Home peeling for feet: what to make a peeling composition from? Peeling heels at home: masks, creams, special socks

Uncomfortable shoes, dust and puddles, constant friction and pressure - the skin on the feet is seriously tested every day. Peeling for the feet will help against unpleasant odors, calluses, corns and cracks.

Unkempt legs not only look unaesthetic, but also cause serious discomfort. If an infection gets into the cracks, it will be even more difficult to get rid of them. Therefore, it is necessary to exfoliate dead cells in time.

You can get rid of the hardened crust on the legs with the help of mechanical and chemical peels. Each of them is made with the use of many different drugs, the difference between them lies only in the method and depth of exposure.


  • When machining dead cells are removed by friction. In this case, scrubbing cosmetics are used, as well as accessories - files and graters;
  • Chemical peeling effective due to the action of various acids on the dermis. For its implementation, drugs with acids of various concentrations are used, the depth and effectiveness of the procedure depends on it.


Exfoliants help get rid of dry calluses, calluses, and rough skin.

Exfoliation of the upper, stratum corneum of the epidermis will return the heels to their natural color, thanks to the use of chemicals or chemicals, the heels will look well-groomed and tender.

Moreover, any foot peeling not only improves the appearance of the feet, but also stimulates blood circulation in the affected area: it helps to relax, cope with fatigue and activates the natural regeneration of the skin.

Exfoliant cream

The most popular remedy to use is an exfoliant cream. You can buy two versions of the cream - for chemical and mechanical peeling.

In the first case, the composition of the drug contains a low concentration of acid, due to which, with regular use, the epidermis softens and renews itself.

In the second case, the cream contains abrasive particles, and more effort will have to be made to exfoliate the keratinized cells: such preparations are usually applied to steamed skin, after which they rub it vigorously (as a rule, using a brush or pumice stone).

Peeling socks

Another convenient and effective exfoliation method is special peeling socks. They are socks made of transparent film, the inner side of which is coated with a special acid-based preparation.

Thanks to the application method, this acidic foot peel provides a uniform effect of the acidic product on the entire surface of the feet.

You can also make peeling socks, but before starting the procedure, you need to exclude the likelihood of an allergy to the acid used. (Typically a 20% solution is used.)

How to make socks with your own hands

  • Unwanted socks should be trimmed so that they only cover the feet and toes;
  • Socks soak;
  • They put plastic bags on top, which must be carefully secured.

The duration of the procedure should not exceed 2 hours... This period can be reduced to 1-1.5 hours.

It takes much less time to process nascent calluses and slightly hardened heels than to get rid of old calluses.


Preparatory stage

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the degree of keratinization of the skin. The softer and more pliable the corns and calluses, the easier it is to remove them. Therefore, you must first steam your legs, preferably with the use of disinfectants.

For baths and compresses, you can use both specialized cosmetic preparations and folk remedies like chamomile decoction.

Any exfoliation of the feet, regardless of the technique, requires moisturizing. Without saturation of the epidermis with moisture and micronutrients, the feet can quickly return to their previous state, and then an unpleasant hardened layer forms again.

To avoid this, it is recommended to use moisturizing and nourishing creams, masks, and various oils after peeling. Immediately after the procedure, the skin needs to rest, which is why it is better to spend it in the evening, give up physical activity and uncomfortable shoes.


  • Burns, cuts, deep cracks and other serious damage to the skin;
  • Large moles at treatment sites;
  • Skin pathologies;
  • Insect bites;
  • Allergy to the components of the products used.


There are many masks and creams for peeling feet on the market.

The products of Natura Siberica, Algetics Thalasso Cosmetics, Missha masks and Skinlite Exfoliating Foot Mask are very popular.

Before purchasing, you should carefully study the composition and the expected effect: as a rule, chemical peeling for the heels does not lead to flaking of the stratum corneum immediately after the procedure.

If the skin does not begin to peel off, you should not worry and repeat the peeling more often than indicated in the instructions: this can lead to serious damage to the epidermis.


Preparing exfoliation products from available products and medicines can save you a lot. No prescription is required to purchase the acids used. You can make a foot peel using one of the following recipes:

The duration of skin treatment using these foot peeling recipes can vary depending on the condition of the feet.

