Blood test for urea in pregnant women. Elevated creatinine during pregnancy. Normal creatinine levels

Creatinine is “born” when protein compounds are broken down and energy is released. This most often happens during the digestion of food, during physical work, in which the muscles are always involved.

After its "birth", creatinine enters the bloodstream, and the latter delivers it to the kidneys. There it is filtered and then leaves the body with urine.

Doctors, relying on data on the level of creatinine in the blood, learn about the metabolism of protein and the state of the kidneys in the patient. With its help, many diseases can be detected in the early stages.

Allowable creatinine rate

The permissible creatinine rate depends on gender, age, lifestyle, level of physical activity and hormonal processes, constitution human body... In a healthy body, the concentration of the metabolite in the blood remains stable around the clock, rising only slightly when the muscles contract. Sharp jumps creatinine is a sign of severe kidney disease.

Low creatinine - causes

A low concentration of creatinine in the blood (hypocreatinemia) is very rare. This is a sign of problems with protein metabolism throughout the body or only in one muscle tissue.

Renal dysfunction does not have a particular effect on the concentration of this metabolite in the blood. Here the problem is different: the body's protein resources accumulated in the muscles are depleted.

By itself, low creatinine does not belong to diseases, it does not need to be treated. There are many factors that reduce its concentration, and they can be different for men and women. Here are the common reasons for its decline for both sexes:

  • "Rational" depletion due to low-protein plant-based vegetarian or vegan diets;
  • therapeutic fasting;
  • pathological exhaustion (cachexia) caused by chronic diseases internal organs;
  • decrease in muscle mass due to insufficient physical activity;
  • the occurrence of muscle atrophy with the onset of old age;
  • long-term glucocorticosteroid pharmacotherapy, which doctors attribute to for allergies and rheumatism;
  • thermal (final) stage of oncological diseases;
  • edematous phenomena;
  • dehydration (severe dehydration of the body);
  • lack of antidiuretic hormone due to dehydration;
  • severe infectious diseases, which are often accompanied by serious problems with the supply of blood to the kidneys.

Hypocreatinemia can also be caused by prolonged bed rest due to serious diseases cardiovascular system (stroke, myocardial infarction, acute heart failure) or immobilization caused by bone fractures and paralysis of the limbs.

Plays its part and psychological factor... So, creatinine in the blood decreases in shock conditions, severe stress and psychological trauma.

Gender-Specific Causes of Low Creatinine

The female body differs from the male in the presence of estrogens, a more fragile constitution, and a slower assimilation of proteins. In addition, women are usually less active than men, doing less hard work. Therefore, their blood creatinine is lowered more often. Specific factors that lead to this include:

  • First trimester (first three months) of pregnancy. It happens that it goes down in the second trimester.
  • Severe cases of anorexia, when a woman loses more than 30% normal weight your body.

In men decreased creatinine occurs less frequently than in women, which is due to better muscle development, faster assimilation of proteins, the presence of the male hormone testosterone, and most importantly, greater physical activity. Usually creatinine in men falls due to:

  • chronic severe liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, atrophic processes);
  • problems with blood flow to the liver;
  • problems with the blood supply to the kidneys;
  • obstruction of the urinary tract (stones, neoplasms);
  • Duchenne and Becker diseases, which cause muscular dystrophy. These diseases are usually not caused by lifestyle or poor ecology and are inherited exclusively.

How to raise

It is not difficult to increase the concentration of creatinine in the blood. To do this, you just need:

  • increase physical activity to build muscle, but at the same time try not to overstrain the body;
  • observe a sleep schedule - sleep for at least 7 hours, try not to go to bed too late;
  • change your diet: eat more foods rich in protein. These include fish, meat, milk, pasta, nuts and rice;
  • drink more water(at least 1.5 liters in one day);
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes to replenish the lack of protein.

When to get tested for creatinine

Doctors are referred for this analysis if the patient has:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • renal failure;
  • sepsis (blood poisoning);
  • shock states.

This test should be given to patients before dialysis (blood purification in renal failure) and kidney sampling.

All those admitted to the intensive care and intensive care unit are also tested for their creatinine levels.

Before surrender you need:

  • do not physically overstrain your body for several days;
  • limit the intake of protein foods, a day before delivery, eat a maximum of 200 grams of meat or fish products;
  • do not drink coffee and alcohol;
  • drink enough water (at least one and a half liters per day).

A low level of creatinine in the blood may not mean anything or be a harbinger and a sign of serious illness. It is up to the doctor to determine the reasons for its decrease. If it is not caused by diseases, then return normal level of this metabolite in the blood is not at all difficult. You need to exercise more, get enough sleep, eat well and with creatinine everything will be fine again.


Useful information. Thanks.

son 2g. moved back acute pancreatitis... With necrosis. Four months glibomed 2 tons per day. creatinine 30. The doctor says everything is fine, you can continue to be treated. Sugar decreased from 11 to 7 -6 units.

How to raise blood creatinine if it is lowered during pregnancy

What to do if creatinine in the blood is lowered during pregnancy, why can the level of the substance decrease? Creatinine is a metabolic product that appears as a result of natural metabolic processes. It is synthesized from the molecules of the substance creatine, which, in turn, plays key role in the normal functioning of muscles: with the help of creatine, the main processes of tissue energy exchange take place. Creatinine appears when proteins are broken down in the process of vital activity and energy is released from them (during the digestion of food, physical labor, etc.), "Waste" creatinine enters the kidneys and is excreted along with urine. By analyzing its concentration, it is possible to determine the presence of various pathologies on early stages and make a judgment about the state of health in general.

Common Causes of Falling Concentration

Decreased creatinine levels are relatively rare and are called hypocreatinemia. This symptom indicates the presence of certain problems with protein metabolism - either throughout the body or in a separate tissue area. Kidney disorders have no significant effect on creatinine; the essence of the problem lies not in their work, but in the depletion of the protein reserves accumulated by the tissues.

But there are also some common reasons:

  • following low-protein diets, including vegan / vegetarian;
  • fasting treatment;
  • exhaustion, which has arisen against the background of chronic diseases;
  • a decrease in muscle mass and volume, which is often observed in people with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • long-term treatment with glucocorticosteroids used in the treatment of rheumatism and allergic reactions;
  • the final stages of cancer pathologies;
  • swelling;
  • dehydration of the body and the deficiency of antidiuretic hormone caused by it;
  • infectious lesions, accompanied by impaired blood flow in the kidneys.

Other reasons include long-term adherence to bed rest during the recovery period from illness and injury. Not only physical influences, but also stress, shock, emotional and psychological overstrain have a lowering effect.

Norms for women

The level of the substance depends on many factors: the gender of the patient / patient, age, kidney condition and general health person.

In determining the indicators of the norm, doctors are guided by the following figures:

  • for girls up to a month, the content in the range from 18 to 88 μmol of the metabolite per liter of blood is characteristic;
  • from one month to one year - from 18 to 35 μmol;
  • from one to 12 years - within µmol;
  • in adolescent girls - from 44 to 88 μmol;
  • from 17 and further - in the range from 58 to 96 μmol;
  • elderly women 60 and older - from 53 to 106 μmol.

The exact causes of the drop in creatinine in women are difficult to determine.

Among the influencing factors:

  1. Lack of body weight.
  2. Taking glucocorticosteroids.
  3. Strict diets.
  4. Pregnancy.

A slight decrease in creatinine (up to the level of ummoles) during the period of gestation is completely normal. This is primarily due to the fact that the body of the expectant mother is forced to work "for two", the total volume of blood grows, the load on the internal organs, including the kidneys, increases.

How to raise creatinine and keep it normal?

To normalize the lowered level of the substance, the expectant mother must adhere to a number of rules and recommendations:

  • You can not go on rigid diets. Nutrition should be balanced and healthy.
  • A woman should get enough sleep and have a good rest, going to bed on time.
  • To support muscles and general tone, either do simple exercises, or take regular walks. An important component of therapy is the maintenance of muscle mass, and even its gradual build-up.
  • If there is no objection from the attending physician, you can take a course of vitamin preparations.

The diet should include protein-rich foods to compensate for the lack of it in the body:

It should be remembered that low creatinine can be caused, among other things, by some pathological processes (heart problems, liver cirrhosis, cancerous tumors, various kidney diseases and hormonal disorders).

The rate and reasons for a decrease in creatinine in the blood

If you want to know about what creatinine is in a biochemical blood test, for what reasons it can be lowered and whether it is normal for a pregnant woman to have low levels, read below.

Creatinine is a product of one of the biochemical breakdown reactions that take place in tissues. A certain concentration of it constantly circulates in the blood, which is used to diagnose human health through the analysis of creatinine in the blood.

The creatinine test is used in medical practice to assess the performance of the kidneys and skeletal muscles.

How is creatinine formed?

The appearance of this compound is associated with metabolic processes in muscle tissue. Reducing them requires a lot of energy. The main source of energy in the body is ATP (adenositriphosphate). The main supplier of ATP to muscles, creatine phosphate, is formed in the liver, then it is sent to muscle tissue and, under the action of an enzyme, breaks down into ATP and creatinine.

ATP is used for its intended purpose, for the formation of energy. Creatinine, on the other hand, is a by-product, which, moreover, in high concentrations has on the body. harmful effect... In the body, an important task is to eliminate this compound so that an increase in creatinine is not created. This is what the kidneys do, as creatinine leaves the body with urine.

Disruption of creatine metabolism can be associated with its production, transportation and disposal.

The rate of creatinine in the blood

In order to be able to evaluate the obtained blood test results, it is necessary to have the so-called ideal values ​​of the creatinine content in the bloodstream.

Since people of different genders and ages obviously have different muscle mass and load, the rate of creatinine in the blood in men, women and children will differ.

In general, the reference values ​​of creatinine are the greater, the more a person has the following factors:

  • large muscle mass;
  • a large number of physical activity;
  • fast metabolic process;
  • excess meat products in the diet.

The rate of creatinine in the blood test in women and adolescents is influenced by the state of the hormonal system.

The norms of creatinine in the blood in adult men are µmol per liter of blood. If a man, while exercising in the gym, uses additional creatine, this must be reported to the doctor or laboratory assistant when donating blood.

In women, the level of creatinine in the blood is slightly lower and amounts to µmol / l. Children school age who have not yet reached the transitional age have creatinine mol / l values. In general, the level of this substance in children's body is largely determined by a specific age:

  • During the period with high activity of muscle mass growth, there is a quite logical increase in creatinine in the blood, which is not associated with any diseases.
  • Newborns have high creatinine tolerance values ​​comparable to adult males - µmol / L. Indeed, in the process of childbirth, the child experiences no less physical activity than mother.

The influence of other factors on the analysis result, such as laboratory error, deficiency or excess weight, is also possible.

How to get tested for creatinine?

In order to get a reliable picture of the state of creatinine in the blood, it is necessary to pass an analysis, adhering to the basic rules:

  1. Donate blood on an empty stomach, that is, at least 12 hours should have passed since the last meal.
  2. Donate blood in the morning.
  3. Avoid physical exertion and emotional stress before donating blood.
  4. Do not drink alcohol one day before going to a medical facility.

Low level

Most often, doctors focus on the overestimated concentration of creatinine in the bloodstream, this result is more common. However, the opposite phenomenon - a low rate, can also tell the doctor what disorders are occurring in the body.

Almost all causes of low blood creatinine are associated with wasting the body, while high creatinine indicates kidney problems. At low rates, kidney function may be completely normal.

The consequence of depletion is a lack of energy entering the body from the outside. As a result, it is necessary to spend already existing reserves, the largest amount of which is located in the muscles.

More specific causes of low blood creatinine levels are as follows:

  • extreme exhaustion (cachexia), which occurs against the background of food shortages or chronic diseases;
  • adherence to vegetarian or strict diets;
  • inadequacy of nutrition to physical activity, which is usually manifested by weight loss;
  • amyotrophy;
  • taking certain medications (glucocorticoids);
  • pregnancy.

It is worth dwelling on the last point separately. Low creatinine during pregnancy in the range of µmol / l is not a deviation from the norm. Even if your creatinine tests were perfect or too high before pregnancy, they will drop somewhat early in your pregnancy.

Firstly, this is due to the fact that the expectant mother has a significant increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body, while the level of creatinine produced does not change.

Secondly, the kidneys of a pregnant woman begin to work hard, and it is they who are involved in the excretion of creatinine. Many women themselves may notice that their need to visit the toilet increases significantly during the first and second trimester. With each urination, creatinine is removed from the body.

A decrease in blood creatinine is not in itself an abnormality. Creatinine shows that in the body, for some reason, there is a restructuring or lack of energy resource... The result of the analysis itself is only an indicator of an existing problem, which does not require special treatment.

Leave comments if you have any questions or have additions on the topic of creatinine deviation in the blood test.

  • Urinalysis (46)
  • Biochemical blood test (82)
    • Protein (26)
    • Ionogram (19)
    • Lipidogram (20)
    • Enzymes (13)
  • Hormones (29)
    • Pituitary (6)
    • Thyroid (23)
  • Complete blood count (82)
    • Hemoglobin (14)
    • Leukocyte formula (12)
    • Leukocytes (9)
    • Lymphocytes (6)
    • General (8)
    • ESR (9)
    • Platelets (10)
    • Red blood cells (8)

The pituitary hormone prolactin plays a key role in female body... He is not only responsible for the breastfeeding process, but also directly.

Hyperprolactinemia, or an excess of prolactin in women, is a deviation that individual cases requires immediate intervention. If raising the level of the given.

Prolactin is one of the main female hormones that regulate the functioning of the reproductive system. But its most important function is to provide.

What is prolactin in women? It is a hormonal component, the main task of which is to stimulate the production of breast milk... Hence, it contributes.

Taking a test to determine the concentration of prolactin in a woman's body is a very important procedure. It helps to detect abnormalities in the work of the reproductive organs.

Cancer of various types today is one of the most severe and bitter diseases of our century. Cancer cells can long time don't give o.

