HCG by day from conception table. What is the rate of hCG during pregnancy

Human chorionic gonadotropin is also referred to as "pregnancy maintenance hormone". It acts as a stimulant for the production of the hormone progesterone and cannot continue to exist without pregnancy. The hCG level rises by day until the 13th week after conception. A test for it is done throughout the entire period to determine the successful transfer of an embryo during artificial insemination.

About a week after the fertilization of the egg, a blastocyst forms in the mother's womb - a sphere with a liquid, the outer shell of which consists of dozens of cells. It is necessary for the formation of tissue from which the baby and the placenta subsequently develop, and exists until it enters the uterus.

On contact with the endometrium (mucous membrane), biologically active hCG is produced. As a result of the interaction of the blastocyst with chorionic gonadotropin, primary chorionic villi are formed - the early part of the placenta.

HCG stimulates the corpus luteum in the ovary to secrete another hormone, progesterone, which builds the endometrium and signals through feedback to the pituitary gland that ovulation is no longer needed, and informs the mother's body of pregnancy. This usually occurs about six days after ovulation or embryo transfer.

Starting around the 16th week of conception, the placenta itself is able to make enough progesterone, so the importance of the corpus luteum and hCG is reduced.

What information does it carry?

The detection of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is a sign that you are pregnant; a doctor's test for it can be carried out for about seven days after conception.

In contrast, routine tests only provide reliable results from week 5 onwards. After embryo transfer with IVF (artificial insemination), the test is done on the 14th day.

The concentration of the hormone can be very high due to multiple pregnancies, fetal mutations, or degeneration of the embryonic part of the placenta.

A very low increase in values ​​may indicate non-viability of the embryo or an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, at the initial stage, the test is of great importance and is sometimes carried out several times.

To check the rate, a special table is used, which you can see below. Be careful - after embryo transfer, the level of hCG is higher by day than during normal conception, and it cannot be counted from ovulation.


HCG consists of two subunits:

  • alpha subunits;
  • beta subunits (known as beta-hCG).

A general test in a pharmacy contains antibodies that react to beta-hCG levels. Such tests have different sensitivity, the most sensitive ones can detect a suspected pregnancy about ten days after conception.

The hormone in the blood can be detected about eight days from fertilization. Ask your gynecologist for a referral for analysis.

Blood test results:

  • non-pregnant - 5 international units per liter (IU / L);
  • pregnant women - more than 20 IU / l (depending on the test).

If the result fluctuates between these values, test again later if ovulation does not occur.

Pregnancy levels

In the first weeks, the concentration of hCG increases. The value doubles approximately every two to three days.

The highest levels of hCG in the blood are at 10-12 weeks after conception, or between about 60 and 90 days. The value increases to 50,000-100,000 IU / L of blood.

Then the growth stops and constantly falls, and somewhere on the 140th day it shows 1000-20000 IU / L, until it becomes constant until the birth of the child.

The following table presents the normal values ​​during pregnancy. In women who give birth for the first time, the level is rare, but sometimes rises to a maximum of 100,000-200,000 international units per liter (IU / L).

Weeks after your menstrual cycle HCG value in IU / L
3-4 9-130
4-5 75-2600
5-6 850-20800
6-7 4000-100200
7-12 11500-289000
12-16 18300-137000
16-29 (= 2 trimester) 1400-53000
29-41 (= 3 trimester) 940-60000

Table of normal hormone levels after several days of ovulation:

If on the 14th day after the embryo transfer the amount of the hormone is less than 25, pregnancy has not occurred, and the level above average may indicate several fetuses.

Possible deviations from the norm

False positive result

HCG is constantly present in the body in small amounts, but its level may grow only due to conception or:

False negative result

You can get this effect in the following cases:

  1. The test was performed before the hormone levels rose to the sensitivity mark.
  2. HCG levels are higher when a woman has a girl. So the test when pregnant with a boy later becomes positive.
  3. It can be with an ectopic pregnancy.

Reduced levels

If the level is too low or growth is slow, there may be several reasons:

  • incorrect calculation of the term (gestational age);
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • the threat of premature birth or miscarriage.

Elevated levels

An increased growth of human chorionic gonadotropin is observed due to several fetuses (for example, twins), toxicosis, but also in benign or malignant diseases of the blastocyst.

These include:

  • cystic drift, disorder of placental development (from 500,000 to 1,000,000 IU / L hCG);
  • malignant tumors that develop from cells of the blastula wall (choriocarcinoma);
  • combinations with other indicators may indicate gestosis, diabetes in the mother or genetic pathology in the future fetus.

HCG in first trimester screening

The so-called first screening is a test that takes place from 11 to 14 weeks after conception or embryo transfer. Screening is used to identify abnormalities in chromosomes.

