What is corundum - properties of natural stones and synthetic production technology, varieties with photos. Difference Between Corundum and Ruby

Many are perceived as one and the same stone. And this is not unreasonable. Both minerals have a glassy luster, have a pink-red hue, the stones are durable and resistant to acids and various chemicals. A detailed examination of corundum and ruby ​​raises a logical question: what is the difference between both stones, which of them should be considered precious and which of the two will cost more?

Where are they mined?

There is an opinion that rubies were first discovered on the ancient mainland of Pangea. As a result of natural processes, earthquakes and ground shifts, the mainland collapsed, and all the precious mineral deposits were distributed over segments of the disintegrated territory: some remained to ripen in the depths of rocks, some broke off along with sections of the mainland, and it was carried away to the sea. It was this part that, when interacting with water, the minerals changed their color to blue, blue, etc.

To date, the extraction of corundum and ruby ​​is carried out in several large deposits: India, Ceylon, USA, Russia, Canada. Also deposits of precious stones were found in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Tanzania and Greece. The most valuable, and therefore expensive, are the minerals mined in the Asian part. Even in terms of external parameters, such jewelry inserts look more transparent, crystal clear and shiny.


Corundum and ruby ​​are used not only in the creation of decorative jewelry. Laboratory grown corundum is of high value in the production of refractory materials and high quality coatings. Given that rubies and corundum are second only to diamonds in terms of strength, these stones are actively used for industrial and construction purposes. They are especially important for sanding and grinding work.

What is the difference?

Today, corundum jewelry is very popular in jewelry art. And you can often hear that corundum is an analogue of ruby. Is it true? The answer is ambiguous. In terms of characteristics, both minerals have many similar features. They have the same color, structure, luster, etc. But corundum stone is a more general name for minerals. It can be called the mineral base from which the future ruby ​​is formed.

In scientific terms, corundum is crystalline aluminum oxide. This is a heavy-duty stone that is formed in rock deposits in the form of individual crystals or soldered columns. In its pure form, corundum is an absolutely colorless mineral. Only under the influence of temperatures and natural impurities, it can acquire different shades: white, blue, black, green, red, yellow. It is in color that the main difference between corundum and ruby ​​​​is. Corundum can be of a wide variety of colors, ruby ​​- only red. The scarlet or pink shade of a ruby ​​depends on how much chromium impurities are in the structure of corundum.

A subspecies of blue corundum is commonly called sapphire. Its color indicates that there is an admixture of titanium in the structure of the stone.

The main difference between corundum and ruby ​​is that ruby, due to its longer period of "ripening" and the presence of impurities in it, can be classified as precious stones, but corundum cannot. Also, knowing the process of formation of both stones, a ruby ​​can be called corundum, but not vice versa.

The powerful, domineering and mysterious magical properties of the crystal cause admiration for its power. The variety of color palettes and names shows the level of its wide popularity from ancient times to the present day.

History and origins

Corundum is a precious mineral. In terms of hardness, the stone follows the diamond. The colors of the mineral depend on impurities (vanadium, chromium, iron). Depending on their presence, the gem acquires orange, yellowish, mostly red and blue hues.

It is known to mankind under various names. Some of them were obtained from an indication of the area where it was mined:

  • eastern (chrysolite, diamond,);
  • the old Russian name for the varieties of the gem is “yahont”;
  • bengal amethyst;
  • in metalworking, the mineral is called emery.

Corundum pleases humanity with unearthly beauty since ancient times. Luxurious jewelry adorned the women of ancient Egypt and Jerusalem. Their delicacy and finesse are well known in India, where the gem gained popularity.

Rubies and sapphires are naturally occurring aluminum oxide crystals:

  • in the form of crystalline groups;
  • inclusions;
  • grains.

They come in various shapes (in the form of cubes, prisms, cones). Opaque minerals have larger shapes (about a meter). Transparent samples can reach 10 cm.

In Europe, the stone came from South Asia and India, where it was mined. It has been widely used in many areas of human activity:

  1. In mechanical engineering, durable glass for instruments made of sapphire is used.
  2. In metalworking, corundum is used as emery.
  3. For the scientific world, this is aluminum oxide.
  4. Mineral jewelers create luxurious jewelry.

