What not to eat for pregnant women during pregnancy: a list of foods prohibited in the early stages. Contraindications during pregnancy are controversial issues. What happens during a pressure chamber during pregnancy

Now the development of the future baby and his birth should be the main priorities in the life of the future mother. So, the existing contraindications for pregnancy are quite strict, but sometimes women ignore them, considering them superstitious or inappropriate.

Below is a list of the main contraindications during pregnancy, following which the expectant mother will be able to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

1. The most important prohibition for expectant mothers is alcohol. Do not fall for the persuasion of others that a little champagne or beer will not harm your baby. In fact, even in small amounts, alcohol is dangerous during pregnancy, as it can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome. You will not risk your baby's health, will you?

2. Drugs are completely contraindicated during pregnancy. This also applies to the so-called soft drugs. If the expectant mother continues to use drugs, the baby may develop various defects. As for strong drugs, their use can lead to miscarriage or in the future, the baby will develop neuralgic diseases.

3. Sports during pregnancy. In the first trimester, in principle, there are no special contraindications to sports. You can keep exercising. But at a later date, the load should be strictly limited. Excessive exercise during pregnancy can cause bleeding and lead to miscarriage.

4. Smoking. Tobacco has vasoconstrictor properties, which greatly affects the fetus and the child is malnourished.

5. Cosmetic procedures. You cannot do some of the massages, electrophoresis, laser therapy, cool showers, or the sauna or steam room.

6. Nutrition must be correct. Eliminate salt from your diet - it retains fluid in the body, which subsequently leads to edema. It is also best not to use condiments and spices that increase dry mouth and appetite.

7. Medicines. Many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy, so monitor your health carefully. With a disease, any treatment and intervention can harm the future baby. In no case should you self-medicate.

All these are general contraindications for pregnancy, but there are also separate prohibitions for each mother, which your doctor will tell you about after the tests. But don't take pregnancy as a burden. Along with prohibitions, there are many opportunities. Soon you will give a new life, and for any woman this is the best gift.

A very special, magical state of a woman's body - pregnancy - presupposes the observance of important rules of daily life. Now many things are banned, because if earlier you could, for example, smoke a cigarette, you were perfectly aware that you were only harming your own body, but you deliberately made a choice. And now a small fragile life inside makes you think hard about every step, do any little thing with an eye on the future baby. It is imperative to correctly prioritize, and the main one should, of course, be the future baby. It turns out that there are many contraindications during pregnancy, and there is no escape - you have to follow them. Some expectant mothers sometimes ignore them, considering them frivolous relics of the past. And meanwhile, even if immediately after birth some taboos violated by a woman in a position do not affect the baby in any way, problems may overtake later, and then the woman will realize her mistakes, but it will be difficult to correct them.

We bring to your attention the generally accepted contraindications for pregnant women.

Alcohol is the main thing that should be strictly prohibited for a pregnant woman. Do not listen to the persuasion of uninformed friends or acquaintances. Even a small glass of beer or wine can cause pathology - fetal alcoholization syndrome. Moreover, the dose leading to this has not yet been determined by scientists. Do not risk the health of the unborn child.

Needless to say, any drugs and substances are also prohibited. This also applies to the lightest ones, such as, for example, hemp. Even if a woman, being in a position, "only once" uses the drug, this can cause the development of various defects in a newborn child. Strong narcotic drugs cause miscarriage or cause neurological abnormalities in the child.

Smoking tobacco has persistent contraindications during pregnancy. It causes a sharp one. From this, the expectant mother's blood pressure rises, and the child does not have enough oxygen.

Sports, especially in the first trimester, are permissible unless prohibited by a doctor. Further, the load must be limited. Due to the production of hormones, muscles become flaccid and fragile, so now it is much more likely to fall and or a leg. Diving, diving, swimming underwater is not recommended. However, just swimming will be very useful. Large physical activities, which were quite within your power before pregnancy, now sometimes lead to serious problems: bleeding or even miscarriage.

