How to increase blood circulation in the brain. Preparations for improving cerebral circulation and improving memory.

I can be great addition to drug therapy. Such funds are good to use for prevention purposes. Plant components have a beneficial effect on the body, support human health. With the help of such drugs, you can improve the condition of blood vessels and their work.

Herbs as an aid in healing

Violation of cerebral circulation can occur in patients of different age groups but are more common in the elderly. Such disorders can occur in acute and chronic form. The method of treatment also depends on the form. The chronic form can be treated with medication and supportive care.

Folk remedies that improve cerebral circulation, mainly composed of herbal preparations. Dry grass is usually used, which is infused or made into a decoction.

Among the popular herbs that help treat problems with the vessels of the brain, there are:

  • celandine;
  • periwinkle;
  • hawthorn;
  • valerian;
  • coltsfoot;
  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • Walnut;
  • strawberries;
  • rowan bark;
  • plantain;
  • Golden mustache.

How to improve the condition with the help of the above herbs? Recipes traditional medicine quite a lot, they all have in common that they can be easily prepared at home. They gently affect the body, effectively eliminate health problems.

You can not use traditional medicine when serious pathologies. The effect of such treatment can only be in the chronic form of the disease and only in combination with traditional drugs, often nootropics.

Recipes for healthy vessels

Improve cerebral circulation folk remedies you can at home, just prepare the medicine with a simple recipe:

  • To cleanse the vessels, you can prepare a tincture on alcohol based. For cooking, you will need red clover, Siberian bloater root, Caucasian Dioscorea root. It is worth preparing the tincture in a large jar, with a volume of 3 liters. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions of 2 large spoons. First, the grass is poured, then the alcohol component is poured. This medicine is taken three times a day. The improving effect will be noticeable after the first course of taking the tincture.
  • It is possible to treat cerebrovascular insufficiency with the help of a decoction, which is prepared from periwinkle, hawthorn. Both fruits and leaves can be used. The process of preparing a decoction is as follows: 1 large spoonful of dry leaves is taken, poured with boiling water, brought to a boil. At the end of the cooking process, crushed fruits should be added, the hawthorn should be prepared in advance. The decoction should be insisted and taken half a cup three times a day.

  • To improve blood circulation, treatment with traditional medicine may also consist of pharmaceutical preparations. To do this, you must purchase alcohol tinctures hawthorn, peony, valerian, motherwort, eucalyptus and mint. All components must be mixed, adding cloves to them. Insist and drink 30 drops for 10 days.
  • Inadequate nutrition of brain cells can be compensated with lemon and coniferous decoction. You need to use the medicine 4 times a day for about 14 days.

If noted, it includes the use of traditional medicine and traditional drugs. Even "soft" traditional medicine has its contraindications, so you should seek the advice of a doctor.

The presence of a violation of the blood flow can manifest itself at any age. Exist different medicines to improve cerebral circulation. They can be recommended not only to the elderly, but also to fairly young patients. Many people may experience cerebrovascular accident. Medications certain type can significantly help to improve it.

Description of signs of circulatory disorders

The manifestation of memory loss is the most obvious symptom of a violation of the functionality of blood flow in the vessels of the brain. This is important to know. As a result, at the first symptoms of this pathology, it is necessary to take medications to improve cerebral circulation. They will help fix this issue. In this case, the implementation of any medication should be carried out only after a certain examination. Currently, there are no such drugs that would act exclusively on cerebral circulation. How to improve it, we will consider further. Nevertheless, there are such remedies that affect the general blood circulation to a lesser extent.

They take drugs of a certain category to cure cerebrovascular accident. When they are accepted, the following changes occur:

  • The supply of an impulse in the nerves increases.
  • Are removed free radicals that contribute to the destruction of cell walls.
  • Improving
  • Better penetration and absorption of glucose in cells of the nervous type.
  • There is a recovery process after a stroke and injuries.
  • Improves blood supply to the brain.

What drugs to improve cerebral circulation?