Screening measures the level of hCG in the mother's blood. Chromosomes carry genetic information and may change structurally or be in the wrong number. In such cases, they speak of chromosomal aberrations (mutations). Based on this data, the doctor calculates the statistical probability of having a child with trisomy-21 (Down's syndrome) or some other genetic defect. The beta-hCG value in children with this syndrome is generally significantly higher than in others.

Statistical tests are based on the result of two blood tests, an ultrasound scan, and a calculation of the gestational age from conception or last ovulation.

The test result can sometimes indicate chromosomal mutations, although the child is completely healthy. One test can never give a reliable result!

If in doubt, and the risk of deviations increases significantly, an analysis of the amniotic fluid of the expectant mother is considered. Amniocentesis provides a reliable result, but it comes with some risks.


The hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is responsible for maintaining pregnancy and begins to grow after conception. It stimulates the production of progesterone in the corpus luteum and fulfills its role as its supplier for up to 4 months. Also, its injections are used to induce ovulation in infertility.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the hormone performs various diagnostic functions, and its monitoring is very useful to check for abnormalities and is necessary after embryo transfer in artificial insemination.

HCG: table of norms by week of pregnancy. Possible errors and pathologies

Thoughts about pregnancy arise in a woman after a few days of delay in menstruation. By that time, the embryo is already several weeks old. HCG was called the hormone of pregnant women for a reason, it is actively produced only in "women in position" and is determined on the most.

The table of hCG indicators is guided not only when diagnosing early pregnancy. It is needed for:

  • comparisons when observing the correct formation of the fetus;
  • timely detection of developmental anomalies.

Normally, the hormone is found in the body of both sexes, but its concentration does not exceed 5 U / ml.

  • What is HCG and why is it important during pregnancy
  • Normal level outside of gestation
  • The period of active synthesis of the hormone
    • When to get tested
    • Why hCG does not meet the deadline
  • Reasons for deviations
  • When to donate blood for research
  • How often do you get tested in the 1st trimester?
    • Indications
    • Errors
    • Is it possible to take hCG in the evening
  • Preparation for analysis
  • HCG growth table during pregnancy by week
  • Dynamics of hCG by days from conception (table)
  • Characteristic changes in the level of the hormone in genetic pathologies
  • When does the natural decrease in hCG occur during pregnancy?

Chorionic gonadotropin and its role

Chorionic gonadotropin is a glycoprotein consisting of a couple of components:

  • alpha particles or alpha subunits;
  • beta particles or beta subunits.

Actually, the beta component of the hormone is a kind of marker for the onset and successful course of pregnancy. HCG is produced by the primary embryonic membrane - chorion, from the first days of conception.

The main role is to block the menstrual cycle, prevent bleeding and spontaneous embryo rejection. It activates the production of estradiol - hormones responsible for keeping the fertilized egg in the body of the uterus, as well as the correct formation and nutrition of the placenta.

The concentration of the hormone in the blood outside of pregnancy

In a non-pregnant woman, the level of gonadotropin is low - from 0 to 5 IU / ml. The increase in indicators is recorded:

  • some time after;
  • in the climacteric period (up to 9 U / ml);
  • against the background of long-term therapy with hormonal drugs;
  • in the presence of tumor-like formations of the genitourinary system.

In men, an increased amount of the hormone in the blood indicates the development of a tumor process in the reproductive sphere.

The period of active production of hCG

The active production of gonadotropin begins on the 5-7th day from conception, during this period the increased level is diagnosed only in the venous blood. On the 8-10th day, the concentration of the hormone is such that it is freely excreted in the urine. Not everyone knows what it is - hCG, but it is on the principle of detecting a hormone in urine that test strips work.

The quantitative peak of gonadotropin is recorded at - I trimester. Further, its indicators gradually decrease and increase according to the gestational age.

When is the first test scheduled?

If the planned time of conception is known, you can take the test on the 7th - 9th day. If there are doubts about the day, blood is donated after 4 days of delay in menstruation. For the accuracy of the result, the analysis is repeated after 2 days.

With successful fertilization, the indicator rises every day by one and a half to two times. If the concentration of hCG remains the same or fluctuates slightly, another reason should be sought. After a week of delay in menstruation, you can use the urine gonadotropin test strip.

Why is the increase in hCG not in line with the expected time frame?

Often, the dynamic indicators of the growth of the hormone are in opposition to the terms set by the gynecologist. This worries the woman, forcing her to think about pathology. Indeed, with some developmental anomalies, a lag in the level of gonadotropin is observed. But it is important to remember that hCG is used to judge the gestational age from the moment of conception, and the doctor counts the weeks from the last menstruation.

