The perfect composition of a school uniform. Look good in school uniform for girls

Tomorrow is the first of September !!! Inspired ... I reviewed a lot of material, decided to put it together somehow. Here's what happened

History of school uniforms in USSR and R Russia

If you remember the Soviet times and school years, then many people immediately have associations with school uniforms. Some recall her as brown with white collars, some in blue. Some remember smart white aprons, while others remember big bows on their heads. But everyone agrees with the fact that during the Soviet era, school uniforms were compulsory, and the question of whether or not to wear a uniform was not up for debate. On the contrary, for non-observance of school discipline was severely punished. The memory of the school uniform of the USSR still lives on.

School uniforms in Russia have a rich history.

Until 1917, it was a class sign, since only children of wealthy parents could afford to study at the gymnasium: nobles, intellectuals and large industrialists.
The exact date of the introduction of the school uniform in Russia1834 year. It was in this year that a law was passed that approved a separate type of civilian uniform. These included high school and student uniforms of a military style: invariably caps, tunics and overcoats, which differed only in color, piping, buttons and emblems.
The introduction of uniforms for students in educational institutions of tsarist Russia is primarily due to the fact that these institutions were state-owned. In those days, all civil servants were required to wear uniforms corresponding to their rank and rank, according to the "Table of Ranks". So, all teachers in state educational institutions (gymnasiums) wore uniform frock coats. Based on this, it was a natural introduction for students of uniforms.
The uniform was worn not only in the gymnasium, but also on the street, at home, during celebrations and holidays. She was a source of pride. In all educational institutions there was a uniform.
Caps were usually light blue with three white edging, and with a black peak, and a crumpled cap with a broken peak was considered a special chic among the boys. In winter, headphones and a hood in the color of natural camel hair, trimmed with gray braid, were added to it.
Usually the students wore a blue cloth tunic with silver raised buttons, belted with a black lacquered belt with a silver buckle, and black trousers without piping. There was also an output form: a dark blue or dark gray single-breasted uniform with a collar trimmed with silver galloon. The knapsack was an invariable attribute of the gymnasium students.
Until 1917, the shape of the uniform changed several times (1855, 1868, 1896 and 1913)according to fashion trends. But all this time, the boys' uniforms fluctuated on the verge of a civilian military suit.

At the same time, women's education began to develop. Therefore, a student uniform for girls was required. In 1896, a provision appeared on the gymnasium uniform for girls. The pupils of the famous Smolny Institute were ordered to wear dresses of certain colors, depending on the age of the pupils. For pupils 6 - 9 years old - brown (coffee), 9 - 12 years old - blue, 12 - 15 years old - gray and 15 - 18 years old - white.

To attend the gymnasium, they had three types of clothing provided for by the charter:
1. "Obligatory uniform for daily attendance", which consisted of a brown woolen dress and a black woolen apron.
2.Dark formal dresses with pleated knee-length skirts.
3. On holidays - a white apron.Girls always wore braids with bows.
The charter required "to keep the dress clean, neat, not to wear it at home, to smooth it out and keep the white collar clean on a daily basis."
The dress uniform consisted of the same dress, a white apron and an elegant lace collar. In full dress schoolgirls attended the theater, the Eleninskaya church on holidays, and went to it on Christmas and New Year's evenings. Also, "no one was forbidden to have a separate dress of any model and cut, if the parents' funds allowed such a luxury."

The color scheme was different for each educational institution.
For example, from the memoirs of Valentina Savitskaya, a graduate of Gymnasium No. 36 in 1909, we know that the color of the fabric of the girls' dresses was different, depending on age: for the younger ones it was dark blue, for 12-14-year-olds it was almost the color of a sea wave and the graduates have brown. And the pupils of the famous Smolny Institute were prescribed to wear dresses of other colors, depending on the age of the pupils: for pupils 6 - 9 years old - brown (coffee), 9 - 12 years old - blue, 12 - 15 years old - gray and 15 - 18 years old - white.

However, shortly after the revolution, as part of the struggle against bourgeois vestiges and the legacy of the tsarist police regime, a decree was issued in 1918 abolishing the wearing of school uniforms. Undoubtedly, in the early years of the Soviet state, wearing school uniforms was an unaffordable luxury in a country ravaged by world war, revolution and civil war.