Tools of this type may be based on medicinal herbs or exclusively chemical composition. At the same time, some drugs to improve cerebral circulation can be taken without a medical prescription. The use of other drugs is allowed only on the recommendation of specialists and under their careful supervision.

- Bilobil.

It is possible to take such drugs that improve cerebral circulation without a prescription. The list of drugs in this category is listed above.

The following drugs must be discussed with a qualified specialist:

- Phenotropil.

- Piracetam.

- Picamelon.

- Encephabol.

- "Actovegin".

- Eastenon.

- Phenibut.

Quite good results are given by medicines for improving cerebral circulation, based on the alkaloid of a plant such as periwinkle. For example, Vinpocetine. This remedy has an antispasmodic effect and provides an effective expansion and improvement of microcirculation in the vessels.

"Cinnarizine" and "Nimodilin" are the best medicines to improve cerebral circulation, least of all affecting the functionality of the main blood flow and acting exclusively on the brain area.

Preventive drugs

Activities with the means of this nature are important. They will help you more long-term preservation mental activity and, in the distance, problems associated with circulatory disorders in the brain. To such active ingredients can be attributed:

Acetylsalicylic acid.




Good reviews have such a medicine as Phezam. Its action is vasodilating, antihypoxic, nootropic.

Aspirin can be attributed to the simplest prophylactic. It contributes to a good blood thinning and a decrease in thrombosis. It is prescribed even with a very severe degree of the disease. However, attention should be paid to the fact that this medicine to improve cerebral circulation - acetylsalicylic acid. It is contraindicated in:

stomach ulcer;

Various bleeding;

Fragility of blood vessels.

As a result, it is very important to consult a physician to determine the necessary prophylactic doses.

Folk remedies to improve cerebral circulation

At this disease there are manifestations of unpleasant, and sometimes life-threatening symptoms. IN this case You can help the patient by resorting to some recipes of traditional medicine. Let's take a look at each of them next.

hawthorn and periwinkle

For correct reception certain actions must be taken. It is necessary to grind the leaves of the periwinkle. Then you need to take one spoonful of tea grass and pour boiling water (1/2 l). After that, the composition should be put on a small fire, bring it to a boil. Boil should be 5 minutes. Next, you need to add one tablespoon of the leaves and remove from the fire. It is necessary to insist the composition for 2-3 hours. Then, half a cup, you need to take this composition before meals for 60 minutes. For achievement positive effect regular intake of this remedy is necessary. It well regulates cerebral hemodynamics.


In the preparation of this drink, there are also peculiar criteria. To do this, you need to take the crushed dry grass of celandine (one tablespoon) and pour it boiled water(1 glass). This composition insist 15 minutes. After that, it should be filtered. You need to take the composition 3 times a day, two tbsp. l. Treatment must be carried out for 21 days. Then there is a break. When taking this remedy, strict adherence to the dosage is extremely important. Use this drink in a certain case, namely when a stroke occurred.


In this case, there are two methods. They are as follows:

Valerian root (1 tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (one glass). This composition is insisted for 8 hours. This drink is taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon each. The dosage must also be observed here.

Alcohol tincture of valerian must be inhaled at night. This procedure will fix nervous system and also help you sleep.


This recipe pretty simple. Chopped elecampane root (1 tablespoon) must be poured into a glass hot water. This composition should be insisted for one day. Take the infusion before meals thirty minutes a day 4 times 2 or 3 tbsp. l.


There is nothing difficult in preparing this recipe either. One tablespoon of oregano is poured with two glasses of boiled water. Insist composition for half an hour. Take this drink in half a glass with each meal.


The crushed leaves of this herb (1 teaspoon) must be poured with boiled water (1 cup). Insist the composition of 5 hours. It is necessary to take a drink a day 3 times in half a glass.

Pine cones

The preparation of this remedy requires certain actions. It is necessary to collect 10-12 pieces in the forest. fallen green cones. Then rinse them thoroughly under running water. After that, they are crushed and poured with vodka or alcohol (0.5 l). The resulting composition is infused in a thermos for 14 days. To take this remedy, you need to dilute it with 1 teaspoon in one glass of tea. The treatment process in this case lasts a week. Then there is a break for a month.