Blood is the most important component of a living organism; it is a liquid tissue consisting of plasma and corpuscles. Shaped elements are understood.

Poikilocytosis is a condition or disease of the blood in which the shape of erythrocytes changes or deforms to one degree or another. Red blood cells are responsible.

Science has been researching human blood for a long time. Today, in any modern clinic, according to the results of a blood test, it is possible to identify the general condition of the body that is available.

A blood test can give, if not complete, then a sufficient amount of information about the state of health of the body. Therefore, it is very important to pass it correctly, because even a small one.

Looking at the results of a general blood test, any experienced doctor will be able to preliminarily assess the patient's condition. ESR is an abbreviation for sedimentation rate.

Decreased blood creatinine: causes in women, men and children

A decrease in creatinine in the blood cannot be ignored, because creatinine can be safely called one of the factors that determine the functioning of the kidneys. The level of this substance in the blood shows how well the kidneys function and whether there are any disorders in their work.

The following factors influence the level of creatinine in human blood:

The general condition of all muscle groups of the patient.

The activity of the excretory function of the kidneys.

The greatest value of the creatinine level is observed in the human muscular system. Although some of it is found even in the brain.

What it is?

Creatinine is the result of muscle metabolism. Its main percentage occurs in the muscles, released during the breakdown of protein compounds. The next item is the kidneys, in which creatinine is filtered. Almost all of it leaves the body along with urine.

Due to the constancy of the muscle mass of a person during the day, the amount of substance in the blood practically does not change.

There are cases when the amount of creatinine, on the contrary, decreases for some reason. To understand the essence of the current situation, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

The norm of creatinine levels and the reasons for the decrease

Pregnant woman

For women, the normal value is the value of mol / l. While pregnant, the patient should be tested to check the level of creatinine in the blood. This will help the specialist assess the patient's kidney function.

Creatinine during pregnancy is often lowered to digitsmol / l, which is a normal variant. This deviation from the usual values ​​is due to a significantly increased blood volume and increased kidney function.

Weight gain will help to improve the position and raise the results in the analysis and increase the concentration of creatinine to the values ​​recommended for the duration of pregnancy.

In children

In children, the normal level of a substance in the blood varies depending on age and degree of growth. The greatest value (as in an adult) is observed in the first two weeks of life, which is explained by a serious load on the body at the time of birth.

Creatinine is a by-product of muscle contraction. If a child's creatinine is low, attention should be paid to his muscle mass. Any disease associated with a sharp decrease in muscle volume involves a decrease in blood creatinine.

Among women

The level of the substance in the blood in women is directly related to age and kidney activity.

The use of glucocorticoid hormones;

In men

The difficult work of the kidneys is complicated by the non-stop production of creatinine. In males, the amount of this substance fluctuates due to age, nutrition, muscle mass. Since men have more developed muscles than women, their creatinine is normally higher.

In order for the test results to be as truthful as possible, you must start preparing for them in advance:

Visit the laboratory on an empty stomach, in the afternoon.

Eliminate protein-rich foods the day before the visit to the laboratory.

At the same time, stop drinking coffee, strong tea.

Minimize muscle loads, try to prevent hypothermia or overheating (before taking blood).

The norm of a substance in the blood in men is as follows:

In men, the indicators are slightly higher, which is explained by a different way of life, physical activity, and other work of the body. Age, the state of muscle mass, the use of doping drugs play a role.

In men, a decrease in blood creatinine occurs for the following reasons:

Loss of muscle mass as a result of illness.

Compliance with a low-protein diet.

disturbances in the work of the kidneys.

Deterioration of blood supply to the kidneys.

obstruction (blockage) urinary tract.

Common Causes

In medical practice low level Serum creatinine is rare. Basically, the reasons for deviations from the norm are the gestational period or age. However, do not forget about the very general reasons typical for both sexes:

Muscular dystrophy, trauma.

Deterioration of the liver, severe pathological changes in its tissue.

Protein-free diet, vegetarianism, fasting.

Heart problems, failure.

Oncology, any pathology of an infectious nature that impairs the blood supply to the kidneys.

The use of corticosteroid medications.

Dehydration, lack of vasopressin.

More research should be done to establish the exact reason why blood creatinine is low.

Increasing values

Having established the cause of the pathology, the patient asks the question: how to increase the level of a substance in the blood? Depending on the diagnosis and the reasons for the deterioration of the condition, a set of measures is used to increase the level of creatinine. The main solution to the problem is gaining muscle mass.

The next step is giving up all kinds of diets and eating foods with a high protein content (nuts, meat, fish, seafood). It is recommended to take vitamins that can improve the general condition of the body.

If a medical condition is the cause of the low creatinine in the blood, the main method is to provide appropriate therapy.

The rate of urea and creatinine in pregnant women, the causes of deviations

As part of a biochemical blood test, urea and creatinine are studied for approximately the same purpose - to determine the excretory function of the kidneys. These compounds are even formed during similar processes - urea is the end product of protein breakdown, creatinine is synthesized in muscle tissue also from nitrogen-containing substances. Often these two indicators are combined under the general name "blood nitrogen".

The norm of urea in a woman before pregnancy is approximately 4.5 mmol / l, creatinine - 73 μmol / l. When carrying a child, these values ​​gradually decrease, but very slightly - before childbirth (when the difference is most striking), the urea level is 4.0 mmol / l. The drop in creatinine is more significant - up to 47 μmol / l.

Why does “blood nitrogen” change in pregnant women?

A decrease in the amount of nitrogenous substances in the blood of pregnant women is due to the fact that the processes of protein synthesis (the formation of new fetal tissues) in them exceed the rate of its decay. In addition, in the case of creatinine, its formation is strongly dependent on physical activity and muscle work. Under the normal daily routine of a woman in a position, her muscle work is at a lower level, this explains the decrease in the level this indicator blood in pregnant women.

An increase in the level of urea and creatinine often occurs simultaneously (doctors in this case speak of increased blood nitrogen or azotemia). In pregnant women, this is often caused by kidney damage during gestosis and eclampsia. Also, the cause of this condition may be an improper diet of a pregnant woman (consumption of large amounts of protein foods), glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis disease, tumors of the kidneys and urinary tract.

In addition, in a number of conditions, an individual increase in the level of creatinine is possible - the amount of urea remains normal or increases very slightly. This phenomenon accompanies a number of endocrine pathologies - diabetes, increased activity thyroid gland(hyperthyroidism) and the pituitary gland (acromegaly). A lot of creatinine enters the bloodstream during the breakdown of muscle tissue, so its increase can be caused by massive injuries or muscular dystrophies.

Various types of kidney damage often become a complication of the course of pregnancy - old chronic diseases can be aggravated and aggravated, or new ones can arise. This poses a threat to the health of the expectant mother and child, so doctors closely monitor the indicators of the amount of nitrogen in the blood - urea and creatinine.

If creatinine is low in blood - what does it mean?

Biochemical analysis of urine and blood for creatinine levels is a common medical research, which allows doctors to judge the general state of health of a person and individual organs: if creatinine is lowered or increased, then certain metabolic processes in the patient's body do not occur correctly.

Changes in creatinine levels can be triggered by a variety of reasons, from malnutrition to muscle tissue atrophy.

Deciphering creatinine test results is not an easy task, even for a professional doctor.

What is creatinine?

Creatinine is a special molecular compound that is formed in muscle tissue.

With food, various nutrients enter the body, which perform various functions in the human body.

Protein food ( meat products, legumes, nuts) - the main building material for muscle mass and a source of energy. Proteins are broken down into amino acids and sent to the kidneys and liver.

It is creatine phosphate that is the main source of muscle strength: as a result of the breakdown of this compound, a large amount of energy and a by-product, creatinine, are formed. Due to the energy received, muscle contraction occurs, and creatinine is simply excreted into the blood.

Since no further useful function for the body, creatinine does not perform, it is filtered in the kidneys and excreted along with the urine.

Muscle contractions occur in the body constantly and, accordingly, creatinine is constantly formed.

That is why the concentration of this substance in the blood and urine makes it possible to judge the quality of the kidneys: if the correct filtration is impaired, then creatinine in the blood accumulates and the analysis gives an excess of the permissible norm.

The reasons for low creatinine are often triggered by the process of its formation: insufficient production of this substance indicates reduced muscle activity.

How is the analysis going?

You can test the level of creatinine in the body using a blood test and urinalysis. Blood for analysis is taken from a vein, preferably on an empty stomach.

No special preparation is required for biomaterial sampling. It is recommended to follow a moderate diet for 1-2 days before the analysis: exclude alcoholic beverages, do not abuse foods rich in proteins, avoid increased physical exertion.

If you are taking any medications, be sure to inform your doctor about it. Some drugs, especially those aimed at correcting the work of the urinary system, can distort the results of the analysis.

A urine test for creatinine is somewhat more troublesome, because, unlike the classical analysis for biochemistry, this study involves measuring the average daily parameters and clearance (the ability of the kidneys to cleanse the blood from creatinine).

You will need to collect urine throughout the day, and then provide a small amount of the resulting fluid to the laboratory.

It is necessary to store urine in a cool, dark place in accordance with strict hygiene rules: if foreign liquid or dirt gets into the container, the test results may be unreliable.

It is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol and consult a doctor about taking medications.

On the day of the test, it is better not to eat fruits and vegetables that can change the color of urine (beets, carrots, etc.)

Decoding the results

The level of creatinine in the blood depends, first of all, on the volume of muscle mass, therefore the maximum permissible content of this substance is different for women and men.

For strong half of humanity, the norm is 75 - 110 micromoles per liter. The blood of women should contain slightly less - 45 - 80 μmol / l. In children, creatinine levels depend on age.

In most laboratories, an annotation with reference values ​​is attached to the analysis results, by which you can independently assess whether your indicators are within the normal range.

But just knowing the range of acceptable values ​​is not enough to assess the state of health, and even more so to establish the reasons for the imbalance.

As mentioned above, creatinine levels are highly dependent on the volume of muscle mass. Therefore, for athletes, bodybuilders and simply people with developed muscles, the rate may differ slightly.

The reasons for the increase in creatinine levels in this case are - natural processes in muscle tissue.

Similarly, the results of the analysis of those who are actively building muscle mass (for example, working hard in the gym) may differ slightly from the permissible indicators.

Diet is also important. For vegetarians, fasting adherents, and people who for any other reason follow a low-protein diet, the level of creatinine in the blood may be slightly lower. At the same time, the functionality of organs, including the kidneys, does not play any role here.

Hormonal changes can affect creatinine levels. Pregnancy, especially the first and second trimester, is a difficult period for the body as a whole.

The body of the expectant mother undergoes serious hormonal and structural changes, including an increase in the vascular bed, displacement of internal organs, etc.

Unsurprisingly, creatinine production can fluctuate somewhat. Adolescence and puberty, in addition to hormonal changes, are associated with psycho-emotional stress, which can also affect the results of the analysis.

Decreased creatinine levels

Hypocreatinemia, a low level of creatinine in the blood, is a rather rare occurrence. By itself, a low level of creatinine does not pose a threat to health, but is an external manifestation of a dangerous process - the depletion of the body's protein reserves.

If the protein balance is not restored in time, then various complications may develop, from atrophy of muscle tissues to disruption of the functioning of various internal organs. It is important to establish the exact causes of the imbalance.

Decreased creatinine levels can be observed in patients on a low-protein diet. Vegetarianism with insufficient replacement of animal proteins with plant proteins can provoke a decrease in creatinine levels.

In this case, the main method of treatment will be to adjust the diet: the inclusion of more meat, especially beef.

Vegetarians can replace meat products with vegetables: all types of legumes, dairy products and nuts are rich in protein.

The reasons for the decrease in creatinine may lie in the fact that plant proteins are less absorbed, and it is imperative to include in the diet additional products that help the body produce synthesis essential substances from plant foods.

If a child suffers from a low creatinine level, then nutrition should be adjusted according to age.

Low creatinine levels may indicate pathological muscle atrophy. There are hereditary and acquired diseases, which are manifested by dystrophy and metabolic disorders.

In such cases, treatment will include medication, dietary adjustments, and limited exercise.

Muscle atrophy can also be triggered by a severe infectious disease, especially long-term.

When pathogenic bacteria and viruses enter the body, in addition to disrupting the work of internal organs, acute intoxication of the whole body occurs. Patients often have little movement due to general condition weakness and recommendations of doctors.

All of these factors combine to trigger muscle loss and, in the long term, muscle dystrophy.

Cancer diseases, especially on later stages, also provoke severe general intoxication of the body and a violation of the metabolic process.

Creatinine is “born” when protein compounds are broken down and energy is released. This most often happens during the digestion of food, during physical work, in which the muscles are always involved.

After its "birth", creatinine enters the bloodstream, and the latter delivers it to the kidneys. There it is filtered and then leaves the body with urine.

Doctors, relying on data on the level of creatinine in the blood, learn about the metabolism of protein and the state of the kidneys in the patient. With its help, many diseases can be detected in the early stages.

Allowable creatinine rate

The permissible creatinine rate depends on gender, age, lifestyle, level of physical activity and hormonal processes, and the constitution of the human body. In a healthy body, the concentration of the metabolite in the blood remains stable around the clock, rising only slightly when the muscles contract. Sharp surges in creatinine are a sign of severe kidney ailments.

Low creatinine - causes

A low concentration of creatinine in the blood (hypocreatinemia) is very rare. This is a sign of problems with protein metabolism throughout the body or only in one muscle tissue.

Renal dysfunction does not have a particular effect on the concentration of this metabolite in the blood. Here the problem is different: the body's protein resources accumulated in the muscles are depleted.

By itself, low creatinine does not belong to diseases, it does not need to be treated. There are many factors that reduce its concentration, and they can be different for men and women. Here are the common reasons for its decline for both sexes:

  • "Rational" depletion due to low-protein plant-based vegetarian or vegan diets;
  • therapeutic fasting;
  • pathological exhaustion (cachexia) caused by chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • decrease in muscle mass due to insufficient physical activity;
  • the occurrence of muscle atrophy with the onset of old age;
  • long-term glucocorticosteroid pharmacotherapy, which doctors attribute to for allergies and rheumatism;
  • thermal (final) stage of oncological diseases;
  • edematous phenomena;
  • dehydration (severe dehydration of the body);
  • lack of antidiuretic hormone due to dehydration;
  • severe infectious diseases, which are often accompanied by serious problems with the supply of blood to the kidneys.

