How and when to say to her husband and parents about pregnancy. What way to inform your husband in the original thing that Stork will visit you soon. How to tell parents about pregnancy beautifully and original. How to say to parents about unplanned pregnancy as soo

Firstly, the main problem is to speak or not to say - while in the victory of common sense, it must be solved positively, because it only seems that you have not changed and ok-rushing will not notice anything. All those who those who sewed themselves like an illusion were sad, but surprised by unpleasant results in the form of rumors sprawling on the work, tales of relatives, converting fantastic items. Ultimately, when a secret will still become an explicit, universal offense - parents, friends, relatives, meaningful - not to avoid: Do we really do not trust us that I thought that we would not divide her joy? This episode in the final result is quite capable of complicating from wearing - it's time, and two - you lose those pleasures that are ready to give you relatives for which your pregnant women will become a joyful event. And even in the case of the open-in-laws of secret and explicit flaws in your ranks, the open-in-formation about the coming desired Bere change will demonstrate your confident in yourself.

Secondly, if you say, when? Very common is to wait 12 weeks to wait until the most dangerous period of pregnancy passes. This solution is quite reasonable, if we are talking about colleagues and just familiar, but about thinking such an aspect: it is possible that you will not feel very well, - this happens, although far from everyone, and in this state Importance, sympathy and support are important, which, of course, must be notified about their position at least so that the mother does not feed you by oil pancakes or something as tasty, but during pregnancy, to put it mildly, not too Useful.

Now go to the next ENT - please enjoy the environment.

How to tell my husband that you are pregnant

First about content your story.

To say about pregnancy be sure to - and the sooner, the better. Much Hoi, if he finds out about pregnancy from a third-of-his face, for example from mother-in-law. Of course, a rather painful question of trust will immediately rise here, and find a worthy answer to him will not be easy: most likely, such a situation will only aggravate distrust, forcing her husband to doubt your sincerity. All references to the fact that this is "such a female topic," usually do not work.

Now about form.

Tips for glossy ladies journals to cook, as in a beautiful cinema, a novel-ticial dinner with candles, during which, and inform you that he will soon become a father, and rely on the fact that he will lose the gift of speech from delight, MET wife to heart and so together you will dream of a bright future, in 99% of cases not only are not justified, but, on the contrary, most often cause a great suspicion, if, of course, you do not practice such a daily daily. Know that his phrases like: "Are you sure?", "How is it?", "For sure?" - Absolutely normal, so keep your fierce desire immediately with him the time to get it because of his insufficient delight. Even if the situation is ideal - you have dreamed about the child together, they prepared for pregnancy and now your dreams are ready to marry, a man takes time to accept this fact as a tired, after, after that, there will be many major changes in his life .

Of course, each family is completely unique in terms of relationships, everyone is different in different ways, but in male nature, nevertheless there are something in common - in serious moments of life, they do not like an excessive pathos and are skeptical about the romance of "soap" serials. Therefore, instead of Paphos, it is better to get more irony and humor, right up to a bandaged ribbon test with two stripes, funny SMS. Notify at the distance - a good move: there is no short-lived, in your opinion, the reaction, and it will be time to navigate and appear before you is not confused, and courageous looking forward.

If your relationship with the future dad is undefined, he still needs to be informed about pregnancy. In this situation, the man will have difficulty, and do not require the instant joy from it. It will be necessary for him to take two important re-joints: to part with a bachelor life and take care of the family. It is not worth it to appeal to his sense of duty - it is better to tell how he is roaring you and how you want to be with him.

So the psychological nuances described above will make your life today much more interesting. In any case, there are no spelling conclusions: if at the first moment he did not strangle you in the arms from joy, it does not mean that he will be a bad father or does not love much.

How to say parents about pregnancy

Future grandfathers, like the future dad, need extra time to understand their new status. Do not be unreight, they will have for this whole nine months, after which they will burn-with grandson or granddaughter.

Is it necessary to say relatives about pregnancy

This is the concept of multi-layered, as well as relationships with them. So here everything is indi-visually.

Relatives can mobilize and help as they are forces - not only by children's things, but also by connections, tips, etc., which, of course, may be excessive, but even joys, love and care will also be in excess.