From the memoirs of Valentina Savitskaya, a graduate of gymnasium No. 36 in 1909: “The old uniform was considered a symbol of belonging to the upper classes (there was even a contemptuous nickname for a sentimental girl -“ schoolgirl ”). It was believed that the form symbolizes the unfreedom, humiliated, servile position of the student. But this rejection of the form had another, more understandable reason - poverty. The students went to school in whatever their parents could provide. "
From the point of view of the "class struggle", the old form was considered a symbol of belonging to the upper classes (there was even a contemptuous nickname for a sentimental girl - "schoolgirl"). On the other hand, the form symbolized the absolute lack of freedom of the student, his humiliated and servile position.
The official explanations were as follows: the form demonstrates the lack of freedom of the student, humiliates him. And in fact, the country at that time simply did not have the financial ability to dress a huge number of children in uniform. Pupils went to school in whatever their parents could provide them, and the state at that moment was actively fighting against devastation, class enemies and remnants of the past.

1945 M. Nesterova. "Study perfectly!"

Shot from the movie "Two Captains"

The period of "formlessness" lasted until 1948.School uniforms become mandatory again.The new uniform was reminiscent of the old school uniforms. From now on, boys were required to wear gray military tunics with a stand-up collar, with five buttons, with two welt pockets with flaps on the chest. The element of the school uniform was also a belt with a buckle and a cap with a leather visor, which the children wore on the street. The girls are brown woolen dresses with a black apron tied at the back with a bow. It was then that white "holiday" aprons and sewn-on collars and cuffs appeared. On ordinary days, it was supposed to wear black or brown bows, with a white apron - white (even in such cases, white tights were welcome).Even the hairstyle had to meet the requirements of puritanical morality - "model haircuts" were strictly prohibited until the end of the 50s, not to mention hair coloring. Girls always wore braids with bows.

At the same time, symbols became an attribute among students of youth: for pioneers - a red tie, for Komsomol members and Octobrists - a badge on the chest.

You had to know how to tie a pioneer tie.

The school uniform of the era of I. V. Stalin can be seen in the films "First Grader", "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character" and "Vasyok Trubachev and his comrades":

The first Soviet school uniform existed until 1962. In the 1962 academic year, caps with a cockade, waist belts with a large buckle had already disappeared in men's school uniforms, and gymnasts were changed to gray woolen suits with four buttons. Hairstyles were strictly regulated - under a typewriter, as in the army. And the girls' uniform remained the same.

On the side of the sleeve, a soft plastic emblem was sewn with a painted open textbook and a rising sun.

October and Komsomol badges remained a mandatory addition to the school uniform. The pioneers have added a badge to the pioneer tie. Other types of badges have appeared, including awards and commemoratives.

We can see schoolchildren of the late 1960s in the cult film We'll Live Until Monday, as well as in the films Deniskin's Tales, The Old Man Hottabych, and others.

The 1968 season Models magazine describes a new school uniform that "was about to be introduced as compulsory in all Soviet schools."

The school uniform did not appear yesterday. After a period of chaos in school clothes, everything returns to its own circles: simplicity, practicality, expediency. These are the dominants and factors that the school uniform is subject to today. We used to wear our school uniforms with pride and it was not a problem for us that they all have the same. We valued knowledge, not gloss. Who knows, maybe it was right ...

Today, looking at the first graders hurrying with their bouquets to school, at their first lesson in my life, I noticed what an amazing shape they are now.

And I immediately remembered my first class, my bows and a white apron ...

No, my form was better, dearer, closer ..

How did the school uniform change?

The exact date of the introduction of the school uniform in Russia is 1834.

It was in this year that a law was passed that approved a separate type of civilian uniform.

These included gymnasium and student uniforms.

The introduction of uniforms for students in educational institutions of tsarist Russia is primarily due to the fact that these institutions were state-owned. In those days, all civil servants were required to wear uniforms corresponding to their rank and rank, according to the "Table of Ranks". So, all teachers in state educational institutions (gymnasiums) wore uniform frock coats. Based on this, it was a natural introduction for students of uniforms.

