Depression during pregnancy second. Features of depression in different gestational periods. How to help yourself

Women are much more likely to be "sick" than men. They are more willing to share their psychological problems with others. Depression during pregnancy is not just a negative mood, it is a persistent state of pessimism and anxiety that lasts 2-3 weeks. It is characterized by negative thoughts, inability to overcome problems, a feeling of insecurity.

Prenatal depression is influenced by the inner world of a woman. Numerous experiences regarding early pregnancy, awareness of their role in the later life of the crumbs and other circumstances make the expectant mother dive deep into her thoughts. If resistance to stress is at zero, the risk of developing a pathological condition increases.

During pregnancy in a woman, depression can appear under the influence of internal and external irritating factors:

  • stress against the background of an unexpected "interesting situation";
  • poor living, social conditions: lack of own living space, negative home environment, lack of support from loved ones);
  • financial instability: loans, loss of permanent income;
  • unwillingness of relatives or spouse to have a child;
  • severe pregnancy: the risk of pathologies in the embryo, toxicosis, unbearable weakness;
  • hereditary predisposition to depression;
  • persistent miscarriages, debilitating infertility therapy;
  • dysfunction at the hormonal level, especially from the thyroid gland;
  • suffered a psychological blow;
  • prolonged treatment with sedative or psychotropic medications.

The development of depression during pregnancy can be observed under the influence of negative heredity, physical or psychological abuse, or other emotional upheavals. In each individual situation, the pathogenesis of the pathological condition is individual and treatable.

Prenatal depression develops when resistance to stress is at zero

What symptoms should alert

Pregnancy and depression can proceed in different ways. One category of expectant mothers is excessively whiny, they are tormented by insomnia, they are constantly afraid of something, which as a result causes the appearance of suicidal tendencies. However, the pathological syndrome is accompanied by a number of symptoms, in the presence of which the syndrome can be diagnosed.

Depression during pregnancy is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Excessive irritability.
  2. Sense of anxiety.
  3. Lack of focus.
  4. Poor or increased appetite.
  5. Fatigue, weakness, bad mood.
  6. Fear of walking.
  7. Increased suspiciousness, guilt towards others.
  8. Daytime sleepiness.
  9. Low self-esteem, feeling of joylessness, hopelessness.
  10. Closure, feeling insecure.
  11. Tearfulness, constant tantrums.

At the first symptoms of prenatal depression, a woman should tell her loved ones about her problem. This state cannot pass on its own, but it is realistic to cope with it if the solution of the problem is approached with all responsibility.

The spouse and relatives should surround a woman who is in an “interesting position” with care and attention. It is necessary to analyze what causes could cause such a state, they should be disposed of. Regarding the "spleen" - simple ways will help to cope with it (shopping, chatting with friends, watching a movie, walking).

Pregnant women have daytime sleepiness

How the condition of a woman is reflected in the baby

It has been established that depression in a future mother affects the development of the embryo and the health of the baby. This condition can have the following consequences:

  • increased risk of early labor;
  • abortion;
  • the birth of a baby with a small weight;
  • early mortality (still in infancy);
  • oxygen starvation of the brain;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • depression in the baby in the future;
  • violation of the psyche, behavior, hyperactivity.

Depressive syndrome is accompanied by elevated levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, which increases the risk of abnormal fetal development. The disease should not be treated as a simple "spleen" and let it take its course - this can cause serious consequences.

Pregnant women need, first of all, to help themselves on their own: to receive positive emotions, drive away bad thoughts, listen to calm music. You can ignore your condition, but the health of the baby should come first.

Prenatal depression of pregnant women is not only a real danger for the baby, but can also cause the development of postpartum neurosis, which will lead to the complete incapacity of the mother. The joy of the birth of a baby will pass unnoticed, warm feelings will be completely absent.

At the beginning of pregnancy, it is possible to cope with this condition. A woman, before becoming pregnant, must prepare for this not only physically, but also mentally.

Mom's depression affects baby's development

Depression at various stages

There are many reasons for the occurrence of a pathological condition in girls who are expecting a child, despite the fact that this is an exciting and joyful period for them. The causes of mental disorders at different times may vary.

Pathological syndrome in the 1st trimester

All women in an "interesting position" should know how to deal with impending tearfulness or sadness in order to prevent the development of a more severe syndrome. Depression in early pregnancy can be observed in the following cases:

  1. Financial difficulties, the girl may worry about how she will support the child.
  2. A tendency to tearfulness, blues - during pregnancy, they may also be present.
  3. In the first trimester there was a threat of miscarriage, then negative thoughts, anxiety accompanies the woman even after the danger has passed.
  4. Isolation, some girls, due to the specifics of their work, communicate with people, and while waiting for the baby they have to stay at home.
  5. "Spleen" in the 1st trimester happens if the pregnancy is not planned.
  6. Severe shock: a serious illness, death of a relative, friend.
  7. Moving from a permanent place of residence.
  8. Problems of a personal nature.

