How to treat severe calluses. How to treat calluses on the feet with traditional medicine and folk remedies? Plasters for calluses on the legs, photo

Dry rodless calluses do not pose a great danger to the body. Called corns, they often occur between the toes. In the article, we will consider measures to get rid of such a nuisance.

It is quite acceptable to use home medicine to eliminate dry seals on the legs. Remember, the effect of substances on the body is individual. Be sure to check with your doctor before using your chosen remedy for dry calluses between your toes.

Soda, familiar to the zealous hostess, copes well with rough skin and is able to help the toes. However, misused baking soda will do more harm than good - like any drug.

Soda helps fight calluses and similar ailments:

  • Toothache;
  • Harmful substances in the body (removes from the body);
  • Bone diseases, such as rheumatism, osteochondrosis, radiculitis;
  • Cancer tumors (as a prophylaxis).

To get rid of dry corns on your feet with baking soda, it is useful to do soda baths. Pour hot water into a basin, stir two tablespoons of baking soda and sit for half an hour (or until the water cools down), placing your feet in a container with a solution. It does not hurt to add ammonia (on a similar scale) and crushed soap to the basin. Some people prefer to add herbs to the baths, it is required to add according to the rules.

To, it is permissible to do compresses and dressings. Mix two products - tomato and soda, in the same amount. The vegetable must be chopped until a gruel is formed, mixed with baking soda and removed to infuse for 15 minutes. In the absence of tomatoes, it is possible to use onions or green onions.

Then cover the composition with foil, fix and leave for a while. Acceptable option is 8 hours. The method helps in a few weeks. A well-known product for preparation and mixing with soda is dry prunes. Dried fruit needs to be cooked until soft. Grind, mix with baking soda and make a compress.


Using onions, it is possible to strengthen immunity from colds, improve digestion. Onions are often used to moisturize skin and cleanse and strengthen hair. Onions can be easily found in the composition of various cosmetic preparations.

Try using onions as a remedy. Achievement of a positive result is guaranteed! A number of options for making an onion compress are described:

Lubricating the corn with freshly squeezed onion juice will bring no less benefit. Remember, with any compress, the applique must be wrapped in cellophane or foil, in order to achieve greater success, put on socks. Acceptably warm, at elevated temperatures, the skin absorbs juice better.

If the onion smell causes tears, or the product cannot be used for reasons of an allergic reaction, it is possible to try a lot of other folk remedies that do not include the specified caustic vegetable in the composition.

Apple vinegar

An affordable corns product is the familiar apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is mixed with other products that help soften dry skin on the soles, such as baking soda and sea salt. The method is suitable if the corns are constantly bored when walking.

If a corn forms on a finger, a different solution has been developed - take a stale crust of bread, moisten it in apple cider vinegar, and apply it to the corn. The use of vinegar with onions is not prohibited.

Salicylic acid use

Salicylic acid is the main component of keratolytic drugs. Once on the skin, it regenerates dead cells, softens the surface of the corns, making the seals vulnerable to removal (for example, using a pumice stone).

The acid is sold as:

  • Ointments (used as a compress several times a day);
  • Plaster (it is advisable to cut out pieces of plasters the size of corns);
  • Drops.

Doctors remind that applying acid between the fingers is required to be extremely careful: there is a risk of damaging healthy skin, for which contact with corrosive acid is completely unhelpful. Acid can burn. The doctor will advise the patient on the number of times the product is used per day. You can't constantly drip acid on the corn, you need to know the established procedure.

It is forbidden to treat dry calluses between the toes if itching occurs. The sensation is associated with an allergic reaction or is an indicator of other unforeseen reactions of the body.


the plant has unique healing properties, at the same time it can cause severe harm to a person if used carelessly and improperly. In small doses, celandine is beneficial for many diseases, including corns, but people often simply do not know the difference between an acceptable measure and an excessive one. From excesses, troubles begin.

The beneficial properties of celandine include:

  • Killing bacteria (if it bursts, the person will not have time to infect the infection);
  • Removal of inflammation (if the occurrence of corns is associated with inflammation, celandine will help stop the process);
  • Cleansing dry skin between the toes;
  • Removal of spasms (when celandine is applied internally).

The plant is often included in medicines. Before preparing the medicine yourself, think: it may be easier and safer to see a doctor for a prescription than to tinker with a poisonous plant with your own hands.

If you want to collect celandine yourself, look for a flower with a bright yellow bud and green leaves and stems. It grows more often in the shade, it is better to start your search from there. If in doubt about the choice, press on the flower so that the juice flows: celandine forms a juice that looks like an orange milky liquid. Be careful when peeling the stems: celandine juice is extremely corrosive, it is impossible to remove any liquid from things. After peeling the stem and leaves, grind to a gruel, apply to dry corn. To fix the compress, tie it with a plastic bag, it is recommended to pull the socks on top. It is advisable to do a compress before going to bed, so that in the morning you just have to get up calmly and treat the corn with a pumice stone - the callus will definitely go away. A week later, the procedures are stopped.

