naval commanders.
In addition, it is a symbol of friendship and courage. It is believed that the stone changes color depending on the mood of the owner or the weather. Pure blue means that the owner's mood is good, as is the weather. If a person is seized by melancholy or anxiety, and the weather deteriorates, then the mineral becomes cloudier and greener, like the sea before a storm.
As a talisman, it is worth paying attention to this gem for travelers and just lovers of active spending time, it will give them prudence, protect them from unfriendly people.
The magical properties of the stone in Tibetan and Mongolian medicine are its contribution to relieving nervous tension, strengthening spirituality and prudence, it extinguishes irritation and anger, relieves fears.
As an amulet, the gem will bring a happy family life.

Aquamarine stone: healing properties

According to lithotherapists, aquamarine is characterized by Yin energy, which will strengthen the protective abilities of a person, especially affecting the thyroid gland. The mineral helps to alleviate allergies, relieves toothache, and also helps with skin and lung diseases, has a beneficial effect on the stomach and liver.
Since ancient times, the mineral has been used to improve vision.
And, of course, it is believed that aquamarine helps to get rid of seasickness.
Wearing an aquamarine ring on the ring finger helps to build relationships with loved ones, on the little finger - protection against diseases, on the index finger - help in career growth.
Any metal is suitable as a frame for the mineral.
Be careful when pairing aquamarine with other gems. It is necessary to choose less energetically strong and non-capricious, for example, well suited as a combination - cubic zirconia.

Who suits aquamarine according to the signs of the zodiac

It is believed that "sea water" is suitable for all signs of the Water element:,. But, according to the famous gem expert Jasper Stone, this gem is an amulet for the sign of the Zodiac, he also points out that in the Middle Ages it was a stone. It is recommended, in his opinion, it is for and, but you can’t wear it and.
According to many astrologers, this gem is not suitable for this, because the representatives of this sign are very stubborn and energetic, and aquamarine will simply close its energy from them. For representatives of the Air element of the zodiac signs, this mineral can be worn in jewelry, but only sometimes.

Stone cost

The price is influenced by such parameters as: color, transparency and weight. The most expensive stone is blue, with a minimum number of cracks and inclusions, weighing more than ten carats. The cut also affects the cost. For high-quality gems, step, emerald or brilliant cuts are used. For inexpensive stones, the cabochon technique is used, rarely the flat section technique.

Aquamarine is not a fake stone, but you need to be able to distinguish it from blue spinel and blue topaz. Blue spinel has very small gaseous inclusions (similar to bubbles). “Chrysanthemums” or “snow signs” are white inclusions in the mineral, it is by these inclusions that a close examination can distinguish aquamarine from topaz.
Aquamarine differs from glass stone in its ability to change shades depending on the lighting and things that are nearby. Glass does not have such a “chameleon” effect.
Care for aquamarine should be as follows: make sure that the product with the stone does not hit or scratch, because the mineral is quite fragile. Wash without chemicals, do not leave in the sun.