Sunbathing also has contraindications during pregnancy. Doctors strongly advise to stay less in the sun, swim in open water. Temperature drops do not bode well for a pregnant woman.

Try to eat less salty foods, let your food be slightly undersalted. Salt promotes fluid retention in the body, which can lead to edema, and pregnant women are prone to them without it.

Anything that can cause even a mild illness has contraindications during pregnancy. This is too cold drink, draft, unwashed vegetables and fruits. Medicines often have a negative effect on the development of the fetus.

We need to be more careful, at least for the first three months. At this time, the fetus is not yet firmly attached to the walls of the uterus, and there is no need to disturb him once again - the doctor may even recommend abstinence for several weeks. Further, if the doctor has not forbidden, you can resume your sex life.

All of the listed contraindications for pregnancy are general in nature, and talk about your individual limitations with your gynecologist after the tests. Remember that by denying yourself something, you show love and care for the future baby.

If much of the above is a part of your life, without which you cannot imagine yourself, then remember: these are contraindications to pregnancy, and, having decided to become a mother, you must thoroughly prepare and change a lot in your life.

For women carrying a child, a healthy diet is a very important condition for creating favorable conditions for the growth and formation of the fetus. Compliance with the principle, eat everything that does not harm the baby is considered fundamental. You just need to firmly know which foods are dangerous, and which you can eat when you want.

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Nutrition of a woman in position

Proper nutrition of a pregnant woman is the key to the health of the child and mother. Therefore, it must be balanced. Together with food, all the substances necessary for the vital activity of the nascent new life enter the body. In order not to clog organs and systems, harmful and useless foods should be excluded from the diet. To do this, you need to have information about what is recommended to eat and what is prohibited, as well as about dietary habits at different stages of pregnancy.

  1. A pregnant woman should eat heavily, as they say for two, - this is the main principle of changing the diet.
  2. In terms of energy consumption, the increase should be from 500 to 800 kcal per day.
  3. Overeating is strictly prohibited, since there is a threat of the appearance of an overweight woman, an increase in the load on the internal organs, which worsens the well-being of a pregnant woman.
  4. Excessive nutrition also affects the fetal body weight, if it goes beyond the permissible limits, then childbirth will be difficult. This will negatively affect the health of the child.

Avoiding any foods during your entire pregnancy is the wrong move. Medical practice has proven that the complete absence of certain foods in the diet can lead to unpleasant consequences in the future. Namely, your child, who will not receive these products in the womb, will be born with physiological aversion to them. That is, there will be a risk of developing allergic reactions to whole types of common foods. Fighting allergies is very difficult; it will poison the lives of your children. They will have to give up many goodies. Therefore, adhere to the nutritional algorithm, which provides for the rejection of certain dishes only during a certain period of pregnancy. If you can eat them in another trimester, then eat them for health.

Diets should also not be adhered to, eat various healthy foods, but in limited quantities. If you have any doubts whether you can eat a particular delicacy or drink drinks, consult your doctor about this. This will be the right decision to help eliminate the slightest risks.

Prohibited foods

The list of foods that will harm you and your baby is quite wide. Pay attention to it and understand for yourself what their use will be fraught with.

