Hemostatic drugs for gastric bleeding. Hemostatic injections and herbal remedies.

Drugs for stopping blood in humans

Normally, our body easily copes with different kinds bleeding, due to the ability of blood to clot. However, in some cases, such a function may be impaired or it may simply not be enough. Accordingly, different medications may be required to control bleeding. Such medicines are called hemostatic, some of them are used exclusively by doctors, while others are quite suitable for independent use. What drugs are there for stopping blood? Let's try to understand their diversity in a little more detail.


This medication is essentially a synthetic water-soluble analogue of vitamin K. Its use is advisable in the correction of bleeding provoked by a reduced amount of prothrombin in the blood against the background of a lack of vitamin K. Vikasol is usually used for hepatitis and cirrhosis, as well as for obstructive jaundice, the so-called renal-hepatic syndrome and in the event of an overdose of indirect anticoagulants. In addition, such a remedy can help a little with ulcerative, as well as uterine (juvenile or climacteric) bleeding.

The drug can be purchased in the form of tablets or solution for intramuscular administration. It cannot be used for excessive clotting, thrombophlebitis and acute heart attack.

Epsilon-aminocaproic acid

This substance has a strong hemostatic effect, both general and local, due to its ability to inhibit the activity of the fibrinolytic system. The use of such a drug is advisable when correcting bleeding of nasal, gingival, intestinal, gastric, renal, and uterine type very different etiology.
It can even be used for Wergolf's disease, hemophilia, or aplastic anemia. The medicine should be consumed three to five grams three times to four times a day, or administered intravenously. To stop local bleeding, mucous membranes are heavily sprinkled with powder.
Epsilon-aminocaproic acid cannot be used for thrombosis and acute liver failure.


This drug is a human blood product, namely, the first factor in blood coagulation is used in the correction of afibrinogemic bleeding by injecting it intravenously. In most cases, fibrinogen is combined with epsilon aminocaproic acid. This medication cannot be used for thrombophlebitis or acute form myocardial infarction.


This remedy is a preparation obtained from the parotid glands of cattle. It effectively inhibits the processes of intravascular micro-coagulation, and also breaks down trypsin. This medication is prescribed for bleeding that occurs against the background of extensive tissue trauma, as well as after septic abortion or against the background of acute leukemia and other conditions. Trasilol is administered by drip in a hospital ward. Doctors can also prescribe it for acute or chronic form pancreatitis, or with mumps. It is worth considering that this remedy can cause severe allergies or phlebitis at the injection site.


This medication consists of a solution of pectins, and has a not very pronounced hemostatic effect. It can be used to eliminate hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding, etc. Usually, the agent is taken orally or injected intramuscularly. In addition, Hemophobin can be used locally, for example, after tooth extraction.


This medication helps to cope with capillary bleeding after minor injuries. Tampons are moistened with its solution, in addition, the agent can be administered intramuscularly, for example, before surgical interventions, during them, and at the postoperative stage. Adroxon helps to cope with gastrointestinal bleeding.


This medication is able to optimize platelet activity and reduce capillary permeability. It is usually used to prevent and eliminate capillary-type bleeding that developed against the background of tonsillectomy, tooth extraction. In addition, Etamsilat is able to help in the elimination of pulmonary or intestinal bleeding. The drug is taken orally in two to three tablets, or injected intramuscularly.

Medicines for stopping bleeding of plant origin

Herbal medicines can be used to control bleeding, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. So with minor recurrent nasal, hemorrhoidal, and uterine bleeding you can use the tincture of intoxicating lagochilus. It should be consumed one teaspoon three times to four times a day, dissolving the product in a quarter of a glass of water.

Nettle leaf extract (liquid) can also be used to eliminate moderate uterine, kidney, or intestinal bleeding. This remedy should be consumed twenty-five to thirty drops three times a day about half an hour before a meal.

To stop local bleeding, it is most often advised to use a hemostatic sponge, thrombin, fibrin film and red pepper powder.

To select the most optimal remedy, you should consult a doctor.