In love with a gem for an extraordinary variety of colors, purity of lines, from ancient times they made magnificent jewelry from the mineral:

  1. Above the diamond in the jewelry market, red Corundum, bearing the name "Ruby", is valued.
  2. In perfection of pale blue radiance and complex pyramidal cut, the ruby ​​surpasses the sapphire with the enchanting name "Blue Princess" weighing 114 carats (22.8 g). The jewel belongs to the Holland jewelry house.
  3. The purity of the blue color of sapphire cabochons with a brightly manifested asterism (star with six rays) has long been the subject of gifts and exchanges. It is considered good form in high diplomacy to present blue or red Corundum to the ruler of a neighboring state.
  4. Over 31 carats in an octagonal sapphire rose held in the UK collection. The piece of jewelry in the 17th century was the property of Sir Hans Sloane, an English educator.

Large corundums are considered rare. It is known that in the USA, portraits of presidents were made from large-sized sapphires of medium quality. Museums of natural history of the world store druse of Corundum crystals up to several tens of kg.

Place of Birth

The stone is mined in many countries of the world. The main deposits include:

  • Russia (Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Ural, Chelyabinsk Region), Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  • Norway.
  • Canada.
  • Greece.
  • Madagascar.
  • Thailand.
  • Burma.
  • Sri Lanka.
  • India.

It is located in nests, shales, interspersed, veins. The recent finds of gems include a large deposit in Kazakhstan.

Physical properties

Natural stone is mined in volcanic rocks containing a small amount of silica, in the form of:

  • fine-grained masses;
  • aggregates (granular and dense);
  • inclusions and grains;
  • groups, as well as individual crystals.

Jewelry minerals are found in placers.

ShineGlass, frosted.
Melting temperature2050°C
Density3.9–4.1 g/cm³
TransparencyOpaque, sometimes transparent.
ColorBlue, pink, brown, red, yellow, grey.

The healing potential of the mineral

Healing stone Corundum has a positive effect on human health. Usually associated with the influence of transparent varieties of Corundum (and) healing from many diseases that are treated with a crystal of a certain color:

  1. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, liver and kidneys.
  2. It relieves back pain caused by osteochondrosis, helps to heal the joints and spine.
  3. Blue color has a beneficial effect on the healing of the organs of vision.
  4. Red Corundum lowers blood pressure, helps to heal diseases of the heart, circulatory system.
  5. Purple gem has a positive effect on schizophrenia, nightmares, insomnia, depression, diseases of the nervous system.

magical properties

Since ancient times, the magical stone corundum has been endowed with the power of action against troubles. Purposeful people can count on his help. It is not advisable to wear a slow (sedentary, slow) stone, since the energy of the gem can harm them due to incompatibility.

The crystal has the ability to induce internal potential. If the owner of the gem shows interest, makes efforts to achieve the goal, the crystal will help to achieve it. The stone is endowed with a positive effect on people:

  1. He is characterized by the ability to relieve depression and fears, to give courage. It enhances self-esteem.
  2. A ring with a crystal has the ability to reveal previously unknown talents.
  3. Earrings with a gem will help to establish a harmonious relationship with life. It has long been believed that jewelry in the ears whispers the right decision to its owner.
  4. Necklaces, pendants, beads bring peace.
  5. Crystal leads to success.

In the old days, the stone was worn by people engaged in mental work. Today, experts advise analysts, students, anyone who needs logic and concentration to wear it.

Magicians believe that an inextricable bond is established between the owner and the crystal. Both parties are striving for the same goal:

  1. The owner creates aspirations to achieve goals, nourishes the gem with them.
  2. The crystal gives its owner its energy, aimed at fulfilling the desired.

With such a combination of energies, their exchange, the positive energy of both parties contributes to the achievement of the plan. This is the power of the crystal, helping him free his owner from miscalculations, failures. If the crystal has the right color, is correctly located on the body, good luck will accompany its owner in everything.

Jewelry with corundum

Precious, suitable for making jewelry are transparent crystals (sapphire and ruby). The use of gems in the manufacture of jewelry is popular. The stone looks very modest.

It has a gray color, so rare crystal clear specimens are especially valued. The crystal has a wonderful property, it can be painted in almost all shades. Individual gems have natural colors:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • red;
  • yellow.

Popular jewelry inserts are made from sapphires and rubies. The price depends on transparency, color, framing. Cheaper than others are jewelry with brown Corundum.