Hypocreatinemia can also be caused by prolonged bed rest due to severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (stroke, myocardial infarction, acute heart failure) or immobilization caused by bone fractures and paralysis of the limbs.

The psychological factor also plays a role. So, creatinine in the blood decreases in shock conditions, severe stress and psychological trauma.

Gender-Specific Causes of Low Creatinine

The female body differs from the male in the presence of estrogens, a more fragile constitution, and a slower assimilation of proteins. In addition, women are usually less active than men, doing less hard work. Therefore, their blood creatinine is lowered more often. Specific factors that lead to this include:

  • First trimester (first three months) of pregnancy. It happens that it goes down in the second trimester.
  • Severe cases of anorexia where a woman loses more than 30% of her normal body weight.

In men, reduced creatinine is less common than in women, which is due to better muscle development, faster assimilation of proteins, the presence of the male hormone testosterone, and most importantly, greater physical activity. Usually creatinine in men falls due to:

  • chronic severe liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, atrophic processes);
  • problems with blood flow to the liver;
  • problems with the blood supply to the kidneys;
  • obstruction of the urinary tract (stones, neoplasms);
  • Duchenne and Becker diseases, which cause muscular dystrophy. These diseases are usually not caused by lifestyle or poor ecology and are inherited exclusively.

How to raise

It is not difficult to increase the concentration of creatinine in the blood. To do this, you just need:

  • increase physical activity to build muscle, but at the same time try not to overstrain the body;
  • observe a sleep schedule - sleep for at least 7 hours, try not to go to bed too late;
  • change your diet: eat more foods rich in protein. These include fish, meat, milk, pasta, nuts and rice;
  • drink plenty of water (at least 1.5 liters in one day);
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes to replenish the lack of protein.

When to get tested for creatinine

Doctors are referred for this analysis if the patient has:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • renal failure;
  • sepsis (blood poisoning);
  • shock states.

This test should be given to patients before dialysis (blood purification in renal failure) and kidney sampling.

All those admitted to the intensive care and intensive care unit are also tested for their creatinine levels.

Before surrender you need:

  • do not physically overstrain your body for several days;
  • limit the intake of protein foods, a day before delivery, eat a maximum of 200 grams of meat or fish products;
  • do not drink coffee and alcohol;
  • drink enough water (at least one and a half liters per day).

A low level of creatinine in the blood may not mean anything or be a harbinger and a sign of serious illness. It is up to the doctor to determine the reasons for its decrease. If it is not caused by diseases, then it is not at all difficult to return the normal level of this metabolite in the blood. You need to exercise more, get enough sleep, eat well and with creatinine everything will be fine again.

How to raise blood creatinine if it is lowered during pregnancy

What to do if creatinine in the blood is lowered during pregnancy, why can the level of the substance decrease? Creatinine is a metabolic product that appears as a result of natural metabolic processes. It is synthesized from the molecules of the substance creatine, which, in turn, plays a key role in the normal functioning of muscles: with the help of creatine, the main processes of tissue energy exchange take place. Creatinine appears when proteins are broken down in the process of vital activity and energy is released from them (during the digestion of food, physical labor, etc.), "Waste" creatinine enters the kidneys and is excreted along with urine. By analyzing its concentration, one can determine the presence of various pathologies in the early stages and make a judgment about the state of health in general.

Common Causes of Falling Concentration

Decreased creatinine levels are relatively rare and are called hypocreatinemia. This symptom indicates the presence of certain problems with protein metabolism - either throughout the body or in a separate tissue area. Kidney disorders have no significant effect on creatinine; the essence of the problem lies not in their work, but in the depletion of the protein reserves accumulated by the tissues.

But there are also some common reasons:

  • following low-protein diets, including vegan / vegetarian;
  • fasting treatment;
  • exhaustion, which has arisen against the background of chronic diseases;
  • a decrease in muscle mass and volume, which is often observed in people with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • long-term treatment with glucocorticosteroids used in the treatment of rheumatism and allergic reactions;
  • the final stages of cancer pathologies;
  • swelling;
  • dehydration of the body and the deficiency of antidiuretic hormone caused by it;
  • infectious lesions, accompanied by impaired blood flow in the kidneys.

Other reasons include long-term adherence to bed rest during the recovery period from illness and injury. Not only physical influences, but also stress, shock, emotional and psychological overstrain have a lowering effect.

Norms for women

The level of a substance depends on many factors: the gender of the patient / patient, age, kidney condition and general health of the person.

In determining the indicators of the norm, doctors are guided by the following figures:

  • for girls up to a month, the content in the range from 18 to 88 μmol of the metabolite per liter of blood is characteristic;
  • from one month to one year - from 18 to 35 μmol;
  • from one to 12 years - within µmol;
  • in adolescent girls - from 44 to 88 μmol;
  • from 17 and further - in the range from 58 to 96 μmol;
  • elderly women 60 and older - from 53 to 106 μmol.

The exact causes of the drop in creatinine in women are difficult to determine.

Among the influencing factors:

  1. Lack of body weight.
  2. Taking glucocorticosteroids.
  3. Strict diets.
  4. Pregnancy.

A slight decrease in creatinine (up to the level of ummoles) during the period of gestation is completely normal. This is primarily due to the fact that the body of the expectant mother is forced to work "for two", the total volume of blood grows, the load on the internal organs, including the kidneys, increases.

How to raise creatinine and keep it normal?

To normalize the lowered level of the substance, the expectant mother must adhere to a number of rules and recommendations:

  • You can not go on rigid diets. Nutrition should be balanced and healthy.
  • A woman should get enough sleep and have a good rest, going to bed on time.
  • Either simple exercises or regular walks should be used to support muscles and overall tone. An important component of therapy is the maintenance of muscle mass, and even its gradual build-up.
  • If there is no objection from the attending physician, you can take a course of vitamin preparations.

The diet should include protein-rich foods to compensate for the lack of it in the body:

It should be remembered that low creatinine can be caused, among other things, by some pathological processes (heart problems, liver cirrhosis, cancerous tumors, various kidney diseases and hormonal disorders).

Is low creatinine levels dangerous during pregnancy?

Creatinine is a substance formed as a result of chemical reactions during the exchange of proteins and amino acids in the body. It enters the bloodstream and is excreted from the body through the kidneys. Translated from the scientific language, this means that creatinine can serve as an indicator of kidney activity (increased) or depletion energy reserves organism (lowered). During pregnancy, creatinine is usually low, especially in the first months. This is a consequence of the large consumption of reserves for the formation of a new life. Decreased creatinine in general case, and in particular during pregnancy, is not an indicator of the disease. With equal success, prolonged starvation, exhaustion, exhausting diets lead to this situation. Decreased creatinine levels do not need to be treated with medications.

Energy source for your muscles

In the body, chemical reactions are constantly going on, and the lion's share of them occurs in the muscles. It is in the process of these metabolic reactions that creatinine is formed. Then it enters the bloodstream, and from there it is excreted in the urine, while passing through the kidneys. If you find out how much creatinine is in the blood, you can estimate the load on the kidneys and draw a conclusion about their condition.

During pregnancy, a low level of creatinine is the norm due to the condition of the woman.

Muscle contraction is the most energy-consuming process, therefore powerful natural energy carriers are located in them, which work as backup generators in critical situations... The main source of energy is one of the nonessential amino acids creatine, which is synthesized in the liver and then sent to muscle tissue. In the process of decomposition of the amino acid, energy is released and creatinine is formed - a decay product that no longer takes part in any chemical processes, and therefore is no longer needed by the body, and needs to be removed.

The level of creatinine in the blood is relatively constant. It largely depends on the size of a person's muscle mass (not to be confused with the total body weight). Therefore, the normal indicator for men will be more than for the fairer sex. Muscle volume cannot change instantly, which is why creatinine levels are so convenient for assessing kidney function.

Creatinine is a slag, waste, it must be excreted from the body as soon as possible. It is not too toxic, in itself is not dangerous to health (within reasonable limits), but sharp jumps in its content in the blood indicate the danger of some kind of disease. This usually refers to the most common failure, high creatinine.

The relationship between creatinine and pregnancy

In women who do not carry a fetus, low creatinine is rare; this condition is normal during pregnancy. It means that the body of the expectant mother begins to use up the protein stores accumulated in the muscles. As soon as the level of proteins decreases, the content of creatinine in the blood decreases.

Important: in contrast to the increased rate, a slight decrease in creatinine in pregnant women, especially in the 1-2 trimesters, is a completely normal condition.

The normal amount of creatinine is described by a range of values. So, for women, the norm is from 44 to 80 μmol / l (micromole per liter). This variation is due to differences in lifestyle, exercise levels, body constitution, age differences, and hormonal balance.

The body of a pregnant woman bears a double burden, the total blood volume increases, and the burden on the kidneys increases from this. Therefore, during pregnancy, the norm for creatinine levels is between 35 and 70 μmol / L. If your results fall within this range, then there is no cause for concern.

One of the reasons for the decrease in creatinine is the rejection of protein foods. During pregnancy, no diets are allowed, the expectant mother must give her baby all the substances necessary for building the body. The daily diet should include meat, fish dishes, seafood, and various nuts. Convinced vegetarians should also consider protein-rich foods as their child's health is at stake.

In order not to harm the unborn baby, you need to control weight gain. Failure to reach the norm can also provoke a decrease in creatinine levels. In this case, low rates should worry the pregnant woman. If the weight gain schedule is respected, then there is no reason to worry, but a consultation with an observing gynecologist will not hurt.

What high creatinine values ​​mean for pregnant women

The situation is slightly different if creatinine is elevated during pregnancy. Golden Rule all expectant mothers - do not panic. An increase in creatinine during pregnancy can signal with equal success:

  • about kidney problems;
  • about changing the diet towards an increase in protein foods (meat, fish, nuts);
  • an increase in body weight more than usual;
  • or mean nothing.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis based on this analysis alone. More research is needed. If the course of pregnancy has not changed, and there are no kidney problems, no edema occurs, pressure does not jump, then the analysis should be rechecked after about a week.

To obtain accurate data for blood sampling, you need to properly prepare. The analysis is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. Directly before donating blood, you must not allow:

  • excessive muscle stress;
  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • drinking coffee or alcohol.

Any of these factors can distort the clinical picture. In the body, the amino acid creatine, the cleavage of which gives creatinine, is present in two forms: endogenous (produced internally) and exogenous (supplied with food). Therefore, fluctuations in the level of decay products depend, among other things, on what was eaten the day before. It is recommended to take control of the consumption of meals rich in protein (maximum 200 grams of meat or fish) in about a day.

In the event that the creatinine level is increased during pregnancy, you should check:

  • weight gain (should be within the normal range for your period);
  • blood pressure;
  • general urine analysis for protein content;
  • the presence of swelling of the face, legs.

Contact the leading gynecologist, describe your condition to him.

Important: only a doctor should prescribe laboratory tests, medications and adjust the diet.

How to maintain creatinine levels during pregnancy

To normalize creatinine levels, the expectant mother should:

  • adhere to principles healthy eating(no diets!);
  • get enough sleep, go to bed as early as possible - the most healthy sleep in the middle of the night;
  • do light exercise or walk for a long time (this will keep the muscles in good shape);
  • on the recommendation of a doctor (!), you can take vitamins to normalize protein metabolism.

The mother-to-be carries an increased burden and double responsibility. As a result, a woman's physical and mental state is unstable. Hence stress, nervousness, tearfulness. Unfortunately, this negativity is reflected in the child's health. In addition, severe stress, shock or psychological trauma, already dangerous during pregnancy, can also cause reduced level creatinine in the blood.

Caring for a child begins from the moment of pregnancy and continues throughout life. Protect your health, do not allow excitement and heavy stress, because by doing so you are protecting the unborn baby. Do not hesitate to ask for help from loved ones or seek advice from a specialist. Any person needs a word spoken in time or the support provided, and the expectant mother simply needs them!

Because of what the creatinine in the blood is lowered and the main methods of increasing it

Creatinine can be called an indicator that allows you to assess the work of the kidneys. And conducting an analysis to determine the level of this substance in a person's blood is a kind of test for the quality of the kidneys as a whole.

A particularly high percentage of creatinine is found in muscles. The substance is also found in small quantities in the brain. But if we talk specifically about its content in the blood, then the indicators here will depend on the following factors:

  • the general condition of the human muscular system;
  • the quality of the excretory function of the kidneys.

What is creatinine?

Creatinine is a molecular structure that is a product of muscle metabolism. The substance is released during the destruction of protein compounds. And the main amount of creatinine is formed in the muscles. Then, with the blood flow, creatinine enters the kidneys, where it is filtered, and the substance becomes part of the urine. Almost all of the creatinine is excreted by the kidneys.

The total amount of the substance during the day remains practically unchanged, since the muscle mass of a person does not undergo any strong changes. And if a person has deviations in blood creatinine (an increase in its amount), then we can talk about problems with the work of the kidneys.

In some cases, on the contrary, there is a decrease in the content of the substance in the blood. Why is this happening and what does it mean? And this is what will be discussed today.

Creatinine during pregnancy

A serum analysis for creatinine during pregnancy is prescribed in order to monitor the kidney function of a woman carrying a child. But if outside pregnancy an increased indicator indicates problems with their work, then during the gestation period it is most often lowered.

The norm of blood creatinine in women is µmol / l. During pregnancy (most often in the first and second trimester), after laboratory analysis, its decrease is diagnosed.

This deviation from the norm is explained by a significant increase in the total blood volume. At the same time, the kidneys also work in a more intense mode. A decrease in blood creatinine during pregnancy is a physiological norm. And the indicators vmkmol / l are not a pathology.