But most often, the expectant mother has no reasons for the development of a depressive state. Relatives help around the house, the husband blows off dust particles, the woman does not experience financial problems. But even in this situation, she is not immune from "spleen", tearfulness.

Depression in pregnancy often develops due to changes in hormone levels. Even before menstrual bleeding, the girl's mood and behavior suddenly begin to change.

In autumn and winter, the development of a pathological condition can be facilitated by the reproduction of melatonin (hormone), which regulates the biological rhythms of the body, constantly catching up with drowsiness. It is generated at night and destroyed during the day. Melatonin is a sedative of natural origin and if its amount is normal, the girl will not suffer from insomnia. In autumn, it is produced with a vengeance.

The threat of miscarriage in the first trimester can lead to depression

depression in the 2nd trimester

A woman carrying a child moves to a new stage in the development of physiological and emotional development. Her former lifestyle is completely changed: she loses her job, communicates less with friends, does not visit noisy places. With the first movements, the baby begins to worry about him, really realizing that her life will completely change after giving birth.

In the second trimester, a girl can fulfill herself in other directions, sign up for courses to learn a new profession. Or constantly listen to your inner state, gradually falling into a depressive state. Most of the women coped with their problem by doing their favorite hobby.

If a pregnant woman has a tendency to excessive suspiciousness, apathy, then the second trimester will be accompanied by severe headaches, a deterioration in mood due to an increase in the uterus in size, unpleasant discomfort in the back, and other complications.


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depression in the 3rd trimester

Doctors often call the last weeks of childbearing a period of "prenatal apathy." Panic attacks that are impossible to cope with can appear even in the most calm ladies. This happens for various reasons.

Depression during the first pregnancy in the third trimester is mainly observed due to the fact that:

  • girls are alarmed by the very process of labor activity, especially if they have known cases with a negative outcome;
  • a growing tummy, pain in the back make the lady helpless, this causes a negative mood, tearfulness, excessive tenderness for others.

Depression during the first pregnancy in the later stages is considered a safe pathology that a lady is able to overcome without outside help, after her hormonal levels return to normal.

Doctors say that anxiety, stress, constant tantrums before labor have a direct impact on the child. And if a pregnant woman does not follow her emotions, there is a risk that the baby will constantly cry, fall asleep badly, lag behind her peers in development.

Severe pathological conditions in the third trimester of pregnancy can be corrected with the help of potent drugs - antidepressants, which is very undesirable. But with the first symptoms and a timely appeal to a psychologist, you can get by with a physiotherapeutic method.

The expectant mother is excited about the approach of childbirth

Anxiety treatment

How to cope with depression during pregnancy on your own, in order to prevent the development of a severe syndrome, every girl who is expecting a baby should know. Simple tips will help get rid of tearfulness, fear and "spleen":

  1. There is no need to try to do everything before the birth of a child: buy a crib, equip a room for him, make repairs, draw up all reports for 6 months in advance. In the first place should be well-being, as well as well-being. The waiting period for a baby is the best time to take time for yourself, then you have to take care of the baby.
  2. Every day you need to do exercises. Moderate loads make it possible to feel emotional, moral satisfaction.
  3. Find yourself an exciting hobby, learn to overcome a negative attitude. To engage in an interesting business for which there was not enough time until that time: to become interested in reading books, drawing, knitting, swimming.
  4. A pregnant woman should communicate more often with her family, spouse. If a woman cannot cope with her emotions, you need to openly tell her about the existing problems.
  5. If a woman is tired, falls down, she needs to try to rest more, not to overload herself. Let the spouse massage the feet, lower back.
  6. While carrying a baby, special attention should be paid to the diet. Eliminate extra calories, supplement the menu with fresh vegetables, fruit platter, dairy products. Refuse sweet, starchy foods.
  7. It is necessary to look at everything that is happening from the outside, one should not draw sudden conclusions.
  8. Walking in the park, outdoor recreation will help fight depression.
  9. You can not try to cope with the problem on your own with the help of medications. You should not use antidepressants, as well as drugs that the pregnant woman took before the “interesting position”.
  10. Protect yourself from negative information. Avoid watching movies with violent, bloody scenes.
  11. Try to create home comfort, buy interesting trinkets, decorate the room with flowers, but only without a strong smell.
  12. A woman in a position should learn to love herself for who she is. Try to understand the beauty of what is happening and the upcoming event.

Camping with your loved one is the best fight against depression

Very simple tips will help to cope with despondency, tearfulness, bad mood and "spleen". If the depressive state does not go away, bad thoughts are constantly disturbing, it is better for a woman to contact a psychotherapist for advice. It is not necessary to delay the treatment of a depressive state, this negatively affects the condition of the fetus and the health of the unborn baby.

You don't have to try to fix the problem on your own. You need to discuss your feelings and thoughts with loved ones. If the expectant mother is worried that she cannot cope with the upbringing of the baby, she is frightened by the unknown and tormented by other fears, does not know how to help herself - she should not become isolated. You need to get support from friends, acquaintances, spouse.

