Hemostatic vitamins. Hemostatic drugs for profuse uterine bleeding. Ascorbic acid to strengthen blood vessels.

The onset of the menstrual cycle in the life of every woman is not just unpleasant enough and difficult period, but it can also be a time complicated by rather serious painful sensations, as well as significant blood loss.

Naturally, modern medicine did not stay away from solving this issue, and with all her might she tries to help the woman to overcome the menstrual cycle normally, to reduce the difficulties of a physiological and psychological nature.

Treatment of uterine bleeding: drugs

Its role is mainly intended for patients who have not had continuous irrigation and lavage. Bladder... Percutaneous argolic embolism may be beneficial in well-selected patients. The procedure is often performed using a femoral or axillary approach under local anesthetic and is generally well tolerated, requiring only mild sedation. The blood vessel supplying the affected area is first identified by arteriography. This is followed by the introduction of a hemostatic agent, usually in the form of a coil.

For this, pharmacology offers a large number of and antidepressants and haemostatic agents and medications you can take during your period. It is about the latter that we will talk about, considering hemostatic drugs in gynecology.

Complication with menstruation

If the menstrual cycle is normal and the level of discharge does not exceed standard indicators, then you can not use any hemostatic drugs. However, if menstruation is difficult and difficult, and there is a lot of blood discharge, there are special drugs that really significantly improve a woman's well-being during this period.

What can you use at home?

Limiting factors include having a bleeding disorder and experience. Embolization is limited to areas where blood vessels are accessible by a catheter and where embolization of a blood vessel does not result in ischemia of key organs.

Vitamin K treatment may be beneficial if any disturbance in these factors or excessive warfarin therapy is associated with bleeding in a patient with advanced cancer. Doses of 5-10 mg are recommended depending on the severity of the situation. The jury is not about which management path is best. Anticoagulation was achieved in all four groups. No hemorrhagic or thrombotic complications were reported. Higher doses of subcutaneous phytonadione have been recommended for cases where complete reversal of anticoagulation is required.

We emphasize that the most serious condition during the menstrual cycle in a woman is often associated with a violation hormonal background... In addition, there are a few more unpleasant moments that lead to profuse bleeding:

  • Disruption of the ovaries.
  • Disruptions in the hormonal background.
  • Fibroma.
  • Fibroids of the uterus.

In each of these cases, one can observe profuse discharge blood during the menstrual cycle and this condition is called menorrhagia. By the way, a woman with the development of such a condition can lose up to 80 milliliters of blood within a week, of course, with such a serious blood loss, it is necessary not only to use hemostatic drugs, but also to mandatory visit a gynecologist.

What can be used at home?

Supposed that subcutaneous administration along with dosing modification of warfarin was acceptable as all patients in their study achieved a safe level of anticoagulation within 72 hours after subcutaneous administration. A recent retrospective study of 105 patients showed that only two patients receiving intravenous phytonadione experienced adverse reactions... These anaphylactoid reactions manifest as shortness of breath, seizure, facial redness, nausea, and, in severe cases, cyanosis, loss of consciousness, hypotension, and possibly death.

Drugs to stop heavy bleeding

If during the examination at the gynecologist it turned out that the cause of a serious and heavy bleeding at menstrual cycle is a fibroid, then in this case the hemostatic drug Dicinone is prescribed. The recommended dosage of the drug is 4 tablets per day. The drug has certain contraindications, first of all, it cannot be taken if a woman has thrombosis to any degree.

However, a literature review shows that these are rare cases. Side effects did not differ between the two groups. Therefore, whenever possible, vitamin K should be given by the subcutaneous or oral route. When intravenous administration is considered unavoidable, the drug should be administered slowly, probably no more than 1 mg per minute. Vasopressin is a posterior pituitary hormone that causes narrowing of arterioles and a decrease in portal pressure when administered intravenously or intraarterially. Its use has also been reported in oncology.

We also note separately that self admission drugs for sufficiently high bleeding during the menstrual cycle are not recommended.