  1. Dishes made from raw products - meat, fish, eggs, fresh milk, oysters are dangerous because bacteria and helminths, as well as viruses, live and multiply in them. These include salmonella, worms, noraviruses, and rotaviruses. They are the cause of intestinal infections and poisoning. Any intoxication during pregnancy affects the condition of the mother and fetus. The well-being of a pregnant woman during infection can be difficult: chills and prolonged diarrhea, dehydration and exhaustion of the body. Some of the pathogens have a negative effect on the fetus, its development can be abnormal.
  2. Substandard foods, which include vegetables, fruits, and other foods that have expired. Such food causes serious systemic diseases from gastrointestinal disorders to dysentery and typhoid.
  3. Allergens that are dangerous for the child. It is better for pregnant women to temporarily, depending on the duration of pregnancy, give up strawberries, citrus fruits, nuts, honey and tomatoes. Practice has proven that from the use of this category of products, children often develop, less often - allergic rhinitis and asthma.
  4. Salt, it is impossible to do without it, but it is necessary to reduce its use. Salt has the ability to retain moisture, therefore, pregnant women develop edema, blood pressure rises, and the load on internal organs increases. As a result, the course of pregnancy is complicated and the woman's health becomes unsatisfactory.
  5. Smoking. These are deliberately harmful products, so it is recommended to exclude them from the diet completely. The categorical nature of the ban is associated with the carcinogenicity of the components that make up the smoked meats. And they cause cancer. For example, a scientifically proven fact is the connection between the occurrence of cancer and benzopyrene. It affects tissues in such a way that they begin to grow uncontrollably, this can occur in the body of the mother and fetus.
  6. Canned food and twists. Their harm lies in the content of additives such as vinegar, salt in large quantities, preservatives, marinades, flavor and aroma enhancers. Especially dangerous is sodium nitrite, which keeps meat products fresh. To avoid the risk of the influence of these substances on the baby's body, you should refuse to buy products containing them. The harmful effect of canned food is to change metabolic processes, which is not as scary for adults as for a child in the womb. He itself has an accelerated metabolism, it cannot be stimulated to a critical level.
  7. Margarine and substitutes contain the maximum amount of fatty acids that affect cholesterol levels. The formation of plaque in blood vessels during pregnancy is faster than ever. The woman's body is busy supporting a new life and does not have time to fight the accumulation of harmful fats on the vascular walls. That is, a woman can get atherosclerosis at a young age, which will become a problem for life.
  8. Alcohol is categorically prohibited for pregnant women. It directly affects the development of the child's organs and systems. Violations are expressed in what becomes the cause of brain pathology, in the failure of the formation of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. World practice has proven that alcohol consumption can provoke anomalies in the physical and mental development of an infant. Therefore, you should never drink alcohol.
  9. Digestible carbohydrates. These are refined sugar and sweet baked goods that affect weight gain, pancreatic function, and blood glucose levels. Overuse of sweets leads to gestation, which can remain a lifelong illness. Only on rare occasions, does he leave after being released from the burden.
  10. Fast food, various semi-prepared meals, fried foods are unhealthy diets for pregnant women. Everything that is prepared quickly and without hassle, is stored for a long time, is eaten on the go, contains bad fats and carcinogenic substances. All expectant mothers should remember this.

This list should be in your head all the time, it is far from complete, so expand it for yourself. To do this, focus on your own well-being and expert advice.

What you can't eat in the early stages

In early pregnancy, nutrition should be treated with special care. At this time, the formation of the vital systems of the embryo begins. Any adverse external impact can lead to developmental delay or miscarriage. During this period, there are many categorical prohibitions:

  • Alcohol - it is completely excluded from the food set.
  • Sparkling drinks and convenience foods such as soups, noodles and other instant foods are not allowed. The same goes for chips and croutons with additives.
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup should be replaced with other condiments - sunflower oil, low-fat sour cream, natural yoghurts and homemade sauces.
  • Smoked meats should be discarded flatly. Because they contain a lot of carcinogens.
  • Allergenically dangerous nuts, chocolate, citrus fruits, red berries should be eaten with great care due to possible allergies in newborns. It often develops from the first days of a baby's birth.
  • Reduce your coffee intake. Drink only a couple of cups a day, try not to consume the drink at night, as you need to get good rest and gain strength to carry the baby. Coffee has practically no effect on the child's body, and for the mother, increased pressure or insomnia can become a problem.

It is important to remember that even permitted foods during pregnancy should be eaten with an eye to well-being. The main way to avoid the risk of disease is to follow the rules of hygiene and food handling. Cook food correctly, boil and wash thoroughly, keep your hands and dishes clean.