The price of jewelry is made up of quality, the price of crystals, precious metals, inserts of other jewelry. The cost of jewelry is approximate, exact data can be obtained in the region of sale.

Variety and colors

The mineral has varieties:

Light and dark samples do not have jewelry value, therefore they are cheap. These include:

  • indigo - dark blue crystal;
  • oriental amethyst has a purple color;
  • Oriental emeralds are green.

How to distinguish natural Corundum from a fake?

Synthetic Corundum was obtained back in 1877. Today, laboratory crystal growth has been established in Switzerland, Germany, and Russia. Corundum is one of the most profitable minerals grown artificially.

Minerals are also ennobled by irradiation. The resulting samples are difficult to distinguish from the original. The price of natural precious stones is tens, hundreds of times higher than the most flawlessly made synthetic Corundum.

Skillful fakes, framed with precious metals, become an alternative to natural stone and pay off handsomely with a successful deal. Synthetic stones and skillfully made fakes from cheap natural material create fear among buyers and a desire to learn more about how to distinguish a true gem from a fake:

  1. The subject of fakes is the sale instead of precious crystals, ennobled inexpensive types of minerals. When heated, the color of the mineral changes, resembling a natural stone. To recognize a fake, the stone is subjected to secondary heating, during which its color disappears.
  2. Natural stones are rare, have a high price, so take a close look at the crystal. A synthetic crystal has curvilinear zoning, the presence of air bubbles, which cannot be the case with the original.
  3. Use optical instruments (loupe, microscope) to examine the gem.
  4. For these purposes, you can resort to more accurate instruments (polariscope).
  5. A reliable way to avoid mistakes when choosing a natural stone is to purchase it from a seller who has a certificate for the product.

Caring for stone products

  1. Keep the gem in a separate box with velvet sides and a soft bottom.
  2. Do not leave it for too long in bright light, especially sunny.
  3. Do not overheat the crystal. This can lead to a change in the original color of the stone to lighter shades.
  4. If the jewelry is contaminated, do not use soap formulations with dyes and aggressive additives that can harm the product.
  5. Do not use hard, scratchy objects to clean it.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

A stone that is important for a person in the treatment of many diseases, a powerful magical effect, and has astrological properties. Corundum may not be worn by representatives of all signs. He has favorite signs and unacceptable ones for his energy.

Zodiac signCompatibility
crayfishThe crystal will become an assistant in all matters.
AquariusGuides you to make the right decisions.
FishesWill promote success and good luck.
Aries (men)The presence of the crystal must be avoided. He is able to bring the owner to the loss of reason.
Aries (women, especially advanced age)They can communicate with the energy of the crystal, it will help them maintain vitality and presence of mind.
CapricornThe energy of this sign is not combined with the stone. Better to avoid his presence.
archersThere is no compatibility with the energy of the stone. His presence is neutral.
TaurusThe presence of the stone will not change anything.
GeminiThere is no need to wear products with a stone, since they do not have an energy relationship with it.
lionsThey are indifferent to the energy of the stone, because they do not have compatibility with the sign.
VirginsThe stone will not add anything new.
ScorpionsNot suitable for energy value.

Wearing amulets, talismans and amulets is necessary only for signs that have energy compatibility with the stone. It makes no sense for the rest of the signs to wear jewelry with corundum.

You can resort to a synthetic version of the crystal or a skillful fake, which do not carry an energy load, but look respectable and cost several times cheaper than a natural crystal. When choosing a crystal, you need to take into account its astrological features.

Representatives of those signs who are suitable for Corundum, calm and passive, it is better to give preference to another stone, since the crystal will disturb them with an incentive to action. Suitable for people with an active lifestyle. Their energies will act in unison.

Corundum is a rare and precious mineral.

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Corundum and ruby ​​have a number of similar properties - both minerals have a glassy luster, both are resistant to acids and are chemically stable. They are extremely durable due to the fact that they do not have adhesions, therefore they can be used in abrasive processing. In nature, there are no perfectly pure rubies and corundums, just as there are no ideal forms. All this combines the mentioned minerals. But then what is the difference between corundum and ruby?


Corundum– crystalline alumina with uneven. The mineral is dichroic, dense and so hard that only diamond is harder than it. In nature, there are both individual minerals in the form of crystals, and fused into "barrels" or columns. The natural colors of corundum are red, black, yellow, pink, white and green. And this is the first difference between corundum and ruby, which is only red or red shades.