It must be remembered that overly aggressive exposure can damage the skin, and the natural reaction of the epidermis is to accelerate the formation of new cells for protection, which will cause a rough layer to appear again and again.

Possible complications

In general, it is important to remember that tidying up the skin on the feet, especially in advanced cases, is a rather lengthy process that requires patience and consistency.

Chemical and mechanical peeling of feet is fraught with dangerous consequences if the rules of the procedure are not followed and contraindications are ignored.

It is important to remember that feet often come into contact with dirty surfaces, often have to be in warm shoes for a long time indoors - all this contributes to the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

When open wounds and cracks are infected, abrasions and abscesses may appear, which can only be eliminated with medication.

The skin on our feet is the thickest and roughest in the entire body, it constantly grows and thickens, forming places that are unpleasant to the touch.

Peeling feet at home cleans the feet from the accumulated excess of dead skin cells, this can be done using different recipes: creams, masks and special socks that have good reviews.

He will also cope with cracks in the feet and heels, peeling and excessive dryness of the legs, rejuvenate the skin, give it freshness.

Review # 1 about socks waiting for foot peeling

« Socks helped me get rid of the problem of rough heels and cracks on them. Of course, the first week is sheer discomfort, since the skin will simply peel off in rags. But then all the peeling disappears, and the legs remain smooth, like a baby's. The effect lasts for more than a month. And then I put my socks on again for two hours».

If you are planning a trip or an important event, then it is better to peel your feet two weeks before the scheduled date, so that the skin has time to completely renew itself. It is possible to help the process and speed up the regeneration - every time you wash in the shower, rub your feet with a polishing file.

Peeling socks for feet are quite cheap, but at the same time they can replace expensive hardware pedicure in a beauty salon. And the smoothness of the feet after peeling remains much longer than after ordinary grinding with files in the beautician's office. The peeling affects not only the surface of the foot, but also the toes - the entire surface of the legs will have a well-groomed and updated look.

Review number 2 about special socks

« I didn't even know my heels could be so pink and smooth! I bought Skinlite socks in the store, flattered by the reviews, and immediately put them on at home. The first days nothing happened, I even forgot that I was doing the peeling. And then, after a shower, I suddenly discovered that something was wrong with my legs - huge pieces of old leather hung from both soles. In two days, my legs completely peeled off, and below there was such a pleasant and silky skin of a peach shade!»

The highest quality peeling sock brands are considered to be Korean brands. It was they who first guessed to combine the effectiveness of chemical peeling with the convenience of home use - they placed a fabric substrate soaked in a special solution in polyethylene socks. This innovation instantly spread all over the world, providing Korean brands with fabulous income.

However, you can make such peeling socks yourself with your own hands. All you need are two old thin socks, scissors, small plastic bags, and a lactic acid solution, which can be purchased at any soap supply store.

Peeling for feet at home: recipes

What is needed

  1. Lactic acid (diluted up to 20%);
  2. A pair of old socks;
  3. Two plastic bags;
  4. Two hours of time.

First of all, take two old socks (which are not a pity to throw away), cut off the bootleg from them so that the socks cover only your feet and toes, without touching the skin of the upper part of the foot.

  1. These socks will need to be impregnated with a special compound - diluted lactic acid.
  2. Lactic acid is initially sold at 80% but should not be used undiluted as there is a high risk of chemical burns. The acid must be diluted with water to 20%.
  3. Moisten cut-off socks well with this solution, and then slide them onto your feet.
  4. Place your feet in two small plastic bags.

This home peeling for the heels will not differ in any way from the purchased or professional salon - you will get exactly the same result. On the second or third day, the skin on the feet will begin to peel off and flake off, and after a week from the day of peeling, the feet will already be completely renewed and soft.

I recommend reading our new articles on facial exfoliation. I present an informational article.

It should be noted that many women are confused by the shade of their feet. Sometimes they darken, turn yellow, lose the uniformity of the shade. Milk foot peels at home will return a pleasant pink tint to the heels, in addition, lactic acid is a powerful moisturizer and regenerator. Therefore, it will reduce further corns, calluses or cracks.

