How to set the table for a wedding in a cafe. What does the wedding menu include? Dependence on the season

On such an exciting day as a wedding, you want everything to be perfect. All the details of the celebration are carefully thought out, from prizes for competitions to wedding menu dishes. In order for the wedding to leave an unforgettable mark on the memory of the invited guests, it is necessary to take a creative approach to organizing the celebration. For example, vivid impressions will remain from the wedding if there are original dishes on the festive table. How to make a wedding menu? Using our tips, you can please your guests with delicious, varied dishes.

What is the best wedding menu?

Thinking through the options for dishes on the wedding table, you need to take into account the taste preferences of the guests. In order not to get into trouble, it is better to find out in advance about the possible food preferences of the guests. Tastes are different. Someone does not consume animal products because they are fasting or are a vegetarian, someone is allergic to certain products. Therefore, when compiling a festive menu, dishes should be interchangeable.

By organizing a wedding in a restaurant or cafe, you will greatly facilitate your work when compiling a wedding menu. Usually in such establishments there are ready-made variations of dishes. Take advantage of the services of experienced chefs who will create your wedding menu according to your wishes. The owner of a restaurant or cafe will certainly not refuse either and will help with advice.

Any hostess on the eve of the wedding puzzles over how to deliciously feed the guests. In order for the festive table to be varied, but without frills, it is necessary to correctly compose the menu. When compiling a wedding list of dishes, take a piece of paper, a pen, and write a list of guests invited to the celebration. Opposite each, make notes, his taste preferences or other features.

Then make a list of the ingredients you will be using for your wedding meals. Considering the tastes of the guests, you will decide on treats that will appeal to family and friends. There is a wide variety of wedding recipes, but you need to choose unusual, not everyday dishes. Surprise your guests! Let there be something on your table that you have never cooked or tried before. Then your loved ones will forever remember this event.

Appetizers and salads

Before people sit down at the wedding table, there should be cold appetizers on it. These dishes are served in portions, ie. for each person - a separate plate with refreshments. There are such appetizers:

  • Cold cuts: boiled pork, several types of sausage, ham, salmon.
  • Salted fish: herring, salmon.
  • Cheese slices: hard cheeses, white cheese.
  • Vegetables. They are served sliced ​​or as salads. Cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes are suitable for assorted vegetables.

Prepare a delicious eggplant appetizer for the wedding table. For this dish you will need eggplant, tomatoes, cheese and herbs. Eggplant cut into strips 1 cm thick, fry in vegetable oil. Lay the chopped tomato in strips on a strip of eggplant, grated cheese on top, a little homemade mayonnaise and twist it into a roll. Sprinkle with herbs, insert skewers. The original wedding appetizer is ready.

Another great wedding dish is green cheese balls. To prepare, grate the cheese on a fine grater, add mayonnaise, garlic. Roll the resulting mass into balls, into which you will need to insert a pitted olive stuffed with almonds. Cut the dill greens finely, roll the balls. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Complete the dish with colorful skewers.

For wedding snacks, you can cook sandwiches with kiwi and cheese. Fry the loaf slices with a toaster, spread with mayonnaise. Top with thinly sliced ​​cheese. Rinse kiwi fruit thoroughly under running water without peeling, cut across into slices 0.5 cm thick, put on top of the cheese. This dish is not only very tasty, but also looks original on the wedding table.

Main dishes

After the first feast at the wedding, guests usually have a smoke break, dance, and chat. Tamada invites everyone to participate in competitions. Events last thirty to forty minutes. During this time, the remnants of snacks are removed, and the moment of serving the dishes of the second table approaches. After active participation in the wedding process, dancing and getting hungry, the guests are ready to work with forks.

The main dishes of the menu should be hearty and tasty. Be sure to have meat on the wedding table. It can be meat fingers, meatballs, chops, meatballs, grilled meat sticks. Dishes should be moderately fatty so as not to burden the stomachs of guests. In addition, sauces are usually served in beautiful dishes, these are soy, tomato, mustard.

Garnishes are served with meat. It can be potatoes cooked in different variations: mashed with butter, stewed with tomatoes, baked in pots with vegetables, deep-fried french fries, potatoes stuffed with minced meat. Rice is also a good addition to wedding meat dishes. Having an unobtrusive, neutral taste, many guests will like it. To make the rice crumbly and not stick together in a lump when cooling, use high-quality cereals.

The groats are boiled in salted water, washed with plenty of running water. After that, onions and carrots fried in vegetable or ghee are added to the rice. If you put turmeric in this side dish, then it will have a bright yellow color, which looks unusual and elegant on the wedding table. You need to supplement the dish with finely chopped dill and parsley.

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

During the wedding feast, guests constantly make toasts, drink for the newlyweds. Therefore, there should be a lot of drinking. Experienced wedding organizers say that for three people there is one bottle of vodka or cognac with a volume of 1 liter, wine 1.5 liters, a bottle of champagne. But before buying alcohol, divide the guests into gender and age categories. A company of men and women gathers at the wedding, but the main consumers of vodka are men. And women prefer to drink wine or champagne.

Children and non-drinkers are also present at the wedding. You need to worry about this category of guests too. They are suitable for non-alcoholic drinks. Everyone, without exception, loves compote, cooked at home, from berries (raspberries, cherries, strawberries,) and fruits (apples, pears, plums), dried fruits (dried apricots, apples, pears, cherries, rose hips). Soft drinks should be on the wedding table and drinking men and women.

Many prefer bottled sugary drinks. Here the choice is very large. Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite are tasty and not expensive, but they have a harmful composition in which chemical elements predominate. Such drinks are especially harmful to children. Therefore, we advise, as an alternative, to prepare homemade lemonade for the wedding table. To do this, squeeze the juice of one lime into the water, add any sweetener. Such a drink with several slices of lemon looks beautiful in a decanter.

wedding cake and loaf

The sweet table is one of the more anticipated events at a wedding. All children and adults love sweets. A wedding cake is an invariable attribute of any celebration, a symbol of the holiday, the main highlight on the sweet table. His choice should be approached very reverently. Confectioners recommend ordering a wedding cake with thin layers smeared with light cream, custard or condensed, but not oily.

Get creative when decorating your wedding cake. After all, this is not just a treat, but a reflection of the event for which everyone gathered. This culinary delight is especially good if it is two or three-tiered and poured with white icing. From above and on the sides, such a treat is decorated with flowers and figurines made of mastic or cream. The size of the dessert should be proportional to the number of guests. The cake is the final part of the wedding feast and is served at the end of the evening.

The loaf also takes pride of place on the wedding table. They meet the newlyweds from the registry office, bless the path of family life. In ancient times, a wedding loaf was instructed to bake a happy woman in marriage. So the cake was endowed with beneficial energy. The tradition of baking a loaf before the wedding has remained in our times. Such pastries are a kind of symbolism of a happy family life. Confectioners offer a large selection of decorations for a wedding loaf - each figure made from dough has its own meaning:

  • Spikelets symbolize fertility, prosperity.
  • A pair of kissing doves speaks of marital fidelity.
  • The braid is a symbol of readiness for marriage.
  • A bunch of grapes is a rich offspring.
  • Flowers - beauty, wealth.

Calculation of the banquet menu for one person

How to make a wedding menu correctly so that everyone has enough food and does not have to throw away excess food? Experienced chefs and organizers of celebrations say that at a wedding banquet, each guest can eat one kilogram 300 grams of food. For convenience, we present an approximate calculation in the form of a table:

If you decide to invite guests and celebrate your wedding day in a restaurant or cafe, then you will make your work easier in the pre-holiday turmoil. A whole team of chefs, waiters, decorators, DJs will work for you. You will only need to specify your preferences with the staff of the institution in advance. An important point in the conversation will be the wedding menu for your table. You will compose it together with the chief pastry chef of the restaurant.

You will be offered a catalog of wedding dishes, from which you have the right to choose the ones you like best. A wedding menu in a restaurant is not much different from a homemade one. The first thing that should be on the table when guests enter the restaurant is cold appetizers. Here the choice is great: from cold cuts to assorted vegetables. The second is the main course. This includes meat, fish with a side dish.

The third table is the final stage of the banquet, sweets. The pastry chef in the restaurant will offer you a huge selection of different goodies, from bagels to a wedding cake. Since there are always a lot of children at the wedding, there should be a decent amount of baking on the festive table. Particular attention should be paid to fruits. They will not only complement and diversify the feast, but also decorate the banquet hall with their appearance. Fruits (apples, bananas, oranges, pineapples) are suitable for a snack between the main courses of a wedding feast. They also go well with alcoholic drinks.