Among the varieties of corundum are sapphire (blue, green, violet), leucosapphire, ruby, padparadscha, amethyst.

Concerning ruby, then the more chromium impurities in it, the thicker its red color. If you shine ultraviolet light on a stone, it will turn orange. Rubies can be obtained artificially (for the first time, the Frenchman Auguste Verneuil succeeded in 1904), such samples are sometimes called spinels.

There is a theory that rubies are immature sapphires. After the collapse of Pangea (the ancient single continent), one large deposit collapsed. Part of the rubies remained in the rocks of the earth, where the stones continued to be saturated with metal oxides under pressure and “turned red”. The other part went on a journey through the oceans and rivers, "blue" and "yellow" along the way.



Corundum and ruby ​​are mined from rocks with a low silica content, from pegmatites and deep metamorphic rocks - gneiss and granulite. A mixture of corundum and magnets can be part of emery or emery sheets. Corundum is mined in India and Greece, in Sri Lanka, Ceylon and Madagascar, in the USA, Tanzania, Canada, Norway and Russia. The most valuable rubies are Asian, as they are the purest and most transparent. These stones are mainly mined in Sri Lanka and Thailand, as well as in Tanzania - in these areas there are reference samples of the "pigeon blood" color.


Artificial corundum is indispensable in the manufacture of refractory materials, high-strength enamels, and abrasive compositions. A separate type of corundum is electrocorundum - a superhard artificially synthesized material mined by high-temperature smelting of bauxite. Electrocorundum is used for grinding particularly durable materials. Ruby is used to make jewelry, watch mechanisms. Synthetic rubies are needed in lasers (the technology was first tried in 1960).

Corundum is popular in folk medicine for improving blood circulation and metabolism, treating eye diseases, and normalizing digestion. Ruby, according to legend, helps its owner find and keep love, makes the mind insightful and rejuvenates the body.

So, the main difference between corundum and ruby ​​is that the latter is a gem, and the former is not. Moreover, ruby ​​itself is a kind of corundum, and therefore ruby ​​is the same as corundum, but not vice versa!

In this article:

How is corundum different from ruby? What are both stones and which one is more expensive? What is this stone, corundum ruby?

Corundum ruby

Characteristics of corundum

Corundum is a crystalline mineral that is aluminum oxide. In the composition, the main part is occupied by aluminum - 53%. Sometimes there are impurities of other metals in small quantities: chromium, iron, titanium and manganese. The crystal lattices themselves are clean, and impurities determine the color of the mineral.

The hardness of the mineral is very high, corundum serves as a standard for a value of 9 on the Mohs scale. Just like a diamond, it is highly susceptible to chipping. Has a glassy sheen. A special property of stones that belong to corundum can be noted the effect of asterism of a polished crystal in the presence of rutile inclusions.

The difference from other minerals is insolubility in acids, non-magneticness and high hardness.

Varieties of corundum include:

  • Ruby is a red or pink mineral that acquires color due to the presence of chromium.
  • Sapphire is most often blue, colored with titanium, but other colors of the mineral can also be included in this variety.
  • Leucosapphire is a colorless stone.
  • Emery - dark, opaque, fine-grained. It is formed as a result of mixing corundum with another mineral - magnetite, hematite, quartz.
  • Oriental topaz is a yellow transparent crystal.
  • Oriental amethyst - purple, transparent.
  • Oriental emerald - green.

The most common myths about ruby ​​and sapphire - the two main corundums:

