What to drink to prevent stroke. Prevention of cerebral stroke: therapy, methods and rules. How to avoid heart attack and stroke with coronary heart disease

A stroke is a violation of the blood supply to the brain, in which pathological changes occur in brain cells, their death. A few hours after the onset of focal and general cerebral symptoms, irreversible consequences may occur or even death... The disease causes persistent disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, speech impairment, paralysis of the limbs - such consequences often lead to human disability.

To prevent complications after a stroke, as well as to exclude relapse, it is important to take preventive measures (primary and secondary).

Preventive measures to prevent and exclude the development of stroke is to control risk factors. The main factors contributing to the development of the disease:

The risk of developing the disease is higher in people with hypertension, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus. How to avoid a stroke? To do this, it is necessary to treat diseases that provoke a violation of the blood supply to the brain. Therefore, it is important to carry out treatment to normalize blood pressure, as well as preventive measures to exclude the formation of blood clots.

Primary and secondary prevention of pathology

The main cause of circulatory disorders in the brain is hypertension and atherosclerosis. Stroke prevention includes primary and secondary measures that, if taken, can significantly reduce the risk of a stroke. cerebral circulation.

Primary prevention includes treatment, the direction of which is aimed at eliminating diseases that provoke circulatory disorders of the brain.

Within the framework of primary prevention necessary::

Secondary prevention of stroke - measures to prevent re-development diseases. These methods include drug and non-drug prevention.

Secondary prevention includes:

  1. Refusal from bad habits: smoking, alcohol.
  2. Massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy.
  3. Classes physical exercise, preferably every day.
  4. Normalization and maintenance of weight.
  5. Healthy eating.

Stroke prevention medication

How to prevent cerebral stroke with medication? In 80% of cases, it is ischemic stroke of the brain that occurs. Such a stroke occurs against the background of impaired vascular function, hypertension, acquired (fibrillation) or congenital diseases, etc. Therefore, the treatment of these diseases should be carried out in the first place.

For prophylactic purposes against a stroke, doctors prescribe:

Antiplatelet tablets are prescribed as primary prophylaxis after a stroke, reduce the risk of thrombus formation (Aspirin, Cardiomagnyl, Thromboass, etc.). The course of taking such drugs: a month of taking, a month of a break.

Antihypertensive medicines are primary prophylactic agents prescribed for people suffering from hypertension (Lisinopril, Enalapril, etc.). The dosage of the medicine should only be prescribed by a doctor. Diuretic drugs in tablets are secondary prevention to prevent edema, and also allow you to remove excess fluid from the body (Furosemide, Lasix, etc.).

Folk methods

In addition to primary and secondary prevention, traditional medicine recipes are often used.

It is only worth remembering that folk remedies alone will not be able to prevent the disease, only complex measures can provide the desired result.

Prevention after a stroke with folk remedies is aimed at strengthening the nervous and cordially- vascular system... The following recipes are widely applicable:

How to protect yourself from a stroke? Stress is one of the causes of recurrent stroke. Sometimes taking valerian alone does not help. To calm down nervous system can be applied next way... A pillowcase should be prepared, which must be stuffed with herbs of mint, lemon balm, motherwort and valerian. The pillowcase doesn't have to be large. You just need to put such a pillow at the head of the bed, the aroma and soothing effects of herbs will have a positive effect on the nervous system.


In addition to folk remedies, stroke treatment and prevention include other aspects.

Acupuncture is one of the methods complex therapy, which helps to recover from a stroke and prevent another.

This procedure should only be carried out by a qualified doctor, since one wrong movement can cause a number of complications.

The course is prescribed by the doctor. It usually takes several sessions.


Treating and preventing stroke with folk remedies such as leeches helps reduce the risk of blood clots. The procedure should be performed only by a doctor.

Also performing head massage and cervical helps to improve blood circulation, which allows you to recover from a stroke and prevent a second attack.

General rules for the prevention of stroke

How to prevent stroke without medication? It is very important to adhere to healthy way life, give up bad habits. Compliance with these rules helps to avoid a stroke, as well as prevent many accompanying illnesses after a stroke:

In addition to eating and giving up bad habits, it is very important to develop physically. It doesn't have to be strength training or running. It is enough to do light exercises every morning, do stretching or go swimming. You can make a memo for each day and alternate activities.

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved new drug anti-clotting (anticoagulant) pill called Eliquis (apixaban), reports Medpage Today. In June 2012, the FDA rejected an application from Eliquis manufacturers Pfizer and Bristol-Myers Squibb, requesting the results of additional drug trials.

The action of the anticoagulant Eliquis is based on the suppression of activity protein factor blood coagulation X (factor Xa), which, when interacting with a number of components, forms an enzyme complex that activates the thrombin precursor protein (prothrombin). Thus, the drug is intended for the prevention of stroke, as well as the occurrence of embolism (vascular occlusion) in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation.