Calculation of the menu for a wedding banquet

The most economical option is if you (provided that you organize the wedding yourself) or we (when we take care of everything) manage to agree with the restaurant / cafe on permission to use “your” alcohol for the banquet. In a very good situation, you can bring not only "your" alcohol, but also "your" cold snacks that do not need to be cooked, and fruits. But how to calculate the rate / amount of alcohol or snacks?

Serving size per person is easy to calculate. On average, 50-60 grams of a salad or other snack is enough for one person. In addition, it is known that guests actively eat only in the first 15-20 minutes of the feast, and then drink more. The appetizers are followed by hot meals. There must be at least two of them. Traditionally it is meat (poultry) and fish. Hot dishes are followed by dessert and, finally, the highlight of the program is the wedding cake. Before ordering a cake, you need to take into account the number of guests. So that everyone can enjoy a masterpiece of culinary art, estimate the approximate weight of the cake at the rate of 2 kg for 10 guests. If there are 50 people at the banquet, a cake weighing 10 kilograms will be just right.
If you know the habits of your guests well, it will be easier for you to calculate the amount and decide on the assortment of drinks. But on average, the following figures can be taken as a guideline: 3-4 bottles of spirits, 3-4 bottles of wine, 2-3 bottles of champagne for 10 people.

Please note: in summer you need a lot of water

The menu and the number of servings will help you choose in your restaurant or cafe.
Do not get carried away and order a bunch of food:
- 3-5 types of salads and snacks (1 serving per person, or even half a serving).
- Assorted meat, fish, vegetables
- Hot snack.
- One or two types of hot with a side dish.
- Ice cream
- Fruits
- Tea coffee.
You can try to negotiate to bring some of your products - the same cuts, caviar, fruits. It will come out much cheaper.

Below you will find a useful list of drinks and food per person, which you can build on when compiling your banquet menu.

Cold appetizers and aperitif:

1. Cold cuts: we recommend 3 types of meat (carbonate, neck, etc.) 40 g net/person of each type and 1 type of raw smoked sausage 20 g/person
2. Cheese - hard (1-2 types) 20-25 g / person
3. Vegetables: 50 g/person (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes); sweet pepper (preferably red and yellow) - 25-30 g per person; greens - cilantro, parsley, dill (mainly for decorating dishes)
4. Pickles: cucumbers and tomatoes (preferably not pickled) 40-50 g each; mushrooms - 30-40 g each;
olives / olives - 10 g each; wild garlic and pickled garlic at banquets, as a rule, are not popular
5. Fish: any red and white (hot smoked sturgeon is better) - net 40 g each (note that out of 6 kg of unprocessed red fish, 4 kg will remain after processing)
6. Caviar: red (chum) - 15-20 g per person, black - 10 g each
7. Fruits (the quantity primarily determines the season): lemons, tangerines, grapes (green and black), apples (small), pears, etc.; bananas are strongly discouraged in winter (blacken very quickly)
8. For an aperitif: fruits, boxed chocolates and nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc.)
9. Wedding cake: 100-150g per person


1. Juices and water: more than 1 liter per person. Juices - no more than 2 types (apple / grape / fruit drink and orange); min. water and cola - we strongly recommend small bottles (0.5 - 0.6 l), although 2 liters is more profitable, but the tables will not be cluttered with bulky containers
2. Champagne: traditionally inviolable 2 bottles that will stand in front of the young (one is drunk on the wedding anniversary, the other on the birth of the first child); and a maximum of 1-2 toasts for all guests (150-200 g per person)
3. Wine: we recommend only red (because the emphasis, as a rule, in the banquet menu is on meat) - 1/2 bottle 0.75l per person
4. Vodka, whiskey, cognac and vermouth: it is difficult to recommend and advise anything. Only you, knowing your guests, can evaluate their capabilities. But we recommend buying all the alcohol with a small margin so that you don’t “run twice” and that guests don’t “get in the way” if their favorite drink runs out.


1. If you have planned a walk with guests before the banquet, do not forget about champagne, water, sweets, sandwiches, napkins and disposable tableware. By the way, we recommend buying glasses made of transparent plastic, so that it looks aesthetically pleasing in photographs. Plastic cups look terrible! :(
2. It is likely that your banquet hall/restaurant/cafe will ask you to pay for cutting and serving the food you bring.
3. As practice shows, few of your guests will remember what exactly they ate at your wedding in a couple of weeks, but photos and videos will remind you of how beautifully this evening was organized for many, many more years.

Alcohol calculation:

What kind of alcohol will be drunk at your wedding depends on your personal preferences and the amount of money. But usually it is vodka, wine and champagne.
Cognac, martini, white wine, whiskey, liquor, etc. - all this is "an amateur" and is drunk much less often.
When calculating the amount of alcohol and drinks, you can be guided by the simplest rule:
Vodka - 1 bottle for 2 people,
Wine - 1 bottle per person,
Champagne - 1 bottle for three.
Soda, juice, mineral water - 1.5-2 liters per person.

It is more difficult, but it will be more accurate to calculate individually. After all, it all depends on many factors:
- and on the number and composition of guests (youth or almost non-drinking grandmothers),
- and from the state to which you want to drink the guests (slight intoxication or falling face down into the salad)
- and from the season (in the summer, in the heat, there will be much less people who want to drink vodka)
- and the duration of the banquet.
An approximate layout is as follows (for a one-day banquet lasting 6 hours)

Light-drinking guests
Wine (bottle), Vodka (bottle), Champagne (bottle), Soda (l), Juice (l), Mineral water (l)

1 woman (1), (0), (0.3), (0.5), (0.5), (0.5)
1 male (0.5), (0.5), (0.3) (0.5), (0.5), (0.5)
1 child (0), (0), (0), (1), (0.5), (0)

Average drinking guests

1 woman (1), (0.3), (0.5), (1), (0.5), (0.5)
1 male (1), (1), (0.5), (1), (0.5), (0.5)

Drinking Guests
Wine (bottle), Vodka (bottle), Champagne (bottle), Soda (l), Juice (l), Mineral water (l)
1 woman (2), (0.5), (1), (1), (0.5), (0.5)
1 male (1), (1-1.5), (0.5), (1), (1), (0.5)
1 child (0), (0), (0.5), (1), (0.5),(0)

However, when calculating alcohol, it is important not to forget that you will also drink at home, in the registry office, and on a walk. For these purposes, it is better to use champagne or wine.
1. At home (at the bride and groom) - only 3-4 bottles
2. On a walk - 1 bottle for each walker
3. In the registry office - only 2-3 bottles
Soda or mineral water is also better to take - six bottles, just in case.
2 more bottles of champagne must be prepared for tying with a ribbon (at a banquet). You will drink one on the first wedding anniversary, and the second - at the birth of the first child.
If this amount seems not enough to you, feel free to take more. After all, everything that remains will be drunk on the second day or subsequent holidays.

The wedding banquet is an important part of the wedding day. The newlyweds look in advance for a venue for the celebration, toastmaster, and think over the menu. It is easy to make it for 30 people both for a cafe and for a celebration at home.

At a wedding, as a rule, there are many guests of different ages. It is important that everyone is satisfied and satisfied. The list of dishes should include treats for every taste in sufficient quantities.

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Hot dishes, non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks and, of course, must be present on the table. After all, the heroes of the occasion want the holiday to leave only pleasant impressions.

How to compose

A wedding menu for 30 people in a cafe, at home or in nature does not require large expenses - it is much more important to correctly compose the dishes and take care of the table setting. Consider what an approximate menu for a wedding for 30 people looks like and analyze its main components.

Cold snacks

Most of all on the festive table, as a rule, cold appetizers. These dishes are served at the beginning of the holiday and left on the table until the end of the banquet. When calculating the number of products, you can use the following norms.

  • Meat cut. It includes different types of meat and sausages - 40 grams per person.
  • Fish cut. For a small wedding, 3-4 kg of fish is enough, given that this product has a lot of waste.
  • Cheese slices - about 1 kilogram. It is advisable to purchase 2 types of cheese.
  • Pickles - cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms. Each type is enough for 40 grams per person.
  • Vegetable cutting includes tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, radishes, greens. In total, about 3 kg of vegetables are needed for cutting to the wedding table.

Cold appetizers can also include aspic, liver cake, tongue, red and black caviar. This option is suitable for those who do not seek to save on a wedding banquet.


to the wedding menu. They are served in special plates or in tartlets. For each guest, you need to prepare 150 grams of salads of each type. The most popular dishes are Olivier, Caesar, Herring under a fur coat.