The schoolboy's costume distinguished the teenager from those children who did not study, or could not afford to study. The uniform of the gymnasium students was a class characteristic, because only the children of noblemen, intellectuals and large industrialists studied in the gymnasiums. The uniform was worn not only in the gymnasium, but also on the street, at home, during celebrations and holidays. She was a source of pride. In all educational institutions, the uniform was of a military style: invariably caps, tunics and overcoats, which differed only in color, edging, buttons and emblems.

Caps were usually light blue with three white edging, and with a black peak, and a crumpled cap with a broken peak was considered a special chic among the boys. In winter, headphones and a hood in the color of natural camel hair, trimmed with gray braid, were added to it.

Usually the students wore a blue cloth tunic with silver raised buttons, belted with a black lacquered belt with a silver buckle, and black trousers without piping. There was also an output form: a dark blue or dark gray single-breasted uniform with a collar trimmed with silver galloon. The knapsack was an invariable attribute of the gymnasium students.

Girls uniform

To attend the gymnasium, they had three types of clothing provided by the charter. First, the "must-have uniform for daily attendance," which consisted of a brown woolen dress and a black woolen apron. The charter required "to keep the dress clean, neat, not to wear it at home, to smooth it out and keep the white collar clean on a daily basis." The dress uniform consisted of the same dress, a white apron and an elegant lace collar.

In full dress schoolgirls attended the theater, the Eleninskaya church on holidays, and went to it on Christmas and New Year's evenings. Also, "no one was forbidden to have a separate dress of any model and cut, if the parents' funds allowed such a luxury."

But the color scheme was different for each educational institution:

we know that the color of the fabric of the dresses of the schoolgirls was different, depending on the age: for the younger ones it was dark blue, for 12-14-year-olds it was almost aqua, and for the graduates it was brown. And the pupils of the famous Smolny Institute were ordered to wear dresses of other colors, depending on the age of the pupils. For pupils 6 - 9 years old - brown (coffee), 9 - 12 years old - blue, 12 - 15 years old - gray and 15 - 18 years old - white.

However, shortly after the revolution, as part of the struggle against bourgeois vestiges and the legacy of the tsarist police regime, a decree was issued in 1918 abolishing the wearing of school uniforms. Undoubtedly, in the early years of the Soviet state, wearing school uniforms was an unaffordable luxury in a country ravaged by world war, revolution and civil war.

From the memoirs of a graduate of 1909 gymnasium number 36 Valentina Savitskaya:

»The old uniform was considered a symbol of belonging to the upper classes (there was even a contemptuous nickname for a sentimental girl -" schoolgirl "). It was believed that the form symbolizes the unfreedom, humiliated, servile position of the student. But this rejection of the form had another, more understandable reason - poverty. The students went to school in whatever their parents could provide. "

The official explanations were as follows: the form demonstrates the lack of freedom of the student, humiliates him. And in fact, the country at that time simply did not have the financial ability to dress a huge number of children in uniform.

However, over time, when the era of experimentation gave way to other realities, it was decided to return to its former image - to brown strict dresses, aprons, student jackets and turn-down collars. It happened in 1948, during the period of general “dressing up”, when department after department was dressed in uniform. The school uniform of the 1948 model actually copied the style of the uniform of the classical gymnasiums - both in color, and in cut, and in accessories.

She lived until the end of the 1962 academic year.

First-graders-boys in September 1962 went to school in a new uniform - without caps with a badge, without waist belts with a massive buckle, without tunics. The uniform for girls has barely changed

Brown woolen dresses with a black apron. It is worth noting that, in general, the school uniform for girls of the Stalin era was similar to the school uniform of tsarist Russia.

It was then that white "festive" aprons and sewn-on collars and cuffs appeared - over time, only the style changed somewhat, but not the general essence of the girls' form. On ordinary days, it was supposed to wear black or brown bows, with a white apron - white (even in such cases, white tights were welcome).

The boys were dressed in gray military tunics with a stand-up collar, with five buttons, with two welt pockets with flaps on the chest. The element of the school uniform was also a belt with a buckle and a cap with a leather visor, which the guys wore on the street.

At the same time, symbols became an attribute among students of youth: for pioneers - a red tie, for Komsomol members and Octobrists - a badge on the chest. In addition, in 1944, separate education was introduced, which, however, was abandoned in 1954.

The severity of the morals of the Stalin era extended, of course, to school life. The most insignificant experiments with the length or other parameters of the school uniform were severely punished by the administration of the educational institution.