Every person knows what bleeding, even small, is. But a woman has to go through them every month. Unfortunately, lifestyle, ecology and disease often lead to the fact that women suffer from heavy menstruation, which does not add to their health at all. Menstruation is considered normal with blood loss on average up to 80 g in 5 - 7 days. If this figure is higher, then you need to urgently see a doctor.

How to save yourself with bleeding?

To choose the right drugs to stop bleeding, you need to know its nature and cause. Most often in our life we ​​are faced with nose and uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, internal bleeding with various diseases... There are such types of it that you can cope with on your own, without resorting to the help of a doctor every time. But in any case, a specialist consultation is required before taking the first medication.

All drugs that stop blood have serious contraindications. These are some malignant blood diseases, thrombophlebitis, increased coagulability blood, acute myocardial infarction. Ascorutin and Traneskam are contraindicated in pyelonephritis and renal failure. Dicinone and Etamsilate can cause side effects:

  • allergies;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • heartburn;
  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia.

Dipherelin has a side effect in the form of depression or disturbance of emotional lability.

Drugs to stop uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding is not at all harmless. Therefore, in each case, a woman should see a doctor. They can arise from different reason and be different in strength. If it's just heavy periods, the gynecologist will advise the desired drug and will write down the scheme of its reception. Abundant blood loss requires clarification of their cause and inpatient treatment. Uterine bleeding can occur due to:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • intrauterine device;
  • oncology;
  • reduced blood clotting;
  • stress.

Table: the most effective hemostatic drugs:

A drugPharmacological actionIndicationsRelease form
Ditsinon, an analogue of EtamsilatActivates the formation of thromboplastinTreatment and prevention of capillary bleeding of various originsTablets, solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration
KontrikalFibrinolysis inhibitorSevere postoperative bleeding, bleeding during and after childbirthLyophilisate complete with solvent. Introduced intravenously
VikasolSynthetic analogue of vitamin KInjuries, trauma and surgical operations, profuse menstruationTablets, ampoules with a solution for intramuscular administration
TranexamFibrinolysis inhibitorUterine, postoperative bleeding, bleeding with malignant neoplasms pancreas and prostate, postpartum hemorrhage, during pregnancyIntravenous tablets and solution
DipherelineAntineoplastic drugBleeding with endometriosis and uterine myomaPills
Oxytocin and MethylergometrineDrugs that shrink the uterusPrevention and treatment of hypotonic bleeding after abortionSolution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
Aminocaproic acidFibrinolysis inhibitorComplicated abortion, premature detachment of the placentaSolution for intravenous drip
FibrinogenHuman blood preparationMassive blood loss, obstetric and gynecological practicePowder for injection
AscorutinRutin and ascorbic acidDiseases associated with impaired vascular permeabilityPills
Water pepper extractHemostatic and urethrotonic actionAbundant periods in the composition complex therapy, minor bleeding after coagulation treatment of cervical erosionAlcoholic extract

Dicion and its analogue Etamsilat do not lead to the formation of blood clots. Dicinone acts quickly and effectively. It is used in various surgery - gynecological, ophthalmic, plastic. With constant heavy menstruation, the medicine is prescribed in tablets. Tranexam is recommended to be used by a woman as first aid for profuse bleeding before the arrival of the doctor.

Perhaps, the drug Vikasol is best known to women. However, doctors warn that it cannot be taken without consulting a specialist. The drug can act on women in different ways. It is not suitable as an ambulance either, since it begins to act 16-18 hours after admission. More often it is used as prophylactic agent with a lack of vitamin K in the body.

Traditional medicine recipes

V folk medicine there are probably more than one hundred herbs that stop bleeding. And some of them are in every home.


It is the most famous and readily available herb. It contains the components necessary for normal blood formation - vitamins K and C. Vitamin K is called antihemorrhagic for its ability to stop blood. With a tendency to abundant menstruation, nettle decoction is drunk 5 times a day, 50 ml.

Recipe number 1

Nettle works well with other blood-stopping herbs. Birds' knotweed, yarrow, shepherd's purse and nettle in equal parts are mixed and brewed with 2 tablespoons of 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse the brew for half an hour. Take 3 - 4 times a day, 75 ml.