Important! It is imperative to consult a gynecologist. The fact is that it is best if a woman takes hemostatic drugs according to her own individual scheme, which can only be developed by a doctor.

Hemostatic herbal infusions

In a controlled study, vasopressin therapy stopped bleeding in about half of patients with active bleeding from gastrointestinal tract associated with the upper malignant neoplasm... Doses range from 1-4 mg as a continuous infusion.

Vasoconstrictor effects on myocardial, mesenteric and cerebral circulation are the most notable potential side effects. Somatostatin reduces volumetric flow and pressure through venous dilation, thereby decreasing portal pressure and portal venous flow.

For effective reduction bloody discharge during the menstrual cycle, in some cases, women are prescribed Vikasol. Note, however, that he may not always show a good result.

Here again, the moment of the individual tolerance of the woman's drug comes to the fore, therefore, if for someone Vikasol can be effective remedy, in another case, it practically does not help at all. Again, back to talking about individual approach, which should determine the necessary drugs.

The dose can be titrated, if necessary, up to 600 mcg per day. A later meta-analysis reported that ligation is the most effective method treatment of varicose veins: more effective than vasoconstrictor treatment, vasoactive treatment and sclerotherapy.

The difference between ligation and sclerotherapy was not significant. Except for the prevention of perioperative bleeding during pancreatic cancer resections. The most common side effects are gastrointestinal and occur in 25% of cases. Side effects appear to be dose dependent.

Of the new generation drugs, Tranexam can be offered. It is available in oral tablets and ampoules for intramuscular injection... The recommended dose is 250 milligrams per day.

Let's note a few more drugs that do an excellent job with bleeding in gynecology:

  • Calcium chloride. The preparation is based on calcium, which is necessary for absolutely all blood coagulation processes. The drug is injected intravenously rather slowly and has the effect of a hot injection, that is, when it is administered, the patient feels heat throughout the body.
  • Epsilon-aminocaproic acid. The drug is designed to inhibit the processes that are responsible for blood clotting. It will be useful here to know about the temporal indices of coagulation, and in this sense our material is perfect -.
  • Contrikal. This drug is also administered slowly in a diluted state and intravenously, it is used when there is enough heavy bleeding.
  • Tugin. This drug works in the same way as Contrikal, it is administered intravenously, but it also has an analogue in the form of tablets.

If the bleeding is not caused by the menstrual cycle, but by the condition of the uterus after childbirth, then Etoxytocin and Methyl ergometrine are used to reduce it.

The main hemostatic drugs for uterine bleeding

Platelet transfusion in advanced cancer settings should be done on a case-by-case basis to control symptoms. It usually takes four to six units to control bleeding. The short half-life of platelets, which decreases even more as their number decreases, limits their usefulness in patients with severe thrombocytopenia with terminal disease. Lassaunier and colleagues have proposed criteria for platelet transfusion in patients with advanced hematologic malignancies.

What is used at home

If the bleeding is not so profuse and simply exceeds normal rate or discharge appears after childbirth, you can try the following drugs at home:

  • Tranexam. It is the most powerful drug in pharmacology today. You can use it yourself at home. It is used for uterine bleeding during pregnancy and is great at helping to stop the bleeding until an ambulance arrives health care... Then you can use it only with the permission of the doctor and taking into account the obstetric picture.
  • Etamsylate or Dicinone tablets. The drug is taken in 20 30 drops 3 times a day.
  • Tincture of water pepper. 20-30 drops 3 times a day.
  • Tincture of intoxicating lagochilus. It is recommended to take it in 1 teaspoon, previously diluted with 5 tablespoons of water. The tincture is drunk three times a day.
  • Intramuscularly, you can put an injection of 1 ampoule of oxytocin.

Once again, we recall that drugs for bleeding in gynecology should be used only taking into account individual characteristics the body of a woman. Differences may lie both in the duration of the menstrual cycle and in the activity of the secretions. Therefore, for some patients, it will be useful to use as drugs for blood restoration herbal preparations which we'll talk about below.