What you can't eat at a later date

For late pregnancy, there is a list of prohibited foods. Some of them should be abandoned altogether. Others should be used only occasionally.

  • During this period, you need to drink only healthy drinks, and everything that contains caffeine for a pregnant woman should be drunk less. It increases blood pressure, prevents the absorption of calcium, removes the necessary trace elements from the body magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium. Chicory is a good substitute for coffee.
  • Fried food falls into the category that is allowed to be eaten, but rarely.
  • Smoked meats, spicy seasonings and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet, since they add stress to the organs and systems of the expectant mother and negatively affect the child.
  • Salt preservation is undesirable at any stage of pregnancy, and is prohibited at a later stage. Its use leads to an increase in swelling and an increase in well-being.
  • Seafood, including caviar, have significant contraindications for late pregnancy, as they develop a tendency to allergies in the child. The same hazard category includes honey and some fruits and berries. For example, strawberries, oranges.
  • It is also advisable to forget about chocolate in the third trimester, since it is considered an allergen for a child under one year old.
  • Melons, especially those whose ripening is caused by artificial methods, can become the cause of intoxication.

Mushrooms are especially dangerous; it is generally better not to use them. Since even edible mushrooms growing in poor environmental conditions can become poisonous. By eating them, you put your life and the life of your unborn child at risk.

What should be used with care?

If you cannot do without any of these products, then consult with your doctor about how much you can introduce them into your diet, and in what time frame to reduce their use.

The consequences of malnutrition

Knowing the list of prohibited products is one side of the issue, you need to understand the consequences of their use despite the prohibitions. And they can be truly tragic.

For example, alcohol, even in small doses, alters blood flow in the placenta. Behind this lies the danger of an offensive. That is, the brain does not receive the necessary nutrition and the inhibition of its formation begins. Alcohol in the mother's blood is a danger for the child to get fetal alcosyndrome, leading to developmental abnormalities. Therefore, before drinking one hundred grams, think about what kind of trouble can happen to a baby.

With information about the dangers of certain foods, a woman can organize her meals in such a way that the food will help her to survive the pregnancy, and not create additional problems. We wish you prudence and recommend using the recommendations of specialists given in this material.

Pregnancy is a great time, but also a responsible time. The course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child depends on the behavior of the expectant mother.

The lifestyle during pregnancy is of course changing. Today we will talk about contraindications during pregnancy, about the prohibitions that her condition imposes on a woman.

It is known that the entire period of pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. And in each of them there are different contraindications for pregnancy.

Contraindications in the first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most crucial period of the entire period of pregnancy, since at this time all the main systems of the new organism are formed. Therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy, the list of restrictions is the most voluminous.

In order for the child to be healthy and develop correctly, he needs to be provided with high-quality building materials and to nullify all the unfavorable factors that can affect the development of the body.

What cannot be done in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Contraindications during pregnancy - controversial issues

Some prohibitions during the first trimester of pregnancy are controversial today. Let's focus on the most important points.

  1. Sex life

During intercourse, there is an active contraction of the muscles of the uterus and small pelvis, therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to refrain from sex. This is especially true when there is a threat of miscarriage. However, even if your pregnancy is proceeding normally, sexual intercourse can cause complications as the fetus may be dislocated or disturbed.

Over time, the embryo becomes more protected, so after the first trimester of pregnancy, with good health, there are no restrictions on sex life.

  1. Cosmetics

During the first trimester of pregnancy, you must continue to take care of your body. However, it is recommended not to use cosmetics with fragrances and strong odors. Currently, many hypoallergenic personal care products are produced, you can also use baby cosmetics.

It is good to use natural remedies: vegetable and fruit masks, such as cucumber or strawberry mask, as well as honey and olive oil. In specialized stores, there is a large selection of cosmetics for expectant mothers.