Friends can be said about pregnancy

At full understanding and solidarity of girlfriends can be calculated absolutely exactly. It is a friend who will help to hide your absence on the lecture, raise the passenger's pregnancy at the end of the passenger's pregnancy and will take you, bind toxicosis, they will prepare for you Liu-Bym food and will support it in a difficult moment. And even remind her husband, as you should attribute to a pregnant woman.

When you need to report at work on pregnancy

At work, this news is hardly worthwhile to voice early, as the pregnant women are most often fear and the boss-ki-men, and women's chiefs. She is trying not to give serious tasks and belong as a seriously ill, from which it is impossible to get rid of and whom you have to endure. In addition, per-but-talking among the team once-tale on the theme of the upcoming births are quickly tired.

Although, on the other hand, the pregnant woman belongs to much humane and in terms of deceased, and in terms of the intensity of work and delays.

Do I need to say to unauthorized people about their position

It is absolutely not necessary to tell a story to every conversational position. But sometimes pregnancy can be used in their "drawst" purposes: for example, in the traffic police, if you are driving, as well as in the queue or in the corporate transport.

Summary: so intriguing new life and bright impressions begin now - when you put the world in the famous: "I am pregnant!"

Many women recently learned about their "interesting" position, it is difficult to report this news to even the closest people. How to tell parents about pregnancy, because their reaction to such a statement can not always be unambiguously enthusiastic. In most cases, pregnancy is a joyful moment in the life of future mothers and dads, and for the rest of the relatives, it also becomes a pleasant surprise. And how future grandmothers and grandparents are waiting! But not everyone does not always have a safeguard. Therefore, the reaction of the older generation on such a statement from the daughter or son may be the most unpredictable. Report that in the near future you expect to replenish in the family, you can in different ways, the main thing is to know the characteristics of the nature of your parents and anticipate their reaction, and it is also necessary to take into account those life circumstances that preceded conception.

Traditional methods

The easiest thing is when the pregnancy is the long-awaited and planned, and you are sure that the news about her will incredibly reap all relatives and loved ones. In this case, you should not be shy, worry, and you need to say about it directly, without any hint.

Place and time you choose yourself. You can make it at home in a narrow family circle. And you can convene all relatives and loved ones to the soul dinner, and then in the course of the conversation solemnly declare everyone that the Karapuz will soon appear in your family. And, of course, to propose to celebrate such a significant event together.

Traditional methods are always effective. If you do not like to be ordinary in your actions - it's time to show fantasy! It is spectacularly present news that will definitely produce an incredible impression on future grandparents.

Treat parents with sweets decorated with meaning

Original methods

Thematic sought lunch

Prepare for native and close delicious lunch. Guests call him in advance so that everyone can attend. You can hint at the rapid birth of a baby using baking in the form of a children's envelope, and it is possible through the dishes themselves and their feeds themselves - various vegetable and fruit purees, children's cutlery, children's bright and multi-colored setting. Pay attention to the way guests responded, and whether they were understood by a hint.

No one will leave indifferent small souvenirs - caskets with children's accessories, key rings with rattles, etc. And when someone from the guests will offer you to drink, culturally refuse, argumenting by the fact that alcohol is contraindicated to future mothers.

Give the participants of your room dinner souvenirs, leaving for the idea of \u200b\u200bpregnancy


If you have already visited ultrasound diagnostics and you have pictures on the hands, you can make them beautifully arrange and put into the frame, and next to write: "We soon have replenishment." Give this collage, unexpectedly granted to parents to the cup of tea, or for a festive dinner when it approaches its logical conclusion.

You can announce your news on another family event, the main thing is that everyone is assembly. Invite your family to make a family photo. And when you will take pictures, instead of saying, as it is accepted, "Cheese!", Tell me "I am pregnant!" (You can choose another phrase). The most curious will be that in the photo you can capture the emotions of your loved ones, and this is priceless.

Make interesting pregnancy collages

T-shirts with inscriptions

On the Internet you can order T-shirts with an individual design. Order their own and spouse. You can, for example, make a drawing of Karapuza with a signature "Soon I will be my mother" or "The future dad looks like." For a meeting with natives, come in these T-shirts - such a hint is unlikely to remain unnoticed.

Come visit to parents in a T-shirt with a pattern hinting at your pregnancy

On a family holiday

If the stars so agreed that soon your mother or your dad will be a birthday, you can hint at pregnancy using congratulations. For example, give a beautiful postcard in which it will be written "Congratulations to the future grandfather", "Nine months wait for your gift", etc.

