How to learn the subtle art of scoring at everything. "Stop Bothering About Gluten" - An Interview With The Founder Of The Fresh Restaurant Chain

Tell me, do you often pay attention to the opinions of others?
Here's an example of what not to do.

  1. Give up out of necessity always be right.
    Whenever you feel the need to fight for your truth and give guidance, ask yourself, "Is this really that important to my ego?", "Do I prefer to be right or good?"
  2. Loosen control.
    Be prepared to refuse out of necessity constantly control what what happens to you and around you - situations, events, people and circumstances. Lao Tzu said: "The world is defeated by those who enable it to be, but when you try to change it, the world will always be invincible."
  3. Let go of the urge to blame others.
    Give up out of necessity blaming others for what you have or don't have, what you feel or don't feel. Stop wasting energy, it's time to take responsibility for your life.
  4. Set aside a defeatist mood!
    A lot of people have been humiliated and discredited yourself, thinking bad about yourself. Do not believe, you are better! Eckhart Tolle once said: "The mind is a great tool when used correctly, but if used incorrectly, it becomes destructive."
  5. Go beyond your usual beliefs and beliefs.
    Don't tell yourself, "This is impossible!" Spread your wings and fly!
    Russell said, “Faith is not an idea that sustains the brain. Faith is the idea that holds the brain. "
  6. Refuse complaints.
    Give up the need to complain about everything: things, people, situations, events and circumstances. No one can make you sad, and there is no situation that can make you unhappy unless you let them do it. Don't underestimate the power of positive thinking.
  7. Stop criticizing everyone and everything!
    Give up out of necessity judge and criticize things, events and people different from you. We are all different, but we are similar in one thing: we want to be happy, loved and loved, and to be understood. Don't judge others' efforts to achieve their goal.
  8. Give up out of necessity impress others.
    Don't try to be who you are not to please others. This does not work. Once you stop trying to be someone else, once you remove the mask and stop trying to be “you real”, people will come to you effortlessly.
  9. Don't resist change.
    Change helps move from one goal to another. Change helps improve your life and the lives of those around you. Joseph Campbell said: "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls."
  10. Stop gluing labels!
    things, people and events that you do not understand, or that seem strange to you. Try to open your mind, step by step. Brains only work when they are open. Wayne Dyer said: “The highest form of ignorance when you reject what that in which you do not understand anything. "
  11. Let go of your fears.
    Fear is only an illusion, it does not exist, we created it. It's all in your head. Franklin Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
  12. Forget making excuses.
    Pack up all the excuses and put them on the back burner. We are stuck in our own lies and excuses. Ultimately, 99.9% of these excuses are groundless.
  13. Let go of the past.
    This is difficult, especially if the past looks much better than the present and the future looks intimidating. Enjoy life: After all, life is a journey, not a destination.
  14. Remove the unnecessary.
    This is difficult for many to understand, but draw a clear line between what you really need and what you habitually cling to. After you remove everything unnecessary from your life, you will calm down and be happy.
  15. Give up out of necessity meet the expectations of others.
    Too many people are living lives that don't belong to them. They do not live their own lives, but depending on what other people think of them. They do not what is good and right for them, but what their parents tell them, society dictates, and government establishes. The culture in which we live sets the “norm”. This makes us ignore our inner voice and lose control of our lives. Over time, we forget about what makes us happy and what we want. Don't let other people's expectations of you get the better of you.

Very often in our life there are stressful situations in which our consciousness seems to be completely disconnected from the usual routine of affairs, and the brain begins to be overwhelmed. You start to scroll through some problem in your head over and over again, conduct some kind of internal dialogue: “What would have happened if everything had turned out differently?”, “How could I have answered in this situation differently?”, “How it should have been enroll? " etc.

But at some point, you start to want to get rid of these thoughts. You want you to be able to do useful and interesting things already. I want to give you some tips to help you with this. Here is the sequence of actions:

Step 1: acceptance

Stop, stop banging your head against the wall, if you did, of course, and just be quiet for a minute. Try not to think about anything. Count to ten, to a hundred, or to a thousand, based on the scale of your problem.