It is required to prepare the tincture during the flowering of celandine - at the specified moment, the juice is effective to the maximum. It is permissible to use a ready-made tincture of celandine for three years, but, getting rid of corns on your feet, it is advisable to take a fresh tincture without fail. Trying not to be wrong, consult your doctor.

Dry corn is a very common problem. As a rule, it occurs on the heel or sole of the foot, delivering a lot of discomfort when walking. Many have learned to solve this problem in a very unconventional way, putting special insoles in shoes with a hole cut out for corn or cotton wool. However, this does not eliminate the problem itself, but, on the contrary, reinforces it. Therefore, today we propose to talk about how you can quickly and effectively get rid of any types of dry calluses with the help of proven folk remedies, forgetting about constant discomfort.

Reasons for the appearance

Calluses are caused by the skin's natural reaction to prolonged irritation.... It appears on your feet when you regularly walk in uncomfortable tight shoes or heels, especially if you are overweight. Thus, strong friction stimulates keratin production and a deficiency in blood flow, which in turn leads to dry calluses.

However, it is also worth paying attention to any damage, especially scratches, splinters and cracks in the legs. They can lead to dry, shank calluses that are much more difficult to get rid of.

Types of dry calluses

Most often, dry calluses have a core, which is the basis for the growth of further layers of keratin. They are circular thickenings that form predominantly on the denser skin of the palms and soles of the feet.

A different variety includes corns. Unlike the first option, they do not have a core and clear boundaries, which means that it is much easier to cope with them. However, if, after treatment, you continue to walk in uncomfortable shoes, then after a short period the corns will appear again.

Treatment methods

Despite all the variety of products sold in pharmacies, folk methods are often the most effective. Let's get acquainted with the most effective helpers from a natural first aid kit.

Herbal remedies

Herbal remedies effectively deal with the problem of dry corns. They help to soften rough skin in the shortest possible time, contributing to its rapid regeneration.

Dandelion at the beginning of flowering

Dandelion juice is considered a good remedy for the treatment of dry calluses. The main thing is to collect the large flowers of the plant in order to squeeze more juice out of them. Before carrying out the procedure, you just need to make an incision on the stem, squeeze out all the juice and apply it to the corn. It is important to use dandelions plucked during the flowering period, when their heads are still yellow.

Baked garlic

Baked garlic, which is recommended to use as a compress, also helps. To do this, you only need one clove, which you must first bake. Then it needs to be cut in half and applied to the place of the corn, but do not forget to lubricate the skin around the damaged area with vegetable oil or fat cream. To keep the compress well, fix it with a bandage and leave it overnight. With daily use of such a tool, after 7 days there will be no trace of dry corn.

Prepare equal proportions of onions, aloe leaves and raw potatoes, chop them thoroughly and stir... It is recommended to store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator, but not more than 4 days. Before using, spread the mass in an even layer on a small piece of oilcloth, and then apply the compress to the corn, fix it with a plaster and leave for 3 hours. Carry out the procedure within a week, and the callus will disappear by itself.

An ordinary lemon will help with stale dry calluses with a stem... But before you make a compress with him, you need to steam your legs well and wipe them dry. It remains to attach a slice of lemon along with the peel to the corn and fix it. After just five days of regular procedures, the skin will become soft and the pain will disappear. Now you can easily remove the dry corn along with the stem.

Prunes - a savior from the assortment of dried fruits

Old calluses can also be effectively dealt with by prunes. It must be boiled in a mug with milk for 30 minutes. Then remove the bone from the prune and apply the cut and hot dried fruit to the corn. At the end, fix the compress with a plaster, insulate it and leave it overnight. To speed up the treatment, continue the procedure for 10 days.

Tomato gruel is ideal for poultices

For the second version of the poultice, you need a tomato. Peel it, grate it on a fine grater, transfer the resulting gruel to an enamel container and steam it over low heat for 5 minutes. The prepared warm mass must be evenly distributed on the previously prepared oilcloth and applied to the corn, fixing it with a plaster on top. Leave the tomato gruel for two hours. It will be possible to remove the corn by repeating the procedure twice a day for 14 days.

Healing baths for dry calluses with a stem

Salt and soda. In a bowl of hot water, add 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and table salt. Now put your feet in the bath and hold them for 30 minutes. Make sure that the water in the basin is constantly hot. For convenience, place a kettle with boiling water next to it and add it as the water cools. In this method of treatment, the main thing is regularity. Therefore, we do the procedure every day, for at least a week, gradually cutting off the corn with a rod with a razor.