Note! The analysis of hCG reliably establishes the fact of pregnancy, but not its duration. To determine the age of the fetus, it is better to use the ultrasound method.

Factors of deviation from the norm

The obtained indicators during pregnancy may not correspond to the standards of hCG from the table for various reasons.

When gonadotropin levels are above normal:

  1. With an incorrectly set deadline. In the first trimester, a difference of 5-6 days gives significant deviations. Therefore, it is possible to compare tabular data with your results, but it should be understood that the HCG table during pregnancy is only a guideline and it is not the exact correspondence of the numbers that is important, but the dynamics of their growth.
  2. With multiple gestation. The concentration of gonadotropin is proportional to the number of embryos. So with twins, the norm is multiplied by two, and with triplets by three.
  3. After therapy with hormone-containing drugs based on gestagen.
  4. At .
  5. With a genetic abnormality in the fetus.

In addition, an increase in blood sugar affects the test result.

When a reduced concentration of hCG is determined:

  1. With an incorrectly set deadline.
  2. ... The amount of the hormone increases, but at a reduced rate.
  3. ... The hCG level drops sharply down by 40-50%.
  4. With reduced blood supply to the placenta and insufficient nutrition.

Any deviation from the norm requires a second retake, to exclude an error, and additional examination methods.

Self-determination of the fact of pregnancy, when to get tested?

In the average woman, fertilization occurs in the middle of the cycle - during ovulation. The path of the egg cell takes 5-7 days. Once in the uterine cavity, it attaches to the wall, it is during this period that the production of hCG begins in the pregnant woman (this is clearly seen in the table).

The first analysis can be carried out 8-10 days after intercourse, but it should be remembered that the level of the hormone is not yet high. A result of 25 IU / ml and below is considered controversial. The optimal time for delivery is 3-4 days of delayed menstruation. The amount of gonadotropin is approximately doubled every day. For the purity of the result, it is recommended to re-submit in two days in the same laboratory.

Important! The standards for the HCG table have a wide range. With a healthy pregnancy, the result will vary from woman to woman.

First trimester examination frequency

Twice, with a break of several days, blood is donated for primary diagnosis and establishment of the fact. If the course of pregnancy does not inspire concern, the study is repeated at 11 - at the end of the first trimester. This study includes the identification of the level of three hormones, the change in which gives an idea of ​​the development of abnormalities in the fetus.

If it is necessary to trace the dynamics of growth, the doctor may prescribe a study of the amount of gonadotropin for 2 to 4 weeks with an interval of 4 to 5 days. This approach is used for women at risk. The next is being held.

Indications for analysis

In what cases the detection of the "pregnancy hormone" becomes an important part of the diagnosis:

  • new-onset amenorrhea;
  • tracking the dynamics of the course of pregnancy;
  • an indication of the ectopic development of the embryo;
  • the threat of intrauterine fetal death;
  • the threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • identification of anatomical and genetic anomalies in the formation of a child;
  • suspicion of the development of a malignant tumor process.

Are errors possible when reading hCG?

HCG, like any medical analysis, can give false readings, although the error rate is not high.

Reasons for a false positive response:

  1. hormone therapy with progestin drugs;
  2. increased synthesis of gonadotropin as a result of a malfunction of the controlling organ - the pituitary gland;
  3. development of neoplasms of the reproductive sphere;
  4. endocrine diseases.

In these cases, the test results show pregnancy in its actual absence.

The opposite situation - a false negative test in the presence of a fertilized egg, develops with insufficient production of gonadotropin:

  1. too early analysis;
  2. and the exit of the ovum into the uterine cavity;
  3. ectopic embryo development.

Is it possible to take a hormone test in the afternoon?

The maximum amount of hCG in the blood and urine is recorded in the morning after sleep. Therefore, all studies are carried out before 10 am on an empty stomach. This condition is especially important in the early stages, when the concentration of the hormone is not yet high. By the evening, the level of gonadotropin decreases several times, which provokes a false result.

Analysis rules

The delivery of hCG does not require special training. The rules common to all blood tests apply here:

  • light dinner the day before, excluding food on the day of delivery;
  • it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • do not smoke 7 - 8 hours before the study;
  • all medications taken must be reported to the attending physician.

For research, venous blood is taken, which is then separated using a centrifuge. The time for decrypting the data obtained in different laboratories is not the same, from 4 hours to a week.

Change in indicators by week of gestation

Consider, for clarity, the growth of hCG in the table by weeks of pregnancy.