Now that your nervous system has more or less calmed down, think about the fact that everything that happened has already happened. You can't change that. It makes no sense to take a steam bath and think about how everything could be fixed. In hindsight, we're all incredibly smart, aren't we? But until we figure out how to travel back in time, until then in the past we cannot change anything.

Step 2: planning further actions

If your problem is purely emotional, for example, someone stepped on your foot in the subway, then you don't need the following items. But there are some problems that still need to be addressed. Consider if you can change something in the future. If so, everything is fine. This is a matter of technology. Come up with it and just bring it to life.

If you are not able to solve this problem, then also do not worry. For what is the point of taking a steam bath because of something that you cannot influence in any way? You don't care about the fact that the Sun will go out in a billion years? So, it's the same here!

Step 3: clearing the mind of the problem

If you are not a yogi, or at least you do not know how, and your brains are still sucking your problem in the background, then the best thing you can do is to occupy your brain with some other problem. Fight fire with fire. Lose a couple of dollars at online poker, for example.

Yes, with this money you could buy something useful, but now you will be sweating not because of the problem that worried you some time ago, but because you lost money. But you won't sweat too much, because money is just money ,. But you can not lose this money, but win at poker, and moreover, a lot. Then you will generally have a great mood, and all your problems will go to hell.

And if you cannot afford such an expensive pleasure, just distract yourself and occupy your brains with at least something that causes at least some strong emotions in you. Watch talk shows, shout out the window, chat on social networks, in a word, do at least something. Your problem will go away with time.

Step 4: using your negative energy to your advantage

How to do it? For example, your humble servant today took part in some conflict, but did not engage in self-flagellation, but took and wrote this article. And now he feels much better.

At the beginning of the new year, we met with one of the first Moscow healthy food enthusiasts and also the founder of the Fresh restaurant chain (not so long ago, the chain was replenished with a third cafe in Zhukovka. - Ed.) Irina Azarova and talked about the main myths related to healthy eating, the five staples on the sports menu, the controversial dangers of gluten, local superfoods and, of course, post-holiday detox.

About mindfulness in eating

At Fresh, we advocate a deliberate approach. The choice of food is an internal dialogue with your body, looking for an answer to the question of what suits you and what is not very good for you. You need to constantly monitor this process, ask yourself: how do I feel, how much this product or dish saturates me with energy, and the main thing, of course, was it tasty for me? Because if you don't taste good, no matter how super useful and thoughtful your diet is, you won't be able to follow it for a long time.

About sports nutrition without animal protein

Vegetarian sports nutrition is a very working story. The main thing is to approach this competently and with understanding. Obviously, sports involve huge energy costs and to maintain strength, you need to maintain the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. I keep repeating that health is not for the lazy. Your diet needs to be carefully planned.

Now we are working on launching a small sports menu: there will be programs for both drying and weight gain. I know many vegetarian athletes, and the lack of meat in the diet does not affect their achievements in any way. I recently studied at the Matthew Kenney Californian Cooking School in LA, and a two-time biathlon world champion developed a vegetarian sports nutrition course there. You can imagine, probably, what kind of load this sport involves. He looks great, is full of energy, he has a great body, he has published several books, he has author programs on television. With his example, he refutes the myths that intense sports training is impossible without consuming a huge amount of animal protein.

About the five main productsnew sports menu

First of all, it is natural coconut. Now everyone drinks coconut water, coconut milk, but they undeservedly ignore the pulp of the coconut. But in vain! It is very powerful in its nutritional properties. We are recently launching a new product - super yogurt, which will be based on the pulp of coconut. It is very tasty!

Necessarily nuts. Yes, they are considered to be high in calories, but I want to emphasize that meticulous calorie counting is not our story. If you exercise a lot, then naturally you need nutrients from different foods. First of all, it is important to pay attention not to calories, but to the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Tofu, tempeh and seitan. Tofu is considered the lowest in protein content, followed by tempeh, and then seitan with the highest protein content. The first two products are derived from soybean fermentation; seitan (also called vegetarian meat) is made from wheat protein. Seitan is a very popular product that is used in the menu of many vegetarian restaurants in the world. We want to introduce our consumer to this product, so we are very active in introducing it into our menu. Our seitan burger is a hit. I highly recommend giving it a try.