Keep the socks on your feet for 2-3 hours, then rinse your feet thoroughly under running water. During this time, you can feel warmth under the plastic - this is normal. If you feel a sharp burning sensation, severe itching or other manifestations of an allergic reaction, then immediately remove your socks and wash your feet in a solution of cold water and soda to neutralize lactic acid.

Mask for rough heels and cracks

What is needed

  • Incomplete bottle of glycerin;
  • Vinegar essence;
  • A roll of cling film (or bags);
  • Thick wool socks.

First, steam your feet in a hot bath, using a file or pumice stone on the heels.

  1. Prepare an exfoliating heel mask by simply adding vinegar to your glycerin bottle. Stir the mixture and ingredients well by shaking.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution and apply to the surface of the foot.
  3. Then place your feet in plastic bags or wrap with cling film.
  4. Put on warm socks on top.
  5. Leave the mask on for one hour and then rinse off with water.

It is necessary to repeat this mask 2 times a month in order to maintain the effect and prevent the formation of new cracks and corns.

The effect will be better if you regularly grind your heels after the mask, as well as use emollient foot creams. A night mask of melted beeswax, castor oil and essential oils also helps to soften rough heels. Just mix the ingredients and rub with the resulting composition of the foot, then wrap them with cling film. It is advisable to put on socks over the polyethylene to enhance the effect of the mask.

There are a lot of articles on the blog about different peels. I suggest you learn about carbon peeling from the article

Peeling is skin renewal. It can be done in salons and at home. Aging of the skin occurs in all parts of the body, including our legs, over time, lose their attractiveness. To keep your legs beautiful, gentle and attractive, you need to take proper care of them. Carrying out all sorts of procedures makes it possible for the legs to be always beautiful. Foot peeling is one of the methods of restoring the beauty of the legs and feet.

The skin ages due to the impact and participation of various factors. These can be climatic and age-related changes, poor environmental conditions, improper care or lack of it, abuse of bad habits and other reasons. If the aging process is immediately noticeable on the skin of the face, then the skin of the legs is aging imperceptibly. And when the second stage of dermis aging comes, a change in the structure becomes noticeable and is often very late. To avoid negative consequences, you need to take care of yourself in time, including the skin of your legs. Mask, scrub, creams, wraps, peeling - all this will help prolong the youth and beauty of the legs.

Peeling is one of the most effective methods of fighting the aging of the skin of the feet and legs. It is a different kind of peeling for the feet that allows the skin to be in good shape, renews the old dermis, and is a barrier to skin diseases. The point of peeling is that it removes the top layer of the skin, dead cells of the epidermis. This is a kind and it enables the skin to renew itself, regenerates it, stimulates the growth of new cells of the epidermis. Blood circulation improves, keratinized skin areas are removed.

There is a salon peeling and at-home peeling. Any of them gives a lot of positive things for any person. Legs are always under heavy load, often get tired. With age, edema, convulsions, heaviness, pain during movement become frequent. All this appears as a result of circulatory disorders, varicose veins, the consequences of fractures, dislocations, bruises, various diseases of internal organs. Anatomical features of the legs and uncomfortable shoes can cause corns and calluses. It is peeling that helps to cope with the rough skin of the feet, with keratosis manifestations, making the legs soft and tender.

Salon peeling

Salon peeling involves the effect of special preparations on the superficial and deeper layers of the epidermis. Salon peeling preparations penetrate into the structural layers of the skin. The dermis is renewed at the molecular level. The effectiveness of such a procedure has a long duration. In addition, salon procedures differ from those at home and have a preventive effect against all sorts of skin diseases: cracks, eczema, calluses.

Currently, salons use three types of peeling:

  • chemical;
  • hardware;
  • mechanical.

When carrying out chemical peels, different types of acids are used, therefore this type is often called acid peeling for the feet. Usually these are gels, masks, powders. Chemical peeling is carried out without the use of friction, and fruit acids simply dissolve the hardened skin and remove cells that have become keratinized during skin aging.

