Fluorography during pregnancy: indications and consequences. Is fluorography dangerous in early pregnancy

Pregnancy is a happy time of waiting for a beloved baby. The expectant mother, taking care of his health, changes his lifestyle, diet and daily routine, and sometimes does not know how to treat diagnostic procedures, including fluorography, so as not to harm the baby.

What is the process itself

One of the most common diagnostic studies, which has been raised to the rank of mandatory, is fluorography. It is thanks to her that doctors can identify in advance serious problems that are caused by disorders of the cardiovascular or respiratory system. The fluorography procedure itself takes a few seconds. During this time, the X-ray tube that passes behind the back sends out a stream of rays. These rays, passing through the chest, leave prints on a special sensitive film. It is from these prints that the doctor forms the results of the study.

Timely detection of the problem will help to prescribe treatment on time, which will protect against serious consequences in the future. It is undesirable to ignore the passage of fluorography. But even more often than once a year, such an examination is not worth it, since the body receives, albeit a small, dose of radiation.

The dose of radiation that the patient receives in one session of fluorography is comparable to the dose that he receives from natural sources of radiation in 10 days.

During fluorography, the patient's chest is illuminated with directed X-rays

Is it possible to do fluorography during pregnancy

Due to the fact that during fluorography, ionizing radiation occurs, which can affect non-cells, it is undesirable for pregnant women to undergo such an examination. Up to twenty weeks of pregnancy, the internal organs of the baby are formed, and outside interference in this process can harm the unborn child. Therefore, pregnant women who feel well are not allowed to undergo preventive examinations. But when the question is that without fluorography it is impossible to help a woman who has problems, for example, pneumonia, you will have to undergo such an examination.

Opinions of doctors

Most doctors are convinced that fluorography is not dangerous for the health of the future baby, since the chest is irradiated, which in no way comes into contact with the pelvic organs. In addition, a woman has the right to demand that a special protective apron be provided during the passage.... It should be borne in mind that modern devices are equipped with supersensitive films, therefore, ionizing radiation is reduced to an absolute minimum.

Many doctors argue that fluorography cannot harm the fetus, regardless of the timing of pregnancy, since the uterus is located at a considerable distance from the lungs, and X-rays are directed.

Fluorography in the first weeks of pregnancy

It is no secret that the first weeks of pregnancy are considered the most important and at the same time dangerous. After all, it is at this stage that the cells of the future fetus are actively dividing, all important organs are formed. But sometimes a woman herself is unaware of the onset of pregnancy and calmly undergoes fluorography. Data that fluorography has affected any genetic disorders, no... But even if we imagine that in the first days of pregnancy, radiation negatively affected the embryo and it died, then a spontaneous abortion will occur, and the woman may never know that she was pregnant, since she will perceive the bleeding as a little late menstruation.

If pregnancy has come, and the woman knows that at the very beginning she underwent fluorography, then you should not worry and wind yourself up either. With a great desire, in order to eliminate all doubts, a genetic examination can be carried out, which will tell about how the fetus develops, and whether there are deviations in its development.

In the case when the doctor insists on undergoing fluorography and it is impossible to replace it with alternative research methods, it is best to undergo digital fluorography, the radiation dose at which is much less and the risk of harming the baby is reduced to an absolute minimum.

Alternative research methods

Digital fluorography is one of the modern research methods that allows you to minimize the dose of radiation that the body of the expectant mother will receive. Doctors recommend this procedure to a pregnant woman only if a fluorographic study is really necessary and the risk for the unborn baby is fully justified.

Another alternative option for replacing a fluorographic study is ultrasound. However, it should be borne in mind that this device has a completely different principle of operation, therefore, the research results in most cases are unreliable. Especially when it comes to the possible confirmation of diseases such as early stage tuberculosis.

If there is no need for fluorography, then it is better not to tempt fate and refuse to undergo the study. The health of the baby and the tranquility of the expectant mother at this stage are above all. Nothing good will happen if a woman is nervous about the fluorography and possible complications in the fetus throughout the pregnancy.