Table 1: HCG by week of pregnancy from conception

Estimated age Bottom line Upper limit
Before conception 0 5
Controversial result 5,2 25,5
1 – 2 50 480
3 – 4 1 500 4850
5 11 000 31 000
6 25 000 98 000
7 32 500 152 000
8 37 300 235 000
9 35 500 152 000
10 32 000 135 000
11 29 000 123 000
12 27 500 110 000
13 24 300 100 500
14 22 300 90 500
15 20 000 81 000
16 18 500 80 100
Up to 21 5 200 73 300

There is another calculation system - by the days of the cycle from the moment of ovulation.

Table 2: The rate of hCG during pregnancy by day

Day from fertilization Acceptable limits Day from fertilization Acceptable limits
7th (embryo attachment period) 2,1 – 10 25th 2400,1 – 9800
8th 3,1 – 18 26th 4200,1 – 15600
9th 5,1 – 21 27th 5400,1 – 19500
10th 8,1 – 26 28th 7100,1 – 27300
11th 11,1 – 45 29th 8800,1 – 33000
12th 17,1 – 65 30th 10500,1 – 40000
13th 25,1 – 105 31st 11500,1 – 60000
14th 29,1 – 170 32nd 12800,1 – 63000
15th 39,1 – 240 33rd 14000,1 – 68000
16th 68,1 – 400 34th 15500,1 – 7000
17th 120,1 – 580 35th 17000,1 – 74000
18th 220,1 – 840 36th 19000,1 – 78000
19th 370,1 – 1300 37th 20500,1 – 83000
20th 520,1 – 2000 38th 22000,1 – 87000
21st 750,1 – 3100 39th 23000,1 – 93000
22nd 1050,1 – 4900 40th 25000,1 – 100000
23rd 1400,1 – 6200 41st 26500,1 – 117000
24th 1850,1 – 7800 42nd 28000,1 – 130000

The described rate for ovulation days shows the upper and lower limits, based on the average menstrual cycle.

HCG changes with genetic abnormalities

Gonadotropin is a kind of marker of genetic and anatomical abnormalities in fetal development.

  • an almost two-fold excess of the norm may indicate the risk of Down's syndrome;
  • a persistently low level of gonadotropin - a suspicion of Edwards or Patau syndrome;
  • subtle dynamics may indicate the development of Turner syndrome.

The inconsistency of indicators with the timing of pregnancy is recorded with the formation of heart defects or underdevelopment of the neural tube in the embryo.

Attention! The hCG index only raises suspicion of the possible development of anomalies. To establish the fact of a genetic disorder, an additional examination is prescribed.

Reducing hCG naturally

The peak of blood saturation with gonadotropin is observed at - e, after which there is a slight uniform decrease approximately to. The period of stabilization of the level lasts up to 40 weeks, until the moment of resolution. A week and a half after childbirth, the concentration of hCG returns to the normal level inherent before the pregnant state.

In some cases, a sharp jump in the tested hormone is observed in the III trimester, and is considered as a result of the occurrence of pathological conditions, for example,.

A woman can check blood for hCG on her own for which a doctor's referral is not needed. But only a specialist is able to correctly interpret the result with a positive answer. The tables are presented for your reference.

Actual video

Preparation for the analysis for hCG during pregnancy and decoding


With the onset of pregnancy, there are massive changes in the hormonal background of the body, including not only the level of existing hormones changes, but also new ones appear, which are characteristic exclusively for the period of pregnancy. It is these hormones that hCG belongs to. It begins to be produced after conception and the hCG level gradually increases by days after ovulation. How and why this happens, and what indicators are considered normal, is described in this article.

Normal HCG levels after ovulation

HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This hormone is absent in the body in its normal state. It appears in women exclusively after the onset of pregnancy, and not immediately after conception, but after the embryo is attached, that is, several days after the fusion of the female and male germ cells has taken place.

If conception has occurred, then this hormone will soon begin to be produced. The onset of the actual pregnancy can only be talked about after the embryo is fixed on the wall of the uterus. From this moment on, when measuring the content of the hormone, when decoding, the norms that are characteristic of pregnant women are used.

Such an attachment occurs about 6-8 days after fertilization, that is, after ovulation. For this reason, in the table of norms for the content of hCG, indicators are given only starting from the seventh day after ovulation and, accordingly, conception. Its level increases rapidly during the first month after attachment. The minimum, maximum and average normal values ​​for this period by day are shown in the table below.

HCG level by day after ovulation and conception

It is very important to distinguish obstetric from embryonic pregnancy. This table includes normal indicators precisely when calculating the embryonic period. The embryonic term is a specific period that has passed from the actual moment of fertilization of the egg to the current moment. An obstetric period is one that is calculated from the date of the start of the last menstrual period. Thus, the difference in these indicators can be up to two weeks, and with long cycles - up to three weeks.