Fears and anxiety during pregnancy should be treated as a serious pathology that requires timely adequate therapy. Otherwise, it can cause irreparable harm to the health of the mother and child. In some cases, prolonged depression leads to suicide.

It is necessary to start complex treatment with psychotherapy, in the absence of an effect, proceed to taking medications. All actions must be performed strictly in consultation with the doctor, since many therapies are not applicable to pregnant women. In order to avoid side effects from taking medicines, you must first carefully read the instructions.

Depression during pregnancy, how to help? Pregnancy is a period that completely changes everything. Everything - from the word "absolutely": figure, appearance, hormonal background, worldview, taste, habits, character, family structure, relationships between future parents. Especially if it's the first pregnancy. Some people benefit from this, but it can also be the other way around.

If in the early stages there is still a kind of shock feeling of euphoria, then around the second trimester more practical thoughts begin. And there is no better way to cope with depression during pregnancy than if the husband surrounds his wife with care and love.

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Friends, hello! Svetlana Morozova is with you. With in the modern world, they have already learned to fight. And in what ways, and why it appears at all, I will tell in this article.

Time for a change

Maternal instinct is the oldest and one of the most powerful. And the expectant mother instinctively begins to take care of the unborn child. How will he eat, sleep, develop? Will the family have enough money, space, love, energy? And if the child is the second, then what kind of relationship will he have after birth with the first-born? With Father? With her?

Wait, what about her? Can she? What will it be like for her to give birth, breastfeed, lack sleep, educate? Or even now, pregnant, how does she feel? Maybe the expectant mother has gained a lot of weight, or has she got stretch marks, or is her husband scared away by her growing belly? Or, on the contrary, is the husband only happy, and she herself wanted something completely different? And if also toxicosis, wow.

But anxiety does not necessarily lead to depression during pregnancy.

So what is the reason then? There are several. Let's disassemble.

Fear has big eyes

Fear is the basis of depression. In general, every woman who has been pregnant at least once will agree: it’s pretty scary to live when a whole person grows in you - you protect yourself from everything. And here, from all sides, this fear is warmed up.

Friends recall how painful it was to give birth, acquaintances have a child who is now disabled after an unsuccessful birth, and on the Internet they tell how the second child crippled a newborn because of jealousy.

And he becomes uncontrollably afraid for the life of the child and his own, it is scary how the birth will go, whether it will be very painful, whether the child will be born healthy.

This also includes material fears. Nowhere to live or nothing. Everyone, of course, has a different threshold, different limits of comfort. Sometimes “not enough money” means there is no way to buy a new car without a loan.” And sometimes - when there is nothing to eat. And these two examples can excite equally strongly.

If it so happened that the child will grow up without a father, fears intensify. Both material and all. Now, although this is easier, society more or less loyally accepts single mothers, condemnation still remains. And among relatives, and in general.

Depression during pregnancy: what else provokes:

  • unwanted pregnancy. And that doesn't mean it's unplanned. More often, of course, it happens that well, they didn’t plan right now. Or maybe not from this person. Or in general, you already have a child (two, three), and they wanted to stop there.
  • The coldness of the husband. Not all men are sympathetic to everything related to pregnancy: overweight, sluggishness, fatigue, increased emotionality, strange food addictions. Sex becomes less, and in the 3rd trimester - so in general, without it. Some men do not try to hide their displeasure, and if they do, what woman will not feel coldness. Especially at a time when support is needed more than ever.
  • Depression before pregnancy For example, it often happens that a woman has not yet managed to get out of postpartum depression, as a new pregnancy has come. Or there was depression due to long treatment of infertility. And finally, the long-awaited conception happened, but it’s not immediately possible to believe in happiness and rebuild in a positive way, sometimes there are still echoes a year later.
  • Change. They are again, yes. It happens that the husband wears in his arms, and the family is wealthy, and his health is excellent. But you can’t sleep on your stomach, and some habitual hobbies are already banned, and not everything is allowed, and cigarettes / alcohol are not allowed. Appearance also changes. This annoys a lot of people.

And there is another reason, but it is rarely talked about. Disappointing prognosis. For example, doctors noticed a child with Down syndrome or other anomalies. A woman is either against abortion, or the term does not allow it. Of course, this is very depressing emotionally.

Let's multiply all this by all the biochemical processes in the body of a pregnant woman. There may be a lack of trace elements. In the last weeks, it’s generally hard - “everything hurts, nothing helps.” It is uncomfortable to sleep, uncomfortable to sit, uncomfortable to walk, heartburn after eating. Going to the toilet is a whole event.

Therefore, physiologically, a woman will perceive any emotions sharply.

Depression during pregnancy: how to recognize?

There are so many tales and anecdotes about the unpredictability of pregnant women that sometimes you don’t understand whether a woman can have depression, or this happens to everyone. And it happens that neither the woman herself understands, nor her relatives.