Soap and soda. Rub a tablespoon of laundry soap with a coarse grater. Prepare a bowl with a liter of hot water and dissolve the resulting soap crumbs in it. Add 3 tsp. baking soda. Steam your feet in the bath, constantly pouring hot water into the basin as it cools. The total time of the procedure should not exceed 30 minutes. Now it is recommended to take a pumice stone and gently scrape off the steamed corn and corns. At the end, lubricate your feet with a nourishing cream.

Potassium permanganate and salt. For painful dry calluses, it is recommended to make baths using potassium permanganate. To do this, add a small amount of potassium permanganate to a liter of hot water so that the water acquires a soft pink hue, and a tablespoon of table or sea salt. The duration of such a bath is 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, we do not scrape or wipe the calluses and calluses on the legs.

Sea or table salt. Ordinary salt baths are also excellent for dry calluses and corns. In this case, the water should be at room temperature. Add only 1 tbsp to it. table or sea salt. Keep your feet in the bath for 30 minutes. Such a procedure will help to soften the skin, as well as relieve burning and pain.

Homemade ointments

A ready-made ointment for calluses can be purchased at the pharmacy. However, it would be more correct to cook it yourself, using available and completely safe ingredients.

Prepare 30 g of camphor and mix it with 100 g of alcohol, 30 g of red pepper and 10 g of bodyagi... Before using this ointment, steam your feet in a bath and wipe dry. Now you can put the prepared composition on the softened corn, and cotton wool on top and fix everything with a plaster. Leave the ointment on for 6 hours. We continue to carry out the procedure every day until the corn softens well and can be easily removed.

Pine gum is the perfect ingredient for callus ointment

Steam your legs well overnight and apply a thick layer of pine resin over the corn. Then wrap the place where the ointment is applied with a bandage and put on warm socks. The next day, in the morning, wash your feet thoroughly with soap, and in the evening repeat the procedure again. The minimum course of such treatment is 10 days.

Melt the lard in a steam bath and add the same amount of powdered chalk to it. Mix both ingredients thoroughly. Lubricate dry calluses with the resulting composition in the morning and evening, holding the composition for about 2 hours. The duration of treatment is the same as in the previous prescription.

You can also prepare another ointment, which includes 50 g of lard and 2 cloves of garlic, previously passed through a press. The mixture is heated in a water bath for 30 seconds, and then spread evenly over the oilcloth and applied to dry corn, fixing with a bandage. Leave the ointment on overnight to speed up the treatment. Carry out the procedure for a week, and when the rough skin is soft enough, carefully remove the callus with a nail scissors.

Other means

In addition to the usual methods of treating dry corns with the help of herbal remedies, baths and ointments, another very non-standard method is also used - a garlic cake.

Mash a clove of garlic and mix it with a teaspoon of vinegar essence. Now we begin to gradually add wheat flour, achieving the consistency of a thick dough. Then take an adhesive plaster and make a corn-shaped hole in it. Glue it to the corn, and put a garlic cake on top and fix it on top with another plaster. After a while, you will feel a slight burning sensation. Leave the cake for 2-3 days. After removing the bandage, the dry callus will disappear, but if this does not happen, then repeat the procedure again.

The place where the corn used to be must be treated with Vishnevsky ointment or sea buckthorn oil. This is necessary in order for the wound to heal completely.

Prevention of dry corns

To prevent dry calluses from bothering you as often as possible, choose and wear comfortable shoes so that they do not cause discomfort while walking and do not rub your feet. Remove splinters in time, which can easily get deep under the skin, causing discomfort and the appearance of calluses. At the same time, do not forget to treat the skin with antiseptic agents after the procedure: hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or iodine.

Also, remember the rules of personal hygiene. Pay particular attention to keeping your feet clean in summer, moisturizing them in parallel with creams and lotions.

For common dry calluses, softening herbal compresses, ointments, and lozenges can help. But for those who suffer from old dry calluses with a core and corns, you should pay attention to the baths. Remember also about preventive measures - after all, they will help protect your skin from calluses.

Every person has to deal with the appearance of corns periodically. This problem is especially common when new shoes are worn out. Some are in a hurry to seek help from the beauty parlor. Others are more interested in how to quickly cure a corn at home.

Remedies for wet and dry calluses

Calluses are composed of keratinized areas of the skin that form as a result of strong friction or pressure. The main reasons for their occurrence on the soles are wearing tight shoes, excessive sweating of the feet, or flat feet. On the palms, the skin coarsens when working with tools without protective gloves. Corns are classified as wet, dry and corns. Each of these types requires special control methods.

