How to wear a pocket watch. Pocket watch on a chain How to store a pocket watch correctly so as not to damage it

Pocket watches are back in fashion today. Men choose both rare and unusual designer models. Women did not pass their attention either.

A pocket watch is one of the oldest types of time indicating devices. They appeared in the seventeenth century, when the movement became more miniature and could fit in a pocket. Before that, they were worn only around the neck, which was not always convenient. The new type had an important advantage - such a watch does not have to be kept in sight and can always be put in your pocket. Traditionally, they are worn on the side opposite to your dominant hand.

Men's pocket watch

The advent of cell phones has been one of the reasons for the return of pocket watches to fashion. After all, now the time can be viewed on the display, and the watch is an original accessory. Instead of wrist watches, modern men often wear a silver, gold or titanium bracelet on their wrist, and pocket ones emphasize the unusual image, conservative thinking and reliability.

Today you can find a large number of exclusive models with various motives: state symbols, portraits of leaders, designations of different types of troops or special services, photographs of movie heroes. In addition, you can always order a picture according to your own sketch.

Ladies pocket watch

Watches of this type are chosen not only by men, but also by women. The fundamental difference between female and male models is their elegance. In this case, designers are not afraid to experiment with the shape and create pieces without a lid, in the form of an oval, rectangle, square or flower. The external design can be very bright - colored enamel, precious and semiprecious stones, combinations of various metals are used. But the main purpose of all models is the same - to impress with their original look.

How to choose a pocket watch

The modern variety allows you to choose the model that best suits your style. An important criterion when choosing is the metal from which they are made. Most often, men and women prefer silver - its shiny surface matches any suit. Other popular options are gold, bronze, copper, steel.

Pocket watches can be simple, with a smooth lid, or they can be decorated with decorative materials. The lids are often engraved with patterns, monograms or woods. Any picture makes the watch unique. The chain serves two purposes: attaches the watch to clothing to keep it from falling off, and complements the overall look. The metal from which the chain is made must match the material of the watch. You determine the weight and weaving yourself.

A thin graceful chain is suitable for publication, in all other cases - more dense and strong. If you plan to wear your watch in your trouser pocket, buy a leather strap or a special keychain from the online store. They are more durable and offer a less sophisticated, casual and casual look.

How to wear a pocket watch

This is an old fashioned accessory that can be worn in many different ways. The classic version is in a vest pocket. The chain is fixed on its button, and the watch itself is put in the pocket with the dial facing you. The casual way involves carrying it in a trouser pocket. The strap is fastened to the belt by the loop, and the watch is put in as usual. This style is more suitable for models with a large dial. You can create an unusual look by combining a pocket watch with a work overalls - in this case, they are located in the front pocket.

Video: Pocket Watch

The fashion for wristwatches was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century by the military, who found it inconvenient to check the time with a pocket watch. Over the past hundred years since that time, wristwatches have entered everyday use. Moreover, they began to more often perform not a direct function of a time indicator, but rather a stylish decoration. That is why the choice of watches is important depending on the event for which the outfit is chosen and the person's own style.

Universal watches for everyday wear can look quite simple: for both women and men, they can have a square or round light dial of a small size, a leather or metal strap without additional decorations, a neutral palette. Such a watch can be used in the formation of an office wardrobe. They will also be relevant on dates, walks, meetings with friends, etc.

Representative watches are usually used at important business meetings or at gala receptions (if, of course, there is a need for them). When choosing a watch of this class, you should remember that it should be combined with a suit for men and an outfit for women. Etiquette assumes that the strap of a representative watch should be the same color as the trouser belt, shoes, wallet. In women, it should be combined with a bag, scarf, gloves. It is desirable that the combination be harmonious both in texture and in color. But it is more important that the watch matches the style and shape of the whole image. Agree that a large watch with a thick leather strap will look awkward with a summer light dress, even if the color of the strap matches the color of open sandals.

