Fund for Assistance to Large Families with a Disabled Child. The Vremya Foundation is a real help to families with many children. State support for large families

Charitable foundations.

First of all, we offer a list of foundations whose assistance to large families, needy families and foster families is either designated as statutory, or it is known about them that they really helped someone. However, the information quickly becomes outdated, so we advise you to contact the funds in advance to find out the current state of affairs.

CF "Here and Now"

7 903 761 3394, +7 903 761 3394

Helps “orphans and children left without parental care in institutions; graduates of orphanages; families with foster children; families at risk ".

BF (Internet) "Help.Org"

7 499 530 2330, +7 499 530 2330, +7 499 530 2332 FREE +7 499 530 2332

Helps “disabled people (no age limit). Children's orphanages. Families with many children».

7 495 722 92798, +7 495 959 9276, +7 495 959 9276

Helps "everyone in need of help."

7 499 308 5292,+7 499 308 5292

Helps " low-income families and large families, families with sick children, families with foster children; lonely old people; refugees. Nursing homes, libraries in the regions, orphanages ”.

International public organization "Fair Aid"

7 495 589 7792, +7 495 589 7792 (Elena Nikulnikova) - for those who need help, +7 495 642 4257, +7 495 642 4257 (Olga Sukhetskaya) - for those who want to help

Helps “terminally or seriously ill adults and their families. Homeless poor, socially unprotected people ".

Charitable project "Territory of childhood"

7 925 882 9980, + 7 925 882 9980 (Tatiana Kuznetsova)

Helps " large and low-income families, single mothers in Moscow, Tula and Yaroslavl regions. Orphans in the Vladimir and Tula regions. Potential adoptive parents».

Refuseniks (site of the association of volunteers "Otkazniki" and the fund "Volunteers to help orphans").

7 495 789 1578, +7 495 789 1578

Helps “children without parents in hospitals all over Russia. Boarding schools in the Moscow region. Families in difficult life situations and are on the verge of placing their child in an orphanage or abandoning the child in a maternity hospital in Moscow and the Moscow region. Families planning to take or have already taken up a child left without parental care.

Charitable support fund large and low-income families (virtual)

CF "Reliable Childhood"

Helps children low-income large families as well as orphans

The Fund feeds those in need with hot meals three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) at the address: Moscow, Nizhniy Susalny lane, 4 a (station DEZ No. 4) from 13:00

"The family helps the family."

"Usually, low-income families we do not help directly, but on requests from local social protection institutions who supervise them and know the whole situation in the family. "

Help poor families

Moscow Regional Public Charitable Foundation for Helping Low-Income Families

Fund family support, protection of childhood, motherhood and fatherhood.

Supports children from low-income families.

CF "Healthy Heritage"

Kostroma region, helps children from large, low-income families, as well as orphans.

Supports poor families, develops youth sports and leisure activities for young people in the Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd Region, Astrakhan Region and southern Russia.

CF "Our family - Motherland"

Promotes the strengthening of the prestige and role of the family in society; assistance protection of motherhood, childhood and fatherhood; provision of material and other assistance to the poor, pensioners, disabled people, orphans, children left without parental care, neglected minors, people in difficult life situations.

CF "Tagansky Children's Fund"

“The Fund has gone beyond the Tagansky District and supports more than 700 needy families of Moscow, among which there are many incomplete and large families, families with children or disabled parents ”.

CF "Russian Birch"

The foundation's website says that its wards, first of all, are large and low-income families hinterland of Russia.

CF "Let's Help Each Other" % B8% D1% 82% D0% B5% D0% BB% D1% 8C% D0% BD% D1% 8B% D0% B9-% D1% 84% D0% BE% D0% BD% D0% B4-% D0 % 9F% D0% BE% D0% BC% D0% BE% D0% B6% D0% B5% D0% BC-% D0% B4% D1% 80% D1% 83% D0% B3-% D0% B4% D1 % 80% D1% 83% D0% B3% D1% 83/422545187791513 Heir and successor of the St. Gregory Foundation - one of the oldest charitable organizations in Russia, which began its work in St. Petersburg in 1990.

Counts helping the poor its direct task.

The Foundation is called upon to provide real targeted assistance to people who are in trouble, whether it be serious illnesses and injuries, congenital or acquired, requiring expensive treatment, or some other difficult life situation.