Advice! If a woman gains weight poorly during pregnancy, or adheres to a vegetarian menu, then a decrease in the amount of a substance may not be a very good sign. And the expectant mother will be advised to revise her diet in order to gain the weight necessary for the gestational age.

Creatinine: Childhood Indicators

The norm of creatinine in the blood of a child largely depends on his age, as well as the activity of growth and increase in muscle mass. In newborn babies, due to the increased load transferred by the baby during childbirth, the indicators are always high and comparable to the level of creatinine in an adult. Significant levels of creatinine will also be in adolescence, due to active growth organism.

50-90 (while the monthly indicator should decrease by 5-10 μmol / l)

Girls have 50-80

Boys - 60-95

The main reason for the decrease in the amount of blood creatinine in childhood is a decrease in muscle mass. Creatinine is a byproduct of muscle contraction. That is why for any diseases associated with a significant decrease in the volume of muscle mass, a pathological decrease in its indicators is diagnosed.

Blood creatinine in women: why it can be lowered

The indicators of creatinine in the blood of women depend on age, as well as the performance of the kidneys.

Why there is a decrease in indicators, doctors do not know exactly. But it is believed that a decrease in the content of this substance in women can be triggered by the following conditions:

  • strict adherence to a vegetarian diet;
  • lack of weight;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking glucocorticoid drugs.

Creatinine in men

The kidneys cannot filter out all the substance that has entered them, since the release of creatinine into the blood does not stop even for a second. At the same time, the blood plasma of men contains stable indicators of a substance that directly depend on age indicators, features of muscle activity and type of nutrition.

To obtain more accurate indicators when decoding laboratory analyzes it is advisable to observe the following rules:

  • blood sampling should be carried out exclusively in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • before visiting the laboratory, it is recommended to completely abstain from muscle loads, and also to avoid overheating or hypothermia;
  • a day before taking the material, food rich in proteins must be excluded from the diet;
  • at the same time it is necessary to stop drinking coffee or too strong tea.

Norms of creatine in men are presented in the table.

Advice! In men, blood creatinine levels are slightly higher than in women. This is explained by the conduct of a slightly different way of life, as well as by the difference in the work of organs and systems.

Age characteristics also have a great influence on the indicators in men. Many of them regularly visit gyms, take doping drugs that enhance the performance of the muscular system.

Common causes

The reasons for a decrease in the level of a substance in the body in men can be:

  • a decrease in the total volume of muscle mass, provoked by various diseases;
  • while maintaining a low protein diet;
  • with severe liver damage;
  • with severe renal dysfunction;
  • the development of a cancerous tumor;
  • shock state;
  • poor blood flow to the kidneys;
  • blockage of the urinary tract;
  • the development of heart failure;
  • severe dehydration of the body;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Common causes of decreased creatinine

A low substance index is diagnosed relatively infrequently. The reasons for this deviation may lie in the existing pregnancy or age. But there are also quite objective reasons:

  • A sharp loss of muscle mass, which is a consequence of the development of muscular dystrophy. Muscle injury is also a danger.
  • The reasons for low rates may lie in the development of severe liver diseases, in particular, cirrhosis.
  • Maintaining a vegetarian diet, strict diets, complete starvation - more common reasons decrease in creatinine levels, since in this case, the protein that is necessary for it ceases to enter the body.
  • Heart failure can also be accompanied by low scores.
  • Sometimes the reasons for the lack of creatinine are cancer, as well as infectious diseases, which are characterized by poor blood supply to the kidneys.
  • The indicators may be influenced by the intake of corticosteroid drugs.
  • Danger in this regard is also dehydration of the body, as well as a lack of antidiuretic hormone.

Advice! The exact reasons will allow additional laboratory tests to be established.

How to raise low creatinine levels

The steps that can be taken to improve performance depend on the diagnosis. But more often than not, it is recommended to start building muscle mass.

You will also need to abandon the diet and begin to include in your diet as many foods as possible containing the protein that the human body lacks. In this case, the daily menu should contain:

It is also recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes that can restore the deficiency of these substances. If the causes of low creatinine are any diseases, then a course of necessary therapy will be required.

Creatinine during pregnancy is the norm

Creatinine is an indicator of kidney function and their ability to excrete waste products.

Creatinine is

Creatinine arises from creatine, a high-energy substrate that skeletal and cardiac muscles need to contract. Creatine is formed in the liver and kidneys from amino acids, then transported to the muscles, where it is converted to creatine phosphate. From creatine phosphate, phosphate is cleaved off to transform ADP into the energy molecule ATP, which is needed for muscle contraction.

Every day 1-2% of creatine phosphate is converted into creatinine, which is removed from the blood exclusively by the kidneys.

In short, the creatinine pathway looks like this: food amino acids> liver and kidneys> creatine synthesis> muscle - creatine phosphate> creatinine> kidneys> urine.

Or an abbreviated version: food creatinine> muscle phosphocreatinine> creatinine> kidneys> urine.

So, creatinine is the end product of the breakdown of creatine phosphate in the muscles.

The formation and excretion of creatinine from the body are in a state of equilibrium. All creatinine from the blood flowing by the kidneys is excreted in the urine. In the tubules of the kidneys, there is no reabsorption of creatinine. 90% of creatinine gets into the urine during filtration in the glomeruli of the nephron, and 10% - during secretion in the tubules, and back - is not absorbed. Completely and completely into the urine.

A blood creatinine blood test is needed to assess the filtration capacity of the kidneys (after all, 90% is filtered), which directly reflects the function of the kidney. So, creatinine in the blood = kidney function.

With the progression of renal failure, the level of creatinine in the blood increases, and in the urine, on the contrary, decreases.

Why does creatinine reflect the work of the kidneys?

Because it is excreted only by the kidneys exactly as much as it was formed. There are no other ways. If the amount of creatinine in the blood is large, then the kidneys do not remove it from the blood.

But, the growth of creatinine in the blood begins only after 40-60% of the kidneys, namely nephrons, die. Agree, it's pretty big figure, therefore, the level of creatinine in the blood cannot be used for early diagnosis chronic renal failure.

A creatinine test is prescribed:

  • as part of a general biochemical blood test and kidney tests
  • to assess renal function in chronic renal failure
  • in patients with chronic renal failure, the level of creatinine in the blood determines the initiation of hemodialysis treatment

Norms of creatinine in the blood (mmol / l)

  • newborns 12.0 - 48.0
  • infants (up to 1 year) 21.0 - 55.0
  • children under 15 years old 27.0 - 88.0
  • adult men 44.0
  • adult women 44.0

Remember that each laboratory, or rather laboratory equipment and reagents, has its "own" standards. In the form laboratory research they go in the graph - reference values ​​or norm.

5 facts about creatinine

  • creatinine can be tested in blood, urine, brain, muscle tissue
  • the concentration of creatinine has a certain cyclicity - the highest in the evening, the lowest in the morning, with a difference of 50%
  • in women, the level of creatinine in the blood is 15% lower than in men, an even lower concentration (minus 80%) in children
  • the difference in the indicator for repeated studies is 4-10%, which is considered quite low
  • In 1936, the Soviet therapist E.M. Tareev suggested using a blood creatinine test to assess renal function

Why measure creatinine levels?

The rate of creatinine in women

Plasma creatinine concentration in women should be lower than in men. This is due physiological mechanisms its formation, distribution and circulation in the blood.

The mechanisms of this phenomenon are as follows:

The muscle mass of a woman is less than that of a man;

The activity of metabolic processes in the female body is reduced;

Foods in the women's diet contain less exogenous creatinine entering the body;

Influence of sex hormones and pregnancy.

The norm of creatinine in men

Creatinine male body almost always should be higher than that of women of a similar age group. This is due to the peculiarities of the lifestyle and differences in the functioning of organs and systems. Age characteristics also affect the process of creatinine metabolism, both upward and downward. Recently, many men visit gyms and use doping containing creatine to increase muscle performance. This must be taken into account when assessing the creatinine rate.

The norm of creatinine in children

The concentration of creatinine in the plasma of a child is more dependent on his age. The main fluctuations in this indicator are associated with the activity of growth and the degree of increase in muscle mass over a certain period of time. Newborns, due to the high loads that their body had to experience during childbirth, have creatinine levels the same as in adults. The same feature is typical for adolescents, which is explained by the active growth of the body. School-age children grow relatively steadily, so their creatinine levels are slightly lower than in adults.

Elevated creatinine levels

When assessing creatinine metabolism, most often, one has to deal with an increase in the concentration of this metabolite. It is very important to correctly interpret the obtained indicators, taking into account the possibility of physiological and pathological increase, age and gender standards. The condition in which an increase in plasma creatinine is recorded is called hypercreatinemia.

Hypercreatininemia does not cause severe abnormalities in the body, since creatinine itself is low toxic. Its harmful effects on tissues can manifest itself only with sharp deviations from the norm of its concentration. This metabolite is more related to the consequences of various conditions and diseases, signaling their presence. Therefore, isolated hypercreatininemia practically does not cause manifestations.

It is usually combined with other pathological symptoms that may suggest the need for this study:

Clearance of creatinine

Having carried out a test or analysis for creatinine, it becomes clear with what high rhythm decomposes and ceases to be excreted the waste product of the muscle tissue of the body. Analysis of creatinine in urine shows how well this molecular structure is excreted from the body.

A person has the right to control the process of creatinine production through his life processes and activity. In general, the rate of formation of this harmful substance occurs when a person ceases to burden himself with physical exercises and does not eat properly. In order for the level of creatinine in the urine to increase and in the blood to decrease, you can help your kidneys fight it with your life rhythm and the correct lifestyle.

To date, there are 3 stages of detecting creatinine in the body:

  • the presence of creatinine in the blood;
  • creatinine clearance (a more accurate test that is done on the basis of fresh urine and human blood);
  • the ratio of nitrogen and creatinine in the body (shows the percentage of dehydration of the body for a certain hour period).

What do you need for analysis?

In order to properly prepare for the delivery of your indicators, you need to adhere to some rules that will help identify and show the real numbers of this molecular substance in the body.

Before you go to the laboratory, it is advisable not to bother yourself with physical activity two days before this process. Also, the day before taking the test, you need to limit your diet. This primarily applies to meat and other protein foods. The maximum consumption before analysis is an ethogram of lean meat. It is also recommended to drink enough water 24 hours before the test, while completely avoiding drinks such as coffee, tea, or soda.

How is the analysis going

To correctly draw blood, you need to initially treat the puncture site with an alcohol solution and bend the elbow joint so that the medical staff can apply a tourniquet. Blood is taken from a vein with a sterile needle in the right amount. After the completion of the procedure, the puncture is sealed with a special septic plaster or held with cotton wool until the blood stops completely.

To pass urine correctly, you need to collect it for 24 hours, bypassing the first morning urination. Collect and store all subsequent doses in a special container with a volume of at least 5 liters. It is forbidden to collect and store it in different vessels. The entire collection must be stored in a dark and cool place until final transport to its destination. A refrigerator is an ideal place for such a container. The last dose of your urine will be urine in the morning on the day your urine is returned to the laboratory. Presence in urine is not allowed foreign objects that can affect the final analysis data. For example, such substances and objects can be: pieces of toilet paper, menstrual flow, feces or pubic hair of the person who is being tested.

Blood sampling risk

Quite rarely, but still, there are exceptions when a blood test can end in unpleasant consequences. First of all, there are small blue bruises under the skin, as a result of the penetration of the needle. In the rarest of cases, blood sampling can cause a slight swelling that can be removed in a few days with a regular heat pack.

Blood sampling can contribute to persistent bleeding if the person has poor clotting ability or goes into this period, reception special drugs that thin the human blood. Most often, such drugs are ordinary aspirin and warfarin.

Test results

Average rates may vary slightly from site to site. This is not the fault of the laboratories and hospitals. Most often, such differences are caused external factors and different analysis units.

Average statistical indicators of blood creatinine rate:

  • men: 0.5-1.2 mg / dl or µmol / l;
  • women: 0.3-1.0 mg / dl or µmol / l.
  • men under 40 ml / min;
  • women up to 40 years ml / min.

Indicators of creatinine clearance most often decrease with age by 6-7 ml / min every year. Normal ratio of nitrogen to creatinine 10: 1 to 20: 1

High performance

High values ​​of creatinine in the blood indicate that a person has serious abnormalities in kidney function. This can be due to many reasons and factors. The most serious and irreversible ones that affect the condition of the kidneys are cancer, stress, nervous shock, fatal infections, and low blood flow. Less dangerous but serious conditions for poor kidney function are stones, heart failure, polycystic disease, dehydration, gout, and muscle abnormalities. A high level of creatinine in the blood indicates that creatinine clearance is significantly below normal.

Above normal clearance can be accompanied by a variety of physical influences and factors that affect or have influenced the body in the past. Most often, these reasons are: pregnancy, poisoning, hypothyroidism, burns, active physical activity, muscle ruptures.

The third indicator - the ratio of creatinine and nitrogen in the body can also be guided by a number of reasons and conditions. Their high rates indicate that a person has severe renal failure based on dehydration or nervous shock. Also the reason high performance blockage of the urinary tract may become. This is caused by stones and sand in the kidneys. It is quite rare that a symptom of such a high nitrogen becomes internal bleeding in the respiratory tract or alimentary tract.

Low rates

Creatinine and all of its associated indicators can be low, which is also not desirable for human health. Low creatinine levels are most often caused by a decrease in muscle mass, also called muscular dystrophy. Such indicators can also indicate serious liver disease. Low creatinine also occurs during long-term rigid diets, in which there is no protein food, as well as during pregnancy.

Low creatinine clearance indicates serious functional renal failure that endangers life. It can be various infections, cancerous tumors, low blood flow to the kidneys due to stones and sand. Also, the cause can be liver cirrhosis, dehydration, heart failure.

Low levels of nitrogen and creatinine show a clear picture of all the factors that a person has been earning lately. Similar numbers appear during the period of bearing a child, with limited and rigid long-term diets, severe injuries or serious complex physical exertion.