The safety and effectiveness of Eliquis has been verified in clinical trials involving 18,000 patients. The effect of the new drug was compared with the well-known "Warfarin". Fewer strokes were reported in patients who took Eliquis, according to the results of the studies, which were submitted to the FDA. At the same time, in another study, where the novelty was compared with Lovenox (enoxparin), it did not show such a significant advantage.

According to FDA experts, the new anticoagulant should be used with caution, because until an antidote has been developed for it, and an overdose of the drug can cause severe internal bleeding.

Stroke prevention

When a person is asked what is most dear to him in the world, one answers - health, the second - happiness, the third - money. There is a disease that takes away all these joys of life, both of the person himself and his loved ones. We will talk about stroke - the most expensive disease in the world in terms of financial and moral costs.

Stroke is damage to the central nervous system caused by impaired cerebral circulation. The cells of the brain area die due to the restriction of blood flow to them and nutrients... The function of a part of the brain falls out, and with it the work of the controlled organs and systems is disrupted. In one second, a reasonable person can turn into a helpless, insensitive and thoughtless creature. It is not for nothing that in the West, a stroke is called a stroke.

The blow changes the rhythm of life of everyone around, providing the patient with constant care. The drugs in the fight for the remaining brain cells are very expensive. The prognosis of the disease is uncertain. This alone is enough to conclude that stroke is a disease that is easier to prevent than to cure. And believe me, medicine has enough knowledge for this. Rather, the question is not to be too lazy to apply this knowledge.

First, analyze life path their loved ones. The presence in the family of a person who died of a stroke rather indicates a hereditary predisposition and compliance of the cerebral vessels. Such persons must not only strictly control their blood pressure, but also take vascular drugs. Let me remind you that the level blood pressure normal up to 140/90 mm Hg The idea of ​​the habitual pressure on which a person feels good is simply erroneous and self-deceiving.

Let's continue with blood pressure. Monitor it daily. Do not comfort yourself with the hope that high pressure you have it by chance, or from hard work and that by the evening everything will be back to normal. If the pressure is regulated normally, or the dose of the antihypertensive drug is selected correctly, the pressure is stabilized within half an hour after physical or emotional stress. Do not make such a mistake: if the pressure on the background of the drugs is normal, in no case do not stop taking them.

The care of the vessels will be Attentive attitude to serum cholesterol levels. The noma of the latter is 6.2 mmol / l. Do not be lazy to do biochemical analysis blood, no matter how old you are and no matter how well you eat. In nature, there is a certain proportion of hereditary hypercholesterolemia, doing their job from a young age. Two groups of drugs help the body to normalize cholesterol - fibrates and statins.

It turns out that you can help yourself in an even easier way. Diet with minimum amount salt (salt the dishes already on your plate) and the restriction of animal fats have been proven and many times can reduce the risk of cerebrovascular accident, avoid wheelchair and the shuffling gait of a paralytic. Refusal from cigarettes and alcohol addiction is highly desirable, since all arguments about the absence of their effect on the body and even some benefits are very individual and may not have anything to do with your metabolism.

The second large group of events will be physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle. The tasks are as follows: saturate tissues with oxygen, increase resistance to daily stress, and normalize vascular tone. The latter is easily accomplished using water treatments... These include: contrast showers, wipe-down baths, pools and saunas. Do not forget about the purpose of the event, when the criterion for sufficient load will be pleasant sensation both during and after the procedure without a period of exhaustion and pain.

Work is required during physical activity large groups muscles and, of course, the muscles of the legs. This is why brisk walking, slow running, cycling, skiing and so on are so encouraged. An open window and deep work of the lungs are required. Two types of mistakes: hobby with dumbbells to muscle pain and replacing gymnastics with hard labor in the garden at the dacha. Useful physical work is distinguished by dosage and regularity of movements. It is this kind of load that can be provided by a daily one-hour five-kilometer walk at a moderate pace (WHO recommendation).

Let's not forget about the strength of the load. For some, it may be movement in bed. The main principles are the same: gradual and systematic. Yes, it requires great volitional efforts, but this is a human life. It's hard without like-minded people, but if there are none, a diary will become your assistant. Celebrate your successes and failures every day, and most importantly, that on this day you have done more than on the previous one.

One more rule based on centuries of experience should not be neglected: put your brain to work! It is not surprising that a patient who comes in complains of a sharply reduced ability to memorize and simply catastrophic forgetfulness, if the book was last held in his hands decades ago. A person develops, if he develops himself, up to about 28 years old. Further and gradually, all processes in the body slow down, both from metabolism and mental activity.

Mental gymnastics helps train and maintain connections between neurons in the gray matter of the brain. Such mental gymnastics for the elderly is reading, playing chess, solving crossword puzzles. Younger people can be advised to study foreign languages ​​or memorize poetry. Watching TV and listening to the radio are not helpful in this regard.

The next method of prevention will be the use of drugs. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination, including a diagnostic minimum: a general blood test, a general urine test, blood for glucose and prothrombin index. The latter will show the need for prophylactic intake of aspirin in small doses, which is so widespread both abroad and in our country. Check your cholesterol and other indicators of fat metabolism in the so-called lipid complex, obtained from venous blood.

