How to quickly grow bangs: take emergency measures. How to quickly grow bangs at home

31 415 0 Hello dear beauties of our site. Today we will tell you how to quickly grow bangs at home. We will share with you the recipes for masks, as well as the secrets of how to grow bangs in 1 week.

Feminine mood is changeable, like the weather in March. Just yesterday, it seemed like trimming your bangs was a great way to change your hairstyle. And today you are already sighing sadly in front of the mirror, dreaming of returning everything as it was. Of course, you cannot grow bangs in 2 days, but it is possible to significantly accelerate hair growth! Be prepared for daily activities and be patient. On average, hair grows 6-7 cm in six months, and if you make an effort, you can grow 3-4 cm in a month!

How to grow bangs at home

  • Skip styling products. Forget about curling irons, ironing, varnish and foam, gel and mousse. Healthy strong hair grows faster, and all of the above dries and damages the curls, like dyeing with industrial dyes.
  • Master a scalp massage. This simple procedure activates blood circulation and becomes perhaps the most important assistant in achieving your goal. We will tell you more about this below.
  • Use. It can be pharmacy products, and time-tested folk recipes.
  • Adjust the power supply. Make sure that the vitamins and minerals necessary for hair get into the body.
  • Don't get carried away. The scalp's natural grease nourishes the hair, so don't wash it often unnecessarily.

Let us dwell on four of the five points of the plan in more detail.

Massage for the growth of bangs

Better to do massage every day. When you have time, massage your entire head is more effective than focusing only on the bangs. Pay attention to a few points:

  • carry out the procedure 2-3 hours before bedtime, otherwise you risk not falling asleep due to increased blood circulation;
  • the most useful massage with oils: burdock, castor, almond, cedar. But keep in mind that in this case you will have to wash your hair after the massage, so it is better not to use oils every day;
  • you can massage the skin with your fingers or a comb. Replace old combs if they are stiff, made of metal, catch or pull on hair. Choose soft brushes, plastic combs and carefully crafted wood.

Massage with light stroking and circular motions, gently moving the scalp. Avoid pain or discomfort. Continue for 10-15 minutes, or longer, because this is not only useful, but also pleasant!

How to properly massage the head and hair to accelerate their growth.

Hair growth activators

Do not waste money on shampoos, balms "For hair growth" from the nearest supermarket. Their composition rarely contains effective ingredients. But since it is still impossible to quickly grow a bang without growth activators, let's get acquainted with the most effective and affordable means. This is:

  • Ginger
  • From inexpensive pharmacy products - nicotinic acid

Any of these ingredients can be added to your ready-made mask or balm, or can be used as a stand-alone product.

Masks for the growth of bangs

Several recipes from the “simple and quick” category, because for complex masks we often do not have enough time and energy.

Mustard mask

Dilute 1-2 tablespoons of mustard with warm water until the consistency is not thick sour cream. You can use the mask in this form, or you can supplement with a teaspoon of any vegetable oil or two capsules of Aevit vitamins. Apply only to the scalp, being careful to get as little mixture as possible on the hair itself. Mustard dries them, but perfectly stimulates blood circulation. Cover with polyethylene on top, put on an insulating cap and try to withstand the mask for 15-20 minutes. If it bakes very hard, do not tolerate it, wash it off with regular shampoo. Next time, apply less mixture or add more oil. Do not apply the mask more often than once every 10-12 days, it is a very powerful remedy.

Ginger mask

Use dry ginger in the same way as the mustard in the recipe above. Chop fresh ginger root, pour boiling water, leave for half an hour and rub the infusion before washing your hair.

Ginger also increases blood circulation, but you can use it more often than mustard: 2-3 times a week.

Tincture of red pepper

Sold in a pharmacy. The tincture must be diluted with water 1: 1 - and the product is ready. You can rub it in before each shampooing. You can add egg yolk, vegetable oil, honey and use as a mask. In this case, the mixture is applied to the roots, a warming cap is put on. Washed off with shampoo after 40 minutes.

Onion mask

Perfectly activates hair growth, gives health to the scalp. The only pity is that his smell remains on the hair for a long time. But if you make masks from onions on the eve of the weekend, wash your hair for two days in a row and try not to get caught in the rain (when it gets wet, the smell becomes stronger), this excellent tool can be used. Moreover, the area of ​​growth of the bangs is not so large, so the smell will not be as audible as if you applied the juice all over your head.

So, grate 1-2 onions on a fine grater, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Rub into hair roots, leave for 40-50 minutes and wash your hair. At the end, rinse your hair with water and lemon juice (1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of juice) - this helps to muffle the smell a little. The bow can be used as often as desired.