Another versatile herb that is indicated for uterine bleeding of any etiology is boron uterus. Moreover, she not only stops bleeding, but is able to put in order hormonal background and helps with endometriosis, uterine fibroids and infertility. Borovaya uterus has a serious effect on the body, therefore, its use, as well as tablets, must be agreed with the attending physician. Taken in the form alcoholic tinctures, decoctions and infusions.

Recipe number 1

The tincture can be prepared at home from 2 glasses of vodka and 5 tablespoons of dry raw materials. Insist it for 20 days in the dark. It is taken in courses of 25 drops a day for 21 days. Then you need to take a break for 10 days and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Recipe number 2

2 tablespoons of the herb are poured over with 2 cups of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Take 25 ml three times daily before meals.

Red brush

Another herb that works well for bleeding is the red brush. It works well for bleeding during premenopausal and postmenopausal periods. Stopping bleeding, it helps to normalize hormones, relieve inflammation, and alleviate the condition in general.

Recipe number 1

Pour 2 tablespoons of dried and chopped herb root into 2 cups cold water... Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Take 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Recipe number 2

Red brush tincture is no less effective. It is used for douching, diluting 2 teaspoons of tincture in 2 glasses of water. You can prepare it at home from 50 g of crushed root and 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol. You need to insist on the medicine for a month.

If you don't have time to prepare decoctions yourself, you can buy special gynecological fees in pharmacies that contain hemostatic herbs. With hypermenstrual syndrome will help:

  • oblong quince;
  • field horsetail;
  • rose hip;
  • burnet;
  • viburnum;
  • Potentilla, barberry.

Symptoms that, with heavy periods, should be alarming:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • fast fatiguability.

They can be a signal that anemia is developing against the background of constant blood loss. The condition requires urgent treatment. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

From this article you will learn: about the methods of drug stopping of uterine bleeding, about the effectiveness of the drugs used. What hemostatic drugs for uterine bleeding are the most effective and safe.

Uterine bleeding can be troubling for women of any age. Drug therapy quite effectively copes with uterine bleeding, but it cannot be taken as the main method of treatment. Uterine bleeding is only a sign of pathology, and not the disease itself. Therefore, hemostatic agents remove only dangerous symptom rather than its true cause. The drugs in question should be part of complex treatment, which can be based not only on conservative methods, but also on surgical intervention.

The first doctor who begins the fight against uterine bleeding is a gynecologist.

Have different drugs from uterine bleeding - different mechanism actions. For example, uterine bleeding can be eliminated both by directly affecting the blood coagulation process and by mechanical clamping of the uterine vessels. The choice of drug will largely depend on the cause and extent of the bleeding.

The characteristics of the following remedies are sorted in order of effectiveness, starting with the most effective. The medication information is provided for general information purposes only and is by no means a guide to self-medication.

1. Tranexam

The active ingredient of the drug is tranexamic acid. Depending on the severity of bleeding, the drug can be administered as an intravenous route - for quick effect, and orally (in the form of tablets) - for the purpose of delayed action. The active ingredient tranexam blocks the dissolution of blood clots that block the lumen of damaged vessels.

The drug has mild anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious and antitumor activity. According to the data official instructions, experimentally proved the effect of tranexamic acid, similar to the analgesic (pain relieving). Usually this drug is used to relieve severe bleeding with placental abruption, after childbirth, during and after major operations.

Despite the pronounced hemostatic effect, Tranexam has a considerable number of side effects, including:

  • allergic itchy skin, urticaria;
  • dyspepsia (nausea, up to vomiting, lack of appetite, heartburn, loose stools);
  • asthenovegetative syndrome (weakness, increased fatigue, drowsiness, increased heart rate);
  • chest pain;
  • decline blood pressure with rapid introduction through intravenous access;
  • visual disturbances (impaired color recognition, problems focusing when looking at objects);
  • thrombosis (extremely rare).

The cost varies from 200 rubles (tablets) to 1400 rubles (solution for intravenous administration).

2. Dicinon

The active ingredient of the drug is etamsylate. Existing forms medications: solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration, tablets. Active ingredient has the following effects:

  1. Hemostatic. Etamsylate stimulates the formation and aggregation (sedimentation on damaged areas of the vascular wall) of platelets.
  2. Angioprotective: active substance the drug helps to strengthen blood vessels, reduce capillary fragility and permeability.