The watch strap must match with the accessories

Sports watches, as a rule, have a lot of functions (pedometer, navigator, heart rate meter) and, accordingly, are larger than ordinary watches. There are specific watches for pilots, divers, runners, etc. They can be worn not only with a tracksuit, but the rules of color combination with clothes and shoes should be very carefully followed.

According to the etiquette, women's watches made of precious metals can be combined with jewelry made of the same metal or metal of a similar color. For example, a platinum watch can be worn with silver jewelry or white gold jewelry.

The watch should sit on the wrist, not hang and, on the contrary, do not squeeze the wrist too hard. The size of the dial depends on the wearer's hand: for a narrow slender hand, a graceful watch with a round dial is ideal, and a square or rectangular watch will make a wide, bone hand less massive.

According to etiquette, the cost of a good watch should be at least two monthly wages of a person. Fortunately, with the emergence of a large number of low-cost, high-quality brands, this rule has become obsolete. However, the watch still remains an indicator of the class of a person, so you should not buy cheap fakes for expensive models - it is better to buy an inexpensive, but branded thing.

The electronic watch with a plastic bracelet is intended exclusively for youth environments or for wearing in the gym. And they are categorically not suitable for business meetings.

By the way, keep in mind that, according to the rules of good manners, it is considered impolite to look at the clock during a dialogue more than once every 15 minutes: this shows disrespect for the interlocutors.

As soon as the mechanism of the watch decreased in size, it became possible and even fashionable to have a watch always with you as a functional accessory. If the ladies preferred to wear small fancifully decorated watches as a pendant around their necks, then gentlemen opted for reliable, slightly more massive models and started things with special pockets for them in their wardrobe.

Despite the appearance of wristwatches and the transfer of the time counting function to mobile phones, the fashion for pocket watches has survived to this day. Now it is an attribute of a successful wealthy person, claiming sophistication and aristocracy of the image. This trend also comes from the past, since only fairly wealthy people could afford personal watches, and exclusive models made of precious metals and decorated with reliefs, monograms and emblems were made only to order.

The question "How to wear a pocket watch?" can have only one answer: "In your pocket." Most often, these pockets are made on the front of a vest that is part of a three-piece suit. The regulation of wearing a suit with a vest allows you not to button up the buttons of the jacket, leaving free access to the inner and watch pockets. In this case, a pocket is used for the watch on the left side of the front, if you are right-handed, and on the right, if you are left-handed, that is, obliquely to the leading hand.

Watch pockets are made quite small and narrow, so there is a possibility of losing the watch, and it is inconvenient to pull them out. To solve these problems, it is necessary to purchase a watch chain that matches exactly the materials and design of your watch. One side of the chain is attached to the case of the chronometer mechanism, the other side is attached to the button or loop of the vest. Pulling on the chain, you can easily get the watch, and the very fact of its presence will not let them get lost.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to put on a suit without a vest, which causes confusion about how to wear a watch correctly in this case. It is allowed to carry a pocket watch in a special watch pocket of a jacket located inside the side pocket and occupying a part of its volume. The chain can be fastened both as described above, and on a special keychain in the area of ​​the lapel lapel and the edge of the bead.

In this regard, there is a new accessory associated with wearing a watch - a key chain. It can be functional to secure a chain, or decorative to embellish or add solidity. In the past, gentlemen used the symbols of the clubs they visited as key rings. Today it can be the name of a beloved woman, made in metal, or the logo of a football team - the main thing is that the key chain is in harmony with the watch and fits into the overall style of the suit.

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Many years ago, pocket watches were considered one of the main accessories in men's fashion. This is the oldest type of watch. But despite its "prescription", it still does not go out of fashion. You can still buy it and wear it freely.

There are times when watches are considered heirlooms, because they are passed from one generation to another. The presence of such a thing boldly proclaims to society that your family has always had the finest taste.

Today pocket watches are convenient for those who are bored with wrist watches. In order not to waste a lot of time looking for this stylish accessory in your pockets, we have prepared for you some tips on how to wear it correctly and with what.

You will need:


You immediately need to choose a chain for your watch.