The salads listed above cannot be called original. But for a wedding, it is better to choose traditional dishes that will appeal to all guests. The decor of salads should be given special attention. Decorated dishes awaken the appetite and look favorably on the festive table.

Main dishes

They are served approximately 3 hours after the start of the banquet. Do not limit yourself to one hot dish and a side dish. The wedding menu includes several types of treats. You can serve to the table: pancakes, julienne, chicken Kiev, steak, steaks, roasted fish, meat with vegetables, meat rolls with cheese and mushrooms, chops, barbecue, cabbage rolls, meat or fish baked in dough or other dishes.

The chip of the banquet will be a young pig, or a turkey. The choice of products depends on the preferences of the newlyweds. But the menu must contain fish, meat dishes and a side dish in an amount of about 200 grams of finished products per person.


For a wedding banquet, it is necessary to prepare sweet and unsweetened sparkling water, juice and alcoholic drinks. Such elite spirits as gin, martini, whiskey or Baileys are superfluous at a wedding banquet. It is better to give preference to the standard set: vodka, wine, cognac and champagne. Beer on the wedding table is bad form. It is not classified as a holiday drink.

wedding planner

Calculating the amount of alcohol is not easy. It is worth considering the contingent of guests. If a lot of elderly people and children are invited to the holiday, you will need a little alcohol. However, alcohol is not a perishable product. Learn more about calculating the number of drinks -

Elena Sokolova


Make sure that the main dishes are served warm to the table. Cold treats will spoil the overall impression of the wedding banquet.

Valery Nikitin

In order not to get into an awkward situation when guests demand a “continuation of the banquet” and there are no strong drinks left, it is better to have a few extra bottles in reserve. For a wedding banquet for 30 people, an average of 30 bottles of vodka, 20 bottles of wine and 15 bottles of champagne are required.


With a limited budget, you can limit yourself. It must be present on the wedding table. However, everyone loves sweets. They will not be superfluous, especially if there are many children among the guests.

When calculating the mass of a wedding cake needed to be enough for everyone present, you should consider how light it is. Desserts with butter cream are very satisfying. A fruit cake with yogurt filling is a light treat. It will need much more. The menu for a wedding for 30 people usually includes a cake weighing 5-6 kilograms. Sweets, ice cream and fruits are also served for dessert.

Organize a separate small table with a variety of desserts. When it's time for tea, you don't have to waste time handing out sweet treats.

How does the choice of dishes depend on the place of celebration

At home, in a restaurant and in nature, different dishes are served. To make it easier to decide on their choice, we have provided several menu options.

For a restaurant or other establishment

Having ordered a wedding menu for 30 people in a restaurant or cafe, the newlyweds get rid of the problem of calculating the amount of necessary products. Their task is only the selection of dishes. Everything else is taken care of by professional chefs.

To save money, you can try to negotiate with the staff of the establishment and bring your own alcoholic drinks. Restaurants are usually overpriced.

If the menu for a wedding for 30 people in a cafe does not suit the newlyweds for some reason, and they want to add certain dishes, the employees of the institution usually meet halfway and allow them to bring their own treats.

Before renting a cafe or restaurant, you should not only inspect the interior, but also read the reviews about the establishment to make sure that the food here is really delicious.

For home

Making a menu for a wedding for 30 people at home is quite realistic. A small celebration has its advantages. And this is not only . For a home banquet, there is no need to choose treats from a specific list of dishes.

The menu can include everything that the newlyweds want to see on their table. It can be not only traditional dishes, but also original treats. However, organizing a banquet for 30 people on your own is not so easy.

You have to ask relatives for help. After all, it is necessary not only to calculate and purchase products, but also to prepare treats and beautifully serve them to the table. Some dishes can be ordered at the restaurant for home delivery.

For a holiday in nature

When compiling a menu for a wedding for 30 people in the summer, they usually do not choose perishable food. For an open-air celebration, steak and grilled vegetables are suitable as the main dish. For a snack, as a rule, sandwiches and lavash rolls are served. Salads with mayonnaise are best avoided or cooked in small quantities.

Attention! Drinks heat up quickly in the heat, so it's important to take care of a mini-refrigerator to add ice cubes to them.

It is not easy to choose a cake for a wedding banquet in nature. It is served at the end of the banquet. For the whole day, in the absence of a refrigerator, it will float and lose its appearance or even deteriorate. The ideal option is to arrange with the delivery service and order the cake directly to the table. Otherwise, it is better to give preference to a candy wedding cake or an eco-cake with a little cream.

When choosing drinks for a menu for a wedding in nature for 30 people, keep in mind that guests will be thirsty on a hot day. Therefore, you will have to increase the number of unsweetened soft drinks.

  • The holiday lasts, as a rule, 6-8 hours. During this time, guests will master no more than 1 kg of food per person. With this calculation, make up the size of the servings.
  • Particular emphasis should be placed on cold appetizers. They make the table more diverse.
  • When compiling the menu, it should be borne in mind that among the guests there may be vegetarians, Muslims and people who follow their figure. You should not serve a large number of pork treats and too fatty dishes to the table. If necessary, the menu includes vegetarian dishes.
  • Pay attention to table setting. Even if the newlyweds make up a wedding menu for 30 people in the summer and the celebration will be in nature, the decorations will look good on photo and video shooting.
  • With limited financial resources, expensive treats can be replaced with cheaper ones: turkey for chicken, sandwiches with red caviar for canapes with red fish.


The wedding table menu for 30 people can be varied without spending a lot of money. The main thing is to choose the right treats. Thanks to the imagination and efforts of the newlyweds and the art of the cooks, the guests of the holiday will remember the banquet not only as a fun and entertaining event.

Snacks for a wedding can be very diverse, because every hostess wants her guests to be not only full, but also satisfied! Their choice is really great, as they say, for every taste and color. Hot and cold, baked, boiled, tartlets, sandwiches, canapes - you can and should cook a lot! Remember, snacks will be especially popular at such an event.

In my opinion, the main thing is simplicity and conciseness. Familiar and loved by all products that can be found in any supermarket or even bought on the market - that's our choice. To please guests, you do not need to look for products whose names you are not able to pronounce. Here it is worth remembering the old proverb: "Be simpler and people will reach out to you."

However, do not forget about serving dishes. Here you can turn around and not limit your imagination.

Perhaps, if you are planning a themed wedding, then you should use its motifs in the design of dishes. This can be expressed in table setting in a certain color scheme or decorating snacks with interesting figures.

In general, creativity will only be in place!

How to cook snacks for a wedding - 15 varieties

A recipe that has been tested over the years - sandwiches with red caviar, will always delight your guests. It is prepared very easily and quickly, and plain decorations in the form of a slice of lemon and a small bunch of parsley can turn it into a real masterpiece.


  • Red caviar - 170 grams;
  • Unsalted butter - 60 grams;
  • Baguette - 1 piece;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Parsley - 1 large bunch;


First you need to prepare food. Rinse the parsley and lemon thoroughly under running water and let them dry on a paper towel. Cut the lemon into slices, tear the parsley into small bunches.

For making sandwiches, it is best to use a slightly stale loaf; when slicing, it will not crumble, which, you see, will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Cut it into slices (1-2 centimeters).

Grease each piece evenly with butter, which should first be put out of the refrigerator so that it “melts” a little.

Spread the red caviar in a thin layer on the baguette slices, garnish with lemon wedges and parsley. Beautifully served on a plate and ready to serve.

A simple and modest recipe that will not only decorate the festive table, but will undoubtedly cause a taste rush on the part of the guests. It turns out very effectively and beautifully, and it is prepared quickly and simply.


  • Crab sticks - 400 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 160 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Dill - 1 small bunch;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;


We prepare the ingredients for our snack. Crab sticks must first be thawed (it will take literally 30-35 minutes). Boil the eggs, peel off the shell. Rinse dill under running water, finely chop

Separate the whites from the yolks. In one bowl on a fine grater we rub the whites, in the other the yolks. Grate cheese and garlic into a bowl with egg whites. We send dill there and season everything with mayonnaise, mix thoroughly.

We unfold each crab stick and grease with a thin layer of filling. We wrap the sticks into tubes.

On both sides, grease each stick with a small amount of mayonnaise and dip in yolks.

We spread the sticks on lettuce leaves, and our appetizer is ready!

“You can buy such fish in any supermarket!” - you say. And yes, you will be right, but what could be tastier (and cheaper) than your own salted fish?


  • Salmon - 1 Kilogram;
  • Sea salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Black pepper - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - to taste;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;


Let's start! Let's prepare our salmon. I prefer to take immediately butchered, it's faster and easier. We wash the fish under running water and cut it into two equal pieces.