Dicinone is one of the drugs for the prevention, elimination of uterine bleeding with heavy menstruation and as a result surgical interventions... Side effects are similar to Tranexam, but they are fewer and rare:

  • dyspeptic syndrome (nausea, heartburn, feeling of heaviness in the stomach);
  • allergic reactions;
  • CNS damage ( headache, dizziness, tingling sensation in the lower extremities).

The average price for 10 tablets is 40 rubles. The solution for intravenous administration is somewhat more expensive - from 500 rubles.

3. Oxytocin

The active ingredient of the drug is a synthetic analogue of the hormone oxytocin, which comes from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Oxytocin exists only in the form of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

According to its main purpose, the drug belongs to stimulants. generic activity... This is because oxytocin increases the contractile activity of the uterus and therefore contributes to the expulsion of the fetus during labor. This effect is also used to stop bleeding. Contraction of the muscles of the uterus leads to mechanical clamping of the damaged vessels. Oxytocin is used only in a hospital setting. Side effects:

  • dyspeptic syndrome (identical to Dicinon and Tranexam);
  • allergic reactions;
  • spasm of smooth muscles of the bronchi (extremely rare, therefore the drug does not pose a particular danger for patients with bronchial asthma);
  • delay in urination;

The average price of the drug does not exceed 70 rubles for 10 ampoules.

4. Vikasol

The medicine is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K. It is produced in the form of tablets and a solution for intramuscular administration. Vikasol is involved in the synthesis natural factors blood clotting. The drug is quite effective and is often used by gynecologists in the fight against uterine bleeding.

Excessive dosage can lead to an excess of vitamin K, hemolytic anemia (breakdown of red blood cells) and a tendency to thrombus formation. Allergies are a rare side effect. The use of Vikasol without first consulting a doctor is highly discouraged.

Depending on the manufacturer, the price in pharmacies for pills will start at 20 rubles. Ampoules of Vikasol, on average, cost 80-100 rubles.

5. Aminocaproic acid

This medicine it is administered only intravenously and is used exclusively in a hospital setting. In its mechanism of action, the drug is similar to Tranexam.

Aminocaproic acid is valued due to quick action: The hemostatic effect develops within 15–20 minutes after injection. The active substance is excreted unchanged in the urine, therefore it is contraindicated in kidney diseases with impaired excretory function.

Possible side effects:

  • allergy;
  • dyspepsia;
  • upper inflammatory response respiratory tract(rarely);
  • convulsions;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

The cost of a 5% solution does not exceed 50 rubles per 100 ml bottle.

6. Ascorutin

Ascorutin contains ascorbic acid and rutoside. The mechanism of action is due to angioprotection: the active substance strengthens vascular wall and reduces capillary permeability. Also, Ascorutin prevents excessive platelet sedimentation and improves microcirculation. It has the least potency compared to previous drugs.

Absolutely any damage skin the body is threatened with severe blood loss, so each person needs to know hemostatic agents. Such funds contribute to a fairly rapid blood clotting, after which the wound should be treated. disinfectant to prevent blood poisoning.

The agents that help to effectively stop the blood are called hemostatic agents. You can stop the blood mechanical impact with a cotton swab. Basically, substances that contribute to stopping blood are produced from the blood itself. Thrombin, produced from human blood plasma, is used mainly for capillary bleeding to wet cotton swabs. Thrombin is also used to stop bleeding during erosions, to wash stomach wounds, superficial ulcers.

With enough small cuts, for abrasions, special hemostatic pencils are used, the main components of which are calcium oxide, aluminum sulfate, aluminum-potassium alum. When local bleeding stops, these substances have an effect that causes vasoconstriction.

The hemostatic agent, which is necessary precisely for local action, is, of course, a hemostatic sponge, which is a dry porous mass containing thrombin, thrombokinase, and salts. The impact is made by pressing against the wound surface. It is extremely effective to use such a remedy for nasal, gingival, hemorrhoidal bleeding... There are no contraindications to the use of a hemostatic sponge.