Every mommy dreams of giving birth to a healthy baby. Therefore, it is no coincidence that many are so worried about the question of how dangerous a fluorogram can be during pregnancy. In the second week of pregnancy, the first signs of changes appear: nervous tension, improved appetite, nausea, change in eating habits, nausea and others. The baby is still in the Graaf bubble, only by the end of the week he will become a full-fledged egg with a nucleus and cytoplasm

Therefore, if a woman is sure that she is expecting a child, it is better to refrain from negative influence from the outside, because fluorography during 2 weeks of pregnancy can negatively affect the development of the fetus. A pregnant woman should listen to her body and give up unnecessary stress. During this period, the female breast increases in volume and becomes sensitive to any touch. The first 12 weeks of a child's development are the most critical, during this period there is a high probability of miscarriage, therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor. At this time, a woman should rest as much as possible, be in the fresh air. And to the question of whether it is possible to do a fluorographic examination of the chest of a pregnant woman, there is an answer from specialists: it is possible, but only under the supervision of specialists and at a later date.

Why is fluorography a necessary study?

As you know, fluorographic research gives a fairly objective picture of the state of the respiratory system. This research method allows early detection of possible pathologies in order not to waste time and start treatment. IMPORTANT! The fluorogram is not a whim of the Ministry of Health and, certainly, not a desire to irradiate the nation annually, as opponents of Russian health care tend to assert. First of all, it is taking care of your health, albeit compulsorily. The consequences of neglecting this important study could be tragic for the entire family. In Russia, fluorographic examination is carried out annually by all persons who have reached the age of fourteen; the exception is fluorography during pregnancy, the consequences of which can be seen on the pages of numerous forums for expectant mothers. However, in some cases, the doctor prescribes a woman expecting a baby to undergo this study, but only under the supervision of a doctor and in case of emergency.

During what period of pregnancy is fluorography possible?

Fluorography in early pregnancy is undesirable, since there are known cases of miscarriages later. And it would be much more useful for a young mother to protect herself from unnecessary stress about the health of the future baby. A period of more than 20 weeks is considered safe for research. At this stage, the child has already formed the main organs. If you conduct a fluorographic study during pregnancy for a period of, for example, 2 weeks, this can cause irreparable damage to health - after all, at this moment the baby's cells are actively dividing, and radiation can negatively affect this process. Therefore, it is advisable to replace fluorographic examination with ultrasound. In cases of urgent need for research, a woman may ask for a special screening apron. Modern devices for fluorographic examination have a built-in lead apron, which protects the uterus and pelvic organs from unnecessary radiation.

Some time after the examination, you can visit a genetic consultation. If fluorography was done in the early stages, when the fetus reaches 12 weeks of age, an ultrasound examination of the fetus and organs can be performed. When the pregnancy is proceeding normally, such a study, as a rule, will not show pathologies.

What if the fluorogram was done before the woman found out about pregnancy?

Before every expectant mother the question arises, is it possible to have fluorography during pregnancy or not. And what to do if the girl did not yet know that she was pregnant and took a picture? Usually in such a situation, the girl has the idea of ​​an abortion. However, even if fluorography was done during pregnancy less than two weeks, this is not yet a direct "direction" to get rid of the baby. In this case, it is worth waiting: if the radiation exposure was insignificant and the pregnancy proceeds normally, then the child will be born healthy, and the mother does not need to torment herself with unnecessary worries. When any abnormalities occur, a miscarriage is likely to occur. A few words in defense of fluorography during pregnancy This form of diagnosis will allow early detection of possible pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammation or other equally dangerous ailments. The results of fluorography are evaluated by at least two health workers, which helps to avoid subjectivity.

According to some experts, the radiation from fluorography is as insignificant as many imagine, since the bulk of the X-ray goes to the chest and only a small part to the pelvic organs. To date, no cases have been recorded that it was the fluorography performed during pregnancy that led to negative consequences or complicated the development of the fetus.

Should I refuse fluorography when planning a child?