Even the hairstyle had to meet the requirements of puritanical morality - "model haircuts" until the late 1950s were strictly banned, not to mention hair coloring. Girls always wore braids with bows. The school uniform of the era of JV Stalin can be seen in the films "First Grader", "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character", and "Vasyok Trubachev and his comrades."


The "warming" of the regime did not immediately affect the democratization of school uniforms, however, it did happen.

The cut of the uniform became more in line with the fashion trends that took place in the 1960s. True, only boys were lucky (we can see schoolchildren of the late 1960s in the cult film "We'll Live Until Monday")

For boys, from the mid-1970s, gray woolen trousers and jackets were replaced by blue half-woolen trousers and jackets. The cut of the jackets resembled classic denim jackets (the so-called "denim fashion" was gaining momentum in the world) with shoulder straps and breast pockets with brace-shaped flaps ()). The jacket was fastened with aluminum buttons.

On the side of the sleeve was an emblem (chevron) made of soft plastic with a drawn open textbook and a rising sun - a symbol of enlightenment.

1980s: Perestroika in action

In the early 1980s, the high school uniform was introduced. (This uniform began to be worn from the eighth grade). Girls from first to seventh grade wore a brown dress, as in the previous period. Only it was not much higher than the knees.

For high school boys, trousers and a jacket were replaced by a trouser suit. The color of the fabric was still blue. There was also an emblem on the sleeve in blue. On this emblem, in addition to the sun and an open book, there was a stylized image of an atom.

Very often the emblem was cut off, as it did not look very aesthetically pleasing, especially after some time - the paint on the plastic began to wear off. There were also very rare embossed-convex emblems made of plastic on a fabric basis. They did not lose color and looked very elegant.

In the 1980s, as school uniform enforcement became less stringent, some schoolchildren replaced the standard emblems with army sleeve patches.

For girls, a three-piece blue suit was introduced in 1984, consisting of a trapeze skirt with pleats in the front, a jacket with patch pockets (without the sleeve emblem) and a vest. The skirt could be worn with either a jacket or a vest, or the whole suit at once. In 1988, for Leningrad, regions of Siberia and the Far North, it was allowed to wear blue trousers in the winter.

Members of children's and youth communist organizations (Octobrists, pioneers and Komsomol members) had to wear the Oktyabryat, Pioneer and Komsomol badges, respectively, and the pioneers had to wear a Pioneer tie.

Since all the pupils of the elementary grades without exception were octotes, almost all (with the rarest exceptions in the form of inveterate hooligans and poor students) were pioneers and most of the senior pupils were Komsomol members, badges and a pioneer tie were practically an obligatory addition to school uniforms. In addition to the usual pioneer badge, there was a special option for pioneers actively involved in community service. It was slightly larger than usual and had the inscription "For active work" on it.

School uniforms from the 1980s can be seen, for example, in the films Guest from the Future, Adventures of Electronics (junior school uniform with red stripe), School Waltz and Plumbum, or Dangerous Game (high school uniform with blue stripe) ...

At the end of the 1980s, school uniforms, especially for men in large sizes, fell into a deficit in a number of regions of the USSR. One of the reasons for this was that school uniforms have traditionally been very cheap, compared to ordinary trousers, jackets and jackets of similar quality, while its material was of very high quality and durable. Therefore, in conditions of an ever worsening financial situation, adults began to buy it as everyday and work clothes. The planned volumes of the release of the form were not designed for this, the form became in short supply, and it, like many other things, began to be sold according to coupons that were issued to the student at the place of study.

Modern Russia

The compulsory wearing of a school uniform in Russia was canceled in the spring of 1992.

In modern Russia there is no uniform school uniform, as it was in the USSR, but many lyceums and gymnasiums, especially the most prestigious ones, as well as some schools have their own form, emphasizing the belonging of students to one or another educational institution. A number of schools do not have an officially adopted form, but the form can be introduced at the class level, in agreement with the parents of the pupils (usually such a "class" form is introduced in the lower grades). In addition, dress codes may apply in educational institutions that do not have a school uniform.