There is now a large number of a variety of drugs that cause a hemostatic effect. For example, vicasol or an analogue of vitamin K, gelatin. Calcium chloride is also used for similar purposes, although the mechanism of its action is considered insufficiently understood. Gelatin is a product of partial hydrolysis of collagen, it is used subcutaneously for intestinal or gastric bleeding.

Hemostatic agent includes fibrinogen, which is also part of blood. This drug is administered intravenously. Also, many drugs that contribute to an effective one can be considered a means of helping to stop bleeding. In addition, hemostatic drugs include drugs that cause contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

In general, you need to know that you should use hemostatic drugs with great care. With an increased prothrombin index, rash use can lead to a stroke... Before using drugs of this effect, an analysis for prothrombin is required.

There are many drugs of natural origin, which are also used as means to stop bleeding. These products include, for example, gray alder. Young alder bark should be harvested in spring; cones are harvested in autumn. A decoction or alcoholic extract is considered hemostatic lung remedy impact.

Shepherd's purse, infused with alcohol, sold in almost any pharmacy, is a means of stopping blood. Poisonous berries of mistletoe, used in conjunction with horsetail, have a positive effect on bleeding, contribute to its cessation. A tablespoon of horsetail, a similar amount of white mistletoe, brewed with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes in a water bath, will give the broth necessary to affect the bleeding of medium strength. It should be taken during the day, 50 milliliters five times a day.

Nettle is also used to help stop bleeding. A decoction prepared on the basis of nettle, consisting of two tablespoons of dry nettle in a glass of boiling water, should be infused for about 15 minutes, and then taken 50 milliliters three times a day. Nettle is an excellent hemostatic agent that also has blood-stimulating properties.

Perhaps the most affordable, the most effective remedy Is a yarrow. It is it that must be used for severe cuts, bleeding, when there is no other means of similar effect at hand. You should thoroughly rinse the yarrow leaf, knead it, then apply it directly to the wound surface. Not only does it stop rather quickly heavy bleeding but contributes to fast healing wounds.

Problem quick stop blood is extremely important, quick decision-making is often required, be able to help!

The information on our website is informative and educational in nature. but this information in no way is a self-help guide. Be sure to consult your doctor.

In their work, paramedics often have to deal with bleeding of various localization - nasal (in children and adults), gingival (after tooth extraction), uterine, hemorrhoidal, pulmonary, intestinal, etc. In some diseases, generalized bleeding develops (for example, with capillary toxicosis , Werlhof's disease, aplastic anemia, etc.).
Bleeding can occur as a result of violations of the integrity of the capillaries or large vessels, as a result of their injury or tumor growth and insufficiency of the blood coagulation system. In many cases, with acute internal bleeding average medical worker must already at the scene of the incident or during the transportation of the patient to introduce him the appropriate hemostatic (hemostatic) means. Therefore, the healthcare professional needs to know modern hemostatic agents.
At internal diseases bleeding is often caused by disorders in the blood coagulation system itself. It has now been established that blood coagulation is a complex cascade process involving 13 plasma coagulation factors and more than 10 factors contained in platelets. The most important are the following plasma coagulation factors: I - fibrinogen, II - prothrombin, V - proconvertin, VIII - antihemophilic globulin and XIII - contact factor. The liquid state of the blood in the body is maintained normally by the anticoagulant (fibrinolytic) system.
In practice, bleeding is most often explained either by a lack of a clotting factor (for example, in hemophilia, obstructive jaundice, viral hepatitis), or by a reduced level of platelets, as, for example, in Werlhof's disease, aplastic anemia and other diseases. Quite often, the trigger mechanism is numerous tiny thrombosis in the capillaries, followed by an overexpenditure of I, II, V, VIII and other clotting factors, as well as platelets, which immediately leads to hemorrhagic syndrome. A similar mechanism is observed in severe shock (traumatic, cardiogenic), various poisoning, septic conditions (including after a criminal abortion), extensive operations, especially against the background of massive blood transfusions. This pathology is now defined as "the syndrome of widespread intravascular microcoagulation", earlier it was called "fibrinolytic bleeding".
Competent hemostatic therapy involves the impact on the initially impaired link of hemostasis, that is, the use of one (rarely two) hemostatic drugs in sufficient doses. For example, hemophilic bleeding is controlled by infusion of fresh plasma or cryoprecipitate. But vicasol or calcium chloride in this case do not apply. It is usually possible to determine the affected link of the hemostasis system already on the basis of anamnestic data and symptoms identified during the examination of the patient.
Therefore, before starting hemostatic therapy, the genesis of bleeding should be clarified. However, topical hemostatic agents can be used for any external mucosal bleeding.