NGO "Fund for Support of Large Families and Low-income Citizens"

Address 129345, Moscow, Tayninskaya street, 11, 1 Tel. 184-19-13

Refugees and refugee families are assisted by:

Civic Assistance Committee

7 499 251 5319, +7 499 251 5319

Helps refugees, forced migrants, labor migrants.

"Civic Assistance to Children"

7 916 691 2567, +7 916 691 2567

Helps children of migrants and children who find themselves in a foreign country without parents .

We also note the funds that are primarily engaged in medical care:

Rehabilitation center "Tourmaline"

[email protected]

7 495 682 2348, +7 495 682 2348

Helps "adults and children with intellectual and mental health problems."

CF "Island of Hope"

7 495 972 7967, +7 495 972 7967

Helps “children from low-income families or to orphans with severe neurological diseases ”.

7 916 884 5989, +7 916 884 5989 (Irina Dolotova)

Helps "children and young people with developmental disabilities and their families in Moscow and the regions of the Russian Federation."

RBOO "Center for Curative Pedagogy"

7 495 930 0080, +7 495 930 0080

Helps "children with developmental disabilities: intellectual, emotional-volitional, speech and motor disorders, difficulties in communication."

Unsystematic list of funds (optional). Most of them provide medical assistance. In terms of their functions, they do not quite correspond to the main goals and needs of foster parents, but, nevertheless, contacting there sometimes allows you to get valuable information or contacts. In addition, the children of adoptive parents sometimes need emergency medical assistance.

Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia

Gift of Life Foundation
Charitable Foundation "Warmth of Hearts"
Society of Chinese Pilot
Thanksgiving charitable foundation for children with disabilities.
Children of the Phoenix. Charitable Foundation for Helping Children with Disabilities and Their Families
Society for Aid to Children with Biliary Atresia named after Nastenka Rogalevich
Nastenka Charitable Foundation
Charitable Foundation "Kalin Fund"
Charitable Foundation "Life"
Initiative group "Donors for Children"
Charitable public foundation "Children's hearts"
AdVita Charitable Foundation
Charitable Foundation "Happy World"
Charitable Foundation "Children's Hospital"
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Downside Up British Charitable Society (helping families of children with Down Syndrome)
Russian Children's Fund
UNICEF - UN Children's Fund (at the moment it is winding up its programs in Russia at the request of the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Regional Charitable Public Foundation "Child's Look"

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  • Kira

    I, Kira Vladimirovna Shcherbakova, a single mother, have three children. Myself, I grew up in an orphanage. I don’t get help from anyone. I get 300 rubles for children. The wages are not enough to support the children. Large debts for utilities, up to the shutdown of services. Good people, I will not refuse any of your help. Thank you in advance and God bless you. city ​​of Mozdok, contact phone 89284937748

  • Olga

    Hello. My name is Olga, it’s not an easy thing in my life, not only am I a complete orphan, I was also deceived by parental rights. I live in a state apartment, but they want to evict me and from here because I am not able to pay for the communal apartment. And about the fact that I am starving, I am silent ... help me please!

  • patimat

    hello, please, I am writing wherever I can. please wave. I live in the city of Makhachkala, Dagestan. I ask for help. I lived in kizlyar with my mother and moved to Makhachkala. Granny and grandfather left kizlyar. We have been living in Makhachkala for 10 years. got married. after a while we got divorced did not agree as a choir. I gave birth to a son. It is very difficult to raise one child. Mom is sitting with my son. I work. I rent an apartment for a child a year old it takes a lot. I understand my mother must overcome everything, get out of everything, but it's very difficult for me, no help, no support. Believe me, I'm not lying, I can prove it, check the house everything you can. please help. I live in an apartment at home; dampness, the child is constantly sick. what I earn ate enough for the needs of the child and for an apartment, we see the salaries are small. I have no way out. hands are released. I am very ashamed to write.

  • Anna

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Look for a fund for helping large families in your city. Charitable foundations exist in almost every region of our country. They provide psychological, material, legal and moral assistance, help the poor, disabled and large families in difficult situations, hold campaigns designed to draw public attention to the problems of socially unprotected population, organize holidays for children from orphanages and much more. But how exactly could they help a large family?

For your information. Each regional charitable foundation has a separate area, the purpose of which is to help large families.

Typically, such foundations cooperate with social security authorities, which contain information about large families in need of support.

How does the foundation help?

The group clarifies the needs of families and, through interaction with business and government authorities, tries to provide all possible assistance.