  • Many people do not know that these two stones are varieties of the same mineral and differ only in color.
  • Only red corundum is called ruby, but there can be many varieties of sapphires. In the general case, all corundums, in addition to red minerals, are called sapphire.
  • The use of corundum is limited to the jewelry industry. This opinion is one of the most erroneous. Corundum, along with diamond, crushed into powder is used as abrasives. The crumb is applied to the circles intended for the grinder. And also corundum is used for the manufacture of bearings in the moving parts of watches and instruments. Ruby laser has been used in medicine, cosmetology, science and even industry since the late 60s. Usually, low quality stones or synthetics are used for these purposes.
  • The color of all corundums is uniform. In fact, this is rarely the case. Some stone colors are an alternation of bands rather than a solid shade. For example, lilac is an alternation of red and blue stripes. Some of the corundums in cabochons can exhibit the properties of asterism, that is, "give" a star.
  • Sapphire is just a variety of corundum. This is also not entirely true. Most often, this term is applied specifically to aluminum diamonds, but sometimes other stones can be called sapphires. For example, there is such a name for tourmaline as Brazilian sapphire.
  • Corundum is not used to make large-sized jewelry. This is most often the case, the stone is very expensive and tends to crack. In addition, rubies and sapphires of high quality are rare, and at the same time they are also large and even more so. Such a stone will not be comfortable to wear, there is a risk of damaging it. However, there are several items made of sapphires, the mass of which exceeds two thousand carats, they are kept in museums around the world. Large rubies are much rarer and are most often used only in the form of inserts in jewelry.
  • The effect of fluorescence is found only in natural stones. In fact, the fluorescent doublet, which is located in the red area, is found in both types of stones and is caused by solar radiation or ultraviolet radiation.
  • A carbuncle is the same as a ruby. In ancient times, this name was used when talking about red stones, but most often they were pyropes, varieties of garnet or red spinels. Both of these stones, by the way, were often confused with the ruby.
  • The most valuable corundums are dark. A gem that is classified as colored should not be too dark or light. The most expensive variety of ruby ​​is the color of pigeon blood. The presence of shades, especially gray or brown, can reduce the price of a stone.
  • Natural corundum will not have inclusions. Most of the stones created by nature will still have some inclusions in their composition, and this is even one of the parameters by which they are distinguished from synthetic ones. But very rarely you can still find a ruby ​​or sapphire of perfect purity. In the presence of a shade and sufficient weight, the cost of such stones can reach exorbitant values.

Synthetic corundum

Growing technologies were developed in the 19th century. The products of the USSR could boast of excellent quality stones made using well-established technology. replaced in jewelry not only rubies and sapphires, but also garnets, diamonds and alexandrites. It is believed that the highest quality was the ruby, which at one time was very popular, and almost every woman had such jewelry.

Today, they are also mainly produced, sapphires do not have such popularity due to the invention of the 20th century - cubic zirconium crystals, or cubic zirkonia. Thanks to various chemical additives, they began to receive a variety of colors and, in addition, this is done using inexpensive technologies. And rubies are rarely produced.

Golden ring with ruby

Now more technologies are being developed that make it possible to refine low-quality corundums, of which there are quite a lot. High temperatures can remove inclusions from a ruby ​​or sapphire, as well as change its color.

Some of the refining methods are considered acceptable and although they reduce the cost of the stone, they still have some value. Others - in fact, make a fake, while not standing the test of time. This is a diffuse stain. When heated, a metal is placed next to the stone, which subsequently gives them a color. It can be chromium, titanium, bromine and others.

Staining with bromine is allowed, as its molecules penetrate deep into the layers of the stone, and it changes color all over. But this is not very popular, as it becomes yellowish in color. More expensive corundums - blue and red - are obtained by exposure to titanium and chromium. But the molecules of these substances are large and color only a small layer. As the stone is used, re-cut or re-polished, it can wear off and the mineral will lose its color.

Ruby is one of the most expensive gemstones in the world. The most valuable rubies are mined in Burma. A Burmese ruby ​​can, in some cases, be larger than a similarly sized diamond. But, as with other colored stones, if the ruby ​​is of poor quality and not beautiful enough, the cost can be several dollars per carat. As a rule, such categories include stones that are opaque.

Which is more expensive, ruby ​​or corundum?

In order to answer this question, first of all, it is necessary to understand how ruby ​​differs from corundum:

Corundum is a mineral, while ruby ​​in the narrow sense is a red stone, cut and used for jewelry. Here you can draw an analogy with a diamond and a diamond. A diamond is just a cut diamond, and a ruby ​​is a cut corundum.

All rubies are corundums, but not all corundums are rubies, they have many varieties.

What determines the price of a ruby? Like all other gems, it is valued according to the 4C rule:

  • The size. Large rubies are very rare, since chromium, the substance that gives them color, also affects the integrity of the stone. Accordingly, the price increases with increasing weight.
  • Color. This factor is evaluated according to such criteria as the main color, its saturation, as well as shades.
  • Purity. Rubies usually have a wide variety of inclusions. Clarity is rated in three categories, depending on whether these inclusions are visible to the naked eye and how widespread they are throughout the volume of the stone.
  • Cut. As with other stones, the cut of a ruby ​​plays an important role in its evaluation. Round-shaped stones are most highly valued, followed by all the others, in addition to the “marquise” and “pear”, such forms are evaluated the least. Star rubies are cabochonized, so they most reveal their qualities. The cut of rubies depends on the initial properties of the stone, and on how much of the mineral was lost in the process.