Wet calluses are painful blisters filled with intercellular fluid. Piercing small blisters is generally not recommended. This is because a humid environment is a great breeding ground for bacteria. If the callus vesicle is opened, then an inflammatory process may develop in the resulting wound.

All that remains to be done is to wait for the corn to dry. Until then, switching to more comfortable shoes and applying an orthopedic patch will help reduce pain.

Drying can be accelerated by lubricating the compacted area with iodine, potassium permanganate solution or zinc ointment.

However, if the bubble is large enough and located so that it is injured in any case, then piercing is indispensable. For this, the feet are first washed with soap. Then the corn is rubbed with alcohol or boric acid solution and carefully pierced with a sterile needle. The tip is inserted at the edge of the blister, parallel to the surface of the foot. The liquid is carefully squeezed out by placing a sterile gauze napkin on the corn. Next, the place is smeared with an antibacterial ointment (for example, synthomycin), covered with a napkin or a piece of bandage and sealed with a plaster. If the blister accidentally bursts on its own, it should be treated in the same way.

The dried corn exfoliates itself over time. But you can also clean it off with a pumice stone or a coarse brush. For this purpose, the legs are pre-steamed in a soapy soda bath. Prepare it by dissolving 2 tablespoons of soda and a tablespoon of shaved soap in 3 liters of warm water. The procedure is carried out within 20-30 minutes.

Calluses on the hands are treated with similar methods.

How to quickly cure a callus: down with corns

Corns, unlike ordinary corns, do not pass the "wet" stage and from the very beginning are a growth of thick, coarse skin. They are formed exclusively on the soles when wearing uncomfortable shoes. Often, a core is formed in the middle of the corns, which goes deep into the skin. These calluses are usually very painful.

The process of brushing off the corns with a brush or razor does not give the desired effect. Very quickly, a new seal appears in the same place. Therefore, it is better to use special keratolytic agents for treatment. They gradually exfoliate dead cells and stimulate the formation of new tissues.

The basis of such drugs is salicylic or lactic acid. To soften the skin, glycerin and vegetable oils can be added to the composition. The existing dosage forms are represented by ointments (5% salicylic ointment, "Nemosol", "Foot Relax", "Stop-callus") and plasters ("Salipod", "Compeed").

It is important that the keratolytic does not come into contact with healthy skin. Therefore, the corns is first isolated - an ordinary plaster is glued onto it, in which a hole of the required size is made. After that, for a day, an ointment is applied to the corn or a medical plaster is glued to it. The procedure is repeated for 3-6 days until the keratinous skin sloughs off.

Ingrown calluses may require hardware treatment. A deep rod is drilled with a pedicure drill or removed with a laser.

Grandma's recipes

Traditional medicine offers its own methods of how to cure a callus on the leg:

From corns:

  • Steam the corns and tie the lemon peel to it overnight. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times. After that, make a warm bath and remove the corn.
  • Make a warm foot bath. Attach a heated piece of propolis to the corns and tie it with a bandage. Wear the bandage for 5 days. If necessary, repeat the procedure 2-3 more times. Then remove the softened corn.
  • Soak the whole peeled onion in vinegar for 24 hours. Apply onion slices to the corns, changing the compress 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 4-5 days.
  • To relieve pain with corns, salt baths are practiced. Add a tablespoon of salt to 3 liters of warm water. The procedure takes 5-20 minutes.

For wet calluses:

  • Grate raw potatoes, put on a sore spot overnight and tie with a bandage. The potato relieves pain and has a drying effect.
  • Keep the aloe leaf in the refrigerator for several hours. Cut in half, apply to calluses and bandage.
  • Grind the fig berry into a gruel and apply to the affected area overnight.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of dried plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water. Insist for 10-15 minutes. Add the prepared broth to a warm foot bath.

A special case

Today's article will focus on such a topic as - corn, as well as about the types, stages, treatment and prevention of corns.

Callus is subdivided into 2 types: callus and callus, which in turn are subdivided into different types and stages of development.

Calluses are the result of prolonged friction or pressure on the skin.

Callus ( lat. callus)- a structure formed during the regeneration of bone tissue after a violation of the integrity of the bone during the normal course of the fracture healing process. It is a connective tissue that forms at the site of the fracture.

Today we will focus specifically on calluses, which most people call simple - "callus".

Types of corns

Corns are of the following types:

- water (wet, soft) corn;
- dry (hard) corn;
- corns;
- corn kernels.

Callus is a fluid-filled blister under the top layer of the skin. The liquid can be clear, yellowish, or, if the capillary is touched, blood-colored. Wet calluses most often cause pain, and in this regard, they bring sufficient inconvenience. By themselves, wet calluses do not cause danger to human life, but if they are not properly cared for, especially for blood calluses, they can cause infection of the body.