About local superfoods

I always advise you to pay attention not only to overseas superfoods, but also to ours, local ones. These are all our herbs: parsley, cilantro, dill, fresh basil. And also berries: cranberries, sea buckthorn. Berries and herbs growing in our latitudes are certainly healthier for us than imported ones.

We are looking for something new all the time. For example, everyone knows about acai and guarana, it is believed that they give a powerful invigorating effect, energize. But we also have our own tonic superfoods - for example, Rhodiola rosea, which grows in Altai, and the forgotten herb to runny. Rhodiola is highly recommended for those who are preparing for exams or are engaged in intense mental work: it helps to quickly activate all the body's resources, it is very stimulating. We use it in our drinks.

A shot from a dream can invigorate as much as coffee, I highly recommend it.

About healthy breakfasts

Smoothies give the best boost for the whole day. The main thing is not to worry about any special combinations. Experiment more! Smoothies have a very long-lasting effect: they were originally invented by surfers who needed a powerful and long-lasting boost of energy before they go to sea. Having drunk a smoothie in the morning, you can quite calmly hold out until lunch.

For those who lack this and who do not have the task of losing weight, I would recommend porridge. If there is no time in the morning, take oatmeal, pour it overnight with milk that you like - almond, coconut or soy - and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning, you can add a pinch of chia or the same goji berries - that's it! Your breakfast is ready.

Favorite morning dessert is chia pudding. In general, I adore them, I add them everywhere, including salads. They go especially well with oils such as linseed.

Another of my favorite breakfasts is avocado toast. It is done just as simple: crush the avocado with a fork, sprinkle with lemon, seasonings to taste, plus your favorite whole grain bread.

What the body lacks in autumn and winter

In winter and autumn, I try to add more vegetables and root crops to the menu, harvested in the summer and charged with the sun. Pumpkin is one of the universal products: it can be added to cereals, soups, and salads. I also recommend celery root, parsnip, parsley root.

To effectively fight viruses, look for berries and fruits that are high in vitamin C - sea buckthorn, oranges and lemons. At Fresh, we make a special mix of fruits charged with vitamin C, heat it up a little and add echinacea, for example. It works better than any antiviral drug.

Cayenne pepper is also good, it acts on the upper respiratory tract almost like warming up.

And don't forget about honey!

And did you know that beets, combined with vitamin C and ginger, have an effect no worse than liquid collagen, which everyone now uses so actively? But there are absolutely natural analogs that are easy to find in an ordinary supermarket.

How to recover after a long holiday

One of the proven methods is with a shot of witgrass, this is young wheat germ. It acts as a dropper, that is, it removes everything unnecessary, including alcohol. You can make it at home if you get confused and buy the right screw juicer.

And another simple tip: drink more water. It always works.

About gluten and lactose

If you are not allergic to lactose, then there is little point in quitting it.

For the rest, there are a myriad of varieties of nut milk. We are very proud of our own almond milk. You can drink it just like that or add it to cereals. And what remains from the almonds after, we mix, for example, with flaxseed and make our branded crispbreads. Such a completely waste-free production.

With gluten, like with lactose, everything is very individual. Now in the States and in our country, it is gradually turning into some kind of universal horror story. At the same time, not everyone fully understands what it is and how it affects the body. In the meantime, you need to listen only to your feelings. If the question worries you and you cannot track it yourself, take the tests in the end and take it easy! If you do not belong to people with gluten intolerance, then eat your morning porridge and your favorite bread calmly, it will definitely not do any harm.

On the alternative to yoga

On a recent trip to California, I tried the tightrope walking practice for the first time. This is an amazing experience: at the same time you must be very concentrated on one point, but at the same time your body is as relaxed as possible - after all, you need to balance.

This training would be very useful for us in everyday life, when you are constantly at work, you must be focused on the goal, but at the same time remain flexible and stress-resistant. To do this, you need to be able to relax correctly at the right time.