"Fibrinogen" - a preparation of human blood

These criteria include continuous bleeding of the mouth or gums, nose bleed, large and painful bruises, severe headaches, or impaired vision recent start as well as continuous bleeding through the gastrointestinal, gynecological, or urinary systems.

The question of whether platelet transfusion should be continued in patients with thrombocytopenic disease with terminal disease is an ethical dilemma. Although continued transfusions may not be helpful, patients and families may perceive discontinuation of a transfusion as a withdrawal from life-sustaining therapy. Sensitive and empathic discussions between patients, their families and visiting physicians and the health team are necessary to explore their expectations, concerns and concerns, and to engage in advanced end-of-life planning, providing ongoing support and commitment to optimal comfort.

Herbal preparations, which are used to stop profuse bleeding in gynecology, always provoke two main actions: in the first, the blood vessels are narrowed, in the second, blood clotting increases.

In addition, herbal preparations are indicated for those women who may be allergic to certain components of pharmacological agents.

The goals of caring for an end-stage cancer patient should be comfort. Invasive treatment may bring more burden than benefit for these patients, and comfort without invasive procedures takes precedence. In some cases, it is unclear whether the benefit will be a local or systemic measure. Time-limited or therapeutic trials may be warranted under certain circumstances.

When a terminally ill patient is identified as at risk of major hemorrhage, family members and caregivers should be informed and prepared because these events can be extremely unpleasant. Using dark towels to absorb blood, apply pressure to the bleeding site, and position patients in a lateral position is simple measures on empowerment. Fast acting sedative must be available for sedation. You must enter orders for sedative in case of such an emergency.

In addition to the fact that herbal preparations are used as restorative agents already at the time of bleeding, they can also be used in the form prophylactic a few days before the onset of the menstrual cycle. They should reduce blood loss, as well as facilitate the easier passage of menstruation in a woman, as well as in the event that others are observed.

A suitable subcutaneous butterfly facilitates insertion. Families should be informed of who to call in case of such an emergency. When patients only express a desire for comfort measures, it would be inappropriate. Anticoagulants should be reviewed and the benefits and burdens of continuing with these treatments should be considered.

Tranexam for uterine bleeding

Bleeding in patients with advanced cancer can be caused by various underlying processes and is clinically represented by many different ways: from chronic low-volume bleeding to acute episodes of serious hemorrhage. The identification of the root cause is important first step in its management. Whether bleeding from capillaries or larger vessels may affect your treatment plan. Several topical methods are available to manage localized bleeding.

Most frequently used natural remedy the barberry stands out. It effectively shrinks the walls of the uterus, constricts blood vessels, and also has an effect on increasing blood clotting. However, it should be taken carefully, strictly in accordance with the recommended dosage and according to a specific scheme. Otherwise, it causes a ton of side effects.

The use of interventional radiology is increasing. Systemic therapies are also available, especially for more generalized bleeding or oozing. Most of these therapies are only supported by case and series reports in a cancer setting. There are no comparative and controlled studies in this patient population. Patients at risk of serious bleeding need to be identified and their families and caregivers prepared. Final acceptance decisions should be based on comfort and optimization of the quality of life.

Carnation has similar properties and hemostatic effect. This herb helps to stop heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle if uterine contractility is increased.

Also, to stop bleeding, you can use viburnum, which has a mass positive properties for blood clotting and blood loss control.

Resorptive hemostatic agents

Many people suffer from cardiovascular disease in Germany. Heart attack and stroke are among the most common reasons cardiovascular disease... Cause: obstructed vessels and subsequent poorly perfused areas of vital organs and tissues. Surgery is usually the last resort and at the same time starts a new safer and hopefully more healthy life... Blood clotting inhibitors play a role in medicine - are they a new end-to-end form of therapy?

Nettle is also an effective plant. Nettle decoction, extract and infusions are extremely useful during heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle. In addition, dried herb powder is used. cat paws, is applied at 2 grams per hour until the bleeding stops completely.