Mother and stepmother

The crushed leaves of this herb (one tablespoon) must be brewed in boiling water (1 cup). This composition should be insisted for 30 minutes. Consume this remedy before meals 60 minutes one tbsp. spoon.

alfalfa seeds

Here, too, certain proportions must be observed. Alfalfa seeds (1 teaspoon) must be poured with boiling water (100 ml). Drink this drink before eating 30 minutes. This remedy must be taken 3 times a day. Namely, in the morning, afternoon and evening for nine months. After that, you need to take a break for 30 days. Then the treatment course is repeated. This drink provides memory recovery.

Gathering #1

In this case, it is necessary to mix ingredients such as veronica (10 g), lemon balm (10 g), strawberry leaves (30 g), hawthorn fruits and flowers (40 g). Then 1st. a spoonful of this composition should be steamed with boiling water (300 ml). This collection must be used daily. Honey can be added if desired. This recipe must be used when cerebral circulation is impaired against the background of atherosclerosis.

Mix "Magic"

In this case, it is necessary to grind 500 g of cranberries (you can also take frozen ones). Honey (350 g) and finely grated horseradish root (150 g) should be added to it. This mixture knocked down by a mixer. After that, it must be poured into jars and put in the refrigerator. The use of this mixture is carried out after a meal per day 3 times 3 teaspoons, while drinking hot tea. The dosage of honey can be increased to 500 g. When using this mixture, memory is restored, cerebral circulation is stabilized, and immunity is increased.

Means that improve peripheral circulation

Let's consider this point in more detail. Peripheral circulation is in:

Small veins and arteries;



Venules of postcapillary type;


Exist the following drugs to improve peripheral circulation:

1) Products based on low molecular weight dextran. These drugs help to attract additional blood volumes from the intercellular space to the appropriate channel. For example, the drugs "Reopoliglyukin" and "Reomacrodex". Means in this category improve blood flow.

2) Preparations stabilizing microcirculation. These are the so-called angioprotectors. They contribute to the normalization of capillary permeability, as well as to the improvement of metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels. For example, Persantin, Curantil, Flexital, Trental, Radomin, Vasonit, Doxy-chem, Pentoxifylline.

3) Preparations based on prostaglandin E1. These funds help to improve blood flow, microcirculation, elasticity of red blood cells. They increase anticoagulant blood activity. Also, these drugs dilate blood vessels, resulting in a decrease in their peripheral resistance and blood pressure. For example, "Vazaprostan".

4) Calcium type channel blockers. They help to improve the microcirculation of blood vessels in the brain. They have a cerebroprotective effect. These drugs are used to improve cerebral circulation: Kordafen, Kordaflex, Nimotop, Cinnarizin, Logimaks, Stugeron, Arifon, Adalat, Brainal, Kordipin, Grindeke “, “Kortiazem”, “Diacordin”, “Nafadil”, “Tsinnasan”, “Lacipil”, “Norvax”, “Nifekard”, “Cinedil”, “Foridon”, “Nemotan”, “Stamlo”, “Plendil”.

5) Myotropic antispasmodics. Drugs in this category dilate blood vessels, increasing cerebral blood flow. They are highly effective in vascular spasms in the brain. This is an important property. If the vessels are affected by atherosclerosis, then the effectiveness of these drugs is manifested to a lesser extent. The disadvantage of these funds (with the exception of "Cavinton") is the presence of the phenomenon of "robbery". That is, they dilate predominantly intact vessels, while reducing blood flow through the starving areas of the brain. “Galidor”, “No-shpa”, “Drotaverin”, “Mydocalm”, “Cavinton”, “Nikospan”, “Eufillin”, “Spazmol”.

6) Phytopreparations. These are natural raw materials. The effect of drugs in this category, unlike synthetic drugs, develops much more slowly. In this case, the manifestation therapeutic effect promoted by a combination of certain compounds. Means of this group are effective in the occurrence of diseases in the cerebral vessels and the manifestation of obliterating ailments in lower limbs(“Tanakan”, “Bilobil”).