Origin of corundum

The formation of corundum is observed in the contact zone of limestones and dolomites with granites. Corundum is isolated in pegmatite veins associated with alkaline deep igneous rocks. And this mineral is also formed in crystalline schists, marbles and is a product of the metamorphization of bauxite, previously found among sedimentary rocks that were metamorphosed.

The main corundum mining is carried out in Canada and South Africa. The most famous ruby ​​crystals are mined in Afghanistan, Vietnam, Tanzania. And also in alluvial deposits in Burma and India. Sapphires are mined mainly in Montana in the USA and in Australia.

In Russia, corundums are found in the Urals near Miass. Rubies - on Hit Island in North Karelia.

Can you mine corundum yourself? The variety of natural corundums is very large, as is the distribution. In addition to the main deposits, there are a number of smaller ones located around the world.

The most difficult task is to extract high quality corundum. Although corundum deposits are found everywhere, the main deposits still continue to lead in terms of the quality of the extracted stones.

Nevertheless, in Russia you can also find good examples in the outskirts of the Urals. Corundum is found in places where in ancient times molten granite melted limestone. Mica is also commonly found in corundum locations.

How to distinguish a fake?

In addition to ennobled corundum, imitation can often be found. For example, composite stones, doublets are used as imitation. The simplest of them consist of red glass glued to an almandine plate. When examining a stone, it is not difficult to find a gluing line. A sharp change in brightness can be observed around it. Best of all, such a simulation will be noticeable when placed in a liquid with a high refractive index.

A better-made fake is more difficult to distinguish. Sometimes a stone of natural origin, but of poor quality, is glued onto a synthetic ruby ​​substrate. Then the stone is cut, in which the gluing line becomes invisible. In the frame, such a stone is very difficult to distinguish from natural. Synthetic ruby ​​has the desired color characteristics, and the natural stone gives it inclusions.

If instead of a ruby ​​they try to give out another stone, for example, spinel or garnet, and in the worst case even glass or rhinestones, then such a fake is easy to detect. Most likely, they will not be able to scratch the glass. And if you have corundum at hand, even synthetic, then he can.

The most difficult thing is to recognize a synthetic stone. Today, technology has gone so far that even equipment and experts can't help. Especially if the goal was to fake a ruby.

Thus, corundum and ruby ​​are practically the same, and ruby ​​differs from corundum only in that it is a precious stone, which implies a cut, and also in that it is only its red variety.

About what corundum is, most of the inhabitants are practically unknown. This term is more often used by professional jewelers. It is of a generalized nature, since it implies a whole group of gems, and not a single mineral. You may be surprised, but ruby ​​and sapphire have a lot in common. Both of these stones are corundum. From this article, you will learn about what crystals are and what distinguishing features this group of gems has.

First finds

Mankind has known about this crystal for more than the first millennium. Its beauty was sung in ancient Egypt and Jerusalem. It was from there that he was later brought to India. Since then, corundum has gained immense popularity in the jewelry world. Scientists hypothesize that the ancients called the ruby ​​that way, which was its second name.

Pliny gave the first descriptions of corundum several thousand years ago. In his works, he described in detail the process of mining and the features of the mineral.

History shows that stone was practically not mined in the Old World in the Middle Ages. For a long time, crystals were mined in Asian countries, mainly India, Thailand. It is found in places of volcanic eruptions, as well as where sedimentary rocks are located.

Chemical and physical properties

Corundum formula Al 2 O 3. This chemical compound is part of the clay. Therefore, experts attribute the mineral to alumina. Some elements of the crystal lattices of stones differ. This distinguishing feature highlights the varieties of the crystal.

The mineral has good cleavage and hardness (9 out of 10). After splitting, the surface of the crystal is smooth and even. Process corundum with diamond. From a solid state to a liquid stone passes at a temperature of 2050 degrees Celsius.

The color palette of gems is wide. In nature, transparent and multi-colored crystals are found. Raw products have a matte glassy sheen.