For pickling itself, I advise you to take coarse salted salt: it has more suitable properties for pickling.

Mix salt with sugar and rub into our salmon.

There is no need to use a lot of spices here, otherwise they will kill the taste of the fish itself. Let's get by with black pepper and crushed bay leaves.

Add lemon slices on top, cover the bowl with plastic wrap. We put a press on top so that it puts pressure on the fish. We put the salmon exactly for a day in the refrigerator.

The next day, remove the press, drain the liquid and put in the refrigerator for another day.

Cut the fish into thin slices and serve according to your taste!

This appetizer is prepared very quickly. Stuffed eggs are suitable not only for the wedding table, but also for any other holiday.


  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Cheese - 80 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons;
  • Walnuts - 3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 1 piece;
  • Salad "Batavia" - a couple of leaves for serving;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Parsley - 1 small bunch;
  • Pomegranate - 15-30 grains;


Let's prepare the products. We wash the greens under running water, clean the garlic and pomegranate. Boil the eggs, peel off the shell.

Cut the eggs into 2 halves, remove the yolk. Mash the yolks with a fork in a bowl and add the cheese grated on a fine grater to them.

The next ingredient is walnuts. Finely chop them with a knife and add to the yolks. Squeeze the garlic there, pour out the salt and mix the ingredients. Add 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, mix everything thoroughly.

Take lettuce leaves and cut them into small pieces. We put each piece of lettuce in the proteins from the halves of the egg and put the filling in them.

We decorate stuffed eggs with parsley and add a bright accent - pomegranate seeds. We put our snack on a plate, and you can serve it to the table.

Such an appetizer will give you a summer mood and a positive charge even on the gloomiest autumn day, and it is very, very simple to cook it.


  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Kiwi - 1 piece;
  • Grapes - 1 bunch;
  • Canned pineapples - half a can;


Let's prepare our fruits. Rinse them well under running water, peel the banana and kiwi from the skin.

Cut each pineapple slice into 8 pieces. Place on toothpicks in the following order: banana, kiwi, pineapple, grapes (you can change to your liking).

Arrange the canapés on a plate and decorate as you wish.

A new interpretation of everyone's favorite Greek salad. Shall we start?


  • Cherry tomatoes - 9 pieces;
  • Olives - half a jar;
  • Cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Cheese - 150 grams;
  • Toothpicks - count on the number of canapes;


Prepare vegetables, rinse cherry tomatoes and cucumbers under running water. Cucumbers cut into rings, cheese into cubes.

A quick cold appetizer that will please everyone.


  • Thin pita bread - 2 pieces;
  • Dill -1 small bunch;
  • Parsley - 1 small bunch;
  • Soft cheese - 350 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 pack;
  • Large cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Tomato - 2 pieces;
  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack;


Prepare food. Rinse vegetables and herbs under water, boil eggs and peel them.

Cut tomatoes, crab sticks and cucumbers into thin strips. Finely chop the greens. Cut the eggs into small cubes (you can use an egg cutter).

We lay out the pita bread and grease it with melted cheese. Arrange cucumbers and tomatoes. We spread the second layer of pita bread and grease it with a layer of mayonnaise, lay out the eggs and greens. Add crab sticks on top and wrap our pita bread.

We wrap the resulting roll in cling film and send it to the refrigerator for an hour.

We cut our pita bread into small slices and serve to the table.

A classic cut that goes well with all drinks.


  • Cheese - 220 grams;
  • Salts - 250 grams;
  • Ham - 200 grams;
  • Olives - 1 bank;


Cheese cut into even cubes. Salts and ham in thin slices.

The key to this appetizer is the presentation. Take a round plate and start applying the filling (alternate products). Arrange olives in the center of the plate as a garnish.

We must not forget about the little guests, such an appetizer will appeal to even the most strict little gourmets.


  • Ham - 100 grams;
  • Cheese - 100 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 1 piece;
  • Large cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pieces;
  • Lettuce - a couple of leaves;


Let's prepare the products. Rinse vegetables and herbs under running water, boil the eggs and peel them from the shell

Grate the ham and eggs on a fine grater, mix in one bowl, squeeze the garlic. We rub cheese, preferably hard varieties, into the same bowl, season it all with mayonnaise and mix well.

Hats will be from small cherry tomatoes. We cut them in half. Cut the cucumber into rings.

We lay the dish with an impromptu field - a fresh salad. The basis of our mushrooms will be cucumber slices. The leg of the fly agaric will be a mass of ham, cheese and eggs. We put a tomato hat on the legs. The white dots that fly agarics are famous for can be made with mayonnaise.

Well, that's it, our mushrooms are ready.

There are never too many seafood, so another recipe with salted fish.


  • Lightly salted salmon - 1 piece;
  • Feta cheese - 150 grams;
  • Lettuce - a couple of leaves;
  • Dill - 1 small bunch;
  • Red caviar - a quarter of a can;


Rinse the lettuce leaves thoroughly, rinse the dill and chop finely.

Mix feta cheese with herbs. Cut the salmon into thin slices and grease with cheese mass, wrap the slices in rolls.

Lay lettuce leaves on a plate and lay out the rolls, steal the tops with caviar. Our rolls are ready.

A tender and hearty appetizer that will definitely not become superfluous on the festive table.


  • Ready tartlets - 14 pieces;
  • Philadelphia - 2 tablespoons;
  • Quail eggs -7 pieces;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 7 pieces;
  • Crab sticks - 80 grams;
  • Green onions - for decoration;


Let's prepare food. Rinse cherry and onion under running water. Boil eggs, peel. Cut eggs and tomatoes in half.

Let's get to the stuffing. We fit crab sticks in small cubes, mix with Philadelphia cheese.

We stuff our tartlets and decorate them with half an egg and cherry tomatoes. Add a couple of onion sticks and our appetizer is ready!

Ham rolls are a simple and tasty snack. There are a great many fillings, let's try the simplest - cheese.


  • Ham - 100 grams;
  • Cheese - 150 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Toothpicks - count on the number of rolls;


The filling is prepared very quickly and simply. We rub the cheese on a fine grater, add finely chopped garlic and mayonnaise to it. We mix everything thoroughly.

Cut the ham into thin slices. Lubricate the pieces with cheese mass and twist into rolls, fix with a toothpick.

Cheese balls in butter - tasty and easy.


  • Cheese - 250 grams;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Nuts - 15-20 pieces;
  • Flour - 100 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 200 grams;
  • Salt - to taste;


First, separate the whites from the yolks. We remove the yolks, we will not need them. Add a pinch of salt to the proteins and beat with a mixer at low speed (foam should turn out)

We rub the cheese on a fine grater and add to the proteins. From the resulting mass we form a ball, add a walnut inside. Sprinkle the balls with flour.

Add a large amount of oil to the pan and fry until golden brown.

Put the finished balls on a plate. Bon appetit.

A snack for any time of the year! Tasty and healthy.


  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces;
  • Soft cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • Dill - 1 small bunch;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;


Rinse the peppers under running water, remove the seeds. Rinse greens and finely chop.

Add greens to soft cottage cheese and squeeze garlic, salt and pepper.

We stuff the peppers with curd mass and cut into rings. Snack can be served at the table!

What wedding is complete without champagne? And what can go better with this drink than fruit? A simple and light fruit cut for a sparkling drink.


  • Orange - 1 piece;
  • Kiwi - 2 pieces;
  • Dark grapes - 1 bunch;


Fruit should be washed well. Peel the orange and kiwi, cut them into circles.

Beautifully served on a plate, stacking lines. Put grapes in the middle. Bon appetit.

Traditional wedding dishes and drinks
There are no certain traditions regarding what exactly should be on the festive wedding table, but there have always been some traditional wedding dishes, such as chicken. In ancient times, the bride and groom were secretly fed chicken before the holiday, since young people were not supposed to eat at the feast itself. They also served chicken to guests. A traditional chicken pie was also associated with it, inside of which there were baked eggs, and the top was decorated with a chicken head made of dough. According to tradition, pork should also be on the table - a symbol of the future wealth and well-being of the young. Well, the wedding feast crowns, of course, a pie or cake.

As for drinks, there are no strict rules here either, with the exception of beer - it is not customary to serve it on the first day of the wedding. Usually beer is served to guests on the second day.

At midnight, when the bride takes off her veil and changes her wedding dress, which symbolizes the transition from bride to wife, it is customary to serve champagne. In general, this noble drink at weddings is drunk mainly during the first toast, then vodka, cognac and wine are used.