As a rule, the question is whether it is possible to do a fluorogram already during pregnancy. But there is a misconception that for the birth of a healthy baby, it is worth abandoning the study several years before the conception of the child. Of course, fluorographic irradiation has a negative effect on the germ cells, but these consequences are smoothed out two weeks before the planned pregnancy. Do not forget that a fluorogram is a concern for your own health and you should not neglect this study for several years. However, if possible, it is better to refuse fluorography, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. Thus, the mother will be able to protect herself from unnecessary worries, and the baby from an unnecessary dose of radiation.

Some medical procedures cannot be done too often, while others have contraindications. For many examinations, pregnancy is a contraindication, since the growing fetus is susceptible to any external influences, some of which can become destructive. Is it possible to do fluorography during pregnancy, how is it dangerous for the baby and what to do if you need to get the data from this study?

What is fluorography and what is this procedure for?

Fluorography is considered one of the most common diagnostic methods using unique X-rays. Special radiation is generated in a tube of a medical device, and during the procedure is directed in a given direction. Some tissues completely absorb X-rays, some do not. In this way, you can fix the state of hard and soft tissues and voids, which is reflected in a graphical form.

By studying the resulting image, the doctor can establish the pathology of the chest organs. The objects of diagnosis are the lungs, heart, mammary glands, less often the skeletal system. One of the main advantages of the method is the ability to identify serious diseases at an early stage: cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia.

Is fluorography done for pregnant women?

X-ray examinations can cause significant harm to the fetus, therefore fluorography during pregnancy is prescribed only in extreme cases. Before deciding on the appointment of a procedure, the doctor must determine in which case the risk is greater.

On the one hand, if there is a suspicion of a dangerous disease, the presence of which cannot be confirmed by other methods, it is better to undergo this examination. Then you can avoid the consequences of this disease for mom and baby.

On the other hand, X-rays, even if a clinic with the most modern equipment is chosen for fluorography, penetrate the body and can disrupt the process of growth and cell division in the developing fetus. In this case, on the contrary, complications can be provided.

However, there is no data on how the body of a woman in labor and the growing body of a child will behave in this or that case. Sometimes fluorography does not affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby at all, sometimes it ends in failure. Experts conclude that fluorography during pregnancy can be done only when urgently needed.

Is it possible for pregnant women to do fluorography:

- in the early stages

The first trimester is the most dangerous. At this time, the germ layers are laid and the formation of almost all vital organs of the baby. Any external influence can result in congenital anomalies, frozen pregnancy and other complications.

In the early stages, fluorography is prescribed only in the following cases:

  • It is necessary to analyze the course of a progressive disease if there are no other diagnostic methods (tuberculosis, acute pneumonia, oncological process).
  • A pregnant woman had contact with people infected with tuberculosis.
  • The husband (partner) of the woman was found to have a lesion of the lungs.
  • The family has children with a positive Mantoux test or adults with poor fluorography results.

If a woman finds herself in one of the above-listed provisions, you need to inform the doctor who monitors the pregnancy, after which he will decide on the procedure. Without consulting a gynecologist, it is forbidden to independently register for fluorography.

What should be done in this case? The best way to protect yourself and the baby is planning pregnancy: at this time, fluorography is not only acceptable, but also necessary. Both the expectant mother and the father should be examined shortly before conception, then this difficult situation can be avoided.

The doctor must definitely warn the woman how dangerous the procedure can be, and also how the presence of a disease that doctors suggest can be dangerous. If a woman in labor strongly disagrees with the risks of fluorography, she can write a refusal, being aware of what it is fraught with.

Another situation: a woman did a fluorography, not knowing about her situation. What to do in this case? It is imperative to immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist, inform about this, as well as about which device the procedure was carried out and what dose of radiation was used. After collecting information, the gynecologist prescribes an ultrasound scan to make sure that everything is in order with the embryo. If in doubt, the doctor may refer you to a geneticist for a consultation.

Repeated ultrasound is also performed at 11-13 and 16-18 weeks.