Give mom (dad) for a birthday corresponding postcard

Letter by mail

Make a copy of the ultrasound snapshot, put it in a beautiful envelope. It is advisable to first assign a snapshot into a piece of soft fabric resembling a children's pellery. And you can write a message from the future child.

Send a telegram on behalf of the future grandson (granddaughter)

Video: Reaction of parents for the news of pregnancy daughter

Unfortunately, not always and not for all pregnancy is good news. It happens that she does not fit into plans for the future mother or family as a whole. How to do in this case?

There are no specific techniques or templates here. But psychologists give a number of recommendations that should be taken into account. With their help, you can prevent your news calmly and without causing a storm of emotions from your opponent.

Pregnancy is not a vital drama of the universal scale, but the most important event in the life of every woman. Even if the conception occurred not yet scheduled, do not hurry to chop off and abandon your child, because life goes quickly, and you will always be the most native and close little man.

Notify about this event of your parents is not as scary, it is important that they felt your sincerity. Do not be afraid to trust them. Now their advice and support are incredibly important for you.

  • First of all, you need to be confident that you really want to have a baby, only then the parents believe it;
  • Select the appropriate time to conversation. Such news is not reported to ambulance;
  • No need to hide something from your dads and moms - be frank;
  • The conversation must be prepared in advance, think over all possible details and circumstances;
  • No need to be afraid, tune in to positive emotions;
  • Parents are the closest people, so you can consult with them;
  • You must make decisions under such circumstances to an adult, your parents must see the position of independent, who gives themselves the report in their actions of a person;
  • In no case should not be negative emotions - poured with tears, shout, roll hysterics, and even more so in something to reproach their loved ones. This will only aggravate the situation. The conversation must be calm, it must be confident;
  • You can encourage yourself to help authoritative lawyer. In his role, let your chosen one speak, or his mother-dad, or another your relative (grandmother, aunt, sister), who can smooth sharp corners and at the right time to send a conversation to the right track.

Teenage years

It is very difficult to tell the parents about your pregnancy by the future mother, which herself did not yet become an adult. We are talking about teenage girls. But here not everything is so scary, as it seems at first glance.

Naturally, the most important role will play relationships between you and parents. You should not stick to the opinion that "ancestors" will immediately begin to scold you, will not understand your position. It is impossible to hide the pregnancy, and even more so by them.

Remember the immutable truth: your parents love you very much. From this and should be repeated initially.

If you live more with a dad than with my mother, let me know, and vice versa. Mom and dad are the closest and relatives of you, so they will always be with you, under any circumstances, and will certainly help in the fight against life difficulties.

Serious conversation with parents

Calm, only calm! You do not need to be filed with emotions, be the most restrained, because you should show all your views that you are an adult independent person who is responsible for his actions and is ready to accept any reaction to his loved ones. After you inform pregnancy, let them recover from shock for some time. Grandparents want all parents. You just need to get used to the idea that their grandchildren will appear so soon.

Ask help from sister or brother

If your relationship with brother or sister is very warm and trust, it is worth telling them this news. You can ask them to moral support when talking with parents.


If you lack courage to a serious conversation with my parents, try to hint thinly to them that you have some difficulties. Spend a lot of time in your room, all behavior should talk about that you are worried. And when they notice such a strange behavior, then there will be the most suitable moment to inform them that the kid will be born soon.


When it is difficult to decide on the conversation, notify your relatives about pregnancy in writing. The main idea that should be reflected in the note is your experiences and further action plan. When parents read a note, it will take some time before the dialogue will take place, but it will be more calm.

Call on the conversation of your young man

If your young man fully supports your position to preserve pregnancy and is ready to help in the future, a completely rational step will invite it to a conversation with my parents. With him you will feel much more confident, because you will feel his support. It is in your interaction and the success of the passage of all difficulties associated with pregnancy in adolescence.

Video: How to report on pregnancy parents, if the future mother is a teenager

Regardless of whether you are married or lonely, regardless of your age - mature or teenage, all parents and always overwhelms the joy when their children report them that soon there will be replenishment in their family. But not all parents, this reaction appears immediately - some need time. So give them this time. And do not worry, you in your position it is categorically contraindicated. Everything will have everything and everything will work out, no matter how much you informed your relatives about your new status. The main thing, love a little man living there, inside, and your loved ones will love it just as they love you ....