For 10 people, the following figures can be taken as a basis: 3~4 bottles of spirits (vodka, cognac, etc.), 2~3 bottles of champagne, 3~4 bottles of wine. This approximate number may be adjusted based on the guest list. There may also be strong cocktails on trays to treat guests at midnight.

If you want to make your celebration non-standard and completely get rid of the worries associated with organizing a wedding banquet, contact a catering company that professionally organizes and services any festive events: receptions, banquets, anniversaries, dinner parties, coffee breaks, presentations, corporate parties, barbecues.

Catering, or banquet service, begins with the fact that you come to the company's office and discuss the list of services provided with an employee of the company. This limits your participation in the organization of the celebration. Further, highly qualified staff will take care of the complete arrangement of your holiday - from finding a place and delivering your guests to preparing an entertaining wedding program.

Taking into account your wishes, the employees of the catering company will find a room for a banquet. It can be a country house or just a picturesque place in the bosom of nature, where tents will be set up, furniture and utensils will be brought. Your guests will be quickly delivered to the place of the banquet by a comfortable bus or car.

The mood of the newlyweds and their guests depends on how the banquet room is decorated and the table is served. Do not skimp on the original design of the wedding banquet. A beautifully decorated and served table will create a solemn holiday atmosphere. Besides, it won't drain even a modest budget too much. Beautiful flower arrangements will make the wedding table elegant and surprise your guests. Your wedding will be remembered by you and your guests. Tablecloths play a special role in the decoration of the table. Your banquet table will not look elegant unless it is decorated with beautiful tablecloths. It is no secret that we follow a certain fashion in every aspect of our lives. As there is a fashion for clothes, so there is a fashion for the interior and table decoration. Color, texture, fabric pattern determine our choice in this matter. If you want to be told about your wedding: “What a stylish wedding”¦, you just have to say so. And your organizer will make sure that the wedding table is decorated with the latest fashion trends in the textile industry.

Preparing a festive table is not an easy task. It requires skill, a sense of proportion, tact, grace and much more, without which it is impossible to create a festive atmosphere. Of course, the most important thing is to think over the menu correctly. Usually a large place on the festive table is given to a variety of cold and hot snacks. The main dish on the wedding table is fried or stewed meat, poultry or fish. Depending on the number of guests, the festive dinner menu may include two or even three second hot courses. Recall the well-known saying: a wedding is arranged for parents and guests. In this case, the newlyweds hardly want their guests to be dissatisfied with the quality of the prepared dishes or leave the banquet hungry. This will not happen if you turn to professionals. The cost varies depending on the number of gourmet products and the complexity of the dish being served. Dessert dishes complete the table, and, of course, a wedding cake is the decoration of a festive banquet. Previously, young people were given a loaf with figurines of pigeons or swans for a wedding, symbolizing family happiness and harmony. Today, the newlyweds, according to Western tradition, cut the "multi-story" wedding cake, thus making the first joint effort as spouses.

A special place in the menu of the festive table belongs to alcoholic beverages. When choosing wine or strong alcoholic drinks for a wedding table, you need to take care not only of its quantity, but also of its quality, and of harmonious compatibility with the dishes included in the menu. All this is difficult to do without a certain experience and taste. The best chefs and sommeliers will be happy to help you prepare a wedding menu and realize your wishes in exquisitely prepared dishes.

Recently, it has become fashionable to arrange wedding ceremonies in the national style - from an incendiary Mexican wedding to a ceremonial Chinese one. And for this it is not necessary to travel abroad. Specialists of the catering company will organize the most original and unusual wedding for you. The menu of the wedding table, the scenario and the whole entourage of the celebration, up to the clothes of the waiters, will be completely designed in a certain style.

Running for a calculator

The cost of a wedding banquet is the sum of the cost of the dishes of your chosen menu and drinks. Now practically nowhere is a separate fee for renting a hall taken. The only condition is the minimum number of guests or the amount of the order, which each restaurant sets in its own way.

The main thing when organizing a feast is the choice of menu. Do not rely on your own strength in this, it is better to listen to the advice of professionals. The menu needs to be designed in such a way that, firstly, the table is beautiful, and secondly, so that the guests leave satisfied, full, but not overeaten. As a rule, at the wedding they eat the first 10 minutes, and then they drink more. Therefore, it is better to include several types of snacks in the menu.

The number of servings (assorted, salads) is calculated from the weight of one dish on the menu, for example, a serving of 100 g in a banquet version can be taken for two, 150 g for three. There are also portioned hot snacks, such as julienne, they are ordered based on the number of guests. It is best to "organize" the table in several shifts of dishes - the more servings, the livelier the banquet is. Hot, it is appropriate to order a lighter one - a bird or a fish. In the menu of many restaurants there are multi-portion dishes, this is the most convenient, economical and beautiful option. First, such a dish is put up in the hall so that guests can see it, it is heated in the kitchen before serving, and then the waiter in the hall cuts it and serves it to the guests.

Before the arrival of the newlyweds, it is customary to treat the gathering guests with an aperitif (1-2 glasses of wine, champagne or something stronger per person). The rest of the drinks are most often put on the table and poured by the waiters. Alcohol in restaurants is expensive, so many tend to buy drinks outside their walls. But before you decide to do this, arrange the possibility to bring "your" alcohol with the restaurant administration. Often this is allowed on the condition that some of the drinks will still be purchased at the restaurant. It can be difficult to calculate the required rate of alcoholic beverages. Champagne at weddings is drunk mainly during the first toast, then vodka, cognac and wine are used. However, based on 10 people, the following can be taken as a basis: 3-4 bottles of spirits (vodka, cognac, etc.), 2-3 bottles of champagne, 3-4 bottles of wine. These are approximate figures that can be adjusted based on the list of invitees.

The banquet ends with a wedding cake, which is ordered "by weight" at the rate of 1.5-2 kg. for 10 people.

Sample wedding menus.

Option 1

Cold appetizers, salads

1. Caesar salad - romaine lettuce leaves with fried chicken fillet, anchovies and Parmesan cheese

2. Salad with bacon and chicken and crispy bacon, fresh cucumber, marinated and fried chicken fillet with croutons and Green Cheese sauce

3. Roast beef salad (marinated artichokes, bell peppers and veal roast beef with Blue Cheese sauce)

4. Meyerhold salad (boiled tongue, ham, apples with Parmesan cheese)

5. Assorted meat - s / c sausage, neck, carbonade,

8. Assorted cheeses - rambol with nuts, mimolette, Camembert President, mozzarella Santa Lucia, kiwi, cherry, strawberry, almond

10. Beef tongue - boiled beef tongue with mustard and horseradish

11. Assorted fish - salmon s/s, sturgeon hot-smoked, sturgeon hot-smoked

Hot appetizers

1. Poultry cocote with mushrooms

Hot dishes, side dishes

1. Beef tenderloin medallion - fried beef tenderloin in bacon with Red Wine sauce

2. Grilled salmon steak

3. French fries

4. Poached vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, "Baby" carrots

Desserts, drinks

1. Fruit vase - strawberries, bananas, apples, pears, grapes, oranges, watermelon

Option 2

Cold appetizers, salads

1. Jacques salad - mussels, peeled shrimps, dry white wine, green peas,

2. Sweet red pepper, lemon, green salad greens (leaves), whiskey

3. Mexican salad - corn, sweet green peppers, rice, bananas, shrimp

4. Salted roasted peanuts

5. Salad "Pomegranate bracelet" - walnut kernels, pomegranate, beetroot, boiled egg, potatoes, smoked chicken

6. Salad "Chinese dragon" - pork pulp, onion, carrots, beets,

7. Pickled Gogoshary

8. Assorted meat - s / c sausage, neck, carbonade,

9. Olives, olives - marinated Spanish olives and olives with lettuce and herbs

10. Assorted vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers

11. Assorted pickles - wild garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes, pickled garlic, salted cabbage

12. Mushrooms marinated with onions - marinated mushrooms with shallots and cranberries

13. Eggplant stuffed with walnuts and garlic

14. Tulip tree - tomatoes stuffed with cheese, garlic and mayonnaise

15. Assorted fish - salmon s/s, sturgeon hot-smoked, sturgeon hot-smoked

Hot appetizers

1. Poultry cocote with mushrooms

2. Pancake bag with mushrooms - pancake stuffed with mushrooms with creamy sauce

3. Pancake bag with shrimp and salmon - pancake stuffed with cold-water shrimp and Norwegian salmon with White wine sauce

Hot dishes, side dishes

1. Marinated in white wine, fried boneless pork loin

2. Stuffed trout, fried trout stuffed with salmon, mushrooms, cocktail shrimps, on a pillow of spinach, with Champagne sauce