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When, nevertheless, it becomes clear that a woman does not just have “hormones jumping”:

  1. Irritability, irascibility, tearfulness.
  2. Lack of appetite or, conversely, overeating, "jamming" problems.
  3. Apathy, drowsiness, weakness. Indifference to the health of the fetus and to one's own.
  4. Withdrawal into oneself, silence. The woman does not want to communicate, contact anyone.
  5. Lack of interest in how to raise a child after childbirth. As usual, mothers read literature, knit clothes for the future baby, visit forums from the beginning of pregnancy and especially in the later stages, buy all sorts of accessories. This may not be the case with depression.
  6. , bitten lips, the desire to hurt yourself and get rid of the child, up to thoughts of suicide.

Urgent help

As you can see, it is impossible to leave everything as it is. It won't go away on its own. What to do in such a situation, how to fight?

First of all, relatives and friends should join. The main task falls on the spouse. There is no better way to cope with depression during pregnancy than if the husband surrounds his wife with care, love, pampers. No, it won't slip. Don't spoil. Believe me, she will remember this for the rest of her life.

You need to give your wife the feeling that she is beautiful. No, she's wonderful! A whole world blooms in it - yours, by the way. What could be more amazing and beautiful?

If there is no husband, then friends and relatives should join. Do not think that depression is a whim from idleness. From a lack of love - that's more true. And this love must be given.

If the expectant mother works, it is worth taking a vacation. Good emotions are needed: frequent walks, trips to nature, theaters, museums, cinema, visits, watching good films, reading books.

How can you help yourself?

Sleep more, eat right and walk a lot, a lot. Pray more, meditate, do yoga - whatever is closer to you. Try needlework - it helps, verified by more than one person. Don't watch TV. Too much negativity there. Good and bright films do not count.

Do not close in yourself, seek help from a specialist. First of all, this is a psychotherapist. If you find yourself alone in a difficult situation, there are help centers in every city. Contact any nearest fund, temple - you will be prompted.

And remember - you are always beautiful. And especially during pregnancy. Because you radiate the energy of life. You will have a wonderful little man, small, warm and so dear. You give him life, and he gives you meaning. And he will love you like no one else. This is worth fighting for.

See you soon!

The birth of a new life is a joyful event for every woman, but often pregnancy becomes a difficult emotional test for a future mother. During this period, a woman may experience uncertainty, anxiety and fear of childbirth. Experts explain this condition as a consequence of hormonal imbalance, which is considered the norm during pregnancy. Given that social problems can be added to physiological symptoms, depression during pregnancy can take a threatening form not only for the mother, but also for the baby.

Emotional depression and instability of the psychological background are most noticeable from the outside. Therefore, depression in early pregnancy or prenatal depression in pregnant women can be diagnosed by close relatives and gynecologists.

Cause of mental disorder

Pregnancy is a physiological process during which, in the absence of complications, the hormonal background of a woman changes, protecting the expectant mother and fetus from unwanted stress and negative phenomena. However, not all pregnancies are the same.

Women with an increased sense of responsibility even before the onset of childbirth begin to escalate the situation, filling their thoughts with unnecessary fears. Suspiciousness and excessive sensitivity can provoke the formation in the subconscious of self-doubt, the correctness of the decision made. A pathological condition identified in the first trimester can be projected for the entire period of gestation. Depression before childbirth is the most common mental disorder that brings a lot of trouble to the expectant mother.

Prenatal depression is a serious pathological mental disorder that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. The clinical picture of such a disease can be quite diverse. Some women simply feel a slight apathy for everything, others experience periodic panic attacks and unreasonable fear.

Depression in pregnant women occurs regardless of the age of the patient. Complex family relationships and difficult life situations greatly complicate the task of doctors, so when deciding what to do and how to cope with depression during pregnancy, an individual approach is required.

Which women are at risk

When analyzing the most common cases of depression during pregnancy and related life factors, certain groups of women can be identified that are most prone to such a disorder:

  • Hereditary predisposition of women to mental disorders. In such patients, the risk of depression during pregnancy in the first and third trimester is most likely.
  • Difficult family relationships, in particular with the father of the child. The emotional background of the expectant mother can be disturbed by the man's insufficient attention to the events taking place. As you know, coping with any difficulties is much easier.
  • Negative experience of a previous miscarriage, numerous miscarriages and induced births can also cause depression during pregnancy. The fear that events may repeat itself makes a woman nervous throughout the entire period of gestation.
  • Prenatal depression in pregnant women can be triggered by long-term treatment for infertility, as well as the presence of pathological diseases of the internal organs in the patient. Anxiety that diseases can interfere with the normal development of the baby gradually develops into a constant panic fear, which does not allow you to switch to positive emotions. In this state, a woman, instead of deciding how to help herself get rid of the negative, on the contrary, exacerbates the situation. As a result, depression before childbirth takes a severe form.
  • Changes in the structure of the brain that provoke emotional disturbances in all trimesters of pregnancy may be the result of bad habits of the mother (smoking, alcohol addiction, intoxication with harmful chemicals).