Hair coloring is not a contraindication during pregnancy. However, it is not recommended to dye your hair with any dye. Chemical elements that make up the paint have a negative effect on the condition of the hair. Therefore, if you decide to dye your hair, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, give preference to expensive proven dye products. And it is best to use natural substances: henna or basma.

  1. Physical exercise

Heavy physical activity is contraindicated during the first trimester of pregnancy. Serious stress on the body should be avoided, so if you were involved in extreme or strength sports before pregnancy, change your activity. Physical education during the first trimester can and should be done, but change your occupation, give preference to swimming, yoga, physiotherapy exercises, walks in the fresh air.

There are special complexes of medical and respiratory exercises for pregnant women.

  1. Sunburn and visit to the solarium

Ultraviolet light is necessary for the normal health and functioning of all body systems. Therefore, sunbathing is not prohibited. Of course, it is best to do this on the beach. It is only necessary to remember that it is necessary to be in the sun in the morning and evening hours, before 11 am and after 4 pm, since in the daytime the sun is very active and can harm the body.

You should also remember about the means of protection against sunburn, use sunscreen. Sunbathing should not be prolonged, and at the slightest sign of discomfort, they should be stopped. It is best that the effect of the sun's rays on the body occurs in partial shade.

Is a solarium a contraindication in the first trimester of pregnancy? Here the opinions of experts differ. However, if there are no complications of pregnancy and strict contraindications, then you can visit the solarium, observing precautions: cover the stomach with a cloth, and also carefully monitor your health, and at the slightest sign of malaise, stop the procedure.

  1. Travels

Long distance travel is recommended to be postponed. The fact is that vibrations in the train and on the plane lead to tension in the muscles of the back and abdomen, and can provoke an increased tone of the uterus. In addition, when traveling by plane, the body experiences stress caused by pressure drops.

However, if the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the woman is in good physical shape, flights and travel by train are not contraindicated. You just need to observe some precautions: during the flight, drink more water, wear loose clothing, during the flight, take a walk through the cabin several times. As for the train, you should not skimp on conveniences here, it is not advisable to travel in a reserved seat, and even more so in a common carriage, the seat, of course, should be chosen on the lower shelf.

Traveling brings a lot of positive emotions, so if there are no serious contraindications, consult your doctor and feel free to hit the road!

  1. Nutrition

Fast food and foods that cause allergic reactions should be eliminated from your diet. But if you really want to eat a hamburger, you can sometimes afford it. Just don't get carried away!

In the first trimester of pregnancy, many women experience toxicosis. Therefore, fatty and heavy food becomes a contraindication in the first trimester of pregnancy.

  1. Coffee and cocoa

Coffee stimulates the nervous system and affects the heart. Therefore, coffee is a contraindication during pregnancy if you have heart or blood vessel problems. At the same time, in moderation, coffee is useful for maintaining tone and raising mood. Also coffee is recommended under reduced pressure. But in everything one should observe moderation.

Cocoa is a very healthy product, it contains many vitamins and minerals. At the same time, cocoa also has negative properties: cocoa washes out calcium from the body and prevents its absorption. Cocoa also provokes uterine tone, which is very dangerous, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Cocoa is high in calories, therefore it promotes weight gain, which is highly undesirable. Based on the foregoing, the consumption of cocoa is rather a contraindication during pregnancy.

Contraindications in the second trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy is the most enjoyable time! toxicosis and ailments associated with the first trimester of pregnancy are already over, but the size of the fetus and abdomen are still small, so a pregnant woman can enjoy her excellent condition.

There are fewer contraindications during pregnancy compared to the first trimester, and many of them are not so strict.

And yet, let's dwell on some of them.

What is not allowed in the second trimester of pregnancy?

  1. Nutrition

The toxicosis of the first trimester of pregnancy has passed, and now the woman can return to her usual diet. However, there are a number of limitations in the second trimester.

First of all, you should give up fatty heavy foods. It is necessary to remove from the diet foods that can cause an allergic reaction, such as nuts, as well as foods with food additives and preservatives. Before buying products, carefully study their composition on the label!