The use of blood clotting agents in medicine

In this article, you will learn more about the mechanism of action, medical applications and possible side effects blood clotting inhibitors. Drugs that work against blood clotting are called blood clotting inhibitors. As medicinal product the goal is to prevent blood clotting and blood clots. Blood clots are small, clotted blood components that do not participate in wound healing as grafts, but float freely.

As medical statistics show, uterine bleeding can occur in women at any age. And of course, it is necessary to observe and treat specialists, because only they can say what and what hemostatic drugs you need to take with uterine bleeding. Doctors use many different drugs to stop uterine bleeding, we will try to tell you more about them, because surely every woman is interested in what she is being treated with.

The danger of a clot is that they can migrate with the bloodstream into the smallest vessels, clogging them and thereby preventing the supply of the body nutrients blood. This designation is incorrect because blood is not diluted, but it is ensured that individual blood platelets, platelets, cannot stick together as easily and without clotting. Blood clotting inhibitors are divided into two groups.

  • Anticoagulants inhibit the formation or effect of clotting factors.
  • Platelet inhibitors prevent platelet clotting.
Which type of coagulation inhibitor is suitable depends on the underlying disease, age, concomitant diseases or risk factors. Incompatibilities for some coagulation inhibitors must also be ruled out before feeding one of the coagulation inhibitors. The advantages and disadvantages applicable to an individual patient must be weighed.

How to stop uterine bleeding?

As you can imagine, first of all, doctors will do everything to stop the bleeding. For this, a woman is prescribed pills or injections that stop uterine bleeding.

Hemostatic tablets and injections for uterine bleeding

1. Dicinone (ethamsylate)... With uterine bleeding, dicinone is one of the most effective drugs since it acts directly on the walls of the capillaries, reducing their fragility. In addition, microcirculation and blood clotting improves. Its big plus is that it does not provoke the formation of blood clots, and also does not constrict the vessels themselves. Dicinone injections with uterine bleeding begin to act very quickly, after 5-20 minutes and its effect lasts about 4 hours.

Of course, like all drugs, dicinone also has contraindications:

  • malignant blood diseases;
  • thrombosis;
  • hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug.

Available in the form of tablets and solution for injection.

2.Vikasol. Effective if bleeding is provoked by a low prothrombin content, because vicasol stimulates its production. It can also be prescribed for hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis and overdose of certain drugs - with these diseases, it is precisely the increased production of this very prothrombin that is needed. Unlike dicinone, it can provoke the formation of blood clots, therefore it is not prescribed for use for more than 4 days. After entering the body, it begins to act in 12-18 hours.


  • increased blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • acute myocardial infarction.

Also available in the form of tablets and solution for injection.

3. Fibrinogen. It is a preparation of human blood. It is used together with epsilon-aminocaproic acid (we will talk about it below) so as not to provoke blood microcoagulation. Issued this drug powder for injection only.

4. Epsilon-aminocaproic acid. Often used after curettage of the uterus, after lung surgery and for early detachment placenta. You can also sprinkle this powder on a bleeding wound. The effect of the use of epsilon-aminocaproic acid occurs a couple of hours after the administration of the drug.

5.Nettle. And of course, how can you do without traditional medicine... Nettle leaf extract with uterine bleeding is good at stopping the blood. It is necessary to take it 25-30 drops half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Nettle also helps with kidney and intestinal bleeding.

6. Liquid herb extract. Gives a greater hemostatic effect when combined with nettle extract.

All this is only a small part of what you may be assigned. A person far from medicine cannot know all the nuances of this or that means, so never and under no circumstances self-medicate. In case of uterine bleeding, only a doctor should prescribe medication.

Whatever the reason for the onset of uterine bleeding, first aid with it in almost all cases consists in the need to put a woman to bed. If the bleeding began in a 12-18 year old girl, then you can put a cool heating pad on her lower abdomen. After providing the patient with peace, it is necessary to call an ambulance and prepare things for the trip to the hospital. Such bleeding is treated only in a hospital and under the constant supervision of doctors.