Symptoms of the disease

Pregnancy and depression are a fairly common phrase. Anxiety for the health of the child, the upcoming birth is accompanied by various clinical symptoms:

  • causeless irritation for any reason;
  • lack of emotional arousal;
  • feeling of self-doubt and low self-esteem;
  • constant sleepiness;
  • unwillingness to leave the premises;
  • heightened sense of hunger;
  • feeling of constant negativity;
  • refusal to attend a antenatal clinic.

Severe depression during pregnancy can bring a woman to suicidal thoughts. More often than not, however, these considerations remain unfulfilled.

Depression in the first trimester

A mental disorder that appears during early pregnancy is most often the result of a physiological restructuring of the body. New sensations, early toxicosis, various restrictions make the expectant mother experience a whole range of feelings.

The first trimester is the most difficult period. A woman is forced to give up some of her favorite activities and bad habits. Often a woman begins to reproach the father of the child for inattention to herself. All these events form a negative mood in the subconscious, despite the fact that the pregnancy passes without complications.

Mild psycho-emotional instability from a medical point of view is considered an indirect symptom of the conception that has occurred. Therefore, the main task of doctors is the correct diagnosis of the problem. It is rather difficult to predict what consequences may occur due to a depressive state, however violation of the emotional background can adversely affect the nervous system of the baby. A fetus born in a state of constant stress does not gain weight well.

Mental disorder second trimester

In the second trimester, a woman is fully aware of her situation. During this period, thoughts about cardinal changes in life begin to emerge in my head. The expectant mother begins to worry about the temporary cessation of work activities and look for new daily activities. Provided that the pregnant woman was able to independently plan her daily routine, find a suitable hobby and distract herself from negative thoughts, second trimester depression can go unnoticed.

However, getting rid of depression on your own is not always possible. The physiological symptoms of the second trimester cause a woman to experience daily negative emotions. A visible change in the figure, frequent urination, back pain, breast sensitivity cause constant discomfort, as a result of which the expectant mother begins to think about possible complications.

Depression in the third trimester

Depression during late pregnancy is considered the most likely occurrence. This time becomes the most difficult for the expectant mother. The woman begins to be overwhelmed by anxious thoughts about the approaching birth, she increasingly seeks solitude, becomes taciturn and secretive. Since it is quite difficult to deal with depression during pregnancy on your own, during this period a woman may need the help of a qualified psychologist.

Depression in the last weeks of pregnancy can take an acute form. The maximally enlarged belly prevents a pregnant woman from fully resting or relaxing. All thoughts of the expectant mother are directed to the approaching birth. Often, a negative attitude is aggravated by the fact that everyone around is constantly asking when the baby will finally be born.

Psychologists say that the stressful state transmitted to the baby through the placenta in the 3rd trimester can gain a foothold in his subconscious and further have a negative impact on the psyche of a growing child. Children who experience stress in the womb develop more slowly and lag far behind their peers.

In case of revealing alarming symptoms, a pregnant woman needs to urgently seek help, since the calmer the expectant mother feels, the easier the birth of the baby will be. In addition, a woman will need a lot of strength in the postpartum period.

Disease prevention

In order for a depressive state not to overshadow the happiest and most exciting period of a woman's life, it is necessary to take preventive measures in a timely manner. First of all, a woman needs the support of close relatives. Having become pregnant, the expectant mother feels the need for constant communication. It is very important for her that the event that happened has a positive assessment.

In addition, for the prevention of depression, certain rules must be observed:

  • do not engage in excessive physical activity;
  • eat well;
  • often walk in the fresh air;
  • observe the daily routine;
  • communicate with women in position;
  • try to get only positive emotions;
  • take care of your appearance;
  • do your favorite activities;
  • visit a doctor in a timely manner.

It is worth noting that minor mood swings, temporary pessimism, moodiness are an absolutely normal state of a pregnant woman. Such emotional manifestations help the expectant mother relieve stress and tune in a positive way.

Feelings of emptiness, despondency, overwork, anxiety, loss of appetite, lack of interest in what is happening, irritability, low self-esteem, guilt, hopelessness, anxiety are all symptoms of depression that can accompany pregnancy.

Depression during pregnancy most often occurs in the following cases:

  • before pregnancy, the woman had depression that she did not treat;
  • the desire to become pregnant and give birth to a child arose against the background of depression;
  • stressful situations that occur during pregnancy do not receive the proper response;
  • there is no mutual understanding in the family of a pregnant woman;
  • there are financial difficulties;
  • pregnancy is not planned;
  • a woman is afraid of the changes that will occur in her life after the birth of a child.