  • 15 How and when is a biochemical blood test done during pregnancy?

Biochemical blood test in pregnant women - the main indicators

Due to the fact that this analysis is quite voluminous, it allows you to determine which microorganisms are lacking in a woman's body. Since a large number of changes occur in it during the entire prenatal period, this analysis is carried out more than once in order to observe the indicators in dynamics.

Total protein

This indicator displays a picture of protein metabolism, which reflects the content of all proteins in the blood serum. Normal concentration total protein in the blood should be about 64-84 g / l. Dysfunction of internal organs is determined by the ratio of albumin (alpha, beta, gamma), which are included in the protein fractions.

Protein during pregnancy should be normal, since its decrease by several points is a pathology and a signal of the resulting physiological hypoproteinemia (decrease in protein levels), the formation of which is not desirable during pregnancy. Most often, hypoproteinemia occurs in the third trimester. An increase in protein is also not a good sign, as an increased value may indicate dehydration and blood clotting during fluid loss.

Fats (lipids)

A person has 4 groups of fats in the blood: fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol (cholesterol), of which the level of the latter group is examined during biochemical analysis, i.e. cholesterol. It is a structural component of cell membranes, while participating in the synthesis of sex hormones, bile acids and vitamin D. The amount of cholesterol in a woman's blood largely depends on her age. Normally, the blood cholesterol level of a young pregnant woman will be about 3.16-5.9 mmol / l.

During the entire prenatal period, the physiological increase in the amount of total cholesterol reaches 6.0-6.2 mmol / l. A slight increase is due to the increased formation of endogenous cholesterol (produced in the liver), which is necessary for the construction of the vascular bed of the placenta and the fetus. A significant increase in the level of cholesterol in a woman's blood in some cases is a factor that predisposes the development of atherosclerosis - the formation of specific plaques in the vessels.


Glucose is conventionally a component of the vital activity of any cell in the body. The average blood glucose concentration in an average person is about 3.9-5.8 mmol / L. In a pregnant woman, the blood glucose level may be slightly lowered to 3.6-4.1 mmol / L, but this is the norm. Elevated level glucose in the body of a pregnant woman most often indicates gestational diabetes (pregnancy diabetes), which can occur due to a lack of the hormone insulin in the body, which is produced by the pancreas. As a rule, in addition to examining blood glucose levels during a biochemical test, a woman between 25 and 29 weeks of pregnancy takes an additional test for glucose levels.

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT or ALT) is a specific endogenous enzyme that belongs to the group of transferases and is used in medical practice to diagnose the heart, liver, nerve tissues and kidneys. If a woman's pregnancy proceeds harmoniously, the indicators of this enzyme should not change. The average level in the blood is up to 30 U / L. An increase in ALT is observed with moderate and severe degrees of preeclampsia, and with a severe form of preeclampsia, ALT in the blood rises constantly. In addition, an increase in ALT indicates that the liver is not coping with the load.

Alkaline phosphatase

Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme that is involved in phosphoric acid metabolism. Alkaline phosphatase is found in many tissues of the body, but its highest levels are found in the cells of bone tissue, kidney, liver, placenta and intestinal mucosa. Normally, this indicator should not exceed 155 U / L in an ordinary person and 240 U / L in a pregnant woman. If during the diagnosis it is revealed that the level of this enzyme is significantly overestimated, this first of all signals about liver pathology or bone disease.


Amylase is a special enzyme that breaks down starch into oligosaccharides. It belongs to the digestive enzymes and is synthesized by the cells of the pancreas. If a woman's body is normal condition, the level of this indicator does not exceed 50 U / l. With the emerging pathology of the pancreas, the level of amylase in the blood of women increases sharply.


Bilirubin is a special bile pigment, the task of which is to be formed as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin (the pigment of red blood cells), to which, in turn, oxygen is attached. During the breakdown of hemoglobin, free bilirubin is first formed, which is then transported from the spleen to the liver along with albumin.

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After that, this free bilirubin in the liver interacts with a certain acid (glucuronic), as a result of which direct, less toxic bilirubin is formed, which, in turn, is actively secreted into the bile ducts and then excreted in the bile. As a result, direct bilirubin is one of the main components of bile.

It is found mainly in blood serum in the form of two fractions: indirect (free) and direct (bound) bilirubin, which together are the total bilirubin in the blood. Normally, the level of total bilirubin during pregnancy does not exceed 3.5-17.3 μmol / l. If there is a noticeable increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood, which occurs due to the accelerated decay of erythrocytes, liver or biliary tract pathology, jaundice is formed, in which the development of pregnancy stops in 95%.

Nitrogenous substances

Nitrogenous substances mean urea, creatine, creatinine, uric acid, ammonia, that is, the end products of the breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids. During biochemical analysis, the following is mainly investigated:

  • Urea, in order to diagnose renal excretory function, the normal concentration of which in a woman's blood does not exceed 2.6-6.4 mmol / l. A noticeable increase in the level of urea in the blood is observed with various diseases kidneys.
  • Creatinine, which is also tested to analyze the function of the kidneys, namely, renal filtration. Normally, the level of creatinine in the blood of a woman fluctuates in the region of cmol / l. An increase in the concentration of creatine in the blood will indicate a decrease in the level of renal filtration. In some pregnant women, there is a noticeable decrease in the level of creatinine in the blood in the third trimester, since during this period the blood volume and renal plasma flow increase.


Iron is one of the most vital trace elements involved in the transport of oxygen. Normally, the level of iron in a pregnant woman should not be lower than 8.94-30.3 μmol / L. This trace element is part of hemoglobin, muscle myoglobin, erythrocytes and some enzymes. With a lack of iron, iron deficiency anemia is formed, which is the most common pathology of pregnancy, which is observed most often in its second half due to a lack of substances necessary for hematopoiesis. The need to control the level of iron in the blood of a pregnant woman by biochemical analysis arises due to the fact that at a normal level of hemoglobin there is a low level of iron, which is definitely an indicator of latent iron deficiency anemia, which must be detected in a timely manner.


Sodium is one of the most important components of the extracellular space, which is directly related to the regulation of water distribution in the body. Normally, the sodium concentration should not be lower than mmol / l. Also, sodium is directly related to the mechanisms of excitation of nerve and muscle cells, and its decrease is fraught with various neurological disorders... An increased concentration of this indicator is observed with low water intake, loose stools or constant vomiting (toxicosis).


Potassium is the main intracellular trace element, the normal level in the blood of which is 3.6-5.6 mmol / l. An increased amount of potassium in a woman's body can be observed due to renal failure or overdose medicines... The level of potassium in the body decreases during diarrhea, vomiting, muscle weakness and decreased muscle tone.


Calcium is the main component of bone tissue, the normal concentration of which in the blood should be about 2.21-2.56 mmol / L. Calcium in the body is involved in many processes, such as muscle contractions, hormone secretion, regulation of the activity of a large number of enzymes, and blood clotting. Therefore, a lack of calcium is normal phenomenon during pregnancy, as the baby needs a lot of building material for his bones. With a decrease in calcium, the doctor prescribes to the woman special medications aimed at increasing the level of calcium in the body.


Most of the phosphorus is found in bone tissue in the form of calcium salts. Normally, its concentration in the blood during pregnancy should be about 1.0-1.41 mmol / l. A noticeable increase is noted with a decrease in the function of the parathyroid glands, an overdose of vitamin D and renal failure.

How and when is a biochemical blood test done during pregnancy?

A biochemical analysis is prescribed by a doctor twice during the entire prenatal period:

  • At the beginning of pregnancy, when registering.
  • Not a week, if this analysis does not arise earlier.

For the study, blood is taken from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach from a pregnant woman. The difference between analysis and food intake should not be less than 12 hours. It is not recommended to carry out it on your own without the recommendation of a doctor.

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I am pregnant - all about pregnancy, childbirth and children (0.0106 sec.)

A biochemical blood test allows you to assess the work of internal organs and body systems - liver, kidneys, the ratio of trace elements in the body, their deficiency and excess. A biochemical blood test is taken strictly in the morning on an empty stomach, at least after an eight-hour fast. Blood is drawn from the cubital vein. During pregnancy, a biochemical analysis must be submitted twice - when registering and at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

At an early stage of pregnancy, that is, when registering with antenatal clinic, this blood test shows the changes in the body of a pregnant woman that existed before pregnancy, reveals chronic diseases and pathological conditions of various organs and systems of the body.

The study of blood biochemistry at 30 weeks shows how correctly the woman's body adapts to the state of pregnancy, identifies failures in adaptation processes and helps in the timely diagnosis of pathological conditions that arise in the body of the expectant mother, thus preventing serious complications of pregnancy.

With various diseases of a pregnant woman, the frequency of delivery of a biochemical blood test, as well as the list of the studied parameters, may change. For example, when early toxicosis mainly the liver enzymes and the electrolyte composition of the blood (the concentration of trace elements in it) are investigated, in kidney diseases - protein, urea and creatinine, in diabetes mellitus - protein, liver enzymes, trace elements, glucose.

A standard biochemical blood test usually includes an assessment of the following indicators - total protein, bilirubin, glucose, ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, urea, creatinine, iron, calcium.

Total protein

This is the most important indicator of protein metabolism in the body of a pregnant woman. Protein has many important functions. In pregnant women, the total protein content is usually assessed. Normally, it is 64–83 g? /? L (it must be remembered, however, that in some laboratories the standard values ​​may differ slightly, which is due to the analysis technology). In the third trimester, there may be a slight decrease in the concentration of protein in the blood. Total whey protein consists of a mixture of proteins with different structures and functions. With pronounced changes in the protein content, individual groups of blood plasma proteins - albumin and globulins - can also be determined. Albumin is synthesized mainly in the liver, globulins - in blood cells, lymphocytes. Their definition and ratio allows you to more accurately assess the dysfunctions of internal organs.

A slight decrease in the level of protein (and physiological hypoproteinemia) is observed in pregnant women in the third trimester due to the so-called "dilution" of blood, that is, an increase in the volume of its liquid part - plasma, as well as due to the increased use of albumin for the construction of fetal tissues. In addition, a decrease in protein is noted with an insufficient intake of it with food (for example, with improper diet pregnant, with toxicosis of the first half), with intestinal pathology, diseases of the liver, pancreas and kidneys, bleeding.

An increase in the amount of protein can be with dehydration, acute and chronic infectious diseases.

Lipid metabolism

Of lipids (fats) during pregnancy, cholesterol (cholesterol) is mainly determined, sometimes triglycerides. Cholesterol is the most important indicator of lipid metabolism, serves as a structural component of cell membranes, participates in the synthesis of sex hormones, bile acids, vitamin D.

The content of cholesterol in the blood is highly dependent on age. The normal level of cholesterol in the blood of a young woman is 3.15–5.8 mmol? /? L. During pregnancy, in the second and third trimesters, there is a physiological increase in the level of total cholesterol up to 6.0-6.2, which is due to the increased formation of cholesterol in the liver, since the need for it to build the vascular bed of the placenta and the fetus, increased synthesis of hormones increases.

In the blood, cholesterol is in the form of highly soluble complex compounds with special transport proteins. These complex compounds are called lipoproteins. Depending on the solubility of such complex compounds and some of their other physical and chemical properties distinguish between low density lipoproteins (LDL), lipoproteins high density(HDL) and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL).

During pregnancy, the increase in cholesterol levels occurs mainly due to LDL, while HDL levels remain almost unchanged. The level of HDL is normally 0.9-1.9 mmol? /? L, does not depend on age and does not change during pregnancy, LDL - in women aged 18 to 35 years, about 1.5-4.1 mmol? /? L, during pregnancy, the LDL level increases to about 5.5 mmol? /? L. A lipidogram (a comprehensive study of the lipoprotein composition of the blood) must be examined in obese patients and in the presence of diabetes mellitus.

Triglycerides are fats that are the main source of energy in the cells of the body. They enter the body with food, and are also synthesized by the cells of adipose tissue, liver, and intestines. The normal value of the content of triglycerides in the blood depends on age and in young women is approximately 0.4-1.7 mmol? /? L. During pregnancy, an increased level of female sex hormones and a reduced amount of protein in the blood lead to a physiological increase in triglyceride levels in the second and third trimesters up to 2.7 mmol? /? L.

Cholesterol level

High cholesterol noted in some hereditary genetic diseases, liver and pancreas diseases, diabetes mellitus, decreased thyroid function, kidney disease, excess fat intake.

Lowered cholesterol occurs during starvation, severe toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy, excessive thyroid function, infectious diseases.

Cholesterol level HDL is markedly increased in diabetes mellitus, increased thyroid function, obesity and decreased in smoking, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, eating carbohydrate-rich foods.

LDL level increases in diabetes mellitus, kidney and thyroid diseases and decreases in chronic anemia, diseases of the lungs and joints, excessive thyroid function. A decrease is noted with insufficient thyroid function, a diet poor in animal fats, and stress.

Triglyceride level in the blood is increased in some hereditary diseases, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, decreased thyroid function, pancreatic diseases, kidney pathology, in inflammatory liver diseases. Reduced triglyceride levels with malnutrition, chronic lung disease, increased thyroid function.

Carbohydrate metabolism

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. The main biochemical indicator is the blood glucose level. The normal level of glucose in the venous blood is 4.1–5.9 mmol? /? L. Glucose levels vary during pregnancy. Most often, it remains the same as before pregnancy and decreases slightly. This is due to hormones produced by the placenta and an increased level of pancreatic hormone -
insulin, which is involved in carbohydrate metabolism. A blood glucose test is mandatory for all pregnant women, and in the presence of risk factors for diabetes mellitus in pregnant women (the so-called gestational diabetes), the blood glucose level is assessed more often, sometimes even a glucose tolerance test is performed - determining the blood glucose level on an empty stomach and 2 hours after taking 75 g glucose.

Glucose level

An increase in glucose levels is primarily noted in diabetes mellitus, as well as in some other endocrine diseases, in diseases of the pancreas, liver, kidneys, severe stress, and smoking.