It is customary for school graduates to wear Soviet school uniforms on the Last Bell

The uniform for modern schoolchildren and their parents has become a common phenomenon, although not long ago the question of the introduction of a dress code in educational institutions caused indignation. And all because stereotypes associated with children's school clothes from the times of the USSR are firmly entrenched in the minds of parents. What kind of uniform do modern schoolchildren wear?

Types of clothes for girls

As a rule, girls go to hkosha in:

  • sundress;
  • skirt;
  • the dress;
  • trousers;
  • a two-piece or three-piece suit.

Depending on the occasion, the weather and, of course, the preferences of the little student, the basic set is complemented by a blouse, raglan, turtleneck. Girls can wear a jumper instead of a jacket. Primary school students feel comfortable just in sundresses and skirts with turtlenecks, while clothes for teenagers are more like a women's business suit: the classic style makes school uniforms fashionable at all times.

School clothes for boys

School uniforms for boys are less diverse. Primary and high school students adhere to the following dress code requirements:

  • strict trousers;
  • shirt or turtleneck;
  • vest or jacket;
  • in the cold season, school clothes for boys are complemented by a jumper.

Important little things

Having learned the general about the school uniform, you need to study the nuances:

  • not only the cut of the clothes is important, but also the size. Clothes for the school are not bought “for growth”: the child should be comfortable, nothing should distract him from his studies;
  • outfits are casual and festive. Every day, under a sundress or with a skirt and trousers, you can wear pastel shades, and on holidays a white blouse or shirt looks beautiful with a school uniform;
  • in addition to clothes, you need to buy shoes. School shoes for girls - ballet flats or sandals for warm weather. It's good if they are on a small heel. Boys' shoes are shoes and sandals. Choose models made of genuine leather, do not forget that the child will walk in such shoes for 6-8 hours;
  • remember the little things: tights for girls, ties, underpants for the winter for boys.

Modern children are happy to wear a uniform, because they feel more mature in it. For parents, the advantages of a business style are that there is no need to think about what to put on the child, how to make sure that the son or daughter does not feel constrained by the fact that they do not look like their classmates. And this is the main thing, because self-confidence is the key to successful studies!

Every year, many parents at the end of summer will have to solve an important question: how to choose and purchase high-quality and beautiful school uniforms for their baby, who is going to school for the first time, among the various assortments offered? However, the new uniform will be needed not only for first graders, but for schoolchildren of other grades.

Our editorial team recommends buyingschool uniform for boys in the online store a large selection of kits, uniforms in blue, black, gray colors for schoolchildren from grades 1 to 9. Delivery throughout Russia and the CIS.

For boys, the school uniform traditionally consists of the following elements of a set of clothes:

  • trousers - it is advisable to purchase two pairs;
  • vest;
  • Blazer;
  • casual shirts with short and long sleeves - at least 3 pcs .;
  • elegant shirt for a holiday - 1 piece;
  • golf, turtleneck or sweater - 2-3 pcs.

The school kit also includes a sports uniform, 2 T-shirts and gym shoes.

Thousands of boys will go to grade 1 in 2018. Over time, parents will learn how to choose a shape, study the offered assortment, but for beginners it is difficult to make a choice - eyes run up from the variety of models, fabrics, styles and colors.

What should you look for when buying a school uniform? It will be easier for parents to navigate if they know the 3 main parameters of a good school uniform:

  1. The quality of fabrics, sewing products, accessories.
  2. Color and style.
  3. Comfort for the child.

And now more about that.

Features of the choice of fabric for sewing school uniforms

Manufacturers usually sew school pants, a jacket and a vest from mixed fabrics, the proportion of synthetic threads (polyester, elastane) varies from 30 to 80%. This is done so that the fabrics are less wrinkled, keep their shape well, be durable, and do not fade. The woven base is made up of natural threads:

  • wool;
  • cotton;
  • viscose.

The presence of these threads provides comfort to baby's skin, allowing it to breathe while maintaining normal heat exchange. Also, natural threads do not cause allergic reactions. In an effort to keep the child healthy and comfortable for the whole day, it is preferable to choose a school suit made of fabric with a minimum amount of synthetics. The composition of the fabric must be indicated on the label.

On a note! If the mold cannot be washed and ironed at home and only dry cleaning is required, it is better to refuse to purchase such a product - there are too few natural threads in such a fabric.