You can find out from the social security authorities which charitable foundations to help large families operate in your region and turn to them for help if you have really serious problems:

  • The child is sick and he urgently needs expensive medications or an operation that requires unbearable costs for your family;
  • There is nowhere to live and local authorities cannot solve this problem in any way;
  • There is nothing to feed and clothe children due to the illness of the breadwinner, loss of work, etc.

It is impossible to predict all possible situations, but if you do not already know where to look for a way out, contact the fund.

The assistance provided by the foundation is usually targeted, that is, aimed at solving the problems of a specific family or several families.

Examples of foundations

For example, the Russian Birch Foundation every month sends many parcels with clothes and shoes, hygiene items, sweets and toys, bedding for large families, funds for the purchase of the necessary medicines, food, etc.

And the Moscow charitable foundation, which is called “Children - Our Future,” regularly holds the “Let's Help Children!” Campaign, as a result of which large families receive various necessary goods free of charge.
There are funds for help at Orthodox churches, where, if necessary, you can get clothes and shoes not only for children, but also for parents, food, etc.

Foundations for helping large families hold holidays, children receive gifts from Santa Claus and for their birthday, or a set of school supplies for Knowledge Day, and much more.

You can contact a charitable foundation if you or your children have a situation in which your rights in the social, cultural or educational sphere of life are violated, since charitable assistance can also be expressed in protecting the rights of the family. Unfortunately, there are often situations when there is nothing to bring children to school or kindergarten, or there is nothing to buy the most necessary products. It is not so important as a result of what events this happened, but if your problems were not resolved by the social protection authorities or local authorities, then it remains to contact a charitable foundation, which will find an opportunity to help you.

The Fund for Assistance to Large Families is trying to revive large families in Russia, drawing public attention to problems and their solutions so that a large family becomes the norm, and not a rare exception, and the birth rate in the country does not cause concern.
If it’s difficult, feel free to look for a charitable foundation and ask for help.

Attention! To find out the possibility of providing assistance contact the department of social protection in your region .

Only by uniting, we can help those who find it difficult to go through difficult times. Families with children are the most vulnerable in the first place. Now is the time to engage in charity work and targeted assistance. The number of people applying for support is growing, so we will, to the best of our ability, increase the volume of assistance thanks to such a partner as the “Rus Food Fund”.

Kuznetsova Anna Yurievna

Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Child

Food for free distribution to low-income families is collected by the Food Fund Rus, which is the first food bank in Russia and provides food to those in need throughout the country. The Foundation cooperates with Russian food and consumer goods manufacturers, as well as restaurants and shops. In Moscow, the program is being implemented with the support of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. Distribution points are being opened on the basis of social service centers in city districts. Families with children in need can apply for food at one of the food distribution points.

One of the most needy categories of the population in the country at the moment are families with children. At the same time, this is the most promising category, because children are the future of the country. The Food to Help Mom project is designed to help low-income families with children. We are glad that the project is developing with the support of the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation on the rights of the child, because it allows our Foundation to provide targeted assistance to those who really need it.

Autonomous Non-Profit Organization

Help Center for Large Families "MnogoMama"

PSRN 1147799014263

INN 7722401903

KPP 772201001

Moscow, st. Samokatnaya, 2A, building 1,
+7 963 664 5223

The main goals of the MnogoMama project:

  • Support for large families (targeted assistance, training, cultural development, assistance in organizing and developing a business, socialization of parents and children);
  • Revival of the tradition of large families in Russia (creation of a new socially significant image of a large family);
  • Formation of Large Families as the Elite of Russia.

We all come from childhood. From time immemorial, the greatness and strength of our country rested on large strong families in which many children were brought up. In these very families, with mother's milk, the great values ​​of our people were absorbed - kindness, generosity, compassion, concern for one's neighbor, love for the Motherland. Growing up, such children treat the world like a big family - with respect and love. All the heroes who gave their lives in the battles for the Fatherland came from large families.

Today our country especially needs strengthening of spiritual values ​​and formation of a healthy society. Therefore, we want to revive the tradition of large families in Russia, to create decent living conditions for large families. Indeed, our aspiration is the future of the country.

We support over 75,000 large families throughout Russia, 40,000 of them in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

Any of your participation in the project (money, things, groceries, discounts on goods and services, personal time when joining the ranks of volunteers) is to help real people, families with children. Each such help can be the joy of children, support from parents, and sometimes a saved life. But the main thing is that only together we can create the future in which we and our children will live.