Mask based on natural oils

Any will do: castor, burdock, almond, cedar. These are the most beneficial oils for your curls. You can take one of them or mix in any variations.

Be sure to heat 2-3 tablespoons of oil a little in a water bath, add a few drops of rosemary essential oil. Rub into scalp. Be sure to combine the application of oils with massage, put on polyethylene, a hat or towel on top and wash off with shampoo after 50 minutes. From this procedure, the curls not only grow faster, but also acquire shine, silkiness, and a magnificent healthy look.

Nicotinic acid mask

Nicotinic acid is sold in ampoules at the pharmacy. Wash your hair and dry your hair. With a syringe with a needle, remove the acid from the ampoule, remove the needle and apply drop by drop to the place where the bangs grow. Make a light massage, put on a warm cap, wash off after 50 minutes. Repeat every 3 days. For the course, you need 10 ampoules.

An important point!Do not laminate your hair to try to grow it back. Lamination seals the hairs, they do not receive any nutrients. Therefore, masks will become simply useless.

Products that accelerate hair growth

Hair growth and quality depend on what we eat. If you want to grow bangs in a week, make sure that your diet always includes:

  • proteins: fish, eggs, lean meats, nuts, cheeses and dairy products;
  • carbohydrates: fruits, bran, gray and rye bread;
  • fats: not everything, but useful. These are sea fatty fish, nuts, unrefined vegetable oils: corn, sesame, olive, sunflower.

In addition, vitamins are needed daily:

To drink or not to drink pharmacy vitamin and mineral complexes? Many doctors believe that these vitamins are poorly absorbed by the body. Therefore, it is better to get everything you need from food. But if it is not possible to organize a sufficiently varied diet, it may make sense to replace nutrients with tablets.

But what is uniquely useful from pharmacy products is fish fat ... It can be an excellent source of fatty acids, vitamins A and D, and iron for you. Daily intake of fish oil accelerates hair growth, gives it beauty and increases the overall immunity of the body.

Wash your hair profitably!

The simplest and most frequent procedure for hair is washing it. How to grow bangs at home without supernatural efforts? Wash your hair properly!

  • choose shampoos with natural extracts, without sulfates and parabens;
  • use a balm after shampoo;
  • wash your hair with a useful broth: take a tablespoon of birch leaves, burdock, nettle, chamomile. Place in a cloth bag and boil in a bucket of water. After an hour and a half, when the broth has cooled, you can wash your hair. No need to rinse with tap water. A somewhat troublesome procedure, but the result is worth it;
  • Frequent shampooing is harmful, so sometimes use dry shampoo. Simply dust your bangs with a mixture of starch and baking soda, rub lightly and comb through with a thick comb. Hair will stay fresh for a while.

How to grow bangs in a week

This is, of course, almost unrealistic. But if your hair, in principle, grows back quickly, then all of the above procedures, with regular use, will contribute to the rapid growth of hair on the bangs.

If you don't have time to wait and hope that your hair will grow back for some important event next week, then beauty salons will come to your aid. With the help of a simple procedure, you can transform your bangs thanks to overhead strands. To do this, of course, it is better to contact specialists so that they pick up the strands according to your hair color, and also make the length you need, cutting off the excess. After the solemn event, you can remove the strands and stimulate natural growth with the help of folk remedies, which we talked about above.

In addition to all of the above, cut off the bangs by 1-2 mm once a month. This will not affect the length, but it will renew the frayed ends - it will be easier for the hairs to grow. And to quickly enjoy your look with regrown bangs, you can always use false strands while yours grow back!

Personal experience of growing bangs.

We experiment with hairstyles so often that various incidents are simply inevitable. And the poor bangs suffer the most. They cut their hair too short, they overexposed them on a curling iron, then they burned them inadvertently. And here we grab our heads: how to quickly grow bangs?

Immediate regrowth is also required if the bangs are simply bored: I want to finally open my forehead, and the bangs do not want to join the friendly team of the rest of the hair and bulge unsympathetically. These bangs are extremely difficult to style or hide. That is why we are doing everything possible and impossible to grow it as soon as possible and give your hair a well-groomed look.

Head massage

Massage your scalp using hair growth stimulants: various sprays, oils, balms, tinctures. Just remember, in order to achieve a result, this process must be carried out regularly, either over the entire area of ​​the head, or specifically where the bangs grow. The massage is carried out with your fingertips, a comb or using a special massager (it must be of high quality, made from natural materials).

Vitamins to activate hair growth

Revise your diet to include foods fortified with calcium, copper, zinc and sulfur in your daily menu.