Dull Shit ... This is the first thought that came to my mind about the guy sending his questions. Perhaps this would be the best motivation for him. How can you even be such a confused, worthless and hopeless type? What does he even do on my positive mailing list?

But after about an hour of trying to answer his questions, philosophizing about the types of my subscribers, and packing chocolate gingerbread with herbal tea, I still came to the conclusion that these are great questions that can creep into the head of absolutely any of my subscribers.

By the way, if you have an urgent question that I can help you with, ask it through my telegramm channel. Many times more useful content awaits you on it than in the mailing list and even here, on the blog 🙂

So here are the questions I got from N.:

1) In the past, I had a lot of punctures with girls, and now I just protect myself from getting moral injuries, offenses ...

2) I have an old car, and I feel insecure when I think that a beautiful girl will not sit there ...

3) I have no friends, I am unsociable and not sociable, and when meeting a girl she will be interested in who I am, who are my friends ...

So here's my overclocking.

Remember your childhood. How easy and carefree it was for you in it. You were like a blank slate, and you absorbed everything that the world gave you. It was not scary at all to play with the girl in the sandbox, play hide and seek, or run down the street. It was just because you were identical to your desires. But at some point, social programming started turning you into a social zombie. You were told and shown that you need to take care of girls, give gifts, and do your best to earn their favor. You approached some girl with your feelings, for example, in first grade, and she behaved inappropriately. For example, she rejected you, laughed or pushed you away.

Now think, why did she do it? And continues to do it on the knurled, becoming already an adult? Because she has no idea how to behave with men! Mom said not to give, so I won't! If you give everyone, then the davalka will end soon. I will take care of her! For whom? For a prince.

So she thinks until a normal man appears nearby, with the correct behavior of a seducer. He will know what he wants, he will behave confidently and adequately. What if this is the very Man, the betrothed mummer? And she forgets about the rest of the boyfriends, joining the game.

If you behave like you are not worthy, you are shy, shy, soared about past failures, then you are your own evil Pinocchio (your own enemy). You will get the result that suits you only if you stop sweating and associating yourself with the Dull Shit that you were before. Choose to treat yourself like a normal man, despite past setbacks. You can choose this at any time! At least this second, at least tomorrow morning! You are a conscious person, so you are free to make a choice. Choose to invest one brick in your success wall with girls every day. It's easy. Every day is a small effort on yourself. Drive away bad thoughts, they pull you back. They want you to watch porn instead of practicing dating. Similar thoughts prevent you from getting ready for a workout in the gym, engaging in a hobby, communicating with other people, and going on a journey that you have long dreamed of.

How would I start such a letter:

To my inner sucker from Yegor Sheremetyev

Hello sucker!

I am writing this letter to you in order to express to you everything that has accumulated over the years while you live in me. I am very tired of your presence and of your destructive activities. Because of you, I have passed by dozens of times all these beautiful sexy girls with whom I could meet and seduce them. I think that among them I have forever missed a few Nasteneks with whom I would have an amazing relationship, full of sex and love. And the case when I was embarrassed to approach Nastenka at the university for several days in a row, and when I approached, I could not say a word? I looked like a complete moron! Do you think I will forgive you for this?

(a couple more pages of souls)

It's time to say goodbye to you and throw you into the dustbin of history forever. I'm leaving you and don't even dare come back to me, I won't accept you. Disappear from my life forever, further our paths diverge.

Date: 25.04 Signature: Egor Sheremetyev

After you write this letter, burn it and flush the ashes down the toilet. Now you are free from this worthless sucker who spoiled everything! Congratulations! A much freer life awaits you now.

Of course, I cannot promise you that tomorrow you will have a girlfriend and a life full of sex. To do this, you have to work on yourself, practice and never whine. Wimps whine in company with their inner suckers, and now you are not so 🙂

I would be very interested to know how you feel after you wrote a letter to your inner sucker and destroyed it. I ask you, if you are not a bun, who are too lazy to do all this, write in the comments below your feelings or words of gratitude how this technique helped you. Thank you friend!