- at a later date

A conditionally safe procedure is fluorography from the 20th week of pregnancy. After this period, the radiation has practically no harm to the baby, but if the procedure is not necessary, it is better to postpone it until the postpartum period. If the examination cannot be avoided, a woman must definitely choose a clinic with advanced digital equipment, where the radiation dose is 6 times less than when diagnosed with a film device.

The X-ray specialist must be notified of the woman's pregnancy.

Can there be consequences?

The consequences of fluorography can be serious, not very serious, or absent altogether. It all depends on the radiation dose received, the condition of the woman in labor and the characteristics of the pregnancy and other factors.

The risk of complications increases a hereditary predisposition to pathological developmental disorders. If there have been cases of congenital anomalies in the family, fluorography is more likely to harm the fetus.

Another risk factor is the late age of the woman in labor or both parents: after 35 years, the risk of pathologies in the development of the baby in the womb increases.

Among the possible consequences of fluorography, doctors call:

  • Abortion. A miscarriage most often occurs in the early stages, when the ovum is not yet firmly entrenched in the uterine cavity. Radiation can interfere with fetal implantation.
  • Frozen pregnancy as a result of mutations or cell death of the baby.
  • Congenital abnormalities of fetal development due to exposure to X-rays on cells. The procedure can lead to the cells being unable to provide the normal laying of organs. Pathologies can be minor, which can be easily corrected after the birth of a baby, or serious, which will reduce the quality of life of the child.
  • Oncological diseases. If for an adult the dose of radiation is minimal and insignificant, then for a baby it is huge. Fluorography can cause the development of oncological processes in a child's body, especially often the circulatory and lymphatic systems are exposed.

In medical practice, such consequences are rare: the radiation dose is really small, and if a woman follows the doctor's instructions and recommendations, fluorography will not harm the fetus. However, drinking alcohol, smoking, carrying weights, frequent stressful situations during pregnancy, in conjunction with the procedure performed, can become prerequisites for complications.

Alternative to fluorography

There is no method that would completely replace fluorography. A number of other examinations can be carried out, but if the results partially confirm the diagnosis, fluorography will help to finally establish it.

So, if pneumonia is suspected, PCR (throat swab) and a biochemical blood test are performed: they look at the indicators of mycoplasma and the presence of pneumococci. Auxiliary methods can be tapping (auscultation) and listening with a phonendoscope.

Sometimes an ultrasound of the lungs is prescribed, although this study cannot confirm pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Fluorography during pregnancy is undesirable, but pregnancy is not always an absolute contraindication to its implementation. The specialist must assess the risks and general condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus, weigh the pros and cons, after which a decision is made on the procedure. In any case, if the pregnancy is going well, and the woman leads the right lifestyle, the likelihood of unpleasant complications is close to zero.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

While carrying a baby, pregnant women try to protect themselves from adverse outside influences. Therefore, expectant mothers are seriously scared if the doctor offers to undergo fluorography. This study involves radiation, so it is understandable that women are afraid of harming their child. Whether fluorography is allowed for pregnant women and how to do it with the least risk to the fetus - experts know.

Potential risks in pregnancy testing

It is difficult to talk about the consequences of fluorography. Medicine primarily works with indicators and data that are confirmed empirically. To tell about the dangers of certain drugs, they are tested on carefully selected groups of patients. Fluorography for pregnant women in order to study its effect on the body of the mother and child was not carried out in large quantities, therefore, there is no need to talk about a reliable effect on the fetus.

All ideas about the negative of the research are more theoretical research in the field of possible risks. Alcoholism and drug addiction, which are widespread among young people, have a much worse effect on the fetus. And smoking, which some women do not give up during pregnancy, is much more harmful than the effect of X-rays on the fetus.

Let's get acquainted with the warnings that doctors declare:

  • pregnancy can be disrupted, so the woman does not even know about her "interesting position";
  • minor deviations are allowed that do not affect the quality of life;
  • serious genetic defects and other abnormalities appear that can complicate the life of a child.