A decrease in glucose concentration can be with liver diseases, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and other endocrine glands, and diseases of the pancreas.


One of important indicators a biochemical blood test, which must be assessed in all pregnant women, is a blood pigment - bilirubin... Bilirubin is a bile pigment that is formed as a result of the breakdown hemoglobin- Respiratory protein contained in erythrocytes(red blood cells).

During the breakdown of hemoglobin, free bilirubin is initially formed, which is transported from the spleen to the liver in combination with the protein. Then, in the liver, free bilirubin binds with a special acid (glucuronic), resulting in the formation of direct, less toxic bilirubin, which is actively secreted into the bile ducts and excreted in the bile. Bilirubin is contained in blood serum in the form of two fractions: direct (bound) and indirect (free) bilirubin, which together make up total blood bilirubin. During pregnancy, the determination of total bilirubin is mandatory, direct and indirect can be determined only in the presence of pathological changes in the level of total bilirubin. The normal level of total bilirubin averages 5–21 µmol? /? L; during pregnancy, the bilirubin content usually does not change.

Concentration in blood

An increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood is noted with anemia due to the accelerated decay of erythrocytes, a lack of vitamin B12. In this case, the increase in total bilirubin occurs mainly due to the free fraction. With liver diseases and blockage of the bile ducts, an increase in the level of total bilirubin occurs due to direct and indirect bilirubin. With an increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the serum above 27–34 µmol? /? L, jaundice appears - yellow coloration of the skin and sclera of the eyeball.
A reduced amount of bilirubin is noted with the use of large amounts of vitamin C, caffeine, and certain medications.


A standard biochemical blood test necessarily includes an assessment of the body's enzymes - these are specific proteins that participate in various biochemical reactions as catalysts (substances that accelerate the reaction rate).

The main enzymes evaluated during pregnancy are ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase a, sometimes according to the testimony they investigate pancreatic alpha-amylase.

Alanine aminotransferase(ALT). It is a cellular enzyme that is involved in metabolic processes. The maximum amount of ALT is found in the liver and kidneys, so it is used to diagnose damage to these organs. The normal value of the content of this enzyme in the blood is up to 35 U /? L and does not change during pregnancy.

An increase in ALT levels is observed in various liver diseases, a slight increase can be observed in toxicosis of pregnant women, and a decrease in vitamin B6 deficiency.

Aspartate aminotransferase(ACT). This enzyme is found in the tissues of the heart, liver, skeletal muscles, nervous tissue and kidneys, to a lesser extent in the pancreas, spleen and lungs. The normal content in blood plasma is up to 31 U /? L and usually does not change during pregnancy.

A slight increase can be observed with complications of pregnancy such as dropsy and nephropathy (kidney damage) of mild to moderate severity. A significant increase in AST is observed in severe heart diseases - myocardial infarction, pulmonary thrombosis, with extensive muscle injuries, acute illness pancreas, violation of the outflow of bile. Decreased levels can occur when there is a lack of vitamin B6 in the body.

Alkaline phosphatase- an enzyme involved in the exchange of phosphoric acid. It is involved in processes associated with bone growth, the highest activity of alkaline phosphatase is found in the cells of bone tissue, liver, kidneys, intestinal mucosa and placenta. Normally, the level of alkaline phosphatase in adult women is 40–150 U /? L. In the third trimester of pregnancy, due to the active production of this enzyme by the placenta, its level can increase by about 2 times.

A pathological increase in the level of alkaline phosphatase occurs in fractures, bone diseases, liver diseases, impaired production and outflow of bile.
Reduced function of the thyroid gland, lack of zinc and magnesium in food, taking preparations of female sex hormones lead to a decrease in its concentration in the blood.

Pancreatic amylase Is an enzyme produced by the cells of the pancreas. The determination of this enzyme is not a mandatory parameter of the biochemical blood test and is usually prescribed additionally for diseases of the pancreas. The normal value does not depend on the gestational age and is less than 50 U /? Ml. With the pathology of the pancreas, the level of pancreatic amylase in the blood increases significantly.

Kidney function

Nitrogenous substances- these are the end products of the breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids, the content of which in the blood makes it possible to assess the excretory function of the kidneys. Of all nitrogenous substances, urea and creatinine are mandatory in the standard biochemical blood test.

Urea- this is main product protein metabolism in the body, which is excreted mainly by the kidneys. The normal concentration of urea in the blood is 2.5–6.4 mmol? /? L. In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the level of urea in the blood decreases due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and an increase in renal filtration to 1.5–5.3 mmol? /? L.

An increase in the concentration of urea in the blood is observed with various kidney diseases and with a diet with a high protein content. A decrease in the level of urea in the blood can be observed with liver diseases, poisoning, starvation.

Creatinine- the metabolic product, produced mainly in the muscles, is excreted from the body through the kidneys, therefore, its increased value usually indicates a decrease in filtration in the renal glomeruli and a decrease in renal excretory function. Normal values creatinine in women is 53–97 µmol? /? L, in pregnant women in the second and third trimesters, the level of creatinine decreases to 35–70 µmol? /? L.

An increase in creatinine in the blood is observed with kidney disease, massive muscle damage, dehydration, increased thyroid function, and the predominance of meat foods in the diet. A decrease in creatinine levels occurs during fasting, a vegetarian diet, and when taking glucocorticoid drugs.

Trace elements

Sodium- the most important element associated with the regulation of the distribution of water in the body. The normal concentration of sodium is 136-145 mmol? /? L. In pregnant women in the second and third trimesters, the level of sodium in the blood may be slightly increased - up to about 150 mmol? /? L. This occurs as a result of a delay in the body of the pregnant sodium, potassium and chlorides, which is due to the peculiarities of the hormonal status and renal filtration. Sodium is involved in the excitation mechanisms of nerve and muscle cells.

An increase in sodium in the blood occurs when fluid intake is limited and fluid loss is intense, such as vomiting and diarrhea. A decrease in sodium levels can be observed with excessive abuse of diuretics, insufficient thyroid function. This can cause general weakness, lead to the development of various neurological disorders.

Potassium- the main intracellular microelement involved in metabolic processes, the formation of immunity, the transmission of nerve impulses in cells. The normal level of potassium in adults is 3.5–5.5 mmol? /? L, in pregnant women, potassium usually rises to 4.5-6.6 mmol? /? L by the end of pregnancy.

An increase in the level of potassium in the blood is noted with renal failure, dehydration, and an overdose of certain medications. With a decrease in potassium levels, cardiac arrhythmias, muscle weakness, and decreased muscle tone develop. These conditions can be caused by impaired intake of potassium from food, profuse vomiting, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, magnesium deficiency.

Chlorine- an important trace element that maintains the balance of water in the body. Its normal value is 98-107 mmol? /? L, by the end of pregnancy the level may slightly increase to 100-115 mmol? /? L.

An increase in chlorine levels is noted with dehydration, renal failure, and dysfunction of the adrenal cortex. Decreased levels of chlorine are determined with intense vomiting, overdose of diuretics and laxatives.

Determination of sodium, potassium and chlorine is mandatory in case of toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy, the presence of diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman.

Calcium- the main component of bone tissue. This element in the body performs many functions: it participates in the processes of muscle contraction, the secretion of hormones, the regulation of the activity of many enzymes, and the process of blood coagulation. The normal concentration of calcium in young women is 2.20–2.55 mmol? /? L; during pregnancy, the calcium level can decrease to 2.0 mmol? /? L. Calcium deficiency during the waiting period of the child is associated with its active consumption for the formation of the fetal skeleton, as well as a change in the hormonal state of the pregnant woman's body and a decrease in the amount of blood proteins.

An increase in the concentration of calcium in the blood can be observed in diseases of the kidneys, parathyroid glands, abuse of diuretics. Decreased concentration is observed in liver failure, pancreatic diseases, lack of vitamin D.

Iron- a vital trace element involved in the transport of oxygen. The normal level of iron in women is 7.2–30.4 µmol? /? L. During pregnancy, an increased consumption of iron can lead to its decrease and the development of iron deficiency anemia - a violation of the synthesis of the respiratory protein of the blood - hemoglobin. Determination of the concentration of iron in the blood serum allows you to diagnose latent anemia, when the level of hemoglobin in the general blood test is still normal, but the iron stores in the body are already depleted. In the presence of anemia during pregnancy, an analysis for serum iron is necessarily prescribed, and in some cases, according to indications, also additional tests to assess the exchange of iron in the body: the level of transferrin, ferritin, iron-binding capacity of blood serum, etc.

An increase in iron concentration can occur with lead poisoning, deficiency of vitamins B6 and B12. A significant decrease in the level of iron is noted with a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, liver and kidney diseases.

A biochemical blood test helps to identify deviations from the norm, diseases in the body of a pregnant woman, and to carry out treatment in a timely manner, and therefore, to avoid serious pathology on the part of the fetus. Based on the need, the number of the studied parameters can be reduced and increased by the attending physician.

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  • Often these two indicators are combined under the general name "blood nitrogen".

    The norm of urea in a woman before pregnancy is approximately 4.5 mmol / l, creatinine - 73 μmol / l. When carrying a child, these values ​​gradually decrease, but very slightly - before childbirth (when the difference is most striking), the urea level is 4.0 mmol / l. The drop in creatinine is more significant - up to 47 μmol / l.

    Why does “blood nitrogen” change in pregnant women?

    A decrease in the amount of nitrogenous substances in the blood of pregnant women is due to the fact that the processes of protein synthesis (the formation of new fetal tissues) in them exceed the rate of its decay. In addition, in the case of creatinine, its formation is strongly dependent on physical activity and muscle work. During a normal day of a woman in a position, her muscle work is at a lower level, this explains the decrease in the level of this blood indicator in pregnant women.

    An increase in the level of urea and creatinine often occurs simultaneously (doctors in this case speak of increased blood nitrogen or azotemia). In pregnant women, this is often caused by kidney damage during gestosis and eclampsia. Also, the cause of this condition may be an improper diet of a pregnant woman (consumption of large amounts of protein foods), glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, tumors of the kidneys and urinary tract.

    In addition, in a number of conditions, an individual increase in the level of creatinine is possible - the amount of urea remains normal or increases very slightly. This phenomenon accompanies a number of endocrine pathologies - diabetes mellitus, increased activity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) and the pituitary gland (acromegaly). A lot of creatinine enters the bloodstream during the breakdown of muscle tissue, so its increase can be caused by massive injuries or muscular dystrophies.

    Various types of kidney damage often become a complication of the course of pregnancy - old chronic diseases can be aggravated and aggravated, or new ones can arise. This poses a threat to the health of the expectant mother and child, so doctors closely monitor the indicators of the amount of nitrogen in the blood - urea and creatinine.

    Creatinine during pregnancy is the norm

    Creatinine is an indicator of kidney function and their ability to excrete waste products.

    Creatinine is

    Creatinine arises from creatine, a high-energy substrate that skeletal and cardiac muscles need to contract. Creatine is formed in the liver and kidneys from amino acids, then transported to the muscles, where it is converted to creatine phosphate. From creatine phosphate, phosphate is cleaved off to transform ADP into the energy molecule ATP, which is needed for muscle contraction.

    Every day 1-2% of creatine phosphate is converted into creatinine, which is removed from the blood exclusively by the kidneys.

    In short, the creatinine pathway looks like this: food amino acids> liver and kidneys> creatine synthesis> muscle - creatine phosphate> creatinine> kidneys> urine.

    Or an abbreviated version: food creatinine> muscle phosphocreatinine> creatinine> kidneys> urine.

    So, creatinine is the end product of the breakdown of creatine phosphate in the muscles.

    The formation and excretion of creatinine from the body are in a state of equilibrium. All creatinine from the blood flowing by the kidneys is excreted in the urine. In the tubules of the kidneys, there is no reabsorption of creatinine. 90% of creatinine gets into the urine during filtration in the glomeruli of the nephron, and 10% - during secretion in the tubules, and back - is not absorbed. Completely and completely into the urine.

    A blood creatinine blood test is needed to assess the filtration capacity of the kidneys (after all, 90% is filtered), which directly reflects the function of the kidney. So, creatinine in the blood = kidney function.

    With the progression of renal failure, the level of creatinine in the blood increases, and in the urine, on the contrary, decreases.

    Why does creatinine reflect the work of the kidneys?

    Because it is excreted only by the kidneys exactly as much as it was formed. There are no other ways. If the amount of creatinine in the blood is large, then the kidneys do not remove it from the blood.

    But, the growth of creatinine in the blood begins only after 40-60% of the kidneys, namely nephrons, die. Agree, this is a rather large figure, therefore, the level of creatinine in the blood cannot be used for the early diagnosis of chronic renal failure.

    A creatinine test is prescribed:

    • as part of a general biochemical blood test and kidney tests
    • to assess renal function in chronic renal failure
    • in patients with chronic renal failure, the level of creatinine in the blood determines the initiation of hemodialysis treatment

    Norms of creatinine in the blood (mmol / l)

    • newborns 12.0 - 48.0
    • infants (up to 1 year) 21.0 - 55.0
    • children under 15 years old 27.0 - 88.0
    • adult men 44.0
    • adult women 44.0

    Remember that each laboratory, or rather laboratory equipment and reagents, has its "own" standards. In the laboratory test form, they go in the column - reference values ​​or norm.

    5 facts about creatinine

    • creatinine can be tested in blood, urine, brain, muscle tissue
    • the concentration of creatinine has a certain cyclicity - the highest in the evening, the lowest in the morning, with a difference of 50%
    • in women, the level of creatinine in the blood is 15% lower than in men, an even lower concentration (minus 80%) in children
    • the difference in the indicator for repeated studies is 4-10%, which is considered quite low
    • In 1936, the Soviet therapist E.M. Tareev suggested using a blood creatinine test to assess renal function

    Why measure creatinine levels?

    The rate of creatinine in women

    Plasma creatinine concentration in women should be lower than in men. This is due to the physiological mechanisms of its formation, distribution and circulation in the blood.