Here general information about some hemostatic drugs.

Vikasol- a synthetic water-soluble analogue of vitamin K. It helps to stop only such bleeding, which is caused by a low content of prothrombin in the blood due to a deficiency of vitamin K. Vikasol stimulates the synthesis of prothrombin by liver cells, it is indicated for bleeding caused by a low content of prothrombin, for example, in hepatitis, cirrhosis, obstructive jaundice , renal-hepatic syndrome, as well as overdose of "indirect" anticoagulants (neodikumarin, pelentan, etc.). Has some effect in ulcerative, bleeding, juvenile and climacteric uterine bleeding. Ineffective for hemophilia and Werlhof disease.

The effect of the drug occurs no earlier than 12-18 hours after administration into the body. Vicasol is produced in tablets of 0.015 g and in ampoules of 1 ml of 1% solution. Vikasol is prescribed per os at 0.015 g 2-3 times a day, intramuscularly 1 ml of 1% solution 1-2 times a day for no more than 4 days in a row (due to the danger of thrombosis). Vikasol is contraindicated in case of increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, acute myocardial infarction.

Vitamin P- a complex of tea catechins - inhibits the action of hyaluronidase, which dissolves the connective tissue base of the capillary wall, thereby somewhat reducing the permeability and fragility of the capillaries. In addition, vitamin P protects ascorbic acid from oxidation in the body, which also strengthens the capillary wall. The most common vitamin P supplement is rutin - greenish yellow, water insoluble powder. Rutin to a certain extent reduces the severity of skin hemorrhagic rash with capillary toxicosis and Werlhof's disease. The drug is also used for retinal hemorrhages, septic endocarditis, measles, scarlet fever. Vitamin P practically does not cause thrombosis, there are no contraindications to its use. The drug is available in tablets of 0.02. g and in combination with ascorbic acid (ascorutin): 0.05 g of rutin and 0.05 g of ascorbic acid. Rutin is prescribed for adults in doses of 0.02-0.05 g 3-4 times a day.

Epsilon-aminocaproic acid- white crystalline powder, odorless and tasteless, readily soluble in water. It has a powerful hemostatic effect (general and local), inhibiting the activity of the fibrinolytic blood system. In addition, the drug reduces the tryptic activity of the digestive juices. Epsilon-aminocaproic acid is indicated for nasal, gingival, gastric, intestinal, renal, uterine bleeding different etiology, including with Werlhof's disease, aplastic anemia, hemophilia, after curettage of the uterus. In the hospital, it is prescribed after operations on the lungs, prostate gland, with premature detachment normally located placenta. The drug is taken orally at 3.0-5.0 g 3-4 times a day, the powder is washed down sweet water... Epsilon-aminocaproic acid is also administered intravenously (drip and jet) in 100 ml or more 5% solution (daily dose 10-20 g). The drug is also successfully used for local hemostasis, abundantly sprinkling powder on the bleeding area of ​​the nasal mucosa, the socket of the tooth after its extractions, etc. When taken orally, epsilon-aminocaproic acid does not irritate digestive tract, in rare cases, patients note nausea. The maximum hemostatic effect is observed 1 to 4 hours after intravenous administration of the drug.
Contraindications to the use of epsilon-aminocaproic acid are thrombosis, acute renal failure.
Available in powder and 100 ml vials of 5% solution.