7) Ganglioblockers. These funds contribute to the expansion of arterioles, small veins, venules. Due to this, a decrease in blood pressure is provided (“Pahikarpin”, “Dimekolin”, “Pentamine”, “Camphonium”, “Pyrilene”, “Temekhin”).

8) Bioflavonoids. Preparations of this category help to improve blood fluidity due to the fact that with their help the elasticity of red blood cells increases. They also ensure the normalization of capillary blood flow (“Antoksid”, “Troxevasin”, “Venoruton”).

9) Alpha-blockers. They contribute to the expansion of the vessels of the intestines, kidneys, skin, especially precapillaries and arterioles, reducing their overall resistance. At the same time, there is an improvement in the blood supply to peripheral tissues. These are the drugs "Prazosin", "Sermion", "Pirroxan", "Nilogrin", "Fentolamine".

10) Dopamine receptor stimulants. These drugs have vasodilating effects. This is done by stimulating dopamine receptors. Preparations of this type help to increase blood flow in the vessels located in the lower extremities ("Pronoran").


After reviewing the foregoing, everyone will be able to find out what means exist that improve cerebral circulation. The medication guide referenced in this text will help you with this issue.

Almost all vascular preparations to improve blood circulation in the brain developed on the basis of innovative technologies. They include an unusually large number of new components that help the vessels of the brain to recover.

Violation of cerebral circulation, of course, cannot lead to anything good. Gradually this problem began to be carefully studied by specialists of various levels, which led to the understanding that with the help of various drugs it is possible to achieve that cerebral circulation will be significantly improved. It does not even matter here whether these violations are caused by injuries or systemic diseases organism - the result will be the most positive.

Please note that there is no reason to relax, because a violation of cerebral circulation leads to such diseases that it becomes even creepy.

The cost of your inaction

To begin with, you need to understand that the cost of your inaction is quite high, because the lack of proper blood circulation in the brain, the lack of actions on your part to improve this blood circulation will lead to the fact that you are waiting for blood clots, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, hypertonic disease and guaranteed stress and anxiety for the rest of your life. Hardly anyone wants to live in such a state.

If before it was only possible to hope for a miracle, then modern medicine helps to take the situation under your personal control, for which there are a variety of drugs that will significantly improve very important processes occurring inside the human body.

Modern medicines to improve memory and cerebral circulation are very effective. We can say that the effect of the remedy on the human body is so serious that sometimes there is some weakness. Drugs that improve microcirculation are being developed, but the latest technologies using unique components and substances. If you really want to get rid of various types pathologies and circulatory disorders, then you definitely need to undergo drug therapy.

You need to constantly monitor your health. Almost all diseases are directly related to impaired blood supply to the brain and organs. Any difficulties should be solved using unique drugs that can really help you. Next, the main categories of medicines, their actions and properties will be considered. You need to take pills only with the consent of the doctor and prior consultation with him.

Vasodilating drugs

One of the key types medicines are vasodilators. This is logical, because these funds will help to significantly improve blood flow, which will allow brain cells to work quite actively and, as you understand, quite effectively. The improvement of blood supply will be of very high quality, you will have the opportunity to feel the influx of strength and the opportunity to return to a full life.

It is very important that pharmachologic effect leads to the prevention oxygen starvation that it is possible to significantly improve the supply nutrients in the right areas - you will be really happy with it.

With the help of such drugs, without any side effects, we can take the situation under full control, so immediately after consulting with the doctor, if he approved your initiative, you need to get down to business, because every day is very important.

If you need drugs of this type, then pay attention to potassium antagonists. To improve cerebral circulation, these drugs have been used for a long time and with very a high degree efficiency. Pay attention to enough important detail- it's not about the fact that the study of this area and the creation of drugs here have just begun, but that you have the opportunity to use the third generation of these tools, the effectiveness of which can be called simply phenomenal.