Before buying, you need to wrinkle the product in your hands, put it on the baby. If the fabric is electrifying or "bites", it is better to look for another option.

Important! A jacket, vest and trousers for the autumn-winter period should consist of woolen threads as much as possible; for hot climates, you can choose things made of cotton or linen.

"The main thing is that the suit fits!"

This is how it is sung in a famous song, and this is correct, because high-quality tailoring is necessary for a child in uniform to feel confident and calm throughout the school day. What parents need to pay attention to so that their beloved first grader looks beautiful and confident:

  1. High quality fittings. It is necessary to check several times how the zipper on the trousers works, whether it slips easily. Pay attention to the buttons - manufacturers often sew them somehow. It is imperative that you have a spare for your jacket, as well as a vest, shirts, trousers.
  2. The seams must either be hidden or carefully finished.
  3. The sides of the jacket and the lining of the pockets must be reinforced with a lining fabric or non-woven material, which prevents the product from stretching. On-the-go lining is made on high-quality trousers.
  4. If arrows are provided on trousers with a style, it is better that they are stitched, because daily ironing will quickly tire the whole family.
  5. A good shape should sit on the child quite freely, but not "bag". A small margin of length for trousers, jacket sleeves and shirts when buying clothes at the end of August will not hurt, because the baby will grow all year round.
  6. Fitting is required! If the child does not like the shape, it is better not to buy it and look for another option.


The Ministry of Education has not yet developed uniform standards for school uniforms, so school administrations have the right to offer their wishes to parents. In some educational institutions, boys wear trousers and vests, in others it is mandatory to wear jackets, while still others wear jackets and vests.

Of course, a beautiful school uniform is also subject to fashion trends, but not as much as adult men's clothing. Most often, jackets for boys are sewn in a classic form, the so-called "English" style:

  • single-breasted;
  • 2-3 buttons;
  • with darts on the back;
  • with one secret and two patch pockets.

This jacket looks great on a child with any figure. When choosing a jacket option, it must be borne in mind that with a small stature, 2 buttons are enough, while a tall boy is more comfortable buttoning a jacket with 3 buttons.

Modern interesting models are popular:

  • double-breasted;
  • with a zipper under the throat;
  • with a round neck without a collar;
  • with zipped pockets;
  • no pockets.

Important! The boy should be comfortable in the chosen jacket, which will not restrict movement, press or sag. A fashionable school uniform should be comfortable, have a simple cut and a silhouette that matches the child's figure.

Such a multicolored school uniform

If the Soviet educational uniform was not very diverse and all children wore the same brown dresses and jackets, now each school has the right to establish its own color pattern. What colors do manufacturers offer:

  1. The gray school uniform is very popular. It is easy to match shirts to trousers of any gray shade. Gray-red plaid vests are perfect for the gray uniform, bringing variety and originality to the baby's appearance.
  2. Blue and navy blue uniforms always look elegant. No wonder British club jackets are traditionally blue. In addition, psychologists are sure that these tones contribute to the activation of mental activity and neutralize negative emotions.
  3. In some educational institutions, the administration and parental committees have decided that the form will be green. Such a peculiar choice makes children noticeable in any crowd. Green is known to have a calming effect on the eyes without fatiguing the eyes and also helps to focus.
  4. The burgundy uniform was very popular in the early 2000s. Products from a plaid with a cage in red-gray or red-black tones are perfectly combined with it.

A set of shirts is required for any boy's uniform. There should be at least 3 casual and at least one festive, as well as 1-2 ties. In many schools, boys are allowed to wear shirts not only in white, but also in other colors:

  • pale shades of light green;
  • light blue;
  • light yellow;
  • in a thin, discreet strip;
  • into the cage.

By school uniforms, we mean the uniforms for students during their stay at school. Now, as before, there are many pros and cons. wearing a school uniform . Let's take a look at how the school uniform developed in Russia.

You can even name the exact date of the introduction of school uniforms in Russia. This happened in 1834. It was in this year that a law was passed that approved a separate type of civilian uniform. These included gymnasium and student uniforms. The costumes that were intended for boys of that time were a kind of combination of military and civilian dress for men. Boys wore these suits not only during classes, but also after them. Throughout the entire time, the style of the gymnasium and student uniforms changed only slightly.