It happened! A few days of suspiciously new sensations, malaise and guessing ended with two stripes on the test. Was this pregnancy long-awaited, or fell like a thunder among the clear sky, in any case it will be a shock for any woman. And even greater shock will experience relatives. Here it begins the hardest. How to tell parents about pregnancy? What will be their reaction? Fear, panic and disbelief in what is happening - emotions that sometimes interfere with take the first step to a conversation. But you need to do it anyway. How and when? Let's try to answer these questions and give valuable advice.

How to let mom and dad about pregnancy?

Before you break your head over how to tell the parents, which is pregnant, you need to sort it yourself. Age here does not play any very role. The main thing is to make a decision to be a child or not to be. Everyone knows well that an abortion is a great sin. In addition, if the first pregnancy, there is a great risk subsequently not to have children at all. Therefore, the priority task is to decide for yourself how you yourself feel about your position. Are you ready to become a mother? What will change with the advent of the child and are you ready forget to forget about some plans for life for the health of the future kid? Unfortunately, it is most often that, according to youth and our own dad, the child's dad disappears very quickly beyond the horizon, lodging all the troubles on the shoulders of the future mother. And many girls are scared by this fact. How in this case, to say relatives about pregnancy? First of all, you need to make a clear plan of your actions, do not get into panic, and try everything is reasonable to compare. How long would you not pull the moment of the conversation, he will still take place. And in order to make it easier to ease the head from heavy thoughts, listen to some tips:

  1. To understand how to tell parents about pregnancy, you must decide for yourself - save pregnancy or not. It is this fact that will play a decisive role in your conversation. Try to clearly paint, as you will receive education, raise a child, work, etc. Remember that the most difficult is the first two years of life of the kid. Then he will go to kindergarten, and most problems will be solved by themselves.
  2. Remember that the first reaction to the news that you report, in any case, will be shocked. Do not rush parents with conclusions and decision making. If you live with them, it will be a separate conversation, with clarification whether they will be able to feed you along with the baby.
  3. Flowing, how to say mom about pregnancy do not be afraid. Only she can understand you as a woman. In whatever relationship, it will always support you and will be on your side. In the event that the mother's relationship is not very good with the mother, it will be quite expected that it will send you to take an abortion. But the last decision will still remain for you. In practice, it is proved - as soon as the child appears on the light, he becomes a universal favorite, and any quarrels subsidize themselves.
  4. So as to inform the parents that pregnant is not the task of the lungs, set up yourself that any shock associated with such news is caused primarily by the fact that they are worried about you and your future. Closer parents will never be any person. Therefore, their advice is better to listen, not stubborn and realize that they wish only good. Put yourself in their place, and you will quickly understand how they feel.
  5. To talk you need to choose a good moment. It is best to say about your position when peace and consent reigns in the family, and not after the next scandal. So how to tell mom about pregnancy is somewhat lighter than immediately both parents, try to invite it, for example, for a walk, or wait until you are together. Tell me that you have a serious conversation and ask you to listen. You need to say calmly and confident. Remember that before the conversation you must decide how you live on. Be frank and honest, say the whole truth and all the details. Take patience, because The conversation still can not be avoided and the best way out is worth it worthy.

Remember that your experiences on how to tell mom and dad, which is pregnant, negatively reflected on the well-being of the baby. Your parents are not enemies to you, and decide on the conversation with them, ask them about trust in you. Notify that you completely trust them. Then the conversation will be fully and positive. If you break fear that your news will be negative, prepare the arguments and bright descriptions of how beautiful and beautiful person will grow your baby. Another undisputed advantage will be the fact that your parents earlier will see their great-grandchildren, and maybe the next generation. And most importantly - the children change human life only for the better. Tell fate thank you for giving you such an excellent opportunity to become my mother. Children are not unplanned. They come at the time when they should come. Take your position with joy and patience. And parents always support you and help nothing to be afraid.

How to talk about pregnancy?