After gem-cutting and polishing, the jewelry acquires a unique radiance with the effect of a light star. This quality is inherent only in precious stones, including ruby ​​and sapphire.

Varieties of the many-sided crystal

There are many varieties of corundum found in nature.

Rubies - this group of minerals belongs to precious stones. The color scheme varies from soft pink tones to dark cherry shades. The richer and darker the red color of the crystal, the higher it is valued in the jewelry industry.

Sapphires are gemstones that are dominated by blue tones. There are light crystals with a light sky blueness, as well as rich azure minerals. The rarest specimens have yellow, pink and orange hues. For their unusual appearance they are called fantasy.

The cost is not inferior to its relative ruby. And remember an important point: sapphire is corundum, but any corundum cannot be called sapphire or ruby.

Chlorosapphire is corundum, which is compared with emerald for its color and resemblance. They call it oriental, like leucosapphire, which resembles a diamond, since it has a degree of transparency close to it. However, it is much cheaper

Among other types of corundum, there are: purple oriental amethyst, white corundum, yellow and orange padparadscha, as well as mint oriental gem. One of the cheapest is gray corundum, as well as a brown mineral. The granular rock of gray-black color is called emery.

Creations of nature and human hands

Corundums are minerals that are currently grown in laboratory conditions. For this, iron filings and a mixture of bauxite are used, which are fired. The appropriate color is given to the final product by incorporating various chemical constituents.

Ready-made artificial corundum is not inferior to natural corundum in terms of properties and aesthetics. Sometimes such a stone looks more spectacular than natural minerals, but its cost is much lower.

Man-made sapphire or ruby ​​is affordable, which makes it possible to become the owner of a beautiful jewelry even for a budget buyer.

Mining sites

The chemical composition of corundum suggests that its constituent elements are often found in nature. Therefore, minerals are mined everywhere on the planet. Among the regions rich in this rock are Turkey, the United States, India, Africa, Thailand, Scandinavia, and Sri Lanka.

In our latitudes, this stone is mined in the Urals (Cherry Mountains), Karelia and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Sigangoy deposit). In these regions, those corundums are found that are of jewelry value. Other species (production) are also found in other parts of the Earth - Canada, Norway, the Kola Peninsula.

Usage and application

The properties of the mineral are widely used not only for the manufacture of jewelry. Corundums are used in the chemical, watch and construction industries.

In particular, it is used to strengthen the glass structure. Sapphire crystals are installed in modern gadgets and watches. They are not subject to cuts and scratches, so they retain their presentation longer.

Stone for technical purposes is also sold in hardware stores. This breed is used as the basis for the production of sandpaper or insulating building materials. Corundum is also an integral part of a quantum generator.

As for the jewelry industry, rhinestones are made from budget items. Such crystals have high strength, and therefore are resistant to scratches and cuts.

Cost and price range

Since there are several types of stone, the price of a carat depends on belonging to one of them. Crystals with a transparent structure without inclusions are valued higher. Artificial specimens shine more strongly, but their cost is lower. Therefore, in evaluating a gem, it is precisely the level of transparency that is taken into account. The color scheme also matters.

Rubies of red and pink color are more expensive than all corundums. Sapphires are second. Orange padparadscha closes the top three most expensive varieties.

Gray and brown stones are an amateur decoration, however, it is known that such corundums are also in demand. As for technical breeds, their average cost is up to 20 thousand rubles per 1000 kg.

Choice of jewelry by stars

A natural mineral radiates vibrations that affect the human body, as well as its psycho-emotional sphere. Depending on the zodiac sign under which a person came into this life, corundum will have a positive or negative effect on him.

Male Capricorns and Aries are people for whom wearing a stone is contraindicated. Their tough and explosive character traits are enhanced with such a talisman. As a result, a lot of troubles happen, life turns upside down, and troubles pour in like a bucket.

As for the rest of the representatives of the stellar circle, for them corundum is an ordinary decoration that does not have any energy impact.

Wear jewelry correctly

A sapphire inserted into a pendant will save its owner from causeless anxiety, anxiety and hidden fears. To people wearing blue sapphire earrings, he will give wisdom and a harmonious attitude to the world around him. In addition, a stone located in the head area enhances intuition, spirituality and develops a person's talents. This applies equally to sapphire and ruby.

Specialists in lithotherapy indicate that the properties of corundum are directly dependent on color.