Without stabilizing the level of blood pressure, there is no need to talk about the prevention of stroke. Modern medicines must be selected individually and taken strictly regularly. But even in the background normal pressure reception needed vascular drugs... Cinnaresin, cavinton, sermion, and aminalon are widely known. These drugs with preventive purpose are drunk in monthly courses, from 2 to 4 courses per year. Pentoxifylline, courantil, xanthinol nicotinate, nikoshpan will help to improve microcirculation.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

I get headaches often. How can I check the blood vessels in the brain? You need to do a rheoencephalography (referral from a therapist or neuropathologist). A more important and informative method would be ultrasound procedure vessels of the head and neck. I am 45 years old, I am not sick with anything. Should I drink this aspirin? Taking aspirin in healthy people over 40 years of age for prophylactic purposes is a generally accepted global tactic. The vessels of my head and legs are affected. What drugs will help everyone at once? For example, pentoxifylline or xanthinol nicotinate will have ubiquitous effects. It is advisable for you to alternate courses of vascular drugs, conducting them monthly. I feel good at a pressure of 160/90 mm Hg. Art. As soon as it drops below, I feel bad. Maybe this is my pressure? This is wrong. Make the pressure reduction program smoother and longer on the background of constant intake of vascular drugs to improve cerebral circulation.

Remedy for the prevention of stroke

Stroke is the most dangerous cardiovascular disease that can lead to irreversible consequences. That is why disease prevention plays an extremely important role.

According to the Moscow ambulance service, in recent years, an average of about 100 strokes a day have been registered in the capital. Moreover, the disease is rapidly "getting younger".

Today, the pathology affects men and women aged 30 to 45 years.

According to the observations of specialists, the predisposition to stroke is inherited.

But even if this dangerous disease haunts your family too, there is still an opportunity to avoid it. It's all about timely prevention of stroke .

First of all, the main diseases should be prevented and treated in time, the complications of which are often stroke - hypertension and vascular atherosclerosis.

Kidney and heart disease should also not be triggered. It is also highly recommended to avoid frequent stress, causing a sharp rise in blood pressure.

Actively eat foods with vitamin C. This can be citrus, strawberry, carrot, tomato juice... There is also a lot of vitamin C in cabbage, bell peppers and dill. This vitamin perfectly protects the arteries, reduces blood pressure and also reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

And if you are haunted by frequent headaches, doctors advise taking a quarter of an aspirin every day to avoid blood clots. In addition, you should not forget to regularly donate blood for the prothrombin index.

If there is a second stroke or the first one has passed during treatment with aspirin, then it is recommended to increase the dosage of aspirin to 300-325 mg or replace aspirin with Plavix (clopidogrel) 75 mg per day.

All patients who have suffered a cerebral stroke should mandatory undergo cardiac echocardiography, Doppler ultrasound of the carotid arteries, laboratory tests aimed at checking blood clotting, as well as an ECG.

One of reliable means of stroke prevention is the drug "Geminex".

It is a natural herbal preparation, which contains vitamins and microelements, proanthocyanidins and flavonoids, sodium selenite, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate, which reliably protect the heart muscle and blood vessels from harmful effects.

The drug has a vasodilating, diuretic and antioxidant effect. Its regular use avoids the development of acute pathology.


Stroke means an acute disorder of cerebral circulation. It can occur as a result of impaired blood flow in the vessels or rupture of the wall of the blood channel. The peculiarities of life place the majority of modern people at risk, therefore, prevention of primary stroke is indicated for all people, without exception. The approach is based on simple and affordable measures. They are able not only to minimize the risk of developing an emergency condition, but also to have a general beneficial effect on the body.

The principles of primary and secondary prevention of stroke are very similar. Their application in practice can reduce the likelihood of a problem by 80-85%.

How to prevent a stroke

Brain disaster is one of the most dangerous conditions that can lead to the death or disability of a person.

In most cases, in order to avoid a stroke, it is enough to adjust the usual regimen and adopt a number of simple recommendations from doctors. This is especially true for people with overweight, hypertension and other chronic diseases, intellectual workers.

A big mistake is made by someone who believes that it is necessary only in old age. In recent years, the pathology has become noticeably younger. It has ceased to be a rarity in men 35-40 years old and women of reproductive age. Influenced negative factors a blow can happen at all young age.

Prevention of heart attack and stroke is:

  • primary - a list of measures aimed at eliminating irritants and moments that provoke CVA;
  • secondary - manipulations and rules that should prevent the recurrence of a brain catastrophe;
  • tertiary - actions with the help of which the restoration of people affected by cerebrovascular accident is carried out.

Prevention of cardiovascular disease is based on the same principles as in the case of stroke. This is due to the same mechanisms for the development of impaired blood supply to the brain and heart muscle. In both cases, the main goal is to increase the functionality of the blood channels and fight against disease provocateurs.

Primary stroke prevention

Pollution environment, being in a state of chronic stress, eating junk food due to the inability to eat peacefully are the moments that most modern people encounter. All of them lead to a decrease in the functionality of blood vessels, which affects the blood supply to the brain. Over time, the age factor joins this, the situation is aggravated by hormonal changes in the body.