It is important to understand that these indicators are indicative and may differ slightly from the indicators of the hCG rate that are used in other laboratories. It depends on what method is used to study the material in a given laboratory, since different methods have different degrees of error. Therefore, the decoding of the analysis results should be carried out according to the norm of the very laboratory in which the study was carried out.

Normal hCG levels during pregnancy

As pregnancy progresses, the rate of increase in the content of this hormone decreases slightly. It does not change so much, there are no jumps up or down. Therefore, you can use the average normal indicators for weeks of pregnancy and trimesters to assess the condition of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy. However, this table shows exactly the obstetric terms of pregnancy (that is, not the actual physiological ones), but those that are determined if you count from the date of the last menstruation.

HCG level in the body by week

It can be seen from the table that in the second and third trimester, the hCG content should normally fall. This is a normal process as the body prepares for childbirth.

Deviation value

As can be seen from the tables, the range of normal values ​​for the content of this hormone in the blood at a particular period of pregnancy is quite wide, because it takes into account all possible individual characteristics of the patient's body and the characteristics of the course of gestation. Thus, any deviation from these normal values ​​should be treated very carefully, since they always indicate some deviations in the development of pregnancy and can be quite dangerous. Therefore, the blood level of this hormone needs to be adjusted if it deviates greatly from the norm. It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to prescribe appropriate therapy.


What can a reduced level of hCG indicate, and why is it dangerous?

  1. This condition may indicate placental insufficiency - a condition when the placenta does not develop correctly and cannot normally protect the fetus, maintain the hormonal level necessary for bearing in the body;
  2. An ectopic pregnancy also gives such indicators, and regardless of the form in which it proceeds;
  3. A reduced level of hCG leads to the fact that there is a threat of early miscarriage or premature birth at a later date.

However, immediately after receiving the results of the study, you should not panic. It is important to find out for what period the calculation was carried out - embryonic or obstetric. Also, an error in establishing any of these terms of pregnancy is not excluded, therefore it is better to additionally consult with a specialist and recalculate the timing, use other diagnostic methods.


If the level of this hormone in the blood turned out to be higher than the norm for a given period of pregnancy, or there are signs of too rapid growth of hCG, then this may also be evidence of a number of pathologies, and quite dangerous, therefore, such indicators cannot be ignored. An increased level of hCG can indicate:

  1. Disorders of the placenta, when it functions too actively;
  2. Bubble drift;
  3. The presence of malignant neoplasms developing from blastula cells - choriocarcinomas;
  4. Gestosis in the presence of other accompanying signs;
  5. Diabetes of the first or second type in the expectant mother, also in the presence of other accompanying symptoms;
  6. Genetic pathology in the emborion (especially when the growth of hCG is uneven by day).

Again, there is always the possibility of mistakenly determining the duration of pregnancy, so you should not panic when diagnosing an increased level of this hormone. However, this state cannot be ignored either. It is required to immediately consult a doctor.

When to get tested?

On what day to take hCG from ovulation and potential conception? The first screening, that is, the first test for the level of this hormone, doctors recommend to be carried out at 11-14 weeks of gestation. During this period, the indicators will be stable, they can be determined as accurately as possible, with a minimum error. And only in this form are they considered sufficiently informative. Regardless of whether conception occurred naturally or the embryo was transferred to the uterus during in vitro fertilization, this period remains unchanged.

It is very important to donate blood for hCG during this period, since with the help of this indicator, genetic abnormalities of the fetus can be noticed at an early stage and the pregnancy can be terminated before it becomes dangerous for the mother. Anomalies are determined as follows: if genetic mutations are present, then the doctor calculates the probability of having a child with certain defects at the genetic level (in particular, Down's syndrome is diagnosed this way). For example, if the level of beta-hCG is high, then there is a high probability of having a baby with Down syndrome.

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When planning a pregnancy, responsible and serious women strive to find out as much information as possible about this condition. The absence of menstruation at the "legal" date, nausea and dizziness are a clue for Eve's granddaughters that conception has taken place. A blood test will help to confirm or exclude the onset of pregnancy in a lady. In a laboratory, specialists will check the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in your body. The above hormone is present in trace amounts in non-pregnant women. Laboratory tests "see" hCG only when its level rises. Knowing the hCG values ​​by day after ovulation, the patient will understand how the level of this important substance in her body changes.

Of course, this does not mean that a woman can diagnose herself on her own. Any conclusions regarding your maternal prospects should be made by the gynecologist.