There are superficial peels:

  • chemical-mechanical;
  • almond;
  • glycolic;
  • pyruvate.
  • middle peelings:
  • salicylic;
  • jenser.

The deepest peeling is the phenolic procedure. You have to be careful with him.

Peeling Garra Rufa

There is another type of salon peeling. This is a peeling with Garra Rufa fish. These fish do wonders for legs that need extra care. They gently "nibble" the hardened skin. These "dermatologists" remove all that is unnecessary without affecting healthy cells of the dermis. In addition, Garra Ruf's saliva contains enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the legs. This procedure is especially useful for those who suffer from fungal diseases, psoriasis and eczema, who are allergic to various drugs. Fish do not emit allergic substances. A slight tingling is a kind of foot massage. Fish peeling is gaining popularity and has long been used in salons in Europe, America and in many resort areas.

Home peeling

However, foot peeling can be carried out at home, using not only special means, but also improvised means. In the form of a foot scrub, you can use ground egg and nut shells, sea salt, ground coffee, and rice grains. Good to use for a mask: olive oil, yogurt, kefir, sour cream. You can combine backing and abrasives. All this has a rather gentle effect on the heels of the feet compared to acid peels or mechanical salon peels. Moreover, visiting the salons requires not only additional financial costs, but also free time. And at home you can take as much time as you have available for the procedure. In addition, you can use a variety of products.

Some types of foot masks at home can be equated with salon procedures. This is how peeling socks have recently appeared. This is a specially developed technology patented by Korean dermatologists. The use of such socks provides deep peeling and renews the epidermis. One procedure is usually enough for six months. And the cost of such foot care, carried out at home, is much lower than salon manipulations. And the efficiency is not less.

After using the peeling at home, be sure to soften the skin of the feet with a nourishing cream or apply a moisturizing mask. This will restore balance to the dermis. A foot mask can be used cosmetology or it can be some oils or products.

It should be noted that on the eve of the peeling, you do not need to steam your feet, just moisten them. And, starting the procedure, you need to be sure that there are no wounds, cuts, abrasions, ulcers on the legs in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe feet. Since any peeling can increase pain and lead to inflammatory processes.

Conventional procedures using scrubs made from improvised products can be carried out no more than twice a week, so as not to cause irritation, even if all such procedures were carried out at home. And if you need a moisturizing or nourishing mask, then it is better to apply it immediately after the procedure.

In pursuit of preserving the youthfulness of our skin, we often pay attention to our face, neck, décolleté, and hands. And only in the very last place our legs are honored. And this is not entirely true. Legs are exposed to crazy loads every day, which means they get tired. The skin on the soles becomes coarser, dry, cracks appear. Over time, all this begins to deliver certain discomfort, and sometimes painful sensations. Peeling for the feet can help to cope with this situation.

The essence of the procedure

Just like the skin of other parts of our body, the skin of the legs is subject to aging processes. As a result of aging, the surface layer of the dermis dies off. If you do not regularly carry out the peeling procedure, then over time occurs layering of layers of the epidermis and the appearance of our feet will become such that we can constantly wear socks without even taking them off. In addition to appearance, this whole process is accompanied by painful sensations due to the fact that the hardened skin can crack.

Exfoliating your feet can be done in the salon or on your own at home.

In the cabin

Peeling in the salon is carried out using special preparations... These drugs act on the superficial and deeper layers of the skin. That is why such procedures have a longer lasting effect. With the help of salon procedures, the prevention of skin diseases such as eczema, calluses and cracks is carried out.

Today, many salons offer three types of foot peels:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • hardware.

When carrying out chemical peels, the effect on the skin occurs with the help of various acids... Therefore, this procedure is called acid foot peeling. Often the drugs used are in the form of a mask, powder or gel. Pyruvic peeling based on pyruvic acid is gaining popularity in recent years.

During chemical peeling, there is no mechanical effect on the skin. Dead cells are softened and removed with fruit acids. Applying the composition is similar to applying a mask to the skin.

Pyruvic peeling is a procedure that exfoliates the top layer of the skin. Polyvine peeling has a mild effect, does not cause allergic reactions, is well tolerated by the skin, due to the fact that the acid in its composition is also present in the cells of our body.