Pregnancy is a normal physiological process, and if pathological conditions do not complicate it, then the hormonal status of a woman during this period changes and protects her from various undesirable effects, including stress. However, if a woman in ordinary life is prone to depressive conditions, frequent changes in mood, suspiciousness and excessive sensitivity, then such conditions may also appear during pregnancy. Psychologists recommend that such women try not to wind themselves up and meet every day with a positive attitude.

Pregnant women, like everyone else, can fall into various. If a pregnant woman's reaction to a stressful situation is too strong and prolonged, then it is better for her not to postpone going to a psychotherapist who can suggest a constructive way out of this situation. Of course, a woman can turn to close people or friends with this problem, but they are likely to give advice based on their own, not always correct experience, which is unlikely to lead to a constructive solution.

During pregnancy, the support of a husband or a man who is next to the expectant mother is especially important. The fears of a pregnant woman can be easily dispelled by a confident man who will listen and reassure her. Many problems that a woman faces are successfully solved if the expectant mother feels support, attention and love. Normal calm communication in the family circle helps a woman to be more resistant to stress.

In general, psychologists recommend spending the waiting period for a baby in understanding the miracle of every day that is given to a woman and enjoying everything that happens to her. Do not be afraid of the future and worry about problems that have not yet come. Everything has its time.

Treating depression during pregnancy

It is best to solve your psychological problems even before pregnancy and not transfer them to this period. However, if depression occurs during pregnancy, then it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible. Do not delay with this and wait until this condition passes by itself. Depression, which is not given due attention, can go away on its own within six months, or it can torment a woman for several years. Being depressed during pregnancy is sometimes worse than being treated with medication. In addition, the sooner the expectant mother addresses this problem to a specialist, the more likely it is that the treatment will not take much time and will be successful.

Naturally, during pregnancy, the doctor will do everything to do without drug treatment. In some cases, this can indeed be done, but nevertheless, in the treatment of depression, the appointment of antidepressants remains in the first place. Unfortunately, it is very rare to cope with depression without antidepressants. The results of the studies of non-drug methods of dealing with depression (physiotherapy, phototherapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and others) confirmed the fact that today there is not a single non-drug method of treating depressive conditions. The percentage of non-drug cure for depression coincides with the percentage of self-overcoming it. You should not be afraid of depressive conditions during pregnancy, since today there are antidepressants that can be used successfully to treat pregnant women and after which healthy children are born.

Specially for- Olga Pavlova

It happens that during the day the feeling of joy is repeatedly replaced by irritability, anxiety. However, just a bad mood is not depression yet.

What is depression?

Depression (from the Latin word depression - suppression) is a serious mental suffering. For this disease, in addition to reduced mood, a negative perception of the situation, oneself in this situation and in the future is characteristic. That is, being in a depressed state, a person is sure that everything is bad, that he himself is a complete insignificance and is not able to cope with this hopeless situation, and in the future it will be even worse.

depression in women observed in two, and according to some researchers - and three times more often than in men. This is partly due to the better detection of depressive disorders among women, as they are more willing to talk about their emotional experiences. But the main reason lies in the close connection of a woman's emotional state with the functioning of her neuroendocrine system. This connection is most noticeable during critical periods of hormonal adjustment, one of which is pregnancy.

Naturally, depression during pregnancy occurs far from every woman, and, according to recent data, even somewhat less frequently (approximately 9-20%) than in general in women of childbearing age (10-25%). And although the intensity of the symptoms of depression during pregnancy is much milder than those observed in the postpartum period, they adversely affect the health of the woman and the development of the fetus, being a factor in the development of various complications of pregnancy.

"I am depressed"

To the main risk factors for development depression in pregnancy should include:

  1. Availability depression before pregnancy. The risk of exacerbation of depressive symptoms increases especially sharply when treatment of an existing depressive disorder is interrupted.
  2. Depressive disorders in close relatives - parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters.
  3. Unwanted pregnancy, when the birth of a child is perceived as something negative, painful.

In all these cases, one should pay particular attention to fluctuations pregnant mood.

depression during pregnancy

It is clear when depression is caused by some really negative event: the collapse of hopes due to an unwanted pregnancy, bitter disappointment, a break with the father of the child, the death of a loved one.

It is more difficult to understand when, it would seem, the weight is in order: the woman herself is healthy, the child develops normally, the husband takes care, they appreciate it at work - live and be happy. But there is no joy, but, on the contrary, despondency gradually seizes the expectant mother more and more. Why is this happening?

In occurrence depression during pregnancy the role of both biological and socio-psychological factors is noted. As already mentioned, during pregnancy, the body undergoes a global restructuring, which can lead to a violation of neuroendocrine regulation, a decrease in the level of transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system, and, as a result, to the formation of depression.

In addition, the period of pregnancy is full psychological stress when a woman's habitual lifestyle changes: business activity decreases, all actions are subject to bearing a child.

Risk of occurrence depression during pregnancy rises if a woman has irrational ideas: “It is necessary that all people love, appreciate and respect me”; “Everything should be exactly the way I want”; “I have to succeed, if it doesn’t, then it’s just terrible.” Such thoughts keep a woman in constant tension, she quickly gets tired, loses optimism and self-confidence.