Invisible protector of the embryo

After repeated unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, the woman with great excitement and hope awaits the “visit of the stork”. In the early stages of gestation, tests may show incorrect results. In order not to torment herself with guesses, the patient should visit a gynecologist. Your doctor will refer you to hCG testing.

If the hormone levels exceed ten international units per liter, the doctor will understand that the likelihood of pregnancy is high. The level of chorionic gonadotropin, equal to 20 - 26 IU / L, "signals" that conception has occurred.

People who do not have medical knowledge, the question arises: "Why is the high content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the body a" thick hint "of the special condition of a woman?" It's simple: hCG is a substance that helps the embryo develop.

Soon after the fertilization of a female cell, a small sphere with a liquid content - a blastocyst - forms in the patient's body. This "planet" is the basis for the formation of the placenta and baby. The life span of a blastocyst is short. After entering the patient's uterus, the round formation changes.

Already on the tenth day after conception, the chorionic hormone can be detected in the woman's blood. HCG acts on the corpus luteum, prompting it to produce progesterone.

The level of this substance in the lady's blood is steadily "climbing" up. This process stops only when the placenta is completely formed.

How to understand that the "visit of the stork" has taken place?

Twenty or thirty years ago, gynecologists could not diagnose fetal defects. The lack of qualified and timely support for the "problem" embryo was one of the main reasons for fetal loss. Modern methods of research allow doctors to learn all the nuances of the development of the crumbs. In the early stages of gestation, ultrasound is "silent".

The patient can find out about her special condition using two reliable methods:

  1. Blood test;
  2. Test.

Blood for hCG can be donated ten to twelve days after ovulation. You can use the pharmacy test two weeks after ovulation. As soon as the embryo is fixed in the uterus, gonadotropin begins to rise in the woman's blood. Every day the amount of this substance in the body of the future mother is growing.

If a girl wants to "quickly" make sure that conception has occurred, she can use the test. After contact with a woman's urine, a miniature device will show if there is a pregnancy.

Gynecologists advise: women who suspect the "presence of a stork" in their lives should donate blood for hCG. A blood test is a more detailed analysis than a test using a test.

So important and unstable is the hCG hormone

A blood test will not only confirm that the woman is in the position, but will also inform the doctor how many days have passed since conception. There are hCG norms that are relevant for each "segment" of pregnancy. Of course, the amount of the hormone cannot be the same in different patients. However, the doctor will rely on the results of research to judge the well-being of your pregnancy.

You should indicate the values ​​of hCG at different intervals after ovulation. If a female cell has been fertilized, your blood composition will change.

We remind you in what numbers will be reflected "pregnant metamorphosis":

  • On the eleventh day of gestation, you will have from 29 to 45 IU / L.
  • The twelfth day of pregnancy will give results of 43 - 65 IU / L.
  • On the thirteenth day of a special condition, most pregnant women will have a hCG level of 100 IU / L.
  • By the fourteenth day, the level of chorionic gonadotropic hormone will fluctuate between 130 and 170 IU / L.

Significant numbers

As the embryo develops, the level of hCG will increase.

We remind you what indicators of gonadotropic hormone will be in a lady who "met a stork":

  • The eighteenth day of the special condition is "marked" by the figure of 700 IU / l. For some pregnant women, the indicators will be equal to 830 IU / l.
  • By the twentieth day after ovulation, the study will show 200 IU / L.
  • On the twenty-first day of gestation, 300 IU / L will be detected in your blood.

The thirty-third day of pregnancy will delight you with a value of 55,000 IU / L. A day later, the level of human chorionic gonadotropic hormone will be 67,000 IU / L.

A solid level of chorionic gonadotropic hormone will be given by nature to pregnant women later. Between 40 and 55 days after the fertilization of a woman's cell, your blood levels of hCG will be at an all-time high. By the fortieth day of gestation, the hCG content in the patient's blood will be 100,000 IU / L. On the 43rd - 50th day, in some patients, analyzes show 120,000, 150,000 international units per liter.

The hormonal "storm" will slowly subside when the placenta has formed and is ready to produce progesterone on its own. A decrease in hCG indicators is usually recorded at the seventeenth week of pregnancy.

Should we panic if hCG indicators are far from ideal?

Knowing how your hCG level changes from day to day after ovulation, the gynecologist will draw a conclusion about the development of the embryo.

During the gestation period, a woman should donate blood for research two to three times. In order to form a more complete picture of your health, the doctor will advise you on an ultrasound scan. A blood test can tell you more about the "little things". If the results of previous tests alerted the specialist, you need to visit the antenatal clinic again.

An examination using ultrasound will show serious flaws in the crumbs, or refute their presence. A sudden change in hCG levels is sometimes a harbinger of problems.