Remember: it is necessary that the material from which it is made and the color match the watch.

As a rule, the watch itself is attached to one edge, and a key chain is attached to the other. Then you can attach the chain to a button or some kind of eyelet on your clothes, and leave the keyring in a conspicuous place.

The double chain must be attached to the middle of the chain, leaving the ends free. To one edge, if desired, you can attach a folding knife or key chain. It is customary to wear a watch at the other end of the chain, and keep it in your pocket. Two loops of the chain remain in a conspicuous place.


It is of 2 types:

  1. Leather keychains. They can replace the chain.
  2. A keychain that acts as a specific load. Absolute freedom of choice already begins here. You can use a regular coin or some decorative item. A folding pocket knife is often used. Such a keychain hangs freely if the chain is attached to clothing in advance.

What to wear with

In the old fashioned way, it would be customary to wear such a watch in a special small vest pocket. Now such an element of clothing is found on men much less often, so we will consider other, more modern options.

  • The chain is very convenient to carry in the inside pocket of your jacket. Put the keychain in the second pocket. So, when you unbutton your jacket, it will look like an independent attribute of your style.
  • A pocket watch is also allowed to be worn in a pants pocket. In this case, the chain is attached to the belt. This is how watches are most often worn today.
  • If you, nevertheless, put on a vest, then attach the chain to the button, and put the watch in a special pocket.


Be sure to decide on the side on which you plan to attach the watch.

According to the rules, the side that is opposite to the dominant hand is chosen.

If you are right-handed, put your watch in your left pocket and vice versa.


Although this piece of jewelry is stylish, you should be aware that wearing it is not always suitable for the occasion. But where would a pocket watch still be appropriate?

  • At a party where the dress code is 19th and 20th century fashion.
  • For any event where men should be in tuxedos or tailcoats.

As you know, wearing a watch with a tuxedo is considered inappropriate.

  • Everywhere and always, if a person is not afraid to be accused of showing off dandyism.

Watch care

Every thing needs care. Pocket watches are no exception, especially if they are of great value.

  1. Don't forget to wind your watch. Both old and new models need to be started every 1-2 days. Make it a habit to wind up your watch in the morning and it won't let you down.
  2. Clean them regularly. The procedure should be carried out immediately after removing them. A soft, dry suede is perfect for cleaning. However, use a metal cleaner.
  3. Don't forget to polish. This procedure is essential if you want your watch to shine. Use a special polish for these surfaces.

Watches firmly occupy the niche of an irreplaceable accessory, which some wear for practical purposes, while others simply as a stylish piece of jewelry. However, both of them cannot do without them. Among the many models, a pocket watch on a chain deserves special attention. Appearing at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, they were considered a sign of luxury and a special status in society.

Today, despite some modifications and an updated approach to design, the first thing that comes to mind at the sight of such products is the classics and aristocracy, which, of course, delights and attracts the attention of others. Moreover, it is inherent not only in men, but also in many modern women.

Exclusive and affordable luxury

Admirers or retro ones will surely appreciate this amazing accessory, which is quite rare today. And, nevertheless, it can become the original highlight of the image.

The traditional chain pocket watch with a lid is very popular. Their designs can be very diverse, ranging from simple compositions to complex finishes decorated with stones or decorative elements. For example, the model with the image of the "all-seeing eye" will look very original. Metallic decor and red stone add some piquancy to the product. And if you place a photo of a loved one on the inside of the lid, then there will be no price for such an ornament.

Women's watches on a chain with an open dial are equally popular. They can act as an exclusive decoration or be used for their intended purpose. A modern design or an antique model can add charm and charm to a fragile feminine image.

How to wear a pocket watch on a chain?

This question probably arose among women who decided to please themselves with a stylish rarity. Although there are many ways to wear this watch, the most common is the classic one. The vest, with a special pocket, fits the dial, and the chain is attached to the button.

Also, vintage watches can be worn in trousers or jeans. In this case, the chain or carabiner is attached to the loop, and the dial is placed in the pocket.