Water calluses are usually very painful, they bring inconvenience in the process of walking, which to some extent darkens a person's life. In the event of further traumatic action on the soft callus, it transforms into a dry (hard) form, which is a thick layer of keratinized skin.

Dry, hard calluses appear as a result of prolonged friction and pressure on the skin, and is not so much a species as a stage in the development of callus following soft calluses. Sometimes, however, dry corn can bypass the mild stage. This happens when a certain area of ​​the body is subject to moderate, but at the same time, constant pressure with friction. In this case, the skin on this part of the body does not sharply, but slowly coarsens.

Actually, the hard corn itself is a keratinized, somewhat elevated area of ​​dead skin, grayish or yellowish, which in some cases can even help. For example, if a person is engaged in hard physical work (joiners, carpenters, woodcutters) or sports. A thick layer of skin will simply perform a protective function against various microtraumas.

Hard calluses can also occur in people who write or draw frequently.

Dry (hard) corn, unlike soft, is not painful, although, in advanced stages of development, when cracks are already forming from it, it can cause some pain.

Corns are a type of dry corn. The difference between ordinary dry corn and corns is that the latter has a slightly larger area of ​​keratinized skin without clear boundaries, and the place of dislocation is the soles of the feet. Dry calluses can be found on both the legs and arms.

Core callus

Core calluses on the feet occur most often in the interdigital spaces, but often on the feet. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that in the callus itself there is a hole in the center, in which there is a rod deepened, several millimeters deep into the body. It is because of the rod that it is so difficult to remove this type of corns, which is not recommended to be removed on your own at home.

It is also worth noting that if the "core" is not given proper attention, it can eventually give a person serious pain, because from it, microcracks can spread on the keratinized skin.

Most often, dry calluses appear on the palms, at the bases of the fingers, toes, and together with the shafts of the toes. In general, calluses can also be found on knees, elbows and other parts of the body.

Indirect causes of the appearance of corns, which occur as a result of prolonged friction and pressure on the skin, can be due to:

- Difficulty walking in heels or uncomfortable shoes;

- exposed seams inside the shoe, on which the feet can rub;

- socks that are not the size of the legs (large), which can crumple;

- loads on the legs from body weight, clothes, boxes or bags carried by a person;

- the tendency of the skin to develop excessive keratinization;

- the specifics of physical activity (working professions, sports, living in villages with large households);

If you decide to get rid of corns on your own, make sure that it is a corn, and not, which, unlike corns, consists of living tissue, and any damage to it is highly undesirable.

Treatment of water (wet, soft) calluses

Treatment of wet (soft) calluses should be carried out according to the following scheme:

1. Stop any mechanical effect on the area of ​​the skin affected by the callus. To do this, it is necessary to remove or change the provoking factor (for example, shoes).

2. For the purpose of disinfection, wipe the damaged skin with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, ethyl alcohol, etc.).

3. Cover the damaged skin with a bactericidal plaster.

If the bladder of the callus is pierced and the liquid is released from it, then the callus will begin to heal much faster, but doctors do not recommend opening it on their own, because there is a high risk of infection.

If you nevertheless decide to pierce the bladder, in order to avoid infection, follow these rules:

- hands and damaged skin should be thoroughly washed with soap;

- for piercing, it is better to take a needle from a sterile disposable syringe;

- you only need to pierce the exfoliated skin so as not to touch the soft tissue and aggravate the situation;

- after the procedure, it is necessary to wipe the affected area with an antiseptic and seal it with a bactericidal plaster.

With complications, calluses on the legs or hands become inflamed, swollen, and pus begins to flow out of them, which indicates their infection. In this case, the removal of corns should be carried out only in a medical institution. The doctor will clean and dress the wound and, if necessary, prescribe topical or internal antibiotics.

Treatment of dry (hard) calluses and corns

So, we have learned how to get rid of wet corns, now let's consider the question of how to get rid of dry (hard) corns and corns.

Dry (hard) calluses should be treated according to the following scheme:

1. Steam your foot well in hot water to soften hard areas of skin. An infusion of flowers or flowers, which will also perform an antiseptic effect, will help well for this. You can also add tea tree oil to the water.

2. Rub the steamed corns or corn well with a pumice stone to remove the keratinized skin area.

3. Apply a pharmacy or moisturizer to the affected area, or some healing remedy prepared according to a folk recipe. In addition, dry corn or corns can be greased with castor oil, vegetable or olive oils, and a solution.

4. To keep warm, as well as to prevent contact of the treated area with the external environment, put on socks and lie down.