For hair growth, the intake of the following vitamins is especially important: A (carrots, eggs), H (brewer's yeast, rice, oatmeal), C (citrus fruits, sauerkraut, bell pepper), E (unrefined vegetable oil), B6 ​​(sprouted wheat, bananas , potatoes), B12 (fermented milk products).

If you are taking dietary supplements or special vitamin complexes, do not overdo the dosage.

Limitation of harmful effects

Forget about using a hair dryer, iron and hot tongs: when it comes to how to quickly grow bangs in a week, they definitely won't help you.

Try to avoid hairpins, elastic bands, hoops and other retainers in the area of ​​the bangs, as they prevent blood from flowing to the hair follicles, thereby significantly slowing down the hair growth process.

While you are growing your bangs, it is advisable to abandon curling, dyeing and other aggressive chemicals, as well as the lamination procedure, which, although it protects hair from the harmful effects of the external environment, at the same time significantly slows down its growth.

Products for fast hair growth

It is worth revising the methods of hair care, purchasing agents that promote the activation of the process of their growth: it can be shampoo, balm, hair mask, special serum. Professional cosmetics will also help, the use of which is quite acceptable at home.

To help your hair, including bangs, grow as quickly as possible, limit the exposure to external factors. Once you've found the right product, use it every other day. If the hair is not protected, it will lose moisture faster, which will slow down its growth.

Folk remedies

As always, traditional medicine comes to the rescue. Be sure to use her recipes, because many of them are extremely effective.

Burdock and castor oil

Perhaps the best folk remedy, tested by more than one generation, is a mixture of these two oils. It must be applied to the roots of the hair, then wrap the head with plastic and cover with a towel on top. The oil mask can be kept for several hours. Thanks to the warming effect, you will immediately feel the bangs are in a hurry to grow!

Oil massage

Take burdock, castor or sea buckthorn oil and massage them into the scalp twice a day for 3-10 minutes. Such a daily massage will increase blood circulation and speed up metabolic processes in the hair follicles.

Bow from seven ailments

Another well-known hair growth activator is the most common onion juice. Rub it into the scalp, wrap it up, hold it for several hours and rinse it off. Don't be intimidated by the persistent onion aroma! In order not to smell like Cipollino, you just need to wash your hair repeatedly. For a noticeable effect, you will need 4–5 procedures, no less.

Masks and infusions

Mix equal proportions of juniper branches and birch leaves. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a liter of water. Rinse your hair with this infusion after washing.

Another miraculous method is a mask made from a decoction of burdock roots (7 tbsp. L.), Cognac (4 tbsp. L.) And onion juice (5 tbsp. L.). Mix all the ingredients well, rub into the hair roots and rinse off after a couple of hours.

Well, now you know how to quickly grow bangs at home. The above procedures will accelerate hair growth by 0.5-1 centimeters per month compared to normal hair growth. If there is an important event ahead and you cannot appear at it in its current form, use a false bang while your hair grows back.

More than one girl is asking these questions. After all, who does not dream of long hair that will be well-groomed and in perfect condition. As a result, after numerous transformations and various procedures over the hair, its natural state is lost.

Thus, we can conclude that the pursuit of something fashionable does not always have the necessary effect on your hair, and besides, experiments can not always be called successful. And then the only way out of this situation is a haircut, since there is no other way to get rid of the washcloth on your head.

The first problems that arise

In such a situation, the most burning question for every girl is how to return the former hair length as soon as possible. And the most important problem is the return of the length of the bangs, because with a beautiful short hairstyle, for example, almost everyone can walk calmly, but with a short bang it is no longer there.

Sometimes there is just an unsuccessful haircut, sometimes a choice consciously at first glance or even a necessity, but after that there may be a depressed mood, since:

  • First, the appearance with such a bang can be perceived as very comical.
  • Second, you can see all the external flaws that you would hide more.
  • And the final, third, difficulty in laying such a bang or in trying to remove it or somehow stab it, which will add even more trouble.

Having outlined all the main reasons why it is necessary to quickly grow bangs, we will consider how to do this. And not only to grow, but also to minimize the condition of the hair and, on the contrary, to make them even healthier.


Ways with which you can grow bangs even at home:

  1. Massage the scalp regularly and intensively.
  2. The use of professional tools ( now they are easy to purchase in specialized stores or even supermarkets, so problems should not arise).
  3. Folk recipes that we inherited from our ancestors, so to speak, what we acquired in the past centuries.