It is advisable to limit the consumption of salty and smoked foods. The daily salt intake should also be reduced, as salt retains fluid in the body, which can cause swelling and is an additional burden on the kidneys, and also increases blood pressure.

A contraindication during pregnancy is the use of uncooked steaks with blood, raw fish, for example, sliced ​​and sushi, since there is a risk of infection with helminths.

A healthy, balanced diet is the foundation of your well-being and the health of your baby. The basis of a healthy diet in the second trimester of pregnancy is cereals, followed by dairy products, fruits and vegetables in second place, and fish and meat in third place. It is advisable to refuse from semi-finished products during this period.

  1. Vitamins and minerals

Currently, an increasing number of specialists adhere to the point of view that synthetic vitamins and trace elements do not bring any benefit to the body, since they are not absorbed. Of course, vitamin complexes are not a contraindication during pregnancy, but you should not rely on their miraculous power, preference should be given to natural products.

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and do not forget about dairy products containing calcium, as the skeleton of the baby begins to actively form in the second trimester of pregnancy.

  1. Skin, nails, hair

As for caring for your body, contraindications and recommendations for pregnancy in the second trimester remain the same as in the first. Get more rest and stay in the fresh air, and from cosmetics (including hair dyes), give preference to natural hypoallergenic products.

  1. Alcohol and smoking

The answer to this question is unequivocal: alcoholic beverages and cigarettes are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy.

  1. Medicines

The list of medications that are not a contraindication in pregnancy is expanding significantly in the second trimester. However, before you start taking any medicinal product, carefully read the attached instructions and consult your doctor.

For colds and to increase immunity, it is good to use traditional medicine: tea with honey and lemon, raspberry jam, sea buckthorn berries.

For other diseases, it is often necessary to take medications. You need to be treated during pregnancy, including taking medication. Just inform the doctor about your situation, and he will select drugs for you that are not contraindicated in pregnancy.

  1. Sexual relationship

In the second trimester of pregnancy, sex is not a contraindication if the pregnancy proceeds without complications.

Different women have different attitudes towards sex during pregnancy. For some, sex is a joy and pleasure. In this case, it is possible to have sex, and it is useful. However, there are women who are psychologically unable to have sex while pregnant. Then it might be worth asking your partner to wait a bit for the sake of the health of the mother and baby.

Thus, sex life in the second trimester of pregnancy is not contraindicated, it all depends on the well-being and psychological state of the expectant mother.

  1. Sports and fitness

Moderate exercise during the second trimester of pregnancy is very beneficial. Contraindications during pregnancy are only extreme sports and heavy strength loads.

Keep swimming, yoga, exercise therapy.

However, potentially dangerous sports should be ruled out. You shouldn't go skiing or cycling, even if you feel good!

  1. Travels

The second trimester of pregnancy is the best time to travel! Just follow the recommendations of the doctors during your trip and enjoy new experiences!

Choose the type of transport where you can get up and warm up when necessary.

You can also go to exotic countries if you follow the precautions.

Flights are not a contraindication in the second trimester of pregnancy. However, take care of yourself in flight: wear anti-varicose tights, loose clothing, drink more fluids in flight, fasten your seat belt under your belly.

Contraindications in the third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester is the most difficult period for a pregnant woman. The child is already big, and the size of the abdomen is a significant inconvenience. The body of the expectant mother is being rebuilt and preparing for the upcoming birth.

In the third trimester, there are many more contraindications for pregnancy compared to the second.

What shouldn't be done in the third trimester of pregnancy?

  1. Nutrition

In the third trimester, a woman begins to experience various discomforts associated with digestion, such as heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, and constipation. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the regime and diet during this crucial period.

One of the most important tasks during this period is to monitor your own weight. Excess weight is an additional burden on the body, which can lead to complications during pregnancy.

However, keeping an eye on your own weight doesn't mean starving! Diets during pregnancy are categorically contraindicated!