Treatment of core calluses

Core calluses are, perhaps, the most difficult type of calluses, from which it is very difficult to get rid of it yourself, at home, therefore it is recommended to do this only under the supervision and with the help of a doctor.

For the treatment of core calluses, the following are most often used:

Drilling out corn kernels is considered the most reliable method. With the help of a special apparatus, the master removes skin areas using attachments of various diameters. As a result, a depression is formed into which anti-inflammatory drugs are placed;

- Cryotherapy - corn kernels are burned with liquid nitrogen;

- Laser therapy - stubble callus is cauterized with a laser.

These techniques make it possible to remove unpleasant formation as safely and effectively as possible, contribute to skin renewal after the procedure, and the laying of anti-inflammatory drugs, contributes to the rapid healing of the areas where the calluses were.

If you still want to try to remove the corn kernels on your own, then you need to perform actions similar to the treatment of dry calluses, with the addition of some nuances:

1. Steam the leg with corn kernels;

2. Remove the top layer of keratinized skin with a pumice stone

3. Treat the area of ​​skin with corn with a moisturizing and healing cream;

4. Cut a hole on a wide patch, with a diameter like a rod, and as soon as the healing or moisturizer is absorbed into the skin, stick the patch on the corn so that the hole cut out in it is opposite the rod.

5. Drop acetic acid into the place with the core, which should burn out the corn core in several procedures.

This technique allows you to cope with a shallow core.

Corn, like any disease, is easier to treat at the beginning of its formation. With early detection of calluses, it will be enough to apply an emollient cream before bedtime.

Calluses are one of the many diseases that traditional medicine copes well with.

1. Lemon. A commonly used remedy for corns is. Apply a slice of lemon to keratinized skin at night, fix with a plaster, in the morning, softened skin can be easily removed.

2. Aloe. To treat calluses, cut a piece in half, attach one piece to the sore spot at night, fix with a plaster. In the morning, the skin will be soft, which guarantees you easy removal of calluses with a pumice stone.

3. Bow. Alternative treatment of corns is often carried out with onion gruel, which should also be applied to the affected area at night. Onions are great for removing calluses, but be careful not to burn healthy skin with them.

4. Potatoes. Apply gruel made from raw potatoes to the corn. Apply cellophane or compress paper on top, fix with a bandage overnight. Scrape off the softened layer in the morning with a pumice stone, apply foot cream and you're done.

5. Bread callus compress. An unaged corn can be painlessly removed; for eight days, apply this compress from bread crumb, previously moistened with vinegar, at night.

6. Oats. Boil oat straw one in ten. Daily hot baths for about 15 minutes, and then the subsequent removal of the stratum corneum on the corns.

7. Dandelion. Lubricate the corn daily with juice squeezed from the stems and flowers. Do this procedure until the blisters disappear completely.

8. Celandine. When treating calluses, you can prepare an ointment from the herb. To do this, mix the juice of the herb with petroleum jelly or unsalted butter in ¼ proportions. In order for the ointment to be stored for a long time, it is necessary to add a little carbolic acid to it. This ointment should be used for calluses and even warts.

Dry calluses, more commonly known as corns, are a fairly common formation on the feet due to prolonged friction or increased pressure on the skin. Outwardly, the corns looks like a seal on the plantar of the foot with a thickening in the middle, which is actually an accumulation of dead cells - hyperkeratosis. The disease is not infectious in nature and is not contagious to others.

Causes of dry calluses on the feet

They form over a long time due to constant increased pressure on a certain area of ​​the skin or friction. It can occur on any part of the plantar surface of the foot that is exposed to mechanical stress: on the toes, metatarsus, heel (see). Very rarely, calluses occur on the arch of the foot.

Internal reasons: External reasons:
  • Age-related changes in the body: excessive loss of moisture, loss of skin elasticity and a tendency to damage
  • Posture disorders, flat feet
  • Gastrointestinal dysfunction
  • Diabetes
  • Circulatory disorders of the lower extremities
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Neurological pathologies
  • Overweight
  • Tight and uncomfortable shoes, chafing feet, shoes with heels. This is the most common cause of corns.
  • Wearing shoes without socks
  • Wearing synthetic socks and stockings
  • Certain sports: running, gymnastics, ballet
  • Walking barefoot on gravel, pebbles

Varieties of dry corn

Callus on the leg can be: soft, hard and pivotal.

Hard is a dense, closed growth that does not cause discomfort when walking. Slight pain can be felt only when pressing on the callus. More often localized on the plantar and lateral surfaces of the feet, heels.

Soft is a seal on the skin with an open surface (similar to a wound) or in the form of a bubble with a liquid inside. When you press it, pain is felt. Typical for interdigital spaces.