An excessive increase in the level of chorionic hormone may be associated with the following circumstances:

  1. Multiple pregnancy;
  2. Toxicosis;
  3. Malformations in the development of the placenta.

In some cases, record high levels of chorionic hormone “scream” about the presence of a malignant tumor.

A decrease in the concentration of the aforementioned substance "speaks" of an ectopic pregnancy. If the embryo develops inside the genital organ, and the hCG values ​​are far from normal, the doctor will suspect you have placental insufficiency. Also, a low level of chorionic substance warns of the threat of miscarriage.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that begins to be produced in a woman's body during pregnancy. First, its production occurs by the tissues of the embryo, and then by the placenta. The concentration of hCG in urine gradually increases. This hormone is important for both the woman and the fetus.

The role of the hormone in the female body

The presence of hCG in the body is natural for a non-pregnant woman, but its concentration is negligible. The norm contains 0-5 mU / ml. The active release of the hormone begins immediately after the zygote enters the uterine cavity. This happens 5-7 days after conception. The maximum concentration is reached at 9-10 weeks of gestation. The hormone is involved in:

  • Activation of the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum - an important hormone in the body of a pregnant woman. The corpus luteum performs this function until the 13th week, and after that the placenta is formed and this function is assigned to it. Without progesterone, it becomes impossible for the fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus. The hormone also prepares the uterus itself for enlargement by making the walls of the organ elastic.
  • Suspension of the follicle maturation process. In the ovary, they are dormant throughout the entire line of gestation.
  • Stimulates the development of interstitial cells in a male fetus. They are found around the coiled seminiferous tubules in the testicular stroma and are responsible for the secretion of steroids during puberty.
  • Preventing the reaction of the mother's immune system to the baby's body. This is especially important in the presence of Rh-conflict, when the Rh of the mother's blood differs from the Rh of the child.

Gonadotropin is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy at all stages, as well as to maintain the condition of the mother during this period. An increased or decreased noise level is an indication for a complete examination of a woman and a fetus.

What affects hormone levels?

HCG indicators are individual for each individual case, but more often they are in the range of acceptable values. Sometimes the change in hormone concentration may not be related to pregnancy.

An increase in the level of gonadotropin in urine during the perinatal period can be due to the following reasons:

  • multiple pregnancy - the concentration increases in proportion to the number of embryos;
  • the presence of an extra chromosome in the child's DNA - Down syndrome;
  • preeclampsia of varying degrees;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • development of malformations of internal organs in a baby;
  • diabetes;
  • taking hormonal drugs containing progestogen.

It should be borne in mind that, according to the analysis and ultrasound data, the doctor may incorrectly set the date. In this case, the increased gonadotropin is quite justified.

HCG can grow even in the absence of fertilization. The most common cause is the formation of tumors of the uterus and appendages. The presence of the hormone in the urine may also indicate the growth of neoplasms from the embryonic tissue. There is an increase in the level of hCG while taking drugs containing this particular hormone, as well as some time after an abortion or artificial childbirth. Sometimes normal ovulation is the cause.

The concentration of hCG can not only rise, but also fall. This is a wake-up call and may indicate serious deviations. A decrease in hormone levels indicates:

  • fetal freezing or intrauterine growth retardation;
  • the growth of the fetus outside the uterine cavity;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • detachment of the placenta;
  • the death of a child at a later date.

All these factors need to be considered. If a pregnancy test for hCG level shows a positive result even in the absence of sexual activity in a woman, you should urgently consult a doctor for advice.

Laboratory methods for determining the hormone in urine

Analyzes for hCG are performed if monitoring of the dynamics of intrauterine development of the fetus is required, as well as if there is a suspicion of a tumor of the genital organs. Investigate urine for gonadotropin even if there are signs of a frozen pregnancy, and ultrasound does not determine the baby's heartbeat. The indication for the analysis is also the absence of menstruation. In addition, it is used to understand how well an induced abortion was performed.

The main method of laboratory examination of urine for hCG is the detection of the hormone using a specialized reagent. According to its concentration, the specialist determines the gestational age. If it is higher or lower than normal and does not correspond to the ultrasound time, the patient is assigned an additional examination. This is done in order to find out the reason for the deviation. For analysis, blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach.

Preparation for the test

For the results to be correct and consistent with the real clinical picture, it is necessary to prepare your body for the collection of biomaterial. Any irregularities in preparation can lead to false results and repeated tests.

Women who donate biomaterial should not:

  • have sex the day before;
  • physically exert yourself (hard work, playing sports, etc.);
  • consume alcohol and drugs, as well as smoke.

The biomaterial is collected in the morning in a sterile container. In the morning urine, the content of hormones is slightly higher, which increases the likelihood of detecting hCG even in the early stages of pregnancy.