Manifestations of depression

during pregnancy

The main symptoms of depression include low mood and an inability to enjoy ordinary life situations. The inability to rejoice is accompanied by a wide range of experiences - from aggression towards her husband to unwillingness to live.

The first signs start of depression there may be alarming concerns about their condition, the outcome of pregnancy, the possibility of miscarriage. From anxiety it is difficult to sit still, a woman is in constant expectation of trouble. I feel very sorry for myself and want to cry. Tears start for any reason, flow and flow without stopping. Sleep is disturbed: because of negative thoughts it is difficult to fall asleep, early awakenings are especially painful - there is no sleep and no strength to get up. Appetite may disappear, but may increase. Gradually growing sadness and apathy. A feeling of complete impotence, hopelessness and hopelessness develops, when there is no strength to perform even the simplest things. From this, the pregnant woman feels like a burden for her relatives and friends, she experiences a sense of guilt. The head is filled with negative thoughts like: "I could do better"; "I'll be a bad mother"; "I don't deserve this, I'm not worth anything"; “Everything is difficult for me”; " I am depressed».

Surrounding, even the closest, sometimes not able to understand what is happening, they advise “not to be upset”, “pull yourself together”. If a woman could do this, she would definitely do it, but, unfortunately, it is not in her power.

Help is needed in this situation. psychotherapist. With severe depression during pregnancy with a sense of hopelessness, suicidal thoughts (thoughts of suicide), you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to know if I have depression

The severity of depressive symptoms can vary. The duration of symptoms for more than two weeks helps to distinguish a depressive disorder from a short-term lowering of mood.

Should think about depression during pregnancy if five or more of the following symptoms persist for more than two weeks.

  1. Constant feeling of sadness and emptiness. Loss of interest in activities that were previously enjoyable.
  2. Loss of strength, exhaustion, lethargy.
  3. Inability to concentrate, remember, make a decision.
  4. Feeling the futility and emptiness of one's existence.
  5. Lack of appetite.
  6. Decreased sex drive.
  7. Sleep disturbance (insomnia, early awakenings, excessively long sleep).
  8. Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness.
  9. Desire to isolate yourself from others.
  10. Thoughts of death or suicide.
  11. Excessive tearfulness, irritability.
  12. Any long-term pain that does not respond to treatment.

To identify depression during pregnancy and assessment of its severity, various rating scales are used (the Beck scale, the Hamilton scale, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, etc.).

The Depression Rating Scale (derived from the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale developed by Zigmond A.S. and Snaith R.P. in 1983) can be used for self-testing.

The scale must be completed by yourself. Don't think too long about each statement. The first reaction will always be more correct.

When evaluating the results, the total score is taken into account, while three areas of values ​​are distinguished: O-7 - no symptoms of depression; 8-10 - mild severity of symptoms of depression; 11 and above - significant severity of symptoms of depression.

  • Something that brought me great pleasure and now makes me feel the same way.

0 - definitely so

1 - probably so

3 is not true at all.

  • I am able to laugh and see funny in this or that event

0 - definitely so

1 - probably so

2 - only to a very small extent it is so

3 - not at all capable

  • I feel energized

0 - almost all the time

1 - sometimes

2 - very rare

3 - I don't feel at all

  • It seems to me that I began to do everything very slowly

0 - not at all

1 - sometimes

3 - almost all the time

  • I don't care about my appearance

0 - I take care of myself the same way as before

1 - maybe I began to devote less time to this

2 - I don't give it as much time as it should

3 - definitely so

  • I believe that my activities (occupations, hobbies) can bring me a sense of satisfaction

0 - exactly the same as usual

1 - yes, but not to the same extent as before

2 - significantly less than usual

3 - I don't think so

  • I can enjoy a good book, radio or TV program

1 - sometimes

3 - very rare

How to deal with depression during pregnancy

Typically, antidepressants are used to treat depressive disorder. However, their appointment to pregnant women is undesirable, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy due to the risk of a teratogenic effect (the formation of fetal malformations). However, if symptoms are severe, treatment with antidepressants may be necessary. Therefore, when deciding whether to prescribe antidepressants to a pregnant woman, the doctor in each case compares the risk of potential harm to the fetus with the risk of negative effects of depression on both the fetus and the mother.

The most commonly used drugs for treatment of pregnant women are tricyclic antidepressants(TCAs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)). As it turned out after a series of studies, the reception of these medications during pregnancy does not increase the incidence of intrauterine fetal deaths or serious fetal malformations. The development of the fetal brain, if the mother took TCAs or FLUOXETINE during pregnancy, did not differ from its development in healthy children. At the same time, one study reported a decrease in neonatal weight after treatment with fluoxetine in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Antidepressants are drugs that normalize a painfully depressed mood. Currently, tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) are most widely used: AMITRIPTYLINE, ANAFRANIL, MELIPRAMINE and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): FLUOXETINE, PAXIL, ZOLOFT, CIPRAMIL, etc.