    The mechanisms of this phenomenon are as follows:

    The muscle mass of a woman is less than that of a man;

    The activity of metabolic processes in the female body is reduced;

    Foods in the women's diet contain less exogenous creatinine entering the body;

    Influence of sex hormones and pregnancy.

    The norm of creatinine in men

    The creatinine of the male body should almost always be higher than that of women of a similar age group. This is due to the peculiarities of the lifestyle and differences in the functioning of organs and systems. Age characteristics also affect the process of creatinine metabolism, both upward and downward. Recently, many men visit gyms and use doping containing creatine to increase muscle performance. This must be taken into account when assessing the creatinine rate.

    The norm of creatinine in children

    The concentration of creatinine in the plasma of a child is more dependent on his age. The main fluctuations in this indicator are associated with the activity of growth and the degree of increase in muscle mass over a certain period of time. Newborns, due to the high loads that their body had to experience during childbirth, have creatinine levels the same as in adults. The same feature is typical for adolescents, which is explained by the active growth of the body. School-age children grow relatively steadily, so their creatinine levels are slightly lower than in adults.

    Elevated creatinine levels

    When assessing creatinine metabolism, most often, one has to deal with an increase in the concentration of this metabolite. It is very important to correctly interpret the obtained indicators, taking into account the possibility of physiological and pathological increase, age and gender standards. The condition in which an increase in plasma creatinine is recorded is called hypercreatinemia.

    Hypercreatininemia does not cause severe abnormalities in the body, since creatinine itself is low toxic. Its harmful effects on tissues can manifest itself only with sharp deviations from the norm of its concentration. This metabolite is more related to the consequences of various conditions and diseases, signaling their presence. Therefore, isolated hypercreatininemia practically does not cause manifestations.

    It is usually combined with other pathological symptoms that may suggest the need for this study:

    Clearance of creatinine

    Having carried out a test or analysis for creatinine, it becomes clear with what high rhythm the waste product of the muscle tissue of the body breaks down and ceases to be excreted. Analysis of creatinine in urine shows how well this molecular structure is excreted from the body.

    A person has the right to control the process of creatinine production through his life processes and activity. In general, the rate of formation of this harmful substance occurs when a person ceases to burden himself with physical exercises and does not eat properly. In order for the level of creatinine in the urine to increase and in the blood to decrease, you can help your kidneys fight it with your life rhythm and the correct lifestyle.

    To date, there are 3 stages of detecting creatinine in the body:

    • the presence of creatinine in the blood;
    • creatinine clearance (a more accurate test that is done on the basis of fresh urine and human blood);
    • the ratio of nitrogen and creatinine in the body (shows the percentage of dehydration of the body for a certain hour period).

    What do you need for analysis?

    In order to properly prepare for the delivery of your indicators, you need to adhere to some rules that will help identify and show the real numbers of this molecular substance in the body.

    Before you go to the laboratory, it is advisable not to bother yourself with physical activity two days before this process. Also, the day before taking the test, you need to limit your diet. This primarily applies to meat and other protein foods. The maximum consumption before analysis is an ethogram of lean meat. It is also recommended to drink enough water 24 hours before the test, while completely avoiding drinks such as coffee, tea, or soda.

    How is the analysis going

    To correctly draw blood, you need to initially treat the puncture site with an alcohol solution and bend the elbow joint so that the medical staff can apply a tourniquet. Blood is taken from a vein with a sterile needle in the right amount. After the completion of the procedure, the puncture is sealed with a special septic plaster or held with cotton wool until the blood stops completely.

    To pass urine correctly, you need to collect it for 24 hours, bypassing the first morning urination. Collect and store all subsequent doses in a special container with a volume of at least 5 liters. It is forbidden to collect and store it in different vessels. The entire collection must be stored in a dark and cool place until final transport to its destination. A refrigerator is an ideal place for such a container. The last dose of your urine will be urine in the morning on the day your urine is returned to the laboratory. The presence of foreign objects in the urine that can affect the final analysis data is not allowed. For example, such substances and objects can be: pieces of toilet paper, menstrual flow, feces or pubic hair of a person who is tested.

    Blood sampling risk

    Quite rarely, but still, there are exceptions when a blood test can end in unpleasant consequences. First of all, there are small blue bruises under the skin, as a result of the penetration of the needle. In the rarest of cases, blood sampling can cause a slight swelling that can be removed in a few days with a regular heat pack.

    Blood sampling can contribute to persistent bleeding if a person has poor clotting ability or is taking special medications that thin a person's blood during this period. Most often, such drugs are ordinary aspirin and warfarin.

    Test results

    Average rates may vary slightly from site to site. This is not the fault of the laboratories and hospitals. Most often, such differences are caused by external factors and different units of analysis.

    Average statistical indicators of blood creatinine rate:

    • men: 0.5-1.2 mg / dl or µmol / l;
    • women: 0.3-1.0 mg / dl or µmol / l.
    • men under 40 ml / min;
    • women up to 40 years ml / min.

    Indicators of creatinine clearance most often decrease with age by 6-7 ml / min every year. Normal ratio of nitrogen to creatinine 10: 1 to 20: 1

    High performance

    High values ​​of creatinine in the blood indicate that a person has serious abnormalities in kidney function. This can be due to many reasons and factors. The most serious and irreversible ones that affect the condition of the kidneys are cancer, stress, nervous shock, fatal infections, and low blood flow. Less dangerous but serious conditions for poor kidney function are stones, heart failure, polycystic disease, dehydration, gout, and muscle abnormalities. A high level of creatinine in the blood indicates that creatinine clearance is significantly below normal.

    Above normal clearance can be accompanied by a variety of physical influences and factors that affect or have influenced the body in the past. Most often, these reasons are: pregnancy, poisoning, hypothyroidism, burns, active physical activity, muscle ruptures.

    The third indicator - the ratio of creatinine and nitrogen in the body can also be guided by a number of reasons and conditions. Their high rates indicate that a person has severe renal failure based on dehydration or nervous shock. Also, the cause of high rates can be a blockage of the urinary tract. This is caused by stones and sand in the kidneys. It is quite rare that internal bleeding in the airways or digestive tract becomes a symptom of such high nitrogen.

    Low rates

    Creatinine and all of its associated indicators can be low, which is also not desirable for human health. Low creatinine levels are most often caused by a decrease in muscle mass, also called muscular dystrophy. Such indicators can also indicate serious liver disease. Low creatinine also occurs during long-term rigid diets, in which there is no protein food, as well as during pregnancy.

    Low creatinine clearance indicates serious functional renal failure that endangers life. These can be various infections, cancers, low blood flow to the kidneys due to stones and sand. Also, the cause can be liver cirrhosis, dehydration, heart failure.

    Low levels of nitrogen and creatinine show a clear picture of all the factors that a person has been earning lately. Similar numbers appear during the period of bearing a child, with limited and rigid long-term diets, severe injuries or serious complex physical exertion.

    • 15 How and when is a biochemical blood test done during pregnancy?

    Biochemical blood test in pregnant women - the main indicators

    Due to the fact that this analysis is quite voluminous, it allows you to determine which microorganisms are lacking in a woman's body. Since a large number of changes occur in it during the entire prenatal period, this analysis is carried out more than once in order to observe the indicators in dynamics.

    Total protein

    This indicator displays a picture of protein metabolism, which reflects the content of all proteins in the blood serum. Normally, the concentration of total protein in the blood should be about 64-84 g / l. Dysfunction of internal organs is determined by the ratio of albumin (alpha, beta, gamma), which are included in the protein fractions.

    Protein during pregnancy should be normal, since its decrease by several points is a pathology and a signal of the resulting physiological hypoproteinemia (decrease in protein levels), the formation of which is not desirable during pregnancy. Most often, hypoproteinemia occurs in the third trimester. An increase in protein is also not a good sign, as an increased value may indicate dehydration and blood clotting during fluid loss.

    Fats (lipids)

    A person has 4 groups of fats in the blood: fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol (cholesterol), of which the level of the latter group is examined during biochemical analysis, i.e. cholesterol. It is a structural component of cell membranes, while participating in the synthesis of sex hormones, bile acids and vitamin D. The amount of cholesterol in a woman's blood largely depends on her age. Normally, the blood cholesterol level of a young pregnant woman will be about 3.16-5.9 mmol / l.

    During the entire prenatal period, the physiological increase in the amount of total cholesterol reaches 6.0-6.2 mmol / l. A slight increase is due to the increased formation of endogenous cholesterol (produced in the liver), which is necessary for the construction of the vascular bed of the placenta and the fetus. A significant increase in the level of cholesterol in a woman's blood in some cases is a factor that predisposes the development of atherosclerosis - the formation of specific plaques in the vessels.


    Glucose is conventionally a component of the vital activity of any cell in the body. The average blood glucose concentration in an average person is about 3.9-5.8 mmol / L. In a pregnant woman, the blood glucose level may be slightly lowered to 3.6-4.1 mmol / L, but this is the norm. An increased level of glucose in a pregnant woman's body most often indicates gestational diabetes (pregnancy diabetes), which can occur due to a lack of the hormone insulin in the body, which is produced by the pancreas. As a rule, in addition to examining blood glucose levels during a biochemical test, a woman between 25 and 29 weeks of pregnancy takes an additional test for glucose levels.

    Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level

    Alanine aminotransferase (ALT or ALT) is a specific endogenous enzyme that belongs to the group of transferases and is used in medical practice to diagnose the heart, liver, nerve tissues and kidneys. If a woman's pregnancy proceeds harmoniously, the indicators of this enzyme should not change. The average level in the blood is up to 30 U / L. An increase in ALT is observed with moderate and severe degrees of preeclampsia, and with a severe form of preeclampsia, ALT in the blood rises constantly. In addition, an increase in ALT indicates that the liver is not coping with the load.

    Alkaline phosphatase

    Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme that is involved in phosphoric acid metabolism. Alkaline phosphatase is found in many tissues of the body, but its highest levels are found in the cells of bone tissue, kidney, liver, placenta and intestinal mucosa. Normally, this indicator should not exceed 155 U / L in an ordinary person and 240 U / L in a pregnant woman. If during the diagnosis it is revealed that the level of this enzyme is significantly overestimated, this first of all signals about liver pathology or bone disease.


    Amylase is a special enzyme that breaks down starch into oligosaccharides. It belongs to the digestive enzymes and is synthesized by the cells of the pancreas. If a woman's body is in normal condition, the level of this indicator does not exceed 50 U / l. With the emerging pathology of the pancreas, the level of amylase in the blood of women increases sharply.


    Bilirubin is a special bile pigment, the task of which is to be formed as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin (the pigment of red blood cells), to which, in turn, oxygen is attached. During the breakdown of hemoglobin, free bilirubin is first formed, which is then transported from the spleen to the liver along with albumin.

    Kidney treatment - Lithotripsy with Urolith, kidney stone

    After that, this free bilirubin in the liver interacts with a certain acid (glucuronic), as a result of which direct, less toxic bilirubin is formed, which, in turn, is actively secreted into the bile ducts and then excreted in the bile. As a result, direct bilirubin is one of the main components of bile.

    It is found mainly in blood serum in the form of two fractions: indirect (free) and direct (bound) bilirubin, which together are the total bilirubin in the blood. Normally, the level of total bilirubin during pregnancy does not exceed 3.5-17.3 μmol / l. If there is a noticeable increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood, which occurs due to the accelerated decay of erythrocytes, liver or biliary tract pathology, jaundice is formed, in which the development of pregnancy stops in 95%.

    Nitrogenous substances

    Nitrogenous substances mean urea, creatine, creatinine, uric acid, ammonia, that is, the end products of the breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids. During biochemical analysis, the following is mainly investigated:

    • Urea, in order to diagnose renal excretory function, the normal concentration of which in a woman's blood does not exceed 2.6-6.4 mmol / l. A noticeable increase in the level of urea in the blood is observed in various kidney diseases.
    • Creatinine, which is also tested to analyze the function of the kidneys, namely, renal filtration. Normally, the level of creatinine in the blood of a woman fluctuates in the region of cmol / l. An increase in the concentration of creatine in the blood will indicate a decrease in the level of renal filtration. In some pregnant women, there is a noticeable decrease in the level of creatinine in the blood in the third trimester, since during this period the blood volume and renal plasma flow increase.


    Iron is one of the most vital trace elements involved in the transport of oxygen. Normally, the level of iron in a pregnant woman should not be lower than 8.94-30.3 μmol / L. This trace element is part of hemoglobin, muscle myoglobin, erythrocytes and some enzymes. With a lack of iron, iron deficiency anemia is formed, which is the most common pathology of pregnancy, which is observed most often in its second half due to a lack of substances necessary for hematopoiesis. The need to control the level of iron in the blood of a pregnant woman by biochemical analysis arises due to the fact that at a normal level of hemoglobin there is a low level of iron, which is definitely an indicator of latent iron deficiency anemia, which must be detected in a timely manner.


    Sodium is one of the most important components of the extracellular space, which is directly related to the regulation of water distribution in the body. Normally, the sodium concentration should not be lower than mmol / l. Also, sodium is directly related to the mechanisms of excitation of nerve and muscle cells, and its decrease is fraught with various neurological disorders. An increased concentration of this indicator is observed with low water intake, loose stools, or constant vomiting (toxicosis).


    Potassium is the main intracellular trace element, the normal level in the blood of which is 3.6-5.6 mmol / l. An increased amount of potassium in a woman's body can be observed due to renal failure or drug overdose. The level of potassium in the body decreases during diarrhea, vomiting, muscle weakness and decreased muscle tone.


    Calcium is the main component of bone tissue, the normal concentration of which in the blood should be about 2.21-2.56 mmol / L. Calcium in the body is involved in many processes, such as muscle contractions, hormone secretion, regulation of the activity of a large number of enzymes, and blood clotting. Therefore, calcium deficiency is normal during pregnancy, as the baby needs a lot of building material for his bones. With a decrease in calcium, the doctor prescribes to the woman special medications aimed at increasing the level of calcium in the body.