Normal hormone levels

A sensitive test for the hCG hormone will show confirmation of pregnancy 7-9 days after conception. If your period has not started, and the test remains negative, it is worth repeating it after a few days. Every day after conception, the level of hCG in the urine doubles, and closer to 14 weeks begins to grow rapidly.

The normal level of hCG in urine by days from conception is presented in the table:

The value of hCG in urine by day after fertilization
Day after conceptionMin. value in honey / mlWed value in honey / mlMax. value in honey / mlDay after conceptionMin. value in honey / mlWed value in honey / mlMax. value in honey / ml
7 DPO2 4 10 25 DPO2400 6150 9800
8 DPO3 7 18 26 DPO4200 8160 15600
9 DPO5 11 21 27 DPO5400 10200 19500
10 DPO8 18 26 28 DPO7100 11300 27300
11 DPO11 28 45 29 DPO8800 13600 33000
12 DPO17 45 65 30 DPO10500 16500 40000
13 DPO22 73 105 31 DPO11500 19500 60000
14 DPO29 105 170 32 DPO12800 22600 63000
15 DPO39 160 270 33 DPO14000 24000 68000
16 DPO68 260 400 34 DPO15500 27200 7000
17 DPO120 410 580 35 DPO17000 31000 74000
18 DPO220 650 840 36 DPO19000 36000 78000
19 DPO370 980 1300 37 DPO20500 39500 83000
20 DPO520 1380 2000 38 DPO22000 45000 87000
21 DPO750 1960 3100 39 DPO23000 51000 93000
22 DPO1050 2680 4900 40 DPO25000 58000 108000
23 DPO1400 3550 6200 41 DPO26500 62000 117000
24 DPO1830 4650 7800 42 DPO28000 65000 128000

There are also hCG rates for each week of pregnancy. It is on them that the process of development of the child in the womb is monitored.

The values ​​of the average concentration of HCG in urine by weeks of pregnancy are presented in the table:

Average values ​​of hCG in urine by weeks of pregnancy
Week of pregnancyHCG rate in honey / ml
1–2 10-170
2-3 105-3100
3-4 1960-27300
4-5 11300-74000
5-6 31000–128000
6-7 27500–237000
7-11 21000–300000
11-16 15000–60000
16-21 10000–35000
21-38 10000–60000

In a non-pregnant woman, the amount of the hormone should be no more than 5 mU / ml. If the hCG content is higher than this value, it is necessary to retest after a few days. Deciphering the results will help to understand whether fertilization has occurred or not.

Home tests for hCG

It is not at all necessary to be tested in a laboratory to confirm or deny pregnancy. You can also do the test at home; for this, pharmacy chains offer a wide range of tests. They differ in sensitivity to the hormone, as well as in the way they are used.

Sometimes it happens that the test is positive, and the laboratory test for hCG is negative. This can be due to poor test quality or problems in the development of the child.

Types of pregnancy tests

The tests have one control strip that turns color anyway. The second strip appears only if the hormone is present in the urine.

There are several types of tests:

  • The test strip is the simplest option on the market. Due to its low cost and ease of use, it is the most popular. The strips are usually packaged in individual pouches, each with a control zone coated with a gonadotropin sensitive reagent. The analysis takes only a few minutes. The strip is dipped in morning urine until a certain mark and after 5 minutes the result is observed.
  • Tablet PCs have higher sensitivity and are much more expensive. Such rapid tests can detect pregnancy much earlier. The tablet itself consists of a plastic case and a hole with a material impregnated with a reagent. Urine is applied to this hole using a pipette.
  • Inkjet - easy to use, have high sensitivity. To get the result, simply substitute the dough rod under the stream of urine. Due to the high content of the reagent, it makes it possible to carry it out very early.
  • Systems with reservoirs - have a special container for sampling biomaterial. The only difference with the previous tests is that they are convenient to use.
  • Electronic - tests of a new generation. Thanks to the latest technology, they not only detect the hormone, but also determine its concentration. The test is equipped with a small electronic display that will indicate the gestational age. The only drawback is the high cost.

To make sure the test result is accurate, it is worth buying several options from different manufacturers. This will help to get an objective assessment. If, after a negative test, your period does not start, you should contact your gynecologist for advice.

The presence of a hormone in the urine is the first sign that a woman is pregnant. By the concentration of hCG, you can calculate the approximate day of conception, even without an ultrasound. But the presence of a hormone does not always mean pregnancy, its appearance can be a consequence of many problems in the body, including malignant tumors. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in conducting a test at home. Due to its availability and the availability of different options, every woman can determine pregnancy with a hCG test.