Who are we?

WE are as large as you are, ready to spend a part of our warmth, knowledge, time, money to make this world a little better. Join our ranks, get the support you need, help those who can't cope without you!

About the center for helping large families

Dear Mummies!

In order to avoid all kinds of unpleasant incidents and mutual reproaches for misunderstanding, we offer you step-by-step instructions for mutually fruitful, and most importantly, correct cooperation with our center.

1.In any request you indicate:

    Full name and age of everyone for whom this assistance is provided;

    Contact number;
    - correct and working email;

    Number of certificate of many children;

2. Only after confirmation from ANO "MnogoMama" and you are included in the final list to receive any type of assistance, you can drive up to the address indicated in the letter. This rule must be strictly observed. Those who violate it will be added to the black list!

3. At the meeting, you must have with you a certificate of a large family, confirming your eligibility for benefits.

4. At the end of any event, a photo report will be sent to each family by mail. If it is not possible to make a photo report yourself, ask volunteers for help.

5. Any cooperation with our center is bilateral and voluntary, therefore responsibility for possible mistakes on one side or the other is also mutual.

Let's appreciate each other's time, because every wasted minute is a lost cause and benefit!

The Center for Assistance to Large Families "MnogoMama" is always glad to welcome new guests on its website and at its seminars. Large families are the future of Russia and we are shaping this future right now. We conduct free master classes, seminars, get tickets for concerts, teach, help find a job and ourselves, look for sponsors and partners to help families in difficult life situations and do many other interesting and good things.

Who are we? WE are as large as you are, who have spent a part of our warmth, knowledge, time, money to make this world a little better. Join our ranks, get the support you need, help those who can't cope without you!

Large families of all countries unite!

Dear parents with many children, if you find yourself in a difficult life situation and you need help, please contact us urgently!


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The donation amount must be indicated in numbers - for example, "500". The allowable donation amount is up to 15,000 rubles.
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In Russia, large families enjoy various benefits and guarantees, but often government support is not enough to cope with difficulties. And families with a large number of children usually have a lot of them. The main reason is a chronic shortage of funds, which are sometimes not enough even for food and clothing, let alone toys and cultural entertainment.

The Central Federal District Foundation is geographically located in Moscow, but we work in all regions of the Central Federal District. Currently, our wards include dozens of families from Moscow, Tver, Ivanovo, Tula and other regions. Material assistance to large families is one of the main tasks of our foundation. In addition, our activities include measures to prevent social orphanhood of children from the so-called "risk group". Child neglect with living parents is more than an urgent problem, and its solution is a priority for our foundation. Read more "

The fund of the Central Federal District often receives requests for financial assistance to low-income families. Each of them has a bitter story to tell. Some have their houses burned down, others have lost their only breadwinner, and still others are raising and treating sick children. Our program "Charitable assistance to large families" is designed to support everyone in need. We personally get to know the people who have asked us, and carefully check the documents they have provided, so we know for sure that it will be very difficult for them without your help. We set ourselves only achievable goals and provide exclusively targeted assistance. This allows you to concentrate funds as quickly as possible and control their use.

The work of the charitable foundation for helping large families involves providing them with everything necessary for the full growth and development of children, including things and food. Specialists who provide legal advice and advice on psychology and parenting are communicating with parents. If, as a result of our work, the family becomes even more friendly, and the children get new opportunities to reveal their abilities, we are not working in vain. We are friends with many families who have been helped to this day. Some of them, over the years that have passed since our acquaintance, have increased at the expense of their own and adopted children.

There are different ways to help children from large families:

  • Financial support. You can transfer money to our bank account, put it in a donation box or send an SMS. Even a small amount can be a great help for a large family. We accumulate your funds and buy things that families need. Reports and photographs are published as a result of the assistance.
  • Personal participation. The fund's volunteer team works tirelessly for the benefit of children from large families. We deliver items and gifts purchased at your expense, organize fun holidays, that is, we carry out educational, cultural and sports work. To become a volunteer for the Central Federal District fund means giving children joyful smiles and good mood!
  • Sending the right things. Many families in difficult situations need basic necessities: dishes, bedding, hygiene products, clothes and shoes. On the eve of September 1, sets of school supplies become especially relevant. Humanitarian assistance in each case is negotiated individually.

For all questions related to providing assistance to low-income families, you can contact the contact numbers of the Central Federal District Fund.