From the diet, you should exclude foods that are not nutritious, but only lead to excess weight. These products include cakes, pastries, pies, rolls, sweets, cookies.

Preference should be given to dairy products, lean fish and meat, cereals, fruits and vegetables.

You should eat in a balanced, varied manner, in small portions.

Overeating is also a contraindication during pregnancy. You should not take part in the feasts at this time.

  1. Drinking regimen

As for drinks, some of them are contraindicated in the third trimester of pregnancy.

First of all, these are any drinks containing alcohol, as well as energy drinks, sweet carbonated water, especially Pepsi and Fanta, strong coffee and tea.

Preference should be given to such drinks as herbal teas, natural juices, fruit drinks and compotes with a low sugar content. It is also recommended to drink regular mineral and table water.

As for the amount of fluid you drink, gynecologists currently do not limit fluid intake in the third trimester. If a woman develops edema, then this is not due to fluid intake, but to impaired renal function, which can lead to a serious complication, gestosis.

If edema develops, you should immediately consult a doctor and take remedial measures.

  1. Medicines

Certain medications are still contraindicated in third trimester pregnancy. However, the list of drugs, the use of which is possible, is expanding more and more.

Therefore, doctors often postpone the treatment of some diseases until the third trimester, when a woman can undergo drug therapy without harming either her own health or the health of the unborn baby.

The rule of taking medications in the third trimester remains common for the entire duration of pregnancy: before taking this or that drug, carefully read the instructions and consult with a specialist.

  1. Physical activity

The physical condition of a woman in the third trimester imposes many restrictions on physical activity.

Contraindications during pregnancy during this period are weight lifting, strength exercises, active and potentially traumatic sports.

The child grows, takes up more and more space in the woman's body, and it becomes more and more difficult for her to move. Shortness of breath appears, previously normal movements become difficult: bending or climbing stairs.

However, exercise during the third trimester of pregnancy is not a contraindication. On the contrary, walking, swimming, and special exercises for pregnant women are useful.

You should rely on your own well-being. Physical education should please, improve mood and not cause severe fatigue.

  1. Sex life

Sex in the third trimester of pregnancy is not contraindicated. However, sex must be treated with caution, given that not all methods are appropriate at this time.

In addition, at the very late stages, sex can stimulate the onset of labor. Sometimes gynecologists even advise using this method in order to start the process of childbirth.

Therefore, if a woman has a threat of premature birth, it is advisable to refuse sexual activity during this period of pregnancy.

Sexual life in the third trimester of pregnancy is recommended if desired and wisely, if there are no complications.

Summing up all of the above, it should be noted that pregnancy is a special crucial period in a woman's life, which imposes a number of restrictions.

Contraindications during pregnancy are caused by the peculiarities of this period and do not interfere with leading a normal life and enjoying your position.

What can and cannot be pregnant in the early stages so that the embryo does not suffer? We have noted several important points to take into account. Moreover, these recommendations apply not only to the first weeks, but also to the entire period of bearing a child. Moreover, we described not only what is impossible for pregnant women in the early stages, but also why there are such restrictions.

2. By the way, about medicines. You need to take medicines, folk remedies, dietary supplements very carefully. Folk omens that it is impossible for pregnant women in the early stages also say that it is better to take less of any chemistry during this crucial period. But this chemistry includes various herbs. After all, their effect on the body has not been thoroughly studied by anyone. Meanwhile, even doctors can prescribe dubious drugs like "Kanefron" to expectant mothers. Not only is it unclear how effective they are, they also contain a lot of plant components of an incomprehensible effect on the body.
If you can, do not take medication. And if necessary, be sure to first consult with your doctor.
Drugs in pregnancy categories D and X are absolutely contraindicated. These include drugs taken as chemotherapy, drugs for the treatment of acne, psoriasis, etc.