Primary stroke prevention aims to minimize the adverse effects of these moments. It should be comprehensive and constant, then you can count on the desired effect.

Blood pressure control

turns out to be the result of an increase in blood pressure in 99% of cases. The risk group includes those whose indicator data exceed 140 to 90 mm Hg. Art. The elderly, people with excess body weight, representatives of responsible posts and intellectual professions suffer from arterial hypertension. Pathological can provoke systematic hypothermia of the body. The danger is represented by irregular physical activity. If at least one of the listed points is affected, it is recommended to purchase a tonometer and monitor blood pressure. If hypertension is detected, you should consult a physician for advice.

Prevention of thrombosis

Ischemic stroke often occurs against the background of the formation of blood clots in the vessels and blockage these substances of the lumens of the channels. Such structures appear as a result of a violation of the process of blood clotting, an increase in its density, the tendency of platelets to stick together. Prevention of thrombosis involves the use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. Taking such drugs is indicated for people with a history of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, poor results of blood tests, any kind of surgical intervention. It is forbidden to use medicines on your own, without a doctor's prescription! Otherwise, in an attempt to avoid the formation of blood clots, other complications can be provoked.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

The risk of developing a stroke is dramatically increased in people with high level blood cholesterol and arrhythmias.

In the first case, due to the adhesion of cholesterol plaques to the walls of the blood channels, a person may develop atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels. Their gaps will significantly narrow, which will disrupt blood flow, and the medulla will begin to experience a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients. With arrhythmias, the likelihood of removing blood clots from the heart cavity into the vessels increases, which is also fraught with ischemic stroke. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases must be dealt with in a comprehensive manner, under the guidance of a cardiologist.

Preventive examinations

Each person at least once a year must visit a local therapist and take general analyzes... This will allow you to assess the state of the body, to identify problem areas, start treatment of latent or chronic diseases on time. After 50-55 years, the frequency of visits to specialists is recommended to be doubled.

Prevention of strokes under the guidance of a doctor includes the following points:

  • checking cholesterol and blood sugar levels;
  • or ;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • assessment of the density of blood and the rate of its coagulation;
  • comparison of a person's weight with his optimal weight, selection of measures to normalize indicators;
  • grade psycho-emotional state visitor, selection of antidepressants or sedatives according to indications.

Additionally, you may need to visit a physiotherapy room or a doctor for exercise therapy. In combination, all measures help to reduce the load on the heart, strengthen the vascular walls, normalize blood flow and blood pressure. Based on the results of examinations, the doctor sometimes recommends drug prevention ONMK.

How to avoid a second stroke

After a stroke, victims have to completely change their lifestyle. If this is not done, the likelihood of developing a relapse of the condition will be almost 100%. Prevention of cerebral stroke in such a situation is largely the same as the primary approach, but it is much stricter.

In some cases, it is additionally shown to resort to drug approaches. Sometimes they use surgical techniques... Prevention and treatment of pathology at this stage should be agreed with the doctor. Only strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist will minimize the danger of a second brain catastrophe, which in most cases is fatal.

Secondary prevention of stroke

Measures aimed at preventing the recurrence of acute cerebrovascular accidents begin already in the ward intensive care... A whole team of specialists works with the patient until he is taken out of critical condition. Further responsibility for maintaining achieved results assigned to the patient himself and his loved ones.

Traditional methods of prevention

The basis of natural therapy aimed at preventing stroke are pine cones, which perform several actions at once. They improve blood composition, cleanse blood channels, lower cholesterol levels, fight against high blood pressure... Alcohol or water tincture for raw materials strengthens blood vessels and has a tonic effect on the body.

Ancillary non-traditional means in the prevention of stroke and heart attack:

  • alcohol tincture on Japanese sophora - take five parts of alcohol for one part of the buds, insist in a dark place for three days, filter. Take up to 4 times a day, 20 drops before meals;
  • citrus honey - mince the peel of lemon and orange, squeeze the juice. Mix the thick mass in equal proportions with honey. Eat a teaspoon after each meal;
  • infusion of rape - take 20 parts of boiling water for one part of dried herb, leave for an hour and strain. During the day, you need to drink 100 ml of the composition, dividing it into 4 parts;
  • nutmeg powder - once a day, hold a pinch of the product under the tongue for five minutes, then swallow it and drink it with cold water.

All of these products must be taken continuously or in protracted courses for 4-8 weeks. Additionally, it is worth introducing into the prophylaxis regime the intake of fortifying folk remedies based on garlic, onions, and ginger. This will accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body, stimulate the immune system. In stressful work, you need to take care of the intake of natural soothing products - lemon balm or chamomile tea, valerian lozenges, aromatherapy.

Benefit article pine cones for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Practice shows that comprehensive stroke prevention reduces the likelihood of developing pathology to almost zero. People at risk, observing the listed rules, by 70-80% increase their chances of preventing a brain catastrophe compared to the rest. The main thing is to adhere to the recommendations constantly, and not only in case of receiving bad results tests or the appearance of alarming symptoms.