Unfortunately, newborns whose mothers took antidepressants during pregnancy may experience some deviations from the normal state.

For example, trembling, an increase in the number of heartbeats, a decrease in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary retention, a violation of the adaptation of the respiratory system, feeding difficulties, diarrhea (loose stools) and others. Therefore, antidepressants are used in the most severe cases, when a pregnant woman with depression refuses to eat, does not sleep, thinks about suicide.

A serious therapeutic alternative to antidepressant treatment is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) - the use of electrical discharges to induce a convulsive state for therapeutic purposes. The mechanism of the effect of electric shock has not been fully studied - one of the assumptions is that under the influence of an electric current, the action of stress hormones that destroy brain structures stops, the growth of nerve cells, the growth of cerebral vessels, and the connections between brain cells are restored.

This method is especially good when it is required to achieve a quick and reliable improvement in mental state. Contrary to popular belief, ECT is a fairly safe treatment for severe depression during pregnancy. Numerous studies have proven the safety of ECT for pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy.

Fortunately, most pregnant women develop minor depressive symptoms when occupational psychotherapy2 dispenses with drug therapy or ECT. The most commonly used are therapeutic hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a highly effective treatment for depression. The therapeutic effect is achieved by identifying and correcting unrealistic conclusions about oneself and the world around. During treatment, individually or in a group, the psychotherapist explains how thoughts affect the emotional state, teaches to identify negative thoughts and replace them with rational ones that more adequately reflect reality. Having mastered the skills of rational thinking, a woman adequately perceives the events taking place, reacts more constructively to her condition and the situation as a whole. Participation in group therapy, in addition, allows a woman to understand that she is not alone in her depression. The group allows the expectant mother both to receive support from other members of the group, and to help others herself.

AT depression during pregnancy the help of close relatives is very important, even when the pregnant woman does not ask for it. The correct behavior of relatives will help a woman to quickly get out of a painful state. To do this, it must be remembered that depression is a disease that needs sympathy, but in no case should you dive into the disease along with the pregnant woman, sharing her pessimism and despair. You need to be able to maintain a certain emotional distance, all the time reminding yourself and the patient that depression is a transient emotional state. Studies have shown that depression is especially unfavorable in families where many critical remarks are made to the patient. Try to let your wife know that her condition is not her fault, but her misfortune, that she needs help and treatment. You should not concentrate on the illness of a loved one, it is better to bring positive emotions into your life and into the life of your family. If possible, try to involve the pregnant woman in some useful activity, and not remove her from work.

The most pregnant woman, in order to avoid depression, or, moreover, having felt her first symptoms, needs to take care of herself: relax and have fun more. Be sure to find someone who will help with the housework. Do not exhaust yourself with homework. Your pleasures should be put in the foreground, and household chores - in the second or even third.

The best thing to do is to plan your classes. To do this, the night before, draw up a schedule for the next day. It is worth making an effort to create a good mood for yourself, the spent forces will not be lost.

A pregnant woman needs a good rest. You need to sleep more, take less responsibility, leave more to others. Otherwise, over time, fatigue accumulates and develops into irritability, depression.

Be sure to eat well, even if you have to make an effort on yourself. depression during pregnancy causes loss of appetite, and poor nutrition exacerbates depression. If the appetite is excessive, you should also pay attention to it.

Since lethargy is one of the manifestations depression during pregnancy need physical activity. It's good to walk more, do exercises. Part of the day should be spent outside the home, and let it become a habit.

It's important to take care of yourself. Like poor nutrition, a sloppy appearance contributes to depression. Ideas about. that there is no strength, even for more important matters, do not stand up to scrutiny. If a woman looks good, she is more likely to feel good. A visit to the hairdresser, a facial massage, along with a daily shower, will cheer you up.

You need to watch your negative thoughts. Pay attention to what you think up, try to understand how rational thoughts are, whether their content corresponds to objective reality. To do this, one should treat one's seemingly unshakable considerations as hypotheses that need proof. It is worth first listing the arguments proving the validity of this thought, and then looking for arguments that refute it. It is not surprising if there are more refuting arguments. Consequently, the thought was erroneous and must be replaced with a more rational (more correct) one. For example, the thought “I am ugly and my husband no longer loves me.” Evidence for this idea: "I don't like myself." Evidence against: "Appearance changes during pregnancy." "Friends and acquaintances say that I have become prettier." "My husband is attentive to me." There are clearly more arguments that refute the original thought. Therefore, it does not correspond to reality and needs to be replaced with a more suitable one. Let's say, "My husband values ​​me very much."

The next time you catch yourself in such pessimistic experiences, tell yourself "stop" - and switch to a positive thought, remind yourself that there really is more good than bad.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman's life! Many pregnant women have gone through depression and come out of it safely. Depression is painful, but it will pass!