The tone of the venous vessels does not decrease, and potassium antagonists help to improve blood circulation by expanding the elastic arteries, or rather, even by relaxing their muscle wall. This allows you to get a guaranteed result, get rid of a possible addiction and allow a person to control the situation himself, because in fact a person gets rid of dependence on a doctor and decides for himself what to do.

Preparations based on herbal ingredients

Preparations based on herbal ingredients just couldn't stay without really great attention to yourself. Indeed, as a means of preventing cerebrovascular accidents, these drugs are simply amazing in their effectiveness. It cannot be said that their development was given to specialists so simply, but it must be admitted that the quality of the work done was simply amazing. Now we see products that are really created from herbal ingredients, but at the same time have a minimum number of contraindications and amazing effectiveness.

It is very important that, after passing a huge number of tests, it was decided that some of this kind of drugs can be produced without a doctor's prescription, that is, they can be used exactly as prophylactic and do it when you want.

Especially in this category, it is necessary to highlight drugs based on vinca alkaloids, which have received simply amazing popularity based on really high-quality care. These funds help to significantly improve the metabolism in brain cells. In addition, blocking the possible formation of blood clots is quite effectively performed, and cerebral circulation is also improved.

Keep in mind that distinguishing feature of this kind of drugs lies in the fact that without prior consultation it is impossible to use them in any case.

And in general, this area is so complicated that without the advice of specialists it is advised not to do anything at all. Remember that the brain alone is much less studied than the rest of the body put together. While experts can help you prevent and treat existing disease, the reality is that very little is known about the brain.

Preparations based on nicotinic acid

IN last years, drugs based on nicotinic acid continue to receive incredible popularity. You can take them only after a full examination and consultation with a doctor, but the likelihood that they will be prescribed to you is really high. We are talking about the fact that these funds without any side effects will help to significantly improve cerebral circulation and stop the terrible destructive processes that could cause early start severe diseases.

More and more more people owe their lives to these drugs, which protect their brains from negative consequences accelerated pace of life, poor nutrition and disgusting ecology of modern civilizations.

It is important to understand here that the drugs belonging to this group are completely unique, because they do not affect large vessels at all. These drugs act on the capillaries, providing a vasodilating effect. In this way, we can get the widest possible distribution of the effect of this drug.

In the case of taking these particular drugs, there is no risk that one area of ​​the brain will begin to receive the required amount of blood, and the other - insufficient.

If this happens, doctors begin a very long and complicated process of finding the causes of what happened, but in this case it can be really confidently eliminated. In addition, the use of nicotinic acid leads to the fact that the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. It turns out just striking effect, in which we expand blood flows, but at the same time make them stronger - a sort of 2-in-1 effect.

Once again, we recall that self-treatment with the help of such means is completely impossible. Treatment should be by injection courses, which should be performed under medical supervision. Only in rare cases, the patient is prescribed tablet treatment, if he does not tolerate injections, he is afraid of injections.

Preparations for strengthening the walls of blood vessels

This category of drugs is simply huge, which allows, if desired, the level knowledge and experience, to choose what is 100% suitable for you, along with all the features of the body. A huge number of drugs belonging to this category, which is already clear from the name, have only one goal - to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This is not easy to achieve, because a huge number of complex studies have been carried out that have made it possible to achieve the desired result.

This result turned out to be an opportunity to work out a really effective principle of influence. Over the years of development of these drugs, it was possible to get rid of side effects, it was possible to add various vitamins and minerals to the preparations, which turn one tablet into a whole complex of effective and useful measures, which was not there before.

It is important to note here that both doctors and ordinary citizens leave a huge amount of information about these drugs. positive feedback, recommend them to their friends and it really works. We can say that this is the real dream of absolutely any doctor - the ability to cure a person without any negative consequences, the ability to do this even before the disease strikes. You will strengthen the walls of blood vessels to improve their elasticity, so that the body does everything as naturally and literally effortlessly.

It is very important that if you decide to use these drugs in order to improve the condition of your body, use them all the same in advance, and not after things have already gone bad.