Drawing conclusions

Strokes are the cause of almost 70% of all deaths in the world. Seven out of ten people die due to blockages in the arteries in the brain. And the very first and main sign of vascular blockage is a headache!

Myocardial infarction is a serious threat to human life. About 50% of patients die before arrival medical care, and 30% of those who survived at the first stage die from complications of the disease. Previously, it was believed that a heart attack is an age-related disease, the majority of patients were over 50 years old. But today this indicator has changed, more and more often a heart attack overtakes its victims at the age of 30-35. Disappointing statistics indicate that the prevention of myocardial infarction is becoming more important every year. After all, explaining to a person how to avoid a serious danger is much easier than putting him on his feet after a heart attack.

Ischemic disease

Coronary artery disease is a pathological condition in which the blood supply to the myocardium is completely or partially disrupted due to damage to the coronary arteries. A healthy body maintains a balance between the amount of incoming blood and the metabolic needs of the myocardium. this balance is not maintained. The heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen, as a result, a person may have a heart attack or angina attacks. Heart attack - one of the most difficult manifestations Timely prevention of myocardial infarction helps to avoid problems and maintain health and performance.

More about heart attack

A heart attack is the death of a part of the heart muscle as a result of the cessation of blood supply. The blood flow can be blocked by cholesterol plaques or a thrombus from blood clots in an artery. The process develops very quickly and is irreversible. Even if a person was saved, it is impossible to restore the area prone to necrosis, in this place the muscle tissue is gradually replaced by scar tissue. In the future, the scar interferes with the full work of the heart muscle.

The most common heart attack is the heart muscle (myocardium). But the intestinal tract or the kidney can occur.

Is a cerebral infarction a stroke?

It is not entirely correct to equate these terms. A stroke is a violation of blood circulation in the brain with a violation of its functions, damage to tissue sites. This disease is also called cerebral infarction - only one of the subspecies of this process, in addition to necrosis, can occur in the brain or subarachnoid space. A stroke has focal or cerebral neurological symptoms. Even if a person was helped, neurological disorders occur, due to which the patient can partially or completely lose control over his own body and speech.

Heart attack in men

It has been proven that men have more risk factors for heart attack. The stronger half of humanity is more aggressive, has a tendency to rivalry, often scandals and experiences stress. In addition, men smoke more and consume alcohol more often, many of them are obese, but continue to have a sedentary lifestyle. Neglect of a healthy lifestyle leads to manifestations of atherosclerosis, angina pectoris and arrhythmias. Therefore, the prevention of heart attack in men is of great importance. If a man does not want to take care of his health, then he has Great chance not even live to see retirement age... Moreover, the symptoms of a heart attack in men are often mild. If sudden death has not occurred, then the development of a heart attack can proceed even without loss of consciousness, causing unaccountable anxiety, nausea, vomiting and dull pain behind the breastbone.

Heart attack in women

At a young age, women are less likely to experience acute heart attacks. This is due to the peculiarities hormonal background in their body. And besides, women tend to lead a more orderly lifestyle and take their health more seriously.

However, after 50 years, the statistics change dramatically. After menopause, the likelihood of a heart attack increases dramatically, overcoming even male indicators. Heart attack prevention for women gains special meaning, since the statistics of mortality from this disease in them is much higher. Early signs their heart attacks are similar to overwork or influenza infection, which often leads to medical errors... Many patients did not feel any discomfort in the chest at all before the development of acute symptoms. The most common symptom in women is shortness of breath and difficulty breathing after a slight physical activity that do not go away even after rest.

Preventive measures. Medications

Since people with manifestations of hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease and high blood pressure (blood pressure) are most prone to heart attacks and strokes, doctors often prescribe drug prevention heart attack. Drugs, for example, prevent blood clots from forming. The most common appointment after forty years is "Aspirin". Acetylsalicylic acid, in pharmacies this medicine is most often called that way, is prescribed in a minimum dosage - 100 mg once a day in the afternoon. Aspirin reduces the ability of blood cells to aggregate (stick together into clots). As a result, microcirculation is improved and the risk of thrombosis is reduced. But the drug has a number of contraindications, the main of which are a tendency to bleeding, hemophilia, ulcers.

On the basis of aspirin, several drugs have been created that are used as the prevention of heart attack. The drugs are produced under the names: "Trombo ACC", "Trombogard 100", "Aspirin Cardio", "Cardiomagnet".

An important task is the prevention of heart attacks and strokes against the background of hypertension. In this case, the drugs block calcium channels, stimulating vasodilation. Drugs for the prevention of stroke and heart attack in patients with high blood pressure are always selected individually. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. The appointments often include "Norvask", "Plendil", "Karden" and others. Additionally, beta-blockers may be prescribed.