At home

It is not always possible to make peeling in the salon - sometimes there is no money for it, sometimes there is time. But this is not a reason to leave our legs unconcerned. Of course, pyruvic peeling will not work, but you can definitely put your skin in order. On the Internet, there are just a lot of recipes on how to make a foot peeling cream at home.

Before applying the scrub or mask, you should definitely wash your feet with soap and then wipe dry with a towel. Compared to creams, nourishing masks have more long-term exposure on the skin. If prepared correctly, the foot mask can help to visibly moisturize the skin and prevent the appearance of such unwanted cracks.

Not so long ago, peeling socks have become a very popular tool used for peeling feet. They are produced in China, Korea and Japan. Socks are a ready-made kit for the procedure. The kit contains polyethylene socks, a solution in a sachet and instructions on how to use it all. The main component of peeling socks is most often salicylic acid, the action of which occurs by analogy with how the pyruvic peeling works. In addition, the composition includes extracts from fruits and plants.

How to use socks?

Before using the peeling socks, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply the proposed peeling solution to a small area of ​​the skin with a cotton swab. We are waiting for about five minutes, if everything is in order, you can start the procedure.

We put on bags (socks) on our feet, into which we pre-fill the peeling solution. Feet, and this is an important condition, must be clean and dry. The exposure time is from 60 minutes to two hours. The impact is absolutely painless.

You should not walk in wearing socks, as the liquid solution can get out due to the incomplete tightness of the socks.

After the end of the procedure, remove the socks and wash your feet with warm water and soap. And wipe dry with a towel. The effect becomes clearly noticeable on the 4th-6th day, when the skin begins to exfoliate before the eyes. This effect is familiar to those who have carried out polyvine peeling. The use of such socks should not be more than once every three months.

And be sure to consult a dermatologist before starting the procedure.

It is possible to give the skin of the feet incredible softness, restore their elasticity and smoothness in just one home cleansing procedure. Chemical peeling for feet at home will help with this. It will save you from going to a beauty salon and unnecessary waste. The procedure is simple, effective and does not take much time.

Briefly about the possibilities of the procedure

Chemical peeling of the feet is the process of cleansing the feet from hardened and dead tissues under the influence of chemically active substances. There is no difficulty in performing peeling at home, but special attention and vigilance should not be overlooked either.

Previously, chemical peeling of the feet was carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist, but now it can be done at home.

The advantages of home peeling for feet include:

  • saves time on recording, going to the beautician;
  • saves finances. Peeling performed at home is cheaper;
  • Convenience - you can carry out peeling at any time convenient for you.

Chemical home peeling of the feet is one of the most effective methods of cleansing.

It will easily get rid of such disadvantages:

  • corns, calluses;
  • rough, rough heels;
  • excessive dryness of the skin of the legs;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • dark spots;
  • loss of skin elasticity.

The action of chemical peeling is aimed not only at deep cleansing of the skin, but also at restoring the structure of cells, stimulating and normalizing important processes at the cellular level.

Varieties of cleansing techniques

To achieve perfectly smooth feet using chemical compositions, there are several methods:

  • peeling with fruit acids;
  • lactic acid to cleanse the skin of the legs;
  • salicylic peeling solution;
  • special socks.

Each of the chemical peels guarantees the desired result. But keep in mind that chemical cleansing of the feet has features that can be considered rehabilitation after peeling:

  1. you will not see an immediate effect from the chemical procedure performed. Chemicals act on cells, cause primary changes in them, invisible from the outside;
  2. do not worry when, after 4 days, the skin begins to peel off intensively. This is an active phase of epidermal renewal;
  3. Expect the maximum effect of a homemade chemical peel in 6-7 days. During this time, lifeless cells will gradually be removed, and their place will be filled with new fibers, smooth and elastic.

The process of regeneration, skin renewal does not look very aesthetically pleasing outwardly, therefore, it is better to postpone important events, visits and other mass visits until complete healing

Let us consider in more detail the implementation of various methods of chemical peeling of the feet at home.