3. Rice poached with vegetables

4. Boiled potatoes with herbs and butter

Desserts, drinks

Option 3

Cold appetizers, salads

1. Salad "Sea Lagoon" - mussels, pineapples, sturgeon h / c, salmon s / s with Aurora sauce

2. Shanghai salad - fried chicken fillet, bell pepper, pineapple

3. Natural crab salad

4. Tropicana salad - lettuce, fresh cucumbers, orange pulp, cocktail shrimp, bell peppers with Tonkatsu sauce

5. Assorted meat - s / c sausage, neck, carbonade

6. Olives, olives - marinated Spanish olives and olives with lettuce and herbs

7. Assorted vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers

8. Assorted pickles - wild garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes, pickled garlic, salted cabbage

9. Mushrooms marinated with onions - marinated mushrooms with shallots and cranberries

10. Eggplant stuffed with walnuts and garlic

11. Tulip tree - tomatoes stuffed with cheese, garlic and mayonnaise

12. Assorted fish - eel hot-smoked, salmon hot-smoked, sturgeon hot-smoked, sturgeon hot-smoked with greens, lemon and olives

Hot appetizers

1. Japanese-style chicken - chicken meat marinated in soy sauce with garlic, deep-fried with Tonkatsu sauce

2. Saute eggplants marinated in soy sauce, baked eggplants with fresh tomatoes, onions and garlic butter

Hot dishes, side dishes

1. Salmon pigtail - fillet of sturgeon, salmon and pike perch, poached in white wine with Champagne sauce

2. Stuffed with mushrooms and onions, pork loin

3. Fried potatoes with mushrooms

4. Asparagus with cream sauce

1. Fruit vase - strawberries, cherries, bananas, apples, grapes, pears, kiwi, oranges, grapefruits

2. Ice cream in assortment

3. Camembert Fries - deep-fried Camembert cheese, with fresh cranberry and red wine sauce

Option 4

Appetizers and salads:

Meat platter

Assorted fish

Tomato stuffed with julienne

Eggplant baked with Manuri cheese

Gossamer salad (crab meat, cucumbers, celery, sesame seeds, masago caviar, wasabi, Japanese mayonnaise)

Caesar salad (romaine lettuce, chicken fillet, Parmesan cheese, croutons)

Salad "Capri" (tomato, eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, leek, tricolor pepper, herbs,)

Salad "Sea" (shrimp, fillet, white fish, lettuce, red caviar, egg)

Salad "Herring under a fur coat"

Assorted Korean

Hot dishes

"Swan fidelity" chicken fillet stuffed with prosciutto, Mozzarella cheese and fried garlic in Bechamel sauce

Beef stroganoff in a bread loaf

Salmon roll with shiitake mushrooms and cheese sauce

Potato baked with mushrooms, dill and garlic

Rice "Risotto" with vegetables

French pastry, assorted

fruit vase

Tea coffee

The price includes: banquet service, dishes, cutlery.

All dishes are put on the tables.

Option 5



Norwegian herring salad

Vegetable salad with mustard mayonnaise

Caesar salad"

Salad "French"

Salad "Mediterranean"

Vegetable mix


Salmon slightly salted

Marinated mushrooms

Assorted pickles


Red caviar

Black caviar

New potatoes

French fries

basmati rice

Vegetable sauté



Boiled tongue

Marinated chicken breast

Vegetable steak with bacon

Chicken breast stuffed with vegetables and shrimp

Sturgeon "Victoria"

Salmon with Bourbon Sauce

Steak with tomato crust

Veal with mushroom sauce

Marinated pork with "Demi-Glace" sauce

Grilled pork with sour cream sauce

Grilled lamb ribs

Baked pork ribs with honey sauce

Grilled veal steak

Piglet baked

Pheasant baked with vegetables

Goose baked with vegetables

Duck baked at home

Exclusive: sterlet with eel

Option 6

Wedding menu for 10 people Total cost 6000 rubles (600 rubles for 1 person)

Cold snacks

Cabbage salad

beef salad

Salad golden mushroom

Cucumber salad with tomatoes

Hot vegetable dishes

Fried eggplant

Mushrooms in batter

Cauliflower with meat

Corn with meat

Hot meat dishes

Pork in sweet and sour sauce

Pork on cast iron

Pork spicy stew

Beef in sauce

Seafood with mushrooms

Hot chicken dishes

Peking chicken sticks

Chicken with pineapple

Hot fish dishes

Whole fried fish

Rice fried with vegetables


whipped cream, fruit

Assorted fruit

Tea two teapots

Lemonade in assortment 3 bottles of 2 liters

Juices in assortment 3 liters

Option 7

Wedding menu for 10 people Total cost 5500 rubles (550 rubles for 1 person)

Cold snacks

Cabbage salad

seaweed salad

Boiled tongue in sauce

Shrimp Cucumber Salad

Hot vegetable dishes

Fried eggplant

Black mushrooms with meat

Mushrooms in batter

Cauliflower with meat

Hot meat dishes

Meat on cast iron

Pork in sweet and sour sauce

Pork spicy stew

Beef fried with potatoes

Hot seafood dishes

Squid in batter

Hot chicken dishes

Chicken with pineapple

Hot fish dishes

Whole fried fish

Rice fried with vegetables


whipped cream, fruit

Assorted fruit

fresh fruits, decoration of dishes in oriental style

Tea two teapots

Lemonade in assortment 2 bottles of 2 liters

Juices in assortment 2 liters

Option 8

Banquet in Russian style (100 USD per person)

Various cold appetizers and salads

Marinated salmon

Smoked eel

Cancer cervix

Crayfish pate

Caviar chum and granular

Roll of suckling pig with dried ham, pickled green beans and smoked bacon

Jellied smoked rabbit

Game pate - partridges, hazel grouse and pigeons

Hazel grouse layered with game cheese

Salted mushrooms with fragrant oil and dill

Set of various vegetables

Salad of game and cauliflower and tomatoes and fresh cucumber

Smoked rabbit salad with potatoes and fresh vegetables

Vinaigrette from salted milk mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms with potatoes and dill

Hot appetizers

Pie with sauerkraut and fish

Antique chicken and rice chicken

Hot dishes

Roast goose with cabbage

Duck fried with wine sauce, buckwheat porridge with cracklings

Crumbly dough pie with fresh raspberries

Blancmange almond and pistachio

Fruit basket

Option 9

French cuisine ($90 per person)

Cold appetizers and salads

Aspic mackerel in jelly with white wine

Marinated salmon "Gravodlaks"

Cancer necks with avocado

Spinach stuffed sardines

French chicken liver pate in soft tarts

Chicken tartlets - "Lucille"

Cold chicken with walnut sauce

Duck breast with vinaigrette sauce

Lyons ham jelly

Salad with Roquefort

Salad from Nice with tuna and anchovies

Artichoke salad with lobster

Assorted French cheeses with grapes

Hot appetizers

Onion pie from Picardy

Grape snails in Burgundy

Hot dishes

Back of lamb with Provence herb crust

Veal steaks with Roquefort sauce

Rabbit with plums

potato pancakes

French green peas

Broccoli in wine

french pastry

cherry pie

Option 10

Wedding banquet ($50 per person)

Cold appetizers and salads

Hot smoked sturgeon

Norwegian salmon marinated in Thai spices

Lightly salted herring in marinade

Stuffed turkey roll with veal, turkey liver and bacon

Poultry roll with mushrooms and cheese

Rustic ham

Bouquet of various vegetables and herbs

Russian pickles - sour slaw, beets with Provence sauce, pickled cucumbers with mustard and horseradish, pickled tomatoes with herbs

Salad with squid, fresh cucumber, lettuce and mayonnaise sauce

Olivier "in old Russian"

Salad of tongue, celery and vegetables

Hot dishes

Salmon steak with creamy spinach sauce

Veal tenderloin medallions fried in bacon with mustard sauce

Pork ribs, in a gentle marinade based on Brazilian cactus

potato croquettes

Baked vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers)

French mini cakes

Juice / mineral water

Tea / espresso coffee

Option 11

Italian cuisine ($80 per person)

Cold appetizers and salads

Brezolla - marinated beef fillet with cumin, coriander, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, brown sugar and cardamom

Mozzarella cheese on sliced ​​tomatoes with basil

Salad "Fungi" - spinach and mushrooms with garlic-cumin sauce

Salad "Tarato" - eggplant and baked peppers with yogurt sauce

Caesar salad with garlic sauce and croutons

Assorted salads with homemade dressing

Bocconcini - marinated mozzarella cheese with olive oil, garlic, oregano and hot red pepper slices