Medicinal prevention of heart attack includes drugs to lower cholesterol levels. For this, statins are prescribed: Lipitor, Krestor, Vitorin and other medicines. The drug "Ovenkor" is very popular among physicians. It allows you to influence cholesterol levels, prevents atherosclerosis and reduces the size of plaques in the vessels. Statin treatment always requires special purpose, since after receiving the expected result, the drug will have to be taken in minimum doses all the time.

Primary prevention measures. Physical inactivity - enemy number 1

Prevention of the development of a heart attack is divided into primary and secondary. Primary measures include the treatment of coronary artery disease and cholesterol control. This also includes the normalization of pressure. It is not always possible to achieve the required results only by applying medicinal preparations... More often than not, you have to additionally revise your lifestyle.

The nutrition of the heart muscle is significantly dependent on regular physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle not only leads to obesity, but also contributes to the deposition of cholesterol levels.That's why doctors recommend walking, running and swimming to their patients as a means of preventing heart attack. The regularity of loads is important here, not sports records.

With a tendency to atherosclerosis and ischemia, you should not engage in weightlifting and other strength sports. And you should also remember that any physical activity should be accompanied by rhythmic breathing. Delaying inhalation and exhalation during sports is harmful.

Balanced diet

Abundant feasts, overeating, fatty dishes, fried meat, buns and sweets for many are daily diet... But the prevention of heart attack in this area is aimed at the transition to a balanced diet. A person should receive required amount proteins, but avoid fatty foods choosing dietary meats (chicken breast, turkey, rabbit). The diet should contain a large number of vegetables and fruits. In addition, attention is paid to the vitamin content of products. It is advisable to diversify your diet so as to receive with nutrition maximum amount trace elements and vitamins.

Weight loss

In this case, we are no longer talking about attractive figure, but about the need to reduce body fat. Prevention of myocardial infarction, stroke and other manifestations of coronary artery disease includes mandatory weight normalization. The fact is that adipose tissue has many blood vessels, and this increases the load on the heart muscle. Being overweight affects blood pressure stability and increases the likelihood of diabetes mellitus... All this does not make a person healthier, but, on the contrary, leads to a deterioration in the quality of life.

Bad habits

Quitting bad habits can be considered one of the main ways to prevent heart attack. Smokers do not agree that nicotine provokes heart attacks, they argue that there is no direct evidence of this. However, there is direct evidence that a cigarette provokes a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, and this increases the risk of heart attack. Therefore, heart attack prevention includes smoking cessation.

It's more difficult with alcohol. Of course, to name alcoholics healthy people possible only in an ironic context, but small doses of alcohol have a positive effect on blood vessels. A person who drinks a few sips of dry wine at lunch or dinner is less likely to suffer from atherosclerosis. But our mentality often requires “continuation of the banquet”. It is difficult to stop on a few sips of wine, and alcohol abuse begins. As a result, the person becomes an alcoholic and dies from cirrhosis of the liver. Do you need it?

Regular examinations

At least once a year, each person must undergo a preventive medical examination. This requirement is preventive measure with the threat of not only a heart attack, but also many other pathological conditions. Be sure to include an ECG, cholesterol and blood glucose test in the physical examination.


For the prevention of heart attack, it is important to learn how to control emotions in stressful conditions, prevent depression and observe the regimen. The ability to calm down in time, as they say, “not to take problems to heart”, not to conceal resentment and not to accumulate anger is very important for a person who thinks about his health. Excessive stress leads to vasospasm, which reduces blood flow to the heart muscle. Hence the increased risk of heart attack.

Secondary prevention

Secondary prevention of a heart attack is a set of measures aimed at preventing a second heart attack in a patient. Even if rehabilitation after partial myocardial necrosis proceeds successfully, and the person feels quite healthy, with medical point vision, he will never be healthy. It is with this thought that patients are most difficult to come to terms with. To avoid a second heart attack, a person will have to take a certain set of drugs until the end of his life. It can be very difficult to convince patients of this, they begin to violate the prescribed medication schedule and provoke a recurrence of the problem.

Post-heart attack prophylaxis includes all of the items discussed earlier. However, physical activity will now require additional supervision by specialists. Most often, physical activity begins with a calm, unhurried walk for 10 minutes. Diet optimization is carried out by a nutritionist in conjunction with a treating cardiologist. The diet not only restricts fatty and fried foods, but also reduces the amount of salt and fluid.

Of great importance for secondary prevention is social rehabilitation sick. It is necessary to eliminate the constant anxiety and fear of a second heart attack, this can be achieved by prescribing sedatives. It is important that the patient does not dwell on his problems and does not try to evoke sympathy from relatives and friends. He should strive to restore activity and try to serve himself on his own.

Traditional medicine help

Traditional medicine cannot replace taking aspirin or statins, but it can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack. So, to lower cholesterol levels, a special alcoholic infusion is used, which includes:

  • half a glass of dried radish peel (black);
  • half a glass dried leaves horseradish;
  • one pod of dried red pepper;
  • several handfuls of walnut partitions.

All components are poured with alcohol and infused in the dark for 2 weeks. The composition is used for grinding.

White willow bark infusion is highly effective. Its action is similar to "Aspirin", but does not completely replace the intake of this drug.