Cleansing feet with acids

Acid peeling or cream peeling is the most common type of chemical action on coarse areas loved by cosmetologists. It does not require long-term maintenance of chemicals on the skin, and the effect is noticeable after the end of the procedure.

The composition of the chemical peeling agent is selected in such a way that it promotes intensive removal of dead cells and stimulates the formation of new fibers.

The consistency of a homemade chemical peel resembles a cream. True, glycolic and fruit acids are the main components.

The home acid foot peeling procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  1. examine the feet for wounds, irritations, fungal growths;
  2. treat your skin with a disinfectant;
  3. dip your feet in a warm bath for 3-4 minutes;
  4. wipe your feet dry, disinfect again;
  5. Apply a special chemical peel to the hardened areas of your feet. Use a cotton pad to distribute the chemical to your feet at home;
  6. additionally wrap your feet in cling film or put plastic bags on your legs;
  7. after 7-10 minutes, remove the film, and remove the agent from the hardened areas with a wooden spatula. It is necessary to remove hardened skin strictly in one direction;
  8. Disinfect feet, dry with a towel.

Home acid foot exfoliation is a very convenient, effective method of dealing with rough, rough heels.

Milk cleaning of heels

Products with the addition of lactic acid are no less popular among home chemical foot peels. This technique will gently, without complications, eliminate unpleasant foot defects, remove lifeless tissues, moisturize and restore the elasticity of the skin of the legs.

Peeling feet with lactic acid requires a little preparation 1-2 weeks before the scheduled procedure. This is the exclusion of sunbathing and visits to the solarium, otherwise there is a high risk of skin burns

Rules for the procedure for cleansing the feet:

  1. Wash off the remnants of dirt, sebum from your feet.
  2. Disinfect your skin.
  3. Spread the chemical onto the feet in a thin layer (to test for drug response).
  4. If there is no visible irritation or discomfort, reapply the milk concentrate. The lactic acid content in the solution can vary from 20 to 70%. For the first time, use a lower concentration of the chemical.
  5. Put the bags on your feet or wrap them in cling film.
  6. After 10 minutes, remove the remaining chemical peel with warm water.
  7. Treat your skin with a disinfectant toner.

In general, fruit and milky foot peels are very similar in technique, only the main components are different.

Cleansing with milk solution must be repeated once every 10 days. There should be 5 such sessions

Gentle heels with salicylic acid

To even out the relief and shade of the skin of the legs, to eliminate the unpleasant odor and discomfort when walking, using a solution with salicylic acid. You will need a 25% strength salicylic acid solution.

  1. The technique for performing salicylic peeling at home is identical to that of fruit and milk peels.
  2. Try to distribute the chemical very carefully so as not to get on healthy areas.
  3. You can wash off the remnants of the salicylic solution with soapy water. However, then be sure to apply a moisturizer to your feet.

The acid can cause mild tingling and burning sensations. When the sensation increases, it is recommended to neutralize the action of the acidic agent with baking soda

Cleansing feet with special socks

Many beauties fell in love with chemical foot peeling using special socks.

This is the best option to achieve tender, firm and elastic heels at home. In addition, regular use of the procedure guarantees the preservation of the effect for six months.

It is performed in this order:

  1. Remove varnish from nails, rinse off dirt from feet.
  2. Dry your feet with a towel.
  3. Put on chemically treated socks.
  4. Take off your socks after 2 hours. Wash your feet in warm water.

With special socks for feet, peeling at home, not in the salon, will turn into a sheer pleasure. Special skills, skills are not required, the procedure is simple and safe.


Chemical peeling of the heels, despite its simplicity, requires taking precautions.

You cannot carry out these procedures at home in the presence of such factors:

  • diabetes;
  • oncological education;
  • violation of the integrity of the epidermis of the legs (cuts, abrasions);
  • skin diseases, fungi, including the presence of rashes and abscesses;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Do not neglect the restrictions on the chemical procedure for the feet at home, so as not to exacerbate the course of the disease. This can lead to unnecessary health problems.

All products for chemical action on the skin can be purchased at the store or pharmacy. The low cost of drugs is incomparable with the high effect. Gentle heels, well-groomed legs without going to a beauty salon, without any particular difficulties and side effects - this is real!