Tomini Eletrici - goat cheese marinated with olive oil, red wine vinegar, garlic, hot red pepper and one type of oval tomato

Scapezzi - Seafood Salad with Vinaigrette Sauce and Pickled Red Onion

Hot appetizers

Lasagne with veal

Grilled tiger prawns with rosemary, lemon, greens, garlic and Parmesan cheese sauce

Hot dishes

Filemignon with mushrooms, fresh tomatoes with balsamic and brown sauce

Salmon Alla Calabrese - grilled salmon with fresh tomatoes and spinach

Pollanca Ripena arrosta - stuffed chicken leg with crab, bacon and chicken liver served with tomato and garlic sauce

Risotto with fresh mushrooms

Broccoli with carrots and roasted pine nuts

Fruits, Tiramisu

Option 12

Latin American cuisine ($70 per person)

Cold snacks

Salmon marinated in hot spices

Cancer necks with avocado

Duck Breast with Papaya Salsa

Poultry roll with jalapeno peppers and sun-dried tomatoes

Suckling pig roll sandwiched with Parma ham and green beans

Pork roasted with garlic and hot Guindilla pepper

Mozzarella Cheese with Tomatoes and Pesto Dressing

vegetable bouquet

Salad "Rio" with fried chicken breast, mushrooms, tomatoes, sweet peppers and corn

Spanish salad with capers and olives

Chilean potato salad with blue cheese and roasted veal pieces

Hot appetizers

Fajitas pancakes with chicken or veal with tomato salsa and guacamole

Mexican chicken patties with garlic

Spicy BBQ Chicken Wings

Hot dishes

"Pingo Morun" - veal skewers

Hot Brazilian pork steak

Trout BBQ

Paprika, zucchini and baked eggplant

Cantonese fried rice with green peas and sweet corn

Option 13

Japanese food


SYAKE salmon

HAMACHI yellowtail fillet

UNAGI smoked eel

EBI scalded shrimp

Ika squid

TACO octopus


SAKE KUNSAI smoked salmon

KOHADE spotted herring

sushi maki

SHAKE MAKI roll with salmon

TEKKA MAKI roll with tuna

UNAGI MAKI eel roll

KAPPA MAKI roll with cucumber

CALIFORNIA MAKI avocado, tobiko, mayonnaise, crab meat

FUTO MAKI assorted

OSINKO MAKI roll with pickled radish

YASAI MAKI vegetable

OCTOBUS BABY SARADA mini octopuses

KAISO SARADA fresh seaweed with Gamodari sauce

CHUKA SARADA marinated seaweed with Gamodari sauce

CHUKA SARADA with squid and seaweed

TSUBU KIM-CHI clams with sauce

PICKLED MEDUSA with shark fins

hot kitchen

TABASAKI KIMCHI deep fried chicken wings


SHRIMP shrimps

CHICKEN chicken skewers

STEAK from marbled meat (tepan)

UNAGI ZHU eel on rice

KASIVA TEPAN-YAKI breasts of young chickens

EBI TEPAN-YAKI king prawns

Garnish - "Piraf" rice, vegetables

YOSHI NABA pieces of tuna, salmon, shrimp, octopus, shellfish, chicken

SUKI YAKI American marbled meat, shiitake, tofu, Chinese smoked hakusai, rice, shirotaki noodles, bamboo with sweet sukiyaki sauce

SHABU-SHABU marbled meat with a set of vegetables, bamboo shoots, Shabu-shabu sauce

Option 14

Banquet (80 USD per person)

Various cold appetizers (500 gr. per person)

Caviar caviar (red)

Hot smoked sturgeon

Trout "Gravodlaks"

Crayfish neck rolls with avocado and trout

Crayfish pate

Terrine of crayfish necks in salmon marinated in Thai spices

Royal Jamon (Spanish cured ham served with slices of Mediterranean melon)

Suckling pig roll with dried ham, pickled green beans and smoked bacon

Pork Roasted with Garlic and Guindilla Peppers

Rabbit and partridge roll with Iranian mint dip

Wild duck liver pate on puff pastry

Eggplant rolls with pine nuts, pomegranate seeds and herbs

Zucchini - grilled sheep cheese

Pickled mushrooms with fragrant oil

Mozzarella cheese with tomatoes and Pesto dressing

Crudite from fresh vegetables

Salads (150 gr. per person)

Shrimp cocktail salad with pineapple slices with Cocktail sauce

Crayfish neck salad with red caviar

Salad "Toscano" with fried chicken breast, mushrooms, tomatoes, sweet peppers and corn

Smoked rabbit salad with potatoes and fresh vegetables

Pies (2 pcs per person)

French pastry pies with spinach and cheese

Patties with veal and shallots

Patties with potatoes and mushrooms

Pies with green onions and eggs

Hot appetizers (100 gr. per person)

Porcini mushrooms fried with Madeira, Demi-eye sauce, baked on an air puff with cream cheese sauce

Hot dishes (200 gr. per person)

Grilled trout stuffed with shrimps and cherry tomatoes with herbs and white wine

Veal filet mignon with mushrooms, fresh tomatoes, balsamic and brown sauce

Stuffed chicken leg with crab, bacon and chicken liver served with Pesto sauce

Side dishes (75 gr. per person)

Boiled potatoes with dill

Cauliflower in breadcrumbs

Imperial black rice with vegetables

French mini-cakes (2 pcs. per person)

Fruits (200 gr. per person)

Assorted French cheeses with grapes (20 gr. per person)

Juice / Mineral water (1 liter per person)

Tea / espresso coffee

Option 15

Assorted seafood

Chicken fillet in batter

Assorted meat

Eggplant rolls

Squid "Original"

Tomatoes stuffed with cheese and garlic

Homemade marinated champignons

Hunting skewers

Herring under a fur coat

Lemon with sugar

Schnitzel "Refined"

Sockeye salmon "Solferino"

Boiled potatoes with butter and herbs

Cowberry drink

Coffee Tea

Option 16.

Assorted fish

Pork salad

Jellied tongue with horseradish

Eggplant stuffed with meat

Salad "Primorye"

Salad "Diplomat"

Chicken fillet salad with vegetables

Hunting skewers

Greek salad"

Lemon with sugar

Pork medallions with vegetables

Chicken breast in peach sauce

Homemade fried potatoes with onions

Cowberry drink

Coffee Tea

Option 17

Assorted meat

Ham rolls with cheese

Kremlin salted salmon

Chicken wings "fries"

Beef "Delicacy"

Salad "Magdalena"

Squid "fries"

Canape with salmon caviar

homemade pickles

Lemon with sugar

Pork escalope with fried mushrooms

halibut steak

Baked potatoes with cheese

Cowberry drink

Coffee Tea

Option 18

Crab fillet with fresh vegetables

Scallop boiled in mustard sauce

Cold smoked halibut with lemon

Spicy ham with fresh vegetables

Chicken fillet skewers

Salad "Novella"

Eggplant in Old Russian

Salad "Morozko"

Assorted vegetables

Lemon with sugar

Roman Schnitzel

Salmon in Russian in pots

Cauliflower "fries"

Cowberry drink

Coffee Tea

Option 19

Assorted fish (salmon and muksun of weak salt, salmon of muksun with decorations)

Assorted meat (galantine, chicken roll, with boiled tongue, fresh tomato, eurosnack)

Assorted vegetables (tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, lettuce)

Salad "Swan"

Muksun on a vegetable “cushion” (white fish fillet served in a portion pan on julienne of vegetables) or Pork steak baked with mushrooms under a cheese cap

Fruits: grapes, oranges, apples, lemon

Mineral water

Morse berry

Ice cream in natural fruits (coconut, mango, orange)

Champagne "Soviet"

Wine "Pride of the knight's castle" (German)

Vodka "Gzhelka"

Option 20

Table with welcome drinks

Fruits on the mirror (fruits of the season)

Main course

Chicken fillet breaded with cheese, paprika sauce

Potatoes with dill, stewed vegetables

cold table

Chicken salad Firenze with butter

Smoked fish salad with egg and mayonnaise

Freshly marinated mushrooms with garlic

Salted trout with pink pepper

Fish in dough, tartar sauce

Herring tubes in mustard marinade

Stuffed egg with sprat

Veal tongue aspic with paprika

Broiler pork roll with apricots

Homemade smoked meat with tomato and mozarella cheese

Bread, bun

Wedding cake - storey

(curd-marzipan, decorated with fresh roses

Coffee Tea)