To lower cholesterol, you can drink a decoction of herbs with honey. The collection includes: chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds. A tablespoon of the collection is brewed for 0.5 liters of boiling water. The remedy is infused before taking for several hours.

Everyone can keep healthy blood vessels and heart. The simple recommendations outlined in the article will help you avoid such a nuisance as a second heart attack. Prevention and treatment are very important for the patient, so they should not be neglected. A heart attack is not yet a sentence. At the right attitude as a result, you can get a rich and long life to your body.

Stroke is pathological condition the brain, which develops due to a sudden disruption of blood supply nerve cells and their death with the appearance of cerebral and / or focal neurological symptoms, which persists for more than a day or causes the death of the patient for more short time... In the future, this disease causes persistent disorders in the form of paresis, paralysis, speech disorders and vestibular disorders, which are the causes of disability and impaired social adaptation of patients after strokes. Today, it is of great importance to prevent the development of this pathology - primary and secondary prevention of stroke.

Risk factors for stroke

All areas of preventive work to prevent the development of strokes are to control risk factors and their correction.

All risk factors are divided into several categories - predisposing, behavioral and metabolic.

Predisposing factors include aspects that cannot be corrected:

  1. age (the frequency of strokes increases after 50 years and increases every year);
  2. gender (men over 40 have a higher risk of stroke than women);
  3. family history and hereditary predisposition.

The behavioral factors that contribute to the development of strokes are:

  • smoking (doubles the risk of strokes);
  • psychological factors (stress, depression, fatigue);
  • taking alcohol, drugs and medications ( oral contraceptives);
  • overweight and obesity;
  • atherogenic diet;
  • physical activity (physical inactivity increases the risk of ischemic strokes).

"Metabolic" risk factors - hypertension, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, endocrinopathies (diabetes mellitus), coagulopathy.

Individual drug correction of "metabolic" factors and elimination of behavioral aspects underlie the prevention of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.

Main directions of stroke prevention

The main etiological causes of the development of acute disorders of cerebral circulation are considered to be atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels and hypertension in ischemic strokes, and malignant hypertension against the background of pathology of cerebral vessels (aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, diabetic angiopathies and other vasopathies) in strokes due to hemorrhagic hemorrhages.

In this regard, the main areas of primary and secondary prevention of strokes are:

  • active identification and adequate treatment patients with primary arterial hypertension or hypertension;
  • prevention of ischemic strokes (cerebral infarction) in patients with pathology of the heart and blood vessels (rhythm disturbances, heart defects, myocardial infarction and endocarditis) and timely treatment these diseases;
  • prevention of repeated acute disorders of cerebral circulation in patients with transient ischemic attacks or "minor" strokes, including operational methods treatment;
  • drug therapy of lipid metabolism disorders in persons with atherosclerotic lesions of cerebral vessels, carotid arteries and in patients with coronary artery disease.

Primary prevention of acute cerebrovascular disorders

There are two main types of strokes:

  1. ischemic (associated with blockage or spasms of arterial cerebral vessels and causing insufficient blood supply to the area of ​​the brain and death of nerve cells in the focus of necrosis and the development of cerebral infarction);
  2. hemorrhagic (hemorrhage associated with ruptures of the cerebral vessel (artery or vein) with the outflow of blood into the brain substance or under its membrane, squeezing the surrounding nerve tissue, causing neuronal death and stimulating the development and progression of cerebral edema).

Primary stroke prevention is a set of measures aimed at preventing the development of acute disorders of cerebral circulation - hemorrhagic stroke or cerebral infarction ( ischemic stroke) - maintaining a healthy lifestyle, rational nutrition, maintaining an adequate body weight, abstaining from smoking and adequate drug treatment of heart and vascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and other diseases.

Medical correction for the prevention of cerebral infarction

Ischemic stroke occurs much more often - from 75 to 80% of all cases of acute cerebrovascular accidents. The onset of cerebral infarction occurs, as a rule, against the background of atherosclerotic changes in the walls of cerebral vessels in combination with high blood pressure, damage to the heart valves (congenital or acquired defects) and / or heart rhythm disturbances (atrial fibrillation).

Stroke prevention includes timely treatment with drugs:

  • lipid-lowering therapy (statins);
  • antihypertensive therapy;
  • effective treatment of somatic diseases and infectious and inflammatory processes that contribute to the development of strokes (collagenosis, chlamydia, HIV coagulopathy, diabetes mellitus);
  • application herbal preparations and folk remedies to normalize lipid metabolism and lower blood pressure (in conjunction with drug therapy).

The use of hypolipilemic drugs

Atherosclerosis occurs as a result of lipid metabolism disorders and the development of hypercholesterolemia. Cholesterol is deposited on the inner lining of blood vessels, forming atherosclerotic plaques that impede the flow of blood through the vessels - the heart, brain and other organs. Their ulceration with the detachment of a part of the plaques leads to obliteration of the cerebral artery - a violation of the nutrition and respiration of nerve cells, leading to necrosis of neurons with the formation of a cerebral infarction.