At the same time, women's education began to develop. Therefore, a student uniform for girls was required. In 1986, the first outfit for female students appeared. It was a very strict and modest outfit. It looked something like this: a brown woolen dress with a length below the knee. This modest dress was adorned with white collars and cuffs. Black apron as accessory. Almost an exact copy of a school dress from the Soviet era.
Before the revolution, only children from wealthy families could receive education. And the school uniform was a kind of indicator of wealth and belonging to a respected class.

With the communists coming to power in 1918, the school uniform was abolished. She was considered a bourgeois excess.

The school uniform becomes mandatory again only after the Great Patriotic War in the USSR a unified school uniform is introduced. From now on, boys were required to wear military tunics with a stand-up collar, and girls were required to wear brown woolen dresses with a black apron. It is worth noting that, in general, the school uniform for girls of the Stalin era was similar to the school uniform of tsarist Russia.

It was then that white "festive" aprons and sewn-on collars and cuffs appeared - over time, only the style changed somewhat, but not the general essence of the girls' form. On ordinary days, it was supposed to wear black or brown bows, with a white apron - white (even in such cases, white tights were welcome).

The boys were dressed in gray military tunics with a stand-up collar, with five buttons, with two welt pockets with flaps on the chest. The element of the school uniform was also a belt with a buckle and a cap with a leather visor, which the guys wore on the street. At the same time, symbols became an attribute among students of youth: for pioneers - a red tie, for Komsomol members and Octobrists - a badge on the chest.

1962 year the gymnasts were exchanged for gray woolen suits with four buttons. An important accessory was a cap with a cockade and a belt with a badge. Hairstyles were strictly regulated - under a typewriter, as in the army. And the girls' uniform remained the same.

In 1973 there was a new reform of the school uniform. A new uniform for boys appeared: it was a blue semi-woolen suit, decorated with an emblem and five aluminum buttons, cuffs and all the same two pockets with flaps on the chest.

For the girls, nothing changed again, and then the mother-needlewomen sewed black aprons for their beauties from fine wool, and white aprons from silk and cambric, decorating with lace.

Early 1980s a form for high school students was introduced. (This uniform began to be worn from the eighth grade). Girls from first to seventh grade wore a brown dress, as in the previous period. Only it was not much higher than the knees.
The boys' trousers and jacket were replaced by a trouser suit. The color of the fabric was still blue. There was also an emblem on the sleeve in blue. For girls, a blue three-piece suit was introduced in 1984, consisting of a pleated A-line skirt, a jacket with patch pockets and a vest. The skirt could be worn with either a jacket or a vest, or the whole suit at once. An obligatory addition to the school uniform, depending on the age of the student, was Oktyabryat (in primary grades), pioneer (in middle grades) or Komsomol (in high grades) badges. Pioneers were also required to wear a pioneer tie.

And what about the school uniform abroad? School uniforms in other countries differs from ours: somewhere it is more conservative, and somewhere it is very fashionable and unusual. For example, in Japan, schoolgirls sport sailor suits, called "sailor-fuku" there. Their shape is the standard of teenage fashion for the whole world. Even outside the school walls, Japanese women wear what reminds them of their usual school uniform.

The most widespread is the school uniform in England and in its former colonies. This shape is a reflection of the classic business style. Each reputable educational institution in England has its own logo. And this logo is applied to the school uniform. Badges and emblems are made in its form. It is applied to ties and hats.

In France, school uniforms were in use from 1927 to 1968.

In Poland, it was canceled in 1988.

But in Germany, there has never been a school uniform. Even during the reign of the Third Reich. Only members of the Hitler Youth wore special uniforms. In some German schools, elements of the school uniform have been introduced, but the children themselves choose what uniform to wear.

IN THE USA each school decides for itself which clothes the students are allowed to wear. As a rule, tops that reveal the belly and low-sitting trousers are prohibited in schools. Jeans, wide-leg trousers with many pockets, T-shirts with graphics - this is what students of American schools prefer.

In most European countries also do not have a single form, everything is limited by a fairly strict style. In many countries of the world, the question of school uniforms, like ours, remains open.

There is no consensus on the benefits or dangers of compulsory uniform school clothing. The history of the creation of a school uniform and its development is controversial, and does not answer the question: is it needed. But one thing is for sure school clothes should remain only school clothes.

based on materials from the site