If you look at the possible negative consequences, it becomes clear that they are single, and the birth of children with congenital deformities, pathologies of the structure of internal organs and other diseases is primarily associated with a burdened heredity - alcoholism of one or both parents, drug addiction, smoking, a woman's transfer of viral pathology ...

What research threatens at different stages of pregnancy

Often women do not know that they are pregnant, so in the early stages they behave as usual and follow all the recommendations of doctors. The same applies to fluorography. What is the threat of the study if fluorography is done in the early stages of pregnancy?

The most dangerous period is in the first trimester, namely the first eight weeks, when all systems and organs are laid. During this period, doctors do not even advise taking pills, preferring to use alternative methods of treatment. This approach is justified, since during this period, with a "failure" in the development of the fetus, serious violations may occur.

Speaking about the risks of fluorography in the first trimester, it is referred to as dangerous procedures that can also provoke such consequences. However, in practice, the women who have undergone the study have completely healthy children, so you do not need to worry about such an effect on the fetus - in the first weeks of pregnancy, fluorography is just as harmless as in the second and third trimester.

Why you need to do the designated research

The first thing to do is to calm down, because the mother's nervous tension is transmitted to the child and makes his stay in the womb uncomfortable. Why not be afraid of fluorography and what to do before the study?

Fluorography is not prescribed for pregnant women, even if they have to do it on schedule. The concept of "possible risks" freed this category of women from being examined. If the doctor orders a chest exam, there are good reasons for this.

Doctors do not send pregnant women who are physically healthy and do not complain of respiratory problems for examination. If there is a suspicion of tuberculosis, then the woman needs to undergo a fluorographic examination. This is a formidable pathology that does not spare patients, therefore, during pregnancy, it can affect the fetus.

The seriousness of tuberculosis is evidenced by the fact that until recently, detection was an indication for the artificial termination of pregnancy. And only in recent years, doctors have been able to treat a pregnant woman, who must undergo three courses in a hospital in 9 months, and the rest of the time in a specialized dispensary. In some forms of tuberculosis, the pregnancy must be terminated.

Therefore, you should not refuse to conduct a fluorographic study, because in the presence of tuberculosis, it can be cured and the pregnancy can be maintained. If the pathology becomes complicated, affects other organs, then the woman faces unfavorable prospects.

How to properly undergo fluorography during pregnancy

If the doctor has ordered a study, do not despair. The main thing is to choose the right diagnostic center. Sometimes women do not have the information that radiation exposure can be reduced. Previously, film fluorography gave a significant (unsafe) radiation level of 0.1-0.3 mSV. Now it is possible to replace it with digital fluorography 0.02-0.03 mSv - the load is 5 times less than in a conventional study. You just need to choose the center where there is such an apparatus.

During the study, radiation affects only the chest - the rest of the body, including the uterus, are protected by special lead aprons. In some devices, they are already built into the panels, while in others, the medical staff will let the woman cover herself with such an apron. Therefore, the rays do not act directly on the fetus.

Expert opinion

Doctors are aware of the effect of fluorography on the patient's body. They know that refusal to examine leads to serious problems - it is simply unacceptable not to diagnose such pathologies as tuberculosis and lung cancer when there is every opportunity for this.

The opinions of doctors, pregnant women, are unambiguous - a study is necessary if there are indications for this. Indications for fluorography:

  • positive blood test, performed by polymerase chain reaction or enzyme immunoassay;
  • sputum examination reveals mycobacterium tuberculosis or Koch's bacillus;
  • if there is a fever, cough, sudden weight loss.

A strong recommendation for undergoing fluorography is contact with people suffering from tuberculosis. Doctors insist on such an examination because the disease is dangerous for the woman herself and she can infect other pregnant women. During gestation, women visit the gynecological department of the clinic quite often, constantly in contact with the same patients.

It is definitely possible to do fluorography for pregnant women, but according to indications, it is necessary, because this will preserve the health of both the expectant mother and child, and those around them.