Water with lemon and ice

Option 21

Cold appetizers and salads

Salad of smoked duck breast, mixed leaves and delicate fresh raspberry and sesame oil dressing

Wild Mushroom Salad with Warm Balsamic Dressing

Caesar salad with Romano lettuce leaves, chicken fillet, garlic croutons and Parmesan cheese

Salad "Colosseum" of cauliflower, broccoli, champignons with spicy sauce

Rustic basket of fresh vegetables, young herbs and green asparagus in lettuce leaves

Slowly smoked lamb with spicy eggplant stuffed with homemade adjika

Naro-Fominsk veal carpaccio with sun-dried tomatoes and Parmesan cheese

Foie Gras Pate with Fruit Salsa and Porto Sauce

Norwegian salmon fillet, broccoli and celery stalks on egg mimosa

Tower of spicy herring and potatoes "Pushkin" accompanied by spicy croutons

Caprice of royal olives and black olives with sun-dried tomatoes and Grano cheese

Light Italian appetizer of vegetables, with spicy tuna and anchovy sauce, in Provence herbs with crackers

Tiger prawns in sage leaves with Madeira sauce

Crudite from fresh vegetables with olive paste

Veal tongues with horseradish sauce on rustic salad

Assorted Italian meat delicacies and raw smoked sausages

Sturgeon stuffed with young carrots and baked in its own juice

Hot smoked stellate sturgeon with lemon and olives

Cold smoked beluga bock

Snack to sparkling French wines from noble cheeses with fresh baby pineapples, Samarkand grapes and fruits

"Snack Petra" from homemade pickles and Gurian cabbage

dry-cured brisaola with lettuce "Arugula" and "Frize", accompanied by a spicy Italian sauce of pine nuts and cheese "Grano-served" with cherry tomatoes

Georgian eggplant rolls with walnut paste

Spinach kegs with walnuts, garlic and herbs

Sturgeon and salmon caviar

Separate banquet still lifes

Composition of stellate sturgeons, sterlets and sturgeons, crayfish, lobsters and tiger shrimps on a mirror

Wooden boat with salted salmon and gravlax in ice crumbs on lettuce leaves

Festive turkey stuffed with fruit

Whole suckling pigs baked until crispy

Hot snacks and meals

Skewers of tiger prawns

Pancakes with meat and rustic sour cream

Lamb tongues in pomegranate juice on a red-hot ketsi

Steaks of sturgeon, salmon, mirror carp and rainbow trout with wild rice cooked on an open fire

Juicy duck stuffed with Antonovka apples with sweet pilaf and cranberry and red wine sauce

"Meat feast" of shish kebabs and kebab with grilled vegetables and homemade cancasse sauce

Mountain of fruits

Assorted French and Italian mini cakes

Handmade chocolate truffles

Custom wedding cake

Option 22

Meeting with bread and champagne

Cold appetizers:

Russian herring,

A board of fried meat (loin with cream, neck with medicinal herbs, Belarusian roll, rural barrel, duck nalenchovsky),

Board of pies (from game, rabbit, traditional pates),

A mozzarellą tomatoes in balsamino di modewa sauce,

Stuffed eggs in mayonnaise with dill,

Salads (spring, Mexican, chicken with grapes),

beef steak in Tatar style,

cold canned snacks (champignons, paprika, salted cucumbers).

Fruit patera – lint-free peach fruits, grapes, kiwis, bananas, strawberries

Cold snacks

Trout in French pastry, jellied salmon (served by waiters on chandeliers),

Mix of jellied meat (Warsaw loin, jellied chicken, Old Polish beef, Tatar sauce).

Roasts, desserts, confectionery

Drinks without restrictions:

(sprite, fanta, cola, water, juices in jugs, coffee, tea).

Option 23

Cold snacks


chicken roll).

chanterelles, white, champignons).


Hot appetizers

Mushroom julienne in vol-au-vent.

Seafood cocote in vol-au-vent.

Hot dishes

Pike perch fillet baked in mustard sauce.

Chicken breast stuffed with pineapple in almond sauce.

Boiled potatoes with butter and herbs.

Rice with vegetables.

bread buffet

Baton "Alsatian".

Gray bread with sweet pepper.

Black bread "8 cereals".

Option 24

Cold snacks

Assorted cheeses (Dor Blue, Mazda, Memollet) decorated with grapes

and walnuts.

Assorted fish delicacies (Trio of tender slightly salted

Norwegian salmon, butterfish balyk and hot sturgeon fillet


Assorted meat (Trio of juicy boiled pork, tender pork salmon and

chicken roll).

Assorted fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and herbs).

Assorted pickled vegetables (Cherry tomatoes, French

gherkins, cobs of young corn and olives).

Assorted pickled forest mushrooms (boletus, mushrooms, milk mushrooms,

chanterelles, white, champignons).

Classic Caesar salad made from juicy iceberg lettuce leaves,

garlic croutons, tender chicken fillet, with Caesar sauce and cheese


Salad "Greek" from juicy lettuce, feta cheese, tomatoes and

cucumbers, with classic Italian dressing.

Salad "Roman Holiday" with squid fillet, natural crab

meat, eggs, fresh cucumbers and red caviar.

Salad "Olivier" classic of vegetables and chicken fillet, with sauce

Hot appetizers

Appetizing pancakes with salmon and red caviar

Eggplant stuffed with vegetables, mushrooms and cheese.

Norwegian salmon slices wrapped in bacon petals, fried

grilled with cream sauce and basil.

Veal chop on greens, with cherry sauce.

Rustic potatoes (slices).

Rice with vegetables.

Vegetable mix.

bread buffet

Baton "Alsatian".

Gray bread with sweet pepper.

Black bread "8 cereals".

Fruit vase (grapes, apples, oranges, tangerines, pears, strawberries, carom, kiwi, pineapples, bananas).

Option 25

Cold snacks

Assorted elite cheeses (Dore Blue, Ementale, Rambole, Foleppy) with

grapes and walnuts.

Assorted fish delicacies (Trio of tender slightly salted

Norwegian salmon, butterfish balyk and hot sturgeon fillet


Assorted meat (Trio of juicy boiled pork, tender pork salmon and

chicken roll).

Assorted fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and herbs).

Assorted pickled vegetables (Cherry tomatoes, French

gherkins, cobs of young corn and olives).

Assorted pickled forest mushrooms (boletus, mushrooms, milk mushrooms,

chanterelles, white, champignons).

Eggplant rolls with walnuts, cheese and garlic.

Young asparagus served with a slice of smoked salmon.

Caesar salad with tiger shrimps.

Salad "Greek" from juicy lettuce, feta cheese, tomatoes and

cucumbers, with classic Italian dressing.

Salad-cocktail "Reef" from juicy leaves of lettuce "Romano",

mini octopuses, mussels, squids, slightly salted salmon, red caviar

Salad "Meshchansky" from tender beef tongue, juicy leaves

salads "Lettuce" and "Iceberg", eggs, Siberian pine nuts and

cherry tomatoes with ginger sauce.

Salad "Olivier" classic of vegetables and chicken fillet, with sauce

Hot appetizers

Rolls of salmon and pike perch, in a creamy sauce with spinach and tender

green oil.

Tongue "French" with mushroom sauce.

Hot dishes

Salmon stewed in white wine with scallops, under

caviar sauce.

Duck breast baked with apples in orange sauce.

Potatoes with cream and cheese.

Vegetable mix.

Cauliflower fried in breadcrumbs.

bread buffet

Baton "Alsatian".

Gray bread with sweet pepper.

Black bread "8 cereals".

Fruit vase (grapes, apples, oranges, tangerines, pears, strawberries, carom, kiwi, pineapples, bananas).

Option 26

Gostiny Dvor

Cold appetizers:

Vegetable mix

Meat platter

Assorted fish

Red caviar

Boiled tongue

Eggplant with walnut

Hot appetizers:


Pancakes with meat

Second courses:

Barbecue in assortment

tobacco chickens

Kalya (Chashushuli, Khashlama)

Drinks and desserts:

Water (in assortment)

Alcoholic drinks

Crystal (Putinka, Gzhelka, Festive, Golden Ring, Slavic, Rye)

Russian standard or Parliament

Wine Georgian

Option 27


Herring under a fur coat

Cold appetizers:

Vegetable mix

Meat platter

Hot appetizers:


Second courses:

Shashlik, barbecue

Fish on the grill

French fries

Chashushuli, Khashlama

Drinks and desserts:

Water (in assortment)

Alcoholic drinks

Vodka "Crystal"

Champagne "Golden Collection"

Wine Moldavian