Medical gelatin- collagen hydrolyzate, which is yellowish leaves or gelatinous colorless mass. When administered intravenously, gelatin increases blood viscosity and platelet stickiness, providing a very good and rapid hemostatic effect in case of internal bleeding (including gastrointestinal, intra-pleural, etc.), less effective in bleeding of mucous membranes. By-effect- allergic phenomena. The drug is used mainly by intravenous drip of 50-100 ml or more of a solution heated to 37 ° C. Release form: ampoules of 10 ml of 10% gelatin solution in 0.5% sodium chloride solution.

Fibrinogen- (type M 2 or K 3) - human blood preparation, factor I of blood coagulation. Fibrinogen is used for "afibrinogenemic" bleeding intravenously (up to 1.8-2.0 g dry matter per day). In almost most cases, it is necessary to inject epsilon-aminocaproic acid in parallel with fibrinogen, so as not to provoke widespread microcoagulation of blood (for example, in postpartum period and in shock).
Immediately before use, the fibrinogen powder is dissolved in 200-: 300 ml of warm (25-30 ° C) sterile saline solution, the infusion must be performed with a filter in the system, since insoluble protein particles may appear in the drug solution.
Contraindications to the use of fibrinogen are thrombophlebitis, acute myocardial infarction.

Sometimes with internal bleeding good effect gives a direct blood transfusion or fresh citrated blood infusion(i.e. stored for less than 1 day). Dry plasma or specially prepared (in the cold) its concentrate - cryoprecipitate - provide stopping hemophilic bleeding.

The best way to stop bleeding caused by a lack of platelets (with Werlhof disease, aplastic anemia, radiation sickness, etc.) is, transfusion of fresh platelet mass prepared in plastic bags on a blood cell separator in the conditions of hematological centers. In this case, the bleeding stops “on the needle,” that is, during the infusion of the mass. Procurement of platelet mass in glass vessels by “removing the film” does not ensure the safety of platelets and, therefore, excludes the hemostatic effect.

Trasilol(synonyms: tsalol, kontrikal) is a preparation of the parotid glands of cattle that inhibits the process of intravascular microcoagulation and breaks down trypsin. It is used for bleeding observed with extensive tissue trauma, after septic abortion, in acute leukemia (for example, promyelocytic) and other conditions, 10,000-20,000 IU intravenously 1 to 2 times a day in 5% glucose solution or saline solution. As a rule, trasylene is administered in a hospital. In addition, the drug is widely used in acute and chronic pancreatitis, parotitis. Side effects- allergy (up to anaphylactic shock), phlebitis at the injection site.
Release form: ampoule of 5 ml (25,000 units) of the drug solution.

Protamine sulfate- a protein derivative capable of forming insoluble complexes with heparin and thromboplastin. It is used for hemorrhages caused by hyperheparinemia (due to an overdose of heparin or hyperproduction of endogenous heparin). The drug provides rapid (within 1-2 hours) stopping bleeding. Usually, 5 ml of a 1% solution of protamine sulfate is injected intravenously or intramuscularly, if necessary, the administration is repeated after 15 minutes.
In the course of treatment with protamine sulfate, it is necessary to control the blood coagulation time. The drug is available in 5 ml ampoules of 1% solution.

Hemophobin- a solution of pectins, which has a weak hemostatic effect in hemorrhoidal, uterine and other bleeding. Apply intramuscularly to 5 ml of a 1.5% solution and topically (for example, into the hole after tooth extraction). Inside the drug is prescribed 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
Method of production: in ampoules of 5 ml, in vials of 150 ml for internal use and for wetting tampons.

Adroxon- orange powder, odorless and tasteless. Effective for capillary bleeding as a result of minor injuries, after tonsillectomy, tooth extraction, etc. Use 0.025% adroxone solution for wetting tampons, as well as for intramuscular injection(1 ml of 0.025% solution) multiple times before, during and in postoperative period... Adroxon is also effective for gastrointestinal bleeding.
Available in 1 ml ampoules of 0.025% solution.

Etamsylate (dicinone) improves platelet function, reduces capillary permeability. Effective for the prevention and treatment of capillary bleeding during tonsillectomy, tooth extraction, pulmonary and intestinal bleeding. Maximum effect lasts 1-2 hours for intravenous administration and 3 hours for oral administration.
Prophylactically, ethamsylate is used in 2-4 ml intramuscular injection or 2-3 tablets per os. In case of bleeding, 2-4 ml of the drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly and then 2 ml every 4 hours.
Etamsylate is produced in ampoules of 2 ml of a 12.5% ​​solution and in tablets of 0.25 g.