3. When carrying a child, and especially in the first trimester, pregnant women should not eat poorly and monotonously. The lack of an element such as folic acid can provoke severe malformations in the embryo. Therefore, it is so important to take this microelement separately in tablet form.
Good nutrition is also necessary for those women who have severe toxicosis, because they are especially prone to vitamin deficiency, which, if prolonged, can provoke intrauterine fetal growth retardation.

4. Be physically overworked and often stressed. In the early stages, pregnant women are prohibited from actively playing sports. Especially for those women who are not used to such loads. All this can lead to detachment of the ovum, bleeding. Until 12-13 weeks, you need to take care and then only, carefully, and after talking with your doctor, you can perform any physical exercises. And this is only if there is no threat of termination of pregnancy.

5. To paint nails and hair. Although it has already been proven that hair dye in minimal amounts penetrates the skin into the bloodstream, harmful fumes can nevertheless emanate from it. Therefore, if we are to paint, then with good paint and in a well-ventilated area. And by the way, you need to take into account the fact that hair color during pregnancy may turn out to be completely different from what you expected.
We choose nail polishes just as scrupulously. If the varnish does not have a label with the composition, manufacturer's name, expiration date, it is better not to use it.

6. Live sex life, especially unprotected with infected sexual partners. Firstly, sexual intercourse provokes hypertonicity of the uterus, which in certain situations can cause detachment of the ovum or even a miscarriage. Secondly, any genital infections during pregnancy are a huge threat to the life of the embryo.

7. Many believe that in the early stages of pregnancy, it is categorically impossible to take hot baths, as this way you can cause a miscarriage. This is not entirely true. Nevertheless, hot baths during pregnancy are really undesirable, as they lead to the expansion of blood vessels and a sharp drop in blood pressure. And in the early stages of pregnancy, most expectant mothers have low blood pressure. In a hot bath, a woman can simply faint with all the ensuing consequences.

8. Another thing that pregnant women cannot do in the early stages, so as not to provoke a miscarriage, is to get sick. Often severe ARVI, flu with a very high temperature, severe intoxication of the body cause spontaneous abortion. Therefore, it is important for expectant mothers to avoid large crowds of people in the premises, not to visit clinics without great need, and not to travel by public transport. Or at least wear medical masks if the flu period is underway and you have to deal with unhealthy people in one way or another.

9. Apply chemicals to the skin, for example, as protection against insects - mosquitoes, ticks, midges, etc. If you may be pregnant, then before applying a cream or spray to your skin, carefully read the instructions - is it allowed for pregnant women.

10. Clean the toilet after cats if they were sick with toxoplasmosis. Usually, an analysis for this disease is submitted when registering for pregnancy. A result is considered bad when active antibodies against infection are found in a woman's blood.

11. To be in large children's groups, if there is no rubella vaccination and this disease has not been previously transferred. Rubella is very dangerous for expectant mothers. If a woman falls ill in the first trimester, then often in such cases she is recommended to terminate the pregnancy.
Doctors recommend that all women planning a child take a blood test for antibodies against the causative agent of this disease before conception. And if it turns out that the disease was not transferred in the past, you need to be vaccinated. And after 2-3 months after that, you can calmly plan a pregnancy.

12. Smoking, drinking alcohol. The minimum harm that can be is a high risk of early termination of pregnancy and intrauterine growth retardation. Well, alcohol can cause severe malformations in a child. You cannot drink in any quantity during pregnancy.

13. Do x-rays, fluorography. Of course, if it happened that you were "enlightened" after conception, no one will recommend terminating the pregnancy. However, the gynecologist will closely monitor such a future mother. Dental X-rays are also diagnostic procedures that need to be postponed until the baby is born.

There are also myths that pregnant women should not eat in the early stages of embryo development. For example, common parsley is one of these foods. And all because it is believed that it thinns the blood, which means that it can provoke bleeding. Some women in this way try to provoke menstruation in themselves, that is, an early miscarriage. But in fact, there are no products that threaten pregnancy, unless they are of normal quality and not expired.