It would seem, what could be simpler than this obvious recommendation? In fact, it is extremely rarely observed, so you need to pay attention and overcome the desire to postpone everything for a new and new day, finally get down to business and correct the state of affairs in which you find yourself.

Nootropic drugs

Nootropics have only recently been able to really prove their worth. Of all the product categories listed here, they are the most complex, because they are based on scientific achievements of recent years, which have not yet been brought close to perfection. Please note that these drugs are based on knowledge about the stimulation of metabolism, about the work of the nervous tissue.

Now you have the opportunity to use drugs, the accuracy of the impact on the body of which can be called absolutely phenomenal. Among the results of the work of these drugs, for example, one can note the fact that they significantly increase the resistance of the brain to a lack of oxygen, and this is a really serious problem.

Hypoxia leads to the fact that a huge number of people lose efficiency, feel weakness, nausea in a stuffy room, and cannot do anything really high quality. With the help of these drugs and a really responsible approach to their use, you can get rid of this problem.

In addition, nootropic drugs significantly increase intellectual ability of a person, strengthen memory, which allows you to achieve very, very much, with which you, in turn, will be quite satisfied. Please note that these preparations contain natural amino acids, and this additional list positive impacts.

It is important to note that these drugs are one of the most versatile. Their ability to really effectively apply in in large numbers various conditions has led to the fact that in recent years the popularity and demand for nootropic drugs has increased several times.

Pay attention to the fact that it is these funds that help the body protect itself or recover from vascular dementia, coma, chronic cerebral ischemia.

The list of these terrible ailments can be continued for a long time, but now the main thing is that you will be provided with the most professional help which you will be very pleased with. Now, if the doctor prescribes this remedy for you after analyzing all the examinations, you can sleep peacefully - nootropic drugs will help everyone, regardless of the complexity of the condition in which the person finds himself.

Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents

A separate category of drugs is anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. Their idea is quite interesting, understandable, incredibly effective in practice. We are talking about the fact that these drugs were created in order to achieve a decrease in blood viscosity. Indeed, an improvement in blood flow leads to the fact that cerebral circulation is normalized.

It cannot be said that the implementation of this approach was so simple, but the result was fixed and this is the main thing. Now it is possible to fight for the restoration of health, for the normalization of blood circulation and at the same time not to spend big money, avoid side effects, just feel confident using the most effective means of the possible.

It is important to understand here that before using these tools, it is imperative to undergo an examination and experiment is not necessary. Particular attention is paid to the risk of transient ischemic attacks. If there is such a risk, then the funds cannot be used. You should not be afraid of this, because the specialist will definitely select something different and effective for you.

Note that antiplatelet agents simply perfectly cope with the task of blocking the formation of blood clots and blocking the development of thromboembolism - this is practically unique property, which otherwise can only be obtained through a combination of various drugs.

In the event that the doctor has given you a recommendation to use these particular drugs, you can relax a bit, because this means that the doctor has analyzed many tests and concluded that you are not close to dangerous state, but still you need to help the body cope with a potential threat. In addition, you will be assigned a follow-up control, which will allow you to strictly individually determine how long this remedy will need to be used.

Remember that there will be no need to take the medicine for a long time, because this category of drugs quickly enough reduces blood clotting, improves microcirculation in the capillaries.

Medicines also have different indicators of action. Some cannot be used for a long time, others should only be used in combination with auxiliary medications.

All this has great value for human body. After reading the instructions for use, you can immediately get the proper help. That is, the main treatment factors are indicated precisely in the document that comes with the medicine.

homeopathic remedies

Don't end up on your own big group but still useful homeopathic remedies. This should include golden iodine and other means of this kind. The fact is that they do not fix the problem, but they help very well as additional remedy. For example, it is golden iodine that helps to perfectly cope with tinnitus, headaches, unsteady gait, memory loss. Despite the fact that the tool is only an auxiliary one, without it it is really possible to achieve good results it would be either impossible or much more difficult, because its value is great.