Corn with a core has a root, which in the form of a cone goes deep into the skin. In its center there is a central translucent zone of increased density or a core of dry corn. Causes discomfort and pain when walking. Most often it forms on the toe: the lateral surface of 2–5 toes and the dorsum of the interphalangeal joints.

Vascular and fibrous- more rare species. With vascular calluses, there are blood vessels in the core part, fibrous calluses are very dense hyperkeratosis that looks like honeycombs.


  • Appearance - they have a yellowish-white or gray color, rough (more often) or smooth (less often) surface. The corn shape is oval or round. They can be convex and flat.
  • Surrounding tissue- Often swollen and inflamed.
  • Pain - most often occurs with targeted pressure on it, but it can also be when walking.
  • Decreased sensitivity- with a light touch to the affected skin, the sensitivity is reduced.


Very often, calluses are complicated by a bacterial infection, and then pain and inflammation make walking on your feet painful and even impossible. The growths are prone to progression, i.e. overgrowth with the capture of new areas of healthy skin and it is very difficult to cure them.


You can diagnose dry callus on your own, relying on characteristic external signs, but it is better to visit a dermatologist who will make the correct diagnosis (differentiates with articular pads, keratoderma, psoriatic calluses) and tell you how to treat this formation.


It is believed that if the callus does not cause pain, it does not need to be treated. However, this is not true: the aesthetic appearance of such feet is far from perfect, and the absence of pain and discomfort is not a guarantee that these symptoms will not appear in a month or two. All therapeutic methods are aimed at removing the dead layer of cells.

Drug treatment

Salicylic acid creams and ointments

Action: Regular use of such funds leads to the gradual burning of the build-up from its bed.
Salicylic ointment applied to the callus after the bath, on dry skin, a protective plaster is glued on top. To prevent the drug from affecting the surrounding tissues, a patch is glued to the skin with a cut-out hole in it to the size of the callus. The procedure is repeated once or twice a day, the maximum duration of treatment is 28 days. You can use salicylic acid in a solution by wetting a piece of cotton wool with it and applying it to the build-up area.
Callus patch glued on and removed together with keratinized dead tissue after a while.

Salicylic ointment 3%, 5% or salicylic acid (solution) 20-30 rubles. Bottega Verde cream, 350 -450 RUB "Centenary" cream for heels from calluses and corns, manufactured by KorolevFarm LLC, price 80r. Nemosol 70 rubles

Cream Namosol 911, price 110 rubles. Kollomak, 300-370 rubles (pharmacy) Pasta "5 days", price 60 rubles. (pharmacy) Plaster Salipod 50-100 rubles (pharmacy)

Lactic acid creams and ointments

Action: They soften the corneous tissue, less aggressive in action than salicylic ones.
It is applied in a thick layer on the corn (after the bath, on dry feet), covered with wax paper on top and woolen socks are put on. After 2 hours, the softened skin is gently scraped off with a special nail file, and the remains of the cream are washed off with warm water. The procedure is repeated in 1-2 days.

Super Antimosol, price 100 rubles. The effect of JSC "Svoboda" (in Ashan) is effective against corns, 50 rubles. Lactic acid solution Green pharmacy (lactic and salicylic acid, plantain extract, etc.) 170 rubles

Celandine-based preparations

Balsam "Mountain celandine", 50-100 rubles. Corn Ka, 70 rubles Celandine juice Stopmozol with celandine, 80 rubles

Sodium hydroxide products

Action: It is an aggressive alkali that eats away at the horny cells.
The product is applied on previously cleaned and steamed corn very gently so as not to hurt healthy skin. There is a special applicator for this. When applied correctly, the growth darkens, but there is no pain or burning sensation. Within 1-2 days, the dead tissue gradually falls off. Repeat the application of the product if necessary.

Super Celandine, 30 rubles Super Celandine 20-30 rubles. Super Celandine 20-30 rubles. Antipapillom gel, 130 rubles (pharmacy)

Propellen-based products (refrigerants)

Action: This new word in pharmacology, otherwise called home cryotherapy, is more used to treat warts, but it is also used for dry growths - Wartner pen for removing corns (500 rubles), CryoPharma (700 rubles).
Usage: A special applicator is applied to the site, the skin turns pale and a water bubble forms, under which there is healthy tissue. The bubble dries up and gradually disappears.

Phenol based products

Action: They burn and mummify the fabric - Kondilin (700 rubles), Vartek, Verrukatsid (220 rubles).
Application: Corn is very carefully processed with a solution and dried in the air. Gradually, it dries up and disappears. If necessary, the processing is repeated.