If there are any holidays on the horizon, for example, a new year, Christmas, March 8, a birthday, you can give your parents an original box or frame with the first ultrasound snapshot. As a rule, an ultrasound study is done for 10-14 days from the latency of menstruation. Although it will be difficult to consider anything in the picture, but the hint of the birth of a new life will be very clear and adopted with the warm feelings themselves.

picture ultrasound

Children's booties

It sounds funny, but with the help of children's shoes or touching tiny booties, you can tell those surrounding about its position. You can also hand the box with your relatives or loved ones. And you can place a photo of your shoes, my husband's shoes and children's shoes on your page in the social network. So everyone will be aware of your family soon. Very original and cute moment.

children's shoes

Inscription on a T-shirt

If you already have a child, you can order a special T-shirt with the inscription "Senior Brother" or "Elder Sister". It is possible on ordinary white football with the help of markers or special plays to write similar phrases. Put on your t-shirt on your baby and let people notice her. Believe me, it will be an unforgettable moment over which you will laugh and you, and your loved ones.

inscription on a T-shirt

A bottle of wine

If you have a family holiday or you invited girlfriends to yourself, present them to the table a bottle of wine with a note attached to the neck. On a beautiful sheet of paper, write the following phrase: "Enjoy this wine. I join you in 9 months." After your friends read it, you will have the best toast to celebrate.

wine with note


We often congratulate our loved ones and friends by mail with postcards. Why not take advantage of the proven way this time? This is an excellent option for those who are from you on a very far distance. Make your photo together with my husband. In the hands, keep the homemade poster with the inscription "The most important moment in our life will occur (for example) on August 14, 2015."


Whatever way to tell others about your position you did not choose, let this day be the most bright, joyful and unforgettable.

Often, women who learned about their pregnancy experience a feeling of fear, excitement when rises the question of how to inform parents about pregnancy. Situations in life are different, in some families, pregnancy daughter or daughter-in-law - a long-awaited event and a miracle, in others this news can cause an ambiguous reaction, right up to a quarrel. There is a lot of questions - finance, accommodation, marriage. It is about this that parents may seem to think about the thoughts about his granddaughter or grandson. It is important to correctly inform parents about pregnancy, given the nature of relationships with them, the circumstances, the social situation in the family. Depending on this, you can choose a convenient way for you how to tell about pregnancy original and call only positive emotions from your parents!

Simple and efficient

What situation is best to inform parents about pregnancy, you know better. This can be told on the phone, when meeting or organize a small dinner, which to delight your close news about replenishment in the family.

The way of direct contact is the most effective, however, if you like the original forms, creative in any manifestation, then you can safely connect fantasy and notify your parents about pregnancy in an unusual way.

Original and with meaning

There are many options for how to hint to parents about their pregnancy: neatly, talented, unusual and interesting. Some of these methods are shown below.

1. Send a letter or telegram.

Here fantasy is limitless: you can put an ultrasound in the envelope, the conclusion of a doctor, write a letter from the kid from the future. This is an excellent way to notify parents about pregnancy, because to get such a letter, a postcard, a telegram will be a pleasant surprise, after which the storm of emotions will follow, and thanks to the remoteness, there is an opportunity to realize this news and be calmer.

2. Thematic dinner in a circle of loved ones and friends.

Suddenly, invite their loved ones to dinner. The pretext can be the most different, the main thing is to keep the subject of pregnancy, surround the guests with subtle hints. You can not just inform the originality of pregnancy, and allow parents to guess your interesting position.

How can the table be issued:

Dishes and napkins with pictures of characters from cartoons;
Children's menu (mashed potatoes, juices, sweets);
Cake with the image of booties, angels, an envelope for extracting from the hospital, strollers;
absence of alcohol;
Souvenirs hinting for pregnancy.

Guests are unlikely to stay indifferent and reveal your secret. You will only be observed for loved ones and wait for their reaction. In this way, you will not only be able to tell parents about pregnancy, but also to raise yourself the mood!

3. Photos with a hint.

You can also send a beautiful photo from an ultrasound and sign it. You can draw or arrange a collage of the future, where the kid will appear (the image of the child). This gift can be pleased with loved ones at the family celebration or simply looking at the parents to visit.

4. Suddenness.

It will be interesting to inform parents about their pregnancy, using the effect of surprise. For example, making a common photo when everyone looks into the lens, say suddenly "I am pregnant!". The main thing is that the photographer has managed to capture all emotions in the picture. Believe it, this is a fantastic spectacle! Thus, you will succeed and inherently inform about pregnancy, and get a lot of positive emotions!