    Most of the phosphorus is found in bone tissue in the form of calcium salts. Normally, its concentration in the blood during pregnancy should be about 1.0-1.41 mmol / l. A noticeable increase is noted with a decrease in the function of the parathyroid glands, an overdose of vitamin D and renal failure.

    How and when is a biochemical blood test done during pregnancy?

    A biochemical analysis is prescribed by a doctor twice during the entire prenatal period:

    • At the beginning of pregnancy, when registering.
    • Not a week, if this analysis does not arise earlier.

    For the study, blood is taken from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach from a pregnant woman. The difference between analysis and food intake should not be less than 12 hours. It is not recommended to carry out it on your own without the recommendation of a doctor.

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    Elevated creatinine in pregnancy - kidney check

    Thanks to him, you can look at the ratio of trace elements and select a donor that may be required in case of an unfavorable development of the situation. And one of the important trace elements in the blood is creatinine.

    Creatinine is the end product of the digestion of meat, or rather assimilated nutrients received from him. These useful elements, enter the bloodstream through the capillaries of the small intestine and take part in the metabolism. Normally, its level in the blood of a healthy person should vary between 53 and 97 μmol / l. Elevated creatinine during pregnancy is reasonably acceptable, since it indicates a decrease in the level of renal filtration. This may be due to increased stress on the kidneys.

    Since gynecologists do not have a consensus about increased creatinine during pregnancy, then you should not panic. First, you need to retake the analysis, undergo additional studies, for example, an ultrasound of the kidneys.

    If the doctor has a suspicion of impaired renal function, then the general cynical picture should be observed. It is with violations that the pregnant woman suffers from high blood pressure and edema, the detection of protein in the urine and a large weight gain. In addition, increased creatinine during pregnancy can be the result of a diet disturbance, for example, eating a large amount of meat.

    Tuna during pregnancy As soon as she learns about her pregnancy, every woman begins to involuntarily think about the benefits and potential harm of the products that she buys.

    FGRP during pregnancy During nine months of bearing a baby, a woman passes at least three times ultrasound procedure, the main purpose of which is about.

    Potassium permanganate during pregnancy During the nine months of waiting for the baby, the woman's body is subjected to various tests, among which are not the last place occupied by various s.

    Reduced creatinine

    Creatinine is a metabolite, a by-product of amino acid-protein metabolism in the human body. It is produced by creatine molecules that play important role in the work of the muscular system. It helps to carry out energy metabolism in all tissues - especially muscle.

    Creatinine is “born” when protein compounds are broken down and energy is released. This most often happens during the digestion of food, during physical work, in which the muscles are always involved.

    After its "birth", creatinine enters the bloodstream, and the latter delivers it to the kidneys. There it is filtered and then leaves the body with urine.

    Doctors, relying on data on the level of creatinine in the blood, learn about the metabolism of protein and the state of the kidneys in the patient. With its help, many diseases can be detected in the early stages.

    Allowable creatinine rate

    The permissible creatinine rate depends on gender, age, lifestyle, level of physical activity and hormonal processes, and the constitution of the human body. In a healthy body, the concentration of the metabolite in the blood remains stable around the clock, rising only slightly when the muscles contract. Sharp surges in creatinine are a sign of severe kidney ailments.

    Low creatinine - causes

    A low concentration of creatinine in the blood (hypocreatinemia) is very rare. This is a sign of problems with protein metabolism throughout the body or only in one muscle tissue.

    Renal dysfunction does not have a particular effect on the concentration of this metabolite in the blood. Here the problem is different: the body's protein resources accumulated in the muscles are depleted.

    By itself, low creatinine does not belong to diseases, it does not need to be treated. There are many factors that reduce its concentration, and they can be different for men and women. Here are the common reasons for its decline for both sexes:

    • "Rational" depletion due to low-protein plant-based vegetarian or vegan diets;
    • therapeutic fasting;
    • pathological exhaustion (cachexia) caused by chronic diseases of internal organs;
    • decrease in muscle mass due to insufficient physical activity;
    • the occurrence of muscle atrophy with the onset of old age;
    • long-term glucocorticosteroid pharmacotherapy, which doctors attribute to for allergies and rheumatism;
    • thermal (final) stage of oncological diseases;
    • edematous phenomena;
    • dehydration (severe dehydration of the body);
    • lack of antidiuretic hormone due to dehydration;
    • severe infectious diseases, which are often accompanied by serious problems with the supply of blood to the kidneys.

    Hypocreatinemia can also be caused by prolonged bed rest due to severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (stroke, myocardial infarction, acute heart failure) or immobilization caused by bone fractures and paralysis of the limbs.

    The psychological factor also plays a role. So, creatinine in the blood decreases in shock conditions, severe stress and psychological trauma.

    Gender-Specific Causes of Low Creatinine

    The female body differs from the male in the presence of estrogens, a more fragile constitution, and a slower assimilation of proteins. In addition, women are usually less active than men, doing less hard work. Therefore, their blood creatinine is lowered more often. Specific factors that lead to this include:

    • First trimester (first three months) of pregnancy. It happens that it goes down in the second trimester.
    • Severe cases of anorexia where a woman loses more than 30% of her normal body weight.

    In men, reduced creatinine is less common than in women, which is due to better muscle development, faster assimilation of proteins, the presence of the male hormone testosterone, and most importantly, greater physical activity. Usually creatinine in men falls due to:

    • chronic severe liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, atrophic processes);
    • problems with blood flow to the liver;
    • problems with the blood supply to the kidneys;
    • obstruction of the urinary tract (stones, neoplasms);
    • Duchenne and Becker diseases, which cause muscular dystrophy. These diseases are usually not caused by lifestyle or poor ecology and are inherited exclusively.

    How to raise

    It is not difficult to increase the concentration of creatinine in the blood. To do this, you just need:

    • increase physical activity to build muscle, but at the same time try not to overstrain the body;
    • observe a sleep schedule - sleep for at least 7 hours, try not to go to bed too late;
    • change your diet: eat more foods rich in protein. These include fish, meat, milk, pasta, nuts and rice;
    • drink plenty of water (at least 1.5 liters in one day);
    • take vitamin and mineral complexes to replenish the lack of protein.

    When to get tested for creatinine

    Doctors are referred for this analysis if the patient has:

    • arterial hypertension;
    • renal failure;
    • sepsis (blood poisoning);
    • shock states.

    This test should be given to patients before dialysis (blood purification in renal failure) and kidney sampling.

    All those admitted to the intensive care and intensive care unit are also tested for their creatinine levels.

    Before surrender you need:

    • do not physically overstrain your body for several days;
    • limit the intake of protein foods, a day before delivery, eat a maximum of 200 grams of meat or fish products;
    • do not drink coffee and alcohol;
    • drink enough water (at least one and a half liters per day).

    A low level of creatinine in the blood may not mean anything or be a harbinger and a sign of serious illness. It is up to the doctor to determine the reasons for its decrease. If it is not caused by diseases, then it is not at all difficult to return the normal level of this metabolite in the blood. You need to exercise more, get enough sleep, eat well and with creatinine everything will be fine again.


    Useful information. Thanks.

    son 2g. suffered acute pancreatitis back. With necrosis. Four months glibomed 2 tons per day. creatinine 30. The doctor says everything is fine, you can continue to be treated. Sugar decreased from 11 to 7 -6 units.

    Creatinine during pregnancy: the norm and possible deviations

    Creatinine during pregnancy is one of the indicators reflecting the physiological course of this condition. The compound itself is the final metabolite of the metabolism of certain amino acids involved in the construction of its own proteins in the body of not only a pregnant woman, but also any person. The direct process of natural synthesis of creatinine takes place in the muscles, which make up a fairly large percentage of the total body weight.

    Biochemical aspects

    The contraction of individual groups of the muscle frame occurs almost every second, which cannot but be reflected in the laboratory determination of creatinine. The direct source of energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid) molecules is consumed by the muscles after dephosphorylation of a special form of creatine, a non-essential protein monomer. A byproduct of this process is creatinine, which is eliminated by the kidneys.

    Creatinine metabolism can fail at any stage:

    • with excessive consumption of amino acids and protein foods;
    • at the stage of natural formation of energy, which is associated with insufficient work enzymes;
    • with functional kidney failure, which do not fully cope with the excretion of creatinine.

    However, the physiological norm reflects the fact that creatinine is not excreted by the kidneys in absolute amounts. Any contraction of a living muscle is accompanied by the consumption of ATP, and therefore the formation of a by-product. Immediate cleansing of blood from creatinine is accompanied by a new intake of this product. Physiological condition pregnancy affects the content of creatinine in the blood plasma, since the fetus needs not only an energy source, but also a protein substrate to build its own structures.

    The concentration of creatinine in the blood also depends on the woman's age, characteristics of her activity and diet.

    The extreme limits of this indicator have been established through many years of statistical research, when women feel good, and the work of their internal organs occurs in accordance with the increasing load on them during pregnancy.

    Limits of the norm

    Certain limits for the concentration of creatinine have been established to take into account the normal functioning of the organs of a pregnant woman. It becomes possible to avoid errors in the results if blood is taken from expectant mothers according to regulated principles.

    In turn, women must observe the following rules:

    1. It is recommended to fast for at least 6 hours before the scheduled analysis time. Otherwise, a woman must definitely warn about the nature of the products consumed, which may somewhat distort the research result.
    2. A woman should limit physical activity the day before the creatinine test. Exhausting workouts are completely contraindicated for women who are interested in maintaining pregnancy.
    3. The corresponding norm of creatinine in a blood test is found in healthy women at any gestational age, if before the analysis they tried to avoid hypothermia or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

    The optimal amount of creatinine varies significantly in pregnant women and is within acceptable values ​​from 44 to 80 μmol / L. For non-pregnant women, this value increases, and for men it even rises several times. Outside of pregnancy, women have significantly lower creatinine concentrations than men.

    This is due to some physiological differences by gender:

    1. Nature has embodied in a woman more rounded shapes that help her in the process of bearing a fetus. General development muscle tissue at the same time decreases, which means that the side formation of creatinine also falls.
    2. A man, by virtue of his physical data, is able to withstand more intense physical activity, more weight when lifting heavy weights, and more static work.
    3. Women usually have a less pronounced metabolic rate. They are attracted to foods that contain fewer amino acids in their composition, which also contributes to less productive phosphorylation processes.

    Diagnostic value

    In general, the analysis for creatinine is able to reflect functional state excretory system and kidneys, in particular - in a pregnant woman. Obstetric practice shows that this indicator tends to decrease at the time of bearing a child, this is regarded as the norm. A particularly pronounced decrease in the by-product of creatine metabolism is observed in the initial period of physiological gestation.

    This is due to the following compensatory reactions of the pregnant woman's body in response to the active development of the fetus:

    1. The volume of circulating blood in a pregnant woman increases several times, which increases the filtration load on the kidneys. In this case, the urine receives a pronounced dilution, which reduces the percentage of all biochemical parameters.
    2. Many protein substrates enter the body of the growing fetus, which needs them as a basis for full development and the formation of all structures and organs. Creatine is used in a reduced amount as an energy substrate for the muscular work of the mother. Therefore, pregnant women quickly get tired and hardly tolerate physical activity, and the growing feeling of fatigue is completely indirect sign"Interesting position".

    Although reduced creatinine is considered normal, preventive measures to increase it should be actively pursued. A pregnant woman needs a sufficient nutritional intake of proteins, since their consumption is increased both by her body and the body of the unborn child.

    Every expectant mother should reconsider the diet, and adherents of vegetarianism should refuse it. Diet therapy is becoming the mainstay of treatment for hypocreatinemia of any origin. It is based on an increase in food proteins of animal origin, dairy products. Pregnant women with a poor diet need to introduce whole meat days, when all dishes will be based on chicken, young beef, and turkey. It is also recommended to make a bias towards whole milk, grain cottage cheese, sour cream with a high percentage of fat. Also shown are vegetables and fruits in their natural form or that have undergone a slight heat treatment.

    Creatinine can be called an indicator that allows you to assess the work of the kidneys. And conducting an analysis to determine the level of this substance in a person's blood is a kind of test for the quality of the kidneys as a whole.

    Blood creatinine in women: why it can be lowered

    The indicators of creatinine in the blood of women depend on age, as well as the performance of the kidneys.

    Why there is a decrease in indicators, doctors do not know exactly. But it is believed that a decrease in the content of this substance in women can be triggered by the following conditions:

    • strict adherence to a vegetarian diet;
    • lack of weight;
    • pregnancy;
    • taking glucocorticoid drugs.

    Creatinine in men

    The kidneys cannot filter out all the substance that has entered them, since the release of creatinine into the blood does not stop even for a second. At the same time, the blood plasma of men contains stable indicators of the substance, which directly depend on age indicators, the characteristics of muscle activity and the type of nutrition.

    • A sharp loss of muscle mass, which is a consequence of the development of muscular dystrophy. Muscle injury is also a danger.
    • The reasons for low rates may lie in the development of severe liver diseases, in particular, cirrhosis.
    • Maintaining a vegetarian type of diet, strict diets, complete starvation are still common reasons for a decrease in creatinine levels, since in this case, the protein that is necessary for it ceases to enter the body.
    • Heart failure can also be accompanied by low scores.
    • Sometimes the reasons for the lack of creatinine are cancer, as well as infectious diseases, which are characterized by poor blood supply to the kidneys.
    • The indicators may be influenced by the intake of corticosteroid drugs.
    • Danger in this regard is also dehydration of the body, as well as a lack of antidiuretic hormone.

    Advice! The exact reasons will allow additional laboratory tests to be established.

    How to raise low creatinine levels

    The steps that can be taken to improve performance depend on the diagnosis. But more often than not, it is recommended to start building muscle mass.

    You will also need to abandon the diet and begin to include in your diet as many foods as possible containing the protein that the human body lacks. In this case, the daily menu should contain:

    • meat;
    • fish;
    • seafood;
    • nuts.

    It is also recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes that can restore the deficiency of these substances. If the causes of low creatinine are any diseases, then a course of necessary therapy will be required.