Some substances contained in plants ... The history of their application goes back more than one century.

Tincture of intoxicating lagochilus (haregub)(Tinctura Lagochilli inebrians) contains latochilin and tannins, has a moderate stimulating effect on the blood coagulation system and gives a mild sedative effect. It is recommended as a symptomatic remedy for non-abundant recurrent nasal, hemorrhoidal and uterine (hypermenorrhea) bleeding inside 1 teaspoon of 10% tincture in 0.25 glasses of water 3-4 times a day. Side effect- moderate laxative effect. Tampons moistened with lagochilus tincture can also be used for local stopping of epistaxis or hemorrhoidal bleeding.
Release form: 10% alcohol tincture.

Nettle leaf extract liquid(Extr. Urticae fluidum) contains ascorbic acid, vitamin K and tannins, has a moderate hemostatic effect in uterine, renal, intestinal bleeding due to local causes and in Werlhof's disease. Assign inside 25-30 drops of the extract 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Yarrow herb extract liquid(Extr. Millefolii fluidum) contains alkaloids, ascorbic acid, tannins and resins; gives a weak hemostatic effect in uterine bleeding. Prescribe 40-50 drops of the extract 3 times a day, usually in combination with nettle leaf extract (to enhance the hemostatic effect).

Water pepper extract, liquid(Extr. Polygonii hydropiperis fluidum) contains rutin, quercetin and tannins, has a moderate hemostatic property in menorrhagia caused by inflammatory changes in the uterus. Assign 30-40 drops of the extract 3 times a day. The drug is part of the "Anestezol" suppositories.

Local hemostatic agents.

Hemostatic sponge- a human plasma preparation containing thromboplastin and calcium chloride and providing a good local hemostatic effect. Recommended for nasal, gingival, hemorrhoidal bleeding of various etiologies.

Method of application: having sterilely separated a piece of sponge, press it tightly against the bleeding area of ​​the mucous membrane, which has been previously dried with a sterile gauze swab. After 1 day, the excess of the formed fibrin film is carefully removed from the edges, the remnants of the sponge dissolve on their own within 20-30 days. Unused pieces of sponge from an opened vessel can only be used after re-sterilization (40 min at 120 ° C). There are no contraindications for the use of a hemostatic sponge. The drug is produced in metal or plastic boxes.

Thrombin- human plasma preparation, white-pink friable mass. As a catalyst for the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, thrombin has a direct hemostatic effect. It is used only for local hemostasis with capillary (nasal, gingival) bleeding of various etiologies, including after tooth extraction. It should be remembered that the introduction of intravenous or intramuscular thrombin can cause widespread and fatal thrombosis.

Method of application: sterile open a bottle with thrombin, inject 10-15 ml of sterile saline into it room temperature, after dissolving thrombin with this solution, soak a sterile gauze swab and press it tightly to the bleeding surface. After the bleeding has stopped, the tampon is carefully removed by soaking with sterile saline to avoid recurrence of bleeding. Thrombin is produced in vials.

Fibrin film- drug, human or cattle plasma. The drug contains thromboplastin and has a moderate hemostatic effect when topical application... The fibrin film is indicated for bleeding from the mucous membranes.

Method of application: after opening the test tube sterile, remove the film, wash it with rivanol solution, penicillin or sterile saline solution, and then apply it to the bleeding surface. A side effect of using a heterogeneous fibrin film is allergy.

It is produced in the form of plates and tapes packed in test tubes or metal cans.

Red pepper powder- chopped hot red pepper. The alkaloids contained in pepper contribute not only to stopping the blood, but also to local disinfection. It is applied when minor bleeding in situations where sterility is difficult to achieve.

Application method: the best way- drip liquid into the powder, create a mushy mixture, spread on the wound. Cover with a napkin or adhesive plaster on top.

Sold in pharmacies in powder form, prepared independently