5. Image on a T-shirt.

If a family celebration is nearing, you can visit the T-shirt on which the baby is depicted or the corresponding inscription at the abdomen. You do not have to wait for the moment to tell about pregnancy, because this will not hide from the darling eyes of relatives.

To date, there is a huge selection of such T-shirts. They can be purchased in stores for future mothers, order in online stores or to order, choosing an image and inscription independently or from the proposed templates.

6. Birthday gift.

If mom or father is nearing a birthday, and even better the anniversary of the wedding of parents, in addition to traditional gifts, give a photo or a postcard containing the words "future grandmother" or "future grandfather". You can also give your gift with the words "And after 9 months there will be another present!". It is so easiest to inform parents about pregnancy, but this is possible only if the family event is nearing.

If a negative reaction is expected

Unfortunately, not in all families pregnancy can become a joyful event. There are many factors that may make it difficult for the future mom. Issues of financial support, accommodation, employment, paternity - they can all arise primarily in the heads of their parents, and instead of joyful emotions, spill in negative. How in this case, inform parents about pregnancy to smooth the sharp corners and not to upset the most?

There is no single recipe, however, you can take advantage of psychologists and apply some tips in practice. Knowing some subtleties, you will be able to tell parents about pregnancy calmly and not cause a negative reaction.

Do not forget that the life path is also filled with obstacles and fears that we need to overlap and boldly go ahead. Report parents about pregnancy is not the most frightening that can happen to you. After some time after you say everything, it will seem like a contrived fear.

Teenagers and parents

The highest situation. A teenage girl to tell parents about pregnancy is terribly doubly because it is still unsuccessful in social terms. There are a lot of questions about paternity, content, studies.

First of all, it should be understood that to hide the news will not be able to tell about pregnancy. The earlier the better. At a young age, timely consultation with the doctor, and the extra stress from silence will not be favorable on health.

Do not be afraid, what would be the reaction of parents, remember that they love you very much.

As a rule, in each family, closer and close relationships are supported with one of the parents. If you intuitively feel that hear a good reaction from dad, you need to tell about pregnancy to him first of all, or vice versa. Thus, on the Family Council, you will already have an ally, which by this time will cope with emotions, will be able to constructively lead a conversation and support support.

What way to tell parents about pregnancy?

1. Serious conversation.

Try to stay calm, the most exciting thing is to pronounce two important words, it will be easier. The main thing is that your parents see that you are an adult person who comes to this issue with due seriousness. The first reaction of parents can be unpredictable, but then everything is normalized. After all, mom, and dad dream of ever about grandchildren, they just have to get used to the idea that they will become grandparents much earlier than it seemed.

2. Brother or sister.

If you have a brother and a sister with which good and warm relationships, share your news with them in the first place. Then you will enlist their support, and tell parents about pregnancy will be much easier.

3. Behavior.

If the conversation with the parents scares you so much that you even drive one thought about the conversation from yourself alone, and do not even think about sales, then try to attract attention to your behavior. Be serious, silent, spend a lot of time in your room, give up the gatherings with friends. Independent parents will certainly notice that something is wrong with you. At the time of trusting conversation, you can open and tell about what worries.

4. Letter.

If even the previous way it seems frightening for you, try to leave a note. Write about your position, express the idea that you worry, worry about further fate. Leave a note, for example, early in the morning when you go to classes. By the time you return, parents most likely already calm down, and the conversation will pass calmer.

5. Guy

This option is possible only if you have a good relationship with a young man, he supports you in solving pregnancy and is ready to be close in the future. Then it is more expedient to talk to your parents with him. His presence will be support for you, and parents will understand the seriousness of the young couple and, most likely, will respond softer. With the support of the Father's Father, a child will tell about pregnancy much easier.

All parents dream of becoming grandparents and grandmothers, because it is not only family happiness, but also a certain status in society, the indicator of major life achievements. If you are alone, or another young one, married or divorced - it does not matter, be sure to inform your pregnancy to parents. Think about how to inform parents about pregnancyWhat to use the method for this. Perhaps you will not see immediately the reaction that I would like to expect, but over time everything will fall into place. With the news about pregnancy, you need to get used and gradually accept. When a small little man appears, all past doubts and negative will come to the past, and in your family will become one of the particles of happiness and heat more.

To inform parents about pregnancy, choose yourself, the main thing is based on the nature of the parents, the setting and choose the right time.