In practice, all these means are not used at once. Each girl chooses her own version of how to grow her bangs, depending on her skills, the growth rate that suits her and the goal. This is due to the fact that each hair is individual and only their owner can say with confidence what will suit them and what will not.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to grow a bang in two days. Some will answer this question of course no, but it's worth a try. For some, this will really be unrealistic, but this is not only due to pessimism or some kind of inability, the hair structure will be to blame. And so in order to grow bangs in a couple of days, you need to take into account the structure of your hair and do the same procedures that others do for hair growth in a month or a week. Of course, it is much easier to grow bangs in a month. To do this, you need to use one of the most popular methods below.

Red pepper remedies

The most effective will be tonics and masks based on alcohol tincture, the basis of which is pepper, since if directly rub the head with pepper, it can damage the scalp and the structure of the roots.

The recipe for this product is very simple, which is good for those who do not have a lot of time and who need to grow their bangs as quickly as possible.

The preparation of the mask (tonic) itself begins with mixing the tincture and water, which should be in equal amounts (choose milliliters yourself, depending on whether you are making a mask for all hair or only for bangs). In the resulting mixture, you need to add the balm that you usually use, (burdock) oil (it does not matter which one). Only it should be borne in mind that the last two components should be half as much.

Important! If you use only the tincture without adding water to it, you can get a scalp burn.

An example of use (these proportions are enough for a bang, so the first time you can use this amount of ingredients and already, then adjust their components for yourself):

  • 2 spoons of water.
  • 2 tablespoons of pepper alcohol tincture.
  • 1 spoon of balm.
  • 1 spoonful of oil.

The method described above can be easily attributed to folk remedies, since this recipe is suitable for home use.

How to do a head massage?

The first mandatory rule is to use products that promote hair growth. These include oil, balm, spray, etc.

The second important rule is the regularity of this operation. For the best effect, it is necessary to massage every day, because even doing the massage every other day, there will not be such a prominent effect.

The massage should be carried out in the area of ​​the head where the bangs grow (you can, of course, use this method for the growth of all hair, then the massage should be done throughout the entire head). Most often, massage is done with the fingers. But there are also special combs, as well as massagers. But when buying the latter, it is necessary to carefully examine each product so that it is made of natural material, and also does not have a marriage, which will negatively affect the effect of the massage.

It is very important to pay attention to the styling of the growing bangs.

This issue is most easily resolved if you are growing your bangs on the side, especially for guys. Such bangs can be fixed with varnish or simply combed back. For girls, pinning the bangs with hairpins or holding it with a hoop is suitable.

Now let's get back directly to the issue of hair growth.

For those who are wary of folk remedies and for those who mistrust them, there are special professional remedies.

How to choose the right product for you?

This is most often the simplest way of trial and error. This period is quite long, but it is worth noting that careful choice is the first step on the path to success. One of the main tips when choosing such a tool is to try the tool of the company from which you have, which you use in everyday life. This is due to the fact that you should trust this company more and there are more chances that this particular tool will suit you; this will also significantly reduce the time spent looking for an effective tool.

Let's highlight the basic rules for choosing a professional tool

  1. View the composition of each product, and find out which one contains the largest amount of natural ingredients. To do this, you just need to look at the location of the constituent parts in the described composition, usually, the larger the component, the closer to the beginning of the list it is.
  2. Caring for bangs does not always require professional care. Sometimes it is enough to use simple materials at hand, for example, such as masks made of onions, cereals, oils.
  3. You should definitely give your hair a rest and take breaks between using professional products. It should also include the fact that in order to improve hair growth, it is worth abandoning chemistry, such as dyeing hair, flattening it with irons or winding it on curling irons, since they contribute to the opposite effect from which you want to achieve, namely, they kill hair.
  4. Refuse. As much as professional stylists praise this popular procedure, it helps the hair only externally. And an outwardly healthy appearance does not mean healthy growth, which slows down significantly if your hair is affected.
  5. Proper nutrition also helps the products that you use for your hair, especially professional ones. Since natural masks have more vitamins. For this, it is necessary to use proper nutrition in combination with professional means. In a person's diet, it is necessary to include a large number of products that contain all kinds of vitamins that will help to quickly grow bangs of the desired length.

Using these tips with you, you will certainly be able to grow bangs even at home and as fast as you wish.

Do you not like the look of your bangs or does it not suit you very well? Do not rush to give up! Better find out how to quickly grow bangs and hide them beautifully in the styling.

Growing bangs fast - mission feasible?

It seems to many girls that it is almost impossible to quickly grow bangs to the desired length. Use our recommendations, you can cope with this task.

Council number 1. Protect strands from damage. You will have to almost completely give up irons, hair dryers and curling irons, as well as dyeing, lamination (it slows down hair growth) and curling. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be successful. Styling should also be gentle, so use less tight hairpins and elastic bands.