Removal of old dry corn, when other independent measures do not lead to an effect, is performed in a cosmetology or surgical room:

  • Liquid nitrogen or cryodestruction- A skin area treated with an applicator or a special device with liquid nitrogen, i.e. the corn itself is frozen for 20-30 seconds, if necessary, the procedure is repeated several times. After the procedure, the build-up turns white and disappears after a few days. During the recovery period, it is very important to treat the skin with an antiseptic and protect the delicate skin under the former corn from friction with a plaster, so that a new skin defect does not form.
  • Laser - Exposure to a laser beam leads to heating and layer-by-layer evaporation of keratinized cells of formation from the focus. The recovery period for laser removal of calluses is shorter than after cryodexturction, but after the procedure, the same restrictive measures are required as described above.

Under no circumstances should you cut, cut or peel the corn yourself. This is a direct route to infection of the soft tissues of the foot and getting into the surgical department.

Foot baths

They can act as both the main treatment and preparation before applying the medicinal product. The general principle of using the baths:

  • the water should be hot, but not scalding
  • acceptance time - 15 minutes
  • after the bath, the corn is carefully processed with a special nail file or pumice stone.

The following formulations can be used:

  • Decoction of pine and spruce buds- perfectly softens and disinfects the skin. Boil 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. kidneys for 2-3 minutes.
  • Soap-soda solution- disinfects and softens horny seals. For 1 liter of water, take 1 tbsp. spoon of baking soda and liquid soap.
  • Potassium permanganate solution- a rich pink solution is prepared.
  • Salt solution - add 1 tablespoon to 1 liter of water. sea ​​salt.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of dry calluses without surgery and pharmaceutical preparations? There are ways that have been proven over the years that, when used correctly, are very effective.

Onion peel

The husk is poured with 9% vinegar and placed in a jar with a lid for 2 weeks. The place is smeared with petroleum jelly and onion peels are placed on it, a bandage is applied on top and left overnight. In the morning, the leg is steamed in water and some of the corn should have already fallen off. The procedure is repeated 2 days later until the build-up is completely removed.

Garlic ointment

The garlic is baked in the oven, mixed in half with butter and put on the corn, covered with a bandage on top. After 2 hours, the ointment is removed with part of the build-up. Repeat in 1-2 days.

Calendula flower compress

Helps only with fresh calluses. Fresh flowers are crushed and hot water is added to them until a gruel is formed, from which a compress is made. Repeat for 10 consecutive days.

Lemon peel

Fresh lemon peel is glued with the yellow side to the growth, after steaming the leg. Leave the bandage on for 1-2 days. Repeat after 2 days.

Propolis alcohol solution

It helps well with calluses on the little finger. A piece of propolis is dissolved in a small volume of alcohol and a third of the volume of salicylic acid is added, stirred until smooth. Apply daily and cover with a bandage. In 5-7 procedures, the growth will completely soften and disappear.

Fresh sour tomato pulp

The tomato is crushed into gruel and applied in the form of an ointment to the corn, and a bandage is made on top. This natural ointment can be used daily at night.


1 egg is poured with vinegar and left for 8 days until completely dissolved. The resulting composition is treated as follows: a tissue napkin is soaked in liquid and applied to the corn, covered with cellophane on top and wrapped. Apply as parts of the build-up are falling off.

Aloe juice

Lubricate every day at night until the horn formation is completely removed.


Dried prunes are boiled in milk and hot applied to the place, kept until cooled, removed and the next hot prunes are applied. The procedure lasts 30 minutes and is repeated daily.

Celandine juice

This is a classic treatment - every day the corn is burned with a freshly cut celandine cuttings. This method will cleanse your feet in a few weeks.

Garlic tortilla

A clove of garlic is chopped into a gruel, 1 tsp is added. vinegar essence and flour until a cake is obtained. In a piece of plaster, a hole is cut out to the size of a callus, glued to the leg and a cake is placed in the hole. Cover it with a bandage and seal it with a plaster. They are removed after 2-3 days, the build-up will be removed along with the bandage. If necessary, repeat after a few days, but 1 procedure is usually sufficient.

How to prevent calluses on your feet

If you are prone to the formation of calluses, you should carefully monitor the hygiene of your feet, socks and shoes, protect the area of ​​the former callus from injury and maceration, so that the formation does not form again.

Shoes should be proportionate, of high quality and not constrict your legs. You can't wear high-heeled shoes all the time. If there are orthopedic problems, orthopedic shoes or special orthopedic insoles should be worn.

To protect the skin from friction, there are special pads on sale that are inserted between the feet and the toe or shoe. There are various variations - under the toes, between the thumb and the rest of the toes, under the heel, etc.

When performing a pedicure, you should carefully examine the plantar part of the foot for the presence of calluses - detecting them at the very beginning of formation allows you to quickly solve this aesthetic and medical problem!