A long-term increase in blood cholesterol levels by 10% leads to an increase in the risk of cerebral infarction by up to 25-30%.

Statins (pravastatin, niacin, simvastatin) are drugs that lower plasma lipids and increase the formation and deposition of cholesterol in the form of cholesterol plaques and reduce the risk of ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction.

Prescribing antihypertensive therapy

Increased blood pressure is an important and highly treatable risk factor for both hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke.

Frequent complication of the course hypertension or primary arterial hypertension are recurrent cerebral hypertensive crises with an acute increase in blood pressure, which are accompanied by the death of myocytes vascular wall, which leads to the formation of multiple aneurysms with the development of cerebral hemorrhage. Or to the swelling of the walls of the cerebral arteries and arterioles, their narrowing or closure of the lumens with the development of small deep cerebral infarctions.

Prevention of cerebral strokes is to control blood pressure followed by the appointment of antihypertensive drugs - ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, diuretics or angiotensin II receptor blockers with an individual selection of the drug in each case. Antihypertensive drugs are taken for a long time until the optimal level of blood pressure stabilizes with the obligatory correction of therapy by the attending physician (cardiologist or therapist).

Features of primary prevention of ischemic stroke in women

Today, ischemic strokes between the ages of 18 and 40 often develop in women, due to long-term intake oral contraceptives, with a pathological course of pregnancy and with dyshormonal disorders (due to an increase in estrogen levels, leading to an increase in blood clotting and the formation of blood clots). And also with frequent and prolonged migraine attacks, which are accompanied by prolonged spasm of cerebral vessels in combination with smoking, causing prolonged vasospasm and intoxication of the body, promotes the progression of degenerative processes in the cerebral vessels.

At the heart of developmental prevention acute disturbance cerebral circulation by ischemic type women have:

  • quitting smoking and other bad habits;
  • blood pressure control and taking antihypertensive drugs;
  • rational nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with physical activity;
  • adequate intake of oral contraceptives with control of hormone levels and consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist;
  • treatment of hormonal disorders and diseases that provoke its change (mastopathy, endometriosis, polycystic ovary disease).

Secondary prevention of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes

Secondary prevention of stroke - complex program to prevent the development of recurrent stroke, which includes non-drug and drug methods.

Non-drug methods include:

  • quitting smoking and other bad habits (alcohol, drug addiction);
  • hypocholesterol diet;
  • gradual increase in physical activity (exercise therapy, massage, hiking);
  • reduction of excess weight.

Therapeutic measures for the prevention of recurrent stroke:

  • antithrombotic drugs (antiplatelet agents and indirect anticoagulants);
  • antihypertensive treatment drugs;
  • prevention of stroke with folk remedies;
  • surgery(carotid endaterectomy).

Modern antithrombotic therapy

The use of antithrombotic drugs today is an important link in the prevention of recurrent strokes. For this purpose, they are mainly used acetylsalicylic acid(aspirin), ticlopidine, clopidogrel, and dipyridamole.

Prophylactic antithrombotic therapy, carried out for a long time and continuously (for several years) under the control of an examination of platelet aggregation before appointment and a few days after the start of antiplatelet therapy. An increase in platelet aggregation activity in patients with a threat of ischemic stroke and effective drug correction of this pathology are one of the criteria for the need to prescribe antiplatelet agents.

Features of the appointment of antithrombotic drugs

It is important to consider contraindications and adverse reactions when using these drugs - aspirin asthma, high risk the development of hemorrhages in the elderly and old age, liver dysfunctions, erosive lesions of the stomach and intestines. In this case, milder oral drugs are prescribed - heparinoids sulodexide and lomoparan, which are relatively safely used under the control of activated thromboplastin time before and after their administration.

Preventing strokes in high-risk groups

Stroke prevention is carried out jointly by therapists and neurologists. Antiplatelet agents and indirect anticoagulants, lipid-lowering and antihypertensive drugs are used to prevent ischemic and hemorrhagic cerebral strokes, as well as myocardial infarction. Success surgical interventions on the great vessels of the brain in most cases depends on the state of the patient's cardiovascular system, and for coronary artery bypass grafting it is necessary comprehensive assessment cerebrovascular reserve and the state of the vascular system of the brain as a whole.

It is difficult and almost impossible to achieve a significant reduction in the incidence of strokes only by identifying and treating high-risk groups. It is necessary to create targeted programs to promote a healthy lifestyle, correct rational nutrition, as well as improving the environmental situation. Only a combination of primary prevention in high-risk groups and an overall national strategy for the prevention of cerebrovascular pathology will reduce the incidence and death of stroke.

You are at risk if:

  • experiencing sudden headaches, flashing flies and dizziness;
  • pressure "jumps";
  • feel weak and get tired quickly;
  • annoyed over trifles?

These are all harbingers of a stroke! E. Malysheva: “Timely noticed signs, as well as prevention in 80% helps to prevent stroke and avoid dire consequences! To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to take a penny ... "

Pushkareva Daria Sergeevna

Neurologist, site editor