Council number 2. Adjust your diet. The appearance and health of your hair directly depends on what you eat. Give preference to fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables and fatty fish. The latter contains a huge amount of Omega-3 acids and vitamin E, which have a beneficial effect on women's hair and nails.

Council number 3. Take advantage of growth stimulants. It can be both medicinal and salon products - serums, masks, shampoos, balms. Make sure that the cosmetics are as natural as possible and additionally protect the strands from external influences.

Council number 4. Remember about dietary supplements and vitamins, presented in a wide range of pharmacies.

Council number 5. Take care not only of your bangs, but also of your scalp. The growth of the strands depends on the work of the follicles, which can be stimulated with the help of massage. Massage the desired area of ​​skin regularly with your hands or with a soft brush or hands. Use tinctures, balms, sprays and natural oils during the massage.

Homemade recipes for fast growth of short bangs

Don't know how to grow your bangs properly? Think about folk recipes that can significantly accelerate the growth of strands.

Tincture of red pepper

This is one of the best remedies for growing bangs. Rubbing your head with this tincture, of course, is not worth it, but you can prepare a mask or tonic.

  • Water - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Alcohol tincture of red pepper - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Oil (burdock or castor) or hair balm - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. We mix all the ingredients.
  2. Rub into the scalp (where the bangs are).
  3. Wash off after 10 minutes.

More about the recipes for this tincture.

Castor oil and burdock oil

  • Castor oil - 1 part;
  • Burdock oil - 1 part.

How to use:

  1. We mix both oils.
  2. Lubricate the root part of the bangs with a mask.
  3. We cover this area with polyethylene and tie the head with a scarf.
  4. We wash it off after a couple of hours.

Onion juice

This is an excellent stimulant for the growth of bangs, but they rarely remember about it. This is due to the specific smell, which is incredibly difficult to get rid of. The success of this event depends on the type of hair - if dry strands do not absorb odor well, then with oily strands the situation is completely different. For owners of greasy hair, onion masks are best done on weekends and wash your hair for two days in a row.

How is such a mask made? Squeeze the juice out of a medium-sized onion, rub it into the epidermis (where the bangs are), wrap up with a towel and wait about 20 minutes. You can repeat the rubbing procedure several times.

A mixture of oil and alcohol

Buy an alcoholic solution of castor oil or burdock oil at the pharmacy. Massage it into your scalp for a couple of hours. Wash the strands with shampoo and rinse with water (1 liter) with the addition of a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice.

Eggs and honey

  • Egg yolk - 1 pc .;
  • Honey - 1 tsp.

How to use:

  1. Mix honey with yolk.
  2. Apply the mask to the bangs.
  3. Wash off after 25 minutes.

Also, you will be interested in:

A tomato

You can achieve fast bangs growth with chopped tomato or tomato juice. It is enough to rub it into the skin for 40-45 minutes, and then rinse it off with plain water.

A good hairdresser is a guarantee of beautiful bangs

Want to fix a bad bang or burnt bang and turn it into your trump card? Contact a specialist and do highlighting or coloring of the strands. You can also give it an interesting shape, allowing it to radically change your usual image.

How to hide growing bangs?

Growing bangs can bring a lot of problems and discomfort - it constantly gets into your eyes and spoils your mood and appearance. ?

Method 1 - Invisibles

Just brush it back or comb it to the side and secure it with an invisible hairpin or hairpin.

Method 2 - Fleece

To prevent the bangs from blocking the entire view, comb it at the roots and lay it in a neat mound. For fixing, invisibility and varnish are useful. This styling will lengthen a small or round face.

Recently we talked about how to make a bouffant for medium and long hair. Don't know how to make a beautiful styling?

Method 3 - Harness

Connect the bangs with the rest of your hair, combed in a center or side part. Twist your hair into one or two thin bundles and secure it at ear level using the same bobby pins. You can also form many thin strands, lay them on top and secure with miniature crabs.

10 ways to remove bangs beautifully:

Method 4 - Spit

Believe it or not, you can even have very short bangs. Weaving can be tight and openwork, three-row or French - it all depends on your skills.

Method 5 - Hair Dryer and Large Round Brush

These two devices allow you to style the overgrown bangs for every taste - back, down or to the side. The latter option looks great on girls with a heart-shaped face.

Method 6 - Headbands

A headband or hoop can remove even very short bangs. In addition, they look very beautiful and elegant.

Did you want to know how to grow bangs fast? Now you know not only this, but much more! One last tip remains - don't expect instant results and think three times before trimming your bangs.